Occupations (Year 4, 5 & 6)


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Transcript of Occupations (Year 4, 5 & 6)

Page 1: Occupations (Year 4, 5 & 6)

Language Activity - Occupations A. Write several words which are related to the occupations

below. E.g. tailor - scissors, clothes, threads, sewing machine. a. cobbler - ___________________________________

b. trishaw rider - ___________________________________

c. singer - ___________________________________

d. mechanic - ___________________________________

e. waiter - ___________________________________

f. fireman - ___________________________________

g. rubber taper - ___________________________________

B. Make small words from these words. a. fisherman - ___________________________________

b. pilot - ___________________________________

c. dancer - ___________________________________

d. tailor - ___________________________________

e. soldier - ___________________________________

f. driver - ___________________________________

g. housewife - ___________________________________ C. Write the suitable occupation to meet the descriptions

below. a. Install and repairs electrical goods. ______________

b. The teacher who is in charge of a school. ______________

c. Mends shoes. ______________

d. Cuts men’s hair. ______________

e. Makes and repairs locks. ______________

f. Delivers letters ______________

g. Sews clothes for a living ______________

h. Sells meat ______________

i. Sells things along the street ______________

j. Attends to and treats teeth ______________

Page 2: Occupations (Year 4, 5 & 6)

D. Use all the words below to make five sentences with regard to an occupation.

Occupation: ____________________

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________ E. Use your dictionary to find out what these people do. a. architect -

b. journalist -

c. optician -

d. florist -

e. chef -

f. cartographer -

g. undertaker -

h. confectioner -

i. usher -

j. broadcaster -

F. Make two sentences using the words given. (Do this in your

exercise book)

1. policeman – catches – thieves – helps – people

2. doctor – hospital – treats – sick

3. farmer – plants – vegetables – farm

4. nurse – looks after – sick – helps – doctors

bakery bakes cakes every day baker many tray customers cookies happy