Obama chronicles the book

Democracy Lost The Obama Drama Chronicles of an Aspiring Dictator Articles and Essays By Gerald J. Furnkranz

Transcript of Obama chronicles the book

Page 1: Obama chronicles the book

Democracy Lost The Obama Drama

Chronicles of an Aspiring Dictator

Articles and Essays By

Gerald J. Furnkranz

Page 2: Obama chronicles the book

Democracy Lost The Obama Drama

Chronicles of an Aspiring Dictator

Articles and Essays By

Gerald J. Furnkranz

Copyright © 2016 by Gerald J. Furnkranz

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Table of Contents

Democracy Lost The Obama Drama, Chronicles of an Aspiring Socialist Dictator


CHAPTER ONE - Introduction Page 1 CHAPTER TWO - Red Flags Rising Page 7 CHAPTER THREE - Obama Escalating His Push To Socialism Page 23 CHAPTER FOUR - Trusting Obama? Page 33 CHAPTER FIVE - Chicago! The Pit Of Corruption From Which Obama Spawned Page 34 CHAPTER SIX - The Obama Nature Page 45 CHAPTER SEVEN - The Obama Experience Page 61 CHAPTER EIGHT – Obama Cares Page 71 CHAPTER NINE - Lance Armstrong Syndrome Page 74 CHAPTER TEN - Obama’s Crisis Management Page 83 CHAPTER ELEVEN - Obama Tyranny Page 86 CHAPTER TWELVE - Defender Of Obama, Chris Matthews: The Holier Than Thou Hater Page 104 CHAPTER THIRTEEN - Barack Obama’s Images Page 109 CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Barack Obama The Judas Goat Page 111 CHAPTER FIFTEEN - The Search For John Maynard Keynes Page 119 CHAPTER SIXTEEN – Obama Government, Of The Lie, By The Lie, For The Liar Page 121

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Democracy Lost

The Obama Drama, Chronicles of an Aspiring Socialist Dictator


Obama Strategies; What Lies Beneath; Stupid or Subversive?

These observations of President Barack Obama are from a distance, as a citizen, as close

as I could get as an ordinary citizen. From information I’ve heard and read from the

media and triangulated with the basic common sense I have been given by my parents

and experience.

Obama’s Nurturing Of Muslim Terrorism And Isis

Barack Husian Obama may not be a Muslim as many accuse him of being. However, he

for certain is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer. His actions and policies have nurtured ISIS

allowing and encouraging it to grow, becoming a force in the Middle East. His actions

have allowed ISIS to grow militarily, economically and in manpower, while he told the

world they were the JV team and no threat to America. This was either just another

failure of Obama’s judgment or another of his many lies to cover his destructive


When looking at his policies toward Muslim terrorism, there is a clear pattern of allowing

them to grow stronger. One must ask is that a result of Obama’s incompetence or was

that his intention? That clear pattern could easily be concluded as his intention! His

actions acted as an incubator for a fledgling terrorist organization allowing it to grow to a

full blown army eating up the Middle East. Is his half hearted, perhaps token attempts at

fighting ISIS his way of nurturing even incubating their movement, allowing them to

grow, but looking like he is against them and appearing to do something about it.

Prematurely pulling out of Iraq leaving no residual force, Obama turned an American

success into a failure. He set the US back to the pre 911 days with regard to the Middle

East, giving Muslim terrorism fertile ground to grow stronger.

Barack Obama’s Vengence Against America Through Immigration Policy

Barack Obama has a grudge against America and his policies seem geared toward

punishing US for his animosity.

Obama’s “failed” policies, perhaps an “intentional strategy” have put America in danger

of terrorists and drug cartel gangs and killers and drugs. By failing to enforce America’s

immigration laws, Obama has encouraged and invited the illegal entry of hundreds of

thousands illegal immigrants through our southern border! Many of them terrorists from

around the word and drug thugs from those countries south of us!

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Doctor Keith Ablow when appearing on FOX’s “Out Numbered” has stated several times

Obama’s apparent failures in the Middle East are not due to incompetence and neither are

they failures in Obama’s eyes. The results achieved are his intentions. Obama furthers

the terrorist danger through his intended policies of premature withdrawal from Iraq.

This allowed and nurtured the growth of ISIS in the mid-East. Obama’s apparent

impotence and indecision in Syria has created a refugee disaster in the Middle-East.

Now he is promising to take those migrants that ISIS has promised would be laced with

their Muslim Terrorists. Obama’s importation of terrorists and law breakers puts all

Americans and America in danger.

Giving Muslim Terrorism Room to Grow

Obama is intentionally giving Muslim Terrorism an environment, an atmosphere to

incubate its growth. His half hearted actions and denouncing words are only intended to

camouflage his destructive intentions. The air strikes so often lauded as Obama’s being

serious about stopping ISIS have been few and a vast majority of them ineffective. A

majority of times aircraft returned with their ammunition, action restricted by Obama’s

hands tying rules of engagement. His strategy seems to be to abet Muslim extremists in

their goals.

The November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris are the result of Obama giving ISIS an

environment to thrive. Obama is biding time through his intentionally failing policies,

which he is sticking to, to allow Muslim terrorist organizations to geminate, take root and


Obama’s ISIS policy of token bombing was not to bomb their oil wells or trucks

transporting the oil “to avoid damage to the environment?” This going on for at least a

year, only till after the Paris attacks. Or didn’t he want to shut off the ISIS financing,

their “life blood”? It certainly fits in with the strategy of giving ISIS the room, the

resources to germinate, take root and grow.

Obama’s Submissive Deal with Iran, The Biggest State Supporter of Terror

Obama couldn’t pursue a treaty with Iran, because he knew he could not get the two

thirds vote of the Senate. Republicans capitulated with Obama sparing him that need by

passing a law that requires such a bill instead of being approved by a two thirds vote,

requires Obama’s Iran deal to be voted down by a two thirds vote. The Iran Nuclear

Agreement Review ACT alias the Cocker-Menendez Bill has subverted the Constitution

turning its prescribed processes upside down. So he made a dangerous agreement with

Iran, a good portion of which would remain hidden from Congress and the American


According to Chuck Norris, Obama has perpetuated at least six lies to promote his Iran

nuclear deal. Obama claims, “I’ve had to make a lot of tough calls as president, but

whether or not this is a good deal for American security is not one of them.”

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Chuck Norris in his Culture Wars August 30, 2015 article, Obama’s 3 Biggest Lies About

Iranian Nuke Deal, states, Lie number One. Obama goes on to say, “the vast majority of

experts on nuclear proliferation have endorsed this deal. The world is more or less


Norris goes on to refute Obama writing, “But 200 retired generals and admirals

completely disagree as they sent a letter to Congress last week urging lawmakers to reject

the Iran nuclear agreement which they said “would threaten the national security and vital

interests of the United States.”

Lie number Two, President Obama pushed, “Because this is such a strong deal, every

nation in the world that has commented publicly – with the exception of Israel – has

expressed support.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that “Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates

– are just as distraught as Israel about the Iran nuclear deal.”

While Obama keeps telling us it is a good deal, the only other alternative is war, his

supporters are buying his lies as usual, realizing it is a bad deal trusting the Iranian

leaders, but is the best we can do and it is better than war. Obama is also practicing

Neville Chamberlain’s WWII strategy of appeasement which we found did not work with

tyrants like Hitler. Obama’s capitulation with Iran assures them the atomic bomb which

they have practically promised to use against Israel and the US. This agreement with Iran

is pure fiction, a pack of lies, like most of what Obama presents.

Lie Number Three, President Obama initially said the International Atomic energy

Agency (IAEA) inspectors would be allowed to “access any suspicious location” in Iran.

He withdraw later saying “Inspectors will be allowed daily access to Iran’s nuclear sites.”

Obama’s continued retreat from any time any where inspections “The process can take up

to 24 days, once a site has been identified that raises suspicion, we will be watching it

continuously until inspectors get in.”

The Wall Street Journals look into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action released by

the Obama administration “Reveals that its’ terms permit Iran to hold inspectors at bay

for months, likely three or more.” This gives Iran plenty of time to play the international

shell game.

These are just three dangerous big lies out of a multitude of lies Obama has perpetrated

on the American people about his Iranian agreement. Iranian leaders are bragging how

they have fooled Obama, Kerry and therefore America in these negotiations. They are

laughing at Obama and America.

Bypassing Congress, Pushing Through Bad Policy

Bypassing Congress and pushing through dangerous policy. Obama has done this luring

children from Central and South America to and through America’s borders, placing

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many in deplorable living conditions exposing them to rape and child abuse of Mexican


Obama’s numerous Obamacare and IRS lies, Benghazi lies, ISIS is the JV team and a

multitude of other lies portends and accentuates his lies on every other issue he is

involved in. Bottom line is Obama is a compulsive, pathological, habitual liar and cannot

and should not be trusted.

Obama Has Selected Failed Policies to Follow, Incompetently or Intentionally

It appears Barack Obama has selected strategies that have historically proved themselves

to be failures. On the foreign policy front he has chosen Neville Chamberlain’s policy of

appeasement that embolden Hitler to oppress Europe as a prelude to World War II.

Making it easy for Germany to waltz into Europe and a world war!

Obama is using much the same strategy in both the Middle East, and Russia. China is

also becoming emboldened by Obama’s displays of weakness. His appeasement is

letting ISIS and other Muslim extremists like Al Qaeda, the Taliban and Boco Haram run

wild, only taking token actions so it appears he is not nurturing their growth.

In his domestic policy, Obama has rolled out the failed policies of FDR’s New Deal,

which extended the Great Depression for ten years. Obama has used FDR’s failed

methods extending the sluggishness of his Great Recession for his entire eight years.

The appearance that Obama is sabotaging America, economically and its safety and

stature in the world community is difficult to deny! Following the dots of his actions and

policies one can certainly make the case this is his intent, not merely incompetence.

Obama is rolling out the red carpet for terrorism to come to America. With his planned

importation of refugees from Syria, he is also importing terrorists and terrorism to our

shores. As he is doing with his executive actions regarding America’s immigration

policy! He is handing a gold engraved invitation to ISIS to savage America.

Just before the Paris attack that killed 130 people, Obama said ISIL was contained. Just

before the San Bernadino attack where 14 people were killed Obama said America(ns)

were safe. Both statements proved not to be true. This certainly could fit in with a plan

to allow ISIL to grow.

At the same time, Obama wants to disarm Americans almost appearing to lay out the

welcome mat to Islamic terrorism or rolling out the welcome wagon for their entrance

into the US.

Obama’s tough talk, false bravado, and token, halfhearted efforts against ISIL appear

more a stall to give ISIL the time and a friendly environment to grow.

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Obama’s lies about GITMO, the Guantanimo Prison for terrorists and his actions

releasing the worst of them also supports the Muslim Terrorist movement. Obama says

only a handful of those released go back to their terrorist ways. The figure are 17.2

percent of them are known to have gone back and it is estimated another 12.8 percent are

suspected to have gone back as collected by Fox News.

Obama says he has released only low level terrorists when it is know those most recently

freed under his administration were the worst and most influential among the terrorist

organizations. Those five traded for the American traitor Bo Bergdahl were all high level

officers in the Muslim Terrorist Movement.

Obama keeps saying GITMO is a catalyst for ISIL, and Al qaeda recruiting, opposite to

what others are finding that it does not appear in their recruiting propaganda. They use

the heinous images of their beheading, burning and executions of innocents as their major

recruiting tool. Obama lies about this as he has so many other issues to sell his false and

fictitious narratives to pull the wool over America’s eyes to sneak through his nefarious


Obama says his strategy is to “contain” ISIS. So far his strategies have contained ISIS to

the planet Earth. Those policies that have incubated and nurtured ISIS, strengthening and

growing them, allowing them to obtain American weaponry, who knows, Obama may

well allow them to the areas above the earth deploying orbital weapons.

Obama’s administration used the IRS to impede and punish his Republican and

conservative organizations by not allowing them the tax free status it allows their own

liberal allies. Therefore, it is not surprising his minions used the resources of the

National Security Agency (NSA) to listen in on phone calls of Challenger Congressmen

who opposed his agenda and Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Obama’s Iran deal. Who

knows where his improper use of the NSA ends?

While Obama will use the NSA to spy on opponents in Congress, he will not watch

mosques in America where members are being taught to become terrorists against the

world and America. Certainly seems a way to support Islamic Terrorism and diminish

and punish America!

Looking at Obama’s policies and their results looks like a strategy rather than just

incompetence. An intelligent strategy to disable America, not the random result of


Obama keeps using the compassion of America to dupe us into accepting the imminent

dangers of terrorism on our shores. He tries to scare us by saying delaying the bringing

of refugees from Syria will further fuel the anger and hate of the terrorists and create

greater recruitment to their cause. As if they don’t hate infidels, us enough to fuel the

push to their agenda. Obama keeps writing his narrative to buy time and camouflage his

devious intents.

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Obama uses “Climate Change” alias “Global Warming” to disguise his support of

Muslim Extremis Terrorism. He States, Climate Change is the greatest threat to America

and the world! He persists in his fiction that Global Warming is causing the terrorism

and if we succeed in the impossible task of arresting global warming, assuming it exists,

it will eliminate the hate filled Jihad Terrorism. His convoluted fictions designed to hide

his support to allow Muslim extremists to germinate, take root, grow and thrive.

Obama uses his vast experience and expertise in lying to sell his fictitious narratives, fires

those who don’t agree with him, it is no stretch to think he pressures his intelligence

people to edit their intelligence data gathered to fit his desired narrative. Is Obama

molding, warping, even distorting the intelligence to fit the narrative he is pushing to hide

his failures and create a positive legacy instead of the negative one he is actually leaving?

Is Obama our Neville Chamberlain, or perhaps Benedict Arnold or Quisling? Maybe the

Wizard of OZ, a fake hiding behind the curtain pulling the strings of destruction?

Barack Obama seems to have the goal of disarming Americans and America. That seems

to be what he has done against ISIS! This has been done in many countries in the past

and present to pave the way for dictatorship. President Obama seems to have the

aspirations of a dictator, if not the characteristics of a dictator so his dishonesty and

pension for ignoring the constitution and congress should be viewed with great

trepidation, apprehension and mistrust.

Obama dead set on closing GITMO, with the proven false claim it is a recruiting tool for

ISIS, goes on to lie about the fact he is releasing high and medium risk terrorists. Our

security agencies research has verified them to be so and the Obama administration

outright lies about their status, claiming them to be low risk. Will he do the same with

refugees coming in from Syria. Most likely his proclivity to lie will continue as it has his

entire presidency.

Obama and his minions declare he prevented a war with Iran with his nuclear deal,

delaying their getting a nuclear weapon. He avoided a financial meltdown with his bank

bailouts and almost a trillion dollar stimulus package. Most often Obama’s

accomplishments are things he supposedly prevented which can never be proved.

It is very likely Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran didn’t prevent a war, but merely kicked

the can down the road, postponing his war for a much more savage war with a much

more powerful and savage enemy just as he did with ISIS. Again, the Neville

Chamberlain practice of appeasement of a diabolical enemy!

Certainly his stimulus package was a failure which Obama joked his shovel ready

projects weren’t so shove; ready. Obama’s fiction is much greater than he fictions he

accuses others. That is the Obama Alinsky way to accuse others of actions he is guilty of

to lay a smoke screen of lies to cover himself.

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Essay: The Transparency of an Iron Curtain (2010)

President Obama’s promise of transparency during his campaign for president has

certainly become another promise broken. As a community organizer, Alinski’s

definition is certainly applicable to Obama, a teacher of Alinsky. He defined

“community organizer” and Obama writing, “He does not have a fixed truth – truth to

him is relative and changing.”

Obama’s 2010 “Financial Regulation Bill” exempts the SEC (Securities and Exchange

Commission) from the Freedom of Information Act. This government institution

negligent in the financial melt down and oversight of the securities devised in the sub-

prime mortgage meltdown, the Burnie Madoff debacle, Enron and many others will not

be held accountable for any future actions.

The SEC can shut down any company for almost any reason. Now, they will not have to

reveal why a company is being shut down or taken over by the government. Without

accountability, the SEC becomes a Gestapo, with iron shutters on the windows and doors

of the institution and its actions.

The SEC can become the strong arm pushing us beyond socialism, but easily into

communism where government controls everything. The government can take over

private sector industry at will. They can pick the production winners and losers. The

government of the people, by the people and for the people will parish from this earth.

Obama has slipped the same type of transparency in every bill he has pushed through in

the dark of night against the will of the people. If two thousand page bills pushed

through without enough time to even read them is transparency, then the dictionary needs

rewriting. This has also been done, the rewriting of the dictionary under the name of

political correctness.

Every Obama bill is designed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to disguise and

camouflage the theft of freedoms from the people. They are long, and written in difficult

language. Honest legislators are not given enough time to read them. Dishonest

legislators don’t read them admitting they are too difficult to understand. Truth is simple

and does not take a two thousand page bill. Stealing our freedom requires many more


Legislators use long bills and laws, filled with legalese, confusing language and studded

with loop holes, so only those with the money to hire huge legal firms can wrangle their

way out of punishment or bend the law to their convenience. This obfuscation of the law

is what makes it for the rich and not those of lesser means and brings lawyers more

business. The scales of justice are in imbalance because of these political shenanigans!

Loop holes are put into the laws to allow those that can afford it to get around the law.

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The healthcare bill also has stealth language. It may not have had something called death

panels, but bureaucratic accountants deciding where the money will go in healthcare will

effectually make decisions death panels would. To balance budgets and finance a system

they are not capable of managing, they will decide the ever lowering cut off ages for

treatments based on cost and an individual’s value, projected and locked in at a certain

age. Mismanaged budgets, a government hallmark, will pronounce the death penalty on

more and more people.

Ronald Reagan knocked down the wall in Berlin, causing us to think the time of

communist aggression was over. Now an American President has brought communism

to the American shores, and many are greeting it with opened arms. They are cheering

this president for historical significance, as they watch the wall around Washington built

amidst those cheers.

It seems each bill Obama champions has hidden in it stealth laws that erode the freedoms

of all Americans. In the erosion of those freedoms, he is slowly drawing closed the iron

curtain around America.

Essay: Facing the Four Horseman (2009)

Carnage follows the slashing hooves of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Their

banner hails, “Never waste a good crisis”.

Death, Famine, Pestilence and War invade our country. Death, the most heinous of

horseman! The death of freedom, dealt our nation by the Democrat Party. Journalists

slaughter truth! President Obama implements, Lucifer’s cheerleader, Saul Alinsky’s

constantly changing truths, promising everything with Alinsky’s absolution to deliver


Selling our freedoms, ourselves into slavery for those freebies promised, knowing they

won’t deliver. Even if they did, would the binding golden chains of socialist slavery be

worth it. The death of democracy delivered by democrats is epitomized by partial birth

abortion and Obama’s dictating “nonviable life forms”.

Another choice is the republicans; Pestilence, an epidemic of acceptance of democrat

deviancy, political correctness and warping truth; Famine, allowing nurturing integrity,

honesty and ethics to wither on the vine. Democrat attacks on our constitution is

beheading democracy, republicans facilitate a slow bleed.

Is there a choice? An alliance with the Horsemen is suicidal for our nation. Perhaps we

should ally with one horseman and rehabilitate him. Each individual must conduct an

intellectual war against distorted and deviant elitist intellectual bottom feeders sabotaging

our nation.

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Truth is the weapon to confront the entrenched lies of the looming dictatorial state.

Honesty, integrity and ethics are the only weapons capable of defeating their corruption.

Taking up their tools of dishonesty, hypocrisy and arrogance make us not worthy of

winning. If truth were king we would easily defeat the foes of democracy.

Essay: Realigning Classes

While Barack Obama and the Democrat Party are using class warfare to arrest power

from the people, they are setting the stage to realign the classes in America, putting inept,

nonproductive political, academic and media elite at the top. The limited middle class

will be mid level, worker bees of the political, academic and media elite. The remaining

majority of the population that was once the middle class with mobility and possibility

will become the massive stagnant poor worker/servant class.

To arrest power and rain (reign) socialism on the people, they besmirch capitalism. They

blame all human frailties like greed and corruption on the free enterprise system. Greed,

dishonesty and corruption are nurtured and magnify more under socialistic governments

than capitalism. Capitalism is more conducive to democracy, government of, by and for

the people.

Thomas Jefferson stated, “good public education is essential to democracy.” When one

looks at the incompetence socialism accepts and expects from its leadership, I can’t help

but conclude, “Poor, inept, indoctrinating education is essential to socialism.” It is a

dormant, oppressive system imparting mediocrity or less on its people. This is contrary

to the dynamic, innovative and exceptional drive Americans have in their blood.

The trickle up poverty Obama offers with his socialism creates robotic peasantry

removing possibility and mobility from the lives of the lower classes. Effectiveness and

efficiency are not desired. Without expectation for something more, the potential of man

and woman is amputated, along with human heart and soul.




201 Baldwin St.

Elmira, NY 14901

November 5, 2010

Dear Editor;

President Obama’s post 2010 election address seemed the same old rhetoric,

missing the point of the republican landslide. It was a repudiation of his socialist agenda,

Wall Street bailouts and nationalizing private enterprises rather than an endorsement of


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Saul Alinsky, defining his disciples “community organizers” like President

Barack Obama, wrote, “He does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and


Obama, practicing Alinsky’s chameleon like approach, has displayed he is beyond

values including fidelity (loyalty); truth, is at the organizer’s whim; accountability,

promises like truth are fleeting, whimsical.

Alinsky’s Obama excels bending “truth” to his momentary needs. Promises,

sincerity and loyalties are utilitarian, not binding for him.

Obama preached listening and compromising before. With Reid and Pelosi he

condescendingly bulldozed the American People. Railroading proven faulty legislation,

they ignored ideas that have been historically successful. Obama decreed, “Elections

have consequences,” arrogantly dismissing opponents suggestions!

Alinsky maintained “Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the times.”

The organizer should tell people what they want to hear, but is not required to live up to

the promises. Can flexible values and dubious character be trusted?

Massively overdrawing the blank check given him, Obama celebrated his




One of the maddening attacks on conservatives is finding an elderly conservative and

chastising them for accepting social security. The accusation goes something like this.

“If you are against government giveaways how can you justify taking social security?

This typifies the weak liberal arguments against the conservative philosophy. Look at

social security. Working people have contributed to it all their lives, a percentage of their

pay taken away by the government to put away for them when they retire. This is not

government giving them money. It is their money they trusted to government with the

promise of return.

However, politicians used the Social Security Trust Fund for everything else, even

freebees to citizens and non-citizens that do not work. That money that should have been

invested and grown has been robbed from the “trust fund” till what exists is merely and

eight foot cube of file cabinets filled with IOUs handed to the system by the government.

If all the money put into the system had remained in the system earning even modest

interest there would be enough money to easily weather the storm of baby boomer

retirements. But politicians used that money, expecting to pay today’s retirees with the

money contributed by workers during the current year. They have been doing this for


Social Security is nothing less than an illegal Ponzi Scheme, the largest ever, perpetrated

by the federal government. It makes Berni Madoff look like a boy scout. Liberals would

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like to suggest our getting our own money back is expecting a government handout like a

lifetime on welfare. Only the ignorant would make that comparison.

Many recipients would be willing to take a little less than promised to secure the program

for the future for those who paid in. However, one can’t help but doubt, this will only

encourage those politicians whose mismanagement has threatened the existence of the

system to continue the incompetence and corruption that has sabotaged they system.

This is an issue for every aspect of our government. If taxes are raised and sacrifices

made by the people to cover for the incompetence and corruption of politicians and

bureaucrats how will we ever change their behavior and clean up government.

We won’t, because such approaches only enable corrupt and incompetent politicians and

bureaucrats! This is socialism, the government that rewards and deifies mediocre inept

and dishonest leadership.

Part 2

Privatizing SS

While the term for government encouraged 401Ks has been to privatize the system, the

process has been demagogue to kill the thought of any such idea.

Like raising taxes to cover politicians in mismanaged budgets and programs, penalizing

social security recipients is only exacerbating the problems of incompetence and

corruption, not confronting and addressing them.


Hypocrisy and CBO Estimates (2011) (Examiner article)

Cornell Belcher as democrat strategist on CNN called republicans hypocrites for not

accepting the first CBO estimate for Obama’s Healthcare Bill and accepting the revised

estimate when more information was in. That is an interesting attack that deserves being


When the CBO received the information for them to make its computations, the bill had

not even gone before the House, let alone being finalized. Even when the went to the

House, it still left many ends opened for interpretation and finalizing.

The CBO was hand fed the information from the democrat congress. The party

controlling Congress controls the slant on the information fed to the CBO. So, the spin

on the estimate was affected by three issues. The information wasn’t even complete,

along with the information that was presented was slanted, and the information given to

Congress by the CBO was shaded by a democrat controlled congress.

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Under the circumstances of incomplete, insufficient, and slanted information, it would

only be commonsense not to put much faith in the original CBO estimates. Still,

democrats sold the bill on the basis it would save hundreds of billions of dollars a year,

amounting to trillions of dollars over decades.

When the Bill was passed and more of the information was in and solidified, the CBO did

a revised estimate with the updated information. Obviously such an estimate would be

more accurate with more timely information.

The revised estimate with the newer information showed the affects of Obama’s National

Healthcare Bill to be the opposite of what was originally announced. They predicted the

Healthcare Plan would add trillions to the deficit, inflaming our financial crisis instead of

alleviating it as sold.

Let me pose the question, which CBO estimate would any commonsense thinking

individual have more faith. Naturally the one with more recent and complete

information! In this case, isn’t the party charging hypocrisy really the hypocrite?

Part 2

Liberal democrat politicians and mouthpieces have twisted the word hypocrite like they

have so many others. As in the case of healthcare, where they have labeled following an

early, tentative estimate of the Healthcare Bill, untimely and incomplete as the trusted


The revised estimate which had more timely and complete information is considered by

democrats to be less accurate and dependable. Can you imagine such warped and

distorted thinking? This is such a convoluted thought process that has no logic behind it.

According to democrats it is hypocrisy to not accept the early, preliminary estimate. The

estimate that has outdated, incomplete and biased information! However, it is not

hypocrisy to ignore the revised estimate with more timely, less bias and more complete

information. This is how democrats have changed the meaning of another word.

Distortion and dishonesty are among the tools in the tool box of the politician and much

more so in the tool boxes of liberal politicians.

Again liberals defy logic and commonsense. They tell us up is down, night is day, in an

attempt to confuse us and make us doubt ourselves even when what they are telling us is

absurd. They degrade education to make people more susceptible to these outrageous

misrepresentations and lies.

This is the continual modus operandi of the progressive liberals pushing us away from

freedom to authoritarianism.

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Obama’s Words

Before Obama even speaks on auspicious occasions, the media sets the tone of the

importance of his words. This speech will make him the therapist for the nation. They

set the headlines to guide Obama’s image to what they would have it.

These news people are not writing or reporting news. They hope they are writing history,

that Obama’s words will be judged on the way they portray them. They want to

influence Obama’s place in history based on acts that don’t even deserve notice or

perhaps deserve negative notice.

Their influence on Obama is at least two fold. They are attempting to fabricate his

persona, just as they did during the election. They dubbed him a cool, intelligent

community organizer with Jesus like qualities. All these images were ripped from Saul

Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”.

The media took the positive words from Alinsky to inflate Obama, but missed all the

scary ones. “Like the community organizer is a creator, god like!” Or, “The community

organizer has no fidelity or truth. Both are allowed to fluctuate dependent upon the

occasion and need.

The media is laying the foundation for Obama’s history as they would have it be. It is

almost like the comic book he has appeared in with Spiderman. His history is being

written in the daily news. It is a wish list of liberal journalists writing what they hope

Obama to be and hoping their fictional reporting will someday be believed.


Obama's Religiosity

Listening to a discussion of President Obama’s Religiosity poses many questions.

Obama being perceived as a Muslim by a significant percentage of the American people

was mentioned. Another attributed it to Obama being different. Classifying him as

Muslim was a way to symbolize that difference. Yet another speaker pointed out how

Obama uses Christian phrases, alluding to the bible in his speeches, solidifying him as a

Christian. Using words of Christianity makes him a Christian.

A discussion of Obama’s religion must include Saul Alinsky and his disciple

“Community Organizer”! “He learns the local legends, anecdotes, values, idioms. He

listens to small talk. He refrains from rhetoric foreign to the local culture.”

This would explain Obama talking to Christians like a Christian and Muslims like a

Muslim. Pinning down his religion to one of them might be impossible. The religion he

chooses seems to be a matter of convenience.

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Alinsky further defines “community organizer” writing, “He does not have a fixed truth –

truth to him is relative and changing.” Perhaps Obama’s religion is the one most

beneficial to him at the time. This would explain his twenty years in the parish of

Reverend Geramia Wright, where he got his political footing.

Alinsky ordains, “The organizer is in a true sense reaching for the highest level for which

a man can reach—to create, to be a “great creator,” to play God.”

Obama, an apostle and professor of Alinsky’s teachings might considered these his

religion and Alinsky or perhaps he himself his god.

Part 2

It would be negligent to leave out Alinsky’s influence on Obama. Saturated with these

ideas in the Chicago neighborhoods of Alinsky’s other disciples William Ayers, Geramia

Wright and Father Flager.

Alinsky teaches chameleon like behavior, becoming what you need to fit in and make

you credible. While Alinsky professes outwardly in writing the community organizer

must be himself, genuine and honest, all the methodologies he suggests are creating

personal facades and dishonest.

Without, “A fixed truth – truth relative and changing,” Obama is given a license to lie.

He is allowed to fabricate truth as it applies to his agenda, fluctuating 180° depending

upon audience. Alinsky maintains “Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the

times,” and “In the politics of human life, consistency is not virtue.”

Alinsky anoints the organizer to be a “great creator,” to play God,” just failing short of

declaring him God. This is an image Donna Brazile invoked when comparing Governor

Palin’s experience to Obama’s lack of, “Pontius Pilot was a governor, Jesus was a

community organizer.”

Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” is the shop manual from which Obama was built. His

arrogance and ego are described within. “Ego must be so all-pervading that the

personality of the organizer is contagious, that it converts the people from despair to

defiance creating mass ego.” Obama’s self-comparisons, to Lincoln, Washington,

Roosevelt, Reagan, even God, exemplify such egotism!

Obama’s Alinsky ego bends “truth” to his momentary needs. Promises and loyalties are

utilitarian, nonbinding, for he is supreme judge. In his mind conman jive lies are truth.

This is Alinsky’s definition of “COOL”!

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Part 3

“And yet the organizer must not try to fake it. He must be himself,” Alinsky writes.

After reading his words I wonder if he is serious, or is he just setting up the people to be

duped by his community organizer.

“Through his imagination he is constantly moving in on the happenings of others,

identifying with them and extracting their happenings into their own mental digestive

system and thereby accumulating more experience,” Alinsky advises organizers. It

sounds like he is telling community organizers to highjack the experiences of others.

They use these lifted experiences in their own repertoire of anecdotes as though they are

their own.

Alinskyites such as Obama, Hilary and Bill Clinton often told stories off the cuff that are

proven not to be true or theirs. They pilfer the stories of others and make them theirs. If

they do this, you know they mold, model and adjust the story to fit the fiction their

agendas and the occasions require. When looked at this way you know the experiences

are faked, altered in favor of their show.

“Since one can communicate only through the experiences of the other, it becomes clear

that the organizer begins to develop an abnormally large body of experience.” While on

one hand Alinsky encourages the absconding with other’s stories, is this not deception

and a real phoniness.

“He learns the local legends, anecdotes, values, idioms. He listens to small talk. He

refrains from rhetoric foreign to the local culture,” Alinsky says.


Warping Normal

What is normal? One dictionary defines normal as conforming with or constituting an

acceptable standard, model or pattern. Going on it states corresponding to a median or

average of a large group in type, appearance, function, development etc., natural or

standard. Particularly interesting is the biological definition, naturally occurring.

In discussion of what is normal, we see different societal bubbles developing different

normalcy. What once seemed normal for most has often been molded as wrong.

Abortion was promoted to the masses through the eyes of rape and incest two very

terrible actions. Under the circumstances of rape and incest, many were convinced that

abortion was a viable action. A woman forced to have sex, which would include both

rape and incest, ought to have an alternative to having to live with the result of those

violent and abhorrent actions the rest of their lives.

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So, many we convinced it was a viable action. Still not a majority, because it took the

Supreme Court to get around the majority opinion of the population to make it legal.

Abortion, sold to the people because of these two rare instants in life has seen abortion

become a form of birth control, forty million births aborted since it was made legal. I

even saw a man on the Jugde Jenine Piro show insist he should not pay expenses for the

child he fathered because he told the woman to get an abortion. His excuse was God

would not have created abortion if he did not sanction it.

Part 2

President Barack Obama when in the Illinois legislature coined the phrase “unviable life

form” to justify the denying of care to a baby that survived abortion, in essence agreeing

with the premise that the baby was meant to die, so it should die or it would be traumatic

to the mother.

This is the same Barack Obama that said he didn’t want his daughters being punished

with a baby because they made a mistake. Abortion has evolved from killing babies in

the womb to spare woman of facing a child born under abhorrent circumstances of rape

and incest to woman not wanting the inconvenience of a child but wanting sex to be

convenient. Then it evolved even further to killing the baby as it is half way emerged

from the woman to killing them because they we supposed to be born dead but weren’t.

This evolution of the killing of fetuses to the killing of live babies has been a warping of

normal. The idea of abortion was made normal because of extreme abnormal

circumstances. It has been molded and distorted elevating it to birth control and then just

plan killing a baby because it is inconvenient.

This warped idea has spun so far out of control and made normal. The sanctity of life is

threatened in our nation because of this action. We are now to killing babies outside the

mother. Where does this stop?

We are now in an era where convenience killing of the population has been sanctioned.

Now we will watch its evolution as the guidelines are moved from both ends with

healthcare panels deciding who is worthy and who is not.


Bullying Beyond

Educators endorse bullying through usage and avoid addressing it in schools. They plant

the seeds of bullying and then cultivate them among students. Then they wonder why

bullying is spreading becoming and ugly part of society.

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Bullying is a prominent part of our political processes from our local school boards to our

federal government. We have witnessed it locally on too many occasions at our local

school board meetings. We see it demonstrated by federal and state level politicians on


The main stream media uses bullying to support its political views and interests. They

sent a huge hit team to Alaska to dig up dirt on Sara Palin. They had months to vet

Barack Obama but left many issues unchecked, including the substance of Barack Obama

as a disciple and professor of Saul Alinsky. They delved deep into Sara Palin and her


Particularly liberal institutions have endorsed bullying through their behavior. Powerful

political leaders use bullying as a tool to get their ways. Then they display their

hypocrisy showing outrage at the bullying of gay children. They only denounce the

bullying in special interest circumstances. They cherish applying it as a weapon against

their opponents.


Barack Obama, the pretty face put on a socialist agenda. Today’s Max Headrum! The

make up to move democracy to ugly socialism. Ironically, you could say the lipstick on

the pig.

His large, star studded, galas in the White house, show his delight prancing before the

adoring crowds. Rubbing elbows with the elite who drool in gratification just to bask in

his aura. Barack Obama is an attention whore, similar to Paris Hilton or a Kim

Kardasian. Reveling in his numerous television appearances, intoxicated with his own


When things do not go his way he becomes a diva, attacking all around having the nerve

to cause him such indignity. Like a jealous sister, half the time he blames George Bush

for his predicaments and failures in issues like the economy. The other half the time he is

stealing the credit from George Bush when things Bush did go right. Egypt is such a


When Obama is seriously questioned, and has nothing intelligent to say, he becomes the

prima donna. He shows his superiority and temperament patronizing the questioner,

castigating them like a child. When his lack of substance is the topic of conversation, he

becomes the Prima Obama.

While Ronald Reagan was an actor, President Obama’s attempted imitation of Reagan as

president is more the act, carried on to control perceptions of who he really is. But he

cannot do it, because his ego runs away with him. The biggest difference between

Reagan and Obama is Reagan was sincere!

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Part 2

In his need for adoration and attention, President Obama is trying like crazy to get his

face attached to the changes taking place in Egypt and the Middle East. He is trying to

build an image of himself breaking down the Middle East dictatorships, like Reagan is

associated with the crumbling of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union.

Obama wants to be seen as bringing democracy to these Middle Eastern Countries similar

to the way Reagan brought it to Eastern Europe. However, there is a great discrepancy in

these events.

Ronald Reagan carried out policies that in hindsight are seen as causes for the Soviet

Union imploding. He pushed them to stretch themselves financially until their internal

finances could no longer tolerate the ineffectiveness and inefficiencies of their

communist form of government.

Obama’s policies did nothing to create the conditions in the Middle East to support the

demonstrations that have created such change. In fact, his administration was caught by

surprise by the Egyptian uprising. For days they sent mixed messages of support and

nonsupport. They were weak and wishy washy throughout the occupation of the square.

He abandoned Iran when a similar condition existed.

If policies were attributed to this occurrence, it would more likely be those of George W.

Bush and his often denigrated move to attack Iraq after 9-11.

Obama has been a sock, blowing in the wind until the issue is settled. When it has a good

face, he then stakes his claim.

In actuality, these changes are not yet complete. The military has taken charge of Egypt.

This could in essence end up a military coup, 180◦ away from democracy. Yet, one way

or another Obama will find a way to spin it positive and squeeze some credit for himself

from it.

Part 3

A wave of revolution is sweeping through the Arab World. First Egypt, then Tunisia and

Yemen. The spark hit the tinder boxes of Algeria, Baharain and even Lybia. Iran is even

experiencing unrest. This area where many American Diplomats felt the people didn’t

even know what freedom was, let alone could manage to live under it, thirsts for freedom.

Our founding fathers and many others seem to be right. Freedom is what all men seek.

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The Chains of Habitual Lying (Examiner article June 10, 2011)

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third

time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths

without the worlds believing him. The falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart,

and in time depraves all its good dispositions,” written by Thomas Jefferson to Peter

Carr, August 19, 1785.

William Jefferson Clinton lied to a grand jury and the nation about his sexual encounter

with intern Monica Lewinski. Many dismissed the lie because it was just about sex. The

fact is Clinton had become a professional liar long before this incident, and he merely

practiced a skill he had perfected. This was just another step up the ladder of deceit he

had been climbing for years.

Political activist Saul Alinsky defined “community organizer” writing, “He does not have

a fixed truth – truth to him is relative and changing.” His “community organizer’s”, truth

is allowed major fluctuations and inconsistencies depending upon the organizers mood.

Values “Alinsky organizers” are above include fidelity (loyalty); truth, at the organizer’s

mood; accountability, promises like truth are fleeting, whimsical. Honesty and integrity

are superfluous, by Alinsky standards. He maintains “Ethical standards must be elastic to

stretch with the times,” and “In the politics of human life, consistency is not virtue.”

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are both disciples of

Alinsky, like many others. Obama taught Alinsky’s philosophies as a college professor.

There is plenty of deceit inherent in the business of politics. The processes are even

documented for reproduction by such as Alinsky. This gives us a trust and truth indicator

of our political elite.

Recently married New York Representative Anthony Weiner lied about his multiple

sexual escapades over the phone and on the internet. In the Clinton model, he denied it,

making up stories to explain the evidence. Once caught, he was lauded for finally

admitting he lied. The people in his district are willing to let the lying pass, claiming it

doesn’t affect the good job he is doing?

Habitual lying seems obviously notable among our politicians and bureaucrats. Often

lying about sex which doesn’t count? We trivialize wholesale lying by politicians,

making convenient as a standard tool they use. It would be easy to deduce lying and sex

are among their primary skills. It taints our government with dishonesty and corruption.

Thomas Jefferson would be appalled, likely coming to the same conclusion.

Note: Jefferson Quote from Thomas Jefferson, His Essential Wisdom, Edited by Carol-


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Burning Money Fueling an Impotent Government Engine (Examiner article June

13, 2011)

Lou Dobbs pointed out on his June 10, 2011 radio show that the democrats in Congress

have presented a jobs plan. That plan is to raise taxes and fund a federal jobs program. I

guess similar to the $870 billion stimulus package, in which “shovel ready” infrastructure

projects were supposed to be targeted. The shovel was certainly active when this plan

was presented.

What was actually targeted was saving state government jobs, primarily inhabited by

unions. The automotive industry was bailed out, along with and in favor of the

automotive unions. Unions benefited from the stimulus as quid-pro-quo for their support

of President Obama’s election.

Some stimulus money even went to organizations like ACORN, to help finance a

reincarnation under another name. Its operations often illegal and questionable at best in

its support of democrat candidates, prostitutes and pimps, it had to disappear and

resurface, crawling from its image like a snake shedding its skin.

Most went to expanding the federal government by 450,000 jobs. Little money went to

shovel ready infrastructure. Some went to impractical projects like high speed rail. At

the same time, the private sector lost over a million jobs.

Dobbs conjectured it sounded like a 1930’s public works program in the mold of Franklin

Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal. That was a policy that financing a ten year Great

Depression, lamented by Henry Morganthau Jr., his own Secretary of the Treasury!

Senate democrats are throwing good money after bad, implementing retread programs

and policies that have failed time and again. Burning the treasure earned by the

American Worker, trying to fuel a government engine modified to burn that fuel, but

perform very few other useful tasks.

Liberty Is The Stimulus We Need

Burning Money, Fueling An Impotent Government Engine

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This is the intellectual power of the majority party of the United State Senate. While the

house fire is burning, they find a bucket with no bottom to put the fire out. Their logic, if

the bucket has no bottom, they can fit more water in to take to the fire. That is as

practical as giving the government more tax revenue to finance programs they failed to

finance the first time they said they would. This tactic in combination with using

strategies that failed miserably in the past!

Stimulus, Shmimulus, Ridiculous! (Examiner article June 17, 2011)

Over $870 billion was supposedly poured into the economy as an economic stimulus for

the country. It is well known most of that money was distributed to the states, to meet the

payrolls of the state, primarily unionized workers. Much of what didn’t go to

government unions went to the automotive unions, with the GM and Chrysler bailouts.

The stimulus package was essentially financing the administrations campaign for re-

election. Returning money for votes to the democrats by the unions and ensuring their

votes in the future.

In fact, the stimulus package paid for on the backs of the American People, created

another 450,000 new government union jobs, adding to the union coffers that donate to

the administration party. The stimulus package was an investment in government union

jobs and power, building the portion of the economy that creates no wealth, and only

consumes it. At the same time a million jobs in the private sector were lost. The jobs

that produce the wealth in America and finance the public sector, their activities and


The economic stimulus that supposedly stopped us from falling of the economic cliff has

been revealed to be campaign funding for the administration and the democrat party. It

only shored up the mechanisms of government and business that threaten to push us over

the cliff. The economic philosophy that extended The Great Depression for more than

ten years is having the same affect now.

You can conjecture it avoided an economic disaster and saved so many jobs, but history

would disprove that. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Secretary of the Treasury Henry

Morganthau Jr. stated referring to the New Deal, “We are spending more money than we

have ever spent before and it does not work.” In 1939 addressing Congress he said, “I

want to see this country prosperous. I want to see the people get jobs. We have never

made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this administration we have just as

much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot.”

The Obama administration has chosen to follow this same path, yet with much less

sincerity of Morganthau. The administration argues, “We did not spend enough,” as they

ignore all the warning signs on this path.

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Obama’s Blowing It

Inflating Government and Debt, Deflating America!

Not only did we spend too much, we spent it in the wrong place, expanding government

by 450,000 jobs and shrinking the private sector by a million jobs. The economic

stimulus package was merely an investment in growing government and further

corrupting power.

Taking Obama’s Head Fake (Examiner article July 27, 2011)

From Andrea Mitchell’s point of view, NBC reporter on David Gregory’s July 25, 2011

radio excerpt of Meet the Press, Barack Obama’s latest head fake to the middle, makes

him a moderate. That would make anyone to the right of him a radical or extremist. Also

that makes many to the left of him far less extreme than they really are. The continuum

of political positioning is certainly based on where you place the center. The center or

middle, labeled as moderate.

Head Fake

The Many Faces of Obama

This puts her judgment, her common sense into question. Should her ideas serve as a

bench marker in our perception of the things on which she uses her media credibility to

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pontificate? Something else she said on Meet the Press (radio) did much more to test the

soundness of her thinking. With regard to the debt limit Mitchell asked, “Why have a

debt ceiling? No other country does.”

While the debt ceiling is pretty much ignored, it still creates a time, a marker, a

checkpoint where politicians must think about the debt and reassess their thoughts and

their conscience, if they still have one. We’ve already seen politicians spend without

inhibition. To have no indicator of what they are spending would only encourage them to

abandon all restraint. Common sense dictates more obstacles to spending be put on, not

fewer. One must question her common sense and pragmatism.

The way to determine actual middle of the road thinking in America would be to do an

honest survey. Not one of those partisan poles designed to come up with preferred

answers. Questions twisted and warped to elicit desired answers. Not a survey designed

to verify a certain political belief.

However, even honest poles and questions do no good if the demographics of the poles

are skewed. Using more from the left than right and center, as is often the practice,

would cause false conclusions. Particularly when the center is already misconstrued

placing Obama as a moderate. Then like some liberal Supreme Court judges do, bringing

the thinking of European socialism into the mix to determine what they wish was the

American center.

When honest data is tallied and quantified it would be put into a bell curve and the

moderate way of thinking would be solidified. Sadly this would never be done by

government without manipulation and media magical smoke and mirrors. Because what

they have thrown at us as truths would very likely be proved false.

The manipulation of the facts is the bread and butter of the government and main stream

media. It allows them to manufacture the false crisis to sway public opinion and pass the

legislation they wish but is not desired by the people. It would take away the main tool of

the politician and journalist, the ability to perpetrate a lie.

Ending propaganda would subvert politician’s and journalist’s power to manipulate the

people, their primary purpose.


Keynesian Economics; Paid for Accomplishing Nothing (Examiner article August

19, 2011)

Fareed Zakaria on Sunday August 14, 2011 GPS asked liberal, go to economist Paul

Krugman, “Wouldn't John Maynard Keynes say that if you could employ people to dig a

ditch and then fill it up again, that's fine, they're being productively employed, they'll pay

taxes, so maybe Boston's Big Dig was just fine after all.”

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Productivity as defined by Keynesian, Krugman, Obama Economics

Filling the Hole, Throwing the Dirt on the American people

Before we even go into Paul Krugman’s flights of alien fantasy, let’s look into the

Keynes, Zakaria, Krugman, Obama definition of productivity. Digging a ditch and

refilling it is good production to pay someone? Then would loading a truck, driving all

day and end up in the same place without the cargo being delivered be seen as

productive? If the Erie Canal and Panama Canal were filled in after being dug, would

that be productive? According to Keynesian Economics yes!

With their Keynesian perspective, it isn’t difficult to see why they are so dedicated to

entitlements and the socialist government model. Government spending is the goal. Yes,

spending is how they see their mission. Taxation goes hand in hand with that spending.

They must tax the people in order to fulfill their goal of spending.

Value for the money spent is of no consequence. Why even dig the hole. Just pay people

for sitting there and have them pretend to dig a hole. You end up in the same place. In

fact you’ll save money, because you won’t have to plant grass. This wishful thinking

seems to be the role government has practiced. Effectiveness and efficiency are


This also explains government’s leanings toward waste, fraud, corruption and ineptitude.

Productive work is not part of their vision. Anything unproductive that moves money out

into circulation is okay from their economic perspective. If the money is pilfered,

squandered defrauded, it still finds its way into the system, so that too is okay?

This is truly warped and distorted thinking. It is about money and no vision for the

future of the nation and its people. It promotes no work ethic. It is contrary to ethics in

general. Getting something and giving nothing of value in return. It is modeled after the

life of today’s politician.

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Their goal is to provide taxes to government for government to spend foolishly,

wastefully and dishonestly. It is not to build a dynamic society to form a more perfect

union. All energies of government seem to be collecting taxes and spending that money

collected from the work and sweat of the people. This is the very definition of “Dodd

Theft”, taking the product of people’s work. What a shallow existence for our


Obama’s “American Jobs Act 4”; Bringing the Curtain Down on America

(Examiner article September 13, 2011)

Obama’s “American Jobs Act” finally has him titling something correctly. This is

another of his acting schemes to fool America and feign he is really concerned about

jobs. In his speech before a joint session of Congress he emphasized over and over again

for, “Congress to quickly pass his American Jobs Act.” He is on the road leading the

same chant.

This is Obama’s modus operandi, to ask for quick action to pass another bill that is

without details. He promised it is paid for like he has done so many times before. He

pushed through healthcare saying it would be less expensive, found to be untrue. He

hides things in the bills he passes. Simply, Obama’s history shows he cannot be trusted!

Obama is a loyal student of Saul Alinsky. He believes in Alinsky’s definition of truth for

the community organizer, “To begin with, he does not have a fixed truth-truth to him is

relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.” This philosophy

justifies lying.

The community organizer’s truth is whatever he says it is based on what he sees and feels

at the moment. So he is freed from the concept of lying. What Obama says one day he

feels no obligation to the next day! To him it has nothing to do with truth. He just

changes his mind and since the world revolves around him, again according to Alinsky,

he has no boundaries or limitations when it comes to truth. His history as president shows

this to be true.

Obama’s “American Jobs Act” is a repeat of his first, second and third acts which failed

miserably. The bail outs, stimulus and healthcare are all spending programs with little to

no effectiveness or efficiencies attached. Three acts failed and he introduces Act 4 with

the same outline, destined for more extensive spending and failure. Obama’s purposeful

blindness is sending America to destruction.

For Obama and his economic vision it is not failure. His Keynesian, Krugman economic

vision of government spending for nothing accomplished for their purpose is

productivity. His destructive actions, of throwing good money after bad into his

government spending pit, is what he and his cronies envision as productive. He joked

about the failure of “shovel ready jobs” in his last stimulus package.

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Krugman, Keynesian, Obamanomics

Obama digging the hole and filling it with American treasure

This explains economist the late Milton Friedman’s calculation that the government

spends twice as much for half the results. Results are not important to liberals in our

government. Not for a government filled with politicians and bureaucrats whose primary

purpose is power.

How could anyone with any commonsense or conscience expect such a process to work.

That is the answer, they have no commonsense and they do not expect it to work.

Weakening America for a socialist takeover is the plan.

American Bridges Falling Down (Examiner article September 17, 2011)

Someone needs to buy President Obama the book, “Management for Dummies”.

Recently he declared one hundred and fifty three bridges in the US in such poor condition

they are in danger of collapsing. He says four of them are around the area he was

speaking at the time. Again he said his “American Jobs Act” needs to be passed

immediately to avert this crisis.

Obama lacks the most basic of management skills, let alone leadership and presidential

skills. He is using his technique of declaring a crisis to get another bill passed when basic

management skills would, could and should have solved this problem long ago. You use

management techniques of prioritizing and reallocation of resources to get serious, time

sensitive, and life sensitive projects completed. Those resources include money.

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Management and Leadership is All it Takes!

Seeking a solution, not another way to collect and spend money, is the answer.

You look over projects on the agenda. You assess the ones that do not have immediacy

tied to them and prioritize. You know, the “Woodstock Museum” or “A Bridge to

Nowhere” or any one of hundreds of other ear mark, special favor, payoff, projects. If

necessary you could even choose constructive projects on the books that do not have the

urgency of bridges that are about to fall down.

Remember, these bridges were supposed to be repaired with the last eight hundred billion

dollar stimulus package. Why, were they not repaired? What happened? Will money

put toward these projects a second time be used as incompetently as they were the first

time? That is very likely.

The solution to repairing these death trap bridges, Obama is warning us about, is very

simple. The question is does he want the bridges repaired or is this another crisis to push

another of his empty but costly bills through Congress. Obama has screamed crisis once

too often and is displaying his own ineptitude in the process.

An Expensive Bridge to Nowhere. (Examiner article September 19, 2011)

Obama is “crying wolf”, “shouting crisis” yet again! He is pulling the emergency out of

his hat to once more pass a bill without knowing the details of the bill. Obama is selling

us another pig in a poke.

“Bridges are in danger of falling down all over the country. American lives are at stake.”

The only thing that will save those lives, according to Obama is passing his “American

Jobs Act”.

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A Bridge to Nowhere

Heading for a bridge to nowhere and up the creek without a paddle!

It is similar to Obama only addressing fraud, corruption and waste as a cost reduction, not

because it is the right thing to do and it is very expensive. There is really only one bridge

Obama is worried about. That is the bridge to his second term as president.

Obama; Let’s Do More of What Hasn’t Worked (Examiner article October 12,


President Barack Obama is ramping up the re-election campaign he has been conducting

since his election in 2008. His presidency has been about his re-election campaign and

not about the needs of the people and the nation. It has also been about moving the

nation toward socialism, a philosophy (talk over substance) in which the nonproductive

campaign style and rhetoric can survive and thrive.

His strategy is to label Congress “A do nothing Congress” because they are not passing

his proposed “American Jobs Act”. Legislation which is a repeat of the failed $870

billion stimulus package he had passed in 2009. Money that went to his cronies in

unions, banks and the auto industry, also some thrown to organizations like Acorn that

supported Obama’s campaign! How about Solyndra one of Obama’s green jobs buddies?

The stimulus was a fund, supplied by the people, Obama used to pay off cronies who got

him elected.

He is saying we need the “American Jobs Act” to repair bridges which were supposed to

be repaired under the initial stimulus package but were not. Promises made with never

the intention to keep them. That almost a trillion dollar stimulus money was frittered

away without commonsense or conscience! Yet, president Obama wants us to fall for his

script of promises again.

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Obama, Keynesian, Krugman Economic Policy

Obama will fill the hole, one way or another. Even if it is our grave!

Obama’s economic policies are as empty as his words. We hear him and his supporters

say government hasn’t spent enough for it to work to stimulate the economy. Their

attempts have only been the Keynesian, Krugman, Obama philosophy of productivity,

“paying someone to dig a hole and fill it in”. That is the kind of productive Obama’s

stimulus package was, dumping money in a bottomless pit, trying to fill it. Now he wants

to dump more. Naturally, his vision is such actions are productive!

Keeping Obama from pursuing the irrationality of his economic policy and confronting

him to have nothing done is doing something. It is keeping Obama from investing more

of America’s treasure in a strategy that has failed time and again. It failed when it was

FDR’s “New Deal” turning a recession into a more than ten year depression. It failed in

Japan in the 1990’s extending Japan’s economic woes for ten years. The longer Obama

insists on staying on this course, the longer this recession will last and the deeper it will


We keep hearing what would have happened if Obama had not taken the spending steps

he did. They say things would have been worse. We can only know the truth of what

would have happened by looking at the past where this strategy was used. Keynesians

say he hasn’t spent enough. They say that is what happened in the “New Deal”. History

shows recessions left alone historically have lasted about a year. Government

intervention with huge spending extends and deepens the economic down turns.

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Obama is a good speaker. Like himself, his policies are much hot air. They have little if

any substance. Talk is cheap. Productivity and positive results are what is needed not

any action for the sake of action, like any change for the sake of change.

Perhaps Obama needs to take a precept from medical ethics, “First do no harm”.

Wikipedia states, “It reminds the physician (politician) or healthcare professional

(political and government professional) that they must consider the possible harm any

intervention might do.” I guess we can’t apply medical ethics where ethics are absent in


Obama is a Godsend (Examiner article October 26, 2011)

There are complaints about Obama from every direction. Many of his supporters feel he

isn’t moving toward socialism fast enough. They want bigger government and they want

it now.

Had McCain beat Obama we would have still been moving toward socialism. It would

have just been at a slower pace as republicans for the most part have supported for years.

Falling into Saul Alinsky’s trap even those republicans that didn’t want socialism

compromised our nation closer and closer to it.

Perhaps the slower rate was more dangerous. It was a stealth movement that escaped the

notice of the people and indoctrinated many into the dependence of an entitlement

society. This slow pace has taken place over many years and under many presidents.

Eisenhower and Reagan possibly the only ones that were not big government advocates.

There are many republicans that crave the power big and obtrusive government affords

them. They have abandoned the ideals of our Founding Fathers for a free people that rule

themselves. They have become more comfortable with binding the people to make them

less of a threat to the power professional, politicians have attained!

Calls from republican groups soliciting money merely argued, “You don’t want Obama,

look what he is doing.” They campaign for our money on the premise, “republicans

aren’t as bad”. What they are actually saying is, “We’re not good, but we are not as bad

as the alternative.” This is certainly a recipe for less than mediocrity.

Perhaps republican’s slow movement toward putting the people in servitude is worse. It

hides the disastrous result even if the intention were not there. How many products

would we buy on the basis they aren’t as bad as the others?

The ship of state was making small and barely noticeable course changes toward big

government and socialism. Republicans, duped by Alinsky’s death by compromise,

made hundreds, perhaps thousands of compromises that put us in that direction. They are

selling out the people for a soft and easy political life.

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Thank God Obama won the presidency! The economic mistakes of George W. Bush

opened the door for the arrogant and extreme Obama. Aware of the stealth progress that

had been made over the years, when he took the wheel, Obama jammed it over hard left.

It was such a hard left people felt the jolt and noticed a major course change to socialism.

It woke up the people to the narrow selfishness our government and politicians had

evolved to.

People are now seeing the greed and gluttony of government, both democrat and

republican parties, are not for the people, but to finance individual and governmental

power and corruption. Citizens are standing up against the people and Constitution being

ignored. That is what our Founding Fathers intended! This is why Obama is a Godsend!

The Man Who Would Be King (Examiner article November 12, 2011)

“The Man Who Would Be King” a short story written by Rudyard Kipling and made into

a movie starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine, directed by one of the greats John

Huston. This is a great adventure story with a moral. Just a side note; originally Huston

obtained the property for Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart to play the lead rolls.

Which would have been better, one cannot say?

It is a story of two former British infantry soldiers serving in India in the mid eighteen

hundreds, striking out North to Kafiristan, a long lost part of Alexander the Great’s

Empire. Once there they would use their superior devices of civilization and their

military experience to become kings.

They succeed in their conquest and attain a kingdom and all the gold they could ever

want. However, Connery’s character, Daniel Dravot, gets seduced by the power when

these primitive people begin to view him as a god. As he rises with deception, so he falls

far when the deception is discovered.

Barack Obama is in much the same situation! He is a man who would be king. He is

saying, “We can’t wait for Congress.” This is a message he reiterates in every speech

and at every stop. He would very much like to bypass Congress and usurp complete

power for himself.

He is already circumventing Congress with his executive orders which ignore existing

law to carry out his wishes. He appointed 45 to 48 czars avoiding the confirmation

processes required by the Constitution, usurping congressional power. Placing political

cronies not vetted by Congress is underhanded and dangerous. His decisions and

intentions show the way he will take America, to authoritarianism, socialism and beyond.

Yet our Founding Fathers engineered the institution of Congress and the three branches

and the idea of checks and balances of government to prevent an arrogant and power

hungry president and weak Congress from pushing the country in the wrong direction.

They designed it so the processes of change would be slow and methodical. So

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extremists and opportunists could not take control. Change would be well thought out

and debated, making it transparent.

The Great and Powerful OZ

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

Obama presses, pushes and cries crisis to get his agenda passed in a convenient,

convoluted, quick and covert manner. He would like to be king, but has long seen

himself as more. A disciple of Saul Alinsky and professor of the Alinsky philosophies,

Obama has been standing on a pedestal for a long time. He sees himself as deserving to

be there. Alinsky is the definer of the “community organizer”!

Alinsky preached, “The organizer is in a true sense reaching for the highest level for

which a man can reach—to create, to be a “great creator,” to play God.” This is an image

Donna Brazile sought to fortify when comparing Governor Palin’s experience to

Obama’s lack of experience saying, “Pontius Pilot was a governor, Jesus was a

community organizer.” Obama readily embraces these deified characterizations.

Obama’s presidential strategy is Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”, in which he contends,

“Ego must be so all-pervading that the personality of “the organizer” is contagious, that it

converts the people from despair to defiance creating mass ego.” Obama’s massive

egotism has him comparing himself to Lincoln, Washington, Roosevelt, Reagan and even

God, and he gets media approval!

Obama is basking in the rays of his glorious self. He is more interested in ruling than

governing. In his mind he can do no wrong. He thinks his failed economic policies will

eventually work, just as FDR did with his “New Deal”. Perhaps they will for his agenda,

“The Man Who Would Be King” or “The Man Who Sees Himself as God”, and is

encouraged by many to do so. Such a man threatens serfdom to a free people.

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I Trust Barack Obama (Examiner article December 9, 2011)

There are areas where President Barack Obama can be trusted. We can depend on his

actions, his policies and his path. Those are places Obama made it clear he will go.

I Trust Obama to practice the Keynesian/Krugman economic policy which professes the

philosophy that paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back in, is productivity. They

think just because a person is able to pay taxes to the government, they are productive.

Paying taxes is their contribution to society.

Their definition of productivity is nonproductive. It is like running a race on a treadmill.

Like the economy, the runner gets farther and farther behind in the race.

To Spend More

Their view on nonproductive productivity explains their desire to expand government and

inefficient and ineffective spending. To them as long as money is circulating and the

machine is running, they are satisfied with the results, even if they are negative results.

Spending trillions of dollars to run the machine that is not producing (the government)

fits into their plan of expanding government. Results mean nothing. Motion, activity

and spending fit their definition of productivity even if it produces nothing. Massively

increasing debt, debilitating unemployment and a country headed toward bankruptcy in

their view is productivity.

Ineffectiveness and inefficiency, the hallmarks of socialism, serves their strategy.

To Waste More

Though, with their green goals they would see it as inefficient and ineffective if you kept

your car idling in the driveway all day long, wasting energy. But they would not see

driving a truck around all day even if no deliveries were made, because the driver is

being paid and can pay taxes. Yet nothing is accomplished but burning resources.

Waste is the foundation of the Keynesian/Krugman/Obama Economics. Waste of the

people’s time, money and sweat. Wasting resources! While conservation may

sometimes be the guise of their actions, it is more a weapon to obtain power, keeping

resources for productivity from the people.

To Move Toward Socialism

Socialism, the Keynesian/Krugman/Obama economic model has our country idling,

wasting energy. Frittering away the energy of the people and the democracy that created

a system in which people could use their energy to advance themselves and the nation.

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Obama has the nation on idle and thinks it is productive. This is what I trust Obama to


To Practice and Promote Government Waste, Fraud, Incompetence and Corruption

Yes, following this policy, I trust Obama to spend the taxes collected from the people,

squandering the treasure earned by the American people on government waste, fraud,

incompetence and corruption.

As he squanders more, I trust him to tax more to invest more of the people’s money in

government waste, fraud, incompetence and corruption. Under former senator Chris

Dodd’s definition of theft, taking what others produce, this certainly meets the criteria.

(See my 1st and 2

nd articles, “Dodd Defines Theft: Taking What People Produce” and

“Dodd Theft Hides Behind Taxing the Rich”.)

To Lie

I expect Obama to change his story, his rhetoric depending on the audience he is facing.

He has done this consistently. It is part of his Saul Alinsky Strategy spelled out in “Rules

for Radicals”. Alinsky gives Obama permission to be blatantly dishonest. Alinsky the

definer/inventor of the “community organizer” and Obama is the quintessential

“community organizer”.

Obama lauded by liberals and the press as “The Organizer” on the level with Jesus Christ,

studied Alinsky to becoming his disciple, teaching his philosophies to followers. Alinsky

defines “community organizer” writing, “He does not have a fixed truth – truth to him is

relative and changing.” Obama’s truth fluctuates 180° depending upon audience.

To Damage

Most certainly I trust Obama to severely damage our country, our economy, our

democracy and our Constitution, destroying our freedom. I trust Obama, to bring us to

socialism, to redistribute wealth, to increase those in poverty by pushing down the middle

class, making the working middle class equal to the nonworking poor.

Yes, there are many things I trust Obama to do, few of them are good.



Rod Balgojevich, the Model of the Illinois/Chicago Politician (Examiner article

December 26, 2011)

Rod Blagojevich faced a personal Pearl Harbor this December 7th

, 2011. He was

sentenced to fourteen years in prison on 18 counts of corruption, perpetrated as Governor

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of Illinois. As people have complained 14 years is an unusually stiff sentence for the

elite politically corrupt in Illinois.

This is not new in Illinois or its heart Chicago. Four of the last nine governors of the

state have been found guilty of corruption and sent to jail. These include George Ryan,

Dan Walker and Otto Kerner Jr.

Ryan, governor just before Blago, is serving a six year term for racketeering and fraud

charges. Dan Walker Illinois governor from 1973 to 1977 went to prison after his stint as

governor. He was convicted of fraud, receiving more than a million in fraudulent loans

from a bank under his stewardship. The Federal Government later bailed out the bankrupt

First American Savings & Loan Association of Oak Brook and Walker served only 18

months of a seven-year sentence in federal prison.

Kerner, a Democrat was governor from 1961 to 1968 served as a judge on the U.S. Court

of Appeals. He was found guilty in 1973 of bribery, conspiracy, perjury and related

charges and was sentenced to three years in prison and fined $50,000. He took payoffs

from Marge Lindheimer Everett, manager of Arlington Park and Washington Park

racetracks in exchange for choice racing dates and two expressway exits to funnel fans to

the horse races.

Bob Daughtery, AP wrote, “Lindheimer Everett theorized that bribery was an ordinary

and necessary business expense in Illinois.”

In Illinois political corruption is a hallmark. As Lindheimer Everett theorized it is

standard operating procedure. The Chicago Sun-Times documented in Sept. 7, 2006 at

least 79 current or former Illinois, Chicago or Cook County elected officials had been

found guilty of a crime by judges, juries or pleas since 1972.

The count of the corrupt in Illinois between 2006 and 1972:

3 governors

2 other state officials

15 state legislators

2 congressmen

1 mayor

3 other city officials

27 aldermen

19 Cook County judges

7 other Cook County officials

How many have not been caught or allowed to slip through because of cronyism is likely

extensive? As with Washington corruption what you see is merely the tip of the iceberg!

Dishonorable mention should go to former Illinois Rep. Daniel Rostenkowski, once

democratic chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. He pleaded

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guilty in 1996 to mail fraud serving 15 months in prison and paying a $100,000 fine,

pardoned in 2000 by former President Bill Clinton.

The Corruption We See is but the Tip of the Iceberg

Government corruption runs deep!!!

Dishonorable mentions should also be given to Chicago Mayors Richard Daley Sr. & Jr..

Father and son have walked the same footsteps. Both investigated often, many of their

immediate lieutenants convicted of corruption and numerous cronies given favors in


The thug Daley machine has allowed them to avoid facing the music. Somehow, the

actions of their minions and cronies are never tracked back to them! Few would say the

Daley’s were corrupt politicians. Fewer still would say they weren’t. Silence is the best

policy with regard to the Daley’s!

Illinois, Chicago and their political leaders have adopted the gangster mentality of their

early days. The days of Al Capone! The people have come to expect it as “Business as

Usual”. Now the disease has been carried to Washington, corruption being normalized

throughout our nation.

Obama’s “Alinsky License to Lie” (Examiner article)

Obama must tag Romney as a liar, because Obama has lied on a daily basis wielding his

“Alinsky Licesne to Lie” with impunity! Having set all records for political lying and

subterfuge, and those lies sanctioned by his liberal mainstream media, Obama’s minions

have a strategy to dirty any of his opponents. Wallowing in the mud so completely,

slinging it seems to be the only way Obama can win.

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“But,” you say, “All politicians lie.” Perhaps this is not completely true? Likely we can

agree most politicians lie. It is part of their tool box that comes with being a politician.

Sadly the people of America have come to accept the lying because it is so prevalent in

our government.

While lying has become so common among politicians and bureaucrats, it paves the way

for those liars busting the envelope and taking the dishonesty to astronomical levels.

Richard Nixon was the first to do this. Or at least the first to get caught!

Nixon has become the standard for comparison. He has raised the bar for acceptable

dishonesty and lying with his words to the people on national television saying, “I am not

a crook.” While, he did not get away with his lies, essentially he has paved the way for

bigger liars to get away with their lies, their dishonesty.

Bill Clinton took it to even greater heights. He lied under oath to a Grand Jury and the

American people on national television denying, “I did not have sexual relations with that

woman.” He stuck to his story till his seed was identified splashed on the woman’s dress.

Clinton was forgiven because it was only about sex. Still it was a major step forward in

the art of political deceit affecting our society’s perception of lying and sex.

President Obama has burst every seam of the lying envelope employing his “Alinsky

License to Lie”. While lying has been made perfectly acceptable in politics and

government, Obama lies with unabashed enthusiasm changing his song depending upon

the group he is facing. Obama, an organizer defined by Alinsky, “He does not have a

fixed truth-truth to him is relative and changing.

This is why Obama must tag Romney as a liar bigger than himself if such is possible.

Even if it is not true, he must make it his truth and sell it to the American people. Like

the used car salesman selling the car with many defects, or the horse trader dealing away

the horse with the broken leg, Obama is selling socialism in return for our freedom. He

must cast Romney as a bigger liar than himself. It is the only way he can win.

Refuting Sharpton’s Dirty Glass Theory: Part 1 of 2. What’s Clean, What’s Dirty?

(Examiner article)

After the South Carolina primary, Al Sharpton sat in a conclave of media liberals on

MSNBC. They gossiped like a high school clique, laughing a Gingrich’s success. They

besmirched in a bullying manner, using mockery to set the tone. They belittled the people

who voted for Gingrich.

They admitted the high unpopular ratings of both Obama and Gingrich. Then Sharpton

stated Obama would beat Gingrich just because the people wanted a clean glass. It

wouldn’t matter how unpopular Obama was in the polls, Gingrich was worse.

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Al Sharpton’s long and tarnished history has proven himself unworthy to judge the clean

glass. He could see dirty glasses as clean because he has seldom if ever had contact with

a real clean glass. It’s like the mud hole calling the glass dirty! Besides, Sharpton never

found a glass too dirty to drink from if there was something in it for him.

Obama, spawned from the corrupt Chicago Illinois political machine is seen as the clean

glass? Content poured from the polluted Chicago gangster politics pitcher, the glass

would be contaminated no matter what. (See Dec. 29, 2011 article “Rod Balgojevich, the

Model of the Illinois/Chicago Politician”.)

Barack Obama is the Saul Alinsky disciple and professor of the Saul Alinky’s “Rule for

Radicals” philosophy. Alinsky’s book is Obama’s plan for his leadership methodology

and direction he has taken our country. (See Dec. 9, 2011 article “I Trust Barack


While we may have to wear rubber gloves, going against many of our own principles to

pull the lever for Newt Gingrich, it would have to be an awfully despicable person

running to pull the lever for Barack Obama. (See the up and coming series of articles on

the Obama Experience.)

We are not going to get a white knight, a savior. That just doesn’t happen very often. A

savior was voted for in the last election. How did that turn out? We have an arrogant

narcissist taking us to hell in a hand basket. Incompetence and corruption are his

hallmarks along with the marketing tong of the horse trader selling a horse with a broken

leg or a president selling a failed economic policy.

Refuting Sharpton’s Dirty Glass Theory; Part 2. One Dirty Glass to Another

If Gingrich is the republican candidate many will ask, why should we vote for him? He

is as arrogant and narcissistic as is Obama. Anyone would be hard pressed to argue that

point. Certainly one should not mortgage their credibility to do so. He is an insufferable

pompous ass. However, Obama fits that category also.

Here’s the difference! Gingrich possesses real intelligence. His intelligence flows from

study, experience and application. Not merely intelligence assigned for attending

Harvard, by the snobbishly superior Harvard political elite. He has intelligence gained

through experience and accomplishment.

Gingrich possesses the ability to develop an idea, plan a strategy, put the pieces and

people together, managing it to a positive conclusion. He has done this numerous times

through his career. He has vision and the ability to make the vision reality. This skill is

rare in the private sector. Practically unknown in government among politicians and


Obama has no such skills but those of the Alinsky deception and destruction. He

continuously hands the ball off to others because he couldn’t and never was able to carry

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it. His experience in the Illinois state legislature of voting a noncommittal present over

150 times revealed his lack of substance. He is “Not Present” in his leadership. He has

shown himself to be “The Not Present President”!

Like Gingrich, the Alinsky Obama is not virtuous. He is not the clean glass as professed

by Al Sharpton. More likely he is the plastic cup that is not clean either. So is Gingrich

really a step down or perhaps a big step up?

As in the movie “The Untouchables” Sean Connery stated, “They bring a knife we’ll

bring a gun!” Perhaps it is not time to bring the virtuous to the battle. They cannot stand

up against the plague of Chicago corruption that has descended upon Washington. Not

that Washington was clean before they got there, but they polluted it to a much greater

extent. They nurtured the Pelosi/Reid infestation.

Perhaps it is time “To fight fire with fire”. To march out someone capable of getting

down in the dirt with Obama and his Chicago gangster troops like Rom Emanuel and his

stealth army formerly know as ACORN, nurturer of pimps and child prostitutes.

Someone who will not allow Obama to get away with his glib, meaningless comments

and slogans and Alinsky lies! Perhaps this is the best thing for a dirty political street

fighter to take on the corrupt Chicago politician that is Obama.

Maybe it will take such a person to defeat similar people, dirty glass to dirty glass. This

then could pave the way for the virtuous candidate. Working toward a cleaner

Washington and a cleaner government! Perhaps a cleaner future for America!

Still, we cannot depend on that with untrustworthy politicians. The people must be

vigilant, present and active to wash the dirty glasses from politics and keep them clean.

Obama the anti-constitutionalist; against Americans clinging to freedom!

“Its not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to their religion and guns, or antipathy

toward people that are not like them or anti immigrant sentiment or anti trade sentiment.”

These are derogatory statements President Obama made about average American People

in his April 2008 quote.

When Hilary Clinton heard these words she stated, “Pennsylvanians don’t need a

president who looks down on them, they need a president who stands up for them, who

fights for them.”

John McCain said, “It’s a remarkable statement and extremely revealing. It shows an

elitism; a condescension toward hard working Americans… it is hard to imagine

someone running for president more out of touch with American Citizens.”


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It goes deeper than that. Obama is demeaning people for desires they have, valued by our

founding fathers. In the First Amendment of our Constitution, it states “Congress shall

make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise there

of…” The Second Amendment states, “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms,

shall not be infringed.”

In accusing Americans of “clinging to their religion and their guns,” Barack Obama was

in essence complaining those Americans are clinging to their freedoms. They are

clinging to the source of those freedoms, the Constitution. He would cast some sort of

negative connotation to Americans clinging to their freedoms and the Constitution. His

lust for power to push us to socialism and beyond creates disdain for the checks and

balances our founding fathers built into the Constitution to restrain tyrants.

He is ridiculing people for valuing religious freedom and the freedom, the right to bear

arms. Barack Obama was casting a negative light on American People for treasuring the

gifts of freedom given us by the constitution. Because, in his elitist intellectual mind, he

and his ilk of intellectuals, is better qualified to control the lives of the American People

than we are to control our own lives! This is the polar opposite to the vision and

confidence Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Madison and the other founding fathers had

for the American People.


He continues to attack the freedoms of the American People, the Constitution, with his

Obamacare. Obama abhors Americans clutching their freedoms, their freedom! The

thirst for freedom in the American gets in the way of his push for power, usurping the

power of the people for his own political agenda; profit and power. Freedom’s promises

prevent him from putting America on the socialist path, that of the needy and dependent

collective mind instead of the independent rugged individuals that built and defended



We are being seduced to bite from the apple of socialism, with promises of things for

free, to risk being forever banished from this “garden of freedom”!

Double standard part 1. Guilt by association - Romney and Trump (Examiner


Headline MercuryNews.com “Romney clinches nomination, but Trump overshadows”.

Kasie Hunt AP writes 5/30/2012, “As primary voters in Texas on Tuesday pushed him

past the 1,144-delegate threshold he needed to win the nod, Romney was raising money

in Las Vegas with Donald Trump, the real estate mogul who has stoked doubts about

whether President Barack Obama was born in America.”

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Romney Guilt by association



Romney’s associations with Trump through a fund raising dinner and perhaps some

previous meetings according to the main stream liberal media make him guilty of being a

“Birther”. A designation which has been created to ridicule and demean people and tag

them with a negative connotation! So Romney is therefore cast as a “birther” presumed

guilty by association.

Bloomberg Business’s Joshua Green on May 30, 2012 wrote, “The idea of going after

Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election-and Democrats. Hilary

Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama

and sought to exploit it.”

Democrat roots of Birther idea



So the “birther’ idea wasn’t a Trump creation. It was members of Obama’s own party.

Obama’s continually employing deception feeds the flames of this smoldering fire. His

dishonesty in so many areas makes the “Birther” theory more credible. Perhaps Obama

encourages this story to fan the flames to keep the discussion off of substantive issues,

like his failures as president. Obama often uses such issues, those he can smart-alecky

away, as a smokescreen to cover important issues that cast a negative shadow on him.

Obama’s twenty year association with Jeremiah Wright, sitting and listening to his

inflammatory sermons during those years does not taint Obama. An association with

William Ayres, a home grown terrorist who “Participated in the bombings of the NYC

Police Department Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capital building in 1971 and

the Pentagon in 1972,” according to Wikipedia. How about Father Louis Pfleger,

Bernadine Dohrn and Louis Farrakhan?






This isn’t about the “birther” theory, but about the hypocrisy of the mainstream media

making Romney guilty of the foibles of everyone he associates with and Obama free of

the philosophies of those mentors he has had long, intellectual and intimate associations.

Commonsense says there is something very wrong with this approach. It is unfair,

unclear, and clearly hypocritical.

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Double standard part 2. Who is the real unknown Brand X?

The majority mainstream media hypocrisy of the double standard of the Romney/Trump

association is exemplified by Hardballs’ Chris Matthews and his “Brand X” Theory.

While Romney is condemned for his Trump association, Obama was given barely a

notice by the main stream media for his radical mentors like Jeremiah Wright and

William Ayers.

In a May 16, 2012 article “Brand X’: Chris Matthews Slams Romney as Unknown

Commodity, Unlike…Obama?!” Mytheos Holt wrote, “Last night, Chris Matthews made

a seemingly off-the-cuff remark about how presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney

didn’t really want to define himself, except as the alternative to Barack Obama. Matthews

even raised the alarmist flag that Romney could be elected as a completely unknown

commodity, seemingly blind to the fact that the very man who had sent a “thrill up his

leg” had been elected as precisely that.”

Brand X



Holt went on, “Well, tonight, Matthews not only doubled down on those sentiments, but

he made them the centerpiece of his episode-concluding segment, “Let me finish.” In the

following 2 minute rant, Matthews not only excoriates Romney for selling himself as

essentially “Brand X,” but makes the thoroughly inscrutable argument that the American

people actually know Barack Obama better than they know Romney, because Obama “is

who he seems to be.”

“Who Obama seems to be,” is someone who we should hang our hats? Are we talking

about the Barack Obama who has shown himself to be a socialist? Or perhaps the Obama

who seems to be an anti-constitutionalist! Maybe the anti-capitalist or the authoritarian

Obama with all his czars and czarinas! The Alinskyized “Great Creator”, the

“Organizer” who has no fixed truth! This is who Obama not only seems to be, but

actually is!

Matthews has proved himself to be an Obama campaigner over and over again. He

markets Obama! He doesn’t report on him or honestly evaluate. He has a man crush on

Obama and embraces his socialism. He is an Obama surrogate! He is shameless in his

distortion of the picture he paints, the picture of what he wishes things were. Matthews

shows no sign of objectivity or reality in his ranting. To paint Obama as a known

quantity, a person who remains unknown to his people after three years as president, is

patently dishonest.

Both Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw in a discussion before the 2008 election admitted

they knew little about Barack Obama. They allowed him to be Matthews’ “Brand X” in

the last presidential election. Employing liberally his “Alinsky License to Lie” Obama

remains a mystery to many if not most of the people.

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We don’t know Barack Obama


What we have learned is what Brokaw and Rose would have learned had they pulled their

heads out of the sand and opened their eyes. Obama is a strong supporter of socialist

policies and a weak supporter of America, the Constitution, capitalism and democracy.

SE Cupp


S. E. Cupp on C-SPAN May 30, 2012 brought up the point that the media made an

investment in Obama during his campaign. They didn’t ask the difficult questions. They

didn’t vet Obama properly. They don’t want to look bad having made that poor

investment so they continue to support him through his dismal performance as president,

throwing the people’s good capital after bad.

Another take is perhaps they just want socialism for America. The liberal media often

appears to lean in the direction of big government socialism.

It would not be a sure bet to put ones money on Romney’s trustworthiness. We’re

certainly not sure we can trust Romney to do the right thing! On the other hand we are

sure we can trust Obama to do the wrong! Obama in a lame duck term would be more

radical in his push toward big government socialism and authoritarianism than he has

been. Remember his promise to Russian Prime Minister Medvedev.

Obama Medvedev


It’s not a great choice, but commonsense says put our money on the person we think

there is a chance he might do the right thing. Sadly, Romney is the far better bet!

Romney on Obama Medvedev


Paul Krugman, Obama’s socialist water boy (Examiner article)

On ABCs This Week with George Stephanopoulos October 7, 2012 Paul Krugman

declared, “Paul Ryan’s proposed budget plan a “fraud!” His other additions to the

discussion is saying to conservative panel members “That’s not true.” It is his primary

argument interrupting with, “That’s not true.” His argument is in defense of Obama that

the recovery is happening, telling us things that are difficult to believe. He says this is

one of the best recoveries of this type of recession.

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Now, I am hesitant to defend the honesty of politicians and journalists. Also socialist

economists that have told us socialism works! But Paul Krugman who suggested it

would be a good strategy if the people were led to think we were in jeopardy from hostile

space aliens. Then we could spend on programs preparing for war to defend ourselves

and this would get the economy going.

This alien invasion scheme fits the theme agenda of Krugman’s Keynesian Economics.

That it is productive to pay someone to dig a hole and fill it back in again. Or perhaps to

build a building and then level it! This is the socialist approach to productivity, burning

valuable energy and resources and having nothing to show for it in the end. How could

anyone of intelligence have such a distorted vision that such waste is productive?

Not only did Krugman pipe in to tell others what they said was untrue, and spout his

opinions without facts which did not have the ring of truth, he became the self-appointed

arbiter of untruths. Untruths he attributed to Romney he deemed much greater

indiscretions than those attributed to Obama. The man that thought scaring the people,

creating a false crisis, of attacking space aliens, was a good way to get out of this

recession! This man should be our judge of truth?

Defending the honesty of Barack Obama, the epitome of the Alinky organizer, “Who

does not have a fixed truth-truth to him is relative and changing! Obama, a disciple and

devotee of Alinsky has been taught to lie as needed. Lying is a major ingredient in his/the

recipe to socialism! Carrying the water for the socialist agenda, Krugman like Obama,

interprets truth on the basis of his designated task, water boy for socialism

Krugman designs his economics to support and bolster his goal of socialism, big

government controlling the lives of the people. He wants a government in which weak

little weasels like himself can usurp the people’s freedoms and control the people, placing

the power in their hands. Krugman represents and pushes the goals for elitist intellectual

bottom feeders to come out on top in their utopian socialist world.

On The Raw Story Sunday November 20, 2011 article titled he displays his ignorance,

“Krugman: ‘Only fools and clowns’ believe Republican ideology!” Yet Krugman pushes

the utopian fairy tale of socialism, a system that has never worked. He appears the

harmless, cute little hobbit, the kind John McCain complained about, yet his character is

that of Gollum or Smeagol if you wish! Krugman is one of those many societal

cockroaches coming out of academia given far more credibility than they deserve. He

has the added power of being a Nobel sanctioned cockroach.

The Debate; The tale of the tape (Examiner article)

Last nights debate was difficult to watch. Romney was on target, answering the

questions, sticking to the point and rebuking each aspect of Obama’s rambling and

disjointed statements. Romney was to the point and stopped after his point was made.

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Sitting through Obama’s answers was difficult and embarrassing. He merely repeated,

like a broken record, the talking points he and his campaign have been pounding home

for the last four months or more. Obama was forced to stick to the talking points

denigrating Romney because his record is one of failure. He rambled incessantly beyond

the time limits with his false charges.

Presidential debates should not be a major reason for voting for a candidate, however last

night’s debate highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates. Obama

constrained in the dogma of socialism cannot remove himself from that rut for the good

of the nation.

He continues to see Franklin Roosevelt’s policies that extended the Great Depression for

more than ten years as a success. He views the democratic capitalism that sustained a

dynamic nation for over 230 years as failed. Like most liberal socialists his thinking is

not based in reality. America cannot function as a democracy with the kind of rusty and

restraining old Marxist vision Obama brings to the table.

Romney leaves the task to the American people, their ingenuity, energy and inspiration,

not government that tends to reduce everything to mediocrity. Romney sincere in his

beliefs came across much better than Obama who is always manipulating and scheming

to bring about his false vision of hope and change!


Obama the accuser is the doer! part 1. (Examiner article 2008)

With experience that is questionable and accomplishments that are practically nonexistent

Obama has resorted to a campaign strategy of accusing Romney of Obama’s own failures

and foibles.

Romney will spend on negative ads about Obama

Obama recently charged Romney would be unleashing a barrage of negative ads at him

between the convention and election day? While Obama has flooded the media with

extreme negative ads about Romney since it has been obvious Romney would be the

republican candidate. Most of his ads bending the truth beyond recognition, depleting his

predicted “one billion dollar” campaign war chest to smear Romney’s reputation. The

mainstream media has contributed a least another billion dollars of free advertising

against Romney, drum beating the Obama camp whimsical charges.

Lack of experience and ability

Obama has attacked Romney’s successes saving the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics,

turning it into one of the most successful Olympics ever. He has attacked his successes

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as CEO of Bain Capital and Governor of Massachusetts. Certainly Romney didn’t bat a

thousand in those positions, but his successes and experience gained far outdistanced the

accomplishments of the community organizer that voted present (over 150 times), in

essence abstaining in the Illinois State Senate to avoid being held accountable for his


We don’t know him, he’s hiding information

Harry Reid declared at the DNC Convention, “We don’t know him!” referring to Mitt

Romney. Harry Reid is also the man who accused, Romney of not paying taxes for the

last ten years, information he gained from a so-called anonymous source, accusing

Romney of hiding information for not revealing all his tax returns.

While Romney was Governor of Massachusetts for four years, head of the 2002

Olympics and running for president in two presidential elections, the only reason to not

know a good deal of information about Romney is Reid is too lazy to know about him.

The reason Reid makes such a ludicrous statement, a similar statement which liberal

NBC toady Chris Matthews made months before, is because after almost four years of

being president Obama still remains unknown. His school years are shrouded in mystery.

His papers have not been revealed. His radical associations (the Rev. Jeremiah Wright,

the terrorist William Ayers, radical Muslims Rashid Kalidi and Ali Abunimah, a mentor

Saul Alinski, along with a host of others) are not researched. Why?

Harry Reid went on to say, “We know who Obama is!” Then he goes on to identify him

with generalities, “He’s the man who says, we can, we shall, we will!”

That is a good description of Obama, rhetoric, glittering generalities over substance, the

maker of promises his Alinsky license does not require him to keep. Obama remaining

unknown is essential to his success. To know him would be to know he shouldn’t be


Obama, the accuser is the doer! part 2.

Obama points the finger at everyone to deflect from his own inabilities. To cover his lies,

he accuses Romney of lying. Thus he goes through his own list of transgressions labeling

his opponents with his own weaknesses.

Obama accuses Romney of lying

Obama must accuse Romney of lying. Being given “The Alinsky License to Lie” and

using it liberally, Obama has brought on the age of the “Hyper-liar”. Lying without

consideration to cause or conscience! Changing his position by the audience he

addresses. Obama, Alinsky’s “cool organizer”, “Who has no fixed truth-truth to him

flexible and changing.”

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Obama and his minions have lied about Romney in an attempt to tarnish and destroy his

reputation. Obama, ignoring Martin Luther King, practicing low character, must destroy

the character of Romney! Obama has little to no positive accomplishments and

questionable character so he must destroy his opponent to compete.

Outsourcing Jobs abroad

Obama and his minions accuse Romney of outsourcing jobs abroad while at Bain Capital.

Jeffery Immelt CEO of General Electric, Obama’s jobs czar, heading Obama’s Job

Council, out sources jobs, plants and industries abroad! He is shipping much off GE’s

manufacturing to China. It is pure hypocrisy to point a finger at Romney for out sourcing

jobs when the Obama administration is investing money (crony capitalism) with GE to

out source jobs.

Not caring, caring only about the rich

Obama claiming Romney only cares about the rich, Obama is obsessed with the rich. He

is obsessed with destroying them and making them poor. President Obama like his father

sees no limit on the taxation of the rich. As Dinesh D’sousa pointed out in the movie

“2016, Obama’s America” 100% taxation is okay with him.

Obama’s mission is to destroy the rich, making them poor. He is not concerned about the

poor. He is implementing fairness by making all, the rich and the middle class equal to

the poor. This is his vision of fairness. To do this he is sucking the prosperity and ability

to advance out of our nation.

No Foreign Affairs Experience

Obama is being given credit for foreign affairs experience for his decision to take out

Osama bin Laden. This is an incident; a blip on the radar screen of time, not a major

indicator of foreign affairs acumen. Small incidents are blown up so large to give Obama

credibility and substance.

Obama had no foreign affairs experience when he ran for president other than living in

other countries. His record really shows little gain in foreign affairs experience even with

those years as president. He is too petty and self-centered to learn from experience. He

has already learned all he can from the likes of the Alinskyites.

Obama has no accomplishment or experience to uplift himself! He is an ideologue,

unable to change from the track he has been put on by his radical associations. Therefore

he must pull all those he competes with down. This is a very negative way of leading,

pulling the people and our nation into his haze of negativity and failure.

Barack Obama is a purely defensive player, reacting to actions of others, in his

presidential campaign, in his economic policy and his foreign policy. He is not a

visionary or innovator. He is a carrier of socialist policy that has failed time and again.

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He wants government to dole out money, freedoms and rights. He wants government to

rule people, not democracy where the people rule government.

Obama’s cavalcade of liars (Examiner article)

Obama has amassed a huge cavalcade of political professional liars to assist in his false

narratives. They place the stories in the air and the main stream media keeps them

floating to guarantee they get attention and eventually, sadly enough, credibility!

New on the scene, but making her mark quickly is Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign

manager for President Obama. From The Daily Caller article 10/11/12 by Matthew

Boyle, “Cutter says Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s campaign is the only reason anyone

cares about the administrations changing narrative about the Sept 11, 2012 attack on the

Benghasi embassy.”

As though the people would not be interested in the evolving chain of lies emerging from

the Benghazi Libya terrorist murders at the US Embassy? The story that even said

people were trying to get the ambassador to the hospital, supported with pictures of a blue

and bloodied body carried through the streets. Certainly such behavior by a president’s

administration would be of no interest to the people? Now, our president with the help of

his media is trying to rewrite the Benghazi incident, his calling it a terror attack the day

after, which he never did!

Cutter, with the face of an angel and the tong of a viper assassin also accused Romney of

being “a felon” throwing false charges out, hoping some stick!

Then you have the same old faces, like David Axelrod rolled out like a weapon when a

straight faced liar, feigning sincerity, is needed to deceive the people. When Obama

needs to hide his own incompetence and dishonesty he needs the Axelrods to appear on

the news shows with a stern and stoic face denying the truth.

Former White House spokesman Robert Gibbs gets rolled out in much the same way.

Often they are used as a one two punch to solidify a lie as truth. Gibbs with his ability to

talk in circles and say nothing! He goes round and round till those listening become

dizzy or sick. Rambling from one verbal dead end to another, like a drunk wandering

from one cul-de-sac to another, lost. Gibbs, the master of the smoke screen of stupidity!

Powerline posted an article on October 13, 2012 by Paul Mirengoff “Obama Bites the

Had That Feeds Him”. He reported “White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters

that responsibility for the consulate in Libya fell on the State Department, Hillary

Clinton, not the White House.” Joe Biden in the VP Debate played Pontius Pilot for both

he and Obama declaring they knew nothing about a request for extra security? Washing

hands in their decisions is part of Obama’s cavalcade of Olympian liars process!

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There are many more like Harry Reid and his charge Romney paid no taxes for ten years.

The Reid has the nerve to compare Romney to the old image of the dishonest used car

salesman. Harry Reid is so like the old horse trader, selling the horse with a broken leg.

Or perhaps the Medicine Show Quack, selling cures that don’t cure, for his own benefit.

One should never listen to Dirty Harry when he declares someone else dishonest!

How about Nancy Pelosi who announce they’d have to pass Obamacare to see what’s in

it. That’s like buying a car before you know the price and what it looks like. Does it

even hsve an engine? Pelosi like Reid is selling the empty cure. It’s been passed and we

still don’t know what’s in it!

Obama himself declared he believed in capitalism in the second presidential debate. This

after many times announcing “Capitalism has never worked!” This is an example of the

dishonest Obama rhetoric of convenience. Obama says what he feels he needs to say to

fool the people!

I guess it is wise of a president, an Alinsky organizer “who has no fixed truth – truth to

him is relative and changing,” to have an army of political, professional liars. This way

they can bolster the changing narratives necessary for the organizer for whom truth is

relative. He appears to have an army of people who see truth the same way!

Obama Excuses (Examiner article)

President Barack Obama has employed economic policy that has a history of failure.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt extended the Great Depression to over ten years by employing

the idea of government spending its’ way out. Even his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry

Morganthau Jr. exposed the failure of his policies. The Japanese used the same method

of government spending and lengthen their recession during the 90’s for ten years.

Recessions left alone usually last about a year, maybe two.

Obama’s push to socialism and big “Nanny State” government is what is causing his

failure. To hide the failure of his policies and philosophies he embraces, Obama points

his finger in every direction to deflect the blame! Like a spoiled child he denies his guilt

and places it somewhere else. Here are his oft used whiny excuses for his failures.

The blame game - Obama excuses

Blaming Bush



1. Bush did it

2. Bush did it

3. Bush did it

4. It’s Bushes fault

5. The Constitution failed

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6. Democracy failed

7. Capitalism failed


8. The Founding Fathers Failed

9. It’s America’s fault

10. It’s a do nothing Congress

11. It’s the Supreme Court

12. It’s the rich

13. Small businesses aren’t hiring


14. The people didn’t save enough

15. The people didn’t spend enough

16. The government didn’t spend enough

17. I don’t have enough power

Obama’s rebuilt America part 1 of 2 (Examiner article)

In a new campaign add running on television for Obama, former President Bill Clinton

declared, “Barack Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the ground up!” Unlike

Romney when he has a plan, nobody is asking Obama the minute details of that plan. He

is allowed to give warm and fuzzy generalities like hope, change, bold, decisive, and

forward. Forward, into the valley of death rode the six hundred!

First reaction is how arrogant is this man? President Barack Obama is going to take what

it took a number of very intelligent men, intellects of their time and would by far be

today, inspired by God to put together this gem of freedom and he would rebuild it from

the ground up. His massive ego is looking at building a country where politicians with

massive egos like his will decide for the people how they will live.

Whenever you are going to rebuild something from the ground up, it requires tearing

down, leveling, bulldozing what is already there. This sounds like the foundation of our

constitutional democratic republic is to be annihilated. The solid base of freedom ripped

from the fertile ground of our democracy. The miracle our founding fathers performed is

to be torn down for Barack Obama’s socialist, progressive vision.

If anyone is interested in the Obama plan, all they need do is read Obama’s playbook,

Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. It is an angry guide to arresting power and tearing

down what exists. There is nothing in his plan for how to build what is to come. It just

assumes huge and obtrusive government with complete power will be better, more

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benevolent. It plunges us into a cycle of tearing down, never building and perfecting on

that foundation the legacy.

Our founding fathers thought differently. They saw government as a natural oppressor if

handed ultimate power. They depended on the ingenuity of the people for the

development of a more perfect union, not having the arrogance they were so smart that

they alone could mold the nation in their image.

Obama’s rebuilt America part 2 of 2

George Will, in his column “Obama: the real radical” published September 5, 2012

makes some interesting points! He writes, “Four years ago, Barack Obama was

America’s Rorschach test, upon whom voters could project their disparate yearnings. To

govern, however, is to choose, and now his choices have clarified him. He is a conviction

politician determined to complete the progressive project of emancipating government

from the Founders’ constraining premises, a project Woodrow Wilson embarked on 100

Novembers ago.”

Will continues, “Progress, as progressives understand it, means advancing away from or

up from, something. But from what? From the Constitution’s constricting anachronisms.

In 1912, Wilson said, “The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of

governmental power.” But as Kesler notes, Wilson never said the future of liberty

consisted of such limitation.

“Instead, he said, “every means” by which society may be perfected through the

instrumentality of government” should be used so that “individual rights can be fitly

adjusted and harmonized with public duties.” Rights “adjusted and harmonized” by

government necessarily are defined and apportioned by it. Wilson, the first

transformative progressive, called this the “New Freedom.” The old kind was the

Founders’ kind — government existing to “secure” natural rights (see the Declaration)

that preexist government. Wilson thought this had become an impediment to progress.

The pedigree of Obama’s thought runs straight to Wilson.”

Obama’s like Wilson’s assumptions are that government is all knowing and all caring.

Everything out of government will be honest and fair. Politicians will do what is right for

the people. History has shown this ludicrous!

We know politicians if honest when entering will soon succumb to the temptations of

power and money. They will not be honest and caring. They will give to those that help

them, choosing winners and losers. They will become as corrupt as government with

unlimited power. Why should a free people want such a government?

One must ask, is Clintons reference to Obama rebuilding America from the ground up

really leveling what has been built by the founding fathers, to the ground. Obama’s

predisposition to the Marxist Alinsky Philosophy could certainly point toward that. Anti-

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constitutionalist, anti-capitalist and pro big government, Obama’s building in his own

eyes could be the destruction of America.

Obama election summary, part 1 (Examiner article)

With the re-election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, it is important to

summarize what we have.


We have a president that began in his presidency four years ago with little to no

experience! As a community organizer his primary skill was agitation. The skill he used

most as president gained through his Saul Alinsky training outline in “Rules for

Radicals”. The skill he used most in his recent presidential campaign railing against the

rich, Romney and reality!

He really hasn’t developed his skills much since becoming president. It is well know he

has missed a large percentage of his meetings from his jobs committees to national

security! It is assumed because he has been president for four years he has enhanced his

foreign affairs experience. Killing Osama bin Laden and his Mid East Muslim apology

tour seem to be the hallmarks of what he has learned. His actions appear to be lighting

the match to a now incendiary Middle East!

Obama believes in never wasting a good crisis. He harps on one crisis after another

instilling fear into the people, making them frightened, feeling futility. He and his

minions often create the crisis in order to have more to exploit. Then the people look for

someone to save them, protect them, comfort them and make them safe. Obama offers

this knowing he will never deliver. Obama, Teflon in politics seems the same in

enhancing his experience, it doesn’t stick, he avoids utilizing learning opportunities!

Obama uses racism, sexism, class warfare, vengeance and hate, driving a wedge between

people, encouraging conflict, tearing apart America selfishly to win a second term.

Divisiveness is one of his legacies to America! It wasn’t about America or the people! It

was about him and he used any dirty tactic and trick he could to maintain his position in

the presidency! Obama employs the politics of personal destruction along with the

politics of national destruction!

Obama election summary, part 2 Liar

Our founding fathers were believers in honesty and integrity! Many discount this because

of the slave issue forgetting slavery was a worldwide malady. It wasn’t conceived in

America. It was imported to America from Europe, Africa and Asia. Our Founding

Fathers began the road to ending slavery in America and addressing human rights around

the world.

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While we know politics has become a cesspool of lying and liars, the progression of

dishonesty and corruption has taken a giant leap forward with Barack Obama. His

upbringing as a devotee, disciple and teacher of Saul Alinsky, Obama, molded into the

epitome of the Alinsky organizer “Has no fixed truth – truth to him is relative and

changing!” This is the standard Alinky set and to which Obama holds himself.

Obama has been tracked through his day to day lying. He has been cornered with his lies

during the 2012 presidential debates and campaign. Accusing Romney of not paying his

taxes for ten years, of being a felon and killing a woman because she lost her health care,

all lies used to destroy Romney.

Obama’s media held Romney accountable for each and every one of his miscues, but

never held Obama accountable for often outrageous and horrendous lies. Standards the

two candidates were held to were like night and day. Obama lies so frequently, when he

does tell the truth it is likely a mistake and he is unaware it is truth!

The Benghazi Affair is a primary example of Obama’s relationship to the truth. His

mention of terror in his rose garden speech, associating it with calling the Benghazi

attacks terrorist attacks is as convoluted as Bill Clinton saying” It depends on what the

definition of is is.” And is as much a lie as Clinton’s “I did not have sexual relations with

that woman, Monica Lewinski.” Perhaps more a lie to cover the death of three


Clinton was the record holder for presidential lying until he gave cover to Obama’s lies!

His propensity to lie has Obama twisting, turning and hedging to cover his behind!

Obama lies as easily as he breathes, both are reflexive actions! Obama’s media covers up

for him every step of the way.

While he is excused for his lying because all politicians do it, this foundation has allowed

Obama to take it to astronomically expert levels! He spent hundreds of millions of

dollars, perhaps even billions branding Mitt Romney as a liar to cover his own

indiscretions as a mega-liar and hyper-liar. He took areas of disagreement on policy to

brand Romney a liar, when his own lying knew no boundaries. Romney had to be

painted as a liar to make Obama’s constant barrage of lies acceptable to clean up his own


Obama got his second term as president by accusing his opponent of being everything he

is himself! He projected his lying nature, his incompetence, his lack of accomplishment

and failures on a man who seemed honest, with integrity, who is very competent and

accomplished. Through the dark miracle of marketing Obama came out to a majority of

the people appearing the better man?

The ugly picture Obama painted of Romney was really a self-portrait. This is a sad case

for America, for the world and for humanity.

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You can never trust a liar! Or a bunch of them! (Examiner article)

Obama the prototype of the Alinsky organizer, “Has no fixed truth-truth to him is relative

and changing!” This means what Obama says today or promises today means nothing

tomorrow! Or even minute to minute! His word has no validity. Alinsky even says the

organizer has no fidelity. This means he has no loyalty. Not to individuals or the nation!

His promises are made to be broken. Obama promises are merely bait waiting for the


Obama is a person who cannot be trusted. He was built and programmed to be the

ultimate political machine! His history of lying is long and strewn with the bodies of

people he has lied to. Benghazi is one such literal example, of both lies and bodies

strewn. There are many figurative examples of the same results.

Add to Obama’s Alinsky license to lie, the Democrat Party’s history of promising both

Reagan and George Bush Senior spending cuts in an agreement to raise taxes. They

broke the agreements. Taxes were raised, but the spending cuts never saw the light of

day. The Democrats lied on the issues of spending cuts time and again. They use those

tax increases to this day to beat down Republicans!

Here you have Republicans dealing with two entities, the Democrat Party and President

Obama, both of which cannot be trusted. It isn’t some times trusting them is ill advised?

It is most if not all the time they cannot be trusted! Obama falls into the same category!

Which is worse, making a deal with those you know will renege, or letting it play out

without selling your soul?

Obama needs to be shown we do not want a dictator set on taking us to socialism and

beyond. We want to remain a free people, not under the thumb of our leaders!

America loses when Obama wins! (Examiner article)

Obama wins on fiscal cliff issue no matter what the outcome. Yes, Obama wins even if

the American people lose!

If there is no agreement on a deal to keep us from going over the crisis named “Fiscal

Cliff”, Obama wins. He gets to collect more taxes from the middle class, which he

intends to do anyway. In this way, he can put the blame on republicans and wash his

hands in an action he desires but would put him at odds with the middle class. Obama is

very shrewd in such double dealings!

Yes, Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich. It was his primary focus during his

campaign. He wants to promote class warfare keeping that promise of his war on the

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rich. But, he needs more tax increases than that. Where else can he go? Only to the

middle class!

By placing outrageous proposals on the table, he insures we will go over the cliff!

Proposals like giving the president exclusive and unlimited power to raise the debt

ceiling! Collecting $1.6 trillion in new taxes and $50 billion in new spending!

None of the deficit reduction will be because of spending reduction. If democrats

followpattern, there will be no debt reduction. When government raises taxes, they

increase spending by about 20% plus the tax increase. Obama gets his taxes and a club to

beat the republicans with too. A big win for him!

If the republicans agree to increasing taxes on the rich, they allow Obama to succeed in

his class warfare. This adds to his stature and his power over them. Republicans look

weak and he looks strong. Even though raising taxes on the rich will be a drag on the

economy, and have little affect on the debt, Obama will be seen as leading the

Republicans by the nose! Obama wins!

Still, Obama may prefer going over the cliff. Many say if we do, it will put us into a

double dip recession. It has been said before we may go into a double dip recession in

spite of Obama’s policies. Or because of Obama’s policies! Pushing us over the cliff,

Obama could then blame republicans, even though we were headed their because of his

policies. Would Obama hurt the country to enhance his own image? He has done it

before. There is no doubt he would do it again!

Obama in his push toward socialism, going over the fiscal cliff would help, putting more

people in need, making them dependent. Adding one more crisis to his list of crisis aids

the hysteria he is provoking! Obama’s vendetta against America would also be served.

Is this scenario really possible? Yes it is! Especially when the media labels pointing out

Obama’s incompetence and selfishness as racism!

Perhaps if we go over the “Fiscal Cliff” our leaders in Congress will decide to do their

job and fix the budget problems and America will be far better off in the long run. In the

long run, America will win and Obama’s tyrannical push to socialism and beyond will


A sick nation will nurture an ailing people! (Examiner article)

While the constitutionality of Obama’s Healthcare Law (The Affordable Healthcare Act)

is in question, it will go before the Supreme Court. Forcing the people to buy selective

products (mandates), and attacking religious freedoms by making religions and people act

against their religions in the name of the law will be questioned. This certainly is a major

concern and needs to be addressed on that level.



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However, there are other very important issues. Fox News Insider reports March 15,

2012 “The Congressional Budget Office has extended its cost estimates for President

Obama’s healthcare law out to 2022, taking in more full years of implementation, and

showing the bill is substantially more expensive – twice as much as the original $900

billion price tag.

“In a largely overlooked segment of the CBO’s update to the budget outlook released

Tuesday, the bill will cost $1.76 trillion between now and 2022. That only counts the cost

of coverage, not implementation costs and other changes.” Implementation costs means

the additional cost of inefficient government bureaucracy and crony capitalism and

additional costs filled into the blanks left opened in the 2700 page bill. Also the cost of

the corruption financed in Obamacare as it has been in Medicaid and Medicare and barely

been addressed.

How can federal officials even think they can implement a healthcare plan effectively and

efficiently when attempts on a much smaller scale (Medicaid and Medicare) have failed

miserably? Both programs are facing financial insolvency, threatening to bring down our

entire nation financially. They cannot handle the smaller programs, yet insist on

instituting more of the same only much larger.

It would be like putting a Cessna Pilot who crashes every time he pilots the little single

engine plane into a SR-71 Blackbird, high altitude, supersonic, mach 3.36 jet. It is

inevitable it will crash. Obama is instituting a bad plan destined to crash. Just like the

socialist plans in the European nations sinking their governments.

Fox News Insider points out, “The bill spends more than the president promised, it covers

fewer people – probably 2 million fewer people – and it taxes more than was expected,

said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee.” He

stated further’ “The full accounting of the bill is $2.6 trillion.”





It was well established Obama fudged the numbers to come under one trillion dollars to

make the bill more acceptable for passage. He did this by giving limited criteria to the

CBO to calculate the cost.

It should be deemed unconstitutional to run the country stupidly, negligently, dishonestly

and/or incompetently. It certainly should be unconstitutional to sabotage our democracy;

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our nation by implementing an unsustainable healthcare system. Particularly since so

many unsustainable and failing entitlement programs have been instituted previously!

Our nation stands on the brink of destruction with socialist programs being enacted one

after another. We must address the health of the nation before we address the health of

individuals! A sick nation will produce a sick people!

Chief Justice John Roberts Passes On Fairness And Wisdom (Examiner article)

Chief Justice John Roberts in regards to declaring the “Affordable Healthcare Act”

constitutional stated, “Because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to

forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.” I think Roberts did what many in

government have done to promote this devastating Obamacare Bill. They passed upon

the application of wisdom and fairness as our government often does.







Just because Obamacare has been declared constitutional, it does not make it right or

good. Remember the sordid and dishonest process that got the Obamacare bill passed.

The final 2,700 page bill was pushed through within hours without time to read the bill.

The Examiner’s Matthew Sheffield reported August 24, 2010, “Max Baucus, author of

Obamacare, admits he never read the bill.” Many others in Congress admitted the same.

Time to read the bill video


Baucus never read the bill



In fact one of the many lies told to get Obamacare passed is one of the reasons it has been

declared constitutional. The penalty paid (individual mandate) for not having health

insurance was said not to be a tax when Obama’s minions were selling the program. The

Supreme Court declared it is a tax and the government has a right to tax. This was a

major lie that sold the program.




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The Obamacare bill left many of its provisions open ended to be filled in at a later date.

Our representatives were voting for a bill they knew little to nothing about. Nancy Pelosi

urged we need to pass the bill so we can fill in the blanks. What kind of warped thinking

is that?

Would crazy Nancy Pelosi buy a house or a car to find out what was in it later? To find it

was lacking an engine, its’ driver or wheels, both needed in its’ ability to move. This is

precisely what she urged in the passing of Obamacare! Pelosi has done many things to

display she is neither the sharpest pencil in the box nor the straightest! Perhaps the most


Behind closed door Healthcare deals


Recall behind closed door healthcare deals like Senator Mary Landru’s Louisianna

Purchase gained for her vote! Obama gave thirsty California Rep. Jim Costa water for

his vote, he bragged. Florida Rep. Sussane Kosman received more funding for NASA for

her vote.

Video drug companies deals



Payoffs were passed out for votes at an alarming rate. Also exemptions were given from

certain provisions to solicit votes for the bill. Giving the exemptions for responsibilities

the rest of the American people would be held accountable. Obama did the same for his

pet unions that give him millions of dollars.

Unions and Obamacare



We knew Obama gave the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) a limited and

fictitious set of criteria to estimate the costs of his health plan to bring it under a trillion

dollars. It was well discussed how that was done to make it more marketable to the

people and politicians. Recently the OMB said it would cost twice as much as the

original estimates. Some conjecture it will be three to four times more when all the

bureaucratic costs are included.

While The Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) might be constitutional, it is not right

or good. It was spawned and sold in dishonesty. It increases healthcare costs, contrary to

one of the primary purposes Obama stated for its’ creation. Obamacare is a lie. An

anchor around the neck of our nation, pulling its head beneath the surface!

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Justice John Roberts, Obamacare, SCOTUS, Elections 2012, ASA

President Obama; the rapid fire liar! (Examiner article)

Many in the media said all Romney had to do was look presidential in this the third

presidential debate. Obama made it easy for Romney! Obama acting like a smart mouth

juvenile found in a TV sitcom, cracking wise throughout the debate!

While Obama media is constantly complaining Romney does not give enough detail,

Obama gives no detail without a concern from media! Obama is allowed to engage in

glittering generalities, hope, change, forward and other nebulous slogans with no

meaning or substance.

While hope and change seem empty! Forward seems to mean forward to Obama

Socialism which is actually backward from the freedoms our founding fathers blessed us

with. Obama’s forward is backward to where American values stand. From his approach

to the economy his up appears to be down.

While Romney tried to keep the debate on substance, Obama seemed insistent on using

each opportunity to speak to turn it into a personal attack on Romney! Again return to

the juvenile, the spoiled one at this point. If Romney made a rare charge, Obama would

simply say untrue, branding Romney a liar.

Branding Romney a liar has been a major tactic in the Obama campaign for almost half a

year. It has been a major focus of his debate strategies. It is an essential play if Obama is

to win. He must portray Romney as a liar, a bigger liar than himself to cover his own

deceit and dishonesty! In the second debate Obama said he likes capitalism, the example

of the grandiose lies he is allowed. In the past Obama has declared “Capitalism has never


Obama called Romney a liar when he defended himself against Obama’s accusation that

Romney wanted to liquidate the auto industry. Romney defended he wanted the auto

industry, GM and Chrysler only to go through a managed bankruptcy, the government

would assist in. The fact Ford refused the government bail out and managed itself to

prosperity certainly gives credence that Obama’s government take over of the two auto

companies was unnecessary!

Obama’s blatant lying runs deep. A privilege ordained by Saul Alinsky to the organizer,

which Obama treasures and practices often. Obama a hyper-liar uses the “Big Lie” so

much he is likely unaware when he accidentally tells the truth. He accused Romney so

loudly in front of the nation, and told everyone to look it up. When the media did, they

found Obama to be the teller of huge whoppers, the purveyor of the “Big Lies”! A trait

Obama practices with not the slightest bit of shame!

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So Obama is allowed by his media to come out in a false and fake way during these

debates and appearances during his campaign. He is allowed to be a phony and a wise

cracking kid to hide he has no substance. Obama’s media will bend over, backwards too,

to support the false facades of Barack Obama.

October 23, 2012 Townhall.com Thomas Sowell summed up Obama in his article Libya

and Lies. “It was a little much when President Barack Obama said that he was “offended”

by the suggestion that his administration would try to deceive the public about what

happened in Benghazi.” Then Sowell asked the question millions of Americans around

the nation are asking, “What has this man not deceived the public about?”

Media assumes Obama has some acumen in foreign policy. They figure he has been

around it four years so something has rubbed off. How much has he been around it,

when he misses so many meetings? With his dogmatic stubborn Alinsky thinking, how

much can he learn if he is so rigid? If he is so intent on punishing America, can he even

accept commonsense solutions to problems when solving the problems is not the goal.

Marching us lock step to socialism is!

Obama lies and his media swears to it! (Examiner article)

The second presidential debate was much different than the first. Obama came out much

more aggressive than the first. He began the stalking on stage, which when the

candidates came face to face, Romney loomed large over Obama who seemed small.

When Obama is allowed to use his “Alinsky License to Lie” with impunity, by the media,

to those who want to believe his lies, including the main stream media, Obama likely

looked good to them. To those realizing the truth, therefore recognizing Obama’s

exceptional ability to lie, he did not look so good. While Obama rips at Romney’s

reputation, he cannot hide his own ineptitude and failures with his false accusations.

Obama lies with the precision and confidence of a surgeon. When he stated emphatically

he believes in capitalism, I waited for his nose to come crashing through my television

screen. Obama who has announced, “Capitalism has failed”! Remember when he told

Joe the Plumber about his plan for socialist redistribution. Obama is not a man who

believes in capitalism!

How can Obama be allowed such fraudulence and dishonesty? This is Obama using the

Alinsky methodology changing his story depending upon the audience. Obama is the

epitome of the Alinsky organizer, “Who has no fixed truth – truth to him is relative and

changing!” Obama is given a blank check when it comes to lying. The budget too!

Debate moderator Candy Crowley of CNN supported the lies of Obama when Obama

declared he said the Benghazi embassy attack was an act of terrorism the day after on


. In the rose garden, he merely used the term terrorist attack in another context.

He dismisses sending out our UN Ambassador Susan Rice four days after to say it was a

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spontaneous demonstration because of a video. Obama himself ignored the case of

terrorism six days after at the UN when he re-enforced it was due to the video. Obama

handles his lies like a cat in its litter box frantically trying to cover its mess.

Main stream media networks CNN and MSNBC colluded to fabricate the new Obama

narrative. They are supporting his disinformation effort in spite of the evidence showing

he handed out a false narrative. Once caught, he is frantically constructing a new one and

the main stream media is helping him do it.

Obama repeated the same old attack ads he has been running against Romney for months

during this debate as he did in the first one. His false arguments against Romney were

like tired television re-runs, played over and over again, just like his plan for a second

presidential term. He intends to continue the same failed socialist polices he has been

pushing in his first term. President Obama is a re-run of a bad program anyway!

Obama is the empty chair that Clint Eastwood talked to at the republican convention.

Call him the empty suit, straw man, the Max Headroom talking teleprompter head he is a

man of much show, but very little substance!



The Obama experience Part 1 of 8 – the 2008 campaign (Examiner article)

In the 2008 presidential election Barack Obama’s experience was compared to that of

Sarah Palin. It was a comparison of Obama’s short stay as an Illinois State Senator

where he voted a noncommittal present on issues over 150 times. It included his short

service as a US Senator of barely a year before he began campaigning for president.

Most important was his service as a community organizer, which seemed to remain pretty

much undefined.

Palin’s experience as a mayor and governor in Alaska and some concrete

accomplishments were dismissed. The real things she accomplished were ignored. Her

statement, she could see Russia from her back porch took center stage. It was turned into

a joke, turning to ridicule, digging away at her credibility. The liberal mainstream media

did a hatchet job on Palin in service to Obama.

Her use of this country colloquialism, to say something close you could see from your

back porch was blown-up way out of proportion, thus defining Palin with a false

perception. Depicting her as a country yokel, as compared to Obama’s elite Harvard

Education and world view was a major part of the Obama campaign donated and carried

on by the mainstream media.

When Obama said there were 57 states, a real gaff, it was glossed over and ignored.

When he revealed to Joe the Plumber his intentions of redistribution of wealth, the

mainstream media ignored Obama’s words and attacked the plumber. Liberal media

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began designating “Socialism” as the new “N” word to cover for Obama. Mainstream

media was selective in whose so-called gaffs they displayed and whose they hid.

Obama was marketed as a man of great intelligence. Being a Harvard Graduate was the

primary reason for his pedestal as an intellectual. His books added fuel to the façade.

Little in terms of accomplishment ever made the media to reveal any concrete actions or

accomplishments. Obama was then and is now merely a marketed product, an image of

words, not actions.

Obama’s connections to radical extremists like the Reverend Jeramiah Wright, Father

Flager and William Aires were ignored. Many Obama gaffs and negative connections

were hidden by the media. The majority liberal media became an arm of his political

campaign machine, building Obama up and tearing Palin down.

Lost in the conversation was Palin would be a heartbeat away from the presidency and

Obama would be president. This was a fact few pointed out. It became Obama against

Palin and the dominant liberal media molded it that way. While Palin may not have been

ready for the presidency, she was clearly far more qualified than Obama.

Democrat mouth piece Donna Brazile defined the “community organizer” in the usual

nebulous but powerful terms saying, “Pontius Pilot was a governor, Jesus Christ was a

community organizer!” This statement put the halo of the savior Jesus Christ upon the

brow of Barack Obama. According to Brazile’s statement, Jesus Christ was the definition

of the “community organizer”.

This is how an extremely inexperienced Obama rose to the presidency of the United

States of America.

The Obama experience; Part 2 of 8. community organizer, falsely defined

The person who originally defined the community organizer Saul Alinsky had his

definitions selected by the main stream media to define it. These definitions were

provided by Saul Alinky in “Rules for Radicals”. However, the media chose only certain

content for those definitions, and avoided others, also distancing from the name Saul


Few really knew what the community organizer was except those who followed the word

of Alinsky. Most people in the country would never read his book. Especially those of

the independent or conservative mode! Truly, Rules for Radicals, though tedious and

convoluted, torture to read, should be required reading in our schools.

Community organizer sounds good. It sounds like someone invested in the community to

improve the situations for people in the community. It gives the impression of altruism

and caring. Such seems part of the Alinsky methodology, putting titles on things that

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make them seem acceptable. Donna Brazile put great weight on the position when she

said, “Pontius Pilot was a governor and Jesus Christ was a community organizer.”

She elevated the position of community organizer, even though few knew what the

position really entailed. At the same time she degraded the experience of governor,

comparing Palin to one of the most reviled governors in biblical history and history in

general. Pontius Pilot, the governor who washed his hands in the crucifixion of Jesus

Christ. At a time when politician’s credibility was sinking to new lows, Palin was

ingeniously compared with one of histories lowest governors.

The term community organizer was polished and shined. The media gave it a clean and

beautiful face, taking advantage of the public’s ignorance on the subject. They treated

the term community organizer, just as they did the new face of Barack Obama on the


Cool, was a word used by Alinsky to describe the organizer. It was adopted readily by

the mainstream media to advance the Obama image. This too was not given a clear

definition, but from its use in our society was perceived as a positive by a vast majority of

those hearing it.

Obama was “cool”, and going to lead us to “hope and change” in a “bold and decisive”

way! He appeared “cool” and said “cool” things. Placing him among the pillars of the

Greek Gods in a Denver rally, presented Obama as a supreme being. Obama was a

perfect commercial to sell a bogus product, socialism, “cold and calculating”, “not cool”

in his approach.

By keeping his history a mystery, they were able to build false faces for both Obama and

the community organizer. Separating Obama from his past and giving him a brand new

clean slate, they were able to build a persona that was highly desirable during a time of

perceived financial crisis and public fear.

Obama was able to get to the mainstream media revealing little of who he really was.

He could spout generalities like “hope and change” and “bold and decisive” without ever

clarifying what they meant or what those policies would be. People frighten by the

financial crisis and the accompanying liberal scare tactics of the “Never waste a good

crisis”, a strategy to advance the socialist agenda were opened to his hollow message.

The Obama experience; part 3 of 8: What is the community organizer?

What is the community organizer really? To read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radials” is

to understand who Barack Obama is.

Alinsky defined “community organizer” writing, “He does not have a fixed truth – truth

to him is relative and changing.” Obama’s constant changes in position, saying what he

needs to say, contradicting himself in front of different audiences, to him is an acceptable

part of his strategy. Not having a fixed truth sounds like the license to lie.

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Alinsky dogma states, “The organizer is in a true sense reaching for the highest level for

which a man can reach—to create, to be a “great creator,” to play God.” This is a

philosophy and image Donna Brazile perpetuated when declaring, “Pontius Pilot was a

governor, Jesus Christ was a community organizer.”

Obama’s strategy; Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” declars, “Ego must be so all-

pervading that the personality of the organizer is contagious, that it converts the people

from despair to defiance creating mass ego.” Obama’s self-comparisons, to Lincoln,

Washington, Roosevelt, Reagan, even God, acts of epidemic egotism get approval from

the dominant liberal media! Obama is a staunch believer in his superiority, comparing

with all the greatest of history, as indoctrinated by Alinsky!

Values “organizers” are above include fidelity (loyalty); truth, at the organizer’s mood;

accountability, promises like truth are fleeting, whimsical. Alinsky maintains “Ethical

standards must be elastic to stretch with the times,” and “In the politics of human life,

consistency is not virtue.” He discounts honesty, loyalty and consistency and endorses

flip flopping, back stabbing and lying.

Obama’s Alinsky ego bends “truth” to his needs, promises of loyalty are utilitarian, non-

binding. This makes his oath of office as President meaningless for his word is

meaningless. As an Alinsky organizer, Obama is the supreme judge. In his mind

conman jive lies are truth. This is Alinsky’s definition of “COOL”! The mainstream

media robotically uses Alinsky’s glossary to glorify Obama’s depravity!

The Obama experience: part 4 of 8. Who is Saul Alinsky, of whom Obama is a

disciple and professor?

Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” says, “An organizer knows that life is a sea of shifting

desires, changing elements, of relativity and uncertainty, and yet he must stay within the

experience of the people he is working with and act in terms of specific resolutions and

answers, of definitiveness and certainty. To do otherwise would stifle the organization

and action, for what the organizer accepts as uncertainty would be seen by them [the

community, the people] as a terrifying chaos.”

Alinsky’s is a plan for tearing down what exists, with no plan for building after

introducing the chaos of destruction. His plan is for arresting power, not using it wisely.

It is a selfish and destructive manipulation, of the community and the people, for his own


Alinsky says, “The man of action views the issues of means and ends in pragmatic and

strategic terms. He thinks only of his resources and the possibilities of various choices

and actions.”

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Alinsky defines of means and ends as, “The end is what you want, the means is how you

get it.” You and yours, he and his, it is about selfish exploitation of the people to gain

power for the individual or group.

“To say that corrupt means corrupts the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception

of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process

from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of

when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life,” in his view.

Alinsky sees corruption as the normal method of operation. He thinks one fights

corruption out of fear, and those against corruption sniveling cowardly wimps. To reject

corruption is not fear of it, while embracing corruption often is, so which one fears life?

Alinsky goes on, “The practical revolutionary will understand Goethe’s “conscience is

the virtue of observers and not the agents of action”; in action, one does not always enjoy

the luxury of a decision that is consistent with one’s individual conscience and the good

of all mankind.”

Alinsky has a dim view of mankind. Opposed to Thomas Jefferson’s view mankind’s

destiny and salvation is in honesty and truth. Alinsky sees mankind embracing corruption

as he has done so himself. He presents a dismal view of the future ensconced in a haze of

corruption. Virtue is a joke and political life is ruthlessness. This is Obama’s philosophy

and sadly many in our government, both parties, perhaps a majority practice it to varying


One can see Alinsky recognizes the hell is creating. He has no reservations about putting

us all in hell, because it is not about the people, but those who will rule the people no

matter where they are. It clarifies Alinsky’s dedication of “Rules for Radicals”:

Alinsky dedicated, “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the

very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know

where mythology leaves off and history begins-or which is which), the first radical

known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at

least won his own kingdom. – Lucifer”

The Obama experience; part 5 of 8. Alinsky Vs the founding fathers

It appears, like Lucifer, Alinsky would rather reign in hell than serve in Heaven and he

would be willing to damn us all to his hell to provide a kingdom for himself and his

followers! He epitomizes the saying, “Misery loves company.” He certainly appears to

have a dismal mentality.

Alinsky’s cynical and pessimistic views of people and virtues present a dark view of life

where things can only improve by destruction. This seems to be the strategy of all the

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mega villains in our movies these days. Destroy what exists and hope something better

grows back.

Our founding fathers devised a system in which virtue and integrity are aspired to. We

can employ the system to work toward continual improvement of our society. If the

people stay involved and keep pushing the politicians toward honesty and integrity we

can reach a better place.

There never can be perfection, a Utopia like liberals preach! We humans are not saints!

That perfection they seek is not possible, because there are too many human foibles with

which to contend. Giving government total control will only exacerbate and magnify

those shortcomings.

If we employ corruption as the norm, we pursue corruption as the intent. We sow the

seeds of corruption and corruption will be the fruit which we harvest. Corruption will not

likely mutate into blooming a good and wholesome society in such a decayed


If we employ honesty, integrity and morality pursuing our intents, we are much more

likely to achieve it. Certainly there are always those opportunists that will bastardize

those processes for their own purposes and turn good into the corrupt. If we as a people,

like our founding fathers, make good our purpose, we will sow more seeds of good and

harvest more of the fruits of good.

If we acquiesce to accepting Alinsky’s inevitable nature of corruption, our entire society

will become corrupt at various levels. The virtuous will be smothered in the waste

products of the corrupt system and virtue will be banished from our society. Honesty and

integrity will become extinct traits.

If we aim toward honesty, integrity and morality, certainly from the history of human

behavior we will fall short. But the history also shows we improve, reaching a little

higher as the virtuous and virtues taught and supported are allowed to take root.

In Alinky’s vision of society, that would not be allowed to happen and the multitude

forms of corruption will inbreed, creating a society of decay.

The Obama experience; Part 6 of 8. One of many faces

President Barack Hussein Obama is a man of many faces. Faces to fit various occasions,

moods and needs! When it comes to his treatment of America and Americans, one of his

faces is similar to that of the patronizing, cheating and/or mentally abusive spouse.

He blames Americans for being wasteful and selfish, taking from the rest of the world to

satisfy ourselves. While he speaks a modicum of truth, he forgets all this country has

given and done for the rest of the world. He is attacking the self-esteem of Americans,

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stealing our confidence, preparing us for the dismal futures his dictatorial socialism is

bringing. Obama appears invested in America failing.

He lies causing us to question ourselves. “Did he really say that yesterday,” we question

ourselves? Saul Alinsky’s ever changing truth exemplifies Obama’s integrity. He tells

different audiences completely different truths, and blames others for misrepresenting

him. He arrogantly jokes and laughs it off and ignores it when caught in a lie. He

employs Dr. Phil’s method of being assertive and continuous in pounding home what he

wants to present as truth. ( See Jan, 16, 2012 article “Dr. Phil Advising on Telling the

Truth, or The Art of Lying”.)

He usurps the people’s story as his own, as Alinky suggests. This is the cruel deception

of the mentally abusive spouse. He claims the pain he inflicts on his victims is being

inflicted upon him. He becomes the victim he creates in others, to continue to do

selfishly what he wants.

He talks about us behind our backs to others to make himself more respectable. He

aggrandizes himself by going around the world bad mouthing America to other leaders

and countries. This is the abusive spouse slandering his partner to justify his pathetic

conduct, making him more acceptable; the good guy.

Obama’s distorted belief, his vision through his Alinky goggles, gives him a license to lie

and practice lack of loyalty, breaking promises and all manners of corruption. This is the

Alinsky legacy Obama carries on as a disciple and professor of the Alinsky philosophy.

This is the political dogma Obama has as his main experience and primary focus.

Alinsky says, “There is a way to keep the action going and prevent it from being a drag,

but this means constantly cutting new issues as the action continues, so that by the time

the enthusiasm and the emotions for one issue have started to de-escalate, a new issue has

come into the scene with a consequent revival.”

This explains the Obama/Emanuel philosophy of “Never waste a good crisis” and why

they are such drama queens creating one crisis after another. It keeps attention away

from their underhanded pettiness and throws the people into a constant state of tension

and fear. The states of tension and fear make it easier to create a new crisis and exploit it

and the people! This is how Obama hides his real face, that of the socialist!

President Barrack Obama is a possessor of many faces and pusher of many false truths, a

man of variable values and certainly questionable integrity!

The Obama experience; Part 7 of 8. Obama’s presidential experience

Obama’s inexperience, provided as a community organizer, has captained the nation into

dangerous waters. Like the captain of the Titanic he runs the nations spending “Full

Ahead” with warnings of dangerous consequences all around.

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Obama cites continually what would have happened if he hadn’t taken the actions he did.

It is easy to say things would be worse if I hadn’t done what I did. Likely the mentally

abusive spouses would voice in defense.

It is hard to believe things would be worse when our debt has been increased by four

trillion dollars and looks to grow even more rapidly under the Obama plans. Especially

since we know this is the FDR plan which did not work during the “Great Depression”

and likely caused it to be greater. As pointed out by FDR’s own secretary of the treasury

Henry Morganthau Jr.!

Now the media is touting Obama’s experience as president as why he should be re-

elected. He has revealed himself as being a great campaigner, but lacking any semblance

of being a competent leader. Perhaps this is the problem.

The American Electoral System has evolved to being a place the used car salesman has

great power with rhetoric and promises, leaving the visionary and productive leaders

sitting home. As a people we are so enamored and controlled by the good speaker

promising us everything. We like to hear the seductive words whispered into our ear.

Obama’s limited successes are a comment on his experience. While he has been lucky

for the opportunity to experience much, and has been given grand positions to attain that

experience, he has not been able to turn that experience into anything productive or

concrete. Obama is a TV commercial, a talking head for his product, himself and


In fact he has turned his wonderful experience into something destructive. Such was the

purpose of his Alinsky education, becoming a disciple and professor of the Alinky

philosophy in “Rule for Radicals”. He has been taught to “tear down” not to “build up”.

A rock has had great experiences through the millennia, there for the forming of the

earth. Present as history was made time after time. At hand while time marched by and

human beings evolved and societies became more civilized. Empires grew and fell like

the cities they created. The rock has born witness even as part of foundations of

civilizations to enhance a great experience.

Obama has had a similar opportunity scaled down to a shorter life span. Yet Obama, like

the rock has taken away little or little positive to utilize his experience. Has his

experience had any positive affect on his abilities to accomplish or contribute? One

would not judge yes from his accomplishments for the people he pledged to serve.

If merely holding a position or passing a bill is considered accomplishment, we could

give him a nod. If we expect positive productivity in the position or from the bills,

Obama is no more than the inanimate rock with events going on around it, but taking

nothing from them.

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Experience is not only being there, it is doing something. Something positive that will

strengthen us as a free people and a free nation. One could easily say he is not quite a

rock, because he has had negative and destructive affects on our nation and people,

bankrupting the country and inviting socialism to enter.

Obama’s presidential experience is as hollow as his experience leading up to his election

to the presidency. He is a man of speeches and promises unfulfilled, and he sees nothing

wrong with it. He can lie to himself as easily as he can to the people, talking of

nonexistent accomplishments and it is okay, because he possesses the Alinsky “license to


Obama’s experience and intellect has not helped him to reach beyond the dogma in which

he has been indoctrinated, the propaganda programmed into his brain. He is mired in the

destructive doctrine of Saul Alinsky and his “Rules for Radicals”.

A good rule to follow in all aspects of life is, “Actions speak louder than words!”

The Obama experience; Part 8 of 8. Initiating class warfare

The implementation of “Class Warfare” by Obama and his left wing cohorts is obviously

from the Saul Alinsky play book, “Rules for Radicals”. It establishes the line of

demarcation between Alinsky’s “Haves” and “Have Nots”. It establishes the “Haves” as

one percent (1%) of the population and the “Have Nots” as the 99%. He enlists almost

the entire population to reduce the “Haves” to “Have Nots”.

Lighting the match to instigate this infighting is productive to the Alinsky method of

toppling our democratic and capitalist system. It makes way for elitists, not the

competent or capable of climbing to the top in a free system, using government to gain

power over the people and the competent. What such leaders fear the most is competence

and the people being knowledgeable and independent.

This class warfare also distracts the people with this infighting from the corrupt actions

the socialists are engaged in. While we are fighting each other, they are carrying out

plans that take us farther into the web of serfdom they are building. Fighting each other

we pave an easy road to the ends they seek.

As we reduce the one percent from “Haves” to “Have Nots”, who becomes the next

group seen as “Haves” to be reduced to “Have Nots”? Then the next top one percent

becomes the “Haves” and is attacked by the population till they are reduced to a “Have

Not”. It goes on and on and on till everyone is a product of what has been done under

socialist regimes. The vast majority of the population is driven into poverty and the new

one percent (1%) is government and their cronies controlling all aspects of our lives.

We will have exchanged the old one percent that gave us opportunities through free

enterprise for a new one percent, an authoritarian government that has destroyed the

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opportunities of capitulation for permanent poverty and serfdom. Manipulated by

jealousy we may be watching as one at a time the top one percent is attacked, defeated

and demoted to “Have Nots” while the leaders to socialism collected their booty making

them the top one percent. We the 99% will have carried out their revolution to take over

the government, giving the people’s government to oppressors.

This is reminiscent of Martin Niemöller’s warning, "First they came…"!

From Wikapedia:

"First they came…" is a famous statement attributed to pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–

1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and

the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The text of the quotation is usually

presented roughly as follows:

First they came for the communists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

This is not to say big business is clean, but much of their filth has been licensed by

corrupt government. To take the power of big business and give it to government is to

assure government run business will become totally and completely corrupt. Will anyone

in a government holding complete power become anything but corrupt to the core?

Alinsky and his followers are not concerned about corruption. They see it as the natural

state of things as described in “Rule for Radicals”. It is a tool they use “not coolly” but

“coldly”, without conscience. They do not care if they create Hell on earth. Not as long

as they are the leaders, the elite one percent in the hell they have devised. They, the

wolves will not be happy until the 99% are sheep they control.

It is up to the people to control governments and politicians to keep them more honest. It

is up to the people to use the mechanisms our founding fathers gave us in the Constitution

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and their words and works to control the Alinky’s that are intent on making life Hell for

the masses, like Lucifer, so they can secure power somewhere, anywhere, everywhere!

THE END (I hope not)


Obama cares? (Examiner article)

Obama cares more than Romney, the earlier polls told us so. Or that is what 53% of the

people thought. Only 35% of the people felt that way about Romney. Likeability put

Obama at 61% and Romney at 31%. These numbers have jumped hundreds of times and

Obama’s numbers have fallen and Romney has become better liked. Still, Obama is

projected by the media as caring more about the people. After all Romney is “tax

insensitive”, which is tantamount to lacking ethics? (See August 26, 2012 article, “The

Erin Burnett formula”.)

Obama spends much time telling the people how much he cares and how much his

opponents do not. He portrays Romney as a rich man promoting the rich and himself as a

middle class American that worked his way up. As though he understands middle class

America and Romney doesn’t.

The president, in office three and a half years has not seriously addressed the job situation

in this country. He has prepared us for the new normal where the employment rate would

be much lower and unemployment higher. He has expanded government and

entitlements slapping chains on the people, making them dependent, serfs to government.

Barack Obama will go around the country declaring how much he cares and how little his

opponents do. He laughed when admitting the almost trillion dollar stimulus package had

been squandered because there were not “shovel ready” projects. Wasting the American

People’s hard earned treasure was a joke to him.

A good measure to the validity of words is actions. “Actions speak louder than words!”

What someone does is more important to note than what the person says. Words are

often marketing, advertising what one wants people to believe over what really is. It is

well recognized Obama is slick with words which his actions do not even come close to


Seriously, even if Obama really did care more, it is obvious he lacks the competence to

do anything about it.

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Obama, the tyrannical despot (Examiner article)

Larry King in an interview some time ago with Sean Hannity expressed some thoughts on

Barack Obama. He voiced how even ultra liberals were against the hawkish nature of

Obama. His policy using the drone warfare to take out terrorist leaders was highlighted.

If not constrained by the checks and balances of our democratic republic, Obama shows

tendencies of a tyrannical despot. He personally chooses the targets for the drones to

seek out and kill, wielding his fickle finger of death. While preaching peace and

gentleness in policy to many of our enemies in the diplomatic arena, he applies the

sneaky sword! He utilizes the symbolic sword liberally in the political arena too.

His approach to political foes is much the same as his deadly drone assassinations. He

and his political machine use the ruthless Saul Alinsky methods described in “Rules for

Radicals” seeking out and destroying the reputation of opponents, taking it to the extreme

of demolishing their standing, leaving their futures dead and devastated. In politics,

Obama clearly practices a scorched earth policy, merciless strategies of Machiavelli

outlined in “The Prince”.

Obama’s complaints about not having the power to do what he wanted to do are signals

to his tyrannical character. He bemoans Congress, the Supreme Court, the Constitution

and Capitalism holding him back from doing his will. Obama is clearly pushing for

larger government with more power over the people.

Obama policies usurp the freedoms of the people one or two at a time. He is using

oppressive taxation to subjugate the American people, putting them at the mercy of his

selection of winners and losers. Obamacare is not a saver of the American people, but an

enslaver of the people! There are those whom he chooses to make rich and powerful. He

makes his cronies successful and eliminates enemies like he chooses who the drones will

take out.

His preclusion to issue executive orders to accomplish his agenda, bypassing Congress

and the Supreme Court highlights his impatience with democracy and a free people. His

appointing of czars, unencumbered by any regulation other than him, where positions

already exist, shows a desire to rule unimpeded, without question or confrontation.

Obama clearly shows desires to rule as a Czar or a Caesar!

Without the constraints still active in our crumbling democratic republic, Obama could

easily dawn the mantel of dictator. Perhaps he is trying it on and preening in front of the

mirror. With no checks and balances the Founding Fathers incorporated into the

Constitution and our government, Obama’s tendencies toward despotism would likely

bring him to greater tyranny than he already practices.

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Jobs Ur Us (Examiner article)

On this past FOX News Sunday, May 27, 2012, there was a discussion of Obama’s

attacks on Mitt Romney’s experience as a business man. Obama aimed those attacks on

the difference between creating jobs and creating wealth. This seems to be the fallacy in

the Obama economic policy. He sees a distinct difference between creating jobs and

creating wealth.

Romney Wealth, Not Jobs



His economic gurus like Paul Krugman seem to have the same philosophy. That

philosophy of paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back in exemplifies that

philosophy. They see the act of merely paying someone as actions for a healthy

economy, because then that person can pay taxes to keep the government running.

Krugman (Examiner article)

How short sited is that. Where does government get the money to pay someone to be

nonproductive? They get it from the taxpayer employed in the private sector where the

wealth is created. Government creates no wealth. It skims the wealth of others to carry

on their non wealth producing and often nonproductive operations. In this way

government is a parasite.

While Obama wisecracking, accuses Romney of the “Cow Pie of Distortion” Obama

employs his “Cesspool of Distortion” liberally applying his “Alinsky License to Lie”.

His attack on Romney that he creates wealth not jobs is ignorance on Obama’s part and

the lack of common sense of Keynesian/Krugman Economics he embraces.

Cow Pie



Do you know anything/Have you ever done anything



Yes, capitalism is driven by the profit motive, greed to a great extent. Those capitalists in

their quest for riches invest their time, money and sweat to build businesses that create

wealth, creating jobs every step of the way. Creation of wealth machines, companies are

the creators of jobs. The jobs that built the American middle class! Obama seems

oblivious to understand this fact.

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Corey Booker video



Brit Hume jokingly pointed out there is no company out their expressly for the creation

of jobs. Jobs get created in the process of doing business that will create assets, wealth.

“There is not a Jobs are Us,” Hume chuckled!” However, Hume was wrong in this


Obama confused on bain



There are organizations “Jobs are Us”! They are federal and state governments. Those

perpetual creators of positions where productivity is not that important or even a concern.

Where digging a hole and filling it in is seen as productive! Where the money paying for

those nonproductive jobs is taken from those working, creating the wealth of the nation!

This is the economic philosophy of socialism.

This is Obama’s economic philosophy, “Creating more government jobs.” More jobs

that are nonproductive, not creating wealth but sucking away, squandering the wealth of a

nation. This is how Obama creates jobs! We see the result, a nation that is depressed.

Socialism is like the out going tide for the people, leaving the flotsam and jetsam, dead

fish and garbage strewn about the shore (the economic landscape). Greedy capitalists,

like the incoming tide, raise all boats! Greedy socialists scuttle all boats but their own!


Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 1 of 8. Following the dots (Examiner article

February 9, 2013)

Steven A. Smith of ESPN’s First Take (January 17, 2013) discussing the Manti Te’o

hoax came to a conclusion for himself, Te’o is lying. He says “When you follow the

dots,” that is the conclusion you must come to. He pointed out that is the job of the

journalist, to follow the dots. Te’o carrying on a love filled relationship for three years

when he has never seen the girl face to face, but has talked about looking into her eyes.

After a near fatal accident, on her deathbed from leukemia, and her funeral, and he never

went to see her. Following the dots, it certainly seems as though Te’o was involved in

the hoax!

Lance Armstrong’s interview with Oprah Winfrey was aired about two days after the

Te’o Hoax was uncovered. One sports announcer compared the two, an unfair

comparison when looking at the childish stupidity of Te’o’s actions and the insidiousness

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of those of Armstrong. But it is an accurate indicator of how television and celebrity


Having only heard and seen a few portions and opinions from the Armstrong interview,

reports are he was very cold and calculating. He admitted to the charges he had denied

for over 14 years. Lying, about cheating, use of performance enhancing drugs and illegal

actions, perpetuating those lies each and every day for all those years!

Still, even in the interview, Armstrong could not shake his natural habit of lying. People

in the know are still urging him to come clean. Armstrong is a liar, a cheat, a law and

rule breaker of the highest magnitude, using and threatening people for his own nefarious

needs and deeds! Mike Greenberg of ESPN’s “Mike and Mike” (January 18, 2013)

admitted the dots weren’t followed in the Armstrong saga! The red flags raised were

ignored by the sports media.

Let’s call this sociopath like behavior “Lance Armstrong Syndrome”. It is a malady of an

individual, enabled by a compliant media, afraid of, or in awe of that individual. An

individual who will lie, cheat and steal to the very highest of magnitudes, and swear to it’

to attain and retain the power and adulation they crave.

It doesn’t matter who it hurts, they must win at all costs, even if it hurts the nation! This

syndrome includes media participation that sees the symptoms, but refuses to follow the

dots of dishonesty and corruption. A media that fans the fires of fraud and corruption

handing greater power and glory to a dangerous sociopath!

Then I must ask why are not the dots being followed in the case of Barack Hussein

Obama? I would think this is the job hard news journalists should do. News media has

failed miserably during Obama’s appearance on the national scene! In fact, it seems

journalists have attempted to erase those dots and destroy the reputation of anyone trying

to follow them!

Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 2 of 8. Obama’s Alinsky dots (Examiner article

February 12, 2013)

If the name of Saul Alinsky is mentioned in regard to Obama, the media immediately

circles the wagons and goes into a defensive mode. Bill Moyers describes Saul Alinsky a

seeker of social justice, elevating him to some sort of saint. Obama’s association with

Saul Alinsky’s philosophies is much a part of who he is. In fact, the media takes parts of

Alinsky’s writings to bolster Obama!

Political activist Saul Alinsky defined the “organizer” writing, “He does not have a fixed

truth – truth to him is relative and changing.” His organizer was turned into “community

organizer” by the media, giving it great credibility. At the same time Alinsky gave the

“community organizer” unlimited leeway with truth. His truth is allowed major and

constant fluctuations and inconsistencies depending upon the organizer’s mood.

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Obama was constructed from Saul Alinsky’s book “Rule for Radicals” which was

dedicated to Lucifer who Alinsky describes as, “The first radical known to man who

rebelled against the establishment!” Obama the student, disciple then professor of the

Saul Alinsky philosophy uses “Rule for Radicals” as his playbook, his presidential


Alinsky preached, “The organizer is in a true sense reaching for the highest level for

which a man can reach—to create, to be a “great creator,” to play God.” This is an image

the media took up, portraying Obama as a messiah like figure! An image Donna Brazile,

democrat strategist sought to fortify when comparing Governor Palin’s experience to

Obama’s lack of experience saying, “Pontius Pilot was a governor, Jesus Christ was a

community organizer.” Obama readily embraces, perhaps believes these deified

characterizations. The Reverend Martin Luther King would have winced at such


Newsweek’s Evan Thomas June 2009 declared, “Reagan (at the 1984 D-Day

commemoration) was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is, “We are

above that now. We’re not just parochial, we’re not just chauvinistic, we’re not just

provincial. We stand for something’ I mean in a way, Obama’s standing above his

country, above-above the world. He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides

together.” What happened to that? Obama turned out to be the “Great Divider” not the

“Great Uniter”!

Magazines played up this image placing holy like light around Obama’s head on the

covers of magazines. Don’t forget the Greek Columns reminiscent of Mt. Olympus used

during his first presidential campaign. Obama’s declaration of lowering the seas and

temperatures played into this god like image to which many have fallen prey (to pray).

“Community Organizer”, “Great Creator” all images created by Alinsky, promoted and

perpetuated by the media! The 2013 presidential inaugural week Newsweek Magazine

hailed Obama “The Second Coming”! Likening Obama to God has been fast and


Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 3 of 8. More of Obama’s Alinsky dots (Examiner

article February 15, 2013)

Values “Alinsky organizers” are above include fidelity (loyalty); truth, at the organizer’s

mood; accountability, promises like truth are fleeting, whimsical. Honesty and integrity

are superfluous, by Alinsky standards. He maintains “Ethical standards must be elastic to

stretch with the times,” and “In the politics of human life, consistency is not virtue.”

Instead of delving into these philosophies, researching, questioning and following the

trail, the media enhanced some of the images Alinsky threw out to the public, but not

only avoided the main body of his philosophies, but threw them out never to be seen.

News people like Bill Moyers softened Saul Alinsky to make him a hero, not a dangerous


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The media has assigned titles to his organizer, but failed to research what those titles

really mean. Organizer, cool, a great creator, God like, all given positive spin to the

Obama arrogance and tyranny! Media drooling over him, fawning, in print and over the

air waves, inflating Obama’s image, his head and his arrogance and tyranny!

Obama’s presidential strategy has been Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”, in which

Alinsky contends, “Ego must be so all-pervading that the personality of “the organizer” is

contagious, that it converts the people from despair to defiance creating “mass ego.”

Obama’s message is one of crisis, chaos, despair and class warfare! Obama’s massive

egotism has him comparing himself to Lincoln, Washington, Roosevelt, Reagan and even

God, and he gets media approval without performance, without question!

In converting people from despair to defiance people voted for Obama in spite of his

outlandish, incompetent and dishonest behavior and performance. Obama’s being voted

to a second term as president was much like O. J. Simpson being acquitted of the murder

of his wife and Ron Goldman. It was a rebellious act of people in manipulated despair

being defiant. That is what Alinsky has taught Obama, to divide and conquer! To get

people to act out of emotion, anger, not common sense!

Obama is basking in the rays of his glorious self. He is more interested in ruling than

governing. In his mind he can do no wrong. He thinks his failed economic policies will

eventually work, just as FDR did with his “New Deal”. However, it really doesn’t matter

if they fail. Either outcome will serve the purpose for his agenda, taking America to

socialism and beyond!

Obama, “The Man Who Would Be King” or “The Man Who Sees Himself as God”, and

is encouraged by many to do so. Such a man threatens serfdom to a free people. This is

another symptom of the “Lance Armstrong Syndrome” complete focus on self, the people

be damned!

Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 4 of 8. Obama’s Chicago dots (Examiner article

February 18, 2013)

Illinois Governor Kerner, a Democrat served from 1961 to 1968. He served as a judge on

the U.S. Court of Appeals. He was found guilty in 1973 of bribery, conspiracy, perjury

and related charges and was sentenced to three years in prison and fined $50,000. He

took payoffs from Marge Lindheimer Everett, manager of Arlington Park and

Washington Park racetracks in exchange for choice racing dates and two expressway

exits to funnel fans to the horse races.

Bob Daughtery, AP wrote, “Lindheimer Everett theorized that bribery was an ordinary

and necessary business expense in Illinois.”

In Illinois political corruption is a hallmark. As Lindheimer Everett theorized it is

standard operating procedure. The Chicago Sun-Times documented in Sept. 7, 2006 at

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least 79 current or former Illinois, Chicago or Cook County elected officials had been

found guilty of a crime by judges, juries or pleas since 1972.

Since 2006, there has been no let up of corruption from Illinois and Chicago politicians!

They have seen their leaders found guilty of crimes and corruption in droves! (Rod

Blagojevich in 2011, most recently this month former U.S. Representative Jessie Jackson

Jr. (D-Ill) and his wife a former Chicago Alderman Sandi Jackson, using campaign funds

for personal use.)

Obama was marketed as a man of great intelligence. Being a Harvard Graduate was the

primary reason for his pedestal as an intellectual. His books added fuel to the façade of

his skills. There are some that believe he didn’t write the book that has garnered him such

accolades. Some think William Ayers, homeland terrorist and bomber was the author.

Obama, the politician and president was constructed in Chicago, a reflection of the cities

corrupt nature!

Yet the media did not check into his background. Warning flags were raised, dots

appeared, but to attempt to connect the dots was met with Obamedia charges of extremist,

conspiracy theorist and racist. Little in terms of accomplishment ever made the media to

reveal any concrete actions or accomplishments. Obama was then and is now merely a

marketed mystery, an image of words, not actions. The epitome of the empty suit!

Obama’s connections to radical Chicago extremists and crooks like the Reverend

Jeramiah Wright, Father Pfleger, William Ayres, Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko were

ignored. Many Obama gaffs and negative connections were hidden by the media. The

dots erased! The majority liberal media became an arm of his political campaign

machine, building Obama up and tearing his opponents down. It is another symptom of

Lance Arstrong Syndrome! To destroy others to enhance oneself!

Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 5 of 8. Obama’s Communist Party & Muslim

Brotherhood dots (Examiner article February 21, 2013)

Obama laughs at assertions he is a socialist. From one aspect I would agree. Obama

embraces socialist methodologies and philosophies as an introductory step beyond to

communism. That is really where he would go if he were allowed such a giant leap.

However he has taken us dangerous giant steps to socialism.

Communist Party Connections

Obama has associations with Sam Webb, National Chair of Communist Party USA and

also Manning Marable, the late Marxist academic! Frank Martial Davis, an American,

communist, journalist was Obama’s boyhood mentor. Other communist leaning

associates were Vernon Jarrett who worked in several Chicago communist organizations,

Rev. Addie Wyatt a long time affiliate of the Chicago Communist Party, and Bea and

Frank Lumpkin members of Communist Party USA. Obama has received support from

many communist organizations over a long period of time!

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Muslim Brotherhood Alliance

Obama has not only connections and support from the Muslim Brotherhood, but

members of his administrations have Muslim Brotherhood affiliations! Egytian “Rose

El-Youseff Magazine suggested six and names them!

Rashad Hussian - U.S. Special Envoy

Arif Alikhan – Assistant Sec of Homeland Security, founder of World Islamic

Organization which identifies the Muslim Brotherhood as a subsidiary

Mohammed Elibiary – a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council

Salam al-Marayati – co-found Muslim Public affairs council MPAC

Imam Mohamed Magid – President Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Eboo Patel – A member of Obama’s Advisory council on faith based partnerships

Pamela Geller – Atlas Shrugs 65 posts categorized “Obama and The Muslim

Brotherhood” Thursday, January 03, 2013, subheading “Vindication: Egyptain Magazine

Exposes Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of Obama Administration”

Egytain Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration IPT John

Rossomando, Jan. 3, 2013 “An Egytain Magazine claims that six American Islamic

activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives

who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy!”

Egytian “Rose El-Youseff Magazine suggested six names saying they (the six) turned

the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the

world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

As in the Chicago connections categories, Obama’s Communist and Muslim connections

run father and deeper! These mentioned are just scratching the surface, the obvious ones!

Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 6 of 8. Obama’s personal dots (Examiner article

February 28, 2013)

Initially Obama hide his birth certificate! It took him several years to finally have it

revealed. When at last it came out, it had a rough and questionable look to it. Some said

it utilized many fonts which was unusual. Sheriff Joe Arpio had experts look it over.

They thought it looked fraudulent. With Obama’s proclivity for lying, this cannot be


Birther was the label used to discourage such questioning of President Obama. Birther

the word which was constructed to be synonymous with crazy, conspiracy theorist,

extremist or racist! The usual bullying by political correctness established to change

words to help the Obama propaganda.

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Sealed college transcripts should also spur curiosity about the man and his beginnings.

Instead his actions seemed to send a message of hands off. Even to sage journalists like

Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose! Yet Romney was asked to show ten years of his tax

fillings and accused of not paying taxes for ten years by Senate Leader Harry Reid!

Throw into the mix the incidents of Obama’s czars. Then Obamacare behind closed

doors, Fast & Furious, Obama’s beating his chest on the Bin Laden killing, but hiding in

a hole on the Benghazi debacle, like Saddam in his hole! Oh yes, the “video” that was

blamed for Benghazi! Obama’s lie heard round the world! Secretary of State Hillary

Clinton’s response, “What difference does it make?”

The 2012 Presidential campaign tactics of Obama bears strong comparisons to Lance

Armstrong’s behaviors. Obama practicing Armstrong’s and Alinsky’s win at any cost,

lie, cheat and steal toward that end. Destroying an opponent’s character and reputation to

promote their own lies and deceit. Obama sowed lies about Romney like the farmer sows

seeds on his fields.

Obama’s cavalcade of professional liars hit the streets and air waves! Practiced and

perfected liars like Stephanie Cutter, David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, Harry Reid and a host

of others spread their putrid lies like manure on the same fields! Destroying opponents to

win and the feeling of infallibility, and arrogance encouraged the audacity that anything

they did was OK. Media supported those dishonest actions every step of the way calling

Obama’s corrupt and dirty campaign brilliant!

The 2012 presidential campaign was dirty in so many ways, yet the media did nothing to

follow the dots. In fact, they again erased the dots, hailing the wonderful campaign

Obama ran.

Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 7 of 8. More of Obama’s personal dots

(Examiner article March 3, 2013)

Before the 2008 election Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose had a discussion on Obama

being a mystery. That little was known about him. These two giants of media news

responsible for such research sat there mystified at the Obama ambiguity and did nothing

about it.

It was almost like they marveled in it but had no curiosity to delve into it. Perhaps they

didn’t want to know, or they knew and didn’t want to reveal his suspicious ties to the

voting public. Obama was almost as unknown during the 2012 election as he was the

2008, after four years of being president because of the protection he received from the


Chris Matthews declared Mitt Romney the unknown in the 2012 election to take attention

away from Obama’s shady character. He used Romney as a distraction to keep Obama’s

socialist nature and poor character hidden. Like Lance Armstrong destroying the

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reputation of those exposing his dishonesty, Obama attacked Romney viciously, with

malice and deceit!

Romney was made out the liar when Obama showed a history of being a “Rapid Fire

Liar” during his first term! This was Alinsky’s methodology of destroying an opponent’s

reputation and character using lies and slander in order to preserve and enhance ones own

character. Like with Armstrong, the media was complicit in Obama’s lies and deceit!

They supported and promoted Obama’s dishonesty. The media was Obama’s partner in

the destruction of Romney’s reputation.

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are both disciples of

Alinsky, like many others. Obama taught Alinsky’s philosophies as a college professor.

There is plenty of deceit inherent in the business of politics. These processes are even

documented for reproduction by such as Alinsky. Hitler’s “Big Lie” is one of the tools

Alinsky suggests and Obama and his liberal democrats use. This gives us a trust and

truth indicator of our liberal political elite.

Obama presses, pushes and cries crisis to get his agenda passed in a convenient,

convoluted, quick and covert manner. He would like to be king, but has long seen

himself as more. A disciple of Saul Alinsky and professor of the Alinsky philosophies,

Obama has been standing on a pedestal for a long time. He sees himself as deserving to

be there. Alinsky is the definer of the “community organizer, a Great Creator, God like”!

Obama fancies himself as such!

Finally we will go full circle, back to Steven A. Smith on January 30, 2013 ESPN’s First

Take. Discussing Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez again using PEDs (Performance

Enhancing Drugs) according to an article in the Miami New Times! Because of

Rodriguez’s past, Smith said, “There are reasons for suspicion! Suspicion is justified!”

However, the media, whose inactions were a major player in Lance Armstrong

Syndrome, complains they are being made puppets to the puppet master Obama. Such

allegations are ludicrous when you consider the Obamedia has been compliant puppets

for him since he came on the scene! They even made themselves prostrate before his god

like images! Such sycophants!

Thus the cloak covering Barack Obama is revealed. What is under that cloak is still to be

discovered. My article, perhaps amateurish, yet applying common sense cites enough

incidents, dots, to warrant looking into! Michelle Malkin has written a very

comprehensive book, “Culture of Corruption” on the subject of Obama’s questionable,

often corrupt behaviors.

In regard to Obama, “There are many reasons for suspicion! Suspicion is justified!”

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Lance Armstrong Syndrome; Part 8 of 8. Summary outline President Obama’s dots

(Examiner article March 7, 2013)

Just a few dots to follow (Outline)

Saul Alinsky dots

The Organizer

License to lie

No loyalties

Destroying opponents

Great Creator, God like

Chicago gangster politics dots

Criminal associations

Communists associations

Extremists associations

Muslim Connection dots


White House

Middle and Far East

Obama’s personal dots

Birth certificate anomalies

Sealed college documents

Other omissions

Moving to socialism

World view background

Obama’s Presidential dots


Hidden decisions

Executive Orders

Fast and Furious



Drone Killings

Election dots


Lies about Romney

Precinct voting anomalies (Ohio, Philadelphia etc.)

Donation anomalies (At home & abroad)

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Obama’s crisis management: Part 1. The Obama drama (Examiner article March

11, 2013)

On the manufacturing production floor, I saw two managers up for the same promotion to

the next level. One I’ll call Bob, was scurrying around the plant, rubbing elbows, talking

to upper level managers, and regularly fighting emergencies on the production floor! The

second I’ll call Bill was quietly talking with his people, seldom if ever seen addressing an


In short, Bob got the promotion because he was seen handling emergency after

emergency. Bill seemed rather lackluster in his daily performance. Bob running around

like a chicken with his head cut off because of addressing the crises he created was

observed as being the better performer. Bill communicating with his workers and

avoiding crisis was seen as weak and docile! Bob with his reactive approach appeared

more capable and dynamic! Bill with a proactive approach appeared bland, milk toast!

Never waste a good crisis

Our President Barack Obama adheres to the Rahm Emanuel approach of “never waste a

good crisis”! For such people the strategy of “never waste a good crisis” has evolved to

the corollary of “never waste the opportunity to create a good crisis”! This sums up

Barack Obama’s “Crisis Management Style!

Everything Barack Obama puts out before the nation is in crisis mode. If it is actually not

a crisis, he makes it into one. Some things actually a crisis if not important to his agenda

or could obstruct his agenda, are ignored. Obama’s Benghazi Affair is one such example!


Healthcare was a “crisis”? It was some 2700 pages pushed through in the night with

about three hours left to our representatives to read it. Nancy Pelosi laughingly said we

need to pass it so we can know what’s in it. Years later and we still don’t know what is

in it. They laughed about Sara Palin insinuating “Death Panels” were part of this Bill few

if any who voted for it read! Now economist Paul Krugman expresses the need for “death

panels” which appear in Obamacare but certainly not under that name!

The Affordable Healthcare Bill was passed left with holes and dark cul-de-sacs to be

manipulated after the fact. Such that the cost for Obamacare has risen to two, three, now

four times what Obama projected! The shadiness and shadows in the Bill have no where

near been exposed! The numerous taxes, traps and pitfalls yet to snag the people!

Even when the can is kicked down the road, postponing the crisis, Obama does not meet

with his opponents to address the crisis. He waits again till the last minute crisis arises

again, manipulating his opponents and the people to get his own way. He just stands over

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the pot and keeps stirring it, hoping his way will prevail. These are the actions of a piss

poor and incompetent leader! Or perhaps a spoiled child!

Obama is running around the country hysterical, like “Chicken Little” screaming “the sky

is falling.” Like a chicken with his head cut off, running directionless in circles! He is

sewing fear throughout the nation! Fear mongering is the way he pushes his agenda.

Obama (Chicken Little): The sky is falling, earth warming, ocean rising!

Obama crisis management

Employing constant propagandist demagoguery, Obama instills fear in the people,

employing the green eyed monster of jealousy and envy pitting one group against the

other in class warfare! Obama’s is a negative leadership taking America to negative

places, to socialism and beyond!

Obama’s crisis management: Part 2. The little president who cries wolf! March 15,


Obama’s crisis count

Obama’s list of inflated crisis is long and constant. It started with TARP which began on

President Bush’s watch, but also approved by President Obama! This was the running

start afforded Obama in his crisis management tactic! The drastic action that was

supposedly to keep us from going over the cliff! Then there was the stimulus package

and the bailouts, which Obama tells us results would have been disastrous if he hadn’t

implemented those actions.

We are told by Obama things would have been much worse if he hadn’t taken the actions

he did. We have no concrete results of his actions? He like FDR has stretched a

financial depression far longer than is historically standard. Obama’s accomplishments

are only based on what is projected might have happened. Likely scenarios caused by

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mismanagement, pumped up out of proportion to turn them into a crisis that could be

exploited for political purposes!

Obama traveling the nation crying wolf!

Obama, the wolf in sheeps clothing

Obama’s crises are many! Starting with TARP, bank and auto industry bailouts and the

stimulus package of almost a trillion dollars that was squandered! Then came Obama’s

healthcare debacle! Next we went to Afganistan and the Arab Spring, turning sour on the

vine! As Obama became more emboldened he not only exploited crisis, he created them!

Green energy like the stimulus that lost much government investment among them!

Benghazi, Obama’s lie heard round the world, that an obscure video caused the attack

that killed four American’s, the ambassador to Tripoli one of them. Most recently the

fiscal cliff and the debt ceiling! We are facing sequester, an Obama concoction for which

he is blaming others, and the debt ceiling again! We must not forget that creating crisis

and managing it to his own advantage and agenda is a major Obama tactic!

Obama’s crisis management to manipulate the people

Obama uses crisis to manage the people, frightening them into accepting his half baked,

foolish and destructive policies and executive orders! “Never waste a good crisis” and

whenever you can, “Create a good crisis” are not merely mottos Obama lives by, but

actions he takes even if it hurts America!

Obama is a crisis manager. Not one who manages crisis to a positive conclusion, or

manages situations so they pretty much avoid crisis in general. Obama turns everything

into a crisis! He inflates and exploits crisis that come along, using those emergencies to

manipulate people in the self-serving direction he wishes to go. Like the Newtown

Massacre, used to push his agenda of Gun Control, using the killing of twenty six second

graders for political purposes! His crisis management even goes to the point of creating

crisis to exploit. Creating those crises even if it hurts the people and the nation to get

where Obama wants to go, to socialism and beyond!

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Obama is constantly muddying the water to hide his actions. Laying smoke screens to

disguise his strategies! Creating distractions and diversions to take attention away from

his Marxist intentions! Obama a master of deception, incompetent in his leadership of a

free nation!


Obama Tyranny Part 1; Aiming armies against Americans (Examiner article April

25, 2013)

Aiming Armies At American People

Civilian Security Force – Candidate Obama voiced his desire for a “civilian national

security force” in his 2008 campaign and has planted the seeds of its execution in the

Obamacare Bill. Troops that would patrol the streets of our communities as the British

did before the revolution in 1776. This force Obama says will be as large and well

equipped as our armed forces.

Obamacare allows government to commandeer civilians during emergencies, opening the

door for impressments as the British did to American sailors prior to the War of 1812.

Legalizing conscription of civilians to do the governments bidding!

This domestic army, similar to Hitler’s Brown Shirts, Obama says would make the streets

of our country safer? A domestic army which could bully and intimidate the public, a

once free people into the political leaning of those in power! Safer for whom! Safer for

the tyrants who are transferring power from the people to themselves!









Litmus Test (Military Leaders)

Dr. James Garrow a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize for saving over 50,000 Chinese

girls from abortion reveals, “Obama is using a new litmus test in determining who will

stay and who will go in his military leadership.” Obama administration is asking military

leaders if they will fire on Americans refusing to surrender their guns! Those who will

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not will be removed. Dr. James Garrow emphasized, “The man who told me this is one

of America’s foremost military heroes.”

Arming Homeland Security

Lou Dobs reported DHS buying another 21 million rounds of ammunition in addition to

1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in the previous 10 months. This is enough ammunition

to fight a war, not merely handle an incident! It is also being reported some units of

Homeland Security are being supplied with armored vehicles. It sounds like the building

of Obama’s Domestic (Civilian) Security Force!

Drone Killings

Obama has been selecting candidates for drone killings abroad and apparently thought he

had the same right to conduct such operations against American citizens in America.

Until Senator Rand Paul filibustered to coerce an answer from Obama through Attorney

General Eric Holder, Holder and Obama clutched that right of the president. Eventually

Obama and Holder grudgingly conceded to Rand Paul the president did not have that


Still, even though they yielded the president did not have the right to drone kill American

citizens on American soil, one did not gain confidence from the pulling teeth like process

in which Holder engaged! While they agreed the president did not have the right, there

was little confidence the president would not use such a process if they desired.

Remaining Concerns

These are only the whiffs of tyranny I get as a rather uninformed citizen of this nation

from rural America gets. Obama has used trillions of dollars in Stimulus and Bailouts to

form a slush fund he uses to finance his political armies (ACORN and Black Panthers)

which could be armed to do his bidding! Those whiffs of tyranny are pretty strong and

are beginning to stink!

Obama Tyranny Part 3. (Examiner article May 5, 2015)

Political Opponents to Obama and liberals designated as terrorists

It is strange how Muslims seeking to attack our nation and kill Americans are not being

designated as terrorists, but our own citizens trying to get our country back on the

constitutional track are. Our citizens behaving well, using the tools of the constitution

given by the Founding Fathers are being placed in our governments crosshairs for the


Designating TEA Party as terrorists

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Military Plans Against the Tea Party

A scenario is being taught in our military for the quelling of insurrection. It is very

suggestive politically in its presentation. Described in an article, “U.S. Army to be used

against “Insurrectionist” Tea Party?” By Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com, Tuesday

August 7, 2012. A scenario is created, “The Great Recession Lasts approaching twenty

years, because the Administrations following Obama’s did not spend at the levels he

did.” This is most definitely a political statement!

Branded as “insurrectionists” are Tea Partiers, historically and consistently non-violent!

The Occupiers who have been historically and consistently violent are not. This strategy

against America Citizens is setting up particular people as the enemy of the government

well in advance using the same bias as the media, disseminating its tyrannical

propaganda. This is tyranny!

“U.S. Army to be used against “Insurrectionist” Tea Party?” By Paul Joseph Watson,

Infowars.com, Tuesday August 7, 2012




“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last

resort to protect themselves against tyrannical government!” Thomas Jefferson

Designating right wing (conservatives) as terrorists

In a 2008 article “Palin Disagrees with FBI over Terrorism Designation.” To further

belittle Sarah Palin, Brian Williams asked her, “If an abortion clinic bomber (is) a

terrorist under this definition.”

The FBI defines domestic terrorism, logically enough, as “The unlawful use, or

threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based on operating entirely

within the United States or its territories without foreign direction committed against

persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any

segment there of, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

This definition ended with a statement, “Palin is out of step with the FBI!” Palin agreed

Anti-abortion murders and bombing were wrong and should be punished. She just wasn’t

in lock step with the FBI definition of terrorist.”

The “Tea Party” displaying no violent tendencies, using the constitution to address

governmental corruption, is branded terrorists and placed in the crosshairs of the U.S.

Military, while the “Occupy Movement” practicing violence is deemed precious and

pure! There is something warped and distorted about this vision and thinking here!

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Looking at Domestic Terrorism in a Google search, it appears Domestic Terrorism and

Right Wing have been made synonymous. Opening the door for those considered right

wing, conservative to be targeted as terrorists to be tagged for these new programs to


Conservatives, Christians and Catholics have also been made synonymous with “right

wing” terrorists. A formula has been developed seems to be, Right Wing = Extremist =

Terrorist! This seems to be the only definition of terrorist our Obama Administration

accepts! This establishes Obama’s 4C terrorists, Conservatives, Christians, Catholics and

Constitutionalists! These seem to be the primary groups on Obama’s terrorist list.

Displaying a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag is being considered right wing! Right wing

meaning extremist, meaning terrorist! Don’t they realize the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag

with red and white stripes is a historic naval pennant, a patriotic symbol? We are getting

very close to the point where displaying the American Flag will be right wing! You

know where it leads from there.

Obama Tyranny Part 4. Collecting critical data on all Americans (Examiner article

May 10, 2015)

The right to privacy seems usurped by the computer age. Data freely surrendered is being

collected and stored by the government’s many institutions and private sector

organizations. Global positioning devices and cameras have an eye on us conctantly!

People not having all these technical gadgets and can avoid the screen at times are

viewed with suspicision>

Data mining on all the American people

ATF (Alcohol, Fire Arms and Tobacco) Data Mining

CNSNEWS.COM Gregory Gwyn-Williams Jr. writes in his article, ATF Seeks ‘Massive’

Database of Personal Info: ‘Assets, Relatives, Associates and More’. “A recent

solicitation from the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) reveals this agency

is seeking a “Massive” online database capable of pulling up individuals’ personal

information, connections and associates.”

“On March 28, ATF posted the notice on FedBizOpps.gov, entitled “Investigative

System.” The solicitation was updated on April 5 with a few minor changes.”

These massive and intrusive databanks government is building is one of the reasons the

NRA and many gun owners do not want the comprehensive background checks as has

been established in New York State. They fear a government that wants to confiscate

guns as Senator Feinstein and NYC Mayor Bloomberg have declared, could use such

databases to go systematically house to house and take people’s guns!

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NSA (National Security Agency) Data Mining

A massive NSA data center is being built in Utah! Fort like building stretching over

many acres for the sole purpose of collecting and analyzing data collected. We are told

this will not be used against American citizens, but a question asked often these days is

can our government be trusted? The answer is often coming up “No”!

Other possibilities

There are any number of government agencies that are collecting invasive data on the

American people. Illinois has a law in the pipeline for precious metal companies to

report transactions to state government! Perhaps preparing for gold confiscation like FDR


It is conceivable the FBI, CIA, IRS, Census Bureau and who knows how many other

government institutions are building or have built such data collecting machines. Each as

individual units control great power. If brought together they will know the bowel

movements of every American citizen. Their infighting usually obstructs their working

together when it comes to foreign “Terrorism” which cannot be call terrorism because it

is offensive! When it comes to the American people, they seem to coordinate much


With the massive information already collected and what the internet stealthily collects

every second of the day, this is an awesome power that can be turned against the

American people to subdue them and their constitutional freedoms.

Obama Tyranny Part 5. Trampling the constitution (Examiner Article May 14,


In April 2008 then candidate Obama said about the average American, “Its not surprising

then they get bitter, they cling to their religion and guns, or antipathy toward people that

are not like them or anti immigrant sentiment or anti trade sentiment.”

John McCain said, “It’s a remarkable statement and extremely revealing. It shows an

elitism; a condescension toward hard working Americans… it is hard to imagine

someone running for president more out of touch with American Citizens.”


It goes deeper than that. Obama is demeaning people for desires they have, valued by our

Founding Fathers. In the First Amendment of our Constitution, it states “Congress shall

make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise there

of…” The Second Amendment states, “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms,

shall not be infringed.”

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In accusing Americans of “clinging to their religion and their guns,” Barack Obama was

in essence complaining those Americans are clinging to the source of those freedoms, the

Constitution, casting negative connotation to Americans cherishing their freedoms and

the Constitution.

He complains he cannot push his agenda through because of the restrictions, the checks

and balances place on him. Those mechanisms design to keep tyrants from controlling

government. Obama’s lust for power to push us to socialism has him disregarding the

checks and balances our founding fathers built into the Constitution to restrain tyrants.


Obama’s Czars

Obama side steps the Constitution with the appointing of his czars! He circumvented the

Senates constitutional right to “advise and consent” on his department heads by creating

his own, not under the Constitution. His czars are his private shadow government, given

power unchecked by Congress. In so doing, he circumvents the Constitution.

Depending upon the source there is listed between 30 and 51 Czars. This makes the issue

of czars even more suspicious. What is the real number? Why are the estimates so far


Obama’s Executive Orders - Obama has issued 23 executive orders just on gun


Obama’s executive orders are often cited as over reach. In researching them it is very

confusing. Accused of an inordinate number, it appears not to be true. The scope of his

orders to by-pass Congress and established law may have some validity.

My understanding is executive orders were to be used for management and

administration of the government and its bureaucracies. Like an executive would use

memos to transfer orders and policies in his company! They were not designed to

establish an alternative to Congress to circumvent laws, skirting Congress and checks and

balances written into the Constitution. It appears he has abused executive orders in

content and purpose, not quantity!

I think restraints must be put on all presidents to restrict their power to whimsically issue

executive orders. Executive orders seem to have evolved into a mechanism easily

converted to the tool of a tyrant!

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Gun Control

Stripping the population of arms is the first step taken by tyrants to insure no

confrontation to their coming tyranny. They insist their intention is not to confiscate all

guns, but in America we have seen liberals always being given an inch and wanting to

take it all. They get a finger hold on an American freedom, then rip it away from the

people. In this way they have siphoned away so many of the freedoms of the American


Disarming the American people is a direct attack on our Constitution. Government

pretends they want to keep the population armed for hunting and home protection, but

politicians like Senator Feinstein and NYC Mayor Bloomberg haven’t hidden their desire

to confiscate all guns.

The second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms was not written for hunting or

protecting ones home. Thomas Jefferson conveyed, “The strongest reason for the people

to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort to protect themselves against

tyrannical government!” Thomas Jefferson and his peers had great mistrust for

government and as we have witnessed, rightly so! The Constitution and the freedoms it

grants the people are under attack by Obama and his liberal socialist armies!

Obama Tyranny Part 6a. Obama denounces capitalism (Examiner article May 18,


President Obama said, “The market will take care of everything they tell us…” Obama

giving a speech on attempts of some in Washington professing free market solutions to

the recession said, “It doesn’t work! It has never worked!


President Barack Obama’s declaration capitalism has failed is just another case of

ignorant rhetoric of a progressive socialist sympathizer. It is more an expression of

Obama’s visions of his socialist dreams. If anything has failed it is big government

socialism he wants introduced to the United States.

Obama says conservatives just want to do the same old thing, that which has failed.

Capitalism has served our country well over 230 years, if you wish to blame the financial

meltdown of 2007 on capitalism. There were a few other glitches along the way, The

Great Depression and the Panic of 1893.

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 employing the socialist government Obama seeks.

European country’s economies are collapsing having implemented and extensively

practiced the socialism Obama wants for the United States. Their economies are

imploding one by one, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus. Yet Obama

pushes the United States in the direction of these failures. Who is ignoring the facts?

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We must be honest and ask, was the Great Depression a failure of capitalism or the

implementation of big government policies of Franklin Roosevelt? Policies that stretched

a recession, which in our history usually ran about a year, at most two, into a depression

which continued for ten years!

Jack Cashill (Popes and Bankers), Thomes Sowell and Jim Powell (FDR’s Folly) all

point out the myth of FDR getting us out of the Great Depression! The FDR myth is

supported by numerous other economists. Even Roosevelt’s Secretary of the Treasury

Henry Morganthau Jr. declared before Congress FDR’s policies a failure.

Paragraph 6 was the great depression a failure of capitalism

Peter Schiff


Obama Tyranny Part 6b. Obama denounces capitalism (Examiner article May 24,


Was it capitalism that failed in our most recent financial meltdown, or socialist

giveaways like Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac? Putting people into houses they couldn’t

afford, costing so far beyond their means they could never pay the mortgages, was an

incompetent action.

It was a socialist policy of distributing the wealth that stretched America way too far

economically. It was years of liberal abuse of government spending that caused the

economic meltdown of 2007 and Obama’s massive socialist spending that has made this

recession much deeper?

Obama is nurturing neediness in our once strong industries like he has in our once strong

people! A neediness that craves weaning at the government mammary!


Economic Policy

Obama’s Economis Policy accruing debt like a drunken sailor approaching five trillion

dollars during his approaching five year presidency! Spending for spending’s sake,

financing government waste, fraud, corruption and incompetence. Using the Keynesian,

Krugman philosophy of paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back in, defining this as


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Government taking over businesses

Obama had the government take over GM, Chrysler and numerous banks during the

economic meltdown. While GM and Chrysler did make it back with a generous

government bailout, Ford refused the bailout and made a much stronger comeback.

Doing it on their own saved the people money and made Ford much stronger, not needy

for government help.

GM handed over to the auto unions is still weaning off the government and the money

loaned them will never be completely pain back. Obama has made those banks, bankers,

and auto makers needy entitlement industries.


Obamacare will be an albatross around the neck of the American People forever if

allowed to continue. It is a plan conceived in the darkness of politics design to take

America into the darkness of socialism, perhaps even communism.

Obama said his plan was to make healthcare less expensive and supply it to more people!

The expense of his proposal has doubled, tripled and quadrupled. It will not be cheaper.

Like all the other promises Obama made about his healthcare plan, they were lies to get it

passed and saddle America with a plan it could never sustain.

Tied to this Obamacare anchor, the American economy will sink. It will certainly drive

America into bankruptcy where Obama’s economic policies have already headed us.

This Obama’s strategy to lead U.S. to socialism and beyond!

Obama Tyranny Part 7a. Scandals (Examiner article May 29, 2013)

Obama’s leadership is ensconced in corruption with nary a glance or show of shame. It is

the fuel on which his leadership runs. Secret action immersed in intimidation and lies!

Obama’s lies are ignored by a compliant press, making his tyranny more brazen and in

our face. This tells Obama to move forward and feeds his arrogance. Obama, the Alinsky

lying machine!

Fast & Furious

Eric Holder’s “Fast & Furious” a scandal in which illegal arms were allowed to be

shipped to Mexico, supposedly to follow the trail to drug cartels! As happens often in the

Obama administration, the plan was botched and the gun’s trails lost in the operation.

Not only guns were lost, but lives were lost. An American border patrol man was killed

with those guns along with many Mexican citizens!

As the matter was being looked into, President Obama pulled Holder’s butt out of the fire

declaring Executive Privilege, derailing investigation of the scandal!

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Benghazi another scandal that has been marginalized by Obama, his administration and

the press! Another botched operation that cost American’s their lives, including an

Ambassador, Chris Stevens, along with former seals Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods

and information officer Sean Smith!

President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed the Benghazi attack on a

video, refusing to call it a terrorist attack. They pushed this false narrative as the media

and politicians call it. This is called a lie in the vernacular of the American People. This

lie perpetrated to save face for other lies being fed the American people by the Obama

administration. That being Obama’s false narrative (lie) that Al-Qaeda had been defeated

and Muslim Terrorism no longer a threat!

They carried and pushed this lie to get Obama re-elected, then continued to push it down

the throats of Americans. When finally questioned Hillary bursts out angrily, “What

difference does it make?” Four Americans left to die, and a major lie told the American

people by the Obama Administration and all she can say is, “What difference does it



The New IRS scandal of IRS agents targeting conservative groups, businesses and people

is certainly against our freedoms. Using our tax system to punish those of different

political thinking, who also happen to be opponents of president Obama!

While on the face it seems Obama was not directly involved in the IRS Scandal, the

people committing it seem to have been influenced by Obama’s hostility toward these

conservative groups, businesses and people. These the same entities being targeted by

his armies.


As the IRS scandal grows with each passing day, the AP scandal becomes more

encompassing as time passes. It started with only the AP, but twenty reporters in the AP.

Then clearly seen as an over reach by the media. The extent of the DOJ’s operation

against the media is growing everyday!

Now James Rosen of FOX News, it has been revealed was under investigation. The

search warrant obtained by Department of Justice portrayed Rosen’s normal activities as

a reporter as criminal by DOJ! They say Rosen broke the law as an aider, abettor and/or


Eric Holder denied any knowledge of the operation. Later we found out he signed the

order. A case of major dishonesty or incompetence, more likely both.

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As usual in Washington, what we see is only the tip of the iceberg!

Obama Tyranny Part 7b. Scandals growing (Examiner article June 3, 2013)

Obama recently mocked as he often does, for people not to heed the warnings of tyranny

lurking in the shadows. Like the class clown putting others down to gain a place of

higher standing for himself in the social group. In his Ohio speech, he told the people not

to take such alerts seriously, as if to prepare the people for tyranny’s coming.

Then more scandals popped up, in addition to the ones Obama has been trying to put to

bed! Fast and Furious forgotten, Benghazi marginalized, now the IRS and AP/FOX

scandals bubbling up like a toxic waste dump. Signs of numerous government

departments and institutions joining in on the strong arm intimidation tactics engaged in

by the IRS and DOJ in the AP/FOX scandals.

Just after Obama’s warnings to disregard the warnings about tyranny, tyranny is busting

out all over! Ding Dong the warning bells will ring! Senator Mitch McConnell points out

such shenanigans have occurred in HHS, FCC, and SEC! Other charges have implicated

DHS, ATF, EPA, OSHA and FBI engaged in intimidation of conservatives!

Chris Horner Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute was on FOX News

talking about how the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has a similar record as

the IRS holding back FOIA (Freedom of Information Act requests) records from his

organization but not from liberal environmental organizations. The EPA draining dollars

and productive time from those questioning the assertions of liberal environmentalists!

True the Vote is attempting to bring honesty and integrity back to voting!


Harassed by IRS, True the Vote founder attempted to get a tax exempt status! Since they

filed application with the IRS Catherine Engelbrecht’s vimeo.com/66513422 business

has been visited by the FBI, ATF, BATF a total of 17 times. In the previous 20 years

they had never been audited.

It appears as though Obama’s supporters in government have brought the full force of

their power against Obama’s political opponents, much of it to affect the 2012

presidential election. Also to cripple his opponents permanently! Whether Obama gave

the order or not, he certainly sent the message of his desires with his incessant false

attacks on Tea Partiers and republicans, conservative radio and television, the Supreme

Court and many others.

Washington is becoming a murky swamp of corruption. Not just a few areas or agencies,

but the entire landscape of government. Some areas may only be ankle deep at this point,

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others up to their thighs, hips, neck and beyond. It is a dirty smelly swamp, following the

evolution of the IRS and DOJ! Corruption is the model they are all following.

Tyranny isn’t lurking in the shadows. It is alive and well, prospering in the Obama


Obama Tyranny Part 8. Ties to tyranny! (Examiner article June 3, 2013)


Values “Alinsky organizers” are absolved from include fidelity (loyalty); truth, at the

organizer’s mood; accountability, promises like truth are fleeting, whimsical. Honesty

and integrity are superfluous, by Alinsky standards. He maintains “Ethical standards

must be elastic to stretch with the times,” and “In the politics of human life, consistency

is not virtue.”

Obama’s ties to Chicago crooks

Bob Daughtery, AP wrote, “Lindheimer Everett theorized that bribery was an ordinary

and necessary business expense in Illinois,” political corruption is their hallmark. The

Chicago Sun-Times documented in Sept. 7, 2006 at least 79 current or former Illinois,

Chicago or Cook County elected officials had been found guilty of a crime by judges,

juries or pleas since 1972.

Since 2006, there has been no let up of corruption from Illinois and Chicago politicians!

They have seen their leaders found guilty of crimes and corruption in droves! (Rod

Blagojevich in 2011, most recently this month former U.S. Representative Jessie Jackson

Jr. (D-Ill) and his wife a former Chicago Alderman Sandi Jackson, using campaign funds

for personal use.)

Obama marketed as a man of great intelligence, a Harvard Graduate became the primary

reason for his pedestal as an intellectual. His books added fuel to the façade of his skills.

There are some that believe he didn’t write the book that has garnered him such

accolades and William Ayers, homeland terrorist and bomber was the author. Obama, the

politician and president was constructed in Chicago, a reflection of the cities corrupt


Obama has strong ties to radical Chicago extremists and crooks like the Reverend

Jeramiah Wright, Father Pfleger, William Ayres, Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko and


Obama’s Communist Party Connections

Obama laughs at assertions he is a socialist. Obama has associations with Sam Webb,

National Chair of Communist Party USA and also Manning Marable, the late Marxist

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academic! Frank Martial Davis, an American, communist, journalist was Obama’s

boyhood mentor. Other communist leaning associates were Vernon Jarrett who worked

in several Chicago communist organizations, Rev. Addie Wyatt a long time affiliate of

the Chicago Communist Party, and Bea and Frank Lumpkin members of Communist

Party USA. Obama has received support from many communist organizations over a

long period of time!

Muslim Brotherhood Alliance

Obama has not only connections and support from the Muslim Brotherhood, but

members of his administrations have Muslim Brotherhood affiliations! Egytian “Rose

El-Youseff Magazine suggested six and names them!

Rashad Hussian - U.S. Special Envoy

Arif Alikhan – Assistant Sec of Homeland Security, founder of World Islamic

Organization which identifies the Muslim Brotherhood as a subsidiary

Mohammed Elibiary – a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council

Salam al-Marayati – co-found Muslim Public affairs council MPAC

Imam Mohamed Magid – President Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Eboo Patel – A member of Obama’s Advisory council on faith based partnerships

As in the Chicago connections categories, Obama’s Communist and Muslim connections

run farther and deeper! These mentioned are just scratching the surface, the obvious


Obama Tyranny Part 9. Trained to lie! (Examiner article June 18, 2013)

President Barack Obama claimed his would be the most transparent administration in

history! He knew his statement was not the truth. It was merely misdirection to bring in

the most opaque, obscure and dishonest administration in American history! Obama uses

high minded words to cover low minded actions! He is constantly laying smoke screens

to cover his penchant for the corrupt!

Obama’s early training was heavy into dishonesty. Muslims in the Qur’an are instructed

to lie to non-believers under taqiyya and kitman when advancing the cause of Islam. In

some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerabilities

and defeat them. Barack Obama in his younger years as Barry Soetoro was taught these

beliefs and tactics!

Added to his training was Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, the organizer “Does not

have a fixed truth-truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and

changing. He is a political relativist.” Alinsky gives the organizer Obama the freedom to

continually change his mind and lie without seeing it as a lie.

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Obama’s early Muslim education and Alinsky training give him the license to lie

liberally! Deception is the foundation of his leadership and Obama appears very

comfortable with it. Having been taught the philosophies of Islam and the strategies of

Alinsky, there isn’t much room for honesty in Obama.

Before the 2008 election Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose had a discussion on Obama

being a mystery. These two giants of media news responsible for such research sat there

mystified at the Obama ambiguity and did nothing about it.

Barack Obama has sealed his past to the American people! Birth certificate, college

transcripts and work on the Harvard Law Review in themselves are enough to be

suspicious of the man. The known Alinsky and Islamic past along with his mounting

history of lies and scandals doubles down on the suspicion.

Chris Matthews declared Mitt Romney the unknown in the 2012 election to take attention

away from Obama’s shady character. He used Romney as a distraction to keep Obama’s

socialist nature and poor character hidden. Obama attacked Romney viciously, with

Alinsky methodology of malice and deceit! He used Hitler’s “Big Lie” as one of his

tools. Obama presses, pushes and cries crisis to get his agenda passed in a convenient,

convoluted, quick and covert manner.

Thus the cloak covering Barack Obama is revealed, his own deceit and the protection

through selective reporting the media has afforded him. What is under that cloak is still to

be discovered.

Obama Tyranny Part 10a; Summary (Examiner article June 25, 2013)

Aiming Armies At American People (Part 1)

Obama is building armies to go after American citizens! Candidate Obama voiced his

desire for a “civilian national security force”. Department of Home Land Security is

being armed stocking up with massive amounts of ammunition and armor vehicles. Our

military leaders are being given a “litmus test” and removed if they will not agree to

firing on American citizens.

The president and AG Holder finally begrudgingly agreed the president did not have the

right to use drones to kill Americans in America, but did not sound convincing. Obama

has used trillions of dollars in Stimulus and Bailouts to form a slush fund he uses to

finance his political armies (ACORN and New Black Panthers) which could be armed to

do his bidding! Those whiffs of tyranny are pretty strong and are beginning to stink!

Political Opponents to Obama and liberals designated as terrorists (See Part 3)

It is strange how Muslims seeking to attack our nation and kill Americans are not being

designated as terrorists, but our own citizens trying to get our country back on the

constitutional track are. Our citizens (Tea Party, Christians, Catholics, Conservatives)

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behaving well, using the tools afforded by the Constitution given by the Founding Fathers

are being placed in our governments crosshairs for the kill. Obama’s IRS targeted the

Tea Party with harassment and blocking! This is tyranny!

Searching Domestic Terrorism in a Google search, it appears Domestic Terrorism and

Right Wing have been made synonymous. Tea Partiers, Conservatives, Christians and

Catholics have also been made synonymous with “right wing” terrorists. A formula has

been developed seems to be, (Right Wing = Extremist = Terrorist)!

Data mining on all the American people (See Part 4)

The right to privacy seems usurped by the computer age. Data freely surrendered is being

collected and stored by the government’s many institutions and private sector

organizations. Global positioning devices and cameras have an eye on us constantly!

People not having all these technical gadgets and can avoid the screen at times are

viewed with suspicion.

The ATF Seeks ‘Massive’ Database of Personal Info: ‘Assets, Relatives, Associates and

More’. A massive NSA data center is being built in Utah! There are any number of

government agencies like the FBI, CIA, IRS, Census Bureau, Obamacare and who knows

how many other government institutions are building or have built such data collecting

machines. With the massive information already collected and what the internet

stealthily collects every second of the day, this is an awesome power that can be turned

against the American people to subdue them and their constitutional freedoms.

Trampling the constitution (Part 5)

In April 2008 then candidate Obama said about the average American, “Its not surprising

then they get bitter, they cling to their religion and guns, or antipathy toward people that

are not like them or anti immigrant sentiment or anti trade sentiment.” Obama attacked

two Constitutional Freedoms afforded the people, freedom of religion and to bear arms.

Obama’s Czars - Obama side steps the Constitution with the appointing of his czars! He

circumvented the Senates constitutional right to “advise and consent” on his department

heads by creating his own, not under the Constitution. His czars are his private shadow

government, given power unchecked by Congress.

Executive Orders - Obama’s executive orders are often cited as over reach. In

researching them it is very confusing. Accused of an inordinate number, it appears not to

be true. The scope of his orders to by-pass Congress and established law may have some

validity. Perhaps restraints must be put on all presidents to restrict their power to

whimsically issue executive orders. Executive orders seem to have evolved into a

mechanism easily converted to the tool of a tyrant by passing the Constituion!

Gun Control - Disarming the American people is a direct attack on our Constitution.

Stripping the population of arms is the first step taken by tyrants to insure no

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confrontation to their coming tyranny. The second amendment, the right to keep and

bear arms was not written for hunting or protecting ones home. Thomas Jefferson

conveyed, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms

is, as a last resort to protect themselves against tyrannical government!”

Anti capitalist (Part 6a & 6b)

President Obama said, “The market will take care of everything they tell us…” Obama

giving a speech on attempts of some in Washington professing free market solutions to

the recession said, “It doesn’t work! It has never worked!

President Barack Obama’s declaration capitalism has failed is just another case of

ignorant rhetoric of a progressive socialist sympathizer. It is more an expression of

Obama’s visions of his socialist dreams.

Paragraph 6 was the great depression a failure of capitalism

Peter Schiff

Economic Policy

Obama’s Economis Policy accruing debt like a drunken sailor approaching five trillion

dollars during his approaching five year presidency! Spending for financing government

waste, fraud, corruption and incompetence. Using the Keynesian, Krugman philosophy of

paying someone to dig a hole and fill it back in, defining this as productivity.

Government taking over businesses like GM, Chrysler and numerous banks during the

economic meltdown! Taking over healthcare, Obamacare will be an albatross around the

neck of the American People forever if allowed to continue. It is a plan conceived in the

darkness of politics design to take America into the darkness of socialism, perhaps even


Obama Tyranny Part 10b; Summary (Examiner article June 30, 2013)

Alas, the end of article installments on “Obama tyranny”! Sadly it is only the beginning

of the tyranny he has introduced to a once free nation, America!

(See Part 7a)

Obama Scandals - Obama’s leadership is ensconced in corruption with nary a glance nor

show of shame. It is the fuel on which his leadership runs. Eric Holder’s “Fast &

Furious” Obama, the Alinsky lying machine! Benghazi, IRS agents targeting

conservative groups, the DOJ targeting AP and FOX reporters!

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(See Part 7b)

Senator Mitch McConnell points out such shenanigans have occurred in HHS, FCC, and

SEC! Other charges have implicated NSA, DHS, ATF, EPA, OSHA, and FBI engaged in

harassment of conservatives!

Tyranny isn’t lurking in the shadows. It is alive and well, prospering in the Obama


Obama connections Part 8.


Values “Alinsky organizers” are absolved from include fidelity (loyalty); truth, at the

organizer’s mood; accountability, promises like truth are fleeting, whimsical. Honesty

and integrity are superfluous, by Alinsky standards. He maintains “Ethical standards

must be elastic to stretch with the times,” and “In the politics of human life, consistency

is not virtue.”

Obama’s ties to Chicago crooks

The Chicago Sun-Times documented in Sept. 7, 2006 at least 79 current or former

Illinois, Chicago or Cook County elected officials had been found guilty of a crime by

judges, juries or pleas since 1972. Since 2006, there has been no let up of corruption from

Illinois and Chicago politicians! Their leaders have been found guilty of crimes and

corruption in droves! (Rod Blagojevich in 2011, most recently former U.S.

Representative Jessie Jackson Jr. (D-Ill) and his wife a former Chicago Alderman Sandi

Jackson, using campaign funds for personal use.)

Obama has strong ties to radical Chicago extremists and crooks like the Reverend

Jeramiah Wright, Father Pfleger, William Ayres, Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko and


Obama’s Communist Party Connections

Obama laughs at assertions he is a socialist. Obama has associations with Sam Webb,

National Chair of Communist Party USA and also Manning Marable, the late Marxist

academic! Frank Martial Davis, an American, communist, journalist was Obama’s

boyhood mentor. Other communist leaning associates were Vernon Jarrett who worked

in several Chicago communist organizations, Rev. Addie Wyatt a long time affiliate of

the Chicago Communist Party, and Bea and Frank Lumpkin members of Communist

Party USA. Obama has received support from many communist organizations over a

long period of time!

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Muslim Brotherhood Alliance

Obama has not only connections and support from the Muslim Brotherhood, but

members of his administrations have Muslim Brotherhood affiliations! Egytian “Rose

El-Youseff Magazine suggested six and names them! These include Rashad Hussian,

Arif Alikhan, Mohammed Elibiary, Salam al-Marayati, Imam Mohamed Magid and Eboo


As in the Chicago connections categories, Obama’s Communist and Muslim connections

run farther and deeper! These mentioned are just scratching the surface, the obvious


Trained to lie Part 9.

President Barack Obama claimed his would be the most transparent administration in

history! He knew his statement was merely misdirection to bring in the most dishonest

administration in American history! High minded words cover low minded actions!

Obama as Barry Soetoro, his early training was heavy into dishonesty. Muslims in the

Qur’an are instructed to lie to non-believers under taqiyya and kitman when advancing

the cause of Islam gaining the trust of non-believers to draw out their vulnerabilities.

Added to his training was Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, the organizer “Does not

have a fixed truth-truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and

changing. He is a political relativist.” Alinsky gives the organizer Obama the freedom to

continually change his mind and lie without seeing it as a lie.

Obama’s early Muslim education and Alinsky training give him the license to lie

liberally! Deception is the foundation of his leadership and Obama appears very

comfortable with it. Having been taught the philosophies of Islam and the strategies of

Alinsky, there isn’t much room for honesty in Obama.

Before the 2008 election Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose had a discussion on Obama

being a mystery. They ignored his missing birth certificate, college transcripts and work

on the Harvard Law Review in themselves enough to cast suspicion on the man. Barack

Obama has sealed his past to the American people! The known Alinsky and Islamic past

along with his mounting history of lies and scandals doubles down on the suspicions.

Obama’s rise and sucess is the result of Hitler’s “Big Lie”. Thus the cloak covering

Barack Obama (the Obamedia pass) is revealed. The corruption under that cloak is still to

be discovered.

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Chris Matthews: the holier than thou hater Part 1 of 6 (Examiner article August 19,


A recent Chris Matthews tirade went like this: “Let me finish tonight with this. I said it

before and am now saying it again. There are too many people on the American right

who hate the very notion of Barack Obama in the White House. It grates on them, just as

it thrills – even now – tens of millions of others.”

It suites Chris Matthew’s ideology and agenda to believe people on the right hate Barack

Obama! Matthews’ view of America demands the belief! When listening to Chris

Matthews on one of his nightly tirades you can hear his hate, venom and vitriol seething

within. It bubbles, boils, burns and stinks like a pot of fatty gravy on a hot stove!

”They hate not just his politics but him,” He continues. “Think about all the days we

have known him – from way back when he gave that breathtaking speech at the 2004

convention? Was there ever a time in all those days and weeks and months and years

since that his haters on the right have stopped in their tracks and said, “Well, good for

him. I liked the way he did that.”

”Think hard. Have his haters ever stopped hating him?”

Not all people are so emotional about Barack Obama or politicians in general as Chris

Matthews. Speeches at conventions don’t grab the people as they do him. The false

words we accept from politicians campaigning don’t take our breath away or send thrills

up our legs like they do Mr. Matthews. In fact they give cause for mistrust and doubt.

Obama’s socialist leanings frightened many on the right, so he was viewed with great

apprehension, trepidation, even fear!

Matthews bemoans, “When we got Bin Laden?

Matthews makes many leaps and assumptions in his evaluations of the right. Even

Obama didn’t say, “We got Bin Laden!” It was communicated as he alone got Bin

Laden! Obama beat his chest as though it was his accomplishment, disregarding those

who risked their lives to carry out the intricate operation. Obama only allowed it to

happen. Such braggadocio and arrogance is part of the people’s repulsion from Obama!

Chris Matthews: A holier than thou hater Part 2 of 6 (Examiner article August 23,


“When the stock market doubled, doubling every 401K, making all those haters richer –

twice as rich – as they were when Bush left us stranded with a dropping, scary economy,”

Matthews questions? “Did they ever look up and say, even hesitantly, Well, I’ll give him

this one? No! No! No!”

The constant Quantitative Easing has supported the stock market rise by printing more

and more money. So the stock market is artificially inflated to make the economy look

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good, creating another bubble that will break. But, each dollar in the retirement funds of

the average American has been drastically shrunk in value. So to look at his over four

trillion dollar increase in the debt is only mortgaging America’s future. All Obama’s

claims of success usually have something sneaky and destructive hidden within.

Matthews whiningly makes his case the hate of Obama, if it is there, is all about racism.

“You can discount it all. You can say it’s not about race or whatever. You can say it, but


Think about this. In all the criticisms you’ve heard the haters say about African

Americans all the years of your life – and think about this man’s life – about how hard he

worked at school, how he achieved so highly at school, how he married so well and so

faithfully, how he’s fathered two great daughters and kept them, protected them, been a

truly great father to them, be a true partner in his marriage, treated his office with such

respect and dignity – has never once let us down with his personal behavior and yet ….

Matthews builds up the legend of this man we hardly know. He presents a façade as

grand as the Greek pillars that exalted Obama in his 2008 campaign event in Colorado!

Matthews says, “think about this man’s life– about how hard he worked at school, how

he achieved so highly at school.”

But, Obama’s records are sealed. The only way we can know about these things is from

unreliable, Obama enamored sources like Matthews. Wouldn’t we be foolish to take

their word for it? Is what he tells us the truth?

Chris Matthews: the holier than thou hater Part 3 (Examiner article August 29,


Matthews prattles on about Obama, “He married so well and so faithfully, how he’s

fathered two great daughters and kept them, protected them, been a truly great father to

them, been a true partner in his marriage, treated his office with such respect and dignity

– has never once let us down with his personal behavior and yet ….”

One wonders if Matthews prattling is coming from his brain to mouth, or his thrilled leg

to mouth. We only know these wonderful fatherly and husbandly traits from a media that

Obama owns and the people have not been able to trust since he came on the scene!

During the 2008 presidential campaign Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose disgussed

Obama’s being a mystery. That little was known about him. His positions domestic and

on foreign policy were unknown. These two giants of media news responsible for such

research sat there mystified at the Obama ambiguity and did nothing about it.

It was almost like they marveled in it but had no curiosity to delve further. Is it they

didn’t want to know, or did they know and didn’t want to reveal Obama to the voting

public. Obama was practically as unknown during the 2012 election as he was the 2008,

after four years of being president because of the way the liberal media shielded him.

Matthews says Obama, “Has never once let us down with his personal behavior!” Is this

really important? It wasn’t with Bill Clinton and his numerous affairs? Lying about sex

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was not considered wrong. I guess cheating on Hillary wasn’t wrong either? All of a

sudden with Obama, not cheating on his wife deserves accolades.

Isn’t lying personal behavior? And constantly lying about his policies and positions

letting us down with his personal and public behavior? Obama has been documented

lying time after time. Almost everything he told us about Obamacare was a lie to make it


Matthews pounds home emotionally, “They hate him. They really do and I don’t have to

be the one to tell you.”

Matthews tells us to think about this man’s life. What do we know about this man’s life?

Matthews tells us to think about how hard he worked at school. That is something we

don’t really know. His college transcripts have been sealed! Much of his life has been

rewritten for us. Media mouths like Matthews have preached a false narrative based on

their ideology, agendas and desires which include their desires for Obama’s presidency

and his legacy. Truth has not played a role in their preaching! They do not want to see

the first black president fail.

Chris Matthews: the holier than thou hater Part 4 of 6 (Examiner article September

3, 2013)

Chris Matthews declared Mitt Romney the unknown in the 2012 presidential election to

take attention away from Obama’s shady past and character. He used Romney as a

distraction to keep Obama’s socialist nature and poor character hidden. Like Lance

Armstrong destroying the reputation of those exposing his dishonesty, Obama attacked

Romney viciously, with malice and deceit!

Romney, a good family man, was made out the liar when Obama showed a history of

being a “Rapid Fire Liar” during his first term! In his recent rants Obama is declare by

Matthews to be the perfect family man! This was Alinsky’s methodology of destroying

an opponent’s reputation and character using lies and slander in order to preserve and

enhance ones own character. As with Armstrong, the media was complicit in Obama’s

lies and deceit! They supported and promoted Obama’s dishonesty. The media was

Obama’s partner in the destruction of Romney’s reputation.

Matthews accuses, “We live in a country where a good chunk of the country hates its

elected leader and won’t really – I mean really- tell you why.”

The kind of underhanded behavior Obama regularly exhibits can certainly elicit hate!

Introducing socialism and tyranny as Obama has done in our free nation can foment an

animosity that evolves to hate. Obamacare planned, promoted and passed in a closed

room in the dark of night, pushed through with sweet heart deals to cronies for votes is a

prime example of Obama’s rule. Obamacare was passed against the will of the majority

of “We The People”! More are against it now, but no one is listening.

I’m sure there are many that hate Obama because he is black, like there are many that

hate George W. Bush because he’s white, and many who hate him because he is a Bush.

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But Obama’s actions, policies and overreaches ignoring the Constitution and many laws

for his convenience can sow the seeds of hate.

So, if Matthews can look beyond his own blinding hate, he will see president

Obamamight well have brought Matthews perceived hate upon himself?

Chris Matthews: the holier than thou hater Part 5 of 6 (Examiner article

September 3, 2013)

President Barack Obama is a liar, a trained, tried, true, pure liar, formally educated in the

art of lying. He is a follower of Saul Alinsky! Obama is the quintessential Alinsky

organizer, “He has no fixed truth-truth to him relative and changing!” He has no loyalties

but to himself. He is a master of the Alinsky deception. Pushing, repeating the “Big Lie”

till it is accepted as truth.

A young Obama, Barry Soetoro had his early training in the Muslim Qur’an. In the

Qur’an students are instructed to lie to non-believers under taqiyya and kitman. They are

taught to lie to infidels when advancing the cause of Islam gaining the trust of non-

believers to draw out their vulnerabilities. Does this tactic sound familiar?

Obama has also been brought up in the American political environment in which lying

has become pervasive and seemingly accepted. His immersion in the lying culture has

been vast and intense! These are three of his concentrated introductions to deception and

it appears he has learned them well. His style and record support assertions about his

dishonesty. Could Matthew’s perceived people’s hate for Obama have been spawned in

Obama’s own phony behavior exemplified by the many so called “phony scandals”?

“It’s the same reason they spend their time thinking of clever gimmicks to keep so many

people from voting.” Matthews asks, “Anybody disagree?”

How can requiring identification keep people from voting? Many of the people they are

worried about are required to have IDs for many of the government services they are

participating in. Things that are common sense to ensure fair and honest elections are

characterized as gimmicks to keep people from voting? ID cards are required throughout

our lives! Liberal democrats like the leeway to manipulate elections.

Voting requires people handle responsibility and accountability, but people such as

Matthews want to disarm their constituents of taking responsibility! They make it seem

as though obtaining an ID card is above their job description. That they are not capable

of filling out and filing a few papers? Perhaps with the degradation of education liberals

have guided, those people are not capable of doing it. Then we must challenge them in

spite of a poor education system, as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

Truly, fighting the requirement of an ID for the right to vote is their own clever gimmick

to keep election and voter fraud as a tool democrats use very well. One of those “Big

Lies” Matthews and his ilk promote successfully.

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Chris Matthews: the holier than thou hater Part 6 of 6 (Examiner article September

3, 2013)

While it appears Obama’s behavior and policies may have angered, threatened and made

defensive many conservatives and he has acted in ways to draw hate upon himself, I

don’t think most of the people on the right hate him even though Obama’s blatant and

constant dishonesty has done much to warrant that hate.

When attending Tea Party events, I see an easy going people that don’t get caught up in

hate like it seems Mr. Matthews does. They are people concerned for the welfare of a

free nation that is losing its place as a bastion of freedom. They are angry over a nation

promising the opportunity for happiness of all beings turned into one of fairness, the

fairness for all to be oppressed by an arrogant tyrannical elite! This course could easily

propagate hate. What it has spawned is a desire to fight back. This is what Matthews

interprets as hate looking through his liberal goggles!

I think conservatives have discovered, like I have myself, hate is a poison. It does

nothing to the object of the hate, but poisons the entire being of the hater. It shrivels the

heart and the soul of a person filled with such animosity. You can see that affect in the

face, the eyes and the demeanor of Chris Matthews and haters like him. Look at other

liberals like David Letterman, Janine Garofalo, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck (The

Schemer) Schumer and many more. You can see the hate eating them up from within.

The poison of hate eroding them from the inside out!

Speaking of haters, the media has hidden Obama’s ties with America haters. The

Chicago enclave of America haters like William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Jeremiah

Wright, Father Michael Pfleger and a host of others! Obama’s being a disciple and

teacher of the values of Saul Alinsky! Those values including dishonesty and disloyalty

and having no set values at all! Alinsky’s purpose to destroy the America many people


The media hid Obama’s many ties to communists and extremist Muslims, whose

intentions are the destruction of America. Slowly digging away at the peoples freedoms

till they are made serfs of a socialist perhaps evolving to a communist government, both

of which have proven themselves inherently corrupt and unworkable by history! They

are governments of lazy leaders taking people to tyranny because it is easier!

Chris Matthews is adrift on an ocean of poisonous venom. It is a course he has chosen

for himself. Perhaps he must fabricate the conservatives’ hatred for Obama to justify

Obama’s destructive actions, or to avoid recognizing them. Maybe it justifies to him the

hatred that simmers, then boils within. He needs an excuse to spew the poison he

constantly emits! It makes him feel superior, most pure. Such is the nature and

hypocrisy of a holier than thou hater.

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Barack Obama’s images Part 1 (Examiner article)

Obama’s selfie image

Barack Obama has a glorious image of himself. Indoctrinated in the Saul Alinsky image

of the “Organizer”, he is given dispensation for his dishonesty and lies. Obama was

taught he is a “Great Creator”, God like in his influence on those around him. Donna

Brazil compared him to Jesus Christ the Messiah! A number of journalists did the same.

During his first presidential campaign he was placed before Greek columns positioning

him as one of the ancient Olympian Gods.

Obama has compared himself on the level of some of the greatest Americans. He has

appeared to see himself comparable to the founding fathers George Washington, Thomas

Jefferson and other great Americans like Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt,

Ronald Reagan and others. Obama has a very high opinion of himself with very little

substance to back it up.

In his early days in office Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an internationally

recognized award which gave the liberal stamp of approval long before any

accomplishments could be pointed at. Obama rewarded for his words his actions never

equaled. Nobel prizes have been given to others of no substance like Global Warming

hoaxer Al Gore and socialist economist Paul Krugman. Obama has had much hot air

pumped into his ego further inflating his arrogance!

These views of himself have been very much supported by those around him. His

cohorts, the liberal democrat party and the sycophant main stream liberal media have

constantly put lipstick on the pig. The media has required standards that don’t take much

to live up to. They have scratched like cats in a litter box to hide Obama’s messes,

scandals, failures and his multitude of lies. They have all promoted these superior images

of Obama to hide his dishonesty and incompetence.

Obama’s real image

The image Obama’s actions have communicated to the nation and the world are much

different, seemingly contrary to his selfie image. His real image may be the polar

opposite to that image the media has woven for him!


Obama has engaged in many scandals. There is Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious which

Obama has swept under the carpet. The pile of dirt under Obama’s carpet is getting

bigger and bigger so he trips over the hump constantly.

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Obama is engulfed in numerous scandals which he calls non-scandals. There is the IRS

Scandal which Obama declared in his Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly there is

not a smidgeon of corruption involved. Benghazi, where Obama and Hillary lied to

America and the world blaming it on a video! Now the smoking gun memo by _______-

Rhodes has been revealed the White House planted the video lie to protect Obama for his

re-election. There is the AP/FOX scandal, targeting reporters and their families.

The Obamacare lies you can keep your policies and doctors and Obamacare would be

cheaper. So much touted by Obama about Obamacare was false! Throw the NSA and

numerous other scandals into the mix and this is the foundation of Obama’s image.


Look at North Africa a tinder box going up in flames, the work of Obama’s wonderful

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She wisely bailed out before her so-called fantastic

work blew up in her face. A wise move for her presidential aspirations!

Look at his failures in Syria, Egypt and Ukraine and Crimea. Obama joked childishly

when Romney warned of Russia being a problem in the world. The smart mouthed

Obama’s response to that was, “The 1980’s called they want their polices back,” referring

to the cold war.

Obama revisiting Neville Chamberlains polices of appeasement of the 1930’s when he

told Russian President Medvedev to tell Valdimir Putin he would be able to be more

flexible after the presidential election. Obama’s Gumby performance has now brought

the “Cold War” back. Obama is just the “Wise Guy” child in the class room, poking fun

at serious issues because he lacks the substance, competence and the leadership to lead

US through these affairs.


In all his scandals and failures you can find a clear and consistent trail of lies. From

Benghazi to the IRS and Obamacare, truth has been absent from Obama’s mouth. Smart

mouth comments and lies flow from that space in torrents. From Saul Alinsky and the

Muslim practices of Taqiyya and Kitman Obama he is a trained and practiced liar.

Scandal, failure and lies construct the image Obama has created for himself. An image

contradicted by the mainstream media. The image that allows Vladimir Putin to slap

Obama around along with America!

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Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 1of 8,

Sabotaging the economy (Examiner article)

Barack Obama is a Judas goat, either by his own design or those who are pulling his

strings. Even if it is by those pulling his strings it is my opinion he is okay with his role.

His ego is being fed enough to satisfy his appetite.

President Barack Obama has made clear his disdain for America and what our Founding

Fathers have built in our American Republic. He has rejected the positive vision

Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and Adams had for America for the dismal, negative and

destructive vision of Saul Alinsky, William Ayers and others and a socialist, communist

vision! Obama’s apology tour of the world, in particular the Muslim countries showed a

view of the damage he sees America has done in the world and none of the positive


Obama is a Judas goat! Judas Goat – Urban Dictionary – “A Judas Goat is a trained goat

used at a slaughter house and in general animal herding. The Judas Goat is trained to

associate with sheep and/or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a

Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also

used to lead other animals to specific locations like pens and trucks.”

Following is an actual statement from the Urban Dictionary! “Yes follow the Judas goat

to your death’s fools! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Obama’s education has trained him into socialistic and communistic thinking. He seeks

large and powerful government that controls the people under that government. Not

government of, by and for the people, but government of, by and for the political elite

leader(s). A government which herds the people like sheep and cattle, viewing and

treating them as such in their policy making.

Sabotaging the economy

Obama began his reign as an imperial president by assaulting the American economy.

Slowing down the economy in preparation for the introduction of socialism to America!

What Obama called the “new normal”, banishing the prosperity that was once normal to

America for the self-destructive entitlement economy of the “European Socialist



The President went right to work on his “new normal” as soon as he entered the White

House. The bailouts of Banks responsible for the economic melt down of 2007. A crisis

blown way out of proportion to allow for the drastic and destructive measures Obama

would take. The myth the actions Obama took saved us from a depression.

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Obama’s accomplishments are what he supposedly avoided stopping what might have

happened or might not have happened! Obama’s supposed accomplishments are

nebulous and unproven. We know he generates and exploits crisis to further his socialist

agenda. So, spurring crisis is seen as an opportunity not a negative.

First the bailouts handing huge sums of money to the institutions responsible for the

crisis! Even now those institutions are being rewarded for their support of President

Obama. A quid-pro-quo established by Obama for his benefit and that of his policies.

Obama received money from those he gave money, quid-pro-quo.

Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 2 of 8, Stimulus


Obama designated $870 Billion, almost a trillion dollars to stimulate the economy for

shovel ready jobs. Jobs that would replace and repair the obsolete and crumbling

infrastructure of America! Projects that would at least use the dollars wisely! Then after

a time when asked about the ineffective use of the “stimulus money” Obama laughed it

off. Chuckling he admitted those jobs were not so shovel ready. He used that money as a

slush fund to reward his friends and promote his personal policies and agendas.

He invested great sums in green companies like Solyndra that soon went bankrupt. The

Daily Caller article 10-30-2012 “As many as 50 Obama –backed green energy companies

bankrupt or troubled!” Obama’s list of green energy failures is 23 bankrupt and 27 in

trouble. It never did stimulate the economy. It only grew the national debt and made

company owners rich.

Obama employed what was the failed method of FDR’s (The New Deal) that extended

the Great Depression for ten years. His Krugmanian approach of spending aimlessly

without regards to efficiency or effectiveness and results, merely spending has dragged

out this recession going on six years now and increased the debt with nothing to show for


Keynesian/Krugman economics, spending massive amounts with no discernable positive

results is like constantly treading water. Much energy is expended with little to show.

Eventually we disappear beneath the surface. Spending for merely the sake of spending!

No concrete results from the trillions of dollars of spending. Spending becoming a reflex,

as with Real Housewives, not an intelligently thought out operation.

Expanding the Debt

In Obama’s process of bailouts, stimulus and Keynesian/Krugman economics he has

expanded the debt like it has never expanded before. From $10 Trillion to now

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approaching $18 trillion Obama has saddled future generations with debt that will inhibit

growth of the nation’s economy for many years.

According to Wintery Knight, CNS News, 08-14-2014 “The total Federal debt of the

U.S. Government has now increased more than $7 trillion during the slightly more than

five and a half years Barack Obama has been president.”

“That’s more than the debt increased under all U.S. Presidents from George Washington

to Bill Clinton combined and it is more debt than was accumulated in the first 227 years

of the nations existence-from 1776 to 2003.”

Destruction of the economy is the destruction of the middleclass. The yeoman class in the

Middle Ages was the birth of the middleclass. It spurred the desire for equality under the

law and freedom. The growth of the yeoman, middleclass gave energy to those

principles, fairness under the law and freedom.

Such expansion of the debt, wasting the taxes collected from the people and oppressive

taxation to make up for the wasting of the taxes collected sounds the death knell of the

American middleclass. It smothers them, trading the thirst for equality under the law and

freedom for freebies, creating lawlessness and usurping freedom!

Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 3 of 8,


Obama is dismantling our armed forces at a time when the world is exploding in

violence. Dismembering our armed forces displays American weakness and signals

terrorism to grow. As we see in Syria and Iraq with ISIS and in Nigeria with Boco

Haram as well as throughout the Mid-East and Africa terrorism is growing yet denied by

Obama and his democrats. Obama is rolling out the red carpet to terrorism.

ISIS the new terrorist army is rampaging through Syria and Iraq committing atrocities of

beheading children and burying those of different religions alive. Killing thousands

including Christians and Muslims who think differently than their extreme philosophies!

Obama called them the JV of terrorists as they marched into Iraq. Putting those heads on

stakes to frighten the world with their brutality!

In not labeling terrorist groups as terrorist, or unwillingness to call our actions in Iraq and

Afghanistan and around the world a war on terror, it hides the violent actions of these

terrorists. This weakness supports the acts of terrorists. On the other hand calling

American citizens, Tea Party patriots, wanting to adhere to the Constitution, terrorists

clearly shows where Obama’s loyalty lies. Not in the Constitution to which he took an

oath to support and protect, but to the Muslim terrorists he relates to and is encouraging!

Obama is turning the other cheek for America while terrorist all over the world want to

blow that cheek away. Obama turned the military success in Iraq and Afghanistan into

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defeat, diminishing America’s stature around the world. He is dismantling a military that

was a buffer against these terrorists that feared US but no longer do. Obama is tearing

our military down like and old car, leaving it an impotent on the side of the road, aiding

the enemy!

Now Obama is willing to send our military to battle because the polls are telling him to.

We must ask is he going to sacrifice our troops in battle again to the goal of not winning!

Like troops he is sending against the Ebola epidemic is he just sacrificing more

Americans for his own political needs? Are Americans just pawns in his plans to weaken


Obama is laying down like the beta dog, exposing his neck to the Alpha Dogs of the

world to display his submission to them. He is providing a gold plated invitation to

Putin, Alqaeda, Hamas, ISIS or ISIL, Boco Haram and every other violent maniac around

the world.

We saw before WWII how Neville Chamberlain appeased Adolf Hitler and it lead to

Hitler becoming more emboldened! He laughed at the democracies and forged ahead

with a war that engulfed the entire world and led to the death of 60 million soldiers and

civilians! The wounded many times more!

As Obama has co-opted Roosevelt’s failed economic New Deal policies of the 1930’s he

has embraced failed appeasement policies of Neville Chamberlain from the 1930’s.

Obama is using proven failed policies, both foreign and domestic, to lead America to its


Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 4 of 8, A police


Somehow Obama’s desire for a civilian security force is coming to fruition. It may not

be Obama driving this, it may be those pulling the president’s strings that are responsible

but Obama is forging the way. Those homeland armies are evolving into existence slowly

and stealthily. Police forces are being added to government agencies and existing police

forces are evolving into paramilitary organizations.

Government agencies with armed policing units

There are over 70 government agencies that have armed units! Timothy Whitman

writing for examiner on line points this out in his article “Over 70 federal agencies have

armed divisions, arrest authority over citizens!” He points out in his article these

agencies include the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and BLM (Bureau of Land

Management) that showed its teeth in the Clevin Bundy incident in Nevada.

Fox News cited a recent Department of Justice (DoJ) report which cited a full 73 federal

agencies who employ full time armed officers. These include the FDA (Food and Drug

Administration), NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Library of

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Congress, Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Department of Education, U.S.

Railroad Retirement Board to name just a few.

Police looking like paramilitary units

While numerous government agencies are employing police forces, many police forces

around America are establishing often used SWAT Teams that look like paramilitary

units. The paramilitary look was a major concern at the riots in Ferguson Missouri.

Washington Post reporter Radley Balko, author of “Rise of the Warrior Cop” warns

against what he calls the excessive use of force being used for nonviolent crimes. Doors

broken down in the middle of the night for minor nonviolent crimes, often times those

SWAT Teams finding nothing, only that they were wrong. Brazenly leaving the scene

with dead dogs behind, not even leaving an apology, only a receipt.

These SWAT Teams are now being supplied with massive armored vehicles by the

federal government. Attending a local parade in Bath NY, I saw a huge armored vehicle

like those used in Iraq displayed by the local county sheriff’s department. What looked

like a machine gun turret towered over the people on the street. It appears as though the

federal government is arming for an offensive against the American people. Those they

have designated as extremists and terrorist, like the TEA PARTY.

Between the 73 armed police units of the federal government and the militarizing of local

police forces around the country, it looks like the infrastructure of a Police State is being

built! Now because of Ferguson Missouri, Obama wants to appoint a federal police czar

that controls all the local police forces. This is a dangerous move for freedom. An

excellent move for the establishment of a police state!

Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 5 of 8, A web of


Illegal immigrants flooding through our borders

President Obama has allowed three of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse into

America. Death, War and Pestilence have been the results of many of his actions or


We have illegal immigrants flooding through our Southern border. Drugs, disease and

terrorism gushing in with them! That border is at the root of a distribution tree for drugs

that branches and grows as it moves to the Eastern United States covering our country

from top to bottom, coast to coast. That discounts the drugs coming in along America’s

vast coast line. Today that includes a fleet of high tech drug running submarines. A

drugged people are more susceptible to a tyrannical takeover. Where the drug cartels

reach, the terrorists can follow.

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You think our entire borders aren’t bringing illegal immigrants, even terrorists in that

way. Foreign flag ships enter the Mississippi River with access to the heart of our nation.

Those foreign ships have access to many American ports. With our failing to enforce our

immigration policy teaming with a failed war on drugs because of our border policy, it is

most likely our entire coastline is leaking like a sieve the same as our Southern border.

Allowing the America we know to be infected both figuratively and literally with the

diseases carried by the children from Central America and Obama’s importation of the

Ebola virus. Could the spreading of Ebola over the world be a plan of UN Agenda 21

(which Obama has signed onto) to control the world population?

The illegal immigration problem does much to drain our economy, taking resources from

our hospitals and schools already under pressure financially. Also adding many more

costly, inefficient and unproductive government institutions! It takes jobs from our

people, introducing low wage workers and lowers the wages for many Americans. It is

another Obama action or inaction that attacks the American economy, adding financial

burdens to the people and inefficiencies to our economic system.

All this encouragement of illegal immigration by democrats so they can import a

dependent population whose vote can be controlled with the promise of government

entitlements! Bringing in an indigent population to insure the democrats control the

American political system by installing a population they can buy off with promises of

freebies while stripping the rest of America of their freedoms.

To think the incompetence displayed at our Southern border with Mexico doesn’t stretch

around all the borders of our nation to its ports and coasts and to all aspects of our

government is either naïve or stupid.

Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 6 of 8,

(Examiner article October 15, 2014)

Corruption and scandals erode the integrity of America

Obama has no standards of morality or integrity. He has been raised in the Alinsky

mentality of the end justifies the means. Also nurtured in the thug, gangster mentality of

Chicago, bullying and coercion an integral part of those means! His Alinsky, Muslim and

political training have schooled him in the many facets of lying. Lying to the point it is

merely a conscienceless tool to achieve his narcissistic ends.

Obama’s White House is crawling with members (6) tied to the Muslim Brotherhood! It

was spawned with many from the Chicago gangsters! Also those of Obama’s Chicago

communist ties. Valerie Jarrett a primary conduit to many other prominent Chicago

communists! Obama has invited extremist Muslims with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

into the White House and into our nation to do their damage to America. He has wheeled

a “Trojan Horse” over the borders and through the gates of our nation!

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While Obama’s failing foreign policy is blowing up all over the world, he is basking in

the benefits the White House affords him. His rhetoric of working hard and taking

responsibility are words as empty as the suite he wears. Obama is a fake, a huckster, a

conman, a Judas goat, excited to lead America to destruction.

His mistakes, missteps, failures and scandals are the legacies he leaves behind. His poor

leadership and management aid his agenda of leading America to the mediocrity he

desires, clearing the path he wants to socialism and beyond. What is beyond?

Communism and a totalitarian state!

His failures Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and so much of the Middle-East and North

Africa. Who knows where the next explosion will come. Ebola in America may be the

next one. Obama’s foreign policy is like letting a bodily infection heal over without

treating it. It will spread, hidden, poisoning the entire body, popping to the surface in the

future in all its contaminated horror spreading its putrid puss to the complete body of

work. Obama doesn’t care because it promotes his agenda.

His scandals like his failures also promote his vision for America’s demise. A corrupt

IRS acting as a Gestapo bullying and harassing Obama’s political enemies and supporting

his cronies! The IRS is not one scandal, but an epidemic of scandals! Then we have the

NSA, VA, Fast and Furious, Secret Service, AP/Fox, Benghazi and Bergdahl likely only

the tip of a fraudulent iceberg. Obama nursed in corruption, nurtured in corruption and

raised in corruption! He exudes and spreads dishonesty like a communicable disease.

That dishonesty and corruption degrade the very foundation of American democracy,

Obama’s goal.

Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 7 of 8, chaos

and crisis (Examiner article October 23, 2014)

When you look at the path Obama has taken, associations with Alinskyites, communists,

socialists, radical Muslims and Chicago gangsters and many other shady characters it is

difficult to believe Obama’s policies are a random occurrence due to his incompetence.

Obama appears at the very least to have a bent toward socialism. One might infer that is

merely a first step and communism and tyranny might be his end goal.

Destroying the middle class whose emergence in history spurred the push for the rule of

law, fairness under the law and freedom! Entrenching the power of the presidency

described as an imperial president by such as highly regarded liberal Professor Jonathan

Turley, showing a leaning toward dictatorship Obama seems to desire.

Obama’s domestic policies are destroying the American economy! His executive orders,

which are fewer than past presidents, but more dangerously sweeping, usurping the

power of the Congress and Supreme Court. Building police forces in more than 73

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federal agencies similar to the civil security force Obama has talked about in the past.

Add to that a proposed federal law enforcement czar, the federal government taking over

and controlling local police forces and arming them like paramilitary units lays a

suspicious trail that could lead to tyranny.

Obama has used many stealth methods to drag down the economy. His over regulation

and oppressive taxation on businesses large and small! Obama’s regulation stretches its

tentacles to slow our economy from every direction! Wrapping the American economy in

red tape has entrepreneurs trudging through quicksand to start and maintain businesses.

“Global Warming”, now masked as “Climate Change” a hoax is being used as an excuse

to implement “Carbon Taxes” putting unnecessary burdens on our business and industry

to further dampen the economy. The Federal Reserve printing more and more money,

“Quantitative Easing” decreasing the value of every dollar in our pockets, savings

accounts and 401Ks, making every member of the middle class poorer by one third or

more as it goes on.

“Obamacare” attacks the financial stability of the nation and its people from every

direction. The so called “Affordable Care Act” is proving to be anything but affordable,

doubling, tripling, even quadrupling Obama’s cost estimates. It isn’t even healthcare. It

is Health Insurance, health coverage that will limit the kind and quality of care citizens

can get.

“Illegal Immigration Amnesty” burdens an already burdened American economic system.

Illegal immigrants over burdening our schools, healthcare, welfare and legal systems,

costing the nation trillions of dollars it does not have. Putting Americans out of work for

low paid illegal immigrants! Importing diseases like Ebola that will attack our people

and the economy.

Obama’s policies, each one corrodes and erodes the American democracy, free market

systems and the middle class. Obama policies place constant attacks on the foundation of

American freedom.

Barack Obama is a Judas Goat leading America to destruction Part 8 of 8, chaos

and crisis (Examiner article October 29, 2014)

President Obama has allowed three of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse into

America. Death, War and Pestilence have been the results of many of his policy actions

or inactions. Obama policies are like an army of termites in an old wooden house eating

away at the frame and structure. Or like a destructive bacteria in a healthy human body

rotting away at its strength! He is a cancer destroying the democracy our founding

fathers have built.

Add to Obama’s weakening domestic policies his foreign policies that are losing face,

respect for America around the world. The Muslim world is blowing up, but gaining

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momentum through world wide political correctness practiced with America’s lead,

ignoring the savage behavior of Muslim terrorists. Throwing American lives and treasure

on the trash heap, turning victory into defeat to fill Obama’s need to punish America for

sins for which he perceives we should pay.

Obama is a Judas goat! “A Judas Goat is a trained goat used at a slaughter house and in

general animal herding. The Judas Goat is trained to associate with sheep and/or cattle,

leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to

slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to

specific locations like pens and trucks.” Following is an actual statement from the Urban

Dictionary! “Yes follow the Judas goat to your death’s fools! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

The main achievement of Obama has been the divisiveness he has brought to America.

There is a divide between blacks and whites in America. Many years have been spent

trying to reach across that divide. There are still reasons for the mistrust, but progress has

been made. It seems Obama and his henchman like Eric Holder, are driving wedges to

increase that divide and destroy the progress.

The same is true of liberals and conservatives, republicans and democrats. It appears

Obama with the help of the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and numerous others

employ the Alinsky attack method. It is being used to further the divide between the

parties. Obama appears to be using a “divide and conquer strategy” to make the

submissive republican party impotent. Similarly he is pushing away long time allies like

Great Britain and Israel and embracing our enemies the radical Muslim terrorists.

Stirring a pot full of scandals and failures into a thick broth of corruption is the havoc,

chaos and crisis Obama employs to implement his agenda leading incompetence to

mediocrity then to destruction. Making America weak and impotent has always been part

of Obama’s plan. Obama dithers while America burns. America is watching Obama, our

Judas Goat leading America to destruction.


The search for John Maynard Keynes

My understanding of John Maynard Keynes has been somewhat awry. I have wrongly

accused him of economics associated with the likes of Paul Krugman and other liberal


In researching Keynesian economics I found on quick search economics book at Barnes

& Nobles. It told me Keynes was the most well noted economists. Far more renown

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than Adam Smith and Milton Friedman. Then when I asked about books dedicated to

him, they had none. Research on the internet presented only scraps of his philosophies.

As I picked up a scrap here and a scrap there I began to understand why.

I have done a great disservice to John Maynard Keynes comparing his ideas to the likes

of Paul Krugman. Keynes economic philosophies have been bastardized by the liberal

Krugmans of the world to promote their own selfish agendas.

Investopedia describes “Keynesian Economics” as his belief “Increased government

expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate and pull the global economy out of

depression!” It goes on to say “Subsequently, the term “Keynesian economics” was used

to refer to the concept that optimal economic performance could be achieved – and

economic slumps prevented – by influencing aggregate demand through activist

stabilization and economic policies by government. Keynesian economics is considered

a demand side theory that focuses on changes to the economy over the short run.”

While there is proof Keynesian economics doesn’t work, The extension of the great

Depression of the 1930s, the economic collapse of Japan in the 1990s and Obama’s

extension of the Great Recession of 2007 to 2014 and counting. But the bastardization of

Keynesian economic by liberals like Krugman has done even more damage.

Obama’s Krugmanian economics focused primarily on government spending. Actually

raising taxes to finance the humongous increase in that spending! They ignored Keynes

saying taxes should be lowered.

They also ignored that the government spending should be tied to specific infrastructure

projects that would help the nation. In the Great Depression FDR financed the building

of hotels in the mountains and hiking trails thru federal lands. He spent the money, but no

foreseeable benefits to the country we created. Eisenhower’s interstate highway system

would have been better suited to the Keynesian concept. At least valuable infrastructure

benefiting the entire nation would have been developed.

Krugman’s concept has been huge government spending without consideration to the

results, the effectiveness of that spending. Increased taxes to finance the huge

government spending. Krugman basically supported paying people to dig a hole and fill

it in again. Remember his idea to scare people about an invasion from outer space and

building up defenses against the invasion as a solution to the recession. Obama presented

870 billion dollars for shovel ready projects that never happened and no one knows where

the money went. When questioned, Obama chuckled and said, “They weren’t so shovel

ready.” Gigantic and indiscriminant government spending has high jacked an already

weak economic philosophy to make it weaker. Results of spending of no concern to the

liberals, only heavy spending! They foolishly see spending as the answer.

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On November 25, 2014 my three year and eight month, 385 article connection with

Examiner.com was severed on the basis my material wasn’t what they wanted. I guess I

wasn’t surprised, I was writing to fulfill my needs not theirs. That end of the relationship

was after Part 1 of “The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar!” I am

putting this article on Slideshare to wrap up the article and my political writing, bringing

it to conclusion.

The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 1

Introduction – Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars

How many lies can one man tell before he is deemed a liar?

President Barack Obama is a liar, practiced, perfected and professional. You could call

his lying nature compulsive, habitual or pathological. He has been nurtured in the art of

lying! As a student, he was educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia. He learned the

systems of Taqiyya and Kitman, that lying to infidels was acceptable, to seduce them to

lower their guard and make them vulnerable to the onslaught of the Muslim religion.

Later Obama became Alinsky’s organizer who, “Has no

fixed truth-truth to him relative and changing!” Also

Alinsky’s “Great Creator” who need not keep his word

because his aspirations were so pure! Lying by such a

special man was not wrong because his intentions were

so righteous? Obama is a disciple and teacher of those

Alinsky philosophies. He teaches the lying. Obama is

totally immersed in the weapon of lying.

Then Obama was tutored by the political class in the

corrupt city of Chicago. Nurtured by Bill Ayers,

Reverend Jeremiah Wright and many other anti-

American radicals he was brainwashed against

America, another Manchurian Candidate or a Trojan

Horse. Surrounded by corrupt politicians, he learned

how to apply his indoctrination into lying to the

political game. In Chicago as in many areas of his life Obama was heavily exposed to

and immersed in communism, Marxism, additional Muslim contacts and almost any anti-

American thinking you can imagine.

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President Obama, Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS and more

President Obama has laid a barrage of lies on the American people equivalent to the Nazi

blitz on London during WWII. He keeps laying those lies on US without mercy. You

can keep your policy and your doctor but two of his Obamacare lies. The cost of

insurance will be cheaper, and it will not add one cent to the national debt, just a couple

more Obama lies.

His lie that he called the attack on the Benghazi

embassy a terrorist attack, the lies supported openly

by CNN’s Candy Crowley in the presidential

debates. The lie that a video tape caused the

Benghazi attack! The infamous “There was not a

smidgen of corruption” in the IRS – Lois Lerner

activities, in the Bill O’Reilly interview during the

2014 Super Bowl. This just a smidgen of Obama’s

documented lies!

Obama has enlisted an army of liars to cover the highway of lies and corruption he has

laid down and is continuing to build. A new addition to his pantheon of expert liars is

MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber.

The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 2

Among Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars

Professor Jonathan Gruber

Professor Jonathan Gruber’s Obamacare lies (Academia)

Gruber states, “A lack of transparency is a huge political

advantage!” Why Obama never meant to become the

most transparent administration and why his became a

least transparent administration. It has been reported

Gruber received over $400,000 from federal government

and over $1,400,000 from state governments for his

dishonest work on Obamacare. Some have claimed he

has received over $5 million from the federal government for various jobs.

Gruber says it was a slip of the tong when now six different occasions he said these

things about pulling the wool over the eyes of the “Stupid American voters” on

Obamacare have been found. That is not a slip, it is braggadocio, pride about the lie he

perpetrated on the American people. Gruber seems more to be a psuedo-intellectual

grifter than any great intellect.

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The healthcare system in Massachusetts profited from $400 million absconded yearly

from the federal government wangled by the late Teddy Kennedy announced Gruber.

The American people subsidized the success of Romney care.

Former Senator John Sinunu rightly warns this is not the arrogance of one person in

academia! This is the pervading character of the academic community. Far too many

self-perceived intellectuals are actually psuedo-intellectual grifters!

Lois Lerner IRS lies and corruption (Bureaucrat)

Lois Lerner got up before Congress and declared her

innocence regarding targeting of conservative groups by

the IRS. She then proceeded to declare the Fifth

Amendment refusing to answer questions on the grounds

it might incriminate her. As time has passed more and

more evidence that Lerner used her position in the IRS for

political purposes to punish conservatives whom she


Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winning economist

Krugman, another of the liberal’s

great economists has shown the

same propensity to lie as

economist Jonathan Gruber. A

willingness to perpetuate lies to

help push their agendas.

Remember Krugman’s suggestion

of creating a story of a possible

attack of space aliens to create a

defense build up to spur

government spending? It is

difficult to believe Climate

Change, alias Global Warming is not such a ploy! The manipulation of government

based on a lie to institute socialist “Big Government” spending and taxation to support it!

Krugman always answers opposing economic views with the words “not true” instead of

telling the fallacies of an alternate point of view! Just declaring untruth without rational

reasoning is the trait of Obama like psuedo-intellectual grifter.

The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 3

Attorney General Eric Holder (Government)

Among Obama’s contrail of lies and liars

Eric Holder lied in two documents sent to Congress that

falsely characterized his Fast & Furious program, sending

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guns to drug cartels in Mexico. He claimed he knew nothing about it when in fact there

were documents that verified he did. Both Holder and president Obama said the program

began during the Bush administration which was just another outright lie. Jack Cashill

covers this in his book, “You Lie”! Then Obama secured the lie when he declared

executive privilege to keep additional documents from Congress.

Secretary of State John Kerry Global Warming (Government & Politician)

Secretary of State John Kerry declared, Global Warming, more recently referred to as

“Climate Change” as the thing most threatening to America and the world. This at a time

when Muslim aggression of ISIS or ISIL is blowing up the Middle-east and Russian

aggression is threatening Europe creating an unstable world. Also when the dishonesty

of our leaders is rotting America from the inside!

Senator Harry Reid - Romney not paying taxes (Politician)

Harry Reid has told so many lies you wonder if he

ever tells the truth. Reid like Obama seems to have

no boundaries or shame when it comes to the

gigantic magnitude of their lying. Reid, during the

last presidential election said Mitt Romney had not

paid taxes in the last ten years. This was a bold

faced blatant lie that aided massively in the defeat

of Romney.

Harry Reid has a long history

of such lies and a foundation of corruption on which he has built

his power. Holding bills from the house on his desk, blocking any

action by the Senate, then blaming the House of Representatives

for inaction and doing nothing!

Nancy Pelosi “We must pass the bill to see what’s in it!” (Politician)

NANCY Pelosi as Speaker of the

House said “We have to pass the

Bill (Obamacare) to see what is

in it!” Four years after the law

has been passed, we still don’t

know what is in it. It was passed

with more holes than Swiss

cheese so liberals could build the

law as they went along. Would

one by a car not knowing it has

and engine or brakes. Her

statement lacks logic and

common sense!

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Pelosi has declared she doesn’t know who Jonathan Gruber is, having lauded his

contribution as an architect of Obamacare. Like Obama and Reid, Pelosi has an

unlimited propensity to lie audaciously and without conscience, feeling no shame.

The Obama Government, of the Lie, by the Lie, for the Liar! Part 4

Among Obama’s con-trail of lies and liars

Stephanie Cutter - Romney not paying taxes (Obama Staff)

Stephanie Cutter an Obama staff member was a main spreader of

the lie Romney did not pay taxes for ten years! Along with Harry

Reid like a manure spreader, she laid the crap all over the land!

She then became a CNN contributor on the resurrected Crossfire.

David Axelrod, (Senior Advisor to president Obama) Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney,

Josh Earnest - All Obama’s press secretary spinners, liars weaving their webs of deceit.

Those who spin, support and bolster Obama’s lies on a daily basis.

David Axelrod (Bureaucrat)

David Axelrod once Senior Advisor to president Obama - It

would be impossible to go through all the lies Obama Advisors

and Press Secretaries perpetrated and supported in defense of

Obama. Those lies to cover Fast and Furious, Obamacare, IRS,

AP/Fox, Benghazi, going out to bolster Obama’s credibility daily

even when it became apparent he had none.

Press Secretaries Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, Josh Earnest (Bureaucrats)

Jason Horowitz Washington Post January 5, 2011 reports “Robert Gibbs is resigning

from his role as President Obama’s official spokesman in order to speak more effectively

for Obama.”

Gibbs said, “The best service I can provide this president is for the next couple of years,

outside this building.” Gibbs took his Obama advocacy to MSNBC as did David Axelrod

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and Jay Carney advocating for Obama in the Obamedia! To watch Obama press

secretaries promote Obama lies on a daily basis was and is disturbing!

Candy Crowley - The presidential debate lie (Media)

Candy Crowley kamikazed presidential

candidate Mitt Romney during a presidential

debate! She re-enforced an Obama lie when he

said he called the attack on the Benghazi

embassy a terror attack from the very beginning

in his rose garden address. Obama lied and

Crowley fortified that lie in defense of Obama.

She made it appear as though Romney had lied.

Crowley like her employer CNN showed herself

as an unashamed and biased supporter of

President Obama in all his lies and scandals.

Bob Beckel (Political Operative) Making a living lying (Obama media, Bureaucrat)

On “The Five” November 17, 2014 Bob Beckel said, “He

refuses to believe Obama would lie about knowing

Gruber!” Beckel has always refused to believe Obama

would lie even when confronted with Obama lies on video.

What difference does it make, Beckel has admitted often

believes in lying for his party. He sees it as normal

political behavior. He has made a sumptuous living lying

for liberals and democrats. Bob Beckel admits supporting

government lies of his party as it has always been that way,

and they all do it. Bob Beckel is a defender, no, an

advocate and exploiter of political lying. He lies to help his party win.

Bolshevik Bob Beckel would seem to be the typical liberal. More so

the epitome, even the personification embodying all those liberal traits

of marching in lock step with the dishonesty and lies liberals support

so vehemently! He argues childishly saying, “It has always been that

way” or “Everyone does it” even “Name one” then dismissing those

named even if it is more than one. Beckel is a democrat liberal

automaton indoctrinated and programmed into the thinking of the

liberal lies.

Let’s face it, the list could go on and on with the known of Obama lies and liars. It would

go on infinitely if all the Obama liars and lies were known. Obama is the cultivator of

lies and the grim reaper of the lies sown. Not a day passes in which Obama doesn’t lie to

the American people!

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The list of Obama lies and liars would take a book to document completely. It is a well

formed network of those with a slick ability to lie. “The answer my friend is blowing in

the wind?”

(Photos Getty Images, Cartoons Gerald J. Furnkranz)