Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Published: July 2009 Updated: October 2009 Updated: April 2010 For the most up-to-date version o the ! echnical "eerence documentation and the complete set o the #icrosot$ Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 online documentation( see the Oice %ommunications &erver !ech)et *ibrary at http:++,omicros n/+*in/3142105 Note: n order to ind topics that are reerenced by this document but not contained .ithin it( search or the topic title in the !ech)et library at http:++,omic rosotcom+.lin/+*in/3142105 1

Transcript of Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide

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Microsoft Office CommunicationsServer 2007 R2

Technical Reference

Published: July 2009

Updated: October 2009

Updated: April 2010

For the most up-to-date version o the !echnical "eerence documentation and the complete set

o the #icrosot$ Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 online documentation( see the Oice

%ommunications &erver !ech)et *ibrary at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/3142105

Note: n order to ind topics that are reerenced by this document but not contained .ithin it(

search or the topic title in the !ech)et library at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/3142105


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!his document is provided 6as-is7 normation and vie.s e8pressed in this document( includin,

U"* and other nternet eb site reerences( may chan,e .ithout notice ou bear the ris/ o

usin, it

&ome e8amples depicted herein are provided or illustration only and are ictitious )o real

association or connection is intended or should be inerred

!his document does not provide you .ith any le,al ri,hts to any intellectual property in any

#icrosot product ou may copy and use this document or your internal( reerence purposes

%opyri,ht ; 2010 #icrosot %orporation All ri,hts reserved

#icrosot( Active irectory( Outloo/( &<* &erver( =isio( =isual %>>( indo.s( indo.s #edia(

indo.s indo.s &erver( and indo.s =ista are trademar/s o the #icrosot ,roup

o companies All other trademar/s are property o their respective o.ners


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 3/310


#icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "21

!echnical "eerence 1


Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 !echnical "eerence ?uide1

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Architecture 1

!opolo,y and %omponent Architecture 2

&tandard @dition &in,le &erver nstallationB2

@nterprise @dition 4

%onsolidated %oni,uration 4

@8panded %oni,uration4

Pool %omponents or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2C

Overvie. o Pool %omponentsC

%ommon nrastructure %omponents 5

"!%&rv '

Oice %ommunications &erver Application Pro,rammin, nterace APB9

"!%Dost 12

Eac/-@nd atabase 12

Presence %omponents 14

eb %omponents &ervices or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "214

 Archivin, and #onitorin, or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "21C

Uniied %ommunications Application &ervices U%A&B nrastructure1

%onerencin, %omponents1

%onerencin, nrastructure %omponents 1

%onerencin, &ervers or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 1G

=oice %omponents 20

"!%Dost =oice %omponents20

Uniied %ommunications Application &ervices U%A&B =oice Applications22

%ommunication Protocols or Oice %ommunication &erver 200' "22C

Protocols Overvie. 2C

%onerencin, Protocols 2

%entraliHed %onerencin, %ontrol Protocol %4PB2'

P&O# 2G

"!P+"!%P 2G


&i,nalin, and %ontrol Protocol29

#edia Protocols 29

&cenarios or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "229

%onerencin, &cenario or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "240

%ore Focus( Focus Factory( and %onerencin, &erver FactoryB 40


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%onerencin, *iecycle40

%onerencin, ata Flo. 41

%onerence %reation and Activation42

Joinin, a %onerence 4'

 Addin, Participants to the %onerenceC1

)otiication ocument CC%onerence eactivationC5

%onerence @8piration C5

eb %onerencin, &erver or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2C5

eb %onerencin, Architecture C'

File &tructureCG

#etadata Folder C9

Or,aniHer Folder 0

%onerence Folder 0

!ypes o &lides2

%ontent Upload and o.nload over P&O#4

%ontent Upload over P&O# and o.nload over D!!P&C&lide &et Files 5

Dandouts File !ransersB54

Persistata Folder &hared )otesB5C

%ontent Folder 5

%onerence %ontent Folder55

File &iHe "estrictions 5G

%ompliance 5G

%onerencin, &cenario %all Flo.s in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2'1

*oc/ or Unloc/ a %onerence'1

ial n to a P&!) %onerence Usin, &P %4P !elephony %onerencin, &erverB'1

ial Out to evice Usin, addUser Audio %onerencin, ProviderB'2"emove a Participant'2

#ute or Unmute '4

#a/e Presenter'C

ial-n %onerencin, &cenario'

&erver-Eased ial-n %onerencin, %omponents''

 Active irectoryIEased %oni,uration ata''

Oice %ommunications &erver Front @nd &erver %omponentsG0

%lient-Eased ial-in %onerencin, %omponents G

%onerencin, Add-in or #icrosot Oice Outloo/ G

*ive #eetin, %lient G5

Oice %ommunicator G5%all Flo.s G'

#eetin, &et-upG'

!o create an Anonymous-Allo.ed *ive #eetin, .ith ial-n %onerencin, supportG'

%onnectin, to the #eetin, GG

es/top &harin, &cenario 92

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 es/top &harin, Architecture94

 Architectural Overvie. 94


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Protocols Used Ey es/top &harin, 9C

es/top &harin, %omponents95

es/top &harin, %all Flo.s 101

%reatin, a es/top &harin, %onerence 101

 Addin, a User to a es/top &harin, %onerence 102

es/top &harin, &ession %ontrol 10%ommunicator eb Access &cenario10'

Functionality Overvie. 10'

)e. %ommunicator eb Access Features10G

Oice %ommunicator and eb Access Feature %omparison109

%ommunicator eb Access %ore Architecture 111

U%#A *ayer Functions 114

 Application *o,ic *ayer Functions114

%lient Functions 11C

%ommunicator eb Access Audio115

%ommunicator eb Access Audio &cenarios 11'

%all election &ession nitiation Protocol &PB !racin,120 Add Audio &ession nitiation Protocol &PB !racin,12

Outside =oice %ontrol &cenario1C1

Outside =oice %ontrol Architecture1C4

 Architectural Overvie. 1CC

Protocols Used Ey Outside =oice %ontrol1C

%all Flo.s 1C

Outbound %all1C

nbound %all1CG

?roup %hat Feature &cenario10

?roup %hat &ervices 10

%hannel &ervice10*oo/up &ervice 11

eb &ervice12

%ompliance &ervice 12

ey Protocols and indo.s &ervices Used by ?roup %hat14

&ession nitiation Protocol &PB14

indo.s %ommunication Foundation %FB 14

D!!P& 14

#essa,e <ueuin,1C

?roup %hat %all Flo.s 1C

?roup %hat %lient &i,n n 1C

&ubscribin, to a %hat "oom and Postin, a #essa,e1'

!echnical rilldo.ns 19

&P Processin, rilldo.n 19

&P Processin, and ?"UU 19

?"UU %reation 150

Do. ?"UU s Used by Oice %ommunications &erver 150

User "eplicator rilldo.n151


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 Archivin, and #onitorin, rilldo.n152

 Archivin, and #onitorin, &ervers154

 Archivin, &erver 154

#onitorin, &erver154

 Archivin, atabase &chema 15C

*ist o !ables 15C&upportin, !ables 15C

!ables or #essa,es in # %onerences15C

!ables or Peer-to-Peer # Archivin, 15

!ables or nternal Use by Oice %ommunications &erver15

!able etails 15

%lient=ersions !able15

%omputers !able155

%ontent!ypes !able 155

ialo,s !able 155

Pools !able 15'

Users !able15'%onerences !able15'

%onerence#essa,e"ecipient*ist !able15G

%onerence#essa,es !able159

&essionetails !able1'0

#essa,es !able 1'2

%" atabase &chema1'4

*ist o !ables 1'4

&tatic !ables1'4

&upportin, !ables 1'4

!ables &peciic to %onerence %" "ecords1'C

!ables or #essa,es in # %onerences1'C!ables or Peer-to-Peer &essions 1'

!able or =oP %all etails1'

!ables or !roubleshootin, 1'

!ables or nternal Use by Oice %ommunications &erver1'5

!able etails 1'5

#edia*ist !able 1'5

"oles !able 1''

UserAuth!ypes !able1''

%lient=ersions !able1'G

%omputers !able1'G

Pools !able 1'Gialo,s !able 1'G

?ate.ays !able 1'9

#cus !able 1'9

Users !able1G0

Phones !able 1G0

%onerences !able1G0

FocusJoinsAnd*eaves !able 1G2


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#cuJoinsAnd*eaves !able 1G4

%onerence#essa,e%ount !able1GC

&essionetails !able1G

File!ransers !able1G'

#edia !able1GG

=oipetails !able 1GG Application !able190

@rrore !able 190

@rror"eport !able191

Pro,ress"eport !able 191

&ample atabase <ueries192

<o@ atabase &chema194

*ist o !ables 194

!able etails 19C

&ample atabase <ueries21'

#essa,e <ueuin, Architecture and %oni,uration or Archivin,21G

#essa,e &tampin,220%reatin, a !hird-Party <o@ &olution 220

nrastructure "eKuirements and PrereKuisites o #onitorin, &erver220

eployin, a %ustom <o@ &olution22C

# "eerence or <o@ &olutions22C

@nablin, or isablin, an D!!P Pro8y or <o@ &olutions225

@d,e &ervers rilldo.n 22'

"esponse ?roup %lient eb &ervice rilldo.n22'

&ervice escriptions22'

%lient )& <ueries rilldo.n22G

 Application &erver rilldo.n22G

%haracteristics o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Application &erver 229 Architecture229

Other ey Application &erver %haracteristics241

 Application &erver %oni,uration241

 Application &erver Application %oni,uration242

?lobal &ettin,s242

Pool &ettin,s242

&P !run/in, rilldo.n 242

&P !run/in, rilldo.n: &upported &cenarios244

&P !run/in, rilldo.n: &upported !opolo,ies244

&P !run/in, rilldo.n: &ecurity %onsiderations 24

&P !run/in, rilldo.n: Eand.idth %onsiderations245&P !run/in, rilldo.n: Protocol Flo. and etails24'

&P %all Flo. and &tate #achine24'

%all Dold 24'

ual-tone multireKuency !#FB 24G

@arly #edia 24G

Uniorm "esource dentiier U"B Formattin,24G

%odec &upport24G


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&P !run/in, rilldo.n: Di,h Availability 249

 Address Eoo/ &erver rilldo.n249

 Address Eoo/ &erver ntroduction2C1

ntroduction 2C1

 Address Eoo/ &erver: File and atabase ?eneration2C2

 Address Eoo/ &erver ata Flo. 2C2 Address Eoo/ &erver Process2C2

 Address Eoo/ &erver: Address Eoo/ File o.nload &ervice2C

File ?eneration 2C

Or,aniHational Unit and Address Eoo/ File ?eneration2CG

%lient and Address Eoo/ &erver %ommunication2CG

 Address Eoo/ and Oice %ommunicator 2C9

%lient o.nload Process20

nternet @8plorer ependencies21

File &tore "ecommendations and File &iHe ?uidelines 21

Oice %ommunicator *ocal Address Eoo/ atabase Files21

 Address Eoo/ and Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition22 Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice22

 Address Eoo/ &erver: Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice22

Oice %ommunicator Address Eoo/ <ueries 2C

<ueries on isplay )ame 25

<ueries on Phone )umbers 2'

&ortin, <uery "esults 2G

Predictive !e8t <ueries 2G

 Address Eoo/ eb <uery atabase29

 Address Eoo/ eb <uery atabase *an,ua,e &upport29

 Address Eoo/ eb <uery &erver Perormance250

 Address Eoo/ &erver: Advanced Address Eoo/ Features250

#ana,ement o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2255

 Administrative !ools Overvie. 255

 Administrative !ools 25'

Permissions 2'0

nstallation and Use o Administrative !ools2'0

=ersion "estrictions2'1

"emote Administration "eKuirements2'1

nstallin, Administrative !ools2'2

!roubleshootin, or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "22'C

*oad Ealancers or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "22'CPrereKuisites or a *oad Ealancer %onnectin, to a Pool2'C

*oad Ealancer "eKuirements2'

&upported *oad Ealancer %oni,urations2''

#edia Ports 2'G

#ediation &erver or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "22'G

#edia ?ate.ay 2'9

#edia Port "an,e or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "22'9


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#inimum )umber o Ports 2'9

&erver Port Allocation 2G5

=oice <uality o &ervice <o&B 2G'

<o& .ith Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "22G'

@nablin, &%P #ar/in,2GG

@nablin, <o& 2G9nstallin, the <o& Pac/et &cheduler on %omputers292

=eriyin, ?roup Policy &ettin,s on %omputers 294

# &ettin,s or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 29C

%lient "e,istry eys+?PO or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 29C

n-Eand Provisionin, over &P29C

hy Use n-Eand Provisionin, 295

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 ?roup Policy Precedence29'

Policy transport 29'

Provisionin, ?roups401


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Office Communications Server 2007 R2

Technical Reference Guide!his document provides detailed technical reerence inormation or administrators .ho are

deployin,( have deployed( or are administerin, #icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

"2 !his inormation is not necessary or day-to-day mana,ement o your Oice %ommunications

&erver deployment( but it can be useul i you are troubleshootin, an issue( or i you are

implementin, a solution or developin, an application that reKuires more technical detail than the

basic documentation provides

!he inormation in this document supplements and should be used in conLunction .ith the rest o

the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 documentation set Additional resources or technical

Kuestions that are not covered here are as ollo.s:

• !he !echnical Overvie. in the ?ettin, &tarted documentation

• !he #icrosot !ech)et portal or Oice %ommunications &erver at

http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/31CC''0( .hich includes technical orums .here you

can as/ speciic Kuestions

you have speciic Kuestions( comments( or su,,estions or this !echnical "eerence( please

contact us at ocsdocMmicrosotcom e are al.ays ,lad to hear rom you


ou can do.nload the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 !echnical "eerence

?uide as a ord ile rom the #icrosot o.nload %enter at


In This Document

• Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Architecture

• &cenarios or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• !echnical rilldo.ns

• #ana,ement o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

Office Communications Server 2007 R2rchitecture

 Ater providin, a brie overvie. o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 topolo,y and

component architecture( this section describes the architecture o the pool components in detail

and the protocols that the components use to interact .ith each other

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:


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• !opolo,y and %omponent Architecture

• Pool %omponents or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• %ommunication Protocols or Oice %ommunication &erver 200' "2

To!olo"# and Com!onent rchitecture!he, i,ure sho.s a sample Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 topolo,y and the

protocol lo. in that topolo,y

Oice %ommunications &erver can be installed in several coni,urations( startin, .ith a sin,le

&tandard @dition server or simple+common installations to multiple @nterprise @dition servers

.here hi,h availability at scale is a reKuirement

Standard $dition %Sin"le Server Installation&

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( &tandard @dition contains the same server components

as @nterprise @dition Do.ever( in this coni,uration all the server components reKuired to provide

presence( instant messa,in, #B( multiparty eb conerencin, and des/top sharin,( and

audio+video A+=B conerencin, are installed on a sin,le computer All voice components and

applications are also installed on the same computer n a &tandard @dition coni,uration( the

Eac/-@nd atabase &erver also runs on the sin,le physical server !hus( all elements share the

same server resources


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!his coni,uration is desi,ned to support a small number o users and concurrent meetin,s and is

not desi,ned to scale to lar,er deployments @ase o installation and server mana,ement are the

primary ,oals or this type o server installation

$nter!rise $dition An @nterprise @dition server can provide an or,aniHation .ith scalin, and hi,h availability

@nterprise @dition servers are deployed in a pool re,ardless o .hether there is one server or

multiple servers An or,aniHation can deploy @nterprise @dition coni,uration by usin, a sin,le

@nterprise @dition server( .ith or .ithout a hard.are load balancer( or multiple @nterprise @dition

servers behind a hard.are load balancer #ultiple servers provide hi,h availability such that( i

one Front @nd &erver ails( clients can detect the ailure and automatically reconnect to one o the

other Front @nd &ervers

Consolidated Confi"uration

%onsolidated coni,uration is the recommended topolo,y or most or,aniHations( both in terms oscalin, and simpliied administration

n Oice %ommunications &erver( each Front @nd &erver in an @nterprise @dition consolidated

coni,uration includes re,istration( presence( routin,( conerencin,( and enterprise telephony

unctionality @ach Front @nd &erver runs an instance o the Focus( Focus Factory( %onerencin,

&erver Factory( and all conerencin, servers @ach Front @nd &erver also runs an instance o all

voice applications or e8ample( =oice nbound and Outbound "outin,( Outside =oice %ontrol(

"esponse ?roup &ervice( %ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant( and %onerencin, Announcement

&erviceB !he most important aspect o this architecture is that all Front @nd &ervers are

eKuivalent in unctionality !he same sot.are components that is( Focus( Focus Factory(

%onerencin, &erver Factory( conerencin, servers( and voice applicationsB are installed on all

the Front @nd &ervers A consolidated coni,uration helps simpliy setup and mana,ement( .hile

still providin, hi,h scalability( availability( and ailure recovery

$'!anded Confi"uration

@8panded coni,uration .as introduced in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' !he primary

advanta,e o the e8panded coni,uration in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' .as its ability to

scale in very lar,e deployments Do.ever( the scalability limitations o consolidated coni,uration(

.hich is simpler to deploy( have been removed in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( and

consolidated coni,uration is no. the preerred topolo,y or most or,aniHations

n an @nterprise @dition e8panded coni,uration( the A+= %onerencin, &erver and eb

%onerencin, &erver server roles are distributed and run on separate servers @8panded

coni,uration is no lon,er a recommended scenario and reKuires command-line installation and

coni,uration in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2


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(ool Com!onents for Office CommunicationsServer 2007 R2

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• Overvie. o Pool %omponents

• %ommon nrastructure %omponents

• %onerencin, %omponents

• =oice %omponents

Overvie) of (ool Com!onents

Oice %ommunications &erver supports the, three scenarios or .or/loads: instant

messa,in, #B and presence( conerencin, includin, eb conerencin,( des/top sharin,(

audio+video conerencin,B( and @nterprise =oice( .hich encompasses telephony !his section

describes all o the architectural components o an Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

&tandard @dition server or @nterprise pool %ollectively( these components support all three


!his section ocuses on the services that run on the core Oice %ommunications &erver roles(

the components .ithin those services( and relationships bet.een them !his section does not

cover net.or/ architecture or deployment architecture( .hich complement component

architecture For details about those aspects o architecture( see the Plannin, And Architecture


hile this section describes components in the conte8t o an @nterprise pool( it also applies to

most aspects o a &tandard @dition server All server components that is( services( database(

and so onB described in this section run to,ether on a sin,le instance o a &tandard @ditionserver !his is a typical coni,uration or simple or relatively small deployments that is( up to a

e. thousand usersB .here hi,h availability is not a reKuirement

%onceptually( a pool consists o one or more Front @nd &ervers and one or more databases on

the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver .ith a sin,le &<* &erver n a pool( all persistent states are

stored in the database on the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver( so that .hen a Front @nd &erver

component ails( ailover can be Kuic/ Fi,ure 1 sho.s a sample @nterprise pool


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*i"ure +, Sam!le $nter!rise !ool

Fi,ure 1 illustrates the components o Front @nd &ervers and the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver

!here is a hard.are load balancer or the Front @nd &ervers( .hich are reKuired or an @nterprise

pool that has more than one @nterprise @dition server your pool consists o only one Front @nd

&erver( .hich is connected to a separate Eac/-@nd atabase &erver runnin, &<* &erver( a load

balancer is not reKuiredB All Front @nd &ervers in a consolidated coni,uration pool are

homo,eneous and identical to each other !hereore( all relevant Oice %ommunications &erver

services and applications are installed on all Front @nd &ervers in this type o a pool

On each Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Front @nd &erver( the main components can be

classiied as ollo.s:• Common infrastructure com!onents,  !hese components are reKuired or the

operation o any Oice %ommunications &erver .or/load( and provide a oundation or

conerencin, and voice components !he common inrastructure components include:

• RTCSrv,  !his is the main Oice %ommunications &erver service that runs the Oice

%ommunications &erver &ession nitiation Protocol &PB stac/( perorms presence

unctions( perorms directory replication unctions and interaces .ith the database( hosts


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application interaces( and has modules to capture archivin, and call detail recordin,

%"B data

• -ac./end dataase,  !his is a &<* persistent store .ith inormation on user

identities and capabilities that are replicated rom Active irectory( user contact lists( and

dynamic presence and conerencin, data• RTC1ost,  !his process hosts several Oice %ommunications &erver applications or

presence( conerencin,( and @nterprise =oice that are reKuired or core unctionin, o

these scenarios

• OCS !!lication interfaces,  !hese interaces enable the applications on "!%Dost

as .ell as third-party applications built on the same APB to interace .ith the main server

process "!%&rv or e8ample( to inspect the &P streamB

• e Com!onents infrastructure,  !his inrastructure( .hich is built on #icrosot

nternet normation &erver &B( hosts various D!!P components reKuired or presence(

conerencin,( and @nterprise =oice unctions

3CS infrastructure,  !he Uniied %ommunications Application &ervices U%A&Binrastructure enables Oice %ommunications &erver to host robust( scalable( middle-tier

server endpoint applications &everal U%A& applications or @nterprise =oice are hosted

by this inrastructure

• Conferencin" com!onents,  !hese components include various conerencin,-speciic

components hosted by the common inrastructure discussed previously or e8ample( an

"!%Dost application( several .eb componentsB( as .ell as a set o conerencin, servers

.hich perorm mi8in, unctions or # conerencin,( eb conerencin,( des/top sharin,

conerencin,( and audio+video conerencin,

• 4oice com!onents,  !hese are the additional Oice %ommunications &erver

components reKuired or enterprise telephony unctions !hese components include

"!%Dost applications or inbound telephony routin,( outbound telephony routin,( and phone

number normaliHation( as .ell as U%A& applications or dial-in conerencin,( response

,roups that is( similar to Automatic %all istribution or =oiceB( and Outside =oice %ontrol

.hich e8tends enterprise telephony unctionality to cellular phonesB

@ach o these classes o components is described in the topics that ollo.

Common Infrastructure Com!onents

!he common inrastructure components are reKuired or the operation o any Oice

%ommunications &erver .or/load( and provide a oundation or conerencin, and voice

components !he common inrastructure components include "!%&rv( Oice %ommunications

&erver application interaces( "!%Dost( the bac/-end database( presence components( eb

components( archivin, and monitorin, components( and Uniied %ommunications Application

&ervices U%A&B inrastructure

In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• "!%&rv


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• Oice %ommunications &erver Application Pro,rammin, nterace APB

• "!%Dost

• Eac/-@nd atabase

• Presence %omponents

• eb %omponents &ervices or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

•  Archivin, and #onitorin, or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• Uniied %ommunications Application &ervices U%A&B nrastructure


!he "!%&rve8e process is the core Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 process "!%&rv

runs on every &tandard @dition server and Front @nd instance o Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 "!%&rve8e hosts the User &ervices module( the server application pro,rammin,

interace APB( archivin, and call detail recordin, %"B( <uality o @8perience <o@B( and the

&ession nitiation Protocol &PB Pro8y !he User &ervices module( the server AP( archivin, and

%"( and <o@ sit on top o the &P Pro8y A messa,e dispatcher mediates by sendin, messa,es

bet.een these components and the &P Pro8y

!he, i,ure sho.s the "!%&rve8e process

*i"ure +, The RTCSrv,e'e !rocess


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 17/310

SI( (ro'#

!he &P Pro8y is the core protocol platorm on .hich all other Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 services are built !he &P Pro8y provides the basic structure or net.or/in, and

security( and perorms connection mana,ement( messa,e header parsin,( routin,(

authentication( and state mana,ement!he &P Pro8y( also /no.n as the &P stac/( orms the basis or all other Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 services &i,nalin, connections( authentication( messa,e routin,( and state

mana,ement all rely on the &P Pro8y

3ser Services

  User &ervices enables the instant messa,in, #B( presence( and conerencin, eatures o

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 For details about the presence components o User

&ervices( see Presence %omponents User &ervices includes the Focus and Focus Factory(

.hich are e8plained in more detail in %onerencin, %omponents !he, table describes

the unctionality provided or User &ervices

Tale +, 3ser Services

Com!onent *unction

User "eplicator User "eplicator is the component o Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 that is

responsible or /eepin, the presence store in

the &<* database synchroniHed .ith user and

contact obLects in Active irectory omain

&ervices A &B User "eplicator monitors the

data in A & and then sends the data throu,h

"!%&rve8e to the &<* database on the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver or stora,e User

"eplicator also monitors user( contact( and

,roup obLects to provide content or the Address

Eoo/ &erver iles

"P% bet.een Front @nd &ervers !he User &ervices module on each Front @nd

&erver communicates .ith the same process

runnin, on other Front @nd &ervers by usin,

"emote Procedure %all "P%B

OE%-based atabase Access *ayer !he User &ervices module sends presence(

re,istration( and conerencin, data to the &<*&erver runnin, on the Eac/-@nd atabase

&erver throu,h a database Kueuin, layer that

uses the #icrosot Open atabase %onnectivity

interace OE%B OE% provides a standard

 AP that Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

"2 uses to run &<* Kueries a,ainst the &<*


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Com!onent *unction

&erver bac/-end database

rchivin"5 CDR5 and 6o$

!he archivin, and %" components( are installed on every Front @nd &erver .hen you deploy

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 &tandard @dition server or @nterprise @dition server

&imilarly( <o@ is installed on every Front @nd &erver

 Archivin, and %"( and <o@ connect to the Archivin, &erver and the #onitorin, &erver that is(

runnin, in one o several possible physical topolo,iesB usin, #essa,e <ueuin, previously

/no.n as #&#<B technolo,y !he Archivin, &erver receives instant messa,es rom the archivin,

and %" a,ent and stores the inormation in a &<* database !he #onitorin, &erver receives

call data rom the archivin, and %" a,ent( and <o@ data rom the <o@ a,ent For details about

archivin, and monitorin,( see Archivin, and #onitorin, rilldo.n

Office Communications Server !!lication (ro"rammin" Interface %(I&

!he Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 application pro,rammin, interace APB is built on

the &ession nitiation Protocol &PB pro8y platorm and implemented usin, the,:

• Server (I module %!iem,dll&, An e8tension that provides the basic scriptin, capability

or creatin, custom messa,e ilters and routin, applications !he scripts can either run in

process .ith Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 "tcsrve8eB or can be incorporated in a

mana,ed server application that is runnin, in a separate process

• Mana"ed server (I !latform %Server"ent,dll&, A platorm that you use to implement

both #icrosot and non-#icrosot mana,ed server applications #ana,ed server applications

that are .ritten by usin, the mana,ed server AP run as separate processes

• ocal shared/memor# I(C %6ueue,dll&, !he interace bet.een the server AP module

and mana,ed applications

• Internal COM (I, An AP used to communicate .ith the &P pro8y platorm

!he, i,ure sho.s ho. the AP architecture is implemented or Front @nd &ervers


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*i"ure +, (I architecture for *ront $nd Servers

&P-a.are mana,ed server applications that are developed by usin, the mana,ed server AP

platorm e8tend the core services available in Oice %ommunications &erver200' "2 #ana,ed

server applications include both o the,:

• Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 applications implemented by usin,"!%Doste8e !his includes the, ilterin, applications: =oice over nternet Protocol

=oPB applications( conerencin, server Factory( "eal-time %ommunications "!%B

 A,,re,ate application( and other applications that is( non-#icrosot applicationsB For details

about the mana,ed server applications implemented .ith "!%Doste8e( see "!%Dost

• )on-#icrosot applications developed in-house( by vendors( or by usin, other resources

!he mana,ed server AP or implementin, these applications unctions as ollo.s:

• @8posed throu,h the #icrosot"tc&ip namespace

• Uses the server AP to perorm speciic &P messa,e processin, tas/s

• mplemented by usin, the mana,ed server application platorm that is( &erverA,entdll

assemblyB @ach mana,ed application loads the &erverA,entdll and e8ecutes in its o.nprocess space #ana,ed applications are isolated rom each other in a .ay that prevents a

aulty application rom aectin, other applications, are the t.o maLor components o the server AP module ApiemdllB that support

implementation o mana,ed server applications:

• !!lication manifest, A script that is .ritten by usin, #icrosot &P Processin,

*an,ua,e #&P*B and describes an application to the server hen a mana,ed server


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application re,isters .ith the server usin, the Server"ent class( it provides this script to the

server !he application maniest serves the, purposes:

• Provides details about the application type and the state that the server needs to

maintain or the application to run( so the server can optimiHe processin, or the

application• %ontains a messa,e ilter script to communicate detailed inormation about .hich

messa,es that is( reKuests and responsesB the application needs to see !o ilter

messa,es( the application maniest has a set o built-in actions that it can invo/e For any

other actions reKuired by a speciic messa,e that is( those actions that cannot be

handled by the built-in actionsB( the application maniest can invo/e mana,ed code in a

separate application process by passin, all or parts o the messa,e to the code in the

application process Usin, the built-in actions helps you avoid cross-process calls or

simple processin, or e8ample( basic i( then( and else unctionsB

• @nables the application developer to speciy moderate amount o lo,ic to be

e8ecuted by an interpreter inside the server AP module the unctionality o the

interpreter is not suicient( a cross-process call is made as a sin,le call containin, only

the portions o the messa,e that are appropriate to the messa,e ilterin, used

• Uses an application Uniorm "esource dentiier U"B to uniKuely identiy the

application to the server !he application U" is e8pected to be an D!!P U"*( but no

validation is perormed

• Microsoft,Rtc,Si! class lirar#, %ontains the, classes:

• &P messa,e and transaction processin, classes

• Server"ent class !his class implements most o the lo,ic needed to mana,e

sessions .ith the server t is the entry point or the mana,ed server AP @ach

application initiates an instance o &erverA,entdll and supplies an application maniest

instance to it !he &erverA,entdll assembly mana,es the session .ith the server(

includin, compilin, the application maniest and re,isterin, .ith the server the

re,istration succeeds( the Server"ent class sets up the environment necessary to

receive and process &P messa,es rom the server !he &erverA,entdll assembly

invo/es application-speciic event handlers or speciic events or e8ample( messa,e

events and transaction eventsB For each instance o the application( a sin,le

&erverA,entdll obLect mana,es the applications session .ith the server !o e8it( the

application releases the &erverA,entdll obLect( .hich causes the session .ith the server

to end

ou can use the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 &ot.are evelopment it

&B to develop applications by usin, the #icrosot"tc&ip class library ou can

do.nload the & at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/d31CCCG0 For details about

usin, the &( see 6%ommunications &erver 200' "2 &erver & ocumentation7 at



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"!%Doste8e runs on each Front @nd server and can be accessed throu,h the #ana,ed &erver

application pro,rammin, interace APB library !he, applications run inside the

"!%Doste8e process:

• !he Client 4ersion *ilter  enables the server to deny client connections based on aclientNs version number !he %lient =ersion Filter compares a clientNs version number .ith the

version settin,s speciied by the administrator by readin, the clients &ession nitiation

Protocol &PB User-A,ent header ou can coni,ure the %lient =ersion Filter by usin, the

Oice %ommunications &erver #ana,ement #icrosot #ana,ement %onsole ##%Bsnap-in

• !he RTC ""re"ate a!!lication mana,es the multiple points o presence #POPB

eature or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 by a,,re,atin, the presence inormation

published by multiple client endpoints into one presence status that best represents the

users current availability For details about the "!% A,,re,ate application( see Presence


• !he Intelli"ent IM *ilter  helps prevent unsolicited mar/etin, that tar,ets instant

messa,in, #B pro,rams !he ntelli,ent # Filter uses settin,s coni,ured by the

administrator to ilter incomin, instant messa,es received by the server rom outside the

or,aniHationNs ire.all ou can coni,ure the ntelli,ent # Filter by usin, the Oice

%ommunications &erver #ana,ement snap-in

• !he Conferencin" Server *actor# is reKuired or conerencin, For details( see

%onerencin, %omponents

• !he 3ser (in Service authoriHes dial-in conerencin, participants that enter in a

conerence personal identiication number P)B .hen Loinin, a conerence by usin, the

public s.itched telephone net.or/ P&!)B

• !he 4oI( a!!lications that run inside "!%Doste8e are the nbound "outin, application(

!ranslation &ervice( and Outbound "outin, application !o,ether( these applications enable

the server to route =oP calls For details( see =oice %omponents 

• !he $'chan"e 3M Routin" component handles redirection o missed calls to @8chan,e

Uniied #essa,in, For details( see =oice %omponents

-ac./$nd Dataase

n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( the bac/-end database stores coni,uration

inormation( contact lists and presence inormation or users( and any state inormation reKuired

to resume a conerence Presence data and conerencin, data are stored in dierent tables o the

same physical database

n a &tandard @dition coni,uration( all server components are installed on the same computer(

includin, the bac/-end database !he bac/-end database on a &tandard @dition server uses

#icrosot &<* &erver 200 @8press @dition .ith &ervice Pac/ 2 &P2B or later

n an @nterprise @dition coni,uration( the bac/-end database must be coni,ured as a separate

dedicated computer n an @nterprise pool( all servers in the pool share a central #icrosot &<*

&erver database !his database runs on #icrosot &<* &erver 200G 42-bit or 5C-bitB or &<*


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&erver 200 .ith &ervice Pac/ 2 &P2B or later 42-bit or 5C-bitB( and you can cluster it in an

active-passive coni,uration or hi,her availability

(resence Com!onents

!his section describes the presence components and the relationship bet.een thesecomponents t also sho.s the process boundaries or the various components

!he primary presence components o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 are the User

&ervices module that runs inside the "!%&rve8e process and the "!% A,,re,ate application

that runs inside the "!%Doste8e process !he User &ervices module processes re,istration

reKuests received by a Front @nd &erver and sends presence( re,istration( and conerencin, data

to the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver to /eep the presence store in the &<* database synchroniHed

.ith user and contact obLects in Active irectory !he "!% A,,re,ate application a,,re,ates

presence inormation rom multiple client endpoints into one presence document

!he, i,ure sho.s the presence components

*i"ure +, (resence com!onents

e Com!onents Services for Office Communications Server 2007 R2!he eb %omponents &ervices run on #icrosot nternet normation &erver &B( and enable

Oice %ommunications &erver clients to perorm the, unctions:

• o.nload Address Eoo/ &erver iles to provide Oice %ommunicator .ith ,lobal address

list ?A*B inormation

• @8pand membership in distribution ,roups and other data that is used by the eb

%onerencin, &erver


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•  Access meetin, presentations and other content rom eb conerences

• Dost sot.are pac/a,es or device updates

• Dost administration or "esponse ?roup &ervice

rchivin" and Monitorin" for Office Communications Server 2007 R2

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 includes Archivin, and #onitorin, unctionality as


• rchivin", esi,ned or enterprise compliance needs( enables the capture and stora,e

o instant messa,in, #B content

• Monitorin", esi,ned or enterprise operational needs and enables the,:

• !he capture o call detail recordin,s %"sB that include #( conerencin,( and voice

and video calls %"s include usa,e inormation related to voice calls( audio+video A+=B

conversations( application sharin,( remote assistance( and eb conerences

• !he capture and, o detailed <uality o @8perience <o@B metrics to monitor

voice and video Kuality <o@ data includes statistics about voice and video Kuality( both

or individual calls and a,,re,ate reports

!he, i,ure sho.s the archivin, and monitorin, architecture in Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2

*i"ure +, rchivin" and monitorin" architecture in Office Communications Server 2007R2

!he Front-@nd server hosts an archivin, and %" a,ent( .hich is part o the "!%&rv process( to

capture archivin, and %" data .hich is transerred over #essa,e <ueuin, also /no.n as

#&#<B to the Archivin, &erver and #onitorin, &erver respectively !he Archivin, &erver and

#onitorin, &erver are separate Oice %ommunications &erver roles

&imilarly( the Front @nd contains a <o@ a,ent( .hich is part o the "!%<#& process( to capture<o@ data !he <o@ data is transerred over #essa,e <ueuin, to the #onitorin, &erver

n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( the %" unction moves to the #onitorin, &erver

rom the Archivin, &erver .ith .hich it .as a co-located in Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

%" data accumulation and reportin, reKuirements have characteristics more in common .ith

<o@ data than Archivin, data( .hich drove the evolution in architecture


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3nified Communications !!lication Services %3CS& Infrastructure

Uniied %ommunications Application &erver U%A&B is a platorm introduced in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 that ma/es it easier to build server-side applications that run on

&tandard @dition servers or @nterprise pool servers @ach Front-@nd &erver in a pool runs an

instance o an Application &erver host Applications developed by usin, the Uniied%ommunication #ana,ed APs U%#AB 20 can use the U%A& platorm as a common rame.or/

that levera,es Oice %ommunications &erver capabilities such as deployment( trust(

administration( load balancin, and routin,( monitorin,( and so on U%A& is desi,ned to host

server applications that act as &ession nitiation Protocol &PB endpoints

&imilar to Oice %ommunications &erver conerencin, servers( U%A& is another server role

hen you deploy U%A& on an @nterprise @dition server consolidated pool topolo,y( each U%A&

application runs on all servers in the pool and to,ether they share the overall .or/load o the

application U%A& consists o a sin,le indo.s service( called Application Dost

O%&App&erver#astere8eB( and one or more instances o another indo.s service called

O%&App&erverDoste8e @ach instance o O%&App&erverDoste8e on a server hosts a U%A&

application uniKue to that server

&everal ne. eatures in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 are implemented as U%A&

applications( includin, dial-in conerencin,( "esponse ?roup &ervice( and Outside =oice %ontrol

For details( see =oice %omponents

For details about Application &erver architecture( see Application &erver rilldo.n

Conferencin" Com!onents

%onerencin, unctionality in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( .hich includes instant

messa,in, #B conerencin,( eb conerencin,( audio+video conerencin,( des/top sharin,( and

control o third-party audio conerencin, services( is supported by the,:

• Conferencin" infrastructure com!onents, ncludes conerence control entities such as

the Focus( Focus Factory( and so on

• Conferencin" servers, Dandle media( includin, mi8in, unctions or media

!o,ether( these t.o components support conerences over across a broad ran,e o modalities

In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• %onerencin, nrastructure %omponents

• %onerencin, &ervers or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

Conferencin" Infrastructure Com!onents!he main conerencin, inrastructure components o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 are

the Focus instances( Focus Factory( %onerencin, &erver Factory and conerencin, servers or

each media type &<* &erver databases are used or storin, the persistent state

!he, i,ure sho.s the conerencin, component interrelationships


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*i"ure +, Conferencin" com!onent interrelationshi!s

!he Focus Factory and Focus components run in the main conerencin, process( .hich is also

the &ession nitiation Protocol &PB Pro8y process "!%&rvB !he %onerencin, &erver Factory is

a airly li,ht.ei,ht component hosted by the "!%Dost processB that is accessed by the Focus

once or each media type .hen that media needs to be activated or the conerence !he

%onerencin, &erver Factory is an application runnin, on each Front @nd &erver and uses an

D!!P interace %ommunication bet.een the Focus and conerencin, servers( and bet.een the

%onerencin, &erver Factory and conerencin, servers is D!!P-based


!he Focus is the central policy and state mana,er or a conerence and acts as the coordinator

or all aspects o the conerence !he Focus is responsible or enorcin, the conerence control

policy( mana,in, the overall security or a conerence( mana,in, conerence participant roles and

privile,es( sendin, conerence state notiications to clients and providin, a conduit or control

commands to lo. bet.een clients and conerencin, servers


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hen a ne. media type must be activated or a conerence( the Focus also instantiates the

conerence on the appropriate conerencin, server( communicates .ith the conerencin, server

about addin, a ne. user( obtains the authoriHation credentials so the client can connect to that

conerence( and then sends the media inormation to the client !he same seKuence is repeated

or all clients .ho .ant to add this media hen a ne. media type is added to the conerence(

the seKuence is repeated .ith the ne. conerencin, server or that media type Ey centraliHin,

the security enorcement and roster mana,ement( the Focus relieves each o the conerencin,

servers o this duty

*ocus *actor#

!he Focus Factory is a &P entity that creates( deletes( and modiies meetin,s in the

conerencin, database !he Focus Factory manipulates meetin,s in the conerencin, database

accordin, to %entraliHed %onerencin, %ontrol Protocol %4PB commands that are issued by


Conferencin" Server *actor#

!he %onerencin, &erver Factory is responsible or provisionin, a conerence or a particular

media type on a conerencin, server !he %onerencin, &erver Factory can also ta/e into

account the current load on the conerencin, servers beore assi,nin, a conerencin, server to a

conerence !here is one %onerencin, &erver Factory instance on each Front @nd &erver( .hich

handles all media types

Conferencin" Dataase

 A Focus holds important inormation or the entire conerence( includin, all conerence

participants a Focus instance ails( it must be possible to restart the conerence !o support

this( any state inormation that is needed to resume the conerence persists in a conerencin,

database( .hich runs on the &<* &erver bac/-end database n Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2( presence and re,istrar inormation( and conerencin, inormation are stored in dierent

tables o the same physical database

!he important metadata associated .ith a conerence in the conerencin, database includes the,:

• %onerence

• P&!) #eetin,

• @8piration date and time o the conerence

• *ist o meetin, participant roles and the privile,es associated .ith those roles

• %onerence /ey or participants .ithout an identity in Active irectory

• &upported media types

•  AuthoriHation types or e8ample( closed( open( and anonymousB

!he conerencin, database contains the metadata or a conerence but does not contain calendar

inormation %onerence calendar inormation or e8ample( meetin, start and end timesB( the

recurrence schedule( and e8ceptions to recurrence are all important or a prescheduled

conerence( but that inormation is maintained outside o the conerencin, database nstead(


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conerence calendar inormation is maintained by schedulin, clients( as appropriate( typically as

an @8chan,e &erver calendar item

!he Focus stores all conerence state inormation on the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver to ensure

that state inormation is accessible to all Front @nd &ervers ith this model( i a client loses

connectivity to the conerencin, server( the client can reconnect( and its reKuest can be handledby any Front @nd &erver !his provides a natural ailover model or ront-end ailures( as .ell as

temporary loss o net.or/ connectivity rom client to server &imilarly( inormation about

conerencin, server load persists on the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver( so that it is available to a

%onerencin, &erver Factory instance runnin, on any Front @nd &erver !his data is .ritten by a

%onerencin, &erver Factory to the database( but any conerencin, server or a particular media

type under the control o the %onerencin, &erver Factory can read the database

Conferencin" Servers for Office Communications Server 2007 R2

 A conerencin, server is responsible or mi8in, and mana,in, one or more media types !he, types o conerencin, servers are included in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2:

• eb %onerencin, &erver or data collaboration

•  A+= %onerencin, &erver or audio and video

• nstant messa,in, #B %onerencin, &erver or multiparty #

• !elephony %onerencin, &erver or interacin, .ith audio conerencin, providers

•  Application &harin, &erver or multiparty or %ommunicator eb Access-based

application sharin,

!he architecture allo.s the addition o other conerencin, servers as needed in the uture !he #

%onerencin, &erver( Application &harin, &erver( and !elephony %onerencin, &erver can only

be installed as part o a Front @nd &erver( but you can install A+= %onerencin, &ervers and eb

%onerencin, &ervers independently o other componentseb %onerencin, &ervers( A+= %onerencin, &ervers( and # %onerencin, &ervers each have

t.o lo,ical components: a media controller and a media processor

MC %Media Controller&

!he media controller on a conerencin, server is responsible or mana,in, the control commands

bet.een a Focus and a conerencin, server

M( %Media (rocessor&

!he media processor is responsible or media mana,ement or e8ample( mi8in,( relayin,( and

transcodin,B n a eb %onerencin, &erver( the media processor is a sot.are component that is

responsible or mana,in, data collaboration or Oice %ommunications &erver n an A+=%onerencin, &erver( the media processor mi8es audio streams( s.itches video streams( and

converts the media or clients .ho are on slo. lin/s O all the conerencin, components( the

media processor can be the most %PU and net.or/ intensive component n our architecture( a

media controller and media processor are collocated on the same computer to simpliy



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84 Conferencin" Server 

!he A+= %onerencin, &erver enables multiparty audio and video mi8in, and relayin, capabilities

t is built on industry standard real-time transport protocol "!PB and real-time transport control

protocol "!%PB

!he A+= %onerencin, &erver also incorporates elements o the nternet @n,ineerin, !as/ Force@!FB drats or nteractive %onnectivity @stablishment %@B as a means to enable the e8chan,e

o media bet.een t.o or more clients that are usin, )et.or/ Address !ranslators )A!sB %@ is

an e8tension to &ession escription Protocol &PB that enables media streams to traverse )A!s

by includin, in the &P multiple P address and port combinations or a particular transport

protocol( /no.n as candidate transport addresses( that the client can use to communicate .ith

other clients n an Oice %ommunications &erver environment( a client uses &ession !raversal

Utilities or )A! &!U)B and !raversal Usin, "elay )A! !U")B protocols to obtain its candidate

transport addresses rom the Oice %ommunications &erver A+= %onerencin, @d,e &erver

urin, ne,otiation( clients on either end e8chan,e &Ps and then test candidate addresses or

peer-to-peer connectivity Ater the connectivity chec/s( clients rene,otiate by includin, only the

candidate transport address that succeeded in the &P or a &P re-)=!@ reKuest andresponse

For details about @!F drats or %@( see 6nteractive %onnectivity @stablishment %@B: A

Protocol or )et.or/ Address !ranslator )A!B !raversal or Protocols7 at


e Conferencin" Server 

!he eb %onerencin, &erver adds data collaboration unctionality to Oice %ommunications

&erver !he eb %onerencin, &erver is built on the same Persistent &hared ObLect #odel

P&O#B technolo,y that is used by the *ive #eetin, service Eoth si,nalin, and media are sent

to and rom a eb %onerencin, &erver usin, the P&O# protocol !he eb %onerencin, &erver

supports *ive #eetin, eatures( such as #icrosot Oice Po.erPoint presentations( document

presentations( chat( votin,( .hite boardin,( and application sharin,

!he eb %onerencin, &erver uses shared olders on a ile system to store conerence state and

conerence contents Universal )amin, %onvention U)%B paths are coni,ured on the eb

%onerencin, &erver to reer to the shared olders( .hich are created by an administrator durin,

Oice %ommunications &erver deployment !hese olders or conerence metadata and

conerence content can be located on the same computer as the eb %onerencin, &erver or(

preerably( on a dedicated computer

For inormation about the .ay that a eb %onerencin, &erver .or/s( see eb %onerencin,

&erver or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

IM Conferencin" Server 

!he # %onerencin, &erver is installed automatically on the Front @nd &erver !he #

%onerencin, &erver enables multiparty instant messa,in, #B !he # %onerencin, &erver

uses &P or si,nalin, and media


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Tele!hon# Conferencin" Server 

!he !elephony %onerencin, &erver is installed automatically on the Front @nd &erver !he

!elephony %onerencin, &erver enables Oice %ommunications &erver to communicate .ith

audio conerencin, providers

!!lication Sharin" Server 

!he Application &harin, &erver is a ne. conerencin, server role introduced in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2( and is used speciically or multiparty des/top sharin, rom the

Oice %ommunicator client and des/top sharin, rom the %ommunicator eb Access client !he

 Application &harin, &erver uses the "emote es/top Protocol "PB( .ith "!P as the transport

or remote access scenarios

 Althou,h the eb %onerencin, &erver also supports Application &harin, that is( by usin, the

P&O# protocol and the *ive #eetin, clientB( the Application &harin, &erver provides des/top

sharin, unctionality that users can access directly in Oice %ommunicator and %ommunicator

eb Access( instead o reKuirin, users to start the *ive #eetin, client separately

4oice Com!onents

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 provides a rich set o @nterprise =oice eatures suitable

or ,lobal voice that is( telephonyB deployments !his section describes the voice components

and the relationship bet.een these components t also describes the process boundaries or the

various components

Other topics in the !echnical "eerence describe common inrastructure and conerencin,

inrastructure that enable certain /ey unctions or @nterprise =oice For e8ample( &ession

nitiation Protocol &PB re,istration( perormed by "!%&rve8e and the User &ervices module(

enables the undamental call s.itchin, aspect o @nterprise =oice !he /ey additional

components speciic to enablin, @nterprise =oice are either hosted on "!%Doste8e that is(nbound "outin,( !ranslation &ervice( Outbound "outin,( @8chan,e U#B or hosted as Uniied

%ommunications Application &ervices U%A&B applications that is( %onerencin, Attendant(

%onerencin, Announcement &ervice( "esponse ?roup &ervice( and Outside =oice %ontrolB

In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• "!%Dost =oice %omponents

• Uniied %ommunications Application &ervices U%A&B =oice Applications

RTC1ost 4oice Com!onents

!he core voice components o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 are the nbound "outin,

application( the !ranslation &ervice( and the Outbound "outin, application that run inside the

"!%Doste8e process on each Front @nd &erver !he nbound "outin, application determines

ho. incomin, calls to the server should be routed( based on settin,s coni,ured on the client

!he !ranslation &ervice uses administrator-speciied phone number normaliHation rules to

translate a dialed number into an @15C ormat that can be consumed by other components in the

system( such as the private branch e8chan,e PEB or public s.itched telephone net.or/


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P&!)B ,ate.ay !he Outbound "outin, application uses call authoriHation rules to route each

call to the appropriate media ,ate.ay

!he, i,ure sho.s the architecture o the core components: !ranslation &ervice( nbound

"outin,( and Outbound "outin,

*i"ure +, Core com!onent architecture

Inound Routin"

!he nbound "outin, application determines ho. incomin, calls to the server should be routed

an @nterprise =oice client speciies settin,s or handlin, missed calls( the nbound "outin,

application acts accordin,ly For e8ample( i a client is coni,ured or call or.ardin,( the nbound

"outin, application can or.ard incomin, calls either to a speciied number or to an @8chan,e

&erver 200' Uniied #essa,in, server that can the call

Translation Service

!he !ranslation &ervice applies administrator-speciied phone number normaliHation rules to

translate a dialed number into an @15C ormat that can be more easily consumed by a PE or

P&!) ,ate.ay @nterprise =oice in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 employs the

!ranslation &ervice to normaliHe phone numbers into a sin,le ormat )ormaliHed phone numbers

assist the server .ith reverse number loo/up( outbound call routin,( and call authoriHation rules


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"everse number loo/up is a process .hereby a users phone number is mapped to the

appropriate &P Uniorm "esource dentiier U"B Ey perormin, reverse number loo/up( the

server can route calls to all endpoints associated .ith a particular userNs &P U" "everse

number loo/up also enables advanced call handlin, eatures( such as call or.ardin,

 Ater a dialed number is normaliHed by the !ranslation &ervice( the Outbound "outin, applicationcan apply call authoriHation rules to route the call

Outound Routin"

!he Outbound "outin, application uses call authoriHation rules coni,ured by the administrator to

route each call to the appropriate media ,ate.ay %all authoriHation rules in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 are similar to traditional telephony Qclass o serviceQ options

the Outbound "outin, application determines that a caller is not authoriHed to dial a particular

number or e8ample( numbers outside the or,aniHation or international numbersB( the Outbound

"outin, application can inorm the caller that the call cannot be completed

3nified Communications !!lication Services %3CS& 4oice !!licationsUniied %ommunications Application &ervices U%A&B @nterprise =oice applications .ere added

in the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 release to provide /ey @nterprise =oice eatures(

such as dial-in conerencin, %onerencin, Attendant and %onerencin, Announcement &erviceB(

basic Automatic %all istribution that is( "esponse ?roup &erviceB( and Oice %ommunications

&erver server-side unctions to e8tend @nterprise =oice to cellular telephones that is( Outside

=oice %ontrolB

ial-in conerencin, allo.s callers to use standard public s.itched telephone net.or/ P&!)B

telephones to dial in to audio conerences hosted on Oice %ommunications &erver n Oice

%ommunications &erver 200'( only Oice %ommunications &erver enterprise-enabled users .ho

connect over nternet Protocol PB audio could Loin audio conerences hosted on Oice

%ommunications &erverB ial-in conerencin, is enabled by the %onerencin, Attendant and

%onerencin, Announcement &ervice U%A& applications For details( see ial-n %onerencin,


Conferencin" ttendant

!he %onerencin, Attendant is an auto-attendant service that is( a botB that authenticates and

 Loins dial-in participants to audio conerences Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

%onerencin, Attendant supports 1C dierent lan,ua,es !he %onerencin, Attendant prompts

the caller or conerence s and passcode that is( i the caller is callin, in as an anonymous

participantB or e8tension number and personal identiication number P)B that is( i the caller is

 Loinin, as a @nterprise UserB( plays on-hold music .hen enterprise users have not yet Loined the

meetin,( reKuests authentication rom a ront-end service( and Loins authenticated callers to the

Focus and A+= %onerencin, &erver or the reKuested conerence

!he %onerencin, Attendant &ervice on each Front @nd &erver listens on !ransmission %ontrol

Protocol !%PB port 0'2 or incomin, calls !hese reKuests normally come rom a #ediation

&erver and are pro8ied by the #ediation &erverNs ne8t hop pool


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Conferencin" nnouncement Service

!he %onerence Announcement &ervice is another trusted bot that participates in all dial-in

enabled audio conerences t monitors the conerence roster and plays entry and e8it tones to all

dial-in attendees .hen other dial-in attendees Loin or leave( and also tells attendees .hen their

microphone has been muted or unmuted in the lan,ua,e that they chose .hen they connected tothe %onerencin, Attendant )o coni,uration is reKuired or this service

!he %onerence Announcement &ervice on each Front @nd &erver listens on !%P port 0'4 or

reKuests rom a Focus that is runnin, on one o the Front @nd &ervers in the pool

Res!onse Grou! Service

!he Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 "esponse ?roup &ervice enables administrators to

create and coni,ure one or more response ,roups or the purpose o routin, and Kueuin,

incomin, phone calls to one or more desi,nated a,ents !hese response ,roups can be

deployed in departmental or .or/,roup environments and in entirely ne. telephony installations

!ypical usa,e scenarios include an internal helpdes/( a customer service des/( or a ,eneral

e8ternal call handler "esponse ?roup &ervice can increase response ,roup usa,e and reducethe associated overhead by pushin, the tas/s o response ,roup maintenance do.n to the users

.ho directly beneit rom them

!he "esponse ?roup &ervice unctionality is enabled by the "esponse ?roup &ervice

application( .hich is a U%A& application that implements standard response ,roup call-routin,

al,orithms that is( includin, serial( lon,est-idle( parallel( and round robinB( interactive voice

response ="B( call Kueuin,( on-hold music( presence-based routin,( and so on

Outside 4oice Control

!he Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Outside =oice %ontrol eature enables users to use

their enterprise telephone number or inbound and outbound calls on their personal mobile


!o use this eature( the user must have Oice %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB installed

on a indo.s #obile phone and must be able to use data pac/et communication bet.een the

mobile phone and the mobile phone provider or e8ample( ?eneral Pac/et "adio &ource

?P"&BB that allo.s &P messa,es to be transmitted !he user must also be enabled or

@nterprise =oice

For inbound calls( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 sends a &P nvite to all re,istered &P

endpoints o the user includin, the userNs %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB client runnin,

on the phone( over the data channel Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 subseKuently

initiates an outbound P&!)+mobile net.or/ call throu,h Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

#ediation &erver to the userNs mobile phone number

For an outbound call rom a mobile phone( the user has the option to enter the phone number to

be dialed into %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB or to initiate a call to a &P contact usin,

%ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB !he user receives an incomin, mobile phone call rom

Oice %ommunications &erver usin, the mobile phone providerNs cellular net.or/ Ater the user

accepts the call rom Oice %ommunications &erver( Oice %ommunications &erver sets up a

second call le, to the desi,nated called party and then Loin the t.o connections !he called party


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receives a call rom the userNs company usin, the userNs oice phone number despite the act

that the user is actually on a mobile phone

!he Outside =oice %ontrol application on each Front @nd &erver listens on !%P port 0'C

Communication (rotocols for OfficeCommunication Server 2007 R2

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• Protocols Overvie.

• %onerencin, Protocols

(rotocols Overvie)

hile &ession nitiation Protocol &PB is still the primary control protocol used by Oice%ommunications &erver 200' "2( eb %onerencin, &erver( A+= %onerencin, &erver( and their

subcomponents( they also employ other protocols to set up and modiy conerences and to set up

and brea/ do.n media streams bet.een dierent elements in the Oice %ommunications

&erver200' "2 net.or/ !he, protocols are employed by Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2:

• Session Initiation (rotocol %SI(&, !he industry standard protocol described in @!F

"F% 4251 that deines a standard or session setup( termination( and media ne,otiation

bet.een t.o parties t is .idely used or =oice over P =oPB call si,nalin,

• s#nchronous 9avaScri!t nd M %9&, Used in %ommunicator eb Access to

ensure eicient client-server interaction( .hile /eepin, the eb user interace UB


• Centrali;ed Conferencin" Control (rotocol %C<(&, Used to encode %onerencin,

%ontrol commands in Oice %ommunications &erver

• 1TT(S, !he set o rules or e8chan,in, iles that is( te8t( ,raphic ima,es( sound( video(

and other multimedia ilesB on the orld ide eb "elative to the !ransmission %ontrol

Protocol !%PB+nternet Protocol PB suite o protocols( the basis or inormation e8chan,e on

the nternet( D!!P is an application-layer protocol D!!P& is the D!!P protocol over &ecure

&oc/ets *ayer &&*B+!ransport *ayer &ecurity !*&B

• Interactive Connectivit# $stalishment %IC$&,  Used to provide media connectivity

across ire.alls and )et.or/ Address !ranslation )A!B devices( thereby enablin,

audio+video• (ersistent Shared O=ect Model %(SOM&, A proprietary protocol or the transport o

real-time data( includin, audio and video P&O# uses !%P or !*& as the underlyin,


• Remote! (rotocol %RD(&,  !he #icrosot protocol that is used in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 or des/top sharin, !his is the protocol that is used or

#icrosot "emote es/top &ervices


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• Real/time trans!ort !rotocol8real/time control !rotocol %RT(8RTC(&, !he industry

standard protocol or the transport o real-time data( includin, audio and video

• Session Descri!tion (rotocol %SD(&, Used to ne,otiate capabilities bet.een &P

endpoints durin, call initiation

• Secure real/time trans!ort !rotocol8secure real/time control !rotocol%SRT(8SRTC(&, @ncrypted versions o "!P+"!%P

• Scale secure real/time trans!ort !rotocol %SSRT(&, &cale secure "!P+"!%P( used or

eicient media sessions or multi-point audio+video conerences

• Sim!le Traversal of 3D( throu"h NT %ST3N&, Used by endpoints to determine the

public P addresses allocated to them by the )A! i applicableB

• Trans!ort a#er Securit# %TS&, Used to encrypt &P or D!!P traicin addition to server


• Third (art# Control (rotocol %T(C(&, Used or Outside =oice %ontrol

• Traversal 3sin" Rela# NT %T3RN&, A protocol or allocatin, a public P address and

port on a ,lobally reachable server or the purpose o relayin, media rom one endpoint to


For detailed speciications or Oice %ommunications &erver protocols( includin, several o those

listed in this topic( see 6#icrosot Oice Protocol ocuments7 at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+


Conferencin" (rotocols

!he, table sho.s the protocols that are used bet.een conerencin, components

Tale +, Conferencin" (rotocols

  Client *ocus *ocus



Server *actor#



%lient &ession


Protocol &PB(



%ontrol Protocol


&P( %4P &P( real-time


protocol "!PB(


&hared ObLect

#odel P&O#B

and so on

Focus &P( %4P D!!P&( %4P D!!P&( %4P

Focus Factory &P( %4P


&erver Factory

D!!P&( %4P D!!P&( %4P

%onerencin, &P( "!P( D!!P&( %4P D!!P&( %4P


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  Client *ocus *ocus



Server *actor#



&erver P&O#

and so on

!he, i,ure provides an overvie. o the protocols and the components that use them to


*i"ure +, Office Communication Server 2007 R2 conferencin" !rotocols and com!onentrelationshi!s


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 36/310

nteraces in the dia,ram identiy a speciic lin/( based on the transport and purpose( bet.een

t.o lo,ical elements !he same protocol can be used in dierent .ays over the various

interaces For e8ample( &P+4%P is used to communicate %4P commands over &P )FO

messa,es and conerence event pac/a,e notiications over &P &UE&%"E@ and )O!F


Centrali;ed Conferencin" Control (rotocol %C<(&

%4P is a conerence manipulation protocol used by the Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

conerencin, servers %4P is used to modiy the conerence state !he channels over .hich %4P

can be used in an Oice %ommunications &erver 200' deployment are sho.n in Fi,ure 1

%4P has reKuest+pendin, response+inal response semantics similar to &P !he, table

lists %4P commands

Tale 2, C<( Commands

Conference evel








3ser evel











8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 37/310



$nd!oint evel


$nd!oint Media evel




1i"h vailailit# %1&8oad -alancin"




P&O# is the media protocol or data collaboration P&O# uses !ransport *ayer &ecurity !*&B

as the underlyin, transport %onerencin, clients can use P&O# to establish media channels .ith

the eb %onerencin, &erver to ne,otiate or transer media


"!P+"!%P is the standard protocol or the transport o real-time data( includin, audio and video


&ession nitiation Protocol &PB is the industry standard protocol described in @!F "F% 4251

that deines a standard .ay or session setup( termination( and media ne,otiation bet.een t.o

parties t is .idely used or =oice over P =oPB call si,nalin,

&ession escription Protocol &PB is the industry standard protocol described in @!F "F% C55that deines a standard .ay to convey media details( transport addresses( and other session

description metadata to the participants .hen initiatin, multimedia teleconerences( =oice over P

calls( streamin, video( or other sessions


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Si"nalin" and Control (rotocol

!his section describes the protocols supported by the various server components and the

unctionality supported by each o those protocols %lients and servers use si,nalin, and control

protocols or session setup and conerence mana,ement For each media in a conerence or an

audio+video call( dierent media protocols are used&P( as speciied in "F% 4251( is used or session setup and termination in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' &P messa,es use !ransmission %ontrol Protocol !%PB or !*& as

the underlyin, transport layer or client-to-server communications and mutual !*& #!*&B or

server-to-server communications %onerences and call control are established .ithin the conte8t

o e8istin, &P sessions usin, %4P protocol %4P commands are sent usin, &P )FO messa,es

 A separate &UE&%"E@+)O!F dialo, is used to subscribe to conerence pac/a,es( state

chan,e notiications( and the conerence participant list

Media (rotocols

!he eb %onerencin, &erver uses P&O# as the media protocol or data collaboration P&O#

uses !*& as the underlyin, transport As the client or the eb %onerencin, &erver( *ive

#eetin, unctionality also relies on P&O#

"!P and "!%P are used to transport audio+video and des/top sharin, data Ey deault( Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' uses secure real-time transport protocol &"!PB and secure real-

time transport control protocol &"!%PB to secure and encrypt both media types "!P+"!%P can

use either !%P or User ata,ram Protocol UPB as the underlyin, transport or audio+video( but

.ill use only !%P or des/top sharin,

Scenarios for Office Communications Server2007 R2

!his part o the !echnical "eerence provides details about architecture and call lo.s that enable

speciic end-user scenarios

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• %onerencin, &cenario or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• ial-n %onerencin, &cenario

• es/top &harin, &cenario

• %ommunicator eb Access &cenario

• Outside =oice %ontrol &cenario

• ?roup %hat Feature &cenario


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 39/310

Conferencin" Scenario for OfficeCommunications Server 2007 R2

!his section describes ho. conerencin, .or/s t contains a detailed discussion about ho.

conerencin, components interact and includes call lo.s or various conerencin, scenarios!o,ether .ith the Focus and the Focus Factory( the eb %onerencin, &erver( A+= %onerencin,

&erver( and Application &harin, &ervice A&#%UB provide conerencin, unctionality

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• %ore Focus( Focus Factory( and %onerencin, &erver FactoryB

• eb %onerencin, &erver or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• %onerencin, &cenario %all Flo.s in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

Core %*ocus5 *ocus *actor#5 and Conferencin" Server *actor#&@very Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 conerence has a similar liecycle( .hich is

described at a hi,h level in this section

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• %onerencin, *iecycle

• %onerencin, ata Flo.

• %onerence %reation and Activation

• Joinin, a %onerence

•  Addin, Participants to the %onerence

• )otiication ocument

• %onerence eactivation

• %onerence @8piration

Conferencin" ifec#cle

 A meetin, be,ins .hen the irst participant o any type Loins the conerence A participant can Loin

a conerence .hen the conerence is not loc/ed and .hen the participant can be authenticated(

based on the participants Active irectory identity or supplied meetin, /ey A meetin, ends .hen

all participants leave( .hen a presenter terminates the conerence( or .hen ten minutes have

lapsed since the last authenticated participant let the conerence hen a conerence ends( the

conerence is deactivated( .hich means that any remainin, participants are eLected and that real-

time media stops streamin, in the meetin, !hen( the meetin, state and meetin, content are

pur,ed at the time the conerence e8pires( as deined .hen the meetin, .as scheduled a

meetin, is a recurrin, meetin,( the meetin, can be reactivated ater the previous instance has

been deactivated( i it has not already e8pired Any content that .as uploaded previously is

available .hen the recurrent meetin, starts a,ain


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Conferencin" Data *lo)

!his i,ure sho.s the data lo. bet.een participatin, components .hen an intranet client creates

and Loins a conerence

!his is a description o the data lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen an intranet client

creates and Loins a conerence:

• Ste! +, !he schedulin, client communicates .ith the Focus Factory usin, omain )ame

&ystem )&B loo/up or the manually coni,ured server address !he schedulin, client

sends inormation reKuired or creatin, a meetin,( such as the conerence ( participant list(

user role inormation( and e8piration date in a &@"=%@ reKuest

• Ste! 2, !he Focus Factory creates a conerence record in the conerencin, database on

the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver !he Focus Factory also creates and returns a &P U" that

represents the conerence to the client

• Ste! <, !he conerencin, client connects to the Focus and establishes t.o dialo,s .ith it(

an )=!@ dialo, to Loin a conerence and carry additional command traic rom the client tothe Focus and a &UE&%"E@+)O!F dialo, to ,et conerence state chan,e notiications

• Ste! >, !he Focus connects to the Eac/-@nd atabase &erver to retrieve the conerence

record and to Kuery the conerencin, database to veriy that the client Loinin, the meetin, is

valid Policy chec/s are also perormed at this time

• Ste! ?, !he Focus reKuests inormation rom the %onerencin, &erver Factory about ho.

to contact a conerencin, server

• Ste! @, !he %onerencin, &erver Factory inds the conerencin, server o the type

reKuested by the Focus and then tries to provision a conerence on that conerencin, server(

in order to allocate resources or the conerence provisionin, succeeds( the %onerencin,

&erver Factory returns to the Focus an D!!P U"* that allo.s the Focus to establish a controllin/ .ith the conerencin, server

• Ste! 7, !he Focus communicates .ith the conerencin, server to issue commands that

be,in or end the conerence( chan,e the participant list( or other.ise chan,e the conerence


• Ste! A, !he conerencin, client communicates .ith the conerencin, server the server

is an A+= %onerencin, &erver( the si,nalin, protocol is &P and the media is transported over


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"!P+"!%P the server is a eb %onerencin, &erver( both si,nalin, and media are sent

usin, the P&O# protocol the server is an Application &harin, &erver( the si,nalin, protocol

is &P and the media is transported over "P encapsulated .ithin "!P

Conference Creation and ctivation!he schedulin, client communicates .ith the Focus Factory to create a ne. conerence !o

create a conerence( the Focus Factory on the server creates and coni,ures a conerence

record !he Focus Factory then sends the U" or the Focus instance to the client !he

conerence U" includes the or,aniHer o the conerence and a uniKue conerence identiier !he

synta8 is as ollo.s:

sip:Rorganizer SMRdomain.comST,ruuTopaKue3app:con:ocus:id: RuniKue S

For instance:



!here is ho.ever a uniKue conerence identiier that is especially reserved or reservationlessmeetin,s !he uniKue id is 4G1CAG2G09A4C@09G%FE509'EF !his meetin, never e8pires

hen a client creates a conerence usin, the &P &@"=%@ mechanism( the client irst ma/es a

&@"=%@ reKuest( .hich reKuests a summary o conerencin, capabilities supported in the

server( and then passes all the inormation that it needs re,ardin, the conerence( media types(

privile,es( and participants as part o a second &@"=%@ reKuest to the Focus Factory !he

Focus Factory creates the conerence record and then sends the connection inormation to the

client in the 200 O response to the &@"=%@ reKuest

!his i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client creates a

conerence usin, the &P &@"=%@ mechanism


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 42/310

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

client creates a conerence usin, the &P &@"=%@ mechanism:

Ste! +, !he client sends a &@"=%@ reKuest to the Focus Factory .ith inormation reKuestin,

conerencin, capabilities !hese capabilities include a list o media capabilities( P&!) support

and important policy inormation a client should /no. beore schedulin, a conerence Fore8ample:

SERVICE sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory

To: sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory

From: sip:[email protected];tag=f"#$$dc%%!&''&(a)"*%

Ca+I,: *'!&asdsss


Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

SI0 1eaders...

2345 )ody6

Ste! 2, Ater the ,et%onerencin,%apabilities &@"=%@ reKuest has been sent and the response

parsed by the client so that it can be a.are o the capabilities available( the client sends a

&@"=%@ reKuest to the Focus Factory to have the conerence created

Ste! <, !he Focus Factory parses the create conerence inormation in the &@"=%@ reKuest

and .rites it to the conerencin, database in the atabase

Ste! 2,2, Ater the Focus Factory .rites to the conerencin, database on the Eac/-@nd atabase

&erver( the Focus Factory sends a 200 O response to the client .ith the conerence inormation

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

 Loins a conerence

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

client Loins a conerence:


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 43/310

Ste! +, !he client sends an )=!@ reKuest to the %onerence U" to Loin the conerence !he

purpose o the )=!@ dialo, is t.o-old !he )=!@ dialo, indicates that the client .ishes to Loin

the conerence !he )=!@ dialo, is also used by the client to send an )FO reKuest in the

conte8t o the dialo,( in order to set up control o the conerence( as ollo.s:

I7VITE sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:!&*'

To: sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:!&*'

From: sip:[email protected];tag=f"#$$dc%%!&''&(a)"*%

Ca+I,: adfsfasdfasdfds

CSeq: ! I7VITE

Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

SI0 1eaders...

2add9ser C*0 request6

!he %4P addUser reKuest in the body o the )=!@ can be used to speciy speciic client

attributes( such as its isplay )ame

Ste! 2, !he client .ill use the &UE&%"E@+)O!F dialo, or .atchin, the conerence state( as


S9SCRIE sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:!&*'

To: sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:!&*'

From: sip:[email protected];tag=f"#$$dc%%!&''&(a)"*%

Ca+I,: adfsfasdfasdfds


Eent: conference

<ccept: appication-conference+info/m

Content+5engt1: SI0 1eaders...

!he Focus processes and accepts the subscription and notiies subscribers o any conerence

state chan,es !he conerence state includes the state maintained by the Focus itsel( the

conerence policy( and the media policy+inormation

Ste! 2,+, !he initial conerence state document can be included in the 200 O o the

&UE&%"E@( i the client e8presses support or this e8tension( as ollo.s:

SI0-&. & >?

To: sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:!&*'

From: sip:[email protected];tag=f"#$$dc%%!&''&(a)"*%

Ca+I,: adfsfasdfasdfds


Eent: conference

<ccept: appication-conference+info/m

Content+Type: appication-conference+info/m


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 44/310

SI0 1eaders...

2conference+state ersion= state=fu





  2uri6sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:audio+






  2uri6sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:meeting:id:!&*'2-uri6





  2uri6sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:c1at:id:!&*'2-uri6





  2uri6sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:p1one+



  2purpose6 p1one+conf2-purpose6



  2-conference+info62....>t1er conf Info...6


!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen the Focus

bootstraps the eb %onerencin, &erver


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 45/310

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen the

Focus bootstraps the conerencin, server:

Ste! +, !he client Loins the conerence( as described previously

Ste! 2, !he #%U Factory is selected based on the #%U !ype and =endor coni,ured at

schedulin, time !he Focus then ma/es a "etMcu call to the #%U Factory

Ste! 2,+,  the #%U Factory inds a suitable #%U( then it responds to the Focus .ith a success

"etMcu response

Ste! <, hen the #%U &erver U"* has been obtained by the Focus( it then ma/es an

addConference call to the #%U !he #%U can choose to accept or reLect the reKuest Do.ever(

.hen ailin, the call the #%U must place a reason element inside the addConference response

element that contains an indicator o .hy the reKuest .as ailed !his reason is an enumeration

deined in the %4P schema the conerence e8ists already( the #%U must respond .ith


• !he Conf/3ris section lists the #%U %onerence U" or this conerence !he #%U

needs to use this inormation to correlate incomin, media-)=!@ reKuests to the conerence

• !he Service/3ris section contains t.o U"s I one is an D!!P& U"* that ,ives the

Focus Pool U"* or use in sendin, %4P notiications !his U"* is indicated by the ms/

notification purpose parameter !he second U"* is a &P U"* that speciies the outbound-

pro8y or use by the #%U .hen it sends a &P reKuest !his outbound-pro8y is usually the

Focus itsel but it may be dierent e use the purpose value o ms/si!/outound/!ro'#  to

indicate this

• %onerence attributes or e8ample( or"ani;er ( user count( admission !olic#( and

e'!iration time& are communicated in the addConference call

• $ntit#/(olic# inormation applicable to the #%U is also conveyed in the addConference

call this is discussed in a previous sectionB


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 46/310

Ste! <,+,  the #%U accepts the addConference reKuest( it then responds to the

addConference call .ith a success parameter t can optionally reKuest Focus to send

conerence notiications by settin, the notiication parameter appropriately

9oinin" a Conference Ater a client Loins the conerence and the conerence is created( the client must establish a

media session .ith a conerencin, server responsible or that media type For each conerencin,

server that is involved in a conerence( the Focus assi,ns a virtual &P U" that is routable to the

Focus itsel !he initial notiication rom the Focus to the client contains the U"s or all

conerencin, servers in the conerence

 A client can Loin itsel to the conerence in one o the, t.o .ays:

• !o Loin to an # %onerencin, &erver or an A+= %onerencin, &erver %onerencin,

&ervers that communicate usin, &PB( a client issues a direct media )=!@ to the

conerencin, server U"

•!o Loin to a eb %onerencin, &erver .hich does not use &PB( a client issues an

add3ser  %4P dial-in command tar,eted at the conerencin, server U" All %4P commands

are carried inside a &P )FOB

 A presenter client .ill typically invite another participant into a conerence by irst sendin, an

a!!IN4IT$ directly to the other participant An a!!IN4IT$ is an )=!@ bet.een client

endpoints in .hich the body o the reKuest contains the Focus U" or the conerenceB

that participant client supports %4P( it .ill Loin itsel to the conerence usin, one o the precedin,


the participant is a client .ith aversion o Oice %ommunications &erver prior to 200'( the

presenter client .ill receive a C1 error that .ill cause the presenters client to issue an add3ser  

%4P dial-out command to the conerencin, server U"( to have the conerencin, server directly

connect to the le,acy client

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• irect #edia )=!@ %onerence Join #ethod or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• %4P addUser dial-in %onerence Join #ethod

Direct Media IN4IT$ Conference 9oin Method for Office Communications Server 2007 R2

%lients can Loin a conerence by sendin, a direct media )=!@ !his method can only be used

.ith conerencin, servers that use &P to establish sessions( such as the A+= %onerencin,

&erver and the # %onerencin, &erver A media )=!@ is an )=!@ .here the To: line contains

the conerencin, server U"

%lients can Loin a conerence by sendin, a direct media )=!@ !his method can only be used

.ith conerencin, servers that use &P to establish sessions( such as the A+= %onerencin,

&erver and the # %onerencin, &erver A media )=!@ is an )=!@ .here the To: line contains

the conerencin, server U"


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 47/310

 A client can send the media session )=!@ to the conerencin, server U" directly( .ithout any

prior add3ser  call !he )=!@ is routed to the Focus !he Focus chec/s i the connection

inormation is a routable &P address and or.ards the )=!@ directly to the conerencin, server

!he Focus also sends the add3ser  command to the conerencin, server on the clients behal

!he conerencin, server authoriHes the reKuest and responds .ith the connection inormation

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

 Loins a conerence by sendin, a direct media )=!@

%lient sendin, the media session )=!@ to the conerencin, server directly

V !he E@)O!F is sent to all clients subscribed to the conerence state

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

client Loins a conerence by sendin, the media session )=!@ to the conerencin, server U"


Ste! +, !he client sends an )=!@ to the ocus+conerence U" it received in the notiication

document !his )=!@ is routed to the ocus !he client mi,ht have included a session

description or media ne,otiation &ince the ocus reco,niHes that the )=!@ .as addressed to a

particular conerencin, server( it saely i,nores any session description in the body o the )=!@

Ste! 2, !he Focus then sends an D!!P reKuest to the conerencin, server assi,ned by the

%onerencin, &erver Factory to this conerence as/in, it to e8pect a ne. participant add3ser B

 Any bootstrappin, reKuests that the Focus sends to initialiHe the conerence on the conerencin,

server are not included in the call lo. dia,ram

Ste! 2,+, !he conerencin, server sends a successul response or the add3ser  call !he

response includes the actual U"* that it .ants the participant to use to communicate .ith the


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 48/310

conerencin, server the server sendin, the response is an A+= %onerencin, &erver( the U"*

indicates that the participant can communicate .ith the conerencin, server usin, &P

Ste! +,+, Ater the Focus receives the successul response or the add3ser  reKuest( the Focus

or.ards the )=!@ to the A+= %onerencin, &erver

Ste! +,2, !he conerencin, server sends a successul response to the client

Ste! +,<, !he client sends an A% to the conerencin, server to complete the )=!@ dialo, !he

same )=!@ dialo, is also used or media ne,otiation .ith the conerencin, server


 Althou,h the client establishes the )=!@ dialo, directly .ith the conerencin, server( the &P

reKuests traverse the Focus

Ste! <, Ater the client successully Loins the conerencin, server( it sends a participant Loined

event to the Focus

Ste! >, !he Focus sends a participant Loined conerencin, server state chan,e notiication to all

clients subscribed to the conerence state

Ste! ?, irect media ne,otiation occurs bet.een the client and the conerencin, server ith an

 A+= %onerencin, &erver( the media are "!P+"!%P streams

C<( add3ser dial/in Conference 9oin Method

 A client can connect to a non-&P based conerencin, server( such as a eb %onerencin,

&erver( by issuin, an add3ser  %4P dial-in command hen a client issues an add3ser  dial-in

%4P command( the Focus or.ards the command to the eb %onerencin, &erver !he eb

%onerencin, &erver authoriHes the command and returns the appropriate connection

inormation !he client then establishes a direct media session .ith the conerencin, server

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

 Loins a conerence by issuin, an add3ser  %4P dial-in command


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 49/310

%lient Loinin, media .ith a eb %onerencin, &erver usin, addUser dial-in

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

client Loins a conerence by sendin, an add3ser  %4P command to the eb %onerencin, &erver:

Ste! +, !he client sends an )FO reKuest .ith an add3ser  dial-in command to the Focus !he

client uses the ocus+conerence U" it received in the notiication document

Ste! 2, !he Focus determines i a conerencin, server has been assi,ned to support thisparticular media type or this conerence a conerencin, server has not been assi,ned( the

Focus sends an D!!P reKuest to the %onerencin, &erver Factory as/in, it to allocate a

conerencin, server or this conerence n the dia,ram( it is assumed that the conerencin,

server has been assi,ned to the conerence !he Focus then sends an D!!P reKuest to the

desi,nated conerencin, server as/in, it to e8pect a ne. participant add3ser B Any

bootstrappin, reKuests that the Focus sends to initialiHe the conerence on the conerencin,

server are not included in the call lo. dia,ram

Ste! 2,+, !he conerencin, server sends a successul response or the add3ser  reKuest !he

response contains the actual U"* it .ants the conerence participant to use to tal/ to the

conerencin, server the client is Loinin, a eb %onerencin, &erver( the U"* is a P&O# U"*

 AuthoriHation inormation( i any( is also included in the response

Ste! <, !he Focus sends the P&O# connection inormation to the client

Ste! >, !he client directly establishes a P&O# channel .ith the eb %onerencin, &erver

Ste! ?, Ater the client successully Loins the eb %onerencin, &erver( it sends a participant

 Loined event to the Focus


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 50/310

Ste! @, !he Focus sends a participant Loined conerencin, server state chan,e notiication to all

clients subscribed to the conerence state

E7>TIFA sip:[email protected] SI0-&.

  SI0 1eaders...

2conference+state ersion=! state=partia

  entity=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:!&*'6

  2user entity=)o) state=fu6

  2dispay+te/t6o) ?ey2-dispay+te/t6

  2endpoint entity=addf6





  2media entity=& state=fu6

  2dispay+te/t6data coa)2-dispay+te/t6





2....>t1er conf Info...6


ddin" (artici!ants to the Conference

!his section describes the dierent .ays that participants can be added to a conerence In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

•  Addin, Participants Usin, an App)=!@

• %4P addUser dial-out %onerence Join #ethod

ddin" (artici!ants 3sin" an !!IN4IT$

!his method o addin, participants to a conerence is used by clients that support %4P and can

thereore Loin both the #edia and the media conerencin, server

 Ater a client has Loined a conerence successully( the client can send an app )=!@ to another

participant !he app )=!@ displays as a messa,e prompt in the users client and contains a

conerencin, U"* and meetin, /ey Ater the participant accepts clic/sB the messa,e prompt( it

.ill launch the conerencin, client( .hich then dials the participant in to the conerence


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 51/310

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

adds a participant to a conerence usin, an app)=!@

 Ad hoc invitation to another participant

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

client adds a participant to the conerence usin, an a!!IN4IT$:

Ste! +, !he client sends an app )=!@ to another participant !he invitation contains inormation

the participant needs in order to dial in to the conerence( includin, authoriHation inormation( i

any e8ists Ater the participant accepts the invitation( the conerencin, client is launched( .hich

enables the client to dial in to the conerenceSte! 2, Ater the client successully dials in to the conerence( the Focus sends a participant list

update notiication to all clients subscribed to the conerence state

C<( add3ser dial/out Conference 9oin Method

!he primary .ay that le,acy clients( such as Oice %ommunicator 200 releaseB( are invited to

 Loin conerences is throu,h a %4P add3ser  dial-out command hen the presenter client issues

an add3ser  dial-out %4P command( the Focus or.ards the command to the conerencin,

server !he conerencin, server authoriHes the command( dials out to the le,acy client speciied

in the add3ser  command( and then establishes a direct media session .ith the le,acy client !his a!!IN4IT$ mechanism can be used .ith ne. clients that support the app )=!@ and the

ne. %4P protocol Do.ever( le,acy clients can also be invited to conerences !o invite a le,acyclient to a conerence( the client sends an add3ser  dial-out to another client

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

adds a participant to a conerence usin, a %4P add3ser  dial-out command


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 52/310

%lient Loinin, media .ith A+= %onerencin, &erver usin, addUser dial-out

!he, is a description o the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

client adds a participant to the conerence usin, an add3ser  dial-out command:

Ste! +, !he client sends an )FO reKuest add3ser  dial-out command to the Focus !he client

uses the ocus+conerence U" it received in the notiication document

Ste! 2, !he Focus determines i a conerencin, server has been assi,ned to support this

particular media type or this conerence a conerencin, server has not been assi,ned( the

Focus sends an D!!P reKuest to the %onerencin, &erver Factory as/in, it to allocate a

conerencin, server or this conerence n the dia,ram( it is assumed that the conerencin,

server has been assi,ned to the conerence !he Focus then sends an D!!P reKuest to the

desi,nated conerencin, server as/in, it to dial out to the user Any bootstrappin, reKuests that

the Focus sends to initialiHe the conerence on the conerencin, server are not included in the call

lo. dia,ramSte! <, !he conerencin, server dials out an )=!@ to the client usin, an outbound &P pro8y(

.hich is usually runnin, on the same server as the Focus

Ste! >, !he client directly establishes a "!P media channel .ith the conerencin, server

Ste! ?, Ater the client successully Loins the conerencin, server( it sends a participant Loined

event to the Focus


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 53/310

Ste! @, !he Focus sends a participant Loined conerencin, server state chan,e notiication to all

clients subscribed to the conerence state

Notification Document

For each media type used in the conerence( the Focus assi,ns a virtual &P U" that routes tothe Focus !he initial notiication rom the Focus to the client contains the list o &P U"s or all

the conerencin, servers in the conerence !he client uses the conerence U" to identiy the

conerencin, server it into .hich it .ants to dial or to .hich it .ants to issue a control command

!he conerence state pac/a,e data model has the, elements:

• Conference descri!tion %onerence title and description

• Conference 4ie) %onerence-speciic inormation or each entity involved in the

conerence or e8ample( the Focus( A+= %onerencin, &erver( and # %onerencin, &erverB

!his inormation includes capabilities( current state( settin,s( and policy inormation

• 3sers "oster o the conerences( the users( correspondin, endpoints( and the media

sessions to .hich they are connected

!he, is an e8ample o a conerence state notiication document .ith t.o conerencin,


2conference+info 6


  2msci:conference+ie ci:state=fu6

  2msci:entity+ie entity=a4cuConf9ri ci:state=fu6

  2BD4C9 specific data media+specific states go 1ere ++6


  2msci:entity+ie entity=data4cuConf9ri ci:state=fu6

  2BD4C9 specific data media+specific states go 1ere ++6


  2msci:entity+ie entity=acp4cuConf9ri ci:state=fu6

  2BD4C9 specific data media+specific states go 1ere ++6




2user entity=sip:[email protected] state=fu 62endpoint entity=sip:[email protected] 6




2user entity=sip:user& state=fu 6


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 54/310

2endpoint entity=sip:user& 6




2user entity=sip:user*@conf.fa) state=fu 6



2endpoint entity=sip:[email protected]) 6



2endpoint entity=GguidH session+type=audio+ideo 6

2status 6connected2-status6



2user entity=sip:user'@conf.fa) state=fu 6



2endpoint entity=sip:user&@conf.fa) 6





2dispay+te/t6)ron)ag 2-dispay+te/t6



2uri6sip:[email protected];ms+app=conf-meeting;ms+conf+id=cd2-uri6

2dispay+te/t6,ata 4C92-dispay+te/t6




2uri6sip:[email protected];ms+app=conf-audio+ideo;ms+conf+


2dispay+te/t6<V 4C92-dispay+te/t6




8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 55/310




Conference Deactivation

 A presenter can terminate a conerence that is in pro,ress at any point hen a presenter

terminates a conerence( the client sends a &P )FO reKuest .ith a %4P deleteConference 

command to the Focus( .hich includes the conerence U" !he Focus perorms authoriHation to

veriy that the user is a presenter .ith privile,es to end the conerence !he Focus then

,enerates an update to the participant list by sendin, a &P )O!F messa,e to all users .ith an

active )=!@ dialo, associated .ith the conerence !he conerencin, server sends a &P E@

to each client that has an active media dialo, At this point( the conerence has eectively ended

 A conerence is deactivated in the, scenarios:

• hen no ne. participant has Loined a conerence meanin, the conerence is idleB in 2C


• 10 minutes ater all authenticated participants have let the conerence

Conference $'!iration

hen a conerence is created( an e8piration date is typically passed to the server or the

conerence hen the e8piration date arrives( the Focus is responsible or deletin, all inormation

about the conerence rom the conerencin, database and the eb %onerencin, &erver is

responsible or deletin, the conerence content

e Conferencin" Server for Office Communications Server2007 R2

 A discussion o the eb %onerencin, &erver must necessarily include a discussion o the

interactions bet.een the components: conerencin, client( Focus( Focus Factory( %onerencin,

&erver( and %onerencin, &erver Factory einitions o the conerencin, components are as


• Conferencin" Client A &P endpoint capable o Loinin, and participatin, in a


• Schedulin" Client A &P endpoint that is responsible or schedulin, the conerence For

e8ample( the %onerencin, Add-in or #icrosot Oice Outloo/ messa,in, and collaboration

client is a schedulin, client or scheduled conerences and Oice %ommunicator can be a

schedulin, client or ad-hoc conerences

• *ocus A Focus is a &P endpoint that represents a conerence t is responsible or

mana,in, the state o the conerence( enorcin, security( mana,in, roles and privile,es and

providin, conerence state updates to the clients A Focus instance runs on a Front @nd



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 56/310

• *ocus *actor# An entity that creates( modiies( or deletes a conerence in the

conerencin, database %lients use &P &@"=%@ messa,es to send %4P commands to and

receive %4P commands rom the Focus Factory

• Conferencin" Server  An entity responsible or a speciic media types !his can also be

reerred to as an #%U @8amples include: Audio+=ideo( eb %onerencin, datacollaborationB( # %onerencin, &erver( and !elephony %onerencin, &erver !he eb

%onerencin, &erver enables data collaboration amon, multiple participants %onerencin,

data collaboration eatures can include application sharin,( .hite boardin,( chat( pollin,(

Kuestion and eb sharin,( multimedia content( ile transer( and Po.erPoint support

• Conferencin" Server *actor# An entity responsible or allocatin, a conerencin, server

to a conerence or a speciic media type

n the Oice %ommunications &erver architecture( all conerence control commands are sent by

clients to the ocus( .hich then relays these commands to the appropriate conerencin, servers

ater veriyin, that the client that sent the reKuest has the privile,es to perorm that operation

#edia is then e8chan,ed directly bet.een a client and the conerencin, servers

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• eb %onerencin, Architecture

• File &tructure

• #etadata Folder 

• Or,aniHer Folder 

• %onerence Folder 

• !ypes o &lides

• %ontent Upload and o.nload over P&O#

• %ontent Upload over P&O# and o.nload over D!!P&

• &lide &et Files

• Dandouts File !ransersB

• Persistata Folder &hared )otesB

• %ontent Folder 

• %onerence %ontent Folder 

• File &iHe "estrictions

• %ompliance

e Conferencin" rchitecture

Oice %ommunications &erver eb conerencin, reKuires that *ive #eetin, clients can connect

to a &tandard @dition server or an @nterprise pool( a eb %onerencin, &erver( and a eb

%omponents &erver &B Furthermore( the eb %onerencin, &erver and eb %omponents

&erver must have access to the shared olders that the administrator created durin, deployment(

in order to store meetin, inormation metadataB and meetin, content !he eb %onerencin,


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&erver must have read+.rite access to the metadata older and .rite access to the content older

!he eb %omponents &erver must have read access to the content older

!he, i,ure sho.s the reKuired topolo,y or eb conerencin, .ith Oice

%ommunications &erver

ou can install and run these servers on the same physical computer or on dierent computersDo.ever( it is recommended that a dedicated ile server hosts the conerencin, metadata and

content olders

*ile Structure

 At a minimum( the eb %onerencin, &erver is coni,ured .ith t.o U)% paths that indicate

.here the server stores conerence state that is( metadataB and conerence content !he irst

U)% path is .here the server stores the conerence metadata iles !he second U)% path is

.here the server stores conerence content !hese olders are also reerred to as the metadata

older and the content older

!he, paths can be coni,ured usin, either the ##% or the indo.s #ana,ementnstrumentation #B MS*TBSI(DataMC3Ca!ailit#Settin"s  class:

• Meetin"Metadataocation property or metadata ile location

• Meetin"(resentationContentocation  property or content location

n addition to these olders( the eb %onerencin, &erver can also be coni,ured .ith a third

U)% path or a compliance older "e,ulatory compliance is not enabled by deault( but i your

or,aniHation needs to retain data e8chan,ed in eb conerences to satisy re,ulatory compliance


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reKuirements( you can coni,ure a U)% path to the compliance older usin, either the ##% or

the # MS*TBSI(DataCom!lianceSettin"Class  class

!hese U)% paths can point to a ile system runnin, on the same computer or( preerably( on a

dedicated ile server !he administrator manually creates these olders .hen deployin, Oice

%ommunications &erver

Metadata *older 

!he metadata older stores the conerence metadata or e8ample( the number o slides( the slide

names( and the slide typesB that is shared by the eb %onerencin, &erver .ith clients over

Persistent &hared ObLect #odel P&O#B Under the metadata older root( the eb %onerencin,

&erver creates the, structure o subolders:

• For each conerence or,aniHer( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates a separate older

belo. the metadata older root !he or,aniHer older name is a hash value computed usin,

the or,aniHer U"

•For each conerence( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates a separate older belo. the

or,aniHer subolder !he conerence older name is the same as the conerence

• #etadata iles or a conerence are stored in the conerence older

!he, i,ure sho.s the structure o metadata olders or m or,aniHers and n conerences

or the irst or,aniHer

!he eb %onerencin, &erver creates these olders and subolders .hen it receives a %4P

addConference reKuest rom the Focus a older or an or,aniHer does not e8ist( the eb

%onerencin, &erver creates a ne. or,aniHer older a older or an or,aniHer already e8ists( the

eb %onerencin, &erver creates the conerence subolder belo. the e8istin, or,aniHer older

a older or a conerence does not e8ist( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates a ne. conerence


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older a conerence older already e8ists( the eb %onerencin, &erver saves the metadata

iles in the e8istin, conerence older

&ensitive inormation about conerences( includin, each conerences encryption /ey( is stored in

the metadata older As a result( it is recommended that( durin, deployment( the administrator

,rants "ead+rite permissions or the metadata older only to the user ,roup that .ill administerthe eb %onerencin, &erver

Contentm"r,'ml *ile

n the metadata older root( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates an #* ile %ontentm,r8mlB

that is used to coordinate the mechanism that cleans up the e8pired content For e8ample( i your

or,aniHation deployed multiple instances o the eb %onerencin, &erver and all instances share

the same metadata and content olders( the %ontentm,r8ml ile is used to monitor and determine

.hich eb %onerencin, &erver is responsible or runnin, the clean-up mechanism

n the %ontentm,r8ml ile( you can ind the ully Kualiied domain name F<)B o the eb

%onerencin, &erver responsible or removin, e8pired content rom the olders !he eb

%onerencin, &erver responsible or removin, e8pired content periodically updates the%ontentm,r8ml ile .ith its o.n F<) and a time stamp indicatin, the last time it updated the

ile #ean.hile( other eb %onerencin, &ervers in the topolo,y periodically read the ile and

veriy the time stamp more than 10 minutes have passed since the last update( another eb

%onerencin, &erver attempts to loc/ the ile and .rite its o.n F<) in the ile to become the

ne. o.ner o the clean-up process

Or"ani;er *older 

hen a eb %onerencin, &erver needs to create a metadata older or a conerence( it e8tracts

the or,aniHer U" rom the addConference #* !he U" is passed as input or a hash unction

!he result o this call is used to search throu,h the subolders o the metadata root older to

determine .hether there is already an e8istin, or,aniHer subolder no or,aniHer subolder

e8ists( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates a ne. one

Davin, a separate older or each or,aniHer allo.s the administrator to easily move the

conerences o.ned by a particular user !he resource /it has a tool( #Dashe8e( .hich allo.s

an administrator to input an U" and obtain the hash For e8ample( i you need to chan,e the U"

or a user and continue to have the content available( you need to:

• "un #Dashe8e .ith the old U" and ,et the name or the or,aniHer older

• "un #Dashe8e .ith the ne. U" and ,et the name or the ne. or,aniHer older

• "ename the old older usin, the ne. hash value

Conference *older 

hen a eb %onerencin, &erver needs to create a metadata older or a conerence( ater the

server has created or identiied the appropriate or,aniHer older( the server e8tracts the

conerence rom the #* in the %4P addConference reKuest( and then searches the

subolders belo. the or,aniHer older or a older .ith the same name as the conerence a


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matchin, older does not e8ist( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates a ne. older belo. the

or,aniHer older

!he conerence older contains all the inormation that is used by eb %onerencin, &erver to

recreate the content o a conerence !he, i,ure sho.s the structure o the iles that are

stored in a conerence older


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!he conerence older has one subolder named or presentations n this subolder( the eb

%onerencin, &erver creates all the conerence iles

Conference,'ml *ile

For each conerence( a conerence8ml ile is created !he conerence8ml ile contains the, inormation about the conerence:

• Conference ID !he same as the conerence older name

• Or"ani;er 3RI !he same U" used to build the or,aniHer hash

• Conference e'!iration time !he time and date used by the clean-up mechanism to

determine .hen the content should be removed

• $ncr#!tion .e# !he master encryption /ey !he eb %onerencin, &erver randomly

,enerates an encryption /ey usin, Advanced @ncryption &tandard A@&B as the encryption

al,orithm !his /ey is used to encrypt the metadata #* iles or the slide sets in the

conerence !his encryption is an additional layer o protection on top o the access

permissions on the root metadata older


@ach slide set has a uniKue identiier n the precedin, illustration( the identiiers start .ith aaa 

and end .ith zzz  !he &&#a8d ile stores the latest allocated or saved slide sets !he ile is

updated by the eb %onerencin, &erver .hen a ne. slide set is created !he ile is read by the

eb %onerencin, &erver .hen the content o the conerence needs to be recovered

T#!es of Slides

!he eb %onerencin, &erver enables conerence participants to share content that has been

uploaded to the conerence Persistent &hared ObLect #odel P&O#B .as used to upload all

content to the conerence( content can be do.nloaded rom the eb %onerencin, &erver to aparticipants *ive #eetin, client usin, either P&O# or D!!P& content is uploaded usin,

D!!P&( then the do.nload is perormed by the & server instead o the eb %onerencin,


!he, table describes the protocols that can be used to upload and do.nload each type o

slide that a *ive #eetin, presenter can create

Slide T#!e 3!load over (SOM Do)nload over (SOM Do)nload over 1TT(S

hiteboard es - es

&napshot es - es

Poll es es -

!e8t es es -

eb es es -

 Application sharin, es es -


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 62/310

Slide T#!e 3!load over (SOM Do)nload over (SOM Do)nload over 1TT(S

Po.erPoint es - es

#icrosot Oice ord


es - es

Dandouts ile transerB es - es

Content 3!load and Do)nload over (SOM

Persistent &hared ObLect #odel P&O#B oers the most basic mechanism or uploadin, and

do.nloadin, content to a conerence Uploadin, and do.nloadin, over P&O# involves only the

*ive #eetin, clients( the eb %onerencin, &erver( and the ile server .here the eb

conerencin, metadata and content olders reside

Usin, P&O#( the presenters *ive #eetin, client uploads a slide and its content !he eb

%onerencin, &erver chec/s the presenters permissions and then creates the state or the ne.slide !he eb %onerencin, &erver saves the state on the ile server and then shares the ne.

slide state .ith all clients in the conerence

!he, i,ure sho.s the upload and do.nload process or conerence content

For all slide types e8cept poll slides( the content is sent .ith the irst P&O# messa,e For poll

slides( the content that is( Kuestions and choicesB is sent ater an initial create slide has been



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Content 3!load over (SOM and Do)nload over 1TT(S

hen the actual content or a slide is uploaded to the eb %onerencin, &erver( the client uses a

stream to send the data rom the local computer to the eb %onerencin, &erver !he stream

mechanism is built on top o Persistent &hared ObLect #odel P&O#B to send( in real-time( a

lar,e amount o data P&O# is typically used to send only small pieces o data( such as inte,ersand short strin,sB

hen the content o slides uploaded to the server over P&O# must be accessed by conerence

participants( D!!P& is used to do.nload the content

For e8ample( Po.erPoint slides( ord documents( and handout slides that is( ile transersB all

reKuire participants to transer rom the eb %onerencin, &erver a si,niicant amount o data(

includin, ima,es and ori,inal documents For these types o slides( the data is transerred to

clients usin, the eb %omponents &erver First( the eb %onerencin, &erver .rites the content

to the shared older or conerencin, content !he olders .here the content is saved are

encryptedB !hen( the eb %onerencin, &erver sends clients in the conerence the U"* and the

encryption /ey or the content iles @ach participant uses this U"* to do.nload the content rom

the eb %omponents &erver Usin, the encryption /ey( each participant decrypts the content and

displays it in the *ive #eetin, .indo.

!he, i,ure sho.s the data lo. .hen clients do.nload conerence content over D!!P&


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!he upload process is similar to the one .hereby the content is do.nloaded over P&O# !he

dierence is that the *ive #eetin, client al.ays sends content to the eb %onerencin, &erver in

a separate step( as a stream over P&O#

 Ater the eb %onerencin, &erver receives the content stream rom the presenter( the eb

%onerencin, &erver ,enerates a random encryption /ey and ile name or the content and saves

the content into the content older on the shared ile system Ater the content is saved to the ile

server( the eb %onerencin, &erver sends the encryption /ey and ile name to the client !he

client sends a ?@! reKuest to the eb %omponents &erver &ince the eb %omponents &erver

is coni,ured to use the same content older( nternet normation &ervices &B is able to resolve

the reKuest and send the client the encrypted content !he *ive #eetin, client then decrypts the

content and displays it


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Slide Set *iles

For each slide set created( the eb %onerencin, &erver saves t.o encrypted #* iles !he

encryption al,orithm is A@& and the encryption /ey is the master /ey stored in the

conerence8ml ile Eecause the iles are encrypted( their ile names use an e8ml ile name

e8tension@ach slide set has a uniKue identiier !he slide set ile names are created usin, the,


  set-<unique_identifier>e8ml and set-s-<unique_identifier>e8ml

For e8ample( or a slide set .ith the uniKue identiier abc( the ile names are set-abce8ml and


!he content o the t.o iles is the same !he second ile is provided or bac/up purposes hen

the eb %onerencin, &erver needs to save ne. chan,es in the slide set .ith the uniKue

identiier aaa( the server opens the irst ileWset-aaae8mlWand attempts to save the chan,es to

that ile the ori,inal .rite operation succeeds( the eb %onerencin, &erver creates a copy o

set-aaae8ml and renames the copy slide-s-aaae8ml the .rite operation ails( the eb%onerencin, &erver deletes set-aaae8ml( creates a copy o set-s-aaae8ml( and renames the

copy set-aaae8ml

!he, i,ure sho.s the lo,ical lo. o the update operation


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!he update procedure or slide sets is called every ive minutes !his value is hard coded and

cannot be chan,ed an update operation ails( the chan,es made to a slide set in the past ive

minutes are not saved the eb %onerencin, &erver stops runnin, durin, this period( chan,es

to the slides can be lost Do.ever( the eb %onerencin, &erver continually tries to update the

iles every ive minutes As a result( i one attempt ails( the eb %onerencin, &erver can

attempt to save the content later

@ach slide set ile contains the #* serialiHation o the data reKuired to recreate the slide set

content !he ,eneric layout or this #* is as ollo.s:

•  A root node that contains inormation about the slide set or e8ample( the name( creator(

and time .hen the slide set .as createdB

•  A child node or each slide in the slide set !his node contains the inormation about the

slide or e8ample( the name( creator( time .hen the slide .as created( type o slide( a lin/ to

the ori,inal document( and a lin/ to the ima,es representin, the slideB

• Eased on the type o slide( there can be child nodes For e8ample( there can be a child

node or the annotations in a Po.erPoint slide or a child node or the Kuestion and

choices in a poll slide


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!he ile is a snapshot o the current content or a ,iven slide set !he ile does not store historical

inormation such as deleted slides or the values or attributes beore they have been updated

!here are t.o types o slides:

• &lides or .hich all the slide content is shared bet.een eb %onerencin, &erver and

meetin, clients usin, only the P&O# channel !he, table lists the slide types or.hich all content is shared over P&O#

Slide T#!e Slide Content Shared over (SOM

eb slide )ame( U"*

Poll &lide )ame( Kuestion( choices

!e8t &lide )ame( content

 Application &harin, &lide )ame( type o sharin, that is( es/top or

 ApplicationB( color depth( process

• &lides or .hich some part o the content is shared bet.een the eb %onerencin,

&erver and meetin, clients over P&O# and some other part o the content is shared bet.een

the eb %omponents &erver and meetin, clients over D!!P& !he, table lists the

slide types or .hich content is partially shared over P&O# and partially shared over D!!P&

Slide T#!e Slide Content Shared over


Slide Content Shared over


hiteboard )ame( annotations Eac/,round ima,e .hite


&napshot )ame( annotations Eac/,round ima,e the

des/top screen capture rom

the conerence presenterB

Po.erPoint )ame( annotations P)? iles or the lar,e slide

ima,e and or the slide

thumbnailT ori,inal PP!


ord ocument )ame( annotations P)? iles or the bi, ima,e

and or thumbnailT

ori,inal # document

#ultimedia )ame Ori,inal multimedia ileT the

chun/ iles

For slides or .hich some content is shared over P&O# and some is shared over D!!P&( the

content that is shared over D!!P& is stored in the conerence content olders !he conerence


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metadata ile or the slide set stores only the lin/ to the conerence content ile and the encryption


For e8ample( i you have a slide ,enerated rom a Po.erPoint slide( under the #* node or that

slide you ind the:

• "andomly ,enerated name or the ori,inal uploaded PP! ile

• @ncryption /ey or the PP! ile

• "andomly ,enerated name or the lar,e ima,e o the slide in P)? ormat

• @ncryption /ey or the P)? ile

• "andomly ,enerated name or the thumbnail ima,e o the slide in P)? ormat

• @ncryption /ey or the P)? ile

ou can use the names o these PP! and P)? iles to search or the slide content in the

conerence content olders

Metadata *ile for (oll Slide

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a Poll slide


name=J 0o ! K


  created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K6

  2question6L1at day is todayM2-question6



  2c1oice6LE,2-c1oice6  2c1oice6TN92-c1oice6





Metadata file for Te't Slide

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a !e8t slide


name=J Te/t Side ! K


created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K




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  T1is is t1e content of a te/t side IOe 8ust typed



Metadata *ile for e Slide

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a eb slide


name=J Le) Side ! K


created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K



Metadata *ile for hiteoard Slide!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a hiteboard slide


name=J L1ite oard ! K


created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K



















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Metadata *ile for Sna!shot Slide

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a &napshot slide


name=J Snaps1ot ! K


created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K


























8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 71/310





Metadata *ile for ord Document Slide

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a ord document slide


name=0age !



created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K

















Metadata *ile for !!lication Sharin" Slide

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or an Application &harin, slide


name=Command 0rompt + !


created)y=sip:[email protected] J!K

  s1are0rocInfo=sip:[email protected] + !C"E"'(!*"<C"


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 72/310






s1areTite=Command 0rompt




1andouts %*ile Transfers&

ou can thin/ o ile transers( also /no.n as handouts( as another type o slide set Dandouts

can be considered slide sets that contain only one slide o a sin,le type: a transerred ile

!he eb %onerencin, &erver ollo.s the same process to save and update handout slides that

it uses or other slide sets First( the server saves t.o encrypted #* iles or each handout !he

content o the t.o iles is the same !he second ile is provided or bac/up purposes

!he update procedure or a handout is called every ive minutes an update operation ails( the

chan,es made to a handout in the past ive minutes are not saved the eb %onerencin,

&erver stops runnin, durin, this period( chan,es to the handout can be lost Do.ever( the eb

%onerencin, &erver continually tries to update the #* iles every ive minutes As a result( i

one attempt ails( the eb %onerencin, &erver can attempt to save the content later

!he only dierences in the save and update process or handouts are the location .here the iles

are saved and updated( the namin, convention used to name the iles( and the ile that /eeps

trac/ o the s or the slide set or handouts

!he iles are saved under a separate subolder named tB in the conerence older or the

or,aniHer !he F!#a8 iles contain the last used !he names o the iles in .hich the slide

set inormation is saved ta/e the, orm: ileset-RidSe8ml !he iles are encrypted usin,

the master encryption /ey

!he ile content represents the #* serialiHation o handout inormation Eecause handout slides

are shared over D!!P& in the #*( there is an encryption /ey and the randomly ,enerated name

or the ile that is saved in the content older

Metadata *ile for a 1andout %*ile Transfer&

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or a handout ile transerB2fieset




9poaded>n,ate=$-&#-&" !&:& 04


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 73/310


9poadedy=sip:[email protected]




Created>n,ate=!-!$-$''! #:&& 04


4odified>n,ate=!-&-$''! %:!$ <46


(ersistData *older %Shared Notes&

n the Persistata older( the eb %onerencin, &erver stores only one ile !he ile contains the

#* serialiHation o the shared notes inormation !he ile is encrypted usin, the conerence

master encryption /ey !he ile contains the #* serialiHation or rich te8t

Metadata *ile for Shared Notes

!he, is an e8ample o the #* content or shared notes


  2Scope4anager -6



  20ainTe/t6T1is is t1e content of t1e s1ared notes pane IOe

8ust edited





  2Format fontface=<ria fontsie=(. )od=fase

itaic=fase underine=fase -62Format fontface= fontsie=(.

)od=fase itaic=fase underine=fase -6



  2FormatRun format= engt1=%& -6





8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 74/310


  2Format )uets= num)ering= -62Format )uets=!

num)ering= -6

  2Format )uets= num)ering=! -6



  20aragrap1 format= -6







Content *older 

!he content older stores the content that is shared bet.een the eb %onerencin, &erver and

clients usin, the eb %omponents &erver !he content olders structure is similar to other

subolders !he content older contains the,:

•  A separate subolder or each or,aniHerT the older name is a hash based on the

or,aniHer U"

• Under the or,aniHer subolder( there is a separate older or each conerenceT the older

name is the same as the conerence

!he, i,ure sho.s the structure o the content older


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Conference Content *older 

!he conerence content older stores all the conerence content that is shared bet.een the eb

%onerencin, &erver and meetin, clients !he, i,ure sho.s the structure o the iles that

are stored in a conerence older

Slidefiles *older 

!he &lideiles older stores all the slide content that is shared over D!!P& All iles are encrypted

usin, A@& and a randomly ,enerated /ey A ne. encryption /ey is used or each content ile !he

/ey is stored in the metadata ile set-888e8mlB or the slide set that includes the slide .ith the

content that .ill be shared over D!!Ps !he names o the iles are randomly ,enerated and

stored in the same metadata ile as the encryption /ey

!he, table describes ile name e8tensions or the types o slides that the &lideiles older


$'tension Descri!tion

@P)? An encrypted P)? ima,eT or e8ample( this canbe the lar,er ima,e in a Po.erPoint slide or the

slide thumbnail ima,e

@PP! An encrypted ori,inal PP! document

@# An encrypted # document I the console

converts the ord document into a # beore


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$'tension Descri!tion

it is sent to the eb %onerencin, &erver

A= An encrypted A= document

!he, table lists the types o slides that the &lideiles older contains and the content each

slide type contains

Slide Content

&napshot @P)? or the lar,er ima,e

@P)? or the thumbnail

Po.erPoint slide @P)? or the lar,er ima,e

@P)? or the thumbnail

@PP! or the ori,inal PP! !here is one copy othis ile For e8ample( i you have a PP! .ith

t.o slides( you only see a sin,le @PP! ileB

ord ocument &lide @P)? or the lar,er ima,e

@P)? or the thumbnail

@# or the ori,inal # ile

A= A= or the ori,inal A= ile

%hun/s ,enerated by the presenter client rom

ori,inal A= ile

*iles Transferred *older %ft&

!he t older stores all the handouts transerred ilesB that are shared over D!!P& All iles are

encrypted usin, A@& and a randomly ,enerated /ey A ne. encryption /ey is used or each

content ile !he /ey is stored in the metadata ile ileset-888e8mlB created or the transerred ile

that .ill be shared over D!!P& !he names o the iles are randomly ,enerated and stored in the

same metadata ile as the encryption /ey

!he, table describes the ile name e8tension or the handout slides contained in the t


$'tension Descri!tion

E*E !he encrypted transerred ile


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 77/310

*ile Si;e Restrictions

&iHe restrictions are enorced by the eb %onerencin, &erver or certain documents uploaded to

the eb %onerencin, &erver( such as Po.erPoint documents( ord documents( multimedia(

snapshot slides( and handout slides !he, table describes the values that the eb

%onerencin, &erver enorces

4alue Descri!tion (o)er(oint Documents5

ord Documents5

Multimedia5 or Sna!shot


1andout Slides

File siHe !he siHe o a ile must

not e8ceed this value

0 #E 2 #E

!otal siHe !he total siHe o all iles

in a conerence must

not e8ceed this value

100 #E 100 #E

)umber o iles !he total number o

iles in a conerence

must not e8ceed this


G02 40000

!he values or the total siHe and number o iles reer to the iles in a conerence t is

recommended that you reserve 100 #E or each conerence created on the eb %onerencin,

&erver !he ile restriction values can be coni,ured usin, the #

MS*TBSI(DataMC3Ca!ailit#Settin"  class

File siHe policies are enorced each time a ne. slide or ile is added to a conerence or ane8istin, slide or ile is removed the presenter is tryin, to upload or transer a ne. ile that

results in a violation o ile siHe restrictions( the operation ails !he eb %onerencin, &erver also

provides perormance counters that indicate each time an upload or transer e8ceeds one o

these limits


meetin, compliance is enabled( compliance olders are created on the ile server !he

compliance older stores the content that is shared bet.een the eb %onerencin, &erver and

meetin, clients throu,h the eb %omponents &erver in a clear unencrypted ormat !he

compliance older structure is similar to the structure o subolders in the metadata and contentolders !he compliance older contains the,:

•  A subolder or each or,aniHer !he older name is a hash value computed usin, the

or,aniHer U"

•  A subolder or each conerence under each or,aniHer subolder !he older name is the


!he, i,ure sho.s the structure o the compliance older


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@nsure that only authoriHed users have read or .rite permissions and that the eb %onerencin,&erver has .rite permissions to the compliance older

Com!liance *older 

!he compliance older stores unencrypted metadata and content iles !he, table lists the

compliance subolders and the types o iles stored in those subolders

Sufolder Descri!tion

%ontent &tores the copies o metadata iles

%ontent-upload &tores the copies o content iles

%hat &tores the lo,s or %hat sessions

Poll &tores the lo,s .ith the votes or Poll slides

<na &tores the lo,s or <uestion and


Unli/e the metadata and content olders( the compliance older also stores all deleted slides !he

metadata and content olders only store the most recent conerence content

!he, i,ure sho.s the structure o compliance subolders


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Conferencin" Scenario Call *lo)s in Office CommunicationsServer 2007 R2

!his section describes the lo,ical seKuence o events and call lo. or various conerencin,


oc. or 3nloc. a Conference

 A presenter can loc/ a conerence at any point to prevent ne. users rom Loinin, or bein, added

to the conerence hen a presenter loc/s a conerence( the client sends a &P )FO reKuest

.ith a %4P modif#Conferenceoc.  command to the Focus that includes the conerence U"

!he Focus perorms authoriHation to veriy that the user has privile,es to loc/ the conerence

!he Focus then relays the modif#Conferenceoc.  command to all conerencin, servers !he

ocus then sends a %4P response to the client indicatin, success

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

loc/s or unloc/s a conerence

!he call lo. .hen a presenter unloc/s the conerence is similar( e8cept the loc/ed value in the

command body is set to alse

Dial In to a (STN Conference 3sin" SI( C<( %Tele!hon# Conferencin"Server&

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 enables P&!) that is( telephoneB conerences to

provide the audio portion o a eb conerence Any user .ith a valid P) can Loin a P&!)

conerence by dialin, the audio conerencin, provider An audio conerencin, provider is a

conerencin, brid,e oered by a telephone carrier .ith .hom your or,aniHation has contractedB

!he audio conerencin, provider authoriHes the P) and sends a &P )O!F to the !elephony

%onerencin, &erver indicatin, that a ne. user is Loinin, the conerence !his )O!F is sent to

the Focus( .hich then pro8ies the )O!F to all other users in the conerence


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)ote that this scenario is distinct rom the ne. ial-n %onerencin, unctionality introduced in

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( .here the conerence resides on an Oice

%ommunications &erver( as opposed to a conerencin, brid,e oered by a telephone carrier

hen usin, the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 P&!) capabilities .here the

conerence resides on an Oice %ommunications &erverB( the client simply needs to dial the

P&!) access number !he %ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant handles authentication and Loins

the P&!) user into the audio conerencin, server n order or clients to Loin usin, P&!)( the

or,aniHer client must have reKuested P&!) capabilities .hen creatin, a conerence

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a client

dials in to a P&!) conerence hosted on a conerencin, brid,e oered by a telephone carrier

Dial Out to Device 3sin" add3ser %udio Conferencin" (rovider&

For a presenter to invite his o.n phone or another participants phone into the conerence( the

presenters client sends a &P )FO reKuest to the Focus .ith a &P %4P add3ser  command

!he Focus veriies that the client sendin, the reKuest is a presenter( and then relays the add3ser

command to the conerencin, server .ith inormation about the endpoint to call Participants

cannot dial out to other usersB !he conerencin, server or.ards the )FO messa,e to the audio

conerencin, provider !he A%P responds to the conerencin, server !he conerencin, server

or.ards the response rom the A%P to the Focus !he A%P calls out to the users phone and

sends a &P )O!F to the conerencin, server !he conerencin, server sends a )O!F to the

Focus indicatin, that the user has connected !he Focus then sends an updated participant list to

all clients in the conerence

Remove a (artici!ant

Participants can choose to leave a conerence or presenters can choose to remove or eLect otherparticipants hen a participant leaves a conerence( the participants client sends a &P )FO

reKuest to the Focus .ith a %4P delete3ser  command indicatin, .hich participant to remove

!he Focus validates the reKuest and then sends a &P E@ in the Loin dialo, !he Loin dialo, is

terminated !he subscription dialo, is also terminated ater the Loin dialo, is terminated !he

Focus relays the delete3ser  command to all conerencin, servers in the conerence @ach

conerencin, server sends a media E@ to the participant to terminate media streams to the


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participant !he Focus sends a &P )O!F .ith an updated participant list to all participants .ith

an active )=!@ dialo, in the conerence !he conerencin, server sends a &P E@ to the

participant .ho is leavin, the conerence a presenter has removed multiple participants rom

the conerence( the conerencin, server sends a &P E@ to all eLected participants a

participant is Loined to a conerence usin, multiple endpoints( the conerencin, server deletes

each endpoint

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

participant is removed rom a conerence

Mute or 3nmute

 At any time durin, a conerence( a participant can mute or un-mute his media stream and

presenters can do the same or other participants hen a participant .ants to mute or unmute

his audio( the participants client sends a &P )FO reKuest .ith a %4P modif#$nd!ointMedia 

command to the Focus !he )FO reKuest indicates the client to mute or unmute !he Focus

validates the command and sends it to the conerencin, server responsible or the media type

that the client .ants to mute or unmute !he Focus perorms authoriHation to veriy the type o

participant Only conerence presenters have the authority to submit a reKuest to mute or un-

mute another participantB the participant is authoriHed to perorm the mute or un-mute

operation she reKuested( the Focus sends a 202 Accepted response !he Focus then sends a

&P )FO reKuest .ith the %4P response to the client !he conerencin, server sends a %4P

)O!F to the Focus hen the Focus receives the %4P )O!F rom the conerencin, server(

the Focus updates the conerence participant list and sends the updated list to all participants

.ith an active )=!@ dialo, in a &P )O!F messa,e


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a participant connected to an Audio+=ideo conerencin, server is muted( the Audio+=ideo

%onerencin, &erver rene,otiates audio media .ith the client so as to stop receivin, audio rom

that client !his is done as an optimiHation to prevent the client rom unnecessarily sendin, audio

media that .ould have been dropped by the conerencin, server in any case .hen the participant

is muted &imilarly .hen a user is unmuted( the Audio+=ideo conerencin, server rene,otiates the

audio media to no. start receivin, audio rom that client

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

participant mutes or unmutes his media stream

Ma.e (resenter  A presenter can choose to promote any attendee to the presenter role !his is a privile,e

available to presenters only and is implemented usin, the modif#3serRoles  %4P command

hen a presenter promotes an attendee( the presenters client sends a &P )FO reKuest to the

Focus .ith a %4P modif#3serRoles  command !he Focus validates that the participant ma/in,

the reKuest is a presenter( and then sends a 202 Accepted !he Focus relays the

modif#3serRoles command to all conerencin, servers to inorm the conerencin, servers o the

chan,e in participant role !he Focus sends a &P )FO .ith the %4P response to the client that

made the reKuest !he Focus sends a &P )O!F reKuest .ith an updated participant list to all

participants .ith an active )=!@ dialo,

!he, i,ure sho.s the messa,e lo. bet.een conerencin, components .hen a

presenter promotes another participant to the presenter role


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Dial/In Conferencin" Scenario!he, i,ure sho.s the relationships amon, the components that are reKuired to support

dial-in conerencin, !he i,ure sho.s a sin,le Front @nd &erver and a sin,le #ediation &erver

n practice( there .ill probably be multiple load-balanced Front @nd &ervers( each o .hich .ill be

runnin, all the shaded components( or each @nterprise @dition pool !here .ill also probably be

multiple #ediation &ervers


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In This Section

!he, topics describe these components and relationships in detail:

• &erver-Eased ial-n %onerencin, %omponents

• %lient-Eased ial-in %onerencin, %omponents


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• %all Flo.s

Server/-ased Dial/In Conferencin" Com!onents

ial-in conerencin, is supported by Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 &tandard and

@nterprise @ditions( and the unctionality is identical on both editions For or,aniHations that

deploy @nterprise @dition or its ,reater scalability and availability( the consolidated topolo,y is

no. recommended or most installations o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 For detailed

inormation about the consolidated topolo,y( see the @nterprise @dition %onsolidated !opolo,y

section o the #icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 &upported !opolo,ies and

nrastructure "eKuirements ,uide

n a consolidated @nterprise @dition topolo,y( each member o a pool o Front @nd &ervers runs a

set o components: the &P Pro8y+"e,istrar( the Focus Factory( the %onerencin, Factory( all o

the conerencin, servers that is( #( eb %onerencin,( A+=( and Application &harin,B( and hosts

t.o applications on the Uniied %ommunications Application &erver Application &erverB platorm

that are reKuired or dial-in conerencin,: the %onerencin, Attendant service and the

%onerencin, Announcement service


%onerencin, &ervers .ere ormerly /no.n as multipoint control units #%UsB: !he

%onerencin, &erver Factory is also /no.n as the #%U Factory( the A+= %onerencin,

&erver is the same as the A= #%U( and so on %onerencin, servers are actually

services o the #icrosot indo.s operatin, system that run as independent processes

separate rom the "tcsrve8e ront-end service

n addition to the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Front @nd &ervers( dial-in conerencin,

reKuires at least one #ediation &erver inte,rated .ith a media ,ate.ay and+or a PE( as .ell as

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB %ommunicator eb Access is reKuired or dial-in

conerencin, even i you are not providin, your users .ith a bro.ser-based clientB

ctive Director#-ased Confi"uration Data

Eecause nearly all o the settin,s that are used by dial-in conerencin, apply to the entire

or,aniHation( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 stores them .ith other ,lobal coni,uration

data in Active irectory omain &ervices A &B !he Active irectory schema or Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 adds ne. %ontact obLects that are speciic to dial-in

conerencin,( as .ell as location proileIaccess number contact obLect mappin,s( additional

,lobal meetin, policy attributes( ne. !rusted &ervice obLects or the %onerencin, Attendant

service and the %onerencin, Announcement service( and U"*s or internal and e8ternal access

to the %ommunicator eb Access server or server arm

Contact O=ects

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 adds a ne. msRTCSI(/!!licationContacts  container

class to the coni,uration container under the "!% &ervice obLect *i/e the &ubscriber Access

and Auto Attendant %ontact obLects that are used by the #icrosot @8chan,e &erver 200' Uniied

#essa,in, service( these instances have an obLect%lass o to! !erson or"ani;ational(erson


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 87/310

contact Unli/e the @8chan,e %ontact obLects( dial-in conerencin, %ontact obLects are stored in

the %oni,uration container rather than in a omain container( and dial-in conerencin, %ontact

obLects do not appear in the Active irectory Users and %omputers snap-in

Unli/e users( %ontact obLects do not have their o.n authentication credentials &ervices runnin,

under the identity o a %ontact obLect must either be la,,ed in A & as trusted or elseimpersonate the identity o the user .ho called the service

!here .ill be multiple %ontact obLects in this container that are related to dial-in conerencin,: one

or each dial-in number( plus one or the %onerencin, Attendant service

C(rivateContactO=ect B and one or the %onerence Announcement service o each pool

@ach contact is a &P User A,ent that acts as a robotic endpoint or processin, and routin, dial-in

conerence callers and or playin, conerence announcements

 Administrators mana,e dial-in contact obLects usin, the Conferencin" ttendant (ro!erties tab

o the *orest (ro!erties dialo, bo8 in the Oice %ommunications &erver mana,ement snap-in

For each %onerencin, Attendant phone number added( an Application %ontact obLect is created

that contains the phone number( the pool name ailiated .ith the number( a &P U" or

e8ample( si!:Microsoft,RTC,!!lications,C/EG3IDFcontoso,com& ( the primary spo/en

lan,ua,e that is played to the caller by the %onerencin, Attendant service( and a list o up to our

secondary lan,ua,es that .ill be presented as alternates to users .ho dial into the

%ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant

Do.ever( the %onerence Announcement &ervice and %AAPrivate%ontactObLect obLects are

coni,ured durin, product activation( and neither is e8posed throu,h the snap-in you chan,e

the name o your or,aniHationNs main &P domain ater you install Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2( you need to chan,e the msRTCSI(/(rimar#3serddress attribute or both obLects to

relect your ne. primary &P domain Eoth use the orm si!:Rtc!!lication/EG3IDFESI(

DomainFB ou can edit this attribute by usin, A&@dit( or you can use the E@#!est utility to

edit the (rimar#3RI attribute o the correspondin, indo.s #ana,ement nstrumentation #BConference nnouncement Service and C(rivateContactO=ect instances( .hich are

located in the MS*TBSI(!!licationContactSettin"  top-level class

ial-in %ontact obLects cannot be shared across poolsT each must be bound to an @nterprise pool

or one &tandard @dition server

ocation (rofile to ccess Numer Ma!!in"s

 Another ne. A & schema chan,e in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 is the *ocation

%ontact #appin,s container !his container contains instances o the msRTCSI(/

ocationContactMa!!in"  class( and each instance binds a dial-in contact to a location proile

Just as each user .ho is enabled or @nterprise =oice is assi,ned a correspondin, location

proile( either e8plicitly or by deault( each %onerencin, Attendant dial-in contact also must beassi,ned a location proile

!he Re"ions tab o the Conferencin" ttendant (ro!erties dialo, bo8 o the Oice

%ommunications &erver mana,ement snap-in is used to mana,e these assi,nments A re,ion is

a ,roup o dial-in access numbers that belon, to sin,le Oice %ommunications &erver @nterprise

=oice location proile Users assi,n a re,ion to the dial-in meetin,s and conerences they create(

thereby settin, the dial-in numbers that are used by the conerence Users .ho are enabled or


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 88/310

@nterprise =oice are assi,ned a deault re,ion !hey can( ho.ever( manually override this

deault( or e8ample( i dial-in attendees .ould be better served by access numbers in another

,eo,raphic re,ion

Gloal Meetin" (olic#

 AuthoriHin, users to create dial-in conerences is mana,ed throu,h the ,lobal Meetin" (olic# 

tab !his tab is not ne.( but in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 the schema is e8tended

.ith t.o more settin,s( $nale (STN conference dial/in and (STN conference dial/in

reHuires !asscode @ither a sin,le meetin, policy can be assi,ned to all users in the

or,aniHation( or dierent policies can be assi,ned to individual user accounts

!hese meetin, policies are stored in Active irectory omain &ervices as instances in the

%oni,uration %ontainer under Services( RTC Service( and then (olicies @ach instance has an

msRTSI(/(olic#Content  attribute that contains la,s or $nale(STNConferencin"  and


Trusted Services

n addition to the %ontact obLects described previously( both the %onerence Announcement

&ervice and %onerencin, Attendant &ervice are represented by multiple obLects class type 3

msRTCSI(/TrustedServiceB in the %oni,uration %ontainer under Services( RTC Service( and

then Trusted Services container o Active irectory omain &ervices A &B For each pool

supportin, ial-in %onerencin, services( there must be one instance o each type or each pool

name msRTCSI(/TrustedServer*6DN  3 <pool name FQDN>B( plus instances or each server

in those pools msRTCSI(/TrustedServer*6DN  3 <server FQDN>B For &tandard @dition

servers( there are only t.o obLects( since the pool name and server name are the same

!hese trusted service instances .ill have an RTCSI(/TrustedServiceT#!e attribute o either

Microsoft,RTC,!!lications,C  or Microsoft,RTC,!!lications,CS

Communicator e ccess 3Rs

%ommunicator eb Access serves an au8iliary role or ial-in %onerencin, unrelated to its

primary role as a eb server or hostin, bro.ser-based %ommunicator clientsWto serve eb

pa,es that are lin/ed to by Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 client( the %ommunicator 200' "2

 Attendant( the %onerencin, Add-n or Oice Outloo/( and the *ive #eetin, client !hese eb

pa,es allo. users to vie. dial-in numbers or various locations and to provide them .ith an

interace to reset their dial-in corporate P) numbers and personal conerence s

One %ommunicator eb Access server or server arm normally serves the ial-in %onerencin,

&ettin,s eb pa,es or all users across all pools( as sho.n in the, i,ure


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 89/310

!o launch this pa,e( Oice %ommunicator( %ommunicator Attendant( the %onerencin, Add-n or

Oice Outloo/( and the *ive #eetin, client obtain the internal and e8ternal U"*s o the

%ommunicator eb Access server rom the Oice %ommunications &erver Front @nd &erver

throu,h in-band provisionin, .hen a user si,ns in Eecause the %ommunicator eb Access path

is a ,lobal rather than pool-speciic settin, by deault( the Front @nd &erver obtains these valuesrom Active irectory omain &ervices A &B throu,h a # call to

MS*TBSI(GloalCServerConfi"Settin"  or the Internal3R( $'ternal3R(

(honeConf3RSuffi'( and e9oin3RSuffi' attributes n Active irectory omain &ervices(

these values are stored in the RTC Services( Gloal Settin"s container obLect as msRTCSI(/

DefaultCInternal3R( msRTCSI(/DefaultC$'ternal3R ( and msRTCSI(/

GloalSettin"sData B

an administrator needs to chan,e either o the %ommunicator eb Access paths( he can use

the %ommunicator eb Access administrative snap-in to republish a ne. path

ou can also coni,ure the %ommunicator eb Access U"* at a pool level and this value

overrides the ,lobal value !he pool level # property is MS*TBSI(CServerConfi"Settin"

!o publish this value you need to do it manually usin, E@#!este8e and assi,n a ?U and

bac/-end database path to it

Office Communications Server *ront $nd Server Com!onents

!o support conerences .ith dial-in users( each Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

@nterprise @dition server in a consolidated ront end topolo,y runs the, reKuired


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 90/310

components: &P Pro8y( %onerencin, Attendant( %onerence Announcement &ervice( Focus

Factory( %onerencin, &erver Factory( and the Audio+=ideo %onerencin, &erver A &tandard

@dition server runs the same components( but it uses a local &<* &erver @8press @dition

database rather than a remote &<* &erver database

!he Focus Factory is responsible or handlin, conerence creation and deletion( and stores thisinormation in the bac/-end database

 Ater a conerence is activated( it is hosted by a Focus instance( .hich mana,es conerence

state( user roles( and privile,esT enorces securityT and provides conerence state to participatin,

clients !he %onerencin, &erver Factory provisions conerencin, servers that is( #%UsB as

reKuested by the Focus and mana,es their state durin, the duration o the conerence

@ven thou,h each pool server in a consolidated topolo,y runs all o these components( many

operate in their o.n process space Althou,h the Focus .ill al.ays be runnin, on the same

server as the %onerencin, &erver Factory that is mana,in, the conerencin, servers or the

meetin,( the %onerencin, Attendant( %onerence Announcement &ervice( and A+= %onerencin,

&erver can be runnin, on other Front @nd &ervers in the pool !his architecture allo.s individual

server roles and uniied communications applications to be load-balanced independently o one

another For e8ample( in a load balanced pool consistin, o ive servers( a dial-in caller comin,

into the system rom a #ediation &erver could be routed by the &P Pro8y service on &erver1 to

the %onerencin, Attendant runnin, on &erver2( .hich then hands o the caller to the meetin,Ns

Focus runnin, on &erver4( .hich in turn connects the callerNs audio to an A+= %onerencin,

&erver runnin, on &erverC( .hich is bein, monitored and announced by a %onerence

 Announcement &ervice runnin, on &erver n act( the %onerencin, Attendant &ervice that

ans.ers a dial-in attendee mi,ht be runnin, in a pool separate rom the one that hosts the


one o these services became unavailable( the load balancer .ould detect the ailure and

redirect ne. service reKuests to one o the other pool servers one o those servers ails or ista/en oline durin, a conerence already in pro,ress( Oice %ommunications &erver can detect

the ailure and re,enerate the terminated component in the case o the FocusB or assi,n the

conerence to another conerencin, server in the pool and reconnect participants

!he sections that ollo. describe in more detail the role each application or server role plays in

supportin, ial-in %onerencin,

Conferencin" ttendant

!he %ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant is an auto-attendant service a botB that authenticates and

 Loins dial-in participants to audio conerences %ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant supports 1C

dierent lan,ua,es !he %onerencin, Attendant prompts the caller or %onerence s and

passcodes i callin, in as an anonymous participantB or e8tension number and P) i Loinin, as a@nterprise UserB( plays on-hold music .hen enterprise users have not yet Loined the meetin,(

reKuests authentication rom a ront-end service( and Loins authenticated callers to the Focus and

 A+= %onerencin, &erver or the reKuested %onerence

!he %onerencin, Attendant &ervice on each Front @nd &erver listens on !%P port 0'2 or

incomin, calls !hese reKuests normally come rom a #ediation &erver and are pro8ied by the


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#ediation &erverNs ne8t hop pool a load balancer is used( it listens on !%P port 0'2 as .ell

and redirects reKuests to a %onerencin, Attendant service runnin, on one o the pool servers

!here are only a e. pool-level settin,s stored in the bac/-end &<* &erver database !he Oice

%ommunications &erver administrative snap-in e8poses the settin,s or minimum P) len,th(

retry loc/out count( and P) a,in, policy settin,s throu,h the (STN Conferencin" tab in the*ront $nd (ro!erties dialo, bo8 o the selected pool

!hese settin,s can also be accessed throu,h the MS*TBSI((STNConferencin"Settin"  #

obLect( in addition to the (IN$'!iration( (INen"th( and (INRetries property values


!he pool-level MS*TBSI((STNConferencin"Settin"  # obLect also contains values

or Internal3R and $'ternal3R properties !hese last t.o settin,s are let-over

artiacts o an earlier development build and can be disre,arded !hey reer to a eb

component named Phone%onerencin, that .as used durin, development and did not

,et removed rom the inal release o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 product

!his component is visible rom the nternet normation &ervices &B #ana,er connectedto Front @nd servers( but it is superluous

Conferencin" nnouncement Service

!he %onerence Announcement &ervice is another trusted bot that participates in all dial-in

enabled audio conerences t monitors the conerence roster and plays entry and e8it tones to all

dial-in attendees .hen other dial-in attendees Loin or leave( and also tells attendees .hen their

microphone has been muted or unmuted in the lan,ua,e that they chose .hen they connected to

%ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant )o coni,uration is reKuired or this service

!he %onerence Announcement &ervice on each Front @nd &erver listens on !%P port 0'4 or

reKuests rom a Focus that is runnin, on one o the Front @nd &ervers in the pool a load

balancer is used( it also listens on !%P port 054 and redirects reKuests to the %onerencin, Attendant service on one o the pool servers

*ocus *actor#

!he Focus Factory is responsible or schedulin, meetin,s and .ritin, them to the bac/-end

database hen a user creates a ne. meetin,( the meetin, client sends a &P &@"=%@

messa,e to a Focus Factory( .hich creates a ne. instance o the meetin, in the database and

returns inormation about the created meetin, to the client

!he Focus Factory unctionality has been enhanced in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 to

support dial-in conerences hen a client .hich could be Oice %ommunicator( the

%onerencin, Add-in or Outloo/( or the *ive #eetin, clientB creates a scheduled or unscheduled

meetin,( i the meetin, creator reKuests and is permitted to include dial-in participants( the Front

@nd &erver communicates .ith a Focus Factory to ,enerate a dial-in %onerence

%onerence s are short numeric conerence identiiers that are entered by dial-in attendees by

usin, the phone /eypadB to indicate the meetin, that they .ant to Loin %onerence s consist o

a non-uniKue pool concatenated .ith a uniKue portion ,enerated by the hostin, pool .hen the

meetin, is created !he pool portion o the %onerence routes the dial-in caller to the speciic

pool .here the meetin, is hosted


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 92/310

 Althou,h #eetin, s 15 to 42 character he8adecimal identiiers used in the %onerence U" to

uniKuely identiy meetin,sB( the short %onerence s o e8pired conerences can be reused and

are uniKue only .ithin the scope o a sin,le Oice %ommunications &erver or,aniHation !he

mappin,s bet.een the %onerence s and #eetin, s are stored in the "!% database Users

do not normally need to enter #eetin, s manually( but dial-in users manually enter %onerence

s usin, their /eypads to tell the %onerencin, Attendant &ervice .hich meetin, they .ant to


!he overall len,th o %onerence s not i8ed and .ill e8pand as needed to support the number

o pools in the or,aniHation and the number o une8pired meetin,s in the pool( and the pool

portion that is( the pool B .ill be at least t.o di,its As a minimum security consideration to

minimiHe eortless ,uessin, o consecutive %onerence s( ater the complete conerence is

,enerated( it is obuscated by Oice %ommunications &erver that is( the number the user sees

cannot be parsed into a pool portion and a meetin, portionB

!he %onerence is ,enerated at the home pool o the user .ho schedules it( and it desi,nates

the pool that .ill host the meetin, Do.ever( since the conerence creatorNs pool al.ays hosts the

conerence( this means that conerence s must be released and reissued .henever aconerenceNs creator has been moved to another pool !his action is automatically ta/en by Oice

%ommunications &erver Unli/e #eetin, s( %onerence s may be reused ater the conerence

mapped to has been deleted or moved

!he Front @nd &erver passes the %onerence bac/ to the conerence client( .here it is

conveyed to dial-in participants throu,h some other means( such as in an e-mail messa,e


 An instance o the Focus or each active meetin, e8ists on one o the servers in the pool that is

hostin, the meetin,( and it maintains the conerence state and can be monitored by other

components For e8ample( the %onerence Announcement &ervice monitors the Focus to

determine .hen users arrive or leave the meetin, and .hen users have been muted or unmuted

!he Focus publishes the meetin, roster( .hich has been updated in Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 to include dial-in callers the caller has an Active irectory omain &ervices

account and has provided his or her e8tension number and corporate P)( he or she .ill be listed

in the roster lists o *ive #eetin, clients under the display name assi,ned to their user account

Do.ever( i the caller has provided only the %onerence and passcode i reKuiredB( he or she

.ill be listed in the roster by %aller i the number is passed to the #ediation &erver by the

PE or ,ate.ayB not( such callers .ill be listed as Unidentiied Participant 1( Unidentiied

Participant 2( and so orth

From the roster list in the *ive #eetin, client( presenters can orcibly mute( unmute( and eLect

dial-in participants Lust as i they .ere *ive #eetin, client users

Conferencin" Server *actor#

 Althou,h the %onerencin, &erver Factory is essential to support dial-in conerencin, by

provisionin, the A+= %onerencin, &erver that is needed or the meetin,( it does not e8hibit any

special behavior .hen dial-in conerencin, attendees are involved


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udio84ideo Conferencin" Server 

 An A+= %onerencin, &erver acts as a relay hub or audio and video used by the meetin,s

assi,ned to it ial-in callers appear to the A+= %onerencin, &erver as Lust another audio

endpoint Ater a dial-in caller has been authenticated( the %onerencin, Attendant si,nals the A+=

%onerencin, &erver in the pool hostin, the meetin, to establish an audio le, .ith the #ediationserver handlin, the dial-in participant

hen a dial-in user is connected to the A+= %onerencin, &erver( it in turn invites a %onerence

 Announcement &ervice in its pool to the meetin, unless one is already runnin,B( .hich in turn

 Loins the Focus as a trusted participant !he %onerence Announcement &ervice monitors the

Focus( and announces certain state chan,e events to all dial-in participants( such as .hen a

participant enters or leaves the meetin,( or to individual dial-in participants( such as .hen his or

her microphone has been muted

Mediation Servers

n order or the ial-in %onerencin, eature to service P&!) callers( the or,aniHation must have

either one or more #ediation &ervers connected to the P&!) usin, a #edia ?ate.ay connectedto the P&!) or to a PE( or irect &P nte,ration .ith a PE or e8ternal &P !run/in, service

provider As .ith @nterprise =oice user irect n.ard ialin, B numbers and @8chan,e Auto

 Attendant and &ubscriber Access numbers( calls rom the P&!) to the published dial-in access

numbers must also be routed to a #ediation &erver nbound routin, normaliHes the called-party

number accordin, to the deault location proile rules on the #ediation &erver and routes calls to

the address o the ne8t-hop pool

)o special #ediation &erver coni,uration is reKuired to support dial-in conerencin,( but the

normaliHation rules or the #ediation &erverNs deault location proile must normaliHe the dialed

number to a orm typically @15CB matchin, the *ine U" o a %onerencin, Attendant contact


"outin, o %onerencin, Attendant contact numbers to a #ediation &erver may also reKuire

additional routin, rules on the PE and+or #edia ?ate.ay i the phone number patterns dier

rom those o @nterprise =oice users or i @nterprise =oice has not been deployedB

hen plannin, or dial-in conerencin,( /eep in mind that each dial-in user .ill consume a

channel on a trun/ connectin, the PE and+or #edia ?ate.ay to the P&!) For or,aniHations

.ho siHe their number o P&!) trun/s and #ediation servers to accommodate normal levels o

inbound and outbound call volumes( this means they may not be able to support lar,e numbers o

dial-in usersT ho.ever( or such meetin,s they could still use an audio conerencin, provider

A%PB or the eb-hosted *ive #eetin, &ervice

n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( it is not possible to lin/ an A%P conerencin, brid,e to

an Oice %ommunications &erver A+= %onerencin, &erver

Communicator e ccess Server 

 As noted earlier( the 200' "2 release o %ommunicator eb Access serves a role in dial-in

conerencin, that is unrelated to its primary role o hostin, a bro.ser-based client or Oice

%ommunications &erver Usin, the Internal3R and $'ternal3R attributes o the

MS*TBSI(GloalCServerConfi"Settin"  obLect( .hich are provisioned to the client durin,


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si,n-in( the Oice %ommunicator( Outloo/ %onerencin, Add-n( and *ive #eetin, clients e8pose

lin/s to ne. %ommunicator eb Access eb pa,es that display dial-in access numbers or

various locations and lan,ua,es and that ,ive users an interace to reset their personal dial-in

conerence codes and P) numbers

Pi,,y-bac/in, this unctionality on %ommunicator eb Access spares Oice %ommunications&erver customers rom dedicatin, a separate server to this role andWbecause the unction is

used very li,htlyWit does not si,niicantly de,rade overall %ommunicator eb Access

perormance !his approach also ma/es it easier or or,aniHations to provide nternet-based

access to these eb pa,es( because most or,aniHations that deploy %ommunicator eb Access

also publish the service to the nternet

!he ial-in %onerencin, &ettin,s eb site is accessed by appendin, 8dialin to the internal or

e8ternal %ommunicator eb Access U"*s !he site consists o t.o separate pa,es:

• (ulish Dial/in Conference Numers !he home pa,e o the ial-in %onerencin,

&ettin,s eb site !his pa,e does not reKuire authentication and is read-only t publishes the

%onerencin, Attendant access numbers or various lan,ua,es and re,ions( and the pa,e

itsel is available in 1C lan,ua,es &upport or non-@n,lish versions o the pa,e reKuires

installation o the %ommunicator eb Access #ultilan,ua,e Pac/B

• Chan"e !er/user dial/in settin"s From the ial-in %onerencin, &ettin,s home pa,e( a

user can clic/ a si,n-in lin/ that brin,s up a site that enables him or her to reset dial-in

conerence P) numbers and personal conerence s !his pa,e is available in the same

lan,ua,es as the home pa,e

%ommunicator eb Access does not store data locally All dial-in conerencin, data is e8tracted

rom the pool that is assi,ned to the lo,,ed-on user( .hich retrieves data rom the poolNs

database and rom Active irectory omain &ervices A &B


%ommunicator eb Access support or dial-in conerencin, is also unrelated to the ne.

P&!) dial-out eature( .hich allo.s %ommunicator eb Access users to participate in

voice calls by callin, them bac/ on a P&!) phone or PE e8tension

Client/-ased Dial/in Conferencin" Com!onents

!o create a dial-inIenabled meetin,( the user must be authoriHed and be usin, the 200' "2

release o the #icrosot %onerencin, Add-in or #icrosot Oice Outloo/( or the *ive #eetin,


Conferencin" dd/in for Microsoft Office Outloo.!he 200' "2 release o the %onerencin, Add-in or #icrosot Oice Outloo/ has some ne.

unctionality or schedulin, dial-in conerences

• Users can connect directly rom Outloo/ to the ial-n %onerencin, &ettin,s eb pa,e

on the %ommunicator eb Access server

• #eetin, creators can enable dial-in conerencin, as an audio option


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hen Outloo/ starts( the internal and e8ternal U"*s o the %ommunicator eb Access server

are provisioned to Outloo/ rom the pool by usin, the connection inormation that is coni,ured in

the *ive #eetin, client

hen the Outloo/ user selects ial-n %onerencin, &ettin,s rom the %onerencin, menu(

Outloo/ irst tries to open the dialin site on the e8ternal U"* o the %ommunicator eb Accessserver this ails( then it retries on the internal U"*

!o enable dial-in conerencin, or users( the meetin, creator must enable dial-in conerencin, or

the meetin, usin, the Conferencin" dd/in udio o!tions menu

hen an Outloo/ user clic/s Schedule a ive Meetin"( the client ma/es a &P reKuest to the

userNs pool stipulatin, that it .ants to schedule a dial-in enabled meetin, and ,enerates a 42-

character he8adecimal #eetin, !he pool chec/s that it has the capability to support a dial-in

meetin, and obtains rom the Focus Factory the dial-in numbers that are assi,ned to the userNs

pool( a %onerence ( and sends it bac/ to the client !he Add-in inserts this inormation into the

meetin, invitation

the meetin, is set to allo. anonymous participants and i meetin, policy mandates use o

passcodes or i the meetin, creator chooses to use one( the client .ill also ,enerate a random

passcode and send it encryptedB to the Focus Factory !his passcode is also included in the

meetin, invitation

the Outloo/ clic/s Schedules a Conference Call instead o a *ive #eetin,B and the

invitationNs audio option is set to 3se m# assi"ned conference ID for each conference( the

same process occurs( e8cept that the conerence and passcode i mandated by meetin,

policyB are the ones that .ere previously ,enerated by the ial-n %onerencin, &ettin,s eb

site !he result .ill be an audio-only meetin,( to .hich non-phone participants access usin,

Oice %ommunicator instead o *ive #eetin, the audio option is 3se a ne) conference ID for

each conference( the Focus Factory .ill assi,na ne. %onerence

ive Meetin" Client

!he #eet )o. eature o the *ive #eetin, 200' client enables users to create unscheduled

conerences that support dial-in users

dial-in conerencin, is enabled( the Focus Factory assi,ns the meetin, a %onerence and

the client ,enerates a random passcode i orced by meetin, policy or i the meetin, creator

chooses to use oneB !his inormation( and the dial-in numbers( is displayed in the client .hen the

meetin, or,aniHer clic/s 4ie) Call/In Details on the Meetin" list or on the O!tions menu o the

4oice J 4ideo list Do.ever( unli/e the %onerencin, Add-n or Outloo/( the *ive #eetin, client

does not automatically distribute this inormation to participants @ven i the meetin, or,aniHer

uses the -# $/mail menu option in the client under the ttendees menu( under InviteB to createan e-mail invitation( the or,aniHer must manually insert the meetin,Ns dial-in inormation into the

body o the messa,e

Office Communicator 

 Althou,h Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 does not provide a means or users to create scheduled

meetin,s( it does enable users to create unscheduled audio+video meetin,s Do.ever( Oice


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%ommunicator does not contain provisions or invitin, dial-in attendees to these meetin,s Oice

%ommunicator-based participants can use the clientNs dial-out eature to add phone users to

these meetin,sB

)evertheless( Oice %ommunicator users can clic/ a menu option that lin/s them to the

%ommunicator eb Access server to vie. and modiy their dial-in conerencin, settin,s Oice%ommunicator obtains the internal and e8ternal %ommunicator eb Access U"*s usin, in-band

provisionin, upon si,n-in and uses these to open the ial-n %onerencin, &ettin,s eb pa,e in

a separate bro.ser .indo.

Call *lo)s

!here are t.o separate lo.s to dial-in conerencin,: creatin, a dial-in conerencin,Ienabled

meetin, and Loinin, the meetin, as a dial-in participant

Meetin" Set/u!

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 introduces a ne. %entraliHed %onerence %ontrolProtocol %4PB command: "etConferencin"Ca!ailities !he client sends a &P &@"=%@

reKuest containin, a "etConferencin"Ca!ailities  reKuest to the Focus Factory to discover

capabilities o the hostin, pool !he Focus Factory returns inormation that the client uses to orm

ddConference and Modif#Conference  reKuests For dial-in conerencin, to be oered to the

person schedulin, the meetin,( the (stn/rid"in" $naled value must be set to True

!he client .ill use this inormation .hen it issues subseKuent ddConference and

Modif#Conference  &@"=%@ reKuests

To create an non#mous/llo)ed ive Meetin" )ith Dial/In Conferencin"

su!!ort1 !he client that is( either the %onerencin, Add-n or Outloo/ or scheduled meetin,s or

the *ive#eetin, client or unscheduled meetin,sB sends a &P &@"=%@ reKuest containin, a

GetConferencin"Ca!ailities  reKuest that ,ets pro8ied to a Focus Factory ,lobally-routable

User A,ent U" ?"UUB in the pool .here the user is homed

2 !he Focus Factory e8tracts meetin, capability inormation rom its database and returns

the inormation to the client !his inormation includes all o the dial-in conerencin, dial-in

access numbers cate,oriHed by re,ion !he userNs location proile re,ion determines the

access numbers or the conerence

4 !he client sends a &P &@"=%@ reKuest containin, an ddConference reKuest to the

Focus Factory .ith an msci:!stn/access attribute ta, the user Ns #eetin, Policy reKuires

that anonymous meetin,s have passcodes( the client ,enerates a passcode( encrypts it( and

sends it as part o the reKuest

C !he Focus Factory creates a meetin, instance in the pool database( assi,ns it a

%onerence ( and then returns this inormation to the client A &P &@"=%@

GetConference reKuest to the Focus Factory is reKuired to complete the meetin, creation



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the meetin, is scheduled rom the %onerencin, Add-in or Outloo/( the user sends a

meetin, invitation that contains the dial-in inormation to the other attendees the meetin, is

created by usin, the Meet No) button in the *ive #eetin, client( the meetin, creator has to

copy the dial-in inormation and send it to other attendees by usin, an instant messa,e or an

e-mail messa,e

!he, i,ure sho.s the seKuence o data e8chan,es bet.een the components involved

Connectin" to the Meetin"

 Authenticated Oice %ommunicator and *ive #eetin, users includin, ederated usersB .ho have

a computer .ith audio capability can connect to the conerence as they did in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200'

 Assumin, dial-in attendees call in rom the P&!) on an &)-P" trun/ that is connected to the

hostin, or,aniHationNs PE and a media ,ate.ay is employed in the solution( the call lo. or Loinin, the meetin, is as ollo.s:

1 !he irst Oice %ommunicator or *ive #eetin,Ibased attendee Loins the meetin,( .hich

activates the meetin, and causes "!%&rve8e to instantiate a meetin, Focus on a Front @nd

&erver in the pool that is hostin, the meetin, !he Focus( in turn( reKuests the %onerencin,

&erver Factory on that server to assi,n an A+= %onerencin, &erver to the meetin, and other

%onerencin, &erversB

2 A dial-in attendee dials the conerence access number listed in his or her e-mail

invitation( and the P&!) routes the call to the or,aniHationNs PE

4 !he PE uses the called-party number to route the call to the media ,ate.ay !he media

,ate.ay then transorms the call rom &)-P" to &P+"!P and routes the call to an Oice%ommunications &erver #ediation &erver !he media ,ate.ay may not be reKuired i the

or,aniHation has an P-PE that can transorm the call rom &)-P" to &P+"!P and route

the call directly to the #ediation &erverB

C the number passed to the #ediation &erver is not in @15C ormat( the coni,ured ne8t-

hop Oice %ommunications &erver Front @nd that is( &P pro8yB server perorms inbound

normaliHation by usin, the #ediation &erverNs deault location proile t perorms a reverse


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number loo/up a,ainst the user database on the normaliHed called number and inds a match

.ith the %onerencin, Attendant contact obLectNs msRTCSI( ine 3RI

!he Front @nd &erver routes the call to the %onerencin, Attendant &ervice on the pool

bound to the %onerencin, Attendant %ontact obLect

5 !he %onerencin, Attendant &ervice on that pool automatically ans.ers the call( and a&ecure "eal-time !ransport Protocol &"!PB media connection is established bet.een the

#ediation &erver and the %onerencin, Attendant &ervice

' !he %onerencin, Attendant &ervice prompts anonymous users or their conerence s

and passcodes i assi,nedB( or i the user is an enterprise user that is( has an identity in the

 Active irectory omain &ervicesB the userNs e8tension number and P) !he, lo.

chart illustrates the prompt seKuence that the %onerencin, Attendant service ollo.s %allers

enter responses rom their phone /eypad


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 99/310

G !he %onerencin, Attendant &ervice passes the %onerence bac/ to the Front @nd

&erver in a &P &@"=%@ reKuest !he Front @nd &erver loo/s up the conerence rom the

database and responds bac/ to the %onerencin, Attendant &ervice .ith the conerence U"

o the Focus( the meetin, ( and the or,aniHerNs &P address

9 !he %onerencin, Attendant reKuests and encryption /ey rom the Focus the caller isan @nterprise User( the %onerencin, Attendant encrypts the callerNs internal phone e8tension

and P) and sends it in a reKuest to the Front @nd &erver to validate the callerNs identity

the caller is an anonymous user and a passcode is reKuired( the %onerencin, Attendant

sends the passcode encryptedB to the Front @nd &erver or validation

10 an enterprise user has not yet entered the meetin, and the caller is Loinin, the meetin,

as an anonymous attendee( the %onerencin, Attendant &ervice plays its on-hold music to

the caller until an enterprise user Loins the conerence

11 hen user authentication is complete( the %onerencin, Attendant adds the user to the

Focus .hich adds the user in the meetin, rosters o on-line participantsB( and the Focus

adds the user to the A+= %onerencin, &erver !he A+= %onerencin, &erver invites the

#ediation &erver and establishes an audio connection .ith it( and tells the #ediation &erver

to drop its connection .ith the %onerencin, Attendant

12 hen the irst dial-in user Loins the meetin,( the A+= %onerencin, &erver invites a

%onerencin, Announcement &ervice in its pool and a media connection is established

bet.een it and the A+= %onerencin, &erver !his step is done only once or any particular

meetin,B !he %onerencin, Announcement &ervice is trusted by the Focus and by the A+=

%onerencin, &erver( so additional authentication is not reKuired !he %onerencin,

 Announcement &erver Loins the Focus and listens or state chan,es t plays an entry tone or

other dial-in participants to announce that a participant has Lust Loined or let the meetin,( and

it plays a spo/en announcement messa,e or each dial-in participant .hen that participantNs

line has been muted or unmuted!he, dia,ram sho.s a simpliied call lo. on an anonymous user dialin, into a meetin,

that reKuires a passcode n this e8ample( the %onerencin, Attendant is in the same pool as the

meetin, Focus


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the appropriate normaliHation and routin, rules are in place in Oice %ommunications &erver(the PE( and media ,ate.ay( then PE phones can also be used to access dial-in conerences

in the same manner Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition device users can also be used to dial

into meetin,s( and since they have already authenticated( they only need enter the %onerence

and they are never placed on hold


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 101/310! Sharin" Scenario#icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 includes a ne. eature( des/top sharin,( .hich

allo.s others to vie. a userNs entire des/top remotely and( .ith the userNs permission( to ta/e

control o the userNs mouse and /eyboard !he inclusion o this eature may seem puHHlin, to

those amiliar .ith the history o the product( because the on-premises *ive #eetin, eature

introduced in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' already includes this capability and much

more( and this unctionality remains available .ith Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

!here are several reasons or addin, a ne. separate des/top sharin, eature:

• #icrosot already has a very mature and eicient technolo,y in .hich it continues to

invest and develop( the "emote es/top Protocol "PB( already at the core o the "emote

 Assistance( "emote es/top( and !erminal &ervices eatures o the #icrosot indo.s

operatin, system Do.ever( the *ive #eetin, technolo,y used in Oice %ommunications

&erver uses a le,acy application sharin, protocol rather than "P n Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2( #icrosot has be,un a transition to.ard adoptin, "P as the universal

protocol or application sharin, o .hich des/top sharin, is a subsetB or Oice%ommunications &erver

• !o use the *ive #eetin, application sharin, eature( users had to install the ull *ive

#eetin, client @ven thou,h it is available rom #icrosot as a ree do.nload( in many cases

Wparticularly or e8ternal participants .ho .ere not employees o the or,aniHationWinstallin,

this client by end users could be problematic and time consumin,( and .ithout prior amiliarity

it sometimes conused users Furthermore( since the *ive #eetin, client ran only on

indo.s( Apple #acintosh and *inu8 users .ere unable to participate in these meetin,s

• the *ive #eetin, session .as bet.een only t.o participants( application sharin, traic

.as still relayed by a eb %onerencin, &erver ormerly /no.n as a multipoint control unit

or #%UB Additionally( i both users .ere connectin, rom the nternet( each pac/et o des/top

sharin, data had to traverse the eb %onerencin, @d,e &erver !his architecture

imposed unnecessary .or/loads on these servers .hen the,+sharin, traic need only

communicate directly bet.een the t.o endpoints

• Users oten .ant to add des/top sharin, to an e8istin, Oice %ommunicator-based voice

call or multiparty meetin,( but because the Share Information 3sin" ive Meetin" menu

option in Oice %ommunicator launched a ne. client( it oten created conusion as to .hich

o the t.o clients .as controllin, the audio+video

!he approach ta/en in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 .as to leave the on-premises

*ive #eetin, capability as it .as in the 200' release but to add a ne. entirely separate des/top

sharin, eature that ,ives users an easier and more eicient .ay to share their entire des/top

remotely .ith others Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 also adds eb bro.serIbaseddes/top sharin, support or users .ho do not have any Oice %ommunications &erver client(

even anonymous unauthenticatedB users connectin, rom the nternet

!his section o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 !echnical "eerence e8plores in detail

the architecture and protocol lo.s o the des/top sharin, eature !he, inormation can

be useul in troubleshootin, and correctin, problems:


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ocumentation or end users o des/top sharin, is available at

http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+lin/id31CG00 Ey deault( the Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 documentation installer ile U%ocumentationmsiB installs this

document to the XPro,ramFilesXY#icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200'"2YocumentationYial-in %onerencin, older on the userNs computer

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 es/top &harin, Architecture

• es/top &harin, %all Flo.s

Office Communications Server 2007 R2! Sharin"rchitecture

!o support des/top sharin,( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 introduces several ne. orenhanced architectural components:

• !!lication Sharin" Conferencin" Server  !he Application &harin, %onerencin,

&erver runs as a service on each Front @nd &erver in a consolidated ront-end topolo,y and

acts as a relay hub or des/top sharin, sessions involvin, more than t.o participants or

%ommunicator eb Access clients Furthermore( the %onerencin, &erver Factory and Focus

have been enhanced to communicate .ith and mana,e the Application &harin, %onerencin,


• $nhanced Office Communicator client Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 includes "P

client and server support and adds user interace elements or launchin,(,( and ta/in,

control o des/top sharin, sessions

• $nhanced Communicator e ccess Server  ith %ommunicator eb Access 200'

"2 releaseB( anyone .ith a supported bro.ser can Loin a des/top sharin, session

%ommunicator eb Access no. supports anonymous users( .hich allo.s them to send and

receive instant messa,es and vie. the meetin, roster in addition to, the shared


• dd/On for Communicator e ccess )e. add-ons or the nternet @8plorer and

Fireo8 or indo.sB bro.sers ,ives users .ithout the des/top Oice %ommunicator client

the ability to share their des/top .ith others

!hese components are discussed in detail in the sections that ollo.

rchitectural Overvie)!he, i,ure sho.s ho. the components that support des/top sharin, communicate .ith

each other


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(rotocols 3sed -#! Sharin"&imilar to ho. Oice %ommunications &erver handles audio and video( des/top sharin, uses &P

or session control( but it uses a dierent protocol to carry the mediaWin this case( display data

and /eyboard and mouse inputs


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 104/310


n the same .ay as .ith other types o meetin,s( inter-server control communications bet.een

the Focus( the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver( and the %onerencin, &erver Factory

occur over D!!P&+%4P over !%P Port CCC

SI(8SD( and SI(8C<(

!he Oice %ommunicator client and the %ommunicator eb Access server use &P and %4P

commands embedded in &P messa,es in order to initiate and respond to des/top sharin,

reKuests the session is bet.een only t.o parties and both are usin, Oice %ommunicator( one

or more &P pro8ies relay the control traic to the other client

 As .ith # or audio+video( i three or more participants are in the meetin,( it becomes a

conerence( and the Focus Factory ,enerates a Focus or the meetin, and assi,ns it a

conerence U" !he Focus is instantiated as a &P User A,ent on one o the Front @nd &ervers

o the pool assi,ned to the person .ho initiated the meetin,

hen a user initiates a multiparty meetin, la,,ed or des/top sharin, or .hen a user in a

multiparty # session escalates it to include des/top sharin,( the Focus uses D!!P+%4P toreKuest an Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver or the meetin, rom the %onerencin,

&erver Factory( ater .hich des/top sharin, sessions bet.een all participatin, clients and the

 Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver can be established


one or both o the participants in a t.o-party des/top sharin, session are usin,

%ommunicator eb Access as a client( the call is treated as a conerence and

incorporates a Focus and an Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver


 Ater the control inormation or the des/top sharin, session has been e8chan,ed and sharin,has been initiated( the "emote es/top Protocol "PB carries the stream o bitmaps or JP@?

ima,es( in the case o %ommunicator eb Access communicatin, .ith the Application &harin,

%onerencin, &erverB rom the sharerNs des/top to the other meetin, participants another

participant ta/es control( "P carries the controllerNs /eyboard and mouse inputs bac/ to the

sharerNs des/top


Eecause des/top sharin, .as desi,ned to support peer-to-peer sharin, .hen the session is

bet.een only t.o parties( it aces the same challen,es as audio+video media .ith net.or/

address translation )A!B devices and communication bet.een endpoints on the internal net.or/

and others on the nternet !o address this issue( #icrosot decided to use the same Oice%ommunications &erver inrastructure to handle both audio+video data and des/top sharin, data

!his inrastructure includes the nteractive %onnectivity @stablishment %@B support built into the

Oice %ommunicator clients and the Oice %ommunications &erver @d,e &erver( and the use o

&ecure "eal-time Protocol &"!PB and &ecure "eal-time %ontrol Protocol &"!%PB or carryin,

the data( .hich in the des/top sharin, case is "P data instead o "!Audio or "!=ideo media


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@ncapsulatin, "P in &"!P pac/ets means that des/top sharin, can reuse a ,reat deal o

e8istin, unctionality and security already implemented in Oice %ommunications &erver and

Oice %ommunicator to support audio and video( and it means that @d,e &ervers reKuire no

additional unctionality to support des/top sharin, .ith remote and ederated users

Do.ever( "P-over-&"!P diers rom "!Audio+"!=ideo-over-"!P in that the underlyin,transport protocol or &"!P is al.ays !%P rather than the UP normally used or audio and video

streams !his choice also means that much o the pac/et overhead imposed by &"!P+&"!%P

provides little or no beneit to the "P data that is carried over it For e8ample( &"!P+&"!%P

provides seKuence numberin, and delivery monitorin,( .hich duplicates a process already

handled by the !%P transport( and "!P+"!%P time stampin, unction to allo. synchroniHation

and Litter calculationB is unnecessary because des/top sharin, can tolerate much more latency

and dropped pac/ets than voice+video and still remain intelli,ible


the Securit# Settin"s under the (ool (ro!erties:Media menu or pools are set to Do

not su!!ort encr#!tion( both A+= and des/top sharin, data to and rom users and%onerencin, &ervers in that pool .ill tunnel throu,h "!P+"!%P rather than

&"!P+&"!%P Althou,h "!P+"!%P provides all the same unctions as &"!P+&"!%P

sans encryption( this means that des/top sharin, data carried over "!P+"!%P is no

lon,er inherently secure rom eavesdroppin, @ven thou,h "P oers native encryption

enabled by deault on indo.s server and client operatin, systemsB( "P encryption is

turned o in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 and Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

to eliminate the overhead o needless double-encryption

1TT(S89 D1TM

Eecause des/top sharin, is desi,ned to support bro.ser-based clients on a variety o operatin,

systems( %ommunicator eb Access renders des/top sharin, data into AJA-based ynamic

D!#* so that it can be displayed on a variety o bro.sers and operatin, system platorms .ithout

reKuirin, special add-ins Users can even send /eyboard and mouse movements bac/ to the

%ommunicator eb Access server over D!#*( thereby enablin, them to remotely control

sharerNs des/tops .ithout needin, an "P client

Do.ever( to share display data rom a bro.ser connected to %ommunicator eb Access( the

bro.ser must be runnin, a special add-on that provides the reKuired "P-over-"!P and %@

support At present this add-on is available only or nternet @8plorer and Fireo8 or indo.s! Sharin" Com!onents

!he, section discusses the /ey components o es/top &harin, in more depth

!!lication Sharin" Conferencin" Server 

 As .ith the other Oice %ommunications &erver %onerencin, &ervers or e8ample( #( eb

%onerencin,( A+=( and !elephony %onerencin,B( the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver

Asmcusvce8eB is a indo.s service that runs on each ront end server in a consolidated

topolo,y independently o the Front @nd &ervice "!%&"=@@B that hosts the &P Pro8y(

"e,istrar( Focus Factory( and Focus instances n an @nterprise pool( the hard.are load balancer


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distributes reKuests or an Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver( .hich listens on !%P port

05( amon, the pool servers

 An Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver is used only .hen the application sharin, session

contains three or more participants or .henever one o the participants is usin, %ommunicator

eb Access An Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver communicates .ith clients( .hether Oice

%ommunicator or %ommunicator eb Access( usin, &P+&P and &P+%4P or si,nalin, and

"P-over-&"!P or the display and remote control data !he &P communications are secured

by #!*&( and they use the same &&* server certiicate that is assi,ned to the Front @nd &erver

 As .ith A+= traic( the "P+&"!P traic does not use a certiicate and instead uses Advanced

@ncryption &tandard A@&B and a shared /ey( .hich is ne,otiated and e8chan,ed securely over

the si,nalin, channel( to encrypt and decrypt the "P traic that it transports

!he Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver also communicates .ith the Focus and

%onerencin, &erver Factory over D!!P&+%4P usin, the same &&* certiicate that is assi,ned to

the other Oice %ommunications &erver services on the Front @nd &erver

!he Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver retrieves its coni,uration data by usin, indo.s

#ana,ement nstrumentation #B( but the only coni,urable settin,s or the service are the

listenin, port and P address( the ran,e o media ports that "!P+&"!P can use( the ma8imum

number o users across all meetin,s( the ma8imum number o meetin,s( and the ma8imum

meetin, siHe

*ocus and Conferencin" Server *actor#

!he Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Focus and %onerencin, &erver Factory have been

updated to be a.are o the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver and to communicate .ith it

in the same manner as the other conerencin, servers( primarily over D!!P&+%4P

Office Communicator 

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 has been e8tended to support des/top sharin, so that users can

participate in des/top sharin, sessions .ithout installin, the *ive #eetin, client or any special

plu,-ins( and i the user has been assi,ned a ,lobal meetin, policy that includes the $nale

(ro"ram and! Sharin" option( there is nothin, more or the user or the administrator to


Eecause Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 is an %@-enabled client( it can ind the most eicient .ay

to establish peer-to-peer des/top sharin, sessions .ith other Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

clients !he ne. version o Oice %ommunicator also adds "P support needed or des/top

sharin, !his "P support is completely independent o the "P support in indo.sB

!he user interace or invo/in, and respondin, to des/top sharin, is described in the Oice%ommunicator Delp and in the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 !echnical "eerence

Communicator e ccess

#icrosot has e8tensively enhanced the 200' "2 release o %ommunicator eb Access in order

to provide support or participants .ho do not have access to a computer .ith either the Oice

%ommunicator or *ive #eetin, client


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!he addition o dial-in and dial-out conerencin, allo.s users .ith access to a phone to

participate in the audio portion o Oice %ommunicator-based meetin,s( and ne. anonymous

si,n-in support in %ommunicator eb Access des/top sharin, allo.s even an anonymous user

.ith access to a bro.ser to participate in online meetin,s that involve des/top sharin, i

permitted by Oice %ommunications &erver ,lobal #eetin, policyB

n order to support #acintosh and *inu8 users( %ommunicator eb Access displays the sharerNs

des/top in the user Ns bro.ser .indo. usin, AJA ynamic D!#* D!#*B over D!!P& !he

%ommunicator eb Access server ,ets the sharerNs "P stream rom the Application &harin,

%onerencin, &erver( .hich /no.s it is communicatin, .ith a %ommunicator eb Access &erver

and converts the bitmaps normally used or Oice %ommunicator, into JP@? ormat

beore streamin, them to the %ommunicator eb Access server over "P+&"!P there is only

one stream no matter ho. many users, the particular des/top sharin, session are

connected to that %ommunicator eb Access serverB !he %ommunicator eb Access server

translates this stream into AJA D!#* and sends it over D!!P& to each participatin, bro.ser(

thereby enablin, many non-indo.s systems to display it properly !he JP@? conversion that

occurs on the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver is the reason .hy t.o-party calls involvin,a %ommunicator eb Access client do not route des/top, and control data directly to the

other clientB

n addition to, shared des/tops( users connectin, rom any supported bro.ser can also

ta/e control o the sharerNs des/top that is( i permission has been ,ranted by the sharerB .ithout

reKuirin, any special bro.ser add-ins or controls

n order to vie. des/top sharin, sessions rom nternet @8plorer or Fireo8( the client computer

needs to resolve t.o )& %)A#@&( as,ECWAserverFQDN F and

do)nload,ECWAserverFQDN F !his reKuirement e8ists because these bro.sers .ill open no

more than t.o connections per U"* or e8ample( https:++c.acontosocomBT ho.ever( or

optimum perormance( des/top, reKuires additional open connections !he t.o %)A#@

records allo. the bro.sers to open our more connections

%ommunicator eb Access is published to the nternet( the e8ternal )& must be able to

resolve these %)A#@ records to the P address o the reverse pro8y relayin, e8ternal traic to

the %ommunicator eb Access server Furthermore( because the connections to the

%ommunicator eb Access server or its associated reverse pro8y are over D!!P&( the

certiicates on both servers must include the t.o %)A#@& in its &ubLect Alternate )ame &A)B


!o allo. users .ithout Active irectory credentials to Loin the meetin,( %ommunicator eb

 Access .as also enhanced in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 to support anonymous

si,n-in upon receipt o a meetin, invitation( and these participants ,et the same access to the

roster( #( and des/top sharin, capabilities as do authenticated users the or,aniHation haspublished %ommunicator eb Access to the nternet( then users .ith any o the supported eb

bro.sers can vie. des/top sharin, sessions over the nternet

dd/On for Internet $'!lorer and *irefo' for indo)s

a meetin, participant .ho is usin, %ommunicator eb Access .ants to share his or her

des/top( he or she must be usin, indo.s P &P2 or =ista and either nternet @8plorer 5 &P2(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 108/310

nternet @8plorer '( or Fireo8 408 .ith the %APlu,ine8e add-on installed on it !his add-on

provides the reKuired support or %@( &"!P+&"!%P( and "P

the userNs computer does not already have this add-on( upon the userNs irst attempt to share

their des/top the bro.ser .ill prompt him or her to do.nload it rom the %ommunicator eb

 Access server as sho.n in the,:

!he user interace o the add-on setup pro,ram is available in 1 dierent lan,ua,es Ey deault(

the bro.serNs current lan,ua,e settin, .ill determine the lan,ua,e that the user sees Users do

not need to have administrative privile,es to install the add-in( but on =ista systems( the user

must have User Account %ontrol enabled

 Ater %APlu,ine8e is do.nloaded( it installs and re,isters a set o iles into the userNs indo.s

proile %APlu,ine8e re,isters the !!Sharin"1ostClass and s4ersion6uer#Class Active

controls in nternet @8plorer or the n!C)a!!Sh,dll plu,-in in Fireo8


!he add-on is not supported on 5C-bit versions o nternet @8plorerT users o 5C-bit

indo.s must launch the 42-bit version o nternet @8plorer in order to install and use the

add-in !he add-on does not install on indo.s &erver 200G, are the bro.ser mana,ement dialo, bo8es that indicate in hi,hli,htB successul

installation the one on the let is or nternet @8plorer and the ri,ht or Fireo8B


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 109/310

!he add-in iles ,et installed into the userNs indo.s proile as sho.n in the, the

installation older or nternet @8plorer is sho.n in the top screen shot and the Fireo8 install older

in the bottom screen shotB



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From Oice %ommunicator( i you have multiple monitors you can choose to share Lust one

monitor Do.ever( .hen usin, the %ommunicator eb Access .ith the bro.ser add-in on a

computer .ith multiple monitors( you have to share your entire des/top across all monitors! Sharin" Call *lo)s

!he, topics describe ho. the si,nalin, and media lo.s are established in several basic

des/top sharin, e8amples

Creatin" a! Sharin" Conference

 As noted earlier( a des/top sharin, session bet.een t.o Oice %ommunicator clients is a peer-

to-peer session rom the point o vie. o the "!P remote display and /eyboard+mouse dataT

ho.ever( &P control data still is pro8ied by each userNs Front @nd &erver

!he, i,ure sho.s a call lo. bet.een t.o Oice %ommunicator clients Eoth clients in

the e8ample are on the internal net.or/( and both belon, to the same Oice %ommunications

&erver pool !he clients have already established an # session .ith each other( and then User1

clic/s the &hare es/top control

!his action causes User1Ns Oice %ommunicator client to send a &P )=!@ messa,e containin,

the, &ession escription Protocol &PB data( includin, a list o %@ candidates( to

User2Ns Oice %ommunicator client to indicate that User1 .ants to share his or her des/top .ith



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 111/310


o=+ I7 I0' !(&.!%$.!.&


c=I7 I0' !(&.!%$.!.&



m=applicationsharing '%*% TC0-RT0-<V0 !&"



a=candidate:1 1 TCP-PASS 2120613887 19216810020 18608 t!p host

a=candidate:1 2 TCP-PASS 212061337" 19216810020 18608 t!p host

a=candidate:2 1 TCP-ACT 2121006#91 19216810020 "636 t!p host

a=candidate:2 2 TCP-ACT 2121006078 19216810020 "636 t!p host 

a=cryptoscae:! cient <ESPC4P!&$PN4<CPSN<!P$


a=crypto:& <ESPC4P!&$PN4<CPSN<!P$






a=rtpmap:!&" /+data-(a=/+appications1aring+session+id:!



User2 accepts the invite( his or her Oice %ommunicator client sends bac/ an O .ith a list o

%@ candidates Eoth clients evaluate the %@ candidate pairs User1 then sends a ne. &P

)=!@ messa,e containin, the .innin, P address or his or her computer( and User2 returns a

200 O messa,e .ith the .innin, P address or his or her computer Ey usin, this inormation(

the t.o Oice %ommunicator clients establish an &"!P session over !%P bet.een the t.o

ne,otiated endpoints( and User1 sends an "P stream that mirrors his or her des/top to User2

over the &"!P channel

ddin" a 3ser to a! Sharin" Conference

%ontinuin, on .ith this same e8ample( User1 needs to add a third participant( User4( to the

e8istin, des/top sharin, meetin, .ith User2 n this e8ample( User4 is also in the same pool as

User1 and User2B User1 clic/s the Invite button( clic/s Invite a Contact( and then clic/s 3ser<


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 112/310

 At this point( the meetin, must transition rom a peer-to-peer session to a multiparty conerence(

.ith # traic routed throu,h an # %onerencin, &erver and the des/top sharin, traic throu,h

an Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver

!his transition starts .hen User1Ns client sends a &P &@"=%@ messa,e to its Front @nd service

speciyin, a ne. conerence and a reKuest or a Focus and conerencin, servers or thepossible meetin, modalities #( eb conerencin,( A+= conerencin,( and application sharin,B

!he Focus Factory provisions a meetin, Focus and .rites it to the bac/-end database User1

then sends a &P )=!@ to the Focus !he Front @nd &erver instantiates the Focus on one o the

Front @nd &ervers in its pool( .hich in turn communicates .ith an %onerencin, &erver Factory in

that pool to have speciic conerencin, servers assi,ned to it

n this e8ample( only the # %onerencin, &erver and the Application &harin, %onerencin,

&erver are reKuired !he Focus communicates .ith both( adds a conerence to each( and then

re,isters a channel in each or User1

#ean.hile( User1Ns client sends a &P &UE&%"E@ messa,e to the Focus( .hich returns the

details o the conerence &ubseKuent &P )FO messa,es sent to the Focus return additional

provisionin, data to User1Ns client

 At this point User1Ns client send a &P )=!@ messa,e to the # %onerencin, &erver( thereby

establishin, a session .ith it( and it also sends a &P )=!@ to the Application &harin,

%onerencin, &erver containin, an &P messa,e .ith its %@ candidates As described earlier

or the peer-to-peer session( User1Ns client and the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver

evaluate the candidates( ater .hich User1Ns client sends a ne. &P )=!@ messa,e containin,

its .innin, candidate and the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver then replies .ith its

.innin, candidate !he &"!P session is then established over !%P bet.een the t.o ne,otiated


)e8t( User1Ns client sends a ne. &P )=!@ messa,e( .hich contains the U" o the meetin,

Focus( to User2Ns client User 1Ns client also e8chan,es &P E@ messa,es .ith %lient2( causin,it to drop the earlier !%P+&"!P+"P session

)o. User2Ns client sends a &P )=!@ to the Focus( obtains the conerence inormation( and

reKuests that the Focus add User2 to the # %onerencin, &erver and the Application &harin,

%onerencin, &erver User2Ns client sends a &P &UE&%"E@ reKuest to the Focus and then

invites the # %onerencin, &erver and the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver in the same

manner as User1Ns client

n the last sta,e o the process( User1Ns client sends a &P )=!@ messa,e( .hich contains the

U" o the meetin, Focus to User4Ns client( and then ends the session .ith a &P E@ User4Ns

client uses the obtained U" to send a &P )=!@ messa,e to the Focus and Loins the meetin,

and conerencin, servers in e8actly the same .ay as User2Ns client did

 As this point( all three users are connected to the Focus( the # %onerencin, &erver( and the

 Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver User1 is sharin, his or her des/top( .hich is sent over

the !%P+&"!P channel to the Application &harin, %onerencin, &erver( .here it is repeated bac/

to the clients o User2 and User4 !he Focus publishes the meetin, roster to the clients( .hich

no. sho.s User1 currently sharin, his or her des/top


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 113/310


n the, dia,rams( the &P A%s and some other traic have been s/ipped or




8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 114/310! Sharin" Session Control

!he user .ho initiates des/top sharin, has ull control over his or her computer( and by deault

the other participants can only vie. the shared des/top or selected monitor the sharer .ants to

,ive another participant control( he or she can ,ive that individual control( .hile other participants

can only vie. the des/top !he user .ho initiates sharin, can also choose to share control .ith

all participants( but there is no .ay to allo. a subset o participants to have controlT it is ,ranted

either to one participant at a time or to all participants

the sharer clic/s Share Control )ith ll (artici!ants( it reKuires communication and

cooperation bet.een the participants( because any attendee can seiHe control at any time !he

sharer( ho.ever( can rescind shared control at any time( .hich a,ain ,ives him or her sole control

o the des/top !he, lo. chart sho.s ho. control o sharin, .or/s


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Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 permits only one participantNs des/top to be shared at a

time another participant shares his or her des/top( the ori,inal sharerNs des/top session is

closed and replaced by a vie. o the ne. sharerNs des/top !his is not somethin, the meetin,

leader can control All meetin, participants .hose meetin, policy settin,s include $nale

!ro"ram and! sharin" can cause an e8istin, sharin, session to terminate and be

replaced .ith their o.n shared des/top or monitor


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%ommunicator eb Access users have a similar sharin, and remote control e8perience(

e8cept that users .ith multiple monitors cannot select a sin,le monitorT they can share

their entire des/top only Also( the sharerNs assi,ned meetin, policy determines .hether

anonymous users can ta/e control o his or her des/top

Communicator e ccess Scenario %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB is a bro.ser-based application that provides

access to the instant messa,in, #B( audio( and des/top sharin, capabilities o Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 Usin, only an nternet connection and a eb bro.ser(

%ommunicator eb Access enables you to ta/e advanta,e o Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 eatures even .hen you are a.ay rom your personal computer %ommunicator eb

 Access is similar to Oice %ommunicator 200' "2( ma/in, it easy to s.itch bet.een the t.o

applications Eoth applications provide you access to the same contact list and similar #( call

mana,ement( and des/top sharin, capabilities Audio unctions in %ommunicator eb Access200' "2 releaseB enable you to place voice calls to both yoursel and a remote contact by usin,

the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 to create an audio channel or conerencin,

In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• Functionality Overvie.

• %ommunicator eb Access %ore Architecture

• %ommunicator eb Access Audio


%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB includes des/top sharin, %ommunicatoreb Access users can share their main monitor .ith other %ommunicator eb Access

users or .ith Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 users For details about des/top sharin,(

includin, the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB des/top sharin, scenario(

see es/top &harin, &cenario

*unctionalit# Overvie)

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB improves communication or branch oice

employees( or business travelers and telecommuters .ho .or/ at nternet /ios/s( .hich

eectively reduces ,eo,raphic barriers that can hinder productivity %ommunicator eb Access

provides instant messa,in, #B( presence( audio dial out( and des/top sharin, capability or

users .hen they are a.ay rom the oice !he e8perience o usin, the bro.ser-based

%ommunicator eb Access is similar to usin, the des/top-based Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

!he unctionality o the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB ocuses on presence

inormation( #( des/top sharin,( and dial-out e8perience to ensure usability across as many

platorms and bro.sers as possible Users can still use tools such as corporate directory

inte,ration( support or distribution ,roups( and the ability to mana,e contact lists


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!he des/top sharin, capability ,ives users the ability to share their des/top on a indo.s-based

computer Anyone .ho is a part o the des/top sharin, sessions can be ,iven access to vie. and

control the des/top( .hich means that the le8ibility to .or/ as a team is not hindered by distance

"esiHin, and pannin, controls enable participants to vie. the conversation in comort and audio

dialo,ue can be added to the sharin, sessions %ommunicator eb Access can also place the

call or the user

!he %ommunicator eb Access servers are deployed .ithin the corporate net.or/ and orm part

o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 deployment )o Active irectory schema

e8tensions are reKuired .hen you deploy %ommunicator eb Access

In This Section

• )e. %ommunicator eb Access Features

• Oice %ommunicator and eb Access Feature %omparison

Ne) Communicator e ccess *eatures%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB and Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 provide the, ne. eatures:

• Collaorate )ith e'ternal or"ani;ations, %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB provides customers and business partners outside o your or,aniHation the ability to

 Loin conerencin, and collaboration sessions easily and ine8pensively nvite anyone .ith a

eb bro.ser to Loin a conversation that you are hostin,( share your des/top .ith a vendor to

discuss a proLect( or start a conerence call .ith a sta/eholder and route the call to your

mobile device

•! sharin", Users can see everythin, happenin, on someone elseNs computer(

and can even be ,iven the ri,ht to control that computer People runnin, #icrosot indo.sand a supported eb bro.ser can share their des/tops .ith others Anyone runnin, a

supported eb bro.ser includin, people usin, #acintosh or *inu8 computersB can vie. and

control a shared des/top

• Dial/out conference audio, ou can add audio conerencin, that is( usin, standard

telephones( includin, cell phonesB to any e8istin, instant messa,in, #B or des/top sharin,

session ou supply the names o each person to ta/e part in the audio conerence( and

%ommunicator eb Access calls each person( and sets up and mana,es the conerence call

• Su!!ort for distriution "rou!s, Users can add distribution ,roups to their contact list

and e8chan,e instant messa,es .ith all or someB o the members o those ,roups

• Customi;e the lo"in screen and lin.s, our ! department has the ability to customiHe

lo,in screen and lin/s

• Su!!ort for ro)sers other than Internet $'!lorer,  hile not strictly a ne. eature(

the list o alternate bro.sers is e8panded in %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB

!he, table outlines the supported bro.sers


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 118/310

Tale +, Su!!orted -ro)sers

O!eratin" s#stem -ro)ser  

#icrosot indo.s 2000 .ith &ervice Pac/ C


• nternet @8plorer 50 .ith &P1

indo.s P .ith &P2   • nternet @8plorer 50 .ith &P2

• nternet @8plorer '0

• Fireo8 40

indo.s =ista   • nternet @8plorer '0

• Fireo8 40

#acintosh O& 1049   • &aari 14

• Fireo8 40

#acintosh O& 10C   • &aari 14

• Fireo8 40

"ed Dat *inu8 215   • Fireo8 40

DP U   • Fireo8 40

E# A   • Fireo8 40

&un &olaris   • Fireo8 40

Office Communicator and e ccess *eature Com!arison

Oice %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB and the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

client have many o the same eatures Do.ever( the eature set is not an e8act duplication Ey

amiliariHin, yoursel .ith the dierences bet.een them( you can troubleshoot more eectively(

and provide better user support and trainin,

*eature Com!arison

*eature Office Communicator 2007 R2 Communicator e ccess

%2007 R2 release&

"ich presence es es

%all or.ardin, es es

nstant messa,in, es es

%lic/-to-call audio es )o


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 119/310

*eature Office Communicator 2007 R2 Communicator e ccess

%2007 R2 release&

 Audio conerencin, es es

 Anonymous Loin es es

 Attendant console support es es

 Admin support es )o

"esponse ,roup support es )o

!eam %all es es

=ideo es )o

*ive #eetin, es )o

istribution ,roups es es

@8tensible tabs es es

%ustom lo,on screen and


)o es

%ustom authentication )o es

ero do.nload )o es

)on-indo.s+across platorms no es

%all delection es es

*ocation es )o

%ustom states es es

Personal note es es

%ontact card es es

Public instant messa,in, #B


es es

Federation es es

&u,,estive search es )o

Outloo/ contact search es )o

?lobal address list ?A*B

contact search

es( usin, Address Eoo/


es( usin, Active irectory

es/top sharin, es es


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 120/310

Communicator e ccess Core rchitecture

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB is comprised o three main components: the Hero

do.nload bro.ser-based client( the application lo,ic layer( and the Uniied %ommunications

#ana,ed Application nterace U%#AB layer !he application lo,ic layer and the U%#A layer are

hosted on the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server and orm a .eb site that ishosted by nternet normation &erver &B 50 or '0

!he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server is a middle tier bet.een the bro.ser

client and the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool !he %ommunicator eb Access

server does not provide any unctionality .ithout the pool Users .ith accounts homed on an

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' pool are not supported Do.ever( you can coni,ure the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server to redirect users .ho are homed on an

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' pool to a %ommunicator eb Access 200' releaseB server

& provides the authentication services or %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB &

provides this service either throu,h inte,rated authentication in the case o a domain-Loined

.or/station or throu,h orms-based authentication in the case o an e8ternal user( or &aari or

Fireo8 users %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server does not provide

authentication services Ater the authentication to/en is passed rom & to the %ommunicator

eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server( the server does not attempt or perorm any urther


hen the client bro.ser contacts the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB eb site( a

compressed Java&cript client is do.nloaded rom the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB server that is( by usin, &B to the client bro.ser n the case o a domain-Loined

.or/station that uses nternet @8plorer( inte,rated authentication occurs n the case o a non-

domain Loined indo.s-based .or/station that uses nternet @8plorer( &aari( or Fireo8( the

client displays a orms-based authentication screen .here the user enters a valid &ession

nitiation Protocol &PB address and pass.ord !he client bro.ser must accept pop-up .indo.srom the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server

 As can be seen in the, i,ure( the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server

is a virtual eb site that is hosted by an & server !he bro.ser-based client communicates .ith

& throu,h the D!!P& protocol !he & passes the data pac/ets to the client communication

component .hich translates the incomin, #* pac/et and sends the pac/et to the application

lo,ic layer !he application lo,ic layer perorms actions based on the #* header and( throu,h

the U%#A( passes those results to the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool throu,h &P

!he path rom the pool server to the client is the reverse as ollo.s: pool to U%#A( U%#A to the

application lo,ic layer( application lo,ic layer to the client communication component( and inally

throu,h D!!P& to the bro.ser-based client


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*i"ure +, Communicator e ccess %2007 R2 release& server architecture

!he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server components are nearly stateless !he

application lo,ic layer maintains persistent states or the D!!P& to client lin/ and the that is(

throu,h the U%#AB re,istered user endpoints !he client posts a ?et reKuest ater each receive

pac/et to establish the ability or the server to send more data .ithout a speciic client reKuest

!he ?et reKuest is necessary so that the server can send the bro.ser client data( such as

conversation reKuests or contact list presence chan,es !he open ?et reKuest cycle is controlled

by the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server load control unction .hich can

reKuest that clients delay postin, the ne8t open ?et reKuest


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 122/310

3CM a#er *unctions

!he U%#A layer o the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server uses the U%#A

application pro,rammin, interace APB to do the,:

• %reate and mana,e all o the communications bet.een the %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB server and the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool

• %reate and mana,e a User@ndpoint( re,istered .ith the Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 pool( or each user o the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server

• %reate and mana,e all sessions( such as # sessions( bet.een the users o the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server and the Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 pool

• &ubscribe to presence inormation about the user that is( sel inormationB and the userNs


• Publish presence inormation on behal o the users o the %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB server

!!lication o"ic a#er *unctions

!he application lo,ic layer is a translator bet.een the pool and the Asynchronous Java&cript And

#* AJAB and acilitates communication .ith the Java&cript client !he application lo,ic layer

provides the, basic unctions:

• "e,isters user endpoint *o,ically( the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool sees

the application lo,ic layer user endpoint as the client( not the actual client on the bro.ser

• #ana,es pro8y client communications to and rom the pool !he client bro.ser is never

in direct contact .ith the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool

• #aintains the re,istered user endpoint or each user connected to %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2

!he User@ndpoint is the obLect that the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server

uses to support all the operations bet.een the client runnin, in the userNs bro.ser and the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool !he User@ndpoint is used to do the,:

• &ubscribe to the sel-presence inormation or the re,istered user( includin,:

• *ist o contacts

• Published phone numbers

• %all handlin, settin,s that is( or.ardin,( simultaneous rin,( and so onB

• Publish presence inormation or the user

"e,ister or incomin, session reKuests rom the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2server

• %reate out,oin, sessions reKuested by the client usin, their bro.ser

!he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server attempts to minimiHe the amount o

state that it maintains or each re,istered user As reKuests and data are received by the

application layer rom the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool( they are or.arded to the


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 123/310

userNs bro.ser session As reKuests and data are received rom the userNs bro.ser session( they

are or.arded to the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool

Client *unctions

!he client unctionality or %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB is implemented by a seto Java&cript libraries that are do.nloaded to the bro.ser .hen the userNs session .ith the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server starts !hese code libraries are sent rom

the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server in a compressed orm to the bro.ser

and provide the communications unctions and lo,ic o the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB client !he libraries also provide the user interace UB o the %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB client alon, .ith the D!#* in the eb pa,es

!he, i,ure sho.s the architecture o the bro.ser-based client All communication .ith

the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server is by D!!P& !he data pac/ets are

#* !he overall layout has three layers: the pro8y layer( the data and lo,ic layer( and the U

layer !he U layer consists o the visual components that are presented to the user in the orm o

bro.ser .indo.s !he sole e8ception to this paradi,m is the system alert .hich appears in the

orm o a small pane slidin, open rom the system tray


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 124/310

*i"ure 2, Communicator e ccess %2007 R2 release& client architecture

!he pro8y *ayer is the only component o the client to communicate .ith the server t is

responsible or sendin, D!!P reKuests and receivin, D!!P responses rom the server !he data

and lo,ic layer is responsible or mana,in, data and lo,ic or the user endpoint !he U layer

provides all user input and screen that the user sees

!he client provides all user interace unctions Ater the user lo,s on( the client perorms the, actions automatically .ith reKuirin, user input:• !he client uses the re,istered user endpoint to publish a set o endpoint capabilities .ith

the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool

• !he client reKuests sel data rom the pool &el data includes contacts( end points( client

coni,uration( and calendar data

!he data and lo,ic layer consists o the user session( the presence mana,er( the contact list

mana,er( the options mana,er( the conversation mana,er( the system alert mana,er( the search


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 125/310

mana,er( and the component store n the U layer( there is a one-to-one relationship bet.een

the U component and the mana,er in the data and lo,ic layer For @8ample( the system alert

mana,er controls the U system alerts and included unctions( and the conversation mana,er

aects the U conversation .indo.

 A use case e8ample o an # conversation .ould use the server communicator pro8y layerB( theuser session( the presence mana,er that is( to report to the pool that the user state has

chan,edB( and then the component store invo/es the conversation mana,er( .hich opens a

conversation .indo. urin, the course o the conversation( i the user receives a data pac/et

that needs open a system alert to notiy the user o an audio call( the component store .ill invo/e

the system alert mana,er .hich then opens a system alert

n each case .here you use the component store to control the U e8perience( the headers in the

data pac/et contain inormation rom Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 that determine

.hich unction is bein, called( .hile the data and lo,ic layer determines ho. to respond to the

#* pac/et header !he previous conversation e8ample is duplicated or each component

mana,er !he #* pac/et is received( the #* header indicates the actionsB to be ta/en( and

the component store either tri,,ers a ne. conversation instance or adds components to thee8istin, conversation .indo.s

Communicator e ccess udio

!here are t.o basic audio scenarios or %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB Eoth o

the, scenarios enable %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB to control audio

calls( althou,h %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB clients do not have audio


• Scenario +: $nter!rise 4oice/enaled Communicator e ccess %2007 R2 release&

user has an incomin" voice call,Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 or/s the call to all

re,istered endpoints !he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB endpoint that ismaintained in the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB data lo,ic layer is a valid

re,istered endpoint( but the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB client cannot

perorm audio unction !hereore( .hen the data lo,ic layer in %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB receives the call notiication( the data lo,ic layer sho.s the user a system

alert .ith call delection options that are obtained rom sel-data and the data lo,ic layer

enables the user to input a custom number !he path throu,h the client is pro8y layer( user

session( component store( system alert mana,er( and inally the system alert !he data lo,ic

layer receives the response rom the client and passes this data bac/ to Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2( .hich ta/es the action dictated by the user !he callin,

party is placed on hold or the amount o time that it ta/es to respond to the system alert

 Ater the data pac/et rom the client is returned to the data lo,ic layer( the data lo,ic layer

passes the data bac/ to the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool or action

• Scenario 2: Communicator e ccess %2007 R2 release& user )ith an o!en

instant messa"in" %IM& conference )ants to add audio,From an e8istin, # conerence(

the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user adds audio !he user selects a

number rom the displayed sel-data or the user enters a custom number !he client sends

this inormation alon, .ith the reKuest to add audio to the %ommunicator eb Access 200'


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"2 releaseB data lo,ic layer !he data lo,ic layer si,nals to the other conerence users that

audio is bein, added and it ta/es one o the, actions:

• the called party is @nterprise =oice( the connection is made to a valid re,istered

endpoint or to an Oice %ommunicator instance

• the called party is a %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user( the%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB server invo/es the call delection


Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 can call any ,lobal or local number that is allo.ed by the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB userNs location proile For e8ample( i the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user inputs a telephone number that is not

reachable by Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 because o routin, restrictions or phone

usa,es( the call ails

In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• %ommunicator eb Access Audio &cenarios

• %all election &ession nitiation Protocol &PB !racin,

•  Add Audio &ession nitiation Protocol &PB !racin,

Communicator e ccess udio Scenarios

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB does not support the initiation o a direct audio call

rom the contact list or any direct audio device %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB

supports the, t.o-party and multiparty audio scenarios @ach scenario is accomplished

.ith either call delection or addin, audio to an e8istin, conversation &everal scenarios are

outlined to sho. that %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB participates in the scenarios

even thou,h there is no action ta/en by the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB can also add instant messa,in, #B or des/top

sharin, to e8istin, audio Do.ever( this action results in t.o completely dierent sessions: one or

the ori,inal audio and one or the ne. # or des/top sharin, session @ach scenario is illustrated

as a conversation bet.een an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 client or clientsB and a

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB session

T)o/(art# udio Scenario

Receive ne) t)o/!art# audio onl# call %call deflection&:  Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 calls

a %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user( the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB user sees the audio system alert and can select to redirect the call to a phone device

!he redirected call is sent to the phone device and has no association .ith %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB ater the redirection !he redirection selection list comes rom the

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 user sel-inormation data !he user may also enter a

custom number n either case( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 must be able to place

calls to the redirection number the user enters a phone number that is not allo.ed due to

location proile( phone usa,es( or route settin,s( the call ails


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Receive reHuest to add audio conversation to an e'istin" IM/onl# conversation %call

deflection&:  %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB is in an e8istin, # conversation .ith

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 adds audio %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB receives an audio system alert %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB user can choose to redirect the audio call to a phone device !he redirected call is not

associated .ith %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 ater delection !he %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB presence does not chan,e to In a Call

In e'istin" t)o/!art# audio conversation and the other user adds IM:  %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB is in an e8istin, audio conversation .here the %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB user is on cell phone that is( .ith no associated conversation .indo.B

.ith an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user !he Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user sees the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user in his roster and chooses to add #

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user sees a system alert and a conversation

.indo. opens .ith the instant messa,e !he audio conversation .indo. and the %ommunicator

eb Access 200' "2 releaseB # conversation are not associated !here is no connection in

%ommunicator eb Access bet.een the ori,inal audio conversation and the ne. # .indo.Communicator e ccess %2007 R2 release& user is in an e'istin" t)o/!art# audio

conversation and sends IM to the other user:  A %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB user is in an e8istin, t.o-party audio conversation .ith Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

!he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user no. .ants to communicate .ith the

same Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user by usin, # !he %ommunicator eb Access 200'

"2 releaseB inds the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user in the contact list and clic/s to start #

!he Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user sees a ne. .indo. open or the ne. # invitation !he

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user has t.o .indo.s open .ith the %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB user !here is no connection in %ommunicator eb Access bet.een the

ori,inal audio conversation and the ne. # .indo.

Conference %Multi!art#& udio Scenario

Initiate three or more !art# audio/onl# conference from the contact list %add audio&:  A

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user can initiate an audio conerence rom the

contact list by multi-selectin, t.o or more contacts in the contact list Ater choosin, the

conerence members( the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user can select the

phone icon( and direct Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 to call the selected phone number

to initiate the audio portion o the conerence Ater the audio call is placed to the %ommunicator

eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user( the other participants are invited to Loin the audio


dd audio to e'istin" IM/onl# conference %add audio&:  A %ommunicator eb Access 200'

"2 releaseB user is in a conerence .ith other users .here # is the only modality !he

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user .ants to add audio to the conerence !he

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user clic/s the phone icon to add audio An audio

setup pane appears .here the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user selects the

sel-inormation phone number he .ants to use !he Oice %ommunicator &erver 200' "2 A+=

conerencin, server initiates the audio call to the %ommunicator eb Access user and sends

audio invitations to the other participants


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 128/310

Receive ne) audio/onl# conference invitation %call deflection&:  %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB user can receive and Loin an audio-only conerence !he %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB user can select .hich phone number she .ants to use or the

conerence by selectin, the number rom the conerence system alert A conversation .indo.

appears .ith all o the conerence participants in the roster !he %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB userNs phone rin,s and the user can communicate by usin, audio .ith all o

the conerence participants

Receive reHuest to add audio to e'istin" IM/onl# conference %call deflection&:   A

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user is in an e8istin, #-only conerence and a

participant in the conerence adds audio !he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB

user receives an audio system alert !he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user

accepts the call by speciyin, a sel-inormation phone number to receive the call !here is no

connection bet.een the ori,inal # conversation and the ne. audio call

Receive ne) audio and IM conference invitation %call deflection&: !he %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB user receives an invitation to Loin a conerence .ith # and audio !he

system alert is a conerence system alert that enables the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2releaseB user to Loin the conerence n the conerence .indo.( under =oin audio conference(

the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user selects one o the sel-inormation phone

numbers rom .hich he .ants to redirect the audio call # is also enabled

Receive ne) audio5 IM5 and a!!lication sharin" conference invitation %call deflection&: 

Other than the addition o the des/top sharin, eature( this scenario is identical in unction to the

previous scenario


In an e'istin" t)o/!art# audio conversation and the Office Communicator 2007 R2 user

adds another !artici!ant:  A %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user is in an

e8istin, t.o-party audio conversation .ith an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user !he Oice

%ommunicator 200' "2 user is usin, the rich client =oice over nternet Protocol =oPB unctions

and the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user is on a phone device that is( there is

no %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB U associated .ith the callB !he Oice

%ommunicator 200' "2 user sees the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user in her

roster as Loined to the audio conversation !he Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user chooses to

add another participant to the audio conversation !he other participant is successully added

and Loined to the audio conversation All three participants appear in the Oice %ommunicator

200' "2 userNs roster and they can all hear each other n this scenario( the %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB user ta/es no action and the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

 A+= conerencin, server is controllin, the audio brid,e that allo.s the audio conerence to reach

all participants

In e'istin" t)o/!art# audio conversation and Office Communicator 2007 R2 user adds! sharin":  !he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user is in e8istin, t.o-

party audio conversation .ith an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user !he %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB user is on a phone device and the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user

is terminatin, audio throu,h Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 !he Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

user sees the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user in the roster !he Oice


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 129/310

%ommunicator 200' "2 user chooses to add des/top sharin, to the conversation !he

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user sees a system alert or des/top sharin, and

clic/s the system alert to accept the invitation !he %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB user sees a bro.ser open .ith the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user and himsel listed

in the roster !he audio call is still active and there is no connection bet.een the audio call and

the des/top sharin, session

The Office Communicator 2007 R2 user no) adds another !artici!ant:  !he %ommunicator

eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user is usin, a phone device or an audio conversation .ith the

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user and has a bro.ser .indo. open or des/top sharin, .ith the

same Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 user )o. a third person is invited to the application sharin,

session !he third person is Loined to the audio conversation and des/top sharin, session All

three users can spea/ .ith each other As noted previously( the %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB user ta/es no action and the audio conversation and the des/top sharin,

session have no connection

The Communicator e ccess %2007 R2 release& user adds another !artici!ant:  !he

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user adds another participant to the audioconversation and des/top sharin, session !he Focus Factory /no.s that audio and des/top

sharin, are enabled( so the Focus Factory sends the appropriate invitations to the ne.

participant !he ne. participant is Loined to the audio conversation and des/top sharin, session

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB still does not connect the audio conversation and

the des/top sharin, session

Call Deflection Session Initiation (rotocol %SI(& Tracin"

!he, &ession nitiation Protocol &PB pac/ets illustrate the pertinent data bet.een an

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool Front @nd &erver and a %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 releaseB server or the call delection scenario !he %ommunicator eb Access 200'"2 releaseB user delects the incomin, call to voice mail

 All incomin, calls to %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB sessions meet this scenario

 An audio call is or/ed to all valid endpoints "e,ardless o the source o the call( i the incomin,

call is directed at the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB session( the delection

scenario is valid

Call Deflection SI( Tracin" Scenario

n this scenario( a %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB session e8ists User1 is on

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB and User2 is on Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

User2 on Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 initiates an audio call to a phone number An invitation

rom Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 is sent to the pool Front @nd &erver

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>ffice Communicator &" R& >5X




Instance+Id: !$<&F(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 130/310

,irection: incoming

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: I7VITE sip:!&%###[email protected];user=p1one SI0-&.

From: 2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=ea!)*ca)%);epid=&!*)eea'a

To: 2sip:!&%###[email protected];user=p1one6

CSeq: ! I7VITE

Ca+I,: a(c&e)%!a*"(''("(e%)a(ad)f$%(ce

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4a/+Forards: "

Contact: 2sip:9ser&;opaque=user:epid:9)*!d8tFyN#+


9ser+<gent: 9CC<0I-*.#.%(".( >ffice Communicator &" R& -*.#.%(".*'W4icrosoft >ffice Communicator &" R&X

4s+Conersation+I,: <cnA/Lcy19-n?(Es!*1t#ug==

Supported: timer

Supported: 1istinfo

Supported: ms+safe+transfer

Supported: ms+sender

Supported: ms+eary+media

Supported: Repaces

Supported: !re

ms+eep+aie: 9<C;1op+1op=yes

<o: I7VITE AE <C? C<7CE5 I7F> 90,<TE REfront end R 7>TIFA


0+0referred+Identity: 2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6 2te:!'&####!(6

Supported: ms+conf+inite

0ro/y+<ut1oriation: ?er)eros qop=aut1 ream=SI0 Communications

Serice opaque=&'C$'!"(

crand=&!*"c!d( cnum="*



Content+Type: mutipart-aternatie;)oundary=++++


Content+5engt1: '"$%

4essage+ody: ++++++=P7e/t0artPP<'!P!C(F*&$.%(%<$%


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 131/310

Content+Type: appication-sdp


!he pool server determines that the phone number is a contact( and that the only re,istered

endpoint is %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB !he pool Front @nd &erver sends the

invitation to %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB n a situation .here there is more

than one re,istered endpoint( the Front @nd &erver or/s the call to all valid endpoints n this

case( %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB is the only endpoint

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>ffice Communicator &" R& >5X




Instance+Id: !$<*&

,irection: outgoing


4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: '()'T* sip:c&alit&areincco%:#061;transport=Ts;ms+

opaque=**a''%)f&(%e#e& SI0-&.

From: 9ser&2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=ea!)*ca)%);epid=&!*)eea'a

To: 2sip:!&%###[email protected];user=p1one6;epid='#'F"","$

CSeq: ! I7VITE

Ca+I,: a(c&e)%!a*"(''("(e%)a(ad)f$%(ce

ms+user+data: ms+pu)iccoud=true;ms+federation=true



Via: SI0-&.-T5S


4a/+Forards: %(

ms+appication+ia: )acendPtoen;;ms+;ms+appication=<"&FF+C(!$+'&'c+<C!&+

"C!E(!front end *E

Content+5engt1: '"$%Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!;ms+receied+port=!**!;ms+receied+


0+<sserted+Identity: 9ser&2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com62te:



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 132/310

Contact: 2sip:9ser&;opaque=user:epid:9)*!d8tFyN#+


9ser+<gent: 9CC<0I-*.#.%(".( >ffice Communicator &" R& -*.#.%(".*'

W4icrosoft >ffice Communicator &" R&X

4s+Conersation+I,: <cnA/Lcy19-n?(Es!*1t#ug==

Supported: timer

Supported: 1istinfo

Supported: ms+safe+transfer

Supported: ms+sender

Supported: ms+eary+media

Supported: Repaces

Supported: !re

ms+eep+aie: 9<C;1op+1op=yes<o: I7VITE AE <C? C<7CE5 I7F> 90,<TE REfront end R 7>TIFA


Supported: ms+conf+inite

Content+Type: mutipart-aternatie;)oundary=++++


Nistory+Info: 2sip:[email protected];inde/=!

4essage+ody: ++++++=P7e/t0artPP<'!P!C(F*&$.%(%<$%

Content+Type: appication-sdp


!he Front @nd &erver sends 101 Pro,ress "eport to the caller that is( on Oice %ommunicator

200' "2B

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>ffice Communicator &" R& >5X




Instance+Id: !$<*%

,irection: outgoing;source=oca

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. !! 0rogress Report

From: 9ser&2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=ea!)*ca)%);epid=&!*)eea'a

To: 2sip:!&%###[email protected];user=p1one6

CSeq: ! I7VITE


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 133/310

Ca+I,: a(c&e)%!a*"(''("(e%)a(ad)f$%(ce

0ro/y+<ut1entication+Info: ?er)eros


#*('#C%$$ srand=E,$,$&*" snum=!!$ opaque=&'C$'!"(

qop=aut1 ream=SI0

Communications Serice


Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!;ms+receied+port=!**!;ms+receied+


ms+diagnostics: !*';reason=Request as pro/ied to one or more



Serer: In)oundRouting-*.#..

4essage+ody: Z


!he Front @nd &erver receives 404 Pro8y &hould "edirect messa,e rom the %ommunicator eb

 Access 200' "2 releaseB server !his is the result o the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB user selectin, the redirect to voice mail option in the system alert

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>ffice Communicator &" R& >5X




Instance+Id: !$<'$#

,irection: incoming


4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. ** 0ro/y S1oud Redirect

From: 9ser&2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=ea!)*ca)%);epid=&!*)eea'a

To: 9ser!2sip:

!&%###[email protected];user=p1one6;tag=)a#!c)%d%$;epid='#'F"","$

CSeq: ! I7VITE

Ca+I,: a(c&e)%!a*"(''("(e%)a(ad)f$%(ceVI<: SI0-&.-T5S


SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!;ms+receied+port=!**!;ms+receied+


C>7T<CT: 2sip:+ser1,lit&areincco%opa./e=app:oice%ail6


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 134/310


SERVER: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..

4essage+ody: Z


!he Front @nd &erver sends A% or the 404 messa,e to %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2

releaseB to notiy the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB user that the call .as

actually redirected to voice mail by the Front @nd &erver

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>ffice Communicator &" R& >5X




Instance+Id: !$<'$%

,irection: outgoing;source=oca


4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: <C?!;transport=Ts;ms+

opaque=**a''%)f&(%e#e& SI0-&.

From: 9ser&2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=ea!)*ca)%);epid=&!*)eea'a

To: +ser1sip:


CSeq: ! <C?

Ca+I,: a(c&e)%!a*"(''("(e%)a(ad)f$%(ce

Via: SI0-&.-T5S


4a/+Forards: "


4essage+ody: Z


dd udio Session Initiation (rotocol %SI(& Tracin"

!he, &ession nitiation Protocol &PB trace pac/ets illustrate the call lo.s to accomplish

the %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB Add Audio scenario

!he initial state is that User1 and User2 are in an instant messa,in, #B session and User1 as/s

to add audio to the session User1 is usin, %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB and

User2 is usin, Oice %ommunicator 200' "2


@8ample pac/ets have been redacted to increase clarity


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 135/310

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB User1 sends a &@"=%@ pac/et to as/ or the

conerencin, capabilities o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'&.%(#.(ef!d


Y)eginPrecord 0eer:**$

Instance+Id: !$CF!!

,irection: incoming

4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: SERVICE

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory SI0-&.

From: 2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag="fc"'f$&#&

To: 2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6


Ca+I,: #e%#&d$eda'*&")$"*"("f!e!#a)"d

4<3+F>RL<R,S: "

VI<: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?d$)*)(*f

C>7TE7T+5E7TN: *(#

9SER+<E7T: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..

C>7TE7T+TA0E: appication-cccp/m

4essage+ody: 2M/m ersion=!. encoding=utf+$M62request

requestId=! from=sip:[email protected]=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory







!he pool server responds .ith the capability set

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.F"$::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'&.%(#.(ef&c



Instance+Id: !$CF!&

,irection: outgoing;source=oca


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 136/310


4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. & >?

From: 9ser!2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag="fc"'f$&#&


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6;tag='E*&C



Ca+I,: #e%#&d$eda'*&")$"*"("f!e!#a)"d

Content+5engt1: &$(

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?d$)*)(*f;ms+receied+


Content+Type: appication-cccp/m


%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB sends a &@"=%@ reKuest to ,et the conerence


T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'*.**#.(f&$



Instance+Id: !$CF%

,irection: incoming


4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: SERVICE

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory SI0-&.

From: 2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag=''f("&%"e

To: 2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6


Ca+I,: a''fe*!"*($'''"$)*$"(e&dfe)%%f&

4<3+F>RL<R,S: "

VI<: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?#f)"f!

C>7TE7T+5E7TN: *$'

9SER+<E7T: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 137/310

C>7TE7T+TA0E: appication-cccp/m

4essage+ody: 2M/m ersion=!. encoding=utf+$M62request

requestId=& from=sip:[email protected]

to=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory




/mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:cccp62get*ncr!ption4e! -62-request6


!he pool server that is( the con:ocusactoryB responds .ith the /ey

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'*.**#.(f*"


Instance+Id: !$CF%C

,irection: outgoing;source=oca


4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. & >?

From: 9ser!2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag=''f("&%"e


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6;tag='E*&C



Ca+I,: a''fe*!"*($'''"$)*$"(e&dfe)%%f&

Content+5engt1: !$(*

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?#f)"f!;ms+receied+


Content+Type: appication-cccp/m


%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB reKuests that a conerence be created

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'*.%%*.(f")



Instance+Id: !$CF$"


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 138/310

,irection: incoming


4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: SERVICE

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory SI0-&.

From: 2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag='*#df%)'*

To: 2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6


Ca+I,: c"c'e!(ed%#'a*($'*%&&a&%*(#cdc&

4<3+F>RL<R,S: "

VI<: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?a("&&#"#

C>7TE7T+5E7TN: !"$

9SER+<E7T: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..

C>7TE7T+TA0E: appication-cccp/m


!he server that is( the con:ocusactoryB responds .ith the conerence Uniorm "esource

dentiier U"B

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.F"$::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'*.%%*.(f$a



Instance+Id: !$CF$$

,irection: outgoing;source=oca


4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. & >?

From: 9ser!2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag='*#df%)'*


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6;tag='E*&C



Ca+I,: c"c'e!(ed%#'a*($'*%&&a&%*(#cdc&

Content+5engt1: !&%&

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?a("&&#"#;ms+receied+


Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

4essage+ody: 2response /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:cccp


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 139/310


2conference+info /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:conference+info

entity=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C

33SNE9Q&4?VNA!C%FT#, state=partia ersion=!-6




%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB sends a &@"=%@ to reKuest inormation or

conerences that are o.ned by User1 .ith /eyB

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'*.("%.(f()



Instance+Id: !$CF(!

,irection: incoming


4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: SERVICE

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory SI0-&.

From: 2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag=*)($"!!((e

To: 2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6


Ca+I,: a&'d%&(e%d&'$'&a(!f)af)"#&fc$c%

4<3+F>RL<R,S: "

VI<: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?(ac"efa!

C>7TE7T+5E7TN: !*&(

9SER+<E7T: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..

C>7TE7T+TA0E: appication-cccp/m


!he pool server that is( the con:ocusactoryB responds .ith encrypted inormation

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.F"$::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'*.("%.(faa


Instance+Id: !$CF(&

,irection: outgoing;source=oca


4essage+Type: response


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 140/310

Start+5ine: SI0-&. & >?

From: 9ser!2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag=*)($"!!((e


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory6;tag='E*&C



Ca+I,: a&'d%&(e%d&'$'&a(!f)af)"#&fc$c%

Content+5engt1: '(!%

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?(ac"efa!;ms+receied+


Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

4essage+ody: 2response /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:cccp

from=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory

to=sip:[email protected] code=success6


2conference+info /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:conference+info

entity=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C

33SNE9Q&4?VNA!C%FT#, state=fu ersion=!6












%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB sends an )=!@ to cause the Focus Factory to

 Loin User1 to the conerence by callin, her

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:''.'!*.(fd



Instance+Id: !$CF<%

,irection: incoming


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 141/310


4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: I7VITE

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q&

4?VNA!C%FT#, SI0-&.

From: 9ser!2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag=''aeda'dc


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q


CSeq: !#' I7VITE

Ca+I,: %d"$""!+$)ad+'!e(+a$#+&&*&*$'$dc"

4<3+F>RL<R,S: "

VI<: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?#cace$f#

C>7T<CT: 2sip:[email protected];opaque=user:epid:#C(s<igE!?pTRT+


C>7TE7T+5E7TN: ('"

S900>RTE,: ms+diaog+route+set+update

S900>RTE,: gruu+!

S900>RTE,: timer

S900>RTE,: !re

9SER+<E7T: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..

C>7TE7T+TA0E: appication-cccp/m<55>L: 90,<TE

Session+E/pires: !$

4in+SE: (

<55>L: <c Cance yeInite4essageInfoSerice>ptionse7otify

4essage+ody: 2request


  from=sip:[email protected]


to=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SN







8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 142/310



confEntity=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&

*?C33SNE9Q&4?VNA!C%FT#, -6


  entity=sip:[email protected]









uri=sip:[email protected];opaque=user:epid:#C(s<igE!?pTRT+







YYendPrecord Ater User1 is in the conerence( %ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 releaseB invites User2 to

the conerence

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'%.'!'.(f$'&



Instance+Id: !$,*$

,irection: incoming


4essage+Type: requestStart+5ine: I7VITE



From: 9ser!2sip:[email protected];epid=(($<!$;tag=&(ff%%d&!


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 143/310

To: 2sip:9ser&;opaque=user:epid:9)*!d8tFyN#+


CSeq: !#!* I7VITE

Ca+I,: "$'(&$e"+a)!*+'$#*+af+)a!cf(*!(&)*

4<3+F>RL<R,S: "

VI<: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!":**$;)ranc1=(1')?")fea)df

C>7T<CT: 2sip:[email protected];opaque=user:epid:#C(s<igE!?pTRT+


C>7TE7T+5E7TN: &'"

S900>RTE,: ms+diaog+route+set+update

S900>RTE,: gruu+!

S900>RTE,: !re

9SER+<E7T: RTCC-*.#.. CL<-*.#..C>7TE7T+TA0E: appication-ms+conf+inite/m

<55>L: 90,<TE

4s+Conersation+I,: )'#%*!df%'ae')$$!$*'*ca'&'cef

<55>L: <c Cance yeInite

4essage+ody: 2Conferencing ersion=&.6




  2su)8ect -6

  2im aaia)e=true additiona=fase6

  2first+im -6




User2 sends the )=!@ to the Focus reKuestin, to Loin the conerence

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.<(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'%.'&(.(f$d!



Instance+Id: !$,'$

,irection: incoming

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4essage+Type: request


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 144/310

Start+5ine: I7VITE

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q&

4?VNA!C%FT#, SI0-&.

From: 2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=(dde&*('(;epid=&!*)eea'a


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q


CSeq: ! I7VITE

Ca+I,: )'a*fe#a#!c$'d$e(%$"'d)c$$d*a%$

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4a/+Forards: "

Contact: 2sip:9ser&;opaque=user:epid:9)*!d8tFyN#+


9ser+<gent: 9CC<0I-*.#.%(".( >C-*.#.%(".*' W4icrosoft >ffice

Communicator &" R&X

Supported: timer

Supported: 1istinfo

Supported: ms+safe+transfer

Supported: ms+sender

Supported: ms+eary+media

ms+eep+aie: 9<C;1op+1op=yes



0ro/y+<ut1oriation: ?er)eros qop=aut1 ream=SI0 Communications

Serice opaque=&'C$'!"( targetname=sip-u&r&

crand=&d$c!a% cnum=&!



Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

Content+5engt1: "*%

4essage+ody: 2M/m ersion=!.M6

2request /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:cccp



to=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SN

E9Q&4?VNA!C%FT#, from=sip:9ser&



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 145/310

confEntity=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&




y62-ci:roes62ci:endpoint entity=G<&<<E('+#(<(+'('C+(#*"+('$C!!$&F#(#H




&ession pro,ress 200 O and an invitation dialo, bo8 is created

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X JK<&C.#(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'%.'&(.(f(%d



Instance+Id: !$,#&

,irection: outgoing;source=oca

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. & Inite diaog created

From: 9ser&2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=(dde&*('(;epid=&!*)eea'a


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q

&4?VNA!C%FT#,6;tag='CE$CSeq: ! I7VITE

Ca+I,: )'a*fe#a#!c$'d$e(%$"'d)c$$d*a%$

ms+eep+aie: 9<S; tcp=no; 1op+1op=yes; end+end=no; timeout=*




0ro/y+<ut1entication+Info: ?er)eros


"#E(<!$& srand="!F((%F snum=&$# opaque=&'C$'!"(

qop=aut1 targetname=sip-u&r& ream=SI0

Communications Serice

Content+5engt1: !*&&

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!;ms+receied+port=!**!;ms+receied+


<o: I7VITE AE <C? C<7CE5 I7F> 90,<TE


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 146/310


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q


Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

Session+E/pires: "&;refres1er=uac

Require: timer

Supported: timer

4essage+ody: 2response /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:cccp






s /$-cccpe/tensions/$-confinfoe/tensions








ensions /mns:ci=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:conference+info


/mns:mss=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:mss requestId= C*0Version=!

from=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33

SNE9Q&4?VNA!C%FT#, to=sip:+ser2,lit&areincco% code=s/ccess6



confEntity=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&


2ci:user entity=sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6







8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 147/310



)FO rom User2 to the Focus .ith /ey

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.<(C::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'%.'%.(f(a*



Instance+Id: !$,#

,irection: incoming

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: I7F>

sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q&

4?VNA!C%FT#, SI0-&.

From: 2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=(dde&*('(;epid=&!*)eea'a


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q


CSeq: & I7F>

Ca+I,: )'a*fe#a#!c$'d$e(%$"'d)c$$d*a%$

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4a/+Forards: "




9ser+<gent: 9CC<0I-*.#.%(".( >C-*.#.%(".*' W4icrosoft >ffice

Communicator &" R&X

Supported: ms+diaog+route+set+update

Supported: timer

0ro/y+<ut1oriation: ?er)eros qop=aut1 ream=SI0 Communications

Serice opaque=&'C$'!"( targetname=sip-u&r&

crand=ad(e"d$) cnum=&!#



Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

Content+5engt1: !&$#

4essage+ody: 2M/m ersion=!.M6



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 148/310

202 accepted rom User2 to con:ocus

T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.F$::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'%.'%.(f()!



Instance+Id: !$,#C

,irection: outgoing;source=oca

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4essage+Type: response

Start+5ine: SI0-&. && <ccepted

From: 2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=(dde&*('(;epid=&!*)eea'a


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q


CSeq: & I7F>

Ca+I,: )'a*fe#a#!c$'d$e(%$"'d)c$$d*a%$

0ro/y+<ut1entication+Info: ?er)eros


F%"&$,,CF srand=$(,$<*F snum=&$" opaque=&'C$'!"(

qop=aut1 targetname=sip-u&r& ream=SI0

Communications Serice

Via: SI0-&.-T5S !(&..&.!'*:!**!;ms+receied+port=!**!;ms+receied+



4essage+ody: Z


!he pool server that is( con:ocusB sends out )FO .ith details o the conerence and the


T5PI7F>WTFP0R>T>C>5X J!K<&C.F$::%-&&-&(+!$:!$:'%.'%.(f(f#



Instance+Id: !$,%#

,irection: outgoing;source=oca

0eer: !(&..&.!'*:!**!

4essage+Type: request

Start+5ine: I7F> sip:!(&..&.!'*:!**!;transport=ts;ms+

opaque=%fe&ccfaed;ms+receied+cid=#$&;grid SI0-&.


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 149/310


2sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33SNE9Q


To: 2sip:9ser&@itareinc.com6;tag=(dde&*('(;epid=&!*)eea'a

CSeq: $ I7F>

Ca+I,: )'a*fe#a#!c$'d$e(%$"'d)c$$d*a%$

Via: SI0-&.-T5S


0ro/y+<ut1entication+Info: ?er)eros


&"*CF(#F'F srand=FC(*$"F snum=&$( opaque=&'C$'!"(

qop=aut1 targetname=sip-u&r& ream=SI0

Communications Serice

4a/+Forards: "

Content+5engt1: "$(*

Supported: ms+diaog+route+set+update

Content+Type: appication-cccp/m

4essage+ody: 2response /mns=urn:ietf:params:/m:ns:cccp

from=sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:L#&*?C33

SNE9Q&4?VNA!C%FT#, to=sip:9ser& code=success6










2ci:users state=fu6

2ci:/ser entit!=sip:+ser1,lit&areincco% state=5/ll6






8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 150/310

2ci:endpoint entity=Gef"%)a!+"$(+'')*+aeaa+*a&%e*ee&(eH




2ci:/ser entit!=sip:+ser2,lit&areincco% state=5/ll6






Outside 4oice Control Scenario#obile phones are a /ey acet o inormation .or/er communications Accordin,ly( incorporatin,mobility into a uniied communications plan is essential or true uniication o communications

 Althou,h the e-mail( instant messa,in, #B( and ederated telephony .orlds are already

becomin, uniied by havin, a sin,le &ession nitiation Protocol &PB address .hich is typically

the e-mail addressB be the sin,le point o contact or a person( this uniication has not yet

e8tended to the mobile phone space normation .or/ers still end up e8chan,in, mobile phone

numbers in addition to their .or/ phone numbers as part o their contact inormation !his has led

to a suboptimal user e8perience For e8ample( a caller rom the public s.itched telephone

net.or/ P&!)B tries to reach a certain user by dialin, the userNs oice phone number she

cannot reach the user at his oice phone( she bypasses the corporate voice mail system by

disconnectin, the ori,inal call and dialin, the userNs mobile phone number the caller cannot

reach the user on his mobile phone( the caller leaves a messa,e on the userNs voice mail bo8 in

the mobile phone net.or/ As a result( the recipient ends up chec/in, his Outloo/ inbo8 or e-

mails( corporate voice mail system or some voice mails( and his mobile phone providerNs voice

mailbo8 or other voice mails

 A uniied communications solution needs to provide means or the user to control any

communication stream in a uniied ashion at all times Ey ,ivin, out a mobile phone number( a

secondary access channel to the user has been opened that currently bypasses the userNs uniied

communications solution in the company ith Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 a ne.

eature has been introduced( called Outside =oice %ontrol( that enables users to hide their mobile

phone number or inbound and outbound calls !his eature is sometimes reerred to as outside


!o use this eature( a user needs to install Oice %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB on a

indo.s #obile phone( and a data service such as ?eneral Pac/et "adio &ervice ?P"&B to

provide P data communication bet.een the mobile phone and the nternet !his net.or/ carries

&P messa,es that is( but not audio mediaB bet.een the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

system that is( by usin, the or,aniHationNs @d,e &erverB and the %ommunicator #obile client

!he user also needs to be enabled or @nterprise =oice


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 151/310

the user receives an incomin, call on his &P Uniorm "esource dentiier U"B( either rom the

P&!) or rom other Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 users or rom a ederated contact(

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 sends a &P )=!@ to all o the userNs re,istered &P

endpoints or e8ample( Oice %ommunicator 200' "2( Oice %ommunicator Phone @ditionB as

.ell as to the userNs %ommunicator #obile client runnin, on the indo.s #obile device Ater

this &P )=!@ messa,e reaches the %ommunicator #obile client usin, the data channel o the

mobile phone( %ommunicator #obile automatically accepts the incomin, call and chan,es the

userNs presence to In a Call )e8t( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 initiates an outbound

call to userNs mobile phone number by usin, an Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

#ediation &erver and P&!) access point that is( by usin, a ,ate.ay( PE( or &P !run/ service

providerB !he user receives a second incomin, call throu,h the mobile phone providerNs cellular

net.or/ and is able to accept the call )ote that the actual mobile phone call is not a =oice over

P =oPB call .here audio has been transmitted by usin, the mobile phone providerNs data pac/et

net.or/ to %ommunicator #obile nstead( it is a normal mobile phone call that uses the mobile

phone providerNs cellular net.or/

For an outbound call rom her mobile phone( the user has the option to enter the phone numberto be dialed in %ommunicator #obile or to initiate a call to a &P contact usin, %ommunicator

#obile the user chooses the Call menu option in %ommunicator #obile( the call is placed by

the mobile phone by usin, the mobile phone net.or/ Do.ever( i the user chooses the Call via

)or. option in %ommunicator #obile( the phone irst sends a &P )=!@ to Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 establishes a call to

the userNs mobile phone number over the P&!) !he user receives an incomin, mobile phone

call rom his company by usin, the mobile phone providerNs cellular net.or/ Finally( ater the

user accepts the call rom his company( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 sets up a second

call le, to the desi,nated called party and Loins the t.o connections )ote that i the Called

(art# is on the P&!)( the t.o call le,s can be over separate #ediation &ervers that have

completely dierent P&!) brea/-out locationsB !he called party receives a call rom the user Nscompany by usin, the userNs oice phone number as the Callin" (art# number despite the act

that the user is actually on her mobile phone, are some o the beneits or the company and the user associated .ith this scenario:

• !he userNs oice phone number can become the only phone number that is published on

business cards and other business materials !he mobile phone number can be shared .ith

selected people

•  Activities on the userNs mobile phone or e8ample( .hen participatin, in a mobile phone

callB can be a,,re,ated to the userNs overall presence state

• the user is enabled or @nterprise =oice and @8chan,e 200' &P1 Uniied #essa,in,(

the user can disable his mobile phone voice mail bo8 and use @8chan,e 200' &P1 Uniied#essa,in, as his only voice mail repository !his has all the advanta,es o usin, an Outloo/

nbo8 or all communications or e8ample( e-mail( missed call notiications( voice mail( team

call pic/-up notiications( and so onB

• Ey settin, up an outbound mobile phone call throu,h Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 by usin, the Outside =oice %ontrol unctionality( call char,e reductions may occur

For e8ample( i the user .ants to call an international phone number rom his mobile phone


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 152/310

or a lon,er conerence call( call char,es can be lo.ered si,niicantly by placin, the call rom

the company to the international number throu,h the P&!)( bypassin, the mobile phone

net.or/ despite another call le, bein, established rom the company to the userNs mobile

phone numberB Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 *east-%ost "outin, unctionality

helps save additional costs in these situations @ven more obvious are the savin,s .hat

occur .hen the user calls a ederated contact .ho has a phone number based in another

country nstead o callin, the international number directly rom the userNs mobile phone(

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 can use an Oice %ommunications &erver @d,e

&erver to connect this ederated call le, .ith the call le, to the userNs mobile phone

•  All calls initiated throu,h Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 are captured or %all

etail "ecordin, %"B and <uality-o-@8perience <o@B as part o the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 #onitorin, &erver Do.ever( the <o@ data is only on the

=oP le,s o the call and does not relect the Kuality o the P&!) or mobile provider net.or/

Outside 4oice Control rchitecture

!o enable the Outside =oice %ontrol scenario( the, prereKuisites are reKuired:

•  As part o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 installation( all applications are

installed by deault urin, the deployment( the Outside =oice %ontrol application needs to be

activated as part o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 installation

• !he uniied communications Application &erver needs to run on every Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 &tandard @dition server or @nterprise pool Front @nd

&erver ou need to start the Outside =oice %ontrol application by usin, the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 snap-in

• One or more Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 #ediation &ervers .ith connected

P&!) ?ate.ays( P PEs( or &P %arrier trun/s need to be deployed or P&!) access

• Users .ho .ant to beneit rom this scenario need to be enabled or @nterprise =oice !o

beneit rom the sin,le voice mail bo8 unctionality( .hich can only be provided by @8chan,e

200' Uniied #essa,in,( users need to be enabled or @8chan,e 200' Uniied #essa,in,

• Users need to have a %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB client installed on their

indo.s #obile 5 or indo.s #obile 51 smartphone or Poc/et P% phone device

 Additionally( it is hi,hly recommended that you have an unlimited data usa,e plan .ith the

mobile phone provider

• !he userNs mobile phone needs to be enabled or data pac/et communication throu,h

?P"&( @?@( %#A( or other 4? connection( and a screen resolution o 2C0 8 420 pi8els is


•  An Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Access @d,e server needs to be deployed to

allo. %ommunicator #obile to e8chan,e &P messa,es .ith the corporate Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool

• ou need to coni,ure a location proile or each pool or user .here Outside =oice

%ontrol is installed

• !o enable this scenario( you need to open the, ports:


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 153/310

Tale +, ReHuired and O!tional (orts

!!lication (ort Numer (rotocol (lace to o!en




#obile 200' "2


050 &P !ransmission

%ontrol Protocol


*oad balancer

in ront o

home server


Port ran,e used by


#obile or &P




#obile 200' "2


051 &P !*& nternal

ire.all and

load balancer

in ront o

home server


Port ran,e used by


#obile or &P over

!ransport *ayer

&ecurity !*&B




#obile 200' "2


CC4 !*&+D!!P& @8ternal

ire.all and

load balancer

in ront o

e8ternal ed,e

o Access

@d,e &erver 

Used by


#obile or

connectin, rom

outside the intranet

or &P


Outside =oice


0'C !%P *oad balancer

in ront o

home Outside

=oice %ontrol

is installed

Used by Outside

=oice %ontrol or


rchitectural Overvie)

!he, i,ure sho.s the architecture reKuired or the Outside =oice %ontrol scenario


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 154/310

*i"ure +, Outside 4oice Control architecture

(rotocols 3sed -# Outside 4oice Control

Outside =oice %ontrol uses the, protocols:

• Session Initiation (rotocol %SI(&, %ommunicator #obile e8chan,es &P messa,es

throu,h the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( Access @d,e &erver .ith the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 pool

• Third (art# Control (rotocol %T(C(&, !his protocol is transported by &P messa,es

bet.een the %ommunicator #obile client and the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

&tandard @dition server or @nterprise pool and is used to send call commands bet.een the

phone and the userNs Front @nd &erver

Call *lo)s

!he, sections contain sample call lo.s or an outbound call and an inbound call rom

the perspective o the indo.s #obile phone userB by usin, the @nterprise %ellular =oice

scenario .ith a %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB client

Outound Call

!he, steps occur .hen User A( .ho is runnin, %ommunicator #obile( establishes an

outbound call to User E( .ho is usin, Oice %ommunicator( rom a mobile telephone by usin,%ommunicator #obile in conLunction .ith the Outside =oice %ontrol application User E has

multiple endpoints: Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 and %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB

1 On his %ommunicator #obile client( User A selects a contact rom his contact list( and

then selects Call via or. rom the callin, options

2 %ommunicator #obile uses a data channel to inorm Outside =oice %ontrol o the

outbound call !his inormation is transmitted to Outside =oice %ontrol by usin, &P+!P%P


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 155/310

!he messa,e is passed thou,h the mobile providerNs data pac/et net.or/ throu,h the

nternet to their or,aniHationNs Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Access @d,e server(

and rom there to their assi,ned &tandard @dition server or @nterprise pool

4 Outside =oice %ontrol establishes a call to User ANs mobile phone by initiatin, a reKuest

throu,h a #ediation &erver to the mobile phone providerNs cellular voice net.or/C User A receives an incomin, call on her mobile phone

User A ans.ers the call and the irst call le, bet.een the Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 environment and User ANs mobile phone has been established #edia is inactive

5 Outside =oice %ontrol no. establishes a second call le, .ith the home pool o User E(

.here Oice %ommunicator 200' or %ommunicator 200' "2 has been re,istered( by sendin,

a &P )=!@ messa,e

' A Front @nd &erver in User ENs home pool loo/s up the User ENs re,istered endpoints and

then or/s the &P )=!@ messa,e to all o them

G User E ,ets an incomin, call notiication

9 As soon as User E ans.ers the call on one o her re,istered devices( the second call le,

has been established

10 Outside =oice %ontrol provides call mana,ement to brid,e the t.o call le,s bet.een the

mobile client that is( User AB and the enterprise Oice %ommunicator user that is( User EB

#edia lo.s bet.een User ANs mobile phone throu,h the mobile phone providerNs cellular

net.or/( to the P&!)( then throu,h the #ediation &erver that .as selected by Outbound

"outin,B to Oice %ommunicator 200' or %ommunicator 200' "2 client


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 156/310

*i"ure 2, Outound call flo)

  call or.ardin, on the mobile telephone has been enabled( outbound calls on %ommunicator

#obile are not supported

For the normaliHation o telephone numbers dialed by %ommunicator #obile( the userNs user-

speciic location proile is applied on non "F%4955 compliant called party numbers


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Inound Call

!o continue .ith the e8ample above but in the opposite direction( User E that is( the Oice

%ommunicator 200' or %ommunicator 200' "2 userB in the enterprise calls User A User A has

%ommunicator #obile installed on her mobile device n this section( the call lo. o this scenario

is outlined belo.1 User E initiates a call to User A by clic/in, on a contact in Oice %ommunicator 200' or

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

2 User ANs Front @nd &erver in the recipientNs home pool loo/s up User ANs re,istered

endpoints( and then or/s the call to all re,istered endpoints( includin, User ANs

%ommunicator #obile client

4 hen the reKuest to establish a si,nalin, channel reaches %ommunicator #obile(

%ommunicator #obile determines that the incomin, session is an audio call

)ote: %ommunicator #obile intercepts the incomin, voice call only i the %allin, Party

number o the voice call matches the %allin, Party number that is communicated throu,h the

data channel that ,ets established beore the voice call Other.ise( the incomin, voice call istreated as a re,ular mobile telephone call and %ommunicator #obile does not respond

C %ommunicator #obile automatically accepts the call by usin, a data si,nalin, channel in

the data pac/et net.or/ o the mobile phone provider to pass this messa,e to Outside =oice

%ontrol throu,h the nternet and Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

Outside =oice %ontrol initiates a call to User ANs mobile phone number Outbound "outin,

selects a #ediation &erver+,ate.ay to send the call to the P&!)( .hich ultimately routes to

the mobile phone providerNs cellular net.or/

5 hen the user ans.ers the incomin, mobile phone call on his mobile phone( Outside

=oice %ontrol and Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 connect the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 #ediation &erver call le, .ith the ori,inatin, call le, #edia

lo.s directly bet.een Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( #ediation &erver and the


' Outside =oice %ontrol remains in the si,nalin, path to provide call mana,ement until the

call is terminated


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*i"ure <, Inound call flo)

!o redirect the incomin, )=!@( %ommunicator #obile redirects the )=!@ .ith a 404 &P

response and introduces a ne. header called %ancelFor/in, !his header can have t.o possible

values: es or )o !he absence o the header( .hich is consistent .ith %ommunicator #obile

200' releaseB( means that or/s .ill be cancelled !hereore( the absence o the header is eKual

to %ancelFor/in,:es


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Grou! Chat *eature Scenario!he Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 ?roup %hat &erver is built on top o the Oice

%ommunications &erver inrastructure !his inrastructure handles user authentication( presence(

security( and routin, Any supported Oice %ommunications &erver topolo,y also supports ?roup

%hat unctionality( even i users are connectin, rom the nternet or belon, to ederated

or,aniHations Ater you have deployed the ?roup %hat clients and ?roup %hat &ervers( only the

?roup %hat &ervers reKuire additional coni,uration beore the ?roup %hat eature is ully


ou can deploy a ?roup %hat &erver on a sin,le computer or on an array o servers to provide

,reater scalability and availability ou can also deploy ?roup %hat &ervers at multiple locations i

you have a multi-pool Oice %ommunications &erver topolo,y

!he ?roup %hat client inte,rates .ith the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 client and is another

&ession nitiation Protocol &PB endpoint that re,isters .ith a &tandard @dition server or a Front

@nd &erver o an @nterprise pool !he ?roup %hat &erver uses the Uniied %ommunications

#ana,ed AP U%#AB 20 to communicate .ith the pool that you select .hen you install the?roup %hat &erver

!his section o the Oice %ommunication &erver 200' "2 !echnical "eerence is intended to help

Uniied %ommunications administrators and specialists ,ain a deeper understandin, o the ?roup

%hat architecture( protocols( and communication lo.s( .hich can be valuable or system desi,n

and troubleshootin,

In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• ?roup %hat &ervices

• ey Protocols and indo.s &ervices Used by ?roup %hat

• ?roup %hat %all Flo.s

Grou! Chat Services

?roup %hat &erver consists o the,: the %hannel service( the *oo/up service( the eb

service( and a dedicated bac/-end database( .hich must reside on a separate computer you

choose to use %ompliance service( .hich is optional( you must install it on a separate computer

!he %ompliance service reKuires its o.n bac/-end &<* &erver database( .hich can reside on

the same computer as the %ompliance service or on a separate computer it is on a separate

computer rom the %ompliance service( the bac/-end database can be collocated .ith the main

?roup %hat &<* &erver database or be placed on a separate database server

!he bac/-end database stores coni,uration data or the ?roup %hat &ervers and stores the chat

messa,e history or each chat room

Channel Service

#ost o the .or/load o a ?roup %hat &erver is perormed by the %hannel service !he %hannel

service accepts incomin, messa,es( re,isters and lists the online participants .ithin a channel


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/no.n as a %hat "oom in the user interaceB( and retransmits messa,es to the other channel

subscribers !he %hannel service also implements lo,ic or channel mana,ement( chat room

invitations( search( and ne. content notiications

hen the ?roup %hat eature is provided by an array o ?roup %hat &ervers Loined to the same

pool( each %hannel service communicates .ith the others to relay ne. messa,es to the clientsconnected to each member o the array( and each ascertains the operational health o the other

?roup %hat &ervers Eecause each %hannel service ,ets its coni,uration inormation rom a

common bac/-end database( all are coni,ured identically

!he %hannel service re,isters as a trusted service in the Active irectory omain &ervices

A &B .hen the ?roup %hat &erver is activated hen a deployment includes multiple ?roup

%hat &ervers( each instance o the %hannel service is assi,ned a uniKue &ession nitiation

Protocol &PB Uniorm "esource dentiier U"B( .hich is the ?lobally "outable User A,ent U"

?"UUB settin, o the correspondin, trusted service !hese ?"UUs allo. the *oo/up service to

assi,n users to speciic %hannel service servers

oo.u! Service

!he *oo/up service connects clients to a %hannel service there is more than one ?roup %hat

&erver in the deployment( the *oo/up service also unctions as a load balancer

!he *oo/up service is represented by a U" that is provisioned to the ?roup %hat clients beore

their users si,n in !his U" can be the deault value OCSChatRuserNs &P domainSB( it can be

supplied to the ?roup %hat clients by ?roup Policy( or it can be coni,ured manually Ater a user

o a ?roup %hat client successully si,ns in to a Front @nd &erver( the Front @nd &erver uses this

U" to initiate a session .ith a *oo/up service on behal o the client

hen a deployment includes multiple ?roup %hat &ervers( the serversN *oo/up services can

share the same &P U" hen a ?roup %hat client initiates a connection( the *oo/up services

act as multiple points o presence #POPB or that &P address( and the last *oo/up service toconnect .ith the client is the one that assi,ns a %hannel service to the client a *oo/up service

instance ails( the Front @nd &erver automatically routes subseKuent connection reKuests to

another *oo/up service @ven i one server is than the others and it is consistently the last

one to respond and thereby ,ets all o the *oo/up service reKuestsB( it is o little concern rom a

scalability standpoint because the process o assi,nin, %hannel service U"s to clients is airly


!he *oo/up service assi,ns %hannel service instances so that the .or/load amon, all instances

is balanced @very 10 seconds( each %hannel service instance communicates its current user

load to all *oo/up service instances !he *oo/up services route ne. sessions to the least loaded

%hannel service at the time

a %hannel service ails( e8istin, sessions are cancelled( and the clients contact the *oo/up

service to receive the U" o a ne. %hannel service Ater they reconnect( the ne. %hannel

service automatically pushes any missed messa,es to the clients

hen a %hannel service resumes operation( the *oo/up services do not redistribute e8istin,

?roup %hat sessions( but the resumed %hannel service instance reports itsel as available and


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.ill ,et all subseKuent ne. client connections until its .or/load is balanced .ith those o the

other %hannel service instances

e Service

Eecause iles attached to chat messa,es must be available to multiple users .ithin a channel androm the chat history( peer-to-peer P2PB ile transer is not suicient !he eb service provides a

mechanism or ile e8chan,e .ithin the conte8t o channels

?roup %hat clients must provide speciic to/ens to upload or do.nload iles !hese to/ens are

provided in-band by the %hannel service to authoriHed subscribers

hen a deployment includes multiple ?roup %hat &ervers( all servers use a Universal )amin,

%onvention U)%B path that points to a common indo.s share .here the actual iles reside

@nd users are not permitted direct access to this share !hey must ,o throu,h the eb service

 Althou,h ?roup %hat clients never communicate directly .ith a *oo/up service or %hannel

service that is( they are al.ays pro8ied throu,h one or more Front @nd &erversB( clients connect

directly to a eb service instance .hen they upload and do.nload iles to and rom a chat roomFor the ile transer unction to be available to remote users .ithout usin, a virtual private net.or/

=P)B or to ederated users( the eb service U"s must be resolvable and routable rom the


Com!liance Service

!he %ompliance service uses #icrosot #essa,e <ueuin, also /no.n as #&#<B to collect

?roup %hat messa,es and events rom %hannel service instances and uploaded iles rom eb

service instances !he %ompliance service archives these messa,es as iles ormatted accordin,

to the type o %ompliance adapter you selected durin, installation !he %ompliance service

comes .ith a customiHable &*! transorm that ,enerates #* iles or pic/up and urther

analysis by a custom pro,ram %ompliance adapters are also available rom A/oni8( Assentor(

and Facetime that enable the %ompliance service to ,enerate output ile ormats compatible .ith

archivin, solutions rom those vendors

Eeore archival( messa,es are sta,ed in a &<* &erver database separate rom the one used by

the ?roup %hat &erver !he t.o databases can coe8ist on the same computer( but i the

.or/loads are hi,h enou,h to de,rade perormance they should be located on separate &<*

&erver instances

Unli/e the bac/-end database or the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Archivin, &erver(

this database stores the messa,es or the duration o the archive retention period( the bac/-end

database or the %ompliance service stores records only temporarily !he data is e8tracted

accordin, to the %ompliance serverNs Conversation interval in minutes settin,( is .ritten to aile( and then placed in a shared directory( .here it can be pic/ed up by the third-party or custom

compliance system Ater the compliance system has pic/ed up the data( the #* output iles and

uploaded iles can be deleted to prevent loss o available dis/ space

ou can also use the %ompliance service to archive uploaded iles


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!he %ompliance &erver does not archive instant messa,es( even i the instant messa,in, #B

session .as launched rom the ?roup %hat client your or,aniHation .ants to archive #

sessions( you must deploy the Archivin, &erver role on a separate server

Ke# (rotocols and indo)s Services 3sed # Grou! Chat!he ?roup %hat eature relies on several protocols: &ession nitiation Protocol &PB+!ransport

*ayer &ecurity !*&B( indo.s %ommunication Foundation %FB( D!!P&( and #essa,e

<ueuin, also /no.n as #&#<B

Session Initiation (rotocol %SI(&

Ey usin, &P over !*& as its /ey client-server communications protocol( the ?roup %hat eature

harnesses the core real-time communications "!%B capabilities o Oice %ommunication &erver

200' "2( includin, the client-side and server side application pro,rammin, interaces APsB(

authentication( encryption( re,istration( presence( and routin,

Furthermore( because &P is a ,eneral-purpose si,nalin, protocol that can transport payloadsthat contain other protocols or e8ample( &ession escription Protocol &PB or %entraliHed

%onerencin, %ontrol Protocol %4PBB( most o the ?roup %hat client-server traic consists o &P

)FO messa,es containin, an #*-based protocol( %%O& %%O& is a proprietary ormat or

transmittin, data bet.een Front @nd &ervers and ?roup %hat clients n addition to transportin,

the chat messa,es( it provides support or ederated ?roup %hat( channel invitations( activity

notiications( and postin, o iles

!he ?roup %hat *oo/up and %hannel services re,ister as &P endpoints .ith an Oice

%ommunications &erver Front @nd pool %lients communicate .ith them by usin, &P )FO

messa,es that contain %%O& commands and responses

indo)s Communication *oundation %C*&

hen a deployment includes multiple ?roup %hat &ervers( the *oo/up service uses %F over

!*& on each ?roup %hat &erver to monitor the load on each server and determine .hich

%hannel service instances should receive ne. client connections

!he %hannel services also use %F to relay messa,es .ith each other %lients are balanced

across the available %hannel service instance As a result( .hen a ne. messa,e comes in to a

%hat "oom channelB on one %hannel service instance( in addition to rebroadcastin, the

messa,e to the other active participants subscribed to that %hat "oom over &P( the %hannel

service or.ards the messa,e over %F to the other %hannel service instances in the array(

.hich in turn or.ards the messa,es to the %hat "oom subscribers actively connected to those

other instances


Uploadin, and do.nloadin, iles to and rom ?roup %hat clients and the eb service occurs over


!his traic is the only ?roup %hat client-server communication that does not occur over &P


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Messa"e 6ueuin"

For deployments that include the optional %ompliance service( each %hannel service uses

#essa,e <ueuin, to publish the, events to the %ompliance service:

• )e. chat messa,es

•  A user enterin, or e8itin, a chat room

• File uploads and do.nloads

• <ueries and searches a,ainst the chat history

!he %ompliance service temporarily stores the events and chat messa,es in its bac/-end

database n addition to e8tractin, the events and chat messa,es rom the database and .ritin,

them to iles in a shared directory( the %ompliance service also obtains copies o all uploaded

iles and .rites them to an Attachment subdirectory in the shared directory or pic/up or pic/up

by your archivin, solution

Grou! Chat Call *lo)s

!his topic describes the call lo.s o a user si,nin, in rom a ?roup %hat client( subscribin, to a

chat room( and then postin, a messa,e to it n these e8amples( the architecture consists o a

sin,le consolidated ?roup %hat &erver that is in the same pool as the user

Grou! Chat Client Si"n In

Eeore users can participate in a ,roup chat( they must si,n in .ith the ?roup %hat client to a

Front @nd &erver( be authenticated by the server( and then connect to the %hat "ooms to .hich

they have subscribed n this e8ample( the *oo/up service and the %hannel service are already

runnin, and re,istered .ith the Front @nd &erver

!he seKuence o steps is as ollo.s:

1 !he ?roup %hat client uses the same techniKues as the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

client to locate its pool server that is( omain )ame &ystem )&B &"= records in most

cases and a irector reerral( i usedB !he client uses either the userNs indo.s lo,on

credentials or manually-entered alternate credentials( and then sends a set o &P

"@?&!@" messa,es to a Front @nd &erver the userNs credentials are valid and the user

is authoriHed to use ?roup %hat( he or she is authenticated

2 !he ?roup %hat client sends one or more &P &UE&%"E@ messa,es to the Front @nd

&erver and then retrieves the userNs contact list

4 !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P &@"=%@ messa,e to the Front @nd &erver to

provide inormation about its endpoint capabilities From this point on.ard that is( in the

conte8t o ?roup %hatB( the only unction o the Front @nd &erver is to pro8y messa,esbet.een the ?roup %hat client and one or more ?roup %hat &ervers

C !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )=!@ messa,e to the Uniorm "esource dentiier

U"B o the *oo/up service the client is set to use automatic coni,uration( this U"

deaults to the name OCSChat<users !"# domain> the or,aniHation has implemented

?roup Policy ObLect ?POB-based coni,uration o the ?roup %hat client( it .ill use the U"

that is provided by the S!ecif# loo.u! server 3RI ?PO policy settin, Users can also


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manually supply the U" o the *oo/up serviceB !he Front @nd &erver loo/s in its re,istration

database and pro8ies the )=!@ messa,e to all *oo/up service instances that are re,istered

.ith it n this e8ample( there is only one !he )=!@ seKuence is ollo.ed up by the 200 O

and A%( and the ?roup %hat client has no. opened a &P session .ith a *oo/up service


!he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )FO messa,e containin, the %%O& reHuri that is(

reKuest U"B command to the *oo/up service( .hich Kueries the bac/-end database and

returns the U" o the %hannel service .ith the lo.est current .or/load hen the client

receives the U"( it sends a &P E@ messa,e and closes the session .ith the *oo/up


5 !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )=!@ messa,e to the U" o the %hannel service

that it obtained in the previous step !he )=!@ seKuence is ollo.ed by 200 O and A%(

and the ?roup %hat client has no. opened a &P session .ith a %hannel service endpoint

From this point or.ard( the client communicates .ith the %hannel service by sendin, &P

)FO messa,es that contain either chat messa,es or commands reKuestin, the server to

ta/e an action All o these messa,es are ac/no.led,ed .ith either 200 O or 04 &erviceUnavailable that is( in the event o heavy server loadB the client receives a 04 response(

it .ill retry the messa,e !his e8ample does not include a 04 responseB the server

accepts the messa,e or command and sends 200 O( it .ill provide a response to the client

in the orm o a separate &P )FO messa,e !his response includes a reerence to the

ori,inatin, command

' !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )FO messa,e containin, the %%O& "etserverinfo

command !he %hannel service replies .ith a ne. &P )FO messa,e containin, inormation

about the %hannel service coni,uration

G !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )FO messa,e containin, a set o %%O& "et!ref  

that is( ,et preerencesB commands !he client stores its state on the server in a set ocompressed #* documents called preerences !he "et!ref  command is a reKuest rom the

client to the server or the latest copy o that data the client has a local copy o the

preerences( it sends the version o the local copy in the command !he server responds

to this command in a separate &P )FO messa,e .ith the reKuested data

9 !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )FO messa,e containin, a %%O& =oin that is(

batch LoinB command that contains a list o chat rooms that the user has previously Loined

!his list is obtained rom the preerences document !he %hannel service Kueries the bac/-

end database( and then returns a separate &P )FO messa,e containin, the userNs channel

provisionin, data and the conte8tual messa,e history or those chat rooms

10 !he ?roup %hat client sends a &P )FO messa,e containin, a %%O& "etinv that is(

,et invitationB command to reKuest any open channel invitations n a separate &P )FO

messa,e( the %hannel service returns a list o those channels

!he, ladder dia,ram sho.s this call lo.


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*i"ure +, Grou! Chat client si"n in call flo)


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#essa,es rom the ?roup %hat &erver to the client are oten batched A sin,le &P )FO

messa,e can contain one or more messa,es For e8ample( in the case o a batch Loin

that is( =oinB command( the server sends =oin replies and conte8tual messa,e history

or each chat room that is bein, Loined Eut these messa,es may be delivered to theclient as a sin,le &P )FO messa,e or as multiple &P )FO messa,es

 Ater the user o a ?roup %hat client is si,ned in and connected to a %hannel service( his or her

client lists the messa,e history o all currently subscribed chat rooms

the userNs Oice %ommunications &erver account .as homed in pool dierent rom that o the

?roup %hat &erver pool( a Front @nd &erver in the userNs home pool .ould pro8y the messa,es

to and rom a Front @nd &erver in the pool .ith .hich the %hannel service is homed

Suscriin" to a Chat Room and (ostin" a Messa"e

n this e8ample( t.o users( User1 and User2( are si,ned in to a %hannel service User1 .ants to

subscribe to a ne. %hat "oom( to .hich User2 is already connected( and then participates bypostin, a messa,e .ith a ile attachment

!he seKuence o steps is as ollo.s:

1 From the ?roup %hat client( User1 clic/s 9oin a Chat Room( clic/s Search( and then

enters some search criteria !he client sends the %hannel service a &P )FO messa,e

containin, the %%O& chansrch that is( channel searchB command( alon, .ith the search

criteria !he %hannel service Kueries the bac/-end database and replies in a ne. &P )FO

messa,e that contains a list o available channels chat roomsB that meet the search criteria

2 User1 selects the chat room he or she .ishes to Loin and then clic/s 9oin !he client

sends the %hannel service a &P )FO messa,e containin, the %%O& =oin command and

the channel o the chat room the user selected !he %hannel service replies .ith a &P)FO messa,e that contains the provisionin, data

4 !he ?roup %hat client sends the %hannel service a &P )FO messa,e that contains the

%%O& cconte't that is( bac/chat conte8tB command !he %hannel service retrieves the

chat history and returns it to the client in a separate &P )FO messa,e At this point( the

user enters the chat room and is ready to participate

C User1 enters a ne. messa,e containin, a ile attachment reerence and then clic/s

Send !he ?roup %hat client sends the %hannel service a &P )FO messa,e containin, the

%%O& "etfuto. that is( ,et ile upload to/enB command !he %hannel service inserts a

to/en into the bac/-end database and issues the to/en .ith the U" o the eb service

instance to the client in a ne. &P )FO messa,e !his to/en is then used by the ?roup %hat

client to upload the ile to the U" o the eb service instance( .hich validates the to/en

a,ainst the bac/-end database beore, the upload to proceed User1Ns client

simultaneously posts the messa,e .ith the ile attachment lin/ to the chat room in a &P

)FO %%O& "r!chat command !he %hannel service stores a copy o this ne. messa,e in

the &<* &erver database

!he %hannel service sends a separate copy o the &P )FO %%O& "r!chat messa,e

to User2( .ho has already entered the chat room


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!he, ladder dia,ram belo. sho.s the call lo.

*i"ure 2, Grou! Chat suscri!tion and messa"e !ostin" call flo)


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Technical Drilldo)ns

!his section provides deeper drilldo.ns into speciic technical aspects o #icrosot Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2

In This Section

• &P Processin, rilldo.n

• User "eplicator rilldo.n

•  Archivin, and #onitorin, rilldo.n

• @d,e &ervers rilldo.n

• "esponse ?roup %lient eb &ervice rilldo.n

• %lient )& <ueries rilldo.n

•  Application &erver rilldo.n

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n

•  Address Eoo/ &erver rilldo.n

SI( (rocessin" Drilldo)nn versions o Oice %ommunications &erver prior to Oice %ommunications &erver 200'( the

server used a proprietary e8tension called @nd-point dentiier @PB to address a speciic User

 A,ent &tartin, .ith Oice %ommunications &erver 200'( ?lobally "outable User A,ent U"

?"UUB replaces @P .here possible Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 supports

bac/.ards compatibility .ith @P( but to the de,ree possible( all ne. applications and clients

use ?"UU instead

SI( (rocessin" and GR33

?"UU is an e8tension o &ession nitiation Protocol &PB that is currently deined in an nternet

drat at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/d31CCC1G ?"UU is speciically desi,ned to

implement reliable routin, to a speciic device or an end user hile a plain &P U" or

e8ample( LanedoeMcontosocomB( is a U" that reers to a user( ?"UU is an U" that reers to a

speciic device

?"UU can be used .ithin multiple separate &P dialo,s to reach the same device !his .or/s not

 Lust or client applications but also server applications or e8ample( the #ediation &erverB !he

Oice %ommunicator client runnin, on each computer has its o.n ?"UU that allo.s other

applications to route messa,es speciically to that device

?"UU is .idely applied across the server to solve a variety o problems( includin,( but not limited

to( @nterprise =oice call transer or conerence escalation scenarios( .hich reKuire the ability to

establish a ne. dialo, .ith a speciic endpoint in an e8istin, dialo, ?"UU is also used to

address scenarios .here one endpoint in a dialo, is server based and( thereore( the !o+From

header in the dialo, cannot be resolved to a speciic endpoint n the ori,inal &P standard( it .as

not possible to construct an U" .hich could be routed to rom includin, the nternetB

and reach a speciic device or User A,ent


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?"UU is a &P U" that ,enerally ollo.s the orm:

sip:2user6@2domain or F,76;opaque=2priate6;grid=2optiona cooie6;gruu

For e8ample:

sip:[email protected];opaque=user:epid:qIILS&8#<Ve,PN/nd/m<<;gruu

!he opaque parameter( in combination .ith the address o record AO"B( ma/es this U" uniKue

even thou,h the prei8 o the U" is still the standard user address !he gruu parameter speciies

that this U" has all the properties o a ?"UU and can be used .ithin multiple separate &P

dialo,s to reach the same user a,ent deviceB !he grid  parameter is optional and is inserted by a

user a,ent instance .hen the user a,ent uses the ?"UU to route to itsel the ,rid is included

in a reKuest( it helps the user a,ent instance determine the conte8t o the reKuest

GR33 Creation

!he server is responsible or creatin, a ?"UU and returnin, it to the client throu,h the &P

re,istration mechanism( i the client reKuests one at re,istration time !he ?"UU returned to the

client durin, the re,istration process is not mana,ed or e8posed to the administrator in any .ay

!his process is handled entirely by the User &ervices module and can be inspected only by

e8aminin, the re,istration database itsel !he ?"UU can be used you .ould typically

use a U"

1o) GR33 Is 3sed # Office Communications Server 

?"UU is used by Oice %ommunications &erver in the, .ays:

• Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 clients reKuest and receive a ?"UU at re,istration time(

.hich they .ill use in their %ontact header or all subseKuent &P dialo,s( such as @nterprise

=oice calls( conerencin,( and so on

• !he #icrosot Oice *ive #eetin, client uses one aspect o ?"UU /no.n as the

QsipinstanceQ to create a uniKue identiier or each meetin, client in a conerence !his is

necessary since the meetin, client does not actually re,ister .ith the server and thereore

cannot obtain a ,enuine ?"UU rom the server or use in its &P %ontact header

• !he client uses the ?"UU o the #edia "elay Authentication &erver #"A&B application

collocated .ith the A+= %onerencin, &erverB to send reKuests to the #"A& server( .ithout

necessarily havin, to /no. the F<) o the server or be able to directly connect to the

#"A& server !he client learns the #"A& applications ?"UU throu,h in-band provisionin,

!he A+= %onerencin, &erver .ill use the #"A& application ?"UU that is coni,ured in


• @nterprise =oice endpoints send their <uality o &ervice <o&B metric reports to a ?"UU(.hich identiies the metrics collection point !he #ediation &erver and A+= %onerencin,

&erver .ill use the collection point ?"UU coni,ured in #B

• !he voicemail server ,enerally @8chan,e Uniied #essa,in,B or a ,iven user .ill be

identiied by a ?"UU !he client .ill learn this ?"UU throu,h in-band provisionin, or itselB

and throu,h presence or someone elseB An application runnin, on the server( @8U#

"outin,( resolves the ?"UU to a speciic @8chan,e Uniied #essa,in, server that handles


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user voice mailbo8es An application can be .ritten that .ill resolve the ?"UU or non-

@8chan,e voice mail systems

• Pools use ?"UU to address other pools or batched subscriptions

• !he #ediation &erver uses ?"UU to identiy dierent outbound ,ate.ays that are

connected to the #ediation &erver !his allo.s Oice %ommunications &erver to sendmessa,es to a sin,le F<)+port on the #ediation &erver and have the messa,es routed

correctly to the proper outbound P-P&!) ,ate.ay !his ?"UU is not e8posed in any .ay to

the clientT it is used only or server-to-server communicationsB

urin, conerence creation( the client addresses the Focus Factory by usin, a ?"UU that is

composed in part by the meetin, or,aniHers &P U" !his Focus Factory ?"UU is sent to the

client throu,h in-band provisionin,

3ser Re!licator Drilldo)nUser "eplicator uses the *i,ht.ei,ht irectory Access Protocol *APB application pro,rammin,

interace APB to ,et inormation rom Active irectory User "eplicator perorms searches or

user data in Active irectory by usin, Active irectory directory synchroniHation ir&yncB control(

an *AP server e8tension that enables User "eplicator to trac/ chan,es to user( contact( and

,roup obLects in Active irectory as the chan,es are made User "eplicator is a read-only

component t does not .rite data to Active irectory

!here can only be one instance o User "eplicator runnin, in an @nterprise pool at any ,iven

time Any errors that User "eplicator encounters are lo,,ed as events on the Front @nd &erver

that is runnin, User "eplicator at the time the error occurs n the event that the Front @nd &erver

on .hich User "eplicator is runnin, becomes unavailable( &<* &erver dynamically assi,ns the

tas/ o runnin, User "eplicator to the ne8t available Front @nd &erver

!o /eep the presence store synchroniHed .ith user( contact( and ,roup obLects in Activeirectory( User "eplicator ,ives Active irectory a list o attributes about .hich it .ants to be

notiied !he irst time that User "eplicator reKuests attribute chan,es rom Active irectory( User

"eplicator perorms an Qinitial cycleQ durin, .hich time it synchroniHes all user( contact( and ,roup

obLects &ubseKuently( ater the initial cycle is complete( User "eplicator reKuests only ne.

chan,es rom Active irectory every one minute Ater User "eplicator obtains attribute values

that have chan,ed rom Active irectory( it sends those values to the &<* database or stora,e

!he ir&ync AP ,ives User "eplicator a coo/ie .hich identiies a point in Active irectorys

chan,e list hen User "eplicator ,ives a coo/ie to ir&ync( it ,ets every chan,e ater the point

identiied by the coo/ie !hereore( the only state that User "eplicator stores across

synchroniHation is the coo/ie

!he, lists include attributes that User "eplicator monitors or chan,e in Active irectoryUser "eplicator also monitors all Address Eoo/ &erver attributes in Active irectoryB hen there

is a chan,e in the attribute( User "eplicator acts accordin,ly &ome o the attribute values are

copied rom Active irectory to the &<* store .ithout modiication Other attribute values are

processed by User "eplicator and then copied to the &<* store

Oice %ommunications &erver speciic attributes that User "eplicator monitors include the,:


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• msRTCSI(/(rimar#3serddress

• msRTCSI(/(rimar#1omeServer 

• msRTCSI(/3ser$naled

• msRTCSI(/Ori"inatorSid

• msRTCSI(/*ederation$naled

• msRTCSI(/Internetccess$naled

• msRTCSI(/rchivin"$naled

• msRTCSI(/O!tion*la"s

• msRTCSI(/ine

• msRTCSI(/ineServer 

• msRTCSI(/3serocation(rofile

• msRTCSI(/3ser(olic#

• msRTCSI(/!!licationDestination

• msRTCSI(/SourceO=ectT#!e

• msDS/SourceO=ectDN

 Attributes that are not speciic to Oice %ommunications &erver that User "eplicator monitors

include the,:

• o=ectClass

• o=ectSid

• isDeleted

• dis!la#Name

• mail

• tele!honeNumer 

• !ro'#ddresses

• otherI!(hone

• facsimileTele!honeNumer 

• streetddress

• l

• st

• c

• !ostalCode

• )1ome(a"e

rchivin" and Monitorin" Drilldo)n!his section ,ives a detailed description o archivin, and monitorin, in Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2

In This Section


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 172/310

•  Archivin, and #onitorin, &ervers

•  Archivin, atabase &chema

• %" atabase &chema

• <o@ atabase &chema

• #essa,e <ueuin, Architecture and %oni,uration or Archivin,

• #essa,e &tampin,

• %reatin, a !hird-Party <o@ &olution

rchivin" and Monitorin" ServersOice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 separates the Archivin, and #onitorin, roles

rchivin" Server 

!he Archivin, &erver can archive all instant messa,in, #B conversations or all users or or

individual users that you speciy

#essa,es rom each Oice %ommunications &erver coni,ured or archivin, are sent over the

indo.s &erver #essa,e <ueuin, also /no.n as #&#<B service to the Archivin, &erver( .hich

uses a #icrosot &<* &erver database to store archived inormation

 Althou,h the archivin, and call detail recordin, %"B a,ent is automatically installed on Front

@nd &ervers as part o the core Oice %ommunications &erver process( to archive # traic and

call data you must coni,ure the archivin, and %" a,ent and install the Archivin, &erver( to

.hich the archivin, and %" a,ent connects !he Archivin, &erver consists o the, three


• estination Kueue( .hich is mana,ed by #essa,e <ueuin,

•  Archivin, &ervice component

•  Archivin, bac/-end database

!he Archivin, &ervice component can reside on the same computer as the archivin, database or

it can connect to a database on a dierent computer

Monitorin" Server 

!he #onitorin, &erver consists o the, three components:

• estination Kueue( .hich is mana,ed by #essa,e <ueuin,

• %" and <uality o @8perience <o@B service components

• !he bac/-end databases( .hich consist o separate %" and <o@ databases that run inthe same &<* &erver instance

 Additionally( you can install &<* &erver "eportin, &ervices and the #onitorin, &erver "eport

Pac/ to vie. the reports that are included .ith #onitorin, &erver And i you use &ystem %enter

Operations #ana,er( you can coni,ure alerts based on #onitorin, &erver data( to employ near

real-time monitorin, o media Kuality health state or net.or/ locations( #ediation &ervers( and

conerencin, servers


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rchivin" Dataase Schema

!his section describes the Archivin, &erver database schema or Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 !he schema is subLect to chan,e in uture releases

ist of Tales

!he database schema consists o the, tables

Su!!ortin" Tales

Tale Descri!tion

%lient=ersions &tores the clients both client type and version

numberB o each client involved in a call .ith

inormation captured in this database

%omputers &tores the name o each computer that hosts aFront @nd &erver

%ontent!ypes &tores the # content types used in sessions

captured in this database

ialo,s &tores inormation about the ialo, or each

peer-to-peer session in the database

Pools &tores the names o pool on .hich #

messa,es are captured

Users &tores the user U"s o users .ho have

participated in sessions recorded or archived inthis database

Tales for Messa"es in IM Conferences

Tale Descri!tion

%onerences &tores inormation about all conerences that

.ere archived or .hose details .ere recorded(

includin, %onerenceU"( and start and end


%onerence#essa,e"ecipient*ist For each messa,e sent in a conerence( stores

a list o recipients

%onerence#essa,es Archives the content o all the messa,es sent in

a conerence


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Tales for (eer/to/(eer IM rchivin"

Tale Descri!tion

&essionetails &tores inormation about every peer-to-peer

session( includin, start and end time( user (

response code( and messa,e count or each


#essa,es Archives the content o all the messa,es sent in

one-on-one # sessions

!he tables in the, list are used internally by Oice %ommunications &erver their details

are not described in this documentB

Tales for Internal 3se # Office Communications Server 

Tale Descri!tion

DConfi"DateTime For internal use only

DConfi"Int For internal use only

D$rrorMessa"e For internal use only

Tale Details

!his section details the columns in each o the Archivin, database schema tables

Client4ersions Tale

!he %lient=ersions table is a supportin, table that stores a list o the various client types and

versions that have participated in sessions recorded in the database @ach record in the table

represents one client version

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

4ersionId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this client

type and version

4ersion nvarchar25B =ersion name


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Com!uters Tale

!he %omputers table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various Front @nd

&ervers @ach record in the table represents one Front @nd &erver 

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Com!uterId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this Front

@nd &erver

Com!uter  nvarchar15B Front @nd &erver host


ContentT#!es Tale

!he %ontent!ypes table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various types o #


Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

ContentT#!eId int Primary UniKue number identiyin,

this # content type

ContentT#!e nvarchar25B %ontent type name or


te't8!lain5 te't8rtf B or a

##@ type

Dialo"s Tale

!he ialo,s table is a supportin, table that stores the inormation about ialo,ds or peer-to-

peer sessions

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Dialo"Id int Primary UniKue number identiyin, this

&P dialo, instance

$'ternalChec.sum nt %hec/sum o the @8ternald

!his ield is used to increase

the speed o database


$'ternalId varbinary''B &P dialo, d( stored as a

binary !he ormat o the

binary is:


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details


!his data can be converted to

te8t ormat by usin,:castWcastWE/ternaId

as ar)inaryWma/XX as


(ools Tale

!he Pools table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various Pools @ach record

in the table represents one Pool

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

(oolId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this Pool

(ool*6DN nvarchar25B Pool F<)

3sers Tale

!he Users table is a supportin, tableT each record in the table stores inormation about one user

involved in calls or sessions that have records in the database

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

3serId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this user

3ser3ri nvarcharC0B

Conferences Tale

@ach record in this table contains call details about one conerence

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Conference3ri nvarcharC0B

Chec.sum nt %hec/sum o

Conference3riT used

to increases the speed

o database searches


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

ConfInstance nt Useul or recurrin,

conerencesT each

instance o a recurrin,

conerence has the

same Conference3ri(

but .ill have a dierent


SessionIdTime datetime Primary !ime that the

conerence reKuest

.as captured by the

 Archivin, a,ent Used

only as a primary /ey

to uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary number to identiy

the session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session V

ConferenceStartTime datetime

Conference$ndTime datetime

(oolId int Forei,n UniKue numberindentiyin, the pool on

.hich the messa,e is

captured( reerence to

Pools table

V For most sessions( &essiond&eK .ill have the value o 1 t.o sessions start at e8actly the

same time( the &essiond&eK or one .ill be 1( and or the other .ill be 2( and so on

ConferenceMessa"eReci!ientist Tale

@ach record in this table represents one combination o # conerence messa,e and recipient Amessa,e that is sent to multiple recipients ,enerates one record or each recipient

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Messa"eId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this messa,e


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

in an # conerence

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime that the conerence

reKuest .as captured bythe Archivin, a,ent

SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a


3serId nt Primary( Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this user(

reerenced rom theUsers table

Date datetime #essa,e captured time

ConferenceMessa"es Tale

!his table archives all messa,es sent in # %onerences @ach record represents one messa,e

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Messa"eId uniKueidentiier Primary ?U identiyin, thismessa,e

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced

rom the %onerences


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used inconLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced

rom the %onerences



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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Date datetime

*romId int Forei,n Userd o the messa,e

sender( reerenced romthe Users table

ContentT#!eId nt Forei,n # content type o this

messa,e "eerenced

rom the %ontent!ypes


Com!uterId int Forei,n d o the Front @nd

&erver used or this

messa,e "eerenced

rom the %omputers


-od# nte8t %ontent o the messa,e


Reserved+ tinyint "eserved or #icrosot


Reserved2 tinyint "eserved or #icrosot


SessionDetails Tale@ach record represents one peer-to-peer session( .hich could be a =oP-=oP phone call( 2-party

# session( or other type o session !o ind the modalities used durin, a session( you must do a

table Loin .ith the #edia table &ession type is not stored in the &essionetails table

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

SessionIdTime datetime Primary !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a



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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Dialo"Id nt Forei,n &P dialo, (

reerenced rom the

ialo,s table

3ser+Id nt Forei,n d o one user in the

session( reerenced rom

the Users table

3ser2Id int Forei,n d o the other user in

the session( reerenced

rom the Users table

SessionStarted-#Id int Forei,n d o the user .ho

started the session(

reerenced rom the

Users table

Com!uterId nt Forei,n d o the Front @nd

&erver used or this


(oolId nt Forei,n d o the Pool in .hich

the session .as


3ser+Client4erId nt Forei,n %lient version used by

User1( reerenced rom

the %lient=ersions table

3ser2Client4erId int Forei,n %lient version used by

User2( reerenced rom

the %lient=ersions table

InviteTime datetime

Res!onseTime datetime

Res!onseCode nt &P response code to

the session invitation

Session$ndTime datetime

V For most sessions( &essiond&eK .ill have the value o 1 multiple sessions start at e8actly

the same time( the &essiond&eK or one .ill be 1( or another .ill be 2( and so on


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Messa"es Tale

!his table archives all messa,es sent durin, one-to-one # sessions @ach record represents

one messa,e

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Messa"eIdTime datetime Primary !ime the messa,e .as


Messa"eIdSeH int Primary number to identiy the

messa,e Used in

conLunction .ith

Messa"eIdTime to

uniKuely identiy a

messa,e V

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a


*romId int Forei,n Userd o the user

sendin, the messa,e(

reerenced rom the

Users table

Told int Forei,n Userd o the user

receivin, the messa,e(

reerenced rom the

Users table

ContentT#!eId int Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this # contenttype( reerenced rom the

%ontent!ypes table

Com!uterId int Forei,n d o the Front @nd &erver

used or this messa,e(

reerenced rom the

%omputers table


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

-od# nte8t %ontent o the messa,e


Toast bit !"U@ is this messa, a toast messa,e

Conte'tNote Eit !"U@ is this messa,e

.as a conte8t note

Reserved+ tinyint "eserved or #icrosot


Reserved2 tinyint "eserved or #icrosot


V For most sessions( #essa,ed&eK .ill have the value o 1 multiple messa,es are sent ate8actly the same time( the #essa,ed&eK or one .ill be 1( or another .ill be 2( and so on

CDR Dataase Schema

!his section outlines the schema or the %" database

ist of Tales

!he database schema consists o the, tables

Static Tales

Tale Descri!tion

#edia*ist &tores the list o media types that can ,enerate

entries in the database or e8ample( #( audio(

video( and ile transerB

"oles &tores the list o possible conerence roles or

e8ample( attendee and presenterB

UserAuth!ypes &tores the list o possible user authentication

type or e8ample( enterprise( ederated( P%

and anonymousB

Su!!ortin" Tales


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Tale Descri!tion

%lient=ersions &tores the clients both client type and version

numberB o each client involved in a call .ith

inormation captured in this database

%omputers &tores the name o each computer that hosts a

Front @nd &erver

ialo,s &tores inormation about the ialo, or each

peer-to-peer session in the database

?ate.ays &tores a list o #ediation &ervers that are used

or =oP calls

Pools &tores the names o pool on .hich #

messa,es are captured

Phones &tores all the phone numbers used in =oP callsthat .ere archived or .hose call details .ere


#cus &tores inormation about the various

conerencin, servers and their U"s

Users &tores the user U"s o users .ho have

participated in sessions recorded or archived in

this database

Tales S!ecific to Conference CDR Records

Tale Descri!tion

%onerences &tores inormation about all conerences that

.ere archived or .hose details .ere recorded(

includin, %onerenceU"( and start and end


FocusJoinsAnd*eaves &tores inormation about conerence Loins and

leaves( includin, usersN role and client version

#cuJoinsAnd*eaves &tores inormation about conerencin, serversthat are involved in a conerence( and the user

 Loin and leave times

Tales for Messa"es in IM Conferences


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Tale Descri!tion

%onerence#essa,e%ount For each # conerence( stores the number o

messa,es that .ere sent by each user

Tales for (eer/to/(eer Sessions

Tale Descri!tion

&essionetails &tores inormation about every peer-to-peer

session( includin, start and end time( user (

response code( and messa,e count or each


File!ransers &tores inormation about ile transer sessions(

includin, ile name and result accepted(reLected( or cancelledB

#edia &tores inormation about the dierent media

types involved in peer-to-peer sessions

Tale for 4oI( Call Details

Tale Descri!tion

=oPetails For each t.o-party =oP+P&!) call( stores

inormation about the call or e8ample( the

phone o =oP phone( ,ate.ay used( and

.hich party disconnectedB "eers to the

&essionetails table or call start+end times and

response code


one party on a call is a =oP user or i

a #ediation &erver .as involved in the

call( a record .ill be created in this

table normation about =oP+=oP calls

not involvin, a P&!) phone is captured

in the &essionetails table

Tales for Trouleshootin"


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Tale Descri!tion

 Application &tores inormation about various processes

.ithin Oice %ommunications &erver that are

involved in routin, and connections

@rrore &tores inormation about types o errors and

their deinitions

@rror"eport &tores inormation about errors that have


Pro,ress"eport &tores inormation about the pro,ress reports o

various steps involved in Oice

%ommunications &erver processes

!he tables in the, list are used internally by Oice %ommunications &erverT their details

are not described in this document

Tales for Internal 3se # Office Communications Server 

Tale Descri!tion

DConfi"DateTime For internal use only

DConfi"Int For internal use only

D$rrorMessa"e For internal use only

Tale Details

!his section details the columns in each o the %" database schema tables

Mediaist Tale

!he #edia*ist table is a static table that stores the list o various media types

Column MediaId Media

Data T#!e tin#int nvarchar25B

Ke#8Inde' (rimar#  

Static 4alues + #

  2 File !ranser 

  < "emote Assistance

  >  Application &harin,


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 186/310

Column MediaId Media

  ?  Audio

  @ =ideo

  7  App nvite

  A #eetin,

  L Phone

Roles Tale

!he "oles table is a static table that stores the list o possible conerence roles( such as attendee

and presenter

Column RoleId Role

Data T#!e tin#int nvarchar25B

Ke#8Inde' (rimar#  

Static 4alues 0 Un/no.n

  + Presenter 

  2  Attendee

3seruthT#!es Tale!he UserAuth!ypes table is a static table that stores the list o possible user authentication types(

such as enterprise( ederated( Public # %onnectivity P%B( and anonymous

Column uthT#!eId uthT#!e

Data T#!e int nvarchar25B

Ke#8Inde' (rimar#  

Static 4alues 0 Un/no.n

  + @nterprise

  2 Federated

  <  Anonymous

  > Public # %onnectivity


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Client4ersions Tale

!he %lient=ersions table is a supportin, table that stores a list o the various client types and

versions that have participated in sessions recorded in the database @ach record in the table

represents one client version

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

4ersionId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this client

type and version

4ersion nvarchar25B =ersion name

Com!uters Tale

!he %omputers table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various Front @nd

&ervers @ach record in the table represents one Front @nd &erver

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Com!uterId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this Front

@nd &erver

Com!uter  nvarchar15B Front @nd &erver host


(ools Tale

!he Pools table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various Pools @ach record

in the table represents one Pool

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

(oolId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this Pool

(ool*6DN nvarchar25B Pool F<)

Dialo"s Tale

!he ialo,s table is a supportin, table that stores the inormation about ialo,ds or peer-to-

peer sessions


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Dialo"Id int Primary UniKue number identiyin, this

&P dialo, instance

$'ternalChec.sum nt %hec/sum o the @8ternald!his ield is used to increase

the speed o database


$'ternalId varbinary''B &P dialo, d( stored as a

binary !he ormat o the

binary is:


!his data can be converted to

te8t ormat by usin,:

castWcastWE/ternaIdas ar)inaryWma/XX as


Gate)a#s Tale

!he ?ate.ays table is a supportin, table @ach record stores inormation about one #ediation

&erver that is involved in calls that have records in the database

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Gate)a#Id int Primary UniKue numberidentiyin, this

#ediation &erver

Gate)a# nvarchar25B #ediation &erver


Mcus Tale

!he #cus table is a supportin, tableT each record stores the inormation about one conerencin,

server !hese can include the # %onerencin, &erver and the !elephony %onerencin, &erver

.hich run as processes on Front @nd &erversB( and the eb %onerencin, &erver and A+=%onerencin, &erver

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

McuId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this #%U


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details


Mcu3ri nvarcharC0B

McuT#!e nvarchar25B #%U type or

e8ample( chat or

#sB or audio/videoB

3sers Tale

!he Users table is a supportin, tableT each record in the table stores inormation about one user

involved in calls or sessions that have records in the database

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

3serId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this user

3ser3ri nvarcharC0B

uthT#!eId nt Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this userNs

authentication type

"eerence to

UserAuth!ypes table

(hones Tale

!he Phones table is a supportin, tableT each record in the table stores inormation about one

phone number involved in =oP calls that have records in the database

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

(honeId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this phone

(hone3ri nvarcharC0B

Conferences Tale

@ach record in this table contains call details about one conerence

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Conference3ri nvarcharC0B


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Chec.sum nt %hec/sum o

Conference3RiT usedto increases the speed

o database searches

ConfInstance nt Useul or recurrin,

conerencesT each

instance o a recurrin,

conerence has the

same Conference3ri(

but .ill have a dierent


SessionIdTime datetime Primary !ime that theconerence reKuest .as

captured by the %"

a,ent Used only as a

primary /ey to uniKuely

identiy a session

SessionIdSeH int Primary number to identiy

the session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session V

ConferenceStartTime datetime

Conference$ndTime datetime

(oolId nt Forei,n number to identiy

the pool in .hich the

conerence .as

captured "eerence to

Pools table

Or"ani;erId nt Forei,n number to identiy

the or,aniHer U" o

this conerence

"eerence to Users



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V For most sessions( &essiond&eK .ill have the value o 1 t.o sessions start at e8actly the

same time( the &essiond&eK or one .ill be 1( and or the other .ill be 2( and so on

*ocus9oinsndeaves Tale

@ach record in this table contains the %" inormation about one userNs Loin and leaveinormation or one conerence @ach conerence is represented in this table by one record or

each time a user Loins and leaves the conerence

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

3serId int Primary( Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this user(

reerenced rom the

Users table

3serInstance nt Primary a user is lo,,ed on at

multiple computers or

devices at once(

Usernstance is used to

uniKuely identiy the

user+device combination

Is3serInternal Eit hether the user lo,,ed

on rom internal or not

3serRole nt !his userNs role in the


SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestTused in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced

rom the %onerences


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced

rom the %onerences


3ser9oinTime datetime

3sereaveTime datetime


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

Client4erId int Forei,n =ersion o the userNs

client sot.are(reerenced rom the

%lient=ersions table

Mcu9oinsndeaves Tale

@ach record in this table contains call details about one combination o a user Loin or leave and

#%U device For e8ample( i a user Loins a conerence that includes eb conerencin, and

audio+video elements( one record .ould be created or that userNs eb conerencin, Loin( and

another record .ould be created or the userNs audio+video Loin

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

3serId int Primary( Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this user(

reerenced rom the

Users table

3serInstance nt Primary a user is lo,,ed on at

multiple computers or

devices at once(

Usernstance uniKuely

identiies the user+devicecombination

Is*rom(stn Eit hether the user is

 Loinin, rom P&!) or not

McuId nt Primary( Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this #%U

device( reerenced rom

the #cus table

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced

rom the %onerences


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced

rom the %onerences


3ser9oinTime datetime

3sereaveTime datetime

ConferenceMessa"eCount Tale

@ach record in this table represents one user in one # conerence and includes the number omessa,es sent by that user @ach conerence is represented by multiple records in this tableT one

record or each user

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced rom

the %onerences table

SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session "eerenced rom

the %onerences table

3serId int Primary( Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this user(

reerenced rom theUsers table

Messa"eCount smallint !he number o messa,es

sent by this user durin,

this conerence


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SessionDetails Tale

@ach record represents one peer-to-peer session( .hich could be a =oP-=oP phone call( 2-party

# session( or other type o session !o ind the modalities used durin, a session( you must do a

table Loin .ith the #edia table &ession type is not stored in the &essionetails table

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

SessionIdTime datetime Primary !ime o session

reKuestT used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary number to identiy

the session Used in

conLunction .ithSessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a

session V

Dialo"Id nt Forei,n &P dialo, (

reerenced rom the

ialo,s table

CorrelationId uniKueidentiier A ?U to correlate

multiple sessions

Re!laceDialo"Id nt Forei,n number to identiythe dialo, .hich .as

replaced by current

session "eerence to

ialo,s table

3ser+Id nt Forei,n d o one user in the

session( reerenced

rom the Users table

3ser2Id int Forei,n d o the other user in

the session( reerenced

rom the Users table

Tar"et3serId nt !he ori,inal !o user

U" in &P reKuest

"eerence to Users


SessionStarted-#Id int Forei,n d o the user .ho


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

started the session(

reerenced rom the

Users table

On-ehalfOfId nt ndicate the d o the

user o .ho the caller

is on behal "eerence

Users table

Referred-#Id nt Forei,n d o the user by .ho

the call is reerred

Com!uterId nt Forei,n d o the Front @nd

&erver used or this


(oolId   Forei,n d o the Pool in .hich

the session .as


3ser+Client4erId nt Forei,n %lient version used by

User1( reerenced rom

the %lient=ersions


3ser2Client4erId int Forei,n %lient version used by

User2( reerenced rom

the %lient=ersions


Is3ser+Internal Eit hether user1 is

lo,,ed on rom internal

or not

Is3ser2Internal Eit hether user2 is

lo,,ed on rom internal

or not

InviteTime datetime

Res!onseTime datetime

Res!onseCode nt &P response code to

the session invitation

DianosticId nt ia,nostic d captured

rom &P header

3ser+Messa"eCount nt )umber o messa,es


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

sent by User1 durin,

the session

3ser2Messa"eCount nt )umber o messa,essent by User2 durin,

the session

Session$ndTime datetime

V For most sessions( &essiond&eK .ill have the value o 1 multiple sessions start at e8actly

the same time( the &essiond&eK or one .ill be 1( or another .ill be 2( and so on

*ileTransfers Tale

@ach record represents one ile transer session

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a


*ileName nvarchar25B int Primary "andom number

bet.een 1 and

C(29C(95'(29 2Z42 -

1BB Used to identiy

every ollo.-up

messa,e as bein,

associated .ith this one

cce!t bit %an be !"U@ or )U**

!"U@( then "eLect

and %ancel .ill be


Re=ect bit %an be !"U@ or )U**


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

!"U@( then Accept

and %ancel .ill be


Cancel bit %an be !"U@ or )U**

!"U@( then Accept

and "eLect .ill be )U**


Media Tale

@ach record represents one media type used in a peer-to-peer session One session .ould be

represented by multiple records in the table( i more than one media type is used

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session reKuestT

used in conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy the

session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime touniKuely identiy a


MediaId tinyint Primary( Forei,n UniKue number

identiyin, this media

type( reerenced rom the

#edia*ist table

StartTime datetime Primary

$ndTime datetime

4oi!Details Tale

@ach record represents one t.o-party call in .hich at least one user is a =oP user


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

SessionIdTime datetime Primary( Forei,n !ime o session

reKuestT used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDSeH to

uniKuely identiy a


SessionIdSeH int Primary( Forei,n number to identiy

the session Used in

conLunction .ith

SessionIDTime to

uniKuely identiy a


*romNumerId int Forei,n (honeId o the caller(

reerenced rom the

Phones table )U**(

the caller .as a P&!)


ConnectedNumerId int Forei,n (honeId o the call

receiver( reerenced

rom the Phones table

)U**( the receiver

.as a P&!) user

*romGate)a#Id int Forei,n #ediation &erver the

call is comin, rom(

reerenced rom the

?ate.ays table

ToGate)a#Id nt Forei,n #ediation &erver called

is ,oin, to( reerence to

?ate.ays table

Disconnected#3RIId int Forei,n U" o the user .ho

disconnected the call( i

the user has a U"

"eerenced rom the

Users table

Disconnected#(honeId int Forei,n o the phone that

disconnected the call i

the call .as

disconnected rom a

phone "eerenced


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

rom the Phones table

!!lication Tale

!his table stores inormation about the various processes .ithin Oice %ommunications &erver

involved in routin, and connections

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

!!licationId int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this


Name nvarchar2'B

$rrorDef Tale

!his table stores inormation about each type o error that may occur @ach record is one type o


@rrore !able

Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

$rrorId int Primary UniKue number identiyin,

this type o error

Res!onseCode int &tandard &P response code

associated .ith this error

MsDia"Id int #icrosot ia,nostic

ReHuestT#!e varbinary44B !ype o reKuest that ailed

!his data can be converted to

te8t ormat by usin,:


as ar)inaryWma/XX as


ContentT#!e varbinary2'B %ontent type o the reKuest that


!his data can be converted to

te8t ormat usin,:


as ar)inaryWma/XX as


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details


$rrorRe!ort Tale

!his table stores inormation about errors that have occurred @ach record is one error


Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

$rrorTime datetime Primary ate and time the error


$rrorId int Primary( Forei,n UniKue o the error type(

reerenced rom the @rrore


*rom3serId int Forei,n User .ho ori,inated the

reKuest that caused the

error "eerenced rom the

Users table

To3serId int Forei,n estination user or the

reKuest that caused the

error "eerenced rom the

Users table

Dialo"Id int Forei,n "eerenced rom the ialo,stable

MsDia"1eader  ima,e #ore inormation about the


!his data can be converted

to te8t ormat usin,:

castWcastW,etai as

ar)inaryWma/XX as


(ro"ressRe!ort Tale

Pro,ress reports are based on data uploaded by the client to the database ater a call or session

is completed Pro,ress reports .ill be .ritten only or calls and sessions that Oice

%ommunications &erver determines mi,ht be useul or dia,nostic purposes

!he @rror!ime and @rrord ields do not necessarily reer to errors but to messa,es that indicate

the status o calls or messa,es


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Column Data T#!e Ke#8Inde' Details

$rrorTime datetime Primary( Forei,n ate and time o the

pro,ress report

$rrorId int Primary( Forei,n UniKue o the error type(

reerenced rom the

@rrore table

(ro"ressRe!ortSeH int Primary number to identiy the

pro,ress report Used in

conLunction .ith @rror!ime

to uniKuely identiy a


!!licationId int Forei,n !he Oice %ommunications

&erver process that the

report is about "eerenced

rom the Application table

Detail ima,e Pro,ress report details(

stored in binary ormat to

save space

!his data can be converted

to te8t ormat usin,:

castWcastW,etai as

ar)inaryWma/XX as



Sam!le Dataase 6ueries

!his section contains sample Kueries or the %" database !he %" "eporter tool in the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "esource it has more

!o ind the total number o P&!) to U% %alls:

Seect CountW\X as O7um)er >f 0ST7 to 9C CasO From Voip,etais as

oipd oin Session,etais as sd on Woipd.SessionIdTime =

sd.SessionIdTime and oipd.SessionIdSeq = sd.SessionIdSeq andsd.9ser!Id is nuX and From7um)erId in WSE5ECT 01oneId from 01onesX

and ateayId is not nu

!o ind the total numbers o conerences that used #eetin, %onsole:

SE5ECT countWdistinctWc.Conference9riXX as ,ata4C9 Conferences from as

m8 inner 8oin as m on Wm.4cuId = m8.4cuIdX inner 8oin as c on


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Wc.SessionIdTime = m8.SessionIdTime and c.SessionIdSeq =

m8.SessionIdSeqX 1ere m.4cuType=meeting

RequestType = 0?CS!

!o ind the total number o redirected calls:

SE5ECT countW\X as 7um)er of Redirected Cas from Voip,etais 1ere

ReferredyId is not nu

6o$ Dataase Schema

!his documents the schema o the <o@ database in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

In This Section

• *ist o !ables

• !able etails

• &ample atabase <ueries

ist of Tales

!he database schema consists o the, tables

Su!!ortin" Tales

!able escription

UserA,ent !able &tores &P User A,ent UAB strin,s and UA

types used in audio and video sessions

User !able &tores user( conerence( and phone U"s used

in audio and video sessions

@ndpoint !able &tores F<) computer names o endpoints

participatin, in audio and video sessions

Pool !able &tores the names o pools to .hich metrics data


evice !able &tores capture devices and render devices

.hich are used in an audio+video calls

%onerence !able &tores %onerence U"s or conerence

scenarios( or ialo, or other scenarios

&ession%orrelation !able &tores %orrelation or P&!) calls

Tales for metrics data


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!able escription

&ession !able &tores overall inormation about an audio or

audio+video session A session is deined as an

audio or video &P dialo, bet.een t.o


#edia*ine !able &tores inormation about each media line in a

session A media line is a collection o one or

more audio and video streams !ypically( a

sin,le media line .ill have t.o streams( either

audio or video

 Audio&tream !able &tores audio media Kuality metrics or each

audio stream in the media line

=ideo&tream !able &tores video media Kuality metrics or each

audio stream in the media line

Tales for Internal 3se # Monitorin" Server 

!able escription

DConfi"DateTime For internal use only

DConfi"Int For internal use only

D$rrorMessa"e For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSD-Confi"Settin" For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSD#namicSunet For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSMonitored4MC3 For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSMonitoredMediationServer  For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSSin"leMas.Sunet For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSStaticocation For internal use only

MS*TBSI(6MSStaticSunet For internal use only

Tale Details

!hese sections detail the columns in each o the <o@ database schema tables

• UserA,ent !able

• User !able

• @ndpoint !able


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• Pool !able

• evice !able

• %onerence !able

• &ession%orrelation !able

• &ession !able

• #edia*ine !able

•  Audio&tream !able

• =ideo&tream !able

3ser"ent Tale

!he UserA,ent table is a supportin, table that stores a list o the various User A,ents that have

participated in sessions recorded in the database @ach record in the table represents one User


%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

3ser"entKe# int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this user


3ser"ent nvarchar25B UniKue User A,ent strin,

3T#!e smallint 1 is #ediation &erver

2 is A+= %onerencin,


C is Oice


G is P Phone

15 is *ive #eetin,


42 is eployment

=alidation !ool =!B

5C is Oice

%ommunicator on

#acintosh computers

12G is Oice

%ommunications &erver

"2 Attendant

25 is %onerencin,

 Announcement &ervice

12 is %onerencin, Auto



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 205/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

102C is "esponse ?roup


20CG is Outside =oice%ontrol

Ne't3!dateTS atetime For internal use only

3ser Tale

!he User table is a supportin, table that stores a list o the various users .ho have participated in

sessions recorded in the database @ach record in the table represents one user

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

3serKe# int Primary UniKue numberidentiyin, this user

3RI nvarcharC0B UniKue U" strin,

3RIT#!e int 1 is un/no.n U"

type( 2 is user U"( C

is conerence U"(

and G is phone U"

Ne't3!dateTS atetime For internal use only

$nd!oint Tale!he @ndpoint table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the endpoints that have

participated in sessions recorded in the database @ach record in the table represents one


%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

$nd!ointKe# int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this


Name nvarchar25B UniKue @ndpoint name

Ne't3!dateTS atetime For internal use only

(ool Tale

!he Pool table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various @nterprise pools

@ach record in the table represents one pool


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 206/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

(oolKe# int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this pool

(oolName nvarchar25B Pool F<)

Ne't3!dateTS datetime For internal use only

Device Tale

!he evice table is a supportin, table that stores inormation about the various capture or render

devices @ach record in the table represents one device

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

DeviceKe# nt Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this device

DeviceName nvarchar25B evice)ame >

evice!ype is uniKue

evice name

DeviceT#!e Eit evice)ame >

evice!ype is uniKue

evice!ype( 1 is a

capture device( 0 is a

render device

Ne't3!dateTS atetime For internal use only

Conference Tale

!he %onerence table is a supportin, table @ach record represents one conerence or peer-to-

peer session

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

ConferenceKe# nt Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this

%onerence record

Conf3RI nvarcharC0B uniKue %onerence U" is

this is a conerence(

or ialo, i this is apeer-to-peer session

Ne't3!dateTS atetime For internal use only


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SessionCorrelation Tale

!he &ession%orrelation table is a supportin, tableT each record represents one %orrelation

.hich is used to correlate multiple sessions

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

CorrelationKe# int Primary UniKue number

identiyin, this

conerencin, server

CorrelationID nvarchar25B uniKue &essions that are

correlated .ill have the

same %orrelation

Ne't3!dateTS atetime For internal use only

Session Tale

@ach record represents one session .hich involves audio or audio+videoT it contains overall

inormation about the session A session is deined as an audio or video &P dialo, bet.een t.o


%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

ConferenceDateTime atetime Primary !ime .hen the <o@ a,ent

receives the irst report rom

either caller or calleeT used

in conLunction .ith

SessionSeH to uniKuelyidentiy a session

SessionSeH nt Primary &eKuence number to

dierentiate sessions .hen

they have the same


SessionID varchar25B ialo, .hich is ,lobally


Chec.sum nt nde8 %hec/sum o &ession( or

internal use only

ConferenceKe# nt Forei,n %onerence /ey( reerenced

rom the %onerence !able

CorrelationKe# nt Forei,n %orrelation /ey( reerenced

rom the &ession%orrelation



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 208/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

Dialo"Cate"or# bit ialo, cate,oryT 0 is O%&

to #ediation &erver *e,( 1

is #ediation &erver to

P&!) ,ate.ay le,

StartTime atetime %all start time

$ndTime datetime %all end time

Caller(ool nt Forei,n !he pool o the caller(

reerenced rom the Pool


Callee(ool nt Forei,n !he pool o the call receiver(

reerenced rom the Pool


Caller(I nt Forei,n &P U" in the &P p-

asserted identity PAB rom

the callin, endpoint(

reerenced rom the User


Callee(I int Forei,n &P U" in the &P p-

asserted identity PAB o the

receivin, endpoint(

reerenced rom the User


Caller3RI nt Forei,n %allerNs U"( reerenced

rom the User !able

Callee3RI int Forei,n %all receiverNs U"(

reerenced rom the User


Caller$nd!oint nt Forei,n %allerNs endpoint(

reerenced rom the

@ndpoint !able

Callee$nd!oint int Forei,n %all receiverNs endpoint(

reerenced rom the

@ndpoint !able

Caller3ser"ent Eit Forei,n %allerNs user a,ent(

reerenced rom the

UserA,ent !able

Callee3ser"ent Eit Forei,n %all receiverNs user a,ent(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 209/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

reerenced rom the

UserA,ent !able

Mediaine Tale

@ach record represents one media line One audio session usually contains one audio media

line One audio+video session usually contains one audio media line and one video media line(

althou,h the session mi,ht contains t.o video media lines i the #icrosot "ound!able

conerencin, device is usedB

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

ConferenceDateTime atetime Primary "eerenced rom &ession


SessionSeH nt Primary "eerenced rom &ession


Mediaineael tinyint Primary 0 is main audio( 1 is main

video( and 2 is panoramic

video !his label must be

uniKue .ithin a sin,le


Connectivit#Ice tinyint normation about media

path( such as direct or


1 is "@%!

2 is "@*A

C is D!!P

G is FA*@

CallerIcearnin"*la"s nt normation about %@

process described in bits

la,s For more details(

reer to the Qualit$ of

%&perience 'onitoring

!erver #rotocol!pecification( available or


CalleeIcearnin"*la"s int &ame as


but on %allee side For

more details( reer to the


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 210/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

Qualit$ of %&perience

'onitoring !erver

#rotocol !pecification(

available or do.nload

Offerer  bit )ot used

ns)erer  bit )ot used

Securit# !inyint !he security proile in use

0 os )O)@( 1 is &"!P( 2

is =1

Trans!ort !inyint 0 is UP( 1 is !%P

CallerI(ddr  nt P Address o the caller

Caller(ort nt Port used by the caller

CallerSunetMas. int !he subnet mas/ o the


CallerInside bit 1 means caller is inside

the enterprise net.or/( 0

means the caller is

outside the net.or/

CallerRela#I(ddr  int P Address o the A+=

@d,e service used by the


CallerRela#(ort nt Port used on the A+=

@d,e service by the caller

CallerRela#SunetMas. nt &ubnet #as/ o the A+=

@d,e service used by the


CallerRela#Inside bit )ot used

CallerCa!tureDev int orei,n %apture device used by

the caller( reerenced rom

the evice !able

CallerRenderDev nt orei,n "ender device used by

caller( reerenced rom

evice table

CallerCa!tureDevDriver  varchar25B river or the callerNs

capture device


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 211/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

CallerRenderDevDriver  varchar25B river or the callerNs

render device

CallerNet)or.ConnectionT#!e tinyint !he callers net.or/connection typeT 0 is

ired( 1 is .ireless

Caller4(N bit !he %allers lin/T 1 is

virtual private net.or/

=P)B( 0 is non-=P)

Callerin.S!eed decimal1G(0B !he net.or/ lin/ speed in

bps or the callers


CalleeI(ddr  bit P Address o the call


Callee(ort Eit Port used by the call


CalleeSunetMas. bit &ubnet #as/ o the A+=

@d,e service used by the

call receiver

CalleeInside Eit 1 means call receiver is

inside the enterprise

net.or/( 0 means the call

receiver is outside thenet.or/

CalleeRela#I(ddr  nt P Address o the A+=

@d,e service used by the

call receiver

CalleeRela#(ort nt Port used on the A+=

@d,e &ervice by the call


CalleeRela#SunetMas. nt &ubnet mas/ o the A+=

@d,e service used by the

call receiver

CalleeRela#Inside Eit )ot used(

CalleeCa!tureDev nt orei,n %apture device used by

the call receiver(

reerenced rom the

evice !able


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%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

CalleeRenderDev nt orei,n "ender device used by

the call receiver(

reerenced rom the

evice !able

CalleeCa!tureDevDriver  varchar25B river or the the call

receiverNs capture device

CalleeRenderDevDriver  varchar25B river or the the call

receiverNs render device

CalleeNet)or.ConnectionT#!e tinyint !he call receivers

net.or/ connection typeT

0 is ired( 1 is .ireless

Callee4(N bit !he call receiverNs lin/T 1

is virtual private net.or/

=P)B( 0 is non-=P)

Calleein.S!eed decimal1G(0B !he net.or/ lin/ speed in

bps or the call receiverNs


ConversationalMOS decimal4(2B )

%onversational #O& o

the audio sessions based

on both audio streamsB

ConversationalMOSl" varchar25B )ot used

Caller  Eit ndicate .hether metrics

rom the caller .ere

receivedT 1 is yes( 0 is no

Callee bit ndicate .hether metrics

rom the call receiver .ere

receivedT 1 is yes( 0 is no

udioStream Tale

@ach record represents one audio stream One audio media line usually contains t.o audiostreams

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

ConferenceDateTime atetime primary "eerenced rom the

#edia*ine !able


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 213/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

SessionSeH nt primary "eerenced rom the

#edia*ine !able

Mediaineael tinyint primary "eerenced rom the#edia*ine !able

StreamID int primary UniKue .ithin a

media line

9itterInterrrival nt Avera,e )et.or/ Litter

rom "eal !ime %ontrol

Protocol "!%PB


9itterInterrrivalMa' nt #a8imum )et.or/

Jitter durin, the call

(ac.etossRate decimal(CB Avera,e pac/et loss

rate durin, the call

(ac.etossRateMa' decimal(CB #a8imum pac/et loss

observed durin, the


-urstDensit# decimal9(CB Avera,e density o

pac/et *oss durin,

bursts o losses durin,

the call

-urstDuration nt Avera,e duration o

pac/et loss durin,

bursts o losses durin,

the call

-urstGa!Densit# decimal9(CB Avera,e density o

pac/et loss durin, ,aps

bet.een bursts o

pac/et loss

-urstGa!Duration nt Avera,e duration o

,aps bet.een bursts o

pac/et loss

(ac.et3tili;ation nt Pac/et count or the

audio stream

-and)idth$st nt Eand.idth estimates

or the audio stream


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%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

De"radationv" decimal4(2B )et.or/ #O&

e,radation or the

.hole call "an,e is 00

to 0 !his metric

sho.s the amount the

)et.or/ #O& .as

reduced because o

 Litter and pac/et loss

For acceptable Kuality it

should less than 0

De"radationMa' decimal4(2B #a8imum )et.or/

#O& de,radation

durin, the call

De"radation9itterv" decimal4(2B )et.or/ #O&

de,radation caused by


De"radation(ac.etossv" decimal4(2B )et.or/ #O&

de,radation caused by

pac/et loss

udio(a#loadDescri!tion varchar25B !he audio codec used

or the call

udio(a#loadT#!e int )ot used

udioSam!leRate int &amplin, rate or the

audio stream

InoundudioSi"nalevel int "epresents the Post-

 Analo, ?ain %ontrol

audio si,nal level !he

unit or this metric is

dEmo For acceptable

Kuality it should be at

least 40 dEmo !his

metric is not reported

by the A+=%onerencin, &erver or

P phones !his is

reported by the

#ediation &erver on

appro8imately 2X o

the calls on the


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%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

#ediation &erver to

,ate.ay le,

InoundudioNoiseevel int "epresents the Post- Analo, ?ain %ontrol

audio noise level !he

unit or this metric is

dEmo For acceptable

Kuality it should be less

than 4 dEmo !his

metric is not reported

by the A+=

%onerencin, &erver or

P phones !his is

reported by the#ediation &erver on

appro8imately 2X o

the calls on the

#ediation &erver to

,ate.ay le,

InoundudioSi"nal$choReturn int @cho "eturn *oss

@nhancement metric

!he unit or this metric

is dE * values

represent less echo

!his metric is not

reported by the A+=

%onerencin, &erver or

P phones !his is

reported by the

#ediation &erver on

appro8imately 2X o

the calls on the

#ediation &erver to

,ate.ay le,

OutoundudioSi"nalevel int "epresents the Post Analo, ?ain %ontrol

audio &i,nal level !he

unit or this metric is

dEmo For acceptable

Kuality it should be at

least dEmo !his metric


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 216/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

is not reported by the

 A+= %onerencin,

&erver or P phones

!his is reported by the

#ediation &erver on

appro8imately 2X o

the calls on the

#ediation &erver to

,ate.ay le,

OutoundudioNoiseevel int "epresent the Post

 Analo, ?ain control

audio noise level !he

unit or this metric is

dEmo For acceptableKuality it should be less

than 4 dEmo !his

metric is not reported

by the A+=

%onerencin, &erver or

P phones !his is

reported by the

#ediation &erver on

appro8imately 2X o

the calls on the

#ediation &erver to,ate.ay le,

OutoundudioSi"nal$choReturn int @cho "eturn *oss

@nhancement metric

!he unit or this metric

is dE * values

represent less echo

!his metric is not

reported by the A+=

%onerencin, &erver or

P phones !his isreported by the

#ediation &erver on

appro8imately 2X o

the calls on the

#ediation &erver to

,ate.ay le,


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 217/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

udioS!*eedac.MicIn int !his is the microphone

input level rom the

loudspea/er si,nal

.hich comes rom the

ar end !he unit is

dEo= For acceptable

Kuality this value

should be less than 20

dEo= this number is

too hi,h( it means that

the near end

microphone is ,ettin,

too much eedbac/

rom the near end

loudspea/er )ot

reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udioS!eechevelMicIn int !his is the speech level

into the microphone at

the near end !he unit

is dEo= For acceptable

Kuality it should be

bet.een -1G dEo= and-4 dEo=( i ,reater

than -1G dEo=( then

si,nal clippin, or echo

is occurrin, .hen both

parties tal/ it is less

than -4 dEo=( then

speech mi,ht be

distorted )ot reported

by A+= %onerencin,

&ervers( #ediation

&ervers( or P phones

udioS!eechevel(ost(rocess int Overall avera,e speech

level sent to the ar end

ater si,nal

processin,B rom the

near end !he unit or


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 218/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

this metric is dEo= For

acceptable Kuality it

should be .ithin [-40 to

-1G\ dEo= )ot reported

by A+= %onerencin,

&ervers( #ediation

&ervers( or P phones

udioSi"naleveloudS! int &pea/er+Deadphone

input level at the near

endB !he unit or this

metric is dEo= For

acceptable Kuality it

should ran,e bet.een

[-4 to -1\ dEo= toohi,h there may be

clippin, too lo. then

there mi,ht be lo.

volume issues )ot

reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udio-ac.GroundNoiseMicIn int Eac/,round )oise

nput to the microphone

at the near end !he

unit or this metric is

dEo= For acceptable

Kuality the ran,e

should be less than -4

dEo= noise is too

hi,h( this indicates a

bad device or bad

device setup .hich is

de,radin, audio Kuality

)ot reported by A+=%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udio-ac.GroundNoiseSent int Eac/,round noise let

over ater noise

suppression !his is the


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 219/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

noise sent to the ar

end !he unit or this is

dEo= For acceptable

call Kuality this should

be less than -C dEo=

)ot reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udioocalS!eechTo$cho int !his the ratio o speech

to echo !he unit or

this is dE For

acceptable Kuality it

should be ,reater than10 dE less than

10dE then speech level

is too lo. compared to

echo level( and

distorted speech mi,ht

occur )ot reported by

 A+= %onerencin,

&ervers( #ediation

&ervers( or P phones

udioS!ea.erGlitchRate int Avera,e ,litches per

minutes or the

loudspea/er renderin,

For ,ood Kuality( this

should be less than 1

per minutes )ot

reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udioMicGlitchRate int Avera,e ,litches per

minutes or themicrophone capture

For ,ood Kuality this

should be less than 1

per minutes )ot

reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 220/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udioS!ea.erCli!Rate int %lippin, occurrencesper minutes or

loudspea/er renderin,

For ,ood Kuality( this

should be less than 1

per minutes )ot

reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udioMicCli!Rate int %lippin, per minutes

or microphone capture

For ,ood Kuality this

should be less than 1

per minutes )ot

reported by A+=

%onerencin, &ervers(

#ediation &ervers( or

P phones

udioR'GCSi"nalevel int "eceived si,nal level

on the #ediation

&erver rom the,ate.ayT this applies

only to the #ediation

&erver !he unit o this

metric is dEo= For

,ood Kuality( the

acceptable ran,e

should be [-40 to -1G\


udioR'GCNoiseevel int "eceived "eceived

si,nal level on the

#ediation &erver rom

the ,ate.ayT this

applies only to the

#ediation &erver !he

unit o this metric is

dEo= For ,ood Kuality(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 221/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

the acceptable ran,e

should be less than -0


RoundTri! int "ound trip time rom

"!%P statistics For

acceptable Kuality this

should be less than


RoundTri!Ma' int #a8imum round trip

time or the audio


Overallv"Net)or.MOS decimal4(2B Avera,e .ideband

)et.or/ #O& or thecall !his metric

depends on the pac/et

loss( Litter and codec

used "an,e is [10 to


OverallMinNet)or.MOS decimal4(2B !he minimum

.ideband )et.or/

#O& or the call

SendistenMOS decimal4(2B !he avera,e predicted

.ideband *istenin,#O& score or audio

sent( includin, speech

level( noise level and

capture device


SendistenMOSMin decimal4(2B !he minimum

&end*isten#O& or the


RecvistenMOS decimal4(2B !he avera,e predicted

.ideband *istenin,#O& score or audio

received rom the

net.or/ includin,

speech level( noise

level( codec( net.or/

conditions and capture


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 222/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

device characteristics

RecvistenMOSMin decimal4(2B !he minimum

"ecv*isten#O& or thecall

Inound bit &tream data on

receiver side is


Outound bit &tream data on sender

side is received

SenderIsCaller(I bit 1 means the stream

direction is rom %aller

to %allee

0 means the stream

direction is rom %allee

to %aller

Note: means5 the metric is scaled # /+00 )hen stored in 6o$ D-, Dividin" the numer

# /+00 )ill "ive the ran"es listed in this tale,

4ideoStream Tale

@ach record represents one video stream One video media line usually contains t.o video


%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

ConferenceDateTime atetime primary "eerenced rom

the #edia*ine


SessionSeH nt primary " "eerenced rom

the #edia*ine


Mediaineael tinyint primary "eerenced rom

the #edia*ine


StreamID int primary UniKue .ithin a

media line

9itterInterrrival nt Avera,e net.or/

 Litter rom "eal


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 223/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

!ime %ontrol

Protocol "!%PB


9itterInterrrivalMa' nt #a8imum net.or/

 Litter durin, the

video session

RoundTri! int "ound trip time

rom "!%P


RoundTri!Ma' int #a8imum round trip

time or the video


(ac.etossRate decimal(CB Avera,e pac/et

loss rate durin, the


(ac.etossRateMa' decimal(CB #a8imum pac/et

loss observed

durin, the call

-urstDensit# decimal9(CB )ot available

-urstDuration nt )ot available

-urstGa!Densit# decimal9(CB )ot available

-urstGa!Duration nt )ot available

(ac.et3tili;ation nt Pac/et count or the

video stream "eal

!ime !ransport

Protocol( "!PB

-and)idth$st nt Eand.idth

estimates or the

video stream

4ideo(a#loadDescri!tion varchar25B =ideo codec used

4ideo(a#loadT#!e int )ot used

4ideoResolution char9B "esolution o the

video in pi8els .idth

multiplied by pi8els

hei,ht "eported as


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 224/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

a strin,

4ideo-itRatev" int Avera,e bit rate o

the video stream

Inound4ideo*rameRatev" decimal9(CB !he video rame

rate received

Outound4ideo*rameRatev" decimal9(CB !he video rame

rate sent

4ideo-itRateMa' int !he ma8imum

video bit rate durin,

the video session

4ideo(ac.etossRate decimal(CB !he avera,e

raction o videopac/ets lost as

speciied in "F%

40( computed

over the duration o

the session

4ideo*rameossRate decimal9(CB !he percenta,e o

total video rames

that are lost

4ideo*rame$ncodin"Time decimal9(2B Avera,e encodin,

time or videorames durin, the

video session

4ideo*rameDecodin"Time decimal9(2B Avera,e decodin,

time or video

rames durin, the

video session

4ideo*$C bit )ot available

*ro;en4ideo*reH decimal9(CB FreKuency o roHen

video occurrin,

occurrences per


*ro;en(eriod(ercentv" decimal'( CB A measure o the

percenta,e o the

duration o the

video call in .hich


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 225/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

roHen video .as

e8perienced For

,ood Kuality( this

should be less than


Consecutive(ac.etossv" decimal20(2B Avera,e number o

consecutive video

pac/ets lost durin,

the call For ,ood

Kuality this should

be less than 40 or

a video call

RateMatchevel decimalC(2B "epresents the

avera,e level o

rate matchin,

applied by the



&erver on the send

channel 0 is no

rame removal( 1 is

E rame removal( 2

is E and P rame

removal( and 4 is

E(P(&P removal

For acceptable

temporal video

Kuality( this should

be 1 or less An

avera,e rate

matchin, level o 1

represents about

' ps or %F

siHed video and

12 ps or=?A+D video

Inound bit &tream data on

receiver side is


Outound bit &tream data on


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 226/310

%olumn ata !ype ey+nde8 etails

sender side is


SenderIsCaller(I bit 1 means the streamdirection is rom

%aller to %allee

0 means the stream

direction is rom

%allee to %aller

Sam!le Dataase 6ueries

!his section contains sample Kueries or the <o@ database

!o ,et Litter and pac/et loss avera,e or all audio streamseect agWcastWitterInter<rria as )igintXX as itter<g

agW0acet5ossRateX as 0acet5ossRate<g from <udioStream

!o ind the total numbers o conerences that used #eetin, %onsole

seect agWConersationa4>SX

from Session s

inner 8oin 4edia5ine m

on s.Conference,ateTime = m.Conference,ateTime

  and s.SessionSeq = m.SessionSeq

  and m.4edia5ine5a)e = ++ audio media ine

inner 8oin 9ser<gent uaCaer

  on s.Caer9ser<gent = uaCaer.9ser<gent?ey

  and uaCaer.9<Type = ' Z communicator

inner 8oin 9ser<gent uaCaee

  on s.Caee9ser<gent = uaCaee.9ser<gent?ey

  and uaCaee.9<Type = ' ++ communicator

!o ,et %onversstional#O&( &endin,#O& and *istendin,#O& per capture device

seect t.,eice7ame as ,eice countW\X as Sampe7um

agWConersationa4>SX as Conersationa4>S agWSend5isten4>SX

Sending4>S agWRec5isten4>SX as 5istending4>S



  seect d.,eice7ame m.Conference,ateTime m.SessionSeq a.StreamI,

m.Conersationa4>Sa.Send5isten4>S a.Rec5isten4>S


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 227/310

  from 4edia5ine m

  inner 8oin <udioStream a

  on m.Conference,ateTime = a.Conference,ateTime

  and m.SessionSeq = a.SessionSeq

  and m.4edia5ine5a)e =

  inner 8oin ,eice d

  on m.CaerCapture,e = d.,eice?ey

  and d.,eiceType = !


  seect d.,eice7ame m.Conference,ateTime m.SessionSeq a.StreamI,

m.Conersationa4>Sa.Send5isten4>S a.Rec5isten4>S

  from 4edia5ine m

  inner 8oin <udioStream a

  on m.Conference,ateTime = a.Conference,ateTime

  and m.SessionSeq = a.SessionSeq

  and m.4edia5ine5a)e =

  inner 8oin ,eice d

  on m.CaeeCapture,e = d.,eice?ey

  and d.,eiceType = !

Xas t

group )y t.,eice7ame

order )y Sampe7um desc

Messa"e 6ueuin" rchitecture and Confi"uration for rchivin"

!he archivin, and %" a,ent uses #essa,e <ueuin, to receive notiications rom the Archivin,

and %" &erver destination Kueue #essa,e <ueuin, also serves as a local temporary

transmission Kueue i the Archivin, &erver is unavailableB #essa,e <ueuin, must be installed on

all computers that participate in archivin,( such as the,:

•  An Oice %ommunications &erver .ith an archivin, and %" a,ent that connects to the

 Archivin, &erver

!he Oice %ommunications &erver that is runnin, the Archivin, &erver• ou must install #essa,e <ueuin, on each server that you .ant to associate .ith the

 Archivin, &erver you .ant to archive an @nterprise pool( you must install #essa,e

<ueuin, on each server in the pool

• Eecause #essa,e <ueuin, relies on the Active irectory omain &ervices or encryption

to the destination Kueue( #essa,e <ueuin, must be installed .ith the Active irectory


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inte,ration component( .hich is the deault coni,uration durin, #essa,e <ueuin,



n a t.o-tier topolo,y .here the Archivin, service component and the messa,e Kueue

are on a separate computer rom the archivin, database( automatic setup o encryption is

not supported or the messa,es that are sent by the Archivin, service component to the

archivin, database nstead( encryption o the lin/ bet.een the Archivin, service

component and the archivin, database must be coni,ured manually by usin, &<*

&erver &&* encryption For details about coni,urin, &<* &erver &&* encryption( see the

#icrosot no.led,e Ease article 2'54( Do. to enable &&* encryption or &<* &erver

2000 i you have a valid %ertiicate &erver( at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+

*in/d31CCC21 For inormation about coni,urin, the re,istry to establish and help

enorce &<* encryption( see the #icrosot no.led,e Ease article GC159( Do. to

establish and enorce encrypted multiprotocol connections in &<* &erver 2000( at


o not set the destination Kueue that is( the private KueueB privacy level to )one on the server

that is runnin, the Archivin, &erver !he privacy level must be set to either Eody or Optional !he

deault settin, is Optional

o not set the privacy level to Eody .hen the Archivin, &erver and the Front @nd &erver are

installed on the same computer hen the Archivin, &erver and the Front @nd &erver are

installed on the same computer and the privacy level on the destination Kueue is set to Eody(

messa,es are not archived and the server stops runnin, i archivin, is runnin, as a critical


!he @nterprise pool( &tandard @dition server or the Pro8y &erver( i coni,ured or archivin,(

activates the archivin, a,ent !he archivin, a,ent then chec/s all out,oin, &P messa,es on the

Oice %ommunications &erver to determine .hether it should be archived and in .hat orm !his

reKuires the archivin, a,ent to loo/ up the archivin, settin,s or the sender and receiver o the

messa,e set per userB Eased on these archivin, settin,s( the archivin, a,ent ta/es one o the, actions:

• o not archive

• &end messa,e or archivin,

hen messa,es are sent or archivin,( the archivin, a,ent Kueues the messa,e to the

coni,ured #&#< !he Archivin, service is listenin, to the destination messa,e o the #&#<

and on receivin, this messa,e( it .rites it to the desi,nated &<* &erver

)ote that in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( the Archivin, and %" a,ent .ill not

archive a messa,e i it does not receive a &P response rom another client For e8ample( i client1 sends a messa,e to client 2( and i the &P response rom client 2 ails to reach client 1 due to a

net.or/ ,litch or a machine shut do.n( that messa,e .ill not be archived


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Messa"e Stam!in"

!he Archivin, and %" a,ent contains messa,e-stampin, capabilities to provide administrators

control over .hether messa,es are archived multiple times i they pass throu,h multiple pools or

Front @nd servers in their path n such a situation( administrators can eectively control the

number o times a messa,e is archived

!o enable this control( the Archivin, and %" a,ent stamps every messa,e that it archives

!he value o the stamp is speciied in the, # property:

• # %lass: #&F!&P*o,options

• # Property: Archivin,E@!o/en

• =alue: bac/end]to/en

n an e8ample .here t.o archivin, a,ents are involved( the irst archivin, a,ent stamps the

messa,e .ith the value as (ac)end_to)en and archives it &ubseKuently( the second archivin,

a,ent loo/s at the stamp and compares it to the value o the # property Archivin,E@!o/en

the administrator intends to have the second archivin, a,ent archive the messa,e( the

administrator needs to chan,e the value o the # property to a value distinct rom

(ac)end_to)en the value o that property or the irst archivin, a,entB the value is identical or

the second archivin, a,ent( it .ill not archive that messa,e

Creatin" a Third/(art# 6o$ Solution

ou can use the data that #onitorin, &erver collects to build your o.n custom solution( such as

custom reports( inte,ratin, .ith other monitorin, and mana,ement systems( or troubleshootin,

and dia,nostic tools

!he topics in this section present the inormation you .ill need to collect and process the audio

and video metrics or your custom solution

For inormation on the <o@ atabase &chema( see <o@ atabase &chema

In This Section

• nrastructure "eKuirements and PrereKuisites o #onitorin, &erver 

• eployin, a %ustom <o@ &olution

• # "eerence or <o@ &olutions

• @nablin, or isablin, an D!!P Pro8y or <o@ &olutions

Infrastructure ReHuirements and (rereHuisites of Monitorin" Server 

n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( <o@ components reside in t.o primary areas( the

<o@ A,ent and the <o@ service and database !he <o@ A,ent is automatically installed on Front

@nd &ervers and &tandard @dition servers !he <o@ service and database are part o #onitorin,

&erver( .hich must be installed separately

Eeore you be,in developin, your custom solution( ensure that you have deployed a #onitorin,

&erver and that it is operational For deployment details( see the eployin, #onitorin, &erver



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 At the end o each call( the uniied communications U%B endpoints send an A+= audio+videoB

metric report to the <o@ A,ent <o@ is enabled on the pool and the <o@ A,ent is properly

coni,ured( it .ill( in turn( transmit the report to your custom solution metric report consumerB by

usin, D!!P PO&! For each <o@ A,ent in your or,aniHation( you can coni,ure only one metric

report consumer ou need to do this <o@ A,ent coni,uration .or/ on each Front @nd &erver

For more details about reKuirements( see these sections:

• %ertiicate "eKuirements or our <o@ &olution

• Protocol %onsiderations or our <o@ &olution

Certificate ReHuirements for our 6o$ Solution

hen you deploy your custom solution( .e recommend that the D!!P& protocol be used in order

to improve the security o your data and privacy o your users Ey deault( D!!P& .ill allo. only

the client to authenticate the serverT ho.ever( mutual certiicate authentication .ill allo. both the

client to authenticate the server and the server to authenticate the client D!!P& is used( you

.ill need to ta/e the, certiicate considerations into account:

• !he Front @nd &erver or &tandard @dition server runnin, the <o@ A,ent must trust the

root %A that issued the certiicate that is used by the eb server

• !he subLect name o the server certiicate must match the F<) o the report

consumer U"* that is coni,ured in the Consumer3R property in # For details( see

# "eerence or <o@ &olutions

• you .ant to use mutual certiicate authentication( a client certiicate must be coni,ured

on the Front @nd &erver or &tandard @dition server runnin, the <o@ A,ent For the client

certiicate( you must ensure the,:

• !he certiicate is stored in the local computer store so that the <o@ #onitorin, &erver

can locate the certiicate

• !he certiicate has the enhanced /ey usa,e @UB e8tension or client authentication

• !he metric report consumer server is coni,ured to trust the root certiication authority

%AB that issued the client certiicate !he root %A needs to be stored in the Q!rusted "oot

%ertiication AuthoriHationQ older under the local computer store

•  Appropriate permissions are ,ranted to the "!%%omponentUniversal&ervices

domain ,roup or the certiicate to be read

• !he certiicate is coni,ured in #icrosot indo.s$ #ana,ement nstrumentation

#B on the Front @nd &erver or &tandard @dition server runnin, the <o@ A,ent For

details( see # "eerence or <o@ &olutions


On a hetero,eneous indo.s environment that uses indo.s %ertiicate

&ervices( trust is usually implicit( but it may reKuire some e8tra coni,uration i a

non-indo.s eb server is used or the metric report consumer

For details about %ertiicate &ervices( see Q%ertiicate &ervicesQ at the #icrosot eb site:

http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/d31045' For details about pro,rammin, .ith %ertiicate


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 231/310

&ervices( see QPro,rammin, %ertiicate &ervicesQ at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+


(rotocol Considerations for our 6o$ Solution

!here are a e. protocol considerations that you should be a.are o beore you develop your

custom solution n order to support persistent connections( the metric report consumer must be a

server that is compliant .ith D!!P 11


!o improve the security o your data and the privacy o your users( .e recommend that

D!!P& .ith mutual certiicate authoriHation be coni,ured

!his sample call lo. illustrates ho. the metric report consumer accepts an A+= metric report or a

sin,le session ou .ill be responsible or the protocol implementation bet.een the #onitorin,

 A,ent and the metrics report consumer

*i"ure +, Metric Re!ort Consumer cce!tance of an 84 Metric Re!ort

(rotocol ReHuirements

!he, protocol reKuirements should be ta/en into consideration .hen you develop your

custom solution:

• !he metric report consumer must be able to handle multiple incomin, D!!P connections

and to simultaneously process reKuests that come in on these dierent connections !his .ill

enable a sin,le metric report consumer to communicate .ith multiple #onitorin, A,ents

• #ultiple A+= metrics reports may e8ist in a sin,le PO&! body( up to the ma8imum

coni,ured value or the # settin, Ma'(ost-atchSi;e

• !he A+= metrics reports .ill be sent in #*( U!F-G encoded

• !he #* payload .ill have a root element o 46Re!ort$ventist !he ID attribute o

46Re!ort$ventist  .ill be set to a uniKue value or the set o A+= metrics reports that it


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 232/310

contains a transient net.or/ error or server error occurs or i the #onitorin, A,ent does not

receive an D!!P response rom your application( then the a,ent .ill repost the entire

46Re!ort$ventist  document .ith the ori,inal ID ou can disable repostin, .hen a

transient net.or/ error or server error occurs by settin, $rrorRetr#$naled to false in #

•!he <o@ A,ent perorms only a basic level o validation a,ainst the A+= metrics report

beore it posts the report to the metric report consumer )one o the <o@ #onitorin, &erver

report a,,re,ation lo,ic is applied to the reports prior to the post

• !he <o@ A,ent .ill not throttle reKuestsT the metric report consumer is e8pected to /eep

up .ith the normal volume o A+= metric reports

• n order to handle A+= metric report bursts( such as mi,ht occur at the end o a lar,e

conerence( the <o@ #onitorin, &erver buers A+= metrics reports( as needed( on behal o

the consumer !he buer siHe itsel is a coni,urable number o /ilobytes Ater the report

bursts e8ceed the buer siHe( the <o@ #onitorin, &erver .ill drop the oldest reports the

<o@ #onitorin, &erver service or the computer is restarted( the contents o the buer .ill not

be retained

• Upon receivin, metrics reports( the report consumer should return the D!!P response

immediately Perormin, any additional synchronous processin, on the reports beore

returnin, .ill cause a drop in the report throu,hput rate to the report consumer

1TT( Status Codes

!able 1 deines the status codes that are used in the D!!P protocol bet.een the <o@ #onitorin,

&erver and the metric report consumer


Only D!!P 288 and C00 status codes are e8pected rom the metric report consumer All

other status codes .ill be treated as a transient net.or/ error or server error and .ill

cause the <o@ #onitorin, &erver to retry the PO&! reKuestTale +, Su!!orted 1TT( status codes

1TT( Status Code Metric Consumer 3sa"e 6o$ Monitorin" Server ction

288 #etric consumer is e8pected to

promptly return 202 Accepted

to valid metric %" post


!he post transaction .ill be

mar/ed as complete

C00 Ead "eKuest #etric consumer should return

C00 Ead "eKuest .henever

basic validation o the A+=

metric report post reKuest ails

!he post transaction .ill be

abandoned and not retried

 All other status codes )o other status codes are

e8pected rom the metric


!he <o@ #onitorin, &erver .ill

treat all other status codes as

transient errors and .ill retry

the post reKuest


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De!lo#in" a Custom 6o$ Solution

eployin, your custom solution reKuires only a e. steps

To de!lo# #our solution

1 nstall an D!!P 11 compliant eb server( such as nternet normation &ervices

2 nstall your application

4 D!!P& .ill be used recommendedB( install the appropriate certiicate on the

consumer and( as needed( on the Front @nd &ervers that run the <o@ A,ent

C %oni,ure e8ternal consumer settin,s on the <o@ #onitorin, &erver by usin, #

For details about # settin,s( see # "eerence or <o@ &olutions

Ey deault( the <o@ #onitorin, &erver .ill not use any D!!P pro8y For details about

coni,urin, the <o@ #onitorin, &erver to use the coni,ured D!!P pro8y( see @nablin,

or isablin, an D!!P Pro8y or <o@ &olutions

MI Reference for 6o$ Solutions

!he, table lists the various coni,uration settin,s that can be set throu,h # or the

YYcimv2Y#&F!]&P<#&@8ternal%onsumer sin,leton class !his class already e8ists( so you .ill

not need to create it

Tale 2, MI Settin"s for Class MS*TB SI(6MS$'ternalConsumer 

(ro!ert# Name Descri!tion T#!e Default Ran"e ccess


nstance %lass identiier ?U 409C41'-





Up to




"ead Only

%onsumerU"* !he U"* that A+= #etric

"eports .ill be posted too


!he host name inthe U"* must be

identical to

&ubLect ield o the

server certiicate

For instance( i the

server certiicate

&trin, )U** =alid


or D!!P





8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 234/310

(ro!ert# Name Descri!tion T#!e Default Ran"e ccess


is coni,ured as


client1com( the

consumer U"*

must be



%onsumer)ame A display name or the


&trin, )U** Up to 25





%lient%ertssuer A binary array in ra. data

ormat that represents the

certiication authority that

issued the certiicate !his

data is in A&)1 byte array


!his settin, is used only i

%onsumerU"* is an

D!!P& U"* !his settin,

should be )U** i the

client .ill not use a


uintG )U** )+A "ead+rit


%lient%ert&) A binary array in ra. data

ormat that represents the

serial number o the client


!his settin, is used only i

%onsumerU"* is an

D!!P& U"* !his settin,

should be )U** i the

client .ill not use a


uintG )U** )+A "ead+rit


@nabled !rue( the <o@#onitorin, &erver .ill

send A+= #etric "eports

to the coni,ured



False )+A "ead+rite



!rue( the <o@

#onitorin, &erver .ill retry

Eoolea !rue )+A "ead+rit


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(ro!ert# Name Descri!tion T#!e Default Ran"e ccess


.hen transient errors


n e



#a8imum number o

reports to send in one


uint42 0 -100 "ead+rit


#a8<ueue&iHe !he ma8imum amount o

memory in EB that is

used to cache metric

reports on behal o the

consumer the Kueue

limit is e8ceeded( the <o@

#onitorin, &erver .ill

discard the oldest reports

irst #a8<ueue&iHe is

set to 0( the buer siHe

has no upper limit

Eecause individual reports

may ran,e rom 2 E to G

E( .e recommend

a,ainst settin,

#a8<ueue&iHe to less

than 10

uint42 0(000 0-




$nalin" or Disalin" an 1TT( (ro'# for 6o$ Solutions

Eoth the #onitorin, &erver and the metric report consumer server .ill usually be located .ithin

your or,aniHationNs internal net.or/( so you .ill not need an D!!P pro8y Ey deault( #onitorin,

&erver .ill not use any D!!P pro8y( and it .ill send the reports directly to the F<) o the metric

report consumer ou can( ho.ever( coni,ure #onitorin, &erver to use the e8istin, pro8y

settin,s that are coni,ured or the #onitorin, &erver by either local machine or ?roup Policy


To enale or disale an 1TT( !ro'#

1 *o, on to the #onitorin, &erver as a member o the dministrators  ,roup

2 &tart the "e,istry @ditor: %lic/ Start( and then clic/ Run n the O!en bo8( type

re"edit( and then clic/ OK

4 n the console tree( ri,ht-clic/

1K$BOCBMC1IN$SO*TR$MicrosoftReal/Time Communications

-L?@*C*/77*2/>$C/<$$/*A@>-A20LC0DP %reate this re,istry /ey it is doesnNt


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 236/310


C Point to Ne)( and then clic/ DORD 4alue

n the details pane( in the Name column( type $nale(ro'#*orMetricsConsumer  

or the ne. value( and then press @)!@"

5 n the details pane( ri,ht-clic/ $nale(ro'#*orMetricsConsumer ( and then clic/


' n the $dit DORD 4alue dialo, bo8( in the 4alue data bo8( do one o the,:

• !o use the nternet @8plorer D!!P pro8y settin,s( type +( and then clic/ OK

• !o no lon,er use the nternet @8plorer D!!P pro8y settin,s( type 0( and then clic/


G "estart the <o@ #onitorin, service or the chan,es to ta/e eect

$d"e Servers Drilldo)nFor details about @d,e &ervers( see the #icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 the

@d,e &erver eployment ?uidelines in the Plannin, and Architecture documentation

Res!onse Grou! Client e Service Drilldo)n!he "esponse ?roup &ervice has a %lient eb &ervice( .hich can be used by 4rd party

applications to retrieve inormation about the A,ents( their A,ent ?roup memberships( and si,n-in


!he, operations are supported throu,h the client .eb service:

• ?etA,ent

• ?et?roups

• sA,ent

• &i,nn

• &i,nn#ultiple

• &i,nOut

• &i,nOut#ultiple

Service Descri!tions

!he, list the service descriptions o the operations .ithin the %lient eb &ervice

• Get"ent: "eturns inormation about the currently authenticated a,ent

• GetGrou!s: "eturns inormation about the ,roups the currently authenticated a,ent is a

member o For each ,roup( the, inormation is available:

• Is"ent: "eturns true i the currently authenticated user is an a,ent


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 237/310

• Si"nIn: &i,ns the current a,ent into the ,iven ,roup and returns true .hen the operation

has successully completed

• Si"nInMulti!le: &i,ns the current a,ent in to the ,iven ,roups and returns true .hen the

operation has successully completed

• Si"nOut: &i,ns the current a,ent out o the ,iven ,roup and returns true .hen theoperation has successully completed

• Si"nOutMulti!le: &i,ns the current a,ent out o the ,iven ,roups and returns true .hen

the operation has successully completed

Client DNS 6ueries Drilldo)n!his topic ,ives a brie description o ho. )& Kueries .or/ in Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2

urin, )& loo/up( &"= records are Kueried in parallel and returned in the, order to the


1 ]sipinternaltls]tcp<domain>W or internal !*& connections

2 ]sipinternal]tcp<domain>W or internal !%P connections perormed only i !%P is


4 ]sip]tls<domain>W or e8ternal !*& connections

here <domain> is the &P domain used by your internal clients

!he last Kuery is useul .hen clients are connectin, rom outside your internal net.or/ For

details about remote user access( see Plannin, or @8ternal User Access in the Plannin, and

 Architecture documentation

!he client uses the &"= record that is returned and is successul !he client does not try any

other &"= records Ater the &"= record is returned( a Kuery is perormed or the )& A record or the host name

that is returned by the &"= record no records are ound durin, the )& &"= Kuery( the client

perorms an e8plicit loo/up o sipinternal<domain> the loo/up does not produce results( the

client perorms a loo/up or sip<domain> the client does not ind sip<domain>( it perorms a

loo/up or sipe8ternal<domain>

your )& inrastructure prohibits coni,uration o these )& records( you can manually edit the

client re,istry to point to the appropriate home server For details about editin, the client re,istry

and coni,urin, policy settin,s or the client( see eployin, %ommunicator in the %lient Plannin,

and eployment documentation

!!lication Server Drilldo)n Application &erver is a platorm introduced in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 that ma/es

it easier to build server-side applications that run on &tandard @dition servers or @nterprise

@dition pool servers Applications developed usin, the Uniied %ommunication #ana,ed APs

U%#AB 20 can use the Application &erver platorm as a common rame.or/ that levera,es


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 238/310

Oice %ommunications &erver capabilities such as deployment( trust( administration( load

balancin, and routin,( and monitorin,

ithout Application &erver( each application developer .ould have to create his o.n deployment(

administration and inte,ration story( leadin, to repeated eort( more time to mar/et( and

inconsistent behavior Prolieration o these dierent solutions .ould also lead to comple8ity indeployin, and maintainin, the Oice %ommunications &erver deployment

 Application &erver is desi,ned to host server applications that act as &P endpoints t is not

intended to host eb applications and does not inte,rate .ith nternet normation &ervices &B(

althou,h applications runnin, on it can e8pose indo.s %ommunication Foundation %FB eb

service endpoints

*i/e the Oice %ommunications &erver %onerencin, &ervers( Application &erver is another

server role( and .hen deployed on an @nterprise @dition consolidated pool topolo,y each

 Application &erver application runs on all servers in the pool and to,ether they share the overall

.or/load o the application

!he Application &erver implementation in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 is the irst

sta,e in the evolution o the platorm( and in this release it hosts our ne. applications that come

.ith Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2: "esponse ?roup &ervice( Outside =oice %ontrol

also /no.n as %all %ontrol &erviceB( %onerencin, Attendant( and the %onerencin,

 Announcement &ervice Do.ever( in this release( Application &erver is not supported as a

platorm or third-party applications

!he topics in this section is intended to help Oice %ommunications &erver administrators and

product specialists have a deeper understandin, o the Application &erver architecture and

applications and prepare them to troubleshoot any issues encountered involvin, the our

 Application &erver applications included .ith this release o the product

In This Section

• %haracteristics o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 Application &erver 

•  Application &erver %oni,uration

•  Application &erver Application %oni,uration

Characteristics of the Office Communications Server 2007 R2!!lication Server 


 Application &erver consists o a sin,le indo.s serviceWApplication DostO%&App&erver#astere8eBWand one or more instances o another indo.s serviceW

O%&App&erverDoste8e @ach instance o O%&App&erverDoste8e on a server hosts an

 Application &erver application uniKue to that server !here .ill never be multiple instances o any

particular Application &erver application on a server


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n the @nterprise @dition consolidated pool topolo,y( all Front @nd &ervers run identical instances

o each Application &erver application selected at the time o Oice %ommunications &erver


!he Application &erver applications themselves are .ritten as )@! Frame.or/ 4 mana,ed

assemblies All O%&App&erverDoste8e process instances and the O%&App&erver#astere8eprocess run under the "!%%omponent&ervice account security conte8t

@ach Application &erver application levera,es the, Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

"2 components:

• # I @ach application uses the lc.mi # provider to store+retrieve ,lobal and pool

settin,s For each Application &erver application( all instances in a pool use a common set o

settin,s stored in the bac/end "!%%oni, database ?lobal settin,s are stored in Active

irectory omain &ervices

• Uniied %ommunications #ana,ed APs U%#AB 20 IApplication &erver applications

interace these APs to access the &P and media stac/ on each ront end server

%ommunications bet.een the Application &erver applications and other &P endpoints all

route throu,h a &P Pro8y in the same pool as the application but not necessarily on the

same physical serverB

• %ontact ObLects+!rusted &ervices I Application &erver applications are &P Application

@ndpoints and as such reKuire a &P Address o "ecord AO"B in the orm o a &P U" or !el

U" !his is accomplished by assi,nin, an Active irectory omain &ervices %ontact obLect

to each application and settin, the application as a !rusted &ervice !hese assi,nments

enable the application to act as a &P User A,ent .ithout havin, to authenticate or re,ister(

and enables them to subscribe to the presence o re,istered users and publish presence on

behal o re,istered users

• #ana,ement I !he Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 #ana,ement %onsole

e8poses service start-up and shut-do.n control o the Application &erver services on a per-server basis in the same .ay it provides control o the other Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 services( such as the Front @nd services or %onerencin, &ervers an Application

&erver application reKuires pool-level coni,uration( the #ana,ement %onsole can list the

application under the ne. !!lications option under the poolNs (ro!erties menu in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 !his .ill launch a ne. snap-in or mana,in, that

applicationNs pool level settin,s n "2( only the "esponse ?roup eature reKuires pool-level

coni,urationB !he #ana,ement %onsole also can e8pose property sheets on the Forest

container as needed to coni,ure ,lobal properties associated .ith the Application &erver

application n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( %ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant is

the only Application &erver application that reKuires coni,uration at this level Eecause all

 Application &erver application instances in a pool are identical( coni,uration o Application

&erver applications on a per-server basis is unnecessary

• nstallation+Activation I the Application &erver environment and each Application &erver

application are pac/a,ed as indo.s installer #&B iles called rom the main Oice

%ommunications &erver installation pro,ram i one or more Application &erver applications

.ere selected or installationB Ater you install it( they are activated or deactivated in A &

usin, lcscmde8e +server:RappserverS +action:Activate^eactivate +"ole:App&erver


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• *o,,in, IApplication &erver applications can e8pose ne. components to the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 *o,,in, !ool O%&*o,,ere8eB or tracin, communications

.ith the application

Other Ke# !!lication Server Characteristics

Distriuted or.load

!he Oice %ommunications &erver Application Dost process does not listen on the net.or/ at all(

but li/e the Oice %ommunications &erver %onerencin, &ervers( each Application &erver

application has a !%P port assi,ned to it All servers in the pool listen on those assi,ned ports or

each the speciic Application &erver application they host( and the hard.are load balancer also

listens on those ports and distributes inbound traic to Application &erver application instances on

a server in the pool All &P communications .ith an Application &erver application occurs over

!*& bet.een a &P Pro8y in its pool usin, the poolNs &&* certiicate( even i the Application

&erver application instance happens to be on the same physical server as the &P Pro8y As .ithother U% endpoints( media communications are direct bet.een the client and the Application

&erver application instance that too/ the call For e8ample( once a call has been routed to a

%onerencin, Attendant instance( the audio media lo.s directly bet.een it and the #ediation

&erver that handled the call


 Application &erver applications are stateless in that they do not persist data bet.een sessions(

and each instance operates autonomously o the other instances o that application in the pool or

across pools

 All Application &erver instances o a particular application are eKuivalent across servers in pool

and do not communicate .ith each other or another server process unli/e the %onerencin,

&ervers( .hich communicate state inormation to the %onerencin, &erver FactoryB Furthermore(

 Application &erver applications do not re,ister .ith the &P "e,istrar and thereby do not support

multiple points-o-presence A call to an Application &erver application is routed to only one

 Application &erver instance and the other instance remain una.are o that call

!he Oice %ommunications &erver Application Dost service O%&App&erver#astere8eB also

does not monitor the state o the Application &erver applications on its server( other than

monitorin, .hether the instances are runnin, and i it detects an unhandled e8ception in the

application( it .ill restart it automatically

!!lication Server Confi"urationn Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( the Application &erver inrastructure has no

coni,urable post-installation settin,s durin, installation( the "!%%omponent&ervice service

account is assi,ned and the service is set or automatic start .ith a dependency on indo.s

#ana,ement nstrumentation [#\B A # %lass e8ists in the *%# provider or Application

&erver settin,sW #&F!]&PApplication&erver&ettin,Wbut currently there is no data store or this



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Eecause Application &erver is a separate Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 role( at the

time o activation an ms"!%&P-Application&erver &ervice %onnection Point &%PB or each

 Application &erver-role server is published in Active irectory omain &ervices separate rom

&%Ps o the other roles( such as the Front-@nd services and the %onerencin, &ervers

!!lication Server !!lication Confi"uration

n the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 implementation( the Application &erver

applications retrieve settin,s inormation via # ?lobal settin,s are stored in A( .hile pool

level application settin,s are stored in the "!%%oni, database As mentioned earlier( some o

these settin,s are established at time o activation( .hile others are coni,urable rom the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 #ana,ement %onsole All are and coni,urable usin,

the E@#!@&! utility and the ,lobal settin,s can also be accessed usin, A&@!#&%

Gloal Settin"s

•#&F!]&PPool&ettin, I each pool is represented by an instance o this class One i its

propertiesWApplications PropertyW is a multi-valued array containin, the names o the

 Application &erver applications installed in the pool

• #&F!]&PApplication%ontact&ettin, I this class contains instances or each %ontact

obLect reKuired by the Application &erver applications all our "2 Application &erver

applications have been installed( activated( and coni,ured( there .ill be instances or each

poolNs "esponse ?roup Presence atcher "?&PresenceatcherB( %onerencin,

 Announcement &ervice( %onerencin, Attendant %AAPrivate%ontactObLectB( plus one or

each ial-n %onerencin, access number coni,ured or the or,aniHation

• #&F!]&P!rusted&ervice&ettin, I this class .ill contain one instance or each

 Application &erver application or each pool( .hich stores the istin,uished )ame )B(

?"UU address( and port number or the Application &erver application instances in that pool

(ool Settin"s

• #&F!]&PApplication%oni,&ettin, I @ach poolNs "!%%oni, database contains one

instance o this class or each Application &erver application installed in the pool( and each

instance tells the Front @nd &erver the name( labels( and location o the applicationNs

assembly ile

• Other Pool-level Application settin,s I An Application &erver application can also e8tend

the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' schema to add classes speciic to itsel n Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2( the "esponse ?roup service added 11 ne. classes and

correspondin, tables in the "!%%oni, databaseB or storin, settin,s &ee "esponse ?roup%lient eb &ervice rilldo.n or details about these settin,s

SI(" Drilldo)nOice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 enables basic call ori,ination and termination usin, a

&ession nitiation Protocol &PB trun/ to a service provider


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In This Section

!his section contains the, topics:

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n: &upported &cenarios

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n: &upported !opolo,ies

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n: &ecurity %onsiderations

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n: Eand.idth %onsiderations

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n: Protocol Flo. and etails

• &P !run/in, rilldo.n: Di,h Availability

SI(" Drilldo)n: Su!!orted Scenarios

&upported scenarios include the,:

•  An enterprise Oice %ommunications &erver user is able to place a local or lon, distance

outbound call to the public s.itched telephone net.or/ P&!)B by usin, a service provider

&ession nitiation Protocol &PB trun/

•  An enterprise Oice %ommunications &erver user is able to receive an inbound P&!)

call to his+her irect n.ard ialin, B number by usin, a service provider &P trun/ the

service provider supports number portability( you can /eep your pre-e8istin,

• !he %allin, Party )umber that is( used to sho. caller B is supplied i allo.edB or

inbound and outbound calls

•  An active call can be placed on hold and o hold

 Any other scenario is outside the scope or the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 release

&ome e8amples include the,:

• @911 support or outbound calls

• nvo/in, any service provider call conerencin, unctionality over the &P trun/ !his is

separate rom the conerencin, unctionality provided by Oice %ommunications &erverB

• nvo/in, any service provider call or.ardin,+redirect unctionality over the &P trun/

!his is separate rom the call or.ardin,+redirect unctionality provided by Oice

%ommunications &erverB

SI(" Drilldo)n: Su!!orted To!olo"ies

!he interace or connectin, Oice %ommunications &erver environment to the &ession nitiation

Protocol &PB trun/ o the service provider is made on the e8ternal side o a #ediation &erver

!he, list contains the supported topolo,ies that you can use to enable this connection to

your service providerNs &P trun/:

• (rivate connection, n this coni,uration( the mediation server connects to the &P trun/

usin, a private net.or/ connection to the service provider For instance( this could be a

dedicated #P*& !1 connection installed or the purpose o &P trun/in,


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• 4(N connection, n this coni,uration( the mediation server connects to the &P trun/

usin, a virtual private net.or/ =P)B connection to the service provider !his could run over a

,eneral nternet connection or an e8istin, #P*& .ide area net.or/ A)B connection

Unli/e the private connection option( these multi-purpose connections are usually shared and

used or multiple scenarios !he purpose or the =P) connection is to create an isolated(

secure channel on .hich the &P trun/ed calls are carried

• (ulic Connection, n this coni,uration( the #ediation &erver connects to the &P trun/

by usin, a direct nternet connection Unli/e the private and =P) options( this topolo,y does

not levera,e an isolated lin/ to the &P trun/


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SI(" Drilldo)n: Securit# Considerations

Oice %ommunications &erver employs !ransport *ayer &ecurity !*&B to secure server+server

and client+server &P si,nalin, and secure real-time protocol &"!PB to secure media lo. !he

#ediation &erver role has al.ays supported !*& and &"!P on the Oice %ommunications

&erver acin, non-,ate.ay side ith the release o Oice %ommunicator &erver 200' "2( the

#ediation &erver role no. supports !*& and &"!P on the ,ate.ay side Do.ever( !*&+&"!P is

not supported by all service providers nor is it reKuired in all &P trun/ topolo,ies !his section

describes .hen it is necessary to enable !*& and &"!P on the ,ate.ay side o the #ediation

&erver to ensure a secure deployment

!here is only one /ey condition that reKuires !*& and &"!P to be enabled )amely( there is

some point in the net.or/ path bet.een the #ediation &erver and the service provider &P trun/

that is accessible to more than a limited set o non-! personnel

• (rivate Connection, !he connection to the service provider is dedicated and only used

to carry &P trun/ pac/ets Eecause only authoriHed ! en,ineers at the company and the

service provider are able to observe this traic( !*&+&"!P is not reKuired Do.ever( i the

service provider supports it( you may still implement !*&+&"!P or an added layer o

protection Ee sure that the subnet lin/in, the #ediation &erver to the private connection is

also private

• 4(N Connection, Althou,h the net.or/ bet.een the #ediation &erver and the service

provider is li/ely shared by a number o applications( the virtual private net.or/ =P)B

connection eectively creates a dedicated pipe used only to carry &P trun/ pac/ets !he /ey

dierence rom the physical connection topolo,y is that net.or/ isolation is bein, provided by

the encryption capabilities o the =P) rather than physical separation At minimum( the =P)

should encrypt all traic at a level comparable or better than 12G-bit Advanced @ncryption

&tandard A@&B Assumin, this is the case( the only people .ho could observe this &P

trun/in, traic .ould be authoriHed ! en,ineers o the company and the service provider( so


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!*&+&"!P is not reKuired Do.ever( i the service provider supports it( you may still

implement !*&+&"!P or an added layer o protection you use a =P) appliance( ensure

that the subnet lin/in, the #ediation &erver to the =P) appliance is also private )ote that i

the tunnelin, mechanism carries User ata,ram Protocol UPB pac/ets over a !%P

transport( this may impact the latency characteristics o the call( ,iven that !%P is a reliable

transport .hile UP is not

• (ulic Connection, ith a public connection( clearly no dedicated connection e8ists

<uite the contrary( it should be assumed that a lar,e number o people .ill be able to inspect

all &P trun/-related pac/ets @nablin, !*& and &"!P is stron,ly advised to ensure a secure


SI(" Drilldo)n: -and)idth Considerations

&P trun/in, services are typically priced accordin, to the ma8imum number o simultaneous

calls Eand.idth availability needs to be ta/en into account so that you can ta/e ull advanta,e o

the pea/ capacity that you have paid or !he band.idth needs are determined as ollo.s:

&P !run/ Pea/ Eand.idth 3 #a8 &imultaneous %alls 8 G0/bps

!he G0/bps value relects 5C/bps or the ?'11 codec plus 15/bps o pac/et overhead n reality(

the band.idth .ill be some.hat due to silence suppression !hat means the #ediation

&erver and the service provider stops sendin, real-time transport protocol "!PB media pac/ets

.hen the respective participant is not tal/in, For audio sent by the #ediation &erver( silence

suppression .ill reduce the band.idth by rou,hly 4X !he challen,e is that band.idth plannin,

is usually symmetric( and each service provider implements dierent de,rees o silence

suppression or perhaps no silence suppression at allB !hereore( it is best to plan or the ull

G0/bps band.idth unless you have urther inormation re,ardin, the silence suppression

characteristics o your particular service provider

n the private connection topolo,y( it is easy to plan your band.idth because it is a dedicated lin/

&imply compute your &P trun/ pea/ band.idth( and then obtain at least that much band.idth in

your dedicated connection

n the virtual private net.or/ =P)B connection topolo,y( ho. you plan your band.idth depends

on the net.or/ that the =P) is runnin, over the =P) is runnin, over a controlled lin/ bet.een

your company and the service provider or e8ample( a corporate #P*& lin/B( compute your &P

trun/ pea/ band.idth and set aside that much band.idth on the lin/ or the =P) connection

the =P) is runnin, over an uncontrolled lin/ or e8ample( a public internet connectionB( compute

your &P trun/ pea/ band.idth and reserve that much band.idth on your lin/ or the =P)

connection !his prevents a saturated lin/ rom causin, band.idth issues or your &P trun/

Do.ever( this does not ,uarantee that your &P trun/ traic .ill not be aected by con,estion on

the nternet !hereore( runnin, a =P) over an nternet connection is not recommended or

deployments that reKuire a hi,h service level a,reement &*AB

From a band.idth standpoint( the public connection topolo,y is handled similarly to runnin, a

=P) connection over an nternet connection %ompute your &P trun/ pea/ band.idth and

reserve that much band.idth on your public connection lin/ !his prevents a saturated lin/ rom

causin, band.idth issues or your &P trun/ Do.ever( this does not ,uarantee that your &P


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trun/ traic .ill not be aected by con,estion on the nternet A,ain( runnin, a =P) over an

nternet connection is not recommended or deployments reKuirin, a hi,h &*A

SI(" Drilldo)n: (rotocol *lo) and Details

!his topic describes the various &ession nitiation Protocol &PB trun/in, protocol lo.s

SI( Call *lo) and State Machine

!he implementation o &P trun/in, in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 supports a

constrained set o call scenarios !he dia,ram belo. relects a hi,h-level state machine or a call

le, bet.een the #ediation &erver and the &P trun/ From the dle state( either the service

provider or the #ediation &erver could send a SI( Invite( .hich indicates that a call is bein,

oered &everal provisional responses may be sent( such as +A0 Rin"in" indications Do.ever(

a inal response .ill ultimately be sent( such as a >A0 Tem!oraril# 3navailale or a 200 OK n

the ormer case( the &P dialo, ails to be established and the call state reverts to dle n the

latter case( the &P dialo, succeeds and the call state ,oes to the Active state urin, the Activestate( the only supported call mediation command is to place the call on and o Dold !his may

be done by either endpoint o the &P dialo, by sendin, another SI( Invite that contains the

appropriate &P command to indicate the call is active or on hold From either the Active or On

Dold states( the call may be terminated by either endpoint by sendin, a -#e

Call 1old

!he #ediation &erver only supports one method or placin, a call on and o hold !o place a call

on hold( an additional &P nvite .ill be sent on an active callNs &P dialo, !he &ession

escription Protocol &PB body o this dialo, contains a ull &P body containin, the line aQ


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inactive !o place a call o hold( an additional &P nvite is sent on a held callNs &P dialo, !he

&P body o this dialo, contains a ull &P body containin, the line aQsendrecv

Dual/tone multifreHuenc# %DTM*&

!he #ediation &erver supports sendin, and receivin, !#F accordin, to "F% C'44 @ectively(this passes a !#F tone by sendin, a stream o real-time transport protocol "!PB pac/ets on

the media channel usin, a payload type speciic to !#F !his is the same mechanism used in

the rest o the Oice %ommunications &erver system to pass !#F di,its

$arl# Media

)e. in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( the #ediation &erver no. supports the

ne,otiation o @arly #edia on the #ediation &erver per "F% 4950 !his enables the ne,otiation

and establishment o a media channel prior to the inal 200 O response !his .ould enable a

service provider to send carrier speciic in-band rin, tones and ensure that no audio is lost .hen

a user ans.ers the phone t is optional .hether the service provider implements it

3niform Resource Identifier %3RI& *ormattin"

 All U" ormattin, is perormed accordin, to "F% 4955( .here an @15C number is preceded by a

!he &P U" must have a trailin, userQ!hone parameter For an e8ample( see the,:

I7VITE sip:!'&####!!@s!;user=p1one

From: 2sip:!'&####!!@g!;user=p1one6

To: sip:!'&#"###!##@s!;user=p1one

!his coordinates nicely .ith the Oice %ommunications &erver desi,n o passin, numbers in

@15C ormat ncomin, calls are already in the correct ormat and can be handled by Oice

%ommunications &erver inbound routin, Out,oin, calls( once normaliHed( can be passed directly

to the &P trun/ as an @15C number .ithout havin, to perorm any number translation

Codec Su!!ort

!he #ediation &erver only supports ?'11a and ?'11u at a 20ms pac/et interval !his .ould be

sho.n in the &P as ollo.s:

a=rtpmap: 0C49-$

a=rtpmap:$ 0C49-$


Per "F% 219G( you may have support or sendin, redundant media pac/et also called or.ard

error correctionB it is supported( it is sho.n in the &P list as ollo.s:

a=rtpmap:(" RE,-$

Finally( you may see a inal codec or !#F as ollo.s:

a=rtpmap:!! teep1one+eent-$


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 248/310

SI(" Drilldo)n: 1i"h vailailit#

=arious de,rees o hi,h availability can be achieved .ith &ession nitiation Protocol &PB

trun/in, As .ith any ailover solution( a hi,her the level o resiliency .ill come at an increased

cost, are some dierent scenarios alon, .ith their correspondin, hi,h availability


• Mediation Server failure, !o protect a,ainst a #ediation &erver ailure( irst install a

second #ediation &erver alon,side the e8istin, #ediation &erver )e8t( add this #ediation

&erver to any voice routes containin, the e8istin, #ediation &erver For outbound calls(

Oice %ommunications &erver automatically load balances bet.een the t.o #ediation

&ervers and route calls ailover to Lust one o the #ediation &ervers in case the other server

,oes do.n !hereore( the service provider must be coni,ured to accept &P trun/ calls

ori,inatin, rom t.o source nternet Protocol PB addresses

Dandlin, ailover or incomin, calls is done in an analo,ous ashion !he service provider

should be coni,ured .ith both ,ate.ay nternet Protocol PB addresses correspondin, to the

t.o #ediation &ervers !he service provider should load balance bet.een these servers by

sendin, some calls to one server and some to the other #ore importantly( i one server is no

lon,er respondin,( the service provider must ta/e that #ediation &erver out o the pool and

only send incomin, calls to the active #ediation &ervers

• Connection failure, !o protect a,ainst a connection ailure( use a second connection or

the redundant #ediation &erver instance !his second connection ensures that i one o the

connections ,oes do.n( only one #ediation &erver .ill be aected !he service provider

must be able to detect this connection ailure or incomin, calls and send calls to the other


ddress -oo. Server Drilldo)n!he primary unction o the Address Eoo/ &erver and related services is to provide ,lobal

address list ?A*B inormation that is retrieved rom Active irectory omain &ervices A &B

and ma/e it available to clients throu,h one o the, services:

• ddress -oo. *ile Do)nload Service, here clients such as Oice %ommunicator and

devices such as Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition do.nload address boo/ iles( enablin,

clients to perorm local address boo/ Kueries

• ddress -oo. e 6uer# Service, here clients such as Oice %ommunicator #obile

send address boo/ Kueries by usin, D!!P& to a eb service runnin, on the eb

%omponents &erver

individual clients accessed A & directly( it could impact Active irectory and net.or/

perormance due to e8cessive *i,ht.ei,ht irectory Access Protocol *APB Kueries !o ma/e

address boo/ updates aster and more eicient( the Address Eoo/ &erver ,enerates daily

address boo/ ile and address boo/ database updates that are levera,ed by the Address Eoo/

File o.nload &ervice and Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice respectively

!he secondary and optional unction o the Address Eoo/ &erver is to convert the ormat o phone

numbers that may in a local ormat or e8ample( -0101B into the "F% 4955+!U @15C


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 249/310

standardiHed ormat or e8ample( >1C20101B !his conversion is reerred to as phone

number normaliHation Phone numbers stored in Oice %ommunications &erver user and contact

obLects can be normaliHed by Address Eoo/ &erver so they can be easily used by the Oice

%ommunications &erver clients Althou,h it is preerable or normaliHed phone numbers to be

entered into Active irectory( Active irectory does not perorm any phone number normaliHation

itsel !he phone number normaliHation occurs .hen the Address Eoo/ &erver reads the phone

numbers rom the "!% database( normaliHes them i necessary( and then .rites them into

address boo/ iles and address boo/ database "!%AbB

 Amon, its daily tas/s( the Address Eoo/ &erver ,enerates a set o compressed ull iles and delta

iles or use by the Address Eoo/ File o.nload &ervice !hese iles are stored in a standard

)!F& older !he advanta,e o the ull ile and delta ile ,eneration is that it minimiHes the impact

o the client do.nload hen an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 or Oice %ommunicator Phone

@dition 200' "2 releaseB client lo,s on to its @nterprise pool or &tandard @dition server( it uses

one o t.o coni,ured U"*s that is( one or internal access and the other or e8ternal accessB to

access the ile rom the )!F& older by usin, D!!P&( D!!P( or by the ile U"* hen the client

do.nloads the address boo/ ile or the irst time( the ull address boo/ ile is do.nloaded OnsubseKuent days in most situations( a delta ile containin, the chan,es since the last update is


"elative to Oice %ommunications &erver 200'( a /ey architectural improvement or Address

Eoo/ services in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 is the addition o an Address Eoo/ eb

<uery &ervice or mobile clients such as %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB "ather than

do.nload potentially lar,e address boo/ iles( %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB clients

ma/e on-demand address boo/ Kueries to the Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice


!he Address Eoo/ lo,ic described in the, sections apply to all Oice

%ommunications &erver deployments e8cept a e. special environments .ith either avery lar,e number o users or a relatively volatile directory For these types o

environments( Oice %ommunications &erver Address Eoo/ lo,ic behaves dierently in a

small number o aspects( resultin, in sli,ht improvements in %PU and net.or/ eiciency

@8ceptions or special environments are called out separately in the sections belo.

In This Section

•  Address Eoo/ &erver ntroduction

•  Address Eoo/ &erver: File and atabase ?eneration

•  Address Eoo/ &erver: Address Eoo/ File o.nload &ervice

•  Address Eoo/ &erver: Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice

•  Address Eoo/ &erver: Advanced Address Eoo/ Features


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 250/310

ddress -oo. Server Introduction


!he primary unction o the Address Eoo/ &erver and related services is to provide ,lobal

address list inormation that is retrieved rom Active irectory omain &ervices and ma/e it

available to clients throu,h one o the, services:

•  Address Eoo/ File o.nload &ervice( .here clients such as Oice %ommunicator and

devices such as Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition do.nload address boo/ iles( .hich

enable the clients to perorm local address boo/ Kueries( and

•  Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice( .here clients such as Oice %ommunicator #obile

send address boo/ Kueries via D!!P& to a .eb service runnin, on the eb %omponents


individual clients accessed the Active irectory omain &ervices directly( it could impact Active

irectory AB and net.or/ perormance due to e8cessive *AP Kueries !o ma/e address boo/

updates aster and more eicient( the Address Eoo/ &erver ,enerates daily address boo/ ile andaddress boo/ database updates that are levera,ed by the Address Eoo/ File o.nload &ervice

and Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice respectively

!he secondary and optional unction o the Address Eoo/ &erver is to convert the ormat o phone

numbers that may in a local ormat e, -0101B into the "F% 4955+!U @15C standardiHed

ormat e, >1C20101B !his conversion is reerred to as phone number normaliHation

Phone numbers stored in Oice %ommunications &erver O%&B user and contact obLects can be

normaliHed by Address Eoo/ &erver so they can be easily used by the O%& clients Althou,h it is

preerable or normaliHed phone numbers to be entered into Active irectory( A does not

perorm any phone number normaliHation itsel !he Address Eoo/ &erver normaliHes phone

numbers or numbers read rom the O%&N "tc database and then .rites the normaliHed numbers

into the address boo/ iles and address boo/ database

 Amon, its daily tas/s( the Address Eoo/ &erver ,enerates a set o compressed ull iles and delta

iles or use by the Address Eoo/ File o.nload &ervice !hese iles are stored in a standard

)!F& older !he advanta,e o the ull ile and delta ile ,eneration is that it minimiHes the impact

o the client do.nload hen an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 or Oice %ommunicator Phone

@dition 200' "2 client lo,s on to its @nterprise pool or &tandard @dition &erver( it uses a

coni,ured U"* to the eb %omponents &erver Address Eoo/ location & eb %omponents

&erverB then retrieves the AE ile via the virtual directory pointin, to the )!F& older Ey usin, this

U"*( the client retrieves a ull ile the irst day it connects to the server and( under most

conditions( delta iles on subseKuent days

"elative to O%& 200'( a /ey architectural improvement or Address Eoo/ services in O%& 200'"2 is the addition o an Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice or mobile clients such as

%ommunicator #obile 200' "2 "ather than do.nload potentially lar,e address boo/ iles(

%ommunicator #obile "2 clients ma/e on-demand address boo/ Kueries to the Address Eoo/

eb <uery &ervice

)O!@: !he Address Eoo/ lo,ic described in the, sections applies to all O%&

deployments e8cept a e. special environments .ith either a very lar,e number o users or a


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 251/310

relatively volatile irectory For such environments( O%& Address Eoo/ lo,ic behaves

dierently in a small number o aspects( resultin, in sli,ht improvements in %PU and+or net.or/

eiciency @8ceptions or special environments are called out separately in the sections belo.

ddress -oo. Server: *ile and Dataase Generation!his section covers the address boo/ process and the unctions o the AE&ervere8e process

ddress -oo. Server Data *lo)

!he address boo/ data is retrieved rom Active irectory( stored in the "!% database( e8tracted

rom the "!% database( and then placed in iles and the "!%Ab database or use by various


!he, steps are perormed:

• User "eplicator U"B reads the ne. or modiied that is( added( deleted( chan,edB user

and contact obLect inormation rom Active irectory and .rites it into the "!% database !his

process runs every 50 seconds

•  AE&ervere8e reads the address boo/ inormation rom the "!% database and ,enerates

t.o sets o ull and delta that is( contains only the chan,esB address boo/ iles or use by

Oice %ommunicator that is( .ith the ile e8tension VlsabsB and Oice %ommunicator Phone

@dition that is( .ith the ile e8tension VdabsB !hese iles are placed in a )!F& directory

 AE&ervere8e also creates a ull database that is( "!%AbB that is used by the Address Eoo/

eb <uery &ervice Ey deault( AE&erver runs on a daily basis at 01:40 Also all phone

numbers that cannot be normaliHed are placed into a t8t ile in the same )!F& older

• Oice %ommunicator( Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition( and other related clients

do.nload either the ull or delta ile on a daily basis !hey are access either throu,h a ileU"* also called a U)% pathB to the )!F& older or throu,h a D!!P& U"* or D!!P i

coni,uredB !he address boo/ entries are then stored locally in the ?al%ontactsdb and

potentially in ?al%ontactseltadb

• Oice %ommunicator #obile clients levera,e the Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice(

.hich levera,es the latest daily updates in the "!%Ab database

ddress -oo. Server (rocess

!he Address Eoo/ &erver process %:YPro,ram FilesY#icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2Y&erverY%oreYAE&ervere8eB is responsible or ,eneratin, the address boo/ iles that is(

Vlsabs and VdabsB( address boo/ database that is( "!%AbB( and normaliHin, phone numbersoptionalB !his process is automatically run daily on one o the Oice %ommunications &erver

Front @nd &ervers Ey deault( the irst server added to the Oice %ommunications &erver pool is

,iven this role !he, table lists the various command-line options


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 252/310

Tale +, -Server,e'e Command/ine O!tions

Command line o!tions Command line o!tion



- )one isplays all command s.itches

or AE&ervere8e

-sync)o. )one #anually synchroniHes the

 Address Eoo/ &erver by

pausin, the service to perorm

synchroniHation( and then

restartin, the service you are

in a ailover scenario and ailin,

over rom one server to another

and sync)o. does not .or/(

chec/ the load-balancer

settin,s !he health monitor orincomin, port 14 should point

to 050 or 051B on the

servers Ey deault( it .ill point

to 14 on the servers and since

14 is al.ays up .hen the

computer is runnin, the server

remains mar/ed as bein, up

even thou,h Oice

%ommunications &erver Front

@nd service is do.n

-re,enU" )one Forces user replication


-dumpFile input-ile [output-ile\ nput-ile [output-ile\ umps the input ile ,iven as the

irst ar,ument( ormatted as te8t(

to the output ile ,iven as the

second ar,ument the second

ar,ument is not ,iven( the

output ile name deaults to the

same path and ile name as the

input ile .ith a t8t e8tension


-testPhone)orm Phone-number *oads the normaliHation rules

te8t ile and attempts to

normaliHe the phone number

ar,uments !he results are

displayed in the command-line


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Command line o!tions Command line o!tion



.indo. the phone number

ar,ument contains spaces( the

phone number must be

enclosed in Kuotation mar/s

that is( 6 6B

-validateE )one =alidates the schema and user

data in the database

-dump"ules )one isplays all rules currently in

eect( includin, ,eneric and

custom rules

 AE&ervere8e also ma/es use o the, MS*TBSI(ddress-oo.Settin" # propertiesthat control its behavior

Tale 2, -Server,e'e MI (ro!erties

(ro!ert# name T#!e Default value Descri!tion

#a8eltaFile&iHePer centa,e nte,er 120 elta ile is not created

i percent chan,e is

,reater than this

number 120

)=A* U&@ OF

&#EO*& 12XB

Output*ocation &trin, )one File location( a valid


"un!ime nte,er0 to


140 &ervice start time

based on local time

140 )=A* U&@ OF

&#EO*& O1:40 or


&ynchroniHedPollin,nterval&ecs nte,er 400 )umber o seconds

bet.een chec/s or


Use)ormaliHation"ules Eoolean !rue Fla, to perorm

normaliHation or not

PartitionOutputEyOU Eoolean False Fla, to partition data

by or,aniHational unit



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 254/310

(ro!ert# name T#!e Default value Descri!tion

,nore?eneric"ules Eoolean False Fla, that determines

.hether or not to use

the built-in ,eneric


 Additionally( there are static Address Eoo/ &erver settin,s that are compile-time constants in the

code as ollo.s:

• Output ile e8tension 3 lsabs

• )umberOays!oeep 3 40

Ey deault( the &<* maintenance interval is set or 02:00 local time each day the Address Eoo/

&erver runs durin, this time( its perormance is li/ely to de,rade For this reason( the Address

Eoo/ &erver runs by deault at 01:40 local time each day .hich ,ives it 40 minutes to complete

beore it overlaps .ith the &<* maintenance interval !he service can be coni,ured to run and

,enerate the iles in the Address Eoo/ &erver ile store at another time by coni,urin, the

MS*TBSI(ddress-oo.Settin"::RunTime # settin, ou can also orce the Address Eoo/

&erver to do a synchroniHation pass immediately by usin, the command -Server /s#ncNo)

!his command is useul in case the address boo/ iles are accidentally deleted ou can also use

it or testin, purposes

 AE&ervere8e ,enerates various iles or use by the Address Eoo/ File o.nload service and a

database or use by the Address Eoo/ eb <uery service

For detailed inormation about the AE&ervere8e process and the # attributes( see

 Administerin, Address Eoo/ &erver in the Administerin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2


ddress -oo. Server: ddress -oo. *ile Do)nload Service

!his topic describes ho. the address boo/ ile do.nload service .or/s

*ile Generation

 AE&ervere8e ,enerates t.o sets o iles or use by 2 ,roups o clients For clients that typically

have suicient local stora,e space( AE&ervere8e ,enerates a ile containin, the ull address

boo/ that contains a lar,e set o user and contact obLect attributes !o optimiHe do.nload

eiciency( it also ,enerates up to 29 delta iles that contain incremental updates containin, the

last one day( t.o days and up to 29 days .orth o chan,es !hese iles have the Vlsabs ile


For clients that have limited local stora,e such as #icrosot %ommunicator Phone @8perience(

 AE&ervere8e ,enerates a ull address boo/ ile and up to 29 delta iles that contain a restricted

set o user and contact obLect attributes !hese iles have the Vdabs ile e8tension that is( device

 Address Eoo/ &erverB

n Oice %ommunications &erver &tandard @dition( the Address Eoo/ iles are stored by deault

in <drive>:YXPro,ramFilesXYOice %ommunications &erver 200' "2Yeb %omponentsYAddress


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Eoo/ FilesYFiles n @nterprise @dition( the Address Eoo/ ile store is a shared )!F& older that

the administrator manually creates durin, setup !he data ,athered by the Address Eoo/ &erver

is stored in a binary ormat in compressed iles to minimiHe stora,e reKuirements !he number o

days that the delta iles are /ept is set at the static value o 40 days( and this number cannot be

chan,ed Ater 9 days the irst 29 days ater a resh start .ill contain delta ilesB( the

 Address Eoo/ &erver reaches a steady state .here a set o up to 1G00 iles( .hich contain up to

900 Vlsabs and 900V dabs iles( each o .hich includes 40 ull iles and up to G'0 that is( 40

days V 29 iles+dayB delta iles

@ach time the Address Eoo/ &erver starts( it determines .hether there are data iles in the output

directory no data iles are ound( it .ill ,enerate one ull ile A delta ile is not ,enerated i there

are no initial ull iles rom previous days to compare a,ainst !he output iles are .ritten to the

 Address Eoo/ ile store( a older that can be assi,ned an access control list A%*B by usin, the

standard )!F& share permissions

!he, table sho.s ho. the ull iles and delta iles are ,enerated or both Vlsabs and

Vdabs iles

Tale +, *ile Generation

Da# Generated and deleted ,lsas


Generated and deleted ,das


ay 1 Full F1B Full F1B

ay 2 Full F2B

elta o F2 - F1

Full F2B

elta o F2 - F1

ay 4 Full F4B

elta o F4 IF2

elta o F4 IF1

Full F4B

elta o F4 IF2

elta o F4 IF1

ay C Full FCB

elta o FC - F4

elta o FC - F2

elta o FC - F1

Full FCB

elta o FC - F4

elta o FC - F2

elta o FC - F1

ay -29 _ _

ay 40

reaches a steady stateB

Full F40B

elta o F40-F29

elta o F40-F2G


elta o F40-F1

Full F40B

elta o F40-F29

elta o F40-F2G


elta o F40-F1

ay 41

no. needs to start deletin,

iles older than 40 daysB

Full F41B

elta o F41-F40

Full F41B

elta o F41-F40


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Da# Generated and deleted ,lsas


Generated and deleted ,das


elta o F41-F29

_elta o F41-F2

 All iles rom 1 are deleted

elta o F41-F29

_elta o F41-F2

 All iles rom 1 are deleted

ay 42 Full F42B

elta o F42-F41

elta o F42-F40


elta o F42-F4

 All iles rom 2 are deleted

Full F42B

elta o F42-F41

elta o F42-F40


elta o F42-F4

 All iles rom 2 are deleted

#a8imum !otal Files

&teady &tateB

1G00 iles

40 Full iles > 40 days o up to

29 delta iles+day 3 900 iles

40 Full iles > 40 days o up to

29 delta iles+day 3 900 iles

Ey deault that is( .ithout or,aniHational unit OUB partitionin,B( all data iles are stored in one

directory File names or ull iles are o the orm F-8888( .here 8888 is the ile creation date

e8pressed as the he8adecimal 0-based number o days since January 1( 2001 elta ile names

are o the orm -8888-yyyylsabs( .here 8888 is the ull ile creation date( and yyyy is the delta

ile creation date Files are also assi,ned the appropriate Vlsabs or Vdabs ile e8tension Files

are created in memory and are .ritten usin, a ile handle that is created .ith no sharin, allo.ed

so that client applications cannot access a ile beore it has been completely .ritten


$'ce!tion:  a delta ile siHe ,ets to beyond a certain percenta,e o the Full ile siHe( a

ne. Full ile is ,enerated instead o the incremental delta ile !his percenta,e is

speciied by the server variable #a8eltaFile&iHePercenta,e !he deault value or this

is 120( or 12X

this percenta,e is surpassed on the siHe o the server-side delta ile( the server produces a ull

ile instead o a delta ile n this case( the server ,enerates than 40 days o delta ile

inormation( .hich is an e8ception to its normal lo,ic this number is set to a hi,her value( the

chances o orcin, a ull do.nload decreases Do.ever( there is more client-side processin,

reKuired to update its local database

 Additionally( any chan,e to any attribute o an address boo/ entry causes the entire record to be

updated For e8ample( i the #obile phone number chan,es( the entire user address boo/ entry is



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Or"ani;ational 3nit and ddress -oo. *ile Generation

t is possible to create dierent sets o address boo/ iles based on the Or,aniHational Unit OUB

property in Active irectory For e8ample( Active irectory could levera,e OUs to partition the

 Active irectory into t.o or more lo,ical ,roups based on business unit or e8ample(

 Automotive( #arineB or business unction or e8ample( &ales( @n,ineerin,( #anuacturin,B Eysettin, the MS*TBSI(ddress-oo.Settin":(artitionOut!ut-#O3  # property to !rue(

 AE&ervere8e creates a number o sets o address boo/ iles in a tree o older names that map to

the OU !his settin, is passed to clients( .hich in turn access the address iles under the

appropriate subdirectory as indicated by the user or contact obLectNs OU path settin,

PartitionOutputEyOU can be levera,ed in cases in lar,e or,aniHations .here it is desirable to

restrict the number o contacts or the siHe o the address boo/ iles that are accessed by ,roups

o clients t is also levera,ed in Oice %ommunications &erver hostin, environments .here you

need to partition users based on the company

Client and ddress -oo. Server Communication

!he Address Eoo/ U"*s that is( one internal and one e8ternalB are the paths that clients use to

access the data iles in the Address Eoo/ &erver ile store !hese U"*s are coni,ured under the

ddress -oo. tab in the e Com!onents (ro!erties or the ,iven &tandard @dition server or

@nterprise pool( and are retrieved throu,h in-band provisionin, absnternal&erverUrl and

abs@8ternal&erverUrlB by the client .hen it lo,s on to its &tandard @dition server or @nterprise

pool !he clients can also have these U"*s coni,ured throu,h ?roup Policy ObLects

Oice %ommunicator needs to be coni,ured to access the Address Eoo/ ile store by usin, an

U"* deined in one o the, ormats:

• 1TT(S *ormat, A secure D!!P D!!P&B U"* is the recommended methodolo,y or

accessin, address boo/ iles D!!P can also be used but is not secure !his method uses

the nternet normation &ervices &B D!!P serversB .hich is the core component o theeb %omponents &erver you reKuire the ile store to be accessible by remote users .ho

are connectin, outside the intranet outside the ire.allB( the & server is reKuired and you

must coni,ure D!!P& on your virtual server

• *ile 3R *ormat,  !he ile U"* also called an U)% pathB is the other method or

accessin, address boo/ iles !his approach is not recommended because you cannot use it

or remote access !he ile U"* is a standard ile U"* in the ormat YYserverYshare &tandard

share and )!F& permissions are applicable to this U"* !he clients connect to the ile store

throu,h the &erver #essa,e Eloc/ &#EB protocol !here are t.o cases .hen a File U"*

cannot be used: .hen remote access is reKuired and i the Oice %ommunications &erver

pool is set to reKuire encryption n both o these cases( a D!!P& U"* is reKuired


your clients use an D!!P& U"* to access the Address Eoo/ &erver ile store( veriy

that the client certiicate is already trusted by nternet @8plorer prior to an attempt by

clients to access the Address Eoo/ U"* the client certiicate is not trusted( the

do.nload ails !he user is not prompted to chec/ the certiicate and to coni,ure it as

trusted %onsider usin, a certiicate that is trusted by deault on your client


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 258/310

!he type o authentication reKuired or an Address Eoo/ U"* varies dependin, on .hether the

U"* is used or internal or e8ternal clients !he, table sho.s the supported

authentication or each type o U"*

Tale 2, Su!!orted uthentication for ddress -oo. 3Rs

ddress -oo. 3R T#!e uthentication

nternal nte,rated indo.s Authentication )!*# or


@8ternal )!*# or D!!P& basic over &ecure &oc/ets

*ayer &&*BB

ddress -oo. and Office Communicator 

!he Address Eoo/ %lient Provider is a module .ithin Oice %ommunicator that is responsible or

synchroniHin, ,lobal address list ?A*B contacts .ith the Oice %ommunicator contact database

&ince all ?A* contacts are read-only( this synchroniHation is a one-.ay process as ollo.s:

1 Oice %ommunicator lo,s on to the @nterprise pool or &tandard @dition server usin, its

lo,on lo,ic

2 Oice %ommunicator accesses the internal and e8ternal address boo/ shares by usin,

the U"*s provided either by the ?roup Policy ObLect ?POB AE&nsideU"* and

 AE&OutsideU"* policy settin,s( or by retrievin, them rom the server durin, the lo,on

process !hese U"*s are in either D!!P&( D!!P( or File U"* ormat !he ?PO settin,s ta/e

precedence over the settin,s retrieved rom the server these ?POs are not set and

dependin, on the settin, o the AbsUseFallbac/ ?roup Policy settin,( the U"*s are retrieved

rom either the @nterprise pool o the &tandard @dition server For details about these ?POs(see eployin, %ommunicator in the %lient Plannin, and eployment documentation and the

#icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 ?roup Policy &ettin,s documentation at


4 Oice %ommunicator determines .hether it is connectin, rom inside the intranet or

connectin, rom outside throu,h an Access @d,e &erver and then selects the appropriate

U"* or the connection

!he lo,on credentials o the Oice %ommunicator client are used to connect to the selected

 Address Eoo/ &erver U"* Oice %ommunicator uses the standard nternet @8plorer

application pro,rammin, interace APB to perorm the U"* authoriHation access is

denied( one o the, occurs:

• the user is inside the intranet( the client displays an icon indicatin, an Address

Eoo/ do.nload ailure !he user is not as/ed or credentials a,ain

• the user is outside the intranet( the user is prompted to enter proper U"*



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 259/310


Oice %ommunicator supports the use o a allbac/ U"* or hi,h availability For details

about coni,urin, additional U"* entries( see Usin, # to %oni,ure Address Eoo/

&erver &ettin,s in the Administerin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2


Client Do)nload (rocess

a client is accessin, the U"* or the irst time and successully connects( the client attempts to

do.nload the current ull data ile On subseKuent days( the client attempts to do.nload a delta

ile based on the last ull synchroniHation date urin, daily client usa,e( this delta ile is based on

the previous dayNs chan,es the client is oline or a day or more( it determines .hich delta ile it

must do.nload to ,et up to date For e8ample( i the client is oline rom Friday aternoon to

#onday mornin,( it .ill attempt to do.nload a delta ile containin, 4 days o chan,es the client

is oline or more than 40 days( it is orced to attempt to do.nload the ull data ile

!he client stores this inormation in the local ?al%ontactsdb database &torin, this inormation ina local database reduces the time ta/en to synchroniHe inormation on the client computer .ith

the latest inormation stored in Active irectory( thereby si,niicantly improvin, the ?A* search

process !he client .ill also create an inde8 to the database .hich is stored in the ile


n the event o a do.nload ailure because o net.or/ connectivity or other issues( the client

retries in time intervals that doubles on each previous ailure that is( 1 minute( 2 minutes( C

minutes( and so on( up to a ma8imum o 5C minutes( and then retries every 5C minutesB Any data

that .as do.nloaded beore the ailure is discarded( and the retry be,ins a,ain at the be,innin,

the ailure persists or more than 2C hours( a .arnin, is displayed( and an application event is

added to the @vent *o,

hen the client lo,s on( it determines i it has been more than 2C hours since the last do.nload

so( then the current do.nload occurs immediately Other.ise( do.nload is scheduled at 00:00

U!% Universal %oordinated !ime( also /no.n as ?#!B

!he, e8ceptions apply:

• the address boo/ contains over 0 entries( the client maintains a separate delta

database ?al%ontactseltadb and inde8 ?al%ontactseltadbid8 or ?A* contacts( and

periodically mer,es updates into its main database ?al%ontactsdb !his helps reduce the

processin, reKuired on a daily basis on the client machine in very lar,e environments

•  !here are conditions .hen the server .ill not ,enerate some o all o the delta iles on

the server !his happens .hen the #a8eltaFile&iHePercenta,e is e8ceeded n this case the

client .ill be orced to do.nload the ull address boo/ ile !his eectively causes the?al%aontactsdb to be completely replaced henever a ull do.nload occurs in the case

.here there are over 0 entries( the ?al%ontactseltadb database .ill be emptied as

there are no deltasB

•  An additional client-side case is .hen the client cannot access the relevant delta ile that

is( possibly loc/ed( access denied( or not created due to time Hones and ile do.nload timeB

n this case the client attempts to access relevant older delta iles that is( up to 2 additional


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 260/310

days bac/B For e8ample( ater lo,,in, on at 09:00( the client cannot access a delta ile

containin, C days o chan,es on ednesday ater the iles have been ,enerated at 01:40B

!he client tries to access the delta ile ,enerated on !uesday containin, 4 days o chan,es(

and i that cannot be accessed( it tries to access the delta ile ,enerated on #onday .ith 2

days o chan,es Ater successully accessin, one o these older delta iles( the client does

not try to access additional iles until the ne8t day Althou,h the client does not obtain the

latest chan,es( it .ill li/ely ,et some previous chan,es( .hich in turn minimiHes the amount

o deltas it needs to process the, day

Internet $'!lorer De!endencies

Eecause Oice %ommunicator uses the standard nternet @8plorer AP to perorm the U"*

authoriHation( it depends on the, nternet @8plorer settin,s:

• Securit# Settin"s5 includin" the intranet 3R settin"s, For e8ample( i you are usin,

an nternet that is( e8ternalB type o U"*( such as http:++servercom+share( or intranet that is(

internalB users instead o an intranet U"*( such as http:++server+share( unless this U"* is

coni,ured e8plicitly as an intranet U"* in nternet @8plorer( Oice %ommunicator i,nores this

entry e recommend that you use an intranet U"* or internal users you have a speciic

need to use an nternet U"*( you must manually coni,ure this U"* as an intranet U"* in

nternet @8plorer( or you must use an Active irectory ,roup policy to coni,ure the U"*

• (ro'# Settin"s,  you use an D!!P pro8y to mana,e your eb traic and the Address

Eoo/ data lo.s throu,h this pro8y( the client cannot access these U"*s i the pro8y

becomes unavailable or i authoriHation problems occur .ith the pro8y

*ile Store Recommendations and *ile Si;e Guidelines

 As a best practice( store Address Eoo/ data iles on separate stora,e !he stora,e can be any o

the many types( or e8ample a direct access stora,e device A&B or a stora,e area net.or/

&A)B !he stora,e needs speciic to the Address Eoo/ &erver are very minimal and are

e8pected to be in the ran,e o 20 #E to ?E( dependin, on the number o users in the orest

!he siHe o the ull data iles depends on the number o users and contacts stored in your Active

irectory !he siHe o the delta iles increases .ith the number o daily chan,es that occur to

users and contacts in Active irectory A lar,e number o chan,es increases the delta ile siHe

and the time it ta/es to ,enerate the delta iles

On avera,e the Vdabs iles are about 2X o the siHe o the Vlsabs iles !his depends on the

number o ields that are typically populated

Office Communicator ocal ddress -oo. Dataase *ilesOice %ommunicator 200' "2 stores the local address boo/ database and in the directory:


!he, table sho.s sample address boo/ iles or an or,aniHation .ith appro8imately

20(000 address boo/ entries that is( users( contact obLectsB !he ile siHes vary dependin, on

various actors such as the number o address boo/ ields that are populated


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 261/310

Tale <, Sam!le ddress -oo. *iles

Name Date modified T#!e Si;e

?al%ontacts 5++2009 9:42 A# ata Ease File 99(15 E

?al%ontactsdbid8 5++2009 9:42 A# File 2(49C E

?al%ontactselta 5+12+2009 G:40 A# ata Ease File 4(595 E

?al%ontactseltadbid8 5+12+2009 G:40 A# File 2(122 E

ddress -oo. and Office Communicator (hone $dition

!he ile do.nload process on the Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition P PhonesB and related

devices is similar to on the process or Oice %ommunicator( .ith the main dierence bein, that it

do.nloads the smaller Vdabs iles !hese iles contain a limited set o attributes( speciically

display)ame( ms"!%&P]PrimaryUserAddress( telephone)umber that is( oiceB( and mobile

that is( telephone numberB Althou,h this search e8perience is not as robust as that o Oice

%ommunicator( it is airly eective Additionally many users do not use the te8t search capability

on P Phones because it is not as easy to use as usin, a /eyboard .ith Oice %ommunicator

 Additionally predictive te8t searches may seem to return une8pected results( match phone

numbers and names( and have a limited screen or, result sets

!he P Phones locally implement a method o doin, predictive search( enablin, a user to Kuery

address boo/ te8t names by usin, dial pad di,its For e8ample( the di,it 2 could map to an 6A7(

6E7 or 6%7 and 5 could map to 6#7( 6)7 or 6O7 !hus( the di,it seKuence 62257 .ould match

address boo/ entries .ith the name 6%am7( 6Eam7( 6%an7( and so on

ddress -oo. e 6uer# Servicen enterprise environments( Address Eoo/ iles can ,et too lar,e to be reasonably do.nloadable

by mobile clients( such as %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB !o better tar,et the needs

o mobile clients( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 introduces a parallel path or #obile

 Address Eoo/ data: !he Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice( .hich levera,es the "!%Ab

database to provide on-demand address boo/ Kueries or mobile clients

ddress -oo. Server: ddress -oo. e 6uer# Service

!he Address Eoo/ eb <uery &erver Kueries are passed by the client to the Address Eoo/ eb

<uery server by D!!Ps or D!!P i coni,uredB !he internal and e8ternal U"*s are coni,ured

on the server under .hich are levera,ed or both Address Eoo/ eb <uery &erver andistribution *ist @8pansion !hese U"*s are then passed to the clients throu,h the dl8nternalUrl

and dl8@8ternalUrl in-band provisionin, settin,s

<ueries are sent to the Address Eoo/ eb <uery &erver by usin, D!!P& or D!!P i coni,ured

throu,h the U"*B !he A&Pnet irst pre-processes the Kuery and orms an &<* Kuery( .hich is

e8ecuted by the &<* &erver or &<* &erver @8press or &@B usin, the "!%Ab database )e8t(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 262/310

post-processin, o the results occurs that is( constructin, the inormation to be sent to the clientB

!he Kuery results are then returned to the client, are sample U"*s or internal and e8ternal Address Eoo/ eb &erver Kueries !he

speciic search attributes are not included

!he, table lists the "!%Ab database ields that are e8tracted rom the "!% database by


Tale +, RTC Dataase *ields

Name ctive Director# name ttriute ID $'am!le



display)ame C 6&ara avis7( 6an ?



telephone)umber 10 1C20101



#obile 14 1C2019G

&P Address ms"!%&P]PrimaryUserAddress 9 saradMcontosocom




pro8yAddress 1G saradMcontosocom (


!he "!%Ab database is desi,ned so that additional search ields can be easily added to the

database addin, additional ields is currently not supportedB !he e8ample in the, table

sho.s sample data in the AbAttribute=alue table( .hich is the primary table in the "!%Ab

database that is used or Kueries !he 3serID column maps to an address boo/ entry or

e8ample( a user or contact obLectB !he ttrID column identiies the attribute see the previous

tableB( the 4alue column is the alpha-numeric value o the attribute or e8ample( 6Eill #alone7B(

and the DTM* column encodes the strin, value in a numeric ormat or predictive te8t dial pad

Tale 2, Sam!le ttriute4alue Tale

(trn 3serId ttrId 4alue DTM* %dial !ad inde'&

1 455C9 10 >1 C2B 019G 019G 1VC2V019GV019G

1 455C9 10 1C2019G 1C2019G

1 455C9 10 C2019G C2019G

1 455C9 10 019G 019G

1 455C9 10 019G 019G


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 263/310

(trn 3serId ttrId 4alue DTM* %dial !ad inde'&

1 455C9 C Eill #alone 2CVC2G4'

1 455C9 9 Eillm 2C5

1 455C9 9 billmMcontosocom 2C51255G5'51255

1 455C9 1' billmMcontosocom 2C51255G5'51255

1 455C9 1G billmMcontosocom 2C51255G5'51255

1 455C9 1G billmMms,%ontosocom 2C515'C1255G5'51255

1 455C9 1G billmMtitaniumcontosocom 2C51GCG25CG51255G5'51255

1 455C9 1G billmcontosocom 2C5255G5'51255

1 455C9 1G 2C5255G5'51255 2C55'C1255G5'51255

1 455C9 1G billmtitaniumcontosocom 2C5GCG25CG51255G5'51255


!he di,it 1 in the dual-tone multireKuency !#FB interace is used or various

characters or e8ample( `( M( ( -B and the di,its 0 and 1 !he symbol V is used to

represent a space or other separators

Office Communicator ddress -oo. 6ueries

%urrently( Oice %ommunicator is the only client that levera,es the Address Eoo/ eb <uery

&ervice !he Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice supports a .ide set o Kuery options

!he, table contains the parameters and deault values that can be processed by the

 Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice Althou,h it is not possible or users or administrators to

modiy this Kuery( this table helps demonstrate ho. Address Eoo/ <uery .or/s and ho. Kueries

may dier or uture clients that may levera,e this service

Tale <, (arameters and Default 4alues

(arameter T#!e Default Notes

<uery&trin, &trin, @8pression or the


ial Eoolean !rue etermines

.hether a

predictive search

Kuery is

perormed or

e8ample( dial pad


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 264/310

(arameter T#!e Default Notes

Kueries that

levera,e the

!#F inde8B

Prei8<ueryAttributes &trin, display)ame( ms"!%&P-



telephone)umber( mobile

 Attributes .here a

&<* *@


operator is used

or e8ample(

6%am7 matches


@8act<ueryAttributes &trin, display)ame( ms"!%&P-



telephone)umber( mobile

 Attributes .here a

&<* 3


operator is used

or e8ample(

6%am7 does )O!

match 6%ameron7B

"eKuest!imeout <uery timeout

#a8"esult nt 0 #a8imum results

to return

"eturnAttributes &trin, ,iven)ame( sn( display)ame(





telephone)umber( homePhone(

otherDomePhone( mobile(

other#obile( other!elephone(

ipPhone( mail( mana,er 

eault set o

attributes to be

returned to theuser #any o

these attributes

cannot be used in

the Kuery strin,


!he, table lists parameters that %ommunicator #obile uses !hese are hard.ired into

%ommunicator #obile and cannot be chan,ed

Tale >, Communicator Moile (arameters

(arameter T#!e Default Notes

<uery&trin, &trin, @8pression or

the Kuery

ial Eoolean False oes not support


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 265/310

(arameter T#!e Default Notes

dial pad Kueries

Prei8<ueryAttributes &trin, display)ame( ms"!%&P-


telephone)umber( mobile

Uses prei8 match

&<* *@B

@8act<ueryAttributes &trin,

"eKuest!imeout <uery timeout

#a8"esult nt 20 &aves net.or/


"eturnAttributes &trin, ,iven)ame( sn( display)ame(





telephone)umber( homePhone(

otherDomePhone( mobile(

other#obile( other!elephone(

ipPhone( mail( mana,er 

eault set o

attributes to be

returned to theuser #any o

these attributes

cannot be used in

the Kuery strin,


6ueries on Dis!la# Name

%urrently the Address Eoo/ &erver only supports name-based Kueries based on display name t

does not support Kueries based on the Active irectory entries or last name that is( &)B( irst

name that is( ,iven)ameB( and so on t may also match the user part o the &ession nitiation

Protocol &PB Uniorm "esource dentiier U"B or e-mail address !o support names typed in

dierent orders or e8ample( 6&ara avis7( 6avis( &ara7( and 6avis &ara7B and users .ith

multiple irst or last names or e8ample( 6Pablo "ovira ieH7B( multiple entries are placed into the

 AbAttribute=alue table or the display name For e8ample( the, entries are placed in the

table or Pablo "ovira ieH:

Pablo "ovira ieH

ieH Pablo "ovira

ieH( Pablo "ovira

"ovira ieH Pablo

"ovira ieH( Pablo

&ince the Address Eoo/ eb <uery &ervice levera,es the &<* *@ strin, matchin, e8pression(

all o the, strin,s .ill match at least one o the table entries( and .ill return 6ieH Pablo

"ovira7 as a match in addition to other possible matchesB


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 266/310



Pablo "ovira

ieH Pablo

ieH( P


"ovira ieH P

"ovira ieH( P

Do.ever the, strin,s .ill not create a match:

"ovira Pablo

Pablo ieH

!he ,eneral case or display name inde8 ,eneration is as ollo.s:

• &imple %ase

• isplay)ame 3 QA EQ .ill support

•  A E

• E a nversedB

• E(A nversed .ith %ommaB

• ?enerates 4 indices

• %omple8 %ase

• isplay )ame 3 6A E % @7 .ill support

•  A E % @

• @ A E % *ast 2 .ordsB

• (@ A E % *ast 2 .ords .ith %ommaB

• @ A E % *ast .ordB

• @( A E % *ast .ord .ith %ommaB

• ?enerates indices no more( no lessB

n the case .here there are more than t.o .ords in the last name( the inde8 based on the display

name .ill most li/ely need to be levera,ed to obtain the desired match

6ueries on (hone Numers

!o support practical Kueries based on phone numbers( a number o indices are created Ey

levera,in, the &<* *@ e8pression that is( partial matchB( you can use a number o useul

options or searchin, phone numbers

!he "F% 4955+@15C phone number 6>1C201017 .ill ,et entries .ith the, inde8es:

• >1C20101

• C20101

• 0101

• 0101


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 267/310

• 1C20101

• !el:>1C20101

• 1C20101

!he "F% 4955+@15C phone number 6>01 24B C5'G9 8017 .ill ,et entries .ith the,


• >0124C5'G901

• 0124C5'G901

• 24C5'G901

• C5'G901

• 01

• 0124C5'G9

• !el:>0124C5'G9Te8t301

 Address Eoo/ eb <uery also pre-processes Kueries to remove any e8traneous symbols For

e8ample( the strin, >1C2B -0101 .ould be translated to 1C20101 beore runnin, theKuery

Sortin" 6uer# Results

%urrently( %ommunicator #obile only retrieves or the irst 20 matches or a ,iven Kuery !he

 Address Eoo/ <uery &erver searches or the irst 100 matches or any Kuery( o .hich only the

irst 20 entries in the result set are passed bac/ to the client that is( based on the actual Kuery

sent by the clientB For perormance reasons the Address Eoo/ <uery &erver does not attempt to

process more than 100 matches For e8ample( i a user tries to Kuery 6Eo7( only the irst 100

matches that &<* &erver inds are returned n cases .here there are more than 100 potential

matches( the Kuery does not etch every attribute that be,ins .ith a 6Eo7 or e8ample( everyuser .ith a irst name or last name that be,ins .ith a 6Eo7( a &P U" that be,ins .ith a 6Eo7( and

so onB and sort them( as this .ould ta/e up si,niicant database cycles Althou,h this is not

optimal( it achieves a decent tradeo bet.een unctionality and perormance n ,eneral( most

users reine their Kuery and re-submit it rather than scrollin, throu,h pa,es o Kuery results

!here are a e. issues .hen a user attempts to search or a common name For e8ample( i a

user searched or 6aniel7 and there .ere more than 100 6aniels7 in the address boo/( 100

random matches .ould be returned and subseKuently sorted !he user may see 6aniel Par/7

and 6aniel !aylor7 seKuentially and assume that 6aniel "oman7 that is( alphabetically bet.een

Par/ and !aylorB is not in the address boo/ Do.ever( this is not necessarily the case because

6aniel "oman7 may not have been in the set o 100 entries returned and .ould not be presented

in the list n this case the user .ould be e8pected to enter a more reined Kuery

(redictive Te't 6ueries

!he AbAttribute=alue database table also has a column or !#F Kueries !his is a special inde8

created to support predictive te8t Kueries .here telephone dial pads are used to enter Kueries

For e8ample( the di,it 2 could represent an 6A7( 6E7 or 6%7 !hus i a user /eyed in 62257( it .ould

match any e8istin, entries that start .ith 62257 in the !#F column or e8ample( 6%am7(


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 268/310

6%ameron7( 6%andice7( 6Eam7( etcB Althou,h this Kuery is supported by the Address Eoo/ eb

<uery &erver( there are no clients that currently levera,e this interace


%ommunicator #obile perorms numeric matches on oice and mobile phone numbers

and any &P or e-mail address that levera,es di,its Do.ever these Kueries do not

levera,e the predictive te8t Kuery al,orithms

ddress -oo. e 6uer# Dataase

!he Address Eoo/ eb <uery "!%Ab database is collocated as a separate &<* &erver instance

on the same &<* &erver as the "!% database or the ,iven pool !he database levera,es the

same hi,h availability eatures as the "!% database !he database should also be included in

any bac/up plan( althou,h historical copies are not relevant and the database can be

re,enerated by usin, the -Server s#ncno) command

!he database is implemented by usin, t.o database partitions( .here each partition contains a

complete copy o the address boo/ At any ,iven point in time( one partition is active( .hichmeans it is bein, used by Address Eoo/ eb <uery &erver or handlin, Kueries rom clients !he

other partition is then available to the AE&ervere8e process or the ne8t ni,htly update Ater the

update process is inished that is( committed to the databaseB( this ne. partition becomes active

!his techniKue helps enable optimal perormance as there are no loc/in, contention issues in the

database that is( all Kueries are read-onlyB

!he siHe o the "!%Ab is modest and is dependent on the number o contacts in the address

boo/ and the number o ields populated &<* &erver also reserves si,niicant space or the

creation and maintenance o the database and various indices

ddress -oo. e 6uer# Dataase an"ua"e Su!!ort!he Address Eoo/ eb <uery "!%Ab database currently uses the *atin1]?eneral]%]A that

is( %ase nsensitive( Accent nsensitiveB database collation n &<* &erver( collations control

various lan,ua,e-speciic rules or ho. comparisons that is( &<* 3 and *@B and sorts that is(

&<* O"@" EB behave !he *atin1]?eneral collation supports various *atin-based lan,ua,es

that have the same superset o order and sortin, rules( includin, utch( @n,lish( ?erman( talian(

and Portu,uese+ EraHilian

!here are lan,ua,es .here the ,eneral rules o *atin lar,ely apply to or e8ample( #odern

&panish and FrenchB but may have some subtle issues around comparison and sortin, or

e8ample( certain li,atures may not be correctly sortedB For other lan,ua,es( such as Japanese

and &impliied %hinese( .here the rules o *atin have no inluence( sortin, and comparison are

dictated by the underlyin, characteristics o Unicode n lan,ua,es .ith a lar,e number o

characters( users oten rely on e8act match and not necessarily matches based on a partial letter

match )ot havin, correct alphabetical orderin, may not be as much o an issue as it is .ith

lan,ua,es li/e @n,lish


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 269/310

ddress -oo. e 6uer# Server (erformance

!he Address Eoo/ eb <uery &erver and "!%Ab database ,enerally only have a minimal

impact on perormance the eb %omponents &erver typically runnin, on the Front-@nd serversB

and the bac/-end server %urrently( only the %ommunicator #obile clients use Address Eoo/

eb <uery &erver and Kueries on this device are e8plicitly controlled by the user .hen they usethe &earch unction( as opposed to bein, perormed automatically as a user types in a name or

phone number

!he Address Eoo/ eb <uery A&Pnet process is relatively li,ht.ei,ht and the bac/-end

database processin, is all read-only Kueries on a database that is updated once per day !he

 Address Eoo/ <uery service does not pose any si,niicant perormance bottlenec/( and .hatever

impact it has can be resolved by ,eneral perormance tunin, on the ront-end and bac/-end


ddress -oo. Server: dvanced ddress -oo. *eatures

!his topic discusses advanced Address Eoo/ &erver eatures( li/e phone number normaliHation(User "eplicator( and ilterin,

ddress -oo. Server (hone Numer Normali;ation

Oice %ommunicator reKuires standardiHed "F% 4955+@15C phone numbers !o use phone

numbers that are unstructured or inconsistently ormatted( Oice %ommunications &erver relies

on the Address Eoo/ &erver to perorm phone number translation in conLunction .ith mappin,

rules the 3seNormali;ationRules  # property is set to !"U@( AE&ervere8e reads the

phone numbers rom the "!% database( normaliHes them i necessaryB( and then .rites the

normaliHed values into the address boo/ that is( do.nloadB iles and the Address Eoo/ eb

<uery database "!%Ab %lients( such as Oice %ommunicator and %ommunicator #obile( canuse these normaliHed numbers

ou can apply t.o types o rules to phone numbers One type is the set o ,eneric rules that are

automatically perormed by the server !he other type is a set o sample company rules that can

be edited and is included in the installation older alon,side AE&ervere8e !he sample company

rules include a comment at the start o the ile inormin, the administrator that i they .ant speciic

rules or their company( they should copy the sample ile to the output location or the pool and

chan,e the name to %ompany]Phone])umber])ormaliHation]"ulest8t( so that it .ill be used

or uture synchroniHation passes

the 3seNormali;ationRules  # la, is set to !"U@( the rules are applied to those Active

irectory attributes .ith 082000 bit set in the *la"s column value the 081000 bit is set in the

*la"s column value( the associated Active irectory attribute value is al.ays normaliHed

&ample]%ompany]Phone])umber])ormaliHation]"ulest8t is the sample ile in .hich you

coni,ure rules speciic to your company reKuirements !o use this ile( copy it to

%ompany]Phone])umber])ormaliHation]"ulest8t Other.ise( Address Eoo/ &erver .ill use

only the ,eneric rules coni,ured by deault on the server


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 270/310


hen you remove the Address Eoo/ &erver(

%ompany]Phone])umber])ormaliHation]"ulest8t is not deleted you .ant to remove

this ile( you must delete it manually

3ser Re!licator and ddress -oo. Server 

!he Address Eoo/ &erver uses data provided by User "eplicator to update the inormation that it

initially obtains rom the ,lobal address list ?A*B User "eplicator .rites the Active irectory

attributes or each user( contact( and ,roup into the AbUser@ntry table in the database and the

 Address Eoo/ &erver syncs the user data rom the database into iles in the Address Eoo/ &erver

ile store and into the Address Eoo/ eb <uery database "!%ab !he schema or the

 AbUser@ntry table uses t.o columns( 3serGuid and 3serData 3serGuid is the inde8 column

and contains the 15-byte ?U o the Active irectory obLect 3serData is an ima,e column

.hich contains all o the previously mentioned Active irectory attributes or that contact

User "eplicator determines .hich Active irectory attributes to .rite by readin, a coni,uration

table located in the same &<* instance as the AbUser@ntry table !he AbAttribute table containsthree columns( ID( Name and *la"s !he table is created durin, database setup the

 AbAttribute table is empty( User "eplicator s/ips its AbUser@ntry table processin, lo,ic Address

Eoo/ &erver attributes are dynamic and are retrieved rom the AbAttribute table( .hich is initially

.ritten by the Address Eoo/ &erver .hen the Address Eoo/ &erver is activated

 Address Eoo/ &erver activation populates the AbAttribute table .ith the values needed to support

Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 !he, table sho.s those current values

Tale +, ttriute Tale 4alues

ID Name *la"s

1 ms@8chDideFromAddress*ists 08FF000004

2 ,iven)ame 0801000000

4 &n 0802000000

C display)ame 0804020000

!itle 080C000000

5 mail)ic/name 080000C00

' %ompany 0805000000

G physicaleliveryOice)ame 080'000000

9 ms"!%&P-PrimaryUserAddress 080G020G00

10 telephone)umber 0809022G00

11 home)umber 080A002G00

12 otherDome)umber 080A002000


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 271/310

ID Name *la"s

14 #obile 080E022G00

1C other#obile 080E002000

1 other!elephone 080%002000

15 ipPhone 080002000

1' #ail 080@000000

1G pro8yAddresses 080000010

19 ,roup!ype 080F010G00

20 #ana,erouPathd 0810000000

21 0811000G00

!he numbers in the ID column must be uniKue and should never be reused Also( /eepin, the

values belo. 25 saves space in the output iles .ritten by the Address Eoo/ &erver Do.ever(

the ma8imum value is 54 !he Name column corresponds to the Active irectory attribute

name that User "eplicator should put in the AbUser@ntry table or each contact !he value in the

*la"s column is used to deine the type o attribute !he, types o Address Eoo/ &erver

attributes are reco,niHed by User "eplicator( indicated by the lo. byte o the value in the *la"s 


Tale 2, ddress -oo. Server ttriutes Reco"ni;ed # 3ser Re!licator 

ttriute Descri!tion

080 A strin, attribute User "eplicator converts this

type to U!F-G beore storin, it in the

 AbUser@ntry table

081 A binary attribute User "eplicator stores this in

the blob .ithout any conversion

082 A strin, attribute( but is included only i the

attribute value be,ins .ith Qtel:Q !his is primarily

or multi-valued strin, attributes( speciically

!ro'#ddresses n this case( Address Eoo/

&erver is interested only in !ro'#ddresses 

entries that be,in .ith Qtel:Q !hereore( in the

interest o savin, space( User "eplicator stores

only the entries that be,in .ith Qtel:Q


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 272/310

ttriute Descri!tion

084 A Eoolean strin, attribute( .hich i !"U@

causes User "eplicator to not include this

contact in the AbUser@ntry table FA*&@( it

causes User "eplicator to include the attributes

or this contact in the AbUser@ntry table( but not

the particular attribute .ith this la, !his is

another special case type that is primarily or

the ms$'ch1ide*romddressists  attribute

08C A strin, attribute( but is included only i the

attribute value be,ins .ith Qsmtp:Q and includes

the QMQ symbol

08 A strin, attribute( but is included only i the

attribute value be,ins .ith either Qtel:Q or Qsmtp:Q

and includes the QMQ symbol

08100 set( this is a multi-valued attribute that can

appear more than once or each contact

08C00 set( this identiies the e-mail alias attribute or

a contact Address Eoo/ &erver uses this la, to

identiy .hich attribute value to sho. in the

phone normaliHation event lo, entry

08G00 set( this identiies a reKuired attribute or a

contact Address Eoo/ &erver includes a user in

the AbUser@ntry table only i there is a value orthis attribute in Active irectory there is more

than one reKuired attribute( only one o them is

reKuired to have a value to include the user in

the AbUser@ntry table

081000 set( Address Eoo/ &erver al.ays normaliHes

the value o this attribute

082000 set( Address Eoo/ &erver uses the normaliHed

number rom !ro'#ddresses( i the

3seNormali;ationRules  # settin, is

FA*&@T other.ise it behaves the same as .henthe la, bit is 081000

08C000 set( Address Eoo/ &erver does not include

obLects in the AbUser@ntry table that have this

value or the speciied attribute For e8ample( i

the msRTCSI(/(rimar#3serddress attribute

has this la, bit set( then contacts that have this


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 273/310

ttriute Descri!tion

attribute are not .ritten to the database

08G000 set( Address Eoo/ &erver does not include

obLects in the AbUser@ntry table that do nothave this value or the speciied attribute both

the 08C000 and 08G000 la, bits are set on an

obLect( the attribute .ith the la, bit value set to

08C000 ta/es precedence( and the obLect is

e8cluded rom the AbUser@ntry table

0810000 set( this represents a ,roup obLect User

"eplicator uses this la, bit to include contacts

.ith the "rou!T#!e attribute .hose presence

indicates a ,roup or e8ample( a distribution list

or security ,roupB

0820000 set( User "eplicator uses this la, bit to

include this attribute in device-speciic Address

Eoo/ &erver iles that is( iles .ith a dabs


*ilterin" the ddress -oo.

!he users populated in the Address Eoo/ &erver iles can be controlled based on certain Active

irectory Attributes listed in the AbAttribute table One such attribute used or ilterin, is the

ms$'chan"e1ide*romddress-oo.  attribute !his is a user attribute added by the @8chan,e

schema the value o this attribute is !"U@( @8chan,e &erver uses this attribute to hide thecontact rom the Outloo/ ?A* &imilarly( i the value o this attribute is !"U@( User "eplicator

does not include that user in the AbUser@ntry table and this user .ill not be in the Address Eoo/

&erver iles

ou can use some la, bits to deine a ilter to use on Address Eoo/ &erver attributes For

e8ample( the presence o certain la, bits can identiy an attribute as an include attribute or an

e8clude attribute User "eplicator ilters out contacts that contain an e8clude attribute and ilters

out contains that do not contain an include attribute

%urrently( there are three dierent ilters !he, table lists these ilers

Tale <, *ilters

ttriute Descri!tion

08G00 set( this identiies a reKuired attribute or a

contact User "eplicator uses this la, bit to

ilter out contacts that do not contain at least

one reKuired attribute !he OuPathd is a

reKuired attribute( .hich is al.ays set &o at


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 274/310

ttriute Descri!tion

least one o other reKuired attributes should be

set Other.ise( contact that is( .ith value o

reKuired attribute OuPathdB .ill still not be

.ritten to database For e8ample( i

tele!honeNumer  and home(hone are

deined as reKuired attributes( only the contacts

that have at least one o these attributes are

.ritten to the database

08C000 set( this identiies an e8clude attribute User

"eplicator uses this la, bit to ilter out contacts

that contain this attribute For e8ample( i

msRTCSI(/(rimar#3serddress  is deined as

an e8clude attribute( contacts that have this

attribute are not .ritten to the database

08G000 set( this identiies an include attribute User

"eplicator uses this la, bit to ilter out contacts

that do not contain this attribute For e8ample( i

msRTCSI(/(rimar#3serddress  is deined as

an include attribute( only the contacts that have

this attribute are .ritten to the database


both the 08C000 e8clude attributeB and 08G000 include attributeB la, bits are set( the

08C000 bit overrides the 08G000 bit and the contact is e8cluded

 Althou,h you can ilter the Address Eoo/ to include only certain users( limitin, entries does not

limit other users ability to contact the iltered users or to see their presence status Users can

al.ays ind( manually send instant messa,es( or manually initiate calls to users not in the

 Address Eoo/ by enterin, a users complete si,n-in name Also( Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

can use contact inormation or a user in Outloo/ or the indo.s Address Eoo/

hile havin, ull contact records in the Address Eoo/ iles enables you to use Oice

%ommunicator 200' "2 to initiate e-mail( telephone( or @nterprise =oice calls that is( i

@nterprise =oice is enabled on the serverB .ith users that are not coni,ured or &ession nitiation

Protocol &PB( some or,aniHations preer to include only &P-enabled users in their AddressEoo/ &erver entries ou can ilter the Address Eoo/ to include only &P-enabled users by

clearin, the 08G00 bit in the *la"s column o the, reKuired attributes:

tele!honeNumer ( home(hone( and moile ou can also ilter the Address Eoo/ to include

only &P-enabled users by settin, the 08G000 include attributeB in the *la"s column o the

msRTCSI(/(rimar#3serddress attribute !his also helps to e8clude service accounts rom the

 Address Eoo/ iles


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 275/310

 Ater you modiy the AbAttribute table( you can reresh the data in the AbUser@ntry table by

runnin, the aserver,e'e re"en3R  command Ater U" replication completes( you can update

the ile in the Address Eoo/ &erver ile store by manually runnin, the aserver,e'e s#ncNo) 


Mana"ement of Office CommunicationsServer 2007 R2

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 provides several administrative tools to acilitate the

mana,ement o servers and users in an Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 deployment

!his section provides a description o the tools and inormation about /ey mana,ement and

operations tas/s or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

In This Section

•  Administrative !ools Overvie.

• nstallation and Use o Administrative !ools

• !roubleshootin, or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• *oad Ealancers or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• #edia Ports

• =oice <uality o &ervice <o&B

• # &ettin,s or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• %lient "e,istry eys+?PO or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• n-Eand Provisionin, over &P

dministrative Tools Overvie)Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 provides dedicated administrative tools

!o mana,e Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( you can do either o the,:

• nstall the administrative tools on any server on .hich Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 and its components are installed

• nstall the administrative tools on a separate computer( such as a centraliHed

administration console on .hich Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 is not installed


!he Oice %ommunications &erver administrative tools are no lon,er installed

automatically on servers runnin, Oice %ommunications &erver( but you can install the

tools by usin, the same eployment iHard that you use to install Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 !he e8ception is the Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 ?roup %hat &erver %oni,uration !ool( .hich is installed by deault on

each computer runnin, ?roup %hat &erver or the ?roup %hat %ompliance service


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 276/310

dministrative Tools

!he, table describes the tools available or administerin, Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 and its components

Tale +, dministrative Tools

Tool Descri!tion vailailit# and use

Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 snap-in

 A #icrosot #ana,ement

%onsole ##%B snap-in that is

the primary administrative tool

or Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 servers in an

 Active irectory domain

 Available on any other

computer in the domain on

.hich the Oice


&erver 200' "2 administrative

tools are installed t cannot be

used to mana,e @d,e &ervers(

Pro8y &ervers( or other

computers not in the domainUse it to vie. and coni,ure

Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 pools( servers(

and users( includin, the

settin,s or the servers and

users on &tandard @dition

servers and in @nterprise pools

that are in the Active irectory


Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 mana,ement

components or Active

irectory Users and


 Additional unctionality or

mana,ement o Oice

%ommunications &erver 200'

"2 servers in Active irectory

omain &ervices A &B t is

reKuired or initially enablin,

each user or Oice

%ommunications &erver ou

can also use it or mana,in,

user settin,s or Oice


&erver 200' "2 users in the

domain( based on the

or,aniHational unit OUB or

older in .hich they reside( by

usin, the Active irectory

Users and %omputers snap-in

 Available in Active irectory

Users and %omputers on

computers on .hich the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200'

"2 administrative tools are

installed( but can be used only

i the server is in a domain

Oice %ommunications &erver An ##% snap-in that is the Available on any computer on


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 277/310

Tool Descri!tion vailailit# and use

200' "2 snap-in e8tension or

the %omputer #ana,ement


primary tool or mana,ement

o Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 servers that

are not in an Active irectory

domain( such as @d,e &ervers

in the perimeter net.or/( as

.ell as Pro8y &ervers

.hich the Oice


&erver 200' "2 administrative

tools are installed On the local

computer( only server-level

settin,s can be mana,ed .ith

this snap-in e8tension the

local computer is not runnin,

Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2( you can use

%omputer #ana,ement to

connect to an Oice


&erver 200' "2 server and

then use the Oice


&erver 200' "2 snap-in

e8tension to mana,e the

server-level settin,s o that


!he 200' "2 version o

%ommunicator eb Access


 An ##% snap-in that is the

primary administrative tool or

%ommunicator eb Access

 Available on any server in the

domain on .hich the Oice


&erver 200' "2 administrative

tools are installed

"esponse ?roup &ervice


 An ##% snap-in that is the

primary administrative tool or

Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 servers

 Available in the Oice

%ommunications &erver 200'

"2 snap-in

"esponse ?roup %oni,uration


 A eb-based tool that is used

to create and mana,e

"esponse ?roups

nstalled .ith the eb

%omponents &erver or

&tandard @dition server Any

computer that is in the same

orest as the server that is

runnin, the "esponse ?roup&ervice can use the nternet

@8plorer nternet bro.ser to

access the "esponse ?roup

%oni,uration !ool

Oice %ommunications A ?roup %hat tool to create %an be installed on any


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 278/310

Tool Descri!tion vailailit# and use

&erver 200' "2 ?roup %hat

 Administration !ool

cate,ories and chat rooms(

deine their scope and

membership( create ederated

users and ,roups( mana,e

ho. users can use the chat

rooms( and speciy .hich

users are administrators and


computer in the domain

available or installation o the

?roup %hat Administration


?roup %hat &erver

%oni,uration !ool

 A ?roup %hat tool to start(

stop( and coni,ure ?roup

%hat &ervers( coni,ure the

?roup %hat database( mana,e

compliance( and set lo,,in,


 Available on any server

runnin, ?roup %hat &erver or

the %ompliance service

*%&%mde8e A command-line tool used to

prepare Active irectory

omain &ervices( create

@nterprise pools( perorm

#*-based lo,,in,( mana,e

permissions( and install(

activate( chec/ the status o( or

deactivate servers( as .ell as

to perorm bac/up and

restoration operations or

Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 servers and

@nterprise pools

 Available on any computer in

the domain on .hich the Oice


&erver 200' "2 administrative

tools are installed

!his tool is used initially or

 Active irectory preparation(

and then or on,oin, bac/up

and restoration operations( so

it is not covered in thisdocumentation For details

about ho. to use this tool or

 Active irectory preparation

and other command-line

mana,ement tas/s( see

Preparin, Active irectory

omain &ervices or Oice

%ommunications &erver 200'

"2 in the eployment

documentation and the

%ommand *ine "eerence inthe "eerence documentation

"?&%O!e8e A command-line tool used to

create and mana,e "esponse

?roup &ervice %ontact


 Available on any server in the

domain on .hich the Oice


&erver 200' "2 administrative


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 279/310

Tool Descri!tion vailailit# and use

tools are installed

n addition to the administrative tools described in the table( you can use indo.s #ana,ementnstrumentation !ester E@#!estB( .hich ships .ith the indo.s &erver 200G and indo.s

&erver 2004 operatin, systems( to modiy indo.s #ana,ement nstrumentation #B settin,s

"un the E@#!est tool on any computer on .hich Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 is

installed !his ,uide includes speciic procedures or usin, E@#!est to chan,e # settin,s

For details about E@#!est( see QUsin, E@#!est user interaceQ at



!he ?roup %hat and %ommunicator eb Access tools listed in the table are described in

separate administration documentation For details about administerin, ?roup %hat and

%ommunicator eb Access( see the Administerin, ?roup %hat documentation and the

%ommunicator eb Access 200' "2 "eleaseB Administration ?uide documentation


nstallation o Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 administrative tools on a computer that is

not runnin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 reKuires usin, an account that is a member

o the Administrators ,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent privile,esB

Usin, administrative tools reKuires the,:

• !o administer user account settin,s( an account that is a member o the

"!%UniversalUserAdmins ,roup( or an account .ith eKuivalent privile,es

•For all other Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 administration tas/s( an account

that is a member o the "!%Universal&erverAdmins ,roup( or an account .ith eKuivalent


Installation and 3se of dministrative Toolsou can install and use the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 administrative tools on any

computer in the domain that meets the administrative tools prereKuisites( such as on a computer

that you use as a central administrative console For details about installation prereKuisites( see

nternal Oice %ommunications &erver %omponent "eKuirements in the &upported !opolo,ies

and nrastructure "eKuirements documentation


nstallation and use o Oice %ommunications &erver reKuires that users be members o

speciic ,roups For details about providin, appropriate permissions and dele,ation( see

 Accounts and Permissions "eKuirements in the Plannin, and Architecture



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 280/310

!his section covers primarily the use o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

administrative tools to mana,e Oice %ommunications &erver For details about installin, and

usin, the administrative tools( includin, the Oice %ommunications &erver user mana,ement

unctionality in Active irectory Users and %omputers( see the Administerin, Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 documentation For details about usin, the *%&%mde8e

command-line tool to mana,e Oice %ommunications &erver( see the Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 %ommand *ine "eerence ?uide in the "eerence documentation For details

about other tools or administerin, other Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 components(

see the Administerin, %ommunicator eb Access documentation and the Administerin, ?roup

%hat documentation

In This Section

!his section includes the, topics:

• =ersion "estrictions

• "emote Administration "eKuirements

nstallin, Administrative !ools

4ersion Restrictions

nstallin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 administrative tools on the same computer as

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' administrative tools or *ive %ommunications &erver 200

.ith &ervice Pac/ 1 &P1B administrative tools is not supported Additionally( you cannot

administer servers and users rom previous versions o Oice %ommunications &erver or

#icrosot *ive %ommunications &erver .ith the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

administrative tools( nor can you administer Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 servers and

users .ith previous versions o the Oice %ommunications &erver or *ive %ommunications

&erver administrative tools

ou can use the #ove Users iHard in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 to move users

rom Oice %ommunications &erver 200' For details about mi,ratin, rom Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' to Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( see &upported

#i,ration Paths and %oe8istence &cenarios in the &upported !opolo,ies and nrastructure

"eKuirements documentation and the mi,ration documentation in the Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 !ech)et *ibrary at  http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/3142105

Remote dministration ReHuirements

you .ant to use remote administration to deploy or administer Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 .hile indo.s Fire.all is runnin,( you must coni,ure indo.s Fire.all to enable the

remote administration e8ception For details( see QDelp: @nable or disable the remote

administration e8ceptionQ in the indo.s &erver product documentation at


!o remotely administer or deploy the eb %omponents &erver( you must also add netinoe8e to

the indo.s Fire.all e8ceptions list For details( see QDelp: Add a pro,ram to the indo.s


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 281/310

Fire.all e8ceptions listQ in the indo.s &erver product documentation at


Installin" dministrative Tools

n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( the Oice %ommunications &erver administrative

tools are not installed by deault !o install the administrative tools on a computer runnin, Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 or on another computer( such as a mana,ement console rom

.hich you .ant to centrally mana,e Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 servers and users(

you can use the eployment iHard to install the administrative tools( includin, "esponse ?roup

&ervice and %ommunicator eb Access For a description o each o these tools( see

 Administrative %onsoles in the Plannin, and Architecture documentation


Eeore installin, the administrative tools( veriy that all prereKuisites have been met(

includin, operatin, system reKuirements and installation o reKuired updates For details(

see Administrative !ools &ot.are "eKuirements in the &upported !opolo,ies andnrastructure "eKuirements documentation

Use one o the, t.o procedures to install the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

administrative tools on a computer runnin, a 5C-bit version o the operatin, system or a 42-bit

version o the operatin, system


!his topic covers the installation o the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

administrative tools( .hich are the primary tools or mana,in, Oice %ommunications

&erver For inormation about other tools or mana,in, other optional Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 components( see the %ommunicator eb Access

200' "2 "eleaseB Administration ?uide documentation and the Administerin, ?roup%hat documentation

To install the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 administrative tools on a com!uterrunnin" a @>/it version of the o!eratin" s#stem

1 On the computer on .hich you .ant to install the Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 administrative tools( lo, on usin, an account that is a member o the

 Administrators ,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent privile,esB and the omain Admins


2 o one o the,:

• nsert the #icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver %( and then clic/ $nter!rise


• nsert the #icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver %( and then clic/ Standard


• you are installin, rom a net.or/ share to a 5C-bit computer( to the

YsetupYamd5C older on the net.or/ share( and then double-clic/ setu!$$,e'e or



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 282/310

4 On the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 De!lo#ment i;ard pa,e( clic/

dministrative Tools

C "evie. the license a,reement( clic/ I acce!t the terms in the license a"reement to

proceed( and then clic/ OK

!a/e the appropriate action on each pa,e o the .iHard to complete the installation


nstallin, or removin, the administrative tools on a computer runnin, the

indo.s =ista operatin, system on .hich the &ecurity %enter service is runnin,

.ith the startup mode set to utomatic may result in the, error

messa,e: Q@rror stoppin, service since one or more dependent services ailed to

stop Please try a,ainQ you close the error messa,e( the process should

complete successully

To install the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 administrative tools on a com!uter

runnin" a <2/it version of the o!eratin" s#stem

1 On the computer on .hich you .ant to install the Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 administrative tools( lo, on usin, an account that is a member o the

 Administrators ,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent privile,esB and the omain Admins


2 On the #icrosot Oice %ommunications &erver % or a net.or/ share containin,

the installation iles( to the YsupportYiG5 older

4 "un vcredist]8G5e8e to start the #icrosot =isual %>> 200G "edistributable &etup

.iHard !a/e the appropriate action on each pa,e o the .iHard to complete the


C "un &<*&erver200]E%msi to start the #icrosot &<* &erver 200 Eac/.ard%ompatibility &etup iHard !a/e the appropriate action on each pa,e o the .iHard(

includin, usin, the deault or *eature Selection( to complete the installation

"un sKlnclimsi to start the .iHard or #icrosot &<* &erver )ative %lient !a/e the

appropriate action on each pa,e o the .iHard( includin, usin, the deault or Feature

&election( to complete the installation

5 "un O%&%oremsi to start the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 %ore

%omponents &etup iHard !a/e the appropriate action on each pa,e o the .iHard to

complete the installation

' "un Admin!oolsmsi to start the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

 Administrative !ools &etup iHard !a/e the appropriate action on each pa,e o the.iHard to complete the installation


nstallin, or removin, the administrative tools on a computer runnin, indo.s

=ista on .hich the &ecurity %enter service is runnin, .ith the startup mode set to

utomatic may result in the, error messa,e: Q@rror stoppin, service

since one or more dependent services ailed to stop Please try a,ainQ you


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 283/310

close the error messa,e( the process should complete successully

Trouleshootin" for Office CommunicationsServer 2007 R2

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 includes several lo,,in, and dia,nostics tools that can

help troubleshoot an Oice %ommunications &erver deployment !he tools include:

•  O%&*o,,er ?enerates lo,s or dierent server components .hile the server is runnin,

• &nooper Protocol analysis tool desi,ned to vie. lo,s ,enerated by the O%&*o,,er toolT

loads the supplied lo, ile and sho.s the messa,es in its display &nooper is part o #icrosot

Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 "esource it !ools !he "esource it includes

documentation or usin, the tool

Oice %ommunications &erver also includes ms-dia,nostics headers that are error code

e8tensions that solve the need or more ,ranular &P error codes to communicate dia,nostic

inormation throu,h a ne. ms-dia,nostics header !here are t.o purposes o these error code


• %onvey dia,nostic inormation to help troubleshoot inrastructure serverB problems(

misconi,urations( syntactical problems and other reasons or a non-successul &P


• %onvey actionable error codes to the client( .hich can then be used by the client

applications( such as the *ive #eetin, client and Oice %ommunicator( to display appropriate

errors to the user

!he error s and reason values or ms-dia,nostic headers are documented in the 6Appendi8 A:

ia,nostics Deader @rror and "eason =alues7 section o the [#&-O%@"\: %lient @rror

"eportin, Protocol &peciication at http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/d31CCC14

oad -alancers for Office Communications Server2007 R2

 A hard.are load balancer is reKuired in an @nterprise pool .ith more than one @nterprise @dition

server A load balancer is not reKuired or a &tandard @dition server or a sin,le @nterprise @dition

Front @nd &erver A load balancer is reKuired( or arrays o Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

"2 @d,e &ervers !he load balancer perorms the critical role o deliverin, scalability and hi,h

availability across multiple servers connected to a centraliHed database on the Oice%ommunications &erver 200' "2( Eac/-@nd atabase

(rereHuisites for a oad -alancer Connectin" to a (ool

Eeore coni,urin, a load balancer to connect to the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

@nterprise pool( you must coni,ure the,:

•  A static P address or servers .ithin your pool


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 284/310

• For each server .ithin the pool( a certiicate issued or server authentication by a

certiication authority in the pools local domain

•  A virtual P =PB address and a )& record or the load balancer

• !est users created and &P-enabled in the pool

• nstall root certiicate rom the certiication authority %AB in the domain or trusted %AB on

client computers

• *o, on to all servers in the pool usin, !*& to ensure certiicates are .or/in,

oad -alancer ReHuirements

 A load balancer or the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 @nterprise pool must meet the, reKuirements:

• #ust e8pose a =P Address throu,h A"P Address "esolution ProtocolB

• !he =P must have a sin,le )& entry( called Pool F<)

•!he =P must be a static P address

• #ust allo. multiple ports to be opened on the same =P &peciically( it must e8pose the

ports described in the, table


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 285/310

(orts ReHuired (ort 3se

050 &P communication over !%P

051 &P communication over !*&

14 !o move users rom a pool and other remote

%O#-based operations

CC4 D!!P& traic to the pool U"*s

CCC %ommunication bet.een the ocus Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 component

that mana,es conerence stateB and the

conerencin, servers

05 &P listenin, reKuests or Application &harin,

059 #onitorin, &erver

0'1 &P listenin, reKuests or "esponse ?roup


0'2 &P listenin, reKuests or %onerencin,


0'4 &P listenin, reKuests or %onerencin,

 Announcement &erver

0'C &P listenin, reKuests or Outside =oice


GC0C !*& remotin, over #!*&B listenin, or inter-server communications or "esponse ?roup


• !he load balancer must provide !%P-level ainity !his means that the load balancer

must ensure that !%P connections can be established .ith one Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 in the pool and all traic on that connection destined or that same Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2

• !he load balancer must provide a coni,urable !%P idle-timeout interval .ith a ma8imum

value ,reater than or eKual to the minimum o the "@?&!@" reresh or &P eep-Alive

interval o 40 minutes

• !he load balancer should support a rich set o metrics round robin( least connections(

.ei,hted( and so orthB A .ei,hted least connections-based load balancin, mechanism is

recommended or the load balancer !his means that the load balancer .ill ran/ all Oice

%ommunications &ervers 200' "2 based on the .ei,ht assi,ned to them and the number o

outstandin, connections !his ran/ .ill then be used to pic/ the Oice %ommunications

&erver 200' "2 to be used or the ne8t connection reKuest


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 286/310

• !he load balancer must be able to detect Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

availability by establishin, !%P connections to either port 050 &P over !%PB( 051 &P

over !*&B( and CCC conerencin, over D!!P&B( dependin, on .hich is active oten called a

heartbeat or monitorB !he pollin, interval must be a coni,urable value .ith a minimum value

o at least ive seconds !he load balancer must not select an Oice %ommunications &erver

200' "2 that shuts do.n until a successul !%P connection heartbeatB can be established


• @very Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 must have e8actly one net.or/ adapter

#ultihomin, an Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 is not supported

• !he net.or/ adapter must have e8actly one static P address !his P address .ill be

used or the incomin, load-balanced traic

• !he computer must have a re,istered F<) !he P address re,istered or this F<)

must be publicly accessible rom .ithin the enterprise

• !he load balancer must allo. or addin, and removin, servers to the pool .ithout

shuttin, do.n

• !he load balancer must be )A! net.or/ address translationB capable

hen you coni,ure the load balancer( you need to reKuest the relevant net.or/ and )&

administrator or a =P virtual PB address or the load balancer( as .ell as a static P address or

every server that you plan to deploy in the @nterprise pool

Su!!orted oad -alancer Confi"urations

#ost load balancers can be coni,ured to operate in either &ecure )et.or/ Address !ranslation

&)A!B mode or estination )et.or/ Address !ranslation )A!B mode ith &)A!( both the

source and P destinations are chan,ed as a !%P reKuest passes throu,h the *oad Ealancer

ith )A!( only the destination P address is chan,ed and the source P address is passedthrou,h intact

estination net.or/ address translation )A!B is not supported or load balancin, o an

@nterprise pool or %ommunicator eb Access( but both )A! and source net.or/ address

translation &)A!B are supported or load balancin, o @d,e &ervers and D!!P !he issues .ith

)A! are related to inter-server communication .ithin a pool speciically( members o a pool

tryin, to connect to their o.n =PB( .hich .ill ail in a )A! coni,uration n any location .ith

multiple @d,e &ervers deployed behind a load balancer( the e8ternal ire.all cannot unction as a

net.or/ address translation )A!B Do.ever( in a site .ith only a sin,le @d,e &erver deployed(

the e8ternal ire.all can be coni,ured as a )A! you do so( coni,ure the )A! as a destination

net.or/ address translation )A!B or inbound traicWin other .ords( coni,ure any ire.all ilter

used or traic rom the nternet to the @d,e &erver .ith )A!( and coni,ure any ire.all ilter ortraic ,oin, rom the @d,e &erver to the nternet outbound traicB as a source net.or/ address

translation &)A!B !he inbound and outbound ilters must map to the same public P address

and the same private P address For details about load balancin, pools( see @nterprise @dition in

the Plannin, and Architecture documentation For details about load balancin, @d,e &ervers( see

@8ternal User Access %omponents in the Plannin, and Architecture documentation For details

about load balancin, %ommunicator eb Access( see %ommunicator eb Access &upport in the


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 287/310

Plannin, and Architecture documentation For details about irectors( see irector %omponent in

the &upported !opolo,ies and nrastructure "eKuirements documentation For details about load

balancin, support in Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( see @nvironmental "eKuirements

in the &upported !opolo,ies and nrastructure "eKuirements documentation

 Also( irect &erver "eturn is a third variant o )A! irect &erver "eturn is not supported

Media (orts!his section describes port ran,e reKuirements or media traic For inormation on coni,urin,

non-media ports or e8ample( an overall system-.ide ports tableB( see the Plannin, and

 Architecture documentation

For a complete list o all ed,e server( ire.all( and e8ternal load balancer port settin,s( see the

eployin, @d,e &ervers or @8ternal User Access documentation For details about load balancer

coni,uration( see *oad Ealancers or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

In This Section

• #ediation &erver or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

• #edia Port "an,e or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

Mediation Server for Office Communications Server 2007 R2

!he internal ed,e o a #ediation &erver should be coni,ured to correspond to a uniKue static

route that is described by an P address and a port number !his P address must be the one

correspondin, to the P address rom the )& resolution o the F<) o the #ediation &erver

!he deault port is 051

!he e8ternal ed,e o a #ediation &erver should be coni,ured as the internal ne8t-hop pro8y or

the media ,ate.ay t should be identiied by a uniKue combination o P address and portnumber !he P address should not be the same as that o the internal ed,e( and the deault port

is 050

hen coni,urin, #ediation &erver( you are advised to accept the deault media port ,ate.ay

ran,e o 50(000 to 5C(000 !he deault ran,e media port ran,e enables the server to handle up to

1(000 simultaneous voice calls "educin, the port ran,e ,reatly reduces server capacity and

should be underta/en only or speciic reasons by an administrator .ho is /no.led,eable about

media port reKuirements and scenarios For this reasons( alterin, the deault port ran,e is not



Or,aniHations that use P&ec or pac/et security are advised to disable it or media portsbecause the security handsha/e reKuired by P&ec delays call setup P&ec is

unnecessary or media ports because &"!P encryption secures all media traic bet.een

the #ediation &erver and the internal %ommunications &erver net.or/


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 288/310

Media Gate)a#

ependin, on the ,ate.ay vendor( there are potentially many attributes that must be set( but to

use the ,ate.ay or @nterprise =oice( port 050 must be coni,ured as the listenin, port that is

used or !%P connections to the #ediation &erver

Media (ort Ran"e for Office Communications Server 2007 R2

!his section describes the minimum media port allocation reKuirements or the client and server

!he deault UP+!%P port ran,e used by the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 client is 102C-54

!he "eal !ime #edia %ommunications stac/ in Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 allocates the

media port dynamically in this ran,e !o maintain an adeKuate level o perormance( you can

speciy a smaller port ran,e or Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 to use

!o control the speciic ran,e o ports that need to be open on a ire.all( a re,istry /ey settin, is

provided to orce the media stac/ to reduce the ran,e o port values that can be used or real-

time media communications On the Oice %ommunicator client( the port ran,e re,istry settin,s

are as ollo.s:

• D*#Y&ot.areYPoliciesY#icrosotY%ommunicatorYPort"an,eY@nabled

• D*#Y&ot.areYPoliciesY#icrosotY%ommunicatorYPort"an,eY#a8#ediaPort

• D*#Y&ot.areYPoliciesY#icrosotY%ommunicatorYPort"an,eY#in#ediaPort

Ey deault none o these re,istry /eys is set

Minimum Numer of (orts

you use the port ran,e re,istry /ey settin,s to reduce the ports that can be used or media( it is

recommended that you do so accordin, to the minimums described in this section

For client endpoints( the port ran,e should not be reduced to the point .here it can compromisethe ability o the media stac/ to ne,otiate audio( video( and des/top sharin, communication ports

durin, session setup or durin, a call #ore speciically( or an Oice %ommunicator 200' "2

client( the minimum port ran,e is C0 A smaller ran,e o ports can result in errors durin, call

transer and conerence escalation scenarios

Ey coni,urin, a minimum o C0 ports( you enable the client to evaluate the candidate transport

addresses that it can use to stream audio( video( and des/top sharin, to another client( as

described in the nternet @n,ineerin, !as/ Force @!FB nteractive %onnectivity @stablishment

%@B protocol %andidate addresses include a local address and an address on the A+= Access

@d,e server A minimum o C0 ports in the port ran,e .ill also accommodate any escalations rom

a peer-to-peer call to a conerence


 An escalation o a peer-to-peer call to a conerence tri,,ers a temporary doublin, o the

ports in use

ierent call scenarios can dictate .hether to deliver by usin, User ata,ram Protocol UPB or

!ransmission %ontrol Protocol !%PB Do.ever( .henever UP can be used to deliver media( it

.ill be used instead o !%P


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 289/310


&ecure "eal-!ime !ransport Protocol &"!PB and &ecure "eal-!ime !ransport %ontrol

Protocol &"!%PB streams are multiple8ed over !%P but are delivered separately in the

case o UP UP connections are more resilient to pac/et loss than !%P hen a UP

pac/et is lost( there is no transport impact to subseKuent pac/ets hen pac/et lossoccurs over !%P( all subseKuent pac/ets are held at the transport level to ensure a

reliable stream o data As a result( overall latency in the media delivery chain may

increase over !%P

!he, set o tables sho. the detailed port reKuirements or call setup:

Tale +,0 (ort ReHuirements for Call Setu!

  4oice IC$ v@

3D( RT(

4oice IC$ v@

3D( RTC(

4oice IC$ v@



4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RD(

4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RTC(

%@ *ocal%andidate

1 1 1 1 1

%@ A+= @d,e

&erver %andidate

1 1 1 1 1

=oice #a8imum

)umber o Ports


%onsultative %all

!ranser( )umber

o Additional Ports


!otal Audio#a8imum )umber

o Ports


 Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15 15

%onsultative %all

!ranser #a8imum

)umber o Ports

15 15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

42 42 42 42 42

 Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15 15


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 290/310

  4oice IC$ v@

3D( RT(

4oice IC$ v@

3D( RTC(

4oice IC$ v@



4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RD(

4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RTC(

%onsultative %all

!ranser #a8imum

)umber o Ports

15 15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

42 42 42 42 42

Tale +,+ (ort ReHuirements for Call Setu!

  4oice IC$ v+L



CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ TC( RT(


%@ *ocal


1 1 1 1

%@ A+= @d,e

&erver %andidate

1 1 1 1

=oice #a8imum

)umber o Ports

C )+A )+A )+A

%onsultative %all

!ranser( )umber

o Additional Ports

C )+A )+A )+A

!otal Audio

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

G )+A )+A )+A

 Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15

%onsultative %all

!ranser #a8imum)umber o Ports

15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

42 42 42 42

 Audio =ideo 15 15 15 15


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 291/310

  4oice IC$ v+L



CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ TC( RT(


es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

%onsultative %all

!ranser #a8imum

)umber o Ports

15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

42 42 42 42

Tale +,2 (ort ReHuirements for Call Setu!

  CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L TC( RT(


Sharin" TC(


%@ *ocal


1 1 1 2

%@ A+= @d,e

&erver %andidate

1 1 1 1

=oice #a8imum

)umber o Ports

)+A )+A )+A )+A

%onsultative %all

!ranser( )umber

o Additional Ports

)+A )+A )+A )+A

!otal Audio

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

)+A )+A )+A )+A

 Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umbero Ports

15 15 15 )+A

%onsultative %all

!ranser #a8imum

)umber o Ports

15 15 15 )+A

!otal Audio =ideo 42 42 42 )+A


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 292/310

  CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L TC( RT(


Sharin" TC(


#a8imum )umber

o Ports

 Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15

%onsultative %all

!ranser #a8imum

)umber o Ports

15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,#a8imum )umber

o Ports

42 42 42 42

!he, set o tables sho. the detailed port reKuirements or escalation durin, a call:

Tale 2,0 (ort ReHuirements for $scalation Durin" a Call

  4oice IC$ v@

3D( RT(

4oice IC$ v@

3D( RTC(

4oice IC$ v@



4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RD(

4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RTC(

@stablished P2P

or %onerence

1 1 1 1 1

@scalation From

P2P to


1 1 1 1 1

!otal Audio

#a8imum )umber

o Ports


!otal Audio =ideo#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15 15


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 293/310

Tale 2,+ (ort ReHuirements for $scalation Durin" a Call

  4oice IC$ v+L



CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ TC( RT(


@stablished P2P

or %onerence

1 1 1 1

@scalation From

P2P to


1 1 1 1

!otal Audio

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

C )+A )+A )+A

!otal Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15

!otal Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 15

Tale 2,2 (ort ReHuirements for $scalation Durin" a Call

  CI*84G81D 4ideoIC$ v+L 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideoIC$ v+L 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideoIC$ v+L TC( RT(

RTC(!Sharin" TC(


@stablished P2P

or %onerence

1 1 1 2

@scalation From

P2P to


1 1 1 1

!otal Audio

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

)+A )+A )+A )+A

!otal Audio =ideo

#a8imum )umber

o Ports

15 15 15 )+A

!otal Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

15 15 15 15


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 294/310

  CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L TC( RT(


Sharin" TC(


#a8imum )umber

o Ports

!he, set o tables sho. the detailed overall reKuirements or ports:

Tale <,0 Overall ReHuirements for (orts

  4oice IC$ v@

3D( RT(

4oice IC$ v@

3D( RTC(

4oice IC$ v@



4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RD(

4oice IC$ v+L

3D( RTC(

#inimum Ports"eKuired or


15 15 15 15 15

#inimum Ports

"eKuired or

 Audio =ideo

42 42 42 42 42

#inimum Ports

"eKuired or

 Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

42 42 42 42 42

 A** V 42 42 42 42 42

Tale <,+ Overall ReHuirements for (orts

  4oice IC$ v+L



CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ TC( RT(


#inimum Ports

"eKuired or


15 )+A )+A )+A

#inimum Ports

"eKuired or

 Audio =ideo

42 42 42 42

#inimum Ports

"eKuired or

 Audio =ideo

42 42 42 42


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 295/310

  4oice IC$ v+L



CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v@ TC( RT(


es/top &harin,

 A** V 42 42 42 42

Tale <,2 Overall ReHuirements for (orts

  CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RT(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L 3D( RTC(

CI*84G81D 4ideo

IC$ v+L TC( RT(

RTC(! Sharin"


#inimum Ports

"eKuired or


)+A )+A )+A )+A

#inimum Ports

"eKuired or

 Audio =ideo

42 42 42 )+A

#inimum Ports

"eKuired or

 Audio =ideo

es/top &harin,

42 42 42 42

 A** V 42 42 42 42



V G additional ports reKuired to accommodate any third party applications At least C0

ports needed or allocatin, ports in the same ran,e at the same time

 As described in the tables( the minimum number o ports that must be allocated on a client

platorm is C0 urin, a normal call( the number o ports used .ill not e8ceed 2( C( or dependin,

on .hether audio( audio+video( or audio+video+es/top sharin, are streamed

Server (ort llocation

%han,in, the deault port ran,e on the server is not recommended Do.ever( i your or,aniHationhas a need to establish port ran,es on the server( you can use the, # settin,s to

coni,ure the port ran,e:

• #&F!]&PPool%oni,&ettin,

• #&F!]&Pata#%U&ettin,

• #&F!]&P#ediation&erver%oni,&ettin,


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 296/310

For an A+= %onerencin, &erver as .ell as all other server components terminatin, Audio+=ideo

media or e8ample( Front-@nds hostin, %onerencin, Attendant( "esponse ?roup &erviceB( the

port ran,e must be at least si8 times the ma8imum number o concurrent call le,s that can be

supported on the server that is( t.o ports or the "!P and "!%P traic or each modality I audio(

video( and panoramic videoB

For an A+= Access @d,e server( the port ran,e must be at least t.elve times the ma8imum

number o outside user calls that can be supported on the server t.o ports or the "!P and

"!%P traic or each modality I audio( video and panoramic video( or audio( video( and des/top

sharin, or %@ v5 and %@ v19

For a #ediation &erver( the port ran,e must be at least ei,ht times the ma8imum number o

concurrent calls that can be supported on the server that is( t.o ports or the "!P and "!%P

traic or audio multiplied by t.o because the #ediation &erver is a bac/-to-bac/ User A,ent or

%@ v5 and also or %@ v19B

4oice 6ualit# of Service %6oS&!he Kuality o the service associated .ith synchronous traic li/e audio or video can be impacted

by delay( Litter( and pac/et loss in the P net.or/ Althou,h Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

"2 has been desi,ned to .or/ .ithout any <uality o &ervice <o&B rame.or/( it can be

deployed in P net.or/s .ith <o& implemented usin, ierentiated &ervices i&ervB !o

support the <o& environment( endpoints are coni,ured to mar/ the P traic conveyin, the real-

time audio and video P traic accordin, to .ell-established classes o services desi,ned to

protect the real-time communication traic rom other asynchronous traic in the P net.or/(

includin, instant messa,in, #B( application sharin, data( and ile do.nloads !hese mar/in,s

can be chan,ed to map to dierent classes o services as desired by an enterprise

6oS )ith Office Communications Server 2007 R2

 A net.or/ enabled or ierentiated &ervices i&ervB provides class-level prioritiHation based

on ierentiated &ervices %ode Point &%PB mar/in, o the P pac/ets @ach &%P value

corresponds to a class o service or or.ardin, pac/ets rom the sender or intermediary router to

the ne8t router or receiver in the net.or/ !he or.ardin, behaviors can be implemented by usin,

a variety o techniKues( includin, priority Kueuin,( .ei,hted air Kueuin,( or conventional lea/y

buc/et-based techniKues "elevant classes or the delivery o audio and video media streams are

the @8pedited For.ardin, @FB and Assured For.ardin, AFB classes( respectively For a

description o the 5-bit &%P ield values in the !ype o &ervice byte o any P pac/et( see @!F

"F% 2C'C

n Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( &%P mar/in, can be enabled to coni,ure the media

stac/ to mar/ the P traic conveyin, the real-time audio and video P traic accordin, to .ell-

established classes o services Ey deault( &%P mar/in, is not enabled enabled( the mar/in,

o the P pac/ets is done by the <o& Pac/et &cheduler service !he resultin, mar/ed pac/ets

can subseKuently be reco,niHed by net.or/ entities end systems and routersB to mana,e the

media traic accordin, to the <o& priorities !he <o& mar/in, is applied to all media ports and

re,ardless o .hether the audio+video traic is delivered over "eal-!ime Protocol "!PT see @!F


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 297/310

"F% 440B or &ecure "eal-!ime Protocol &"!PT see @!F "F% 4'11B Eecause <o& policies

are oten tied to UP or !%P ports( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 also includes a

?roup Policy re,istry settin, on client platormsB or a # settin, on server platormsB to speciy

the port ran,e or the UP and !%P ports used in deliverin, media streams

Eeore enablin, <o& or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( you must provision the net.or/correctly "elevant classes or the delivery o audio and video media streams in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 are the,:

• For audio( the @8pedited For.ardin, @FB class Audio streams aected by this mar/in,

include !#F( %omort )oise( and Audio .ith For.ard @rror %orrection F@%B streams

• For video( the Assured For.ardin, AFB class =ideo streams aected by this mar/in,

include =ideo streams .ith F@% pac/ets

 Ater ensurin, that the net.or/ is correctly coni,ured( Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

can be coni,ured to support a <o& environment by enablin, &%P mar/in,( .hich includes

doin, the,:

@nablin, <o& on the appropriate servers and clients• "unnin, <o& on computers

• @nsurin, that ?roup Policy settin,s are correct on servers and client computers

!he procedures in @nablin, &%P #ar/in, describe ho. to coni,ure Oice %ommunications

&erver components to support a <o& environment


?enerally( a <o& environment is set up beore Oice %ommunications &erver is

deployed( and the procedures in this documentation are implemented ater the

%ommunications &erver components are deployed you add ierentiated &ervices

capability to the @nterprise net.or/ ater you deploy Oice %ommunications &erver 200'

"2( use the inormation in mplementin, &upport or a <o& @nvironment in the

 Administerin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 documentation to enable and

coni,ure Oice %ommunications &erver media traic to ta/e advanta,e o this ne.


$nalin" DSC("

!he procedures in this section describe ho. to coni,ure components to enable ierentiated

&ervices %ode Point &%PB mar/in, or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 !his includes:

• @nablin, <o&

• nstallin, the <o& Pac/et &cheduler on computers

• =eriyin, ?roup Policy settin,s on computers


&%P mar/in, is ,enerally enabled at the time o deployment in a <o& environment

you add ierentiated &ervices capability to the @nterprise net.or/ ater deployin, Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2( you can coni,ure Oice %ommunications &erver

media traic to ta/e advanta,e o this ne. capability at that time


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 298/310

$nalin" 6oS

!o enable &%P mar/in, or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( you must enable <o& on

the, components:

• #edia servers( .hich are coni,ured via in-band provisionin, !hese servers include the,:

•  A+= %onerencin, &erver

• Front @nd &ervers or &tandard @dition servers runnin, %onerencin, Attendant or

"esponse ?roup &ervice

• Uniied %ommunications #ana,ed AP server

• #ediation &ervers( .hich are coni,ured usin, # settin,s

• Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 clients( includin, %ommunicator 200' "2 Attendant( .hich

are coni,ured by creatin, a re,istry /ey

• Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 Phone @dition clients( .hich are coni,ured usin, Oice

%ommunicator property settin,s via in-band provisionin,


 Ater completin, these procedures or enablin, <o&( you must veriy that the <o& Pac/et

&cheduler is runnin, and the ?roup Policy settin,s are correct on each client and server(

usin, the procedures provided later in this topic

To enale 6oS on media servers

1 *o, on to the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 server as a member o the

"!%Universal&erverAdmins ,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent user ri,hts

2 %lic/ Start( and then clic/ Run

4 n the O!en bo8( type )emtest( and then clic/ OKC n the indo)s Mana"ement Instrumentation Tester  dialo, bo8( clic/ Connect

n the Connect dialo, bo8( in Names!ace( speciy rootcimv2( and then clic/


5 n the indo)s Mana"ement Instrumentation Tester  dialo, bo8( clic/ 6uer#

' n the 6uer# dialo, bo8( in $nter 6uer#( do one o the,:

• For &tandard @dition &erver( speciy select from

MS*TBSI((oolConfi"Settin" )here ac.endQ%local&rtc( and then clic/ !!l#

• For an @nterprise pool( speciy select from MS*TBSI((oolConfi"Settin"

)here ac.endQES6 ServerFEdataase instanceF( and then clic/ !!l#

"!% is the deault database instance nameB

G n the 6uer# Result dialo, bo8( double-clic/ the MS*TBSI((oolConfi"Settin"  

instance .hich should be the only instance available on this media serverB

9 n the O=ect editor  dialo, bo8( in (ro!erties( clic/ Server6oS$naled ( and then

clic/ $dit (ro!ert#

10 n the (ro!ert# $ditor  dialo, bo8( in 4alue( speciy True( and then clic/ Save


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 299/310


11 "epeat the precedin, steps or each Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 server

that is in a dierent pool in your environment( includin, each A+= %onerencin, &erver(

server runnin, the "esponse ?roup &ervice( and Uniied %ommunications #ana,ed AP

server #edia servers .ithin the same pool .ill share the settin,s ater they have beenset on the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 server or that pool #ediation &erver

does not Loin a pool( so the settin,s need to be run separately as a # settin, on that



•  Ater completin, this procedure( ensure that the <o& Pac/et &cheduler is

installed and that indo.s ?roup Policy settin,s are appropriately coni,ured on

each computer

• Policies are propa,ated via in-band provisionin,( so or the policies to become

eective( you must do one o the,:

To enale 6oS on Mediation Servers

1 *o, on to the #ediation &erver as a member o the "!%Universal&erverAdmins

,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent user ri,hts

2 %lic/ Start( and then clic/ Run

4 n the O!en bo8( type )emtest( and then clic/ OK

C n the indo)s Mana"ement Instrumentation Tester  dialo, bo8( clic/ Connect

n the Connect dialo, bo8( in Names!ace( type rootcimv2( and then clic/ Connect

and then clic/ $num Classes

5 n the indo)s Mana"ement Instrumentation Tester  dialo, bo8( clic/ $num


' n the Su!erclass info dialo, bo8( leave the name blan/( and then clic/ OK

G n the 6uer# Result dialo, bo8( double-clic/ the class name


9 n the O=ect editor for MS*TBSI(MediationServerConfi"Settin" dialo, bo8( clic/


10 n the 6uer# Result dialo, bo8( double-clic/ the

MS*TBSI(MediationServerConfi"Settin"InstanceID  instance .hich should be the

only instance available on this #ediation &erverB11 n the O=ect editor  dialo, bo8( in (ro!erties( clic/ 6oS$naled( and then clic/

$dit (ro!ert#

12 n the (ro!ert# $ditor  dialo, bo8( in 4alue( speciy True( and then clic/ Save


14 n the O=ect$ditor  dialo, bo8( clic/ Save O=ect


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 300/310

1C "estart the #ediation &erver service

1 "epeat the precedin, steps on each Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2

#ediation &erver


!his procedure only enables &%P in the # settin,s o the #ediation &erver Ater

completin, this procedure( ensure that the <o& Pac/et &cheduler is installed and

that ?roup Policy settin,s are appropriately coni,ured on each computer( and then

restart the services

To enale 6oS on Communicator clients

1 *o, on to the des/top( laptop( or Attendant client as a member o the Administrator

,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent user ri,hts

2 Open the "e,istry @ditor

4 %reate the, re,istry /ey:


C "estart the Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 service

"epeat the precedin, steps on each des/top( laptop( and attendant client


!his procedure only enables &%P on the client Ater completin, this procedure(

ensure that the <o& Pac/et &cheduler is installed and that ?roup Policy settin,s are

appropriately coni,ured on each computer( and then restart the services

To enale 6oS on Office Communications Server 2007 R2 (hone $dition

1 *o, on to a server runnin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 or a computer on

.hich Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 administrative tools are installed( as a

member o the "!%Universal&erverAdmins ,roup or an account .ith eKuivalent user


2 Open the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 snap-in

4 n the console tree( e8pand the orest node( and then do one o the,:

•  For an @nterprise pool( e8pand $nter!rise !ools( e8pand the pool( ri,ht-clic/

*ront $nds( and then clic/ (ro!erties

• For a &tandard @dition server( e8pand Standard $dition servers( ri,ht-clic/ the

pool( clic/ (ro!erties( and then clic/ *ront $nd (ro!erties

C n the *ront $nd (ro!erties dialo, bo8( on the 4oice tab( ne8t to dvanced

o!tions( clic/ Confi"ure

=eriy the I( 6oS value deault is C0B and the A02,+! 4oice value deault is 0B For

optimum Kuality o service( .e recommend that you use the deault values !o turn o

&%P mar/in,( set both values to 0


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 301/310

5 For the ne. settin,s to ta/e eect( restart the device or lo, o and lo, on to the


' %lic/ OK(

Installin" the 6oS ( Scheduler on Com!uters

!he <o& Pac/et &cheduler needs to be active and coni,ured properly in order or Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2 servers and clients in order to ma/e the mar/in, active For

details about the <o& Pac/et &cheduler service( see =oice <uality o &ervice <o&B in the

!echnical "eerence or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 in the "eerence documentation

Ey deault( the <o& Pac/et &cheduler is installed on computers runnin, indo.s P( indo.s

=ista( and indo.s 200G Ey deault( the <o& Pac/et &cheduler is not installed on indo.s

&erver 2004 Use the, procedures to determine .hether the <o& Pac/et &cheduler is

installed and( i not( install it

To install the 6oS ( Scheduler on indo)s ( or indo)s Server 200<

1 *o, on to the computer as a member o the Administrators ,roup or an account .ith

eKuivalent user ri,hts

2 %lic/ Start( and then clic/ Control (anel

4 %lic/ Net)or. Connections

C "i,ht-clic/ the net.or/ interace on .hich you .ant to enable the <o& Pac/et

&cheduler( and then clic/ (ro!erties

%lic/ Install

5 n Select Net)or. Com!onent T#!e( clic/ Service

' %lic/ dd

G n Select Net)or. Service( clic/ 6oS ( Scheduler ( and then clic/ OK

To install the 6oS ( Scheduler on indo)s 4ista or indo)s Server 200A

1 *o, on to the computer as a member o the Administrator ,roup or an account .ith

eKuivalent user ri,hts

2 %lic/ Start( and then clic/ Control (anel

4 %lic/ Net)or. and Sharin" Center 

C "i,ht-clic/ the net.or/ interace on .hich you .ant to enable the <o& Pac/et

&cheduler( and then clic/ (ro!erties

%lic/ Install

5 n Select Net)or. *eature( clic/ Service

' %lic/ dd

G n Select Net)or. Service( clic/ 6oS ( Scheduler ( and then clic/ OK


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 302/310

4erif#in" Grou! (olic# Settin"s on Com!uters

n order to support &%P mar/in, on the servers and client computers in your or,aniHation( the

?roup Policy settin,s or conormin, pac/ets or the t.o service types used by <o& Pac/et

&cheduler must be enabled and cannot be set to Hero !his includes the,:

• &@"=%@!P@]?UA"A)!@@ !his settin, ,uarantees that P data,rams .ill arrive.ithin the ,uaranteed delivery time and .ill not be discarded due to Kueue overlo.s(

provided the lo.s traic stays .ithin its speciied traic parameters !his service is intended

or applications that need a irm ,uarantee that a data,ram .ill arrive no later than a certain

time ater it .as transmitted by its source

!he "eal !ime #edia %ommunications stac/ mar/s the "!P+&"!P audio pac/ets deault

payload type value eKual to 0( 4( C( G( 14( 9'( 101( 111( 112( 11C( 11( 115( or 11GB as

&@"=%@!P@]?UA"A)!@@ !his mar/in, is o by deault !o enable <o& on hi,h-

deinition video( also update the, re,istry /ey to set the value to 20000 bytes per

sec 2 #bpsB:



• !he &@"=%@!P@]%O)!"O**@*OA settin, provides an end-to-end <o& that

closely appro8imates transmission Kuality provided by best-eort service( as e8pected under

unloaded conditions rom the associated net.or/ components alon, the data path

 Applications that use &@"=%@!P@]%O)!"O**@*OA may thereore assume the,:

• !he net.or/ .ill deliver a very hi,h percenta,e o transmitted pac/ets to its intended

receivers n other .ords( pac/et loss .ill closely appro8imate the basic pac/et error rate

o the transmission medium

• !ransmission delay or a very hi,h percenta,e o the delivered pac/ets .ill not

,reatly e8ceed the minimum transit delay e8perienced by any successully delivered


• !he "eal !ime #edia %ommunications stac/ mar/s the "!P+&"!P video pac/ets

deault payload type value eKual to 4C or 121B as &@"=%@!P@]%O)!"O**@*OA

!his mar/in, is o by deault

Use the, procedure on each client and server to ensure that the ?roup Policy settin,s or

the t.o service types are set correctly

To verif# service t#!e settin"s on a com!uter 

1 *o, on to the computer as a member o the Administrators ,roup or an account .ith

eKuivalent user ri,hts

2 %lic/ Start( and then clic/ Run

4 n the O!en bo8( type "!edit,msc

C n the Grou! (olic# O=ect $ditor  dialo, bo8( e8pand Com!uter Confi"uration(

e8pand dministrative Tem!late( e8pand Net)or.( e8pand 6oS ( Scheduler (

and then clic/ DSC( value of conformin" !ac.ets


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 303/310

n DSC( value of conformin" !ac.ets( veriy that Guaranteed service t#!e and

Controlled load service each have one o the, settin,s:

• Not confi"ured

• $naled .ith a nonHero value !o see the value( ri,ht-clic/ the settin,( and then

clic/ (ro!erties

• Disaled


!o ensure that the policies are applied( you may need to run the gpupdate

-target:computer -force command !his command may need to be run

each time the computer is restarted For details( see no.led,e Ease article

9'4''9( 6&ome <o& ?roup Policy settin,s are not retained ater you restart a

client computer that is runnin, indo.s =ista or indo.s &erver 200G7 at

http:++supportmicrosotcom+/b+9'4''9 and no.led,e Ease article 9'2G'G(

6!he Q?uaranteed service typeQ ?roup Policy settin, returns to the deault value

ater you restart a client computer that is runnin, indo.s P or indo.s

&erver 20047 at http:++supportmicrosotcom+/b+9'2G'G

MI Settin"s for Office Communications Server2007 R2

For details about Oice %ommunications &erver # settin,s( see the Oice %ommunications

&erver & at the #icrosot eb site http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/d31CCCG5

Client Re"istr# Ke#s8G(O for OfficeCommunications Server 2007 R2

For details about Oice %ommunicator re,istry settin,s( see the Oice %ommunicator 200' policy

documentation available at the #icrosot eb site http:++,omicrosotcom+.lin/+*in/31C0C9C

In/-and (rovisionin" over SI( Ater the client is si,ned in( the client receives settin,s rom the server pool throu,h in-band

provisionin, &peciic settin,s that have been coni,ured in the Oice %ommunications &erver

properties are propa,ated to the client durin, this process Unli/e ?roup Policy( .hich isdelivered by usin, a separate mechanism that is based on indo.s and Active irectory( in-band

provisionin, carries settin,s .ithin the &ession nitiation Protocol &PB and does not reKuire a

separate communications channel

For e8ample( Oice %ommunicator clients receive server locations( security inormation( and

settin,s related to speciic client eatures durin, in-band provisionin, Oice %ommunicator


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 304/310

Phone @dition devices receive the list o supported location proiles and pool-level deaults

throu,h in-band provisionin,

!he, table outlines the settin,s that are sent to Oice %ommunicator clients durin, in-

band provisionin, and the location .here these settin,s are coni,ured on the server

Tale +, In/-and (rovisionin" Settin"s

Settin"s sent throu"h in/and !rovisionin" ocation in server !ro!erties

nternal and e8ternal U"*s or the Address

Eoo/ &erver and eb &ervice or istribution

?roup e8pansion

n the pool properties( e Com!onent

(ro!erties( ddress -oo. tab( Internal 3R 

and $'ternal 3R

*ocation o the #edia "elay Access server

#"A&( part o A+= @d,e &erverB

n the orest properties( Gloal (ro!erties(

$d"e Servers tab( under 84 $d"e Servers

&P hi,h security mode n the pool properties( *ront $nd (ro!erties(

4oice tab( in the dvanced 4oice O!tions 

pa,e ater dvanced O!tions( clic/

Confi"ureB( under SI( securit# mode

!elephony #ode( .hich determines .hether

enterprise and voice telephony eatures(

remote call control( computer-to-computer

callin,( are enabled

=oice license: n the userNs Active irectory

properties( Communications tab( Tele!hon#

o!tions@nterprise license: n the orest

properties( ?lobal &ettin,s( #eetin,s( ?lobal

Policies @nterprise .ith =oice license: Eoth o

the above settin,s

 Audio+video conerencin, and data


n the orest properties( Gloal (ro!erties(

Meetin"s( Gloal (olicies&imultaneous rin,in, n the orest properties( 4oice (ro!erties(

(olic# tab( edit the policy and select or clear

the llo) simultaneous rin"in" of !hones 

chec/ bo8

hether encryption is supported or reKuired

.hen ma/in, and receivin, audio and video


(ool (ro!erties( Media tab( under Securit#

Settin"s( $ncr#!tion evel

eault location conte8t or phone calls n the orest properties( 4oice (ro!erties(

ocation tab

*ine inormation or the U% phone line n the userNs Active irectory properties(

Communications tab( Tele!hon# o!tions(

ine 3RI

#a8imum video rate allo.ed n the pool properties( *ront $nd (ro!erties(

4ideo tab( select the appropriate settin, or

#a8imum video Kuality


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 305/310

Settin"s sent throu"h in/and !rovisionin" ocation in server !ro!erties

@norce pin loc/ n the pool properties( *ront $nd (ro!erties(

4oice tab( select or clear the $nforce !hone

loc. chec/ bo8

h# 3se In/-and (rovisionin"U

!o ensure a consistent user e8perience across all endpoints( Oice %ommunications &erver uses

in-band provisionin, !his enables policies and settin,s or e8ample( the #"A& settin,B to be

sent to non-domain Loined clients as .ell as devices such as Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition(

Oice %ommunicator #obile 200' "2 releaseB

For endpoints li/e Oice %ommunicator 200' "2( an advanta,e o usin, in-band provisionin, is

that inormation critical to client unctionality is stored on the server and not on the computer or

the speciic endpoint

n-band provisionin, simpliies the application o policies and server settin,s across the

or,aniHation because the settin,s apply to all clients that si,n in to the server pool Do.ever(

some or,aniHations may need to apply distinct settin,s and policies to dierent ,roups .ithin the

or,aniHation Administrators can achieve this ,reater level o ,ranularity by usin, ?roup Policy to

apply separate client settin,s to dierent Active irectory ,roups


Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition clients receive all settin,s rom the server throu,h in-

band provisionin, and are not coni,urable throu,h re,istry-based ?roup Policy

&ome application layer settin,s are common bet.een Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 and Oice

%ommunicator Phone @dition Eecause Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition has no ,roup policy

mechanism( certain application layer settin,s that .ere previously controlled solely throu,h

?roup Policy have moved in-band in the Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 release !his

chan,e .as made so that Oice %ommunicator Phone @dition clients could receive these

settin,s throu,h in-band provisionin, Do.ever( beore you remove any ,roup policies because

the settin,s have moved in-band( you should consider the eect on Oice %ommunicator 200'

"2 clients, are the aected settin,s:

• Portran,e &peciy dynamic port ran,esB and the @nabled( #a8#ediaPort( and

#in#ediaPort sub/eys

• @nable!racin, !urn on tracin, or Oice %ommunicatorB

• @nable&PDi,h&ecurity#ode %oni,ure &P security modeB

O these settin,s( the &P &ecurity #ode settin, is used durin, the bootstrappin, process to

speciy .hether !ransport *ayer &ecurity !*&B is reKuired your or,aniHation reKuires a !*&

connection bet.een clients and servers in previous versions o Oice %ommunications &erver(

you have probably already set the ?roup Policy or &P &ecurity #ode @ven thou,h the settin,

has moved in-band or Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2( you should retain the &P

&ecurity #ode ,roup policy because it is still used durin, bootstrappin,( beore the client is able


8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 306/310

to receive settin,s throu,h in-band provisionin, #aintainin, the &P &ecurity #ode policy retains

security durin, the bootstrappin, process

Office Communicator 2007 R2 Grou! (olic# (recedence

&ome Oice %ommunicator 200' "2 eatures and behaviors can be coni,ured by theadministrator by usin, Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 in-band provisionin,( or by the

user throu,h the %ommunicator 200' "2 O!tions dialo, bo8 Do.ever( ?roup Policies ta/e

precedence over both o these methods

!he, table summariHes the order in .hich settin,s ta/e precedence .hen a conlict


Tale 2, Grou! (olic# (recedence

(recedence ocation or Method of Settin"

1 D@]*O%A*]#A%D)@Y&ot.areYPoliciesY#icrosotY%ommunicator  

2 D@]%U""@)!]U&@"Y&ot.areYPoliciesY#icrosotY%ommunicator  

4 Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 n-Eand provisionin,

C Oice %ommunications &erver 200' "2 n-Eand provisionin,

(olic# trans!ort

n-band settin,s are reKuested .hen a client si,ns in !he client sends a seKuence o messa,es

and the server responds !he, sho.s the seKuence o interactions bet.een the client

and the server

!he client irst sends a &@"=%@ reKuest or the location proile settin,s !he, is an

e8ample o the start-line


sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:ocationprofie:get;defaut


!he server responds .ith a 200 O messa,e that contains the location proile settin,s !he

content type o the response is application*ms+location+profile+definition,&ml  !he messa,e body

contains the dialin, rule patterns and correspondin, translations An e8ample o a messa,e body

is as ollo.s:









8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 307/310




!he client then sends a &UE&%"E@ reKuest or the contact list !he @vent header in the

&UE&%"E@ messa,e has a value o vnd-microsot-roamin,-contacts !he server responds .ith

a 200 O messa,e that contains the contact list( the various ,roups that the users has created

and contacts .ho belon, to each ,roup !he %ontent type header o the response is

application*vnd+microsoft+roaming+contacts,&ml  !he, snippet sho.s an e8ample o the

response that contains the contact list

2contact5ist deta7um=&'$ 6

2group id=! name=] e/terna9RI= -6

2group id=& name=Saes Team e/terna9RI= -6

2group id=* name=<ccounts Team e/terna9RI= -6

2contact [email protected] name= groups=& * su)scri)ed=true

e/terna9RI= -6

2contact [email protected] name= groups=! su)scri)ed=true

e/terna9RI= -6

2contact [email protected] name= groups=! su)scri)ed=true

e/terna9RI= -6

2contact [email protected] name= groups=! & su)scri)ed=true

e/terna9RI= -6


 A client endpoint also sends a &UE&%"E@ messa,e or various provisionin, settin,s !his

&UE&%"E@ messa,e contains an @vent header .ith a value o vnd+microsoft+provisioning+v- 

!he %ontent type o the messa,e is application*vnd+microsoft+roaming+provisioning+v-,&ml 

 An e8ample o a &UE&%"E@ messa,e or the roamin, provisionin, settin,s is as ollo.s:



  2proisioningroup name=SererConfiguration-6

  2proisioningroup name=meeting0oicy-6

  2proisioningroup name=uc0oicy-6

  2proisioningroup name=pu)icationrammar-6

  2proisioningroup name=userSetting-6



8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 308/310

!he server responds .ith a 200 O messa,e that contains the settin,s or the reKuested

provisionin, ,roups !he %ontent type o the response is application*vnd+microsoft+roaming+

 provisioning+v-,&ml  !he response contains server coni,uration such as update server U"*s(

 Address boo/ server U"*s( %onsole do.nload U"*s !he, settin,s are ne. in Oice

%ommunications &erver 200' "2: %all %ontrol &erver Uri( Pool Uri( and #a8imum video rate

allo.ed An e8ample o the response containin, the roamin, provisionin, settin,s is as ollo.s:




 2proisionroup name=SererConfiguration 6










  2organiation6Contoso Inc.2-organiation6













  2d/Ena)ed6true2-d/Ena)ed6  2uc,iffSerVoice6'2-uc,iffSerVoice6






8/21/2019 Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Technical Reference Guide 309/310






 2proisionroup name=meeting0oicy instanceId=G%!#!,%!+,($+'<!%+

(,%C+$*!!!&&$<H 6


  2property name=7ame62BJC,<T<J,efaut 0oicyKK62-property6

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  2property name=<o0resenterTo,eegateRecording62B


  2property name=Ena)e<pp,estopS1aring62BJC,<T<JtrueKK62-property6  2property name=<o<ppS1aringForE/terna4eeting62B


  2property name=4eetingSie62BJC,<T<J#KK62-property




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  2property name=7ame62BJC,<T<J,efaut 0oicyKK62-property6

  2property name=<o9sersToC1angeTeamSettings62B


  2property name=<oSimutaneousRinging62BJC,<T<JtrueKK62-property6




 2proisionroup name=userSetting 6

  2uc9ser5ocation0rofie 64ain.Contoso.com2-uc9ser5ocation0rofie6




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