Oct. 11, 2012 Tester newspaper

VOLUME 69, NUMBER 41 NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, MARYLAND OCTOBER 11, 2012 Following the program Page 3 Balance of mind, body Page 4 Hispanic Americans Page 6 U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel Throughout this year's Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 7-13, the Naval District Washington/NAS Patuxent River Fire and Emergency Services and Sparky The Fire Dog® visited many locations around the installation with fire prevention safety messages. At the NEX fire prevention information booth Tuesday, from left, Frank Rogers, Vanessa Rogers, 2-year-old Vaughn Rogers and Sparky look on as 5-year-old Quinn Rogers dons a firefighter hat and takes an informa- tion packet. Staffing the table, from left, are: firefighter Walter Taylor, Fire Inspector JP Caulder and Firefighter Darryl Randall. Other Sparky visits and in- formation booths are: 9 a.m. to noon today and Friday at the Exchange and Commissary; noon to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Exchange; and 4-6 p.m. Oct. 26 at the Rassieur Youth Center Pumpkin Carnival. By Tester staff Friday marks the start of celebrations for the Navy's 237th birthday as NAS Patuxent River and Naval Air Sys- tems Command leaders host a 9 a.m. Bell Ringing Cere- mony at the Rear Adm. W. A. Moffett Building Atrium. The festivities continue Friday night with the Navy Ball at Riv- er's Edge Catering and Conference Center with cocktail hour at 6 p.m. and the ceremony at 7 p.m. Although Friday is a day of enjoyment for the Navy's birthday, it is also a day of somber remembrance. Twelve years ago on this day, suicide bombers blasted a 40-by- 60 foot hole in USS Cole's hull while it was refueling in Yemen, killing 17 Sailors and wounding 37 others. Although this incident transformed the way Navy op- erates today in terms of training, rules of engagement, co- ordination, intelligence gathering and sharing, Sailors continue to be steadfast with Honor, Courage and Com- mitment. "Even as we draw down ground forces in the Middle East, the U.S. Navy continues to maintain a significant Friday brings celebration and remembrance By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer The U.S. Navy traces its birth date to the Continental Navy, which the Continental Congress established in Philadelphia on Oct. 13, 1775, by authorizing the procurement, fitting out, manning and dispatch of two armed vessels to cruise in search of munitions ships supplying the British army in America. To commemorate this year's birthday, however, let's take a look at a few of the more obscure historical tidbits that you may not know about, courtesy of the Naval History and Heritage Command website. The Navy's earliest Sailors, while probably content just be- ing fed on a regular basis, endured the most basic sustenance. According to the Regulations of 1818, their weekly food ra- tion, costing just over $2, consisted of small portions of suet, cheese, bread, flour, sugar, rice, beef and pork. They were also allotted 2 ounces of butter, 4 ounces of tea, a pint of peas, and half-pints of molasses and vinegar. By those standards, today's Sailor eats like a king, with an abundance of fresh meats, fruits and vegetables not even imagined by our early seafaring citizens. "Today's ration credit per man per week on shore is $80.85," said ChiefWarrant Officer 5 Alicia Lawrence, NAS Patuxent Riv- er Morale, Welfare and Recreation deputy director, "and at sea it's $69.93 per week as a ration credit." An early Sailor's "slops for first year per man" in 1818 con- sisted of two winter jackets, trousers, shirts, and blankets; two summer Duck frocks and trousers; two white flannel shirts and drawers; two pairs of white yarn stockings; four pairs of shoes; and extras such as two black handkerchiefs, one mattress, one hammock and one pea coat to serve for two years. Bedding and clothes were aired as often as possible; how- ever, a look at the list of clothing provided shows how difficult it must have been to keep the men dry. They were encouraged to wash themselves at least twice a week depending on the cli- mate. Each Sailor, within one year's time, was allowed to buy from the purser 25 pounds of soap, four combs, three brushes, 3 yards of ribbon, and needles and thread in reasonable quan- tities. The practice of sounding bells on board ships has its early origins back when time at sea was measured by the trickle of sand through a half-hour glass. One of the ship's boys had the duty of watching the glass and turning it when the sand ran out. Each time he turned the glass, he struck a bell as a signal Happy 237th birthday Navy: Interesting facts of then and now Fire Prevention Week See Remembrance, Page 8 See Birthday, Page 9


Happy 237th birthday Navy; Domestic violence prevention; Program opportunities for URL officers; October highlights energy awareness; Putting yoga to work for you; Mentoring Minutes; Stress management class tackles enemy within

Transcript of Oct. 11, 2012 Tester newspaper

Page 1: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper


Following theprogramPage 3

Balance ofmind, bodyPage 4

HispanicAmericansPage 6

U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel

Throughout this year's Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 7-13, the Naval District Washington/NAS Patuxent River Fire and Emergency Services and Sparky TheFire Dog® visited many locations around the installation with fire prevention safety messages. At the NEX fire prevention information booth Tuesday, fromleft, Frank Rogers, Vanessa Rogers, 2-year-old Vaughn Rogers and Sparky look on as 5-year-old Quinn Rogers dons a firefighter hat and takes an informa-tion packet. Staffing the table, from left, are: firefighter Walter Taylor, Fire Inspector JP Caulder and Firefighter Darryl Randall. Other Sparky visits and in-formation booths are: 9 a.m. to noon today and Friday at the Exchange and Commissary; noon to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Exchange; and 4-6 p.m. Oct. 26 atthe Rassieur Youth Center Pumpkin Carnival.

By Tester staff

Friday marks the start of celebrations for the Navy's237th birthday as NAS Patuxent River and Naval Air Sys-tems Command leaders host a 9 a.m. Bell Ringing Cere-mony at the Rear Adm.W. A. Moffett Building Atrium. Thefestivities continue Friday night with the Navy Ball at Riv-er's Edge Catering and Conference Center with cocktailhour at 6 p.m. and the ceremony at 7 p.m.

Although Friday is a day of enjoyment for the Navy'sbirthday, it is also a day of somber remembrance. Twelveyears ago on this day, suicide bombers blasted a 40-by-60 foot hole in USS Cole's hull while it was refueling inYemen, killing 17 Sailors and wounding 37 others.

Although this incident transformed the way Navy op-erates today in terms of training, rules of engagement, co-ordination, intelligence gathering and sharing, Sailorscontinue to be steadfast with Honor, Courage and Com-mitment.

"Even as we draw down ground forces in the MiddleEast, the U.S. Navy continues to maintain a significant

Friday brings celebrationand remembrance

By Donna CipolloniTester staff writer

The U.S. Navy traces its birth date to the Continental Navy,which the Continental Congress established in Philadelphiaon Oct. 13, 1775, by authorizing the procurement, fitting out,manning and dispatch of two armed vessels to cruise in searchof munitions ships supplying the British army in America.

To commemorate this year's birthday, however, let's take alook at a few of the more obscure historical tidbits that you maynot know about, courtesy of the Naval History and HeritageCommand website.

The Navy's earliest Sailors, while probably content just be-ing fed on a regular basis, endured the most basic sustenance.

According to the Regulations of 1818, their weekly food ra-tion, costing just over $2, consisted of small portions of suet,cheese, bread, flour, sugar, rice, beef and pork. They were alsoallotted 2 ounces of butter, 4 ounces of tea, a pint of peas, andhalf-pints of molasses and vinegar.

By those standards, today's Sailor eats like a king, with anabundance of fresh meats, fruits and vegetables not evenimagined by our early seafaring citizens.

"Today's ration credit per man per week on shore is $80.85,"

said ChiefWarrant Officer 5 Alicia Lawrence, NAS Patuxent Riv-er Morale,Welfare and Recreation deputy director, "and at seait's $69.93 per week as a ration credit."

An early Sailor's "slops for first year per man" in 1818 con-sisted of two winter jackets, trousers, shirts, and blankets; twosummer Duck frocks and trousers; two white flannel shirts anddrawers; two pairs of white yarn stockings; four pairs of shoes;and extras such as two black handkerchiefs, one mattress, onehammock and one pea coat to serve for two years.

Bedding and clothes were aired as often as possible; how-ever, a look at the list of clothing provided shows how difficultit must have been to keep the men dry. They were encouragedto wash themselves at least twice a week depending on the cli-mate. Each Sailor, within one year's time, was allowed to buyfrom the purser 25 pounds of soap, four combs, three brushes,3 yards of ribbon, and needles and thread in reasonable quan-tities.

The practice of sounding bells on board ships has its earlyorigins back when time at sea was measured by the trickle ofsand through a half-hour glass. One of the ship's boys had theduty of watching the glass and turning it when the sand ranout. Each time he turned the glass, he struck a bell as a signal

Happy 237th birthday Navy:Interesting facts of then and now

Fire Prevention Week

See Remembrance, Page 8See Birthday, Page 9

Page 2: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester2 Thursday, October 11, 2012

Commodores entertain Pax crowd

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

Members of the U.S. Navy Band Commodores, the Navy's premier jazz ensemble, performs for a NASPatuxent River audience Oct. 4 at the River's Edge Catering and Conference Center outdoor Water'sEdge Stage. The 18-member jazz group continues the Big Band Era jazz legacy and has been enter-taining crowds for more than 40 years.

By Connie HempelNAS Patuxent River Public Affairs

It doesn't matter if you're in the military or a civilian, a manor a woman. It can happen to anyone and when it does, it notonlyaffectsitsvictims,buttheirfamily,communityandeventheirjob. In terms of the military, it also impacts mission readiness.

While it may be uncomfortable to mention the words "do-mestic violence," throughout October the nation is doing justthat as Americans stand together to raise awareness during the25th National DomesticViolence Awareness Month campaign.

At NAS Patuxent River, the Fleet and Family Support Center,along with leadership in commands around the installation, israising awareness and promoting safe, respectful and equitablerelationships with outreach programs throughout the month.

"The focus for us for this prevention month is to offer re-sources to people who are finding distress in their relationship,"said Kerri George, Fleet and Family Support Center director."We also want to provide education to people who aren't surewhat domestic violence is and to those who want help."

To start the prevention campaign, FFSC hosted a OneVoicefor Military and Family Members seminar at the Glen ForrestCommunity Center in early October to help couples identify thedifferences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Theclass also discussed what to do about an abusive relationship,how to get help and help others, and what prevention resourcesare available. Command leadership and health-care profession-als are also scheduled to attend a similar class later this month.

Those who were unable to attend OneVoice, but want moreinformation on these topics may be interested in the counselingservices and other prevention classes offered at FFSC.These arefree for active-duty military and their family. George said theseservices can also help couples determine "whether or not theyare in a healthy relationship they should be moving forwardwith or learn tools to assist them in doing something different."

Monthly FFSC classes aimed at domestic violence preven-tion include: Marriage is a Work of Heart, Personal Communi-cation, Stress Management and Anger Management.

FFSC counseling services teach couples "everything fromhow to have fun in relationships again to understanding yourspouse and yourself," George said.

Reporting Domestic ViolenceThere are two types of reporting options: restricted and un-

restricted.Unrestricted reporting entails an official command notifi-

cation or criminal investigation of the incident. An unrestrictedreport can be made through the FFSC, any military healthcareprovider, chaplain, base security or the chain of command. Un-restricted reports cannot be changed to restricted .

Restricted reporting does not initiate an investigation or no-tification to leadership or law enforcement. However, if there isa good-faith belief that there is a serious imminent threat to thehealth and safety of the victim or another person, restricted re-porting may not be an option. Restricted reporting can be madeto the victim advocate, victim advocate supervisor or a health-care provider. Restricted reports can be changed to an unre-stricted report.

Victim AdvocateHelping domestic violence victims at NAS Patuxent River is

Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Coordinator, Cathy C. Beck.Some of the services Beck provides include: creating short- andlong-term safety plans, and providing information on resources

such as medical, legal advocacy assistance and court services.Beck can also accompany victims to medical and legal appoint-ments upon request.

"The services are completely voluntary," Beck wrote in anemail. "They are available if and when the victim chooses to re-quest and accept these services."

In addition to direct victim services, Beck is also involved inSystemAdvocacyandEducation/Training,andpublicawareness.

"These actions all enhance services and resources for a vic-tim of domestic abuse," she said.

These services include working with civilian and military re-sources to create and improve response and support to victimssuch as serving as an active member of local Family Violencecouncils, ongoing collaboration with local law enforcement,courts services and 24-hour crisis intervention services.

To reach a victim advocate or for more information on serv-ices provided at Pax, call the Fleet and Family Support Center at301-342-4911. For after-hours crisis services, call Military One-Source at 800-342-9647 or the National DomesticViolence Hot-line at 800-799-SAFE (1833).

Domestic violence prevention:One voice makes a difference

Marriage is a Work of HeartIdeas and tools couples can use as they continue to build

the marriage they envisioned. One of the tools practiced inclass, the Speaker-Listener Technique, helps couples en-hance their communication skills, regardless of the issue.

Personal CommunicationLearn communication styles and ways to develop more

effective speaking and listening skills. Participants practicedifferent ways to interact with people.

Stress Management11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 24 at FFSCParticipants learn how their beliefs and thought process

impacts how they deal with stress.

Anger Management2-4 p.m. Oct. 25, Nov. 1 and 8 at FFSCParticipantsgainabetterunderstandingofangerandlearn

techniques on how to effectively express and manage anger.

By Al KanissGuest contributor

In case you haven't no-ticed, the nature of commu-nication is changing. Email,which is just a few years old,now seems to be our primarymode of communication.

Email, along with textmessages, Twitter and Face-book, has crowded out face-to-face communication andtelephone conversations. Infact, cell phones are used more for texting than actual talkingnowadays. These concern me since communication expertssay words alone make up only 8 percent of communication,voice adds another 37 percent and body language a whop-ping 55 percent.

Chalk it all up to efficiency.It's faster and easier to send someone an email or text

message and then move on to your next task than it is to ac-tually talk with them. After all, talking to someone in personor on the phone carries the risk of a long conversation whichis sometimes awkward to end.

Listening is hard work and you have to take notes to re-member what was discussed and decided. It's usually sim-pler to read and reply to an email or text message, which isits own written transcript.

Handwritten notes are also becoming rare. I imagine thatsooner or later, learning cursive handwriting and how to printthe alphabet will no longer be important. More and more ofour communications come from a real or virtual keyboard.

I have to admit, it is quicker and more legible to type thanwrite something, not to mention it can be easily edited. How-ever, I hope that as our human-to-human communicationcontinues to morph, we don't let our communication withGod degrade.

We communicate with God through prayer, praise,singing and of course reading the Bible. While nothing pre-scribes the frequency of communication between us andGod, I hope it's frequent.

Traditional times are when one is in God's house and be-fore meals, but any time of day is a good time to communi-cate with God. Many people begin their day with Bible read-ing and prayer—their "quiet time alone with God."

And we shouldn't just talk to God when we need some-thing or some help. Every time we notice God's hand workingin our daily lives—getting to work safely, or being able to workin a nice facility, or being on the right side of the grass—weshould acknowledge it by thanking him.

One of the most beautiful parts of the Bible is the book ofPsalms in which David extols God for His grace, mercy andvirtues.

If we could, it would be tempting to send emails and textmessages to God in place of more traditional communica-tion. Sounds kind of silly, doesn't it? But then again, howmuch are we losing in our communication with friends andfamily by primarily using electronic means?

Chaplain's corner:

Does God havean email address?

Al Kaniss

Page 3: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester 3Thursday, October 11, 2012 3Thursday, October 11, 2012 3Thursday, October 11, 2012

By Paula A. PaigeAir 1.0 Program ManagementPublic Affairs

EDITEDITOR'S NOOR'S NOTE:TE: This is the second instal-lationofatwo-part featurefollowing Capt.FrankMorley and his journey to become a major pro-gram manager in the naval aviation acquisitioncommunity.To read the story in its entirety, visitwww.navair.navy.milandclickonNAVAIRNews.

One of the major program managerpipeline initiative's earliest supporters wasViceAdm. W. Mark Skinner, the principal militarydeputy to the assistant Secretary of the Navy(Research, Development and Acquisition).

Skinner has deep roots in the acquisitioncommunity and came from the UnrestrictedLine, or URL, acquisition professional officerranks. As a junior flag officer, he managed Pro-gram Executive Office for Tactical Aircraft, orPEO(T), commanded Naval Air Warfare Cen-ter Weapons Division and served as assistantcommander, Test and Evaluation, Naval AirSystems Command at NAS Patuxent River.

"Capt. Frank Morley has done a great jobwith the Hornet program, which is one of theflagship programs at Patuxent River," Skinnersaid. "He brought in a unique blend of aviationand acquisition experience. .We need officersrunning major programs who have recent fleetexperience, who can bring that kind of expe-rience to the acquisition process, so the prod-ucts they're producing for our warfighter arerelevant. Not every program manager has tobe a URL acquisition professional, but weneed that flavor—those skills are just critical.

"There are two types of skills we seek,"Skinner continued. "The aviation engineeringduty officer (AEDO) skill-set, an in-depth en-gineering skill-set with a little bit of fleet expe-rience.Then we have our URL acquisition pro-fessionals (APs), who have less of an engineer-ing skill-set, but much more fleet experience.That mix of URL APs and AEDOs has served uswell over time."

In the middle of this past decade, however,

"the AEDO community was in ascension be-cause the URL APs were simply not qualified,"Skinner said. "So, I and a cadre of 0-6s got to-gether and said 'What can we do about this?It's untenable.'We went back and did a coupleof things—it was a two-phase process."

First, Navy leaders created an Aviation URLAcquisition Professional career track.

"We determined that if we could get an O-5out of commander command, who had fouryears of acquisition experience, whom wecould give four additional years of acquisitionexperience and, as a minimum, two years in aprogram office, by the 22-year mark in an offi-cer'scareer—giveortakeacoupleofyears—wewould pick them for a major command," Skin-ner said. "The issue we had to deal with washow to keep them in acquisition jobs."

Cramming a Lot Into 22 YearsThe program has essentially created a way

for unrestricted-line acquisition professionalswith 22 years in their careers to acquire theskills they need to compete for major programmanager.

"Twenty-two years of an officer's career isa long, long time," Skinner said. "But in orderto do all the things an officer has to do—to bea captain, an 0-6, with eight years of acquisi-tion experience, with two years in a programoffice and all the qualifications at the 22-yearmark, it's not a lot of time.We ask a lot of theseofficers to cram a lot of things in 22 years justto be in position, so that we can put them upon a selection board.

"The problem was they were never gettingto meet the board because they never had thequalifications," he continued. "Once they gotto the board, they competed very well."

Early BaptismNavy leaders also hope to use the new URL

officer pipeline program to expose naval offi-cers to the acquisition environment earlier intheir careers.

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research,Development and Acquisition Sean Stackleybelieves acquisition is part of your DNA, Skin-ner said. "He really advocated giving selectedURL APs the opportunity to go to acquisitiontours earlier in their career—when they werelieutenants, for example."

Thattime,Skinnersaid,wouldcounttowardthe required 96 months of acquisition experi-

ence and expose junior officers to acquisition.Navy leaders also identified a dozen billets

for O-4 and O-5 level acquisition jobs wherethey would send URL APs to gain experience.

"They're career-enhancing opportunities,but they also give those officers exposure to ac-quisition," he said. "Over time, we'll have peo-ple who'll show up out of their command orcommandertourswithnotjustfouryearsofac-quisition experience, but five or six. Ultimately,we'llgetbetterexperiencedofficers,andacqui-sition will get better experienced officers."

Asforthefuture,SkinnersaidhebelievestheNavy has achieved the right mix and balance ofaviation-acquisition major program managers.

"It will probably be another decade beforewe accrue the benefit from them," the admiralsaid, "but in this business, we count on thatkind of long-term investment. We're going tobe buying aviation systems and submarinesystems and surface systems in the Navy for along time to come, so we can afford to investin a junior officer."

Balancing the StoolProgram managers in the naval-aviation

acquisition career field form a "three-leggedstool," which includes civilian, professionalengineers as well as military restricted and un-restricted line officers, explained Capt. PatrickHerring, the outgoing community managerfor Aviation Acquisition Corps URL officers.

[JUMP]"With fewer numbers of URL

Flight Plan

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Brian Abel

Based at NAS Patuxent River, PMA-265 is responsible for the acquisitionand total life-cycle support of more than 1,500 F/A-18 Hornet, F/A-18 SuperHornet and EA-18G Growler aircraft, such as this one.

U.S. Navy photo

Principal Military Deputy to the As-sistant Secretary of the Navy (Re-search, Development and Acquisi-tion) Vice Adm. W. Mark Skinner isone of the architects of the AviationAcquisition Corps Unrestricted LineOfficer Major Program Manager Ca-reer Track.

nProgram improves opportunities forunrestricted line officers to gain key leadershiproles in naval Acquisition community

News briefsSee Flight, Page 7

On base:CNO, MCPON all-hands call

Oct. 11, 1 p.m.In celebration of the Navy's 237th birthday, the Chief of

Naval Operations and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navyare holding a worldwide all-hands call. A mandatory all-handsviewing of the message is 1 p.m.Thursday at Center StageThe-ater. Senior leaders should ensure their personnel are affordedthe opportunity to attend.

Shotgun deer hunting opens earlyNow through Oct. 27In an effort to quickly reduce the deer population on and

around the airfield, shotgun deer hunting season on base is nowopen and runs through Oct. 27. During this time, hunters arerestricted to hunting areas 3-13, areas closest to the airfield. TheOctober muzzleloader season remains unchanged, Oct. 18-27in all firearms hunting areas. The archery season is open in allhuntingareasandwillnotclose Oct.18-20asoriginallyplanned.Shotgun and bow hunting are also permitted on Sunday's untilOct. 21; muzzleloader Sunday hunting is allowed Oct. 21 only.For more information about the early shotgun season, bag lim-its and tagging procedures, visit the Conservation Branch web-site at http://naspaxriver.isportsman.net.

New Clinic and Pharmacy hoursBeginning Oct. 29, the Clinic and Pharmacy hours of op-

erations will change.The Clinic will be open 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednes-days; and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays. The Pharmacy will be open8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. For more information, contactNicole Quinn at 301-995-4980.

CFC begins Oct. 25 with online Employee ExpressThis year's Combined Federal Campaign begins Oct. 25. A

new "Employee Express" feature allows employees to make do-nationsonline.Thenewfeatureisauser-friendlyautomatedsys-temgivingemployeesdirectcontroloverkeypayrollandperson-nel information without having to use forms or visit a personnelorpayrolloffice.It isnotmandatoryforCFCpledges.Moreinfor-mation on Employee Express will be given during the CFC kickoff and will be available on the St. Mary's County CFC website,www.StMarysCountyCFC.org. For more information, contactDoreenTalbott at [email protected] or 301-995-3810.

Installation heating and cooling systemsMonday and Nov. 13Air conditioning systems for facilities aboard NAS Patuxent

River, Webster Outlying Field and Navy Recreation CenterSolomons without automatic controls are scheduled to be se-cured Monday. Heating systems are projected to be activatedthe week of Nov. 13. The following areas have been identifiedas being waived from the mandated 30-day waiting periodstated in the Secretary of the Navy Energy Conservation Mem-orandum: building 2030, Chapel, sleeping quarters at the firehouses, building 469, building 2199 sleeping area, building3202 paint booth facility. Facility coordinators can forwardcommand-endorsed waiver requests to Jeffery Boyd at [email protected].

Off base:Capt. Pat Hovatter Memorial Golf Tournament

Oct. 22Chesapeake Hills Golf Club, LusbyCapt. Pat Hovatter was a career Navy aviator and the 2000-

2002NASPatuxentRiverCommandingOfficerwhopassedawayJanuary2012.ProceedsbenefittheWoundedWarriorProject, theChildren's Hospital inWashington, D.C., and local groups ben-efiting sick children in Southern Maryland. An awards dinnerwill follow the tournament. For more information or to make adonation, contact Dave Spigler at 410-326-2524.

Page 4: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

All classes are held at the Fleet and Family Support Center,building 2090 on Bundy Road, unless otherwise noted. Tomake a reservation or to volunteer, call 301-342-4911.

For more information on FFSC classes, visithttp://cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent/, click on Fleet and FamilyReadiness and then Support Services.

HHours of Oours of OperperationationMonday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Transition Assistance ProgramOct. 15-19, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.This TAP course is for retiring military members and is a

joint venture by the FFSC and the Departments of Defense, La-bor andVeterans Affairs.Topics include résumé writing and in-terview techniques. Seating is limited. To register, see a CareerCounselor.

One Voice for Leadership and Helping ProfessionalsOct. 23, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Learn the signs of dangerous relationships and what can

be done to help. Prevention resources will also be discussed.

Understanding StressOct. 24, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Stress is a part of life. This class helps participants under-

stand how their beliefs and thought process has an impact onhow they deal with stress. Participants will learn ways to man-age stress that can be immediately incorporate into their life.

Scream-Free ParentingOct. 24 and 31, and Nov. 7 and 14, noon to 1:30 p.m.Are you a screamer? Do you employ the“silent treatment”?

Are you looking for ways to better connect with your children?This four-week class is designed to equip you for your mostimportant job, parenting. Tips from Scream-Free Parentingcan be used with children of all ages.

Tester4 Thursday, October 11, 2012

Naval Air Station Patuxent River • [email protected] • www.facebook.com/NASPaxRiverThe name Tester is a registered mark in the state of Maryland.This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct.,

Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 948-1520, a private firm in no wayconnected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contractwith Naval District Washington.

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Commercial advertising may be placed with the pub-lisher by calling 301-862-2111.

Capt. Ted MillsCommanding Officer

Capt. Ben ShevchukExecutive Officer

Cmd. Master ChiefWilliam Lloyd-Owen

Command Master Chief

Gary YoungerPublic Affairs Officer

Connie HempelPublic Affairs Specialist

Donna CipolloniStaff Writer

Breton Helseland

Deirdre ParryCopy/layout editors

By Connie HempelNAS Patuxent River Public Affairs

Last week's National Energy Awareness Month Tester arti-cle focused on what Pax Pros and can do to help when it comesto energy conservation. Because the NAS Patuxent River En-ergy Program is extensive and multifaceted, this week's articlefocuses on what Pax is currently doing for energy conservationand the program's other aspects: water conservation, water re-duction, energy security, greenhouse gas emissions and de-mand-side management.

According to NAS Patuxent River Installation Energy Man-ager Karl Bryan, some of the newer technologies at Pax helpingwith energy conservation include smart meters at each build-ing called Advanced Metering Infrastructure, or AMI. Thesemeters measure how much electricity is being supplied to thebuilding and how much is being consumed. Comparing thesetwo values can identify buildings on Pax that may need updat-ing if they are running below the Maryland Public ServiceCommission's established efficiency limit of 90 percent.

There is also a $6 million project underway aimed at im-proving energy consumption at 36 buildings on base. Thisproject includes implementing different energy conservationmeasures such as replacing light fixtures, changing HVAC mo-tors to premium efficiency, adding insulation, weather strip-ping and caulking, and adding direct digital controls to somemechanical systems.

"These will improve the overall efficiency of the facilitiesand at the same time give us some savings on our energy,"Bryan said.

He estimates the savings to be 10-20 percent depending onthe technology. While some of those savings may be immedi-ate, some will be realized over the next 15-20 years.

Another technology Bryan is trying to develop is using moreground-source heat pumps instead of regular air cooling sys-tems. Ground-source heat pumps, or geothermal heat pumps,

use ground water that stays at a constant, cool temperature. Ac-cording to the Department of Energy, GHPs allows heating andcooling systems to reach 300-600 percent efficiency while air-source heat pumps can only reach 175-250 percent.

When it comes to energy security, Bryan said, "We have tobe able to have the energy available to support our missiontenants. That means looking at were our energy comes from."

Currently, the energy Pax receives is only 20 percent ef-ficient by the time it reaches the installation due to genera-tion, transmission and distribution losses. With that inmind, the energy program is looking at future projects withon-site power generation to increase system efficiency andimprove security. Bryan said one concept under considera-tion is natural gas drive turbines which would enable powerto be generated on station.

Although gas turbines are expensive, Bryan said they canhave an efficiency of 85 percent if the waste heat from the tur-bine is recycled for other heating applications such as hot wa-ter or offsetting the heating required for HVAC systems. Addi-tionally, incentives through the Department of Energy mayhelp offset costs.

Bryan said gas turbines would also provide the installationwith reliable, uninterruptable power.

Because Pax is just one piece to a bigger puzzle in terms ofenergy for the region, if demands in the region increase, powercould start going out inside the gate to avoid a system failure.

However, with gas turbines, "when power goes off outsidethe gate, we'd still have power," Bryan said.

Using natural gas also improves efficiencies, reduces emis-sions and decreases the base's overall greenhouse gas footprintthrough improved efficiency of the power system and reducingthe use of fuels in other areas.

Throughout October's National Energy Awareness Month,information booths are located in buildings 458, 2185, 2187,2272 and 2815 offering energy-saving tips and information. Forinformation about the installation's energy program, contactBryan at [email protected] or 301-757-4835.

October highlights energy awareness

Putting yoga to work for youBy Donna CipolloniTester staff writer

If the word yoga conjures up images of people twistedinto pretzel shapes or balancing themselves on their finger-tips, then it's time to take a realistic look at what yoga can dofor you.

Today's desk-bound workforce is likely to suffer a myriadof ailments, such as shoulder and lower-back pain, tight hipsand hamstrings, and stress; yoga can help with that. But be-yond alleviating physical aches and pains, the practice ofyoga can also assist with balancing other aspects of your life.

"Yoga has many benefits," explained Ann Hunt, yoga in-structor at the Energy Zone and owner of EvolveYoga in Cal-ifornia, Md. "It can improve your flexibility, strength and bal-ance; lower your heart-rate; balance the endocrine system;calm the mind; teach you to relax; help you sleep better;sharpen your concentration; elevate your self-confidence;and enable you to make more thoughtful life choices."

The Energy Zone offers three types of yoga classes: Stretch& Flex, Yoga Flow, and Yoga Levels 1-2. There was also a newyoga class introduced in October to address the symptomsof Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (see sidebar).

Stretch & Flex offers gentle yet active stretches, move-ments and postures. Yoga Levels 1-2 is a mixed-level class ofindividual postures focusing on specific areas that may in-clude hips, shoulders or the side body and is a particularlygood class for desk-bound employees to work out their kinks.Yoga Flow is a moderately fast-paced, continuous movementclass appropriate for individuals with prior yoga experience,although beginners are welcome.

"Yoga is appropriate for all ages, at all stages in life, and

A balance ofmind and body

Yoga instructors Ann Hunt, back, and SusanGrier demonstrate proper posture alignment foryoga position Parsvokonasana, the extendedside angle pose.

See Yoga, Page 10

Page 5: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester 5Thursday, October 11, 2012 5Thursday, October 11, 2012

By Robin BurtMentoring-Externally Directed Team

When senior and mid-level managers are invited to use theiMentorTool to formalize their role as Naval Air Systems Com-mand mentors, several questions come to mind. This week’sarticle focuses on frequently asked questions.

Q:Q: WherWhere is the iMe is the iMentor Tentor Tool located and what rool located and what resouresourcescesarare ave available?ailable?

A: The NAVAIR Mentor Community of Interest contains in-formation regarding mentoring, as well as the iMentor tool. Thehome page, located at on the My NAVAIR site, providesNAVAIR’s mentoring objective and basic information aboutmentoring. There are dedicated links describing every aspectof the Mentoring Program along the left margin of the homepage. There is an iMentor Tutorial link, Mentor Toolkit, Men-toring Program Handbook plus resources for the MentoringProcess, Helpful Questions for Mentors, Helpful Questions forMentees and several other resources.

Q: Do I havQ: Do I have to enter my résumé into the iMe to enter my résumé into the iMentor Tentor Tool?ool?A: The choice is yours. Once inside the tool, you will see

the My Profile page. Here you will provide information aboutyour current position, work experience, education and partic-ipation in any associations or organizations. You will have theopportunity to upload your résumé if you like. Short synopsesof your work experiences, especially for mentors, are accept-able as well. Information may be entered directly into the toolor uploaded.

Q: HowQ: How much time is rmuch time is requirequired in ored in order to parder to participate?ticipate?A: Ideally, a minimum of one hour every month or every

other month for each mentee is a good rule of thumb. If youanticipate mentoring more than one person at a time, or reacha place where you have reached your capacity for new

mentees, you can make yourself unavailable inside the Toolby checking the “Exclude me from matching” checkbox inyour profile.

Q: HowQ: How will this affect my rwill this affect my relationship with my currelationship with my currententmentees?mentees?

A: By choosing to participate as either a mentor or mentee,you are not expected to abandon any existing mentoring re-lationships. Potential mentors and mentees looking to estab-lish formal mentoring relationships have fair and equal accessby registering on the iMentor Tool.

Q: MyQ: My time is verytime is very limited. Islimited. Is therthere a way for me to sharee a way for me to sharemy prmy professional experofessional expertise without the extensivtise without the extensive time re time requirequirededto devto develop a personal relop a personal relationship with a mentee?elationship with a mentee?

A: Yes, there is. From time to time, specific program officesor NAVAIR teams host a Speed Mentoring event. Also, GroupMentoring is also available. Speed Mentoring allows a groupof seasoned NAVAIR professionals to participate in a panel dis-cussion or to individually field questions and offer advice in aseries of short conversations. These formats provide menteeswith a variety of viewpoints and offer a targeted networking ex-perience. Group Mentoring allows a mentor to meet regularlywith four to six mentees at a time to discuss various topics.

Q: HowQ: How does my pardoes my participation as either a mentor or aticipation as either a mentor or amentee benefit the NAVmentee benefit the NAVAIR orAIR organization as a whole?ganization as a whole?

A: Mentored employees are more likely to form a strongbond with their mentor and a deeper commitment to NAVAIR.By utilizing iMentor, NAVAIR can firmly establish a robustmentoring program that has the potential to become an inte-gral part of our corporate culture. Our organization can reducecostly turnover by developing employees’ full potential and in-creasing their productivity and job satisfaction. NAVAIR’smentoring program offers a diverse group of mentors who re-flect our inclusive culture. Successful mentoring programsmake good business sense.

Q: Does the NAVQ: Does the NAVAIR MAIR Mentorentoring Pring Progrogram havam have the en-e the en-dorsement of senior leadership?dorsement of senior leadership?

A: Absolutely. NAVAIR’s Mentoring Program is strongly en-dorsed from the top of our organization, NAVAIR Command-ing Officer Vice Adm. David Dunaway. Additionally, the pro-gram is organizationally aligned to AIR 7.0 Corporate Opera-tions Gary Kurtz. In response to the 2011 command survey,mentoring revitalization efforts were initiated under threeSenior Executive Service champions: Gary Kessler, Jesse Mc-Curdy and Garry Newton. While these leaders are formally fo-cused on the mentoring program, SES leadership continuesto support the success of the program in a myriad of efforts.Not only do they provide one-on-one mentoring to membersof the workforce, but they also continue to demonstrate theircommitment by participating in the on-going events sur-rounding the mentoring program.

Widespread participation and utilization of the iMentorTool is crucial to the future success of the NAVAIR MentoringProgram. As the tool engages a significant portion of ourNAVAIR workforce, a culture of mentoring can take flight.Mentoring at NAVAIR can be the connecting link to existingmanagement development programs, diversity, training, com-petency development and current succession-planningprocesses.

If you have questions or would like to discuss the mentor-ing program further, contact Mentoring Program ManagerDonna Belcher at 301-342-5096 or Mentoring Externally Di-rected Team Lead Michele DeMoss-Coward at 301-757-2147.

Mentoring Minutes:

Frequently asked questions

By Tester staff

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15 throughOct. 15, the Tester has been highlighting Hispanic Ameri-cans' contributions to the U.S. Navy.

Last week's issue looked at Precision Strike WeaponsProgram Office (PMA 201) chief engineer Juan Ortiz andhis successes in mentoring and shaping upcoming engi-neers. Other Tester issues during the month highlighted afew Hispanic Americans' "firsts" such as:

Seaman John Ortega, the first Hispanic American to re-ceive the Medal of Honor in 1864.

Adm. David Farragut, the country's first full admiral in1866.

Alberto de Ruiz, the first U.S. Naval Academy Hispanicgraduate in 1875.

Lt. j.g. Maria Rodriguez Denton, the first Puerto Ricanto serve as a U.S. Naval Reserve officer in 1944.

Cmdr. (later Capt.) Marion Frederic Ramirez de Arel-lano, the first Hispanic to command a submarine in 1944.

Edward Hidalgo, the first Hispanic to serve as Secretaryof the Navy in 1979. He set one of his top priorities to re-cruiting more Hispanic Americans. He served as secretary

until January 1981.Concluding our Hispanic American Sailors' "firsts" se-

ries, this week's Tester highlights accomplishments fromthe 1980s to now.

1981: MMidshipman Caridshipman Carmel Gmel Gillilandilliland was among thefirst Hispanic American women to graduate from the U.S.Naval Academy. She also held the highest class rank. Theother Hispanic American women graduating withGilliland were: Midshipmen Ina Marie Gomez, TrinoraPinto and Lilia Ramirez.

2002: CCaapt. Kpt. Kathlene Coathlene Contrntreses became the highest rank-ing woman Hispanic Line Officer on active duty in theNavy. In 2005 she became the first Hispanic woman to leadthe Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute asthe commandant since its establishment in 1971.

2006: MCPON JMCPON Joe Coe Campaampa became the first HispanicMaster Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, the top-ranking en-listed person. Campa served at MCPON until 2008..

2010: CmdrCmdr.. YYvvette Gonzalez Dette Gonzalez Davidsavids became the firstHispanic American female officer to command a surfacecombatant as the USS Curts (FFG 38) Commanding Of-ficer.

Hispanic Americans molding Navy history

HEAT partners withcounty commissioners

Courtesy photo

St. Mary’s County Commissioners and Naval AirSystems Command Hispanic Engagement Ac-tion Team members issued a proclamation Sept.11 recognizing Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 as His-panic Heritage Month. The proclamation urgescitizens to recognize the contributions Hispanicshave made and continue to make in Americanhistory. This proclamation is one example of howHEAT strives to develop collaborations andbenchmarking with diversity leaders, profession-al organizations and local communities to buildcoalitions and an inclusive environment for all.HEAT also focuses on the recruitment, retentionand development of Hispanics for the NAVAIRworkforce. For more information about HEAT,contact Linda Williams at [email protected]. Those signing the proclamation were:front row from left, county representative KelseyBush; HEAT members Lainie Rodríguez, José Ro-dríguez, Ayram Liceaga and Antonio Miguelez;board of education representative Dr. CharnaLacey; and county representative Cynthia Brown.Back row from left, commissioners Daniel Morris,Cynthia Jones, Jack Russell, Larry Jarboe andTodd Morgan.

MCPON Joe Campa Capt. Kathlene ContresCmdr. Yvette

Gonzalez DavidsMidshipman

Carmel Gilliland

Page 6: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester6 Thursday, October 11, 2012

For a complete list of upcoming MWR activities, visithttp://cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent, click on Fleet and FamilyReadiness and then Things to Do.

Arts and Crafts Festival vendor registrationsPast crafters and active-duty and retired military can now

register to participate as a vender in the Dec. 1 Arts and CraftsFestival at NAS Patuxent River. Registrations for DOD civilians

and contractors start Monday. Cost is $70.To register, visit Cus-tomized Creations or call 301-342-3569.

Navy 5-Nautical Mile Fun RunSaturday, 9 a.m., NAS Patuxent RiverOpen to active-duty, Reserve and retired military, DOD

civilians, Fitness and Sports program members, family mem-bers and accompanied guests.This is a 5-nautical mile coursefrom the Beach House to the Fishing Pier and back.. Preregis-tration is $20. Same-day registrations begin at 7:30 a.m. andare $22. Registration is free for active-duty military without anofficial race shirt. For more information, contact Hal Willardat 301-757-1194 or [email protected].

20th Annual 10K Fall ClassicOct. 20, 9 a.m., Drill HallEnjoy the water views on board NAS Patuxent River by par-

ticipating in the annual 10K Fall Classic. Preregistration is $20.Same-day registrations begin at 7:30 a.m. and are $22. Regis-tration is free for active-duty military without an official 10K

shirt. For more information, contact Hal Willard at 301-757-1194 or [email protected].

Doomsday Asylum Haunted HouseOct. 29-31 and weekends, Bowie Baysox StadiumParental discretion is highly advised for this PG-13

haunted house. In its 11th year running, Doomsday Asy-lum features more than 30 live actors along with props andspecial effects, and takes approximately 20 minutes towalk through. Tickets available at https://www.ticketre-turn.com/prod2/team.asp?sponsorid=5065; use promocode: PAX for a discount.

Customized Creations Halloween specialCan't find a costume for you or your child? Customized

Creations can transfer any image from a CD to a shirt. DuringOctober, purchase one side and get the other side for free. Formore information, call 301-342-6293.

6 Thursday, October 11, 20126 Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Liberty is a component of the Single Sailor Programand sponsors free and reduced-price events for NAS PatuxentRiver E1-E6 active-duty military. Civilian guests are not al-lowed to participate unless otherwise stated.

For more information, call 301-342-4208 or visithttp://cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent, click on Fleet and FamilyReadiness, Things to Do and then Liberty Programs.

Paintball tripOct. 13

Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream tripOct. 20

Halloween partyOct. 31

Mount Vernon tripNov. 3

Spy Museum tripNov. 10



Page 7: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester 7Thursday, October 11, 2012 7Thursday, October 11, 2012

"With fewer numbers of URLofficers in the major programmanager naval-aviation ac-quisition community, thethree-legged stool was unbal-anced," Herring said. "This[program] will encouragethose who were frustratedabout progression to extendtheir careers."

For Morley, the Navy's in-vestment appears to havepaid off. One year later, thecaptain has settled into hisnew major program managerrole and is learning to navi-gate the acquisition world asadeptly as he did the F/A-18cockpit.

"I've felt myself grow in thisjob," Morley said. "It's great tobe part of a first construct. Likea pilot, the more flight time youhave, the more the hair standsup on your neck when some-

thing goes wrong. We all needtime to gain innate instincts."

And Morley is working onhis "what's next?"

"AsaseniorURL,"hesaid,"Ihaveadutyandresponsibilityforencouraging and training thenextgeneration,justasmypred-ecessorsdidforme."

Watch a video about theAviation Acquisition CorpsUnrestricted Line Officer Ma-jor Program Manager CareerTrack at www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM_EaKBVonc.

FLIGHTContinued from 3

Thursday, Oct. 116:30 p.m.,The Odd Life

of Timothy GreenThis is an inspiring, magi-

cal story about a happily mar-ried couple, Cindy and JimGreen, who can't wait to starta family.They can only dreamabout what their child wouldbe like, however, one stormynight young Timothy showsup on their doorstep. Cindyand Jim—and their smalltown of Stanleyville—learnthat sometimes the unex-pected can bring some oflife's greatest gifts. Rated: PG(1 hr, 44 min)

Friday, Oct. 126:30 p.m., Bourne Legacy

When a plan is put intomotion by a top-secret gov-ernment program to wipe

out all the genetically modi-fied killers it created, onesuch operative must flee inorder to save his life. Rated:PG-13 (2 hr, 5 min)

9:30 p.m., Expendables 2Barney Ross, Lee Christ-

mas, Yin Yang, GunnarJensen, Toll Road and HaleCaesar—with newest mem-bers Billy the Kid and Maggieaboard—are reunited whenMr. Church enlists the Ex-

pendables to take on a seem-ingly simple job. The tasklooks like an easy paycheckfor Barney and his band ofold-school mercenaries. Butwhen things go wrong andone of their own is viciouslykilled, the Expendables are

compelled to seek revenge.Rated: R (1 hr, 42 min)

Saturday, Oct. 134 p.m., ParaNorman (3D)

When a small town comesunder siege by zombies, who

can it call? They call on themisunderstood local boyNorman, who is able to speakwith the dead. In addition tothe zombies, he'll have totake on ghosts, witches andmoronic grown-ups to savehis town from a centuries-oldcurse. Rated: PG (1 hr, 32min)

6:30 p.m.,The Odd Lifeof Timothy Green

9 p.m., Expendables 2

Sunday, Oct. 142 p.m., ParaNorman (3D)

Monday and TuesdayNo movies

Wednesday, Oct. 176:30 p.m., Expendables 2


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Page 8: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester8 Thursday, October 11, 2012

By Doug MillerTester staff writer

It's one thing to worry about your car breaking down asyou're driving, but it's quite another to have it actually hap-pen. As far as your body is concerned, however, there's nodifference between the two.

That was the "a-ha" moment life-skills facilitator LindaSchmid delivered during one of her monthly stress-man-agement workshops at the NAS Patuxent River Fleet andFamily Support Center.

During this workshop participants learn how to recog-nize physical signals of stress and skills for coping with iton an everyday basis. They also get information on the freecounseling services offered at the center.

Schmid can bring these tools for stress management toSailors in seminars around the base too. She said while thevarious commands on base know stress management fortheir personnel is an important component of missionreadiness, she urges them to use her services more.

"Give me a buzz. I will come out to the command andprovide programs," Schmid said.

In addition to stress management, the Fleet and FamilySupport Center offers classes in suicide awareness and pre-vention, personal and couples communication and, in No-vember, holiday-related stress. The center also conducts asix hour course, done in three sessions, on anger manage-ment.

Schmid said she tailors the seminars to the concerns ofindividual participants by calling people before the classand asking, "What do you want to get out of this?"

She said seminars are free as long as 50 percent or moreof the participants in the class are military, family membersor retired military.

Modern American life can induce plenty of stress by it-self, she said, add the pressures of military life and the needfor coping tools intensifies.

Other stress triggers participants cited during a recentworkshop include upcoming moves, transitioning intocivilian life, and the strains put on a marriage imposed bydeployments and transfers.

During her interactive class, Schmid said she observedwhile external stressors--a broken-down car, a sick child ora belligerent boss—are beyond our control, internal stres-sors—how we react to the external ones--are not.

She walked the group through the ABC formula of stressmanagement: The activating event (A) plus one's belief (B)or attitude regarding it equals the consequence (C) or theresponse one has to that event. By giving weight to the neg-ative aspects of a move, for example—packing, leavingfriends behind—and ignoring the positives—a biggerplace, making new friends—one intensifies the associatedstress.

Schmid said "self-talk statements" are an importanttool for accentuating the positive, and included examplesamong the folder-full of handouts each participant tookhome. Saying to oneself, "I can deal with disappointmentswithout turning them into disasters" or "Things don't al-ways have to go my way," can help keep one on an evenkeel.

The class also discussed the stress-busting effects ofgood nutrition and exercise. The latter, at least is a leg upSailors have on civilians tied to a desk, Schmid said, notingthe hour of physical training they get every day.

Class participants also gauged their personal stress lev-

els according to a scale that attaches a point value to eachadult stressor that might be present in a person's life, fromthe death of a spouse (100 points) to a vacation (13).

Schmid ended the 90-minute class with a guided med-itation, not the sort of thing one ordinarily pictures a mili-tary person doing. She said, however, that she's seenSailors take to it like ducks to water.

"They love it," she said.The next stress management workshop is Oct. 24.

For more information on these classes and other serv-ices of the Fleet and Family Support Center, visithttp://cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent and click on Fleet andFamily Readiness, or call 301-342-4911.

8 Thursday, October 11, 2012

presence in that region just as we have in the past," said NASPatuxent River Command Master ChiefWilliam Lloyd-Owen."Let the memory of the USS Cole bombing remind us thatthere are still those out there who would do us harm, and thatright now U.S. Naval Forces are on station ensuring they donot get the chance. Sail safe, shipmates."

After roughly a year and a half and nearly $250 million inrepairs, USS Cole was recommissioned in Pascagoula, Miss.,taking its first six-month deployment in November 2003. Sincethen, the ship has deployed a few more times, including onceback to the Middle East, all without incident.

REMEMBRANCEContinued from 1

Stress-management class tackles the enemy within

U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel

Stress triggers often include transfers, deploy-ments and transitioning into civilian life. The Fleetand Family Support Center offers a monthly inter-active stress-management class to addressthese triggers and more.

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Page 9: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester 9Thursday, October 11, 2012 9Thursday, October 11, 2012 9Thursday, October 11, 2012

FEW members help fill hunger gap

Courtesy photo

Executive board members of the Federally Employed Women Patuxent River Chapter presents acheck of more than $250 to the United Way of St. Mary's County in September in support of the"Snack Sak" program. "Snack Sak" is a nutritional project aimed at filling the hunger gap for childrenin Southern Maryland; the check from FEW will sponsor a child for the year. St. Mary's County UnitedWay and the Southern Maryland Food Bank are committed to easing the pain of hunger in SouthernMaryland when other resources, such as free or reduced breakfast and lunch programs are not avail-able. Unmarked back packs are filled with ready-to-eat, kid-friendly, nutritious snacks and discreetlydistributed by school staff to keep the identity of those being served private. The backpacks are deliv-ered weekly to the school and handed out on the last day before a weekend or holiday. Pictured fromleft are, FEW members Maria Thorpe and Lottie Briscoe; United Way Executive Director, JenniferHollingsworth; and FEW members Sharmella Riggs and Jeannie Facemire.

Robinson earnsAchievement Medal

U.S. Navy photo by Yeoman 2nd Class Nathan Sheddy

Capt. Michael Vernere, Naval Health Clinic com-manding officer, left, awards Hospital Corps-man 1st Class John Robinson with a NavyAchievement Medal during a ceremony Sept. 21at the Clinic. Robinson is transferring to the 3rdMedical Battalion, 3rd Marine Logistics Group,Okinawa, Japan.

that he had performed thisvital function.

While this function hasobviously evolved, the age-old practice of sounding bellsstill has its place in the 21stcentury Navy, regulating dailyroutine, just as it did aboardvessels under sail in the late

1700s.Dungarees are the mod-

ern Sailor's work clothes, butthe term is not modern. Dat-ing back to the 18th century,its origin is the Hindi word"dungri," for a thick, durablecotton cloth from India.

A coxswain, or cockswain,was at first the swain (boy ser-vant) in charge of the smallcockboatthatwaskeptaboarda ship for use in rowing the

captaintoandfromshore.Theterm has been in use in Eng-land for centuries. With thepassing of time, the coxswainbecame the helmsman of anyboat, regardless of size.

A "butt" was a woodencask which held water orother liquids and to "scuttle"was to drill a hole, as for tap-ping a cask. The cask ofdrinking water on ships wascalled a scuttlebutt and since

Sailors talked and sharednews when they gathered fora drink, scuttlebutt becameNavy slang for gossip and ru-mors.

Mayday is the voice radiodistresscallforvesselsandpeo-ple in serious trouble at sea.The term was made official byaninternationaltelecommuni-cationsconferencein1948andis an anglicized version of theFrench word "m'aidez" which

means "help me."U.S. presidents who have

served in the Navy were JohnF. Kennedy, Lyndon B. John-son, Richard M. Nixon, GeraldR.FordandGeorgeH.W.Bush.

In 1781, our first presi-dent, George Washington,wrote in a letter to the Mar-quis de Lafayette, "It followsthen as certain as that nightsucceeds the day, that with-out a decisive naval force we

can do nothing definitive,and with it, everything hon-orable and glorious."

Perhaps not much haschanged after all.

EEditor's note:ditor's note: The NavalHistory and Heritage Com-mand is responsible for thepreservation, analysis and dis-semination of U.S. Navy histo-ry and heritage. Its official web-site is www.history.navy.mil.

BIRTHDAYContinued from 1



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Page 10: Oct. 11, 2012 Tester  newspaper

Tester10 Thursday, October 11, 201210 Thursday, October 11, 201210 Thursday, October 11, 2012

McKinley takes onthree more years

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Aviation Maintenance Chad Young

Marine Col. Roger Cordell, Naval Test Wing Atlantic commander, presentsCommand Master Chief Avionics Technician (Air Warfare) Tim McKinley,NTWL, with his Reenlistment Certificate after a ceremony Sept. 28. McKin-ley, who has 25 years Navy service, reenlisted for three more years.

for all shapes," Hunt said.Postures can be modified or altered to fit

an individual's needs, and the use of propsin class—blankets, blocks andstraps—makes postures easier and safer byavoiding undue strain and fatigue.

"The instructors also provide hands-onassistance to help individuals find their prop-er alignment and maximize the benefits,"Hunt said.

In addition to yoga postures, all classesfocus on breathing and strive to teach partic-ipants how to stay focused.

"We live in a highly-stimulated environ-ment," Hunt said. "We're often hijacked by

our to-do lists.We teach people how to relax,focus and filter out distractions.This is usefulinformation that goes well beyond the yogamat."

Interested in trying yoga before making acommitment? Anyone with base access is in-vited to take one class free. All classes aretaught by instructors who at least 200 hoursof training certified byYoga Alliance, the U.S.governing body for yoga. An eight-classdrop-in pass is $72, or $36 for E1-E5 servicemembers, and a four class pass is $36 foreveryone. Passes can be purchased at theFitness and Sports Office at the Drill Hall.

For detailed descriptions and thedays/times of all yoga classes, visitwww.cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent, click on Fleetand Family Readiness, then Fitness andSports and look for the Energy Zone link.

YOGAContinued from 4

Yoga Warriors for PTSDThe Energy Zone now offers Yoga Warriors, a program developed in 2005 by

Yoga Warriors International to alleviate the symptoms of Post Traumatic StressDisorder.

"This class is open to all active-duty and retired military members who sufferwith PTSD and requires no yoga experience whatsoever," said Susan Grier, class in-structor certified by Yoga Warriors International to teach this specific population.

Studies show the benefits of yoga to those with PTSD include the alleviationof anxiety, depression and paranoia; improved sleep and energy levels; enhancedself-acceptance and self-esteem; decreased hyper-vigilance and reactivity to sen-sory input; and reduction of intrusive thoughts.

The introductory four-session Yoga Warriors class is underway and those in-terested can contact Kerry Davis at [email protected] or 301-995-3869 re-garding classes offered after Oct 23.

To learn more about Yoga Warriors International, visitwww.YogaWarriors.com.





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Tester 11Thursday, October 11, 2012 11Thursday, October 11, 2012 11Thursday, October 11, 2012

Around townAs of Oct. 5Intramural Bowling League

WSI 7-1Big 10 6-2Goat Locker 6-2Spare Time 5-3Lucky Strikes 4-4High-N-Low 4-4Hang 'Em High 3-5Wafwots 3-5JMWS 2-6Rollin' Thunder 0-8

Intramural Flag Football LeagueMonday / Wednesday Division

Grenades 6-0Tigers 5-1A/O 4-1Vick in a Box 4-2Shaun's Dynasty 2-3The Replacements 2-4Miracles 0-6Liberty 0-6

Tuesday / Thursday DivisionAll Stars 5-0Boat House Lions 4-1Lost Puppies 4-1Aviators 2-3River Dawgs 2-3Bomb Squad 2-3Medical 1-4Punishers 0-5

Intramural Fall Softball LeagueDirty Dogs 3-1Drunken Clams 3-1Short Bus 0-0Boozin' Ballers 2-2Softballs of Steel 1-1Chiefs 1-1VX-20 0-4

ScoreboardSt. Mary's County events:Bowles Farm Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch

Weekends in October, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Budd's Creek Road in ClementsGet lost in Bowles Farm's A-Maze-ing corn maze! Explore

the farm's petting zoo, kids' hay maze and pumpkin patch.Take a ride on the Corn Maze Express hayride to view the entirefarm.

Forrest Hall Farm Crazy Corn MazeWeekends in October, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.39136 Avie Lane, MechanicsvilleHave fun at the farm and find your way through the Crazy

Corn Maze! Enjoy games and hay-bale slides; pick fresh applesin the orchard; shop for produce, country crafts, mums andmore in the Forrest Hall Farm Store.

Eighth Annual RiverFest at St. Mary'sSaturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.Celebrate Southern Maryland's waterways at RiverFest. En-

joy free activities and entertainment while learning about theenvironment. Step on board a tall ship, paddle a kayak andhelp skipper a small sailboat. For more information, [email protected].

Fall FaireSaturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Christ Church in ChapticoTry oyster and country ham dinners. Enjoy the music of the

Folk SaladTrio, Harmony Grit and the Bushmill Band. Seasonalgifts and baked goods will be available for sale along with ac-tivities for the kids.

Teen Video Contest showcaseSaturday, 2-4 p.m., Lexington Park libraryView the videos submitted to the library'sTeenVideo Con-

test and vote for the best.

Calvert County events:

American Indian Heritage DaySaturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.Jefferson Patterson Park and MuseumGet a glimpse of life along the Chesapeake Bay as it was

more than 500 years ago. Experience the traditional and mod-ern interpretations of this cultural heritage. The free event isopen to all ages and offers music, food, fire-making, pottery,hide-tanning and basketry on site.

Navigate the Freedmen's Bureau recordsSaturday, 10-11:30 a.m., Calvert library, Prince FrederickLearn to navigate The Freedmen's Bureau records, an ex-

tensive source of post-Civil War and Reconstruction eras' ge-nealogical information for African Americans. Documents in-clude local censuses, marriage records, educational recordsand medical records, containing with full names, former mas-ters and plantations. National Archives African American Ge-nealogy Subject Specialist, ReginaldWashington, will be pres-ent. Register by calling 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.

Annual Fall Family Fun DaySunday, 1-4 p.m., Chesapeake Beach Railway MuseumThis free event offers a Science Show by John Hadfield,

spooky bingo, face painting, moon bounce, crafts, games andmore. For more information, visit www.cbrm.org.

Calvert Eats Local Harvest PotluckMonday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Calvert library, Prince FrederickJoin Calvert Eats Local in a giant potluck celebrating local

food. Bragging rights go to those who bring dishes with thelowest number of "food miles." Bring a plate, utensils, a cupand napkins for a "green" experience. Register by calling 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.


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