Oct - Dec 2011 - L&T Construction

Environment Safety Health Helmet Oct - Dec 2011 • Volume - 1 • Issue - 1

Transcript of Oct - Dec 2011 - L&T Construction

Environment SafetyHealth

HelmetOct - Dec 2011 • Volume - 1 • Issue - 1

2 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Making Safety Everybody’s Business 4

Safety Month Inaugural Function at HQ 12

National Safety Council Awards 14

Buildings and Factories 16

Infrastructure 22

Metallurgical and Material Handling 25

Power Transmission & Distribution 30

Editors’ Note


Greetings from the CCD Team.

Thus far, EHS-related information has always found deserving coverage in ECC News with excellent support from safety teams across the length and breadth of L&T Construction.

In line with our management’s focus on EHS, we are glad to inform readers that this issue marks the revival of the erstwhile Safety Bulletin – known in this very name –‘Helmet’.

In this new avatar, Helmet will be published as a quarterly giving a comprehensive coverage on all the good practices, events, reports, concepts and even snippets related to Environment, Health & Safety. We would be extremely happy to receive your inputs, experiences and stories on the subject matter of EHS.

While the very term ‘Helmet’ is defined as ‘a protective gear’, globally, people and organizations alike are engaged in the protection of the environment, ecology, people’s health and lives amidst the stress of growing the economy through accelerated Industrial and business activities that serve to enrich the lifestyle of the very same society and its subjects.

Amidst this, never before has the world paused and stood up to take note of Economic Advancement and the Cost of Progress - all these aspects get well-covered in this single expression - ‘Sustainability’!

Rightly so, we too have also embarked to do the same. Put the subject to our core attention – without sacrificing or getting distracted from our Business Goals and the overall ambitions of growth. Orienting EHS would call for setting our attitudes

right – and perfectly RIGHT. As we all know, an attitude to Safety [so too Health & Environment] just does not emerge suddenly at work-site! It has its roots to one’s growing-up phase, impressions and learnings in the childhood, home environment, the processes and practices followed at all places and the overall growth and development of the mind-set.

It is also about being very responsible and rightly pro-active by nature!

You will agree that it’s all about being very RESPONSIBLE – at every place… wherever we are, and in whatever we are doing! For now and the future that is yet to be unleashed. While knowledge and cognizance will surely do its might, the right attitude alone will set our minds to ruthlessly adhere to the right practices. Once we set about this right, as we go along, the process and the practices will elevate us – will take us constantly to a higher level of standards.

To be eco-friendly, we would have a very limited print-run of ‘Helmet’. But ‘Helmet’ will be available as an ‘electronic magazine’, which would be sent to all staff on e-mail and on E-zine, apart from being hosted on the LNTECC website. Consequently, the ECC Newsletter will not carry features on EHS and will exclusively focus on teams at work, people, events, awards and recognition as well as corporate news at L&T Construction.

So, with this in mind, let’s wear the ‘Right Attitude’. Stay safe and ensure to protect our Environment, Health and Lives….[s] wearing [on] this ‘Helmet’.

Editor : V. S. Ramana

Editorial team : V. Ramesh Kumar | Gopi Kannan. S

V. Eswar | Ashwin Chand | Mayura. K

Subha Anand | Shamala Nadendla

Content by : R.N.Tripathy | Mathivanan Palaniappan

P. Nagarajan | M. Nachiappan

Shailendra Kumar | Md Quaisar Imam

Sathyanarayana Seelamanthula

Murali Krishnan

Photography : V. S. Natanavelu

Design & layout : Global Print Design, Chennai

Safety month events at projects will be covered in January - March 2012 Issue

3HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Have you ever wondered when the first safety helmet was manufactured? Who developed the concept and how the design evolved over the years? The revival of our erstwhile Safety Bulletin ‘Helmet’ is perhaps an apt occasion to trace the evolution of hard-boiled hat to today’s helmet.

Management professor Peter Drucker credits writer Franz Kafka with developing of the first civilian hard hat when he was employed at the Worker’s Accident Insurance Institute for the Kingdom of Bohemia (1912). In the United States, the E.D. Bullard Company, a mining equipment firm in California established in 1898 was the first to manufacture and sell protective hats but they were only made of leather. In 1919 Bullard patented a “Hard-Boiled Hat”, made of steamed canvas, glue and black paint inspired from a steel helmet used in World War I.

In 1933 construction began on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. This

was the second construction site in history where construction workers were required to wear hard hats, the first being the Hoover Dam project in 1931. Aluminum became a standard for hard hats around 1938, except in electrical applications. Heat resistant fiberglass hard hats were developed in the 1940’s. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, thermoplastics replaced fiberglass because the newer material was less costly and better suited for the applications

Today’s yellow hard hats are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE). In 1997, American National Standards Institute allowed the development of a ventilated hard hat to keep wearers cooler. To it could be added accessories like face shields, sun visors, earmuffs and perspiration-absorbing cloths which line the hats. Today, attachments include radios, walkie-talkies, pagers, and cameras.

As a defensive covering for the head, the helmet is today used across domains. The helmet technology comprises of a suspension that spreads the helmet’s weight over the top of the head. It also provides a space of approximately 30 mm (1.2 inch) between the helmet’s shell and the wearer’s head so that if an object strikes the shell, the impact is less likely to be transmitted directly to the skull. From the generic crash helmets to the specific head gears, it is regarded as universal armour and a must for ensuring safety.

Hard-Boiled Hat to Today’s Helmet

4 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Environment, Health & Safety


If one has to drive to any part of India, urban or

rural, one cannot help but notice the extensive

construction activity that is taking place all

around. The wide-scale infrastructure development

in the country has given a stimulus to the demands

of resources – men, material and machines. Of these

resources, manpower is perhaps the most crucial and hard to come by.

Indian construction industry is the second largest employer next only to agriculture. 85% of this workforce is drawn from the rural background and lacks technical perspective and industry-relevant basic knowledge. The skills of the

MAKING SAFETY Everybody’s Business

5HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

other 15%, despite some training, may still be short of what’s ideally desirable. This massive influx of unskilled and inexperienced workmen has made safety in construction a unique challenge.

While automation and modern construction methodologies have changed the way projects get executed, the construction industry is still very workmen-intensive.

EHS Management in Construction Projects

L&T Construction deploys more than two lakh workmen every day in its projects, which by itself is a measure of the challenges faced in safety management.

At L&T Construction, Environment, Health &

Safety (EHS) is given the highest priority. The policy,

enunciated by corporate management, lays emphasis

on a structured approach to EHS that conforms to

international standards.

EHS management systems are accredited to international

standards such as OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational

Health & Safety Assessment Series); ISO14001:2004

(Environment Management System) and ISO 9001:2008

(Quality Management System). These standards are

implemented across all operations, right from the

inception of the project.

6 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

The various measures taken to mitigate the risks arising from the skill deficiency of the workforce are as follows:

Ascertaining Suitability before Deployment

Screening of Workmen: All workmen are checked for suitability before deployment by the respective site and safety engineers. Physical fitness, knowledge about the activity and previous experience are checked before deploying the worker.

Pre-employment Medical Check-up: Workmen involved in high-risk work, such as operators, drivers, welders, scaffolders, etc., are subjected to standard medical tests like blood pressure check-up, vision test, etc., to ascertain their suitability before deployment.

Height Pass: Working at heights is one of the most risky activities in the construction business. To identify and exclude workmen with acrophobia, a mock-up of height work is prepared where each worker is tested.

Only workers who pass the test are given a ‘height pass’, which authorises the workmen to work at heights.

EHS Induction Training

Workmen who are found fit for deployment are sent for EHS induction training. Imparting training as a group is another challenge as workmen may belong to different parts of the country. It is therefore imperative to have a trainer or trainers who could deliver instructions in different regional languages. Also, just class room training is not effective and needs to be followed up by practical exercises for the workmen to appreciate the hazards in construction.

To effectively deliver standardised training across all projects an e-learning module has been prepared. This module constitutes an animation film of about 40-minute duration, explaining the various risks at construction sites along with the precautionary measures that should be adopted.

EDGE SAFETY protection system

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Topics in the module include general site safety rules, excavation safety, electrical safety, fire prevention, material handling, etc. This is made available in nine regional languages including Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarathi, Marathi, English and Malay.

Every project has a dedicated EHS induction training hall with a computer/ projector to facilitate such training.

Access Control

After EHS Induction, personal records of all workmen are digitised and tagged with their finger prints or face recognition and then they are issued with identity cards. Access to and from site is controlled to keep a check on unauthorised entry. At any point of time it is possible to know the exact count of workmen at a project site, which is a useful piece of information in emergency situations.

Safety Monitoring

Workmen are closely monitored by trained front-line supervisors. In addition, safety stewards are deployed in a ratio of 1:100 workmen at project sites. One of the main duties of the safety steward is to closely monitor the activities of all workmen under him, identify unsafe behaviour and correct it promptly on the spot.

New Technology & Safer Construction Methodologies

At L&T Construction’s sites, the most modern construction equipment is used to reduce manual exertion as far as

possible. Huge plant and machinery asset-base includes latest mobile cranes, tower cranes, formwork, concrete pumps, tunnel boring machines, etc.

While devising the construction methodology, due care is taken to mitigate risks through engineering control and administrative control measures and not just relying on the skill and the experience of the workforce.

Workmen Participation in EHS Management

Every month site-based competitions are organised to select the safest workmen, based on their EHS performance. These workmen are rewarded at specially organised ceremonies in the presence of all the workmen. While applauding the safety consciousness of the winners, this exercise also serves to motivate their co-workers.

Safety Month Celebration

Every year, January is celebrated as the safety month in all L&T job-sites in India and abroad. The purpose is to highlight the importance of safety in workplace through special campaigns and competitions. Various contests on safety like essay-writing, poster-making, quizzes, skit-enactment, speech-making, and song/ music performances are organised and prizes are distributed. All staff and workmen are encouraged to participate in these competitions. Almost everyone on site gets involved in the safety month celebration.

Free medical check-up for workmen

8 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

SAFETY GEAR Welders in complete safety gear

Managing Business Specific Risks

The wide spectrum of construction activities at L&T Construction has been strategically organised into its four businesses: Buildings & Factories; Infrastructure; Metallurgical & Material Handling; Power Transmission and Distribution.

Operations of every business are unique with several EHS risks involved. Subsequently, each business has developed precautionary measures to mitigate such risks.

Buildings & Factories

Buildings & Factories (B&F) undertakes construction of major airports, hospitals, hotels, malls, sports complex, institutional buildings, IT parks, factories, cement plants, residential buildings and townships. Some of the safety initiatives undertaken by the business are:

Regional Workmen Management Centre

These centres co-ordinate the sourcing and deployment of construction workmen for all B&F projects in the

region. The activities include providing on-job skill-based training to workmen, tracking improvement and skill certification. A ‘workmen referral card system’ tracks the movement of workmen and enables redeployment in other projects.

Steel Service Centre

Reinforcement cutting and bending is one of the major tasks in building construction work. This task, if performed at the project site, involves a huge manpower and increases the risks involved. To mitigate this, steel service centres have been opened in strategic locations closer to cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, etc. These centres are modern automated factories which can produce cut and bent reinforcement as per the customised requirement of sites thus completely eliminating the deployment of unskilled workmen at project site for this activity.

Hazards & Risk Mitigation Measures

Typical hazards in B&F operations include risks of falling through openings meant for services and lifts, dangers of working close to the edges of slabs and chances of

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material falling through openings or off the edges of slabs. In addition to the regular control measures, few standardised safety practices are implemented at all projects to mitigate these hazards. These are – Debris Chutes for disposal of debris from various floors; Standardised temporary lift gates to protect lift shaft openings, etc.; Standardised edge protection systems for floor edges and openings.


L&T Construction’s Infrastructure business offers engineering, procurement and construction services for transportation-related infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, metros, ports, as well as hydel and nuclear power projects.

The key associated hazards include working in close proximity to live traffic (road and metro projects) and risks involved in activities like blasting and tunnelling. Some of the control measures deployed by L&T Construction include:

Traffic Management Plan

Implementing a traffic management plan involves providing safe and clearly marked lanes, providing adequate buffer and work zones, and implementing measures to control driver behaviour through construction zones.

Road Safety Campaigns

Regular road safety campaigns, in collaboration with traffic police and civil police authorities, are organised to raise public awareness. The campaigns include distributing pamphlets to road users and also affixing triangular retro reflectors on public vehicles.

Regular EHS Messages

Relevant EHS information is disseminated to all employees though the EHS department – a message a day or an e-mail. These messages cover a wide range of information pertaining to construction safety, road safety, environment issues, occupational health information and legal requirements.

FIRE SAFETY Demonstration

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ROAD SAFETY Awareness Campaign

11HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Metallurgical & Material Handling

L&T Construction’s Metallurgical & Material Handling (MMH) business takes up turnkey construction contracts for projects in Minerals & Metals sector and Bulk Material Handling including Water & Utilities.

Typical hazards in MMH operations include heavy structural erection at heights, working close to existing operations, working in close proximity to live traffic (water distribution projects), etc. The counter these problems several control measures have been implemented. Some of these are: Work platforms with necessary fall prevention and protection arrangements such as fall arrestors (during structural erection); Use of light-weight inverters for welding at heights; Mechanisation in bore piling that reduces the requirement of manpower and improves safety.

Power Transmission and Distribution

The Power Transmission and Distribution (PT&D) business of L&T Construction offers design and construction services for all types of high voltage power transmission and distribution projects including industrial project electrification and railway electrification work.

Typical hazards in PT&D operations include, working in close proximity to live electrical lines, tower erection, and stringing at greater heights and rough terrain. Some measures that have been adopted to work around these challenges are:

Induction Testers

The Accelerated Power Development Reforms Programme projects involve a lot of activities in which workmen need to work in close proximity to live electrical lines. Apart from regular control measures such as ensuring required work permits and a ‘lock out tag out system’, all workers are provided with helmets fitted with induction testers. These testers sense nearby electric fields and alert the workers.

Fall Protection

To mitigate the risks involved in tower erection and stringing, mechanised winches and rope-suspended personnel platforms with fall protection arrangement are used.

Construction Skills Training Institutes

Non-availability of skilled workmen poses a serious challenge to achieve the high standards of safety, quality and speed desired by L&T. L&T Construction fills in this gap through the company’s Construction Skills Training Institutes (CSTIs) that provide construction vocational training in India in a professional manner, and generate significant numbers of trained workers.

The framework of the training is designed to enable both new entrants and less experienced workers in the industry to progressively improve their skill levels and knowledge competency in their respective trades.

At L&T’s CSTIs, rural unemployed youth are given free skill training apart from free accommodation and a monthly stipend. On completion of their three-month training programme the students are provided with employment opportunities at L&T’s project sites. They are free to take up jobs anywhere they please or go for self-employment.

Compiled by Gopi Kannan. S and Ashwin Chand, CCD Chennai

with inputs from:

M. Nachiappan - Manager (EHS) – B&F IC

N. Gabrial Fernandez - Engineer (EHS) – B&F IC

Murali Krishnan - Engineer (EHS) – Infra IC Md. Quaisar Imam - Executive (EHS) – PT&D (Domestic)

SK Karimulla S Khadari - Sr. Engineer (EHS) – MMH IC

11HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

12 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

As is customary at L&T Construction, the New Year was welcomed with the celebration of Safety Month in January across all ICs at

domestic and overseas project sites, HQ and Regional Offices to reaffirm our commitment towards Safety. The theme for the current year ‘Make Everyday a Safe Day’ was aptly chosen to reiterate the importance of safety in our day to day operations.

Mr. K.V. Rangaswami (KVR) Advisor to Chairman inaugurated the proceedings at HQ Campus, Chennai in the presence of senior executives from the respective ICs. KVR hoisted the safety flag and inaugurated the month long celebrations followed by the administration of safety pledge.

Speaking during the occasion, KVR reviewed L&T Construction’s safety performance and emphasized that much needs to be done to meet the world-class standards. He also highlighted the necessity of a rewarding system which will bring a behavioral change among the workmen and appreciated the continued efforts of EHS team.

The month long celebration would include safety awareness and promotional activities such as; Office Ergonomics, Defensive Driving for employees and drivers, Domestic Safety for home makers and female staff members, Road Safety Training Programme, On-line EHS quiz for HQ employees, etc.

13HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

SAFETY MONTH Commemoration at HQ

14 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge, Honorable Minister (Labour & Employment Govt. of India)

presented the award to Mr. Rajesh Kumar Jha, Project Manager, Ahmedabad Viramgam

Maliya Road Project (AVMRP) and Mr. Chandrasekhara Rao, EHS Incharge

Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge, Honorable Minister (Labour & Employment Govt. of India)

presented the award to Mr. N.P.Varadharajan, Project Manager, Kudankulam Nuclear

Power Project (KKNPP) and Mr. Suresh Mondi, EHS Incharge

Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge, Honorable Minister (Labour & Employment Govt. of India)

along with Mr. Venu Srinivasan, (CMD – TVS Motors) presented the award to Mr.

Jagbir Singh, Project manager, ITC Baddi Project. Mr. Kumud Kumar Jha, Cluster

EHS Manager – Delhi Cluster, Mr. Jesus Daniel, EHS Officer and other dignitaries are

seen in picture

Mr. Mallikarjun Kharge, Honorable Minister (Labour & Employment Govt. ofIndia)

presented the award to Mr.S.K.Das( Construction Manager- Dhamra Port), seen left

and Mr.Indranil Chakraborty (Cluster EHS Manager – MMH IC, Kolkata Cluster),

seen right receiving the award

National Safety Council Awards

14 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

15HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

L&T Construction’s Buildings and Factories IC, Infrastructure IC and MMH IC bagged awards and certificates from National Safety

Council of India.

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) and Ahmedabad Viramgam Maliya Road Project (AVMRP) of Infrastructure IC received prestigious National Safety Council awards in recognition for developing & implementing effective Management Systems & Procedures and achieving good performance in Occupational Safety & Health.

ITC Project, Baddi of Buildings & Factories IC bagged the Prashansa Patra Safety Award.

Tata Steel Project Site, Jamshedpur and Dhamra Port Project of MMH IC received certificate of appreciation.

The awards and certificates were given in a glittering ceremony on October 19, 2011 at Vigyan Bhavan by Shri. Mallikarjun Kharge, Union Minister of Labour & Employment.

The selection process involved verification of the data provided in the application through the Client Organisation and personal presentation before the Awards Committee by senior representatives of the top short-listed contenders.

National Safety Council is a tripartite body set up by Ministry of Labour, Govt of India in 1966 constituting members from employees, employers and government.

15HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

16 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Helmet Congratulates the following sites for achieving

THREE Million and more LTI Free Safe Man-Hours

SafetyRoll of Honour

ITC Grand Chola Hotel Project, Chennai

Million Safe Man Hours, October 2007 to October 2011

MUD Project, Chandigarh

Million Safe Man Hours, November 2010 to November 2011

The Grand Arch Project

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2011 to November 2011

Heidelberg Project, Damoh

Million Safe Man Hours, July 2010 to November 2011

RLICD-Khurja Project

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2010 to November 2011

Lafarge Jojobera Project

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2009 to November 2011

Business & Exhibition Centre Project, Gandhinagar

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2010 to November 2011

Maruti Manesar Extension Project

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2010 to November 2011

TCS Garima Park Project, Gandhinagar

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2011 to November 2011

Vedanta Housing Project, Jharsuguda

Million Safe Man Hours, June 2010 to November 2011

ITC Sonar Project, Kolkata

Million Safe Man Hours, August 2009 to November 2011

Nestle Factory Project,

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2010 to November 2011

Heidelberg Project, Jhansi

Million Safe Man Hours, August 2010 to November 2011

Punjab Memorials project

Million Safe Man Hours, December 2010 to November 2011

COD Project, Jabalpur

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2011 to November 2011

Maruti C-line Project, Manesar

Million Safe Man Hours, October 2010 to November 2011

River View Apartments at Lucknow

Million Safe Man Hours, July 2009 to September 2011

TCS Phase- II, Siruseri

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2011 to November 2011

The Address, Wadhwa Housing Project, Ghatkopar

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2010 to November 2011

BARC Phase-I Project, Mysore

Million Safe Man Hours, August 2009 to November 2011

Kohinoor Square Project

Million Safe Man Hours, June 2009 to November 2011

Technology Center –II, Powai Mumbai

Million Safe Man Hours, December 2007 to November 2011

Vicat Sagar Project

Million Safe Man Hours, July 2010 to November 2011

JIPMER Phase – II Project

Million Safe Man Hours, August 2010 to November 2011

Technopark Ph-III Project, Trivandrum

Million Safe Man Hours, December 2009 to November 2011

Ahuja Tower project, Prabhadevi

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2010 to November 2011

ESI Hospital Project, Joka

Million Safe Man Hours, November 2009 to November 2011

ESI Hospital Project, Kollam

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2010 to November 2011

Century Bhavan Project, Mumbai

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2009 to November 2011

Orchid Crown Project, Prabhadevi

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2010 to November 2011

P&G - Baby Care unit Project, Bhopal

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2010 to November 2011

CESC Shopping Mall project, Kolkata

Million Safe Man Hours, July 2010 to October 2011







Building & Factories16 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

17HELMET Oct - Dec 2011


The Address Project, Wadhwa Group – Mumbai Cluster

B&F’s The Address Project - Mumbai Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. The Wadhwa Group for achieving 10 million safe man-hours during the period January 2010 to November 2011.

JIPMER Phase-II Project – Chennai Cluster

B&F’s JIPMER Phase-II Project – Chennai Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. HLL Lifecare Ltd. for achieving 6 million safe man-hours during the period July 2010 to November 2011.

MIOT International Hospital Project – Chennai Cluster

B&F’s MIOT International Hospital Project – Chennai Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. MIOT Hospitals for achieving 5 million safe man-hours during the period March 2010 to October 2011.

Building & Factories

18 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

B&F’s Salalah Airport Project has received a certificate of appreciation for achieving

2 million safe man-hours in Terminals and Buildings (PABS) area during the period December 12, 2011 to

January 31, 2012.

CESC Shopping Mall Project -Kolkata Cluster

B&F’s CESC Shopping Mall Project -Kolkata Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. CESC Properties Ltd for achieving 4 million safe man-hours during the period July 2010 to October 2011.

ITC Sonar Project-II, Kolkata – Kolkata Cluster

B&F’s ITC Sonar Project-II, Kolkata – Kolkata Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client

M/s. ITC Limited for achieving 5 million safe man-hours during the period August 2009 to November 2011.

Lafarge Jojobera Project – Kolkata Cluster

B&F’s Lafarge Jojobera Project – Kolkata Cluster, has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. Lafarge for achieving 9 million safe man-hours during the month of August 2011.

Building & Factories

19HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Godrej Eternia Project, Chandigarh – Delhi Cluster

B&F’s Godrej Eternia Project, Chandigarh – Delhi Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client for achieving 3.5 million safe man-hours during the period April 2010 to July 2011.

ESIC Hospital Project, Kollam – Chennai Cluster

B&F’s ESIC Hospital Project, Kollam – Chennai Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. HLL

Lifecare Limited for achieving 2 million safe man-hours.

Vedanta Housing Project, Jharsuguda -Kolkata Cluster

B&F’s Vedanta Housing Project, Jharsuguda – Kolkata Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client

M/s. Vedanta Group for achieving 5 million safe man-hours during the period June 2010 to September 2011.

Orchid Crown Project, Prabhadevi – Mumbai Cluster

B&F’s Orchid Crown Project – Mumbai Cluster has received a certificate of appreciation from client M/s. DB Realty Pvt limited for achieving 4 million safe man-hours during the period January 2010 to September 2011.

Building & Factories

20 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

National Safety Council-of India (NSCI) organized a two days training programme on “Safety in Scaffolding and Working at Heights” during 8th and September 9, 2011 at Mumbai. Mr. Hemant T Kadu – Cluster EHS Manager of Mumbai RB&F SBG inaugurated the programme and made a presentation. It was well appreciated and felicitated with a citation by NSCI.

A Road Safety Awareness Programme was conducted at Cyber Towers Junction, Hyderabad for the general public on November 15, 2011.

Mr. S.Chandrasekhar Reddy, DCP-Traffic, inaugurated the campaign and addressed the gathering on road safety measures. Mr. N.Sudhakar - Regional Manager, Mr. D.Gnanasekar - Project Director, Hyderabad Metro Rail, Mr. D.V.V.S.K. Chowdary - Head (Civil Systems), Metro Rail and Mr. K.P.Sreehari, Metro Safety Head were also present during the occasion.

Mr. S. Chandrasekhar Reddy, DCP-Traffic inaugurates the programme


Safety in Scaffolding and Working at Heights

Road Safety Awareness

Building & Factories

21HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Two day “Construction Safety Programmes” were conducted at various Clusters of B&F IC during October to December 2011.

The programmes were specially designed for execution engineers to impart training related to EHS Management and technical requirements during construction.

The sessions included work at height, EHS Management Systems, Material Handling, P&M Safety, Excavation etc.

ClusterNo of

ParticipantsDate & Location

Ahmedabad 83

17th& 18th , 21st& 22nd and 23rd& 24th November 2011 at Ahmedabad

Hyderabad 257th& 8th November 2011 at Hyderabad

Mumbai 3126th& 27th

December 2011 at MIAL

HYCL CSP Programme on November 7th & 8th, 2011

MBCL CSP Programme on November 26th & 27th, 2011

ABCL CSP Programme on November 17th & 18th , 2011

ABCL CSP Programme on November 21st & 22nd, 2011

Construction Safety

Building & Factories

22 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Infra IC launches e-TICS

As a new initiative to enhance EHS compliance at projects, Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Whole-time Director & Sr. EVP (Construction) launched an

online system: e-TICS (Tracking of Inspections Compliance Status) on December 9, 2011. This online system, developed in EIP Vidhya, would serve as a good platform for tracking the compliance status of Environment, Health & Safety issues observed at projects.

This automatic system will ensure that all EHS pending issues are escalated to senior management as per the stipulated periodicity based on the seriousness of issue. Also, Management is kept aware of the overall EHS compliance status at projects and where necessary can intervene to improve compliance status.


Helmet Congratulates the following sites for achieving

THREE Million and more LTI Free Safe Man-Hours

SafetyRoll of Honour

Kakrapar Atomic Power Project

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2010 to Nov 2011

Nashik Elevated Corridor Project

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2010 to Nov 2011

Mumbai Monorail Project

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2011 to Nov 2011




Chennai Metro Elevated Project

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2011 to Nov 2011

Subansiri Hydel Project

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2011 to Nov 2011

Halol Godhra Shamlaji Road Project

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2011 to Nov 2011




22 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

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The Annual EHS trophy is accorded to deserving project teams to maintain and sustain high standards of Environment, Health and Safety

(EHS). This year the awards were presented by Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Whole-time Director & Sr. EVP (Construction) to Infrastructure IC in the presence of Core Group Members on November 11, 2011, under the following categories:

Projects less than 3 million safe man-hours y

Projects more than 3 million safe man-hours y

Projects surpassed 10 million safe man-hours y

Mr. E.Sagar Kumar Patro received the EHS Excellence Award for Vizag Vessel project and Mr. Ravi Prakash received the award for Ahmedabad Viramgam Maliya Road project which surpassed more than 10 million safe man-hours.

Mr. V.Mahadevan received the Annual EHS Trophy for Punatsangchhu HEP project for achieving more than 3 million safe man-hours.

Under less than 3 million safe man-hours category, Mr. Sajay Mishra received the trophy for Nashik Elevated project.


Chennai Metro Elevated Project

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2011 to Nov 2011

Subansiri Hydel Project

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2011 to Nov 2011

Halol Godhra Shamlaji Road Project

Million Safe Man Hours, April 2011 to Nov 2011




Mr. V.Mahadevan receiving the Annual EHS Trophy for Punatsangchhu HEP


Mr. Ravi Prakash receiving the EHS Excellence Award for AVM Road project

Mr. E.Sagar Kumar Patro receiving the EHS Excellence Award for Vizag Vessel


Mr. Sajay Mishra receiving the Annual EHS Trophy for Nashik Elevated project


24 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011 Infrastructure

KAPP-3&4 Project received appreciation certificate from the Project Director Mr. Lokesh Kumar, for achieving 10 million safe man hours.

An exclusive four day orientation programme for the new joinees

in EHS department was organized during November 14-17, 2011

at HQ. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. S.Kanappan,

Executive Vice President & Head – Heavy Civil SBG.

The programme was aimed at familiarizing the participants

with the EHS management system elements and key

technical areas including Plant & Machinery, Scaffolding

etc. The participants also visited Metro Tunneling project,

in Chennai and were briefed about the best practices

followed at project. The programme was led by faculties

M/s. S.Sathyanarayana, Sanjay Sharma, M.Nachiappan,

N.Radhakrishnan, P.K.Behera, P.K.Ray, Pritesh Meshram

and B.Murali Krishnan.

Participants of the training programme seen with Mr. S. Kanappan and faculties Demonstration on Scaffolding Erection and Inspection

A two day training programme on Scaffolding Erection & Inspection procedure was organized at Chennai Metro Tunneling project in association with Construction Skills Training Institute (CSTI Kanchipuram) during November 25-26, 2011.This on the job training was attended by over 40 participants from the project.

The programme was inaugurated by Mr. N. Sundarrajan, CSTI Kanchi Admin Head and Chaired by Construction Leader Mr.S.K.Gupta. Two brief technical sessions were handled by Mr.Gnanapalam (Head Formwork-Infra) and Mr.S.Sathyanarayana (Head EHS-Infra). The faculties included Mr.Vivekanandan, Mr.Chandrababu Raju from CSTI and Mr.N.Radhakrishnan, Chief OHS&E Manager of the project.


Orientation for New Joinees Scaffold Competency Training


25HELMET Oct - Dec 2011Metallurgical & Material Handling

Helmet Congratulates the following sites for achieving

THREE Million and more LTI Free Safe Man-Hours

SafetyRoll of Honour

Bhushan Steel Limited Site - Angul

Million Safe Man Hours, January’2011 to November’2011

JSW Steel - Blast Furnace 3 and BOF-CCP 2

Million Safe Man Hours, May’2009 to November’2011

Vizag Steel Plant Expansion Project - BF # 3

Million Safe Man Hours, April’2009 to November’2011

Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Scheme (O&M) - Ananthapur

Million Safe Man Hours, March’2000 to November’2011

Mahan Aluminum Plant (HINDALCO)- Singrauli

Million Safe Man Hours, December’2010 to November’2011

Dhamra port Project

Million Safe Man Hours, April’2007 to November’2011

Wheel Manufacturing plant at Chhapra

Million Safe Man Hours, February’2009 to November’2011

Coal Handling plant for NTPC - Barh

Million Safe Man Hours, August’2006 to November’2011

Sinter Plant-III, Rourkela

Million Safe Man Hours, September’2008 to November’2011

SAIL - Bokaro Steel plant – BF # 2

Million Safe Man Hours, May’2010 to November’2011

RMHS SAIL-Burnpur Site

Million Safe Man Hours, June’2010 to November’2011

Bisalpur Water Supply Project - Jaipur

Million Safe Man Hours, June’2006 to November’2011

SAIL-Burnpur Site

Million Safe Man Hours, February’2010 to November’2011

Vizag Steel Plant Expansion Project - WRM # 2

Million Safe Man Hours, April’ 2007 to November’2011

Coal Handling plant, DVC – Koderma

Million Safe Man Hours, March’2008 to November’2011

EOL - Noamundi

Million Safe Man Hours, September’2009 to November’2011

Can Mill Hirakud

Million Safe Man Hours, July’2010 to November’2011



Coal Handling plant for NTPC - Kahalgaon

Million Safe Man Hours, December’2006 to November’2011

NTPC – Simhadri (Vizag) Coal Handling Plant

Million Safe Man Hours, May’2009 to November’2011

50 MGD Water Supply Scheme, Narayanapura to JSW

Million Safe Man Hours, July’2009 to November’2011

Sri Satya Sai Water Supply Scheme (O&M) – Medak

Million Safe Man Hours, Septeber’2005 to November’2011

UAIL – Rayagada

Million Safe Man Hours, July’2011 to November’2011

Barmer Lift Water Supply Project, SPR-I, Jaisalmeer

Million Safe Man Hours, April’2008 to November’2011

Coal Handling Plant Project for Anpara TPP Stage – D

Million Safe Man Hours, May’2009 to November’2011

Sri Satya Sai Water Supply Scheme (O&M) – Mehboobnagar

Million Safe Man Hours, Septeber’2005 to November’2011

CHP-Mahan (HINDALCO), Singrauli

Million Safe Man Hours, January’2011 to November’2011

SSTPL (CHP)-Khandwa Site (MP)

Million Safe Man Hours, December’2009 to November’2011

NLC Thermal Plant Site, Tuticorin

Million Safe Man Hours, September’2009 to November’2011

GNSS – Tadipatri Lift Irrigation Scheme

Million Safe Man Hours, August’2007 to November’2011

Underground Drainage & Water Supply Improvement

Scheme- Nizamabad

Million Safe Man Hours, March’2008 to November’2011

Wagon tippler Site, NTPC-Farakka

Million Safe Man Hours, August’2006 to November’2011

Water Supply Scheme to Tumkur City

Million Safe Man Hours, June’2007 to November’2011

Storm Water Drainage & Reservoir – Paradip

Million Safe Man Hours, July’2010 to November’2011

Adani Power Maharashtra Limited (CHP-Tiroda)

3 Million Safe Man Hours, Dec.2009 to November’2011


25HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

26 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

CHP NTPL – Tuticorin site has received a certificate of appreciation from the client for achieving 4 million safe man-hours

Mr. P Sharan (PM, Larsen & Toubro Limited, HIL MAP received Best Eco-friendly Sub contractor_ award from Mr. D Bangabash (Jt. President, HINDALCO)

Metallurgical & Material Handling


27HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

As a part of SHINE 2011-2012 Initiative, EHS in Construction Industry Training Programmes were conducted for staff at various

locations across the IC

Metallurgical & Material Handling


A two-day training programme on “Safety in Construction” was conducted at

BSL Angul Site during November 25-26, 2011. Mr. Tinanjan Mitra, Project

Manager, inaugurated the two day programme which was attended by 21

staff from project site. Mr. C.S. Rao, Head- Administration delivered the

welcome address.

MMH IC Hyderabad Cluster organised a two day EHS in Construction

training programme at HYCO, for staff from various sites during October 17-

18, 2011.

A two day in-house training programme on Construction Safety was

conducted at Aditya Alumina Lapanga Site during November 4-5, 2011. The

session was inaugurated by Mr. K.K.Bhattacharya, Project Manager. The

programme was led by faculties: Mr. Indranil Chakraborty, Mr. Suryakant

Mohapatra and Mr. Joseph Peter

27HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

28 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

A Blood Donation Camp was organised at CWP Chhapra Job site on October 20,

2011 in co-ordination with the Patna Medical College Hospital (PMCH) Blood

Bank team. The programme was inaugurated by Mr.Tapan Bhattacharya –

Project Manager. 55 units of blood was collected during the camp.

Bhushan Steel Project, Angul, Odisha organized a general health camp for

the workmen at site on November 19, 2011. The camp was inaugurated by

Mr.C Srinivas Rao, Manager Accts & Admin. Around 3000 workmen were

screened during this camp. Drugs and medicines were distributed to workmen free

of cost.

AAP Lapanga site organized a 3 day health check-up camp for workmen

during November 21-23, 2011. Nearly 500 workmen benefitted from

the health camp.

SAIL Burnpur site organized a periodical health check-up camp for

workmen on November 8, 2011. Nearly 204 workmen benefitted from the

health camp.


Metallurgical & Material Handling28 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

29HELMET Oct - Dec 2011Metallurgical & Material Handling

Aditya Alumina Lapanga site organized a massive tree plantation programme

at site on November 8, 2011 and planted 197 saplings at site area. This

programme was inaugurated by Mr. Ram (Sr.President - Project Hindalco

Industries Limited) in presence of Mr.S.N.Jenna (COO- AAP Lapanga), Mr.

A. Chugh (Sr.Vice President AAP Smelter), Mr. K.K.Bhattacharya (Project


SAIL-ISP Burnpur project of Kolkata Cluster initiated a green drive and

planted 60 saplings inside the project site on November 29, 2011. This

programme was inaugurated by Mr. Rajeev Verma – ED Projects of SAIL-

ISP in presence of Mr.I.C.Sahu – ED Works of SAIL-ISP, other senior

officers of SAIL-ISP and Mr. Abhijit Datta – Project Manager

As a part of L&T’s CSR initiatives the staff and workmen at CWP Chhapra

site initiated a tree plantation drive on November 24, 2011, and planted 200

nos of saplings. Mr. Tapan Bhattacharya, Project Incharge inaugurated this

drive and planted the saplings.


30 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Helmet Congratulates the following sites for achieving

THREE Million and more LTI Free Safe Man-Hours

SafetyRoll of Honour

NPCIL -Main Plant Electrical System, Kudankulam, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, October 2008 to August 2011

3 x 660 MW APL Mundra Thermal Power Project, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2009 to November 2011

Composite Project GGS Refinery Bathinda, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, June 2009 to November 2011


Million Safe Man Hours, July 2009 to November 2011

GIS Switch Yard & Cabling Packages Vallur Thermal Power

Project NTECL, Vallur Job Site, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, November 2008 to December 2011

Electrical Power Distribution Network, L&T Ship Building,

Kattupalli, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, November 2010 to September 2011

ISP-Burnpur, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2009 to September 2011

Pelletizing Plant, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, July 2009 to May 2011

Sinter Plant – III, RSP-SAIL, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2011 to October 2011

132 kV Cabling Packge, Salt Lake-GIS, WBSETCL, IE BU

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2010 to November 2011

400 kV D/C Karcham Wangtoo- Abdullpur Transmission

Line Project, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, July 2010 to October 2011

765 kV S/C Anta Phagi TL Project, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2010 to June 2011

400 kV Patiala Ludhiana TL & Asso Projects, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2010 to September 2011









800kV Nidhuara Agra TL Project, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2009 to September 2011

400 kV Korba to Bhilai Transmission Line Project, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2011 to August 2011

765 kV Ranchi to Sipat Transmission Line Project, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2011 to October 2011

400 kV KSK MPCL Transmission Line Project, TL BU

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2011 to October 2011

Re-West Midnapore (Package- C & D), SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2009 to March 2011

RE Project, Jalpaiguri, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, August 2009 to July 2011

765 kV Substation Project, Unnao, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, February 2010 to July 2011

765/400 kV Lucknow Substation, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2009 to August 2011

400/132 kV BPRS Project, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, January 2011 to October 2011

1200/400 kV,765/400 kV Substation PGCIL at Bina, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, March 2009 to September 2011

Paranda & Tuljapur Substation Project, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, May 2010 to August 2011

132 kV D/C & M/C LKTL Project, SS BU

Million Safe Man Hours, October 2010 to September 2011

Bharuch-Samni-Dahej Guage Conversion Job, RC BU

Million Safe Man Hours, June 2009 to July 2011






Power Transmission & Distribution30 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

31HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

The fourth Management Review Meeting of PT&D IC on Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) was held at HQ during December 8-9, 2011. All the

Regional EHS Managers and senior site EHS coordinators attended this meeting to review the EHS performance of the last ten years. During the Programme EHS objectives and targets (2011-12), corrective and preventive measures were discussed against the audit and site observations.

Mr. J.S.Sudarsan, EVP & Head, PT&D inaugurated the programme and addressed the participants.

The programme was coordinated by Mr. Kumar Shailendra (Head-EHS). Mr. Krishna Kumar (REHSM-DLRO), Mr. Aloke Chatterjee (REHSM -KKRO), Mr. Soundarraj (REHSM-HYRO), Mr. Johnson David (REHSM-MBRO), Mr.Kunal Banerjee (REHSM - ABRO), Mr. Raja Basu (EHS Manager-TSL), Mr.Quaisar Imam (EHS-Executive HQ), and Mr. Arun Prakash (Asstt. Manager HQ) attended the programme.

Power Transmission & Distribution

Regional EHS Managers and senior site EHS coordinators during the meeting


32 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011


A two day in-house training programme on EHS was conducted during November 7-8, 2011 for Solar Staff at Ahmedabad.

The programme was inaugurated by Mr. S H VORA (Regional Manager). The faculty was Mr. Krishna Kumar (REHSM-DLRO) & Mr. Kunal Banerjee (REHSM-ABRO). The training programme covered the topics of EHS Management System. In total twenty candidates participated.

A two day in-house training programme on EHS was conducted on November 27-28, 2011 for Substation staff at Ahmedabad.

The programme was inaugurated by Mr. Anil Naik, Project Manager- Jodhpur Jobs. The faculty was Mr. Kunal Banerjee (REHSM-ABRO). The training programme covered the topics of EHS Management System. In total twenty-one candidates participated.

Safety in Solar Projects

Safety in Substation

Power Transmission & Distribution

33HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

Participants of Jamshedpur site seen with Mr. Kumar Shailendra (HEAD-EHS) and Mr. Aloke Chatterjee (REHSM-KKRO)

Participants of RSP site seen along with Mr. Kumar Shailendra (HEAD-EHS) and Mr. Aloke Chatterjee (REHSM-KKRO)

A two day safety in construction training programme was conducted at RSP Rourkela site (IE) and Jamshedpur (IE, TL,SS & RC) during November 8-9 and November 30-December 1, 2011. Mr. Kumar Shailendra (Head-EHS) & Mr. Aloke Chatterjee (REHSM - KKRO) were faculties for both the sites.

A one day EHS training programme was conducted on APDRP at Bangalore Region on December 5, 2011. The training programme covered the following topics: Safety Management System, Safety in APDRP Project, Safety in Excavation, Safety in Welding & Gas cutting, Fire Safety, Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment, Case studies.

The programme was inaugurated by Mr. P.Rajamanickam (SPM-SS) & Mr. S. Raghu Nathan (Regional Manager). The faculty was Mr. Kumar Shailendra (Head-EHS). In total twenty candidates participated in the programme.

EHS Training Programme on APDRP

Construction Safety

Power Transmission & Distribution

34 HELMET Oct - Dec 2011


Safety Virus award for process initiation was given by Adani Power to APL Mundra EHS team. The process is about the safety networking inside the project area (among the project people) which enhances awareness on EHS.

The safety virus is similar to the marketing process as made by marketing people for any goods and services.

RE Jalpaiguri achieved 3 million safe man-hours during the period August 2009 to July 2011. The site team celebrated and distributed T-shirts on completion of this safety milestone.

Safety Virus award from Client

RE Jalpaiguri achieves 3 million safe man-hours

Power Transmission & Distribution

35HELMET Oct - Dec 2011

2x600 MW DBPL Power Project Raigarh has initiated a monthly reward programme for workmen for best EHS practices at site.

400 kV D/C Karcham Wangtoo- Abdullpur Transmission Line Project in Himachal Pradesh achieved 20 million safe man- hours during the periond July 2010 to October 2011. This effort was appreciated by the client - Jayepee Powergrid Ltd.

KWTL Project achieves 20 million safe man-hours

Appreciation for Best EHS Practices

Power Transmission & Distribution

To reinforce commitment to road safety, L&T Oman participated in Traffic Safety Expo 2011 during October 18-20,2011 at Oman International Exhibition Centre, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The event was organized by Oman International Trade and Exhibitions in co-operation with the Royal Oman Police. 42 government and private sector organizations participated in the Expo.

The objective of the event was to improve understanding of latest technological advancements and best practices for reducing

accidents and encourage the development of responsible attitude among road users.

H.E.Sayyid Hamoud bin Faisal al Busaidi, Minister of Interior, inaugurated the expo. He visited all the stalls and expressed hope that adoption of newer technologies will help bring down accidents in Oman.

LTO created awareness by providing traffic safety pamphlet, displaying driving banners and showcasing a video on traffic safety.


H.E.Sayyid Hamoud bin Faisal al Busaidi, Minister of Interior at LTO stall

Printed at RR Donnelley Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., Sriperumbudur. Edited by Mr. V.S. Ramana for L&T Construction from L&T Construction Headquarters, Manapakkam, Chennai - 600 089. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Management. The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor. Not for sale. Only for circulation among employees of L&T Construction.