Oi Blood Hoods - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00095/00093.pdf ·...

THE TIMES 13 1895 li t ii iIJI P i1 IiI oi j tl lt r W- U J HERALD WMBEf t m li- m SE > < + < < THE 00 Pulj h rs In I onu llulldlut fraul Sfeeet next to Putt Ottee1 PALATKA FLA SEW 181801- aufwciuriox BATE OM Tear tem sis onlW w e Three Menthe yenta Tnb tloru due la chance tire Margaret Cutter Calhoun a Knuglilor of General Cmter has been invited to rend on Blue and Gray Day at the Cotton States and In- ternational Exposition by the Women Managers Judge Emory exCongressman from Georgia and now prealdlu Judio of the United States District Court of the Southern District of that State has accepted an invitation to deliver the opening address at the Cotton and International Exposition Judge Specr is a gentleman of national repu- tation both as a lawyer and as on ora tor and will without doubt make a notable utterance occasion The International Yacht Race The great race which months has created so much interest all ovef the world his transpired and as was exported by all Americans at least torlous Lost race wan sailed yesterday In the first race Saturday the Defender M the English yacht Valkyrie III at the finish by than eight min ntw Tuesday by means of Valkyrie III foulingthe Amerlom yacht the Britisher was fortygiven second lint tho race wo awarded to the Defender on account oC the fouL Yesterday the Defender sailed the course owners of Valkyrie It refusing to tttter on account of the presence df BO maoy pleasure craft they claim has a interferon e The championship cup was to bo awarded to the yacht winning three- of live races and yacht was victorious the first three Thaji has ended the most exciting tnthuslastlo and determined marine contests ever known In the world his- tory and America is still lOll i replied the other gloomily theres no use in the dl blamed perfect Chicago Efi Took It with Hlra Scene A chemists shop In Bo To the assistant enters an Iris He points to snllo of soap Assistant Well Customer want a lump of th Assistant Thank you iticentcd unscented Customer 111 take it wid me- aaons WeeklyA Croaky Doctor to patient I do not vi brighten you 11 you have no I would like to call In a cou brother doctors Irascible Patient All rightl I need any assistants in murderin your accomplices Texas Belflih Jones Is about tUb most Jn town How can you say thatMl u buying tencent cigars for yi ether day he bought three fJr put two in his pocket and give ta- dd fivecent ono N Y HERALD TIM ESHERALD a I Board ot Sta- lest r on that for Americans boat the Defender more victorious by the eonteet blob the Cll1a I e If IOmCl t 4 Will you 1 hUeD Jng- af Yea TIMES IdliIDAY erR d Ea t tip e wpa vie 1 a e S the the dmerfoan 1 too lie a i Lions Ii 1 i I set 1 > ¬ ¬ ¬ + A Serial Story The human windpipe Is a serial story the anal Itcr How do you make that out f It 1 continued hi our necks burgh U VfMttd to Know Little ClarencePa j Mr Callipers Well son ClarencePa which la ti Best nuisance the man who to- vfalt sleep or the man who sleeps 1 talk Truth r i Tap Sprinkle the r TaM- it3g Why do you wearrnbW such dry weather Everybody on my street Uecord Marked jl toy toffee gimme another cup Cook Not much de Walter Cant tha guy Hi cream In it Chicago Record ller OUUUM They say Cholly baa more than Then why dont you set yo Lincoln a Lover Abraham Lincolns sentimental j J itls are to bo shown Io au ftrtlalf- riaajuterlniorMt which John Qilmer- Wd tops written from unpublished trs of to To hu Speed for jjt The article that kUs loft and flwUly Iwlmsed I the borae editor i t the they a fly row il rfi- i 1 I 1 I i 1ft I tct Meue of TadIOfI A The Wt In- i bl the lIe I iF MMlladBpfed to IIlIuval14l whether Esarrlage pot n t I ii J i a Chronicle Telegraph y lawn l Ifs toffee Waiter deM don i rl y t as a d r per 1 1 f I F home ityraalf Ireaulent wllil steady heart that Hotta- r eolE was fall tailor y < >> >> < cefo ve pot tint e l If It breaksay very heart tothlnjfpf m MMe Susan Doff rocked backward In her tear us in thought she welt upon tho oilB- slcmary talk abe bad beard at a meet- ing that atternoon Her soul had boon burred to ita depths the rehearsal of the oldtime cry from Macedonia Helpab met Wouldnt I like to help souls And the Lord dont give me any chance If there was a touch of rebellious feeling In the reflection it was put aside with a vigorous hand Susan Duff what are you Id like to know to be getting yourself the Lord cattt get along without- If lie needs yourhelp Its like enough Hell give you the ways and means to give It He that owns cattle on a thou sand hills lie knows youre willing enough without your the trouble to make a baby of yourself in teltln Him of It But it Is Wearing the rocking Wont think of me living in comfort and plenty and so fixed I aint cent to give My garden sass enough me and to spare and the Lord forbid I should have a grasping thought of what I can give to my neighbors but theres no money to by it store pay for my eggs my hops so with my few morun I need to keep for It was no use Miss Susan had time and again beaten her drains to try and discover nonfb way of raiting a little money for the heathen And she was obliged as time and time before to settle back upon the same wise conclu- sion as to the Lords needing her help never realizing in the depths of her modest selfdepreciation the value of the service brought by her willing hands in the way of cheer and com- fort to the burdened and the suffering service given alike in loving earnest zeds for the scant pay offered or for no pay at all She eked out frugal sewing carpet rags for he1 county neighbors knitting coarfc hose and mittens without acting as nurse in times of sickness and as gen- eral help and comfo ter In seasons of family upheavals cd afflictions But for all she received pay when pay j in such everyday com forts as fme easiest from those for whom a worked a cent to be got out of any of Vdij1 by whichshe meant not her but the various shapes ID which their pay came There is qP telling how far Mite Susans perplexed thought have gone but for tho sudden demand upon her attention made by an unusual noise and commo outside her small house The land Whit alls that horse And a woman and Miss Busan ran Out and confronted- the danger offered by frightened horse driven by a woman accompanied by two children all equally fright- ened Something wrong with the har had disturbed the nervesof alarm not given to disturbances and ie was backing in a way which threat- ened to the occupants of the i M With bravery and energy out of all proportion to br small frame Miss dusan the horses head Now whoa whoa out Jimmy jump cried i A momentary pause in the Backward movement gave Jimmy towage He jumped and Joined In his own to those of Miss Susan But still backed Jump mother lies backing down the In at agony of doubt to go to her help or on to the horse Jimmy watched while his mother and a small girl contrived to tumble themselves out of lhe wagon The next moment- it the steep bank at the roadside By this time man who was passing came to add his strong hand to weak ones Tho horse was quieted l tWi Y 31tE- iQ Ir one oh rcrecturs aereet doe t Chalr now l hen I om poor up al- one onto her a I d over t e 4t11dfra Atd themp the a be- got tlo With po- tatoes my- self aer can i lou outs ie woman efforts a > > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ and h looked to see what the damage might be Not much he pronounced If you so mam Ill hitch it on to mine and haul it the blacksmiths far Hell get It fixed so you can have it In the morning In the morning Miss Susan saw tbe look of perplexity overspread tho mothers face youll with ba overnight maam she hastened to say Ill be moren delighted to have you The offer was gratefully accepted Jim accompanied th to the shop for and then took the rode tq his home to give news of tho detention to those ex peeling them there And now was Miss Susan charmed Im this rare opportunity of hos- pitality was to sit up in her chair through the night having ore bed but her guests did not know that On the following morning Jim csse with the how to take his mother and sister home Mis Susan followed them out to the roa wlth good wishes and gocxltys Im moran 1 tell obliged to you said the woman heartily And ere I want fto leave you a tanne our visit She pointed to a large bunch of young tree In the of the yoate which were carefully wrapped apple trees she explained e end has for a long time felt we attending enough to raisin of such the fam- ily An4wlw from school wa full of hot they t4ltawut the gpTurner it waJtB y ein It batUrnl TIn lilt Ibolv lull remem of back e fa J I ft Icay hI I all so t 41 it t 16- I Ii r stay repairs hoc pan wagon < hcyre 31 yyeren a lr was via aew fiat J Eet was 1Mtabftd his metbet- seriJ fw9t AFi < > ¬ want felks to plant tree raisn- tKn on farms 0r rout d aoh on or chureto And no wheitwtf I hoard of It me and fath r eald li a good tlma lltf- i to morrow And an woman I lighted for I brances of folks name em for folks The boys at school Kola to plant some and call em Washington and Lincoln and Orant and ino and fa- thers golnto plant one for each bf the children Itll named for em and they can tend to em and see urn grow Dont you think its a real nice idno Yes I do exclaimed Miss heartily her face b amlnfr la sympa thyAnd went on the mother In a lowered voice a pathetic expres- sion shaded her face there was ono little one that were going- to plant a tree for her and Im going to give the fruit to the little children over to the poorhouse thats near our place I think tbata just lovely whis- pered MUs Susan with a hand clasp of earnest feeling dd hope your trccsll grow good Im sure they will Qoodby goodby Stop said the woman I to leave you a couple of trees to us by Ve got moron just the count for fear some of cm might die Theyre good sorts we picked em out careful from the best in the catalogue- for father be says when youre goln- to give good care youd bettor give it where its worth givln Two o them bellflowers Jim And sayVwith the enthusiasm with a charming new Idea well stay and help you plant ftn No twont take long Jimll dig and the rest of usll look about for the best mulch youve got Well all take hold for good luck They make allttle frolic of It and warmed by the glow of mutual kindly feeling Now be sure aud send us word how they get on when you have a chance Years later not very many Miss Husan went to missionary meetings with a new joy beaming in her face and It was noticed that the gentle little woman did not sit with a pitiful look and downcast eyes when a collec tion was made or a subscription paper I A tlttl their cues ould be to 1 It Oi upthey Susan diedand I remem- ber They tttl harem rem bel- onging bright- ened ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >> passed How she ever does Its more than I tan tell said Mrs Barrows the min- isters wife but she always has some- thing to give And gives It with such good will said Mrs Deacon Ray And wont be passed by Feels absolutely hurt and slighted if we dont let her know alt tho objects Now heres this call to help out the Bible woman In Japan- In a hurry too We cant watt till the next meeting so Ive got to go round And you dont dare to miss Miss Susan No Youll go out there wtyh mo wont you Yes It Isnt a very pressing call you see Miss Susan the deacons wife went on after stating her business and the moneys most raised Only three dollars more to make up Wo only come to you because we know yon always like to know whats being because we expected any thing It isnt your turn again yet after all youve given since the year set In Miss shone I have a tit of money thats just come in she said just M well make up that dollars as keep It lying Idle Miss SuSanl There Isnt a woman in society that gives as you would think the Lord put it right into your hand I guess lie does Come out here and see rJhe led them Into her little garden Half a dozen fruit trees were of them almost within reach of the kitchen door Look at two shu said point Ing to them In pride em they come to me years ago And Im willing to say that the sun shines brighter on em than on the others and that cold winds as cruel to m For they blossom carllern the look at them apple up therel Sure enough the golden fruit was good to look a It still drank lathe mellow of the partial sun These two stand sheltered from north wind began Mrs harrows And I fancy you give them a little better care than others suggested the deacons wife noticing the pains- taking about the roots Perhaps that has something to do with It Nom said Ml Susan firmly That Isnt it Its pause theyre the Lords own trees I promised Mini all that should on em I named r4 Goodness and Mercy cause thats What r always to have follow thorn that gets what lie sends em through these trees Mill just after they began to bear went on Miss Susauwlth a triumphant air the railroad came through fihelbyville and POW theres men going through the country paying canh and always glad to get such apples as mine Mercys futyyct you see but Goodness ripens- a little earlier and I sold the apples off it yesterday IVe got what you want left for the winter sails Then what Mercy brings will do for ray giving next summer till fruit comes to tho house she opened her purse still with the fae- oIguessyoura rlgtkt the minister wife featl a doubt the ds Ills best t your trees If Y Independent Presently Immediately and4 s4 In this sense in scores of places Shakweare and other wHtera a time It a curlota of horasn nature that word whiter after a tlm donenot Supn fee the ther- eto them the aint othersand at rays the cult lon said Lard 1 1 Is laa to bI M It f i J i tree d- One unexpected ever grew Returning than me- ant instant- ly lUnttratlou pf d tcrlpbas finee meant pb utd eoafe pnlverthlly dohalderad meahlsg ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ arc made to produce larger and better by use of fertilizers rich In Potash cv- Wrftc for Formers Cubic a Mspage Illustrated book It Is brim full of useful information for farmers It will be sent see and will make and save you money Address GERMAN KAU WORKS 93 KHJM Btmt Kcv York MM WM M W VH ftwrtl tonic M M U MM OMMM Mtd M ikm Mrrl u- I br ln pww f In In b k n n- vrMb ll i MkcMmw IMUTT- tl MIMl- KM l r l ilw WHITE WHITE SIOO pr Mi twin fir HARRY E STEWART Druggjst PALATKA PLOHIDA n f the t I t J7d1aUStCd l Soils crops our boat cam tae ae IIDW o4 UuIINMaamlaal waw n o abllee4 Eiji lie drNna and enal- rd to 1 aMlunNantle alit N saw rywlerwwrM Inenma- aN m N We a w 6Nae eNa > < > < + There is being circulated a petition requesting subscriptions to assist In the support of John Coppege the pitcher who had the misfortune to break his log in tho game of Monday lost Mr Coppego is a lolal strange here Monday being hit second game with our team and THE TiMEgHEiutD is sure the good people of Palatka will render all the aid necessary Subscrip- tion may be left nt Harry Stewarts drugstore Ladies desiring to assist the unfortunate man by way of dona- tions may send sumo to tho6t George Hotel Two or three kind hearted la- dles have already responded- A CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA SAVANNAH GA MESSRS DROS LlrrltAN ¬ ¬ ¬ GENTLEMEN For tire benefit of all suffering from dyspepsia and general debility I beg to submit my testimonial the efficacy of your P P P Pilckly Ask Poke Hoot and Potassium as a cure for all these distressing romplaluts- My was also full of malaria was growing serious and completely broken health now my health Is fully re stored and I can eat like a Held laborer without the slightest fear of serious re- sults I a new man I take great pleasure in Idling the world the of restoring me to my accustomed S CHEiinY Savannah City Market Infoirmtlon has been received of the death of Mr S P Miller which oc curred at Port Byron N Y Thursday morning of fast week Deceased was the father of II L Miller of Palatka and was in his stxlyrninlh year TILE TmpsUEiULD extends sympathy NAPS rnoM High Grath Tobacco JUfD ABSOLUTELY PURE FOR SALE I 1 rlo CHOICB PLANTS or dillnr r thousand For names of etc inquire f tt V ftTODON- a 80Sui Bo 388 Palntko Fla MORGANS IMPROVED CHILL TONIC SUPERIOR TO A u U I a trae Chili Care la eamtnaUon with liver Tualft Whtnrropwlj tSten It never fail to ear Dio tct lln teca of Chilli Fever Wirers etbtr fall It wilt care HI l plMMint and nolhlng tbe EMM dtle cysttm Babies to I had no was 5- CIG L diES I trawberty Plants AID now one varieties f CHILLS loll lte l1T afe equl- laar atllel4 t Aro Jet CO A n 0 strength r Z7 T 1aCC- b ran oK pu H- A1IGTES W ukeeaura a- Tunuaktlftcora sir raa arA a ji r OTHER and total eoa alas take A rrlyvalaoeMPtbotUa- YeII GT CbIiLTui- J ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Some Good Shooting RminsiDE Sept 12 Txlltor TlnceiHcralfl Mr W Y Reynolds a prominent merchant of Norwalk while on a visit to his place at lllvcnidc had some experience In deer shooting Standing In a neighbors bouse he dis- covered a deer in short range which had evidently been run over from the other side os the scrub He raised his rifle and shot it It bad been shot be fore and was not fit to eat Returning to his own house to enjoy a rest after tho excitement he cast his eagle eye over the landscape and discovered an- other door approaching the grove Just as it reached the fence and could no closer Mr Reynolds standing a lunch of weeds shot it dead with a sholgun 120 yards For long and short range shooting he takes tho cake Both were yoyug does and it is needless to say that neighbors hall to sit up with hIm that night as it was his first experience of tho kind II SAWYER Excursion I at reduced rates to all Summer Resorts at PEEKS Drug Store opposite I Dr Price Cream Powder Most Perfect Made J5TFHE3H and DEN SEED just received and for sale at S E Bonds N n Moragne has returned from South Florida points for all moss For full particulars address Davies Moss Factory Wclaka Via novltf- SHEBIFFS SALE In CIRCUIT Count FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND Fon PUTNAM COUNTY FLOIUDA O II Ewing Vi L li Lyon Executor o Ljoa EXECUTION ISSUED out of Mid Circuit Court In above entitled propertr being In 111 County Florida i at a take e and one halt In a direction it va- riation of degrees from the corner oi In Section tyfoar Township nine South of Twen K t by flftylx ae- Kne eat font hundred and feet seat seven hundred feet thence west if north sixteen defrreeii west one thousand sad forty feet to Orandon- nuthw t l wet eleven hundred and flfty T6 feet to the place- of beulnnlnK eighteen acres more or Vour JCait Ifa Itmiam cnun described lands to wit lOll luendnu dcfcrties South of from the Twn hlii Ue outh ot Range thence thirtytwo degrees oath of hnndrod ma to a take nineteen degrees north of east seven hundred and ur feet w of Lake thence border of Lake Urandou north westerly to a tok at edge of lake thirty of north from Uke of thirty degrees gait of north Froniswto of thirty de- taining all huidi owned by the sod Violet within lines to and Into said Orandon a of Inn Three and Four on Northwest quarter of Boutaeait and Southwest of North ii a I In Hection Thirty four of land but t em Ml the lah l In said descrlnt on back to Mid Orandon and Into lAke owned by tbe wanton In this deed In rutna Ixit Hection Thirtyfour South Mange run tkenoe hundred and feet norm two luadred and thence one hundred and north hundred feet seal three hundred and twentyseven thence of Court Hou InMid eoaaty between hours of sale OH the FIRST MOXDAV IN NOTBUBBK use the being the ot st hd u3 come Tickets for the Summer lose cash prices 1 1 VIRTUE OF cause b date ot me directed I have levied the des IICrlb d and Thtr I thence by two I eve I thence along 0 take and twent a eta alll1 lu SectioD a IIlne Ioub- of State td FlnrtdA And oh tiro following I lit a Ie wilier tht Northwest quarter of the tluutheat t Section I t aDd arenas arm el end elneD and feet taU of front Ice Lake to of beginning conS Ro Lake Township mine eat COD ue Ares brace I Lat said And also the lands wit at tile Northwest corner lit Township e Ix feet tHe tour ate ye- teee lake thence twenty west hulUlred and feet nurm degrees one end onebait feet to Iat of bpptnt and ulna sight 1Ia dredthl acres more or less in OOUD lad visa Of tllltfendant I will sell aU fln tile front door tIlt 11a I will lbe er- a deed to said IIftIllIler I YitOl dftod- JDI tt JOxR D BUCK re- markable be- hind court- house kin- g OAR WANTED IIighest 3 Y AN B following to one Fast twenty orandon- weeterIT thirty feet rtfono four end went 1 deg eeej gross wet south isle the M quarter t carter act Range c Stste to ping sixty thence then test south fee degrees errvtm thenro slx west seven cant Inlngeleren obi State AsShe gropers the Seale re at said to the hl best bidder forces o sale belay made ma exe rvaeede en- d sawmei w l lc I a 1J- f7 n ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > + + + Pure Because health of every organ tissue of body depends upon tM purity blood The whole world I knows the standard blood purifier ii SarsaparillaAn- d It Js the only true medicine toy nervous people blood pure and and thus curse nervooineei makes the nerves firm and strong gives sleep mints vigor a good appetite perfect digestion an cures Boiof oU Eczema or Salt Rhena and all other blood disease becanu Makes Pure Blod Results prove every word we have Slid voluntary teiti- monisls fully that Barea to Get Hoods I hat aied fo nervousness and in better health than for MM 8AXAH E LTLES White Blnff Booth Carolina Hoods Pills cure all liver llli constlp lndlgeiUott i The libel Suit Tho following from the Gainesville 1 Sun explains Itself While passing through Palatka yes terday en route from Ormbnd to Gainesville II II wa dr rested by Deputy SheriffHbfftllpi Putnam county upon a warrant pro- cured by one Dr Steen crim- inal libel on account of tho publication- of local items which in tho of Septembes 0 King kindly us to the justlccss office the preliminary trial was set for Friday Sept 13 bait fixed at 8100 and wo all6yredio depart m peace in ttmqloboard the train for home Justice Howoll ahd tho Deputy Sheriff were uniformly courteous to us and to them Dr E 8 drill and Judge King we feel grateful As we wore In Ormond at the time the articles were published and neither saw or heard of them until Monday evening Sept Oth when we received a copy of tho Sun we fall to see where any malice can be proven on our part fact is we have never seen Dr Steen to know him and never heard of him until a few days ago Merchants Attention I v TheTampa Merchandise and Estate can turn part of jcpr sleek Into cash In thiftj days tirfa at good prices laboring classes hero wcekjf- Cforresppondcnco confidential Address as above P 0 Tampa F THE IMPROVED 18 IMPORTANT That purchaser of WMhlag ll chlo should t many rlorilj than wuben over others similarly WHY USB THIS It Won cur Urlnitoot Intntf ad wnMghklt mat ont- iHu n iio thu moi od b tram itwaitift- Minultctur denlyby BLUFFTON MFG CO IKDt- AMDlM AUIAMA- S KM 4 IltllUfilh tMUlt OWRf r Ie Nervous People should setlize curb for condition L to found In h Blood the t the of the Hoods th reor reliable n healthy n does sU this Hoods parlllG Be Sure Curesi II rl11a I I non tcOre charglnl l1 pcnrod Judge over I The Auction Company p WRI N n HD WA j J t A P J It rubblq 0 endl ate dim i oa Tail tar crone lul4 If i J Lr In u4 W- ItIcJc4wtfUetrVI ldlal tMll I h he DIll lad d IL or Oll 6 IIV rc Holt II qUK ItlfoflOllOJd U Ion II all w C ttfi t 1 iiit tor old pr0II c J NES COLL For Y ounllLftdl tIH of sri r If ann I OIefentltlr S- fS 10 oil J Ebat the calf t4i to u and makes the sweet lam bmoui ness stek headaebe two were shall i eyed Real spy Box 7231 f- IT a se er null arbtrem anrrantiend eottam r- ar ran en0 M Cnsarwau e eri- e n the Bann snrlsM W yea wa wen se anti rape eurnrl edsWb s asroprt Ilrnsa II galqptIyhtad aeswe- s tab sad 1earelmoasruheo- terprvorandaa u a Nets Iia orakem Irhl roar eeba the m east and Probrt her fib sees r will rai a 6 t R a- i made lit r inrbimelaott aabeetraa4 ass cawatua l N l M Ye IwMe vast Madi t e aeNNaef s ewNatrSi b In r < ¬ ¬ > > > + μ μ

Transcript of Oi Blood Hoods - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00095/00093.pdf ·...

THE TIMES 13 1895

lit ii iIJI P i1 IiI oi

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>< + <


THE 00 Pulj h rs

In I onu llulldlut fraul Sfeeetnext to Putt Ottee1


aufwciuriox BATE OM Tear tem sisonlW w e Three Menthe yenta

Tnb tloru due la chance

tire Margaret Cutter Calhoun a

Knuglilor of General Cmter has beeninvited to rend on Blue and

Gray Day at the Cotton States and In-

ternational Exposition by the

Women Managers

Judge Emory exCongressmanfrom Georgia and now prealdlu Judioof the United States District Court of

the Southern District of that State hasaccepted an invitation to deliver theopening address at the Cottonand International Exposition JudgeSpecr is a gentleman of national repu-

tation both as a lawyer and as on orator and will without doubt make anotable utterance occasion

The International Yacht Race

The great race which months

has created so much interest all ovef

the world his transpired and as wasexported by all Americans at least

torlousLost race wan sailed yesterday In

the first race Saturday the DefenderM the English yacht Valkyrie IIIat the finish by than eight minntw Tuesday by means of ValkyrieIII foulingthe Amerlom yacht theBritisher was fortygivensecond lint tho race wo awarded tothe Defender on account oC the fouLYesterday the Defender sailed thecourse owners of ValkyrieIt refusing to tttter on

account of the presence df BO maoypleasure craft they claim has

a interferon eThe championship cup was to bo

awarded to the yacht winning three-of live races and yachtwas victorious the first three

Thaji has ended the most excitingtnthuslastlo and determined marinecontests ever known In the world his-tory and America is stilllOll i

replied the other gloomilytheres no use in the dl

blamed perfect Chicago Efi

Took It with HlraScene A chemists shop In Bo

To the assistant enters an IrisHe points to snllo of soap

Assistant WellCustomer want a lump of thAssistant Thank you

iticentcd unscentedCustomer 111 take it wid me-


CroakyDoctor to patient I do not vi

brighten you 11 you have noI would like to call In a cou

brother doctorsIrascible Patient All rightl I

need any assistants in murderinyour accomplices Texas

BelflihJones Is about tUb most

Jn townHow can you say thatMl u

buying tencent cigars for yiether day

he bought three fJrput two in his pocket and give ta-

dd fivecent ono N Y



a I

Board ot



on that


Americans boat the Defender


victorious by

the eonteet


the Cll1aI

e If IOmCl



Will you1











wpa vie






the dmerfoan








iI set







A Serial StoryThe human windpipe Is a

serial story the analItcr

How do you make that out

f It 1 continued hi our necksburgh

U VfMttd to KnowLittle ClarencePa j

Mr Callipers Well sonClarencePa which la ti

Best nuisance the man who to-

vfalt sleep or the man who sleeps 1

talk Truth ri Tap Sprinkle the r TaM-

it3g Why do you wearrnbWsuch dry weather

Everybody on my streetUecord

Marked jltoy

toffee gimme another cupCook Not much deWalter Cant tha guy Hi

cream In it Chicago Record

ller OUUUM

They say Cholly baa morethan

Then why dont you set yo

Lincoln a Lover

Abraham Lincolns sentimentalj J itls are to bo shown Io au ftrtlalf-

riaajuterlniorMt which John Qilmer-

Wd tops written from unpublished

trs of to To hu Speed forjjt The

article that

kUs loft and flwUly Iwlmsed

I the borae editor



thethey a fly


il rfi-i




Ii 1ftI tct Meue of TadIOfI

A TheWt In-

i bl the lIeI iFMMlladBpfed to IIlIuval14l

whether Esarrlagepot

n t I

ii J


Chronicle Telegraph y


l Ifs toffeeWaiter deM




t as

a dr



1 fI Fhome

ityraalfIreaulent wllil steady

heart that Hotta-


eolE was fall




> >



cefo ve pot tinte l If It breaksay very heart

tothlnjfpf mMMe Susan Doff rocked backward In

her tearus in thought she welt upon tho oilB-

slcmary talk abe bad beard at a meet-ing that atternoon Her soul had boonburred to ita depths the rehearsalof the oldtime cry from Macedonia

Helpab met Wouldnt I like tohelp souls And the Lorddont give me any chance

If there was a touch of rebelliousfeeling In the reflection it was put asidewith a vigorous hand

Susan Duff what are you Id liketo know to be getting yourself

the Lord cattt get along without-If lie needs yourhelp Its like enoughHell give you the ways and means togive It He that owns cattle on a thousand hills lie knows youre willingenough without your thetrouble to make a baby of yourself inteltln Him of It

But it Is Wearing the rockingWont think of me living incomfort and plenty and so fixed I aint

cent to give My garden sassenough me and to spare and theLord forbid I should have a graspingthought of what I can give to myneighbors but theres no money to

by it store pay for my eggsmy hops so with my few

morun I need to keep for

It was no use Miss Susan had timeand again beaten her drains to try anddiscover nonfb way of raiting a littlemoney for the heathen And she wasobliged as time and time before tosettle back upon the same wise conclu-sion as to the Lords needing her helpnever realizing in the depths of hermodest selfdepreciation the value ofthe service brought by her willinghands in the way of cheer and com-

fort to the burdened and the sufferingservice given alike in loving earnestzeds for the scant pay offered or forno pay at all

She eked out frugalsewing carpet rags for he1 countyneighbors knitting coarfc hose andmittens without acting asnurse in times of sickness and as gen-eral help and comfo ter In seasons offamily upheavals cd afflictions Butfor all she received paywhen pay j in such everyday comforts as fme easiest from those forwhom a worked

a cent to be got out of any ofVdij1 by whichshe meant not her

but the various shapes ID

which their pay came There is qPtelling how far Mite Susans perplexedthought have gone but for thosudden demand upon her attentionmade by an unusual noise and commo

outside her small houseThe land Whit alls that horse

And a woman andMiss Busan ran Out and confronted-

the danger offered by frightenedhorse driven by a woman accompaniedby two children all equally fright-ened Something wrong with the har

had disturbed the nervesof alarmnot given to disturbances and

ie was backing in a way which threat-ened to the occupants of thei M

With bravery and energy out of allproportion to br small frame Missdusan the horses head

Now whoa whoaout Jimmy jump cried

i A momentary pause in the Backwardmovement gave Jimmy towage Hejumped and Joined In his ownto those of Miss Susan Butstill backed

Jump mother lies backing downthe

In at agony of doubt to go to herhelp or on to the horse Jimmywatched while his mother and a smallgirl contrived to tumble themselvesout of lhe wagon The next moment-it the steep bank at theroadside

By this time man who was passingcame to add his strong hand toweak ones Tho horse was quieted

l tWi Y 31tE-

iQ Ir

oneoh rcrecturs aereet

doe t

Chalr now l hen


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up al-one





d over

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4t11dfraAtd themp the



gottlo With po-tatoes my-self




outsie woman













and h looked to see what the damagemight be

Not much he pronounced Ifyou so mam Ill hitch it on tomine and haul it the blacksmiths

far Hell get It fixed so youcan have it In the morning

In the morning Miss Susan sawtbe look of perplexity overspread thomothers face

youll with ba overnightmaam she hastened to say Ill bemoren delighted to have you

The offer was gratefully acceptedJim accompanied th to the

shop for and thentook the rode tq his home togive news of tho detention to those expeeling them there

And now was Miss Susan charmed Imthis rare opportunity of hos-

pitality was to sit up inher chair through the night having

ore bed but her guests did notknow that

On the following morning Jim cssewith the how to take his mother andsister home Mis Susan followedthem out to the roa wlth good wishesand gocxltys

Im moran 1 tell obliged toyou said the woman heartily And

ere I want fto leave you atanne our visitShe pointed to a large bunch of

young tree In the of theyoate which were carefully

wrappedapple trees she explained

e end has for a long time feltwe attending enough to raisin

of such the fam-

ily An4wlw from schoolwa full of hot they

t4ltawut the gpTurnerit

waJtB y ein It batUrnl



Ibolv lull





ft Icay hII all


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yyerena lr

was via

aewfiat J Eet was 1Mtabftd his metbet-

seriJfw9t AFi


> ¬

want felks to plant tree raisn-

tKn on farms 0r rout d aoh onor chureto And no wheitwtf

I hoard of It me and fath r eald lia good tlma lltf-

i to morrow And an womanI lighted forI brances of folks name em for folksThe boys at school Kola to plantsome and call em Washington andLincoln and Orant and ino and fa-

thers golnto plant one for each bfthe children Itll named for emand they can tend to em and see urngrow Dont you think its a real niceidno

Yes I do exclaimed Missheartily her face b amlnfr la sympathyAnd went on the mother In alowered voice a pathetic expres-sion shaded her face there was onolittle one that were going-to plant a tree for her and Im goingto give the fruit to the little childrenover to the poorhouse thats near ourplace

I think tbata just lovely whis-pered MUs Susan with a hand clasp ofearnest feeling dd hope yourtrccsll grow good Im sure they willQoodby goodby

Stop said the woman I toleave you a couple of trees to

us by Ve got moron just thecount for fear some of cm might dieTheyre good sorts we picked em outcareful from the best in the catalogue-for father be says when youre goln-to give good care youd bettor give itwhere its worth givln Two o thembellflowers Jim

And sayVwith the enthusiasmwith a charming new Idea

well stay and help you plant ftnNo twont take long Jimll dig andthe rest of usll look about for the bestmulch youve got Well all take holdfor good luck

They make allttle frolic of Itand warmed by the glow of

mutual kindly feelingNow be sure aud send us word how

they get on when you have a chanceYears later not very many Miss

Husan went to missionary meetingswith a new joy beaming in her faceand It was noticed that the gentlelittle woman did not sit with a pitifullook and downcast eyes when a collection was made or a subscription paper


A tlttltheir


ould be to 1 ItOi







harem rem








> >

passedHow she ever does Its more than I

tan tell said Mrs Barrows the min-

isters wife but she always has some-

thing to giveAnd gives It with such good will

said Mrs Deacon Ray And wont bepassed by Feels absolutely hurt andslighted if we dont let her know alttho objects Now heres this call tohelp out the Bible woman In Japan-In a hurry too We cant watt till thenext meeting so Ive got to go round

And you dont dare to miss MissSusan

No Youll go out there wtyh mowont you

YesIt Isnt a very pressing call you

see Miss Susan the deacons wifewent on after stating her business

and the moneys most raised Onlythree dollars more to make up Woonly come to you because we knowyon always like to know whats being

because we expected anything It isnt your turn again yetafter all youve given since the yearset In

Miss shoneI have a tit of money thats just

come in she said just Mwell make up that dollars askeep It lying Idle

Miss SuSanl There Isnt a womanin society that gives as you

would think the Lord put it rightinto your hand

I guess lie does Come out hereand see

rJhe led them Into her little gardenHalf a dozen fruit trees were

of them almost within reach ofthe kitchen door

Look at two shu said pointIng to them In prideem they come to meyears ago And Im willing to say thatthe sun shines brighter on em thanon the others and that cold winds

as cruel to m For theyblossom carllern the lookat them apple up therel

Sure enough the golden fruit wasgood to look a It still drank lathemellow of the partial sun

These two stand sheltered fromnorth wind began Mrs harrows

And I fancy you give them a littlebetter care than others suggestedthe deacons wife noticing the pains-taking about the roots

Perhaps that has something to dowith It

Nom said Ml Susan firmlyThat Isnt it Its pause theyre the

Lords own trees I promised Mini allthat should on em I named

r4 Goodness and Mercy cause thatsWhat r always to have followthorn that gets what lie sends emthrough these trees Mill just afterthey began to bear went on MissSusauwlth a triumphant air therailroad came through fihelbyville andPOW theres men going through thecountry paying canh and always gladto get such apples as mine Mercysfutyyct you see but Goodness ripens-a little earlier and I sold the applesoff it yesterday IVe got what youwant left for the wintersails Then what Mercy brings willdo for ray giving next summer tillfruit comes

to tho house she openedher purse still with the fae-

oIguessyoura rlgtkt

the minister wife featla doubt the ds Ills best tyour trees If Y Independent

PresentlyImmediately and4 s4 In this

sense in scores of places Shakweareand other wHtera a time It acurlotaof horasn nature that word whiter

after a tlm


Supn fee








cult lon


Lard 1



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ever grew



me-ant instant-ly

lUnttratlou pf d tcrlpbas

finee meant pb utd eoafepnlverthlly dohalderad meahlsg





arc made to produce larger and better byuse of fertilizers rich In Potash cv-

Wrftc for Formers Cubic a Mspage Illustrated book ItIs brim full of useful information for farmers It will be sent see andwill make and save you money Address



VH ftwrtl tonic M M UMM OMMM Mtd M ikm Mrrl u-

I br ln pww f In In b k n n-

vrMb ll i MkcMmw IMUTT-

tl MIMl-

KM l r l ilw


SIOO pr Mi twin fir



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boat cam tae ae

IIDW o4 UuIINMaamlaal wawn o abllee4

Eiji lie drNna and



1aMlunNantle alitN saw

rywlerwwrM Inenma-aN m N We a w 6Nae eNa






There is being circulated a petition

requesting subscriptions to assist In the

support of John Coppege the pitcher

who had the misfortune to break hislog in tho game of Monday lost MrCoppego is a lolal strange hereMonday being hit second game with

our team and THE TiMEgHEiutD is

sure the good people of Palatka will

render all the aid necessary Subscrip-

tion may be left nt Harry Stewartsdrugstore Ladies desiring to assistthe unfortunate man by way of dona-

tions may send sumo to tho6t George

Hotel Two or three kind hearted la-

dles have already responded-







GENTLEMEN For tire benefit of all

suffering from dyspepsia and general

debility I beg to submit my testimonial

the efficacy of your P P P PilcklyAsk Poke Hoot and Potassium as a

cure for all these distressingromplaluts-

My was also full of malariawas growing serious

and completely brokenhealth now my health Is fully restored and I can eat like a Held laborerwithout the slightest fear of serious re-

sults I a new manI take great pleasure in Idling the

world theof restoring me to my accustomed

S CHEiinYSavannah City Market

Infoirmtlon has been received of thedeath of Mr S P Miller which oc

curred at Port Byron N Y Thursdaymorning of fast week Deceased wasthe father of II L Miller of Palatkaand was in his stxlyrninlh year TILE

TmpsUEiULD extends sympathy


High Grath TobaccoJUfD




or dillnr r thousandFor names of etc inquire

f tt V ftTODON-

a 80Sui Bo 388 Palntko Fla


SUPERIOR TO A uU I a trae Chili Care la eamtnaUon with

liver Tualft Whtnrropwlj tSten It neverfail to ear Dio tct lln teca of Chilli

Fever Wirers etbtr fall It wilt careHI l plMMint and nolhlng

tbe EMM dtle cysttm Babies


I had no was

5-CIG L diES




AID now





lte l1T afe equl-laar atllel4 tAro Jet


A n




Z7 T 1aCC-


oK pu H-

A1IGTESW ukeeaura a-

Tunuaktlftcora sirraa arA a




andtotal eoa alas


rrlyvalaoeMPtbotUa-YeII GT CbIiLTui-







Some Good ShootingRminsiDE Sept 12

Txlltor TlnceiHcralfl

Mr W Y Reynolds a prominentmerchant of Norwalk while on a visitto his place at lllvcnidc had some

experience In deer shooting

Standing In a neighbors bouse he dis-

covered a deer in short range which

had evidently been run over from theother side os the scrub He raised hisrifle and shot it It bad been shot be

fore and was not fit to eat Returningto his own house to enjoy a rest aftertho excitement he cast his eagle eye

over the landscape and discovered an-

other door approaching the grove Justas it reached the fence and couldno closer Mr Reynolds standing

a lunch of weeds shot it deadwith a sholgun 120 yards For longand short range shooting he takes thocake Both were yoyug does and it isneedless to say that neighbors hall to

sit up with hIm that night as it washis first experience of tho kind


Excursion I

at reduced rates to all Summer Resortsat PEEKS Drug Store opposite


Dr Price Cream PowderMost Perfect Made

J5TFHE3H andDEN SEED just received and for sale

at S E Bonds

N n Moragne has returned fromSouth Florida points

for all moss For full particularsaddress DaviesMoss Factory Wclaka Via novltf-





ViL li Lyon Executor


out of Mid Circuit Court In above entitled

propertr being In 111

County Florida i

at a take e and onehalt In a direction it va-

riation of degrees from thecorner oi In Section

tyfoar Township nine South of TwenK t by flftylx ae-

Kne eat font hundred and feet

seat seven hundred feetthence west if north sixteen defrreeii west onethousand sad forty feet to Orandon-

nuthw t l weteleven hundred and flfty T6 feet to the place-of beulnnlnK eighteen acres moreor Vour

JCait Ifa Itmiam cnun

described lands towit lOll luendnu

dcfcrties South of from the

Twn hlii Ue outh ot Rangethence thirtytwo degrees oath ofhnndrod ma to a takenineteen degrees north of east seven hundredand ur feet w of Lakethence border of Lake Urandou north

westerly to a tok at edge of lakethirty

of north from Uke ofthirty degrees gait of north

Froniswto of thirty de-

taining all huidi owned by thesod Violet within lines toand Into said Orandon a ofInn Three and Four on Northwest quarter ofBoutaeait and Southwest ofNorth ii a I In Hection Thirty four

of land but t emMl the lah l In said descrlnt on back

to Mid Orandon and IntolAke owned by tbe wanton In this deed Inrutna

Ixit Hection ThirtyfourSouth Mange runtkenoe hundred and feet

norm two luadred andthence one hundred and

north hundred feet sealthree hundred and twentyseven thence

of Court Hou InMid eoaaty betweenhours of sale OH the

FIRST MOXDAV IN NOTBUBBK usethe being the ot

st hd u3


Tickets forthe Summer

lose cash prices




cause b date ot medirected I have levied the desIICrlb d and


Ithence by two


eve I

thence along 0 takeand


a eta alll1lu SectioD a IIlne Ioub-of

State td FlnrtdAAnd oh tiro following

I lit a Ie

wilier tht Northwest quarter ofthe tluutheat t Section


aDd arenas


el endelneD and feet


of front IceLake to of beginning conS



Township mine eat COD

ue Aresbrace I

Lat said

And also the landswit at tile Northwest corner lit


e Ixfeet


ate ye-

teee lake thence twentywest hulUlred and

feet nurm degreesone end onebait feet to Iat of

bpptnt and ulna sight1Ia dredthl acres more or less in

OOUD lad visaOf tllltfendant I will sell

aU fln tile front door




lbe er-

a deed to said IIftIllIler I

















orandon-weeterIT thirty feet




1deg eeej

gross wet south islethe


quarter t carteract


c Ststeto

ping sixty

thence thentest

southfee degrees errvtm

thenro slx westseven

cant Inlngelerenobi

StateAsShe gropers

the Seale re at

saidto the hl best bidder forceso sale belay made ma exe

rvaeede en-d sawmeiw

l lc Ia









> >





PureBecause health of every organ

tissue of body depends upon tMpurity blood The whole world Iknows the standard blood purifier ii

SarsaparillaAn-d It Js the only true

medicine toy nervous peopleblood pure and

and thus curse nervooineei makes

the nerves firm and strong givessleep mints vigor a good appetiteperfect digestion ancures Boiof oU Eczema or Salt Rhenaand all other blood disease becanu


Pure BlodResults prove every word we haveSlid voluntary teiti-monisls fully that


to Get HoodsI hat aied fo

nervousness and in better healththan for MM 8AXAH ELTLES White Blnff Booth Carolina

Hoods Pills cure all liver llli constlplndlgeiUott i

The libel SuitTho following from the Gainesville 1

Sun explains Itself

While passing through Palatka yesterday en route from Ormbnd toGainesville II II wa drrested by Deputy SheriffHbfftllpiPutnam county upon a warrant pro-cured by one Dr Steen crim-

inal libel on account of tho publication-of local items which intho of Septembes 0

King kindly us tothe justlccss office the preliminarytrial was set for Friday Sept 13 baitfixed at 8100 and wo all6yrediodepart m peace in ttmqloboard thetrain for home Justice Howoll ahdtho Deputy Sheriff were uniformlycourteous to us and to them Dr E8 drill and Judge King wefeel grateful

As we wore In Ormond at the timethe articles were published and neithersaw or heard of them until Mondayevening Sept Oth when we receiveda copy of tho Sun we fall to see whereany malice can be proven on our part

fact is we have never seen DrSteen to know him and neverheard of him until a few days ago

Merchants Attention I

vTheTampa Merchandise and

Estate can turnpart of jcpr sleek Into cash In thiftjdays tirfa at good prices

laboring classes hero wcekjf-Cforresppondcnco confidentialAddress as above P 0

Tampa F


18 IMPORTANTThat purchaser of WMhlag ll chloshould t manyrlorilj than wuben over others similarly

WHY USB THISIt Won cur Urlnitoot Intntf ad

wnMghklt mat ont-

iHu n iio thu moi

od btram itwaitift-

Minultctur denlyby


AMDlM AUIAMA-S KM 4 IltllUfilh tMUlt OWRf



NervousPeople should setlize

curb forcondition L to found In h

Bloodthe tthe

of the

Hoodsth reor

reliablen healthy

n does sU this

Hoods parlllGBe Sure Curesi

II rl11aI





l1 pcnrod





Auction Company







P J It

rubblq0 endl

ate dimi

oa Tail tar cronelul4 If i

JLr In u4W-

ItIcJc4wtfUetrVI ldlal tMllI

h he DIll

lad d ILor Oll 6

IIV rcHoltII qUK ItlfoflOllOJd U

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C ttfi t 1iiit

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For YounllLftdl

tIH of

srir If ann



fS10 oil


Ebat the calft4i

to u


makes the



bmoui ness stek headaebe







Box 7231




nullarbtrem anrrantiend eottam r-arran en0M Cnsarwau


n the Bann snrlsM W yeawa wense anti rape eurnrl edsWb sasroprt

Ilrnsa II galqptIyhtad aeswe-s tabsad1earelmoasruheo-terprvorandaa ua

Nets Iia orakem Irhlroar eeba them east and Probrt her fibsees rwill rai a 6 t R a-i made lit

rinrbimelaott aabeetraa4ass cawatua




Ye IwMe vast

Madi te









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