October/November 2011 Transformed

Commitment Day Compassion and Harvest Interview with Grandma Lyn HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine Leadership Edition 2011


October/November 2011 Transformed Magazine

Transcript of October/November 2011 Transformed

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Commitment Day

Compassion and Harvest

Interview with Grandma Lyn

HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine Leadership Edition 2011

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TRANSFORMEDHumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine

Greetings! This is the fi rst time we have published a Leadership Edition of our magazine. And there is good reason! For starters, we kick off October with some excellent guest speakers at HumeRidge, each of them outstanding leaders in their own right.

Then at the end of October we are one of 12 Australian Churches to host the Global Leadership Summit, a training event that reaches some 150,000 people in 81 countries all around the world! This year I had the honour of attending the summit LIVE in Chicago, and I wholeheartedly endorse the Global video-cast version of the event for everyone back here in Toowoomba!

Throughout October and November, we are also going back to basics to re-discover what it means to be a consistent Christian, so that we are not blown off course by the storms of life or by the waves of fad and fashion. Our annual Commitment Series is entitled Consistent Christianity, and will lead us to our Commitment Day on 13th November.

Finally, we are blessed with hundreds of servant leaders or ‘infl uencers’ at HumeRidge Church. There are those who teach children, lead youth groups, run home groups, visit people, share their faith, serve as volunteers, and more. And all are working together to Transform Lives.

So read on... and enjoy this Leadership Edition of our bi-monthly magazine.


CONTENTS Lessons in Leadership 2 Dale White

Compassion and Harvest 4 Keith Farmer

Commitment Day Projects 6

What’s on, on Sundays 9

October/November 10 Pull Out Calendar

Soap Studies 12

Children’s Ministry Events 13

Lessons of a Novice 14 Natalie Tucker

Some Assembly Required 16 Tim Smith

Leading By Example 18

Belinda Bray

Noticeboard 20

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sponsorship is one of our

Commitment Day projects for 2011

see page 6 for details

$170per person

$150per person for

families of 2 or more

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Just visiting Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, outer Chicago, is itself a lesson in leadership. Even the facilities – simply by their size, practical design and quality - speak volumes about vision, faith and excellence. There’s a new 7,000 seat high-tech auditorium set by a tree-lined lake where each year hundreds of open air baptisms are held. There are also numerous other spaces for ministry, service and administration, and massive car parks.

The buildings are only there, of course, because this congregation under the exceptional leadership of Pastor Bill Hybels has experienced consistent growth in attendance and infl uence. In 2010 the weekly attendance was over 24,000 across their various campuses, and Hybels is still ranked as one of the world’s most infl uential pastors.


It was a fantastic privilege to fi nally participate in Willow Creek’s annual Leadership Summit. It started back in 1995 and is now a Global leadership training event impacting 150,000 Christian leaders in over 400 cities from 81 countries. I had watched videos from previous summits, and had hosted the GLS at home in Toowoomba, so it was awesome to fi nally experience it LIVE.

Every speaker provided a highlight! I was inspired by the audacious faith of Steven Furtick, whose congregation in South

lessons in leadershipIn August I had a whirlwind opportunity to escape the familiarity of ministry in Toowoomba and learn some lessons in leadership from around the world. In a 13 day trip that included 7 airplane fl ights and 5 time zones, I joined with 16 pastors, 2 compassion staff and a fi lm crew to participate in the Global Leadership Summit (USA) and experience the work of Compassion (India).


the World

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Carolina had grown from 10 to 10,000 in 5 years. I was touched by the godliness of Mama Maggie Gobran who has given up everything to serve in the slum areas of Egypt. I was instructed by the wisdom of management gurus like Henry Cloud and Patrick Lencioni. And I was challenged by the Bible based teaching of Bill Hybels.

There was a careful balance between the hard edge of leadership (faith, vision, strategy, focus) and what might be seen as the gentle side of leadership (humility, vulnerability, servant hood).

I left feeling very excited about the impact that this summit will have on the church in Australia, and in particular on HumeRidge Church of Christ! We are running Global Leadership Summit with all of these speakers at HumeRidge, Toowoomba, on October 28 and 29. I would recommend this potentially life-transforming event to all Christians, but especially to those in some area of leadership.


From Chicago we fl ew via Frankfurt to Kolkata, India. Immediately my senses were confronted by the noise, the smell, and the busyness of this developing country with 17% of the world’s population. I was also confronted by the crazy driving conditions where it seems like there are no road rules; and of course by the poverty. Everywhere.

We arrived late at night and were taken straight to our hotel accommodation. When we opened our curtains in the morning we saw some of the shanties or slums - right across the road! But there were some amazing lessons in leadership to be learned here, and especially from local Compassion East India staff who were doing so much to alleviate suff ering

and bring hope to young people.

After a presentation from the Compassion East India director, who we knew simply as Jeba, we felt we had been ‘in the presence of greatness’. From an initial base of 13 staff , 40 projects and 10,000 children, Jeba believed God was leading them to impact 50,000 children’s lives. This humble man had led the work through massive growth and change and there are now 54 staff , 201 projects and 47,000 sponsored children under his care!


Our four days in India took us to places of extreme poverty where Compassion projects, in partnership with local churches, were making a huge diff erence. At each of these centres we had the privilege of literally feeding the poor. These beautiful yet needy children lined up with their steel plates and we went along the line serving food. For me this was very moving, even though there were local Compassion staff and volunteers who could have served the food.

To me this was a symbolic act. Here were pastors from some of Australia’s largest churches of diff erent denominations, on their knees feeding needy kids. Whenever we give, or pray, or sponsor a child, or go on a mission trip, we are serving the poor and feeding the hungry. And we do so in the footsteps of Jesus who said, “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be fi rst must be slave of all” (Mark 10:43-44).

The lessons I learned from these two weeks in Chicago and Kolkata were invaluable. The combination of faith, vision and action on the one hand, along with humility, vulnerability and servanthood on the other, is the way to godly and eff ective leadership.

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I have recently asked God in quiet desperation; “what would it take for Australian people to come to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord?”

This question has been partly prompted by my almost daily contact with discouraged Christian leaders who tell me that reaching Australian people with the good news does not seem to be working today with the same eff ectiveness as in previous decades.

I am also aware of the research re the metropolitan area of Melbourne entitled “All Melbourne Matters” (*) which shows that although many of the over 1700 Melbourne churches have a strong emphasis on evangelism an average of

just over 2 persons per church per year are coming to faith (p6). The compilers summarise that “there are no patterns of evangelism which are clearly emerging as successful patterns for the future.” (p100)

I have been impressed with the strong link in Jesus’ ministry between ‘compassion’ and ‘harvest’. We read in Matthew 9:36-38 “When he [Jesus] looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. What a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples. Similarly, The Message declares the words of Jesus in John 4, after He gave dignity and showed compassion to the outsider Samaritan woman a Samaritan village experienced revival,

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Compassion and Harvestdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt



“ How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands” John 4 (The Message)

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“How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands.”

Perhaps as Christians we have let the hurt, disappointments and lack of grace in our society construct walls around our hearts and bring a crustiness and judgementalism which is the opposite of the qualities grown in us through the Spirit of God. Colossians 3:12-14 The Message says “So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you! Compassion, humility, quiet strength.....” These qualities of Christ are what we need to wear day in and day out.

I believe God is softening our hearts today so that we feel the pain of the world the way he does.

Australian people generally have become very sophisticated at taking what they want from our ‘events’ and ‘outreach programmes’ and leaving the rest. Compassion received when it is unusual and not expected has the capacity to get under people’s guard and have them open up to the source of our compassion – a loving and gracious God.

Compassion received when it is unusual and not expected has the capacity to get under people’s guard and have them open up to the source of our compassion – a loving and gracious God.

After I had shared these convictions with a group of Christian leaders a young lady who ministers to young teenage girls who have been abused, several of whom have recently become Christians, shared with me her belief that ‘the harvest is in the pain’.

The challenge is to become open hearted and givers of compassion, grace, mercy and justice.


* (All Melbourne Matters Research of Church in Melbourne for the Future of the Church and City. The Citywide Report. Compiled by Phillip Hughes and Stephen Reed. Prepared for Transforming Melbourne by the Christian Research Association, February, 2009).

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and harvest

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Our Church / Our Ministry

Your gifts in this category are used to ensure that the ministry work of our own local church continues eff ectively and transforms lives.

Chapel and Hall Upgrade

There are some vital improvements required to make our Chapel and Hall more useful for ministry and outreach activities – including replacing the cumbersome divider wall to the chapel with a folding door system; installing a new video screen and other upgrades.

Sponsor Young People to Youth Camp

Each year we run a high impact end-of year Youth Camp for around 200 teenagers. Gifts to this project will directly sponsor young people who would not normally be able to aff ord this experience of fun, fellowship and gospel.

Youth Turn

Our Youth Turn project, at House 469, gives real hope to ‘at-risk’ young people. Funds are required to continue this eff ective and vital service to youth in our community.



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Welcome Packs - Church and Community

We are developing (a) a Welcome Project for new people in our neighbourhood; and (b) Welcome Packs for new folk to HumeRidge Church. Your gift to this project will ensure a high quality of material is made available to welcome people and reach out to our community.

Ministry Facilities (50% Tax Deductible)

Our facilities bring people together in numbers large and small to connect with God and other people. These 50% Tax deductible gifts will reduce debt releasing funds for ministry.

Medical Centre in Gambia (WEC)

Gifts to this project will complete a medical centre in Gambia, a nation with one of the lowest ratios of Doctors to Patients in the world! This medical centre, the Sibanor Clinic, will assist well-known missionary Robyn Pieper who serves in the Gambia with WEC.

Each Commitment Day we have a special off ering toward specifi c projects to which you can give a one off thanksgiving gift. This year, with Commitment day coming up on November 13, you are invited to contribute to the following Commitment Day Projects:.

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what’s on on Sunday mornings SERIES – 9AM



C.A.P. MONEY Launch


OCTOBER 9 Super Sunday with International Speakers 9am - Mike Pilavachi (Soul Survivor, UK) 5pm - Ash Barker (U.N.O.H. Thailand)


CONGREGATE‘Congregate regularly with my Church Family’ (And National Church Life Survey)


CONNECT ‘Connect with other believers in meaningful relationships’ (Toowoomba Churches Open Day)


COMMUNE‘Commune intimately with God’

City Celebration - 6pm



COMMIT ‘Commit to God’s kingdom by fi nanciallysupporting my local church’


CONTRIBUTE‘Contribute to the ministry of my church by using my spiritual gifts in service’


CONVERSE‘Converse with those who don’t know Christ about the good news of Jesus’ (with Panel)


Family Service – 9am



Super Sundays

Six Practices of a Consistent Christian Life Commitment Day Series by Pastor Dale White

Commitment Day Series continued



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octobercalendar 2011

4pm Band Practice

12.45 KYB

C.A.P. Money Launch 8am Prayer

9am Sunday Service4pm PrayerSunday@5

9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys

9.30am Playgroup11am Playgroup

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB 9.30am Playgroup

12.45 KYB

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys

9.30am Playgroup11.00am Playgroup

7pm C.A.P.

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

1.30pm Hymn Singing

6.30pm Stumpy’s9.30am Playgroup9.30am Bookclub

12.45 KYB

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys

9.30am Playgroup11.00am Playgroup

7.00pm C.A.P.

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

6.30pm Stumpy’s

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

6.30pm Stumpys

9.30am Playgroup Youth Group

7-9pm Grade 7-12 4pm Band Practice

Stumpys Big Day Out 8am Prayer

9am Sunday Service4pm PrayerSunday@5

4pm Band Practice

4pm Band Practice Youth Group

7-9pm Grade 7-12

9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys

9.30am Playgroup11.00am Playgroup

7pm C.A.P. 12.45 KYB

9.30am PlaygroupYouth Group

7-9pm Grade 7-12

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

6pm City Celebration9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys COMMITMENT DAY NOVEMBER 13COMMITMENT DAY NOVEMBER 13

Super Sunday


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4pm Band Practice

HUMIES Grade 10-12

12.45 KYB

9.30am Playgroup11.00am Playgroup

9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys

9.30am Playgroup11.00am Playgroup

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

1.30pm Hymn Singing

6.30pm Stumpys

9.30am Playgroup9.30 BookclubYouth Group

7-9pm Grade 7-12

12.45 KYB

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

9.30am Playgroup7.00pm Lifekeys

9.30am Playgroup11.00am Playgroup

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

6.30pm Stumpys

9.30am PlaygroupYouth Group

5pm Grade 7-9

12.45 KYB

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5 9.30am Playgroup

9.30am Playgroup11am Playgroup

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

6pm Stumpy’s

9.30am Playgroup Youth Group

7-9pm Grade 7-12

6.30am Prayer9.30am KYB

6.30pm Stumpys

8am Prayer9am Family Service

4pm PrayerSunday@5

4pm Band Practice

4pm Band Practice Youth Group

7-9pm Grade 7-12

9.30am Playgroup

12.45 KYB

9.30am Playgroup11am Playgroup

6.30am Prayer6.30pm Stumpys

novembercalendar 2011

8am Prayer9am Sunday Service

2pm Pathways 4pm PrayerSunday@5

9.30am Playgroup

4pm Band Practice

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CONNECT Christmas Lunch

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s.o.a.p. studies

















Hebrews 9

Hebrews 10

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 12

Hebrews 13

I Samuel 1

I Samuel 2

I Samuel 3

I Samuel 4

I Samuel 5

I Samuel 6

I Samuel 7

I Samuel 8

I Samuel 9

I Samuel 10


















I Samuel 27

I Samuel 28

I Samuel 29

I Samuel 30

I Samuel 31

James 1

James 2

James 3

James 4

James 5

II Peter 1

II Peter 2

II Peter 3

Psalms 101

Psalms 102

Psalms 103

















I Samuel 11

I Samuel 12

I Samuel 13

I Samuel 14

I Samuel 15

I Samuel 16

I Samuel 17

I Samuel 18

I Samuel 19

I Samuel 20

I Samuel 21

I Samuel 22

I Samuel 23

I Samuel 24

I Samuel 25

I Samuel 26















Psalms 104

Psalms 105

Psalms 106

Psalms 107

Psalms 108

Psalms 109

Psalms 110

Psalms 111

Psalms 112

Psalms 113

Psalms 114

Psalms 115

Psalms 116

Psalms 117ms 111717

Sunday 23 October

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The What 4? Kids in fourth term will be learning about 13 Very Bad Days and How God Fixed Them. These lessons will help explore that even ‘bad days’ can have very cool surprises. That’s what the people who experienced the ‘bad days’ described in the 13 stories we will talk about discovered, and what we want to help the kids discover. With God, bad days are a chance for God to show his power!

Can’t wait to see you there! - Chris


This is the day the LORD has

made. We will rejoice and be glad

in it.”Psalm 118:24

13 Very Bad Days

and How God Fixed Them


9am Family Service12 noon Fun Day

Jumping CastlesFun for ALL Ages

ON SALE BBQ Lunchfairy fl oss + other goodies

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One of the wonderful things about being a student is you are constantly reading, watching, and learning. This however, can also be a nightmare as you absorb copious amounts of information and are left wondering “what do I do with this now?”.

Learning to discern what is important is one of the big lessons for me. It applies not only to study but also to life. As circumstances change and diffi culties arise having the wisdom to discern how to respond is vital

to “thriving” and not just “surviving”. How do you discern what is important? For me it is simply PRAYER.

Prayer is communicating with God in order to know Him and His way. As a student I know God is interested in my studies as they are part of the journey He has called me to. I can’t imagine trying to study with information overload without fi rst seeking God’s help in discerning what is important for me. Similarly in life there are often so

Transforming HeartsTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrTTrTTTrTrTrrrTTTrTTrTrTrTrrrrTrTrTTrTTTrTTTrrTTTTTTTTTTTrrT anananaaaanananananananannanananananananannananannananananananaannanaaaanannnnnnnannnnnnnnnaaa sfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsffffffsfssfsfsffsfsffsfsfsfsfsfsfsffsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfffsfsfsfsfsfssffsfssfsssfsfsffsfssffsfsffffffsfffooororororooooroororororororrooooorooorororroooorororoorororoororrroroorororrrorororooorororrororooooorrooo miimimimimimimimimimimimimimmimimimimimimimimimimmimmimimmmimmimimimmiimmmimimmmmmiimimmmmiimmmmimimimmmmmimimmmmmimmmmimiimimmmiiiimiingngngngngngngngngngngnngngngngngngngngngngngnngngngggggggngngngngngngnnngngggnngngnnngnnngngngngngnnngggnnnnngnngggggngnggnnnnnggnnnnggggg HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHeaeaeaeaeaeaeeaeaeaeaeaaeaaeaeaeeaeaeaeaeaeaeaaaaeaeaeaeaeaeeaeaaaaaaeaaaaaartrtrttrtrtrttrtrtrttrrtrtttrtrtrtrtrttrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrttttrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrttrtrttttrrtrttttttttsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss





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many variables knowing what is best can be diffi cult. Through prayer God guides and directs my path.

Along with prayer is Bible Reading. As 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” How amazing is that! Through the study of God’s Word you and I can be thoroughly equipped for all God asks us to do and to do it well.

One of things I am learning, and desire to do well, as part of my role at HumeRidge is lead groups of Volunteers. I know that just because I have responsibility or am the leader doesn’t mean that I know the best way to achieve the outcomes desired by the group. As a leader I am learning to listen to the needs of others and to the wisdom of those I serve and serve with. Leading with Humility is vital as we are members of a body that is living and active, we all have gifts and abilities we can use and what a great blessing and witness to be able to work together in service to God. We live that we

may bring Glory to God and who am I to get in the way!

This fi nal lesson is one of Trust. To trust that through prayer, Bible reading and seeking wisdom God will help me arrive at the right decision. I am not trusting in me but learning to trust in God who is at work in me; to trust that He is working and guiding me according to His will. Making decisions and taking action when you are responsible for the people around you is not an easy thing, especially when you recognise that you are responsible to our Almighty God.

“Responsible before God” are words that ring in my ears, humble my heart, cause me to read my bible and pray, and to trust all the more in God to be guiding me. Lessons in leadership and in life aren’t always easy and often come at a price but what a privilege to serve the Lord amidst His people. I thank God for the lessons I have learnt and hope that you can look at your life and rejoice at knowing God all the more through the trials and suff erings you have faced.

May we continue to bring Glory to God as we serve Him together at HumeRidge, in our community and around the World!

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Recently I was scouring the shops trying to buy something special for my wife for her Birthday. I was drawn to an item that I thought might appeal to her but the box carried an instruction that caught my eye. I immediately recoiled as though it were a dangerous hazard sign - I could hear the sound of ticking inside my head. The label said “Some assembly required” and all the appeal was gone for me. A handy man I am not and the item stayed on the shelf... but it got me thinking. There are some things we just can’t achieve by ourselves: getting married, singing a duet, playing football, and... following Jesus as an apprentice.

There are many people today who contend that it’s ok to do Christianity solo; they say “My spirituality is private, I have my own beliefs, I don’t need to be part of a church to believe in God, and I can pray wherever I am, I don’t need to gather with others.” People are opting for an ‘interconnected isolation’ style of existence. We connect with people on a needs basis, we’ll even be friendly on a superfi cial level; some will even pour out their heart and tell a whole life’s saga to a stranger in cyberspace, but still live isolated lives.

I can agree that some of these statements have a hint of truth, but in recent times many false narratives have become part of the church landscape. I agree we can and should pray in all sorts of places at varying times and ways and church membership is not necessarily a prerequisite or an accurate refl ection of belief in God.

However, God’s intent for us is much more than to believe He exists, or to pray from time to time. God’s intent for us is to become spiritually mature, and in order to do that we need to be connected to both Him and other people.

God is a Triune Community and has been from eternity past; Father, Son and Holy Spirit have lived in unison as a Spiritual Community from age to age. We are created in God’s image; we are created from community and for community; it is our default design and as such “some assembly is required”.

Romans 12:5 says it for us... “so it is with Christ’s body – we are many parts of one body and we belong to each other.” Part of belonging is being together. Acts 2:44 highlights another aspect for us “...all that

Adapted from an article by Steve Cordle




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believed were together.” That is they assembled. They spent time with each other as they met for worship, as they went from house to house, as they broke bread together, as the shared fellowship, belongings and the journey. Some assembly was required.

Randy Frazee in his book, “the Connecting Church” says that one of the purposes God intends for the church, the assembling together, is the ‘experience of authentic community’. God’s creative ideal for that assembly is not just to be one more bolt on the wheel of life’s relentless activity, but rather be the hub, the focal point of our life.

Ephesians 4:13 describes God’s goal for us: “...we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” The passage mentions many other people who are involved in our maturing process. In verses 4 and 12 Jesus’ followers are called “the body of Christ”. 1 Corinthians 12:12 states “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.” These scriptures tell us we are not isolated spiritual free-agents, but connected parts of a whole.

If you stumbled across a disembodied hand sitting on the ground you’d fi nd it distressing! An unconnected body part is an indication of severe trouble. The scriptures tell us we are the Body of Christ: so a follower of Jesus who is unconnected to others in the body is also alarming! So why do we recoil from the suggestion that some assembly is required as we journey through faith. Island living has a certain appeal but Spiritual Islands are anathema to God. I need you and you need me; it’s how the

Creator intended it.

If our only connection with other believers is in a corporate worship service, and then only when it suits our over crowded schedule, we will not have as much opportunity as we need in order to mature spiritually. The connection we require is both ”shoulder to shoulder” and “face to face”. That is, next to each other as we are focused on worshipping God, and open to each other as we share our lives together. Cell ministry is an expression of the connection God designed us to experience as the body of Christ.

Too busy is the deafening echoing response that reverberates through Churches world wide... too busy to assemble... too busy to commit.

One of my favourite bands, ‘The Eagles’ sing a song , “Already Gone” and a line in that song is so helpful to me and to this whole idea of interconnected isolation. “So often it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key”.

Take the time to do an inward review of your connectedness to God and to others... emotional connectedness, spiritual connectedness, relational connectedness as in physical proximity to others besides sitting near them in the work place, lined up behind them at the Woolworths/Coles checkout, or pacing the sidelines with other sporting parents. Are you prone to interconnected isolation?

For me the key is regular fellowship with the body of believers and belonging to a Connect group of 8-12 people who share the journey of life together. Think it over. Do something about it!

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Leading by ExampleInterview with Grandma Lyn By Belinda Bray

Every Tuesday morning at 11am, around 15 mums with small children arrive at the HumeRidge Church Hall for Playgroup. The children run and play and the mums sit and chat. A very special lady comes along to playgroup too. Lyn Grady, a ‘mature’ and wise lady, has been coming to playgroup for 10 years. Lyn comes and ‘makes tea’ for all of us. That may sound like a small thing - but for the mums in the group - it is huge.

Lyn makes a mean cup of tea. She hand delivers it, just the way each mum likes it {she keeps a list}. But, it is what she delivers

with each cup of tea that makes Lyn such a living treasure. The tea comes steeped full of love. Heaped spoons of encouragement and life experience are added. Dollops of understanding and compassion are stirred into every cup.

Lyn and her lovely husband, Jim, are moving away. We are so sad to see Lyn go, but happy to see that she is going somewhere closer to family and the water in Margate. She will be terribly missed, not just by our playgroup, but by lots of other members of the community.


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I enjoyed having a rare moment alone with Lyn. We talked life, volunteering and of course playgroup...

B: How many hours a week would you spend volunteering, where and why?

Lyn: At least 15. Through the LifeLine Bookstore, Breakfast Club at North State School, House of Nathan and crisis care for children and mothers. I love to be around people. I love to help people. I love to hear people’s life stories. It also gives me a lot of personal satisfaction.

B: Do you think people should volunteer more?

Lyn: Yes. I believe that there is no way our community could survive without volunteers. They make a great contribution to the working of our community. It gives you great satisfaction knowing that you have impacted on other people’s lives in some small way.

B: Life hasn’t always been happy for you, what things have encouraged you or brought comfort?

Lyn: I came to a personal belief in Christ at the age of 10 and have always found the comfort and strength I have needed by keeping a close personal relationship with Him. I could not spend a day without Him in my life. Through every day and sorrow he has always been there for me.

B: What is so good about our Playgroup?

Lyn: {Through misty eyes} Everything. I love

the mums. I love children. I love my playgroup because I have never had any daughters and don’t have any grandchildren {yet}. Playgroup gives me my female fi x. I love talking to the young mums and seeing the children progress.

B: Any fi nal thoughts?

Lyn: I would like to thank the girls in my group for the way that they show me how much they care and love their children. In this busy world today they take the time to spend with their children and put their children and families fi rst, all the while being modern mums.

B: Thank you Lyn for your years of faithful service to the mums and children of Playgroup. We are so grateful for your wisdom, advice and encouragement. We pray that your move will be smooth and that you will fi nd new ways to serve in your new community. We hope that one day you might pop back in for a visit, and we will revel in making you a nice hot cup of tea!


Lyn is a wonderful example to us all of how our faith in Christ in action can impact the lives of others and bring glory to God in ways that may seem insignifi cant to the world. As Christ calls us to love one another and care for your communities Lyn’s commitment to playgroup and volunteering in our community is a beautiful illustration of leading by example.


Belinda Bray {Playgroup ‘Leader’}, Lyn Grady, Anna Beahann {going to playgroup for 7 years}

The group of mums from our Playgroup

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wiithhth iinternational



Super Sunday


28TH & 29TH OCTOBER 2011

20 I

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PHONE 07 4635 0350 FAX 07 4635 4674 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.humeridgechurch.org ADDRESS 461 - 469 Hume Street Toowoomba Q 4350PO Box 7564 Toowoomba South Q 4350OFFICE HOURS 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday

Editorial by Natalie TuckerGraphic Design by Kristy Fielder{ www.blackcanvas.com.au }

Senior Pastor Dale White 0419 756 469

Pastor – Evangelism Neale Proellocks 0419 737 950

Pastor – Congregational Care Tim Smith 0438 350 376

Student Minister/Ministry SupportNatalie Tucker 0409 393 439

Careforce Lifekeys & Pathways Jack Kamst 0434 729 115

Pastor – Youth Ross Savill 0411 201 227

Youth Worker Elicia Wuersching 0402 158 700

Children’s Ministry Chris England 0413 580 012 Zara England 0401 948 860

Music Ministry Brendon Walmsley 0419 654 548

Minister Emeritus Bruce Armstrong 4635 9885

Youth Turn (House 469) 4636 2981Graham Storey 0431 268 065

Transformed Magazine submissions and enquiries EMAIL [email protected]









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thanks to all involved!