October Free Chapter - Teardrop by Lauren Kate

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  • 7/27/2019 October Free Chapter - Teardrop by Lauren Kate


  • 7/27/2019 October Free Chapter - Teardrop by Lauren Kate


  • 7/27/2019 October Free Chapter - Teardrop by Lauren Kate


  • 7/27/2019 October Free Chapter - Teardrop by Lauren Kate


    ^ R D H D J \ L

    ^ R LM F S PDR V

    Sd tmfs wks ft?

    @usay kiblr sueslt. Muif`fty tujjfej de hkzy say. Hdel

    ckr mkuhfej up tml Slvle Ifhl Brf`jl, tdwkr` tml kfrpdrt fe

    Ifkif, tdwkr` k ghfjmt tmkt wduh`et bl ckujmt. Rdjul wkvl

    rfsfej fe tml wktlr lkst dg tml Alys, cmurefej fetd k idestlr

    tmkt wduh` bkgghl dclkedjrkpmlrs de tml lvlefej elws. Prkg-

    gfc stdppl` kt tml idutm dg tml brf`jl by cdestructfde-suftl`

    ile stkjfej k tlipdrkry rdk`bhdca.

    Ke` mfi? tml bdy fe tml stdhle gfsmfej bdkt k mue`rl` ykr`s

    wlst dg tml brf`jl. Mfs kecmdr wks dwe. Mfs jkzl muej de tmlhkst ckr khhdwl` td crdss. Ml mk` blle tmlrl gdr ke mdur, wduh`

    wkft dehy idilets idrl td wktcmed, td dvlrsll tml cdifej

    trkjl`y, td ikal surl tmkt tmfs tfil lvlrytmfej wlet rfjmt.

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    Pml ile pdsfej ks cdestructfde wdralrs ckhhl` tmli-

    slhvls tml Sll`blkrlrs. Pml bdy fe tml bdkt wks k Sll`blkrlr,

    tdd, tml yduejlst fe tml gkifhy hfel. Pml ckr de tml brf`jl wks

    k cmkipkjel-cdhdrl` ;6== Cmryshlr A-ckr wftm twd mue`rl`tmduske` de tml d`diltlr ke` k `uct-tkpl` rlkrvflw ifrrdr.

    Pml `rfvlr wks ke krcmkldhdjfst, k rl`mlk`, k idtmlr. Pml

    pksslejlr wks mlr `kujmtlr, k slvletlle-ylkr-dh` grdi Elw

    Fblrfk, Hdufsfkek, ke` tml gdcus dg tml Sll`blkrlrs phkes.

    Jfrh ke` idtmlr wduh` bl `lk` fe ifeutls . . . fg tml bdy

    `f`et ilss keytmfej up.Mfs ekil wks Ke`lr. Ml wks swlktfej.

    Ml wks fe hdvl wftm tml jfrh fe tml ckr. Sd mlrl, edw, fe

    tml sdgt mlkt dg k hktl Ghdrf`k sprfej, wftm bhul mlrdes cmksfej

    wmftl ljrlts tmrdujm k bhkca dpkh say, ke` tml stfhhelss dg tml

    wktlr khh krdue` mfi, Ke`lr mk` k cmdfcl? guhgfhh mfs dbhfjk-

    tfdes td mfs gkifhy, dr


    Pml cmdfcl wks sfiphlr tmke tmkt?

    Skvl tml wdrh`, dr skvl tml jfrh.

    Pml ckr pkssl` tml gfrst ifhl ikralr dut dg slvle de tml

    hdej brf`jl td tml cfty dg Ikrktmde fe tml cletrkh Ghdrf`k

    Alys. Pml Sll`blkrlrs wkvl wks kfil` kt ifhl gdur, oust

    pkst tml if`pdfet dg tml brf`jl. Keytmfej grdi k shfjmt `fp fetliplrkturl td tml vlhdcfty dg tml wfe` td tml tlxturl dg tml

    slkghddr cduh` khtlr tml wkvls `yekifc. Pml Sll`blkrlrs mk`

    td bl rlk`y td k`kpt. Pmly cduh` `d tmfs? crkgt k wkvl dut dg

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    tml dclke usfej ketl`fhuvfke brlktm, tmle `rdp tml blkst de

    k prlcfsl hdcktfde, hfal k ell`hl de k turetkbhl, hlttfej mlhhfsm

    iusfc hddsl. Pmly cduh` lvle jlt kwky wftm ft. Ed del cduh`

    prdslcutl k crfil ml `f`et aedw mk` blle cdiifttl`.Zkvl crkgtfej wks ke lhlilet dg tml Sll`blkrlrs cuhtf-

    vktl` pdwlr, tml _lpmyr. Ft wkset `difekecl dvlr wktlr, but

    rktmlr ke kbfhfty td ikefpuhktl tml wfe`, wmdsl currlets wlrl

    k ifjmty gdrcl upde tml dclke. Ke`lr mk` blle rkfsl` td rl-

    vlrl tml _lpmyr ks `fvfefty, tmdujm fts drfjfes wlrl iuray?

    ft mk` blle bdre fe k tfil ke` phkcl kbdut wmfcm tml lh`lrSll`blkrlrs ed hdejlr spdal.

    Gdr idetms tmly mk` spdale dehy dg tmlfr clrtkfety tmkt

    tml rfjmt wfe` ue`lr tml rfjmt wktlr wduh` bl pdwlrguh

    ledujm td afhh tml rfjmt jfrh.

    Pml spll` hfift wks tmfrty-gfvl. Pml Cmryshlr wks jdfej

    sfxty. Ke`lr wfpl` swlkt grdi mfs brdw.

    ^khl bhul hfjmt smdel wftmfe tml ckr. Stke`fej fe mfs bdkt,

    Ke`lr cduh`et sll tmlfr gkcls. Ml cduh` sll oust twd crdwes

    dg mkfr, `kra drbs kjkfest tml mlk`rlsts. Ml fikjfel` tml jfrh

    de mlr pmdel, tlxtfej k grfle` kbdut mlr vkcktfde wftm mlr

    idtmlr, ikafej phkes td sll tml elfjmbdr wftm tml sphksm dg

    grlcahls kcrdss mlr cmllas, dr tmkt bdy sml splet tfil wftm, tml

    del Ke`lr cduh` edt stke`.Pml wmdhl wlla, ml` wktcml` mlr rlk`fej de tml blkcm

    grdi tml skil gk`l` pkplrbkca, PmlDh`Ikeke` tmlSlk.

    Ml` wktcml` mlr ture tml pkjls wftm tml shdw kjjrlssfde dg

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    tml tlrrfgfckhhy bdrl`. Sml wks jdfej td bl k slefdr tmkt gkhh.

    Ml aelw sml` sfjel` up gdr tmrll mdedrs chkssls1 ml` decl

    stdd` ke kfshl dvlr kt k jrdclry stdrl ke` hfstlel` tmrdujm tml

    clrlkh ks sml tkhal` kbdut ft wftm mlr gktmlr. Ml aelw mdwiucm sml `rlk`l` ckhcuhus.

    Ke`lr `f`et jd td scmddh. Ml stu`fl` tml jfrh. Pml Sll`-

    blkrlrs ik`l mfi `d ft, stkha mlr. By edw, ml wks ke lxplrt.

    Sml hdvl` plckes ke` chlkr efjmts wmle sml cduh` sll

    tml stkrs. Sml mk` mdrrfbhl pdsturl kt tml `feelr tkbhl, but

    wmle sml rke, sml sllil` td ghy. Sml phucal` mlr lylbrdwswftm blolwlhl` twllzlrs1 sml `rlssl` up fe mlr idtmlrs dh`

    Chldpktrk cdstuil lvlry ylkr gdr Mkhhdwlle. Sml `dusl` khh

    mlr gdd` wftm Pkbkscd, rke k ifhl fe ue`lr sfx ifeutls, phkyl`

    mlr jrke`gktmlrs Jfbsde juftkr wftm ed safhh but phlety dg

    sduh. Sml pkfetl` pdhak `dts de mlr gfejlrekfhs ke` mlr bl`-

    rddi wkhhs. Sml `rlkil` dg hlkvfej tml bkydu gdr k bfj cfty

    hfal @khhks dr Ilipmfs, phkyfej sdejs kt dple ifals fe `kra-

    lel` chubs. Sml hdvl` mlr idtmlr wftm k gflrcl, uebrlkakbhl

    pkssfde tmkt Ke`lr levfl` ke` strujjhl` td ue`lrstke`. Sml

    wdrl tkea tdps fe wfetlr, swlktsmfrts td tml blkcm, glkrl`

    mlfjmts ylt k`drl` rdhhlr cdkstlrs, ke` phkeel` de elvlr jlt-

    tfej ikrrfl`. Sml `f`et cry. Zmle sml hkujml`, sml chdsl`

    mlr lyls.Ml aelwlvlrytmfej kbdut mlr. Ml wduh` kcl key lxki

    de mlr cdiphlxftfls. Ml mk` blle wktcmfej mlr sfecl tml hlkp

    `ky sml wks bdre. Khh dg tml Sll`blkrlrs mk`. Ml mk` blle

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    mfs wlfjmt, smkttlrfej tml rlghlctfde dg tml rfsfej idde. Pmle

    ft rdcal` kjkfe, mkr`lr, sfjekhfej k `fsturbkecl sdilwmlrl fe

    tml wktlr.

    Pml wkvl wks bufh`fej.Khh ml mk` td d wks wktcm. Mfs gkifhy mk` ik`l tmkt vlry

    chlkr. Pml wkvl wduh` strfal1 tml ckr wduh` ghdw wftm ft dvlr

    tml brf`jl hfal k bhdssdi spfhhfej dvlr k gduetkfes rfi. Pmly

    wduh` bl swlpt td tml `lptms dg tml slk. Pmkt wks khh.

    Zmle mfs gkifhy mk` scmlil` fe tmlfr smkbby Aly Zlst

    vkcktfde rletkh wftm tml jkr`le vflw dg k wll`y khhly, ed delmk` spdale dg subslqulet wkvls tmkt wduh` wksm idtmlr ke`

    `kujmtlr fetd edelxfstlecl. Ed del iletfdel` mdw shdwhy k

    cdrpsl `lcdipdsl` fe cdh` wktlr. But Ke`lr mk` blle mkv-

    fej efjmtikrls khh wlla kbdut tml jfrhs bd`ys kgtlrhfgl.

    Mfs gkifhy skf` tmkt kgtlr tml wkvl ft wduh` bl dvlr ke`

    Ke`lr cduh` bljfe k edrikh hfgl. Zkset tmkt wmkt ml skf` ml


    Ml sfiphy mk` td lesurl tmkt tml ckr stkyl` ue`lr tml

    slk hdej ledujm gdr tml jfrh td `fl. Fg by sdil cmkeclmlrl

    tml uechls bljke td bfcalridtmlr ke` `kujmtlr sdilmdw

    grll` tmlislhvls ke` rdsl td tml surgkcl, tmle Ke`lr wduh`

    mkvl td

    Ed, mfs kuet Cmdrk skf` hdu`hy ledujm td sfhlecl tmlrddiguh dg ile. Sml wks tml chdslst tmfej Ke`lr mk` td k

    idtmlr. Ml hdvl` mlr, but ml `f` edt hfal mlr. Ft wduh`et

    mkpple, sml skf`. Pml wkvl Cmdrk wduh` prd`ucl wduh` bl

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    strdej ledujm. Ke`lr wduh` edt mkvl td `rdwe tml jfrh wftm

    mfs mke`s. Pml Sll`blkrlrs wlrlet iur`lrlrs. Pmly wlrl

    stlwkr`s dg muikefty, prlvletlrs dg kpdckhypsl. Pmly wlrl

    jlelrktfej kekctdgJd`.But ft wks iur`lr. Kt tmfs idilet tml jfrh wks khfvl. Sml

    mk` grfle`s ke` k gkifhy wmd hdvl` mlr. Sml mk` k hfgl blgdrl

    mlr, pdssfbfhftfls gkeefej dut hfal dka brkecmls fetd fegfeftl

    say. Sml mk` k wky dg ikafej lvlrytmfej krdue` mlr slli


    Zmltmlr sml ifjmt sdil`ky `d wmkt tml Sll`blkrlrsglkrl` sml wduh` `d wks edt sdiltmfej Ke`lr hfal` tmfeafej

    kbdut. @dubt cdesuil` mfi. Ks tml wkvl rdhhl` chdslr, ml

    cdesf`lrl` hlttfej ft tkal mfi, tdd.

    Fg ml wketl` td `fl, ml wduh` mkvl td jlt dut dg tml bdkt.

    Ml wduh` mkvl td hlt jd dg tml mke`hls kt tml le` dg tml cmkfe

    wlh`l` td mfs kecmdr. Ed ikttlr mdw strdej tml wkvl wks,

    Ke`lrs cmkfe wduh` edt brlka1 mfs kecmdr wduh` edt bl

    wrlstl` grdi tml slk ghddr. Pmly wlrl ik`l dg drfcmkhcui,

    ke kecflet iltkh cdesf`lrl` iytmdhdjfckh by id`lre krcmkl-

    dhdjfsts. Pml kecmdr de fts cmkfe wks del dg gfvl rlhfcs ik`l

    dg tml substkecl tmkt tml Sll`blkrlrs prlslrvl`. Pml jfrhs

    idtmlrk rkrl scfletfst wmd blhflvl` fe tmfejs sml cduh` edt

    prdvl lxfstl`wduh` mkvl trk`l` mlr letfrl ckrllr td ue-cdvlr oust del.

    Kecmdr, splkr ke` kthkth, hkcmryiktdry vfkh, ke` tml sikhh

    ckrvl` cmlst tmkt jhdwl` ueekturkh jrlletmlsl wlrl wmkt

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    rlikfel` dg mfs hfelkjl, dg tml wdrh` ed del spdal dg, dg tml

    pkst tml Sll`blkrlrs ik`l ft tmlfr sdhl ifssfde td rlprlss.

    Pml jfrh aelw edtmfej dg tml Sll`blkrlrs. But `f` sml

    aedw wmlrl sml mk` cdil grdi4 Cduh` sml trkcl mlr hfelbkcawkr` ks swfgthy ks ml cduh` trkcl mfs, td tml wdrh` hdst fe

    tml ghdd`, td tml slcrlt td wmfcm bdtm ml ke` sml wlrl felx-

    trfckbhy hfeal`4

    Ft wks tfil. Pml ckr kpprdkcml` tml ikralr gdr ifhl gdur.

    Ke`lr wktcml` tml wkvl lilrjl kjkfest tml `kralefej say

    uetfh fts wmftl crlst cduh` ed hdejlr bl ifstkale gdr chdu`. Mlwktcml` ft rfsl fe shdw idtfde, twlety gllt, tmfrty gllt, k wkhh

    dg wktlr idvfej tdwkr` tmli, bhkca ks efjmt.

    Fts rdkr khidst `rdwel` dut tml scrlki tmkt ckil grdi

    tml ckr. Pml cry `f`et sdue` hfal mlrs, idrl hfal mlr idtmlrs.

    Ke`lr smu``lrl`. Pml sdue` sfjekhl` tmkt tmly mk` slle tml

    wkvl kt hkst. Brkal hfjmts ghksml`. Pmle tml lejfel jueel`.

    Pdd hktl.

    Kuet Cmdrk wks ks jdd` ks mlr wdr`1 sml` bufht mlr wkvl

    plrglcthy. Ft ckrrfl` tml wmfgg dg cftrdelhhkCmdrks tducm td

    iksa tml buret-iltkh d`dr tmkt kccdipkefl` _lpmyr sdr-

    clry. Cdipkct fe wf`tm, tml wkvl wks tkhhlr tmke k tmrll-stdry

    bufh`fej, wftm k cdecletrktl` vdrtlx fe fts `llp blhhy ke` k

    gdkifej hfp tmkt wduh` `ksm tml brf`jl fe mkhg but hlkvl tmlhke` de lftmlr sf`l fetkct. Ft wduh` `d fts wdra chlkehy ke`,

    idrl fipdrtkethy, qufcahy. Pmlrl wduh` mkr`hy bl tfil gdr tml

    tdurfsts stdppl` kt tml idutm dg tml brf`jl td puhh dut tmlfr

    pmdels ke` mft rlcdr`.

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    Zmle tml wkvl brdal, fts bkrrlh strltcml` kcrdss tml

    brf`jl, tmle `dubhl` bkca td crksm fetd tml mfjmwky `fvf`lr

    tle gllt kmlk` dg tml ckr, prlcfslhy ks phkeel`. Pml brf`jl

    jrdkel`. Pml rdk` bucahl`. Pml ckr swfrhl` fetd tml wmfrh-pddh cletlr. Fts ue`lrckrrfkjl ghdd`l`. Ft wks pfcal` up by

    tml wkvl ke` rd`l tml crlst, tmle smdt dgg tml brf`jl de k shf`l

    ik`l dg rdfhfej slk.

    Ke`lr wktcml` tml Cmryshlr sdilrskuht fetd tml gkcl dg tml

    wkvl. Ks ft tlltlrl` `dwe, ml wks kppkhhl` by k vflw tmrdujm

    tml wfe`smflh`. Pmlrl sml wks? `frty-bhde` mkfr sphkyl` dutke` up. Sdgt prdgfhl, hfal k smk`dw ckst by cke`hlhfjmt. Kris

    rlkcmfej gdr mlr idtmlr, wmdsl mlk` aedcal` tml stllrfej

    wmllh. Mlr scrlki cut Ke`lr hfal jhkss.

    Fg tmfs mk`et mkpplel`, lvlrytmfej ifjmt mkvl blle `fg-

    glrlet. But ft `f`?

    Gdr tml gfrst tfil fe mfs hfgl, sml hddal`kt mfi.

    Mfs mke`s shfppl` grdi tml mke`hls dg tml drfcmkhcui ke-

    cmdr. Mfs gllt hfgtl` dgg tml ghddr dg tml gfsmfej bdkt. By tml

    tfil tml ckr sphksml` fetd tml wktlr, Ke`lr wks swfiifej

    tdwkr` mlr dple wfe`dw, gfjmtfej tml wkvl, rkwfej de lvlry

    duecl dg kecflet strlejtm tmkt ghdwl` tmrdujm mfs bhdd`.

    Ft wks wkr, Ke`lr vlrsus tml wkvl. Ft bksml` fetd mfi,

    tmrustfej mfi kjkfest tml smdkh bdttdi dg tml Juhg, puiilh-fej mfs rfbs, turefej mfs bd`y fetd brufsl. Ml jrfttl` mfs tlltm

    ke` swki tmrdujm pkfe, tmrdujm cdrkh rllg tmkt shksml` mfs

    safe, tmrdujm smkr`s dg jhkss ke` sphfetlrl` gle`lr, tmrdujm

    tmfca curtkfes dg khjkl ke` wll`s. Mfs mlk` smdt kbdvl tml

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    surgkcl ke` ml jkspl` gdr kfr. Ml skw tml twfstl` sfhmdulttl dg

    tml ckrtmle ft vkefsml` blelktm k wdrh` dg gdki. Ml elkrhy

    wlpt kt tml tmdujmt dg edt jlttfej tmlrl fe tfil.

    Lvlrytmfej qufltl`. Pml wkvl rltrlktl`, jktmlrfej ghdt-ski, `rkjjfej tml ckr up wftm ft. Hlkvfej Ke`lr blmfe`.

    Ml mk` del cmkecl. Pml wfe`dws wlrl kbdvl tml hlvlh

    dg tml wktlr. Ks sdde ks tml wkvl rlturel`, tml ckr wduh` bl

    crusml` fe fts trdujm. Ke`lr cduh` edt lxphkfe mdw mfs bd`y

    rdsl grdi tml wktlr, saf``l` kcrdss kfr. Ml hlkpt fetd tml wkvl

    ke` rlkcml` dut.Mlr bd`y wks ks rfjf` ks k vdw. Mlr `kra lyls wlrl dple,

    cmurefej bhul. Bhdd` trfcahl` `dwe mlr elca ks sml turel` td

    mfi. Zmkt `f` sml sll4 Zmkt wks ml4

    Pml qulstfde ke` mlr jkzl pkrkhyzl` Ke`lr. Fe tmkt bl-

    wfh`lrl` idilet, tml wkvl curhl` krdue` tmli, ke` k cru-

    cfkh cmkecl wks hdst? ml wduh` mkvl tfil td skvl dehy del dg

    tmli. Ml aelw mdw crulh ft wks. But, slhgfsmhy, ml cduh` edt

    hlt mlr jd.

    Oust blgdrl tml wkvl lxphd`l` dvlr tmli, Ke`lr jrkbbl`

    mlr mke`.


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    L \R L A K

    Fe tml stfhhelss dg tml sikhh blfjl wkftfej rddi, Lurlaks bk`

    lkr rkej. Sml iksskjl` ftk mkbft sfecl tml kccf`let, wmfcm

    mk` hlgt mlr mkhg `lkg. Ft `f`et mlhp. Kcrdss tml rddi, k `ddr-

    aedb turel`. Pmle k wdike wftm k jkuzy wmftl bhdusl, dhfvl-

    jrlle safrt, ke` vlry gfel, upswlpt bhde` mkfr kpplkrl` fe tml

    hkiphft spkcl.

    Lurlak4 Mlr hdw vdfcl cdipltl` wftm tml burbhfej dg k

    gfsm tkea tmkt glkturl` k elde phkstfc scubk fvlr burfl` td mfs

    aells fe ske` but smdwl` ed sfje dg cdetkfefej gfsm.

    Lurlak hddal` krdue` tml vkcket hdbby, wfsmfej td fevdalsdil dtmlr, fevfsfbhl Lurlak td tkal mlr phkcl gdr tml mdur.

    Fi @r. Hke`ry. ^hlksl cdil fe.

    Sfecl @k`s rlikrrfkjl gdur ylkrs kjd, Lurlak mk`

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    survfvl` ke krik`k dg tmlrkpfsts. K hfgl ruhl` by tmrll k`uhts

    wmd cduh`et kjrll de keytmfej prdvl` gkr ilssflr tmke del

    ruhl` by oust twd. @k` mk` `dubtl` tml gfrst kekhyst, ke dh`-

    scmddh Grlu`fke, khidst ks iucm ks Idi mk` mktl` tml slc-de`, k mlkvy-hf``l` psycmfktrfst wmd `dhl` dut euibelss

    fe pfhhs. Pmle Rmd`k, @k`s elw wfgl, ckil detd tml sclel,

    jkil td try tml scmddh cdueslhdr, ke` tml kcupuecturfst, ke`

    tml kejlr ikekjlr. But Lurlak mk` put mlr gddt `dwe kt

    tml pktrdefzfej gkifhy tmlrkpfst, fe wmdsl dggfcl @k` mk`

    elvlr glht hlss hfal gkifhy. Sml` kctukhhy mkhg hfal` tml hkstsmrfea, wmd` tdutl` k gkrkwky Swfss bdkr`fej scmddhuetfh

    mlr idtmlr ckujmt wfe` dg ft ke` tmrlktlel` td tkal @k` td


    Lurlak edtl` mlr elw tmlrkpfsts tkupl hlktmlr shfp-des.

    Sml` skt de tml cducm kcrdss grdi ikey sfifhkr pkfrs dg

    smdls. Glikhl `dctdrs `f` tmfs hftthl trfca? tmly shfppl` dgg

    tmlfr ghkts kt tml bljfeefej dg k slssfde, shf` tmlfr gllt bkca

    fetd tmli td sfjekh tml le`. Pmly khh iust mkvl rlk` tml skil

    `uhh krtfchl kbdut tml Smdl Iltmd` blfej jlethlr de tml pk-

    tflet tmke sfiphy skyfej tfil wks up.

    Pml dggfcl wks purpdslguhhy ckhifej? k hdej ikrdde

    hlktmlr cducm kjkfest tml smuttlrl` wfe`dw, twd upmdhstlrl`

    cmkfrs dppdsftl k cdggll tkbhl wftm k bdwh dg tmdsl cdgglljdh`-wrkppl` cke`fls, k ruj stftcml` wftm `fgglrlet-cdhdrl`

    gddtprfets. K phuj-fe kfr grlsmlelr ik`l lvlrytmfej silhh hfal

    cfeekide, wmfcm Lurlak `f` edt ife`. Hke`ry skt fe del dg

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    tml cmkfrs. Lurlak tdssl` mlr bkj de tml ghddr wftm k hdu`

    tmuipmdedrs tlxtbddas wlrl brfcastmle shf` `dwe hdw

    de tml cducm.

    Efcl phkcl, sml skf`. Vdu smduh` jlt del dg tmdslswfejfej ple`uhuis wftm tml sfhvlr bkhhs. Iy hkst `dctdr mk`

    del. Ikybl k wktlr cddhlr wftm tml mdt ke` cdh` tkps.

    Fg ydu` hfal sdil wktlr, tmlrls k pftcmlr by tml sfea. F`

    bl mkppy td

    Elvlr ife`. Lurlak mk` khrlk`y hlt shfp idrl wdr`s

    tmke sml` fetle`l` td splka tml wmdhl mdur. Sml wks elr-vdus. Sml tdda k brlktm ke` rllrlctl` mlr wkhhs. Sml rlife`l`

    mlrslhg sml wks k Stdfc.

    Del dg Hke`rys gllt grll` ftslhg grdi fts tkupl ghkt, tmle

    usl` fts stdcafejl` tdl td hddsle tml dtmlr smdls mllh, rlvlkh-

    fej ikrdde tdlekfhs. Zftm bdtm gllt tucal` ue`lr mlr tmfjms,

    Hke`ry prdppl` mlr cmfe fe mlr pkhi. Zmkt brfejs ydu mlrl


    Zmle Lurlak wks trkppl` fe k bk` sftuktfde, mlr ife`

    ghl` td wfh` `lstfektfdes sml `f`et try td kvdf`. Sml fikjfel`

    k idtdrck`l crufsfej tmrdujm k tfcalr-tkpl pkrk`l fe tml cle-

    tlr dg Elw Fblrfk, styhfsmhy lscdrtfej mlr td tmlrkpy.

    But Hke`ry hddal` slesfbhl, fetlrlstl` fe tml rlkhfty

    grdi wmfcm Lurlak ylkrel` td lsckpl. Lurlaks rl` Ollp mk`brdujmt mlr mlrl. Pml slvletlle-ifhl strltcm dg rdk` bltwlle

    tmfs dggfcl ke` mlr mfjm scmddh mk` brdujmt mlr mlrlke`

    lvlry slcde` tfcal` tdwkr` kedtmlr ifeutl `urfej wmfcm sml

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    wkset bkca kt scmddh wkrifej up gdr tmkt kgtlreddes crdss-

    cduetry illt. Bk` huca mk` brdujmt mlr mlrl.

    Dr wks ft tml hlttlr grdi Kck`fk Wlrifhfde Mdspftkh, stkt-

    fej tmkt blckusl dg mlr rlclethy kttliptl` sufcf`l, tmlrkpywks edt dptfdekh but ike`ktdry4

    Sufcf`l. Pml wdr` sdue`l` idrl vfdhlet tmke tml kttlipt

    mk` blle. Pml efjmt blgdrl sml wks suppdsl` td stkrt mlr sl-

    efdr ylkr, Lurlak mk` sfiphy dplel` tml wfe`dw ke` hlt tml

    jkuzy wmftl curtkfes bfhhdw tdwkr` mlr ks sml hky `dwe fe mlr

    bl`. Sml` trfl` td tmfea dg del brfjmt tmfej kbdut mlr guturl,but mlr ife` mk` dehy rdhhl` bkcawkr`, tdwkr` hdst idilets

    dg ody tmkt cduh` elvlr bl kjkfe. Sml cduh`et hfvl fe tml pkst,

    sd sml `lcf`l` sml cduh`et hfvl. Sml turel` up mlr f^d`. Sml

    swkhhdwl` tml rlikfe`lr dg tml dxycd`del pfhhs @k` mk` fe

    tml il`fcfel ckbfelt gdr tml pkfe grdi tml gusl` `fsc fe mfs


    Lfjmt, ikybl efel pfhhs1 sml `f`et cduet tmli ks tmly

    tuibhl` `dwe mlr tmrdkt. Sml tmdujmt dg mlr idtmlr. Sml

    tmdujmt dg Ikry, idtmlr dg Jd`, wmd sml` blle rkfsl` td

    blhflvl prkyl` gdr lvlrydel kt tml mdur dg `lktm. Lurlak

    aelw tml Cktmdhfc tlkcmfejs kbdut sufcf`l, but sml blhflvl`

    fe Ikry, wmdsl ilrcy wks vkst, wmd ifjmt ue`lrstke` tmkt

    Lurlak mk` hdst sd iucm tmlrl wks edtmfej td `d but sur-rle`lr.

    Sml wdal up fe k cdh` LR, strkppl` td k jurely ke`

    jkjjfej de tml tubl dg k stdikcm puip. Sml mlkr` @k`

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    Lurlaks tmlrkpy mk` blcdil del dg @k`s wfgls ckusls.

    Gfrst ft wks td `lkh wftm tml `fvdrcl, tmle td jrflvl mlr idtm-

    lrs lktm, edw td uepkca tml sufcf`l kttlipt. Zftmdut @fkek,

    tmlrl wks ed del td fetlrcl`l de Lurlaks blmkhg, td ikalk ckhh ke` gfrl k qukca. Lurlak fikjfel` mlrslhg stfhh stuca

    fe slssfdes wftm @r. Hke`ry kt tml kjl dg lfjmty-gfvl, ed hlss

    scrlwl` up tmke sml wks td`ky.

    F aedw hdsfej ydur idtmlr mks blle mkr`, Hke`ry skf`.

    Mdw krl ydu gllhfej4

    Lurlak gfxl` de tml wdr` hdsfej , ks fg sml ke` @fkek mk`blle slpkrktl` fe k crdw` ke` tmly` sdde rlueftl, chksp

    mke`s, skuetlr tdwkr` tml elkrlst `dcasf`l rlstkurket gdr

    grfl` chkis, ke` ckrry de ks fg tmly` elvlr blle kpkrt.

    Pmkt idrefej, kcrdss tml brlkagkst tkbhl, Rmd`k mk` slet

    Lurlak k tlxt? @r. Hke`ry. 3 p.i. Pmlrl wks k myplrhfea td

    sle` tml kppdfetilet td mlr pmdels ckhle`kr. Zmle Lurlak

    chfcal` de tml dggfcl k``rlss, k pfe de tml ikp ikral` tml

    Ikfe Strllt hdcktfde fe Elw Fblrfk.

    Elw Fblrfk4 Mlr vdfcl crkcal`.

    Rmd`k swkhhdwl` sdil vfhl-hddafej jrlle oufcl. Pmdujmt

    ydu` hfal tmkt.

    Elw Fblrfk wks tml tdwe wmlrl Lurlak mk` blle bdre,

    mk` jrdwe up. Ft wks tml phkcl sml stfhh ckhhl` mdil, wmlrlsml` hfvl` wftm mlr pkrlets gdr tml uesmkttlrl` pdrtfde dg

    mlr hfgl, uetfh tmly sphft ke` mlr idi idvl` kwky ke` @k`s

    cdegf`let strf`l bljke td rlslibhl k smugghl, hfal tmkt dg tml

    bhul chkw crkbs kt Wfctdrs, wmlrl ml usl` td bl tml cmlg.

    Hkurle Aktl, 2>;3

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    Pmkt wks rfjmt krdue` Aktrfek, ke` Rftk ckil chdsl bl-

    mfe`. Lurlaks dh` mdusl wks stfhh tmlrlsml` mlkr` kedtmlr

    gkifhy hfvl` fe ft edw but kgtlr tml murrfckels, @k` mk`et

    wketl` td put fe tml tfil dr lidtfde td rlpkfr ft. Sd tmly`idvl` td Hkgkylttl, gfgtlle ifhls ke` tmfrty hfjmt-ylkrs grdi

    mdil. @k` jdt k odb ks k hfel cdda kt ^rlolkes, wmfcm wks

    bfjjlr ke` gkr hlss rdiketfc tmke Wfctdrs. Lurlak cmkejl`

    scmddhs, wmfcm sucal`. Blgdrl Lurlak aelw tmkt @k` wks

    lvle dvlr mlr idi, tml twd dg tmli wlrl idvfej fetd k bfj

    mdusl de Smk`y Cfrchl. Ft blhdejl` td k bdssy hk`y ekil`Rmd`k. Sml wks prljeket. Lurlaks elw bl`rddi wks `dwe

    tml mkhh grdi k eurslry-fe-prdjrlss.

    Sd, ed, Rmd`k, Lurlak `f` edt hfal tmkt tmfs elw tmlrkpfst

    hfvl` wky dut fe Elw Fblrfk. Mdw wks sml suppdsl` td `rfvl

    khh tml wky td tml kppdfetilet ke` ikal ft bkca fe tfil gdr

    mlr illt4

    Pml illt wks fipdrtket, edt dehy blckusl Lvkejlhfel

    wks rkcfej tmlfr rfvkh, Ikedr Mfjm. Pd`ky wks tml `ky Lurlak

    mk` prdifsl` Cdkcm sml` ikal mlr `lcfsfde kbdut wmltmlr

    td stky de tml tlki.

    Blgdrl @fkek `fl`, Lurlak mk` blle ekil` slefdr ckp-

    tkfe. Kgtlr tml kccf`let, wmle sml wks pmysfckhhy strdej

    ledujm, grfle`s mk` bljjl` mlr td rue k glw suiilr scrfi-ikjls. But tml del rue sml` jdel td mk` ik`l mlr wket

    td scrlki. \e`lrchkssile mlh` dut cups dg wktlr `rlecml`

    fe pfty. Cdkcm cmkhal` up Lurlaks shdw spll` td tml cksts

    bfe`fej mlr wrfsts. Ft wks k hfl. Mlr mlkrt wkset fe tml rkcl

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    keyidrl. Ft wkset wftm tml tlki. Mlr mlkrt wks fe tml dclke

    wftm @fkek.

    Kgtlr tml pfhhs, Cdkcm mk` brdujmt bkhhddes, wmfcm hddal`

    kbsur` fe tml stlrfhl psycm-wkr` rddi. Lurlak mk`et lvleblle khhdwl` td allp tmli kgtlr vfsftfej mdurs le`l`.

    F quft, Lurlak tdh` mlr. Sml wks libkrrkssl` td bl slle

    wftm mlr wrfsts ke` keahls bdue` td mlr bl`. Plhh Ckt sml cke

    mkvl iy hdcalr.

    Cdkcms sk` sifhl sujjlstl` tmkt kgtlr k sufcf`l kttlipt,

    k jfrhs `lcfsfdes wlfjml` hlss, hfal bd`fls de tml idde. Frke iy wky tmrdujm twd `fvdrcls ke` k sfstlrs bktthl wftm

    ckeclr, Cdkcm skf`. Fi edt skyfej tmfs oust blckusl ydurl

    tml gkstlst af` de iy tlki. Fi skyfej tmfs blckusl ikybl

    rueefej fs tml tmlrkpy ydu ell`. Zmle ydurl gllhfej blttlr,

    cdil sll il. Zlhh tkha kbdut tmkt hdcalr.

    Lurlak `f`et aedw wmy sml` kjrll`. Ikybl sml `f`et

    wket td hlt kedtmlr plrsde dwe. Sml` prdifsl` td try td bl

    bkca fe smkpl by tml rkcl kjkfest Ikedr td`ky, td jfvl ft del

    idrl smdt. Sml usl` td hdvl td rue. Sml usl` td hdvl tml tlki.

    But tmkt wks khh blgdrl.

    Lurlak, @r. Hke`ry prdiptl`. Cke ydu tlhh il sdil-

    tmfej ydu rliliblr kbdut tml `ky dg tml kccf`let4

    Lurlak stu`fl` tml bhkea ckevks dg tml clfhfej, ks fg ftifjmt pkfet mlr k chul. Sml rliliblrl` sd hftthl kbdut tml kc-

    cf`let tmlrl wks ed pdfet dplefej mlr idutm. K ifrrdr muej

    de tml gkr wkhh dg tml dggfcl. Lurlak rdsl ke` stdd` blgdrl ft.

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    Zmkt `d ydu sll4 Hke`ry ksal`.

    Prkcls dg tml jfrh sml` blle blgdrl? skil sikhh, dple-

    ckr-`ddr lkrs sml tucal` mlr mkfr blmfe`, skil `kra bhul lyls

    hfal @k`s, skil lylbrdws tmkt rke wfh` fg sml `f`et tkiltmli `kfhyft wks khh stfhh tmlrl. Ke` ylt, oust blgdrl tmfs kp-

    pdfetilet, twd wdile @fkeks kjl mk` pkssl` mlr fe tml

    pkrafej hdt, wmfsplrfej, Mlr dwe idtmlr wduh`et rlcdj-

    efzl mlr.

    Ft wks ke lxprlssfde, hfal k hdt dg tmfejs Elw Fblrfk skf`

    kbdut Lurlak?Smlcduh`krjulwftmtmlwkhhfeCmfekke`wfe.Cduh`et ckrry k tuel fe k bucalt cdvlrl` fe jhul. Rues gkstlr

    tmke k stdipl`-de pfssket kt tml Dhyipfcs. Pml trdubhl wftm

    lxprlssfdes wks mdw lksfhy tmly rdhhl` dgg tml tdejul. Pmdsl

    wdile wlrlet tmfeafej kbdut tml rlkhfty dg @fkek, wmd

    wduh` aedw mlr `kujmtlr keywmlrl, keytfil, ed ikttlr tml


    Pmfrtlle ylkrs dg Cktmdhfc scmddh mk` tdh` Lurlak tmkt

    @fkek wks hddafej `dwe grdi Mlkvle ke` rlcdjefzfej mlr

    edw. Sml wduh`et ife` tml rfppl` Odsmuk Prll P-smfrt ue`lr

    mlr `kujmtlrs scmddh ckr`fjke, tml cmlwl` ekfhs, dr tml mdhl

    fe tml hlgt bfj tdl dg mlr mdue`stddtm ckevks smdls. But sml

    ifjmt bl pfssl` kbdut tml mkfr.

    Fe tml gdur idetms sfecl tml kccf`let, Lurlaks mkfr mk`jdel grdi vfrjfe `frty-bhde` td sfrle rl` (mlr idtmlrs ektu-

    rkh smk`l) td plrdxf`l wmftl (mlr blkuty-skhde-dwefej kuet

    Ikurlles f`lk) td rkvle bhkca (wmfcm gfekhhy sllil` td

    Cdpyrfjmt Hkurle Aktl, 2>;3
