Oakland university Portlet Showcase 2014

Oakland University Portlet Showcase Aaron Grant Senior Applications ArchitectDave DerderianJava Developer Analyst



Transcript of Oakland university Portlet Showcase 2014

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Oakland University Portlet Showcase

Aaron GrantSenior Applications ArchitectDave DerderianJava Developer Analyst

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Who we are...

We are the full-time staff that supports MySAIL at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.

We have 4 student developers that help us out.

Also we have used Unicon for developing and implementing projects.

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Our MySAIL Environment

uPortal 4.0.1220,000+ StudentsCAS 3.5PostgreSQL 9.2Tomcat 7OpenJDK 7RedHat Enterprise Linux 6

Build Tools:Maven, Ant, and Groovy

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MySAIL Desktop View

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MySAIL Mobile View

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Portlet Overview

Portlets are a small application that a portal can use to offer end users a richer experience.

Apereo Sponsored Portlets

These portlets have been through the incubation process and emerged as sponsored projects.

● Announcements Portlet● Basic LTI Portlet● Bookmarks Portlet● Calendar Portlet● Email Preview Portlet● Jasig Widget Portlets● News Reader Portlet● Notifications Portlet● Sakai connector Portlet● Simple Content Management Portlet● Weather Portlet

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Portlet Overview

Also you can make your own!

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jasig.portlet.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=jsr286-archetype

This creates a basic Java webapp with the basics of what a portlet needs to work within the portal.

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Our Mission

MySAIL 2009● Making students’ lives

easier● Single-Sign On● One Stop Shop

MySAIL 2014● Same mission but

expanding● Addressing Retention

Issues● Mobile, Mobile, Mobile!

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Oakland’s Portlets

We either start from the Maven archetype or use existing Apereo portlets that might fit our needs.


● Financial Aid Portlet● Search Portlet● Courses Portlet● Grades Portlet● My Details Portlet● Progress to Degree Portlet● Advising Suite● Calendar Portlet● Bear Bus Tracker Portlet● Sail Mail Portlet● Content Management Portlets

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Financial Aid Portlet

● Integrates with Banner● Small Database Load

o Only hit once● Incorporates JSON

o JSON.simpleo http://code.google.com/p/json-simple/o No AJAX / JSTL variable

● UI done through HTML / CSS / JSo No experience of JSP/JSTL requiredo Dynamic / jQuery NoConflict

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Search Portlet Extended

● Incorporates Custom Google Search● Separate tab for search results● Same search used on oakland.edu

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Courses Portlet

● Displays Course Schedule, Midterm Grades, and Final Grades

● Originally created by the Apereo Foundation and the University of Wisconsin - Madison

● Student can select on a class room and it displays which academic building Integration with Google Maps

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Courses Portlet

● Modified APIo Extra information for courseso Tie into Calendar Portlet

● Custom Desktop View● Custom Mobile View● Custom Footer (Mobile / Desktop)● Bookstore Integration● Links into other major OU services

o Webmail / Moodle

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My Details

● Displays student specific informationo Degree (BS / BA / etc)o Undergraduate / Graduate Levelo Catalog Termo College (Arts & Sciences / Computer

Science / etc) Link to Advising web page

o Majoro Oakland University Student Number

● We will be adding graduation information soon to this portlet to let student know where they are at after applying to graduate

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My Details Desktop View

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My Details Mobile View

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Progress To Degree

● Displays student's completed / incomplete courses

● Displays multiple course informationo Gradeso GPA (overall / term / category)o Credits (total / left to graduate)

● Migrated into Courses Portleto Apereo's Version / Not OU

● Banner Tie-in● Custom Mobile View

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Advising Suite

Oakland over the last year has been building an advising suite for academic advisors.

● Allows advisors to search for students● View current and historic schedules /

grades● Allows advisors to run degree audits

and what-if analysis● Collection of resources

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Calendar PortletCourses IntegrationCalendar Portlet shipped with uPortal● Creates custom calendar feed● Integrates directly with Courses

Portlet API● Displays students class schedule

o Dateo Locationo Description

● iCal feed available for download

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Bus Tracker Portlet

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Sail Mail (Email Preview)

● Apereo's Email Preview Portlet● Oakland's custom skin ● Oakland's custom settings

o Only uses Oakland email

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Email Preview and Inbox

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Read Email from Portlet

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CMS Portlet Implementation● Mostly used as quick links

o Oakland Serviceso Academic Informationo Campus Information

● Uses Single Sign-On Links into SSB (Self Service Banner 8.x)o Oakland used this extension from Evergreen

State College to SSB to allow for CAS (Apereo’s Central Authentication Service integration with SSB.

o https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UPC/CASifying+Banner+Self+Serve

● Banner XE comes with CAS integration!

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Oakland Services and Academic Resources

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Background Configuration

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Where to Next?

Aaron [email protected] [email protected]