Ob analysis interview

Introduction of Manager: Group members: 1)Saira Khalid Reg. No. 0201 2)Sana Riaz Reg. No. 0185 We went to Faysal Bank, Ghulam Muhammadabad Branch. We met the manager there. Of course we took prior confirmation from manager, that either he is willing to conduct interview or not. After his permission and consent, we set the interview date and time and conduct the interview on set date. The particulars of the manager are: Name of manager: Fahad Riaz Designation: Branch manager and assistant vice president of Faysal Bank. Branch: Ghulam Muhammadabad branch Phone No. 0333-6500663 The visiting card is attached below:

Transcript of Ob analysis interview

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Introduction of Manager:

Group members:

1) Saira Khalid

Reg. No. 0201

2) Sana Riaz

Reg. No. 0185

We went to Faysal Bank, Ghulam Muhammadabad Branch. We met the manager there. Of course we took prior confirmation from manager, that either he is willing to conduct interview or not. After his permission and consent, we set the interview date and time and conduct the interview on set date.

The particulars of the manager are:

Name of manager: Fahad Riaz

Designation: Branch manager and assistant vice president of Faysal Bank.

Branch: Ghulam Muhammadabad branch

Phone No. 0333-6500663

The visiting card is attached below:

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List of questions that were asked:


Q1: Sometimes we have to change our method of work when conditions require, sometimes it may be against the taste of your employees. So, they deny to work as per new method. What’s your way to urge employees so that they give performance up to mark?

Q2. Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated by your habits. Do you think it is a good way to motivate employees? Why?

Decision Making

Q3. Sometimes quick decisions are to be made. But “Robert Louis Stevenson” says that He who sows hurry reaps indigestion. Do you have any experience when you have taken decisions in hurry? Please guide us through your past experience.

Q4. No one is perfect in this world. Every person can take wrong decisions. Have you ever taken wrong decision? What did you do then?

Q5. Best decisions make the best managers. What were the toughest decisions that you have made during your carrier? How do you make the toughest decision acceptable for your employees?

Conflict Management

Q6. Sometimes employees may disagree with their managers. There are the possibilities that the conflict arises between the two. How do you handle such type of situations?


Q7. Guide us through your past experience when you have led any team. What were the most difficult situations while leading a team? What did you do? What were the results?

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Personality & Perception:

Q8. Employees feel confused when manager or any supervisor looks them closely. What do you do to make employees feel relaxed while working in front of you?


Q9. It is very difficult to persuade someone? Do you think so? Have you ever persuaded a peer to accept your suggestion that you knew they would not like? How they resisted you and how you overcame it?

Organizational Commitment:

Q10. Unless the commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes but no plans. Some people may be most committed to organization. Can you tell what the reason for their commitment is? 


Q11. There can be several problems which leaders are required to be solved. Guide us by telling whenever a problem arose in members working under you, how did you resolve those problems? What was the opinion of members for you regarding a leader?


Q12. People say that females cannot perform their duties well. Because they have a huge burden to handle with, so their attention is always diverted. Do you think so? Guide us on the basis of your past experience.

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Report on interview:


When question is asked that one way to give motivation is to fire the employees who do not perform better. Manager said that this not the only way to deliver motivation to employees. He regarded motivation as an art. He illustrated motivation as an important concept for people and organization without which employees don’t show better performance. So, for this purpose, special trainings are given to the managers even that how can they motivate their employees in an effective way. Special trainings include to judge their employees and abilities of them. To judge that what will be a source of motivation to an employee? Because, every person may not be motivated by the same thing. Some managers use electronic media as a source of motivation too. They show small video clips to employees to motivate them. Inspiring quotations are also very helpful for the managers to urge motivation in employees.

Resistance on change:

Mr. Manager says that sometimes change may not be acceptable for the employees and is not always acceptable for everyone. Some people are very open to change in life, work conditions and method of work but on the other hand, some people are very reluctant to accept new things. So, they hesitate to work in changing conditions. Mostly old aged employees resist the change because of their unawareness to new technology. Same condition may be for some of the young employees. Change may not be acceptable but a manager must have the ability to make the change acceptable in the organization due to his leadership abilities. Most important aspect was that a leader must guide his employees about the change and about how it is going to increase the collective performance. He makes employees informed that how do change will be beneficial for the employees’ performance.

Haste makes waste:

Haste may sometimes make the waste but Mr. Manager says that manager has not reached his post by anyhow. He has full experience about the lower levels and makes decisions according to it. He says that the employees must co-operate with the leader and should accept the decisions made by manager with open heart. Employees should realize that the decisions are made by the manager to make the performance of the organization better and to adjust in the market.

Secondly, decisions can be made in hurry but their implementation is also needed to be made immediately, otherwise quick decisions are wasted. Some important decisions made in hurry if not implemented quickly may make the organization suffer the loss. So every decision made by manager either in hurry or whenever, they must be accepted by employees and implemented in

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order to get the results. He considers employees that they should accept decisions because they are not the owners. None of the employees are liked if they become so reluctant.

Wrong decisions:

Mr. Manager says that wrong decisions can be taken but they must be cope with immediately. He also gave us the example of bank, Faysal Bank, when they were to decide that either they should deal with insurance company for bank assurance or not. They took the wrong decision but immediately cope with decision by deciding it to shift in next month. Every human can take wrong decisions but these type decisions must be coped and adjusted to get better results in future.

Toughest decision:

Bank assurance decision was one of the toughest decisions they made and they did wrong calculations in first three months for this project. There were chances of suffering loss but then they made one of the toughest decisions and did all the calculations in just one month. So the whole task of three months was completed in one month and they saved bank form expected future loss. During this process all of the employees were confused but with their leadership abilities, he lead all employees did the job and won the campaign. Both leadership and teamwork of the employees helped to achieve better results.

Team work:

Mr. Manager regarded politics as one of the most difficult thing to resolve. He says that where there politics prevail, the situations get worse. So, politics is very dangerous for the proper working of teams. It must be first eliminated then proper results can be achieved. One way to decrease the situations in which politics occur is that, every employee must be given position in team according to his ability, mental level and approach. Secondly, Politics should never be supported in teams. He thinks that politics should never be compromised. He tries to make the team on upper level, comprise of such employees that neither play politics nor support it.


Employees may conflict, he thinks that they always try to find an easy way to do some job. And they refuse to do a job, which is difficult for them. They want to do easy work, so, the managers through their leadership abilities can urge their employees and resolve their conflict between the two.


Self-confidence is necessary which he thinks that it comes from empowerment. He thinks that any superior should not be always on the head of the employees. But this does not means that he

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should not supervise them, instead, a supervisor should make good supervision so as not to disturb and irritate the employees because other aspects shows that when supervisors are always in close contact with employees then employees began politics which ultimately disturbs the performance of employees and organization as well.


He said that he has not faced any situation means that he is very popular personality among his peers that they assign weightage to what he says and it is easy for him to persuade his peers.


Employees are committed because their managers are committed. If we take the example of the tasks given. If a manager is committed to perform the task, then how do the employees will not show commitment. May be he wanted to say that if turnover of the managers is higher or organizations managers leave frequently, obviously it will have a negative effect on employees too. So, employees’ turnover will also increase.


Punctuality is one of the biggest problems. He says that time management must be done. First employees must come on time and try to complete their work on time. They should never try to find the lame excuses to quit their work place. Some employees, on the other hand cannot manage time well. They engage in such activities which are not beneficial and such activities cannot let them complete their work on time.


Mr. Manager thinks that females must not be allowed to work on upper level. He regarded back end jobs best for the female employees. He possesses a traditional view for female workers. He says that females become a cause of politics in organization and hence, they must be least employed. He gave the example of bank Al-Habib that they do not employ any female worker and bear the penalties imposed by state bank of Pakistan. He in the end also gave the opinion that females, on the other hand is also the cause of developing a discipline in organization but this was his secondary opinion. He supported the view of having females at back end.

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The manager we think, had a traditional view about employees. He says about motivation that it’s so essential that proper training is required for managers to make employees motivated. According to him, decision making is not a problem but its proper implementation and controlling the hurdles is important. He regarded teams as an important part of the banking that proper working of banking sector is not possible without them. The manager says that Leadership ability of the manager should be such that employees not only accept the decision but also coordinate its implementation. He regarded politics as most dangerous thing for working environment of banks. He posseses the views of not to give excessive seats to females in banks in order to avoid politics.
