OH 6HFUHWV - Amazon Simple Storage Service · With so many different types of clothes out there,...


Transcript of OH 6HFUHWV - Amazon Simple Storage Service · With so many different types of clothes out there,...




Copyright © 2013 by Lucille Sorella

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Published by Preen Publishing LLC / SteppingOutSecrets.com

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INTRODUCTION Welcome, girlfriend! If you’re anything like me, than you probably LOVE getting dressed up. There is nothing like the thrill of shopping and the fun of showing off a cute new outfit. I don’t view fashion as a frivolous pastime, but rather as a TOOL for transforming your image. Whether it is fair or not, we are constantly being judged. Studies show that 55% of your overall communication comes from appearance and body language – and that CLOTHES (not your hair, face, or body) – are the most important factor in the way people perceive you. That means that your clothes can literally make or break you! Unfortunately, there are a lot of fashion DON'Ts walking around out there. Here are just a few of the common mistakes I see crossdressers and transgender women make:

• Dressing too sexy • Dressing too frumpy • Wearing mismatched outfits • Not dressing appropriately for the occasion • Looking 10 years out of date

Poor fashion choices attract the wrong kind of attention, but it's not your fault if you're boggled by fashion. Genetic women grew up dressing Barbie Dolls and reading fashion magazines. Even if you didn’t have the same opportunity to develop your style smarts, it’s never too late to learn how to coordinate outfits

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that make you look (and feel) your best. In this guide, I'll show you how to harness the power of fashion to transform your feminine image. I’ll reveal how to find your own personal style, how to dress appropriately for your age, occasion and body type, how to flatter and feminize your body, and how to put fashionable outfits together. Sound good? Then let’s get started!

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One thing all well-dressed women have in common is a strong sense of personal style. With so many different types of clothes out there, it's important to choose styles that reflect who you truly are. Here are two tried-and-true ways to find your own personal style:


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A great tool for defining your personal style is to create a style inspiration board. Get a bunch of magazines and tear out images that inspire you. Any image you select should clearly represent your personal style. The idea is to have a foolproof road-map for defining your personal style. It can be helpful to look at how famous women dress. If there is a celebrity whose personal style suits you, tear out any photos of her that also say “you”. If she plays a character that you relate to, find images of her in character. Use the rest of the board to include things about your personality, lifestyle, and preferences, such as your favorite band, car, designer label, book, color, art, etc. Be selective about the images you put on your board. You want to be able to refer back to it when you find yourself drifting from your ideal style. That’s important because the most expensive fashion mistakes are when you buy clothes that don’t suit your style! When your boards are complete, put them in a prominent place where you can look at them often. The boards should make you feel happy and excited because they are a visual representation of the true you.

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While you should try to make your style as unique as possible, it's helpful to think in terms of style “types”. Knowing your style type is another way to avoid straying too far from your ideal look. There are a handful of categories when it comes to personal styles, and you may even be a blend of two types. However, for most TG women, the 4 most common style types are:

• Classic • Bombshell • Fashionista • Bohemian/Romantic

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CLASSIC The Classic looks is all about timeless elegance. You gravitate toward clean lines and basic pieces without a lot of fluff or frills. You like to keep things simple and prefer a coordinated look with matching colors. You are a lady in the truest sense of the word.


• White button down shirt • Black A-line skirt • Pearls • Suit jackets

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• Jackie O • Princess Diana • Gweneth Paltrow • Jennifer Aniston

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BOMBSHELL The Bombshell look is pure female: Sexy, but never skanky. Think body-skimming silhouettes and lots of glamour. You love stepping out in full make-up, sexy hair, and towering heels. You love being the center of attention and know how to make a grand entrance, as well as an unforgettable exit.


• Little black dress • Bustier • Red stilettos • Animal prints

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• Marilyn Monroe • Beyoncé • Kim Kardashian • Jessica Simpson

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FASHIONISTA The Fashionista look is highly dramatic, edgy, and experimental. You enjoy bold silhouettes and the most cutting-edge looks. You follow the latest fashions and are never afraid to try a new look. You love to stand out and be noticed for your originality and daring personality.


• Avant-garde dresses • Leather jeans • Spike heels • Bold patterns and colors

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• Madonna • Chloe Sevigny • Gwen Stefani • Victoria Beckham

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BOHEMIAN/ROMANTIC The Bohemian/Romantic look is romantic with an eclectic twist. Think vintage fashions, ethnic details, and layered looks. You love ruffles, flounces, appliqués and fringes. Floaty dresses and boots are your go-to essentials. You have a knack for combining different items of clothing and accessories to come up with completely unique looks. You like to be feminine and earthy at the same time.


• Ethnic print dresses • Fringed boots • Vintage or vintage-inspired pieces • Layered necklaces

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• Cameron Diaz • Kate Hudson • Kate Moss • Sienna Miller

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DRESSING APPROPRIATELY Once you've figured out who you are, style-wise, your next task is to make sure you dress appropriately within that context. You should always dress appropriately for:

• Your age • The occasion • Your body type

YOUR AGE Sophia Loren is still sexy in her 70's. Pamela Anderson, on the other hand, is starting to resemble a caricature of herself. Both are Bombshells, but only one has mastered the art of “age appropriate” dressing.

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Here are some things you shouldn’t wear beyond the age of 18:

• Bare midriffs • Ultra short denim skirts • Glittery makeup (unless you're a drag queen) • Pigtails • Fake fur, pleather, or sequins during the day

On the other hand, just because you're a “mature woman,” it doesn't mean you need to dress like a librarian. You can (and should) look every bit as sexy as your younger counterparts. To avoid looking old:

• Wear color • Show some skin (not a lot, just a little) • Dress trendy

Take style cues from hot (over 45) mamas like Madonna, Sharon Stone, and Demi Moore.

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A lot of my TG girlfriends like to dress like they're headed to the prom. Unfortunately, the dress code for today's woman is ultra casual. If you want to blend into everyday situations, you need to take cues from the women around you. Anything too short, too shiny, or too lacy should be saved for when the sun goes down.

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I’m all for celebrating curves, but that doesn’t mean that every dress is appropriate for every body type. Remember: Dress for the body you have, not the body you wish you had! No matter what shape you're in, you CAN look sexy. The secret is to flatter your figure by showing the good parts and concealing the not so hot parts. How do you do that? Read on to the next section, Flattering Your Body, to find out how!

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FLATTERING YOUR BODY The other thing fashionable women have in common is that they dress to flatter their figures. The right clothes can disguise common transgender figure problems, including:

• Broad shoulders • A barrel chest or wide rib cage • A thick waist or big belly • Small hips or a flat butt • Skinny or muscular legs • Being too tall

Generally speaking, you should wear soft flowing clothes that create curves and downplay the bulky parts of your body. Here are specific DO's and DON'Ts for crossdressers and transgender women:

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• DO remove the shoulder pads from your tops and jackets.

• DO wear a shawl to cover up your shoulders and arms if you're wearing a skimpy top.

• DON'T wear puffy or structured sleeves that stand away from

your natural shoulder line.

• DON'T wear sleeveless tops that highlight your big shoulders.

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• DO wear v-neck tops to creating slimming vertical lines.

• DO downplay your chest by wearing dark colors on top and light colors on the bottom.

• DO wear jackets (closed or open) to break up a broad chest.

• DON'T wear tube tops, strapless tops, or anything that creates

horizontal lines across your chest.

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• DO wear empire waists and baby doll dresses to cover up a big belly.

• DO look for clothes in maternity stores if you have a protruding


• DO wear belts (dark colors are best) to draw the eye inward, creating the illusion of having a smaller waist.

• DON'T wear tucked in shirts have a big belly.

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• DO wear A-line skirts that flare out at the waist to create the illusion of bigger hips.

• DO choose skirts and pants with pleats or gathers to create lower

body fullness.

• DO wear big prints and bright colors on the bottom to visually enlarge the area.

• DON'T wear tight skirts or pants which highlight small hips or a

flat butt.

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• DO try patterned or textured hose to add bulk to skinny legs.

• DO wear boots to cover up skinny legs.

• DON'T wear short skirts if you've got masculine looking legs.

• DON'T wear super high heels since they emphasize your calf muscles.

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• DO wear belts to visually break up your figure.

• DO wear full skirts and dresses to make yourself look less vertical.

• DON'T wear high heels.

• DON'T wear tight or monochromatic clothes since this will make

you look even taller.

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COORDINATING OUTFITS If you aren’t a natural-born fashionista, it can be daunting to walk into a department store (or peek into your closet) and see rack upon rack of skirts, tops, dresses, scarves, shoes, and handbags. How do you put it all together? There are 4 things to consider when coordinating outfits:

• Color/print • Style • Proportion • Accessories

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The color and print of a garment are the first things to consider when putting an outfit together. For the most mileage, I suggest building your wardrobe around neutral colors and adding accent colors and prints after you’ve got the basics covered. (Check out The Ultimate Wardrobe Building Guide video for more information on how to do this.) Color can have a big impact on your mood so only wear colors that make you feel great. Certain colors (like acid green or puke yellow) are universally unflattering. Try different neutral and accent colors to see which look best on you. There are no set rules about mixing and matching colors in an outfit.

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However, if you're a fashion newbie, you can't go wrong by following these basic guidelines:

• Choose one main neutral color for your outfit and add an accent color or print.

• Don't wear a one color head to toe (i.e. a red dress, red shoes,

red bag, etc.). Break it up by adding another color.

• Avoid wearing only black or neutrals. Yes, it’s safe, but it’s also boring.

• Don't wear more than one bright color at once. (Unless you want to look like a clown.)

• Do not wear more than one print at once.

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Style has to do with the “look” of a garment (whether it is sporty, sexy, classic, etc.) and how dressy or casual it is. The best dressed women build their wardrobes around basic pieces, like slacks and skirts in neutral colors, simple tees and tanks, and classic jackets and cardigans. These basics can be mixed and matched with “interest” pieces for a more trendy look – or to transform an everyday outfit into an evening look. (Check out The Ultimate Wardrobe Building Guide video to learn how to create “wardrobe capsules”.)

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Proportion refers to the way your clothes work together in length and volume. Balance is the key. For example:

• A short skirt paired with a short top looks skanky.

• A long skirt paired with a long top looks dumpy.

• A full skirt paired with a full top makes you look puffy.

• A tight skirt paired with a tight top makes you look like a sausage (unless you have a body like Giselle Bundchen!).

Do you get where I'm going with this? Your clothes should balance each other out and not go too far in any one direction. A tight skirt should be paired with a fuller top and vice versa.

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Last but not least are accessories. Accessories can transform a boring, basic outfit into something edgy and exciting. Best of all, accessories are an easy, inexpensive way to update your look without investing in a whole new wardrobe. Accessories consist of: shoes, bags, jewelry, tights and hose, scarves, shawls, sunglasses, hats, and belts.

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SHOES Shoes deserve special mention because they are so key to creating a polished look. More than any other accessory, shoes can dress up or dress down an outfit. When choosing shoes, it's important to be aware of trends since the wrong shoes can really date you. For example, square toes have not been fashionable for quite some time. Pointy toes were very common a few years ago and now look dated. No matter what the trends, you can never go wrong with a classic, round toe pump. As a TG gal, you might be concerned about the size of your feet. Here are some suggestions for downplaying large feet:

1. WEAR HEELS Heels make feet look smaller because they bend the foot into a vertical position. Flats, on the other hand, highlight the broad expanse of your foot. But don’t go overboard if you are tall. People are more likely to notice you towering over them than how big your feet are.

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2. LOOK FOR SHOES WITH ROUNDED TOES Pointed toes add length to the foot, which is the last thing you need. Instead, opt for shoes with a rounded toe. 3. GO FOR DARK COLORS Light colors make an object appear larger, so avoid white, cream, or silver colored shoes. Instead, look for styles in dark or subdued tones to downplay the size of your feet.

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Your bag can make or break your outfit. The biggest mistake both genetic and transgender women make is carrying a bag that is too dressy or too casual for the rest of the outfit. Always match the style of your bag with the style of your clothes. If you're going to go out during the day, invest in a good, basic bag that will match everything. You can’t go wrong with a high quality brown or leather handbag. For the evening, your bases will be totally covered if you have one black and one gold or silver metalic handbag. Personally, I think clutches are more chic since they don't have a strap interfering with the line of your dress.

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Many genetic women are lazy and fail to wear jewelry on a daily basis. Don't make this mistake! Jewelry adds the finishing touch to any outfit. Here are my top 3 “jewelry rules” for crossdressers and transgender women. 1. MATCH YOUR PROPORTIONS Since most TG girls have heavier bone structure, it’s important to match your proportions with the size of your jewelry. Strong facial features should be balanced with statement earrings, and big-boned wrists with chunky bracelets. Dainty jewelry only works with a dainty face and body. 2. DON’T GO OVERBOARD Wearing too many pieces of jewelry during the day is a little over the top. Stick to one or two pieces – you can add more bling in the evening.

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3. CONSIDER YOUR COLORING When selecting between gold and silver jewelry, consider your coloring. Warm skin tones generally look better in gold, while cool skin tones do well with silver.

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Now that you know the basic rules for coordinating outfits, I’d like to share a simple 5-step outfit formula that guarantees you’ll always be a fashion DO.

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The foundation of your outfit should be a basic piece in a neutral color. Examples include: a classic a-line skirt, solid black pants, or a jacket in a neutral color.

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The next step is to add an interest piece that will make your outfit POP. This should be something with color, pattern, texture, or shine that works with your style type (Classic, Bombshell, Fashionista, or Bohemian/Romantic). Yes, you can pair basic pieces and neutral colors together, but that’s boring! You’ll look so much younger, prettier, and more feminine if you incorporate something fun or colorful into your outfit. (Obviously, this piece should be appropriate for your age, the occasion, and your body type.) Examples of interest pieces include: a lace top, a brightly colored dress, or a floral skirt.

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Shoes make or break your outfit, so choose wisely. A pair of hot heels can make a basic outfit nightclub-worthy, while the wrong shoes can make you look frumpy and outdated no matter how cute the rest of your outfit is. Here are 2 rules for choosing shoes:

• Consider the occasion Formal events call for heels and shiny, sparkly styles. Casual events call for flats and casual styles.

• Consider the color Neutral colors like brown or black always work, but don’t be afraid to play with color. A pair of beautiful shoes in an unexpected color can raise you to the fashionista level. One tip: If you’re wearing a bright color, don’t match your shoes exactly to your outfit. It tends to look clownish. Instead, try a related accent color for an edgier look.

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The next step is to add accessories, including jewelry, scarves, belts, hosiery, sunglasses, etc. Have some fun with this!

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The final step is to finish your outfit with a handbag. There are 2 things to consider:

• Consider the occasion If it’s a formal event, go for a clutch or a structured handbag. If it’s a casual event, go for a slouchy bag in a casual fabric like leather, suede, or canvas. (The more structured the handbag, the dressier it looks.)

• Consider the color Neutral colors will give you the most mileage, but brightly colored handbags are very “in” right now. If you decide to go for color, don’t worry about matching your bag to your shoes – that old rule doesn’t apply anymore. And there you go! A perfect outfit in 5 easy steps.

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CONCLUSION The main thing to remember as you develop your style smarts is to HAVE FUN! This isn't brain surgery, and even the best-dressed stars sometimes get panned for their clothing choices. The more you experiment, the better you'll get at putting outfits together. Read fashion magazines, try things on in front of the mirror, take photos, and get feedback from your girlfriends (online or in real life). Wishing you all the best on your femme journey! Love, Lucille