Odyssey Books 10-17 Summaries

The Odyssey Books 10-17 Summaries By Erin Salona


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The OdysseyBooks 10-17 Summaries

By Erin Salona

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Book TENThe Bag of Winds and the Witch Circe

• Odysseus & men land on island of Aeolia

• Aeolus, the wind king, puts all the winds in a bag so that the men won’t be harmed on the voyage

• Odysseus’ sailors open the bag of wind on the boat & hurricanes ensue

• They are blown back to Aeolia with no sympathy from Aeolus

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Book TENThe Bag of Winds and the Witch Circe

• Next, they sail to the land of the giant Laestrygonians (lees-trih-GOH-nee-unz) & some of the Laestrygonians, cannibals, eat some of Odysseus’ men.

• Then, with one ship left, they land on Aeaea, home to the witch Circe.

• Eurylochus, leads a party of 22 men to explore the island.

• They find Circe surrounded by many wild animals.

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Book 10: Laestrygonians

King Antiphates & Queen

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Book TENThe Bag of Winds and the Witch Circe

• Circe looks harmless since she is singing and weaving & the men think she might be a goddess.

• Eurylochus did not go in to meet her since he sensed something evil within Circe.

• Circe feeds the men and gives them laced wine which turns them into pigs.

• Hermes gives Odysseus an antidote to eat to work against Circe’s power & he rushes to her home.

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Book TENThe Bag of Winds and the Witch Circe

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Book 10• Then Odysseus should

threaten Circe with death, at which point Circe will offer to sleep with him.

• Odysseus must sleep with her, as it will break her spell over his crew.

• Odysseus visits Circe, and the plant works its magic against her poison.

• He goes through with Hermes' plan, and because of his fortitude she takes him to be the great Odysseus.

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Book 10 • As Hermes predicted, Circe

asks Odysseus to sleep with her; he first makes her promise not to use any more enchantments.

• After they retire to Circe’s bedchamber, she turns them back into men, now looking better than ever.

• Circe tells Odysseus to have his men bring their ships and gear ashore and come back with everyone.

• They all return but the still suspicious Eurylochos.

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Book TENThe Bag of Winds and the Witch Circe

• Circe releases all of Odysseus’ men, and since she is the most beautiful immortal, he agrees to her request to have Odysseus and his men stay with her for a year.

• They beg Circe to help them get home.• She warns them that they will have to

confront Hades, King of the Underworld, and his wife Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.

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Book TENThe Bag of Winds and the Witch Circe

• Circe gives Odysseus very specific instructions regarding how to reach the Underworld because one cannot simply take a boat there

• Odysseus must go to Persephone’s land, find the place where two rivers meet and drain into the river Styx, and then dig a trench.

• In the Underworld, the men will have to consult with Teiresias, the blind prophet, make sacrifices of animals, & confront ghosts.

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Book ELEVENThe Land of the Dead

• Odysseus’s voyage to the Land of the Dead symbolizes the darkest depths of our souls that we must all confront on life’s journey.

• Odysseus must ask Teiresias how to arrive home to Ithaca.

• Teiresias’s blindness suggests his true insight or prophecy.

• In the Underworld, Odysseus sacrifices sheep to the gods and the dead watch him

• Teiresias tells Odysseus that Poseidon will make his journey home difficult

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Book ELEVENThe Land of the Dead

• Teiresias tells Odysseus not to eat Helios’, the sun god’s, cattle & to make sacrifices to Poseidon

• He says Odysseus will come home alone to find the suitors at his house which he will kill

• Odysseus sees his mother Anticleia, a ghost, who died of a broken heart when Odysseus did not return home from Troy

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Book ELEVENThe Land of the Dead

• Anticleia assures Odysseus of his wife’s loyalty and he tries to embrace her but can’t

• Odysseus sees many heroes in the Underworld he once knew, such as Achilles and Agamemnon

• Agamemnon tells Odysseus that he must return to Ithaca in disguise in order to spy on wife Penelope.

• Agamemnon is distrustful of wives after his wife & her lover murdered Agamemnon upon his return.

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Book TWELVEThe Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

• Odysseus has returned to Circe’s island & she warns him of the dangers of his journey

• Circe warns the men of the Sirens, beautiful, bird-like women whose music enchants men so that they may kill them

• No sailor has ever survived the lure of the sirens.

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Book Twelve

• Circe tells Odysseus to plug the men’s ears with wax so they can’t hear the Sirens

• The men will continue to steer the boat past the Sirens.

• Odysseus can be tied to the mast of the boat so he can hear them

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Book TWELVEThe Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

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Book TWELVEThe Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

• Circe tells the men that the 2nd danger to avoid is the den of Scylla, a monster who has 12 legs and 6 serpent’s necks and heads.

• She has 3 rows of sharp teeth.

• She will eat 6 men at once.

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Book Twelve

• The 3rd danger is the whirlpool Charybdis

• Circe tells the men that they should hug the cliffs of Scylla because it is better to lose 6 men than an entire boat of men.

• The 4th danger are Helios’ cattle. If the men eat them, the ship & crew will be destroyed– but not Odysseus.

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Book TWELVEThe Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

• Odysseus never tells the men of the last prophecy (Helios’s cattle)

• (Remember: Odysseus is still telling his story to King Alcinous)

• The men survive the Sirens.

• The men drop their oars out of fear when they see Scylla & Charybdis.

• Scylla eats 6 of the men.• They avoid Charybdis.

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Book TWELVEThe Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis

• Odysseus tells the men not to eat Helios’ cattle when they arrive on Thrinakia for a rest

• After a month of storms, the men are hungry and kill a cow.

• The men eat Helios’ cattle & are punished at sea by a thunderbolt from Zeus.

• Odysseus is the only one who survived & is rescued on Calypso’s island.

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Book Twelve

• *Odysseus is finished telling his story to King Alcinous

• *We are back at book 5.

• Chronologically, Odysseus voyage is as follows: Book 9-12, 5-8, 13-24

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Book Thirteen

• Odysseus stops telling his story to Alcinous

• King Alcinous helps him home to Ithaca

• Athena comes to Odysseus, disguised as a shepherd & then a woman

• Athena turns Odysseus into an old beggar to protect him

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Book Fourteen• Odysseus, disguised as

a beggar, visits Eumaeus, his old loyal swineherd.

• Odysseus tells him that Odysseus, his lord, will be home soon to take vengeance on the suitors– he is not dead

• Eumaeus warns him of the suitors’ plans to ambush Telemachus

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Book Fifteen

• Athena finds Telemachus at King Menelaus & Helen’s and urges him to return home lest his mother marry one of the suitors

• She also warns him of the suitors’ fatal plans, and tells him to find Eumaeus and have him deliver the message to Penelope that he has returned home.

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Book SIXTEENThe Meeting of Father and Son

• Telemachus arrives at Eumaeus’ hut. Odysseus is still there, disguised as a beggar.

• Eumaeus is thrilled to see Telemachus

• Telemachus asks him if his mother remarried and Eumaeus says “no.”

• Telemachus tells “the stranger” he will protect him as best he can

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Book SIXTEENThe Meeting of Father and Son

• Eumaeus tells Penelope of Telemachus’s return

• Athena makes Odysseus look like a better version of himself

• At first, Telemachus is afraid of Odysseus– thinks he is a god

• Then, Telemachus is happy to see his father after 20 years

• Odysseus asks Telemachus to keeps his arrival secret, even to Penelope

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Book SEVENTEENThe Beggar and the Faithful Dog

• Telemachus returns home & Penelope and Eurycleia, his nurse, greet him.

• A soothsayer/ seer named Theocylmenus is with Telemachus, and he tells Penelope Odysseus will be home soon

• Penelope can’t believe him due to years of disappointment

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Book SEVENTEENThe Beggar and the Faithful Dog

• Odysseus returns home, disguised as a beggar, with Eumaeus

• Argos, Odysseus’s old dog who he hasn’t seen in 20 years, remembers him

• Argos is found sleeping on a pile of dung/ manure.

• Argos dies after seeing Odysseus

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Book Seventeen

• Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, goes to the hall and asks each suitor for food, testing their loyalty.

• They all give him food, except for Antinous, who throws a stool at him

• Penelope has heard that the beggar has news of her husband and protects him

• Penelope scolds Telemachus for not protecting the beggar from the suitors.