Objective 7.02 Assess personal eating habits Teen Living Notes.

Objective 7.02 Assess personal eating habits Teen Living Notes

Transcript of Objective 7.02 Assess personal eating habits Teen Living Notes.

Page 1: Objective 7.02 Assess personal eating habits Teen Living Notes.

Objective 7.02 Assess personal eating habits

Teen Living Notes

Page 2: Objective 7.02 Assess personal eating habits Teen Living Notes.

Eating Habits

• A. Influences on food choices:1. Physical – People need nourishment to live. Cannot

survive without food and water.

2. Emotional – Food satisfies the need for comfort, security, happiness, sadness, or well-being.

3. Social/Cultural – Region you live in, your cultural, ethnic, and religious background; your family and friends. Food events like a family reunion or a barbeque is a good example of families maintaining meal traditions.

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Eating Habits

• B. Nutrients• 1. Carbohydrates – provide body

with ready energy.• Two main categories: Sugars

(simple carbohydrates) ex: fruits, gain products, milk. Starches (complex carbohydrates) ex: rice, potatoes, bread, pasta.

• FIBER- helps the body regulate the digestion system. Good sources are whole grain cereals, fresh fruits, & vegetables. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating foods high in fiber.

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Eating Habits

• 2. Proteins – building and repairing body tissues.

• Two categories: Complete (contain 9 amino acids) ex: animal meats, poultry (bird meat), fish, eggs, and milk. Incomplete (less than 9 and one must eat 2 incomplete proteins to make up the amino acids needed)ex: dry beans, peas, nuts, seeds, grains (pasta) and vegetables.

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Eating Habits

• 3. Fats – concentrated sources of energy. • Two types: saturated (found in animal foods

such as meat, milk, & butter) lead to high levels of cholesterol. Unsaturated (oils from vegetables, nuts, seeds) are liquid at room temperature.

• Ex: butter, margarine, cream, fried foods, salad dressings, chocolate and ice cream

• Healthiest oil (fat) choice to use in cooking would be to use Olive oil

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Eating habits

• 4. Water – transport nutrients throughout the body, helps move food through the digestive system & regulate body temp. Ex: milk, soups, fruits, and vegetables.

• 70% body weight

• Recommend 6 to 8 glasses (servings)

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Eating Habits

• 5. Vitamins – help the body stay healthy, function properly and process other nutrients.

• Two categories: Water-Soluble – easily absorbed and can move through the body dissolved in water. Needed on a daily bases. Ex: vitamin C and the B vitamins. Fat-Soluble – travel through the bloodstream in droplets of fat. Can stay in your cells for a longer period of time. Ex: vitamin A, D, E, and K

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Eating Habits

• 6. Minerals – keep body processes operating smoothly. Ex: Calcium – strong bones & teeth. FOUND in YOGURT very high!! Phosphorus – works with calcium and helps body obtain energy.

• Potassium – regulates muscle contractions. Sodium – regulate blood pressure. Iron – build red blood cells, transport oxygen through the body

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Eating Habits

• C. Food Guide Pyramid: 2000 calorie diet per day. • 1. Food Groups and amounts needed:

– Grain group – 6 oz. (teenager should eat the MOST from this group)

– Vegetable group – 2 ½ c.– Meat and Bean group – 5 ½ oz.– Fruit group – 2 c– Milk group – 3 c.– Oil – very little needed (5 or 6 t. per day)– www.mypyramid.com

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Eating Habits

• 2. Moderation, variety, and portion control within servings:

– Grains – 1 slice of bread, 1oz. Cereal, ½ c. rice or pasta, or 5-6 small crackers

– Vegetables – 1 c. leafy greens, ½ c. other vegetables, or 6oz. Juice

– Fruit – 1 medium apple, banana, orange; ½ c. loose fruits, or 6oz. Juice

– Milk – 1 c. yogurt, 1 ½ oz. Natural cheese, or 2oz. Process cheese

– Meat – 2-3oz. Cooked lean meat, 1 hamburger patty, 1 piece of fish, 1 egg, 2 T. peanut butter, or ½ c. dry beans

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Eating Habits

• D. Dietary Guidelines for Americans– 1. Eat a variety of foods– 2. Balance the food you eat with physical. activity;

maintain or improve your weight.– 3. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products,

vegetables and fruits.– 4. Choose a diet Low in fat, saturated fat and

cholesterol.– 5. Choose and prepare foods with less salt– 6. Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake

of sugars

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Eating Habits

• E. Healthy Food Choices:– 1. Snacking – choose from all food groups

(remember Oils is NOT a group and STAY away from foods HIGH in these)

– 2. Meals – eat a proper diet; do not skip meals– 3. Dining out – make healthy choices

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Eating Habits

• F. Vegetarian Diets – one who eats NO (eliminate) meats. {religious, ethical -believes it is wrong to kill animals; or health-related reasons}

• Essential nutrients needed: Protein (main concern for good nutrition), iron, calcium, vitamin D and B12. Must find other food sources that have these nutrients in them to maintain a healthy body.

• Ex: black-eyed peas and rice

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Eating Habits

• Families eating patterns in today's society are base on lifestyle choices. Meal dining for many family members consist eating on the run, in front of the TV, or in their car.

• Grains like breads and cereals will provide extra energy. Athletics need this type of meal before competition events.

• Selecting foods items at a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT one needs to select low-fat menu items.

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Eating Habits

• 3 DAYS of 30 minutes aerobic exercise is recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Teens.

• To reduce cholesterol in your diet beans are a good food choice to select. Stay away from foods like cheese, eggs and steak.

• Best source of vitamin c is orange juice.• Vitamins are very important, but too many

vitamins can be DANGEROUS

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Eating Habit

• A good snack high in iron (a mineral) would be to eat raisins.

• Complete proteins have all 9 amino acids; foods like meat, fish, and poultry are good sources.

• Incomplete proteins (having less than 9 amino acids) in the meat group are sources like peanut butter, legumes (dry beans) and eggs.

• 2-3 oz. Serving size of meat is about the size of a deck of cards.

• One can get the best source of VITAMINS from the fruit and vegetable groups.

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Eating habits

• Added Fats, Oils, and Sweets in a diet should be used sparingly; this means very little as possible.

• More than half of your daily calories should come from complete carbohydrates. Energy stays with you all day long. Keeps you full and satisfied. Ex: macaroni

• The food guide pyramid provides information about the servings recommended for each group.

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Eating habits

• Chocolate pudding would be classified in the milk, yogurt, and cheese group.

• People in the US receive most of their sugar intake from drinking Soft drinks (Soda’s)

• Before starting a strict vegetarian diet one should get professional nutritional counseling.

• To help reduce cholesterol level reduce the saturated fats you eat.

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Eating Habits

• Dietary fiber helps to aid digestion (make you go to bathroom)

• Season foods with herbs and spices instead of salt to help reduce the amount of sodium in one’s diet.

• In Healthy snacking remember to count snacks as part of the total daily servings in your recommended amounts allowed.