Official Statement

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Transcript of Official Statement

It is Sunday, the 14th of June of 2015. I officially gone on a strike due to not only to unpaid work from movies, TV shows, sports, public persona, and music done with my image ( me doing long hours of work). I did not sign any of these contracts (these contracts were not obtain legally), I was taken without my authorization, I never agree to participate in these shows which portray me in way that have nothing to do with me and some are called "reality shows." It is hurtful to see how these show distort my life and represent something very different from the person I am. Throughout all this process, I been trying to keep this private and get people to take responsibility and get to an arrangement outside of the public eye for years now. I put my pride aside and continue to do my life and being the person that I always being and want to be. However, going through all the research that involve determine all of my asses many times makes me upset. The reason for this is I kindly, privately being trying to get my image taking out of these productions since these were done without my permission, maybe due to greed. I been a hard worker and a talented individual who does not mind working and the arts in all of its forms has been part of my DNA. Nonetheless, the reason that I am asking for this work to be taking out off air is because I cannot allow people to take advance of me or other people. It is not right. I do understand that I earned everything to all of the fans and all the people who support my work throughout this time. Yet, I cannot stand by them during this time. The last three years of my life has been financially very difficult. I being dream of going back to school to continue my education and this have not being possible since I don't have the money. I never owned my own car, house, I dependent on other kinds of transportation, I being limited in any other way financially and I am just getting by. So, where is my money, houses, cars, etc? Who is enjoying the fruits of my labor? There are other aspect of this which to this moment I need to keep private which are disturbing and I don't want to relive. I am lucky to be alive today that is the main reason I am speaking out. I realized that this was a matter of live or death when I several times wake up with a gas odor inside my bedroom (my unit does not even have a gas connections). I was not breathings, cars being trying to run me on the streets, I being bullied and called all the names of the universe online. I receive death threats, I being isolated, moved without my permission, accused of things I never done and I am not related to it. Just because I am speaking out. Enough is enough. I am a human being and I reserve that dignity. Even with all this, I am very happy to be alive today and very grateful to everyone who support me in different ways. This not that I am unhappy of having so a long lasting support and work. It is that as a human being I cannot stand by the old and abusive way of the entertainment industry and how it is functioning today. These people have being disregarding my humanity and rights throughout my life. I would not remain silence anymore longer since they assume that my discretion means permission. As I been doing my life by day, being a good person, a good citizen, a student, an artist, etc. At other times of the days, photos, videos, artwork and my singing voice being used altered and used inappropriately. By any means I want to cause pain or people losing their works that is not my intension. Yet, those who have done wrong need to take full responsibility for their choices and actions of abusive behavior. My intension is that empower all the other people who are or might be in a similar situation. My intentions is telling my truth, getting my rights and the way of life I earned and was raised having. My intension is for us to live in a better work in which everyone gets what they deserve and sweat to produce. My intention is for fans to know that I am not a diva, disconnected. I just being kept way, I never in my life received a fan letter nor gift or a complement but plenty of the critic. These claim that I cannot be found or that they don't know where I am which is not true. For every other purpose they know my exact address. Something that I want to make very clear is I don't do drugs, I don't suffer from any diseases or affliction. All this time I been trying to stay way, focus on resolving this, and do my life. And frankly, when someone obviously trying to kill you for not reason other than your money and cover their own wrong doing, one goes out less, trust less. Considering all of this, I being doing well (excellent) both mentally and physically. I want nothing more than to resolve this issue and to continue with my life as I envision it. I will take legal action if anyone claim lies or distribute information that are not based on nothing but a excuse to excuse their own wrong doing or to sell a magazine. Take Home Points** Monday 15, 2015*(1) I am not legally married to anyone and if there is such a document it is not illegal but fraudulent. I am the only person who is legal bound to my assess. None else, including my parents have any illegal rights over my decisions, and should not sign any legal documents for me from this point on. (2) I am officially broking everyone else form assessing or moving any of my money.(3) I am asking for all the work done by me ( which I did not sign up for, any fraudulent contract) or that includes me to be taking off air.(4)My image and photos shouldn't be Photoshop ( My face and body belongs to me. Therefore, I have the legal right of having my image un-Photoshop and not be used by others)(5) I will take legal actions against anyone who is making money and is pretending to be me with malicious intent. (6) My unpaid salary should be pay to me: This included anything in any country or any languageThis is not the way I wanted to resolve this, I wanted privacy and get to a solution soon but I was left without other choices. For more than a year I tried to get people to take responsibility without going to this extreme and I got nowhere. And when your life is in damager for not reason other than money, one needs to do what one has to do, not out of greed but to protect myself. I love you all with all my heart, but you deserve the truth, know what you are supporting.