October 10, 2021 Fill Us with Your Love, O God, and We ...

October 10, 2021 N88W17658 Christman Rd Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 (262) 2552035 | mygoodshepherd.org Our Mission Statement: Good Shepherd is a Christian, caring community, nourished by a joyful spiritfilled liturgy that inspires our daily lives. We strive to welcome, accept and love all people as they are, and through our ministries reach out with active concern to those in need. Fill Us with Your Love, O God, and We Shall Sing for Joy Today’s Psalm 90 connects well the Wisdom reading and Mark’s account of the rich young man seeking eternal life with its petition for divine assistance in making wise choices. The psalm calls upon the generosity of God. We are not only called to become more than we previously were (conversion), but with God’s wisdom and compassion, given the help and strength necessary for this transformation. When we really understand the preciousness of life in Christ, all else becomes unimportant and easy to leave behind. Teach us to make use of our days and bring wisdom to our hearts. How long, O God, before you return? Pity your servants, shine your love on us each dawn, and gladden all our days. Balance our past sorrows with present joys and let your servants, young and old, see the splendor of your work. Let your loveliness shine on us, and bless the work we do, bless the work of our hands. [verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]

Transcript of October 10, 2021 Fill Us with Your Love, O God, and We ...

October 10, 2021

N88W17658 Christman Rd Menomonee Falls, WI 53051�

(262) 255�2035 | mygoodshepherd.org�

Our Mission Statement:�

Good Shepherd is a Christian, caring community,�

nourished by a joyful spirit�filled liturgy that inspires our daily lives. �

We strive to welcome, accept and love all people as they are,�

and through our ministries reach out with active concern to those in need.�

Fill Us with Your Love, �

O God, and We Shall Sing

for Joy�

Today’s Psalm 90 connects well

the Wisdom reading and Mark’s

account of the rich young man

seeking eternal life with its petition

for divine assistance in making

wise choices. The psalm calls

upon the generosity of God. We

are not only called to become

more than we previously were

(conversion), but with God’s

wisdom and compassion, given

the help and strength necessary

for this transformation. When we

really understand the

preciousness of life in Christ, all

else becomes unimportant and

easy to leave behind.�

Teach us to make use of our days

and bring wisdom to our hearts. �

How long, O God, before you

return? �

Pity your servants, shine your love

on us each dawn, �

and gladden all our days. �

Balance our past sorrows with

present joys and let your servants,

young and old, �

see the splendor of your work. Let

your loveliness shine on us, �

and bless the work we do, bless

the work of our hands.�

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995,

Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training


Readings for the week of October 10, 2021�

Sunday: � Wis 7:7�11/Ps 90:12�13, 14�15, 16�17 [14]/Heb 4:12�13/�

� Mk 10:17�30 or 10:17�27�

Monday: � Rom 1:1�7/Ps 98:1, 2�3ab, 3cd�4 [2a]/Lk 11:29�32�

Tuesday: � Rom 1:16�25/Ps 19:2�3, 4�5 [2a]/Lk 11:37�41�

Wednesday: �Rom 2:1�11/Ps 62:2�3, 6�7, 9 [13]/Lk 11:42�46�

Thursday: � Rom 3:21�30/Ps 130:1�2, 3�4, 5�6 [7]/Lk 11:47�54�

Friday: � Rom 4:1�8/Ps 32:1�2, 5, 11 [cf. 7]/Lk 12:1�7�

Saturday: � Rom 4:13, 16�18/Ps 105:6�7, 8�9, 42�43 [8]/Lk 12:8�12�

Next Sunday: Is 53:10�11/Ps 33:4�5, 18�19, 20, 22 [22]/Heb 4:14��16/

� Mk 10:35�45 or 10:42�45 �

Find daily readings online at https://bible.usccb.org/daily�bible�reading�




Per the CDC, people, including

children older than 2, should wear

a mask in indoor public places if

they are: �

�� Not fully vaccinated �

�� Fully vaccinated and in an

area with substantial or

high transmission*�

�� High Transmission

(≥100 per 100,000


�� Substantial

Transmission (50�99.99

per 100,000 persons)�

�� Fully vaccinated and with

weakened immune


*Please note that Waukesha

County is currently an area

with high transmission �

�� Total confirmed cases

reported within Waukesha

County over the last 7 days

per 100,000 population:


� Last updated: 10/6//2021, 2:00 PM�

It is therefore recommended

that everyone wear a mask while

in the building.�

Please wear a mask while in the

public areas of the building. Masks

may be removed in certain areas/

rooms indicated by signage or by

the consensus agreement of those


We wish to recognize the free will

granted to us by God, but also call

attention to the parish as a

community, whose members have

a responsibility to care for the least

of those among us, those being

children, the elderly and the

infirmed. �

“Amen I say to you whatever

you did for these least brethren

of mine, you did for me.”�

Matthew 25: 40�

Rosary Devotions�

October is recognized as the month of the Rosary.� Although the rosary is

considered a private devotion, in past years, we offered a communal

recitation of the rosary on the Wednesdays of October.� Again, this year,

because of the alarming number of positive COVID cases, we will NOT

gather.� However, you may wish to set a certain time on each Wednesday

to pray this prayer for peace.� Rosaries and a pamphlet explaining how to

pray the rosary will be available for you to take home at the west and

south entrances during the month of October.�

Youth Corner�

for Middle and High School


Contact Corinna Ramsey,

Director of Youth and�

Young Adult Ministries,�

[email protected]

or 262�345�3897�

Heart Works Youth Camp�

Registration now open. This is a

great chance to help others and

have a wonderful week with God

and friends. We are offering 2


1.� Good Shepherd and St. James

will be organizing a trip to Boston,

MA for current 7th graders through

high school seniors for July 9�16,


2. St. Agnes will be organizing a

trip to Benton Harbor, MI for

current 8th graders through high

school seniors for July 24�29,


Fellowship, Faith and Food


The fourth Wednesdays of each

month 7:00�9:00pm at St. Anthony

Parish, beginning October 27th.�

All 6th�12th graders are welcome.�

Bring your friends, too!�

Registration Now Open�

If you haven’t yet registered for

Generations of Faith, it is not too

late. We have held just one

session so far. Our next session

will be Sat/Sun Oct 9/10. �

GOF is a Christian Formation program for the entire parish, so whether

you have children or not, you are welcome and encouraged to join GOF. If

you are a family who has a child in 2nd, 10th or 11th grades, attendance

is required as part of your sacrament preparation. If you have any

questions, please contact Corinna or Mike in the Christian Formation


Men’s Group Update and Retreat Announcement�

We hope you've been able to make it to a men's gathering recently. We

would love to see you either at...�

...St. James (every Friday at 6:00 am for That Man Is You)�

...Good Shepherd (4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm for Lives of Great


In addition, we have a retreat opportunity coming up at the end of


Year of St. Joseph�Men’s Retreat��

6:30 pm, Friday, Oct.29 � 4:00 pm, Saturday, Oct. 30�

Redemptorist Retreat Center Oconomowoc, WI��

In this year of St. Joseph, gather with other men to reflect and pray

together so that we may follow his example to be better husbands,

fathers and obedient servants of God’s will in our lives.��

�� $155 covers one night private room with private bathroom and

shower; Saturday breakfast @ 8:00 am; Saturday lunch @ 12

noon;� linen, towels, and soap supplied�

�� Retreat activities include Mass, Confessions, Conferences, Quiet

Time, and more�

Need more info?� Contact Gerry Wolf at 262�628�1141, ext 223;

[email protected]��

Register by Friday, Oct. 15th

Forms can be found on the parish website or in the parish office.�

Our Parish Game Night is back! �

Join us on Saturday, October 16th. All ages, families and singles are

welcome. Dinner begins at 5:40 with games to follow until 8:00pm. For

just $5 per person with a $15 maximum per family you can enjoy a TV

free night with your parish family, dinner, dessert, snacks and games. We

will provide the cards and a group game, you bring any games from home

you would like to contribute to the evening. Please RSVP on our events

page of the Good Shepherd website and let Corinna Ramsey know if you

have any questions.�

Anointing Service�

We will have the Anointing of the

Sick on Saturday, October 23,

during the 4:30 Mass. If you wish

to be anointed, please contact S.

Joann at 262�345�3904 or

[email protected]. �

By Joan Plumley�

Racial Justice Ministry�

Arlene Skwierawski�Racial Justice Catholic�

Arlene Skierawski was a remarkable Catholic woman who championed

racial justice. After high school she entered religious life. Ten years

later she left the order because they refused to admit Black women.

Her work as head of the music department at North Division High

School over the next 25 years included directing over 26 musicals and

dance performances. She dared her students to dream and nurtured

the development of their gifts and talents. She changed lives. Her

strong belief in racial justice led her to march with Fr. Groppi for open

housing in the 1960s. Arlene also served as a missionary in Central

America for over 50 years.�

I had the privilege of hearing her students perform and attended her

funeral Mass at All Saints Parish in August. The Gospel music and

African dancing embodied the fullest expression of African American

culture; it rocked the church! I’m sure Arlene would be proud.�

Arlene Skwierawski was a role model of lived racial justice in the

Catholic tradition. May she inspire all of us! If you’d like to join our

Racial Justice Ministry, please contact Marguerite Thompson,

[email protected]/�




St. Ben's Meal Ministry�

Once per month, Good Shepherd

provides a meal for the St. Ben's

Meal program. You can help make

that happen. Each month you will

be asked to provide either fresh

fruit, dessert or meatloaf on one

day. Another way that you can

help is to drive the food down to

St. Ben’s in Milwaukee twice per

year on the second Wednesday of

the month in the late afternoon.

Contact Corinna in the Christian

Formation office to be added to

this wonderful ministry so we can

provide to those most in need.�

Human Trafficking


The event, “It Happens Here”, that

addresses the human sex

trafficking happening in our own

communities, had over 100 people

registered and the event itself was

very well received.�Lots of positive

comments, great small group

discussion and clearly a wonderful

level of awareness was generated

among the participants.�Lots of

hard and rewarding work goes into

these events that ultimately protect

the dignity of human life all

around.� �

If you would like to learn more or

assist in this ministry that

addresses human trafficking,

please contact Marguerite in the

parish office � 262�345�3898.�The

next meeting for the Good

Shepherd/St James committee

against sex trafficking will be held

on October 13th

. ��

Gay and Straight in Christ will

meet� on October 10 at 7:00 PM in the

Mary of Magdala Chapel at Good

Shepherd.� Please come and share as

we journey in our faith. Have

questions?� Please email:

[email protected]��

J o i n U s ! ! ! �

A Witness for Racial Justice�

The Good Shepherd Racial Justice Ministry hosted a public witness

event with Black Lives are Sacred on Thursday, Sept. 30 at the

intersection of Appleton Ave. and Garfield Dr. adjacent to Village Park.

You can see more at the Black Lives Are Sacred MKE Facebook page:

(https://www.facebook.com/blacklivesaresacredmke) or the news article

on our website.�

Wedding Banns

Please remember in your prayers

this couple preparing for Marriage

Caleb Dvorkak and Abigail Dimmick �

Upcoming Schedule�

Sat Oct 9*� 3:30 PM � Reconciliation before Mass�

� 4:30 PM � Mass � Intention for Larry Castiglione�

Sun Oct 10*� 9:30 AM � Mass � Intention for James Fitzgerald�

Tue Oct 5� 8:30 AM� Mass � Intention for James Michaels�

Fri Oct 8� 8:30 AM � Prayer Service in Mary of Magdala Chapel�

Sat Oct 9*� 3:30 PM � Reconciliation before Mass�

� 4:30 PM � Mass � Intention for Robert Makowski�

Sun Oct 10*� 9:30 AM � Mass � Intention for Lorraine De Lange�

*See website for schedule of Masses to be live streamed. Recordings of

streams available on our YouTube page immediately afterwards.�

We Are Hiring!�

Good Shepherd is seeking to fill a new

full�time position:�

Community Engagement Manager � �

This position plays a critical role in the

community engagement efforts of the

parish; providing counsel and

coordination regarding stewardship

initiatives, recruiting and monitoring member participation in parish

ministries, and creating and distributing all parish�wide communications,

all with an overall goal which is threefold: 1) Proclaim the Gospel, 2) Build

up community and 3) Call parishioners to deeper engagement in worship,

lifelong faith formation and service. The person in this position will be the

primary resource for other staff and parish leaders in understanding the

demographics of our community, how our parish members are engaged in

the community and how best to communicate with them in meaningful

ways which deepen their commitment to the parish community.�

Please see the news article on the website for more details.�

Good Shepherd Directory�

N88 W17658 Christman Road �

Menomonee Falls, WI 53051�2630�

Parish Offices����������������������������������������(262) 255�2035�


General Email���������������������[email protected]

Pastoral Team�

Parish Director����������������������������Deacon Sandy Sites�

(262) 345�3901���������������[email protected]

Assisting Priest���������������������������������Fr.Tom Suriano�

Assisting Priest������������������������������Fr. Peter Drenzek�

Adult Form./Soc. Justice ����..Marguerite Thompson�

(262) 345�3898������[email protected]

Dir. of Administrative Services������Joe Kallenberger�

(262) 345�3905����[email protected]

Communications & Stewardship Coord.�������Vacant�

(262) 345�3902����������������������������������������������������������������

Director of Liturgy & Music���Sr. Joann Julka, SSSF�

(262) 345�3904�����������������[email protected]

Director, Christian Formation�������������������Mike Crain�

(262) 345�3896��������������[email protected]

Director of Youth Ministry���������������Corinna Ramsey�

(262) 345�3897�����������[email protected]

Administrative Assistant���������������������������������Vacant�

(262) 345�3895����������������������������������������������������������������

Pastoral Care Coordinator���������������Cheryl Matusiak�

(262) 345�3899���������[email protected]

Maintenance����������������������������������������Steve Johnson�

(262) 352�7876�����������[email protected]

Pastoral Council�

Lisa Nimmer������������������������������������������������Chairperson�

Nic Zepnick�����������������������������������������Vice Chairperson�

Donna Makowski���������������������������������������������Secretary�

Tammy Hernke��������������������������������Trustee � Treasurer�

Dan Popp�����������������������������������������Trustee � Secretary�

Maureen Janosch, George Koleas, Ron Leonhardt,

Craig Tautges�

For the Hard of Hearing�

Mass for the hard of hearing Sun. 9:30 am. Hearing

assisted devices available; see usher for assistance. �

Liturgy Schedule�


Saturday 4:30 pm / Sunday 9:30 am�

Weekday: �

Tuesday 8:30am�


Families or individuals over 17 are invited to join our

Faith Community! Register on our website or pick up

forms in the office.�


�� Reconciliation: Communal services held in Advent

& Lent. Individual Reconciliation � 3:30 pm Sat. in

the Mary of Magdala Chapel�

�� Marriage: Preparation begins by contacting Deacon

Sandy no later than 6 months prior to the planned


�� Children’s Baptism: Call the parish to register.

Next celebration: Jan. 8th at 4:30pm or Jan. 9th at


�� Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: RCIA is a

time to consider full membership into the Catholic

Faith. Call our office for more information.�

�� Adult Confirmation: Call our office if you wish to

be confirmed.�

Parish Office Visits�

We are still taking precautions and are not yet open for regular hours.

Should you wish to meet with a staff member, it is advisable to call ahead

and ensure they will be in or schedule a time with them. Please note, also,

the outside doors are regularly locked. Should you come to the parish and

find the doors locked, please go to the northwest Parish Office doors and

use the intercom to call the office for access.�

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