OIL Sa's Mor - Chronicling...

0......mb LnrasNT , e r CRaCAGO. Dot. es.-It ousts A.0 I* . {,.. OIL to prudles. a prodeiemt telep~hone gist in NOW 1 urk. This was .tbA ofatement of William . Baks. f fib X 1 /l: henslfrtemsreTl.CM Iee Ce/aay. Is his s1ming arge- AOL.e ae ts the oeteC wesgT ote- ; mission yester'day. "tulhe values of h are page ofT tmoangthe e s 1 ais" CastitCA40.00. t t-tess$.0 ~ be eM "values Mas the 1 4*11 of "1146S m~ aw*o pad K ! being the etiated cost of train- Tet rudg a,000 telephone operators of the Chilago district. IAMOND BARGAINS Blue-white. Perfect 2 %-Carat solitaire Di.a I bithiree Diamond $375 $55ond Ring (cost 6 r 38mg. Platinu...valu3t0) haing by 1-Carat, Blue-white Bolf- $175 Blue-white solitaire Thi Diamond 250t Diamond $125 -Carat Blue-white Bola-u $100 Diamond Cluster a nre imo0td Ring a0 Ring. Platinum 0? I (l$0).8D Setting .......... lase Ae mhefer. ttying Dimf"ods) 1 4-Carat Solid Gold Watch Bracelet. 115-jewel movement. SPECIAL PRICE............................$p14.60~ Any Arile Will Be Laid Aside for the Holidays KAHN OPTICAL CO. 617 Seventh Ste N We0 habeI McKinley-Niece of the Late President of the United States -Takes Nuated Iron for Health and Strength And Says She Regards It as the Ideal Tonic For, al Weak Run-Down Nervous Women. Dr. George HL Biaker. For.w. - arerly P h y s$ B cian and Sur. geon Mon. muouth Mentor- ill Hospital. of iRxplsins Wy .. Iron DI One of the GREAT. K HT OF ALL STRENGTH ASays He a ad'ta teIelTnc o l ek RounDothngNrosWmn liaker. Fopr- mlyo Physpin- tonak Mton-, health, Medor- Nul osptd aof c f nsa r'on i" to haof oret ctdIo.Ocemr nspr t he GRatnEA T.u Sas ciy~: Heie hasro nth lod ay oa tive~i for heping t sn t.msl iky ie u sffr rm io t~ o ake' ogsrmrabevledfcinyadde ntk~ t heaulthy, u e td -li n ovne ht hr r hu etloodedi women 'ft oenwo sml whom wishpes to grhrwt yadgttesle akt irn 1,oiaslengzs ~ ut.ad caial n ioos health.y'nihn pistenth annd ,~,.f n aae h lo n nraig isoye he vulty. h o lapa fe rnfr h lbyfeh oe car emly erly d musjefrm estsseadpli heso us conitin qwealiy an ituwas follwihng ae surrisingng fort the~ olie o hi c fnsoeing.hat beamon oeaene anun-dow fod ataegth nd ea ruetoconte orxaedron. PhOin moean surpeon "I had alwysicaln prejdition Miss Mchnle says he iwomn-e egaetto~c reprin tih o Nxtd Iross n teia ahs atrngth, the starten ou nyatd~ pluieo ieit hi tp morarNux t tan. t er Hof re- lny frc, ueboo.Wt, famlyphsicanohei nowoataaidocrdidt afairhearal o Nuxatcd Iron, eonmus t b ateto al tng ad selmt thatat r a tfe dasin t wyeklf i yeprine s tlv %s had e haurtof sromaral whchalue. feor bugang to he lae a fando ep omaesrn, elty fre-nwthd strngand italited rby oauwoe sNuqe rn mthe thems wexks'tie womMNVCUU5OTIued wingin f arte stilsing th CU iousihh eomeddaesi e *iarm encampmend Ito asth erjoyth semy rmdbtoe hc swl nw Wtu nduthat I wanu ndmysoe in c toa Ugisesyhr.Ulk h ie wen ed. rhy-doal stntiti hat i er ~ cIo rdc. sesl ii "It emd utro haiamp ised f or et oadte e nueteteh a S o ple e rethabt I renrdite tha thmbu',nrpsthetoa. ,h Ias ty onitfion l w al. tndw ieiusIm s i fgnieNedd tol eomen. do th srengt someting sta p'a oltatt~wr rtenth a d na me hto cotn e : ii ia'r-ui'ty~*~.j"h. "I ad alwaysi- eenn prejio~. 'ed s~~n sdyu nC ti Tgansteon pean whdic h, foulur *-. t~ stbe s *1a Isttl y emeded .5 tha I'? eeive a artilt uxtd/oIcn SAYS'H Mt LM J. Kahl Attires Like Sepue e Mor ,o - 'Vaw T , Oh SL-WI af- rdavit b. ber .gaeS .that ha hod home mnoapoessdl to find his stessther and thees other w0es ' a estember Mor." the ease of the Lee 5. Esas same a5 yeateda, before Seprsew cort Jstee Jesph a~~he wsaoeisd 1y aesenes !Lahr. a" of amdheda a0456 e gtees. saM that wie stoothir had tol hi he sed at hs.p bog atui a p. .. that ehoadodo to hare goe vaoeno o esas *0 MoM ho ret0~3Sd at 4 to dissever the 'eer udressoed v-ges. Mrs. Kaba, who is sisg her bus- band, who 4ehide at the Waldort As- toria, fer msparaties, breught the matter Into -eurt on a eetils for al mosy and eounsel fees. She is twentyeI ; Wahs id forty-five. Kahn's answer yesterday eontained the youth's affidavit. WgA e3W AuMNON!. Mrs. Kahn applied for $200 a week and 5,0M0 attorney's fees. Jqatice Newbrger awarded her $75 alimony sad $500 fess. she said she was married October 10, 1014. she says that in February. 1017, he struck her, that In 4pril bh struck her again in the ftee. throat and body and that. In the fall of 1917, he tore her dress fros her. She says in December. 1901, be grabbed her by the throat and scratched her. Mrs. Kahn said her husband is em- ployed by Kahn Brothers, of Brook- lyn. a foundry esnesra. ot which has father was formerly and his uncle is now the principal owner. she said the concern is rated at $500 000 and that her husband told her he received one-third of the income. Another affidavit was made by Mathilda Dadirralan. who says that she called on the plaintiff and de- fendant when they were residing at 127 Riverside Drive and that Kahn "put Is arm around deponent's neck, held her chin up and kissed her. whereupon his wife expostulated and a Lieutenant Williams of the navy was obliged to intervene." KAHN TELLS OF KMiM. Of this Kahn said his wife thal- lenged him to kiss the young woman on the day and hour "of the act of osculation." He adds: "She was standing in the door as if inviting a kiss. I thought the whole thing a matter of play and kissed her. There was nothing secret about it. My wife was watch- ing us. As soon as the kiss was given my wife rushed in and beat me with her flats. She struck me in the mouth causing my teeth to cut my lips. My wife screamed and ran to the door. I ran after her, not tb assault her, but to keep her in the apartment because I did not wish scandal. I pulled her back and she contjnued to struggle. Lieutenant Williams separated us and threw me behind him so that I fell on the bed." Each of the principals denies alle- gations of the other, Mfb. Kahn as- serting she has always acted with the utmost propriety. EQUIPS FARM I&TCIERY OF 10,000 CAPACITY Output to .Supply Park Hotels and. Dining Cars. HELENA. Mont.. Oct. 3.-J. D. each. of Plains, secretary of the Northwestern Turkey Association. and a member of the Stpte Board of Poultry Husbandry, has completed a deal here with H. W. Child, head of the Yellowstone National Park Hotel and Transportation Company, to pro- duce poultry products on a scale never .before attempted in Montana. (he plant will be built at the Green Meadow- farms. two miles north of this city. A hatchery with a capacity of 10.000 eggs will be put in and -a huge brooder .as well. The products will be used inp qupplying the Yellow- stone and Glacier Park Hotel systems with fresh eggs and guaranteed milk- fed poultry. The Northern Pacific dining' car system in Montana will also be supplied. The Green Meadow farm is widely known in this section of the North- west.- For some time it was the home of "Ringmaster," a $15.000 bull, which was bought by Mr. Child at the Chi- cago International Stock Show some years ago to head a big herd of cat- tie. The barns on the property cost $100,000 and wore , designed by the same architect who besiit many of the hotels in the park. The venture grew from the success of Mr. Veach in producing fancy poul- try and tlae need of the park sys- tem. CHURCH-'BACKS VOLSTEAD. The Board of Tempera~nce. Prohi- bition and Public Morals of the Meth- odist Episoopal Church has addressed a telegram .to the - Rlee. Dr. JI. 4. Stub, president of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of Amer- la, St. Paul. Mine.. urging that every effort be made'secure the we-election of Congrepesnan Volstead, father of the prohibition law. The board is also urging tlie re-eleetion or Con- grssmnan Charles H. Randall. of Cali- fornia. Rheumatismn A 3mnuhe Ur Tustmm Giles by Ose Who Bed It ea aat teee bte weu e asgedwn mw esae Iwast .veefer fes msh ferms et mas j~~ tite marvel. ed it.4itsewljito hae t it ander.e taa ,i4e etwant lmrie e ar whens relief isthus 0gr. , re Mark It. .7achsen. No. 1140. Dsrsten ide., Irrasuse. K. T. Mr. faekeem ls reeponsibie. Above A3U oLLAT, ,Nim aS AL . Int m ses, wlho msa tst a s is e M diusaM wireles tLsp h s r.euSS, t i % ha- menSu Wash., aBe &eas nas0h cmas smaty, OIL sarrias has beenint d ia rtl n ii es edp ly EYNbeen called by internatiolual miners' R ofeials. T, On November 10, 1919. the day fc:- T R A" N CE lowing the strike call, thez .date 10,- I dustrial c'ommission ordered the un- DEEOion oflicialst in Colorado to "-with- draw, rescind and cancel" the itrrke ST KE order. The commission's order was disobeyed, following which crimnl uiGglLEY, Vol.. Oct. 31.-Validity informations were pled against the of the State industrial law which miners' leaders. The defendants were nakes it compulsory to give thirty Iarrested and released on bondl. days' notice llpfore a strike can be Counsel for the defendants held called In Colorado has been upheld that neither the district court nor Ina decision handed down by Judge the Industrial Commission had juris- oeorge II. Bradfield in district court diction in the premises. r -ere. Judge Biradfield ruled that both The decision N as rendered by Judge' tribunals had ample jurisdiction, de. Mradfeld) in denying a motion to: claring that. th-i calling of the strike quash criminal information against !was inimical to public Interests In George U. Johnston. formner preeide"n taitnvlethgnrlsup- :f District No. 15, Uniterd Mine Work- lion of coal mining at a time when ers of America, and live-r Biutler andl fuel was one of the nech~ssaries of life. Robert L.ucock, local miners' officals The court intimated that had the at Frederick and Puritan. The Infer. strike been called at one one mnine the mations charged the defendants with interests of the public would not have violating the State Industrial la v by been seriously Jeopardized. calling a general strike of coat min- It is expected the miners' leaders ers In Novernber of last year,.s.hortly will take an appeal to the State Su- after the nation-wide coal stral.e imad preme court. Chesapeake & Potomac Fuel Co. wh..s.. a. .a Anthracite and.Bituminous CA L Storage Capacity 25,000 Toes Principal Offices: Woodward Building Yard Offices: 22 Eye St. S. E. Phone : Lincoln 741, Main 2877, Main 3914 THE STING TAKEN OUT You Can't Be Beautiful UNES YO REHALH Healh, ounatin o Weh n apns THE VACUU TPIYTICALLYNOTI E -. RlTOE ngh thC srieCal. h.s tA. . TINe'teB OOD--the odrh te n WEMNDra c and ane"Lth (aied ll oloadoh E ben phldttnihr the distiATMENT no (JerguH. iralie i dseic ordion i the preise- here. JudegeAshma Emreaa~ uc ta o -lafedandnla aermton odrngte h' a of the strikeT Nerg A. Joh s. eroe reereft, thtg At i- erv . th. g. raA supn of isrit o.I., ied mine etrk theo teaeb mnin a., D. tie.,e era of A erian (biorhers and futel a- o Dthe cssresoll. at FedeickandPurtemTh Allme.~tie been alldatoeotoin h Waton, and the defendadse oft ineratao thme u 0 iesbldntbe vioans Cthen aIndsti air by bee eioty. JAfterever the caligM eYra Astrk PA f cOUa nARE EIT D eetd ies leader er n oemer o ls year.m ..,DErthv will take Wan T peitt the AtOe u *ATE e NTio-ao oi tl WlREPETPU, pr ee otheneia e haews men et hoad. if YO RalETuBE laed An.8.Pth ra.cit .:ad. B..m nous:,.f h THEY SINGT~ TWATKEN nAOUT. ealth FoWd.ono Wealth Wbad HeapessTh n Oil. 7h ad Nst N.W.d istetNteaBak ia.* A Hrran, 01ft aNW. N.LI W.th PARE A NLI VROKRS The aenm.8TerOT4athe TreatmenteCtedPee . Big Re It. t a M .h wat D 8h Iet AeN 'MU M ffRA '- sLEDG, solo. Olt. t.-Frank -_ Pieek, believed to have bees Amer. N P T e Sa's Ient survivr of Custee bead bf IndiOf fglhter. was blUed by I W =s be Pu"nih an -me e -a a suburban read wear here yestrday. Flask, a elp earpester by trade. o madeO mHuAMB . E ruaesmis Toledo masey yearn. ------ bse . . ws.. 8uster. treep. were mine- IONo1. Oat. Si.-,bh. Geas is ternd to purs. Indian r.egad.. he spsealtally sad proverbially lnsenai- ea attached to Rens' division. Me lIe to the public feling of other suffered four bullet wounds Is the eoustries. Already they are talking battle of the Uile Big Hors, and ntvely of a new triple alliae is escaped with Rene's trep who whid Germany and England shall be had beeeme separated frem s .ter. the predemnsast partners. and n. of Pulck was se of seveat" who the fiet tasks of this allianee will enlisted from Toledo In the regu- lsar army is l04T. He was assigned (insredible though it may sound) to the Seventh Cavalry, which was LO punish Ameriea for her imperi- seat against the dioux ladians un- meae Is Inteetertag in a war which der bitting Bull. was entirely our own affairs." He was seventy yars old Bam* the moet striking ssertion -- - - - af "A Traveller" who recently a crime. They cannot altogether un- spent much time in (lermany and derstand that there should be any who writes "leme German Impres- feeling against them in Masland. done" in the spertator. by 'way of As for his outline of conditions: correcting British misconceptions of "4iermany it not a cheerful. coun- the state of Germany tosay. try at present. Sleventy per cat of The writer Gads that to speak Eng- the factory chimneys are lifeless. Ish is one's beat passport in tier- Poverty is evreywhere. The people many, but that it is not always safe seem listless and underfed. Offieers' la ppeak French. This. he believes, widow's haze in some cases takea to La partly due to the fact that pris- the etreets to earn money for their oaer returning from FHnglish camps children. And Berlin is haunted. Be- have fens justice to the treatment hind every man's chair stands the received in English camps, and, he spectre of Bolshevist. 'There will he adds, "in I ologst a girl's honor i$ trouble in the winter.' is the burden safe... of every man's thought, and winter "I cannot say that I found much "Germany at present Is no mnerb remorse In Germany." he writes. "The At to govern herself than was Egypt attitude toward the war is a Ia Tal- in the eighties. $he is not ripe for lyrand. It was a blunder rather than popular government." rR "The first bill you pay ai your savings account. 3 it to yourself to save." Messmte am~ 1w& e do depagites med. Y MAI American Security and Member American Bankers Associ 15th St. at Pennsylvania HOME SAVINGS BRA r 7th St. and Massachusetts Ai Sth and H Streets N. E. 4361 OT. N. T. Co. 191 Abundant, Ever-I Hot Wat< S IMPLY turn the tauceit andJ an aiLsunfdan.ce ot cle. is instantly at hand in the ha'throom. launfdry < no fires to light. no thing to I'ther w ith .At a i faucet the- Automatic Gas 1 --nintnt provides e. I e a teamhing hot water suffici..ent i the needs -dometic aind p %onal. T adititin It thel aLutomal1 I t\ pe we' sell the ordina heater th'4t requires ignition hand-after wvhich hot wa iay be drawn from any h water faucet in the house with Jew minutes' heating. Either of these hiousehold pliances is quickly installed w~h ordered. Notify us- to place o in your home and- Pay in smaU .mtbly instalhme - ~when ye6 pay your as bil. Washington Gas Light So.e..D.........t 419 10th Strea wauuuinmin bstween the Pate I.*..g- i, aseerding to the loss of advles. re. .Sived here today by the Utlbeaise sleme fre She has me gover nseas. Tee Pslah divisions are ahoady II Vta, Wh Uthuaies a eMal. eei.4 asame weeks ago by Ge.nerl eul. seei, the etlav Pawehander, and new trees ad lm et0 mean. Usg are arglviag 4611. Meawhhle a general mbllnisloa Is Hader way threghout all 14t'. sanla for the purpose of meeting the Polks drive toward Kova*. the teas. Nrary capital. The eables ala. ehares that a Polak reogs of terror, with Maanr streeties. is under war is the Vilna previsoe. Reports et a German las. saes of Lthuania are deaed., It being asserted that sean detaehmat whish eessed the beregt at lyd. bases were disarmed an t back. MAEK C's,,ONI DOUA SlIA13,35cEWCAQD CIUCAGO. lL. Oct, $1.- 0 eentr ag execetive council of the Master Bar- bera' Asseeaties. representing 2.700 barbars in the city, has deelded upon a raise to it for a hair out and as costs for a shave, to becee effecthve January 2. The explanation gives was the In- creased expense of operating a bar. her .hop. "There seems nothing ele to d,..'' said A. B. Raymaond, secretary-treaa- urer of the Journeymen Barber.' MeLlion. "However, the pulle should be educated not to tlp e barber." fI !rY hould be bou owe d Trust Co. ittott Ave. [CHES re. ev nth Street S. W. Zeady y, stearning hot water >r kitcheni. There are turn of ainv hot.water V'ater Heater' r-.. en .Company it Northwest

Transcript of OIL Sa's Mor - Chronicling...

0......mbLnrasNT , e r

CRaCAGO. Dot. es.-It ousts A.0I* . {,.. OIL to prudles. a prodeiemt telep~hone

gist in NOW 1 urk. This was .tbAofatement of William . Baks.

f fibX1 /l: henslfrtemsreTl.CM Iee Ce/aay. Is his s1ming arge-AOL.eaetstheoeteCwesgT ote-; mission yester'day.

"tulhevalues of h are page ofTtmoangthe e s1 ais"

CastitCA40.00. t t-tess$.0

~ be eM "values Mas the 14*11 of "1146Sm~ aw*o pad K ! being the etiated cost of train-

Tet rudg a,000 telephone operators of theChilago district.

IAMOND BARGAINSBlue-white. Perfect 2 %-Carat solitaire Di.a

I bithiree Diamond $375 $55ond Ring (cost 6 r

38mg. Platinu...valu3t0) haing by

1-Carat, Blue-white Bolf- $175 Blue-white solitaire

Thi Diamond 250t Diamond $125-CaratBlue-white Bola-u $100 Diamond Cluster

a nre imo0td Ring a0 Ring. Platinum 0?I(l$0).8D Setting ..........

lase Ae mhefer. ttying Dimf"ods)

1 4-Carat Solid Gold Watch Bracelet. 115-jewel movement.SPECIAL PRICE............................$p14.60~

Any Arile Will Be Laid Aside for the Holidays

KAHN OPTICAL CO.617 Seventh Ste N We0

habeI McKinley-Niece of the LatePresident of the United States -Takes

Nuated Iron for Health and StrengthAnd Says She Regards It as the Ideal Tonic For, al WeakRun-Down Nervous Women.Dr. George HLBiaker. For.w.

-arerly P hys$ Bcian and Sur.geon Mon.muouth Mentor-ill Hospital. of

iRxplsins Wy ..Iron DI Oneofthe GREAT.KHTOF ALLSTRENGTH

ASays He a ad'ta teIelTnc o l ekRounDothngNrosWmnliaker. Fopr-mlyoPhyspin-tonak Mton-,health, Medor-

Nulosptdaof c f nsa

r'on i" to haof oret ctdIo.Ocemr nspr

t he GRatnEA T.u

Sas ciy~: Heie hasro nth lod ay oa

tive~i for heping t sn t.msl iky ie u sffr rm iot~ o ake' ogsrmrabevledfcinyadde ntk~ theaulthy, u e td-li n ovne ht hr r huetloodedi women 'ft oenwo sml

whom wishpes to grhrwt yadgttesle akt irn1,oiaslengzs ~ ut.ad caial n ioos health.y'nihnpistenth annd ,~,.f n aae h lo n nraig isoyehe vulty. h o lapa fe rnfr h lbyfeh oecar emly erly d musjefrm estsseadpli heso

us conitin qwealiy an ituwas follwihng ae surrisingng fort the~olie o hi c fnsoeing.hat beamon oeaene anun-dow fodataegth nd ea ruetoconte orxaedron. PhOin moean surpeon

"I had alwysicaln prejdition Miss Mchnle says he iwomn-eegaetto~c reprin tih o Nxtd Iross n teia ahs atrngth,

the starten ou nyatd~ pluieo ieit hi tpmorarNux t tan. t er Hof re- lny frc, ueboo.Wt,

famlyphsicanohei nowoataaidocrdidtafairhearal o Nuxatcd Iron, eonmus t b ateto al tngad

selmt thatat r a tfe dasin t wyeklf i yeprines tlv%s had e haurtof sromaral whchalue.feor bugang to he lae a fando ep omaesrn, elty

fre-nwthd strngand italited rby oauwoe sNuqernmthe thems wexks'tie womMNVCUU5OTIuedwingin f arte stilsing th CU iousihh eomeddaesie

*iarm encampmend Ito asth erjoyth semy rmdbtoe hc swl nwWtu nduthat I wanu ndmysoe in c toa Ugisesyhr.Ulk h iewen ed.rhy-doalstntiti hat i er ~ cIo rdc. sesl ii"It emd utro haiamp ised f or et oadte e nueteteh aS o ple e rethabt I renrdite tha thmbu',nrpsthetoa. ,h

Ias ty onitfion lw al. tndw ieiusIm s i fgnieNedd toleomen. do th srengt someting sta p'a oltatt~wr

rtenth a d na me hto cotn e : ii ia'r-ui'ty~*~.j"h.

"I ad alwaysi- eenn prejio~. 'ed s~~n sdyu nC tiTgansteon pean whdic h, foulur *-. t~ stbe s

*1a Isttl y emeded .5 tha I'? eeivea artilt uxtd/oIcn

SAYS'HMt LM J. Kahl Attires LikeSepuee Mor ,o -

'Vaw T , Oh SL-WI af-rdavit b. ber .gaeS .that ha hod

home mnoapoessdl to find hisstessther and thees other w0es' a estember Mor." the ease ofthe Lee 5. Esas same a5 yeateda,before Seprsew cort Jstee Jesph

a~~hewsaoeisd 1y aesenes!Lahr. a" of amdhedaa0456e gtees.saM that wie stoothir had tol hihe sed at hs.pbog atui a p. ..that ehoadodo to hare goevaoeno o esas *0 MoM ho ret0~3Sdat 4 to dissever the 'eer udressoedv-ges.Mrs. Kaba, who is sisg her bus-

band, who 4ehide at the Waldort As-toria, fer msparaties, breught thematter Into -eurt on a eetils foral mosy and eounsel fees. She istwentyeI ; Wahs id forty-five.Kahn's answer yesterday eontained

the youth's affidavit.WgA e3W AuMNON!.

Mrs. Kahn applied for $200 a weekand 5,0M0 attorney's fees. JqaticeNewbrger awarded her $75 alimonysad $500 fess.she said she was married October

10, 1014. she says that in February.1017, he struck her, that In 4prilbhstruck her again in the ftee. throatand body and that. In the fall of1917, he tore her dress fros her. Shesays in December. 1901, be grabbedher by the throat and scratched her.Mrs. Kahn said her husband is em-

ployed by Kahn Brothers, of Brook-lyn. a foundry esnesra. ot which hasfather was formerly and hisuncle is now the principal owner.she said the concern is rated at $500000 and that her husband told her hereceived one-third of the income.Another affidavit was made by

Mathilda Dadirralan. who says thatshe called on the plaintiff and de-fendant when they were residing at127 Riverside Drive and that Kahn"put Is arm around deponent's neck,held her chin up and kissed her.whereupon his wife expostulated anda Lieutenant Williams of the navywas obliged to intervene."

KAHN TELLS OF KMiM.Of this Kahn said his wife thal-

lenged him to kiss the young woman

on the day and hour "of the act ofosculation." He adds:"She was standing in the door as

if inviting a kiss. I thought thewhole thing a matter of play andkissed her. There was nothingsecret about it. My wife was watch-ing us. As soon as the kiss wasgiven my wife rushed in and beatme with her flats. She struck mein the mouth causing my teeth tocut my lips. My wife screamed andran to the door. I ran after her, nottb assault her, but to keep her inthe apartment because I did not wishscandal. I pulled her back and shecontjnued to struggle. LieutenantWilliams separated us and threw mebehind him so that I fell on the bed."Each of the principals denies alle-

gations of the other, Mfb. Kahn as-

serting she has always acted with theutmost propriety.


Output to .Supply Park Hotelsand. Dining Cars.

HELENA. Mont.. Oct. 3.-J. D.each. of Plains, secretary of the

Northwestern Turkey Association.and a member of the Stpte Board ofPoultry Husbandry, has completed adeal here with H. W. Child, head ofthe Yellowstone National Park Hoteland Transportation Company, to pro-duce poultry products on a scalenever .before attempted in Montana.(he plant will be built at the Green

Meadow- farms. two miles north ofthis city. A hatchery with a capacityof 10.000 eggs will be put in and -a

huge brooder .as well. The productswill be used inp qupplying the Yellow-stone and Glacier Park Hotel systemswith fresh eggs and guaranteed milk-fed poultry. The Northern Pacificdining' car system in Montana willalso be supplied.The Green Meadow farm is widely

known in this section of the North-west.- For some time it was the homeof "Ringmaster," a $15.000 bull, whichwas bought by Mr. Child at the Chi-cago International Stock Show someyears ago to head a big herd of cat-tie. The barns on the property cost$100,000 and wore

,designed by the

same architect who besiit many of thehotels in the park.The venture grew from the success

of Mr. Veach in producing fancy poul-try and tlae need of the park sys-tem.

CHURCH-'BACKS VOLSTEAD.The Board of Tempera~nce. Prohi-

bition and Public Morals of the Meth-odist Episoopal Church has addresseda telegram .to the - Rlee. Dr. JI.

4. Stub, president of the UnitedNorwegian Lutheran Church of Amer-la, St. Paul. Mine.. urging that every

effort be made'secure the we-electionof Congrepesnan Volstead, father ofthe prohibition law. The board isalso urging tlie re-eleetion or Con-grssmnan Charles H. Randall. of Cali-fornia.

RheumatismnA 3mnuheUr Tustmm

Giles by Ose Who Bed It

eaaatteee bteweu e asgedwn

mw esaeIwast .veefer fes msh ferms

et mas j~~ tite marvel.

edit.4itsewljito hae

t itander.etaa ,i4e etwant lmrie e ar

whens relief isthus 0gr. , re

Mark It. .7achsen. No. 1140. Dsrstenide., Irrasuse. K. T.Mr. faekeem ls reeponsibie. Above

A3U oLLAT, ,Nim aS AL . Intm ses, wlho msa tst a s is e M

diusaM wireles tLsp h s r.euSS, t i % ha-menSu Wash., aBe &eas nas0h cmas smaty, OIL

sarrias has beenint d ia rtl n ii es edp ly

EYNbeen called by internatiolual miners'R ofeials.

T, On November 10, 1919. the day fc:-T R A" N CE lowing the strike call, thez .date 10,-

I dustrial c'ommission ordered the un-DEEOion oflicialst in Colorado to "-with-

draw, rescind and cancel" the itrrkeST KE order. The commission's order was

disobeyed, following which crimnluiGglLEY, Vol.. Oct. 31.-Validity informations were pled against the

of the State industrial law which miners' leaders. The defendants were

nakes it compulsory to give thirty Iarrested and released on bondl.

days' notice llpfore a strike can be Counsel for the defendants heldcalled In Colorado has been upheld that neither the district court norIna decision handed down by Judge the Industrial Commission had juris-oeorge II. Bradfield in district court diction in the premises. r-ere. Judge Biradfield ruled that bothThe decision N as rendered by Judge' tribunals had ample jurisdiction, de.

Mradfeld) in denying a motion to: claring that. th-i calling of the strikequash criminal information against !was inimical to public Interests In

George U. Johnston. formner preeide"n taitnvlethgnrlsup-:f District No. 15, Uniterd Mine Work- lion of coal mining at a time when

ers of America, and live-r Biutler andl fuel was one of the nech~ssaries of life.

Robert L.ucock, local miners' officals The court intimated that had theat Frederick and Puritan. The Infer. strike been called at one one mnine the

mations charged the defendants with interests of the public would not have

violating the State Industrial la v by been seriously Jeopardized.calling a general strike of coat min- It is expected the miners' leaders

ers In Novernber of last year,.s.hortly will take an appeal to the State Su-after the nation-wide coal stral.e imad preme court.

Chesapeake & Potomac Fuel Co.wh..s.. a. .a

Anthracite and.Bituminous


Storage Capacity 25,000 Toes

Principal Offices: Woodward BuildingYard Offices: 22 Eye St. S. E.

Phone : Lincoln 741, Main 2877, Main 3914

THE STING TAKEN OUTYou Can't Be Beautiful

UNES YO REHALHHealh,ounatin o Weh n apns



RlTOEnghthCsrieCal. h.s tA. .TINe'teB OOD--the odrh te n

WEMNDra c and ane"Lth

(aied ll oloadoh E ben phldttnihr the distiATMENT no

(JerguH. iralie i dseic ordion i the preise-here. JudegeAshmaEmreaa~ uc ta o

-lafedandnla aermton odrngte h' a of the strikeTNerg A. Joh s. eroe reereft, thtg At i- erv . th. g. raA supn

of isrit o.I., ied mine etrk theo teaeb mnin a., D. tie.,eera of A erian (biorhers and futel a- o Dthe cssresoll.

at FedeickandPurtemTh Allme.~tie been alldatoeotoin hWaton, and the defendadse oft ineratao thme u 0 iesbldntbe

vioans Cthen aIndsti air bybee eioty. JAfterever thecaligM eYra Astrk PA f cOUa nARE EIT D eetd ies leader

er n oemer o ls year.m ..,DErthv will take Wan T peitt the AtOe u

*ATE e NTio-ao oi tl WlREPETPU, pr ee otheneia e

haewsmen et hoad.if YO RalETuBE laed

An.8.Pth ra.cit .:ad. B..m nous:,.f h


ealth FoWd.ono Wealth Wbad HeapessThn

Oil. 7had Nst N.W.d istetNteaBak ia.*

AHrran, 01ft aNW. N.LI W.th


The aenm.8TerOT4athe TreatmenteCtedPee .

Big Re It. t a M .h wat D 8h Iet AeN

'MUM ffRA '-sLEDG, solo. Olt. t.-Frank-_ Pieek, believed to have bees Amer.

N PT eSa's Ient survivr of Custee beadbfIndiOf fglhter. was blUed byI W=sbe Pu"nih an -me e -a a suburban read

wear here yestrday. Flask, a elpearpester by trade. o madeO

mHuAMB . E ruaesmis Toledo masey yearn.------ bse. . ws.. 8uster. treep. were mine-

IONo1. Oat. Si.-,bh. Geas is ternd to purs. Indian r.egad.. hespsealtally sad proverbially lnsenai- ea attached to Rens' division. MelIe to the public feling of other suffered four bullet wounds Is theeoustries. Already they are talking battle of the Uile Big Hors, andntvely of a new triple alliae is escaped with Rene's trep whowhid Germany and England shall be had beeeme separated frem s.ter.the predemnsast partners. and n. of Pulck was se of seveat" who

the fiet tasks of this allianee will enlisted from Toledo In the regu-lsar army is l04T. He was assigned

(insredible though it may sound) to the Seventh Cavalry, which wasLO punish Ameriea for her imperi- seat against the dioux ladians un-meae Is Inteetertag in a war which der bitting Bull.was entirely our own affairs." He was seventy yars oldBam* the moet striking ssertion -- - - -

af "A Traveller" who recently a crime. They cannot altogether un-

spent much time in (lermany and derstand that there should be anywho writes "leme German Impres- feeling against them in Masland.done" in the spertator. by 'way of As for his outline of conditions:correcting British misconceptions of "4iermany it not a cheerful. coun-the state of Germany tosay. try at present. Sleventy per cat ofThe writer Gads that to speak Eng- the factory chimneys are lifeless.

Ish is one's beat passport in tier- Poverty is evreywhere. The peoplemany, but that it is not always safe seem listless and underfed. Offieers'la ppeak French. This. he believes, widow's haze in some cases takea toLa partly due to the fact that pris- the etreets to earn money for theiroaer returning from FHnglish camps children. And Berlin is haunted. Be-have fens justice to the treatment hind every man's chair stands thereceived in English camps, and, he spectre of Bolshevist. 'There will headds, "in I ologst a girl's honor i$ trouble in the winter.' is the burdensafe... of every man's thought, and winter"I cannot say that I found much "Germany at present Is no mnerb

remorse In Germany." he writes. "The At to govern herself than was Egyptattitude toward the war is a Ia Tal- in the eighties. $he is not ripe for

lyrand. It was a blunder rather than popular government."


"The first bill you pay aiyour savings account. 3it to yourself to save."

Messmte am~ 1w& e dodepagites med. Y MAI

American Security andMember American Bankers Associ15th St. at Pennsylvania

HOME SAVINGS BRA r7th St. and Massachusetts Ai

Sth and H Streets N. E. 4361

OT. N. T. Co. 191

Abundant, Ever-I

Hot Wat<S IMPLY turn the tauceit andJ an aiLsunfdan.ce ot cle.

is instantly at hand in the ha'throom. launfdry <

no fires to light. nothing to I'ther w ith .At a i

faucet the-

Automatic Gas 1--nintnt provides e. I e a

teamhing hot water suffici..ent ithe needs -dometic aind p%onal.

T adititin It thel aLutomal1I t\ pe we' sell the ordinaheater th'4t requires ignitionhand-after wvhich hot waiay be drawn from any hwater faucet in the house withJew minutes' heating.

Either of these hiouseholdpliances is quickly installed w~hordered. Notify us- to place oin your home and-

Pay in smaU .mtbly instalhme- ~when ye6 pay your as bil.

Washington Gas LightSo.e..D.........t 419 10th Strea

wauuuinminbstween the Pate I.*..g- i,aseerding to the loss of advles. re..Sived here today by the Utlbeaisesleme fre Shehas me gover nseas.Tee Pslah divisions are ahoady II

Vta, Wh Uthuaies a eMal. eei.4asame weeks ago by Ge.nerl eul.seei, the etlav Pawehander, andnew trees ad lm et0 mean.Usg are arglviag 4611.Meawhhle a general mbllnisloa

Is Hader way threghout all 14t'.sanla for the purpose of meeting thePolks drive toward Kova*. the teas.Nrary capital.The eables ala. ehares that a

Polak reogs of terror, with Maanrstreeties. is under war is the Vilnaprevisoe. Reports et a German las.saes of Lthuania are deaed., It beingasserted that sean detaehmatwhish eessed the beregt at lyd.bases were disarmed an t back.

MAEK C's,,ONIDOUASlIA13,35cEWCAQDCIUCAGO. lL. Oct, $1.- 0 eentr ag

execetive council of the Master Bar-bera' Asseeaties. representing 2.700barbars in the city, has deelded upona raise to it for a hair out and ascosts for a shave, to becee effecthveJanuary 2.The explanation gives was the In-

creased expense of operating a bar.her .hop."There seems nothing ele to d,..''

said A. B. Raymaond, secretary-treaa-urer of the Journeymen Barber.'MeLlion. "However, the pulle shouldbe educated not to tlp e barber."


!rYhould bebou owe


Trust Co.ittottAve.[CHESre.ev nth Street S. W.

Zeadyy,stearning hot water

>r kitcheni. There areturn of ainv hot.water

V'ater Heater'r-..


.Companyit Northwest