By Abraham W.


The problems of the displaced African in America and their solutions.



By Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.


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2. Mercy.











13. TIME






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22. LIFE











33. The Son

34. TEACHINGS of Nyame

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NONE EXCEPT GOD is a collection of inspired writings. It is a compilation of letters written to those who in agony and distress seek the truths of their existence.It is a Sacred writing, written to those who sincerely aspire to cast aside the fables and falsehoods that feed the fires of ignorance and lead a nation of Holy People from destruction.

In NONE EXCEPT GOD is revealed the true road to a lasting and never-ending freedom from poverty, hunger, strife, sickness, and suffering . . . all of these trials having been ordained from the foundation of the world that Nyame (God, Ala) might be merciful to those who have accepted a way not in accordance with His Statutes, Covenants, and Judgments.

NONE EXCEPT GOD is a book written to all Ethnic groups . . . especially to African people of the Diaspora, the dispersed Sene Seeds from the four clavicles of Amma, that they might know and understand the reasons of their captivity and to those of other nationalities that they might witness the power of Nyame (God, Ala) as He commences to resurrect a people benighted that the rebellious might receive mercy from their Lord.

Man was created that man rise as an expression of man's Creator. In NONE EXCEPT GOD, you will begin to understand the Will of God and questions that have plagued you are answered for those whose hearts are in search of truth. What must our course of action be? How must we become free from the shackles of oppression? Should we strive towards an integrated society? If not, why? Who are we and what is the purpose of our existence? Why do we find ourselves in the wilderness of North America (previously North Afu-Ra-Ka, Western half) and why are we being daily persecuted and hated by those among whom we live? By whose authority and how is it that a nation of a non-African people who comprise approximately one-fourth of the world's population is in control (either directly or indirectly) of over one-half of the earth.INONE EXCEPT GOD answers these extremely important questions and indisputable facts are submitted concerning the most important issue of this day . . . namely, that of the Unity and Divine purpose of Man.

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Read and meditate upon the messages of this book. Seek to understand the parables presented to teach and to guide you into your divine inheritance. Be steadfast in your determination and labor to understand what is said and its meaning to you. Unity with Nyame (God, Ala) and to crush the works and machinations of the doers and fomenters of evil is the purpose of your creation. Then, be on with your duties and may the Lord God of Peace. Justice, Mercy, Love, and Truth guide you. into all knowledge.Peace .........................


We travel East that we might cast off the burdens of a most rebellious nation and begin to be renewed in the Spirit of our minds that the Will of The Redeemer be made manifest.Peace


Knowledge and Wisdom are the means by which you should seek to elevate yourselves. Knowledge is the foundation of the world and our Creator is the Foundation of all knowledge. Thus in the search for knowledge that is from the foundation do you undertake to seek the truth from your Lord.

It is the glory of your existence that you should be keeper of the Truth and teachers of the mysteries of God who has fore-ordained you to bear the expression of His Presence.

Within the chambers of your heart and the recesses of your mind has He committed to you the gospel of Peace, Mercy, and Truth that those who have fallen into the abyss of the burning pit should repent and enter into oneness with their Lord and Master who is over all forever. It is not for you to concern yourself with those who reject and mock you for your obedience to the teachings of Peace. There will come a moment when we will reveal to them the truth of the Gospel that they have cast far behind their backs. But it is for you to seek knowledge and peace that the winds of winter be removed from your memory and the flowers of spring blossom into new life for the People of The Resurrection.

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In order to elevate ourselves from the deep pit of a degrading and decaying way of life, we must now focus our attention upon aims and the endeavors that we want to achieve and determine what is the best method to obtain our aims. We must cease to live the lives of Others.

We have followed Others and tried to imitate and mimic Others in cultural and social ideals for nearly 2000 years and this attempt to imitate Others has culminated in our own destruction as a unified nation of people. We are not like Others except we be tricked and misguided by our appointed leaders that Others have chosen for us for the purpose of leading us right back into the traps set by Others who exploit us for the financial gain of Others.

So, it's a circle . . . a circle of death, suffering, bloodshed, and exploitation for the People of God and a bed of sweet roses for the for the Others who we are taught to imitate.

When we finally awaken to the Divine Revelations hidden within us, we become aware of the truth that Others seek to hinder unity of action and independence of purpose by us unless Others oversee and control those thinkers who seek to unify the Chosen of God.

We prefer Others to preside over our affairs through our leaders chosen by them who wish to lead you away to the pits of perdition.

We must wake up and realize that we are being led to slaughter as dumb animals and our nation is being robbed and plumaged while we lie sleeping and begging Others to destroy our heritage, our homes, wives, families, and original way of life. Unless we forsake the ways of Others who murder, steal, lie, cheat, worship vain idols, and spread discard and corruption, we will be ruled by Others who are masters of the other way of life which is not your own. The truth shall become known and those of us who wish to worship the ways of Others and be counted with Others and seek the approval of Others who seek to destroy and cast down the People of God will receive the same chastisement of Others.

When the ships are anchored at the shores to carry away those who reject faith and choose to stand with Others, those who misled you will forsake you and a just

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punishment shall you receive for continued whoredom with Others who you have chose besides your Lord.


We are a people that are deaf, dumb, blind and lame, having given ourselves over (by the will of The All Wise) to greed and corruption. We sell our children into the hands of the corruptor and teach them in the way of the destroyer for the meager promise of a better life and a greater participation in the manner of living that is contrary to the ways of truth and right judgment.

We are struck down by our own lust and a lack of knowledge of SELF by day and by night. We have no direction or goal as a nation of people. We beg for the crumbs of sin-and faith that fall from the tables of others who make mockery of our begging. For over one-thousand years have these pollutions of our Holy Nation occurred while we have been surrounded by a people who place no value upon human dignity.

By imitation of an unworthy people who despise the Word of God and mock His commandments, we are our worst enemy and kill and oppress one another for a dollar's worth of promises.

But the younger generations are awakening and in spite of the fact that their parents are leading them on a smooth road to death, the young are now rebelling against the crooked ways we made for them. No longer can our women be killed and our men disgraced and a hired spokesman conceal the real doer of the deed.

Those of us who wish to remain a part of the fomenters of destruction and forsake the laws delivered to us by the Supreme Being will be cut off never to rise again. How utterly backwards we are to believe that a people who God Almighty will soon bring down in destruction due to the evilness of their deeds will ever be fair with us. They were treacherous against the God who created them and delivered them from the darkness of an eternal hell.

And now, there are those who for personal gain and lack of knowledge lead the poor and destitute into believing that they can rehabilitate a nation of people and turn them from their destructive nature when that same nation has vowed to destroy God and the servants of God from the face of the earth. Consider, then, the truth of what your Lord makes known to you. Six thousand years ago, the God of all Peoples again extended mercy to a people rejecting Him and the rejecters were

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again brought into. the covenants of peace. Again they have rejected Him and it is these rejecters that we praise as being pillars of righteousness.

Now that the end of their reign is near, the makers of falsehood and deceit understand that their power of trickery, remains only over those weak willed persons among us who refuse to acknowledge the truth as it is delivered to them in an effort to steer them away from the pit dug for the unbelievers by the agents of the purveyor of chaos and confusion's underworld.

In spite of the corruptors among us who destroy, cast down, and devour our Nation of God, God is well able to find and heal that which has been led subtly away. From One Lord did all proceed, and to One God will all return.


All men cannot accept truth and truth is not meant to be understood by all men. The fruit of falsehood is that we bow down before gold- covered wood and carved stone calling them by the name of God when Divine Law forbids such bowing to images of wood and stone made by those who wish to misguide you from your true self. Those who worship the molten image of rebellion give aid and comfort to those who disrupt homes, treat others unjustly, and despise the decrees of Nyame, the Merciful.

Those who are lost scorn the believers who seek diligently for an answer to the eternal problem of man's wrongness to one another And when it is the will of the Ruh to raise one up among us to turn a people from the foolishness and idiocy of idol worship, we ridicule that prophet and equate the man of God with those who are friends of The Pale Fox Yuruga. We accuse the prophet of The Almighty of teaching hate when the archenemy of God is hate. There is none GOOD except God

Did not the Pharisees and Scribes accuse the Christ of being a prophet of the purveyor of chaos and confusion? Was he not crucified and spat upon for teaching a doctrine that man must become obedient to the Will of God? Did he not teach that you should love your neighbor as yourself whereupon he was crucified for preaching hate?

But, the King of Kings raised him again; for, with God is all Power and there is no death to those who submit to the Will of their Lord. Your Lord raised Jesus from the dead; is it not within the power of your Lord to raise you from death to life? Then, show me what your idol has raised, for I perceive that you have faith in idols

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and the power of them though they are but rotten wood covered by metals taken from the earth.

Those who profess to know God and say that He is molten brass and corroded silver believe a lie and eat the dust of a most hideous sin against themselves. They despise truth and support the ways of death and perdition. It is they who foster and carry the contagious plagues of lusts, murder, thievery, hating, cursing, fornication, drunkenness, and every evil act because they have been led subtly away by The Pale Fox Yuruga who is the sworn enemy of the righteous.

But by the Power and the Glory of the Holy One of Israel, sin and iniquity shall not prevail and the Lamps of the Resurrection will burn and David shall become master over those unworthy of eternal life. There is but one God and it is He from whom we preceded and to Whom we shall all return


There is no refuge on the moon, the planets or anywhere in the universe that will hide those who have trampled upon the Holy One of Israel and His Word of Truth and Judgment. The judgment will set in the land where the denunciation of the Holy One was boldly undertaken and the casting down of His Laws and Statutes was initiated.

So attempt to flee to another world and you will find that it is One God who is maker and sustainer of the whole universe and there is no refuge to save those who walk in the arrogance of their own hearts.

There is no escape for the unbelievers and though distant worlds are made near by the advance of those who seek refuge, no planet will give shelter to those who mock the prophecies of the Most High.

In the beginning, God created both heaven and earth. He created not the earth without the heaven, or the heaven without the earth. The heaven is the domain of our Father and the earth is the throne of His judgment.

Those who have been overcome by the doctrine of The Pale Fox Yuruga and who have sold themselves to the works and ways of wickedness have for a thousand years urinated upon that which is truth and righteousness and now attempt to assure their continued existence past that which is the decree of their Lord by fleeing to another planet in hopes that they might defeat the j u d gem en t s that had been set against them.

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Nineteen times have the prophecies and the judgments against the wicked nations been fulfilled; yet, the perpetrators have stopped their ears and closed their eyes and have chosen to follow their fathers to the smoldering pits of Hades. There shall they be bound with strong cords until it is the will of the Mighty God that a few of them receive pardon for the works of darkness against the Son of Light.This is the day that the rejecters have long told the believers would not arrive. It is the day of reckoning. . the final day of judgment. It is the time that man has reached his peak in all things. It is the day of fullness of the gentiles for whom the Sons of Light have borne a most heavy burden. Trapped in the boiling pits of confusion and discord, and wandering blindly into the fires of a living hell

Nyame shall sear the tongues of them with the hottest of irons and reveal to them the scourge of those who curse the mercies of their Lord. Thus shall the Knower of All that is past, present and future deal with those who believe not that their defeat is near.


Those who fight against you have not yet confessed their acts of deception to you. But the day is swiftly approaching when there will be such admissions of fraud and deceit and the circumstances of how you have been tricked into committing crimes; tempted and then ruthlessly murdered when you succumbed to the temptation, how it has been a systematic scheme for over 400 years to slay you by treacherous acts planned in advance by experts learned in the devious art of bringing about the ruin of nations, peoples; and tongues. Those who know your true nature and history have devised methods to insure your instability while they robbed you of your rightful knowledge and inheritance.

They shall be exposed not in hate, but by your resurrection by the Power of Nyame who is the Knower of all deeds, Doer of all good. You who flee from wickedness and turn to God with all of your heart, soul, and mind need have no fear of prison, death, bombs, or swords. The master of deceit not only will be disarmed but your Lord and Savior has decreed that such arms be to no avail, Though he sit in the seat of god saying that he is god and his power is god and his wisdom is god and his knowledge is god, yet shall he be smitten with a most grievous curse aid the life of his young ones will pass from them while they are yet in the womb.

Seek not truth from those who incurred the eternal wrath of their Creator for creating falsehood. Cannot you see the error in your logic?

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Hate no man; but it is your duty to despise oppression and distortion of truth. It is the Prince of All Power who will destroy from among you those whom you think to be indestructible. Do not become dismayed at the apparent or outward successes and pleasures of the enemies of God. For the very soul of the enemies of God burns within the pits of their stomachs and a river of hot molten rock burns the bowels of them who humble not themselves and become obedient to Truth and Justice.

So it is your choice - whether you wish to follow the enemies of Peace to a certain doom or be counted among those who seek the favor and countenance of the Magnificent God of the whole universe. Those who choose to fight against the House of Israel know that there is no victory over truth and to God must all return. For those who repent and follow the righteous road, He is forgiving and ever ready to pardon.

Thus is the truth told to you that you may be among those who receive mercy.


It matters not that the unrighteous appear to ho To those who have chosen to follow-the deeds of deception their walls of pride shall be crumbled and they shall crawl upon their knees before their Lord. When one says to you that he is pious and so Ala, say 'I care not for vain words, nor do I consider the wink of your eye. I will only judge your speech by what you have done in the past. That is the way that I have accepted and my Lord has chosen for me the straight course of Peace.'But they will not submit to your mode of worship their religion they will thrash you to dust and rob faith. Truly would you then be counted among the unbelievers.Relate to them that the blast of the furnace and watch as they will concoct a scheme to murder with deceit and lies designed to betray the truth and the righteous. They are a nation proud against the covenants for peace and brotherhood.

In an evil and corrupt manner do they give thanks His mercies extended to them. But the traitors will be vanquished like the flicker of a candle dies when it is burned to its last breath of light.Thus does Ala warn and caution those who war against those who are innocent of what they do.


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A nation is only as stable as the justice that it gives to those who can take no action against injustice. Corrupt administration of justice and the slanting of law in the favor of corrupt peoples develops a cancer within the system that will finally eat away the very pillars upon which any lawful society is based.

The messengers of God announced the coming destruction of Babylon, Ad, Thamond, Sodom, Assyria, Rome, Athens, and many other once powerful kingdoms that victimized its helpless with secret genocide and mental torture. Yet, the sons and daughters of these nations who call themselves by a new name have not the understanding to hear and believe that this nation teeters on the brink of total collapse.Proud and vain peoples who do not the truth are never eager to be obedient to the Supreme Will of their Lord. In ivory temples made by those who have set themselves up as God, do they worship that which is no God. The eyes of what they worship neither see, nor do the ears hear; yet, they, would have you believe that what is without life has power to give life when that which is without life is death. Death feeds only the works of Satan. The works of Satan thrives on death and that which is without life. Thus does your Lord show you the thing that you do in furtherance of your destruction.

The liars against truth and the proud doers of evil shall surely be cut down as grass under a mower and their seed shall see the arm of the Redeemer who respects not persons who obey not the Laws, Statutes, and Judgments of Peace.The fear of God is wisdom; for He is capable of the mightiest of vengeance and it is His hand that is the keeper of final justice for all.


The glorious purpose and the great challenge is to resurrect lost hope and faith and to quench the fires of vanity, hate, and deceit; to bind again that which has become broken which is the body and People of Nommo who have given themselves as sacrifices that the Word of God be fulfilled. That is the goal of the People of Nommo and all who seek to climb the stately mountain of Truth.

No goal wrought in righteousness can be overcome and those who choose to dwell in the straight furrows must remain steadfast in their determination that the Will of The Eternal God reign supreme.

Though we be mocked, scorned, and become the victim of secret plots to destroy the truth and sink the ship of forbearance, we know that there is certain victory to those who unsheathe the sword of Peace.

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So withdraw from the aims and hopes of a people degenerate and void of understanding and accept the voice of truth. Join yourself with those who march to the Gardens where no man is falsely accused; no venom of hate spewing from foaming lips of madness; no fires of destruction seeking to devour those who are believers; and where there is always greetings of Peace.Be of good courage.


One who had been rebellious against his Lord sought the favor and forgiveness of his Lord. As a test of his sincerity, AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA was entrusted with a small lake filled with the sacred fish of his Lord, and AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA was told to tend and keep the sacred fish as an expression of his faith in the covenant of his Lord.

For many years, AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA kept the sacred fish of his Lord with diligence and fed them with the best of food and caring for them in appreciation for the mercies shown to him by his Lord.

However, as the years rolled by, AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA became confident that he could wrest both lake and the fish therein from the power of his Lord and AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA became wicked in thought, thereby forgetting the promises that he had made his Lord regarding the care of the fish. In fact AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA began to doubt the existence of his Lord and attribute all of his successes to the work of his own hands and intelligence of his own mind.

First, the fish were taken out of the water and carefully taught to live on land thereby forcing the fish to be constantly at the mercy of his teacher. The land was very strange to the fish; but the fish had no other choice than to be obedient to the will of AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA in whose custody he had been entrusted.Through subtle acts and planned trickery, the fish were led to believe that AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA's way of life was the way of life to be pursued by all other fish; for he was very ignorant of the schemes devised against him by AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA to conceal from all fish their true nature and true purpose of existence.

Since punishment of AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA was delayed by his Lord for the crimes against the fish, AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA developed the attitude that the Lord had no power to punish and considered not that the delay of punishment

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was actually a continuing act of grace from his Lord who was well aware of the schemes of AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA.

To further confuse the fish, AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA poured a strong poison into the natural home of the fish and ensured that if by chance any one of them should seek to return to his true home, he would drink of the poison and die. Many of the fish banded together and attempted to return to their natural home and were met with death as when they drank of the poison water, sickness and destruction was their reward.

Finally, the fish that remained lost faith in their natural home because from experience they knew that to have faith in living in the lake was of no help in solving their problems. They knew not that AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA had poisoned the waters that he might destroy the fishes' faith in the only thing that would save them. Thus, the fish gave up their ambition to find a lasting home in the water and decided to live in the manner of his captor.

This placed the fish at a great disadvantage; for when his captor, obsessed with greed and hate for the fish, wanted to devour a fish or kill one of his children or. steal the fish eggs for his own lusts, the fish could not escape. The captor was well familiar with the true life of the fish while the fish were merely imitating one who sought to use the fish for food and profit. AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA ran swiftly because the land was his natural habitat. The fish were easy targets for destruction because they were fleeing as if they were man when unknowing to them they were in fact different from those who sought their destruction. Bold was AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA and his re-education of the fish had stripped them of all knowledge of themselves and had caused them to reject the safety of their own natural home.

What will the Lord of AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA do when He arrives and sees His sacred fish being devoured by the captor? Will He not call AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA before the bar of judgment and reward him according to his works? Will not the Mighty Creator of the Sacred Fish sanctify the water and guide the Sacred Fish in the way that they should go? Will not the Master unsheathe a glittering word and cut down the sons of AKYIWADEFO - YURUGA as he has cut down the sons and daughters of the Sacred Fish?

Hear and believe. He who watches over you of the Masters of the Waters, Servant of God, is the Maker of the Sacred Fish and cares much more for you than all of the fish of the sea. He will sanctify your waters and give you drink from the clear waters of Heaven. He will make the poison of idolatry that causes you to mistrust the works of good of no effect upon those who seek to be in unity with Him.

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Only be not as the evil keeper of the fish with eyes full of deceitful acts and lusts that destroy the spiritual development of men. Your Redeemer is strong. He is Judge, King, and Lawgiver and rewards every person according to the deeds committed. Thus does your Lord magnify the faith of those who hear and believe.

13. TIME

Assure that your time is not wasted in lamentation of your being in captivity in this wilderness of North America. This is the time of redemption and restoration of truth and verity in the midst of a people who have submitted their, bodies to the will of The Pale Fox Yuruga and his Spider Trickster demi-gods. It is a time of solemn devotion and study that we might regenerate our lost abilities to communicate with God and be awakened to the lost mysteries of the Masters of the Waters.It has indeed been a long sleep and a refreshing one. And now that the God of Truth and Mercy ,has begun to restore you to the throne of power, strive lawfully to be acceptable in His sight.

As one dies in death, so have you been awaken in life.Where a seed is planted, there the tree shall grow once the waters of Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding penetrates the seed coat and calls forth the young plant from its place of rest. So have you been summoned for the works that must be done.

It is Nyame who unites those who seek peace and loosens the bounds of captivity.Be not dismayed at the darkness of these times but maintain within you a clean mind and heart. Know that within you is a magnet that will attract the love of your Lord and Master. Continue to strive for unity with that which is pious and good and the veil of ignorance will be lifted from your face and you shall see clearly the shining points of the Star of Peace.


We have been divided asunder and destroyed for lack of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in relation to our heritage and our ultimate purpose of existence.We are slaves to servants because our visions are not consonant with the purpose for which we were created. We have been given over to the wrath of God with those who refuse to acknowledge truth, do justice, and preserve the Divine Way.

It is for Truth that man was created and by love is man fashioned into a being worthy of Heavenly blessings. There is no doubt that what The Maker has

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promised, He can fulfill. Though blood flow in the streets, yet shall He bring His Holy Promise to pass. Though prisons become overcrowded with those who seek righteousness, yet will He bring His words to pass and none of the rejecters shall escape punishment.

Do not concern yourself with those misguided who when you fall upon your knees and humble yourself to your Lord say that you are insane or mad. It is they who are insane but they believe it not. The Seer sees what they do. You need not fear the doer of foul deeds. Neither should you pay homage to those who reject the faith. To The Supreme Essence pay due homage and turn your face Eastward in truth. That is best for you to do that your Lord and Comforter may permit you to remain free from the snares of the purveyor of chaos and confusion.


We are engaged in a death struggle with a land of giants. They are not giants that are outside the body neither can we behold them with our eyes. Invisible as they are, yet do they have the power to destroy and cast down many nations, peoples, and tongues.

These giants are hate, bigotry, spite, backbiting, greed, lust, envy, adultery, fornication, lying, stealing and a host of other giants that had to be conquered by the Masters of the Waters before that House was chosen to be the vessel of God - which House we are. Your real enemy is not man in the flesh and blood. Neither is he a white or black man - Chinese or Indian African or Asiatic. The real foe to be overcome is the giant that represents one's own weaknesses and tendencies to do that which is in itself not according to the eternal purpose of man. It is easy to lament the cruelness of other races and nations. It is self-satisfying to reveal the faults of others, but in the final end we must first analyze ourselves and re-evaluate the aspirations we have set for ourselves.

If we aspire to be unlike another person, we do not imitate his actions. Thus, we eliminate hate through love - we eliminate oppression by freeing others from the oppressive wickedness we have created for our own convenience - we eliminate injustice by the cultivation of just conduct -- we decrease and eliminate murder by refraining from murder. These are the ways of our lives buried under the giants that must be conquered lest the whole body fall prey to disorder and disease.But most of us fight against the good within us. We crucify it and free the giants that tend to lead us into the hands of those who seek our destruction.

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Do not let anyone disturb your confidence in that which is Holy and true. They will not defeat you despite their schemes and plans they initiate to thwart you away from your true self. The enemy will make attempts to destroy your faith in the product of righteousness and have you become obedient to the powers of trickery and deceit. Your tormentors seek to equate themselves with the Holy Father in wisdom and knowledge and devises plans to throw you into a deep pit where you must deny your Lord.

Know that they shall not prevail against the Light of knowledge and understanding.The end of those who trouble you and cast stones at you for your piousness is foreordained in the heavens and for them there is no escape except that they turn and repent before the day of their approaching doom. But it is their intention to deceive and mislead the sleep children of the Most High and by their conduct do they invite hailstorms from the north and winds from the east that-will rid the world of their presence among the children of man.

If they could behold the nation now concealed to them whose swords are drawn in obedience to The Wise One, surely would they ask forgiveness from their Lord before the impending Day of Judgment. But because of the stubbornness and rebelliousness of those who reject faith, the bearer of the sword will be sent against them and the vengeance of The God of Peace and Judgment will be carried out.They will not fear the rattling of bombs and value not bribes that will be offered to disobey the voice of Holiness. Their foreheads bear not the mark of the beast - for the Word of God is their leader and He is among them. The proud powers who snuff up the lives of nations as a horse snuffs up the wind shall breathe the smoke of a punishing furnace and thus shall they receive the fruits of their works against their Lord.


One man had eyes, but saw nothing;Another was born blind, but yet sees.One with eyes saw but understood nothing,And another without eyes saw not but understood.One prayed to see, and finally saw; Another who saw prayed not to see.One who saw nothing chose to remain blind;

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Another who had chosen blindness prayed for sight.One thought he saw but was blind;Another cursed the blindness while actually he saw. Sight is light and blindness brought sight,Before sight, there was blindness . . . but now We see ..........or do we?


There is no creation, either living or dead that does not have a history that can be sought Out and understood. Any house stands or crumbles by the strength of its foundation. We are a house of people designed to be the living Temple of God and it is because of this fact that we are despised and rejected by those who seek to conceal our true purpose and heritage from us.The Master Builder of our House is God and it is He who destroys lesser houses erected upon foundations of wickedness and it is He who extends mercy to those who are in error and fallen from grace. The House of God and the house of The Pale Fox Yuruga cannot be constructed or repaired with the same mortar. The mortar of God is Truth, Justice, Mercy, Brotherhood, Faith, Joy, Peace, Patience, Love, Cleanliness, Kindness, Meekness, Compassion, Forgiveness, and stability in obedience to the will of the Spirit of Truth.

The mortar of The Pale Fox Yuruga is lust, wrath, hate, deceit, idolatry, cursing, lying, stealing, adultery, backbiting, murder, fornication, anger, and a desire to please man whether than be obedient to truth and do justice and judgment.No lasting house can be constructed with mixed mortar. Such mixed mortars will endure only for a short period of time that the judgments of God are made manifest to all mankind. For that purpose was the tainted and dreadful house of Pharaoh permitted to be established - that through the power of God, it would be shown that a house not conforming to the image of the House of Our Fathers will be destroyed.

From the foundation to the roof; from the right side to the left; from the back to the front, let us build a sure House of Holy People using the mortar of righteousness proven from the foundation of the worlds. Thus is your function and duty upon this earth if you but knew and understood.


It is certainly a trial for you to be confined in this captivity without any regards for the laws of righteousness and surrounded by those who have chosen wickedness as a way of life. Such was the prophecy from the foundation of the world - that you

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should return to this land and become obedient to those who have fallen farther away from the laws and covenants of peace. Thus do the workers of iniquity give thanks to God for the grace that He has bestowed upon them. You are here that you might be awakened by the Power of a never ending life, and instructed by the things that you will suffer at the hands of those who despise you as they despised your forefathers who were a righteous and God-fearing people. Our responsibility to The God of Peace and Justice is to minister against injustice and suffer with grace, bearing the burden of a nation striving to overcome the prophecies and wills of their Lord. Our fore parents returned to this land under the cruel banner of slavery and at the command of God. We are here by faith and by faith will all works of evil be overcome. This is the Garden of Eden and there is and was no other.

We have suffered for these 1800 years in order that The God of Mercy might extend mercy to a people who in the past have sought only to hinder the Sons of God and destroy the way of Peace.

We are not ourselves thieves, murderers, thugs, vandals, liars, whoremongers, or any of the degrading names applied to us: But by the will of God, we have fallen prey to those who give life to those evil deeds and pronounce creeds and doctrines that spit upon truth.We s ha II soon show them the fruits of the way that they have chosen.


Say, Praise be to Nyame, the Redeemer and Restoration of Truth and punisher of those who resort to base and deceptive acts against that which is offered that a vile nation might receive mercy. It is Nyame who awakened you that the corrosion of falsehood be wiped away from the depths of your mind. You have been as one walking while asleep and were not aware of the glorious truths concerning your captivity.

Now has your life returned to you and by the Power of The Eternal Spirit have the scabs been removed from your eyes by the life you have lived in obedience to the Word of God. Thus has your Lord offered you up as a Lamb for the slaughter that you might be resurrected in the midst of the chief agent of The Pale Fox Yuruga who is enemy of God and man.

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Know that evil prevails not and death is not for ever. The physical you is but flesh that will pass away and return not again; but, the spiritual you as resurrected by Nyame is eternal.

The foundations of sin are cast in unstable sand and the temple of the wicked shall fall. It is Nyame who is maker of kings and it is He who is the destroyer of nations that rise in rebellion to His decrees. Thus does Nyame show to you that which is about to be done.

Nineteen times there have been spreading kingdoms and mixtures of people who preached God with the tongue and cursed Him in their hearts. The dust of those kingdoms verify that there is no power greater than the Omnipotence of Our Lord.Review the life of Melchizedak who looked to heaven and realized that it was God who caused him to count his physical body as nothing and subject to swift destruction. Then did he become one raised from the dead. Thus does Ala teach those who meditate upon the eternal.

Abraham became obedient to the ordinances and will of Nyame and turned his back upon the falsehoods and distortions he had been taught by a degenerate nation and placed his whole faith in the power of God. For the righteousness of Abraham did God set him above those who bathe themselves in sin and corruption and showed Abraham the oaths and obligations of those who seek the pleasures of their Lord.

Thus did Abraham behold the rising sun and turn from idol worship that had prevented him from realization of truth. Thus did Abraham offer up the fruit of his body to a spiritual death having faith that the Living God had all power over death and hell.

The will of God will be done though life be not spared. The will of God will be done though blood flow as mighty rivers. For The Lord God shall judge His people and redeem His Holy Lamb of Sacrifice from this land of the offering. There is no wisdom, knowledge, or understanding that can stand against The Supreme Essence and it is He who is judge of judges in the four corners of the universe.


The believers in the ways of carnal pleasures and the satisfaction of sensual desires have always sought to destroy and misguide the Holy Seed of the Masters of the Waters. Whatever you have done or whatever course of action you have followed in the past, know that your actions, beliefs, and patterns of thought were directly or

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indirectly taught to you by those who have intentionally misled you away from your true function and purpose as a people and nation.

You are guilty of no wrong and stand in the perfection of your spiritual forefathers who chose to bear the burden of captivity. Whether you are among the misleading or the misled in this land was foreordained from the foundation of the world. You have been as one asleep until the Hand of God has now begun to reveal these truths to you.

The Lord God of Israel knows those who He has chosen and in the future you too will realize what a divine mission we have undertaken. If you will continue to be obedient to the Will of God, rest assured that He is able to finish the work that He set in motion. He will reveal ,to those who have led you into captivity that His words are true. Endure the disbelief and open mockery of the Most High and be confident that the Lord's word is Truth and He will punish severely your tormentors. When the Light of Requital shines upon them, they will be justly rewarded from their Lord and not one of them shall escape.

22. LIFE

A tree when it begins to grow must struggle against the dirt and soil; but in the final moments of germination and birth, the tiny sprout can split the heaviest of rocks and find the nourishing rays of sunlight so necessary for life.So is the way of life and the times in which we live. We will pain and labor to bring forth according to the will of Our King - knowing with all of our heart, soul, and mind that sorrow and trials, tribulation, and famines are ministers of the Most High God.

We know what the end will be and we are steadfast in our belief that there is One who observes the mournful moments of our lives and it is by His will that we suffer the works of evil that we might participate in the grand resurrection of truth, spiritual knowledge, and wisdom.

Be strong and continue in the plain path of our fathers who in faith submitted to the cross of crucifixion knowing that the Power of God would in due time be revealed in us. Obedient in death shall we be and the promises given to Abraham will become alive in this day and during these times.

Mockers and scorners shall receive just compensation for all ungodly deeds and the master of deceit shall himself be deceived. The dew of Heaven will again kiss the foreheads of those who kiss not the hand of evil and idolatry and the mountains

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shall thrust forth and sing praises to the God of Jacob. The dry valleys will become over covered with lilies fit to be set upon the table of Our Lord.By the power of an everlasting life, the dead shall speak and the fires shall be quenched by the East wind. The truth is manifest to those who believe.


The future is God and the Holy Word is Truth. The distortions of those who tamper with the Scriptures shall not prevail . . . no, not for a moment longer shall falsehood overcome the Word. Yea, even more, falsehood is already gasping for breath throughout the land and the Glory of Almighty God already shines though the condemned behold Him not.

Yea, and the proud is humbled and the humble are raised in strength. The strong wax weak and the weak become saturated with the dew of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and the scales of death fall away and new garments of righteousness are sewn for those once despised and rejected by men.Behold the great mystery for the eyes of all men shall behold the Glory of God and those steeped in vanity shall witness the power the power of His wrath.Let His will be done. He is the Father and He is Truth. By the power of the sword does the sun rise and that sword is the Holy Word of God Almighty.Praise be to His Name forever.


is the eternal Word that sustains you and by the Will of Nyame and by His Power have the fires intended for destruction of you been turned into fires of purification. It is the Spirit of God that instructs the People of Nommo in the Way of righteousness and resurrects you from the blind paths of false hope of mankind.

It is Nyame who teaches the true reason of your captivity and calls you by your proper name when your enemy has confused you with falsehoods.Nyame, the Compassionate, called Abraham out of a land filled with deceivers, magicians, and serpents who were given the ability to make the lie appear real to those who reject faith. And Abraham was instructed in Truth and Righteousness and became a devotee to Peace. Truly, Abraham was a loyal servant of Nyame.It is you who now stand in the valley of death though you perceive it not. Mourn, then, in the fires of hell and behold the smoke of the furnace until you are awakened to the understanding of what is acceptable and what is to be punished by the Angels.

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To the unbeliever have we prepared utter destruction though they are unaware of what we do. The doers of wickedness shall fall back into the pits of shame and confusion that they created for those who are faithful.Will you be among those who follow them to their doom?


There will soon come a day that those who have set themselves up as judges shall be judged by those upon whom that have passed unlawful judgments.He that has shown no mercy, shall receive that which he showed to others.That is the prophecy and the patience of the Saints of the Most High.There is no falsehood in truth and no truth in that which is falsehood and though heavy veils and thick garments be weaved to conceal the acts of iniquity, yet shall the Light of Truth search out and reveal that which is thought to be safely hidden in hopes of defeating the righteous.

Then witness what that day shall bring forth and watch as the wicked shall flee into their fenced houses begging that the scourge that they have boldly called upon themselves be halted. They have not slept; for in their haste they thought to overthrow the Saints of God and claim victory throughout the world over the chosen people of God.

It is a vain battle that they fight against that which is acceptable. Have they not heard what has been the end of those who cater to the falsehoods of The Pale Fox Yuruga and who take the purveyor of chaos and confusion for a companion?They shall not achieve a victory except in the delusions of their own mind and in the final minute of their lives shall they declare the error of their thought and prostrate themselves before the King of All.


The battle field has been sown with men of good and men of great evil and blasphemy. In accepting the Gospel of Peace and thereby taking a firm stand against that which is false and destructive, realize that you are subject to ridicule, hate, and a well planned campaign to make you appear as the fomenter of discord and trouble in this land. Understand that those who fight against you cherish not the principles of Peace and despise those who are obedient to the commands and laws of The Lord God. Neither do the unrighteous seek to advance the cause of

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Truth; for, falsehood is the accepted way of the disciples of The Pale Fox Yuruga. Truth has no value to those who are lost.

So prepare yourself to be slain for truth, murdered and injured for the just cause that you undertake. Because you turn away from the corruptness of the world shall the world label you with the vilest of names and distort the purpose of your faith as they persecuted your fore-fathers who were men of momentous faith and countenance. Speak the Truth; cultivate Peace, Love, Justice and Mercy. Turn in supplication and prayer to The One and Only True God that you might be among those who are raised. The course is set. It is you who must make the journey.


Do not open the gates of your city that The Pale Fox Yuruga might enter into it. Many nations have fallen before him and he has mustered an army of angels who are masters of deceit and trickery. Those who have given themselves to the will of the destroyer deck themselves with the broadest of smiles and humbled themselves before you in order that they may enter into your places of safety. Succumb not to the pleasantries offered by him as it is The Pale Fox Yuruga's intention to destroy by subtle lies and planned misguidance of your direction that you might become slave to him forever.

Strengthen yourself against the creator of discord and evil and your righteous conduct will be a monument to you in a battle won against the foe of God and man.It is The Pale Fox Yuruga who is divider of nations, peoples and groups that he might separate you from your brother and devour you in the secret of his pit.It is you who were unaware of the slanderous falsehoods perpetrated against you. Then give due praise to your Lord for the Light that you now receive that you may be counted among those who are faithful. Be witness against The Pale Fox Yuruga in the Name of Nyame. That is the best conduct for you if you but understood.


Your life has been but a long journey into the wilderness and the God of Peace and Justice has instructed you in the way that you should go. By those who have been raised by the things suffered by them are you now given the words that are able to guide you into true Peace. Labor to understand; for, indeed you were blinded by your enemies and lulled into false beliefs for illegal gain of those who conspire to slay you mentally and guide you into a path of darkness.

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There can be no alteration of course for you now and those who seek to appease and make friendship with sworn deceivers shall be sternly punished.Praise be to the Merciful. It is He who has resurrected you and by His Hand shall you be established. Life has sprouted from that which was dead and that which you called life is now death. Thus does The Guardian of Peace show you the correct evaluation of all that you have done.


Those who follow the teaching of The Pale Fox Yuruga and worship rotten wood and decaying stones carved and moldered into the likeness of a man are most guilty of blasphemy against their Lord. It is they who bow down before portraits and photographs that they might please those who have power over them. It is they who deny Truth for fear of incurring the wrath of a people destined for destruction.

The Effulgent Spirit has ordained no melted gold or carvings of wood to be called by His Name. It is The True God who created the metals that you now call God and that which is created is not equal with the Creator. Have you no capacity to think?But you are a people, benighted and sacrificed for the misdeeds of those who now count you as a thing of nothing, You are prey to their schemes and designs conducted and initiated to hide you from yourself and mislead you far from the truth. Thus is the thing that they do if you understood.

The servants of The Pale Fox Yuruga have done these deeds of gross wickedness and blasphemous acts and have formed secret combinations and societies to conceal the thing that they do. But with The Knower is all knowledge and there is nothing unknown to the servants of God.If you are wise and wish not to be cast further into the pits of the purveyor of chaos and confusion, cease the blasphemous acts against your Creator. He is Most Merciful to those who turn from error.


There are but two fundamental forces that govern and control all organisms. There is the creative force (spiritually referred to as the day) and there is the destructive force (spiritually called night.) The creative force (energy) is responsible for procreation, reproduction, and growth. Opposite the creative force (energy) is the destructive force which is responsible for the breaking apart, the decay, and the

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consumption of that which is already created. We call the creative force Day and it is the spiritual force that fosters truth, right conduct, right thinking, spiritual development, unity, cooperation, peace, love, justice, mercy, and selflessness, all of which generate and sustain that which is life.

We refer to the destructive force as Night and it is the carnal force or energy that is responsible for adultery, hate, wars, fornication, strife, idol worship, and every negative deed that leads to the deterioration of those things made by the force of creation.

In Nature it is found that trees, plants, and other self sustaining members of the plant kingdom contain a common chemical element called chlorophyll. This chemical permits the living creative plant to manufacture its own food through the use of sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis. Because of this unique chemical, green plants are self sustaining and are able to exist and build without destroying the natural creations of the environment.

In contrast, there is the negative organism - the parasite that exists by consuming living organisms - the saprophyte that gets its food by devouring dead organisms, and the many variety of leech type fungi, bacteria, and slime molds that survive by robbing and weakening the biological structure of a healthy organism. These parasitic organisms have no chlorophyll and are unable to survive unless they are successful in finding another organism capable of being subverted and subsequently captured by the parasitic organism. Since the chlorophyll chemical is absent in most parasitic organisms, they must literally rob and steal for a livelihood. Having no ability to create, this class of organisms destroy that which is already in existence and survive by devouring the substance, vitamins and minerals of the victim organism.

Thus, you can clearly see a direct correlation between the chemical composition of an organism and its function in the natural order of nature. Blood is blood and urine is urine solely due to chemical content. The function of blood and urine is entirely different. The biological inheritance or the potential abilities of an individual is dependent upon the chemical composition of the genes of the parents.

The chemical composition of the genes is dependent upon the arrangement of the nuclear acid molecules which are dependent upon chemical composition. The chemical composition of the genetic materials that cause reproduction determines whether the organism being produced will be a dog, a cat, a mouse, an ape, or a man. Any matter, either living or dead, is what it is due to its basic composition. Iron is not steel because their chemistry is not the same. Salt is not sugar for the same reason. Chemical composition determines how one organism will react in

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relation to another and that reaction determines the function of the reacting organism.

It is a rule of chemistry and a proven biological fact that two substances, cells, or other materials not having the same chemical composition have not the same functions. The function of anything is determinedly its chemical composition or biological structure which structure also depends upon chemical composition of the structure. There is no truth to the widely preached and taught philosophy that all men are the same or all people are the same either functionally or chemically. It is a known fact that the black man has an abundance of a chemical in his body that is absent in a marked degree in the bodies of other races That chemical is Melanin and it is responsible for the pigmentation of the hair, skin, eyes, and teeth. Therefore, it is indisputable that the black man is basically and primarily different from the other races in the most important differences that separates all matter - that difference is chemistry.

Therefore it follows in logical conclusion that if the two are different in chemistry, there must be a corresponding difference in function. Either the function of the black man is different from that of his European brother or the whole law of chemistry or biological science caves in at the foundation. If he is different in function (as science must accept as fact and logic affirms) then the unsuccessful efforts of the black man to solve black problems by use of white solutions is in grave error.

Further, if two organisms differ in color, they are also different in basic chemistry; for color of objects, materials, and organisms depends upon the type of light reflected from that object, material or organism. And the type and wave length of light reflected by an object is dependent upon chemical composition of that object, material or organism.

The above statements are facts that you can check for yourself through what can be learned from reading the many books you have been taught to believe. There is no double talk here; for The Almighty God despises and abhors those who double talk for the purpose of misleading the people to commit further error. There is the positive (creative) force and the negative (destructive) force. The sun, moon, and stars in the heavens verify the existence of the creative force and the evidence of decay, disease, and death of the flesh attest to the existence of the destructive.

It was the Holy Father who in the Spirit and a second time in the flesh operating through the chosen of the Masters of the Waters separated the destroying spirit from the creative spirit and assigned the destroying spirit the task of ruling over those organisms and peoples who willingly become obedient to the suggestions

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and manipulations of the negative force. We call this spirit of destruction The Pale Fox Yuruga, the adversary. The Pale Fox Yuruga, too, was given a House of people and was permitted to manifest that spirit of destruction into flesh and blood. Without a body to corrupt, the spirit of rebellion and death was but negative energy. In virology, we learn that parasitic organisms such as those causing pneumonia, diphtheria, tuberculosis and other diseases are of no consequence unless there is a healthy cell to corrupt,and destroy. The destroyer must first establish a bridge of communication between itself and its intended victim. The destroyer must win over or break down its victim and render the chemical content and initial function of the victim useless. The chemical potential of the victim must be subverted and replaced by actions indicative of an absence of the chemical content. Then the victim is sufficiently altered in personality to imitate the destroyer.

These chemical truths are given to you that you might for yourself analyze the things that you have been taught and how they have been twisted and distorted in order to lead you away from your true self. There must be a restoration of analytical thinking before you are able to follow the perversions of truth handed to you by those who wish to continue your slavery for personal gain.Merely accepting statements as true without logical explanations is not thinking. If one claims that all men are the same, let him demonstrate that all men are in fact the same as he wishes you to believe. If a person asks you to believe a statement that is contrary to what you know to be true from previously learned facts, then what he asks you to believe is a lie. Physical similarities are important. Chemical similarities are important. And any who seek to misguide you by stating that all people have the same function when all people have not the same chemistry is either laboring in delusions of knowledge or systematically seeking to mislead you for the sake of a personal gain to himself. It is your function, based upon your chemistry, your previous history, your biological inheritance, and your physical characteristics, to demonstrate to the vast world of unbelievers and doers of evil that by the Power of God Almighty you might come to your true self and destroy the influence of the wicked and perverse people who spit and mock upon truth and justice after having received the highest of mercies from our Lord.

Let us move on and discuss further the two opposing forces. Each and every organism, no matter now small or how simple is born into this universe by creative process. That which is living is born with certain critically necessary primary instincts that are already a part of that organism inborn in what is known as the genetic code. By these instincts the organism knows:

(1). How and when to reproduce;(2). What to eat;

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(3). Where to find its food;(4). Where to live;(5). How to build its home;(6). How to communicate;(7). With whom to communicate;(8). How to care for its off spring;(9). How to recognize its enemies;(10). How to use its natural endowments to protect itself from its enemies.

For example: A dog barks from birth and that is a dog's natural language of communication. A bird by natural gifts knows that a worm is food and that his home is to be built in the tall trees. The bee constructs a magnificent hive unsurpassed by any architectural creation by man; yet the bee attends no engineering school nor does he attend construction classes. The language of the lowest of animals permits them to sufficiently communicate and survive in the midst of an often hostile environment.

The point here is that these instinctive qualities and inherited knowledge necessary for the survival of the living organism is already programmed into the system of the particular organism. The protection of these living things is born with them and their structures are designed to take advantage of natural gifts and biological inherited actions and patterns of survival.

You too, were born with natural gifts and inborn knowledge. These creative instinctive forces were with you on the day of your birth and were subsequently destroyed by a deviate and destructive knowledge of a people seeking to destroy every creative and Godlike quality possessed by The Nation of the True and Living God. Anglo-Saxon is not your language. It is a language that is a combination of the ten languages spoken by the European who rebelled against the Laws, Customs, and the Statutes of the Holy One of Israel from the foundation of the world. It is not a creative language, for a language arising from the seeds of spiritual rebellion could hardly be characterized as creative. Your language is that spoken to The Magnificent when He ordained the creation of man. Your home and the blueprints to it are hidden under the courses of carpentry, and homebuilding taken by you in the various schools operated to facilitate your conformance to a life foreign to you and your function as a person of truth.

The knowledge possessed by you at birth permits you to recognize and neutralize your natural enemy who is the purveyor of chaos and confusion who hopes to exalt himself against God by refusing to recognize you as coming out from God and thereby being the race designated and so called the People of The Most High. It is the intent of the negative force and power to erase the Sons and Daughters of God

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from the book of the righteous as the disciples of The Pale Fox Yuruga were erased when they forsaken the guidance of their Lord for the folly of their own weak and devious desires. It is The Pale Fox Yuruga who is a constant schemer, but Nyame is the neutralizer of schemers who fight against truth. Thus does Nyame teach those who are in error and raise those who have fallen prey to knowledge corrupted and distorted by those seeking to erase the expression of God from the face of the earth.


The body of man as created by God stands divided into three distinct divisions. They are:

(1). The Sons of Light. (Spirit)(2). The Multitudes and Nations (Mind)(3). The Sons of Darkness. (Flesh)

The Sons of Light are the Prophets, Seers, Holy Men, Teachers of Righteousness and those who cultivate the Gardens of Life through works of the Highest Spirit which works are: Love, Justice, Truth, Mercy, Faith, Unity, Temperance, and Patience. The Sons of Light are the Deputies of God and it is through them that the Will of The Creator is made known to the world.

The Multitudes are the followers and disciples of either the Sons of Light or the Sons of Darkness and it is their function and duty to maintain superiority over the Sons of Darkness and carry out the Will of God as pronounced in the Holy Books, Scriptures, and Writings of the Sons of Light.

The Sons of Darkness are the rejecters of the philosophies and teachings of the Sons of Light and have given themselves over to the cravings and lusts of Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Envying, Murder, Drunkenness, Reveling, Thievery, Disobedience, Un-mercifulness, Maliciousness, and like deeds in opposition to the orderly operation of the entire body.

In the beginning, the Nations and Multitudes rejected the Sons of Light and became subject to the wiles and dictates of the Sons of Darkness who were an ancient nation deemed unfit to reside among the Sons of Light. It was through these rebelling Multitudes and Nations that the Sons of Darkness and the demonic doctrines of the Sons of Darkness established themselves in the body.

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The Sons of Darkness had no power to corrupt or overcome the Sons of Light except that it be by the Will of God to whom the Sons of Light remained obedient. As the Nations and Multitudes became freed of the Spiritual influences of the Sons of Light, they came under the increased influence of the demonic Sons of Darkness and imitated them in both thought and action.

In process of time, over a period of forty-nine thousand years, the Sons of Light were benighted and blinded by the Will of God. This blinding of the Sons of Light was ordained by God so that the conflict between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness would be lessened and the destruction of the Nations and Multitudes would not be necessary.

It was not possible for the Nations and Multitudes to separate themselves from the beliefs and doctrine of the Sons of Darkness except that that Nation or Multitude submitted to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and Gospels of the Sons of Light. They were trapped and tempted by the Sons of Darkness and slowly became willing servants to the evil deeds and demonic machinations of the Sons of Darkness. In further delusion, the Nations doubted the very existence of the Sons of Light who legend recorded as being the manifestation of God having supremacy over the Flesh. The Multitudes, having fallen under the command of the Sons of Darkness became the energy source and were lulled into the catastrophic belief that the Sons of Darkness were representatives of the Sons of Light in obedience to God. Finally, the Nations and Multitudes were cut off from the knowledge of the existence of the Sons of Light who by Will of the laws of cosmic regeneration and immortality were enslaved by and became the energy source for the Sons of Darkness.

At the beginning of the New Era, the Sons of Light were resurrected and restored as a Nation by the Power and Mercy of their Lord and Redeemer. The Nations and Multitudes who witnessed the regeneration of truth and righteousness doubted the validity of the Sons of Light. The Nations and Multitudes had long accepted the Sons of Darkness as representing the eternal way of life and those Nations and Multitudes believed that the works of darkness and the works of light were the same.

The Spiritual knowledge of the Nations and Multitudes acting in obedience to the Sons of Darkness was used to challenge the spiritual knowledge of the Sons of Light and the Nations became confused due to a developed reliance upon the methods of the Sons of Darkness in the carrying out of their daily spiritual and secular lives. Since the Sons of Darkness could not overcome the Sons of Light until an appointed time one-thousand years later, the Sons of Darkness struggled to

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hold the Nations and Multitudes in mental captivity through promises and deceits designed to tempt the Nations above that which they could endure.

Upon the resurrection of the Sons of Light, the Nations and the Sons of Darkness must submit to the teachings of those Sons of Light either by voluntary submission or by death to the Sons of Darkness and those Nations who continue to forsake the path of those preaching the oneness of God.

If the Nations and Multitudes submit to the teachings of the Sons of Light; that Nation will be in unity with the Creator and the Sons of Darkness will be controlled by the action of the Divine Nation or Peoples and the Sons of Light.

If the Sons of Darkness acknowledge the error of false belief and cease to do battle with their god, the Nations will have no other alternative.

If both the Sons and Nations submit to the will of their Lord, the entire body is then in unison and there will be no more works of evil to cover the earth.Thus does Nyame make known to you that which was thought to be hidden.


Your labor, the education that you have received, the knowledge that you have learned or acquired while in captivity in North America has not profited you in overcoming your ‘condition of servitude. Instead, it is evident that the total sum of your service to another people has led to an undeniable depletion of your physical, economic, and moral strength. We observe, and it is all too apparent to any who wish to objectively evaluate the problem, that your captor not only profits from the systematic usurpation of your strength and labor but that your squalid condition as a nation is the supporting cause of the fatness of America and those who enjoy the rights and privileges and constitute the people of America.

You accumulate properties and financial holdings only to lose them in unfortunate incidences of urban development, legal confiscation, and much of your gains are depleted in your effort to save that which you acquired. In all properties and functions you might be described as being food for the giant body of America and you are thereby consumed by the giant body in order that that body might obtain its needs for survival.

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What is food? Food is living matter, or matter that at one time possessed life, that is used to nourish another body by being digested and assimilated by the body in order to sustain the life of the body consuming the food. The nutrients (valuable possessions) obtained from the food material is subsequently made a part of the energy (work) producing mechanism of the body that consumes the food.Is there anyone who can deny that you and your forefathers before you have been a very intricate part of the energy (work) producing programs of America; yet, you cannot be rightly considered as being a part of the consuming body because by and large you have not grown or profited as a nation of people by your labor and giving up of your energies. Neither does food profit from the giving up of its energies to the devouring body.

No animal, plant, or other matter being used as food can be absorbed or digested by another body unless that potential food is first broken down, The breaking down of the potential food must occur until the food molecules are formed with the exact size and consistency for absorption into the blood stream of the body. In other words, the potential food must undergo a change and become a new substance both chemically and physically different from its original composition. It must be converted into substances and elements similar to the substances and elements already existing in and constituting the body 'that is eating the food. The potential food cannot be depleted of its energy and put to work in the body until the necessary chemical and physical changes have taken place either artificially outside of the body or naturally inside the body.The sole purpose of the body’s digestive system is to insure that the potential food is broken down and has been reduced to the same chemical composition as the food already digested in the body.

First, you must ask yourself whether or not it is the obvious purpose of the giant body of America to put you, and others belonging to your nation, to put you to work in its body, its systems, its various industrial complexes, its departments of government and other profitable enterprises. Bear in mind the biological fact that for the food's obedience to the body, the food that is devoured receives nothing in return from the body and when the energy has been withdrawn from the food, it is cast out of the body and counted as nothing (feces) by the consuming body. Does the same treatment apply to you after you have fulfilled your duties and obligations in the giant body of North America as applies to food after it has been stripped of its value to the body. Has America shown you and your fellow brothers compassion, indebtedness, responsibility, or kindness? . . . or upon the completion of your usefulness cast you aside as the feces of society?

Let us move on and develop the analogy further. Let us as true seekers (in obedience to the will of our Father) of eternal freedom for the Moorish American,

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The Brothers in Islam, The Sons of Israel, in captivity in North America. Let us see whether or not the method of your consumption as a nation of people can logically be compared to the bodies consumption of ordinary food. For, we who linger and strive to enlightened America's enslaved, Holy and undefiled nation cannot overlook any logical conclusions; especially when all previous teachings have served only to envelope that nation in a spider's web of false hope.

As fore stated, prior to the bodies' digestion of food, that food must be broken down and changed both chemically and physically so that it might be absorbed in the blood (transportation tissue) stream of the body. It is then carried by the bloodstream to a location in the body where it is put to work for the survival of the body. When it is time that the food be used to the benefit of the body, the food is oxidized (burned) and the energy contained by the food is then given off to the body in the form of work. This breaking down of the food is done by specialized molecules in the body called enzymes. These enzymes are themselves composed of food previously digested by the body and used by the body, to break down and change food chemically so that the new food might be digested by the body and its energy utilized.

These enzymes string themselves into long molecular bonds (chains) and each individual enzyme is responsible for a different task in making the potential food easy to digest by the body. A molecule or particle of food that is to undergo change is acted upon by the first enzyme in the link, altered slightly in a specific manner, and conveyed to the next enzyme where it is altered in another way until the food has traveled the length of the entire molecule. The resulting food composition that proceeds from this continuous alteration is entirely different from the food particle that was at first acted upon by the enzyme. Were the food not broken down, changed or otherwise made severely different from its first physical and chemical composition, the body could not eat or digest the food. and as a result the body would become unable to sap the energy from a food that it could not digest.

It is written in the Holy Bible:

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; awoman clothed with the sun, and the moon underher feet, and upon her head a crown of twelvestars: ... and the dragon stood before the womanto devour her child as soon as it was born.'Revelations 12: 1-4

Thus does Nyame show to you the truth of that which you have been taught to reject.

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If, then, it is true that the Moorish Americans and the Sons and Daughters Of God are actually serving in the capacity of food nutrients for a larger body, we might look still further into this parabolic observation. Drawing from that which has already been discussed and moving with the assumption that it is the desire of the great body of America to put you to work in its systems, let us see how you are broken down and made conducive and agreeable to serve as food for the great body of America. What are the enzymes that alter and change you both chemically and physically and condition you to serve as foodstuffs for the great house or body of America. It is expedient that you realize these truths and admit truth where truth is provable either by analogy or scientific knowledge.

How do enzymes break down and pull apart food? What are the enzymes used to negate the original composition of the Moorish Americans, The Sons of the Living God? How do these enzymes operate and what is the total result of their actions? How? What? When? Where? Why? These are the questions that must be answered if true freedom and everlasting justice is to be obtained for the Chosen Seed of The Masters of the Waters held in captivity in North America.

The enzymes do not directly break down food into nutritional elements. What they do is to cause other food molecules or pieces to combine with another substance (usually water). With the addition of the new substance to the food, the food pieces (molecule) become unstable and split, divide, and break up due to an imbalance created by the addition. This is division by process of addition.. It operates on the fact that by adding new substances to that which we hope to break down, we cause the potential food to burst apart under its own power. This process is also utilized in Nuclear Fusion. In Nuclear Fusion, additional matter (substance) is added to the nucleus (center) of another atom, thereby causing the receiving atom to become highly unstable and explosive. Finally the unstable atom will burst apart with a force greater than thousands of tons of dynamite.

Is it possible to join you with substances, things, and ideas that will cause you to become unstable and split apart? The same laws that govern the smallest bit of living matter also govern you who are composed of living molecules linked to form a giant molecule called man. For, no matter how extremely important you believe that you are, the smallest living things in existence do the same things that you do and are subject to the same molecular laws governing the action of atoms and molecules.

What are the enzymes that reduce you to a state of food for the great body of America? They are the so-called harmless acts and philosophies that you have been taught to believe are accepted standards of conduct and methods of thinking. The

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enzymes that permit your being devoured are Idolatry, Hate, Adultery, Murder, Violence, Greed, Selfishness, Thievery, Pride, Strife, Envy, Disobedience, and other infamous deeds committed by and propagated by the great house of America. These are the Enzymes that reduce you to slavery and divide and separate you from your brother. These are the enzymes that permit you to be devoured by a Goliath who seeks to utilize your strength (Oxidize or burn you) for the progress of North America. There is no physical weapon that forces you to remain separated as a nation of people and there is likewise no weapon that causes food in the human body to split and divide. But you are divided from your brother by the changes you have experienced in preparation for your being devoured by the great body of America and the inhabitants of America upon whom God Almighty has shown the highest of mercies.

Then how are you devoured. We will take your consumption step by step in order that you might save yourself from the mouth of the dragon who seeks to devour you:

First, they trap you with their mouths. They promise you better opportunities, more freedom, better education, better jobs and raise your expectations and hopes. This is the primary step in preparing any food for digestion. It must first be captured by the mouth where the food (you) is slightly changed by the enzyme (promise) that begins the breaking down process preparatory to complete digestion.Next, we bring the tongue into play. They tell you that: Freedom comes only through the barrel of a gun; it's alright to commit crimes against God so long as you don't get caught; you are inferior and your people have always been inferior; superiority is being of a race other than your own. Since they control the liquor and narcotics, they announce that it is alright to drink and narcotics are a problem you created because of a weakness you possess. They declare that it is Godly to bow down and worship metal casted in a furnace and wood carved from a rotten tree calling them by the Name of God. They tell you that Jesus Christ is hanging on a cross and some day he will come out of the clouds. They say that God is dead and man evolved from a monkey and your ancestors were rescued by them. With their tongues, the great house of America wash you around from cheek to cheek, changing you from your true self to a substance that can be used as food for the body.

Now the food must be separated and lose its original identity.. With them the prospective food is further divided, mashed, and torn beyond recognition. They tell you that your brothers that are poor are worthless slobs who are lazy and shiftless and that you are different from your own and more like them. They keep your wife employed, but deny the man constructive employment, thereby forcing the man to divide himself from his family in disgust. They emasculate and condemn you at

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every opportunity and when signs of unity appear, harass you with new laws and ordinances against your group purposes. They cultivate mistrust between you and your brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, and friends by spreading falsehood concerning your conduct and affairs, forcing others to doubt your integrity.

Now comes the critical period. The food is now ready to be swallowed. There are two sets of muscles ready in the esophagus ready to receive the well-chewed and broken down food. If one did not know better, he would think that one set of muscles were working against the other. One set functions by contracting and expanding (in and out) and the other set operates similar to a long rope that is gently whipped at one end so that the resultant wave goes from one end of the rope to the other in one continuous motion. The combination of motion is called peristaltic waves. Realizing that you are ignorant of their schemes, they swallow you up. Since you have been changed by previous actions of the enzymes, you are now unaware of what is occurring and offer no intelligent resistance.

To facilitate your descent they publish new enzymes to further alter your true character and composition. They preach to you that your only hope for freedom is to gain material things. They convict you of crimes against society and when due to your ill treatment you begin to become aware of what they do, they set the other muscles into operation working in a different direction but for the same identical purpose. By the time that you realize that both sets of muscles are working in conjunction to devour you and rob you of your human status, it is too late and you are conveyed to the stomach where shortly you will be transported to the bloodstream and delivered to a place in the body where you will give up your energy (be burned).

In the stomach, the body acids and stronger enzymes begin to operate. The food is now becoming a part of the energy-giving mechanism of the body. The food has now been changed to a chemical and physical composition like that of the consuming body.

You, in furtherance of the plan of digestion, are told that violence Is power; there is no harm in idol worship, murder for a just cause, stealing, cursing and lying; man can control his own destiny; Jesus Christ is dead; production of worldly goods is freedom; physical death is the end of one's existence; and the nation of your captivity is undefeatable by the powers of Ala. In the acceptance of the philosophies and teachings that reduce you to the level of your captor and permit your use as food for the giant body of America, you are more than ready for digestion. Since you were born, you have been guided along a sure enzyme path that has now changed you from your true self and reduced you to the status of food for the body.

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And no one would dare accuse them of doing anything but living the life that they have chosen for themselves. For they defend themselves by asking, "Am I my brother's Keeper?"

Real food would have no physical weapon in its hand if it seriously wished to slay the eater. All that real food would need to do is to make it impossible for the eater to digest it and the eater would starve. If the eater suddenly lost the ability to break down and split the food into simpler substances, the eater would die. The devourer must make his potential food physically and chemically like himself or starve.Thus does your Lord show you the folly of those who say that your ability to become like your captor is the solution to your problems.

It is evident that the real key to your freedom lies in your ability to resist becoming chemically, physically, morally, and philosophically like those who seek to swallow you up and rob you of your energy. Your salvation lies in your ability to campaign against murder without becoming a murderer. The enzymes that break down and separate you as a nation must be destroyed and new emphasis must be placed upon Truth, Justice, Mercy, Love, and Unity against which there is no victory. You must rebel against stealing by not taking that which is not your own.

You must wage campaigns against such destructive enzymes as houses of ill fame, drunkenness, dope, gambling, idolatry, hate, adultery, and every wicked deed that causes you to be at variance with your natural brothers. Are you not killed, both legally and illegally, for conduct outside of the written law? Are not the ma j or it y of the written laws for which you are punished for violating also the Holy Laws of God? Then commit yourselves to the in the Name of Righteousness doing those acts that are constructive and creative. That is the best conduct for you to follow, if you but knew the end of those who turn against their Lord.


WHO ART THOU, 0 merciless one,That trample and despise MY Beloved Son? Who ART THOU, man of hate and mirth, Who grinds their faces in MY Sacred Earth?WHO ART THOU, 0 maker of fire,Who the Power of Messiah raised from the mire? WHAT IS THY NAME, 0 hell now supreme, That holds MY Sons in base esteem?O Sacred Head in the mist of the Sea,

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Whose ears have refrained from obeying ME, RISE UP - WAKE UP - Thy sleep was long; LIFT UP - SING ALOUD your predestined Song.O Prophet consumed with fear and dread, How shall WE awake Thee from the dead? How shall WE summon Thee from the grave, To do Thy works - The World to save?STAND ASIDE, 0 man of sin and vice, Unloose MY People, free MY Sacrifice:TOUCH THEM NOT - HURT THEM NOT – 0 chastising one For I AM his FATHER, And he IS MY Son.

Thus does Nyame teach you that there is no profit in the imitation of the wicked. Then Praise be to Nyame for the mercy and compassion that He has shown to you.It is written by those who are obedient to Nyame:Thus does Nyame and the whole of the ABOSOM call you to repentance and sound the silver trumpets of Truth.I come to thee in the Name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the Armies of Israel, whom the world has defied.

34. TEACHINGS of Nyame:

As a tree that groweth without roots;So is a man that denieth the Supremacy of God. A sudden wind shall topple him and His branches shall not bear fruit.

A young plant seeks the clear waters from Heaven and The Almighty decrees that harmful Food be rejected that the orderly life of the Plant be not impaired; Thus man who loveth The Master must reject the muddy waters of Man's own creation or live a life impaired Of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge.

As the vibrant rays of the sun reaches into The deep valleys and separateth the pure Crystal of water from the soddened soil,So the merciful fire of the Almighty separateh the obedient from the vain.

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As the eyes perceive according to the thoughts Of the beholder, so the tongue speaketh according to the treasures of the heart.A continual drunkard knoweth not sobriety. A constant sinner shall not know God.

By knowledge doest man hew crude stones For the building of the Temple and by Knowledge The Almighty fashions man for the Erection of His House.

As the burden upon the back of a camel Turneth to pure water in times of draught, Thus the burdens of life washeth the man Who seeketh God.

As The Almighty knoweth the Serpent who Shedeth his skin, man who seeketh to Deceive God is taken in his own vanity.

Pure gold and precious diamonds are found Among the clay. Why then seeketh ye God Among the marble castles built by your Hands?

The works of a man testifieth long after The reaper has come, and who among you Knoweth what lieth beyond the grave?

Seek God, for He surely seeketh those in Whose heart is the Searchlight of Truth. He who is dead in God shall be quickened; He who dieth in sin, his life shall not Return unto him.

Strong acids eateth away the outer layer Of skin; Thus profound hate for one'sBrother consumeth the inner Soul of the Body.

As a tree cometh from the buried darkness And loneliness of the Earth, so shall The Son of Man rise up from the deep pits and His branches shall seek the Light of God in The Heavens.

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