Observational Learning 1

Observational Learning

Transcript of Observational Learning 1

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Observational Learning





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Type of learning 1: When an unnatural association is made between a response and a stimuli.

(Classical conditioning).

Type of learning 2: When we make behavioral changes based on experiences that resulted in

rewards or punishments. (Operant conditioning).

How else do we learn behavior?

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Observational LearningThe replication of other’s behavior through

observation and imitation. (Also called “modeling” and “social learning”).

Albert Bandura believed that direct reinforcement and

punishment could not account for all learning that occurs. What about when children copy the

behavior of their parents when no reinforcement is given?

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The “Bobo Doll Experiment”

From 1961-63, Bandura conducted experiments with a “Bobo” clown doll to see the

degree to which children would mimic the behavior of adults.

!A “Bobo Doll” was a toy from

the 1960s that was inflatable, and weighted so that it would tilt

upwards again after being knocked down.

!36 boys and 36 girls were tested.

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Video 1

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The “Bobo Doll Experiment”

Results: Children who observed adults showing loving behavior

towards the Bobo doll copied that behavior. Children who observed adults showing aggressive behavior

towards the Bobo doll copied that behavior. Children who observed adults ignoring the Bobo doll did not

show aggressive behavior towards it.

Bandura concluded that people learn through observing, imitating, and modeling. People not

only learn by being rewarded or punished itself, but they can learn from watching

somebody being rewarded or punished, too.