o c jry y yYy y Q YY y - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89hf9z/data/0858.pdf · of...

3 c jry y 7 yYy y Q YY y y SSSSZSSSSSSSiSfcSiSSS NUMB. XX ssbsss&;s$2 i 82SSS$SSSSSSSSS$SSSSSS SSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI LEXINGTON Printed by Joh 5S13S5SS5S3S;SS Whijkey Wanted. eooo 0000 c)oooo ceoo WANT to ptirchafe a quantity I of legal diitilled Whiikey', lor" the use of the U. S. army iNorth "W est of the Chio. Whiikey will be received at 57 Cents per gallon, in payment of an ears of taxes on Spirits diftillecl in the State of Ken-tuck- y sine e the iirft of July 179'-An- d all the Dillillers within this State who wish to close their ac- counts on the above terms, will ap- ply at my Ollice 111 Lexington, be- tween this and the 1 5tti ot Febiu-ar- y next, alter v Inch 1 fliall not consider myself bound to take whiikey in payment, and fliall con tac"t pi ivately wltl. individuals for the remaining quantity which may then be wanred. THOMAS CARNEAL, 'Agent 4 for purchaps of Le diitilled Kpirit:l N. B. The time and ilace of delivdryj will be made convenient to the dilull!rs. 1 . C. rs HE difl.illersaiul owners of 1 stills redding within the coun- ties of Fayettt! and I LuLe., arc tOnrertlklr ltills agreea-bl- e to the laws of Coiigiefs, ami 10 settle the arrears of taxes due: as I fliall be obliged agreeable to my ponine inftruc'tior.s) to return them by name to the fupervlfor of the dilti ict, of Ohio, I iball at- tend in Lexington until the first of February. THOS, CARNEAL, , Col. Rev. C. F. C. ALL lfons who have had ac counts at the ltorelitely kept by mr. Samuel Doi ing, next door to Henry Marshall's tavein, are rcquejled to make immediate payments to the lubferiber, mr. Downing, y ho was only employed h) I im to sell the goods, having pi en tp to him the books and ac- counts, legally proved. is due attention is nor. paid to this notice, the fubfciiber wjll be under the necelllty to put all the accounts that will admit or it, in- to the hands ot a inagilhaie for lecoeiy; and take o her Heps for lecoveiy of such as are above tne iuiifdiction of a magillrate. ANDREW HARE. 7 rxinton, Tan9. 1795- - ' TZTTTuTENED AND FdRSALEBY GEOUfiG TJEGARDEN J General dfroitmtnt oj Dry Goods O Hard Ware, and GROCERIES, which he will sell low for Cafli. Lexington, Jan. 8, 179 .1 . lubtcnbei inform the pub-- l lie, that nr. Andrew Bavbee on C?ne run) au lnr- - James Brown o.n ( ooper's run, Bouibon county, will receive ULde&to be tanned on the lhares, by W.ti'am & Tboinas Story. Georgetown, Jan. 7, i75 o - - . - i - E ...V Jm-r ij L ,,-,. SSSv&K2SJS'v&iyS3 uicquid agunt homines nojlri farrago lib elk. Juv. Sat. 8. v. 85. sesssasesssqssssssssssos SATURDAY, January Bk.a.dford, at his Office ot Main Street; are thankfully received, and Printing in its The following lilt of letters in the pod oJice, Dan- ville, and will be fen- - as dead let- ters to the general 'poit-othc- e, at the end of thi. quarter, is not ta ken out beroie James Atwood, near Danville U aluer Baylor, Licks nver Lincoln; Joseph Booth, Nelfou Toleph Beaird. Patley Coleman ; Richard Cole- man, near Danville ; ohit Ciud, Fayette ; David Call, llarrifon county; Robeit Dicker: Allen Dunn, near1 Lexington: tdw ard Evans, Danville; Daniel Feny, Mellon ; John Funk, Jefferson; Sarah Floyd, Lincoln , Christopher Fonkhouler.' David Gray, Kentucky 2 ; James Gilinore, Lincoln ; tsancy Giliif- - pie, .near Danville John Hays, C'umb'eiland ; Joseph "tl'" Ha"lnSu rk Lincoln ; James lboit, Hatrylnnis, Kentucky 2 ; iJani el Jones, anes army. Francis Keller, Kemucky. Samuel Lowry, Lexiniou : John Lkin Kentucky ; Reverend Wilion Lee, Danville; John Lewis, Ken- tucky. r Robert M'A see, Salt river F'cr-ce- r ; Arthur lioo e, Kentucky ; William Killer, Pai..t lick, N.adi-fo- n ; illiam iM'Dowell, Mc.er ; Aaron Ogden, Lexington ; Pa- - tiick O'Linn, Fayttte. J. Panncll, Keiitucky ; Francis Peart, Cuf'irds fey ; Henry Paw- - linsr. Kentuckv s WiUiain Pat teilbn, Louilville. 3 William Reading, Kentuckv illiam Reed, Hinkfton io.k of Licking. James Spilman, Danville ; Johri Sevier, Knoxville ; iiliam itro-thert- ? & NaflivillC; William Symms, Kentucky j WaLer J. Scremflier, Kentucky ; William Sumerville, Fayette 2 ; John Sleat, Hanging foik, Lincoln ; John Sununeiville, Knoxville. Illiam Talbctt, Mercer: John,, ilfon, Madison. THOiMAS BARBEE, P. M. By WALTER E. STRONG, Aft. FOR SALE, about fifty or fixry of Seminary I and, about thiee miles from Lexington ; there is about thirty acres ol it cleat ed and under a pretty good fence; there is a good hewed log house well Ihingled with a kitchen and work (hep on the same with a iood k ', -- nurlery ot peach trees and loiue nn'nle 'trees. Likcwife nne hnn. dred and twenty -- five acres of land, lying about two miles above the forks of Elkhorn, upon the north side, with a branch called Whtte- - aok creek running through jt Likewise a House and Lot in Lec. ington on .Main ftreer, now occu pied by 11 r White Copperfmijh' to? lust-he- parJicuiais apply to the,. fubferiber living on the Semi- nary lot, or to John Filter next tloqr tomr. White. John Vanpeh, 3ii J795 ssbsssssssss -- where , (at Fifteen Shillings per Annum) &c different branches done with care and expedttnii. up by die fubferiber, id county, a foi rel horl'e, 14 Hands high, 14 of 15 years old, no hi and, i whi-- ltreak ill his face, both h.nd feet whue, has on a bell b.nded ihus ill witliin a hea.t, has had t.ie poll evil, dp- - p aneil to 1 01. rtlio a dark brown hone, twelve yea.- - old, thirteen 'an I a half hands hi'h, a white It eak in his face, bjth hind foec white, branded 011 die near ihoul-de- r not legible, has ibme sad ile" marks on the hind pat of the sad-di- e, appraised to 61. Jo,'lpo M'Murtrji October 10, i794. . , . ., jggi O' jUST AND ARE NOV OPENING, At their STORE in Lexington, a Neitt and General Aflbrtmerit of - Ijry Goods, Hard Ware & Ware, ' hh a. General Aftaimciio Genuine f rejh Drugs & Pas ''Tint Coujift'ttig of the following crticlcif ' (V 1 Z.) OlL Vitriol. Ippecac A Peppermint. 3 uenha. Ditto common, Best Red Baik. g CallorCil. a Common ditto, hritiih C'il. Ta.tar Emetic. Spiiits Lavender Co olive .subli-Coni- p. ' Hartihorn 2 Crude hal Amm fcllence Bui"a- - oniac. moi. I KagnefiS. Caodfrey's Cor- - Blue Stone. dial. 1 Sugar of iBatemah's drojjs s Coluii'ba Root. Gentian root. Caiolina Pink Liquoiice ditto. ? Root. Best Succou in Glauber" Salts. Aloes. Aqua Foitis. Diacln Ion with e Volatile Sal Am. Glims I moniac. Ditto common. Lunar Cauflic. Borax. Spauiih Flies. Gum Arabic. Andeifon's Pills C amphire. s Sale of Steel. Guiacum. 1 Phials & Corks. i Opiani. I Pill Boxes. Japan raith. Pesvter Syringes Calomel. Ivoiy Pipes. Pow dei of Jalap $ Smelling Bot- -. cf Rhu-- 1 ties, Lc. baibr Which they will sell at the mofl reduced prices for CASH. ' Janiiaiy 15, 1795 S one of the subscribers m-- j 'tends editi to the settlement ns xr monrh and wiih to bring out more Goods with him than they will be able to retail, wjll thank ai'V their orders and W'ltl promnc tliitt llicil it,iicjut;s hall be paiticnlarly complied with and their goods safely delivered Vor a very low advance. Tbovtas Hnrt'& Sou January '.J. 'J? ". lJc&oSJJS'5Skiiaf U. VOL. VII . Vh Skbfcripttoni Advertifemtntt T'AKEN Andirjon, RECEIVED Groceries Queen's Medicine, mate'Mercury cenflemanfor bsssssosSsssscsssstsx "; 1 SfSSSrSQffiJ- - MY Clients will please to' take notice that I have lemoved. from Lexington to Frankfort. will still contirt'ie t6' attend the same courts' in which f have under- taken business 111 my proieihon. William iVi urray. WHhlltrti 1 gave n.y bumi to' illiam Rove tor seventy five pbiinds, payable m one moiith irom the h.th day ot Dt'i ember lull, which bond I have dik barged : us alio two 111 tes to Heri,y iViero-nymou- s, lor thi ty pounds each," cne of winch, payable six months atier tnc eleven h daj of July last, and the other eight months aster ' laid da e : All persons aie tcre-wau- ed tiom taking afLgnineitts bl cither of the abotenicutiwiecL, notes oi bonds, as i i.ave dififl.argi el them and taken leceipts aainih them. HORrtliO HnLL. jau. !., iQj, mw J. . llay be Had .d .tils ollice, By the gi ols, dozen 01 fiugle, KEN7UCKT JLMANAC, For the year 1 705. v ll tlwlemilebieu tu he iub-- I fcribeis aie earneltly requell-- . ed to make immediate payment, as they mean to give no longer'mdtil-genc- e. LikewiTe those who have any demands against them to bring in their accompts for fetilement. Siitz & Lauman. January 6, 1795. 'i At 1 1 1. jx s i l. u ' y, I is FORMS the public, that they have remoed their oto-- e iriSni at the nioit rednced pi ices. 2w Lexingtoii, dn 2, fJcS. j U A V A i( K J i t JJ, AND KOW OpCNING 1'OR SALE B? BENJAMIN STOUT, Nb-X- door to I.'cniy Marfliall's tavern, a handlomc and ge-nei- al AHbrtiuei t of MtRCHAiN-- . DISE, conlifting of Dry Goods, Groceiies, Iron Mongcry, Glass ic Queens Ware, ieuiiines, iio s anu Shoes, Calf Skins and Bcoc Legs ; alio a quantify of Hops, which he will dilpole of on the lowest terms for Calh, Vt hiikey, Bearskins, and country made, Su- gar. Lexington. Jan. 22, 1795. ft HE fubkriber will leave tins L place on the 7th day of Fe- - bruary next for Philadelphia, he thei cfore requests such persons as are indebted to him tpipay their refpetitive accounts pi evious to that day. J. Clarke. Lexington, Jan. 22, 1794. LL pirlons that have puicha. A fed lots lnMie t,own of Cjn-- thiana, arc 1 eqcited to attend at our- - next Febuau- - Harrilon Coutt,, to receive tneir aceds. lr .K.obeiHa rilon. as i- 7 Mm? K m. V

Transcript of o c jry y yYy y Q YY y - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89hf9z/data/0858.pdf · of...

Page 1: o c jry y yYy y Q YY y - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89hf9z/data/0858.pdf · of legal diitilled Whiikey', lor" the use of the U. S. army iNorth "W est of the Chio.



jry y 7 yYy y Q YY y y



ssbsss&;s$2 i



5S13S5SS5S3S;SSWhijkey Wanted.

eooo 0000 c)oooo ceoo

WANT to ptirchafe a quantityI of legal diitilled Whiikey', lor"the use of the U. S. army iNorth"W est of the Chio. Whiikey will bereceived at 57 Cents per gallon, inpayment of an ears of taxes onSpirits diftillecl in the State of Ken-tuck- y

sine e the iirft of July 179'-An- d

all the Dillillers within thisState who wish to close their ac-

counts on the above terms, will ap-

ply at my Ollice 111 Lexington, be-

tween this and the 1 5tti ot Febiu-ar- y

next, alter v Inch 1 fliall notconsider myself bound to takewhiikey in payment, and fliall contac"t pi ivately wltl. individuals forthe remaining quantity which maythen be wanred.

THOMAS CARNEAL, 'Agent4for purchaps of Le

diitilled Kpirit:lN. B. The time and ilace of

delivdryj will be made convenientto the dilull!rs. 1 . C.

rs HE difl.illersaiul owners of1 stills redding within the coun-

ties of Fayettt! and I LuLe., arctOnrertlklr ltills agreea-bl- e

to the laws of Coiigiefs, ami 10

settle the arrears of taxes due: asI fliall be obliged agreeable to myponine inftruc'tior.s) to returnthem by name to the fupervlfor ofthe dilti ict, of Ohio, I iball at-

tend in Lexington until the first ofFebruary.

THOS, CARNEAL,, Col. Rev. C. F. C.

ALL lfons who have had accounts at the ltorelitely kept

by mr. Samuel Doi ing, nextdoor to Henry Marshall's tavein,are rcquejled to make immediatepayments to the lubferiber, mr.Downing, y ho was only employedh) I im to sell the goods, havingpi en tp to him the books and ac-

counts, legally proved.is due attention is nor. paid to

this notice, the fubfciiber wjll beunder the necelllty to put all theaccounts that will admit or it, in-

to the hands ot a inagilhaie forlecoeiy; and take o her Hepsfor lecoveiy of such as are abovetne iuiifdiction of a magillrate.

ANDREW HARE.7 rxinton, Tan9. 1795- -' TZTTTuTENED


J General dfroitmtnt oj

Dry Goods O

Hard Ware, andGROCERIES, which he willsell low for Cafli.

Lexington, Jan. 8, 179

.1 . lubtcnbei inform the pub-- llie, that nr. Andrew Bavbee

on C?ne run) au lnr- - James Browno.n ( ooper's run, Bouibon county,will receive ULde&to be tanned onthe lhares, by

W.ti'am & Tboinas Story.

Georgetown, Jan. 7, i75


- - . - i - E ...V Jm-r ij L ,,-,.


uicquid agunt homines nojlri farrago lib elk. Juv. Sat. 8. v. 85.

sesssasesssqssssssssssosSATURDAY, January

Bk.a.dford, at his Office ot Main Street;are thankfully received, and Printing in its

The following lilt of lettersin the pod oJice, Dan-

ville, and will be fen- - as dead let-ters to the general 'poit-othc- e, atthe end of thi. quarter, is not taken out beroie

James Atwood, near DanvilleU aluer Baylor, Licks nver

Lincoln; Joseph Booth, NelfouToleph Beaird.

Patley Coleman ; Richard Cole-man, near Danville ; ohit Ciud,Fayette ; David Call, llarrifoncounty; Robeit Dicker: AllenDunn, near1 Lexington:

tdw ard Evans, Danville;Daniel Feny, Mellon ; John

Funk, Jefferson; Sarah Floyd,Lincoln , Christopher Fonkhouler.'

David Gray, Kentucky 2 ; JamesGilinore, Lincoln ; tsancy Giliif--

pie, .near DanvilleJohn Hays, C'umb'eiland ; Joseph

"tl'" Ha"lnSu rk Lincoln ;

James lboit,Hatrylnnis, Kentucky 2 ; iJani

el Jones, anes army.Francis Keller, Kemucky.Samuel Lowry, Lexiniou : John

Lkin Kentucky ; Reverend WilionLee, Danville; John Lewis, Ken-tucky. r

Robert M'A see, Salt river F'cr-ce- r; Arthur lioo e, Kentucky ;

William Killer, Pai..t lick, N.adi-fo- n

; illiam iM'Dowell, Mc.er ;

Aaron Ogden, Lexington ; Pa- -

tiick O'Linn, Fayttte.J. Panncll, Keiitucky ; Francis

Peart, Cuf'irds fey ; Henry Paw- -

linsr. Kentuckv s WiUiain Patteilbn, Louilville. 3William Reading, Kentuckv

illiam Reed, Hinkfton io.k ofLicking.

James Spilman, Danville ; JohriSevier, Knoxville ; iiliam itro-thert- ? &

NaflivillC; William Symms,Kentucky j WaLer J. Scremflier,Kentucky ; William Sumerville,Fayette 2 ; John Sleat, Hangingfoik, Lincoln ; John Sununeiville,Knoxville.

Illiam Talbctt, Mercer: John,,ilfon, Madison.



FOR SALE, about fifty or fixryof Seminary I and, about

thiee miles from Lexington ; thereis about thirty acres ol it cleat edand under a pretty good fence;there is a good hewed log housewell Ihingled with a kitchen andwork (hep on the same with a iood k ',

--nurlery ot peach trees and loiuenn'nle 'trees. Likcwife nne hnn.dred and twenty -- five acres of land,lying about two miles above theforks of Elkhorn, upon the northside, with a branch called Whtte- -aok creek running through jtLikewise a House and Lot in Lec.ington on .Main ftreer, now occupied by 11 r White Copperfmijh'to? lust-he- parJicuiais apply tothe,. fubferiber living on the Semi-nary lot, or to John Filter nexttloqr tomr. White.

John Vanpeh,

3ii J795ssbsssssssss

--where , (at Fifteen Shillings per Annum) &cdifferent branches done with care and expedttnii.

up by die fubferiber, idcounty, a foi rel horl'e,

14 Hands high, 14 of 15 years old,no hi and, i whi-- ltreak ill hisface, both h.nd feet whue, has ona bell b.nded ihus ill witliin ahea.t, has had t.ie poll evil, dp- -p aneil to 1 01. rtlio a dark brownhone, twelve yea.- - old, thirteen

'an I a half hands hi'h, a whiteIt eak in his face, bjth hind foecwhite, branded 011 die near ihoul-de- r

not legible, has ibme sad ile"

marks on the hind pat of the sad-di- e,

appraised to 61.

Jo,'lpo M'MurtrjiOctober 10, i794. . , . .,

jggi O'


At their STORE in Lexington, aNeitt and General Aflbrtmerit of -

Ijry Goods,Hard Ware &Ware, '

hh a. General AftaimciioGenuine f rejh Drugs & Pas

''TintCoujift'ttig of the following crticlcif

' (V 1 Z.)OlL Vitriol. Ippecac

A Peppermint. 3 uenha.Ditto common, Best Red Baik.g

CallorCil. a Common ditto,hritiih C'il. Ta.tar Emetic.Spiiits Lavender Co olive .subli-Coni- p.

'Hartihorn 2 Crude hal Amm

fcllence Bui"a- - oniac.moi. I KagnefiS.

Caodfrey's Cor- - Blue Stone.dial. 1 Sugar of

iBatemah's drojjs s Coluii'ba Root.Gentian root. Caiolina PinkLiquoiice ditto. ? Root.Best Succou in Glauber" Salts.

Aloes. Aqua Foitis.Diacln Ion with e Volatile Sal Am.

Glims I moniac.Ditto common. Lunar Cauflic.Borax. Spauiih Flies.Gum Arabic. Andeifon's Pills

C amphire. s Sale of Steel.Guiacum. 1 Phials & Corks.

i Opiani. I Pill Boxes.Japan raith. Pesvter SyringesCalomel. Ivoiy Pipes.Pow dei of Jalap $ Smelling Bot- -.

cf Rhu-- 1 ties, Lc.baibr

Which they will sell at the moflreduced prices for CASH.

' Janiiaiy 15, 1795

S one of the subscribers m-- j'tends editi to the settlement

nsxr monrh and wiih to bring outmore Goods with him than theywill be able to retail, wjll thankai'V their orders andW'ltl promnc tliitt llicil it,iicjut;shall be paiticnlarly complied with

and their goods safely deliveredVor a very low advance.

Tbovtas Hnrt'& Sou

January '.J.

'J? ".

lJc&oSJJS'5Skiiaf U.


Skbfcripttoni Advertifemtntt








bsssssosSsssscsssstsx ";


SfSSSrSQffiJ- -

MY Clients will please to' takenotice that I have lemoved.

from Lexington to Frankfort.will still contirt'ie t6' attend thesame courts' in which f have under-taken business 111 my proieihon.

William iVi urray.WHhlltrti 1 gave n.y bumi to'illiam Rove tor seventy five

pbiinds, payable m one moiith iromthe h.th day ot Dt'i ember lull,which bond I have dik barged :us alio two 111 tes to Heri,y iViero-nymou- s,

lor thi ty pounds each,"cne of winch, payable six monthsatier tnc eleven h daj of July last,and the other eight months aster 'laid da e : All persons aie tcre-wau- ed

tiom taking afLgnineittsbl cither of the abotenicutiwiecL,notes oi bonds, as i i.ave dififl.argiel them and taken leceipts aainihthem. HORrtliO HnLL.jau. !., iQj, mw J.

. llay be Had .d .tils ollice,By the gi ols, dozen 01 fiugle,

KEN7UCKT JLMANAC,For the year 1 705.

v ll tlwlemilebieu tu he iub-- Ifcribeis aie earneltly requell-- .

ed to make immediate payment, asthey mean to give no longer'mdtil-genc- e.

LikewiTe those who haveany demands against them to bringin their accompts for fetilement.

Siitz & Lauman.January 6, 1795.

'i At 1 1 1. jx s i l. u ' y,

I is FORMS the public, that theyhave remoed their oto-- e iriSni

at the nioit rednced pi ices.2w Lexingtoii, dn 2, fJcS.


BENJAMIN STOUT,Nb-X- door to I.'cniy Marfliall's

tavern, a handlomc and ge-nei- al

AHbrtiuei t of MtRCHAiN-- .DISE, conlifting of Dry Goods,Groceiies, Iron Mongcry, Glass icQueens Ware, ieuiiines, iio sanu Shoes, Calf Skins and BcocLegs ; alio a quantify of Hops,which he will dilpole of on thelowest terms for Calh, Vt hiikey,Bearskins, and country made, Su-

gar.Lexington. Jan. 22, 1795.

ft HE fubkriber will leave tinsL place on the 7th day of Fe- -

bruary next for Philadelphia, hethei cfore requests such persons asare indebted to him tpipay theirrefpetitive accounts pi evious to thatday.

J. Clarke.Lexington, Jan. 22, 1794.

LL pirlons that have puicha.A fed lots lnMie t,own of Cjn--thiana, arc 1 eqcited to attend atour- - next Febuau- - Harrilon Coutt,,to receive tneir aceds.

lr .K.obeiHa rilon.




