October 2016 Salt Shaker - Clover...

1 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH October 2016 PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Friends, Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 We are a faith based institution. We have faith in an unseen God whose existence we cannot prove. Our faith leads us to follow a first century Jewish carpenter from a little, unknown village of Nazareth. Despite having a worldwide following there is no historical evidence proving he existed. We have faith that he did. And then there is the Easter story, the story our faith is built upon. Reason and experience tell us that dead is dead, that once a person dies, they aren’t coming back to life again, and yet our faith tells us that Jesus died, was buried, but rose again. We believe, and therefore have hope of eternal life. Faith is hard. Faith goes against the grain of reason, and yet we believe these things to be true. We believe that God exists in three persons. We believe that God became incarnate in Jesus Christ, while at the same time existing as God the Father and as God the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus experienced life as we do, that he died, was buried, but then miraculously rose from the dead. All of this is based on faith. Faith imbues all that we do in the church, even our budget. You wouldn’t think so necessarily because budgets are about concrete numbers and the bottom line. They are about columns of numbers. You project receipts based on an amount that is allotted to you or promised to you. You do the same with receipts and at the end of the year the two balance out, or are supposed to. Contrary to what logic may tell us, church budgets aren’t about columns where our debits and credits are registered. Church budgets are about doing Christ’s work. They are a statement of faith, faith that we can do Christ’s work, faith that people will catch the vision of the work enough to give to that work. Church budgets are never concrete. We never know how much money we will take in and we never know how much we need to spend. I use that term, “need to spend” intentionally. There are times when the needs that come before us are so compelling that we need to respond, and so we do. At best, church budgets are a best guess of what we might expect to take in and what we might spend. Ironically, one of the biggest threats to maintaining a balanced budget are successful programs. Let me give you two examples. The amount of money we spend on our youth program has gone up dramatically and is way over what we had budgeted. Why? It’s because we have about twice as many kids as we did. We had 34 people go on our youth mission trip. It costs twice as much as when we had 15 going, and 15 was a good number. Are we going to say, “You can’t go”? No, we’re not. We’re going to rely on faith, faith that you the members of the congregation will see this as a worthy mission, that you will be generous in your support of it. The same is true of our Music on Main St. When Zach was hired we encouraged him to develop Music on Main. He did, and now several times a year we open our doors to the public and offer

Transcript of October 2016 Salt Shaker - Clover...


October 2016


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

We are a faith based institution. We have faith in an unseen God whose existence we cannot prove. Our faith leads us to follow a first century Jewish carpenter from a little, unknown village of Nazareth. Despite having a worldwide following there is no historical evidence proving he existed. We have faith that he did. And then there is the Easter story, the story our faith is built upon. Reason and experience tell us that dead is dead, that once a person dies, they aren’t coming back to life again, and yet our faith tells us that Jesus died, was buried, but rose again. We believe, and therefore have hope of eternal life.

Faith is hard. Faith goes against the grain of reason, and yet we believe these things to be true. We believe that God exists in three persons. We believe that God became incarnate in Jesus Christ, while at the same time existing as God the Father and as God the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus experienced life as we do, that he died, was buried, but then miraculously rose from the dead. All of this is based on faith.

Faith imbues all that we do in the church, even our budget. You wouldn’t think so necessarily because budgets are about concrete numbers and the bottom line. They are about columns of numbers. You project receipts based on an amount that is allotted to you or promised to you. You do the same with receipts and at the end of the year the two balance out, or are supposed to.

Contrary to what logic may tell us, church budgets aren’t about columns where our debits and credits are registered. Church budgets are about doing Christ’s work. They are a statement of faith, faith that we can do Christ’s work, faith that people will catch the vision of the work enough to give to that work. Church budgets are never concrete. We never know how much money we will take in and we never know how much we need to spend. I use that term, “need to spend” intentionally. There are times when the needs that come before us are so compelling that we need to respond, and so we do. At best, church budgets are a best guess of what we might expect to take in and what we might spend.

Ironically, one of the biggest threats to maintaining a balanced budget are successful programs. Let me give you two examples. The amount of money we spend on our youth program has gone up dramatically and is way over what we had budgeted. Why? It’s because we have about twice as many kids as we did. We had 34 people go on our youth mission trip. It costs twice as much as when we had 15 going, and 15 was a good number. Are we going to say, “You can’t go”? No, we’re not. We’re going to rely on faith, faith that you the members of the congregation will see this as a worthy mission, that you will be generous in your support of it. The same is true of our Music on Main St. When Zach was hired we encouraged him to develop Music on Main. He did, and now several times a year we open our doors to the public and offer


them an opportunity to listen to wonderful music. Soups on Us is another program that relies on your generous support. We never know for sure where the money will come from, but hungry people need to be fed, so we rely on faith and we feed people. The increased amount we spend on utilities may be partially due to increased rates, but it’s also because our building is being used more by programs in the church and as an outreach to other groups that use the church.

We’re coming up on our fall Stewardship Campaign. I know people don’t like to talk about money, and some will say that’s all the church talks about or that’s the only time they hear from the church, and so on. Here’s the deal. Our budget can’t be boiled down to a column of numbers. It’s about the work of Christ that is being done. You will be asked to contribute and to contribute generously. We don’t apologize. God has blessed you. God has blessed all of us. In response, let us be a blessing. Jesus said, Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over….for the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Luke 6:38

Grace & peace,


Please take a moment to read the latest letter from Eric and Becky Hinderliter, Mission co-workers in Lithuania.



Thank you for your Kiva loan to Lucyline  Dear lenders, We would like to express our apprecia on for your generosity in support of Juhudi Kilimo and the smallholder farmers of Kenya. Your personal commitment has been incredibly helpful and allowed us to reach our goal of transforming lives. I am excited to report that Lucyline has successfully repaid the loan to purchase a cow. Again, thank you! It is great to know that we have friends from all over the world who support our farmers.  Sincerely, The Juhudi Kilimo Team  

Your World Mission Committee has been making KIVA Micro-loans on your behalf. So far, we have loaned a total of $5,575 for agricultural, educational and service oriented projects, among others. We’ve made 35 loans in these 19 countries:  

For more information about KIVA Micro Loans visit: h ps://www.kiva.org/invitedby/_ZmdyY3VuYXZyPGNlcmZvbHFuYT5iZXQ%3D  

When someone joins Kiva through our invitation link, Kiva will add a $25 bonus to our account, and we’ll be notified via email. It’s a way of saying thank you for spreading the word about Kiva!

Armenia Azerbaijan

Bolivia Cambodia Ecuador

El Salvador Georgia

Guatemala Indonesia

Kenya Lebanon

Mali Pakistan Palestine

Philippines Samoa Senegal Tajikistan Vietnam



Saturday, September 24, a group of 17 people, 10 adults and 7 kids, from our church gathered at Shakertown to hike the Meadow View trail. It was a lovely morning for a hike and everyone enjoyed the time spent together out in God’s creation.



I recently returned from a trip to the province region of France where I witnessed first hand that tensions were high. In the small tourist town of Aix, at my hotel, a hurt and angry Brazilian tourist came in with a story of being cursed on the street by a local who accused him of being a refugee. I saw refugee families in the city park of Nimes and soldiers with machine guns walking along among the tourists in Aix. Clearly, there is no better time to make a donation to the Peace and Global Witness special offering. Don't forget to give. Jane Preston


A new adult class begins on October 9th in Room 120: "The Nag Hammadi Texts: A 'New' New Testament?" The Nag Hammadi manuscripts were discovered in Upper Egypt in 1945, and have been studied and debated ever since. Learn about these texts and what they might tell us about the life and teachings of Jesus and the early church in this class, which will be led by Hannah McIntyre.

The "Introduction to the Bible" class will not meet in October, but will resume in November.


Dig out your favorite chili recipes, dream up your scariest dessert concoctions, put on your spookiest costumes, and join us for our 5th Annual Halloween Social on Wednesday, October 26, 5:30-8:00 p.m.!! There will be a costume parade for all ages, games and crafts for children, a haunted house, and trivia for the adults. Sign up in Fellowship Hall or by using the Church Life app for the chili cook-off and scary dessert contest, or contact Amy Wilson or Laurie Pierce. P.S. We need your empty milk jugs for one of our crafts this year. Please drop them off in the church office. Thanks!


Our High School Hub Devotions are underway again. We meet every Wednesday morning at 7:15 a.m. to chat, to pray, to share a meal, and - of course - to have some coffee.




Do you hear me now?

You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak.” James 1:19

Being a good listener is an art: paying strict attention to what someone else is saying; keeping silent; being fully present in the moment with the person who is speaking.

Listening is especially important in the training of Stephen Ministers, who walk, listen to, and offer care to those who are going through life’s challenges.

The Art of Listening will be the subject of a sample class to be given by the church’s Stephen Ministry on Monday, October 10, at 7 pm. It is part of the effort currently underway to find new Stephen Ministry candidates.

A new training class, which includes 50 hours of instruction and practice in listening and other caregiving skills, is scheduled to begin in early January. Applications are now available at the church and on its Website. The application deadline is October 16.

Curious about Stephen Ministry and the kinds of skill training that Stephen Ministers undergo? Come join us for The Art of Listening.



September 16—November 13, 2016

Ann Tower Gallery

141 East Main Street Lexington, KY 40507


Tuesdays—Saturdays 10 a.m.—5 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m.—2 p.m.

Our sixth annual mission trip will be February 4-11 as we return to New Orleans. A variety of mission projects are available including working on a habitat house, Restore - a Habitat building supply service, the community park, working with an adult daycare, etc. Accommodations are in a nice hotel. Cost is about $750 per person. We had a great time in past years and hope you can join us. Contact Don Porter 324-5020 for further info. [email protected]


If you are hungry for food, fun and fellowship you are invited. Any adult is welcome married, single, divorced or widowed. Everyone that signs up will be randomly assigned to a DINNER GROUP of eight with whom they will have a meal four times during the coming year. Each meal will be hosted by a different member of the group. The meals can be potluck, brunch, a picnic, restaurant, etc. The last day to sign up is Sunday, October 9.

The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. For information call Andrea Perkins 1-859-748-8449 or Lynn Copp 236-3080.


Centre affiliated members, mark your calendars! Our next 2ND SUNDAY LUNCH will be October 9, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service. Please plan on attending and bringing a salad, side dish or dessert to share! Let’s welcome Centre students to our church with a delicious home cooked meal!

Questions? Contact Mary Beth Garriott ([email protected]) 859-583-8321, Sara Egge ([email protected]) 859-238-5732 or Hannah McIntyre ([email protected]) 859-236-6692.


With Halloween right around the corner, it’s time to start gathering treats for our college care packages! We will be preparing boxes for 45 students this year, so we need lots of goodies, snacks, candy, and school supplies. Individually packaged items work best. Please place donations in the box in Fellowship Hall by Wednesday, October 19. The packages will be available for pick-up on Sunday, October 23, if you wish to mail one. Thank you!


Friday, Oct. 14, 1:00 p.m.: Join us for a late lunch at Grace Cafe. The pay-what-you-can cafe offers gourmet-quality local food in a pleasant atmosphere that nurtures fellowship and community. Following lunch Martha Boyd will lead a walking tour of downtown establishments for those who are interested. See some old friends and meet some new ones while rediscovering our fair city. Please notify the church office or register using the Church Life app by Wednesday, Oct. 12, if you plan to attend.

Wednesday, Oct. 26, 5:30 p.m.: We encourage all women--and everyone else--to attend the Halloween Social in Fellowship Hall. If you haven’t attended the Halloween Social for a while, you are in for a treat! (And maybe a trick or two.) Check elsewhere in this edition of the Salt Shaker for details. If you’re brave, wear a costume.

Friday, Nov. 4, 1:00-4:00 p.m.: Spend an afternoon at the very pleasant Pleasant Hill. The Shaker Village staff is planning an indoor herb discovery workshop just for us! We’ll learn about the varieties, characteristics, and uses of herbs, and we’ll even blend our own herbal tea. Following the workshop, we’ll have dessert and beverage at the Trustees’ Table dining room, and we’ll visit the gift shop before we leave. The cost of $22 per person covers admission, workshop, and dessert. To register for this event, give your payment to Lynn in the church office by Wednesday, Oct. 26, and let her know if you plan to carpool. Checks should be made payable to The Presbyterian Church. Those who are carpooling will meet in the church parking lot at 12:30 p.m.

SESSION REPORT The Session held its regular monthly meeting on September 13, 2016 at the church. This is a summary of the reports received and actions taken at that meeting.


Pew Envelope. On the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee, the Session approved a new pew envelope design. The congregation will be introduced to the new envelopes when they are ready for the pew pockets.


Budget and Finance (Darren Peckler and Tom Quilligan). Year-to-Date revenue is down significantly from 2015. Spending is also down. The committee has determined that it will be necessary to use $20,000 from the Session Reserve Fund, as authorized by the Session at the beginning of the current budget year.

Adult Formation (Bill Garriott). Two classes—“Report from the General Assembly,” led by Jim Stewart, and “Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament,” led by Hannah McIntyre, have begun.

Children’s Formation (Laurie Pierce). Godly Play started on September 11 with 23 children present. The first Parents’ Night Out will be Friday, September 18.

Youth Formation (Judith Jia). PYC started on September 11 with 31 participants. There are 10 confirmands this year.

Facilities and Grounds (Darren Peckler and Roger Hartner). The handicapped ramp in front of the church has been repaired.

Membership (Charlie Boyd and Liz Orndorff). A women’s group has been organized by Shari Stewart. It will meet once or twice a month, and participation has been good. The Danville Faith Fellowship will be having potluck dinners the first Wednesday of each month. It will also have other activities occasionally. The first of these will be a hike at Shaker Village on September 24.

Report from Presbytery (Rita Bloom). The Presbytery of Transylvania met on August 23, 2016, at Beaumont Presbyterian Church. Peggy Tudor is the current Moderator, and Hannah McIntyre gave the sermon at the opening worship service. Jim Stewart participated in a panel discussion of the General Assembly meeting. Joanie Lukins reported on Living Waters of the World. Six teaching elders are retiring this year.


A request from the Presbytery of Transylvania that its next stated meeting be held at our church on November 12, 2016 was approved by the Session. Commissioners who attend that meeting will be encouraged to arrive early and participate in our Soup’s On Us ministry.

Bill Garriott Assistant Clerk



Our Legacy is not about money, it is about passing our faith on.

I read this devotional in “Our Daily Bread” written by Lawrence Darmani. I think it gets at the roots of why we would leave a legacy. Psalm 78:3-7 ...things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statures for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.

“Pass It On”

I enjoy watching relay races. The physical strength, speed, skill and endurance required of the athletes amaze me. But one crucial point of the race always gets my special attention and makes me anxious. It is the moment the baton is passed to the next athlete. One moment of delay, one slip and the race could be lost. In a sense, Christians are in a relay race, carrying the baton of faith and the knowledge of the Lord and of His Word. And the Bible tells us about our need to pass this baton from one generation to another.... Moses said something similar to the Israelities: “Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them (Deut 4:9). For generations to come, we are called to lovingly and courageously do whatever we can to pass along “the praises of him who called {us} out of darkness into his wonderful light:” (1 Peter 2:9). Lawrence Darmani That is what the Legacy Fund is all about — helping to pass our faith to future generations. You can meet me on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to noon or by appointment. Don Porter, 324-5020 or [email protected]

One of the technological improvements of our church has been a camera in

the sanctuary that allows us to record and broadcast our services. In fact,

what many of you may not know is that every Sunday we broadcast the

11:00 a.m. service onto the TV in Fellowship Hall. This means that if a child

is fussy, or you have a cough that won’t go away and you’re worried about

bothering others you can go into the Fellowship Hall and still hear and see

the service.

But who is the person responsible for making this magic happen? It is, in

fact, one of the youth of the church: Alex McMann. For the past several

months, Alex has been up in the IT room (just off the choir loft) nearly every

Sunday running things. He also helps in projecting slideshows when we use

them during the service. Alex has been outstanding in this role and I can’t

thank him enough. Next time you see him let him know what a good job he


Bill Dishman Janelle Dishman

Ned Frazer Jim Gibson

Jean Crawford Griffin Reed Hartner

Shan Kihlman Bill Nido

Frances Nido Jean Ragland Anne Rosson Rip Waters

Please continue to collect "Box Tops

for Education".

Thank you!

Local Mission Committee

Remember our ill


We are receiving food donations for the

Salvation Army in the food basket in the

Walnut Street Foyer. Thank you!

Our next collection will be SUNDAY, October 9

Collection for September: $1,287.31



Thank you!


Theodore (Theo) Silas McDonald

September 2, 2016

Parents: Brian McDonald and Anne Turcea

Big Sisters: Lucy Evces and Madelyn McDonald

Big Brother: Wynn McDonald

Grandparents: Dan and Cindy Turcea


SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS Nursery Volunteers (9:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.) October 2: Amy Wilson October 9: Cris Harper October 16: Tara Strauch October 23: Kim Ragland October 30: Centre Student

Greeters for the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service

Ushers for the 8:30 a.m. Worship Service Joe and Zora Schultz

Ushers for the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Truly Mount, Frank and Laura Russell Elder/Deacon of the Week October 2 8:30: Rhonda Green 11:00: Tom Quilligan and Bill Garriott October 9 8:30: David Shewmaker 11:00: Scott Scutchfield and Tressa Brown October 16 8:30: Liz Orndorff 11:00: Cindy Turcea and Beth Morgan October 23 8:30: Mark Hoebelheinrich 11:00: Rita Bloom and Laurie Pierce October 30 8:30: John Preston 11:00: David Ahnquist and Kate Leahey

Lay Readers for 8:30 a.m. Worship Service October 2 : Sue Sullivan October 9: David Shewmaker October 16: Dale Kihlman October 23: Becky Gash October 30: Hannah McIntyre

Communion Preparers for 8:30 a.m. Worship Service October 2: Don and Nancy Porter October 9: Liz Orndorff October 16: Ed and Denise Rall October 23: Scott and Jean Allen Rogers October 30: Cole Miller and Jackie Stigall

Lay Readers for 11:00 a.m. Worship Service October 2: Eric Smith October 9: Youth October 16: Ross Johnson October 23: Jane Preston October 30: Jackie Messer

Communion Servers for October 2; 11:00 a.m. (Intinction) *Mark Hoebelheinrich, Bill Garriott and Tressa Brown Preparers: Susan Neale and Barbara Reyneirson

Sunday, October 2, 2016 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Lam. 1:1-6; Lam 3:19-26 or Ps. 137; 2 Tim. 1:1-14; Luke 17:5-10

Sunday, October 9, 2016 21st Sunday after Pentecost

Jer. 29:1, 4-7; Ps. 66:1-12; 2 Tim. 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-19

Sunday, October 16, 2016

22nd Sunday after Pentecost Jer. 31:27-34; Ps. 119:97-104; 2 Tim. 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8

Sunday, October 23, 2016

23rd Sunday after Pentecost Joel 2:23-32; Ps. 65; 2 Tim. 4:6-8, 16-18;

Luke 18:9-14

Sunday, October 30, 2016 24th Sunday after Pentecost

Hab. 1:1-4; 2:1-4; Ps. 119:137-144; 2 Thess. 1:1-4, 11-12; Luke 19:1-10

October Flower Calendar October 2: October 9: Lydia D. Ellis October 16: October 23: Bill and Mary Beth Garriott October 30: If you would like to provide flowers for the sanctuary please sign up in Fellowship Hall or contact the office.


CALENDAR Saturday, October 1 2:30 PM Katherine Nelsen Memorial Service 8:00 PM Norton Center Event

Sunday, October 2 World Communion Sunday 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School/Godly Play 11:00 AM Worship with Eucharist 5:15 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship 9:30 PM Get Centred

Monday, October 3 10:00 AM AA Meeting 6:30 PM Stephen Ministry 7:00 PM World Mission

Tuesday, October 4 6:00 PM Girl Scout Troop Meeting 6:00 PM Yoga with Joanna

Wednesday, October 5 7:15 AM Hub Devotions 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 5:30 PM Confirmation Class 6:00 PM Bell Choir 6:00 PM Danville Faith Fellowship Meal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 6 10:30 AM Bible Study 1:30 PM Homeschool Latin Class

Friday, October 7 10:00 AM AA Meeting

Saturday, October 8 8:30 AM Soups On Us

Sunday, October 9 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School/Godly Play 11:00 AM Worship 12:00 PM Second Sunday Lunch 9:30 PM Get Centred

Monday, October 10 10:00 AM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Budget and Finance 7:00 PM Sample Class for Stephen Ministry

Tuesday, October 11 10:00 AM Sewing to Serve

6:00 PM Yoga with Joanna 7:00 PM Session Meeting

Wednesday, October 12 7:15 AM Hub Devotions 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 5:30 PM Confirmation Class 6:00 PM Bell Choir 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 13 Centre's Fall Break 10:30 AM Bible Study 1:30 PM Homeschool Latin Class 7:30 PM Norton Center Event

Friday, October 14 Centre's Fall Break 10:00 AM AA Meeting

Saturday, October 15

Sunday, October 16 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School/Godly Play 11:00 AM Worship 5:15 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship/PYC

Monday, October 17 10:00 AM AA Meeting 6:30 PM Stephen Ministry

Tuesday, October 18 7:00 AM Men's Breakfast 6:00 PM Girl Scout Troop Meeting 6:00 PM Yoga with Joanna 7:00 PM Local Mission

Wednesday, October 19 7:15 AM Hub Devotions 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 5:30 PM Confirmation Class 6:00 PM Bell Choir 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 20 10:30 AM Bible Study 1:30 PM Homeschool Latin Class 5:15 PM Arnold Tower - Children's Formation 7:00 PM Worship and Music

Friday, October 21 Homecoming @ Centre 10:00 AM AA Meeting

8:30 PM Norton Center Event

Saturday, October 22

Sunday, October 23 Children's Sabbath Sunday 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School/Godly Play 11:00 AM Worship (Children's Choir) 5:15 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship/PYC 9:30 PM Get Centred

Monday, October 24 10:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Deacon's Meeting

Tuesday, October 25 Salt Shaker Deadline 10:00 AM Sewing to Serve 6:00 PM Yoga with Joanna

Wednesday, October 26 7:15 AM Hub Devotions 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 5:30 PM Confirmation Class 5:30 PM Halloween Social 6:00 PM Bell Choir 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 27 10:30 AM Bible Study 1:30 PM Homeschool Latin Class

Friday, October 28 10:00 AM AA Meeting

Saturday, October 29 10:00 AM Musicians Showcase Rehearsal

Sunday, October 30 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School/Godly Play 11:00 AM Worship 5:15 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship/PYC 9:30 PM Get Centred

Monday, October 31 Halloween 10:00 AM AA Meeting


THEPRESBYTERIANCHURCH500WestMainStreetDanville,KY40422Email:[email protected]:www.presbydan.orgChurch:859‐236‐6692Fax:859‐236‐6360

JimStewart:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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A  Y  

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THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 500 West Main Street Danville, KY 40422 859-236-6692




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