O TIEsVIliliE IAnrI I -...

VOL XXV NO 4 a I I Published Twice a Week Monday and Thursday FLORIDA MONDAY ONE DOLLAR A YELl O TIEsVIliliE JA IAnrI ItHfl n k M V 1 q r > BIGELOW MAKES RED HOT REPLY Before Senate Committee On Inter Oceanic Canals MAKES SEVERAL BROAD CHARGES Declares that Colon Is Mainly a Swamp Into Which Is Dumped All the Hu- man Excrement of Negro Population- and Where They Eat and Sleep New York Jan 13 Ioultney hive low for whose presence before the cenatu committee on lntcroceanc ca- t Ai a subpoena was Issued yesterday bah a signed letter oa Iauuma in todays Titiiet Tilt couimunicatiun in pirt follows Two tilings are notable to hint wLo the SIKHS of tar times No CitTUian historian touches mod liJliftuollern history Nj American engineer of standlni care to be hlentlUud with the 1auauu canal Thl is momentary only we art tiappy to believe My own purpose in going to Ion at the conditions under the negro la borer Is compelled to live My chaw against our administra- tion are those which any Independent observer would have made under anal conditions and with analogous xperlcnc of the negro In tropical countries Thcic charges Mr Taft does tint me t 1 have made several broad i iarae I authorise trusties of till H ton university to withhold my salary for the year If these charge are not fiiilitantlally true To iletermlne this question It I absurd to paM In as vitiie fs men who have ax s to crltnl I am will lug to aMtJe the brief yes or not of any one with a rrspectnMe stan lit atiioni average nun clean Imsines- rwordh It will east no more to en I a man to Panama than print pamphlet denounelnc who ctl- zlce the canal commission Coon today iiinlnly a swamp Into which i ilumpeil all the human ex- crenunt of the rusro pdpiilatimi and whore this population l to sleep There Is no water al Coon save this swamp water and what can- to collected by the dripping front thi roofs of the shanties The sanitary Inspection of Colon is a shame The tie roed arc leavfn In large numbers by reason of hsIHinato grievance welch is a matter of common Taft can hire hundre of IMeuna to rail mo offensive names Tint 11 he procures a respectable nrer or man of busing to Indorse tu present state of administration of the zone no aniout of governniont- prinMng will afford him ay rial com urL Roosevelt May Head University Chicago Jan 13 Talk of electing Pi is idcut Roospvelt as the successor of uo Ine reicnt Harper at th of nnv jp y ha bfeom- trong In university circles It Is eland to have been of the hops of Dr Ha f p r during the las nion h of his tirE that the way cotiM IH ci- d to have President RoosevcU the head of the university at the con elusion of his presidential trrm Tr this about It would he neccs to alter the constitution tf he Mnlrrrslty rMch that only a Uaptlsr tray t The pnsldetit frost lent Rung worships in the Dutch Ilefortned churr Marshall Field Is Better New York Inn 13 It wn snit at- thA Holland h ie where Marshall Field of Chi 2 II with pn unto nii hilt the IM rt had piisseI a qulrt nit and the hre WHS rnon to he- llevo that he iiid shown n sjht Im Head Torn Off by Gun Barnr Jan U The lt- tl elghtyearolJ daughter of Mr Ar- thur Smith a farmer living 2 mile from the cly was accidently shot th whole load from the shotgun striking l er and tearing her head almost en I ern I end lilt II fir suCh to those I I doIr c- Ir but NII r I tip on t I clam t proeI1 tnt t r rude I o r gas coming pout i tin I Jrl pot car tl hat rl rtp bring Barr vet ta 1 4iiljUlR- i < > > < > > + + TWO NEGROE3 NECKS SAVED Cunningham and Brown Go to Pen for Life Instead of Gallows Aanu Ja n in m C- Dns im by rKvmu taf i v were to seta tu plai m 0 Friday Will Cunninziiim a l yvaroJ rc pro was host In ea l 11 J lessor fur ht murl r i f a ne- gro woman On account f rhe fu that was lir iUiu s at the time of the crime as tht r lIlt ot whisky which he woman had furnish d Plat a numSer of prominint clUen- inttrotid themselves In his iiehat and urcfd the communion to cimmuto his sentence 10 life Imprisonment Melton Brown a taker county ne- ro was also to have luen hati d Friday for the munler of his wife Fur same time no effort was made to secure clemency in frowns behaf but on the day before his sentence was to have been executed Senator Itonm Odtim of taker county com mtinicated with Terre and secured a respite for him until pru on commUaioa could Investigate bis case The commission after a careful con- sidered cf cases recommended to the covernor that commutation to life Imprisonment be grants In both of them an1 Jovernor Terrell prompt- ly approved the recommendations HEARING COMPLAINT RESUMED Lumber Dealers Will Not Pay Freight- on Car Stakes Jan i The hearing by the Interstate commerce commls blon of the complaint of the National Lumber Dealers associa- tion the Lumber Kxcimn w of Haiti more the Iltttmrg Wholesale Lent S r I aiers association ant others Elmllur aualnot certain eastern western and southern rail- roads and connect I ii Hues was conti tied today The railroads having concetded tht point that the shlppors of lumber should pay freight on the car stakes rah or braces the only question re- nialnlriB to be argued wa whether the Frtlppcrs r railroads should pay fur the take Th nnimtnt Involved Is said to IConiiAOn prr annum At the roicu lon of Hie hearing the conitnls Ion will take the matter under advisement Italian Laborrs Accumulate Money Mae n CJa Jan 13 Mrs L- t van ot tie land and industrial Jo- parmtnt ot the Southern railway was III Maron on business with tho Macon ciamler f commerce Thursday lit gave to Secretary Anderson some ol his companys exjwrlfnce with Italian pettier We brought town 13 Hal fans a couple of years ago an laborer for the Ocmulsee Lumber company sail he and a short time ago we re- crivoii letters from theta sayini tint they had now accumulated envtzi money to boy a farm and been asrl cultural pursuits without help They are now investing In farms In thelt- nelpiiliorhood Ve have sent the lum- ber company u more ot tic saute of laborers Marching Record Broken Kan as fity Jan 13 A special tc tho Star from Fort Sam Houston Tex says that the sixth Held titter of the Inlfcd Slaets artillery corn man I d i y apaln 5 W iattheM en- tercd For yam Tfoustorx am the cheers f the loco uarrison Tho ti legs broke the worlds n cord for Ion distance practice march of ariltry cover l the e 110C niles from Fort Rlley Kans to Fort Sam Houston In V lays The lost on mar Irlvate Arthur Hall the marri North Birmingham Extended Blrmlnsrum Ala Jan 1 By vote of llo to the city of Norta Ur lo corimrnte lmis a Join thi e oi lUrrningham proper n to V Til its tirritorj n a- In a tare area north of It pre Mne e t rcinis tboitt Io w ous T prr ont pp taflin of the town I Nili Iirminshar n f t e hit branch In we ute T n II rT Jr 113 I a li > cOlin llInln hall nOE nor these Wallln ton huh a It ur ullll31111t1 h Guy < durin s sidled J I true I Ida std sue the < r kin havoc batter mir bam r non cress I sev tare 1 y t > > < ¬ > > > < < < > > > > ± + MORALES SEEKS AMERICAN REFUGE- Will Try to Induce Him To Presidency- AND TO LEAVE SAN DOMINGO Claim Is Made that Action of Morales Virtually Puts an End to Disturb- ances Temporary President Favors Roosevelt Treaty San Domingo Santo Domlnso Jan 1U The iuzitlvu president Morales has sought tctutfu in the American iu- Cation sere Xvfctrtiatlous are In pionrias with the object of inducli- iOiuial Morale to reMgn the dercy ami leave Santo Domingo lr Is claimed here that the step tak en by Morales iu stoking tae protec- tion of the American lag virtually puts an end to tie disturbance In tats Temporary President Favor Treaty Cleveland O Jan 13 The wader today prints the follow lug lUiiion Caceras temporary president of Santo Domingo has cabled tie Leader that he will favor House veil treaty and that pence In the lit- tle republic Is a urcj Tae cable- gram was signed by Pardo Clydr agent and was In answer to one sent by the leader asking President Cal as to his intention regarding the treaty anl tne prospect of peace The cabl gram follows Interviewed Caceres by request your telegram He aalil l favor the convention anti Its raltlcatlon Insur c lined to single province Reoutorlsts dofeated Complete pease wtl soon tu restored Signed Iaido Clyde Agent to Court Amuipiills MJ Jan 13 B S e of Washington addrehsed the court martial today on behalf of Midshipman Se hen iJecatur Jr Judge Advocate Harrison stated the teas of the pros- ecution anil the ease was given to Me court cae I one of hexing against Decatur which the present court hIts tried It is generally ap prfhendul that the accused Is In grave darter of conviction on the charge ol hazing fourth classman Charles C V- Mallley by having him bring him till breakfast to lily room anti of encour ailns or countenancing the hazing ol Gaylord Church If Docatur la dis- missed It Is announced an appeal win bo male In ills bclialf to the secretary ofbe navy Two Murder Cases Tried Mt Vernnn Oa Jan 13 The Xe- vrnilxr ailjourncil term of court bofn In pp lon this week Judge B T- Rawllng of the middle circuit presld Ins for Judge J H Martin Several cass Were disposed of but only two murder cases One was against Story Rengnin noicro who kllle a white boy some months ago This was the sec and trial flrsl verdict being guitty of murder with rKommendatlon hut In the latter trial a verdict of Involun- tary manalniiRhter was returnrvl Th- ecae of Kvi rett Mclxod for Will Cook negro was tried and a vordlct of involuntary manslaughter Awoke to Find Fortune Itlrmlueham Ala Jan B Knox and Miss Opal Knox children uf a plunger bricklayer of Birmingham who Las l pn a day laborer all ills awoke Viiirsday morning to themselves from a little above povcry to h lrs to a fortunt of I700W them by an aunt who dhl at Colritmr The rich aunt was Acxan r A C Klane and Is tinlfrstooi hat th Knn hon knew nnhlng of her fortunate clr cumstnnros President Polks Sister In Law Dead KaMch N C Jan 13 A rtU patch frotn Uarrcnton N C the dcuth of Mrs Iulk fj venerahlf wMiiT of Cr t nel W- JaT H an istfr a iv o- fr e was bur the cert ruction T- all Thp has the negro kill In rt1IlI1 13C cafe I hill l tIlt I Ink 1 I i Re- sign pre l re- public s Case fits tin German Iris Mrs It family there P 1Vrttnon ¬ < > <> + RUCKER TO LOSE PLACE Identity of His Successor Is Still Shad owed In Doubt WaiMmron Jan 13 A to Coilritor f Itrernal Itevenue tuck f r will bt ap jlMt l within a few days and he will not nU own surc i t or This from high atihority has been eliiitey I t rtniiiid JUt wins th lucky man il be it Is not punslble to say liu ILat in will be a white Keptiiillcan it stttled For s Vi days a gooil deal of quiet work ha bo n inns a it Kueker- In un spipt il quarters tp to wltiln a It seemed that his reap had hot n tletormlned upon hill new factors hive loc kiNl Into tilt content It is generally believed the plac will KI to Ioitmasier Harry lA ward of Macon but this la not cer- tain both orge ThllMdenu anti l r Curtis of Atlanta are In tho running lint tlnrp a possibility that the place may nut be given to any Atlanta man The fact that Rtirkor has served two terms is the chief awiiment advanced t liltn taken In connection with the argument advanced against him the white that the plat should RO to some white man TiLl has brought alxxit a change In the of- ficial mind at this end of the line and It romps from the highest author- ity that RnrkerV chancy of reappolnt mont Is now exceedingly small NEGROES FIRED UPON OFFICERS One Officer and One Negro Wewnderl During the Fight Macon fa Ian 13 Deputy Sheriff Tom Jones and Assistant Jailor Oscar- Ilntuhn narrowly escaped death of a mob of negroes In South when they went to two ne rro s for raising a disturb ante utplie tilt city limits When tjj cfkers appn ached the of the stni we the negroes who had already bten sIuMUlng at each opened tire on them and tliere- wns a rain of bullets for several iniiitr the officers owning tire In turn Di hiss Toro Junes was Injure the hall striking him In the r k A n so Frank Collins Is held itndi r arr t also three other negroes Another not learned was badly wounded by an officers shot Wild excitement prevailed In the midst of the fight LUll trouble was feared for several hours hut all Is quiet la the vicinity at present Determined Against Hazing Sanford University Calif Jan 13 SUM persevering their attempt to quasi every semblace of hazing In the student dormitory Kncl Hull the faculty coiaiiilltee today dropped two mUff men from the university R W McKlrody and B C Nordman The most grievous offense proved against either of the suspended students was that they were present at the tub hog ot a freshman Both were mem- bers of the sophomore class Recommendation Is Withdrawn Honolulu Jan 13 GUY Carter has cabled lresld nt withdraw lug his recommendation for the ap tmlntmcnt of Circuit Judgo W J Robinson whose term expires Jan 23 Governor Carter critlclcefl Jixlge on acoitnt of some occurrences during a recent civil trial In which tne jury was kept all night In order to finish iiuslnoxs heforu the expiration of the court term Petition Is Denied Savannah Jan Spoor In the federal court today Immediate upon its convening read hut opinion upon the Kporial of counsel o- ffr ene and Ruynnr as to the Juristic ton of T roan This opinion wa a rfendants IK t he discharged from tod W4i denied Carload of Matches Burn N C 13rA carload of inarh on jneJ to the Mayor ntH r p i iipfiiy destroyed by fin Fr fiy in irrin file loss Is estinm- c l ot jyoon Crew Missing Norfolk Vi Jan 13 A PR r In he ower hay and the ul da la missing few rot Is lldates al- t e acme r Here Rot lt Rob- Inson 13Judge r CU rAn Ship jjch Jon t 1 r- un shes for tin t rat days t- all ran han la Mi inn ar- rest uh slight name pea whose u the Char n w ay t creT y > < > > < > > > > > + < COSSACKS ATTACK ARMENIAN SEMINARY- Nearly 850 Persons Were Killed THREW BOMBS AT BUILDING The Troops Then Shelled Anether House Where Bombs and Weaves Hidden and Killed Eight Revolutionists imis Caucanla Jan 13 Nearly 350 persons were killed or Injured a an outcome of an attack made bjr Cos- sacks yesterday on the Armenian seas here following the throwing of two bombs from that Institution at a parsing patrol Four Cossarks were wounded sat a toy was killed by the explosion of the bombs Artillery was Immediately called ap and the seminary surrounded sad the shelled The building sooa burst into flames and the bombs and car- tridges stored therein exploded Thlrtythree persons perished during the conflagratioa while 300 were Ifr- jurcd by Ore or wounded by shells The troops subsequently shelled aa other Armenlaa house where bows and weapons were slides and kill eight revolutionists AutemebllitsUi In Quicksand Chicago Jan IS A dispatch tnm Gallop N M says that an aatoo bile drives by Uagncaal ass David Fassett Is feat la the qateUaad near Aztec Arlt After betas warn- ed to kelp away from the Rio fart the tourists attempted tu crow TIe crust broke and the automobile freak Roth men finally got out of the toad having made a narrow escape Tka car nee sunk to the headlights An effort la being made to save it The ac- cident ocurred near the point where three passenger coacaes were tat some years ago In the quicksands A team and wagon were lost la the ford a few days ago Half Million Endowment fer Tueke Newark N J Jan 13 By the will of Andrew Dotgor of South Orange N J just lied for probate the Normal and Industrial mitt lute will eventually receive a beejMct that promltcs to be the largest In lit history At the deati of the testator wife Class L Bellies the entire resid- uary estate said to lot abort half a million dollars will go to tae endow- ment fund of Booker T Washington negro school The present endowment to a little over 11800000 Will Retire Beard Nashville JaR 13 Hon H Clay Evans former consul general to Lon- don lau received a letter from W Ting Yang former Chinese minister at Washington In which he says he Is thinking of retiring from the position as a member of the board of punish mont of the dilncsc government He also tells of ids injury revolting frees a bomb explosion In Wai Wupa saylag lie was so shocked that Ida aeariae became affected Protest Against Change Waco Tex Jan 13 Secretary Ho- mer D Watts of the Badness Mess club of this city has bees laatnat ed by that club to write tatters to era tress protesting against farther changes or marrta ef Niagara falls by commercial undertakings It to claimed by the club that this voted spot is rut bring transformed from one of the Impressive scenes In the world to the site of moneymaking plants Will Develop Iron Industry Chicago Jan 13 The Tribune to- day says that extensive plus for the development of the iron and stall la- duatrle of the south are involved in the proposed merger of the Tennessee Coal Iron and the Republic Iron and Steel companies The project for an expenditure of 13000000 for the building of sew stills the expkx ration of mines aaj extrasire Improve menu coTerlM A a mfe r of years t or Injwnd fit I hire Tusk gee f anti Were the 3 nary a s r a w Percy setae menu S r pro- vides V ¬ ¬ ¬ + +

Transcript of O TIEsVIliliE IAnrI I -...

Page 1: O TIEsVIliliE IAnrI I - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01365/00674.pdf · cover l the e 110C niles from Fort Rlley Kans to Fort Sam Houston In V lays


aI I

Published Twice a Week Monday and Thursday


TIEsVIliliE JA IAnrI ItHfln




q r>



Before Senate Committee On

Inter Oceanic Canals


Declares that Colon Is Mainly a Swamp

Into Which Is Dumped All the Hu-

man Excrement of Negro Population-

and Where They Eat and Sleep

New York Jan 13 Ioultney hivelow for whose presence before thecenatu committee on lntcroceanc ca-

t Ai a subpoena was Issued yesterdaybah a signed letter oa Iauuma intodays Titiiet Tilt couimunicatiunin pirt follows

Two tilings are notable to hint wLothe SIKHS of tar times

No CitTUian historian touches modliJliftuollern history

Nj American engineer of standlnicare to be hlentlUud with the 1auauucanal

Thl is momentary only we arttiappy to believe

My own purpose in going to Ionat the conditions under the negro laborer Is compelled to live

My chaw against our administra-tion are those which any Independentobserver would have made under anal

conditions and with analogousxperlcnc of the negro In tropicalcountries Thcic charges Mr Taftdoes tint me t

1 have made several broad i iaraeI authorise trusties of till H

ton university to withhold my salaryfor the year If these chargeare not fiiilitantlally true

To iletermlne this question It I

absurd to paM In as vitiie fs men whohave ax s to crltnl I am willlug to aMtJe the brief yes or not ofany one with a rrspectnMe stan litatiioni average nun clean Imsines-rwordh It will east no more to en I

a man to Panama than printpamphlet denounelnc who ctl-zlce the canal commission

Coon today iiinlnly a swampInto which i ilumpeil all the human ex-

crenunt of the rusro pdpiilatimi andwhore this population l tosleep There Is no water al Coonsave this swamp water and what can-to collected by the dripping front thiroofs of the shanties The sanitaryInspection of Colon is a shame The tie

roed arc leavfn In large numbers byreason of hsIHinato grievance welchis a matter of common

Taft can hire hundre ofIMeuna to rail mo offensive namesTint 11 he procures a respectablenrer or man of busing to Indorse tupresent state of administration of the

zone no aniout of governniont-prinMng will afford him ay rial comurL

Roosevelt May Head UniversityChicago Jan 13 Talk of electing

Pi is idcut Roospvelt as the successorof uo Ine reicnt Harper at th

of nnv jp y ha bfeom-trong In university circles It Is

eland to have been of the hopsof Dr Ha fp r during the las nion hof his tirE that the way cotiM IH ci-

d to have President RoosevcUthe head of the university at the conelusion of his presidential trrm Tr

this about It would he neccsto alter the constitution tf he

Mnlrrrslty rMch that only aUaptlsr tray t The pnsldetit frostlent Rung worships in the Dutch

Ilefortned churr

Marshall Field Is BetterNew York Inn 13 It wn snit at-

thA Holland h ie where MarshallField of Chi 2 II with pn untonii hilt the IM rt had piisseI a qulrtnit and the hre WHS rnon to he-llevo that he iiid shown n sjht Im

Head Torn Off by GunBarnr Jan U The lt-

tl elghtyearolJ daughter of Mr Ar-

thur Smith a farmer living 2 milefrom the cly was accidently shot thwhole load from the shotgun strikingl er and tearing her head almost en




end lilt



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Cunningham and Brown Go to Pen forLife Instead of Gallows

Aanu Ja n in m C-Dns im by rKvmu taf i v

were to seta tu plai m 0Friday

Will Cunninziiim a l yvaroJ rcpro was host In ea l 11 Jlessor fur ht murl r i f a ne-

gro woman On account f rhe futhat was lir iUiu s atthe time of the crime as tht r lIlt otwhisky which he woman had furnish

d Plat a numSer of prominint clUen-inttrotid themselves In his iiehatand urcfd the communion to cimmutohis sentence 10 life Imprisonment

Melton Brown a taker county ne-

ro was also to have luen hati dFriday for the munler of his wifeFur same time no effort was made tosecure clemency in frowns behafbut on the day before his sentencewas to have been executed SenatorItonm Odtim of taker county commtinicated with Terre andsecured a respite for him until pruon commUaioa could Investigate biscase

The commission after a careful con-

sidered cf cases recommendedto the covernor that commutation tolife Imprisonment be grants In bothof them an1 Jovernor Terrell prompt-ly approved the recommendations


Lumber Dealers Will Not Pay Freight-on Car Stakes

Jan i The hearingby the Interstate commerce commlsblon of the complaint of the National

Lumber Dealers associa-tion the Lumber Kxcimn w of Haitimore the Iltttmrg Wholesale LentS r I aiers association ant othersElmllur aualnot certaineastern western and southern rail-

roads and connect I ii Hues was contitied today

The railroads having concetded thtpoint that the shlppors of lumbershould pay freight on the car stakesrah or braces the only question re-

nialnlriB to be argued wa whether theFrtlppcrs r railroads should pay furthe take

Th nnimtnt Involved Is said toIConiiAOn prr annum

At the roicu lon of Hie hearing theconitnls Ion will take the matter underadvisement

Italian Laborrs Accumulate MoneyMae n CJa Jan 13 Mrs L-

t van ot tie land and industrial Jo-parmtnt ot the Southern railway wasIII Maron on business with tho Maconciamler f commerce Thursday litgave to Secretary Anderson some olhis companys exjwrlfnce with Italianpettier We brought town 13 Hal

fans a couple of years ago an laborerfor the Ocmulsee Lumber companysail he and a short time ago we re-

crivoii letters from theta sayini tintthey had now accumulated envtzimoney to boy a farm and been asrlcultural pursuits without help Theyare now investing In farms In thelt-nelpiiliorhood Ve have sent the lum-

ber company u more ot tic sauteof laborers

Marching Record BrokenKan as fity Jan 13 A special tc

tho Star from Fort Sam HoustonTex says that the sixth Held titterof the Inlfcd Slaets artillery cornman I d i y apaln 5 W iattheM en-

tercd For yam Tfoustorx am thecheers f the loco uarrison Tho ti

legs broke the worlds n cord for Iondistance practice march of ariltry

cover l the e 110C

niles from Fort Rlley Kans to FortSam Houston In V lays Thelost on mar Irlvate Arthur Hall

the marri

North Birmingham ExtendedBlrmlnsrum Ala Jan 1 By

vote of llo to the city of Norta Urlo corimrnte lmis a

Join thi e oi lUrrningham proper nto V Til its tirritorj n a-

In a tare area north of It preMne e t rcinis tboitt Io w ous Tprr ont pp taflin of the town I

Nili Iirminsharn f t e hit branchIn we ute


rT Jr 113 I ali



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> >






Will Try to Induce Him ToPresidency-


Claim Is Made that Action of Morales

Virtually Puts an End to Disturb-

ances Temporary President Favors

Roosevelt Treaty

San Domingo Santo Domlnso Jan1U The iuzitlvu president Moraleshas sought tctutfu in the American iu-

Cation sere Xvfctrtiatlous are In

pionrias with the object of inducli-iOiuial Morale to reMgn thedercy ami leave Santo Domingo

lr Is claimed here that the step taken by Morales iu stoking tae protec-tion of the American lag virtually putsan end to tie disturbance In tats

Temporary President Favor TreatyCleveland O Jan 13 The wader

today prints the follow luglUiiion Caceras temporary president

of Santo Domingo has cabled tieLeader that he will favor Houseveil treaty and that pence In the lit-

tle republic Is a urcj Tae cable-gram was signed by Pardo Clydragent and was In answer to one sentby the leader asking President Cal

as to his intention regarding thetreaty anl tne prospect of peace Thecabl gram follows

Interviewed Caceres by requestyour telegram He aalil l favor theconvention anti Its raltlcatlon Insur

c lined to single provinceReoutorlsts dofeated Completepease wtl soon tu restored SignedIaido Clyde Agent

to CourtAmuipiills MJ Jan 13 B S e

of Washington addrehsed the courtmartial today on behalf of MidshipmanSe hen iJecatur Jr Judge AdvocateHarrison stated the teas of the pros-

ecution anil the ease was given to Mecourt cae I one of hexingagainst Decatur which the presentcourt hIts tried It is generally apprfhendul that the accused Is In gravedarter of conviction on the charge olhazing fourth classman Charles C V-

Mallley by having him bring him tillbreakfast to lily room anti of encourailns or countenancing the hazing olGaylord Church If Docatur la dis-

missed It Is announced an appeal winbo male In ills bclialf to the secretaryofbe navy

Two Murder Cases TriedMt Vernnn Oa Jan 13 The Xe-

vrnilxr ailjourncil term of courtbofn In pp lon this week Judge B T-

Rawllng of the middle circuit presldIns for Judge J H Martin Severalcass Were disposed of but only twomurder cases One was against StoryRengnin noicro who kllle a white boysome months ago This was the secand trial flrsl verdict being guittyof murder with rKommendatlon hutIn the latter trial a verdict of Involun-tary manalniiRhter was returnrvl Th-ecae of Kvi rett Mclxod for

Will Cook negro was tried anda vordlct of involuntary manslaughter

Awoke to Find FortuneItlrmlueham Ala Jan B

Knox and Miss Opal Knox childrenuf a plunger bricklayer of Birminghamwho Las l pn a day laborer all ills

awoke Viiirsday morning tothemselves from a little abovepovcry to h lrs to a fortuntof I700W them by an aunt who

dhl at Colritmr The rich aunt wasAcxan r A C Klane and

Is tinlfrstooi hat th Knnhon knew nnhlng of her fortunate clrcumstnnros

President Polks Sister In Law DeadKaMch N C Jan 13 A rtU

patch frotn Uarrcnton N C

the dcuth of Mrs Iulkfj venerahlf wMiiT of Cr t nel W-

JaT H an istfr a iv o-

fr e was bur









negrokill In





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< >



Identity of His Successor Is Still Shadowed In Doubt

WaiMmron Jan 13 A

to Coilritor f Itrernal Itevenue tuckf r will bt ap jlMt l within a few daysand he will not nU own surc i t or

This from high atihority has beeneliiitey I t rtniiiid JUt wins thlucky man il be it Is not punslbleto say liu ILat in will be a whiteKeptiiillcan it stttled

For s Vi days a gooil deal of quietwork ha bo n inns a it Kueker-In un spipt il quarters tp to wltilna It seemed that his reap

had hot n tletormlned uponhill new factors hive loc kiNl Into tiltcontent It is generally believed theplac will KI to Ioitmasier Harry lAward of Macon but this la not cer-

tain both orge ThllMdenu anti l rCurtis of Atlanta are In tho runninglint tlnrp a possibility that theplace may nut be given to any Atlantaman

The fact that Rtirkor has served twoterms is the chief awiiment advanced

t liltn taken In connection withthe argument advanced against him

the white that the platshould RO to some white man TiLlhas brought alxxit a change In the of-

ficial mind at this end of the lineand It romps from the highest author-ity that RnrkerV chancy of reappolntmont Is now exceedingly small


One Officer and One Negro WewnderlDuring the Fight

Macon fa Ian 13 Deputy SheriffTom Jones and Assistant Jailor Oscar-Ilntuhn narrowly escaped death

of a mob of negroes InSouth when they went to

two ne rro s for raising a disturbante utplie tilt city limits

When tjj cfkers appn ached theof the stni we the negroes who

had already bten sIuMUlng at eachopened tire on them and tliere-

wns a rain of bullets for severaliniiitr the officers owning tire Inturn Di hiss Toro Junes wasInjure the hall striking him In ther k A n so Frank Collins Is helditndi r arr t also three other negroesAnother not learned was badlywounded by an officers shot Wildexcitement prevailed In the midst ofthe fight LUll trouble was feared forseveral hours hut all Is quiet la thevicinity at present

Determined Against HazingSanford University Calif Jan 13SUM persevering their attempt to

quasi every semblace of hazing Inthe student dormitory Kncl Hull thefaculty coiaiiilltee today dropped twomUff men from the university R WMcKlrody and B C Nordman Themost grievous offense proved againsteither of the suspended students wasthat they were present at the tubhog ot a freshman Both were mem-bers of the sophomore class

Recommendation Is WithdrawnHonolulu Jan 13 GUY Carter has

cabled lresld nt withdrawlug his recommendation for the aptmlntmcnt of Circuit Judgo W JRobinson whose term expires Jan 23Governor Carter critlclcefl Jixlge

on acoitnt of some occurrencesduring a recent civil trial In whichtne jury was kept all night In order tofinish iiuslnoxs heforu the expirationof the court term

Petition Is DeniedSavannah Jan Spoor In

the federal court today Immediateupon its convening read hut opinionupon the Kporial of counsel o-ffr ene and Ruynnr as to the Juristicton of T roan This opinion waa rfendants IK

t he discharged fromtod W4i denied

Carload of Matches BurnN C 13rA carload

of inarh on jneJ to the MayorntH r p i iipfiiy destroyed by finFr fiy in irrin file loss Is estinm-c l ot jyoon

Crew MissingNorfolk Vi Jan 13 A

PR r In he ower hay and theul da la missing




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Nearly 850 Persons Were Killed


The Troops Then Shelled AnetherHouse Where Bombs and Weaves

Hidden and Killed EightRevolutionists

imis Caucanla Jan 13 Nearly350 persons were killed or Injured aan outcome of an attack made bjr Cos-sacks yesterday on the Armenian seas

here following the throwing oftwo bombs from that Institution at aparsing patrol

Four Cossarks were wounded sat atoy was killed by the explosion of thebombs

Artillery was Immediately called apand the seminary surrounded sad theshelled The building sooa burstinto flames and the bombs and car-tridges stored therein exploded

Thlrtythree persons perished duringthe conflagratioa while 300 were Ifr-jurcd by Ore or wounded by shells

The troops subsequently shelled aaother Armenlaa house where bowsand weapons were slides and killeight revolutionists

AutemebllitsUi In QuicksandChicago Jan IS A dispatch tnm

Gallop N M says that an aatoobile drives by Uagncaal assDavid Fassett Is feat la the qateUaadnear Aztec Arlt After betas warn-ed to kelp away from the Rio fartthe tourists attempted tu crow TIecrust broke and the automobile freakRoth men finally got out of the toadhaving made a narrow escape Tkacar nee sunk to the headlights Aneffort la being made to save it The ac-cident ocurred near the point wherethree passenger coacaes were tatsome years ago In the quicksands Ateam and wagon were lost la theford a few days ago

Half Million Endowment fer TuekeNewark N J Jan 13 By the will

of Andrew Dotgor of South Orange NJ just lied for probate the

Normal and Industrial mittlute will eventually receive a beejMctthat promltcs to be the largest In lithistory At the deati of the testatorwife Class L Bellies the entire resid-uary estate said to lot abort half amillion dollars will go to tae endow-ment fund of Booker T Washingtonnegro school The present endowmentto a little over 11800000

Will Retire BeardNashville JaR 13 Hon H Clay

Evans former consul general to Lon-don lau received a letter from WTing Yang former Chinese ministerat Washington In which he says he Isthinking of retiring from the positionas a member of the board of punishmont of the dilncsc government Healso tells of ids injury revolting freesa bomb explosion In Wai Wupa saylaglie was so shocked that Ida aeariaebecame affected

Protest Against ChangeWaco Tex Jan 13 Secretary Ho-

mer D Watts of the Badness Messclub of this city has bees laatnated by that club to write tatters to eratress protesting against fartherchanges or marrta ef Niagara fallsby commercial undertakings It toclaimed by the club that this votedspot is rut bring transformed fromone of the Impressive scenes In theworld to the site of moneymakingplants

Will Develop Iron IndustryChicago Jan 13 The Tribune to-

day says that extensive plus for thedevelopment of the iron and stall la-

duatrle of the south are involved inthe proposed merger of the TennesseeCoal Iron and the Republic Ironand Steel companies The project

for an expenditure of 13000000for the building of sew stills the expkxration of mines aaj extrasire Improvemenu coTerlM A a mfe r of years


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