Offering Media Alternatives. Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles TV Target audience Rating Share...

Offering Media Alternatives

Transcript of Offering Media Alternatives. Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles TV Target audience Rating Share...

Page 1: Offering Media Alternatives. Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles TV Target audience Rating Share Dayparts Reach Frequency CPP/Sec Advertising clutter.

Offering Media Alternatives

Page 2: Offering Media Alternatives. Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles TV Target audience Rating Share Dayparts Reach Frequency CPP/Sec Advertising clutter.

Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles


• Target audience• Rating• Share• Dayparts• Reach • Frequency• CPP/Sec• Advertising clutter• Channel reputation• Ad position• Available discounts

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TV SWOT Analysis

• High production cost

• High clutter

• Waste investment for small sized

target audiences


• Rise of digital media

• Intense usage of competitors from the

same product category


• Sponsorship opportunities

• Provides customized content for

focused target audience

• Builds relationships with audience, has impact on different emotions: audial, visual and dynamic• Increases brand awareness because it provides fast and high level of reach.• Has effect in a short period of time• Persuasive medium• Part of home and have high impact within home• Measurable

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Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles

Print• Reach• Net Sales• Target Market• Pass-along readers• CPT• Editorial features• Special editions• Color reproduction• Geographic flexibility• Positioning opportunuties• Advertising clutter and product protection• Advertising copy checking and product restrictions• Response to coupons, information or recipes• Available discounts

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Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles

Print Contd...

• Writing tone• Reader respect• Leadership in media class• Believability

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• Give detailed information

• Immediacy

• Trustworthy relationship with newspaper/ trust

attribution to brand

• Regional flexibility in most of the countries

• Reach in a short period of time

• Flexibility in size, format and use of space

• Possibilty of low production quality

• Short shelf life

• High cost in the use of big and colorful


• More target group oriented through the increase on newspaper sections and supplements• Complementary of other media• Provide more impact and recall for large sizes• Loyal readers of specific publications

• Fragmanted audiences

• Circulations of some newspapers do

not depend on sales

• Clutter

Newspaper SWOT Analysis

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• High reader participation for particular magazines/ interactivity• Relationship identified with the magazine• Long-lived messages• Detailed visual usage: More detailed information

• Not easy to use as much as TV after making decision• Slow in building reach

• Coupon distribution for database support• Being subject-oriented: travel, music, cinema, sport• Adaptation of visual changes into the magazine content• Relationships through sponsorship, PR and advertorial content• Sampling

• Clutter• Variety and plurality of magazines

Magazine SWOT Analysis

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Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles


• Target audience• Format• Reach• Radio listenership• Ad position • Second price

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• High reach in breakfast time• Personal contact through favorite DJ’s and the programs with high participation• Flexibility• Ability to reach in a short time• Provides frequency

• It can be background medium• Easy to be distorted, impossible to go back• Limited measurability• Difficult to have a long term reach

• Special sponsorship opportunities: Breakfast time• Completing each other with TV: a good way to extend campaign duration with low budget• Opportunity to broadcast your advertisement before shopping time• Thematic channels for niche target audiences• Regional flexibility• Opportunity to listen in the car

Radio SWOT Analysis

• Fragmentation• Clutter

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Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles


• Ticket sales• CPT• Target audience• Popularity of the films• Places of the movie theaters• Ad position

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• High impact

• Young audience

• Long-term use

• Low level of reach in total

• Cinema packages• Foyer activities• Product placement in movie theaters

• Video s and DVDs

Cinema SWOT Analysis

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Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles


• Visibility• Traffic flow• Place• Target audience• CPT

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• High impact

• Closeness to point of sale

• Branding medium

• High level of reach and frequency

• Long preparation phase

• Expensive

• Difficult to measure

• No detail in advertisements

• Difficulty in focusing a specific target audience

• Creative application opportunities• Innovation• Special printing techniques • Improvement of material quality

• Used for competition

• Difficulty in evaluating its impact

Outdoor SWOT Analysis

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• New breed of out-of-home products and services determined by some as non-traditional or alternative media.

• Can be used in conjunction with mainstream traditional media, or used equally effectively as a stand-alone activity.

• Ambient media in a larger scale define the media environment and the communication of information in ubiquitous and pervasive environments.

• Good for brand awareess and top of mind recall within target audeinces.

• Ambient media can produce mass attention in centralized locations, or directly interact with consumers during normal every day activities.

Ambient Media

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• Backs of car park receipts• Hanging straps in railway carriages • Handles of supermarket trolleys• Projecting huge images on the sides of buildings• Slogans on the gas bags of hot air balloons• ….

Ambient Media Examples

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Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles


• Target audience• Impression• Click through rate• CPT

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Making the Media Buys

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Key points in media buying and negotiation

•Negotiation Skills•Media dynamics•Objective of the buy•Costs vary•History of buying•Media trends•Good relations with media representatives•Fair negotiation•Last-minute opportunities•Added value•Mutual respect

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Types of Media Buying

• Cpp/sec. or GRP based• Package• Bulk buying• Stand by• Barter

Page 20: Offering Media Alternatives. Evaluating and Selecting Media Vehicles TV Target audience Rating Share Dayparts Reach Frequency CPP/Sec Advertising clutter.

Factors in determining the size of an advertising budget

• Assesing the task of advertising• Long and short term goals• Profit margins• Degree of product usage• Difficulty in reaching target markets• Frequency of purchase• Effect of increased sales volume on production costs• New product introductions• Competitive activity

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Setting the budgetMain issues to know while setting the media budget

• Beginning of the marketing year

• Net budget

Gross Budget includes agency commission and VAT.

Gross Budget=Net Budget+Agency Com.+VAT

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Ex: The client says they have 200.000USD. The budget is gross. What is the net budget?(AC is 15% including media agency and creative agency commission)

Net Budget= 200.000/1.15/1.18=147.383USD

How much money is available for media?

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How much money is available for media?

Ex: The client’s gross media budget is 75.000USD. What is the net budget?(AC is 3% including only media agency commission)

Net Budget= 75.000/1.030/1.18=61.700USD

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How much money is available for media?

Ex: Media planner’s net newspaper budget is 25.000USD. What is the gross budget for the client?(AC is 3,5%)

Gross Budget= 25.000*1.035*1.18=30.532USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Measured channel:Tv Budget = cpp/sec. x GRP x Avg. Film Sec.

Example: We are planning to get 800GRP in one month. Our cpp/sec. is 6,8USD, and our avg. film length is 15sec.What is our tv budget for measured channels?

Tv budget= 6,8 x 800 x 15=81.600USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Non measured channelTv Budget = sec. price x Avg. film length x # of spots per day x # of days for non measured channels

Example: We are planning to use NTV for 30 days with a 30 sec. advertising film. Second price for NTV is 7USD, and we will use 4 spots per day. What is the budget for NTV?

Tv budget for NTV= 7 x 30 x 4 x 30=25.200USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Newspaper Budget = price of one x clm*cm x # of insertions

Example: We will use Hurriyet in our plan. One clm*cm for Hürriyet is 30USD. The size of our ad is 5clm*25cm. We will have 2 insertions in Hurriyet. What is the budget?

Budget = 30 x 125 x 2=7500USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Radio Budget = second price x radio spot second x # of spots per day x # of days

Example: Sec. price for Power Fm is 10USD. We have a radio spot for 30sec. Our plan is using 5 spots per day for 20 days. What is the radio budget?

Budget=10 x 30 x 5 x 20= 30.000USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Outdoor Budget = unit price x no of bb. x # of weeks

Example: One billboard costs 50USD for one week in Istanbul. We will buy 500 billboards for 2 weeks. What is the budget?

Budget=50 x 500 x 2 =50.000USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Internet budget= cost per thousand for planned impressions*(planned number of impressions/1000)

Example: Cost per thousand impressions in Superonline movies web page is 2USD for a 300*250 pixel banner. What is the budget if we plan to get 1.200.000 impressions from this page?

Budget= 2*(1.200.000/1000)=2.400USD

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Example: We will advertise for Algida Magnum in May. Media mix we are planning to use is as follows:

• TV: Measured channels with 7,8USD cpp/sec, 850GRP, 30 sec advertising film; Non measured channels with 10USD for one second, 4 spots per day for 30 days.• Outdoor: 200 Billboards for two weeks. Unit price for one billboard is 50USD• Radio: Spot length:30 sec, one sec. price=5USD, 15 days, 5 spots per day• Newspaper: 4clmn*25cm ad, 48 USD per one clmn*cm, 5 insertions

What is our gross budget for Magnum in May if the agency commission is 3%?

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Calculating Budgets of Each Medium

Calculating the budget of each medium: TV: Measured channels: 7,8USD x 850GRPx 30sec. = 198.900 USD Non measured channels: 10USD x 30sec. x 4spot x 30days = 36.000 USD• Outdoor: 200billboards x 50USD x 2weeks = 20.000 USD• Radio: 30sec x 5USD x 15days x 5spots = 11.250 USD• Newspaper: 4clmn x 25cm x 48 USD x 5 insertions = 24.000 USD

Total net budget= 198.900 + 36.000 + 20.000 + 11.250 + 24.000 = 290.150 USD

Gross budget = 290.150 x 1,030 x 1,18 = 352.648 USD

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