Oil Forecast For 2015 Based On A Predictive Algorithm

Oil Forecast For 2015 Based On A Predictive Algorithm Seeking Alpha Article © I Know First 2014. All rights reserved. www.iknowfirst.com

Transcript of Oil Forecast For 2015 Based On A Predictive Algorithm

Oil Forecast For 2015 Based On

A Predictive Algorithm

Seeking Alpha Article

© I Know First 2014. All rights reserved.



It's time for a full review of oil market performance

in 2014.

What are the consequences of oil price decline?

What do analysts expect for the oil market in 2015?

I Know First algorithm predicts a bullish forecast for

oil in a one-year time horizon.


Reasons For 2014 Oil Plunge

Main Reason: On Nov 27th 2014, OPEC, which controls about 40% of the

world oil market, decided to maintain the current levels of oil production.

Without OPEC to defend prices, oil entered a free-fall, in accordance with I

Know First 2014 predictions (See next slide)

Demand has clearly decreased over the past few months as the

economies of China, Japan and Western Europe -- three main oil

consumers -- all appear to be weakening.

Oil demand stagnates when economic growth halts

Surging U.S. supply, along with additional supplies from Canada, has

caused oil prices to decrease more than most oil exporters had anticipated


I Know First 2014 Forecast For Oil

The chart above shows I Know First’s prediction for oil for September 28th 2014

for the 3-month time horizonwww.iknowfirst.com

Losers & Winners

Losers Winners

Who Why Who Why

American Oil


Already planning on

decreasing oil production

for 2015

End Of Shale Boom?

Saudi Arabia Can gain market shares

back from its rivals



Countries such as

Venezuela, Iran & Nigeria

can’t finance their 2015

budget with such a low


Recession ?

China Can boost China' s

slowing economy &

enable the Federal

Reserve to cut interest


Russia Russia has publicly

announced that it will enter

into a recession in 2015

due to lower oil price &


Consumers Increase their purchasing

power &stimulates their



What Analysts Expect for the Oil Market in



What Our Algorithm Predicts for


The algorithm is expecting a very volatile

oil market for the one and three-month

time horizon. Yet, the algorithm is bullish

for the one-year time horizon.

Oil appears to be back on track for year-

end 2015, according to analysts at

Goldman Sachs and market participants

agreeing with this forecast. However,

much depends upon Saudi Arabia and

Kuwait, which could raise production to

counter the cuts made in other Gulf States


We developed an advanced algorithm

based on artificial intelligence and machine

learning that also incorporates elements of

artificial neural networks and genetic


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years of experience, led our R&D team to

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How To Read The Prediction

Two indicators:

Signal – Predicted movement of the asset

Predictability Indicator – Historical correlation between the prediction and the

actual market movement

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