of these goods in the fa Ac mous Douglas goods are complete...

I SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL f VOL XXXII STANFORD KY TUESDAY APRIL 19 1904 SAM NO 15 I LAND STOCK CROPS ETC I Morning Star o grwntp oerohaoKcu hoods at 10600 Wanted grass fur 50 owe and lamb I Box 101 Stanford Many bone died In Boyla last week of a trouble resembling pneumonia A sUmontb old Polled Durbam bull subject to register far sale JE Lyon 2i Senator J W Bailey bai resigned at director of the Kentucky Trotting llorso Breeders Anoclailon The Continental Tobacco Co bought of James M Richards of Oath county I 400000 Douodi of tobacco at Ho Josh Jones will hip a carload of lamb to Cincinnati Friday Talc will bo tbo first lot to leave this section FOR SALE Ono twoyear old and several extra high grade Polled Angus yearling bull J Q and S d Bnugh roan 3 The largest crop of tobacco deliver ¬ I ed In Grant county this jeans that 1 told by John Conrad 00000 pounds for f which he received Die Charles Lute bought In Russell county GO yearling cattle at 26 Mr Lutes has rented of E O Oooch the Terry Mobley farm near Mv Sa- lemIron SALE DuB Wyandotte egg stock first prize winner In A 1 winter laver lOa each or t 11 per setting Etta and Lillian Muel ¬ ler A light yellow medium sized Jersey cow with abort bead no horns and I dish face ttayed from my place the 16th Any information ai to wheru oho It will be rewarded a K Mc- Clure Glove Goddard told to Morris Farrli 23 ibort yearling terra at 12760 and to Husell Walters ll Coleman 20 at the tame prlaa J W Poulter near DIM can told OS ewes at 17 Oarrodxtairg l n ratd The 3tatea of Nebraska Kaoiai Mil sour Iowa Mlnnosou Oklahoma and South Dakota will have to Import 4S 000 man to assist In harvesting tbo wheat crop this fall aecerdteg to the member of the Western Association of Free Employment Bureaus DANVILLECQUfITThere waa da mind for yearling and two year old steers at Danville yesterday and some sold as high as He but 4 to olio were the ruling price Duuhr stuff was atIe at 3a to3l3 Too hone market was Rood and there was a demand for mu Inc Menri M F North aod coo Prank North hava bought of Me in George W KlfTa Sr and George W RIITe Jr their farms on the Quitonvllle and Liberty pike about three miles from Huitonvlllc at 10 per acre for the S rat named plate and 14760 for tbo latter The horse ibow at Danville Tester day drew ft considerable crowd to Dan vllle yesterday The Lincoln county tallloM exhibited were J O Bailey rea ton F fields Dorsey Golddust and Quasi D S Carpenters Dignity pare K P Carpenter Progprct C C Carpenters two yearold by Dignity Dare K R Denial Doc Gray and A E Hundley Kentucky Artist MONTHS TRIAL FREE Breathe Hyomol three or four times daily and bo cured of catarrh O I Penny one of the most reliable builne 3 firms In Stnfordhae seen many nitance of fie romirfcab o power of Hy emel to euro caUnbal troubles and oth ¬ er iHwrders of IhQ respiratory organ Rfiults In this treatment have given him so much confidence in Ilyoroel that ho will give a month trial with the pos- t ¬ itive understanding that if at the end pf that time a cure is not effected or enough relief gained to warrant a continued use of the treatment for a while longer the itmonoy will be refunded Hyomc is the only treatment for ca- tarrh that bee over been told under a no cure no pay plan and the only one where a months trial treatment Is free unless it cures liyomei la nbt a pill or liquid Just breathe it through the neat inhaler that comes with ovary outfit and benefit will bo seen from the flms days use Dreath cd In this way tie health giving Ilyomel penetrates to the minutest air cella of tho lung and drives cnrarrhal germs and poisons from the system Tho complete outfit coals but fl and I extra bottles of HyomeJ may be obtained for 6Qc Remember that if llyomcl does not cure after a month trial Mr Penny will tetund yoftr money and tho treat- ment ¬ will bo absolutely free f Though they affirm A deadly germ I the iweetoit kiss Lets hope tbo day I It far away P 01 antiseptic bliss To eterlllzo A sgtlebyldelmply booutraReoue Id much r To buraor kef And let bo contagious Atlanta Journal LANCASTER Marrlaga Mceoto was Issued this week to A Q McOreary and Mln Bessie Brewer and to Marshall Roy and Mill Adi Simpson All are from Lower Garrard Mrs Bacon who has been Instruct ¬ lOll a clan In physical culture will give an exhibition of her pupils efllclencv at the Rest Room Thursday evening Admission lOc Atbltylo Park was opened by an ex- citing ¬ game of base ball between tbo Lancaster and D Ac D team of Dan ¬ yule Lancaster lost to the visitors by a score of 7 to 3 The Ideal Entertainer who show od here Thursday night wore enjoyed by Lancaster peoplo Society was out In full and It proved to be a social feature of a mot delightful kind The Qaseldon Bro inventors of the filler to favorably kuown have leased the privilege of tale and manufacture of the filter to a Mt Sterling party for 11000 per month for six month with the privilege of renewal at the expira ¬ tion of that time Meisrs Oaselden are to be congratulated on their good for ¬ tuneThe manager of the Athletic Tournament is meeting with nncour1 agement About 30 prize otic rod byleadtogbuiloe men and pol ¬ itician Too latest to contribute are Mestr E W Llllard of Danville candidate for Senatorand D R Moore of Qarrodsburg candidate for Con- gress ¬ It is with pleasure that we announce the opening of the public library of the W 0 T U In the Rest Rooms It contains the latest and best books they have been selected by competent judg Oi and are just what the reading public needs It le open on Tuesday and Frl day nights and Saturday afternoon Too membership II per year Tbl worthy enterprise on the part of tbe W C T U members deserves patron age and we feel proud that Lancaster bat a body of ladle who have at heart the Interest of Us QltlKin Let all take membirchlp br Cowls of Lexington la the gueuof Miss Mattie Smith Mies An ¬ nie Perkins has been visiting Mill Mat tie May Hobletoa Mr lloward Rice of Springfield Ohio le tbe guest of her parent Mr and Mr IL A B Marks burg Saafley Hughe went to Corbln Sunday to tee a pretty girl Walter Hudson aud Louie GUI were at homo from Central University Saturday Mr Win Cook has returned from North Carolina where she spent sever ¬ al months for the beoetlt of her health Mr Mary Woodcock oooa a resident of our town has been called to New Mexico on account of tbe serious condi ¬ lion of her coo William HERE AND THERE Thomas W Lawson of Boatoa ao nouncc that bo is preparing to enter upon a campaign against the Standard Oil Company Charles A Parker notified the re ¬ publican district commUtee that bo le- a candidate for the nomination for Coogreiis In the Louisville district The account of a former trusted em ¬ ploye of the Chemical National Bank of New York are out of proof to the extent of 122533 The employe disap ¬ peered 10 days ago Thu body of Capt W T Havens who jumped from the Kentucky river bridge at Frankfort March 27 was found at the mouth of Stonoy creek seven miles below Frankfort Andrnw Carnegie has given 15003000 as a fund for the benefit of dependents of thorn who lose their lives In heroic effort to save their fellowmen or for the heroes themselves if Injured only The Cotton Belt railroad will resume the operation of Its trains to and from Memphis Tbo differences between the road and the Memphis Froigbt Bureau are to be submitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission for adjustment The sinking of tbo Rutslao battle ship Potropavlnvsk by tbe Japanese turns Out to have been a shrewd piece of strategy upon tbe part of Admiral Togo Observing that each time the Russian ships left Port Arthur they went over an Identical course Togo counter mined that course one black night and the next time he drew tbo Russians out of the harbor ho blew up the battleship and thQ Admiral A Thoughtful Man M M Austin of Winchester Ind knew what to do in tho hour of need Ills wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble physicians could not lielpher He thought of Dr Kings New Life Pills and she got relief at once and tray finally cured Only J5c at Pennys Drug Store HIGHLAND Mrs C M Young oas received her millinery goods and will have her open log to day Call to see her S I hays used Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory result says Mrs FL Phelps Houston Texas For indigestion biliousness and constipation thcte lableta are moat excel ¬ lent Sold by W N Craig NEWS NOTES Admiral Toga aye the Potropav lovak was sunk by a Japanese mine Viceroy Alaxleff took over tbe com ¬ mand of the Russian fleoi at Port Ar ¬ thur U T Wilson chairman of the Board of Public Safety at Akron Ohio com milled suicide Tbo destruction of the royal palace at Seoul Korea caused a loss estimat ed at 3000000 Dr Charles Norton Mourning a wellknown physician was found dead In bed In LouUvlllo Several patients are expected to die astbo result of the Ore In St Vincents Hospital In Indianapolis Capt W H Greece militant to the general manager of tbe Southern rail way le dead In Washington One man was killed two dangerously burned and eight other persons Injured by an explosion In Brooklyn By tbe use of slot machines on the Worlds Fair gates tbe necessity of having ticket sellers will bo obviated Ray FIber an escaped convict shot and killed himself In California after B desperate battle wltb a pursuing posse Tho III fated Iroquois Theatre of Chicago baa been cord to an Eastern syndicate which will devote It to vaude villa Sadie Hale a 400pound 17 yearold girl was smothered to death In her own flesh so tbe coroner said at St Joseph Mo- nounon Jennings a Knoxvllle Ne ¬ gro beheaded his wife with an ax and then cut his own throat with a razor Jeajousy was the cause Judge Clcavoland at New Haven Conn refused to remove William Jen nlog Bryan an executor of the estate of the late Phllo C Bennett George W Drown one of Notion county belt men who was In Gen John Morgan cavalry during tbo Civ- il War la dead at Bloomfield The Indication are that the Penn ¬ sylvania delegation to the democratic National convention will be uninstruct- ed and bound by the unit rule David Rotbsohtld former president of the wrecked Federal Bank of New York is under arrest charged with misappropriating about 1200000 The Spanish war olalml bllllo which tbe Fourth Kentucky regiment Is In- terested ¬ to tbe extent of 150000 Is expected to some up In the House this week The Japanese Insist that the Illfated Russian battleship Petropaylovsk was torpedoed The Russians at emphat Ically declare that tbe disaster was an accident Tbo orlglcal Indictment of Aaron Burr for treason long supposed to have been lot has been found In the ar ¬ chive of the Federal court at Rich mood Va- With a roar that could be heard for mile tbe Mississippi out through a neck of land restored Davie Island to tbe main land destroyed several cot ton plantations and resumed Its old channelAfter the explosion In the after tur rot of tbe battleship Missouri Chief Gunners Mate Monson rushed Into the magacloo and closing the door saved the ship from destruction The death list now number 32 American ExprCei Messenger W H Henwortby and Baggagemastor Harry Drain are under arrest at Cincinnati charged with robblngexoress packages aod trunks on the Big Four railroad between Cincinnati and Chicago IQ tbo prcaenco of a number of wit- nesses ¬ Ed Gammons who killed Lake Klosey and his daughter Fannie Kin say at Water Valley Miss has made a confession hits statement regarding the death of the young woman wltb whom bo was In love Is sensational Ho says that attar he killed her father In the field he went to the house where tbe girl was and told her of his deed At tiret they planned to run away and tdarry but the girl changed her mind and asked him to kilt her which be says be refused at first to do Then she tried to got tbo pistol away from him He then told her to step off a few paces and turn her back which she did Ho then shot and killed her Best Cough Mcdiaine for Chil ¬ dren When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place implicit confidence You want one that not only relieves but cures You want one that Is unquestionably harmless You want one that Is pleasant to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets all of those conditions There la nothing so good for the coughs and colds incident to childhood It is also a cor lain preventive and cure for croup and there is no danger whatever from whoop ¬ ing cough when it is given It has been used in many epidemics of that disease with perfect success For sale by W N CraigHawkinsMy wife never gossip Robbies Neither does mine By the way what does your wife call It 1 Town Topics HUSTONVILLE Miss Llzzlo Huoo of Somerset is visiting the scenes of her childhood In our midst IF Steole has sold his lot on S W cor Main and Danville streets to Dr J0 Barker A B C Dlnwlddle who has been In Beattyyllle for the past month has returned home Woods Cowan k McCormack want 100000 pounds of wool They will pay tbe highest market price Wo are sorry to learn that several of our former citizens that have located lo and near Ponca City Oklahoma are losers by tbe recent failure of a bank Tho protracted meeting that was tp begin at the Presbyterian church here has been postponed until some time In June due notice of which will be glv enWool buyers are plentiful In the West End aod contracts for the spring clip are being made at 20a and the rise Richard FOley of Danville spent Fri ¬ day of last week feeling the wool grow era of the West End Tbe threshing over of old straw for Items by a Burnslde correspondent for Louisville and Cincinnati dally papers U decidedly amusing to tbe patrons cf the semiweekly and weekly papers of Lincoln and Casey counties Newton Bros contractors are hero and the work on their hotel will begin at once It will bo a fine two story brick containing 15 or 10 rooms mod are In every appointment and an orna ¬ ment which a city 10 times our popula- tion would feel honored to have Geo Bradley who was born and raised lo our city and moved several years since to Calera Ala lost both loge below the knee and had his right band badly crushed by being knocked under a freight train near his home last week He was taken to the hos ¬ pital lo Birmingham and at last aCt counts his condition we are sorry to say was considered exceedingly criti ¬ catA letter from Prof Patterson Prin ¬ cipal of Lancaster Graded School speaks In the highest terms of their school and says It II the pride of their cltII and le endorsed by tho wealthiest people of the community and that to ¬ day them are not 10 people in the die trlct opposed to It This voices tbe sentiment of our graded school district In every respect Tbe tax paying rep ¬ resentative people of our city and com ¬ munity met In the Opera House on Friday evening and the Interest mani ¬ fested there In this work shows die tloctly that a graded school for us Is an assured success The following trustees were unanimously nominated J K Baugbman chairman Chas Wheeler J S Murphy J 0 Neal T L Carpenter aod J H MoHargue THEY AVOIDED DANGER A bush ¬ nose man who know more about driving trades and bargains than ho did about driving horses took his wife driving but before bo started he Inquired of the liveryman Is this horse perfectly safe Perfectly answered the livery man unless you allow his tall to be mixed up with the reins II The city man hesitated to start but was encouraged to proceed by tbe as ¬ surance if you just keep the rein away from his tall be will bo all right As he returned tbe team In tbe eve- ning ¬ the liveryman said Well I see you bavo bad no trouble iOh no said the man We bad only one shower while wo were out and my wife held her umbrella over his taU while that lasted Cardiff Times taking Desperate ty Chances It is true that many contract colds and recover from them without taking any precaution or treatment and a knowledge of this fact leads others to take their chances instead of giving their colds the needed attention It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs lowers the vitality makes the system lees able to withstand each succeeding cold and paves the way for more serious dl senses Can you afford to take such des ¬ perate chances when Chamberlains Cough Remedy famous for Its cures of colds can be had for a trifle For sale by W N Craig Mrs Pe ryIlvioto Shelby county cap In all probability claim a greater numberof living descendants than any other woman in Kentucky Mrs Perry Is tbe mother of 15 child ¬ ren the grandmother of 88 children and the great grand mother of 01 children and the great great grand ¬ mother of live children which makes a total of 191 Descendants Mrs Perry Is 70 years old and IB In tbo enjoyment of excellent health Mr and Mrs Wm Mustard have sold their farm near Indianapolis to Arthur V Brown with a provision In the deed that If any part of the land is ever used fora saloon or is sold or rent to a Negro such part shall revert immediately to the grantors t w Low C- utSHOES Our lines of these goods in the fa ¬ mous Douglas goods are complete and we are showing them in black kid patent kid and the popular new I tans 35Oi streau iT De mILLER DanYillB Ky THE GLOBE G 7 LION 129IO SIred by Gambetta Wilke 2tO > < lit dam Daisy Field granddam of Allco Wilkes 317 Alratta 2UI X by Colloid sire of six In 730 and datn of < 0 In 230 orbetter tad thodams Gallon carries the blood of four loading fumtles Wlket tUmbletonlan Mambrlno Chief and Seelrys American Star Gallons sire Oambelt Wilkes has 13 ID the 210 daulIbtersbayo Is so wellknown as a blebclass show horso and a nroducer of highclass show horses and highclass high acting sellers that comment U unnecessary He has made sll of his oasons at mr stable nlnn In all and served 82 miriu last eaon this Is the very best of proof of glaUton breeding qualities Tho above Is a good picture of llalton Junta he standsno ginger buthlenatural self Will and alllO to Insure a live colt Mares traded or parled with forfeits insurance end makes season money due Grass furnished after May 1 at two dollar j r month Will stand at my place 2 miles west ot lIultonYllQ n the Drad orddvllloplke Ilione In residence W M DODD Tlustonvlllo Ky New Corn Planter W a sisl Ve have just received our Our New Tiger Disc and Runner Corn pia tcr Something new Call and see theta HigginsMKinneySTANFORD BUG PROOF If can not make a cistern bug tight nobody in Lincoln county clue I will use a cast iron cistern platform a galvanized iron pump and a Haselden Patent Filter These three excel ¬ lent articles will forever faithfully guard filth frqm your cistern Oall and examine Phone 116 Depot Stre- etS H ALDRIDGE Depot Street Stanford Ky FOR SALEI Residence wild 6 rooms hall and porches cistern servant room coal house ben bouse stable andbnirgy shed with S >< acres of land on street 34 of a mile front court house just outside of town 1ImlUand within 400 yards of graded school for Information apply to- elROagETA J Stanford Ry d W Wallace Z Son Blacksmiths and Fa cy XOfHlhOtI WtJli fttmt a Stanford Kentuckyi

Transcript of of these goods in the fa Ac mous Douglas goods are complete...



I Morning Star o grwntp oerohaoKcuhoods at 10600

Wanted grass fur 50 owe and lambI

Box 101 StanfordMany bone died In Boyla last week

of a trouble resembling pneumoniaA sUmontb old Polled Durbam

bull subject to register far sale J ELyon 2i

Senator J W Bailey bai resigned atdirector of the Kentucky Trottingllorso Breeders Anoclailon

The Continental Tobacco Co boughtof James M Richards of Oath county

I 400000 Douodi of tobacco at HoJosh Jones will hip a carload of

lamb to Cincinnati Friday Talc willbo tbo first lot to leave this section

FOR SALE Ono twoyear old andseveral extra high grade Polled Angusyearling bull J Q and S d Bnughroan 3

The largest crop of tobacco deliver ¬

I ed In Grant county this jeans that1 told by John Conrad 00000 pounds for

f which he received DieCharles Lute bought In Russell

county GO yearling cattle at 26 MrLutes has rented of E O Oooch theTerry Mobley farm near Mv Sa-

lemIronSALE DuB Wyandotte egg

stock first prize winner In

A 1 winter laver lOa each ort

11 per setting Etta and Lillian Muel ¬

lerA light yellow medium sized Jersey

cow with abort bead no horns and

Idish face ttayed from my place the16th Any information ai to wheruoho It will be rewarded a K Mc-

ClureGlove Goddard told to Morris Farrli

23 ibort yearling terra at 12760 and toHusell Walters ll Coleman 20 at thetame prlaa J W Poulter near DIM

can told OS ewes at 17 Oarrodxtairgl n ratd

The 3tatea of Nebraska Kaoiai Milsour Iowa Mlnnosou Oklahoma andSouth Dakota will have to Import 4S000 man to assist In harvesting tbowheat crop this fall aecerdteg to themember of the Western Associationof Free Employment Bureaus

DANVILLECQUfITThere waa damind for yearling and two year oldsteers at Danville yesterday and somesold as high as He but 4 to olio werethe ruling price Duuhr stuff was

atIe at 3a to3l3 Too hone marketwas Rood and there was a demand formu Inc

Menri M F North aod coo PrankNorth hava bought of Me in GeorgeW KlfTa Sr and George W RIITeJr their farms on the Quitonvllle andLiberty pike about three miles fromHuitonvlllc at 10 per acre for theS rat named plate and 14760 for tbolatter

The horse ibow at Danville Testerday drew ft considerable crowd to Danvllle yesterday The Lincoln countytallloM exhibited were J O Bailey

rea ton F fields Dorsey Golddustand Quasi D S Carpenters Dignitypare K P Carpenter Progprct CC Carpenters two yearold by DignityDare K R Denial Doc Gray and AE Hundley Kentucky Artist


Breathe Hyomol three or fourtimes daily and bo cured of

catarrhO I Penny one of the most reliable

builne 3 firms In Stnfordhae seen manynitance of fie romirfcab o power of Hy

emel to euro caUnbal troubles and oth ¬

er iHwrders of IhQ respiratory organRfiults In this treatment have given

him so much confidence in Ilyoroel thatho will give a month trial with the pos-



itive understanding that if at the end pf

that time a cure is not effected or enoughrelief gained to warrant a continued useof the treatment for a while longer the

itmonoy will be refundedHyomc is the only treatment for ca-

tarrh that bee over been told under a nocure no pay plan and the only onewhere a months trial treatment Is freeunless it cures

liyomei la nbt a pill or liquid Justbreathe it through the neat inhaler thatcomes with ovary outfit and benefit will

bo seen from the flms days use Dreathcd In this way tie health giving Ilyomelpenetrates to the minutest air cella of tholung and drives cnrarrhal germs andpoisons from the system

Tho complete outfit coals but fl andI extra bottles of HyomeJ may be obtained

for 6Qc

Remember that if llyomcl does notcure after a month trial Mr Pennywill tetund yoftr money and tho treat-


will bo absolutely free

f Though they affirmA deadly germ I

the iweetoit kissLets hope tbo day

I It far awayP 01 antiseptic bliss

To eterlllzoA sgtlebyldelmply

booutraReoueId much rTo buraor kef

And let bo contagiousAtlanta Journal


Marrlaga Mceoto was Issued this weekto A Q McOreary and Mln BessieBrewer and to Marshall Roy and MillAdi Simpson All are from LowerGarrard

Mrs Bacon who has been Instruct¬

lOll a clan In physical culture will givean exhibition of her pupils efllclencvat the Rest Room Thursday eveningAdmission lOc

Atbltylo Park was opened by an ex-


game of base ball between tboLancaster and D Ac D team of Dan¬

yule Lancaster lost to the visitors by

a score of 7 to 3The Ideal Entertainer who show

od here Thursday night wore enjoyedby Lancaster peoplo Society was out Infull and It proved to be a social featureof a mot delightful kind

The Qaseldon Bro inventors of thefiller to favorably kuown have leasedthe privilege of tale and manufactureof the filter to a Mt Sterling party for11000 per month for six month withthe privilege of renewal at the expira ¬

tion of that time Meisrs Oaselden areto be congratulated on their good for¬

tuneThe manager of the AthleticTournament is meeting with nncour1agement About 30 prizeotic rod byleadtogbuiloe men and pol ¬

itician Too latest to contribute areMestr E W Llllard of Danvillecandidate for Senatorand D R Mooreof Qarrodsburg candidate for Con-


It is with pleasure that we announcethe opening of the public library of theW 0 T U In the Rest Rooms Itcontains the latest and best books theyhave been selected by competent judgOi and are just what the reading publicneeds It le open on Tuesday and Frlday nights and Saturday afternoonToo membership II per year Tblworthy enterprise on the part of tbeW C T U members deserves patronage and we feel proud that Lancasterbat a body of ladle who have at heartthe Interest of Us QltlKin Let all takemembirchlp

br Cowls of Lexington la thegueuof Miss Mattie Smith Mies An ¬

nie Perkins has been visiting Mill Mat

tie May Hobletoa Mr lloward Riceof Springfield Ohio le tbe guest of herparent Mr and Mr IL A B Marksburg Saafley Hughe went to CorblnSunday to tee a pretty girl WalterHudson aud Louie GUI were at homofrom Central University SaturdayMr Win Cook has returned fromNorth Carolina where she spent sever ¬

al months for the beoetlt of her healthMr Mary Woodcock oooa a residentof our town has been called to NewMexico on account of tbe serious condi ¬

lion of her coo William


Thomas W Lawson of Boatoa ao

nouncc that bo is preparing to enterupon a campaign against the StandardOil Company

Charles A Parker notified the re ¬

publican district commUtee that bo le-

a candidate for the nomination forCoogreiis In the Louisville district

The account of a former trusted em ¬

ploye of the Chemical National Bankof New York are out of proof to theextent of 122533 The employe disap ¬

peered 10 days agoThu body of Capt W T Havens

who jumped from the Kentucky riverbridge at Frankfort March 27 was

found at the mouth of Stonoy creekseven miles below Frankfort

Andrnw Carnegie has given 15003000as a fund for the benefit of dependentsof thorn who lose their lives In heroiceffort to save their fellowmen or forthe heroes themselves if Injured only

The Cotton Belt railroad will resumethe operation of Its trains to and fromMemphis Tbo differences between theroad and the Memphis Froigbt Bureauare to be submitted to the InterstateCommerce Commission for adjustment

The sinking of tbo Rutslao battleship Potropavlnvsk by tbe Japaneseturns Out to have been a shrewd pieceof strategy upon tbe part of AdmiralTogo Observing that each time theRussian ships left Port Arthur theywent over an Identical course Togocounter mined that course one blacknight and the next time he drew tboRussians out of the harbor ho blew upthe battleship and thQ Admiral

A Thoughtful ManM M Austin of Winchester Ind

knew what to do in tho hour of need Illswife had such an unusual case of stomachand liver trouble physicians could notlielpher He thought of Dr Kings NewLife Pills and she got relief at once andtray finally cured Only J5c at PennysDrug Store


Mrs C M Young oas received hermillinery goods and will have her openlog to day Call to see her


I hays used Chamberlains Stomachand Liver Tablets with most satisfactoryresult says Mrs FL Phelps HoustonTexas For indigestion biliousness andconstipation thcte lableta are moat excel ¬

lent Sold by W N Craig


Admiral Toga aye the Potropavlovak was sunk by a Japanese mine

Viceroy Alaxleff took over tbe com ¬

mand of the Russian fleoi at Port Ar ¬

thurU T Wilson chairman of the Board

of Public Safety at Akron Ohio commilled suicide

Tbo destruction of the royal palaceat Seoul Korea caused a loss estimated at 3000000

Dr Charles Norton Mourning awellknown physician was found deadIn bed In LouUvlllo

Several patients are expected to dieastbo result of the Ore In St VincentsHospital In Indianapolis

Capt W H Greece militant to thegeneral manager of tbe Southern railway le dead In Washington

One man was killed two dangerouslyburned and eight other persons Injuredby an explosion In Brooklyn

By tbe use of slot machines on theWorlds Fair gates tbe necessity ofhaving ticket sellers will bo obviated

Ray FIber an escaped convict shotand killed himself In California after B

desperate battle wltb a pursuing posseTho III fated Iroquois Theatre of

Chicago baa been cord to an Easternsyndicate which will devote It to vaudevilla

Sadie Hale a 400pound 17 yearoldgirl was smothered to death In herown flesh so tbe coroner said at StJoseph Mo-

nounon Jennings a Knoxvllle Ne ¬

gro beheaded his wife with an ax andthen cut his own throat with a razorJeajousy was the cause

Judge Clcavoland at New HavenConn refused to remove William Jennlog Bryan an executor of the estateof the late Phllo C Bennett

George W Drown one of Notioncounty belt men who was In GenJohn Morgan cavalry during tbo Civ-il War la dead at Bloomfield

The Indication are that the Penn ¬

sylvania delegation to the democraticNational convention will be uninstruct-ed and bound by the unit rule

David Rotbsohtld former presidentof the wrecked Federal Bank of NewYork is under arrest charged withmisappropriating about 1200000

The Spanish war olalml bllllo whichtbe Fourth Kentucky regiment Is In-


to tbe extent of 150000 Isexpected to some up In the House thisweek

The Japanese Insist that the IllfatedRussian battleship Petropaylovsk wastorpedoed The Russians at emphatIcally declare that tbe disaster was anaccident

Tbo orlglcal Indictment of AaronBurr for treason long supposed to havebeen lot has been found In the ar¬

chive of the Federal court at Richmood Va-

With a roar that could be heard formile tbe Mississippi out through aneck of land restored Davie Island totbe main land destroyed several cotton plantations and resumed Its old

channelAfterthe explosion In the after tur

rot of tbe battleship Missouri ChiefGunners Mate Monson rushed Into themagacloo and closing the door savedthe ship from destruction The deathlist now number 32

American ExprCei Messenger W HHenwortby and Baggagemastor HarryDrain are under arrest at Cincinnaticharged with robblngexoress packagesaod trunks on the Big Four railroadbetween Cincinnati and Chicago

IQ tbo prcaenco of a number of wit-


Ed Gammons who killed LakeKlosey and his daughter Fannie Kinsay at Water Valley Miss has madea confession hits statement regardingthe death of the young woman wltbwhom bo was In love Is sensationalHo says that attar he killed her fatherIn the field he went to the house wheretbe girl was and told her of his deedAt tiret they planned to run away andtdarry but the girl changed her mindand asked him to kilt her which besays be refused at first to do Thenshe tried to got tbo pistol away fromhim He then told her to step off a fewpaces and turn her back which she didHo then shot and killed her

Best Cough Mcdiaine for Chil¬

drenWhen you buy a cough medicine for

small children you want one in which youcan place implicit confidence You wantone that not only relieves but curesYou want one that Is unquestionablyharmless You want one that Is pleasantto take Chamberlains Cough Remedymeets all of those conditions There lanothing so good for the coughs and coldsincident to childhood It is also a corlain preventive and cure for croup andthere is no danger whatever from whoop ¬

ing cough when it is given It has beenused in many epidemics of that diseasewith perfect success For sale by W N

CraigHawkinsMywife never gossip

Robbies Neither does mine Bythe way what does your wife call It 1Town Topics


Miss Llzzlo Huoo of Somerset isvisiting the scenes of her childhood Inour midst

I F Steole has sold his lot on S Wcor Main and Danville streets to DrJ0 Barker

A B C Dlnwlddle who has been InBeattyyllle for the past month hasreturned home

Woods Cowan k McCormack want100000 pounds of wool They will paytbe highest market price

Wo are sorry to learn that several ofour former citizens that have locatedlo and near Ponca City Oklahoma arelosers by tbe recent failure of a bank

Tho protracted meeting that was tpbegin at the Presbyterian church herehas been postponed until some time InJune due notice of which will be glvenWool buyers are plentiful In theWest End aod contracts for the springclip are being made at 20a and the riseRichard FOley of Danville spent Fri ¬

day of last week feeling the wool growera of the West End

Tbe threshing over of old straw forItems by a Burnslde correspondent forLouisville and Cincinnati dally papersU decidedly amusing to tbe patrons cfthe semiweekly and weekly papers ofLincoln and Casey counties

Newton Bros contractors are heroand the work on their hotel will beginat once It will bo a fine two storybrick containing 15 or 10 rooms modare In every appointment and an orna ¬

ment which a city 10 times our popula-

tion would feel honored to haveGeo Bradley who was born and

raised lo our city and moved severalyears since to Calera Ala lost bothloge below the knee and had his rightband badly crushed by being knockedunder a freight train near his homelast week He was taken to the hos ¬

pital lo Birmingham and at last aCtcounts his condition we are sorry tosay was considered exceedingly criti ¬

catAletter from Prof Patterson Prin ¬

cipal of Lancaster Graded Schoolspeaks In the highest terms of theirschool and says It II the pride of theircltII and le endorsed by tho wealthiestpeople of the community and that to ¬

day them are not 10 people in the dietrlct opposed to It This voices tbesentiment of our graded school districtIn every respect Tbe tax paying rep ¬

resentative people of our city and com ¬

munity met In the Opera House onFriday evening and the Interest mani ¬

fested there In this work shows dietloctly that a graded school for us Isan assured success The followingtrustees were unanimously nominatedJ K Baugbman chairman ChasWheeler J S Murphy J 0 Neal TL Carpenter aod J H MoHargue


nose man who know more about drivingtrades and bargains than ho did aboutdriving horses took his wife drivingbut before bo started he Inquired ofthe liveryman

Is this horse perfectly safePerfectly answered the livery

man unless you allow his tall to bemixed up with the reins II

The city man hesitated to start butwas encouraged to proceed by tbe as ¬

surance if you just keep the reinaway from his tall be will bo all right

As he returned tbe team In tbe eve-


the liveryman said Well I seeyou bavo bad no trouble

iOh no said the man We badonly one shower while wo were outand my wife held her umbrella overhis taU while that lasted CardiffTimes

taking Desperatety

ChancesIt is true that many contract colds and

recover from them without taking anyprecaution or treatment and a knowledgeof this fact leads others to take theirchances instead of giving their colds theneeded attention It should be borne inmind that every cold weakens the lungslowers the vitality makes the system leesable to withstand each succeeding coldand paves the way for more serious dlsenses Can you afford to take such des¬

perate chances when Chamberlains CoughRemedy famous for Its cures of colds canbe had for a trifle For sale by W NCraig

Mrs PeryIlvioto Shelbycounty cap In all probability claim agreater numberof living descendantsthan any other woman in KentuckyMrs Perry Is tbe mother of 15 child ¬

ren the grandmother of 88 childrenand the great grand mother of 01

children and the great great grand ¬

mother of live children which makesa total of 191 Descendants Mrs PerryIs 70 years old and IB In tbo enjoymentof excellent health

Mr and Mrs Wm Mustard havesold their farm near Indianapolis toArthur V Brown with a provision Inthe deed that If any part of the land isever used fora saloon or is sold or rent

to a Negro such part shall revertimmediately to the grantors




Our lines of these goods in the fa¬

mous Douglas goods are completeand we are showing them in blackkid patent kid and the popular new

I tans35Oistreau

iT De mILLER DanYillB Ky


G7 LION 129IOSIred by Gambetta Wilke 2tO >< lit dam Daisy Field granddam of Allco Wilkes

317 Alratta 2UI X by Colloid sire of six In 730 and datn of < 0 In 230 orbetter tadthodamsGallon carries the blood of four loading fumtles Wlket tUmbletonlan MambrlnoChief and Seelrys American Star Gallons sire Oambelt Wilkes has 13 ID the 210daulIbtersbayoIs so wellknown as a blebclass show horso and a nroducer of highclass show horsesand highclass high acting sellers that comment U unnecessary He has made sll of hisoasons at mr stable nlnn In all and served 82 miriu last eaon this Is the very best of

proof of glaUton breeding qualities Tho above Is a good picture of llalton Junta hestandsno ginger buthlenatural self Will and alllO to Insure a live colt Mares tradedor parled with forfeits insurance end makes season money due Grass furnished afterMay 1 at two dollar j r month Will stand at my place 2 miles west ot lIultonYllQ n theDrad orddvllloplke Ilione In residence W M DODD Tlustonvlllo Ky

New Corn PlanterW a sisl

Ve have just received our

Our New Tiger Disc and

Runner Corn pia tcrSomething new Call and see theta


BUG PROOFIf can not make a cistern bug tight nobody

in Lincoln county clue I will use a cast ironcistern platform a galvanized iron pump anda Haselden Patent Filter These three excel ¬

lent articles will forever faithfully guard filthfrqm your cistern Oall and examine Phone116 Depot Stre-

etS H ALDRIDGEDepot Street Stanford Ky

FOR SALEIResidence wild 6 rooms hall and porches

cistern servant room coal house benbouse stable andbnirgy shed with S >< acresof land on street 34 of a milefront court house just outside of town1ImlUand within 400 yards of graded schoolfor Information apply to-

elROagETAJ Stanford Ry

d W Wallace Z SonBlacksmiths and Fa cyXOfHlhOtI WtJlifttmt a

Stanford Kentuckyi