of the sun to its setting the name of the L is to be praised.

www.parishofaberavon.org The Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon is a registered charity no 1130785 Registered Office : The Rectory, Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1US 70p July 2018 The Parish Magazine of the Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the LORD is to be praised.

Transcript of of the sun to its setting the name of the L is to be praised.


The Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon is a registered charity no 1130785

Registered Office : The Rectory, Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1US


July 2018

The Parish Magazine

of the Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon

From the rising of the sun

to its setting the name of the LORD

is to be praised.

Newydd page 2 July 2018

The Parish Directory


The Parish Office 01639 886740

[email protected]

Office hours: Mon & Thurs 12pm to 3pm Tues 10am to 1pm

Mrs Denise Tamlyn Contact for baptisms, weddings, banns of marriage, hire of the St Mary’s Centre, use of any of our churches for Concerts, requesting items be placed in Newydd & viewing historical documents

The St Paul’s Centre & TwoCann Cafe 01639 883123 (press 1 for admin 2 for catering) [email protected]

Mrs Carol Powrie Contact for full details of all Centre activities, learn about Job Club, or to arrange room hire. Mr Jonathan Thyer Call to arranging any catering with TwoCann Café

The Rector 01639 883630 [email protected]

Canon Nigel Cahill Overall responsibility for the parish and co-ordinating the work of the clergy team with particular responsibility for St Mary’s and St Agnes’

The Team Vicar 07957 675918 [email protected]

Fr Rhun ap Robert Particular responsibility for Holy Trinity Church and the Sandfields estate. Fr Rhun can communicate with you in Welsh if this is your preferred language.

The Parish Deacon 07917 526761 [email protected]

The Reverend Jane Slennett Anglican Chaplain Neath Port Talbot Hospital and assistant curate of Aberavon.

To speak to the on-call Anglican Chaplain for Neath Port Talbot Hospital

07917 526761 [email protected]

The Parish Wardens Miss Laura Howe also Safeguarding Officer and Data Protection Officer

07813 042851 [email protected] Mr Michael Howe also Parish Treasurer 01639 794138 [email protected]

Although elected by the people, Churchwardens are lay Officers of the Bishop.

They share with the clergy in the leadership of the parish and are holders of a very ancient office that dates back to at least the 13th Century. Their jurisdiction covers all aspects of parish life except liturgy.

Newydd page 3 July 2018

From The Rector

[email protected]

01639 883630

If I was to ask you to name one passage of Scripture that inspires you, would you be able to do it? I know that I would find it very difficult to find just one portion of Scripture to answer my own question. There are passages from the Old Testament and the New Testament that have spoken powerfully to me over the years at different times and in different situations. I have always been moved by the story of Elijah encountering God in the silence on the mountain and hearing how his despair was unnecessary, and that God had more work for him to do than he imagined. The story of Joseph has been a constant inspiration to me as it speaks powerfully of reconciliation and forgiveness. The cry for social justice to accompany faith in the prophetic ministries of Hosea and Amos, and the wonderful passages in Isaiah that urge people to a life of service and offer hope in the midst of despair come high on my list. In the New Testament the writings that we call the Epistles (The Letters) each have some words that bring confidence and insight at different times and in differing situations. But it would be the words of

Jesus Himself that would have to come to the top of any list I may compile, and then how to choose one of those passages …. I do know that one of the passages I return to time and time again is found in the Gospel According to St Luke chapter 6, where Jesus says: ‘If you do good to those who do good to

you, what credit is that to you? For even

sinners do the same. If you lend to those

from whom you hope to receive, what

credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to

sinners, to receive as much again. But love

your enemies, do good, and lend,

expecting nothing in return. Your reward

will be great, and you will be children of

the Most High; for

he is kind to the

ungrateful and the

wicked. Be

merciful, just as

your Father is

merciful. Do not

judge, and you will

not be judged; do

not condemn, and you will not be

condemned. Forgive, and you will be

forgiven; give, and it will be given to you.

A good measure, pressed down, shaken

together, running over, will be put into

your lap; for the measure you give will be

the measure you get back.’

Newydd page 4 July 2018

This passage has reminded me time and

time again about the need for generosity

and mutual support. It has inspired me

when I have felt down-hearted and tired,

and motivated me to be generous not just

with money, but with my time.

Over and again in the last thirty six years, I have used this passage to teach people in various congregations of the need to give: not just of their money, but of themselves. Jesus is very clear in what he says. There is no hint of obfuscation or no reason not to see the very obvious:

‘the measure you give will be the measure you get back.’ This speaks not only of the things we possess, like our money, but it speaks of the grace we need to be forgiving, and it speaks of every part of our being. If we want to be loved, then we must love. When we want support, we must be willing to support others. Generosity is vital to the Christian life: and generosity without thought of reward. God did not spare His own Son. Jesus did not flinch from allowing Himself to die on the cross. Mary did not hesitate in her obedient response to give birth to the Saviour. Time and again in the life of the Church - not just here in this area, but wherever I have been - I have been astounded at the attitude of church people to their local

community. Church goers have displayed the belief that they are there to be supported in God’s work, because the church is for everyone; yet there is no acknowledgement of what the community needs from the church. There has been, in so many places, a superiority: we work hard to keep this place going, and they only turn up when they want something. Yet it is the Church who has often been at fault in only turning up when she wants something, holding out a begging bowl, usually, and asking for donations to maintain or repair a building. In this scenario, where is “the measure you give?” Jesus has made it so clear: if you don’t give, or you only give to those of whom you approve or like, why do you expect to receive?

Yet we do - over and over again we expect to be supported without offering support.

And it isn't a question of giving just to receive as the passage makes abundantly clear. We give - of time, energy, talents, forgiveness, money - because we follow Jesus. Because it is the right thing to do and not because it brings rewards. Once we have put ourselves into that frame of being that enables us to be generous people, it changes not only our lives, but it has an effect on those around us too. The results of being as Jesus wants us to be truly are remarkable for us and for our Church.

Newydd page 5 July 2018

I have always sought to follow this passage in my life, and I have never been disappointed. But I do know that, even by setting an example, there are many who refuse to follow the teaching of this passage, and who want to take so much more than they are prepared to give. In the very near future our Benefice is going to ask for a lot of help to make St Mary’s fit for the future: both the buildings and the grounds. We will want, and we will expect, people to rally around us and support us in our endeavours to replace the heating system, repair the roof and the walls and the windows, and find a long term solution to the care of the churchyards. We will want people to donate money, and give up time to help the cause which is dear to our hearts. So what are we giving in return: or should I say, what is each individual giving in terms of time and generosity to further the cause of the Gospel outside the walls of the church? As a parish we are very generous to mission and charity: yet in response to local need there is room for improvement, and in response to events organised even by our own church folk there is room to improve. When an invitation to attend a community event, or an event in another building, comes to us, why do we not see it is a wonderful opportunity to show support and share in the joys of others? One of the glories of the St Paul’s Project is that it is outward looking; seeking ways to meet the needs of the people who don’t

come to church as well as the needs of those who do come. What we are trying to achieve there is a means of helping everyone see God’s love put in action in people’s lives even if they don’t share our faith. Jesus, after all, cured the servant of the Roman Centurion. It is only by showcasing Jesus in the world in our actions and lifestyles that we will convince more people to worship God. If we are not prepared to forgive, be merciful, meet the needs of others, offer ourselves in service and give of our money and talents, why do we expect to receive those things? To me, it is obvious: if you want support - give it to others, not just the church. Some church people never support, in any way, the events held throughout the parish. Many people will still not travel from church to church when we have joint events. Even fewer will go to things in other churches, or other community events organised by non-church organisations. Yet everyone wants things to happen, to improve, to grow in their own place of worship.

Perhaps we need to pray this every day

Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labour and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will.

Newydd page 6 July 2018

Glanafan Court Funeral Home, 48-50 Margam Road, Port Talbot, SA13 2BN

If someone has died you can call this funeral home directly on

01639 883688

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm Saturday to Sunday: By appointment

24 hour service

Port Talbot & Margam Funeralcare

Newydd page 7 July 2018

Dates for the diary in 2018 3rd July Evensong & Benediction at St Agnes’ 7pm 4th July Benefice Quiz Evening at St Agnes’ 7pm 5th July Purple Shoots Come and meet with Chrissie Webber, who can help people achieve their dreams for their communities. 7.30pm at St Pauls Centre. Open to anyone, not just church people. 7th July Glastonbury Pilgrimage The bus leaves from St Theodore’s at 7.45am 8th to 28th Jane Slennett is on holiday 10th July Afternoon Tea at St Agnes’ 3pm For tickets (£7) call Mary on 01639 767469 14th July 25th Anniversary of priesting Fr Tony de Roy Jones To celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Fr Tony you are invited to a mass at St Theodore’s at Noon. Please let Fr Nigel know if you are going to help St Theodore’s with catering numbers afterwards. 16th July PCC Meeting 7pm St Agnes’ 17th Coffee Morning for Save the Children at St Agnes’ 10am 18th July St Mary’s Church Committee Meeting 7pm in church 19th July Fr Rhun’s Sponsored Cycle ride to Walsingham 23rd to 26th July Walsingham Pilgrimage 28th July to 11th August Fr Rhun is on holiday 7th August Evensong & Benediction at St Agnes’ 7pm 10th to 31st August Fr Nigel on holiday

Newydd page 8 July 2018

Jennii Arrives

I have moved in, got the house organised, and began work. I was once told that the three most stressful things you can do are: moving house; going to a place where you don’t know anyone; starting a new job. So I decided to do all three at once and I have to say it wasn’t actually all that stressful. Everyone has been incredibly generous and welcoming, so settling into the area, the churches and work hasn’t been an issue. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been spending time getting to know what is happening in the parish, and starting to form some ideas for the future. I have been working on a wildlife garden idea for the Summer Holiday activities at St Pauls Centre, and hopefully this will develop into an on-going event for the young people each week. I plan on getting to know the community better and finding ways in which I can support the different groups and activities that are already taking place as well as finding ways to help. I look forward to getting to know all of you and am grateful to each of you for all your help and the welcome you have given me.


Save the Children There will be a Coffee Morning for in aid of Save the Children on Tuesday 17th July at 10am at St Agnes Church. Your support would be much appreciated. This amazing charity works all over the world, and is currently seeking more ways to help in the Yemen, where it is estimated over 15 million have no clean water and at least 8 million are facing starvation. The local Save the Children group work tirelessly to raise funds throughout the year, and all the money they send away is put to good use, helping the most needy in our world.

Newydd page 9 July 2018

Aberdare to Walsingham A 300 mile sponsored Cycle Ride. Last year, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is so often the forgotten cancer with very little funding invested into finding a cure for this most cruel of diseases. Pancreatic cancer is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat, and this is why I want to support 'Amser Justin Time Charity'. When my dad was diagnosed, we thought we were 'just in time'. After a very difficult year including major surgery, chemotherapy and daily prayer, although not cured, dad is battling on. ‘Amser Justin Time’ is a Welsh Charity dedicated to raising awareness of pancreatic cancer and specifically funding pancreatic cancer stem cell research. Please support me in raising funds for this important cause in the hope of finding a cure and better treatments to beat this cancer. Thank you. Fr. Rhun. ________

You can sponsor Fr Rhun directly or online


Newydd page 10 July 2018

8, Ty’r Eglwys Cwmafan, SA12 9BD

If someone has died you can call this funeral home directly on

01639 896440

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday to Sunday: By appointment

24 hour service

Cwmafan Funeralcare

Newydd page 11 July 2018

Newydd page 12 July 2018

Award On June the 7th, we were invited along to the National Museum of Wales, along with Sarah's parents to see our granddaughter receive her award for a poster competition. It was run by NHS Wales to celebrate its 70th birthday. Sarah had to design a poster for 'hand washing'. There were eight successful recipients and they were presented with their prizes, a cinema voucher, by the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Wales, Dr Frank Atherton. What we did not know until we got there, was that there were eight hundred entrants from the whole of Wales, which made us all the more proud. Well done Sarah!

June and Sylvan Thomas

Charity Concert There will be a Charity Concert in aid of LATCH, the Welsh Children’s Cancer Charity, at St Agnes Church on Friday 6th July at 7pm. Featuring Port Talbot Cymric Male Choir with Special Guests Anwen Williams (Soprano) and Watford Palace Theatre Community Choir. Tickets £6 available from 01639 885544 or 07900493697 or pay at the door. Come along and support this very important Children’s Charity and enjoy a wonderful evening of Music and Song.

New phone number for Fr Rhun Fr Rhun’s only telephone number is now 07957675918. Please do not pass on Fr Rhun’s address to anyone, but refer anyone wanting an address for post to The St Paul’s Centre address: St Pauls Centre, Gerald Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6DQ

Newydd page 13 July 2018

The Three Hundreds : A flower festival 8th to 11th November To mark the Centenary of the end of World War I, the one hundredth anniversary of the creation of the Aberavon Parliamentary Constituency, and the 100th anniversary of the first women being allowed to vote, a Flower Festival will be held at St Agnes’ Church from 8th to 11th November. A service will be held in the evening of the 11th November to close the event.

At the opening on 8th November we will be joined by children from Thornhill Primary School, Cardiff, who will perform their Armistice Cantata. They have been nominated for a national award for this piece, as their Cantata has been chosen amongst hundreds in the 2018 National Lottery Awards 2018 - Education category. Thornhill are great supporters of the Goldies Cymru Charity who, through daytime Song and Smile fun singalong sessions, brighten the lives of hundreds of older people across South Wales. The charity also promotes links between primary schools and communities and its current Heritage WW1 Lottery project is based on the commemoration of the final months of the First World War. Liz Berry is deputy head at Thornhill, she explains: “Our school has really embraced the Goldies charity and we have seen the huge benefits that come when our older people and grandparents visit school to meet and enjoy the WW1 projects and sing the Goldies songs.” Thornhill pupils worked on the project for 6 months and research included a visit to the Glamorgan Archives to study WW1 memorabilia and letters and find out more about the men from South Wales who went to war. There are 7 songs and groups of children composed the lyrics for each one. They then worked on the narration script and the moving images that form the backdrop to the 30 minute production. To win the Award people all over the UK have to vote for the school. They are the only primary school to have been entered for this Award. If you would like to support them - as they are going to support us the please use this is the link to vote on-line: https://www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk/project/armistice-cantata If you don’t have internet access please call at St Pauls Centre and they will help you connect so that you can vote.

Newydd page 14 July 2018

Opening Times Monday to Saturday: 9:00am 5:30pm

Open every Sunday 10am 4pm

01639 882266

Aberafan Shopping Centre

Registered childminder

C.S.S.I.W. registered and fully trained. Cwmavon based Fully insured PACEY professional 30 years experience in the childcare field

Amanda Rees 01639 765591 07758851270

[email protected]

Newydd page 15 July 2018

Diocesan Mental Health Chaplain & St Paul’s Centre

Sarah Harris is the Church in Wales’ first ever community mental health chaplain and works in the Llandaff Diocese. Now, Sarah has arranged to have a regular place at The St Pauls Centre where she can see people who are in need. The chaplaincy, which is a joint venture with the charity Mind, is being spearheaded by Sarah, a registered mental health nurse, who joined the diocese as its first community mental health chaplain in October 2016. Her main aim is to train church communities in mental health awareness, mental health first aid and suicide prevention. She also mentors people who have mental health issues in returning to the community from hospital or prison and help them settle back into parish life.

Sarah, who worked in acute psychiatry before training as a registered general nurse, has worked as a community staff nurse for the last 18 years and volunteered as a hospital chaplain. “We want to increase awareness within our church communities and create safe places for people coming out of hospital and prison who have mental health issues. Mental health is a huge area – one in four people will have a mental health problem every year and often this is not recognised or diagnosed,” said Sarah. Sarah, who is married to Jeremy, a church warden in Swansea and Brecon, lives in Gowerton and has three grown up children. “Mental health is one aspect of our overall wellbeing. You don’t have to have a diagnosed mental illness to be in poor mental health. God wants us to be the best version of ourselves, with body, mind and spirit all working effectively. We are made to be together in community, and not to exist in isolation,” said Sarah.

You can contact Sarah directly by email at [email protected] or, you can let Jennii Shaw know that you, or someone you know, would like to see Sarah. The St Paul’s Centre is there for everyone.

Jenni is going to undertake training to set up a group for those suffering from depression and anxiety. This group will either meet at Holy Trinity or St Paul’s Centre - or even both.

Sarah Harris

Newydd page 16 July 2018

New Mission for Seafarers Building and New Chaplain to South Wales A much needed and long awaited new facility has been provided for the Mission to Seafarers in Port Talbot. Managed still by the indefatigable and resilient Alwyn Bamford the Mission can continue to help those who bring goods to our shores, leaving behind their own families for months on end, in modern and more comfortable facilities. Along with a new facility comes a new South Wales Chaplain, The Reverend Mark Lawson. Fr Mark has highlighted the mental health issues of so many of those he encounters, as they struggle with being in a confined space for months on end - and the absence of their families. Writing in the February edition of Flying Angel News he said: “Cultural differences mean that some are less likely to explain how they feel. For others, the concept of pastoral care is distant. For many, the challenges of the job mean there is little time to speak. The presence of The Mission to Seafarers extends beyond the barriers of culture and language to a place of shared humanity – we visit seafarers to hear of the trip which has taken them, physically, mentally and spiritually.”

Sunday 8th July is Sea Sunday. Please pray for the Mission to Seafarers on that day. As you know, on the 9th of every month, we pray for the work of the Mission and all whom they encounter in their work. Later in the year you will be asked to help raise funds for this important work to continue.

Newydd page 17 July 2018

Home grown

a series of articles about local people who have become famous.

Avril Williams David John (Afan) Thomas was born at Llan Baglan, Cwmavon on the 15th of April, 1881. His father was a well known choir conductor, his mother a singer, daughter to David Nicholas. He learned to play the violin at six years of age and the organ soon after under the tutelage of his grandfather David Nicholas. By 1899 he had adopted the name “Afan” “Afan” studied for a time under Sir Joseph Parry at University College, Cardiff and at Llandaff Cathedral. He also studied at Bournemouth Church and was organist at Bethesda Congregational Chapel in Briton Ferry from 1903 to 1927. David was a frequent winner of musical composition Competitions at the National Eisteddfod of Wales and his works were regularly performed at the Eisteddfod concerts.

His sacred vocal works include “Eirin” Afan 1 and 2. His most ambitious work was his composition for choir and orchestra with words by Sir Henry Newbolt - “He Fell among Thieves”- which was performed at Aberavon. David also composed a cantata “Merch y Llyn” (with words by Watcin Wyn); solos such as “Suogan” and many hymns including “God we praise You” to the tune Llan Baglan and “Rock of Ages”. He left over 100 manuscripts and two collections of Hymn tunes many of which were copied by his father, Evan Thomas and his brother Gwylim Thomas. David also conducted two male voice choirs - The Brython and The Afan Glee

Society. In 1920 he joined the Welsh Orchestra as a violinist at the same time conducting a local orchestra.

Afan Thomas died on the 13th May, 1928 and was buried in Cwmavon. He is remembered as a very determined character, as well as for his prolific and original composition.

Bethesda Congregational Chapel Briton Ferry

Newydd page 18 July 2018


Answer on page 21

Walsingham 2018 On Monday 23rd 139 people from the Diocese of Llandaff will travel to Walsingham by car or coach to take part in the annual pilgrimage. Twenty eight people are travelling the 300 miles to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, and to take with them in their hearts your prayer requests. At the back of each church you will find prayer lists. Please write down your requests for prayer in the appropriate place, and we will pray your intentions at the Shrine. Please, print the names and intentions so that we can easily read them.

Newydd page 19 July 2018

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Newydd page 20 July 2018

more on page 21

Letter from Australia Dear Glenys, How are you going now? I do pray that you are feeling a lot better now. Are you still having to go to Swansea for your blood treatment, how far is Swansea from you and how long does it take to get there? Thank you for your Easter Wishes, we had a Combined Churches Service on Good Friday down the street in our town Memorial Hall with people from all churches taking part in the lessons and singing. Our money raised on the day is being used to pay for the Scripture teacher at our High School in Bellingen and Dorrigo High School, 2 days at each school. Josh is a 28 year old with a wife and 2 daughters from the House of Hope Church, he is a great musician and singer, and also he is doing a Theology Course. We have volunteer scripture teachers in the primary schools, you most likely do too, don’t you.

We held the Wave of Prayer at Gaye Shorten’s house in Coffs Harbour then had an afternoon tea because Coffs Branch’s time was 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Golly the Mothers’ Union members in the overseas countries do a fabulous job helping their people. We put together packs for the hospital, tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and underwear for adults and children, combs and some T-shirts.

I am planning to come to Holland, Scotland, England and Jersey Island in September with my 2 girls Fay and Susan so I am hoping that it would be possible to meet up on one day, there is a lot of planning to do yet. Susan has been doing some ancestry on my father’s family who came from Scotland, you never know we may get somewhere near where they came from. I have been writing to Christine and Michael Bromley at St Albans for quite a few years so perhaps I will be able to meet them too, and a couple that we met on our trip to Israel, they live not far out of

Dorrigo High School

Bellingen High School

Newydd page 21 July 2018

David Helfcott

Conundrum answer 60 minutes. You take the first, then every 15 minutes you take the next four. 4 x 15 = 60

London, I am hoping to catch up with them and then our friends on Jersey Island for a few days before we come home. Over the last 2 years this lovely young man David from Holland has been staying with me on and off so I want to meet his parents now. He turned 34 years old on the 30th March. He has been in New Zealand for a couple of months as he only has a 3 month visa so he has to go out of the country then come back. David is a wonderful Christian lad, he reads the Bible every day, and he plays the piano wonderfully. Now it’s the 22nd and you wouldn’t believe it when I first wrote the above and was going to bed the phone rang and David wanted me to pick him up at Urunga at 11pm, he was getting a lift with a truck driver from Hescham up to Urunga, but they didn’t get to there until 12.30am so we were late when we went to bed and slept in the next day. He has been down the South Coast of New South Wales at Bermaqui.

This afternoon we have been to a David Helfcott recital in our Memorial Hall raising funds for the Sanctuary for the refugees from

overseas, we had a young man from the Congo, he told of his journey to get help. Doreen is now full time in the Nursing Home, yesterday 21st up at the home we had a very special afternoon tea for Doreen as she has lived here all her life 96 years. She has been a very devoted worker for our Church, Guild, Mothers’ Union, Sunday school teacher, Scripture teacher at the Primary school, on the Parish Council and also in our Church choir where we wore black skirts, white tops with a black bow tie and a flat black hat like the people wear when they pass their selected professions, so I went through my cupboard, found mine and dressed up for the afternoon tea so I will have to get a copy of the photos that were taken. Then Rev. Zoe presented Doreen with the special award for services to the Church. Lots of love to you all from Heather.

Newydd page 22 July 2018

1st The Shrine at Walsingham: the staff and all pilgrims

2nd The emergency service: Police, Fire, Ambulance, Air Ambulance, Lifeguards and

3rd Port Talbot Food Bank

4th Sandfields, Tywyn, Awel Y Mor, Rhos Afan, Bae Baglan, St Josephs’ & Dyffryn schools.

5th Neath Port Talbot Hospital

6th Our MP and AM

7th The Sea Cadets, Air Training Corps, St John's Ambulance, Scout Association, The Guides

8th The Local Council: councillors, officers and other personnel

9th The Coastguards, & Mission to Seafarers

10th Local Magistrates, Magistrates' Clerks and staff

11th Local funeral directors and those who help the bereaved

12th The St Paul's Centre

13th Local nursing and residential homes

14th GPs, the local community health care workers & the Forge Centre

15th The unemployed and local agencies who seek to offer help and support

16th Those that are seeking faith and searching for a meaning in life

17th Christian Aid

18th Christian Unity

19th The Homeless, especially those in our own community, and all who seek to help

20th The mission of the Church in this place.

21st The local farming community

22nd USPG

23rd Those who are housebound and unable to worship in church

24th For our parish: those who live and work here and all who worship with us.

25th Let the Children Live

26th Water Aid

27th Embrace

28th Local employers and their staff

29th The Church Army, and its work in the Diocese

30th Youth work in the parish, especially Streetwise

Monthly Prayer Intentions

Newydd page 23 July 2018

Job Club every Wednesday

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Telephone: 01639 885374

Newydd page 24 July 2018

Daily Readings : July 1 Wisdom 1. 13-15; 2. 23-24

Psalm 30 2 Corinthians 8. 7-end Mark 5. 21-end

2 Amos 2. 6-10, 13-end Psalm 50. 16-23 Matthew 8. 18-22

3 Habakkuk 2. 1-4 Psalm 31. 1-6 John 20. 24-29

4 Amos 5. 14-15, 21-24 Psalm 50. 7-14 Matthew 8. 28-end

5 Amos 7. 10-end Psalm 19. 7-10 Matthew 9. 1-8

6 Amos 8. 4-6, 9-12 Psalm 119. 1-8 Matthew 9. 9-13

7 Amos 9. 11-end Psalm 85. 8-end Matthew 9. 14-17

8 Ezekiel 2. 1-5 Psalm 123 2 Corinthians 12. 2-10 Mark 6. 1-13

9 Hosea 2. 14-16, 19-20 Psalm 145. 2-9 Matthew 9. 18-26

10 Hosea 8. 4-7, 11-13 Psalm 103. 8-12 Matthew 9. 32-end

11 Hosea 10. 1-3, 7-8, 12 Psalm 115. 3-10 Matthew 10. 1-7

12 Hosea 11. 1, 3-4, 8-9 Psalm 105. 1-7 Matthew 10. 7-15

13 Hosea 14. 2-end Psalm 80. 1-7 Matthew 10. 16-23

14 Isaiah 6. 1-8 Psalm 51. 1-7 Matthew 10. 24-33

15 Amos 7. 7-15 Psalm 85. 8-end Ephesians 1. 3-14 Mark 6. 14-29

16 Isaiah 1. 11-17 Psalm 50. 7-15 Matthew 10. 34 - 11. 1

17 Isaiah 7. 1-9 Psalm 48. 1-7 Matthew 11. 20-24

18 Isaiah 10. 5-7, 13-16 Psalm 94. 5-11 Matthew 11. 25-27

19 Isaiah 26. 7-9, 16-19 Psalm 102. 14-21 Matthew 11. 28-end

20 Isaiah 38. 1-6, 21-22, Psalm 32. 1-8 Matthew 12. 1-8

21 Micah 2. 1-5 Psalm 10. 1-5a, 12 Matthew 12. 14-21

22 Jeremiah 23. 1-6 Psalm 23 Ephesians 2. 11-end Mark 6. 30-34, 53-end

23 Micah 6. 1-4, 6-8 Psalm 50. 3-7, 14 Matthew 12. 38-42

24 Micah 7. 14-15, 18-20 Psalm 85. 1-7 Matthew 12. 46-end

25 Jeremiah 45. 1-5 Psalm 126 Acts 11. 27 - 12.2

26 Jeremiah 2. 1-3, 7-8, 12-13 Psalm 36. 5-10 Matthew 13. 10-17

27 Jeremiah 3. 14-17 Psalm 23 Matthew 13. 18-23

28 Jeremiah 7. 1-11 Psalm 84. 1-6 Matthew 13. 24-30

Newydd page 25 July 2018

The Faithful Departed We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have recently died, amongst them:

Barbara Hendra Elizabeth Jean Beaumont David Joshua Gange

May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

July & August readings continued

Congratulations and Best Wishes To Freda Lyford who will be celebrating her 95th birthday on 27th July.

Thank You To everyone for all the cards and gifts I received for my 70th birthday. Jennifer Lewis.

200 Club The winner in June was number 45, Beverley Reynolds.

Afternoon Tea St Agnes Circle are hosting an Afternoon Tea on Tuesday 10th July at 3pm in church. Tickets £7, available from Mary Jones. All are welcome.

Summer Activities for Children

Once again The St Paul’s Centre will be opening its doors to children during the summer months for a variety of activities that are all free. From gardening and making “bug hotels” and “Hedgehog hotels” to Coding and Sing and Rhyme sessions, there is something that will attract a wide range of children. Support for this essential outreach programme is so important. you can contribute in two ways: Pray for everyone involved that they

may be strong and inspirational; Make a donation to offset the cost of

the work (totalling £2314).

29 2 Kings 4. 42end Psalm 145. 10-19 Ephesians 3. 14-end John 6. 1-21

30 Jeremiah 13. 1-11 Psalm 82 Matthew 13. 31-35

31 Jeremiah 14. 17-end Psalm 79. 8-end Matthew 13. 36-43

1st August

Jeremiah 15.10, 16–end Psalm 59.1–4, 18–end Matthew 13.44–46

2nd August

Jeremiah 18.1–6 Psalm 146.1–5 Matthew 13.47–53

3rd August

Jeremiah 26.1–9 Psalm 69.4–10 Matthew 13.54–end

4th August

Jeremiah 26.11–16 Psalm 69.14–20 Matthew 14.1–12

Newydd page 26 July 2018

The Eucharist on Weekdays Monday 6.30pm St Agnes’ (10am on Bank Holidays) Tuesday 10.00am St Mary’s Wednesday 10.00am Holy Trinity & 11.00am St Mary’s Thursday 10.00am St Agnes’

for times of services on Holy Days please look inside the magazine and on the web site


The Rectorial Benefice of Aberavon A registered charity no 1130785

Registered Office The Rectory,

Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1US

01639 883630 [email protected]

Post cannot be received at the churches or the church halls. Please use the registered office address.

The Sunday Eucharist

9.15am St Agnes’ 11.00am Holy Trinity 11.00am St Mary’s 5.00pm Holy Trinity (Welsh)

Open Churches

St Mary’s Church is open Monday to Saturday 10am to 3pm St Agnes’ Church is open every day from 9am to 5pm (4pm in winter)

The St Paul’s Centre & TwoCann Cafe 01639 883123

(press 1 for admin 2 for catering)

Newydd page 27 July 2018