OAF Basics

<Insert Picture Here> Oracle Applications Framework (OAF) 23/02/07 Suneeta Kowtharapu * * Collated from PPT of Andreas Stellatos, Anthony Go, Jody Clayton, George Kellner, Helen Moses

Transcript of OAF Basics

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<Insert Picture Here>

Oracle Applications Framework (OAF)23/02/07

Suneeta Kowtharapu*

* Collated from PPT of Andreas Stellatos, Anthony Go, Jody Clayton, George Kellner, Helen Moses

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Introduction Pre-Req Concepts Architecture Overview Physiology of an Application Components JDeveloper Demo Files & Directory Structure Menus & Functions New Features in OAF 11.5.10 Help


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Introduction Pre-Req Concepts Architecture Overview Physiology of an Application Components JDeveloper Demo Files & Directory Structure Menus & Functions New Features in OAF 11.5.10 Help


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The Oracle Applications Framework (OA Framework) is the Oracle Applications development and deployment platform for HTML-based business applications.

100% Java & XML J2EE based, middle-tier application framework and services for the rapid development & deployment of HTML based applications


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OA Framework Objectives

Enable significant application development productivity gains

Enable durable application extensibility & personalization Support compelling consistent UIs Support enterprise-grade reliability, performance &


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Declarative application development “Protects developers from technology” Built-in durable personalizations Extensible UI and business logic J2EE Based, Java & XML on Oracle platform Commitment to MVC architecture OA Framework - option of choice

OA Framework - Philosophy

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Key Web App Components

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Key Web App Components•The browser communicates with the middle tier using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) which involves sending a request message to which the middle tier replies with a response message.

•A JSP is a file with some HTML and Java code that executes top to bottom. At runtime, it is compiled into a Java class which is actually a servlet.

•A servlet is a Java-based web application server extension program that implement’s the functionality in the page either by itself of by calling other objects

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Key Web App Components• A servlet session is a mechanism for maintaining state between HTTP requests.It usually corresponds to an application login/logout cycle

• A JavaBean (or "bean" for short) is a reusable component that implements specific design patterns

• Any objects in the middle tier that communicate with the database use a JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) driver.

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• Get• User clicks on a link/image associated with an URL• Parameters are sent as part of the URL• Max size of the URL is restricted to 256 chars

• Post• User clicks on a link that does a form Submit• Parameters sent are not visible on the URL• Any amount of data can be sent

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Introduction Pre-Req Concepts Architecture Overview Physiology of an Application Components JDeveloper Demo Files & Directory Structure Menus & Functions New Features in OAF 11.5.10 Help


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Architecture - Oracle Form

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Splitting UI from Business Information

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Architecture Overview

Declarative, MVC architecture


Model View

A component-based design with clean interfaces among model, view, and controller objects

The model encapsulates the underlying data andbusiness logic of the application

The view formats and presents data from a

model to the user

The controller responds touser actions and directs

application flow

FlowsUI ObjectsDB Objects


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Model / View / ControllerDesign Pattern

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Architecture Components• BC4J - Java business components for representing business

logic• UIX - Java components for representing UI• OA Extension – Declarative data for UI

Extension to Jdeveloper• AOL/J - Applications authentication, authorization and java

services• OA Framework - Programmatic ‘glue’ which integrates these


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A Stranger Is a Friend You Have Yet to Meet

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Business Components

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Business Components-Example

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Physiology of an Application

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Physiology of an Application The View – under the surface

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Physiology of an Application The View – under the surface

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Physiology of an Application The View – technology beneath

Page Hierarchy

Meta Data

OA Framework RuntimeOA Framework Design time

UIX Bean Hierarchy






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Physiology of an Application The Controller – user interaction



User takes an actionBrowsersendsrequesttoController

Meta DataWorkflow



1. Controller delegates data processing to Model

2. Determines next page3. Invokes View to present

the next page to user


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Physiology of an Application The Model – data processing



Entity Objects (EO)View Objects (EO)

Application Module(AM)

Application Module(AM)


UIX Bean Hierarchy



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PoplistText Field

Page Hierarchy & Model


Radio Button


Text Field

MDS Items

Page Root AM




BC4J References


Default Renderer

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Model: Application Modules

• Application Modules serve as containers for related BC4J objects

• The objects are related by participating in the same task (for example, a multi-page UI for creating purchase orders)

• Application Modules provide transaction context• Application Modules establish database


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Model: View Objects

• View Objects• Encapsulate a database query• Provide iteration over the query result set• Can be based on

• Plain SQL • Multiple entity objects

• Provide single point of contact for getting and setting entity object values

• May be linked together by view links

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Model: Entity Objects

Entity objects• Encapsulate business rules and logic• Are used by any program that inserts, updates, or

deletes data• Provide consistent data validation across all

applications• May be linked to other entity objects by entity

association objects

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Event Flow in OA Framework

• Two main events in OAController• processRequest - used for HTTP GET (URL)• processFormRequest - used for HTTP POST (Form

Submit)• Form submits (button presses) are directed back to the

original OAController• Several other events are available for overriding default

Framework behavior

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HTTP GET Event Flow – Overview

1. Get info and validate user2. Fetch metadata3. Validate Root AM4. Instantiate BC4J and UIX objects5. Walk UIX tree and call processRequest() on controllers6. Perform post processing for complex beans7. UIX renders page

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HTTP GET Event FlowGet info and validate user

• Get valid ICX session cookie (from SSO)• DBC (database) information passed in on URL from portal

• Cached on the session after first URL• URL also provides root region / page:• Validate user through AOL/J• Fetch the metadata

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HTTP GET Event FlowValidate Root AM

• Instantiate the root BC4J Application Module (AM) • AM associated with page is the root AM – holds the

connection• Application Modules are pulled from AM pool if available or may

be new objects• AM uses DBC info to create database connection (or reuse

existing connection)• Validate session on root AM • Validate function associated with page

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HTTP GET Event FlowInstantiate BC4J and UIX Classes

• Convert metadata to OA bean hierarchy• OA beans are extensions of UIX beans

• Instantiate associated BC4J objects• Place bound values on beans that require binding• Cache bean hierarchy on root AM

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HTTP GET Event FlowprocessRequest()

• Walk UIX tree and instantiate controller classes• Call processRequest() on controllers

• Developers can query data for the UI (vo.executeQuery) and set programmatic properties

• Perform post-processing on complex beans• OAPageLayoutBean and OATableBean for example• This post-processing can be initiated from

processRequest() by calling prepareForRendering()

• Places data binding objects on rendering context

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HTTP Post Event Flow – Overview

1. Validate user2. Retrieve AM and bean hierarchy if saved3. Walk UIX tree and call processFormData() on controllers

• Apply form data back to underlying objects4. Walk UIX tree and call processFormRequest() on controllers5. If no redirect then refresh the page

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HTTP Post Event FlowValidate User and Retrieve State

• Validate the user as in GET• Retrieve AM and cached copy of bean hierarchy

• If not available or out of synch go through processRequest logic again to recreate bean hierarchy

• Validate session and function as in GET• Call ProcessFormRequest() on controller.

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Model : Code

• Model source code is stored as Java and XML files• The properties of the objects are stored in XML and the

actual Business logic (validations) are stored in Java files

• Available in $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/<prod>/<subcomp1>/../server

• Named as *EO.xml, *VO.xml, *AM.xml, *EOImpl.class, *VOImpl.class, *VORowImpl.class, *AMImpl.class

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Layered Reusability

Entity Objects





dataflow up stack (pull)

dataflow down stack (push)

• Each layer only “knows” about the layers below it.

• This allows reuse at any of the layer boundaries.

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OAF Components

Web Server Data Server


Meta DataRepository







AOL/JMenus,Security, Messages, etc

UIXHTML UI Generator

JavaControllerProgrammaticUI Definition


let E




UIMeta DataDefinition



J2EE Oracle 9iAS

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Using JDeveloper OA Extn

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About This page

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Invoking JDeveloper From Unix

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Invoking JDeveloper From Unix

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Invoking JDeveloper From Unix

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Invoking JDeveloper From Unix

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Invoking JDeveloper From Unix

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Invoking JDeveloper From Unix

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JDeveloper Demo

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Demo on DFF

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Dir Structure : JAVA_TOP






creditmgt irec <other comp>








util <subcomp2>lov

serverwebui server


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Dir Structure : PROD_TOP




<subcomp1> <subcomp2>

creditmgt irec <other comp>

webui webui






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How to find the relevant code

• Start from URL• http://celalnx7.us.oracle.com:10103/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?_rc=A


• ARCMANALYSISVIEWACCTDPAGE.xml would be in $AR_TOP/mds directory.

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How to find the relevant code


akRegionCode="ARCMANALYSISVIEWACCTDPAGE"regionName="AR CM Analaysis View Account Detail Page"amDefName="oracle.apps.ar.creditmgt.analysis.server.CreditAnalysisAM"controllerClass="oracle.apps.ar.creditmgt.analysis.webui.ArCmAnalysisAcctDetailPageCO" windowTitle="Oracle Credit Management" helpTarget="cf_crdata">

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Menus in OAF

• Navigation menus • Controls how a user moves from one page to another• Use with responsibilities• Use Functions form and Menus form

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Register Functions

• Use the Functions form to associate a page URL with a function name • System Administrator or Application Developer responsibility• Function Type is SSWA JSP Function

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Menu UI: Global Menu

• The global menu provides application-wide functionality.

• The appearance of the icons, as well as whether certain choices appear at all, is controlled by profile options.

• Developers can add application-specific global buttons.

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Menu UI: HTML Tabs

• The highest level of menus (Level 1 menus) usually correspond to main business flows within an application.

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Menu UI: Subtabs

• Subtabs (Level 2 menus) provide further content divisions underneath particular tabs. Subtabs are optional.

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Create a new OA Workspace & Project in JDeveloper

Create a new Page XML Files & BC4J components using JDeveloper Wizard as per your requirement

Compile the work & create Class Files

Copy Class files to JAVA_TOP on server

Use “import” utility OR “ java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter” to put Page XML

file in server

Register the Page XML file as an SSWA function

Add this function to a Menu & Responsibility

Bounce Apache


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New in Oracle Applications Framework 5.10

• Performance improvements• less images, graphics• partial page rendering using iFrames• Fast enough for Cellular Data Network use

• Documentation and Tutorials rewritten• Available for Consulting and Customers to use• Limited Early Adopter programme running• Could support hand held devices

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• OAF is the Oracle Applications self-service development and deployment platform

• 100% Java based, architected unified platform with durable extensibility and personalization features

• Leverages best architecture and technologies that slashes implementation and operating costs, maximizes business performance while insuring a differentiated deployment