Oh noooooooo

“Oh Nooo!!” “Ahhh!” I screamed! It was a Friday night when I figured out that I was going to…Cedar Point. My mom said, “Whoa calm down. You better go pack your bag, and then go to bed, you better get a good night sleep, we have a very big day tomorrow, and we have to wake up very early.” “Get up!!!” My mom shouted, right into my room. I got up in a flash and started to get ready. I was nervous because there is this new ride at Cedar Point called the “Top Thrill Dragster!” I was also very excited. My mom and I ran out the door in an heart beat. So there me and my mom in the car driving to the state of Ohio. The navigator on my mom’s phone told us that we will be in Ohio in about 2 hours! I actually thought that car drive would be a very long and boring drive. But I was surprised because we were their even before I could think what rides we were going to ride. Me and my mom both seen the sign that said “Welcome to Ohio” My heart felt like it was going to drop. My stomach flipped like a pancake. But I was also very, very excited but I knew I couldn’t hide the fact that I was nervous. The “Top Thrill Dragster!!” goes 125 mph. And the height of the roller coaster is 350 ft. high. Once my mom and I got to Cedar Point


Oh nooooo!!

Transcript of Oh noooooooo

Page 1: Oh noooooooo

“Oh Nooo!!”

“Ahhh!” I screamed! It was a Friday night when I figured out that I was going to…Cedar Point.

My mom said, “Whoa calm down. You better go pack your bag, and then go to bed, you better get a good night sleep, we have a very big day tomorrow, and we have to wake up very early.”

“Get up!!!” My mom shouted, right into my room. I got up in a flash and started to get ready.I was nervous because there is this new ride at Cedar Point called the “Top Thrill Dragster!” I was also very excited. My mom and I ran out the door in an heart beat.

So there me and my mom in the car driving to the state of Ohio. The navigator on my mom’s phone told us that we will be in Ohio in about 2 hours! I actually thought that car drive would be a very long and boring drive. But I was surprised because we were their even before I could think what rides we were going to ride. Me and my mom both seen the sign that said “Welcome to Ohio” My heart felt like it was going to drop. My stomach flipped like a pancake. But I was also very, very excited but I knew I couldn’t hide the fact that I was nervous.

The “Top Thrill Dragster!!” goes 125 mph. And the height of the roller coaster is 350 ft. high. Once my mom and I got to Cedar Point

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we ran to the “Dragster!” We see over a hundred people waiting in line for something, we were wondering what they where in line for, so my mom and I walked up, and there it was the line for the “Top Thrill Dragster!” My jaw latterly dropped the moment I saw the people standing in line waiting to get on the ride.

Once me any my mom got over being shocked we started to head to the line for the ride. We got in line and there where about 45 people waiting at this marking point….there was a sign that said, “From this

point on you will be waiting about two hours till you reach the beginning of the line, Thank You!” “Mom are you serious another two hours to wait till actually get on a ride, this is really ridiculous! Uh!!”

“Don’t worry sweaty before you know it we will be at the top of the line very soon!” “I guess so.” I shrugged.

So there we where waiting in line…..but my mom was right, the line moved actually pretty fast I was ecstatic cause I saw the another sign that said, “You only got a couple more minutes till you are at the top!!” I started hopping around like a maniac so excited to get on the ride!

“Calm down!” My mom said. “Sorry, but I can’t help myself we are almost there.” I shouted.

I took my last step and I was at the top of the line, I was jumping around with lots of joy! I knew I couldn’t wait much longer.

So me and my mom looked for a spot in line. We picked the one with the fewest people! Of course.

The person that was running the ride was yelling out, “We need two more people, would any one like to join this car?”

“So me and my mom said, “Yes, Yes!! Sir we would like to!!” We said loudly.

So I think we got real lucky on that one because we would have had to wait for like four cars to pass to actually get on.

So my mom and I get in to the two seated car.Once we where all buckled in, we got pushed little farther till we

started.The where three lights above our head one was red one was yellow and

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I’m guessing you know the other color…you guessed it, green.

I was a little nervous now that I was actually on the ride about to go, “mom never mind I don’t want to do this ride get me off of this ride.“Oh sweaty you will be just fine and before you know it the

ride will be done and over with and then you can tell all your friends that you finally rode the dragster.

The light turned to green, and my last few words were.....,”I’m Going to die!!!”

The End!!:D