Oh feature strong conclusions

Strong Conclusions Does your feature end on the right note?

Transcript of Oh feature strong conclusions

Page 1: Oh feature strong conclusions

Strong ConclusionsDoes your feature end on the right note?

Page 2: Oh feature strong conclusions

From Fortimisso to a CresendoThe lead should hook the reader’s attention

Readers will remember the first and last thing you write

The conclusion should end just as strongIf not stronger

Consider purposeReasons for the type of conclusionEvaluate the effectiveness

Consider styleWord ChoiceSentence StructureVoice

Page 3: Oh feature strong conclusions

The Direct Quote

End with a direct quote from your interview subject

Lasting words should resonate any sentiments that your person wishes to share

There are many things in our life that defines us. For some, its wealth. For others, its success. When asked about any advice Pete has for young people today, he took a few moments to ponder the depth of such an innocent, yet important question. “Sometimes,” he says with great conviction, “the best things in life aren’t things.”

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The Connect to the Lead

Sometimes called “The Mirror” because it reflects something that was said, described, or inferred in the introduction paragraph

The lead describes a busy woman cleaning, running after toddlers in diapers, answering the phone, making lunches, singing lullabies, soothing crying teenage girls, and never having a minute to realize that she is still wearing her sweats and t-shirt

The conclusion: It’s 9:30PM. The kids are sleeping soundly in their beds. Homework has been fought over and begrudgingly completed. Appointments are made. Amelia Barnett finally sinks into her favorite rocker, kicks back her feet, sips from a cup of Grey Earl, and enjoys the moments of silence. Although to many, this is a chaotic existence. It’s the happy mix of sweat, tears, and love that makes this a family any dedicated mother could hope for. And while these private moments of silence are precious, Amelia knows that at 6AM her hectic day will begin again. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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The Time Reference

The past: Remind an earlier life lesson

The present: Emphasize how this spotlight makes this person special at this present moment

The future: Share an inference that you (as the writer), they (as the subject), or us (as the reader) can make about the possibilities of this spotlight

Dr. Vincent Chambers’ professional football career may not have materialized, but seeing the number of student athletes he does in one day as an athletic trainer has proven that his boyish dreams live on with the young hopefuls that dare to dream.

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The High Notes

Be creative with your conclusion

Try to capture the true essence of your person’s uniqueness in your final words

Remember…it’s not over until the fat lady sings…so let her sing loud and proud!