Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the...

Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installaon and Basics F.J. Beltrán, L. Barbas, P. de Vicente Informe Técnico IT-CDT 2016-17

Transcript of Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the...

Page 1: Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the control system on three computers delivered temporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of

Nyalesund 13.2 m control system:

Installation and Basics

F.J. Beltrán, L. Barbas, P. de Vicente

Informe Técnico IT-CDT 2016-17

Page 2: Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the control system on three computers delivered temporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of

Revision History

Version Date Author Update1.0 01-06-2016 F.J. Beltrán First draf

Page 3: Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the control system on three computers delivered temporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of


1 Summary..............................................................................................................................4

2 ACS and OS installation........................................................................................................4

3 Weather station installation and tests................................................................................9

3.1. - Weather Station MET4A installation..............................................................................10

3.1.1. - Wiring.....................................................................................................................10

3.1.2. - Configuration..........................................................................................................12

3.2. - Wind Sensor WMT701 installation................................................................................14

3.2.1. - Wiring.....................................................................................................................14

3.2.2. - Configuration..........................................................................................................18

3.3. - Data acquisition sofware..............................................................................................20

4 Counter installation and tests............................................................................................22

4.1. - Wiring............................................................................................................................23

4.2. - Configuration.................................................................................................................24

4.3. - Data acquisition sofware..............................................................................................26

5 Modifications at the control system..................................................................................27

5.1. - ACS customization for NyAlesund..................................................................................27

5.1.1. - ACS components.....................................................................................................27

5.2. - FS (Field System)............................................................................................................30

6 The command line interface. Single dish observations.....................................................31

6.1. - How to use ACS Command Center................................................................................31

6.2. - How to use the command line interface........................................................................34

7 Observations with the Field System..................................................................................35

8 Aperture efficiency and gain..............................................................................................36

A Appendix............................................................................................................................38

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1 Summary

The Norwegian Mapping Authority (hereafer NMA) has started the erection of two geodeticantennas 13.2 m diameter at Ny Alesund. The antennas are basically identical to the 13.2m onein Yebes and will use the same control system as the Yebes one. This report summarizes theworks performed to install and test the control system on three computers deliveredtemporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of the computers will run the FS and one the telescopescontrol system. Other equipment was also sent to be tested and integrated in the controlsystem: a MET4 weather station with Vaisala wind sensors and one Agilent counter to be usedfor the cable measurement and/or the GPS - maser comparison.

The installation of the control system for Ny Alesund was done at the same time that weupgraded the control system at Yebes 13.2 m. We believe that it will ease the installation atother RAEGE antennas and may provide a reliable path and system to similar antennasdesigned and built by MT-Mechatronics. The telescope control system runs under Debian/Linuxand uses ALMA Common Sofware (ACS) infrastructure.

2 ACS and OS installation

The installation of Debian Jessie was performed on the three computers using a CD(Debian 8.3.0 AMD-64 version for the control system and Debian 8.3.0 netinst i386 forFS) and a network connection to upgrade the packages. The routes included in/etc/apt/sources.list are listed below:

deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-freedeb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free

deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-freedeb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free

deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-freedeb-src http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-free

deb http://deb-multimedia.org/ jessie main non-freedeb-src http://deb-multimedia.org/ jessie main non-free

Several user accounts were created and their details are summarized in appendix A.Additional packages are required to allow the compilation of the ACS sources and ofthe components:

apt-get updateaptitude install deb-multimedia-keyringapt-get updateapt-get upgradeaptitude install g++ gfortran python-dev bison flex libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev autoconf doxygen valgrind procmail openjdk-7-jdk ant python-mysqldb kshpython-numpy python-scitools python-pip ipython libcfitsio3-dev libfftw3-dev git libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev blt-dev time tclx8.4-dev emacs python-pexpect python-libxml2 pychecker cppcheck python-pmw python-libxslt1 python-ldap python-gnuplot python-pysnmp2 python-setuptools liblas-dev liblapack-dev libtool byacc automake omniorb omniorb-idl omniorb-nameserver omniidl python-omniorb libomniorb4-dev libreadline-dev make maven python-virtualenv graphviz tree icedtea-7-plugin

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During the OS installation any time zone can be chosen, together with the keyboardmapping and the language. It is recommended to use the keyboard mapping thatmatches the physical available keyboard and English as language. Other languagesmight generate errors during running time due to a different locale. This is the case forSpanish where commas and dots with numbers have a different meaning. To solve thisissue all C or C++ code requires using a locale setting:


Choosing English helps avoiding this locale problem. Once the installation is completed the time zone should be changed to UTC reconfiguring package tzdata.

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Select first “None of the above” and then UTC.

The European Soutern Observatory (ESO) provides support for ACS installation inRedHat and Scientific Linux. Debian is not officially supported, but Jorge Avarias hascreated a branch of the code that compiles in Debian. Information can be found inhttps://github.com/javarias/ACS/wiki/Ubuntu-port. The steps are described below:

User account nymgr should be created and use to manage the ACS. Make the following link (as root):ln -s /bin/tar /usr/bin/gtar

Create an account in https:://github.com Generate a public key:ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C [email protected]

Download ACS 2015.4 from github:cd $HOMEgit clone -b ubuntu-port --single-branch https://github.com/javarias/ACS.git ACS-2015.4ln -s ACS-2015.4 ACS

Create alma directory and change ownership (as root): mkdir /almachown -R nymgr.nymgr /alma

Copy the following environmental variables using ACS .bash_profile:mkdir $HOME/.acscp $HOME/ACS/LGPL/acsBUILD/config/.acs/.bash_profile.acs $HOME/.acs/source $HOME/.acs/.bash_profile.acs –r

Clear variables:unset JAVA

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Add the next line at the end to file $HOME/.bashrc:export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64#If a 32 bits OS is used, comment the line above and uncomment the following line #export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386export M2_HOME=/usr/share/mavenexport M2=/usr/share/maven/binsource $HOME/.acs/.bash_profile.acs -r

Log out and in from nymgr account

Install bash shell by reconfiguring package dash and selecting to use bash:dpkg-reconfigure dash

Download external products:cd $HOME/ACS/ExtProd/PRODUCTS./download-products.sh

Compile external products. Products are an assorted bundle of packages required by the ACS.

cd $HOME/ACS/ExtProd/INSTALLmake all

A correct compilation shows the following log:WARNING: Do not close this terminal: some build might fail!Create ACS-2015.4buildTcltk [ OK ]buildTAO [ OK ]buildDDS [ OK ]buildOpenSpliceDDS [ OK ]buildJacORB [ OK ]buildPython [ OK ]buildOmniORB [ OK ]buildMico [ OK ]buildEclipse [ OK ]WARNING: Now log out and login again to make sure that the environment is re-evaluated!

__oOo__ . . . 'all' done

Although the output seems to be correct, OpenSplice DDS will not get compiledin a 64 bit architecture. The result of the compilation can be found in thedifferent log files. Tcl/TK will also get some errors that we can neglect.

Compilation of ACS:

Modify file $HOME/ACS/Makefile and leave the following line like:#GMP = gmpGMP =

Page 7: Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the control system on three computers delivered temporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of

Execute .bashrc to get the correct environment:cd. .bashrccd $HOME/ACSexport INTROOT=$ACSROOT

and compile:make build

No errors should appear on the screen. A correct compilation shows thefollowing log:

cat: /etc/redhat-release: No such file or directoryEvaluating current SCM tagSCM tag is 2014-06-ubuntu-544-gc7c22b8############ Clean Build Log File: build.log ############################# Check directory tree for modules ############################# Prepare installation areas ############################# (Re-)build ACS Software ############################# LGPL/Kit/doc SRC############ LGPL/Kit/acs SRC############ LGPL/Kit/acstempl SRC############ LGPL/Tools/tat SRC############ LGPL/Tools/expat WS############ LGPL/Tools/loki WS############ LGPL/Tools/extjars SRC############ LGPL/Tools/antlr SRC############ LGPL/Tools/hibernate SRC############ LGPL/Tools/extpy SRC############ LGPL/Tools/cppunit SRC############ LGPL/Tools/getopt SRC############ LGPL/Tools/FITS SRC############ LGPL/Tools/astyle SRC############ LGPL/Tools/swig SRC############ LGPL/Tools/xercesc SRC############ LGPL/Tools/xercesj SRC############ LGPL/Tools/castor SRC############ LGPL/Tools/gui MAIN############ LGPL/Tools/xsddoc SRC############ LGPL/Tools/extidl WS############ LGPL/Tools/vtd-xml SRC############ LGPL/Tools/oAW SRC############ LGPL/Tools/shunit2 SRC############ LGPL/Tools/log4cpp WS############ LGPL/Tools/scxml_apache SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jacsutil SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/xmljbind SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/xmlpybind SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acserridl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsidlcommon WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsutilpy SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsutil WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsstartup SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/loggingidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/logging WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acserr WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acserrTypes WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsQoS WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsthread WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acscomponentidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/cdbidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/maciidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/baciidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsncidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsjlog SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/repeatGuard WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/loggingts WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/loggingtsTypes WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jacsutil2 SRC

Page 8: Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the control system on three computers delivered temporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of

############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/cdb WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/cdbChecker SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/codegen SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/cdb_rdb SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsalarmidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsalarm SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsContainerServices WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acscomponent WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/recovery WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/basenc WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/archiveevents WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/parameter SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/baci WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/enumprop WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acscallbacks SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsdaemonidl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jacsalarm SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jmanager SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/maci WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/task SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acstime WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsnc WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsncdds SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsdaemon WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acslog WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acstestcompcpp SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsexmpl WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jlogEngine SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acspycommon SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsalarmpy SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acspy SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/comphelpgen SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/XmlIdl SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/define WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acstestentities SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jcont SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jcontnc SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/nsStatisticsService SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jacsalarmtest SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jcontexmpl SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/jbaci SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/monitoring MAIN############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acssamp WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/mastercomp SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acspyexmpl SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/nctest WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acscommandcenter SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acssim SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/bulkDataNT SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/bulkData SRC############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/containerTests MAIN############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acscourse WS############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/ACSLaser MAIN############ LGPL/CommonSoftware/acsGUIs MAIN############ Benchmark/util SRC############ Benchmark/analyzer SRC############ LGPL/acsBUILD SRC############ DONE (Re-)build ACS Software #################... done

A detailed log of the compilation can be found in build.log. If there anerror related to jacorb is shown, there may be some problem with thecorresponding external product. Have a look at extprods.links.txt in thiscase.

Create introot directory structure:cdgetTemplate

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selecting the following options:directoryStructurecreateINTROOTareaintroot"Press ENTER 3 times"

Make the following link in order to use Python packages installed in Debianln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages /alma/ACS-2015.4/Python/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

3 Weather station installation and tests

Ny Alesund weather equipment consists of a MET4A weather station and a WMT701wind sensor from Vaisala. Fig.1 shows the basic connection scheme for this equipment.As explained later, the communication with the weather equipment is done via aLantronix USD2100 device which converts two RS232 interfaces into an Ethernetinterface. The RS232 configuration used is summarized in Fig. 2:

Figure 1: Weather equipment basic connection scheme.

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Figure 2: Weather equipment RS232 configuration.

3.1. - Weather Station MET4A installation

3.1.1. - Wiring

The remote communication is done via a RS232 or RS485 interfaces. We used an RS232

interface connected to a Lantronix UDS2100 device, which allows to monitor and

control two RS232 ports via Ethernet: one device on TCP/IP port 10001 and the other

one on 10002. Fig. 3 is a photograph of the device used during the tests in Yebes:

Figure 3: Lantronix UDS2100 device.

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The RS232 communication parameters can be set at the Lantronix using its web


- Baud Rate: 9600

- Data bits: 8

- Parity: None

- Stop bits: 1

- Flow control: None

The weather station is connected to serial port 1 and uses the TCP/IP port 10001.

Figs. 4, 5 and 6 show the wiring used in the Yebes Observatory while testing the station

and the sofware:

Figure 4: The connector with the blue ring is below the main block. It is protected foroutdoor operations. This cable supplies power and communications to the weather


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Figure 5: RS232/RS485 weather station MET4A adapter. Power supply is on one side(voltage + ground). The two other ends are for RS232 connections: one from the station

and the other to the receiving end. They can be easily identified from their tags.

Figure 6: Weather Station MET4A power supply

The adapter shown in Fig. 5 is connected at the end of the cable displayed in Fig. 4. The

adapter allows RS485 or RS232. RS485 requires delivering power (5 volts) to the

adapter, whereas this supply is not required for RS232. RS485 wires can be connected

on the adapter bottom side of Fig. 5, where Rx and Tx sockets are tagged. The RS232

connector can be connected to the adapter connector tagged as RS – 232. Only one of

these two modes should be connected since there is no switch that allows to choose

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between both. RS485 mode is a good option for long distances since it uses two wires

for the signal. However, since we are using a Lantronix converter and it will be located

close by, the RS232 was selected as the operating mode for the weather station.

3.1.2. - Configuration

The weather station installed is a MET4A model by Paroscientific, Inc. This station

yields pressure, temperature and relative humidity measurements with the following


- Pressure accuracy is better than ±0.08 hPa from 500 to 1100 hPa.

- Temperature accuracy is better than ±0.2°C from -50 to +60 deg C.

- Relative humidity accuracy is better than ± 2% percent from 0 to 100%RH at 25

deg C.

The weather station can be polled, a request is followed by a measurement, or it can

be monitored continuously. In the latter case a start command starts a periodic

measurement until a stop command is received. Ny Alesund weather station was

configured in poll mode. Strings commanded require a carriage return and a line feed

as termination characters: ‘\r\n’ respectively. ASCII commands used are summarized in

the following table:

Command Response Description

*0100P9\r\n $WIXDR,P,<P>,B,<SN>,C,<T>,C,<SN>,H,<H>,P,<SN>

Polls the weather station. In theresponse: <P> is the pressure value inbars, <T> is the temperature value in degC and <H> is the relative humidity valuein percent. <SN> is not relevant.

*0100PP\r\n $WIXDR,P,<P>,B,<SN>,C,<T>,C,<SN>,H,<H>,P,<SN>

Monitors continuously the weatherstation(1). The response format is thesame as the previous poll command.

*0100EW*0100UN=3\r\n *0001UN=3

Sets the pressure measurement unit.This command sets the measurementunit to 3, which means bars. Theresponse should have the same value asthe command sent.

*0100UN\r\n *0001UN=3 Gets the pressure measurement unit.

*0100EW*0100PI=1000\r\n *0001PI=1000

Sets pressure and temperature integration times to 1 second. The integration time can be set with 1ms resolution approximately. The response should have the same value as the command sent.

*0100EW*0100TI=1000\r\n *0001TI=1000

Sets only temperature integration timeto 1 second. The integration time can beset with 1ms resolution approximately.The response should have the samevalue as the command sent.

(1): Pressure measurement unit should be bars.

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Other commands to change the configuration, like baud rate, or to restrict the

measurement to only one probe (temperature, humidity or pressure) are also

available. Further information can be looked up at the weather station handbook.

3.2. - Wind Sensor WMT701 installation

3.2.1. - Wiring

Wind measurements are delivered by WMT701 wind sensor, one of the models from

the WMT700 series manufactured by Vaisala. This model is built without moving parts.

The maximum measurable speed is 40m/s. The characteristics of the sensor are coded

in the model name: WMT701 B2A0A003B1A2:

- Temperature range (B): -40°C/+60°C.

- Heating (2): Heated transducers. The heating requires a 24/36V DC power

supply delivering 40W power.

- Digital communication interface (A): RS485 isolated. It can be changed to

RS232 using the wind sensor configuration.

- Digital communication profile (0): WMT70, Baud rate = 9600, Data bits = 8,

Parity = None, Stop Bits = 1. This profile allows getting wind measures

individually. Changing the wind sensor configuration, continuous measurements

are possible.

- Digital communication units (A): Meters per second.

- Analog output signals for wind speed channel (0): Disabled.

- Analog output signals for wind direction channel (0): Disabled.

- Cable (3): Cable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end.

- Mounting adapter (B): Adapter 228869 with WMT70FIX70 (suitable also for

inverted mounting). Standard adapter with general purpose fix.

- Reserved for future purposes (1)

- Accessories (A): None.

- Manual (2): English manual.

As specified above, the wind sensor has an RS485 interface as default digital

communication interface. However, as explained in the previous section, since we are

using short distances to connect a Lantronix device the configuration was changed via

sofware to use RS232 as its primary interface.

This wind sensor comes with a 10 meter cable connected to the wind sensor end and

exposed wires on the other end. Fig. 7 shows the open wires at the end of the 10

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meter cable and their function:

Figure 7: Wires set at the end of the 10 meters’ cable.

Communication with the wind sensor uses RS232 DB9 pins 2, 3 and 5 as shown in the

table below:

The wires shown are cross connected, that is, the wind sensor Tx wire is connected to

RS232 Rx pin (2) and the wind sensor Rx wire is connected to RS232 Tx pin (3). The

RS232 DB9 pin model used to connect the wires is shown in Fig. 8 and the connection

done in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9 the RS232 connector in reversed, so pins are reversed with

respect to RS232 Pin model in Fig. 8.

Figure 8: RS232 DB9 PIN model.

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Figure 9: The wind sensor WMT701 communication connection

The wind sensor is connected to serial port 2 and uses the TCP/IP port 10002. This

serial port is configured with the following parameters:

- Baud Rate: 9600

- Data bits: 8

- Parity: None

- Stop bits: 1

- Flow control: None

The wind sensor requires power supply for its operation and for the heater.

For the operating power supply the following connections are required:

- White: Operating power supply. Voltage must be between 9V and 36V. We used

20V as an intermediate value.

- Grey-Pink: Operating power supply ground.

Fig. 10 shows the wiring used to connect the wind sensor power supply to a lab power

supply. Fig. 11 shows the voltage used in the lab power supply and the amperage limit

set to avoid problems with the wind sensor. Fig. 12 shows the wind sensor current

consumption while being connected. Fig. 13 shows the wind sensor current

consumption once it has attained a stable value.

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Figure 10: Operating power supply of the wind sensor.

Figure 11: Voltage and amperage used in lab power supply.

Figure 12: Wind sensor current consumption while being connected.

Figure 13: Wind sensor current consumption after stabilizing.

The heater power supply requires different connections:

- Grey and Pink wires: Heater power supply. Voltage required: 24/36V DC, power: 40W.- Blue and Red wires: Heater power supply ground.

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3.2.2. - Configuration

The wind sensor has two operation modes: the measurement mode and the

configuration mode. The former is the standard mode used while measuring. The latter

is used for setting the parameters.

When powering up the sensor the mode is set to measurement.

As explained before, string commands require a carriage return and a line feed as

termination characters, ‘\r\n’ respectively. - Configuration mode

To enter into the configuration mode the following string should be issued:


The “0” character in the above string refers to the wind sensor address. The wind

sensor address is “A” by default, but “0” allows addressing any device. So either “A” or

“0” should be used.

While the configuration mode is on, there is a prompt (>) which is not present in the

measurement mode. Commands available in configuration mode are:

Command Description? Shows a list with all configuration commands.

CLOSE Changes to measurement mode from configuration modeG Shows all configuration parameters

MEASMeasures the wind with the current configuration. Data is not receiveduntil a POLL command is sent.

POLL <id_message>

Requests the delivery of the last wind measurement. The“id_message” is a number which indicates the message and data typeto be received. The “id_messages” ranges from 1 to 32. Most types arefixed, but from 1 to 4 are configurable.

RESET Resets the wind sensor.S <parameter>,<value> Modifies the value of one configuration parameter.

STARTStarts to receive wind measurements continuously. To receive thesemeasurements continuously the wind sensor should be set to respondautomatically.

STOP Stops the continuous measurement mode.

Operation of the wind sensor in poll mode and usage of RS232 interface required some

configuration that we describe below. All changes performed are listed below and

achieved using command “S <parameter>,<value>” within the configuration mode.

- S autoPort,2: This parameter indicates the serial port to be used to send and

receive wind sensor data. By default, this parameter is set to port 1, which only

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has a RS485 interface, while port 2 allows choosing between the RS485

interface and the RS232 interface.

- S msg1,$\ws,\wd,\wp,\wm\cr\lf: This message type sends the following

information: mean wind speed, mean wind direction, maximum wind speed

and minimum wind speed. These measurements are done during a period of

time that is specified in the parameter “wndAvg”, whose default value is 1

second. To get the maximum and minimum wind speed during the last 10

minutes, we save the values for these speeds during the last 10 minutes and we

take the maximum and minimum value respectively.

- S com2_interf,2: Indicates the serial interface to use in port 2. By default, the

interface is set to RS485 (0). Changing this value to 2 forces to use the RS232

interface. - Poll mode

In order to use the poll mode to receive individual measurements the following two

commands were used:

Command Description$0meas Requests the wind sensor to take a wind measurement.

$0poll,1Requests the wind sensor to return a wind measurement with the formatspecified with parameter “msg1”. Other formats are possible changing theparameter, 1 in in this case.

The time needed by the wind sensor to complete one measurement afer having issued

a “$0meas” is 1 second. Configuration parameter “wndAvg” uses 1 second as default.

3.3. - Data acquisition software

The weather data acquisition sofware is installed in host “ny13ctl”, user account

“meteo”. Details of this account are in the appendix.

The data acquisition is performed by a daemon (“weatherd_socket”) written in C++.

The daemon commands the weather station and the wind sensor and writes the data

received in shared memory. Continuous measurements have been avoided afer testing

it. In this mode some data can be lost if the periodicity of the weather station and the

wind sensor are not exactly the same. Polled measurements avoid this problem and

allow getting data without losses. The polling has a periodicity of 2 seconds and is done

in several steps:

1. Requests to start measurement in both sensors. Two commands are sent, one

per sensor.

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2. Waits one second for the wind sensor to complete and requests the wind


3. Waits for one second and reads the responses from both sensors.

The wind sensor delivers the maximum and minimum speed of the wind for the

integration period (2 seconds). Since we are interested in the maximum and minimum

values for the last 10 minutes, the daemon stores these parameters in two arrays of

300 elements filling it like a FIFO. Afer a whole cycle of 300 measurements is

completed, the maximum and minimum are computed and stored in shared memory

together with the other data received.

There is a second daemon (“meteoServerNetMC”) written in C++ which delivers the

weather data stored via UDP socket. A main UDP server opens, upon request, UDP

ports where the weather data can be polled via secondary UDP servers. Once the main

server receives a request a secondary server is opened in one of the available ports.

Each secondary server is independent, so each client has a dedicated secondary server

where it can poll data. To avoid a big amount of secondary servers opened, if these

servers don’t receive a request in 2 minutes they close their port. The main server uses

port 67010 and secondary servers’ ports range from 67011 to 67040.

An ACS component (“wStationComNet”) is used as client for the latter daemon. Every 2

seconds the client polls the weather data. This short period allows monitoring the wind

speed and direction almost continuously.

Weather data are stored in a MySQL database. The host where database is stored and

its characteristics are summarized in the following table:

Parameter ValueHOST

Name ny13ctlUser meteo

Password met4gMYSQL

User meteodbuserPassword met4g

Database name meteodbTable name weatherlog

The next table continas the description of the MySQL table used to store the weather


Parameter Full name Data typeId Row Identifier Unsigned Integer

date Date TimestampMJD Modified Julian Date DoubleTemp Temperature DoubleHum Relative Humidity Double

Page 21: Nyalesund 13.2 m control system: Installation and Basics · works performed to install and test the control system on three computers delivered temporally by NMA to Yebes. Two of

Pres Pressure DoubleWndSp Instantaneous Wind Speed DoubleWndDIr Instantaneous Wind Direction Double

MaxWndSp 10 Minutes Maximum Wind Speed DoubleMinWndSp 10 Minutes Minimum Wind Speed Double

The meteorological data is stored in the database from a script (“weatherlog”) which is

executed every 5 minutes using Linux crontab. This database can be read using MySQL

commands. If we want to do manual tests the first step consists in logging into the


mysql –u meteodbuser -p

Afer providing MySQL password one should select the database (“meteodb”) and later

do a search in a specific MySQL table, (“weatherlog”):

USE meteodb;SELECT * FROM weatherlog ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3;

The last three stored values will be printed. We provide an example Python script that

queries the database and delivers the last 10 measurements:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import MySQLdb

header = ['MJD','Temp','Hum','Pres','WndSp','WndDir','MaxWndSp','MinWndSp']row_format =":>19" * (len(header) + 1)

DB_HOST = 'localhost'DB_USER = 'meteodbuser'DB_PASS = 'met4g'DB_NAME = 'meteodb'


conn = MySQLdb.connect(*db_data)cursor = conn.cursor()

n_data = 10

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM weatherlog ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d;" % n_data)

data = cursor.fetchall()

if len(data) > 0:print row_format.format("Date", *header)for row in data:

aux = row[2:]print row_format.format(str(row[1]), *aux)

4 Counter installation and tests

Frequency counters and timers are used to measure frequency and time intervals. To

measure the frequency drif of the station maser versus the GPS theoretical one, a

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pulse per second (PPS) from the maser and the GPS are continuously compared. The

time difference between both pulses varies with time and this difference as a function

of time is used to determine the relative frequency error of the maser assuming that

the GPS provides a stable 5 MHz signal. When a timer is used to do a dual input time

interval measurement, the edge type of the square signal (positive or negative) for

both input signals should be specified. According to the edges selected, the different

time intervals that can be measured are shown in Fig. 14. Since we want to measure

the time interval between the maser and GPS, the edges should have the same sign.

For our purpose, we select the positive edges for both input signals.

Figure 14: Time intervals according to the edges selected for both input signals.

4.1. - Wiring

Fig. 15 shows HP 5323A back panel. It is used to connect the power supply and the

communication connectors. Remote communication is achieved with Ethernet.

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Figure 15: 53230A counter back panel

5323A counter back panel has the following connections:

- Power supply.

- Ethernet interface.

- GPIB interface

- USB interface (type B).

- BNC connectors. These connectors can get or put different reference signals:

Ext Ref In

Gate In/Out

Int Ref Out

Trig In

- Optional connectors. In Fig. 2 these connectors are covered or empty.

Three connections are required for standard operations: the Ethernet interface, the

power supply and the reference which should be a 5 MHz or a 10 MHz signal from the

maser. If the reference is not connected the device will deliver non-accurate


The front panel is shown in Fig. 16. This panel has buttons that configure the counter

manually, two BNC connectors (Ch. 1 and 2) where the signals to be measured are

injected and a USB type A interface.

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Figure 16: 5323A counter front panel

Fig. 16 shows an optional BNC connector (Ch. 3) used to measure signals whose

frequency is up to 6 or 15 GHz, depending on the chosen option. This latter connector

was covered in the counter used.

4.2. - ConfigurationAs mentioned previously time differences between a pulse per second (PPS) from a

maser and a GPS are measured with a 53230A universal counter which works as a

timer. HP 53230A universal frequency counter/timer has LXI Class C compliance. LXI is

an instrumentation equipment standard that specifies Ethernet as the main

communication interface. The characteristics of this counter are listed below:

- Input channels: Ch1 and Ch2 can measure signals until 350 MHz. Ch3 is an

optional channel which can measure signals whose frequency is until 6 or 15

GHz, depending on the option chosen.

- Frequency resolution: 12 digits per second.

- Single-shot time resolution: 20 ps.

Further information about counter characteristics can be looked up at the counter


The counter accepts SCPI commands via Ethernet. String commands require a line feed

(\n) as termination character. The commands below set the counter configuration to

measure time intervals between the maser and the GPS:

- Resets the device, clears status byte and disables status event and service

request registers:


- Counter configuration:

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CONF:TINT\n //Counter will measure time intervalsINP1:LEV:AUTO OFF\n //Triggers level won’t set automatically INP2:LEV:AUTO OFF\n INP1:LEV1 <INP1_value> V\n //Sets triggers level to input arguments <INP1_value> INP2:LEV1 <INP2_value> V\n //and <INP2_value> valuesINP1:SLOP POS\n //Selects positive edgesINP2:SLOP POS\nINP1:IMP 50\n //Sets 50 Ω as input impedanceINP2:IMP 50\nINP1:COUP DC\n //Indicates direct current input INP2:COUP DC\n INP1:FILT OFF\n //Turns off input filtersINP2:FILT OFF\nINP1:NREJ OFF\n //Disables noise rejection filtersINP2:NREJ OFF\n

- To poll the counter a request like the following string should be sent:


The counter answers automatically to the latter command providing the time interval


4.3. - Data acquisition softwareTime intervals are also stored in a MySQL database. The host where the database isstored and its characteristics are summarized in the following table:

Parameter ValueHOST

Name ny13ctlUser maser

Password C0unt3rMYSQL

User maserdbuserPassword C0unt3r

Database name maserdbTable name maserdata

The next table shows the description of the MySQL table used to store the weather


Parameter Full name Data typeId Row Identifier Unsigned Integer

date Date TimestampMJD Modified Julian Date Double

Diff_10mTime difference between GPS and the

maser in 10 minutesDouble

Rms_10m Double

The data acquisition is performed by a C++ daemon (“GpsMaserDif“). The daemon setsthe counter configuration upon start and gets and writes the data as follows: thecounter is polled continuously and time intervals are stored in shared memory andadded to an auxiliary variable, every second. The average of the PPS differences iscomputed every 10 minutes and this latter value stored in a MySQL database.

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A second daemon (“maserComNetMC”), also coded in C++, delivers the counter datastored in shared memory via an UDP socket. Like the daemon used in the acquisition ofmeteorological data, there are two types of UDP servers. A main UDP server opensUDP ports upon request where stored time intervals can be polled via secondary UDPservers. Once the main server receives a request a secondary server is opened in oneof the available ports. Each secondary server is attached and dedicated to anindependent client. To avoid a large amount of secondary servers, these close theirport afer a 2 minute inactivity period. The main server uses port 67041 and secondaryservers ports range from 67042 to 67071.

An ACS component (“gpsMaserComNet“) is used as a client for the latter daemon. Every 2 seconds the client polls time differences between the GPS and the Maser. This short period allows monitoring the instantaneous time difference.

5 Modifications at the control system

5.1. - ACS customization for NyAlesund.Environment variables are customized at specific directories where tools and databases

are stored. These variables are set in “/home/nymgr/.bashrc” so that they are properly

set afer each login:

export INTROOT=$HOME/introotexport ACS_CDB=$HOME/nyalesund/NYALESUND_CDB

This file requires further tuning which will be explained later.

5.1.1. - ACS components

Components are tools (like network classes in the object oriented world) that allow

each instance to communicate with ACS and to deliver services to humans or to other

components. For example, “wStationComNet” component delivers meteorological data

that can be used to monitor weather conditions by the telescope staff and by other

components. Table 1 lists the components developed in this project:

Component Name Source code Lang. Container Name Description

MET4_COMNET wStationComNet C++ RCweatherDelivers meteorological datafrom weather station and wind sensor

GPS_MASER_COMNET gpsMaserComNet C++ RCmaserDelivers time difference from 53230A counter

POW_1/2 powermeter Java RCjbackendsControls gets power measurement from the powermeter

CURRENT_SCAN_1/2 scanObs Python RCscanSelects parameters to use in observation scans

OBS_NYALE_1/2 raegeObserver Python RCobserverAllows doing observations using the radiotelescope.

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ANT_NYALE_1/2 raegeAntenna Python RCantennaUsed to move the antenna. It uses “ACU13M_1/2” in its methods.

OBS_DB_1/2 ObsDatabase Python RCvobs

Stores observation data in “nyinfo_1/2” tables of “observations” MySQL database.

REFR_13M Atm Java RCatmDelivers atmospheric data like opacity. Uses the program “$HOME/bin/atm”

ACU13M_1/2 acu13m C++ RCservos

Low level component that receives information and sends commands to ACU and HCU

mb_fitsW_1/2 fitsWriter C++ RCdatawriterWrites observation data in FITS format.

mbfitsExt_1/2 pipeline/mbfitsExtractor Python RCpywriterExtracts and reads MBFITS data.

ampCal_1/2 pipeline/ampCalibrator Python RCpycalManages amplitude calibration.

gildasPipeline_1/2 pipeline/gildasProcessor Python RCpygildasRewrites input data to be compatible with Gildas FITS

FS13MCOMPY_1/2 fsNet C++ RCfieldsystemAllows communication between ACS and FS. These components work as client.

NONE (*)



C++ RCefem

These components deliver information about situation and time of sources and the radiotelescope

All these components, together with their relevant information, are listed in file

“$ACS_CDB/CDB/MACI/Components/Components.xml”. New components can be

added modifying this file.

All component instances are included in a database composed of a directory and

subdirectories, one per instance, which contains a file. Each file represents an instance

and contains properties, defined as variables, like the IP address(es) or the connection

port(s) required for its operation. The database allows using the same source code to

initialize different component instances. A twin telescope can benefit from this policy.

In our control system some components do the same function but in different radio-

telescopes. For example, ACU13M_1 and ACU13M_2 share the same code but they

differ in their internal variables. Also, components will only request services from other

components that share the same number in their names. For example, ANT_NYALE_1

will request services from ACU13M_1, but not from ACU13M_2. There are other

components, like MET4_COMNET, that are used by components from both radio-


Some components need common environment variables to work correctly. These

variables are initialized in “/home/nymgr/.bashrc”:

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# Directory where data are storedexport NYALE1DATA=/home/nymgr/data1export NYALE2DATA=/home/nymgr/data2

# Directory where modules are storedexport TEL13MROOT=$HOME/introot

# Directory where catalogs are storedexport NYALECATA=$HOME/nyalesund/Catalogs

# Defult project ID of NYALE1 and NYALE2 (Should be change every year)export NYALE1_PROJECT_ID="N-01.C-0001-2016"export NYALE2_PROJECT_ID="N-02.C-0001-2016"

# Configuration file used by efemerides componentsexport JPLEFEM=$INTROOT/config/bintotal.405

# Gildas environment variablesexport GAG_ROOT_DIR=/home/nymgr/gildas/gildas-exe-may13bexport GAG_EXEC_SYSTEM=x86_64-debian7-gfortransource $GAG_ROOT_DIR/etc/bash_profile

ACS also provides the tools to implement and use clients. These clients are mostlydeveloped in Java since most of them are graphical. The code is also stored in the sameprimary directory (“/home/nymgr/nyalesund”) that contains all the control sofware.Two basic graphical clients and one line command one are used:

- AcuClient13m_1/2: Shows information received from the ACU whenACU13M_1/2 are initialized respectively. To start both clients type:“acsStartJava alma.servosystem.AcuClient13m_1” and “acsStartJavaalma.servosystem.AcuClient13m_2”. The code for this client is located in“$HOME/nyalesund/acu13m/src” directory.

- obsmonitor: Displays information of the current observation, including thestate of the antenna, the observed source, weather data and information onthe scan. The Java code is located in “$HOME/nyalesund/obsmonitor/src”directory

- nyale1/2: Main radiotelescope command line interface that can be used tosend commands to ACS. This client developed in python uses ipython to easethe operations. The code executes “$HOME/nyalesund/raegeObserver/src/tel13commands.py”.

5.2. - FS (Field System)

The link between the FS and the control system of the antennas is done via the station


Two host with the FS installed are available: ny13fs1 and ny13fs2. Both hosts are

prepared to control both radio-telescopes when being used in twin mode. If the

telescopes are to be used independently each host will control its antenna.

The FS computers run Debian Jessie 8.3 with a 32 bit INTEL architecture.

“/usr2/control” directory FS contians configuration files. Three files contain specific

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information for Ny Alesund:

- stcmd.ctl: List of implemented station commands.

- fsnet.ctl: Contains the IP address and port number where the ACS component is

listening to commands from the FS when a radiotelescope observes individually.

- fsnet_twin.ctl: Same as before but when both radio-telescopes work together

in twin mode. Two IP addresses and two ports one per radiotelescope, should

be specified.

The station code is located, as usual, in “/usr2/st” directory. Only the user “prog” with

password “perl2016” can modify or create tools. The customized files are:

- antcn: Antenna Control Program that allows FS to control the antennas.

- fsNet: Socket client that connects with the ACS component

“FS13MCOMPY_1/2”. Used when the radio-telescopes work individually.

- fsNetTwin: Same as “fsNet”, but connects with both ACS components. Used

when the radio-telescopes work together in twin mode.

Further information about tools developed can be looked up at “/usr2/st” directory.

6 The command line interface. Single dish observations

6.1. - Starting ACS services and containers: the ACS Command Center

Prior to observing, ACS should be started up. A graphical tool allows to start ACS, its

services and the container required by the components. From a console type:


Fig. 17 shows a snapshot of the ACS Command Center window:

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Figure 17: ACS Command Center GUI

Area 1 is used for managing the ACS. Three buttons allow to start, stop and kill the ACS

and its services.

Area 2 is for managing the containers. There are two main frames: at the lef the list of

containers and the right a white window which will show the container and

components managed by the former. In the lef frame and at the right side of each

container there are three buttons: edit container configuration, start container and

stop container. At the bottom there are five more buttons that allow adding, removing,

changing the container order and starting and stopping all containers.

Area 3 logs information from ACS and the containers and components running. This is

extremely useful since it provides real time information of the observation and allows

to debug the code in case of errors.

The ACS Command Center allows to load a project that contains information on where

and how to run the ACS and on the containers to be started. We have set a project for

Ny Alesund: go to Project -> Open… and select “$HOME/nyalesund/startupNyalesund”.

Areas 1 and 2 (lef side) will get filled with information. To start the ACS the start

button should be clicked. While starting information on the containers will start being

displayed on the right side of area 2, as shown Fig. 18. Area 3 will contain one tab

displaying information on the ACS services being started.

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Figure 18: ACS Command Center after the start-up file was loaded and the start

button clicked.

Containers are started from the start button at the bottom of the container list. Each

container being started creates a tab in area 3 with logging information about that

container. On the right side of area 2 information on live containers and clients will be

shown. Once the process has completed the ACS Command Center should look like Fig.

19. At the right part there is the number of container running (indicated with red


FIgure 19: ACS Command Center with all containers running.

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Containers manage components. Components can be started from the Object Explorer,

a generic ACS client that can be launched from the ACS command center: select Tools

-> Object Explorer. The Object Explorer window contains a list of all available

components and instances. They are displayed in a tree view which can be collapsed or

unfolded. An instance can be activated by unfolding its component and clicking on top

of the name. Once clicked select “get a ‘sticky references’ for just this component” on

the window that will pop up. The Object Explorer will boldface the instance name

indicating it is active and it will show on the right side a list of methods which can be

run just by clicking on top of them. Fig. 20 shows an example of such status. To close an

instance right click on the instance and select “disconnect”

Figure 20: Testing component with Object Explorer

The Object explorer is useful for testing components, but it is not advisable to use it for

standard operations. As mentioned in the previous section operations should be done

from the line command clients “nyale1/2”. Clients nyale1 and nyale2 are launched

from Linux console. “$HOME/nyalesund/raegeObserver/src/nyale1.py” and

“$HOME/nyalesund/raegeObserver/src/nyale2.py” respectively.

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6.2. - Command line interface basics

A whole report by de Vicente explains the usage of the line command interface. Here

we just mention very basic commands used for single dish observations. :

- sourcecats(catalogs='', mode = 'keep'): Loads a catalog with source


- source(name='', x=(None, ''), y=(None, ''), pmx=0, pmy=0, system='EQ',

epoch=2000.0, velocity=None, frame='LSR'): Specifies the source to observed.

If the source is already listed in the loaded catalog it can be selected only using

its name.

- on(intTime=30.0): Tracks a source for the specified time.

- vlbi(): Tracks the specified source until it sets.

- cancel(): Cancels the current scan.

- bye(): Releases all active components and exits the line command interface.

The ACS should never be stopped before closing the Command Line Interface of the antennas.

7 Observations with the Field System

The connection between the FS and the control system of the telescope requires the

following steps:

- Start ACS and its containers as described in the previoues section. The ACS

should be started on host “ny13ctl”, user “nymgr”, password “SvalbarD”.

- Activate components FS13MCOMPY_1/2 from the Object Explorer.

- Execute client “fsNet” in a console window at ny13fs1” and at “ny13fs2”, using

the “oper” account to control the telescopes individually. If we want to activate

the twin mode execute: “fsNetTwin” in any of the two computers.

Two basic FS commands related to the antenna may be used:

- antenna=boot: Boots the antenna. The antenna must be booted prior to being

used. If client “nyale1/2” is running the boot can be done from the Line

Command Interface and this command is not strictly necessary.

- antenna=stop: Stops the antenna and cancel the observation.

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A Appendix

User accounts and passwords

Computer User account Password Used to




Super userManage the ACSManage the Weather StationManage the Counter



Super userManage the FSConfigure the FS


Computer: ny13ctlDatabase Table User Password Infomysql mysql_tables root lat79long12 Super user mysqlobservations nyinfo_1

nyinfo_2obsdbuser 0bsdbp4ss Observations info for antenna 1

Observations info for antenna 2meteodb weatherlog meteodbuser met4g Weather Station infomaserdb maserdata maserdbuser C0unt3r Counter info