ODOT 2011 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT GRANT APPLICATION ...newarkohio.net/userfiles/files/Department...


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Prepared by:

City of Newark

APRIL 29, 2011

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2011 Transportation Enhancement Program Application Project Title: Downtown Newark Gateway Project – Phase 1 

Sponsoring Local Government: City of Newark, Ohio Mailing Address: 40 West Main Street, Newark, Ohio 43055

Local Government Contact Person: Kimberly Burton, P.E., A.I.C.P. 

Title: Director of Development

Phone Number, Fax Number, and E-Mail Address: 740‐670‐7533  (phone),  740‐349‐6697  (fax), [email protected]

Agency responsible for long-term maintenance (if different from above): City of Newark

Project Category

Project Description Project location: The proposed project is located on 4th Street (SR 13) in downtown Newark. The logical termini for  the entire project are Locust Street on  the north and  the  railroad  tracks on  the south, which constitute  the north  and  south  boundaries  of  Newark’s  Downtown  District.  Phase  1,  which  is  proposed  in  this  application, extends from Locust Street to Main Street (see Attachments A‐C for project description, maps, and photos). Days and hours of proposed project/facility: There  is no  restriction on days or hours of  the  facility. The proposed project is entirely within the public right‐of‐way and is therefore open to the public at all times. 

Indicate if project is part of existing or proposed transportation/community development plan, and level of plan: The proposed project is a part of several existing transportation and community development plans (see Attachment D for excerpts from applicable plans).

Indicate the SINGLE category for which the application is being submitted: Historic and Archaeological Transportation Enhancements

o Acquisition of historic sites o Historic highway programs o Historic preservation o Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities o Archaeological planning and research o Establishment of transportation museums

Scenic and Environmental Transportation Enhancements

o Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic sites o Scenic highway programs including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities o Landscaping and other scenic beautification

Bicycle and Pedestrian

o Provision of bike lanes, signed routes, separate paths, grade separations, parking facilities, other o Provision of safety and educational activities for bicycles and pedestrians o Preservation of unused railway corridors for the purpose of creating shared use trails

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A.) For Historic/Archaeological projects:

Provide number of estimated users:

Designate if project is either on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (attach letter of certification):

B.) For Scenic/Environmental projects:

Provide detailed employment data within a 1-mile radius of the project (attach employment data) OR

the Average Daily Traffic that drives by the site.

C.) For Bicycle/Pedestrian projects:

For bicycle facilities, attach detailed employment data within a 3-mile radius of the project.

For pedestrian facilities, attach detailed employment data within a 1-mile radius of the project.

Project is (circle one):

Completes missing link on a national or statewide facility OR

Completes missing link on local facility How many intersections are eliminated by this facility?

How many driveways are eliminated by this facility?

Is there an alternative route to the facility?

Yes No

Destinations that are easily accessible from, not simply located near, proposed facility (circle all that apply):

Residences Employers Restaurants Libraries

Schools Stores Parks Medical Facilities

Banks Post Office Other (specify)___________________

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Present status of property ownership and plan preparation (must be on existing publicly-owned property). The proposed project will occur entirely on property already owned by the City of Newark.

Public Involvement Efforts The proposed project  constitutes  the  implementation phase of  the Envisioning Newark: 4th Street plan. The planning process  incorporated substantial public  involvement,  including  two charrettes early  in  the project, a public meeting  to  gain  input  on  the  preliminary  plan  ‐  allowing  for  alterations  prior  to  finalization,  and  a presentation  of  the  final  plan  (see  Envisioning Newark  appendices  in  Attachment  D  for  summary  of  public input).  In  preparation  of  this  grant  application,  another  opportunity  for  public  input,  focused  on  specific streetscape elements, was provided (see Attachment F for additional public involvement materials).

Cost Information (Double click table to edit. Table is formulated to automatically calculate cost responsibility. Complete highlighted sections in TOTAL column only, and OTHER SOURCES if applicable. If requesting less than 80% Federal Share, type percent requested in FEDERAL SHARE column).

Estimated Cost (Adjust for inflation)

Fiscal Year*Local

Contribution*Other Sources (If applicable)

TE Request TOTAL% Federal


Environmental 2012 $ 5,000 $ 5,000

Design 2012 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Right of Way N/A $ - $ -

Construction 2013 $ 188,933 $ 440,844 $ 629,778 70%Construction Engineering (10% of Const.) 2013 $ 12,596 $ 50,382 $ 62,978

TOTAL $ 256,529 $ - $ 491,226 $ 747,755

*Identify all sources of funds listed above: The sources of the local contribution (and approximate percent each will  contribute)  include: Capital  Improvement  funds  (58%), Community Development Block Grant  funds (22%), and Stormwater Utility funds (20%). 

How would you develop this project if you received only partial funding: As  the  full  scope of  the Downtown Newark Gateway Project will be completed using a phased implementation approach, the first phase of which will be funded by this TE grant. Should only partial funding be awarded, the project scope and phasing plan would need to be revised to reduce project costs and shift some of the work to subsequent phases of the project.

Project Schedule Design__2012__ Fiscal Year Funds are Requested__2013__ End of Construction__2013__

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Signature of Applicant and Date The Applicant certifies that all information presented in this Application is true and correct to the best of their knowledge. Any misrepresentation will invalidate the Application and make it ineligible for funding consideration ___________________________________ ____________________ Signature Date

Attachments A -Project Description

B - Regional and Detailed Maps

C -Digital Photographs (CD included)

D -Excerpts from Existing Transportation and Community Development Plans

E -Average Daily Traffic Volumes

F -Public Involvement Materials

G -Certified Detailed Cost Estimate

H -Certified Copy of City Council Resolution 11-5



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Attachment A Project Description 


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PROJECT DESCRIPTION  This project is located in the City of Newark’s Historic Downtown Central Business District along Fourth Street (SR 13). Fourth Street functions as the gateway and primary roadway into Newark and its historic downtown.  Signed as SR 13, it runs the entire length of the City north‐south and provides connectivity to two east‐west freeways – SR 16  and  I‐70.    The  purpose  of  this  project  is  to  revitalize  the  Fourth  Street  corridor  and  promote  economic development  in downtown Newark by  improving  the aesthetics and condition of  the corridor, enhancing access and  safety  for  all  users,  and  promoting  sustainable  practices.    In  order  to  achieve  this  purpose,  the  following identified needs will be addressed: 

Lack of identifiable gateways into downtown Newark. 

Poor physical and aesthetic quality of the existing streetscape. 

Lack of current development investment along the Fourth Street corridor and connecting roadways. 

Safety concerns at poorly‐marked and overly‐wide crossings and poor pedestrian‐scale lighting. 

Absence of multi‐modal accessibility and  convenience due  to a  lack of  street  furniture and bike  racks, sporadic trees and landscaping, and deteriorating sidewalks, access points, and related transitions. 

Drainage  and  regulatory  issues  resulting  from  combined  sewers  in  the  downtown  area,  and  standing water along roadway edges at catch basins that cannot fully accommodate some storm events. 

 Elements of Phase 1 (Locust Street to Main Street) of this proposed streetscape project will include: 

1. Sidewalk furniture, including benches made of recycled materials, trash and recycling cans, and bike racks. 2. Installation  of  new  pedestrian‐scale  street  lighting  to match  the  new  post‐top  lighting  at  the  SR  16 

interchange. Associated electric lines will also be buried, which will greatly improve the aesthetics of the corridor. LED bulbs will be installed in all new lights to reduce electricity consumption. 

3. New curb extensions at the Church and Main Street intersections to shorten crossing distances and new crosswalks to replace the existing faded striping. 

4. New northern gateway  feature  in  the  form of earthen mounding and  landscaping,  relating back  to  the Native American mounds that are central to Newark’s history. 

5. Access management  improvements,  including new curb along Fourth Street (original stone curbs will be restored and reused wherever possible), new driveway aprons and alley transitions, and new decorative brick and iron fencing along parking lots to safely separate parking areas from the sidewalk. 

6. Replacement of deteriorating sidewalks to create a continuous pedestrian path and meet ADA standards, and installation of brick pavers to improve aesthetics and distinguish between the furniture and clear walking zones. 

7. Installation of planting strips  that  function as  rain gardens near drainage  inlets  in  four  locations. These green infrastructure elements will reduce watering needs and the amount of stormwater runoff reaching the combined sewers in downtown.  

8. New street trees to provide shade and accent the buildings along Fourth Street (~50‐foot spacing).  These  Phase  1  corridor  improvements  are  the  first  phase  of  a  larger  streetscape  program  that,  over  the  next several  years,  will  improve  the  physical  infrastructure  and  aesthetic  character  of  the  streets  throughout downtown.  These  streetscape  improvements will  be  an  integral  part  of  the  combined  efforts  of  several  other projects  to make  the  downtown  a  lively  and  vibrant  core  of  business,  entertainment,  and  residential  life.    In particular, this project originated from Envisioning Newark: Fourth Street, completed in 2008.  This project will also be developed in conjunction with (1) design and construction of bicycle facilities on Fourth Street (to be installed in 2011),  (2)  three  ongoing  transit  studies  that  will  evaluate  fixed  bus  routes,  street‐cars,  and  an  intermodal passenger  hub  in  the  downtown,  (3) Downtown North  public‐private  development  project  (under  design),  (4) conversion  of  the  downtown  zoning  district  to  a  form‐based  code  (2012  completion),  and  (5)  the  additional planned bicycle facilities identified in the City’s 2009 Bike Trail Connector Study.  Combined, these projects contain many of the elements necessary to turn Fourth Street  into a Complete Street, which is supported by the City through its approved Complete Streets legislation. In conjunction with other efforts, this streetscape project will benefit all residents of Newark regardless of their preferred travel mode by improving access and safety, and it will provide an inviting gateway for visitors and businesses in the downtown.  

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Attachment B Regional & Details Maps 


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N 2



W Main St

E Main St4th St


I 0 1 2Miles

Legend4th Street Corridor

Phase 1

Phase 2

Main Road


City Boundary

Downtown District

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SR 16 EBSR 16 WB







1 inch = 175 feet

Landscaped entry features with signage

Curb extensionsImproved crosswalk striping

Some new sidewalk with textured paversPedestrian scale lightingStreet trees & planters

BenchesBike racksTrash receptacles

Stormwater treatment in planter strips & tree wells

kj Gateway Feature

Intersection Improvements

Pedestrian Improvements/Street Furniture

Sustainability Elements


Pedestrian Improvements

Street Furniture


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Attachment C Photolog 


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SR 16 EBSR 16 WB









1 inch = 200 feet














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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 1 – Facing south on Fourth Street from State Route 16 interchange. Proposed landscaped gateway feature to be located just north of Locust Street intersection. 

Figure 2 – Facing north on Fourth Street from Locust Street. Post top lights in foreground were installed as part of ODOT safety project. The same lights will be installed through the rest of the corridor. 

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 3 – Facing south on Fourth Street from just south of Locust Street. Tree lawns to be converted to rain gardens to treat runoff. 

Figure 4 – Facing north on Fourth Street between Locust and Church streets. Sidewalks to be extended across alleys and driveways to create a continuous pedestrian path. 

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 5 – Facing south on Fourth Street between Locust and Church streets.

Figure 6 – Facing north on Fourth Street between Locust and Church streets.

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 7 – Facing south on Fourth Street between Locust and Church streets.

Figure 8 – Facing north on Fourth Street from Church Street.

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 9 – Facing south on Fourth Street from Church Street.

Figure 10 – Facing northeast at intersection of Fourth and Church streets. Pedestrian crossings to be improved with curb extensions and refreshed crosswalk striping. 

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 11 – Facing north on Fourth Street between Church and Main streets. New curb to be added to reduce driveway width and decorative iron fencing to be installed to separate the parking lot from the sidewalk. 

Figure 12 – Facing north on Fourth Street between Church and Main streets.

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 13 – Facing south on Fourth Street between Church and Main streets.

Figure 14 – Facing south on Fourth Street between Church and Main streets. Existing street trees to be incorporated into new planter wells. 

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Downtown Newark Gateway Project – 4th Street Corridor Photolog (Photos also included on attached CD)  



Figure 15 – Facing north at intersection of Fourth and Main streets. Curb extensions will be designed to maintain newly replaced curb ramps and drainage. 

Figure 16 – Facing northwest at intersection of Fourth and Main streets. Pedestrian crossings to be improved with curb extensions and refreshed crosswalk striping. 

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Attachment D Excerpt for Existing Transportation and Community 

Development Plans  


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DESCRIPTIONS Bike Lanes Install on all major thoroughfares when paved. Striped lanes-wide roads/Sharrows-narrow roads

Streetscapes Install/repair sidewalks on all roads Install landscaping & ‘furniture’ on roads with

enough width to accommodate Additional Features Back-in angled or parallel on-street parking Pedestrian bump-outs & defined crossings Transit stops & bicycle parking Street lighting & furniture 10’ traffic lanes/2-way roads with fewer lanes ADA compliance Gateways Zero-lot line & 2-5 story buildings Consolidated & narrowed access points Consolidated parking Courthouse Square travel pattern change Definitions Short/Mid/Long Term - preliminary timeframes

based on primary destinations & gateways and already-planned projects.

Sharrow – traffic lane where cars and bikes share the same lane

Streetscape – sidewalk and landscaping improvements on the sides of roads

Intermodal Hub – area where different modes can transfer - pedestrians, bicycle, cars, buses & rail.

Gateways – roadway entrances into Downtown. Roundabout – circular intersection without traffic

lights. Road Furniture – examples include benches, trash

cans, street lighting, and public art.


Short-Term Bike Lanes/Sharrows

Long-Term Bike Lanes/Sharrows

Short-Term Streetscapes

Mid-Term Streetscapes

Long-Term Streetscapes

Courthouse Square Redevelopment

Intermodal Hub

Existing Rail lines




Produced by the City of Newark Economic Development & Planning Department, April 2010.

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Attachment E Average Daily Traffic Volumes 


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2008 LICKING CO 1 AVERAGE 24-HR TRAFFIC VOLUME SECT. SECT. PASS & B & C TOTAL BEGINS TRAFFIC SECTION LENGTH A COM'L COM'L VEH. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SR-13 00.00 PERRY CO. LINE 1.51 11480 620 12100 01.51 IR 70 1.14 7950 440 8390 02.65 US 40 3.83 8150 480 8630 06.48 C-343 (DORSEY MILL RD.) 1.28 7170 410 7580 U 07.76 S. CORP. HEATH .47 7170 410 7580 U 08.23 HOPEWELL DR. .15 7780 350 8130 U 08.38 S. CORP. NEWARK .72 7780 350 8130 U 09.10 NATIONAL DR. ENTER 4TH. ST. .49 4510 270 4780 U 09.59 MAIN ST. .10 9590 580 10170 U 09.69 SR 13DA (4TH. ST.) ENTER CHURCH ST. .10 6250 370 6620 U 09.79 CHURCH ST. ENTER 3RD. ST. .17 10200 610 10810 U 09.96 SR 16 (EXPRESSWAY) .23 8880 530 9410 U 10.19 3RD. ST. ENTER ST. CLAIR ST. .10 11370 650 12020 U 10.29 SR 13DA (4TH. ST.) .26 12260 780 13040 U 10.55 SHIELDS ST. 1.35 12950 680 13630 11.90 LEAVE NEWARK .09 12950 680 13630 U 11.99 RE-ENTER NEWARK .01 12950 680 13630 12.00 LEAVE NEWARK C-259 (WATER WORKS RD.) .08 9570 750 10320 U 12.08 RE-ENTER NEWARK .13 9570 750 10320 12.21 LEAVE NEWARK .14 9570 750 10320 U 12.35 RE-ENTER NEWARK .48 9570 750 10320 U 12.83 21ST. ST. .53 13150 690 13840 13.36 N. CORP. NEWARK .68 13150 690 13840 14.04 SR 657 3.61 7520 650 8170 U 17.65 S. CORP. ST. LOUISVILLE .45 7520 650 8170 18.10 N. CORP. ST. LOUISVILLE .27 7520 650 8170 18.37 C-206 (DOG HOLLOW RD.) 4.06 5980 580 6560 U 22.43 S. CORP. UTICA .12 5980 580 6560 U 22.55 US 62 .18 5400 650 6050 U 22.73 MILL ST. .46 4220 470 4690 U 23.19 MAPLE ST. .39 3630 400 4030 23.58 EQUALS STA 0.00 KNO CO N CORP UTICA .00 SR-13 DIRECTIONAL ALTERNATE U 00.00 SR 13 (ST. CLAIR ST.) IN NEWARK .07 10470 510 10980 U 00.07 CHESTNUT ST. .12 10470 510 10980 U 00.19 SR 16 (EXPRESSWAY) .23 10270 500 10770 00.42 RTE. ENDS AT SR13 (4TH ST) IN NEWARK .00

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Attachment F Public Involvement Materials 


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Downtown Newark

Gateway –


St Streetscape Project

April 25, 2011

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Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting

• Discuss implementation of the Envisioning Newark study

• Gain additional public input prior to submittal of Transportation Enhancement Grant Application

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History of the Project

• Planning study took place from June – November of 2008

• Envisioning Newark is a plan to improve circulation, aesthetics, and wayfinding in downtown to help spur activity and development

• Public input was integral throughout the planning process:• 2 early charrettes guided initial design efforts• Public meeting held in August to present & gain input on

preliminary plan, allowing for alterations prior to finalization• Final presentation of the plan in October

• Final document includes numerous planning concepts that will be implemented by this project

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Current Status

• Letter of Interest to apply for Transportation Enhancement funds was submitted by Newark in January of this year

• In March, ODOT accepted the LOI and invited the City to submit a full application – which is due by May 1, 2011

• Specific design elements and detailed cost estimates under development for the grant application

• Will apply for $500,000 grant this round – 20% of which must be local match

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Street: Current Conditions

• 68’ roadway

• 2 parking lanes

• 4 lanes of traffic

• Varying sidewalks (4’-16’)

• Very little street furniture

• Sparse overhead canopies (trees, awnings, etc.)

• 100’ ROW has great potential for growth & beautification

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Street: Proposed Streetscape

Intersection Improvements

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• Curb extensions

• Improved crosswalk striping

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Street: Proposed Streetscape

Pedestrian Improvements

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• Some new sidewalk with textured pavers

• Pedestrian scale lighting

• Street trees & planters

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Street: Proposed Streetscape

Street Furniture

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• Benches

• Bike racks

• Trash receptacles

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Street: Proposed Streetscape

Sustainability Elements

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• Stormwater treatment in planter strips and tree wells

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Street: Proposed Streetscape

Gateway Features

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• Landscaped entry features with signage

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Questions or comments about the proposed project?

• Please remember to sign-in

• If you would prefer to leave your questions/comments or think of them later, please fill-out and return a comment sheet by the end of the week

• You can also email questions or comments to: [email protected]

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Attachment G Certified Detailed Cost Estimate 


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Attachment H Certified Copy of City  Council Resolution 11‐5 


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