October Issue

Hi Dolphins! It’s been a busy month, hasn’t it? Congratulations to lady fins who won first place in the girls volleyball tournament! Well done, all of you! And this week being the last week of quarter one, do you guys have anything fun planned to do over the weekend? You all are about to get a whole week off from the torture of homework! : ) Sounds calm and relaxing doesn’t it? Anyways, before you all head off for your holiday, your very own High School Student Council has prepared a Special treat for you! Get ready to mark your Calendars! On the 21st, this coming Friday, HSSC will be hosting a Halloween Luncheon just for you guys! So be prepared to be surprised because this Friday is going to be a blast. During the luncheon, an extravagant Halloween fashion show will be hosted, where all you fashionistas can take a part in flaunting all of your funky costumes! The show, run by student council, will give you exclusive opportunity to win free admission in the upcoming dance in November. Student council plans to have several class representatives from each class in the show, and whoever wins the show earns a free admission for upcoming dance ticket for ALL of their classmates! Each class will need to come up with a performance incorporating the costumes and the show has to have at least 5 people from the class. If everybody dresses up that day, the class will receive three bonus points. However, for every person who does not dress up, the class will get a point deducted so beware! Anyways, free admissions! How awesome is that? Dolphin Wave really hopes to see you all there, and let’s boost up some school spirit, shall we? Halloween Fashion Show By Inhye Choi CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS! DOLPHIN WAVE Check out the HSSC Facebook Page for photos from the Fashion Show! OCTOBER ISSUE


Although Halloween has come and gone at NIS, these fresh ideas for trick-or-treating and costumes will get you ready for October 31st! PLUS an article about Steve Jobs :)

Transcript of October Issue

Hi Dolphins!

It’s been a busy month, hasn’t it?

Congratulations to lady fins who

won first place in the girls

volleyball tournament! Well

done, all of you! And this week

being the last week of quarter

one, do you guys have anything

fun planned to do over the

weekend? You all are about to

get a whole week off from the

torture of homework! : ) Sounds

calm and relaxing doesn’t it?

Anyways, before you all head off

for your holiday, your very own

High School Student Council has

prepared a Special treat for you!

Get ready to mark your


On the 21st, this coming Friday,

HSSC will be hosting a

Halloween Luncheon just for you

guys! So be prepared to be

surprised because this Friday is

going to be a blast. During the

luncheon, an extravagant

Halloween fashion show will be

hosted, where all you fashionistas

can take a part in flaunting all of

your funky costumes! The show,

run by student council, will give

you exclusive opportunity to win

free admission in the upcoming

dance in November. Student

council plans to have several

class representatives from each

class in the show, and whoever

wins the show earns a free

admission for upcoming

dance ticket for ALL of

their classmates! Each

class will need to come up with a

performance incorporating the

costumes and the show has to

have at least 5 people from the

class. If everybody dresses up

that day, the class will receive

three bonus points. However, for

every person who does not

dress up, the class will get a point

deducted so beware! Anyways,

free admissions! How awesome

is that?

Dolphin Wave really hopes to

see you all there, and let’s boost

up some school spirit, shall we?

Halloween Fashion Show By Inhye Choi



Check out the HSSC Facebook Page for photos from the Fashion Show!


Yes, believe it or not, we are already approaching Halloween, the time when everyone gets to have a great time by dressing up as something they want to be. I think most of us are adapted to the “usual” Halloween, with candies and trick or treating and everything, but the question is, what do other countries do when trick-or-treating? Do they even go trick-or-treating?

The answer is, YES, different countries have their own special way of trick-or treating. Surprisingly, Japan was one of the few countries with a different kind of “trick-or treat”, and the Japanese call it the “Otsukimi Dorobou” (Otsukimi as in dumpling, and Dorobou as in thief). This traditional event takes place during October, and it is celebrating the “Full Moon” or the “Waxing Moon”, so it does not have a specific date like the American Halloween.

The people of the Heian Era have been calling this event the “Otsukmi Dorobou”, because Otsukimi refers

to the moon, and they make “Tsukimi Dangos” or dumplings to represent

the yellow moon. Japanese people also have decorations made from Japanese Pampas Grass in order to emphasize the beauty of the dumplings. At first, this may sound like a dull event, but it lightens up when kids get involved. Just like American trick or treating, the kids get desserts, but instead of candies, they get dumplings. This event also involves a lot of action and entertainment, because the kids have to “steal” a dumpling from someone’s house, and scream “Otsukimi Kudasai” or “I’m the Otsukimi Robber”, which is just like saying “Trick or Treat”, but in a more simple and casual manner.

You dolphins should try doing this sometimes, because it sounds like real fun! And keep up your Halloween spirits, because it’s coming up in just 2 more weeks!

TRICK OR TREAT!By Marina Yamada







Wealth. Success. Freedom. Respect.

These are the four factors our generation fights for, however it is much easier said than done! Achieving all four factors is

nearly impossible. In fact, only one person out of 7 billion achieves this every decade. Steve Jobs, who passed away on the 5th of October 2011, was the most successful CEO in the United States for the last 25 years. Instead of mourning over

his death, or worrying if our Apple products will deteriorate; we can learn from him- learn from his mistakes and be inspired by his determination and ambition.

Ø “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all

matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” - Steve Jobs. Having a dream is one of most important factors that line you up for success, and Steve Jobs is the biggest dreamer the technological world has ever known. “The problem with young

people today is that they lack ambition.” said Donald Mills. Your life will not unfold in front of you. You have to have ambition. Without ambition, you’d have no goals and so you’d

have no determination to succeed.

Ø Charismatic, ruthless, visionary, perfectionist, dictator –

these are the words that best describe Jobs and what made him so successful. Obviously, we do not need to have all those characteristics to become successful, in fact, we might not need any of them. The main idea is that we should develop our

skills as much as we can, and that is what school is for. We need to do whatever we can while we are at school to develop the skills we are interested in, whether it’s the arts or

the sciences.

Ø The rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old; anybody can live the American dream just as Steve jobs did. It is difficult to

imagine a bigger success story than Steve Jobs, yet before his success, he also experienced rejection and failure. Jobs was abandoned at birth and grew up with an adopted family in

Silicon Valley, living off of dollar coins in empty coke bottles. He was released from Apple in the mid 80’s and diagnosed with cancer before he finally achieved success.

Difficult to understand, demanding to work with, and deemed irreplaceable by many Apple fans and investors, Steve Jobs has made a life out of rebelling conventions and expectations.

With that, I would like to leave you with a influential quote by Steve Jobs: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

October is all about getting dressed up. It is the one day you can go to school dressed in fun, creative outfits; the day to set your inner soul free of the usual peer pressure of wearing those matching boots and skinny jeans, a chance to become someone else.

Now here comes the challenge. There is obviously an extraordinary amount of creativity accumulating in the current high school body. However, we are constantly being faced with several obstacles that stop us from expressing our inner artist and performer, stopping us from making an effort to make our Halloween costumes actually look “legit’.

Here are some examples of potential obstacles and ways to

overcome them:

•“It’s cool not to”

•No; I, Junro Shibata, strongly oppose this. It’s one of the few times of

the year where the hallways light up with faces of happiness, and the

entire day is filled with a joyous atmosphere. The more the merrier,

and the more intense you get with the costumes the more fun it will

be. Sure it may be embarrassing at first, but you will soon get used to

it, and by the end of the day you will love it. Just give it a try.

•Dress code

•To all those skin-exposers out there! We might get away with slight

infringements, but I prefer not to openly support violating school

rules. I mean, October’s too cold for short pants anyways.

•Peer pressure

•We always feel sort of awkward when we are minorities. Not

everybody will be passionate for Halloween costumes, and those

people will try to sway your determination to dress up. The truth is,

everyone feels this way, and if you were to walk down the corridors

on Halloween day, I am sure you will find another brave soul that is

just as passionate about Halloween as you are. Hey, it may even be

that one girl you’ve always wanted to talk to, but never had the

chance. Thank goodness you didn’t give in to peer pressure:

Halloween’s going to be your lucky day.

•Lack of ideas

•If you seem to have no ideas for what to be on Halloween, have no

worries. Simply ask me, Junro Shibata, for advice. Note that once

advice is asked, I will personally be very disappointed if you don’t dress

up, and nag you about it in the most unimaginable way.

Enjoy your Halloween everybody!






Halloween Costumes By Junro Shibata



AND. . .