Of Mice and Men - Controlled Assessment Preparation

Of Mice and Men - Controlled Assessment Preparation LO: What is the context of our novel? How Curleys’s Wife relates to context and theme.


Of Mice and Men - Controlled Assessment Preparation. LO: What is the context of our novel ? How Curleys’s Wife relates to context and theme. . Title : Themes Recap and Revision. STARTER: Copy the following, matching the correct vocabulary and definition. gingham. Wild with fear. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Of Mice and Men - Controlled Assessment Preparation

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Of Mice and Men - Controlled Assessment Preparation

LO: What is the context of our novel?

How Curleys’s Wife relates to context and theme.

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Title: Themes Recap and Revision







Wild with fear

Hostile and aggressive

Flat and dull

To answer back sharply, angrily or cheekily

White checked cotton cloth

Stress placed on a word to show importance

STARTER: Copy the following, matching the correct vocabulary and definition.

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Wild with fear

Hostile and aggressive

Flat and dull

To answer back sharply, angrily or cheekily

White checked cotton cloth

Stress placed on a word to show importance

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Context… All: be able to show familiarity with the text and the how the character of Curley’s Wife is presented.

Most: be able to use quotations to display your point of view

Some: be able to show insight into the implications and relevance of the text.

Title: Of Mice & Men

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Name: John SteinbeckDates: 1902 – 1968Career: Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, and many of his novels are set in this part of America. Before his career as a writer began, Steinbeck worked as a construction labourer and a caretaker.His first novel Cup of Gold was published in 1929. Of Mice and Men was published in 1937. His most famous novel, The Grapes of Wrath came out in 1939. Many of his books, such as East of Eden also became films. In 1962 John Steinbeck was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize for Literature.

Title: Of Mice & MenLO: what is the context of our novel?

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The Grapes of Wrath deals with a group of people known as the ‘Okies’. These were migrant workers who left the dust bowl of Oklahoma when their crops failed. They travelled to California, in search of work and ‘the American Dream’, the hope of a bright new future in the West.The Okies were badly treated, and many of them died on the journey, or starved to death after arriving in California, the ‘land of plenty’. John Steinbeck was deeply affected by their plight. Much of his work deals with the poor treatment of such workers, and the way that society mistreats its poorest people.

Title: Of Mice & MenLO: what is the context of our novel?

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Title: Of Mice & MenLO: what is the context of our novel?

The Great Depression: Task• Make notes on the context, ready for a quiz.• There will be a prize for the most correct answers!

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Title: Of Mice & MenLO: what is the context of our novel?

The Great Depression Quiz 1. What years are we talking about? 2. What happened in 1929 that devastated the US stock

market? 3. How many banks went out of business? 4. How many savings accounts vanished? 5. How many businesses went bankrupt? 6. How many people were unemployed? 7. How many schools were closed? 8. Admissions to mental hospitals went up by what percent? 9. How many men became homeless? 210. Suicides went up by what percent?11. What caused the crops to die? 12.What storms caused havoc? 13. What did Americans have to start working as? 14. “It only became official when …”?

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Themes in ‘Of Mice and Men’ The American Dream

The American Dream: Everyone has a dream to strive for. The poor ranch

hands wish to be their own bosses, and actually have

stability in their lives.

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What is the American Dream?The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931. He states:

"The American Dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to achieve the fullest stature of which they are capable of, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the circumstances of birth or position."

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment PreparationLesson 2

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Title: What was the American Dream?

Starter: What do you remember about the Great Depression from yesterday? Draw a spider diagram and write notes.

The Great Depression

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Is the American dream possible in the historical context of the


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Curley’s Wife• Curley’s Wife appears in Section Four (109

onwards) and Section Five (Page 122 onwards).

• How does Curley’s Wife relate to dreams? • Does she stop anyone’s Dream? • What is her Dream? • Complete two PEE chains from each section

making personal and critical response to how Curley’s Wife is represented in these sections.

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Themes in ‘Of Mice and Men’ The American Dream

…Read ‘the dream’ section

TASK: Draw a table and to show the contrast between the reality of their

lives their ‘American dream’


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"'Well,' said George, 'we'll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens. And when it rains in the winter, we'll just say the hell with goin' to work, and we'll build up a fire in the stove and set around it an' listen to the rain comin' down on the roof...'"

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Their perfect world is one of independence. Workers like Lennie and George have no family, no home, and very little control over their lives.

They have to do what the boss tells them and they have little to show for it. They only own what they can carry.

Themes in ‘Of Mice and Men’ The American Dream

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George and Lennie have a dream, even before they arrive at their new job on the ranch, to make enough money to live "off the fat of the land" and be their own bosses. Lennie will be permitted, then, to tend the rabbits.

…who else has a dream in the novel?

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Themes in ‘Of Mice and Men’ The American Dream

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‘To a Mouse’ By Robert Burns

Controlled Assessment Preparation

Lesson 3

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StarterList as many similarities and differences between men and mice that you can think of.

Title: What is the significance of the title Of Mice and Men?

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The poem…

– Steinbeck was inspired by this poem and used a line from the poem as his title for the novel.

‘To a Mouse’ By Robert Burns

– Listen to the poem being read aloud…

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Match the summary sentences to the stanzas of the poem…

1. The mouse needs to build a new house as the winter is coming and he needs a safe place to hibernate.

2. The narrator comments on the fact that the mouse is not the only living creature that has planned something that has later gone wrong.

3. A mouse is scared of the loud, frightful noises he can hear.

4. The narrator is fearful of what the future holds for him.

5. The narrator apologises for the way he has ‘interrupted’ the mouse’s world.

6. The mouse’s next is destroyed and he has no-where to live during the harsh winter months.

7. The narrator understands that a mouse may have to steal some of the crops in a field, but this is only in order to survive and does not really harm anyone.

8. The mouse was clever to forward plan the building of his new nest as the weather is about to change.

Use the standard English translation to help you!

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In light of the poem, answer these two questions.

– In what ways are the mouse and man similar?

– How does the idea in this poem link to the idea of the American Dream explained in last lesson?

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How does Burns show his view that dreams are


TASK: Using lines 38 and 39, write a PEEL chain in response to the above question.

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How does Burns show his view that dreams are worthless?

In ‘To a mouse’, Robert Burns views dreams as worthless, for example, ‘The best laid plans o’ mice and men gang aft agley’. This shows that it doesn’t matter how carefully the mouse planned/dreamed for his hibernation he could not prevent the hand of fate from ruining it. This emphasises Burns’ view that dreams are a foolish waste of time.

Uses key words from the question in the Point.


Explains how the poet shows Burns’ view

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On your own, think about these questions….

1. Are dreams important even if they don’t come true?

2. How do dreams improve our lives?

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Of Mice and Men- Plot

Controlled Assessment Preparation

Lesson 4

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Title: Of Mice and Men – Plot review and recap

STARTER: Turn to the opening pages of your resource book and begin filling in the mind maps considering themes.You will need to

add to these mind maps as we watch the


Make notes on Crooks and Curley’s Wife as you watch.

How does Steinbeck comment on American society through these characters? (Think about the work we did on context and the American Dream).

Draw the table below to complete as you watch.There will be a ‘no hands up’ quiz after the DVD

– 3 strikes and you are out.

Crooks Curley’s Wife

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Plenary Quiz – Ch.1Plot summary (Section One)Copy and complete the summary by filling in the blanks.Two men called George and __________ make their way down to a clearing beside the __________ River near the town of __________ in __________. They are heading to a nearby __________ to find work. Lennie has a dead __________, which he likes to stroke, in his __________, but George makes him __________ it away. They warm some __________ on a fire for __________ and Lennie asks __________ to tell him about the house and land they are going to__________ one day.

mouse town California Lennie throw hide supper  George ranch Oklahoma beans pocket own  Soledad soup rat live Salinas

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Plenary Quiz – Ch.2Plot summary (Section Two)Complete the summary by filling in the blanks.  George and Lennie __________ at the __________

where an old __________ shows them their __________. They meet the __________, who __________George about Lennie. The swamper comes back with his __________. They meet the __________ son, whose name is __________. They also __________ a man called __________, whose dog has just had some __________. Curley's new __________ comes in, looking for her husband.


boss rooms beds arrive boss’s puppies meet Slim questions girlfriend Curley dog wife swamper puppy stable buck fight ranch

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Plenary Quiz – Ch.3Plot summary (Section Three)Complete the summary by filling in the blanks.

George and __________ sit in the bunk house. George tells Slim about his __________ with Lennie and explains __________ they had to leave __________. Lennie arrives, __________ the puppy Slim has given him. __________ makes him take it back to the barn. Candy and Carlson come in. __________ tells Candy he ought to shoot his old dog. __________ Candy agrees. Carlson takes the dog away. Slim goes to __________ an injured mule. The rest of the men start talking about __________. Then Curley appears, looking for his wife. __________ of Slim, he rushes out to the barn. Some of the others __________, leaving George and Lennie __________ with Candy. George and Lennie talk about their __________ of the farm, and Candy offers to __________ his savings if they let him join them.The other men return. _________ and Slim are __________. Curley turns on Lennie, who __________ his hand. Slim tells Carlson to get Curley to a __________. Curley agrees to say he caught his hand in a machine.

George Curley Weed Slim Carlson Suspicious doctortend cuddling pool Eventually Soledad shoot grin arguing alone dream Carlson crushes Crooks women why follow friendship

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You are going to be shown a series of images. Tell me what each

scene still represents in the plot.

Title – Plot Recap!

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Of Mice and Men- Plot

Controlled Assessment Preparation

Lesson 5

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Title: Themes Recap and Revision







Wild with fear

Hostile and aggressive

Flat and dull

To answer back sharply, angrily or cheekily

White checked cotton cloth

Stress placed on a word to show importance

STARTER: Copy the following, matching the correct vocabulary and definition.

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Wild with fear

Hostile and aggressive

Flat and dull

To answer back sharply, angrily or cheekily

White checked cotton cloth

Stress placed on a word to show importance

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Group Work

–The American Dream

–Discrimination–Hardship –Loneliness–Friendship–Segregation

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Key Themes

TASK: Using your grids...

1. List the characters that are linked to your theme

2. Quote – find a quote which highlights this theme. E.g: The American Dream – George and Lennie

3. Discuss the theme and its significance within the novel, adding to the notes/ideas column.

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TASK: Complete the 3 remaining mind maps in your booklet.– Ensure you add as much detail as possible – Use evidence from your notes and the novel– Show me what you know about each theme!

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Of Mice and Men- Curley’s Wife

Controlled Assessment Preparation

Lesson 6

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Title: Curley’s Wife

STARTERWe know more about Steinbeck’s feelings towards

Curley’s wife than we do about any other character.He wrote to the first actress to play her and explained his

feelings towards the character.

Read the letter – how does this change your view of the character?

Claire Luce played Curley’s Wife in 1938

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Learning Objectives

• What does the reader learn about Curley’s wife’s character?

• How does Steinbeck use Curley’s wife’s attitude and behaviour to reveal her character?

• How does Curley’s wife link to the themes of loneliness/segregation/dreams?

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Curley’s Wife – First Appearance.

LO: To locate relevant quotes to support our point of view.

To consider how Steinbeck first presents Curley’s Wife.

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STARTERIn your groups take a section each.

Section 2 = Hardback (53 – 54) Softback (34-36)Section 4 = H (109 – 115) S ( 87 – 92)Section 5 = H (122 – 128) S (97-103)

Find One quote for “The Innocent Victim” and one for “Dangerous Jail Bait”. Then share your answers.

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What’s in a name?

Why does Curley’s Wife have no name?

Steinbeck provides no name for Curley’s Wife. This helps create the impression of her as someone with no individual existence. It also gives the impressions she is “owned” by Curley and simply a possession, which is how women were viewed in the 1930s.

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Look back at the first introduction to Curley’s Wife (Chapter 2) and complete the PEEL chain table in

your workbook.

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What George’s feelingsabout her?

Why is she in the bunkhouse?

How does she talkto the men?

What does her provocativebody language show?

What does her appearancesuggest about how she

would like to live

Why does she look out of placeon a working ranch?


What does her appearance reveal about her?

Curley’s wifeChapter 2

Use the questions below to complete the PEEL chain table.







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For example...Point Evidence Explanation Link

Curley’s wife’s body language is deliberately provocative when she leans…

‘so that her body was thrown forward,’

This suggestive posture reveals her need to be noticed by the men.

This attention seeking could imply the loneliness that she feels, her lack of position and power in society because she is a woman. It may also show the way that women were valued by men.

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment Preparation lesson 8

Tone and Curley’s Wife

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Title: Presentations of Curley’s Wife

How does this quote link to the theme of dreams? Copy and complete the following…

“Although there was evening brightness showing through the windows of the bunkhouse, inside it was dusk”.

This shows that the light tries to get in but never manages to penetrate the darkness. This is important to the themes of the story because …

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Learning Objectives

How does Steinbeck use light and dark to help present Curley’s Wife?

How does Steinbeck use language to change the tone and atmosphere of

the chapter when Curley’s Wife enters.

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Copy and complete the following…

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Light and Dark

When Curley’s Wife first appears in the bunkhouse (Ch.2 p.53), both Lennie and George notice that the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway is cut off, for example……….

This represents……….

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Light and Dark

After Curley’s Wife has died (ch.5 p129): ‘the sun streaks were high on the wall by now, and the light was growing soft in the barn.’

This implies….

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A change in atmosphere…

Read Ch.4 from p.109…

‘Any of you boys seen Curley?’Answer the following questions: 1. How does she change the atmosphere?2. What does this show about their ‘dream’?3. What element of the poem ‘To a Mouse’

does this represent?4. Which side of CW do we see here? The

lonely victim or the dangerous figure?

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How does Steinbeck present Curley’s Wife in a positive light?

– Use a PEEL chain to answer the question.

– Use your redeeming features worksheet to help you.


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Complete your PEEL chain worksheet from last lesson.

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What are George’s feelingsabout her?

Why is she in the bunkhouse?

How does she talkto the men?

What does her provocativebody language show?

What does her appearancesuggest about how she

would like to live

Why is she incongruous on a working ranch?

What does her appearance reveal about her?

Curley’s wifeChapter 2

Use the questions below to complete the PEEL chain table.

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment Preparation lesson 9Set Practice Question and Mark Scheme

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Title: Planning an essaySTARTER: Read through the revision notes on Curley’s Wife, highlighting important information.

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Band Read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose.

Develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives.

0 marks Nothing written, or what is written is totally irrelevant to text/not worthy of credit.

Band 11-7 marks

Candidates: make limited attempt to respond to whole texts; can identify in a limited way some aspects of content, characters or situation and will rely on narrative.

Candidates: show limited response to the main events of the whole text;show limited awareness of explicit meanings and ideas and significant features of characters.

Band 28-15 marks

Candidates: make some attempt to respond to texts; can identify some aspects of content, characters or situation, but may still rely on narrative.

Candidates: show response to significant characters, relationships and main events;show awareness of explicit meanings and ideas and significant features of characters.

Band 316-23 marks

Candidates: can describe the main ideas and themes; make a personal response;begin to select relevant and apt detail;begin to probe the sub-text.

Candidates: refer to specific aspects or details when justifying their views;show basic awareness of how texts achieve their effects through the writers’ use of language.

Band 424-31 marks

Candidates: can understand and demonstrate how meaning and information are conveyed in texts;select and evaluate textual details appropriately;probe texts confidently.

Candidates: make personal and critical responses, referring to specific aspects of language, grammar and structure to justify their views; convey ideas clearly and appropriately.

Band 532-40 marks

Candidates: make cogent and critical responses;choose textual references carefully and are able to comment fully on the significance of particularwords, phrases and stylistic features; make subtleand discriminating links.

Candidates: show originality of analysis and interpretation when evaluating patterns and details of words and images; are able to evaluate and comment on characters/relationships and attitudes/motives; at the highest level, consistently handle texts with confidence, have an overview and convey ideas cogently and make assured analysis of stylistic features.WJEC Mark Scheme

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Mock Question

Examine the characterisation of Curley’s Wife in the novel Of Mice

and Men. Use close textual analysis in your

answer. Copy the question into your book and highlight the key words.

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– Introduction: (Link to question and context)Curley’s Wife is characterised as both ...

– Paragraph 1:– Paragraph 2:– Paragraph 3:– Paragraph 4:– Conclusion: By characterising Curley’s Wife

as ... Steinbeck comments on 1930s American society...

Quotes or specific references to events needed


Context must be mentioned

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– Introduction: (Link to question and context)Curley’s Wife is characterised as both ...

– Point 1: Steinbeck forewarns the reader by having Candy warn George about Curley’s Wife. Refer to Candy’s first meeting with George.

– Point 2: Steinbeck describes her in physical terms that emphasis her sexual attractiveness and her use of this to tease men.

– Point 3: Curley’s Wife can be cruel, willing to misuse her power. Refer to what happens in Crooks room.

– Point 4: She is also shown as a vulnerable victim. Refer to the final description of her lying dead in the barn.

– Point 5: Curley’s Wife had dreams of being an actress. Steinbeck creates sympathy for her by revealing her lost dreams. Refer to her discussion with Lennie.

– Conclusion: By characterising Curley’s Wife as ... Steinbeck comments on 1930s American society...

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Make sure you use PEEL chains to answer the question

For example…POINT: The other men treat Crooks really badly.EVIDENCE: Candy comments that ‘Smitty took after the nigger ... We had fun’. EXPLANATION: This implies that Crooks was beaten as a form of entertainment for the other men. The use of the word ‘nigger’ is a racist term that shows lack of respect and proves that the men view Crooks as inferior. LINK: This makes the reader feel sympathy towards Crooks.

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Mock Question: Examine the characterisation of Curley’s Wife in the novel Of Mice and Men. Use close textual analysis in

your answer.

Sentence starterCurley’s Wife is characterised as both …

Success Criteria: 1. Make sure you use quotes to back up points you make. 2. Analyse Steinbeck's use of language, grammar and structure.3. Discuss what Steinbeck shows us (not just what he tells us)

reading between the lines.4. Make links to the themes in the novel e.g. CW links to the

theme of the American Dream/ loneliness/ segregation.5. Make sure you discuss context.

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Homework (see FROG) due Tuesday 2nd October

To revise the presentation of Curley's Wife in preparation for the CA next week.

• TASK 1: Draw a picture of Curley's Wife and label it with 6 quotes from the book. (Use your extract booklet to find quotes).

• TASK 2: Pick one quote and write a PEEL chain on how it presents Curley's Wife to the reader.

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Begin Planning...

• Use the remainder of this lesson to plan a response

• Brainstorm your key points and ensure you find quotes!

• Your practice response will be marked!

• This will help you prepare for your controlled assessment. The more effort you put in to this response the better off you will be!

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Next lesson

• You will be given next lesson to write your response

• You will be able to ask questions and I can give you written feedback – this cannot happen when your planning for your controlled assessment so use this opportunity!

• Your draft will need to be completed at home and will be due Monday1st October

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment Preparation lesson 10

Mock Essay to be completed

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Mock Controlled Assessment

Examine the characterisation of Curley’s Wife in the novel Of Mice

and Men. Use close textual analysis in your


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– Introduction: (Link to question and context)Curley’s Wife is characterised as both ...

– Paragraph 1:– Paragraph 2:– Paragraph 3:– Paragraph 4:– Conclusion: By characterising Curley’s Wife

as ... Steinbeck comments on 1930s American society...

Quotes or specific references to events needed


Context must be mentioned

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– Introduction: (Link to question and context)Curley’s Wife is characterised as both ...

– Point 1: Steinbeck forewarns the reader by having Candy warn George about Curley’s Wife. Refer to Candy’s first meeting with George.

– Point 2: Steinbeck describes her in physical terms that emphasis her sexual attractiveness and her use of this to tease men.

– Point 3: Curley’s Wife can be cruel, willing to misuse her power. Refer to what happens in Crooks room.

– Point 4: She is also shown as a vulnerable victim. Refer to the final description of her lying dead in the barn.

– Point 5: Curley’s Wife had dreams of being an actress. Steinbeck creates sympathy for her by revealing her lost dreams. Refer to her discussion with Lennie.

– Conclusion: By characterising Curley’s Wife as ... Steinbeck comments on 1930s American society...

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Make sure you use PEEL chains to answer the question

For example…POINT: The other men treat Crooks really badly.EVIDENCE: Candy comments that ‘Smitty took after the nigger ... We had fun’. EXPLANATION: This implies that Crooks was beaten as a form of entertainment for the other men. The use of the word ‘nigger’ is a racist term that shows lack of respect and proves that the men view Crooks as inferior. LINK: This makes the reader feel sympathy towards Crooks.

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Mock Question: Examine the characterisation of Curley’s Wife in the novel Of Mice and Men. Use close textual analysis in

your answer.

Sentence starterCurley’s Wife is characterised as both …

Success Criteria: 1. Make sure you use quotes to back up points you make. 2. Analyse Steinbeck's use of language, grammar and structure.3. Discuss what Steinbeck shows us (not just what he tells us)

reading between the lines.4. Make links to the themes in the novel e.g. CW links to the

theme of the American Dream/ loneliness/ segregation.5. Make sure you discuss context.

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Homework (see FROG) due Tuesday 2nd October

To revise the presentation of Curley's Wife in preparation for the CA next week.

• TASK 1: Draw a picture of Curley's Wife and label it with 6 quotes from the book. (Use your extract booklet to find quotes).

• TASK 2: Pick one quote and write a PEEL chain on how it presents Curley's Wife to the reader.

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment Preparation lesson 11 Curley’s

Wife as Victim and Sinner

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Mock Question: Examine the characterisation of Curley’s Wife in the novel Of Mice and Men. Use close textual analysis in

your answer.

Sentence starterCurley’s Wife is characterised as both …

Success Criteria: 1. Make sure you use quotes to back up points you make. 2. Analyse Steinbeck's use of language, grammar and structure.3. Discuss what Steinbeck shows us (not just what he tells us)

reading between the lines.4. Make links to the themes in the novel e.g. CW links to the

theme of the American Dream/ loneliness/ segregation.5. Make sure you discuss context.

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Title: Curley’s Wife as Victim and Sinner

Look at your homework. What quotes did you find the

support Curley’s Wife as…Victim? Sinner?

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Title: Curley’s Wife – the victim or sinner?

After Lennie kills Curley’s Wife, Steinbeck describes her in detail to show

how different she looks. Her innocent and helpless side is emphasised.

TASKS: – Add arrows to link the boxes to the text.– Then complete the table on the opposite


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Useful QuotesComplete the worksheet looking at Curley’s

Wife’s two contrasting sides.(You may be able to use some of the

quotes found for homework to help you)

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Curley’s Wife

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment Preparation lesson 13Hand out real question and discuss notes

page with the class.

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Today’s Lesson • You will get the real question. • We will discuss the notes page.

• You will begin planning.

Title: Notes Page and Planning

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Notes PageWhen Controlled Assessment

folders are chosen for external moderation, the notes must be included with the work.

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The notes may include any information that the student may find helpful when attempting

the assignment. For example, the notes may contain:

– The exact title of the task– Page references for particular

scenes/chapters or significant sections of the text

– Key quotations– Lists of characters– General notes on approaches– The spelling of particular words (e.g.

metaphor, simile etc)

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What do inappropriate notes look like?....

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Plan1. Look at how Calpurnia is first presented- Scout’s view- biased.

Calpurnia a disciplinarian.2. Think a bout how Calpurnia has helped Scout- writing.3. Walter Cunningham- more lessons in manners.4. Looks after children- dog incident- protective5. Changing relationship with Scout- when Jem becomes more grown

up. Closer to her and more gentle- sympathetic to her situation.6. Look at how she is seen in her own community (church visit)-

respected and literate. Highly regarded and upright. Surprise to Scout.

7. Care of the children in the church- what it says about her that she takes them.

8. Aunt Alexandra’s view- not suitable to bring up the children. Atticus’s view about Calpurnia and the way he values her equally, not as an inferior.

9. The dignity of Calpurnia when hearing of Tom’s death.10.How she helps Helen Robinson.11.Summing up- her qualities. How Harper Lee makes her out to be a

human being rather than a ‘nigger’. Central issue- the equality of all mankind. She proves that she has all the ‘qualities’ that the white people have and more but some of them regard her as inferior.

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OpeningWhen we first meet Calpurnia in the first chapter of the book, Scout only mentions her unpleasant characteristics. Scout obviously resents the authority Calpurnia has over her and she points out her features in negative language: ‘She was all angles and bones…her hand was as wide as a bed slat and twice as hard.’ At this stage in the book, Scout does not like Calpurnia but when reading these lines we are aware that Scout is simply recounting the feelings of a small girl and our more adult eyes probably side with Calpurnia in feeling that the little girl needs a firm hand to keep her in order. This hand Calpurnia provides. This ironic approach allows the readers to make up their own minds about the kind of woman Calpurnia is despite Scout’s criticism.

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What do appropriate notes look like?...

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Page references• First appearance: Page 11• Writing: Page 24• Walter Cunningham: Page 30• Mad dog: Page 98• Jem growing up: Page 121• Church: page 123• Aunt Alexandra’s view: Page 142• Courtroom: 212• Missionary group: Page 234• Tom’s death: Page: 241

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Key quotations• Calpurnia always won, mainly because Atticus always took

her side. (Page12)• In Calpurnia’s teaching, there was no sentimentality. (Page

25)• ‘Yo’ folks might be better’n the Cunninghams but it don’t

count for nothin’ the way you’re disgracing ‘em.’ (Page 30• Calpurnia stared, then grabbed us by the shoulders and ran

us home. (Page 99)• ‘I don’t want anybody sayin’ I don’t look after my children.’

(Page 123)• That Calpurnia led a modest double life never dawned on

me.’ Page 131)• ‘She tried to bring up according to her lights and Cal’s

lights are pretty good and another thing- the children love her.’ (Page 142)

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Remember:• Prove what you say by reference to the text.• Keep the quotations short.• Look at the way the author uses the language-

word choices etc.• Don’t tell the story.• Think about the way Calpurnia reacts to other

people and what other people• think of her.• Remember that Scout tells the story and we see

Calpurnia through her eyes.• Be relevant and organised.

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The Question….

Examine how Steinbeck presents the character Curley’s Wife in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Refer closely to the text in your answer.

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Introduction-Link character

to questionand context

Relationshipwith otherCharacters

(What do they say about her?)


Language /motifs



Quotes or specificreferences to events needed throughout

Context must be mentioned

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Of Mice and Men

Lesson 14 - Controlled Assessment PreparationHand back drafts and continue planning notes


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• Drafts back• Discuss feedback (looking at how to

write a good introduction and conclusion).

• Continue Planning and begin your notes page.

Title: How to write a strong introduction and conclusion

Today’s lesson

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...should be a brief paragraph introducing• The title• Points you will discuss or argue

It should give the reader an insight into what you wish to discuss but still closely linked to the title. Do not go off on a different subject.

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The first lineYour first line of your essay should start with the

essay title reworded to display your understanding of the task.Example

Title: How does our perception of Curley’s wife change throughout the story?

Example first line: Throughout the story “Of Mice and Men” our perception of the character Curley’s wife changes.

The following words are used from the title to the first line:

Throughout the story “Of Mice and Men” our perception of the character Curley’s wife changes.

TaskUsing the following titles

consider the first line of the introduction

• How is Curley’s wife presented? Do you find this portrayal a sympathetic one?

• Many of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” have dreams. How do their dreams hide their loneliness?

• Describe and discuss the relationship between George and Lennie.

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The first line needs to read something like these…

How is Curley’s wife presented? Do you find this portrayal a sympathetic one?

The way Curley’s wife is presentation changes throughout the story. There are times when the reader may feel sympathy for the character.

Many of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” have dreams. How do theirdreams hide their loneliness?Nearly all of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” have dreams. Their dreams show how they would like a better life. They also reveal their loneliness.

Describe and discuss the relationship between George and Lennie. The relationship between George and Lennie is shown as a complicated relationship.

Opening Line

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The rest of the introductionThe rest of the introduction needs to introduce

the points you will discuss throughout the essay.

First line: Throughout the story “Of Mice and Men” our perception of the character Curley’s wife changes.

Rest of introduction:At the start Curley’s wife is portrayed in a negative way. For example as a flirt who wears a lot of make-up. Throughout the story we are given different views of her, some of which lead us to perceive her differently than first thought.

Now write the rest of the introduction for these titles:

• How is Curley’s wife presented? Do you find this portrayal a sympathetic one?

• Many of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” have dreams. How do their dreams hide their loneliness?

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How is Curley’s wife presented? Do you find this portrayal a sympathetic one?

The way Curley’s wife is presentation changes throughout the story. There are times when the reader may feel sympathy for the character. Steinbeck shows Curley’s wife as nothing but trouble from the start. However by the end we see the portrayal of this character in a different light.

Many of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” have dreams. How

do their dreams hide their loneliness?Nearly all of the characters in “Of Mice and Men” have dreams. Their

dreams show how they would like a better life. They act as a cover to their loneliness. Loneliness and dreams are a reoccurring theme throughout the story. There are times when they bring characters together and times when they can destroy them.


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How to write a conclusionYou have already done the hard part ... This bit is easy!! The conclusion is a reflection of your

introduction. This means rewriting your introduction in a way that summarises all the points. You start a conclusion the

same way you started the introduction with the title.

Example: How does our perception of Curley’s wife change throughout the story?

In conclusion our perception of Curley’s wife changes throughout the story. At first we see her as trouble who flirts with the other ranch hands. As the story goes forward Steinbeck shows how she also is unhappy with her life. It also shows her to be just as vulnerable as other characters. She shares her dreams, which also shows her loneliness. Therefore Curley’s wife is just as lonely as the other characters.

Consider the conclusion for this question: How is Curley’s wife presented? Do you find this portrayal a

sympathetic one?

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AnswerHow is Curley’s wife presented? Do you find this

portrayal a sympathetic one?

In conclusion the way Curley’s wife is presentation changes throughout the story. At first Steinbeck presents Curley’s wife as trouble to the other ranch hands. This is through her appearance and body language. We feel sympathy for the character as she is unhappily married to Curley. As the story continues her loneliness is revealed. At the end of the story her portrayal is a sympathetic one as we she reveals how she ended up marrying Curley.

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment Preparation Lesson 15 - Continue drafting and completing

notes page. Teacher to give oral feedback.

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Today’s lesson

• This is your final lesson before your controlled assessment

• Use this time to plan a response and to ensure your notes page is finished!

• We cannot plan a response together, I can only give you verbal feedback!

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Of Mice and Men

Controlled Assessment

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Examine how Steinbeck presents the character Curley’s Wife in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Refer closely to the text in your answer.

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Title: Write at the top of the page

Quotes• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______

Key Words• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______• _______

Things to Remember• _________________________• _________________________• _________________________

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Bullet point quotes you are going to use on your essay.

Try and put them in the order you will use them.

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Key Words

Bullet point SINGLE key words.

Again, they can be in the order that you are going to use them. But they must be single key words – NOT A PLAN.

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Things to Remember

Write down notes from my feedback on your draft. You may also want to include:

– Use PEEL – Talk about the writer– Talk about the readers response.– Analyse Steinbeck's use of language, grammar and

structure– Discuss what Steinbeck shows us (not just what he

tells us) reading between the lines.– Make links to the themes in the novel– Make sure you discuss context

Page 113: Of Mice and Men -  Controlled  Assessment Preparation

Examine how Steinbeck presents the character Curley’s Wife in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Refer closely to the text in your answer.