OE to ME: levelling of inflections

OE to ME: levelling of inflections OE ME SOUTH ME NORTH masculine nouns sg N se stán A þone stán þe stone D þǽm stáne G þæs stánes þe stones pl (south) (north) NA þá stánas D þǽm stánum þe stonen þe stones G þára stána


OE to ME: levelling of inflections. OE to ME: levelling of inflections. OE to ME: levelling of inflections. personal pronouns. personal pronouns. personal pronouns. OE to ME: levelling of inflections. verbs present tense. OE to ME: levelling of inflections. verbs past tense. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of OE to ME: levelling of inflections

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OE to ME: levelling of inflections


masculine nouns

sgN se stánA þone stán þe stoneD þǽm stáneG þæs stánes þe stones pl (south) (north)NA þá stánas

D þǽm stánum þe stonen þe stones

G þára stána

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OE to ME: levelling of inflections


feminine nouns

sgN séo sacuA þá sace þe sakeD þǽre saceG þǽre sace pl (south) (north)NA þá saca

D þǽm sacum þe saken þe sakes

G þára saca

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OE to ME: levelling of inflections


neuter nouns

sgN þæt húsA þæt hús þe hous(e)D þǽm húseG þæs húses þe houses plNA þá hús

D þǽm húsum þe housen þe houses

G þára húsa

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personal pronouns


1 ic mec mé mín ich me min(e)

2 þú þec þé þín þou þe þin(e)

3 m he hine him his he him his

3 f heo híe hire hire ho hir(e)

3 n hit him his (h)it (h)it his

1 wé ús úre we us owre

1 dual wit unc uncer

2 gé éow éower ye yow yowr(e)

2 dual git inc incer

3 mfn híe heom heora he hem hire

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personal pronouns


1 ic mec mé mín ich me min(e)

2 þú þec þé þín þou þe þin(e)

3 m he hine him his he him his

3 f heo híe hire hire ho hir(e)

3 n hit him his (h)it (h)it his

1 wé ús úre we us owre

1 dual wit unc uncer

2 gé éow éower ye yow yowr(e)

2 dual git inc incer

3 mfn híe heom heora he hem hire

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personal pronouns


1 ic mec mé mín ich me min(e)

2 þú þec þé þín þou þe þin(e)

3 m he hine him his he him his

3 f heo híe hire hire ho hir(e) scho

3 n hit him his (h)it (h)it his

1 wé ús úre we us owre

1 dual wit unc uncer

2 gé éow éower ye yow yowr(e)

2 dual git inc incer

3 mfn híe heom heora he hem hire þai þem þeyre

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OE to ME: levelling of inflectionsverbspresent tense

OE ME South Midlands ME North

helpan helpen helpe

1 sg ic helpe ich helpe

2 sg þú helpest þow helpest

3 sg hé hilpþ/helpeþ he helpeþ helpes


wé helpað we helpeþ helpen helpes

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OE to ME: levelling of inflectionsverbspast tense

OE ME South ME North

1 sg ic sang ich sang

2 sg þú sunge þou sangst

3 sg hé sang he sang

123 pl

wé sungon we sungen sunge

p-p gesungen y-sunge(n) sunge(n)

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Verbs: salient pointspresent tense

OE ME South Midlands ME North

1 sg ic helpe ich helpe ich helpe ich helpe

2 sg þú helpest þou helpest þu helpes

3 sg hé helpeþ he helpeth helpes123pl

wé helpaþ we helpeth helpen helpes

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stone stoon stoon stan

what what what quhat

for, from vor vram for from for fro

he, she it he heo hit he sche hit he scho hit

they, them, their

he hom hore þei hem hir þai þam þare 

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  SOUTH London/Midland NORTH

“stone” stoon stoon stan

“what” what what quhat

“for, from” vor vram for from for fro

“he, she it” he heo hit he sche hit he scho hit

“they, them, their”

he hom hore þei hem hir þai þam þare

“he is” he is, beth he is he is

“we are” we beth we ben we aren


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“he speaks” he speketh he speketh he spekes,spekis

“we speak” we speketh we speken we spekes,spekis

“speaking” spekindespekendespekinge


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v-fvor – forvox – foxvyxen - fyxen

ð – þðink – þinkðis - þis

s - zsea,such

Initial fricatives


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they them their

hei hem hire

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for –s see Markey 1988 in B-Mappa

3rd pers. sg.

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all pers. pl.