o,• .:. !':';,lK~~J~~~im¡1;,~,t~';':;i:~';;~~'1~ftr~t~~~~,V',.' , · 2009-10-31 · 1 wnB...


Transcript of o,• .:. !':';,lK~~J~~~im¡1;,~,t~';':;i:~';;~~'1~ftr~t~~~~,V',.' , · 2009-10-31 · 1 wnB...

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.. " !':';,lK~~J~~~im¡1;,~",t~"';':;i:~';";~~"'1~ftr~t~~~~,V',.' ," "" , ,,;' o" :' \ : ,_


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·{,- ~" ;~; " ·.,b.

Arogoií ¡lh scml. )ur aal~~ livod.iri

I it atoad'

Ise uf thii..~ IInd ~o",;

c, SWl>ep:,'.

on fplcn~·.

h plllnco.-'

-. },; unlson.

di .~.:,}. louse roeki'!:

tho mast;;:

ten trough-,;\ / (lff, ,,;.:~~

ntu f1oek: >~ ,:.~j':'

hroud, .<~

",Ufe l'oeki'f'

IIlld proud;::; , ---J 1m, ' l-~;;:~

~n dim " ·l!J~

n to ¿~¡¿;;: . ·.:."f:

,ek io I¡ro), Illluse r~kL wife, i/

IIssion nn ' ;"/


.. :


\ i\IONG my eommde. lit tha vellemble Gvl­l\. Icge uf Ghllrleslull, lhere WIIs " yuuth of

1I1J11llrellllj' fmil phyaique, uf quiet nnd retired

1I1:\nIWr~, in WhOIIl, nllhough ho Il('hie\'üd no

'1H'l'ial scllOlnftie dialinction. in the orthodox cllrri('uhITll l his nssociutes rccognizc<! ccrtnin

p("'lIlillr talents, Ui6 IIrt in6tillct" werc strung,

lI11tl hc di'I'JIlj'ed fllr moro lhllll 11 sill'ple tllstO

fOl' lIIe<'h'lIIicg. He hlld cxccutcd the first of

1111 "dlllirablo .eric6 of Oil-p"illtillgs bef;Jro ho was len¡ find mude unllided 11 singulnrly illgcn­ious lllotlcl uf t\ stolun-cngino Ht the ugc of

follrtcell. This engino tuok n prolllineut prize

lit the Cnrolillll Institute Fllir.

,Ve 1111 belic\'cd thllt our fricnd, Robert C.

Gilchrist, would sceuro fnmo nnd fortnne ns u

}J"intl'r ur invcntor, perhnps us Loth. 1 used

to ob,ervc upon J¡is fu"e tl",t strllllge, intro­

s]JedÍl'e IllUk which strikes onO iu the portrnits

of Wull und Stephcnson, CireU:nlsluncc, how­e\'er, is 1\ strnngc JlHlster i nnd cirClllnstlll1CC

SC(~lIIS, ln n perversc, Inysteriuus wny, to hnvc

0l'posed tho devclopmcnt uf the gil'ts in<liented. liad sollle sJ¡rewd Gitaun venture(] to foretcll

i" our .. salud duy." thc 6(.rt uf rel'ut'lLiolJ whidl Gilehrist wus dcstilled to wiu, thcre is

110 doabt she ",ould buve been luu~l>cd to


Aud yet, "l< fOlid, there wus wild, hot blood, bloo,1 of tite boru go1dier, in this quiet youug

nlltu's \'cius. IJI! ilJherited n glll1unt lUHl deter­

mined teu'l",r from llis ElJglish ulu:e!'to,'" espe­e¡nlly frolll his grtlndfatl>crs Ad:ll11 un(1 Ho],el"L Gikhri.·ü, who eJnjgrnted frVlJl Grcat Bl'itnin

.h ..rtly pre"¡ous tu tl,e Revolution, IIl1d sel'ved

wit!! distiuetiou in the Ou~ltíneutal nrIllY,'~

'l'hlls, aflor 1111, Ilothing could I>,,\'e hr.en

more naturul by the JIIIV of llCredity tlUlIl thejr

deseeu(lnnt"s mllrtial conduet when his seelion

und State were tl>rentened by Federul in\'ll~íolJ.

Trne, he wus 1\ Union mlln, Ilud deprecatcc!

scec!<Sion liS 11 mllllcr of }loliey, bnt uo "'.lIllJcr Was wur incvitable thlln he W('lIt strenllously

to work; nud lIe '~ns nlllinly instrulllental in rah;il1,!!: tIlO ti Chnrlcston ZouHve Cadct.'"-," tho

firit eOll\l':lny to volnnteer their sen'iees lu

Go\'erll<Jl' Pid,ells ufle" S,mth CarolilJlI (nl)­

';'Oue 6crvcd as CILvtn.ln. lhe othcr n., lIClltCllUlll.

Aftcr lile Wllr, 1~C1hcrt Gflchri:'\t fwtted In Kc'V York. JIe hCCllTl\O 1\1\ fllllucntif\1 mcrehnnl then', .\chun, scttlillf.,f in ChlLrlesloll, prospcrcd fn lIU6iucs.'i ult'o n.s o. IHl'rt'hl\lIl. He \\"n~'i OtlC or lile f\I\\IH1cr~ of lhe (;hnrlcslon Chl\mhcr oC COlOmcr('('.l\lld offidnlly (:011· uccle<1 w!lh lile Dn",ch Duu"- of lhe UlIlle<1 Sllllc•.

del' her right in tho old COllEtitutiun) hnd ro­

llSSUJI",d ber po"itiou of illdepelldellt sover­


Sub!'equently he orgnnizcd the Gist GlIIlrd

Artillery, whicb W(1I1 ~lIeh brilliulIL renowlI ill

tlle derense of I3l1llcry Wllgncr. TlJough but l' liClltellllnt,t he commnnd",1 tlri; clJlllpuny nll .

through the protrneted nlld terrible siege, nnd

his nlllllO deser\'es lo Le hllllcle<l dowlI to }Jos­

terity ns olle (lf its truest he roes,

Seun'ely of the lllediulll height, pille, thin, nud delieate of uS}lect, Su exeel'tiollnl, sUB, wn.

the resilieucy of his c<'lIstitutiun, buclwd by l\

stl'ulIl; suul, thllt he out.-lulJored nlld oul-woro

)lot II few 01' tbe most vigorous looking lIIeJl in

tlJe gurrison, Active, observllllt, eunstulltly lit

Id. post by duy llJld by night, it is cleur tlJlIL

n description 01' tilO Lutt1e of Furt Wngncr nnd

the \l10UlClltoUB i/lcidellts which nceolllpnllied

nnd folluwed it could nut hnve f.lllen into bcller hnllds, 1 wnB consequently llIueh interu;te(1

when 1 rccei,-ed n cupy 01' the .. Chnr1eston

Year-Book for 1884," eontnining lIn nrticlu by

Mlljor Gilchrist, on the .. Confedernte Defensa of Morris ]slnn(1."

, lt is un essay cnrcfully Ill'epnred, nud rifo

wilh mlltcríal beyond priee tu thc fnture his­

torinn. When in YCllrs to cunle the Xenoph(JIl

o,' Thncydidcs sllltll ul'ise ('unllllissioned lo writo of the great seecssion contcst, hu will duubtles.

1e led by his beneHeent Muse to consult umol'/;

othe" Illelllor:lbiliu tltis lucid Ilnd truthful Ilnr­

rativr. )lellllwhile, 1 h,,,,e the lIuthor's permissioll

to use his fllé'ls j he cOII~ents, good relldcr, to bo your guide aníl minc thruu¡;h n lul,y.-inth

of sOlllewhnt (levíous cvents, ulld to show ng

the djllcreut phuses uf Ulle uf the sternesl IIlld

grnllde5t uds in the trngedy 01' Inouern wllrfure. ..,. l\1 f!t ~~ G 'J.t ~ f!l. s

AIlY nnc SJlilill~ 01' ftellllling illto thc hllrbnr

of Cllnr1estoll will oL~erYe tOWUI',] the soutll,

liS he IIpprnlleltcs the city, 1111(1 to the left of

whllt is ellllcc\ "TlIe Ship Ohlllll1el," n Inug, low, nlld 6(lllrsely-wooded ¡Hlnll,1 wltich, UpOll

eX:\I\ii,,,"g tbe mal', he will Ho'] dcsigl\J1tcd 115

tDurillg' tlle Jnst ycnr nr 1I1l~ WI\:-, tdldHh;l (1\ lnw .. yer }lY rrnfp5.'iiol1) wn.., rl('i,¡lc1J<'ll frolO his {'omnw.nd to licn'c n~ Jlld~c Af}\"O(:JllC UCllcml in lhe Ilcpf\rt· Jllcnl or fiouth Cnrnlinn, (jcorg"ln, 1\1111 Fluri(ln. nlld U'IIS lJC('tUlIC IIH' 1l1w·uddfwT of thnl 11cpnrllJwnl. 110 Wl\:i prolllOt(.'<l to he 1\ IItlljor or 'l.rtiJll'r~< 11IHI fotlg-ht 011 (i\~ller;\¡ Ilur<1cc',s sLuIr tu 8CVCflll ucspcrnlc eu· gll.gcmcllls.

(1;99 )

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-~, ; \ ..


u Morris hlllnd." H is 11 fnmous plllce, lIud must so remnin for ccnturies. Thence th" lirst shot which e/redually cut the bond "f U niun was nre,! at the Stllr of ti", West¡ "llIt"r it gllve to the world its first h'sson in iron-cllld ormur¡$ und flnally, it WIIS tile thellter uf tile defense of Ull ellrth-work us stnhhorll, aud 11

subsequcllt siege unu humilarulIlcllt liS melllor­uble," liS tho wllr unulIIs of ullcicllt (Ir 1II0deru

. tillH:s ell/I furnish. Lct us exumine this i,l"nd minull,]Y. 1t is

about foul' miles, or to be líteml, tilr"" "nu tilree fourths miles loug, un,] iLH ~I'eatcsl ¡'rea<lti, is tweuty-fi\'e hunured YIII'(I,. Nowilere is it much more tlU1/1 two feet IIho,"c high-wllter nlllrk.

The soil composing it i" peculiur, being whot is uenominnted u'IUII1'l"--SIlUd, \\'hich hlls no eoheo;iou, IIlld wr:igils, whe" dry, eight)'-six pOUIl'!S to the cubie fout. '1'0 its puwer ill re­sistillg the peuctrlltiou uf sllllt IIl1d, whell dis­plllced, of falling bllek uglliu to the very spot it IlIu! uceupieu, is due the eomp"rative invulnel'o

ability uf the wurk:; constl'llcled out of it." Less thlln 1\ mile fl'OIU Cumllling's l'niut,

the positiou of l\aUery Gregg, the mllrsh uu the west eneroaehes, leuvinJ; 11 uurrow ftrip betweeu it llud the oeelln. lIcre stood Fort Wngncr. Next to :Mol"I'is Ishllld. southwuru, is Little Folly TslullU, separated I'rom Morris Islllnd by un illlel ,,"ly f,.ur hnn,lre'! )'lIru8 wi,le. Behind the northern hi115, euvered by myrtle bushes, of tilis insull1t"u slln<l-bllrren every flldlity was ofiere,1 to the enem)' for the ereetioll of mllsked hutteries. 'fhe fllet 'WIIS putellt, or ought to llave bcell so to tile verie$t

• militury tyro; Ull'! yet the Confedernlcs, ,Iom­illuting for weeks this illlportllllt stl'llt~gie

¡>oint, \Vere gl1ilty of the ineredible flltuiti of 1I11owing the tree ~rowthK to l'<"'lIliu jl1st IlS tllOY were-I\ conveniellt shelter for ql1iet n<ul delldly prepllrntions On the pllrt of n foe ,le­cidedly more sllrewu un,1 IIctive, 'JI/oad "oc,

thl\n they phowed thelllsel\'es to be. Whllt WIlS the eonseql1ei\ce uf this inflltl1l1ted

negleet1 It enllbled the Federals, slIYs Mlljor Gilchrist "to secretly pInce ill bntter)' forty­

~When lt \VIL' .I<'termlned lo redilee )o'orl' Rnmler (under An,le",,,") \Vllh nrliller¡-, 11 clerk In lh" I'lnlll' ers nnd Mcchn,nlcs Bn,nk. ChnrlcHLou, whO~t~ pl'l'lIl1nr gcnill~ hnd Itcvcr bccll dr'~n1l\cd oro dcdsl'd n,nd.lHll1t al Cummlng'. I'ollll. Morrls 1,llIlIit.lhe fj",l iroll·dlltl lorUncRtlul1 cvcr crcctcc1! Ovcr h""I\.\'Y 1Il11hcn, he

. plnccd mllroBd T troll. lah1 III 1111 IIn~le n[ [nrl¡-·fjve dcgrccs. Thc amnzing" 8ncecs~ or his plnu revo1o­t1onlzcf) lUodern wnrrnrc. 1'hc llame or thbi in\'entor WIlS Clelllelll 1I. SteVCII•.


soven pieces of nrtillery, with two hundrod. nn rounds of nmnll1nition for ellch gun, provided:'/ tI" with suitnble pnrllpct•• sl'línter-proof shelters, . lIi' Hllc1 Illngnzillcs." . in l

During tlle cntire progre~s ,J[ this work the ('\'

Confederntcs were ndl1l1lly within ~pellkillg di~ fol

tunce of their cllllning, indefatigllble cnemy. F. TII" FlJUCI'IlI o,','up"tion of Folly Islllnd thU8 th.

potenlly buclwd WIIS tlle IirHt ncl in the bloody ... trngcdy of WUg'llcr. I.~ •.~~ 1'"

lt >e"IIIS tlllIt n Vll"t lI11lO11llt of specull1tion .'·/'lji¡ IIn,1 rceri,ninlltion H.1IH·'lllelltly occurred liS to .?¡>í o)'

tlle I'ersoll or I'crSOllS who w,'re ,pe"inll)' bll1me­ th worthy in tllis Illnlter. But tlle truth is now obviolls. The comllllllHlcr - i/l- clrief, Genernl Bllllur,'glll'cl, belíeve,l, 110 doubt upon whllt seemc,1 to Irim the best ]ll'ocurnble evide/lce, that tho Federnllldynncc wOlllu be uver Jllmes u:: Islllnd.." Thc holuing," he himself En}'s, "uf ur tlle I""ition (un lIIorl'i~ lslnntl) is s('('ondllry to tlrllt of .JllllleS lslnllu, wllÍ<'h lllU:;t first be 1I11

seellred l>eyo",1 peril of slIrl'rise 01' ellplure." fl'l By his express unler "ever)' IIcgro lllborer \VIIS 111:

withurawn fmm ?>Iorris Islam! tu strengtlren lpl

the fortiliclltions elsewhere." tir Even Fort 'Wubner, thell bul. hlllf completed, \\'1

WllS ~o fnl' llbuntloned thllt o/lly tl,e llIen of tlle hu Gist GlInras lInd ?>Intlhews Artillery were left th: to work UpOII it. 'rhc COlllllllllHlcr wellt fllrther .. 11 stilL 'Vhell he diseovel'Cd thut Iris collengue, \\'1

Genernl Hipley, empluyinl; Ili~ oWII engilloer. wi "hnd Iregull to fortir)' tire lIei,;lrborhood of nI' Light- hOllse llllet,t he perclllplorily ordered tilJ the work to stop." But Illrout thi, period tllero nro.." n rllmor to tlle ell'ed thllt u Federa! de­ gI, tncll11lellt Illld bcen seell \\'01'1<1111; UpOIl Folly Tshlnd. Belluregllrd nppellrs then to huve mod­ me

ificu his views. At nll eV<'lIts, Genernl Bipley Iik

was perlllitted to send two cOlllpnllies .. of the ;;(;. 1Iu

IlIpPiló,t South ClIrulinll Art.illery, ClIptnin John·':.~ wh

hll':t:~:~:li~e::\~ ~::,:~::I,:':I:::~I~:I:ll~~l::':::: :::r::s~~l:' ....'....~...'.:.Ir

:." ..:'. lnll

L1ll1e 1'011)' Is11l1)11s. ,_ mI(

1 ¡"'hile III FOIL f'lImlcr. 111 lile enrlr )lnrl 01 1862, I .:'.'.~.: enl

I1llLele lhe fic'(]ul\,lntollcC or ('n.IH.nlll .l\Itll'llCll. He W84 ~ ~'~L\ wh lhell nhollt l\Vl'lIly·~lx ()I" ~C\·CII. n )"oung ]\\40 o( ;':~t" H.lll

me<lilllll l",iRhl nllll <1,·";'1<'.II¡- dellmlc Ii.ppcnmuNl.. rnn lIis Jlrnr('~slol\ (1( IIIY lIH':lI\llQ' ser\·l'~ me) wos lhn,t 01 ," 1110

nn (~",::il1('er. Rllí] he hn,1 r('Riclücl prc\'ltlu! lo ht~ ('..oro· .. ,~. Io'n IHA' Sollth rnr f;Clmc ycnrs. ÍlI lile Stnlc o( I\cw York. .-::~ to ( In HO Imrlleulnr «lid he n:~cII\J.lc hls dlstlngultlhrd.f· ["11 [nlh,'r cxrcl'lIl\l' 111. hhdl ",,,rt,le nll'\ Indoml18blO':"r­ 1..1l cnnrn.1!t..·. The elc1t..'r MH('hcll "'liS rllther tn.1l, dRr~.::.: bYl ('olllplt..·.:dollefl. \\'llh n'¡':It1JLr r(·ntnrl's.l1l1cl dCl"r naah hlll 11Ig' t..·~·e~. nlu} hi~ mnlllWrH \n're r('llInrknIJJy CON llll l\Iu}lLg-rcrllblc. [lIs Noll, OH lhe ..unfmr.\'. wn., ol.lbe. Cel mlln~ flrcHlIllry Mllt..·:·dn.n typc. wlth n Jh:tht ~klD an~ \no

lI¡;ht pre". hls olle strlklllll' lenture bclllg a thlu,..l'~~.: n·'I'

.,X~;~~~· "J;

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dary st be ure.":.': . \Vns


leted, ,f Ihe

e left rlher ligue, nccr,. ,d of

lered thero n, il de-: .:

li'ol1y mod­

ipll'Y f th6 :. Jobn.,: ssisto ," ,. ----.J. ' .

nnce of thll Tweuty-flrst South Carolina Volun­teers, Colonel Grnham. built among the snnd­hill. of thc south cnd of 1II0rris !slnud nine ill<lcpendent one- gUIl bllllaríes, whieh were ("'''Iltnllll)' to lIIeet the conecntrntcd tire of rortY-""'cll guns ill tho mnsked lmtteríes 011

Folly hlulld, nnd 8-, 11-, IInd lú-inch guns in t1lc nlo.lÍtnl's!'

The lmttle of Secessionville. lit nn enrlier Jwriod, hlld heen fought and lost by the Fed­~ 'fhe bl'l'nthing spnce grnnted to their o!,ponl'llts \Vas prorerl! utilized, sinco durill!! (hi, ¡Iltervul Cuptuius I~l'IInk D. Lec /tnd Lnng­ton Chcves, (lf the Confederntc Stlltes Ellgilleer <lor!,s, plnllucd IInd huilt Fort WlIgller.

lIs position 1 hnve alrelldy illdiellted. As for the ..hnrncte!" (Of this fort, Mnjor Gilchrist te1ls us Ihut it \Vas nn íuclosed cnrth-work. mens­Ilrillg \Vithin tho interior slopes, from cnst to Wl'st, six hllndred nlld thirt)' feet; nnd from north to sontll, two hundred nnd seventy-tlve fel'!. The sen - fnce contnined a bomb-proof IJIllg11ziue, forming n henv)' trnverse to pro­Ip.. to tite threll guns north of it froon the lund !in,. Behind this sen-face wns 11 homb-proof whieh eonhl not uccoonmo<lute more than nille h{\lldred ll1en stllnding elbow to elbow; and Uds l:nplleity was further reduced by cuttíng olr olle third for the hospital. The land - fnce wns irregulnr, with ro-{Hltering nngles, nnd with chumbers for llve guns. lo sweep the IlIud upprolleh. The front was I'roteeted by 11 diteh fllled with water lit hígh tide.

'I'he armamCllt of 'Vngner eomprised 11 sin­gle IO-ineh columbind, one thirty-t\Vo poullder

rnouth, whleh elosed, B8 It ",ere, over bl8 thoughts like IU\ lron vise. To most persons be w... rescrved ; IHlt ollly \Vlu hls eoo/ldenee aod he eould be Behurm­tU¡; eornpnnlon. Hc possCllged a large Cund oC hUlIlor, IIhleh, odd to 81\)', "'... mther Beotch lhnn lrlsh 11) Its 81r lnCerenees alld qunlllt touendo. Many n ntght hnve 1 met hlrn In hl8 qUBrtcl1l whl1e he 8olOked nnd llllked nnd told amuslog aneedotes oC hls carller years alld hls adveuturc8 In Amerlca aud .. over 8el18."

Dllder hls tmnqull exlerlor there "'"l< a world oC enthuslllSm alld 80Idlerly IImbltlon. Onc mornlug, whl1e cxamlnlng lhrough bis gl..... ¡r(lm the wall. oC Sumter the dls¡>osltlon oC the Federol /leet, there cnlllC n81gnlficnnt pufTlrom the port·holc ni Bdlslaut IIIOUItOr. AII otlleer ncar hhn (Cnlllnlll Pcrlnncnu) lcaped do\Vn behlnd tbe deCensc8 aud ul'\(c,' Mltehell to do l1kcwlFiC... Time cnough," 8ul(\ the 1nUer, lt J'U lollo\\' )'OU dlrcctly." Almost 1>cCorc these \\"orlls h..d lefl hlE lipa. the unCortllnllte man ha.1 beell RllIltteu b)" n shell nnd tcrrlflcnlly mangled. He dlc<1 lu a Ce\\' hOllrs, I bclleve, nnd lo grcat agony, bonle \\"Ith .. 101'­t!tulle tbat 1Va.' Hllbllme. IIls bOOy re8ts lu Magnolia Ccmeter)", lIenr CharlCllton, aud a bcautlCul marblo rnhllllment marka the place oC the young marl)'r's rCIH)SC.

smooth boro, 01.0 forty-two pounder cllrrolludc, two JllIval 8-illeb shell guns, thrce thirt)'-two lHlullller ellrrnnlldeH, two thirtJ-two poullder sicgo howitzers, two t\Velvo- poullder bronze howitzer., lIJ1d ono IO-ílleh mQJtnr,

AR to the troopR, there w"re IIpon l\forris 181llnd, ill the eur1y pllrt of Jllly, twelve hnn­dred lnen of nl! arlllS. TIl/'se were neeesElIrily dividell," Ileeupying difl'crent Jloints.

1t is IlI'o'per to Etate ill this conneetion tI'lIt Genernl llelll\rcglll'll's entire IIvnilllble force in his depllrtlllent. l'nmprising SlJllth Cllrnlillll. Georgín, lllld Floridu, 8lightly exeecaeil llfteen thousund lIlen, nnd never I'ould he IIln~(¡'r for the illlllledillte defonse nf Chllrlcston lIIore thlln tI"e thousllnd eight hlllHlrClI Ilnd sixty-nne,

Generul Gihnore, OlL COI/"·o.;'·c, hlld-ll1l1gllif­icently eqllipl'eJ nnd nrlllcll--iu South ClIrolinB ilIon e 1I0.1es8 thlln Bevellt("lll 1I1OusIlnd four hun­dred nml sixty-three, oflieers nllllluell inclusive, Bis force lIctunlly elllp!oye,1 ou :Morri~ hllllld nt one tilllC, Mlljor Gi1<:hrist IlSSur"8 us, did uot vllry mueh frolll ele,'ell thousallll Jlve hnndred, lIidcd, let us remembcr, by n powerful Jleet of iron-clllds. Oppo8ed to these the world will he Illllazed to henr thut the Conf"dernte .. gl'l\nd totlll" ou thc ¡slnnd never lIlollllte,1 higher thlln sixteell hnndred lIlell,t IIna thut F.O illllde']lInte ll. force was often reduced to less thnn one thou­sand.

Ou the 3d 01' 4tl¡ of J nly (1863). n Coufed­------------'---~

"Jlere ls MoJor GIlchrlst's detnlle<1 estlmllte. vlz: .. Nlne hUlldred lInd twentY-BCvell men, Colonel IL F. Grahnrn, oC the Twcnty-nrst South Cnrollun Volun· tcers, 111 eommall<.l; Lleutenant - Colonel Joseph A. Yntes. oC the Flrst 80uth Carollua artlllerr. ll8

ChleC 01 Artlllery; Coplaln C. 1>. ChleheRter, oC tho Glst Guarl1 Artlllery. commnndJlIg Fort Wagner (by rl.t 01 senlorlt¡'). Artlllcr)' eompanles: Glst Gnard, Llenlenant R. C. Gllehrl.!; and Mntt\¡ewcs Ar!lIlcry, Captnlll J. R. Mlltthewes. In Bllttery Gregg. at Cum· mlllg's Polnt, wns Cnplnln }[cnry R. LeseRne, oC the Flrst 80nth CarolhllL ortlllery, ",Hh hla eoml'any. At the BOUt\¡ elld oC lhe 1.llIlId, delendlllg the nlne Rln· gil' bllltcrks erected there lo dispute Inndlllg Crum I'olly IslalHI. were eompanles 1 and E, and a detneh· ment oC lJ (t\\"o hUlldred rn~n), oC the Flrst 80uth Carollnn Artlllery, Caplalns Johll C. Mltchcll (SOIl oC tile Irlsh pulrJot) 1I11d J. R. Mllcbeth, nlld L1eutenllnt JI. W. Frost, nlld a l1elnchmcllt oC fiCty men oC tho Fln;t 80uth Carolina Inlllntry, under Cllptaln Charles T. IIaskell, and the Twenty-first 50uth Carolllla Vol­untcers (81x hUlldred and twelve mell) 1I1ldcr Mnlor G. W. McIl'er."

tSome edltorlal \Vag afllnned, durlng tho war, tbat the hlghe8t nlllllbcr oC meo. 00. ~Corrl8 Island lit al11 perlod W... Il1crel1Sed COI' al1 bour 01' 80 by the adveut oC tlVO volunteers Irom the remote Interior 8wampa or Caroltlln. who no BOOner {"all~ht slght or o. monitor, however, than they "skodnddled" at treble-qulek time hnck to the alllgntors.

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\W?;W¡f:~¡il~e\Í.W1'? iibWñ!%~I:;:;~l¡i: \'0 ....,

THE DEFE1\SE üF FORT WAGNER. ::;~; erulo Ecoul auw o long, 10w, ruki~h -luoldng vessel nppruoeh lhe soulh "1I1runce lu Lighl­hUllse lnlel. She pruved lo be u bluekllue­rllnner, n sleomer cnlleu lhe Ruhy, nnd unfur­lllnlllely she gulllgroun<l nellr Fully Islnnu.

Tho luil-sluin'lu, wellry, hlllf-flllllisheu COII­fe<lel'llle" b"hel<l "Ienly wilhin lheir I'cuch. ls il exlmuruinllry lhul lhey shuul<1 huvo lcfl lheir lubor un lile blllleries fur o whilo und en¡!;lIgeu in lho business uf ,. wrecking" su rich 1\ prize1

Thcir ubsorbecl eugcrncss W/IS sucll, lheir nulurul unxicly lu securo some crelllurc cum­furls su gl'elll, lhollhey huu neilhcr eyes lu seo nul' curs lo hellr whut WIIS prugl'eso,ing within five hunured yurus uf lheir pusitíon. No glinl f1l1shcu lIpon uny llIun's visiun 01' blue uniforllls behind the lrees¡ nur diu u single olllinous sounu uf IUlIullIer, or suw, sleullhily plieu per­llllpS in I\mbush, reuch uny Illun's henring. In­deecl, lho enemy in thllt qUllrtcr were suppused lu he ut Il cumfurlllble dislllnce; lhe delllsiun did nut long cunlinue.

The Illorniug 01' 1110 101h 01' July broke over the eity fIlul lho udjucenl wuters brightly und trunc¡uilly.

Cilizens 01' comfortllblo uge ond Fulstuffiun pounches, long post, lil<e BlIillie Nichul Jor­\'io, lhe responsibilities 01' "sword Ilnd buck­lor" service, were ubout lo tlll'll uver fOl' Il churming dlly-duwn nnp, whell n sudden ond tremendous buom, the simult:lIleullS dis­churge 01' furty-seven pieces 01' IlCnvy urtillery, Fuluted them frorn hulf wuy down lhe hllrbur I The onemy hod unmusked his Folly hlund bntleries with 1\ vengeunee, nnd lIided hy four rnunitors delivering enfilude brou<!sidos, un<l as muny more howitzor Illllnehe8, poured u ir.u d'e1lfer upon tho nnfinished Confedernte wu~s.

Under cover 01' lhis bumbardment (hellrd more thun 11 hundred und thirty miles inlund)­twenty-five hundred Federnls, under Briglldier­Gonernl Strong, putting out in smol! bouto from FóJly River, lunded ut Oyster 1'0int. Our IlIen, enormously outnumbered. foughl bchind their feeble defenses until ulmost every gnn Wll8 <1is­mounted. Thcn, when cupturc wus imlllinent, tho fow gnlIunt snrvivors, dispuling cvcry inch 01' ground, fell slowly Ilnd sullenly hllck. Nut for u moment did lhe munilol'" Ilt eluse rl\n~o

o ~Jt l. 1Ul101l1.hlng to whut dlstunc". "OIlIHl mllr be oonveyed. In tho antumn 011861. 1 rccoJlccl lIcurllll:. upon the Charleston Dallcry. t1l1l .uccclVllvo rOllnclA 01 Dupont'. 1I00t In the batllo 01 1'ort Royal wllh IIIl accllmcy un<1 dlst\nctne8S whlch .eemed lo loCAl<' Ihe

;p>nOlct wllhln a dl.lance 01 t<ln, IU8tcad 01 IleVCDty· tlve 01' elghty mlles.o


ceuso lu JIre shrupnoll Rlld ahells, whilo tbe il Federuls deployint; ucross lhe islllnd <lelivored 1Il1lrd"f('us fusilIlldcH. 11

A purlion 01' lhe Seventh bllt?ulion (11' Suulh Cnrolinn infllnlry, Liculenllnl-Colonel N elson, Illn<1cd jnst in lhlle to cu\'er uur retrClll. 1:

'1'''0 1;l1l15 uf WIIg;ner IIUW "Iso IlIul n chull<~o, 1 ond vcry el/cdlllllly aloppod IlII fnrlher pur­suit. But lhe enmllY hnd gnined n grenl ud­ u

vllnlnge. At O A. M. tho "st.nrs und stripes" wero t10llting u"el' Colonel Gruhum's cuptured e

heu<1'lllllrters. Thus were the operulillns ugninst 'Yllgller illuuguruteu. On lhis fin·t dny uf bluud llnd curnug'c, the ski1lc,l ellgi­neer, CUplllill Cheves, lu whom chielly the fUl't "we<1 ils existen('c, lust hi" liro nllller espel'iul!y Illlthelic eirCulllstllnCp.f. He wus sit­tillg in his c¡unrters, \vhen u soldier, cntcring, grnvely 5uluted him, eonJlllunicllting the illlel­ligenée thut his f1l\'orilll llephew. CII(ltuin Chnrles 'l'. lIllskell hud jusl bcen kil!eJ. '1'his sudden llnnouncemenl unmunnc,1 him.

Bullhe ellllllollllde without grow llercer. AH spuco seemed lo vibrnto und "hum us with lhe wor-song 01' Brobdignug becs." Time enough for the indulgenco 01' u prívute grief. Duty summoned him, ond rising, he "crosscd tIJe threshold 01' his dour 10wIIl'd one uf the mugo­zines." At lhut instunl u ahelI, the l'C1'Y jirst ."dl l11unched especilllly ul lhe fort, bllrslin¡;, SCllltered its frngmPlJls ol! IIruund. One 01' thesp. fmgments slrnck him, and in o 11IUlllOn1, ill the twinkling 01' I\Il eye, his spirit lllld gone lo juill lhllt uf 11", yuung kinsmon whose deuth he hlld su pllssiunulely rnourned but o few min­utes before I But hí8 greot wurk did Ilut perish with him. "Al'líllery, whieh redueed the wulls 01' Sumler to 11 shupelesR moss fuur thousllnd fi"e 11l11ldred )'llr,18 II\1'UY, lit less thun one third lhe dislllll('o"mllde, in fifty-€ight dUY8, but littlt! illlpl'e~sion on tllis Illunulllont 01' his geniu8 ond lubur."

Ir lhe IIlnollnt uf .hell und 5hot roined in 1111 ¡ron deluv;e upun und ubout it could, like the seeds (11' ClldlllUS, hRvo spronted into ormed men, ther,' wonld hll"e been no need 01' North­ern "drnllf!:htingR," hut SOllth Vllrolillll, un<1 in fllot the entiro Southorn Confoderuey, ,,"oula hllve b(>"n imllledillt"ly overrlln by SllC)¡ eount­1(>8s hor(1<'5 liS Illust huvo put to .hllIllO the IIrllli"s 01' u Zenghis Khuu Or o Xerxes I

A 11.1 if, on lhe uther hund, a11 lhis )¡urlling iron hur] I:>ecn sllddcnly Rnd miruculou.ly chun!!:",1 inl,," p:ol,len grnill," one ('lIn not help fllneyilll!; tll1lt the lnst 01' wllr woul,l IlI\ve cooled dUWII, IIl1d thu1, during somo blessOO

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intcrregnum uf slnughter; both siues, their .. S II'lJ I'll o ehungeu intu pruning houks," might hu"e joineJ in u benellcent .. hurvest hume."

A strange fluwer uf fune)', 1 grnnt YUll, to $p"¡ng fruJO the core uf eurnuge I Still, it hulds n certllin bloom IInd perfume, und uno's thunghts ure I'urilled by them.

Amunl; tho greut engilleers uf the world, nssnredly the filme of Langtun Che"es is des­tined to be perenniul. Few perhllJls ure nwuro of the flll't,tilllt of the" unly lUJO nwdels of for­titieation nuw usml for purl'0ocs of instruction tu the Wcst 1'oint cadets, one is Fort WlIgner, the uthe!' Sehllst0l'ul."

Durillg the night of the 10th, the gnrrisun of 'Vagucl', suspeeting un IIssuult, W/lS un the qllí "íve. Evel'Y mnn WllS ut hio post. The u."tillerists slumbered bnt lightly in their gun­ehulllbers. Ne/lr dnwn tilO outl)'ing" pickets henrd the enutions udvunee of stellltilily-plueed fuotsteps. Forms vllguely discerned, crcJlt ulong tho snnd ridges. Y('s, there could be no doubt of itl here WllS u storming-pnrt)', unx­iou, to eflcet n surprise. But they could not be uccom modulCll.

Tile guns to the ri~ht nlld right ('enter of the rnlllpllrts were illstulltnneously lIIunned by the South Cnrulinillns. Tlle Georgiuns gunrded the left u'HI left center¡ tlw Eightecnth bllttnliun occul'icd tl;e suuthenst bustioll i the First Geor­gin nlong the sCll-front to the left ¡ the 'l'welfth Georgiu bulllllion to the right, Colonel Gr.thum cummnlHling the whole.

The Federnl lIlluck by fuur comp"nies of the Se\'enth Connectieut, n 11<1 n Licutenunt-Cuhlllcl Houmun, wus su rnpid thut the)' Illountod the crest of the sen-fuce npoll the very hel'ls of our retreuting picket forcel

,Tust then, Lieuteullnt Gilehrist, helldin~ the Gist GUllru, tells us thut ho perceived .l dim sil­houettc nguinst thll sky-liue-the uneertuin pro­portions of n humlln figure, He ehullellgeu him steruly nud quieklr, Ilnd ns quicldy the mUII's riflo wus leveled. nnd Il minie-bnll eOlnbed tlJe \icutenunt's huir with uunecessnrr clCl~euess,

while the powdcr blinued his eyes. N evi'rthe­lesB, tIJero followed. n deep response frolll n doublo-shoUeu thirty-two pound"r, the clltire lund of grnJle nlld cnnister pussing throngh the ussuilunt'~ body. Ris emptied rille uropped with Il holluw clung, inside the 11'1111.

Thell, uo ut n sigllul, tho whole butlery he­cume trunsformed, us it were, into n vust eurth­cluud uurtinl; lightnings nn'] bl'llowillg Un. n­der.: TlJo gront columbiud ]lenled forth ¡ts buss of de\llth; curroullues, lwwitzers, und Il\orturs


juilleu in the deudly din; Illld one coulu detect, pel'hups, through tho uwfuI c1'escmdo the slJnrp cruek o( Reumington unu revolvor;.

Thrullgh the smul(C-wreuths, us dll)'light brightened, uecimuteu und demorlllizeu bunds of blue-couts wel'e seen rushillg to guin tlle slJellel' 01' the sunu-hills.

A I'elllnllnt of tIJe forlurn hope of the Sel'enth Connecticut hud shelterell thelllEelvcs ngninst the se:lrp when "Ur IIre wus llOttest. TIIl'y emwleu in IInu slll'l'endcred, ono hllllureu unu thirty prisuners. mnl( lIlId file. O"er Il hlllldreu were bllrieu in front of Wugner, nnu in ucldi­tion three hunclreu anu 11ftY \Vullndeu were CUI'·

rieu tu Hilton llend. Genernl Strong repurts his losses in the twu uuys Ilgl.ting us four hun­ureu ulld thi.ty-six. The totul loss ill the fort wns olle offieer ulld fI\'e mcn killed, und ono offieer uno lifteen men woundeu. Thus it win be seen thut the repulse of the COllfederntes 011 the duy .previous (the 10th) wus tel'ribly nven¡!;ed.

Eveuts now l.ustcned towunl tlJe flereest of the ",Yugnel' "uUles¡ n confliet so deopel'llte tind mun]erous, UIIU chnrncterized by sueh inuom~

itllble vulor 011 hoth sidos, thut it Illuy fuirly rnnk umong the sternest fights of tho secl!ssion or uny othel' \\"lIr.

",Vltile thc Fc,lcl"lIls, uftcr their defeut uf tho 11th, \Vel'e strengthenillg their positioll, n coun· cil of gencnd uffieeri', it seelllS, wus culleu by Genernl Beuul'eguru, ,. to dis('uss the prnctien­bility of uriving the enem)' frum .Murris 151. uIIJ." TllÍs. ",itl. the lill.iteu resources ut hunu, wns f"ulI<l tu be iml'ossible.

llctwoeJl the 11th nl"l 17th the exhuusteu CUllfeuerntes in the f"rt We('(' rclieveu by un ul!ce.siun of fresh tru0l's"'.

llriguJier-GelH!l'l\l \Villinlll Tulinferro me­ceedeu Genernl Grnhnrn u~ eommunder- in­ehid.

lt WIIS renlllrkeo thut the Federnl Ileet hud 'luietly disnpJleured from St"IlU.

The "New lronsides" steullleu in o"er tl.'o bur, Their forees on the islulld ineren",~d. Four Jlowerful bnttcries-the ucurest within thirteen

-Nlllnely, by the FIltY'""'t Norlh ('nr"lIl1n, slx hnll­drcd nlH.! clghty·.evrll mell, 1111,lor Col"I1<'1 11. Me­Kclhllll, dctnchlllclIts (ron\ Cnpull118 IhU'kllcr nwJ Dlxon's l'Olupulllcs nI Sixty·thlrd G(lorg-In nrtlllpry. Cnplnll1" 1'lltellllllld AdlllllS' mllll'anlrs 01 Flrst50nth CIlrolll11111l1llnlry us Ilrlllll'r)'; .eNtoll 01 howllz~..... oi DcSnll"snrc'o Ilrtlllery, ('Ill'laln IlL'I'Il"'<; sl'ction o( howll1.crK, Hlnkc'H nrtlllcrr. Llcutenullt \\'nUc8; Chllrlp'ollon hnttulloll. LlcHlcl1nnl·Colollcl P. C. Onl1­lard, 1'hlrl)'·""t Norlh Cllrollnll 11'00"0, Lleuleunnlo­('"lolle] Kl1lghl. .

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hnndrcd and thirty yards 01' Wngner-wore built, 1I111gnificently nrmed,

Before 6unri~e on the 18th, the morturs opened; II1ll1 nt llOon the fire 01' eleven moni­turs, cUlllbined with thnt 01' the ll1nd batte,ies, wns concílntrated, fuI' eit:ht hour$, npon CI",\'<~s'

chcj-d'QJUVI'c/ Nille Lhonsnlld shell, uveraging twent)' per millute, were expelllled, \Ve lIluy suy compurati\'el)' wu¡;ted, sillce tbe furt stood in­tnet, nnd 01' its <lefenders but eight were killed nnd twellt)' w(lnIHle<11

Tllis illfernnl bom),Ilr<Il'r:ent censed nt dnr1{ onl.)' to ullow the Federa:,; 1\ fnir chullce for ns­snnlting in force, Snmt"r lln<l Gregg prepured to 11 re uver IVlIgner nttne IIdvlIlICillg columl's, 'l'he JlIlI1eS Islllnd blltteries 1I:lIde ready to enfi­lu<le its fllce, General.J ui""'",, IIngoud (sub­sequently Governor 01' South Cnrulinu, IInd u Inost gllllunt sol<lier) wns ordered to support Generul Tllliuferro, nnd one Georgiu regiment, Co1<lIlCl lIurrison, hustene<l to reinforee the gurrison,

Tlli~ Illuch 1'01' the Confederutes. On the olher sicle•. it had been urrnnged thut

the brigllde 01' Drig-udier-General Strong wus to lead, comprisillg Culoncl Shllw'g Fifty-funrth JI1ussnchnsctts IInd Colonel Chntficld's Sixth Connecticut regimciJts (with u bnttlllion uf the Seventh Connectient)¡ the Third N el\' Bnmp­shire, Forty-eighth NeIV Yorl<, Ninth Muine, und Seventy-sixth Pennsylvullin regilnents, to bo supported by Colonel PlItnul/l's brigude, which included one NeIV Ilnll1l'shire, one New Yorl(, und two Ohio regillH'nts. llrigndier-Gen­cral Th'JllIns SCj'lllOur conlllllllHl<,<1.

The "un hnd IIlmost reuched the horizon when these regimellt~, glittering in blue und gold, the last rn)'s 01' the IUlllinary flushing in ominous brightness 1'1'0111 bnyonets, swords, IIml opnulets, were f"rmed on tho beueh, to tho rour of their bntteries, in columns 01' eight compu­nies eh'sed ut hulf distunce ¡ the Sixth Connee­ticnt to lend und uttuck the sontheust slllient angle 01' the fort, the Forty-dglrth New York to puss ulong the seu-front, uud, fucing inword, to uttucl{ there i tho other regilllent8 01' tilO brigude to charge the soutlr front, extending inwurd tl>wurd tho marshes on the left., while to the Fift)'-fourth Mussuehusetts eolore<l,vol· untcers, one thousund strong, splend idly drilled, IInd nceoutered, the honor Wll8 given 01' n posi. tion in Rdvunco 01' ull.

They wero to distinguish thclI1selves in tilO IImbitiou8 und romuntic "ole of elljallf3},erdusl

Colonel Robert O. Shuw comman<led these mon, npd, doubtle"s, llis pride und confidcnco


wero high, a" ho beheld (in the striking lan­guuge 01' MI'. Oeorge H, Boker),

"Down thc long. llllRty Une, 'feelh gloum Ilud e)'ellallo shlne,"

In personnl appeurnnce, tllis YOllng oflt~or i8 deseribed us 01' slight IInd short figure, al" rUJed in a short jucket, but with 10llg ¡¡ght huir which fel1 luw upon his neck und IIcroS8 his shuulders.

There seelllS, hy tho wuy, to hnve been no question whntcvor nlllong the Federnls US to the SIlceess 01' their n~s"nlt. They fondly flln­cieu thllt the gnn8 01' "'Vngner hud been elfect­nldly si1eIlce<l, thnt tho gurriwn WIIS feeblo and denlOrtllized, thnt nl1 they h"d to do wus to muke one rupid chnrgü, und "c!/arder vous/un

j/Lit (Iccol1l},lil 01' course, they snid complll­'cently, "'Ve'l1 sleep in that buttered ellrth­work to-night." '

"And 50 IDnny u pOOl' fellow did 1" remurks lIInjor Gilchrist, with grim pity, A ghustly tlnd mystcrious slnmber, in which tbe unbrenth­ing wnrrior

" Drellm8 01 lIut tle'lields no more, Da)'" 01 danger, nlghl8 01 wnking,"

As SUllSet f"ded und tw¡light deepened into niglrt. the Federul bomburdment on lund Rnd 8eu suddenly und completely eeused. A greut culm ensued; but it wus quiet, porteutons, and terrible. It seellled us if the heurt 01' Nuturo stood still, uwed by u preseieuce 01' tbe impeud­ing und feurful cutnstrophe.

Grudulllly the sllloke 01' the cunnonude, swnthed ubunt tire fort 1'01' hours, 50 fuI' lifted thut the encm)' were seen dcbuuclring from tlreir Jirst pnrullel IlIld udvullcing over the nllrrow npprouclr between it nnd tho fort. Then from bOlllb-pronf und sund-hills the gllr­rison quiekly gutlrered ulong tire rurnparl8. Field - pieees were ranged i the urtillerisl8 dOllble-shotted tlreir guns, nnd,

Eneh gunner 1lI0\'ele88 11)' hls pleee ",!lh rlgld lIHpecl fital)d~,

The n>ud)' hlll)'urd. Ilrml)' gnL'ped In 1>01<1 untrem­hllng hundo,

80 11lo\'c1e8S In thelr murble calm, thelr .tcm heroJe gnlRC,

The)' look IIke lorm8 01 stlltued etone wllh humln¡ human C)·~.

Throe e(llllpunios 01' tiro Chllrleston buttnlion, Li"ulenllllt-Colonel Peter Gnillurd (thun wlrom no bmvor und lIobler so1<1ier ever lived tlnd fouglrt " l'o"tl'(I/1CC, IInd 110 n',nrvel, ,ince ho bore in his veins the blood (11' ono who led tho Gallea Glacés,)- Illllnned the right 01' tlle but.­

~DoeB my ronder rememhcr tho explolt 01 tha GallU Glact.. It lo wel1 tohl b)' w\\'reoce, aoUlor 01

tery, ulld North C MclCcthn tho illem, undcfCllll, the Clrllrl

left, "''''1' On rus

salute,l b shot; IIn Sumter. ( gall to II[ 01' "11 Ho]

Alld co tIc mi~¡!;u


n" ho le<l fullowed I fiug upou llhot UII<l ever, eoul diteh-or metul, vi alld unur lllld irretr let louse res)lousib tiro Nillt Soventy-t in;; the 01

Some ( deer; otb prostrllte< ling alon!

Then, i IUII i III i t)' , 01' which, (wlro COII! speur~, all whip) loo deed, wha 11 deed 01' the over (

lI1Jur(ler a

toWII In ti ecareel)' pI erroy hlld D1nck Mou eenre elltl I IlIg londer the Llne.lT teel!l. A t ehoul. /;. HonBeholt1 leavln¡: on oml 1II111le amI BAlute

• VÚÚ' Jm

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,':: .• j. . .; ~ "


tery, nnd next on tho 10ft stood tilo Fiftieth N orth CllrolillU Volunleers, Culonol Hellry 1l1eKcllllln. Tho southonst snlicnt, owing to tlle illcllicioney of some rnw recruits, rClllnillcd unrlcfClHlerl, wllilo tlle rellluining eumpunics of the Cllnr1estoll blltlnlion oceupied lile extremo left, ncnr tlle bench.

011 rusllCd lile ¡"etlernls nt u doublo quic!<, sullltet! by n simullnncous oulbreuk of Ilot sllOt; nn illlplncnble, conccntrnted tire from 8ullllel', Greg¡;, und Jurnes IsJunt!. They be­gnn to nppreeinle just lllen tlle full meullillg of "u Hulund for une's Oli ver."

And eonspicuous in tlle vnn, on cume tlle lit­tIc misgllitled nnd llnfortllnute 1Ilussnchllsells ColoneJ SJJIlw,Ilis long huir waving b<'hint! him, as Ile lerl Ilis sable ellj(Jllta l)el·dll.~. A porlion followed Ilim over the dilch, unll p1nnled lheir flng upon the ralllpnrls, wllere the Colollel wns ¡hot und instnntly Idlled. The otller., how­ever, cuuld not endure the sigllt of thnt ~ul'ing

ditch-or tlle rcvolting s(msntion of willged mclul, viciuusly lIenr-lllcrefure, they lJrol<e, ntl(] under the inllucnce n punie, disgruceful unt! irretrievable, lIeted rnlher liko wild brules let loose from n rnonngerie, thun reusuníng, responsible meno They blundered tlrat upon the Nintll Mnine, and aftcrwurd upon the Sevenly-Sixth Pennsylvnniu, pnrlinlly destroy­ing the orgnnizution of both.

Some of the frightened erenlures rnn like deer; others, in the bnse purnlysis of terror, prostnlled thelllsel ves upon lhe ground, crnwl­ling nlong on hnnds 11m] feet.­

'l.'hen, in startling con trust witb this pllsil­lunilllity of .. the B1nck Hegiment," by the si de of which even the nction of tho Spnrtnn llelots (who eonfronted bravelyenough their rnnstcrs' speurs, IInd eowered only nt the crack of the whip) looks like loniest Ileroism i then n grnnd deed, what the old Northmen would hnve enlled u del.d of derrillg-<io, was performed by men of tlle ever dominun.t Clluensinn rnee, the thought

"Bord" alla BcWi.k" The)" were nltaeklng some town In the lOars 01 lbe Fronde. The breneh WM scareel)" practicable; nlld the best 01 the beskglng nrln)" h"d recolled lrom lt wlth lmmeflse lo..... The JJ1nek Moo.quetnlrcs .toml by In nU lhe eoquel')' 01 seMI nlltl plullle, nnd Irlnged Heentcd E:lo\'cs, laugh­Ing louder nlld more Insulenl1y at eneh repulse ul lhe L1ocsmen. The sol<lle", heard, nnd gnMlled lhelr leelh. Al lellgtb lllere WI\8 n murmllr. and lhell, 1\

shou\. /:.••• nlXlnt I la Gnnlo Gl<r.cu I Whereupon lhe lIousehold brignde went up and cnrrled lhe I....'''l·h, lenvln!: one thlrtl 01 thelr uumber on 11. 'fhe Gell­orol mude lhe wholo army deftlc pnst thelr ",,¡<lem, sud Mlute lt lOlth slopcd standards.

• Vi<U Judge Cowley's Life Ajloat uoo A.lwr., puge 93. ., ~

of \Ybich, n8 1 write a qunrtor of a eentury IIflor its oeeurrenee, horo in tho tmnqui! Indiun sunllller, mukes rny lIenrt haut IInd pulses lhrob lumultuously. Across tho nnrrow nnd flltul stretch beforo tilo fort-ev~ry ineh of which \YIIS swept by u hurricllne of tire, n besom of deslruetion-the Sixth Vonlleelicut, Colollel Jobll Chutfield, cllllrged witl. 6neh 1111­

dnunted resululion upun lhe suulhcust sllliellt, tblll they succeeded, in tll<! very lileu of hell, one mny Sil)', in cnpturin¡.; it.

'Vhllt tllOugb their Yictory WIlS n bllrren llehievemelltl wbut lhougb for lhree hours lbey were penned ill, 110 supJlurt dllriug to fol­low thellll friond nnd foe nlil<e no\Y, liS thell, musl bOllor nlld sulute them ns the brtlvest of tbe brn ve 1

Grillo1y they he1d 011 to the snlient they hlld lllkel1. IlIdeed, i'etreut was next to iml'0ssible. Evell 11 lJut!y of el'oe mitaillcs uro IIl1turully ill­disposed to tuste twiee of the I1l1deun fllllJ)ol Vuillly n section of the Charlestoll Irish vol­unleers elldellvored lo dislodgo tbelll. They wero repulsed, nnd tbeir Cuptuin, Bynn, killed. A detnil from1llnjor Dllvid HlIlIIsny'seommand, ndvllncillg upon the sallle errnnd, tho gnJlllnt 1Ifnjor \Yus struek in the baek by n sllot from the boml>-proof, nnd fell Illortully wounded. But the enemy were lit this tillle retreatíng from ull pllrts of tho fleld. Theír demornliza­tion was eomplete. N evertlleless, n sllarp ti re of grnpe nnd lI1usketry hissed oYer tho fnees of lhe snlient until the Tbirty-llrRt Oeorgia rcgi­lIlent (who liad just reaehod tho ¡slnnd wlth Briglldier-Oenernl HllgOOQ) ebargod over tho 80utll seurp nnd t\Yo compnnies of tho Chnrle&­ton bnltalion, Vuptain Julius Blako, deplo)'ed II10ng thu wcstern fllce, when the Sixth Con­lIedicut, convilleed thnt tho gll1l10 WIlS up, sellsibly surrelldered I

The history of tho wur, rifo with desperalo cpnfliels, enn sho\\' no more territle strifo than thi.. It wns, in more thnn one pnrticulnr, a bnttle of ginnts.

Of the overwhelming charnctcr of tho Fod­ernl defeat there elln not bo the .hadow of a donbt.

1 hnyo conversed wilh old Confed­erules in regnrd to tho nigllt succoeding this grent assault, and have remnrked lIow sea60ned veterans ahuddered whon they recalled its hor­rors. Four thousand of tho enemy had beon rlnRhed agninst our impenotrnblo earth-work, IInd when ro-formod withill their own lines ho\1l' mnllY, thillk )'ou, answored to tlloir nalllos?

Only six hundrod I

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.,.-:.; }iJ';';'ft:',,~iff;€1't(,¡~fl;;0t(\~~ '~)~n)!~~; '1:.' .


'l'heir commnnder-in-dlief, Brigndier-Gen­eml Strong, wus woundcd "nto ueuth. Colo­lH'ls Chntf1cld, l'utnuln, und Shl1w luy deud within our lines.

An awful silence hud f'llIen over the 1ieh1 01' Inte so shaken by tlw trulllp 01' s<]uudruns und the ronr 01' innullleruble f(\IIIS. llut throuf(h thu stiJlness therc would rise ut intervuls sinis­ter llnd signi1lcunt sUllnds-the luw wuil uf the wuunded, the Inst, sohhing, hystericul cull uf the llyillg.

". eurily the durk Illllll'S !,ussed, nnd 1\ Sub­huth nlCll"Jling (0\., Christi the Illercifull rnust I1ut thille eyes 11I"'e turned from the glury uf the seu 01' gluss und the lIlysteriuus splendor of thy lIeuven, u~ heheld hy St. ,John ut Put­mu<tu gruw Inoist wilh Illllllan teurs ut sueh 1\ Bpeetnde 1)-11 Snhhuth llIurll inl:: dllwned over the sund-hills, ulld every detuil 01' the re\'ulting scelle was hrought out und elllphnsized in hold reliefl AII eye-witness, with feurful reulislll, depicts it thus: "lllood, mud, wllter, hrnins, J.lnd hnlllun huir mutted together, llIell lying in e,·ery possible Illtitude, with every conceiv­nhlo ex pression on their counlennnccs i their 1illlbs hent into unllnturnl slwpes by the 1',,11 01' twenty or thirty fect; the figures rigill, out­stretche<l, ns if the)' hud elut('hed nt the enrth to SIlVO themsdve~i pale, heseeehing fuees, luok­in/!; Ollt frOlll 1l1ll0llg the ~h:u;lly corpses, with monns nnd cries for help nllll wllter, nlld dying gnsps nllll den ti. struggles 1"

In the salient, on the rnmpnrts, they lay (theso Fl'uernl corpscs) henped up 01'ten three deep; conspieuous Illllong them wns 11 tnll, FU­perhly-furmed mlln, un offie(',r, wllO.e cllIlll fell­turcs-<lIlly tho muro elearly cut hy the chisel oC denth - gnzed townrd the clnudless sky I A brenthless Apol1o I This wu" Colonol PuL­nam, 01' tho Sevcuth New 1IlIlllpshire. AJ­though, horrible to relnte, the entiro bnck pnrt oC his bend hnd Ucen blown off, the \Vouderful benuty oC his 1'11('0 remniued intllet IInd nn­ahndowed, eyoking from hia focs n sigh 01' pity.

On the crest, 8urronnded by n few-n very few--of ltis slIhle troops, nt ti", foot ,,1' the I1l1g be hnd vninly plnnted, "'11" Ihe hody nI' Colonl'1 Sbnw. One \Vould hll\,(' thonghtllt n l'nrsory glnneo thnt it wns the ('orp,<o of n mero hoy.

On this Sunduy tll(! ",oundel) \Yere rellloved, the denel bnried. 01' the Intter, eight hundre" manglec! hodios were interred nenr the hl'lleh.

N egotitltions for tbo exehungo 01' prisoners followed j Ilnd tho 27th 01' July \Vns IIppointed 118 tiJe day. Al!. the Confedernte bntteries woro orderod to stop firiug. N ot 60 tbe Fodernlsl


To thoÍJ' disgrnco (nftor hnving ueJiherntcly nss'lulted WII~ne,r, pending" 1\ 1111g 01' truco somo dnys hoforc), they mnged thoir wholo l1eet nhrenst 01' tlle fort, llnd from hoth OecL nnu ellrth-works opeued 11 cOIH,entrnte,1 l1re. llehi"d homb-proof trnverses IInd ellllule­ments. tbe Confederntes sought Rhelter. '''ith the menns 01' un efi"cctive response, they kept acomfully silent.

'''hilo the exehnuge 01' prisoners progressed, Genernl 'fu lill fe1To, holdiug eoun('il with his offieerR, decided thllt the plueo WIIS no 10llger teullhlel

But there wns olle uffieer there, who, l<Ilowing the fort nlld its tremenduus cllpuhilitics fur het­ter thun the others, .inco frUlll the flrst spnde­fuI 01' snnd thrown ur, hc hud scen it grow to completioll, shnred 1I0t the gCllernl feelín/; of illsecnrity. He mnllned the gig 01' the Gist Gnul"ll Artillery, 01' which 11(' WIIS cnptllin, sought Gellernl Ripley's Churleston hendqunr­ters, nnd uftel' un interview with tbnt pl~lcky

eomlllnnder, retnrtled to '''lIgner with orders thnt the fOl-t should he he1<1. These orders were cOllfirmed hy Bellun'gnrd. 'l'hus, observes Mujor Gilehrist," incidcntully throngll tlle per­

sonul efforts oC Cnplltin E. C. Chkester, '" II/;'Il'r, nnd, ill fnet, the city it.elC WIIS saveu nt thllt' dute from fulling illto the enemy'" hunds 1"·

lt hel'ulIle evidellt to thc Fec!erHls i" tlle lnt­ter purt 01' J uly thut '"IIgner wus uot to 10 eHnied hy coup,~ de ",ain! Tholl('e("orth t111i method 01' siege hy regulur npproHch ulld hom­bnrdrnent WIIS re80rted too Every fHl'Ílíty el[..' istec! for this ullc!ermilling sort 01' work.

SUllIter l)y tho ] 8th or 20th hud heen prue­ticnlly lInnihilnted i und, proteeted hy their, iron-clnds on the right lInnk nud impenotrahlo mnrshes 011 the left, with only tbe gnns on .JHllles IslHnd, upwnrd 01' two iJtiles nwny, to illemwtulll1y opposc thelu, they estuhlishod their I'IIrnl1e18 one ufter the other nntil tho very slllly-port 01' 'VlIgner hlld heen nlll1ost· renched.

H,,],sequent to the 20th, Jifo upon Morris Isluncl resolved itself for the most pnrt illto' stem, ohstinnle endurnnco. 1I!0rning, noon,: nnd night, tho fort Eeelllcc1 the eentcr 01' u pcr­feet ["('1"110. Sen butteries llnd Innd hnlteriel b<:lche;1 their "enom nguinst it. Torrid henla, relleeted frolll tho white Func1 surfnee~, tor­mentcd thc gurl""ÍRolI, IIl1proteeted nHI;c from aun nllc1 sho",er. CurcIl8ses 01' IlIen nnd horsos"

<oThe full 01 Wn/(nl'r IllcII \l"ollld hn"e g",vel)" 1m' pnln.·d tlle 1U,lelr 01 Chnrll'RlolI, ns lhe ddenses lu lb.' luuer hurlJor \l"cro Incomplete.'

.nncnrt\ iuns th:

overy p' n sten(' po eolll ,aupport apecies eorrup\. tuully, ; Water' in tl"l\'l! un\"ellti; 01' lnll1p

01' E\(.

conr>e t

Illstin.';; ( shells, eo crteJ hel nll eircu. hy no 111

kil1ec1 nI enelll)' e~

stroyed. in the he is 11 lilllit COlnnl1\1l0

vnls, nnd nsks, elll' thun thnt, gerous UI

the snme with 1'11111 ns the stn

lt is illlr like this. ent thllt th Wngner 1 und unJlnr burrolVed . all the glll well nigh snnds liter: cium ligh!.> blnekest m of our dcfe. era, themse our men nt

Evneuuti dera to thn' Thu most , ¡nauro its wero au)'lCl adroitnebs , True; ho Rne tbo Confed, more inerea

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~neurthed, together with piles 01' I'ntrid provis­iOll8 thrown ulollg tho ueuch, guve out through evory pore 01' 1\ steuminl{ dccomposition 1\ SIII<'II, a eteneh, sueh us tlllJ world hus 110 IIl1me 1'01', po coneel'tion of-hellish, sntliJcuting, ulld ill­

,- ~uppl1rta¡'lc. A hugo tly 01' urilliunt color, Il h speeies 01' illsect sCl\vengor uttrnctcd uy this ,t corruptioll, infiided wounds lIlorc I'uillful, ne­

tuully, thun tho ellcmy's shot, if not so dcndly. l, Wuter wns scnrce, und tho food, oftell spoilcd iS in trnllsit, Ecurcely elltuhlc. Pictnro, too, the ir I,ln\'elltilllted bOlllu-proofs fillcd with thc smoke

01' IlImps nnd sllloll 01' ulood. 01' sleep, helllthfnl ulld refrcshinl{ slccp, 01'

conrse there WIIS none. lIow, witÍl thc cver­lustillg ernsh 01' nrtillery und the UUl'~tillg 01'

l) shellE, could " N Iltllre's sweet restorer" hu \'e ex­l' crtcJ her uelleficellt sJlells. Every duy, thollgh ;t all circnlJlstullees considered the casuultics wero

uy 110 lIlellllS lIulllerous, ndded to the li~t 01'" r- ltilled and woullded. Nor, ue surc, did the y enemyescupe. ":Mollitors were worsted 01' de­-s stroyed. Explosions not illfrequent oecurred -s in the uesiegcrs' ndvuncillg rnnks. Dut thero 's is u li .. ,it to mortul elldurunee. The ditrerent r- communds hnd to ue relieved at Etllted inter­1', valE, and whut grellter proof, .Mujor Gilchrist

nsks, eUII ue hlld 01' tueir cournge ulld devotion tlum that, with personal kllowledgc 01' the dUIl­gerous und loatbsomo nllture 01' the serviee,

10 the samo commands. returlled timo and aguin 10 with full runks und even greuter eSI'.-il de eu,'ps 1- us the ftrugglo grew more intense." l- It is impossíble to ellluornte detuils ill u sketch

like this. Early in Septelllber it uecllmo IIppur­ent thut the end was ncur. F,"' lifty-~evell du)""

ir Wngllcr hl\d been suujeeted to u cOlltillllOUS lo !llld ullpurnlleled fil'(~. "At lust tll(! ellcmy hud

Lurrowcd tl1r.ir WO)9 witllin t,hc Hlout. ~lc"\Tly

Lo nll the gUlIs w~re ~soless. Transportlltioll w,;s id well nigh impracticable. Feder:lls hy thou­16 sands liternlly swurmcd over the ¡slund. Cul­st eium lights on theír fieet mude noondllY 01' the

blackest midnight. Evcry eorner und crevico is 01' our defenses wus exposed, while shurp-shoot­lo era, themselves sufely sheltered, could pick n/l" n, our meri ilt leisure." 1'- Evueuation WIIS therefore Il nece8sity. 01'­es ders to thut c/l'cet were gÍ\'en by Bellll\'c¡':IIr<1. 8, Tho most cureful prepurutions were mude to 1'- insuro its auecessful ueeomplishmellt. They m wero supervised uy n judgment, tuet, und

Ildroitne~s which completely deceived the foe. True; ho suspected somo new movernent nmong

n­110· 'tho Confe<1erntes, but supposod it might be u

mero inereaso 01' gllrrison: lIis koen cnleium

Iights betrnycl\ those who wutchecl instead 01' tllose who retrellted.

lt Wus the Sunduy night of-Septemuer tho 7th. ll"llts wero relldy 1'01' cmullrklltion. Thei l'

crows, most udmirnuly disciplined, eontributed Illuinly to the fortullllto issue of thc lI<1vcllture. Quietly und swiftly, us ellch dctuchmellt left, other uouts grounded on the atrnll<1 to reeoi vo their louds. Mellnwhile, u sullieient nnmucr 01' Illen were retllined in thc Ji,rt to kel'p up tho Ilring. Finlllly, Lioutenllnt-Colonel l'rcss­loy, with ollly two comp"nies renlllilled. Tho Federnls in their sup were but thirty steps IIWIlY, IInd so our guns were not ~Jlikcd. 1'110 slightest ullusulIl noiEo woul<1 hllve uetrnyed us. At llIidnight WlIgller wus uuun,lolled.

On the llext rnornillg, Gonernl Gil,;lOro knocked lit the sulJy - port 1'01' udmission. Whllt IllUSt huye ueell his surprise IInd cha­grin to find, u~ !lujor Gilehrist humorously ouserve~, "lIouody lit home." IIis \Illlgnill­cellt eluborntions 1'01' unother ossllulting car­"ivul 01' deuth hlld ueen "eedlesa.....

"\Vhen Cuptllin Dodd, in Chllrlcs Rellde's in­imitllule uovel 01' .. Hurd Ull~h," rises wounded from the uloody deck 01' his shil' nI'ter 1\ wholo dllY's fight with uuccuncers, he wlIves his hand in triulllJlh towllrd their I'etrouting vessels, ex­elllillling, .. Good uyo, ye Portugueso luhuera, out-fought,' out-lllllnOU\'rc<1, IInd out- suiled '" And thus, 1 think, our Confederntes might in sOlllewhut of tlle same 8Jlirit hu ve suluted their evidently chngrined udversar,ies.

Out-fought they were not und eould not huvo ueen; uut they were out-maneuvred, uuilled, ulld outwitted.

A sumlllury 01' tho Morris Island buttles and thc protracted siege i8 lucidly given uy ouro ouLhor. IIa ~n'y:J:

For fllL}'-elght dors, Wnguer nllll "reg¡;, wlth a force nc\'cr cxcccfllng slxtccn hUllllrcd meo, hnd wltbstood n thol'OlIRhly equlppcrl nrmy oC ele\'en tllollSllnd Ih'e hlllldred mell, the Ironsldes, elght 1ll0nltorB, nlld Ilvo gllnoonl.!l. For e"ery pound of 8and ur:;cd in the constrnctlon or ~IHlil"R 0' "'nsncrr

Il.!I 1l.",.nIIlUlls Ilnd expended two po"lld. oC Iron In tlle \'nlll Illternpt to bntter It do",n. At the el"",, oC the hOlllhllrllment II olood, sulleu, strong, dellnllt llII

The tolul loss In kllled and wounded on the Islnnd lrom Jllly 10th to Seplember 7th, WIlS ollly .Ix hllll­dred and sevellty-two men. DedueUng tlle klllcd nllll wonlleled, due tu the Inndlng 011 the 10th oC Jnlr. nnd to the n.SllnllJl oC the Jlth nnd 18th DI July, tho klllc.1 nlld WOlllldcd !Jy tlle terrible bOlnbardrnent, whlrh Il~'ted nlmoRt unlnterrnptedly nlght and day lor IIltr dl\Ys, ollly I\monllled to lorty-.cvcn kllJcd I\lIel two hundred nlld elghty men wouJllle'l, mBny 01 ",hom were but sUghtlr InJured. q q q • o • ~ o

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of tho sérviee i quiring then1 tI seout, 01' lhe \ hudy, but in Slll: rnphy of the ( bcillg lIse(] ult tI

cOII"l'i ro tu rCII clinicult, if uot

Yet no so\t1ie: Forrest or \" h, lIIit thut tllé >el of the urlllY \Vcr elld.llred le", se'

lesa uelld Iy. "" ti ' other brullcl •. euvolry re~in'en

wounc1etl, fallillf lh~ cn\'lIlry skiro : the hest infulIlt·: 1 u hllltcry or <TUS ~

Whilo 110 hist l groupillg ul1 th, {: presellt u fittillg' •. illfnlllry ulld Ul'

nluy hc uOlle in CCIICC to rcscuc Fél'viec from UII¿

pletc hist(ll'Y is e iJc gutherec1 ill 1I(

tu llecolIIl'lishill~

tlll\t my present 1

llci ng on Iy n So

tempL tu reci te 01

ticip"ted in, frolll the forlller bcil\l; lnttcr of m.v di,,· render of Forrcsl

111 April, 18(;2. IIUlltsvil1c, Aluh,

9lh 01 thllt '!IOIltt tho Federal arlJl.Y The 6ehool \Vus o

seizeJ f(Ir militur~

in eOlllpuny with pnss th rou~ h tho I rny WllY to Sotll J¡lilitury uge, \Vé h

1 fclt my fooli.h eyes o'erllow, 1 pitied so the hirdJillg's griefj And thus, to give my heart rcJief, .. Poor bird," 1 cried," cnn this thing ha, Has N uture \'een 1lllfair lo tllee, And left thee single nnd forlorn 1 Frorn clnwn lo eve discousolnte, Thy only tosle thy fnto to mourn, Fore-doomed to Iivo without 1\ m/lto1

N ay, Iitllo 0111', it is not so ¡ Somewbcre, ill somo seeluded srot, Thero mourlls a Iittlo birc1, 1 kllOW, As diaconlonted with her lot¡ Flit 011, 8ud beftrt, lIjl enst nnd west, With erios sti\l euso thy burdened. brenslo Fly on, lIy 011, lIy fur /lnd fnst, For tbou shalt IInd tlJY mato at lllJlt."

Dnmke Dnndrid¡¡,.

will vllill]y scnreh for 11 soJitllry frllglllellt of the grand ole! CO/lfce!erutc eHrth-worle.

'l'he wi/ld8, with U/l8eé/l, clherenl fingen, hHve twi~t"c1 /lp the formc,' foulIdlllions, nnd with storlllY hrcHth hllvo hlowlI tho nnciellt houllunrie. nfnr. The oel'n/l nlso is not iulo. Those wa,'es whieh, liS the suhtlcst IInd mo&t wondcrful of e/lehnlltcrs, earvo lllld recnrve in their fluid. seulpturillg the curves nlld eonst­Iincs of tbc world, whieh ucstroy to-dny only tu ercnte t"-lIlOrrow, 8CClll bent uron oblilerut­ing-for nn iícou or two' perhups-the site of Fort VI' IIguer.

J..et tho 8nlld-hilla gol Let the lnst rhuntus­milI vesti¡;e "f the pluee be nnnibiJntcd I llulo rescuecl from nll moeleing trnn.cormatiolls, the snnctifying geniua of the spot remnina und mllst romuin so long ns the spirit of duty, self­sncrifice, nnd chi vnl ríe hOllor nbidea to pcrmente with its fi res of 1I0bility the too gross enrthi­llosa of our common humanityl

Paut 1Jamil!on l/uy"e.

Full hnlf a Wllrm und Luddillg duy Within 11 Jittlo grove 1 luy, And Etill, from 1I00n to evelling's foil

1 henrd 11 lonely wood-bircl cal!. He wnndered south, he wllndered nortb, ",Vith restless flitting \,nck nnd forth, An<1 sti1l his teudcr, 'plaining ery Bmote on my $ympnthizing eur¡ And .till 1 mnrked him wnlld'ring by, Now hurrying on, uow puusing nenr.

Tha hnppy bird. the bough. nmong Wero singin¡:: blilhely ns could be, Love'& blisa the tbeme of every &ong¡ TIut .till thnt pon8ive melody Uron the trnnquil air would float, A 8weotly melnneholy note. At In8t, for that one .oulld of woo,

(Ollrl)"lll'o poulI,kr) slIlule" 1'" IIng. SUllller wa8 el\mlnnled fmm Ihe <lch'lIse 01 Ibe hnrhor. Yellor elghteell IllclIllhs lheren!ter lhe (Jeel relnlLlllc<l In the Olltcr hnrhor, vJcWlug the spires or ChnrlcHton over Ihe luIV hllls ul ~lorrb Isl"'"l, ILIIII ILll Uds lime the two IHllldrcll- UIH] tllree llllll(]red-poundcr rlflc Pnr­rotlq IIlDlInteu nt ClIll1llllng's Polut kcpt UJ> cVcr nnd nnoll HU IUI?I1ec:tunl tlrc aL Sl. laIJcllllcl'lj IStccplc l1ud other /,oln'" In lhe elt)'.. lt WIUI lIot untll the 18th 01 F('hrunry, J8-65, whcn 11 row·büRl, SCIlt. br the munlr.l· }>nlnlllhorltiesof Chnrlestoll, IlIlorlllcd Admlral Vnhl· grell in the ouler l",rl,or thnt lhe Conrederale roreeR had e\'nenalcd lhe elty, ILlld tbat the frownlllg uat· lerlos 1101111; lhe .hure", 01 Ihe A.hle)' nll" Cooper rlrers were wllhont meu to mall lhelr ~UIIS, dld hls neel "enlllre lo enler; thell, wllhout rellr 01 torpedo or hnroor obstruction, dld monllors ..ud gnnbonts slcnm ul' lo lhe whurvcs oC thc dlr.

The enpture of Wn~lIer hns heell pronouneed by }'ederlll histurínns 11 grellt ,'ictory.

.. Yietory 1" cxelnims Mnjor Gilehrist, with a natural eontempt¡ .. vietory I seven hUlldred nne! forty llIen drivcn ont of n snnd-hill by elcven thousllnd fi "e hund red 1 Two \llonths to ad\'unee hulf a milo townrd Chllrlestolll"

':::~'i' ..... r •• /',:!:' 1"-,:_

: l·,~''~; :'\':~f< • -! I ~ • l' : .: .. 1 ~:";¡'J.';i:~~:;:~/;i~;'~¡%~~f'Bt~~t/,f:,,i±~;¡;:~(;, ~.,'

) .

..608 'THE :MATELE88 nmn. ....

"'hnt, then, had the Federal. gnllled by the lavlsb Thoro wero great men heforc Agnmemnon. d:"¡ expellclIture 01 the material 01 \Yar, boUlldlo68 treM'

grcnt wars hdoro thllt of Troy i u/lc1 thoro wll1 . ." ~,f; REMI1IIre. aud Ihe lenrlul 8I\crlliec 01 lile Ibe)' hnd .u.· I.nllled <lurlll& Ihose Iwu \\'eary mOlllh.? The .ule be gront rnen /I/ld grent wllrs hcreul\or i hut no ",' ··':..' ..:.'i~.~.·:i.:..:.I':,~i-.f...l,'~.,•.0:· 18 prounblouled 01 lhe oceu/,atloll 01 Murrl. 1.lalld, AA slntcd prowess in tho storiée! ]lllst, or n/ltieipnted fu- IT by l;cllcrol Ollmorc, WU8" tlle tlclDollUon 01 SUJlItcr tho operntiuture, ell/l p08sihly, thr"u~h fllet or imnginution,<.:"~"i'>:' us ¡Ircli11I lIulr)' lo lhe cutrullCc of the lron-eluda." cOllneetioll witeusl n derreeinling SIIllc1o\V llpon lhe heroiHm,.... '>, \t<Thal nocollI/'lI,he<l, JI WUB lhough( that lhé gule to

l!ver ho wrillOl Cllllr1csloll \\'ollhl he Ihmwu O/,éll lu lile 111"')', nml u/lcnleuluti/lg a/ld sublime,of the defenders of· .. ;':~' Ihe .. Cr,ullc 01 Seeessloll " would 111\1. l'rol1l the 30tb 'Wllgncr. )/~:i<. _,.; theso operutiun: oC A llgllst, ll'OJ, oIJI)' n lllornlug nud cvcnJng gUll

.~ . 1l[c'ulltnills lo ti .•. One wll(1 visits Morris Isln,,<1 to-dny