O~dinmce Book Page Gher Fie& ORDMANCE NO. IT ORDAINED...

February 16, U)04 O~dinmce Book 52, Page 685 Pdtion No. 2003-003 Petitioner D~&M Gher and Cleorge Fie& Jr. ORDMANCE NO. 25 17-2 BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CRY COUNCIL O Fm CITY OF CHARLOTW: Sectim 1. That the Official Zoning Maps mferegced in Section 1.1M of tlre City of Cbarkdte Zoning Ordinme are hereby mended by changing the zoning of the pmperty dmxi'bed on the attached map frum 0-lfa) to B-1fCD). Section 2. The development and use of the prop* hereby rezoned shall be mmed by the predetemked ordimme quire~~mts applicable to such &ct catmI theap~edsitaplan for the district, and any &ti~nd approved &, regulations, and conditiom, all of which shall constitute the zoning regulations for the approved district aid are binding on the pprty as an mdmt to the regulations and to the Zoning Maps, 4 . Section 3. That this orinance shall become effective upon its adoption. 4 Naocy S. O'd~:Dep.@City Clerlr ofthe Ci@ afCharh$ Nolrth Csro&a, DO HEREBY CBRTFY that the. mg~..s d*yo fm- ~~auaoi~fths.cityof~,~~rth ~;aro~&.~f@sessi'j,, mfhe I@ rn,&@Mfereaceb@h&ia ~~BooIt r20, and rrnd i~ $ m inIt- 5Z. Page(s], 66486, WITNESS my W and the corporate seal of fhe City of Charlotte, Nod Cmlina, tbis the day of Febmry, 2004. N& S. ddbert, CMC, Depoty CiQ Clerk

Transcript of O~dinmce Book Page Gher Fie& ORDMANCE NO. IT ORDAINED...

Page 1: O~dinmce Book Page Gher Fie& ORDMANCE NO. IT ORDAINED …charlottenc.gov/CityClerk/Ordinances/February 16, 2004.pdf · 2016-04-26 · February 16, U)04 O~dinmce Book 52, Page 685

February 16, U)04 O~dinmce Book 52, Page 685

Pdtion No. 2003-003 Petitioner D~&M Gher and

Cleorge Fie& Jr.

ORDMANCE NO. 25 17-2


Sectim 1. That the Official Zoning Maps mferegced in Section 1.1M of tlre City of Cbarkdte Zoning Ordinme are hereby mended by changing the zoning of the pmperty dmxi'bed on the attached map frum 0-lfa) to B-1fCD).

Section 2. The development and use of the prop* hereby rezoned shall be mmed by the predetemked ordimme quire~~mts applicable to such &ct catmI theap~edsitaplan for the district, and any &ti~nd approved &, regulations, and conditiom, all of which shall constitute the zoning regulations for the approved district a id are binding on the p p r t y as an m d m t to the regulations and to the Zoning Maps, 4 . Section 3. That this orinance shall become effective upon its adoption.

4 Naocy S. O'd~:Dep.@City Clerlr ofthe Ci@ afCharh$ Nolrth Csro&a, DO HEREBY CBRTFY that the. mg~..s d*yo fm- ~ ~ a u a o i ~ f t h s . c i t y o f ~ , ~ ~ r t h ~ ; a r o ~ & . ~ f @ s e s s i ' j , , mfhe I@ r n , & @ M f e r e a c e b @ h & i a ~ ~ B o o I t r20, and rrnd i~ $ m inIt- 5Z. Page(s], 66486,

WITNESS my W and the corporate seal of fhe City of Charlotte, N o d Cmlina, tbis the day of Febmry, 2004.

N& S. ddbert, CMC, Depoty CiQ Clerk

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Februduy 16,2004 Ordinance Book 52, Page 686

Petition #:

Petitioner: Dianaikes Grier and Georae Fields

Zonlng ClassHication (Existing): 0-1 [CB) ( O W )

. . Zoning Classillcation (Requested): B-l!CD!

(N-1 . . Aweage a : AppMximately 7.N acres located on the sauth side of

Hampton CM Road, east of North Trym Street

0 175 35Q . 700 4 ,Q? 14Wl D - : ' Feet lm Raquestd &I(CD) fmn Ol(Cq I

EXbtiq Building a Fma F M

Exirtkrg bning Map PtudikWby the Bwndsrles

Ch-eckenbcIrg PlrmniPlg dommission /bJ Chart& City Umlts Creek6 and Streams 11-1 0.2003

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S.@(ion ,& "&J as(t:u$e

p~detd,-~req&b aQ& my &i&jad

amenbent b the ~htls:,@ b th~&&Maps. ", . L *.

~.m&n - - 3* That tb& :5W,43&mm; effdve ups +adoption.

J,Naacy S. Gib&Depu$CiClakofthe Cityof&tte ,N~,O D O ~ Y i C E A ~ t h g t f h e fimgobis a ~ d exact eopyofmC@htgm:&pted bythe C& C d o f ~ G i of Charm Noah :C!mh, inregnlargessian c&ened on& If? day 6 f l m , 2W, tk ref&^ Ming M made h

&,& 120, h.RUI& *Book 5.2, &@0'6g1.588..

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Book 52, Page 688

Pltioner: Huahie and Hazel Barnette Zontng Ctasriflcaflon (Existing): Rd

[sin alefamily R esidential.0 4 dwellim yndSger acre)

Zoning Ciasstncation (Requested): R-5 (CD1 I-Iv Resident~aLy~ to 5 Mellina w e r sue. Condlflonal] . .

Acreage & Location: Approximately 16.03 acres located on the soutfi side of David Cox Road, east of Cleve Brow Road

. , . ' 1~

3 0 0 500 .

Zoning Map #pi):

*+ 1

MapPrMuead byme . Chadotte-Meoklmbwq Planning Comm-ision i


. :

Requested RS(CD) from R-4 Existkg Building ml FOotpllllk

[ FFEYA Flo'od Plan

t i i i g Z d n i n @ Boundarks


& chadotb C@ Umk Crreks and Sheam

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Petitim No. 2003-094 Petitima: hpmd L. ad



e i 2 ;fhad 1 . % -. .csVe :oprntnt. a d w. o T @ $ , p q d y ~ @ ~ ~ e e o a e d shall ire paned by the

tg &~ e:Zo&&q$. .. ~. . 'S , ~*

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em:: Book 52, Page 690

Petitioner: Rawnond Krzyzaniak Zoning Classification (Existing): R 3

- (Sinalefamilv Residential, UD to 3 dweiina units w r acre)

Zoning Classification (Requested): 0-ICD (Office, Conditionan

Acreage Location: Approximately 1.76 acres located on the southeast intersection of Monroe Road and Rama Road


300 0 300 Feet - Zoning Map #s): w9 e

Map Pmducdby the . Chadalte-Medtlenburg Planning Cwnmssion s


'H Requested 0-1 CD from R-3 Edding Building

Footprints El FEMA Flood Plain

Existing Zoning Boundaries


A4 ~ h a r l m ~m.k ,* * .; Cteeks and Sbearns 1

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February 16,2004 Ordinrmce Book 52, Page 692

Petition #:

anins ~ a p YS) j%Z'i Plain

Map Produced by the Wting Zonirig Lakes and Ponds

C h a r l o W e M ~ Plannkq Cmmission 12-B4003 '

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Eehwy 16,2004 Ordinance Book 52, Page Q93

Petition No. 2503-J,ll Petitioner: Charlotte-Mecklenbu~

P l d g Commission


kotion 1. That the Official Zoning Maps r e f a e n d in Section 1.104 of the City of Charlotte Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended by c h g h g the zoning of the pwpeity dmaibed on the attadKd rnsp h m B-1 , B-2,I-2, MUDD-O,0-2 and 0-6(CD) to &I, 3-2,I-2, MUDD-O, 0-2 and Oa(CD) Plaza-Central Pedestrian Overlay.

Section 2. The development and use ~f tfie pram keby ~ g n e d shall be govmed by the predetemrined ordinance raquimmmtsapplic~tMe to such Wet category, the approved sib plan for fhe thestrict, aad any ~ddEtional agptoved &, @ahus, and cwcfitim, all of which &all constitute fhe mhg regulations fof the app~v& district and are b&g on the property as an amendment to t ! ~ regulatiarms and to the Z&g hlaps.

? .

Section 3. That this ordinance shall become ~ffeotive upon its adoption.




m s s ! ! ~ % , g a u d d the -a!:& of h C i o f ~ b l o t b , ~ t s f b m . @ & . @ @iof;Fehry, 2004.

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g C







: '




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1. .&E :&z&g&fip r e h e d in Sdm 1.104 of the City of O$~fIbtte z h g at^ M y by &ping the z o h g of,&e property &he

attached map hm R-3 .O-i@J).

Setion 2. ,The :.a rn ~f tht~ prqjmty hereby rezoned shall be p ~ e d by the p r e d e m o * ~ v @gable to such distdct category, the *&vd d& ph for

& ~ c c , & :- ,qppi des , regulations, ad condition^, ,a. of which ahdl mmhte, ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ , & ~ ilppmvd district and b k h g 0x1 the propeity as an ammdmenti'o the regulatioos a14to.%~~Z&g Maps.

Section 3. It$at this 0-m &dl b e &Wive upon i@ adoption,

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~:Pw#f Book 52, Page 6%

Petitioner: Sneedwav Motorsoorts. Inc. Zonlng Classlflcation (Existing) : R-3

ISi- UD to 3 -we\

Zoning ClaarPMcation (Requested): 0-1 ICDI

Acreage & Locdkn: Approximately 65.87 acres located on the souh side of North Tryon (U.S. 291, east of Pavillion Boulevard


500 0 500 1000 Feet

zoning ~ n ' q s ) ;

ve+ M a p Prnci~cad by the I Charlotts-kdadtlenburg Planning Cornmiasion t

61 -06-2004

Requested 0-1 (CD) from R-3 W i n g Bullding

a(B Footpsintr !El FEYA Fbod

1 ExathgZonlm@ Plain

0 ' B~undarks W l e s arid Ponds

# m chrdott . C& , 8 CrtJts and Streams

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Febturtry 16,20011 Ordinance Book 52, Page 697


S,&m 2. ~ , , & o & , , ~ ~ ~ . . uljon its adoption,

2 -

.&Nsn~y S. Gilbwt~Lhptlty~Ciiy Clerk of the Citjr.ofCh&@ NdC%iti lh, ilOi&WJBV C@lUBY W'th ~ ~ i n ~ i s a t m e a n d ! & ~ o f e n ~ ~ ~ b y ~ & ~ i t g e o g n d l o f & ~ @ o f b l ~ , ~ Cmliaa, in reguJllrsegsion oonvened on the i$.day o f ~ e b ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ hre-bwh made in Mirmte p)ook l20, and recodedm fall m Ordinmot Book 52&!age(~)637-698.

WITNESS my hrmnd and the corporate d of& City of CMotte, N d Carolha, &is &e 23d day of Febm, 2004. /-

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Februtay 16,2004 O r d i Book 52, Page 698

Petition #:

Petitioner: C v L1 C ,

Zoning Classleation (Existing)'

Zoning Cksification (Requested): R-3 (Sin- Res

- identiup to 3 dwelling units oer acre)

A@m@ a LaiHw1 :r\ppmximatef51"3.8 &res ltlcgted 1422% Yuungbiwd Road, by the intersection of Youngblood Road and York Road

0 150 300 600 900 1,200 I-- - Feet ~ ~ m i i ~ g U ~ P ~ S J I 1 7 1 1

Map RM~oed by the ChatlotteMeckenbwg Plannlng Comrnirrsii


@ Requested .R-3 from B2fCD) Wd2'hyh3 m Fema F M


0 rExrstinsZoning Lakes and Ponds BoUnct2Jrbs

fd Cha~I~ ib CNy U& fiJ Creeks and Stream

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February 16,2004 (3rdhauce h k 52, Page 699

Petition No. 2004-003 Petitioner: Anpe Richardzson

ORDmmCE NO. 2524-2

BE IT .C&prn.J3Y THE CfPT G@~C%@'= CITE' OFC-0TTE:

& ~ o g .I. fhe Officid 9-8, Maps insection 1.104 o f t h e C i ~ o f ~ o t t e .&njqg, Qrdirmulee b e b y mi-& r~ &y jr&h zo*, of the &bed on the attached rtlap hiu R-5 to.B-8W{fX$

f~ection 2. The development an& wc of the pr~perty hemby rezmed d d be @ v d by the predetermined ordinance requiremeats q h a h l e to such distfict c&eg~ry~tj,eep@w$siteplan for the diatrj& and any additimd approved Rules, regdatim, and-C&ODS, dl of which shall constitnte tb z o k g rqphtions for the approved d*ct anid me binding on the pcow as an amendmmt to the replations and to the 2- Maps.

I, S. Depufy C& Ckk of &E C& otCharWfN& Camha, W H&U%41 C E R m that the mb~s attqo.:&-j ~cafrS.of,a Ordhm~adopaedbythe Ci@ &mc~.ofh~ityofChulotte, North -4 otr'h 16'dq o f ~ d m y ~ a@, the r e ~ . b v & been made in

MkukIloek 120, Pad.teoorded in fulf in O r m . B & 52,P&~) @B-700.

m ? S s s y y Wand t&:wfpo@@ se9i afthe City sfeherW;N&Mha, fbi~the23~ day afFeb~ary, 2004. P

Nasq 8. G&& CMC, Deputy City Clerk

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February 16,2004 Ordimmce E W t 52, Page 700

Petition #:

Petitioner: A n a l e n * .

Zoning Classification (Usting): ISinale-familv to 5 5 e )

Zoning Classification (Requested): R-8- IM '

. . . -&-on the north s i d ~ of N. hskins

Road, east of Brookshire Boulevard

0 90 180 360 WO m i R9quested RdMF(CD) lmm R-5 Feet

&sting Building m F m Flmd

Z&$l mp.pys1 laC1 Foo(prinB Plam Existing Zoning

M@pPmduced Nfhe Bwnclarles Lakes and Ponds

CharlofteMeckenburg Planrung Commission $kb ~hgrlotts city lhi~ $tS Creeks and Sbeams 10-292003 F

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Febnmy 16,2004 Otdinanee Book 52, Page '701

Petition No. 2W008 Petitioner QoarP Ilton'dw bveshnmt G m p , Ud.

eMC, Dclnrty Citg Clerk

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Pet i t lm: Quail HolPaw Investment G r o u ~ . Ltd Zoning Ciadicatbn (Existing): 0-1

~ ~

rofflcel ~ ~

Zoning Clastlicatton [Requcated): YU11D-0

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2, d e v e l o p ~ t d! I@ of the p r m . hereby @zoned shal1 be @ w d by the p&&d o I ~ - & ! r e q ~ ~ ~ , a p p $ ~ a b ~ e to &&&a Mew, fhe site p h far the district and my additiadl : a p ~ ~ m ~ e d rules, reg&tims, .md condi@uns, dl of *g& shall m d w e ,& zo& B , * ~ f~r .&g qpm~d. &o;t 4 are @m&g.o~ & a, an

b~negulai'w 2ulfl-&,b,ia&gMqs,


WllNE88 my haad atld b caprag & ofttte City af Chaifotte, No81 C l v o ~ is tht? 23" Bay of February, 200.6.

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February 16,2004 Ordinance Book 52, Page 704

Petition #:

Petitioner: Dr. Rav Dnrrv

Zoning Classification (Existing): R-3

Zoning Classification (Requested): 0-IICDI . . )

between Old plank ~ o a d and Brookshire Boulevard

0 145 290 Requested 0-1(CD) from R-3

CharlobMeekenburg Planning Cwnmissbn 1030.2003

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Petitian Mo. 2004012 Petitioner Thomas M. Vme


&tion Tfiat the Zmhg Maps r&xt?&%d h. $ectim 13104' df d @iKiOtte, z&g m c e h&y &ended by ~. . &c 'w of thq p p ~ Q -bed the attached map ffom R-5 ti, HUl)D-O

Sec$m2. Zbe devel~pment and He of the p o p e rrmd ddl lie .pemed hy the p r & ~ & e d I ) ~ e r e q ~ & a l t p ~ ~ e ~ , , s ~ w&.~ategoty, &p& Si~e;'pim for the district, and a@, qpmved rules,, regulations, nmd fo&i t t~~~ , dl @f w&& shall edtate..fie rog&iofls for the approved dis$ict a9d & bindin8 on b: pmlwrty asan iqnendm@'@ the regul~timr-@ to the h h ~ M @ s .

Section 3. '&at ~s ordimw M"0econle effective upon its dopkh. %.

i, Nancy 8. G i .Ikpty City Clark ofthe,Ci@ ofGhaFW,,Wo& h&, M) BEREBY CEktTIFY titat the ~ i e g i e ~ t n r e ~ a n d e ~ t e e p y o f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t h e C ~ ~ C ~ ~ o f t h e - C i t y o f ~ W , N & W i , h m&s & mened m bre 1$L &y of February, 2 M 4 , the referenccb* been made h ~ B o d c ' K Z & , ~ M m full ia Chdimmc~ Book 52,CBhge(~] 704-706.

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Febmuy 16,2004 Ontinance Book 52, Page 706

Petitton d:

Petitioner: Thomas M. Vance

Zoning Classification (Existing): ta 5 -e)

Zoning Classification ( R e q u e s t e d ) : e ((1) . .

A e r q d Loeation : A p p m t e V 0.51 acres tmM on the RQ&WQ~% comer of Commonwealth Avenue and St. Julien Street


0 105 210 420 690 840 I - --Feet Requested MUDD-0 from R-5

ZMcng uq #(sj 'm m B u H d h l g Fema F&

- Fooprcinls Plain

wap.-d itlm. arming b ~ l P h I b 8 Eoning Lake and Ponds

ChadotteMeckenburg Planning Canmissin fiJ Chad& Ci$ Linils /$/' Creeks and Slmm 1030-2003 -

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Petition No. 2004013 Petitioner: CNSA Real &ate, ILC

S&ion%. The & o i I ~ p ~ , . ~ use of tbe prapdy'hereby mud ~W be gtmmid by the p d d - ~ f h , . cable w ~ & ~ M & w ~ ~ , b . ~ ~ e d & % ~ h f o r the ~ l k t & d any irrnd con&&flS, 14: of wk& kd &t,& ~g zoning *- & *d W c t & e e ~ g on *.p,qf@f& an m m to the ngulstiens 4 t&,b **s.


8 eC t i93. %i &is or&~.w b , w &@& qq ig &optia . . .. .

S. Gilbert, WUQ c i ckk of* City o f C h e r 1 a ; m c a g d h ~ D04BY~.mTIPY Chat the &q(&g is atnwr ad exact wpy Ordinance adom 6y theityC%mcil offfie City o f 4 3 ~ ~ N o e t h

m' &e, 16* day &&q, 204, b & & h &.in -w l%~,,&mad& infoll in m B i l g k SZ,~s))7$1-708.

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Febrwary 16,2004 Ordinance Book 52, Page 708

Petition #:

Petitioner: CNSA Real Estate. LLC

Zoning Classification (Existing): 0-6!CD! (0- . *

Zoning Classification (Requested): NIUDD-0 . . . . ilddn Avenue

and Lillingion Avenue, west of East Third Street

0 110 220 440 660 880 I ,- - F e e t ,

.hing. Y* #r) 1 j a i l , l 1 Map Proauded try the

CharlotteU- Planning Commbsion 10-30-2003

Requested MUDD-0 h r n 0-6(CD) 5- Fema Flood

Fm$cints Rain

0 EXmZMling Lakes and Po& Badarles fi&' Chaibtte Cily Limits Credu and Streams .

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P m 16,2904 Book 52, Page 789

Petition No. 2004016 Petitionec Gemis Holdings, LLC

Thitt t& %)flS.cial Z&ug Wags m f d I m S . & h 1.104 of the City of Charlotte z,&g @.;- ' a ~$&q&g,,~:;,zr,&&,,& &properl)c &'bad on the a@,&& lnap biea& R d S ~ - @ i ' n \ f S Q ~ , .

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Petition #:

Petitioner: G- I LC

Zoning Classification (Existing): R-4 SUP D to 4 dw-I Use Pemitl

Zoning Classification (Requested): INSTfCD! and SUP . . (Ins -anal) -

Acreage 8 tio on : Approximately 3;l acres located on the west side of West Sugar Creek Road, north of Cushrnan Street

0 105 210 420 630 840 D m - . ~ h t I

zoning ~ a p ~ s )

Map Pmduced 'by the m m Crnl$,&,-


. m8 ,%qumtd INSJ(CD)h R-4 SUP

'smnng BuiW F~IW nqod F W t ! Pldn 0 -1 &Zoning Bo- Ldc88 and Pponds

A* ChaW City Linb br$. Creeks and Sb-