October 2012 Newsletter

Club enguin Volume 7, October 2012 56


October Lt.G Newsletter

Transcript of October 2012 Newsletter

Page 1: October 2012 Newsletter

Club enguin

Volume 7, October 2012


Page 2: October 2012 Newsletter


My name is Joseph Chung and I am to be a

senior at Pullman High School. I am the

Lieutenant Governor of Division 56 for the 2012-

2013 term. I do not view Key Club as a high

school service club that is just about SERVING

the community – it is about BEING a community.

As members of a community, I believe that

helping the people around us is more of a

given, and this act should not be limited to only

the service opportunities offered in Key Club. As

members of Key Club, we should be setting this

example for others to follow. My job as

Lieutenant Governor is to connect the clubs in

our division with the Pacific Northwest District

Board. Due to our isolated locations, one of our

division’s largest problems has always been a

lack of continuous communication between

clubs. As Lieutenant Governor, my goals for the

upcoming term is to improve communication

by actively speaking with club officers, regularly

visiting each club, and promoting cooperation

between the members of different clubs. I am

very much looking forward to serving you guys

this year, so let’s work together to be the best

division we can be! See you guys soon!

In caring & service,

Joseph Chung

ABOUT ME Age: 17 years old Ethnicity: Korean Sports: Tennis, Swim, Soccer Instruments: Violin Previous Position: Vice President Future Plans: Attend a 4-year university and pursue a major in Structural Engineering or Human-Centered Design

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AND FACULTY ADVISORS: Now that the school year is back in full-swing, I will begin visiting Key Clubs

and Kiwanis Clubs to introduce myself, meet everyone, and present

important information. I will be contacting you guys very soon to schedule


you still have not sent me your contact information (e-mail address, phone

number, etc.), please send it to me ASAP!

Division 56 of the Pacific

Northwest District currently consists of

Pullman High School, Moscow High

School, and Kamiah High School. We

are part of the Eastside region.

Although we only have 3 clubs, we are

one of the most widespread divisions in

the district.

Our new Divisional Mascot is the

Penguin! I have chosen the penguin

because I believe that, although our

clubs are far apart, we all come

together as one division in SERVICE.

Our new Divisional Colors are Blue and

Yellow! Blue represents our pride as

members of Key Club and Yellow

represents our shining efforts in service!



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HOPE MATTERS Last April, Pullman High School

freshman Timothy Spurgeon

(pictured center right) was

diagnosed with Chiari

Malformation, a structural defect in

the cerebellum. The indented bony

space at the lower rear of the skull is

smaller than normal and the

resulting pressure on the cerebellum

can block the flow of cerebrospinal

fluid. This causes a range of

symptoms including dizziness,

muscle weakness, numbness, vision

problems, headache, and

problems with balance and

coordination. To help fundraise for

Timothy’s medical treatments, the

Pullman High School Key Club

volunteered at an Applebee’s

pancake feed last month and

raised about $330 in 2 hours!

Afterwards, we sold “Team Timothy”

shirts throughout the school and the

community to raise awareness of

Chiari Malformation. We look

forward to volunteering for future

fundraisers. Tim, we are all here for

you and wish you the best of luck!

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Did you know?

The average annual income per

household in Jamaica is $5,657.236.

One out of two elementary school

children in Jamaica are illiterate.

Only 20% of secondary graduates are

qualified for meaningful employment or

post-secondary programs.

“Project Educate” is this year’s District

Project – but not any District Project. It is the

first joint district project, in cooperation with

the Jamaica District of Key Club International.

GOAL: USD 30,000.00 (JMD 2,640,000.00)

The funds raised from the Project Educate

initiative will be used to aid in furthering the

educational development of three schools on

the island of Jamaica, as well as fund 160

scholarships for primary (elementary) school

children entering high school.

1) $30,000

High school scholarships for 10 students

across Jamaica

2) $27,050

St. Mary School (yet to be confirmed)

school supplies

3) $23,050

Online classroom assistance to 150

students across Jamaica

4) $20,050

WakeField Primary School assistance for

a new Library

5) $12,050

Mona Heights Primary School supplies &

library equipment



Giovanni McKenzie

Pacific Northwest District Governor

[email protected]


Jessica Lee

[email protected]


Jennifer Zhen

[email protected]


Bassel Hamieh

[email protected]


Kenneth Lam

[email protected]



Renisha Daley

Jamaica District Governor

[email protected]


Joel Nomdarkham

[email protected]

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If you had driven past the intersection between Grand Avenue

and Stadium Way in Pullman between 11 and 5 on September

1st, you would’ve noticed several things that were not quite of

the ordinary. First of all, your attention probably would’ve been

drawn to the Dissmores Grocery Store’s parking lot because of

the loud music blasting from a stereo system. Depending on the

time of day, you might have heard Justin Bieber, Maroon 5, or

possibly even popular Korean pop music. Secondly, you

would’ve noticed about a dozen adolescent kids, most of who

were all clad in identical black shirts, running back and forth on

the sidewalk carrying signs reading “KEY CLUB BBQ” and trying to

get the attention of drivers and passersby. You might have

noticed the delicious aromas of grilled hamburgers and juicy,

plump hot dogs, and the good smoky smell of a hot BBQ. This is

how people Key Club in Pullman (the wheatfields).

We wanted to do a fundraiser to kick off the start of the school

year and raise money for the new District Project, Project

Educate. The officers and I considered several fundraisers, such

as another bake sale, a car wash, a talent show, etc., before we

finally settled on having a joint BBQ fundraiser with a local

grocery store. After figuring out the basic details, I called

Dissmores to ask if they would be interested in participating in our

fundraiser. They readily agreed and a meeting was with the

Dissmores manager was immediately scheduled.

A couple weeks later, my vice president, Aneesh Pappu, our

Kiwanis advisor, Suzy Scott, and I met with the manager and

quickly set a date. The people at Dissmores were so incredibly

helpful. Instead of having to make a projected profit margin and

buy all the supplies for the BBQ beforehand (and then have to

figure out how to store all the cheese and meat so it wouldn’t go

bad) we were allowed to run into the store throughout the day,

grab what we needed, and just put it on a running total of

everything we had taken. Dissmores allowed us to have the

entire profit generated by the BBQ.


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Nothing good in life comes without a challenge and the

same can be said about this BBQ. Over the summer, we

had many ideas about handing out fliers, putting up posters

in businesses downtown, etc. We decided to carry out

these ideas 1-2 weeks before the actual event so people

had enough time to know about the BBQ and plan for it, but

not too much time that they’d forget about it. This turned

out to be extremely difficult because 1-2 weeks before the

event was exactly when school started for us. As soon as

school started, the event was slowly pushed to the back of

our minds while academics became our first priority. Our

procrastination was so bad that I had the treasurer,

Jaeyoung Heo, over at 9 PM the night before the fundraiser,

making giant signs, while constantly on the phone with the

other officers trying to figure out last minute details.

After much stress and worry, the day of the event finally

arrive and went much smoother than any of us ever

could’ve hoped for. Every single person who had signed up

came on time and ready to work. In fact, we ended up with

about 10 extra people for each shift. A large handful of

people came up to me after the BBQ and told me that

they’ve never had so much fun at a Key Club event. Most

importantly, we raised about $400 for the needy schools in


I’ve been the Key Club president for about half a year now.

In this time, I’ve learned that it’s hard to find a balance in

Key Club. Obviously, a highly efficient club is always desired,

but it’s also important that events are enjoyable and teach

our young Key Clubbers that helping other is fun. I believe

that this event was perfectly balanced between having fun

and being productive. After the success of this year’s, I

hope that this joint barbeque fundraiser will become an

annual project.

Article by Stephanie Her, PHS Key Club President


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“It sounds so surreal to say this, but I am

OVERJOYED in having the opportunity serving

my heart out as the international Trustee for

the Rocky Mountains District, the Minnesota

Dakotas District, and my home, the Pacific

Northwest District! In my final year in Key Club,

I have only one overarching goal – and it can

be summed up in only one word: opportunity.

What members don’t realize is that every

single person has the ability to make a

difference. Even just one person’s initiative

can spark a lame of generosity and ingenuity.

Therefore, as International Trustee, I look to

equip our members with even more

accessible means to elevate club leadership,

excellence, and recognition.”


Giovanni McKenzie

Pacific Northwest

Cady Severson


JD Manzanares

Rocky Mountain


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KCCP The Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program, KCCP, in support of Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s

Cancer Program in Portland OR., Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program in Seattle WA. and the

Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program in British Columbia and the Yukon, will raise money and

awareness to fight and find the cure for children’s cancer. The goal of the KCCP is to fund 3 or

more Fellowships at the three hospitals in our district. To achieve this goal we will hold district

fundraisers, seek public donations, corporate sponsors and receive funds from our clubs in the

Pacific Northwest District. Thousands of children are diagnosed with cancer each year, and with

the help of research their chances of surviving have more than tripled. KCCP hopes to be a part

of finding a cure. Not only will this benefit children it will benefit all cancer patients worldwide.

Remember the research of adult cancers does nothing to help cure children’s cancer, but the

research of children’s cancers does help find the cure of adult cancers.

ELIMINATE With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF

have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal

tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000

innocent babies and a significant number of women each

year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny

newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme

sensitivity to light and touch. To eliminate MNT from the Earth,

more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be

immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage,

transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take

US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and

every member of the Kiwanis family.


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Peter Chen Freshman Favorite Hobby: Basketball

“Joining things is always exciting, whether it’s becoming a member of a team or

maybe a committee. There’s always the thrill of belonging to a brand new group.

For me, joining Key Club has been a fantastic experience full of enjoyment. To

make it even better, the events and activities that we do are for a righteous cause,

helping people in our community and around the globe. Key Club has done so

much for me, and joining it was an exceptional decision that I will never regret.”

Patrick Old Sophomore Favorite Hobby: Golfing

“There are a couple of reasons I joined Key Club. I love to volunteer and help

others, and also a couple of my friends joined as well. The second I joined Key

Club my freshman year, I knew I was going to love it. All of the people in it are so

nice and just awesome to be around. It’s impossible not to have fun, and you

are volunteering and helping others so it’s a great way to spend your time. Key

Club has helped me realize how easy it is to help others and what a dramatic

impact some people, just doing the right thing, can have on another’s life.”

Preston Vorhauer Preston was the 2011-2012 Kamiah High School Key Club President. I met

Preston for the first time when my home club carpooled with his club to my

first District Convention in 2012. He was the very first Key Clubber that I had

ever met outside of my own Key Club and a truly wonderful person. Preston

was a freshman anthropology major at the University of Idaho. Regrettably,

he accidentally drowned on September 1st at the Dworshak Reservoir during

a fraternity camping trip.

Rest In Peace, Preston. Our prayers are with you and your family. Thank you

for your contributions to your home club, Division 56, the Pacific Northwest

District, and Key Club International. But most of all, thank you for being a

friend. You will be dearly missed and never forgotten.

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For Club Secretaries:

Remember that Secretary

Reports are due on the 5th of

every month!

If you guys have any questions

or concerns at all, please feel

free to contact me!

Joseph Chung

Lieutenant Governor of Division 56

Pacific Northwest District Board

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (509) 715-9320

Skype/ooVoo: jochung708

Address: 2325 NW Prairie View Dr.

Pullman, WA 99163

Pacific Northwest District

Executive Board 2012-2013

Governor: Giovanni McKenzie

[email protected]

Secretary: Kelsie Hoppes

[email protected]

Treasurer: Kenneth Lam

[email protected]

Bulletin Editor: Bassel Hamieh

[email protected]

Convention Chair: Andy Nguyen

[email protected]

District Administrator: John Jay

[email protected]

Asst. District Administrator: Suzanne Endroedy

[email protected]