nW RBPifrBLioAy. weISnesday, November isto

n W o r t . k a v s RBPifrBLioAy. we IS n 'esday, N ovember % isto . fm ©trtaros fqmbltom. OFFlflALToURNATo^ OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS . AUCTION SALEH this dav. BT LOUIS STERN k BROS., at, to , o'clock, at No. 16 Chartres at reel, 600 caaca boots. shoes and Brogans. BT J. DKJAN, JR., at half-past 11 o’clock, at New Auction Mart, No. 183 Oravier street, near Caron dele t, household furniture, etc. BT R. M. k B. J. MONTGOMKRT, at ll^o’clork, at Old- Auction Mart, 87 Camp street, household furniture. Local Intelligence. Cm- C ouncil .—Mayor Flanders presid- ing and present Administrators Sliaw. West, Emloy, f>elassizr, Walton, Pierce. Mr. Dclassizc reported that, on request of floveral gentlemen interested in the French bazar at the St. Louis Hotel, for the benefit of the French soldiers, he had ordered the hydrant 'water turned on without charge. Approved. * A communication and a report from the City Attorney, furnishing information con- cerning the city's suits in court, was ordered printed. An ordinance by Mr. Shaw, relative to recording Metropolitan “blue" warrants, was ordered printed. Also, one making jury warrants receiva- ble for taxes. Ordered printed. A party in Kentucky offering to sell to this city five hundred pair of sparrows, was > referred to Mr. Emley. Mr. West called up his ordinance in rela- tion to granting right of way for a single traok railroad on Calliope street. The track is to go through Harmony, Camp and ■ Other streets to the Carrollton line. The projectors are Messrs. Seymour and May. Cars are to be run not less than once every hour during the twenty-four. Ordered printed, and adopted on second reading. The Mayor expressed a desire to see bids from other parties who may wish to secure right of way over this line. That everlasting monthly appropriation of five hundred dollars to the Carondelet Navigation Company Canal for draining the ■ city's sewage water into a natural stream, bayou St. John, was ordered paid. The subject is before the Supreme Court. The Prolific Fourth .—The Garden District has gained an unenviable reputa- tion during the last year on account of the great number of dead infants found in that interesting section. It seems that all the unfortunate mothers of this city either li ve or go there to rid themselves of evidences of shame. Scarcely a week passes hut a re- port comes to us that a murdered or de- serted infant is found in the Fourth, and Captain Robinson finds these items his prin- . cipal stook in trade. Now comes another. Some lads were enjoying a holiday in a vacant lot, corner of Clara and Jackson streets, where there is a sand pile. In digging it up, they discovered the body of a six mouths old child beneath. Appear- ances indicate that the corpse h:is lffcu there about three weeks, or perhaps less. It is not known who its parents are, it it ever had any. _ _ Brass - knuckling a W oman .—If it ho true, as sworn to bv Mary F. Pliilleboud that Joan Bieiue pounded her with brass knuckles, then a jury will be pretty sure to give him a long di-awn out dose of Parish Prison. Mary feels much agrieved at the attack, which occurred on Miro street. The case will come up before Recorder Houghtou on the sixteenth William Usher had a knife, the point of which he attempted to use on the hide of William Tanner, of Franklin street. Tan- ner objected to paying funeral expenses just yet, therefore is prosecuting accused for threatening to kill him. The enormi- ties in this case will be developed before Recorder Houghton on the sixteenth. Notwithstanding the fact that most all . the coffee-houses were closed Tuesday, the usual number of drunkards were arrested, therefore it seems that those places are not . altogether accountable for the existence of inebriates. There are bungholes as well as spigots, faucets and decanters. But did all the"coffeehouses lock front and rear dooT.» Probably not much. __ The Fireflies.—Messrs. Sanborn and Hessel, telegraph operators in Superintend- ent Badger's office, performed much extra service Monday in sending messages to and receiving messages fromeverypree.net m this department. They are seldom taxed as thev were in that instance, and they should receive the thanks of those who were bene- fited by their labors. We acknow edge our indebtedness to both amiable gentlemen. One hundred and forty dollars, greatly . cherished by George Brown, passed from . his possession by felonious means to the Dockets of John Sullivan and John Ryan, C Peters street. They were put on one hundred dollar peace bonds to appear on i the sixteenth. _____ Mitchell, No. 136 Carondelet street was arrested on complaint ol Angelo Taity. No S Camp street, who avers that - u s e d actually threatened to snuft out his lmn i nath As the averment was not alto0ethe . 5 SM 5 - * - k“,>,te for at lea-t t w months. ”7 pu- t Vkkd Pasteboard Tossers o _ c well.laid plans 'T r a p s e Trappy or meaner ° ^ h s etty.lre almost past finding class, m this cii}, steamboat* .out. They haie who pick up and railroads man£ intcn',ied victims, an acquaintance U ,tef!t sources for Red river is one of the g ^ ^ kaves stool pigeons- and ^ ^ ^ not flml Shreveport ot Ale. ^ ^ reaily t0 one or more of ^ parties for Texas fasten toils a r o u n d monej-. These or the interior, if *** , clin guess to follows are so shrewd that they^^ ^ ^ a dollar th® ' 0rlcans, plans are laid time they reg * * and fleece him. 1hesc to entrap the msho tbe favorite mctt country merchants, ones being Alexandria steam- On a recent trip ol a u Krec. boat, G. E. Weaker, from ^ of cattle stone county, e* ’ tbc hands of two for this market, feU ^ ^ him up) they slianiers, and befo t hundred dol- had beaten him out u-he special lars, the proceeds of h ^ ,g ^ disgu8t- manner of mampulat ^ ^ tll ing to relate. H 8 ^ charle8 street, one upper story of ard monte until all Cobbler threv ^ tokcu from hun. his money a“d , they sent him to a boat. This accom ph^^ d“llar8 to purchase s backed out. But Weaver was not as green as they thought him, for when he considered liis situation, his wits returned.- He left the boat a few miles above the city and came back, finding bis way to po- lice headquarters, where he related his story intelligently. Officer Pearson was sent out to find Cobbler, and in less than ten minutes lound him on Common street. He must have been somewhat surprised when his victim faced him, as he thought him far on the route to Texas. The other sharpers were not found, although Weaver went out to find them after the above ar- rest. Cobbler, we are informed, ac- knowledged tlmt lie won the Texan's money. He gave bonds to appear hereafter, by which time Special Officer Malone will most likely have the other men in jail. R escuing a P risoner .—As Officer Trieou had a prisoner in charge on Poydras street last evening Ramon Victor and Aleck Max- well so far interfered as to effeet a release, for which oti'ensc they were locked up in the central station. A lmost a S ensation —The Gatlin Gnus in Carondelet Street.—Fifteen minutes after three o'clock last evening, two or three messengers rushed into the armory of the Louisiana Legion, Carondelet street, ex- citedly reporting that there was a riot at Mechanics' Institute, and that a large luob was about to come up and seize the arms. Although the Legion had dispersed, a few men were there on duty, and it was not many minutes before several squads drifted As the information appeared correct, the few militia armed themselves, aud wheeled the two Gatlin guns into the street, ready for service. On the instant all was excitement, hundreds of people fleeing from or running to the armory. Every thorough- fare between Davidson’s Court and Me- chanics' Institute was thronged with won- dering citizens, not a few of whom seemed willing to enter the lists. Superintendent Badger was notified and immediately perfected measures to con- gregate most of his force, hut a hasty visit to the Institute informed him of the fa1stfly of the report. We were unable to learn how the rumor started. The alarm of tire in the early part of last night, sent from Woods' cotton press, ner of Canal and Claiborne streets, was a false one. A one-storv frame house, owned and oc - cupied by Octave Bezard, Camp Parapet, was entirely consumed by tile Monday evening. Building and stock of groci l ies insured. _____ _____ . A M ultiplicity of V oting .—The follow- ing named persons wore before Recorder Houghton yesterday, charged with irregu- larities in voting last Monday. The cases were fixed for the fifteenth: Pat Driscoll, J. I). Nicholson, Alfred House. James Whit- ney. Joseph Gayuor. James Hughes. Wil- liam Watsou, Alexander Williams, P. (.. Hennessey. Bonds, one hundred dollars. Alexander Williams has been arrested on the complaint of the Commissioner of Elec- tion. poll five, second precinct, who charges him with attempting to vote twice. Alfred House stands charged with the same offense. Daniel Wilson has been brought to IV cauier station charged by Deputy Marshals Bradley aud Richardson with violating sec- tion seven of the election hill, and currying concealed weapons. James M. Mathcuy has been arrested, charged by John Burney with voting twice. In the Third District the following per- sons were arrested, charged with violating the election law: Hamilton Harris, attempting to vote on another man’s registration papers. Ch. Nolan, attempting to vote illegally. Thomas Jefferson, violating registration law. section 63. Jim O'Connor, violating section la, regis- tration law. Mike Allwell has been brought to the Elysian Fields station, charged with carry- ing concealed weapons. .Louis Exuicious has been locked up in tae Fourth District, charged with interfering with the election, and William Telly, charged with interfering with Deputy Mar- shal John Zoller, also carrying a dirk-knife concealed. In the Treme Precinct Armand Mortimer and R. Williams were arrested, charged with attempting to vote witli false papers. The Harbor Police arrested John Carter, who charged him with attempting to vote fraudulently at Poll No. 1, Fourth Precinct* C riminalC ourt .— The ease of Polic Offi- cer Reagan, charged with assault and hat tery. was continued indefinitely by consent of counsel. Officer G. W. Miller, first precinct—against whom the Grand Jury found a true hill on the nineteenth ultimo for false, imprison- ment of several young men on the night ot the seventeenth ultimo—was put on trial. It is stated that the gentlemen came from a supper, and were walking toward tlieir jsidences, when, on the pretext that they were disturbing the peace, they were ar- rested by said officer. On arriving at the police station they were promptly released on tlieir own bonds. Found guilty. Marie Louise Dubray, the woman who out off the hair of little Kitty Felt, who was kidnapped by one Francois and brought to her house, has been released from the Parish Prison on $.500 bail, after being con- victed. She is very sick. Attachments were issued for the absent jurors who did not answer the call to serve during the November term. The case of Emma Kirby, charged with larceny in stealing from a man $100, in a house of ill-fame on Dauphine street, was continued indefinitely, and attachments issued for absent witnesses. R efused A dmission . —During the eount- ig of the votes yesterday at the Mechanics Institute, the candidates were all requested to leave the room, and admission was re- fused to those who, being absent at the time, attempted to enter. This was necessary on account of the crowded state of the hall. G rand Dress B all of the H armony S ocial C lub .—We are under obligations to the gentlemen of the Committee of Invita- tion”for tickets to this reeherehe affair, which is to come off next Saturday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. The Harmony Social Club is a private club, composed of a numlier of our most respectable young gentlemen, and tlieir object in giving this ball is to assist pecuniarily that noble institution, the Touro Infirmary. A more deserving object for the charitable efforts of the citizens of New Or- leans could not be found, and a more com- petent set of gentlemen to assist it exist not in our midst. That their ball will be a success can uot be doubted. How could it bo otherwise with such backers I Our best Accident oh the Jackson Railroad. A serious accident occurred early on Saturday morning, six miles below Mag- nolia, by means of which a freight train was thrown off the embankment, and some eight or ten ears smashed. The accident was caused by the switch being out of place. It is suspected it had been tampered with by some one who entertained feelings of resentment against the company, for damages caused by a former accident. This switch was open, so that when the freight train came up, it ran oft the track on to the cross tics, tearing them up, thus destroying twenty or twenty-five feet of the track, and completely wrecking many ot the cars. We learn from passengers who arrived on the train just behind, that the wreck presented a scene of great confusion and disorder. A few minutes after the accident, the ex- press passenger train from the North came down at lull speed, until stopped by signals of danger from lookouts stationed along the road. Attached to the train were two new palace cars full of passengers, including many well known citizens ot New Orleans. Judge W. W. Howe (of the Supreme Court) and family, Robert Mott, Esq., (ol Seuimes & Mott) and family, Mr. Thomas A. Adams (President Crescent Insurance Company) and family, Mrs. Pratt and family (of Batsu Rouge, recently returned from Europe), and many other well known families w ere among the passengers. The fact that the freight train approached the switch first no doubt saved the passen- ger train from mishap, as no suspicion was entertained of any treachery about the switch. We hope the company will investigate the case, and, if criminality can be attached to any party, that full punishment will be meted out. There was, fortunately, no in- jury to any persons, except some slight bruises sustained bv one ot the hrakemen. 0FFI0CAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO CONTRACTORS FOR ARMY TRANSPORTATION Hkadquautkhh Dkpaktmrnt or T kxas, l / (TVxas and Louisiana.) i Cniet Quartermaster’* Office, 1 San Antoplo, Texas. October 31, 1870. J T HE ADVERTISEMENT FROM THIS OFFICE, dated Austin. Texas, September 15, 1370, in- viting • ProiMisaJ.s for Army Transportation in Tex- as,” is modified sons to require the transportation from the first day ot January, 1871, to the thirtieth oi June, 1871. The clause requiring the transportation to be “furnished exclusively by Horse and Mule Teams,” is revoked. A copy of this notice,in addition to the advertise- ment (Ltted September 15,1810, must be attached, to each projiosal. Bv order of the Departmeut Commander. JAMES A. KKIN, Deputy Quartermaster General, l/uitcd States Ar- my. Chief Quartermaster, Department of Texas. iiH tit JACOB ZOELLY V NOTICE. t. Ills CREDITORS respite. Fourth District Court for the Parish of Orleans— No. 2*2,164. A MEETING OF THE CREDITORS OF JACOB Zoeliy will be held before A. Pitot, Jr., notary .............. elftli day of December, rayer of his petition. tiled this day. New Orleans, November 4. 1370. 1106 30t FRANK WALL. Deputy Clerk. public, on MONDAY, the twelfth ( 1870, to deliberate upon the pra NOTICE TO CREDITORS. C 1REDITORS WHO HAVE NOT YET PRESENTED / tlieir accounts, and who have claims against • following successions, are requested to present them to the undersigned, administrator of said suc- essions. at his office, room number ten, No. 13 St. Charles street. New OrloMM, Louisiana: 1. Succession of JiflHreilro Aromi. 2. Succession of George Cabalzar. 3. Succession of Mrs. Adeline Dallie. 4. Succession of Herman Diert'clt. 5. Succession of Roliert Fiulaysou. b. Succession of Andrew Holley. 7. Succession of Edouard Mesnil. 8. Succession of A. L. Mousseau. 9. Succession of Joseph Oegsli. 10. Succession of J. J. Poindexter. 11. Succession ot Milton Taylor. P. B. FOUKK Public Administrator for the parish ot Orleans. ,•27 lot No. 13 St. Charles street. About five o’clock Sat unlay moruin; Allen ami Gallagher, together witli some of the sporting fraternity to whom the word was given, repaired from St. Louis, by a tug- boat. to au island three miles down the river, and a ring was formed at om-e, aud the parties entered. Thirteen rounds were fought, when Allen was deviated wii ner. Nothing was known of the affair until the return of some of the parties. SPECIAL NOTICES. * 5 0 0 0 R ew n rd .—Tin- undersigned offer a waul "I fi' <• tlu.tisaiiil dollars lor information win. £ will lead to the apprehension and >onvietion of tin person or persons who are MipiMwed io have niiir- ili-red the late Captain A. li. LUNG. United States District Attorney, at his otti. e. in the Customhouse, in New Orleans, on the thirl ieth of (i. toh. r last. .1 H. LONG. Chicago. Illinois. WILLIAM K. PKKKINS. Teataineutaiy Kxeentor, no8 at No. 26 Carondelet street. New Orleans. The Kerry Lodge No. 15. will hold special meeting on vVKDNKSDAY KVKNING. N Vernier ft. at seven o'clock precisely, whereby evei member is e\|H-eted to lie present, on account i important business. 1»\ order ot W. M. u„8 2t ____________ LOUIS DeGltUV. Se. retarv. Notice.— Ortiee of Superintendent of Public Selmols (Sivtli Division). No. 20 City Hall, New o leans, November 8, 1870—Gentlemen who have a] plied, or desire to apply tor positions as teaehei in the public schools of New Orleans, are rcqnestc to call at this office as early as possible. noil 2t .1. B. CAKTKR. Superintendent. I'AM’ELLATION OF BONO. State op I.oi kia . va, 1 Kxecutive Department. > New Orleans, October 2.7, 1870. ) •VU'HHRKAS, APPLIOATiON HAS BKKN Ma DK TO tt me for the cancellation of the bond ot Thomas L. Maxwell, as Auctioneer in and for the parish of Orleans, to wit: A lsmd dated Dceeinlier ISt, 1867, in the sutn ot ten thousand dollars ($ 10.000).signed bv Thomas L. Maxwell, as princi- pal, ami Patrick Irwin, Hcur.v Botnialicl and Hu MeCloskv. as securities, in the sum of three thou- sand three hundred and thirty-three dollars thirty- three cents each, the said lemil lieing conditioned tortile faithful performance by the said Thomas L. Maxwell of the duties of Auctioneer aforesaid. Notice is hereby given to all jiersous interested in the aforesaid bund to tile tlieir objections to the cancellation thereof, in writing, in the office of the eretarv of State within ninety days after the last publication hereof. Given under niv hand and the seal of the State this t wentv-tiftli davot Oetols r. 1870. and of the in - dependence of the United States the ninety-fourth. H. C. WARMOTH. Governor of Louisiana, o. K. Bovi-. k. Secretary of State._____ nc27 :iot CANCELLATION OF BONO, State op Lotisiana. 1 Kxecutive Department. / New Orleans. October 11, 1370.) U11KIIKAS. APPLICATION HAS BKKN MADK tor the cancellation of the bond of H. us auctioneer in and for the parish of Orleans, to wit : A bond, as per uot under private denature, dated thirteenth October. 1363, in the nil sum of ten thousand dollars (#10.000). Mgucd II. \V. Palfrey as principal, aud George Palfrey ,| \ li Griswold as securities, in the sum of live thousand dollars (#5000) each, the conditions of the lid bond Ix-ing for the faithful performance by the said II. W. Palfrey of his duties as auctioneer aforesaid. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested lid larnd to rile their object ions to the c.iti- •llation tliercot in writing, m the office ot the ,f state, w ithiu ninety days after tin- last publication hereof. under tin hand and the seal of the State ■etitU da de|s-ndellee of tl George W. Doll ?§. Legal Representative* of Martin Dee—Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans, No. 3488. B y virtue of a WRIT of seizure and sale, to me directed by the Honorable the Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, Roval street, between Canal and Cus- tomhouse street*, in the Second District of this city, on THURSDAY, Deceinlier 1,1870, at twelve o’clock M.. the following described property, to wit— 1. TWO CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, situate, lying and being in the First District of this city, in square Inmuded by Broad, Gravier. Perdido aud White streets, designated by the numbers one and two on a sketch annexed to an act passed before A E. Bienvenu. notary public m this city, on the first of June. 1867, according to which the said lots adjoin each other, and measure as follows, to wit: . . Lot number one forms the corner ot Broad ana Gravier streets, and measures thirty feet front on Broad street, ninety four feet three inches and six lines in depth and front on Gravier street, and ninety-four feet four inches and four lines in dept h on tlie line adjoining iot number two. Aud lot number two has thirty feet front on Broad street, ninety-four feet four inches and four lines in depth on the line of lot number one*, and ninety- four feet live inches and two lines on the opposite side line. Together with all the buildings and improve- ments thereon. Said two lots of ground an* subdivisions of a larger jh>rtion of ground, acquired by the late Mar- tin Dec. by purchase from Francois Lacroix, per act passed before said notary, Bienvenu, ou the eighteenth of June. 2. SIX CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, situated in the First District of this city, in the square bonuded by Common. White, Baudin and Broad streets, des- ign a ted by the numbers two, three, four, live, six and seven, according to the plan of section number two. deposited in the office of the Receiver of the New Orleans Draining Company. Lot number two measures thirty feet six inches aud two lines front on Common street, thirty feet front on Baudin street, one hundred and seven feet two inches on the line dividing it from lot number one, and oue hundred and one feet six inches four lines on the op|K»site side line Lots nmnlyers three, four, tive and six measure each thirty tlect six inches and four lines front oil Common street, and thirty feet front on Baudin street. Lot nvmber three measure* one hundred and one feet six inches and four lines on the line dividing j t from lot number two, and ninety-six feet three inches on the opposite side line. Lot numb, i four measures ninety-six feet tlwve incites on the line dividing it from lot number three, aud ninety feet nine inches and lour lines on the oppo- site side line. Lot number rive measures ninety feet nine inches and tour lines on the line dividing it from lot num- ber four, and eigbty-tive feet four inches ou the op- posite side line. Lot number six measures eighty- tive feet tour inches on the line dividing it from lot number tive, seventy-nine feet ten inches four lines on the opposite side line, and lot number seven measures thirty-two feet eight inches and three lines front on Common street, and tiffy-nim* feet six inches aud three lines front on Baudin street, bv a depth of seventy-nine feet ten inches and tour lines on the side line dividing it from lot number six and seventy-eight feet seven inches and one hue on the opjmsite side line, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, Is iug the same property acquired by Tin- late Martin Dee by purchase from B. Saloy, per act passed before Wil- liam J. Casitdl. notary public in this city, under date of the twenty-ninth of Scptemlnw, l.ibo. Terms—Cash ou the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL. oc29 nolo del Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. SHERIFFS SALES. Nickel Meillenr ▼». Mietael Alpkonann McDonnell—Seventh District Court tor tlie B parish of Orleans, No. 7872. Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND sale, to me directed by tlie Honorable the Seventh District Court tor the parish ot Orleans, m the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Cus- tomhouse streets, in the Second District of this citv, rtn SATURDAY, December 10. 1870, at twelve o’clock M.. the following described property, to wit— , . A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in faubourg Livaudai.s, in the Fourth District of this city, in the square lnmnded by Laurel, Live Oak (now Constance), Seventh and Eighth streets, designated by the number oue of square number forty-seven, on a plan drawn on the fourth of May, 1844. by H. Moelhausen, late surveyor, aiul de]M>sited iu the office of Lueieu Hermann, tlieu oue of the notaries of this city. Said lot forming the corner of Live Oak (or Con- stance) and Seventh streets, and measuring thirty- two feet front on Seventh street, by one hundred and twenty-six feet, deeptand front on Live Oak (or Constance) street. Together with all and singular the buildings and improvements thereon. Being the (Mine property acquired by the de- fendant by purchase from Michael McDonnell, as per act passed before Andrew Hero, Jr., notary public in this city, ou the thirteenth day of Novem- ber, 1863. Seized iu the above suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL. no3 21 dclO Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. BY Armand llelot v*. !*• J* Maillot and Mi** L. A. Maillot—Sixth District Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. 20,374. Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS _ against L. J. Maillot, to me directed by the Honorable the Sixth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the a1»ove entitled cause, l will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, m the Second District of this city, on SATURDAY, November 12, 1870, at twelve o’clock M., all the right, title aud interest of tlie defendant, L. J. Maillot, iu and to the following described property. g the oue undivided third part thereof— aid interest therein being AY Bv th. and and the seal of tl of October, 1370. and of the i United States the ninety-ritth. r : II. C. WARMOTH. no. K. Bo i-ietary of State Mr. anti .Hr., P. E. Will* vs. Widow de St. Romes. Airs. Widow De St. Romes vs. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Wilts—Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans. Nos. 1403 and 1329. (consolidated.) B y virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued on a twelve months’ bond,against Louis « ’lorcnt as principal, and Victor de St. Romes as se- •uritv. to me directed by the Honorable the Seventh District Court for tlie Parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, I will proceed to sell at public auc- tion. at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, ,al street, la-tween Canal and Customhouse •ets iu the Second District of this city, on SATURDAY, November 12.1870. at twelve o’clock M., he following described property, to wit: TEN LOTS OF GROUND, situated. King and lning in .» certain irregular square of ground, m the •ond District of this city, bounded by Main. » s t. Philip^-. Fourth, Fifth and Be’ .Iechasse streets. Lots numbers one, two. three, four and tive front ou Fourth street and extend back to the rear line of lots numbers thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen. Lots nuiuhcrs six, seven and eight front on Beliechasse street, aud lots numbers nine and ten front on St. Philippe street; which said tive lots last mentioned extending back to the side line of numbers five and thirteen, lot number six tonuiug the corner of Bellecliasse and Fourth treets. as per sketch ou tile in my office. Seized iu the above suit. Terms—cash ou the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, ocll 25 no 12 Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. Another Mystery Solved—Chemists 1»« unable to di*eover tlie ingredients in migrant * limit. which removes all stains from the teeth and imparts such a peculiar rosiness to the gums, public are herein informed that it is a pr.-paration from the bark of the Qiiillava Saponaria. or Soap Tree of Chili, imported for the first tine* into this country tor this special purpose. Such is the pu fving and innocuous effect of this rare botanic agent, that it removes discolorations troni the nm fragile textile fabrics without injuring a single thread. Save and mend the pieces, use "spaluiug s Glue. n<>5 l\v cod W ithout y*|!Of or Sedim ent—Phalon s \ italni or Salvation for the Hair, lias no bad smell, and does not stain the skin. It has no ingredient that subsides in the foam of filthy sediment, t ons queiitlv it is not shrouded in darkened bottle Tin- natural color of the hair, however completely y hav the Vitalia ivariably leprodi •d In sts. >3 1v Notice h hereby given that nil the circu- lating notes issued bv the Merchants’ Bank ot Ne*‘* Orleans, and by the late Bank of Janies Robb (a sinned bv tlie Merchants’ Bank of New Orleans) may be presented for redemption at the office of the State Auditor, within one year from the first pub- lication hereof, viz: from March 4. 1870, or that the funds deposited for the redemption of said note will 1 h * given up to the said Merchants’ Bank of Ne> Orleans, pursuant to sections thirty-four and thirty- five of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, entitled An act to establish a general system of free banking iu the State ol Louisiana,” approved March 15. 1855. New Orleans. March 4, 1370. mli4 2tm lv CANCELLATION OF BOND. State op Louisiana, i Executive Department. > New Orleans, September 30, 1370, ) WfHKREAS. APPLICATION HAS BKKN MADE TO 11 me to for the cancellation of the official bonds of Alfred Voorliics as Assessor and TaxCollec- in and for the parish of St. Martin, to wit: A bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000), dated February 16. 1868, signed by Alfred Vooiliies, principal, and Charles Olivier Duclozel, as secu- rity, and a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), dated February 16. 1368, signed bv Alfred hies, as principal, aud Charles Olivier I uclozel, curity: the said bonds being conditioned for the faithful performance by the said Allred Voor- of liis duties as Assessor and State Tax Collec- tor atofesaid. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the aforesaid bonds to tile their objections to the cancellation thereof in w riting ill the office of the Secretary of State, within ninety days after the last publication hereof. Given under my hand and the seal of the State, this thirtieth day of September, A. I).. 1370, and of Independence of the United States tlie ninety- By the Governor II. C. WARMOTH. Gkokok E. Bovkk. Secretary of State. oc2 PETITION^ The City ot New Orient!*, for tlie l’*e and lienetir of the MeDonogh School Fund, vs Loui* Edouard yotstall—Seventh District Court forthc parish ot Orleans. No. 7359. B Y VIRTUE OF AN ALIAS WRIT OF FIERI FA- cias to me directed by the Honorable the said District Court for the parish of OrleansAn the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell ;.f public auc- tion .it the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, val street, between Canal and Customhouse eets in tin* Second District of this city, on MON- DAY. November 28. 1870, at twelve (/clock M., the allowing described pn»i»erty. to wit— 1. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Second Disiri< t of this city, in the square bounded iv st. Louis, Toulouse, Dauphine and Burgundy treets. measuring. French nieasuie, thirty feet rout on .said Dauphine street, by one hundred and well tv fret ill depth, between paiallel lines. Ac- iuireti bv defendant bv purchase from Paul Bertus. before Felix Griina. notary public CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situate iu the Second District of this city, in the square bounded bv Burgundy, Hospital, Ursulincs and Rampart streets, beginning at eighty feet from Hospital street, and measuring, French measure, twenty-two feet front ou Burgundy street, by a depth of ninety feet, opening ten inches at the distance of fifty feet from said Burgundy street, on the side line toward Hospital street, aud thence having twenty-two feet ten inches wide, until tlie rear line. The whole according to a plan of Allou D’Hcinecourt, late deputy surveyor, on the twenty-ninth May. 1834, and annexed to an act of sale, passed before Henry Paul (’aire, late a notary public in this city, on the fifth day of September, 1651, together with all tlie buildings thereon. Seized in the above suit. Term -Cash ou the snot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, ocll 25 nol2 Sheriff of tlie Parish of Orleans. L. 39.. MISOELLANEOUS. BKKNOS, AGENT, ..............Natchez street...................39 Offer, for Sale FERTILIZERS: Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair. Tar, Pitch, Rosin and Turpentine. Coal Tar aud Roofing Materials. Roll Sulphur, .Sugar Lime, Packing Yarn. OILS: Lard, Linseed: Whale and Tanners' Oil and Lubricating Oils. Also, to arrive, a full assortment of White Lead, Varnishes, Paints, Brushes, etc L. BERNOS, Agent, oc27 1m No. 39 Natchez street. \Y ANATA. .........WANATA CELEBRATED GUACO BITTERS. THE WANATA GUACO BITTER IS A OOOD TOXIC and STOMACHIC, (joinposed entirely of th« vegetable substance of Guaco. Being very agreeable to the taste, can be taken by the moat delicate persons. It rids the system of all impurity aud promotes health and vigor. This celebrated Bitter is a preservative against Cholera, and a cure for Dyspepsia, Chreuio and Nervous Debility, Diarrhea, Weakness of the Loins, and all diseases proceeding horn, the Liver, the Stomach or the Boa-els. This Bitter can be taken either with a little sugar aud water, iu Anisette, or auy other spirits, or even pure. A small glass of it, taken before a meat, sharpens the appetite and facilitates digestion. For sale by J. LLADO, Agent Druggist, corner Chartres and Du mama. anl8 6m ^ S T K O L O K I . Mrs. Anata, the real, truth learned Astrologint, tells the destiny according to the Egypt ian and Span- ish methods. She can l>e consulted oil all points, busi- ness us well as events of the life. She j>osaesses the wonderful Elixir of Youth, to take off all the wrinkles of the fate anil make you appear only twenty or twenty-five years old. Resilience No. 57 Gastpiet street, between Maraig and Villere. She does uot receive on Sunday. oc3 Su&Su lm The City of New Orlennn vs. Kraotim 11. Harris—Fourth District Court ior the parish of Orleans—No. 22,426. The City of New Orleans vs. same—Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans—No. 1271. B y virtue of two writs of fieri facias, to me directed by the Honorable the saitl District Courts for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes. I will proceed to sell at publie auction, at the Mcrrhauts aud Auctioneers’ Exchange, Roval street, between Canal and Cus- tomhouse streets, in the Second District of this citv, ou SATURDAY, November 12, 1876, at twelve o’clock M., the following described property, to wit— A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, situated m the twelfth assess I]11-nt aud Fourth District of this city, iu humare number two hundred and twelve, hounded by Philip, St. Charles, First aud Prytania streets, measuring one hundred and twenty-eight feet anil two lines front ou Philip street, by a depth of one hundred and twenty-seven feet teu inches and live lines; said jhirtmn of ground forming the corner id' Philip aud St. Charles streets. Together with all the buildings and improve- ments thereon, as j>er survey and plan made l>y C. A. de Armas, surveyor, deposited in the Sheriff's office for reference. Seized in the aimve suits. Terms—Cash ou the sjmt. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, ocll 23 nol2 Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. T O SAVE LABOR ANA INSURE LARGE CROPS, Use Stern’s RAW BONK SUPER PHOSPHATE And FINE GROUND BONK, the ^reat Fertilizer*. LOUIS STERN k BROTHERS, manufacturers, office No. 6 Chartres street, New Orleans, Louisi- ana. Boue Black of all grades constantly on I no3 ly Deni* Cronnn v*. Kujrene Pernet (Eugene Uarrenin)—Seventh District Court fort lie* parish o f <>rlo;iii8, No. 2064. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS tom e directed by the Honorable tlie Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans, iu the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell at pub- lic auction, at the Merchant* and Auctioneers’ Ex- change, Koval street, between Canal and Custom- house streets, in the Second District of this city, on WEDNESDAY, December?. 1370. at twelve o'clock M.. the following describ'd property, to wit— A CERTAIN Lot OF GROUND, situate in the Third District ot this city, in the square hounded bv Marignv, St. Avide.. Mandeville and rrosp streets, lie asm ing thirty-two feet flout on Marig: street, bv a depth and front mi St. Avide street of o: hundred anil twenty-four feet six inches and tlm lines, between parallel lines, and forming the inner of said Marignv aud St. Avide streets. To gctlier with all the buildings aud improvement thereon. Seized ill the above suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL. no5 26 de? Sheriff of the parish ot Orleans. per act p; ill this c: 2. AND going, no trout ou i square, by lei lines. . James Rol; . ou 1 lie sixteenth JailU i LOT OF GROUND, ad suring. French nieasun id Dauphine street, in ; aixty-Iive feet in dept! ry , 18:t7 tilling tin* fore- tliirty-five feet >ove mentioned bet ween parol- elm XkW Oklkaxs, Noveml»er4, 1370. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • w Orleans: Gentlemen—Tlie undersigned ner* of proiicrtv fronting on Broad Broad str n. Office .Mutual Aid Benevolent Eife In- surance Association of Louisiana, 120 Caroudeh* street. New Orleans. November 7, 1870.—Mem of this association arc hereby notified of tlie death of Samuel 11. Fulton, who died in this city August 18. 1870; W. C. I>. Vauglit. w ho was drowned lie Bnvnu Sara August 21. 1870; Fred. G. Folger. w died in this city August 24. 1370, and Nicolas Fidel, who died in this city August 25, 1370. and are called upon to com** forward, without further notice, and pay at this office, 120 Carondelet street, *1 25 each, to meet the amount ot $*11 683, paid out l»y tlie association. „o6 Iw R. W. YOUNG, Seereta *eii Canal and Bienville street petition your honorable body, in ac eetiou t wenty-four of the in ..... contract for making a brie iy curb stones and wooden west side of said licnville street s- uov.» ltaw4w respect fill 1\ •ordanec witi barter, to sell banquette, bonlei utters, on the north- ■oad street, between Canal aud 2:C» feet. Respectfully. VINCENT MICAS. [Uircd by defendant by purchase from per act passed before Lueieu. Her- mann. late a notary public in this city, on the thir- teenth October, 1843. Together witli all the buildings and improve- ments on said two lots of ground, aud all tlie rights, w ays, etc., thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Seized iu the alwive suit. Terms—Cash ou the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oc27 no12 27 Sheriff*of the parish of Orleans, i Stephen lliuiiptier* vs. the Afrienn Meth- odist Episcopal Zion Society—Fifth District Court for the parish of Orleans. No. 1351. B y virtue of a writ of seizure and sale to me directed by tlie honorable the Fifth l>is- , in the above [ proceed to sell at public aue- PETITION. N kw Orleans, S e p t e m b e r —, 1370. [IO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL OF THE T AKNCKMHieiji Number Four,—\\ o rk 111*; iiH-n's Mutual Lift- hisurauee Noeiety ui’ Louis 66 t amp Stirot. Now Orleans. Oetolier 28. 1 Mrmlirrs. von are assessed thirty rents upon each share von hold in this society up to ten. I’’ call within thirty days to pay to tlie heirs ot Mrs. Catherine Barkley, who died on the twenty-seventh instant, a member of tliis society, in o,„m 1 stanilin^ ami a bolder of ten shares. ^Theruheins 861 a hart the heirs art* entitled to 8*215 2.7. mSi3t JOHN ROY. Secretary. Noriee.—Ti •utonia National Bank of New* < leans. New Orleans, October 31, 1870.—The cashio office has been removed this day to-the future p» maiient location ofthebank, No. 23(’ampstreet, be- ween Common aud Gravier streets, uol 2w J. M. WAGNER, (’a.shier. Bank of Lafayette, New Orleans, Octo ber 31, 1870—The stockholders of this Bank el»v notified that the third installment of tw ive per cent upon their stock is due and payable at the banking house on TUESDAY, the first No- vember. T. D. VAN HORN, nol lOt__________________ Casluei (setting M arried*—Essays for young men. great social evils and abuses, which interfere w marriage—with sure means of relief tor theerrin anil unfortunate, diseased and debilitated, free, in sealed envelopes. Address Howard Associa- tion, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia. Penn- sylvania. _________ .P*1-* *> ' Crescent City Bank. New Orleans, Octo- ber 6, 1870.—Notice is hereby given that on SATUR- DAY. the twelfth of November, 1370. at twelve o’clock M„ there will be held a general meeting of the stockholders^'this hank, to confirm and ratify the action of the Board of Directors, in the ion of this hank into a National Bank, with an m reuse of capital. By order of the hoard: oi 7 30t* _______ CHARLES FA UR IK. J r., Cashier. New Orleans Insurance Association.— few Orleans. October 21, 1»70.— Pursuant to; ►ltuiou adopted by tlie Board of Directors of tli New Orleans Insurance Association, at tli of September 16, 1370. the stockholders tl tested to call at the office of said institution, 10 Exchange alley, on MONDAY, the twenty- first of November. 1870, from nine o'clock A. M. clock P. M.. for the purpose of voting on the proposed amendments to the act of incorporation. of New Orleans—Tlie undersigned, proper- holders and residents of Girod street, betw« Rampart and Liberty streets, respectfully petition your honorable body to cause to l»e adjudicated a rt for raising the banquettes ot said Girod i»u both sides of the street, from Rampart to Liberty Streets, to a pnqier grade, and repairing said banquettes where necessary. Names. Thomas Lucy ..................................... J. C. Mi Clellau.................................... JolinCousley....................................... H. T. Hill .............................................. Scanlun....................................... J. B. D. Bonsoignenr......................... Mrs. Adelaide Binning .................... Charles Job ......................................... S. Goumer............................................ Mrs. M. Ragan .................................... John Lyall, per J. Liudop................ Peter B arr .......................................... DeCoursey.............................................. J. Coney ....................................................... Hannah Sheehan ....................................... Mrs. R. Bloomingtal .................................. Mrs. Mary McGauly .................................. L. A. C o u e n t ..................................... . Jules A. Florat, agent of P. McGuigin.. >el2 4tlaw ________________ PETITION. Nkw Orleans, La., September30,1870. T O THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY of New Orleans—We. the undersigned proper- ty owners residing on St. Charles avenue, b State aud Toledano streets, respectfully request that vour honorable body will cause to he acfjudi- eated a contract for the laying of Byrnes’ Improved Concrete Banquetting ou tlie north side ot St. Feet. .............116 .. 20 ...............112 29 Charles avenue, betv the tv nan *d. ct. ! 1III ( (t . LANAUX. Sei •etai Public Notice is hereby (given that, four weeks after date, application w ill he made to the Register of State Land Office, at New ()rleansf for n new a! of certificates Nos. 27 and 67. in my name, fo lots niuc and ten, of section twenty-two, and lot.- one and two, or fractional north half of north quarter of section twenty-six. in township twelve, south of range twelve east, east of sissippi liver, in southeast District of Loui the originals having been destroyed by ti the fourteenth of February, 137o. oc23 1 a " 4 r t ____________ L. P. DESMoUSSKAUX. Enion Bank of Louisiana. New Orleans, October 4, 1870.—At the request of a majority of the stockholders, a meeting of the stockholders will take place on TUESDAY, the eighth of Novem- ber. at twelve o’clock, to consider the propriety of its conversion into a national bank. Bv order of the Board of Directors: oc5 tm>9 GEORGE A. FRKRKT, Cashiei P. R Fell ................................................ A. Wallace Hunter .............................. Henry C. Miller.................................... H. B. Stevens ......................................... Richard S. Venables........................... J. Q. A. Fellows.................................... J. Hernandez....................................... L. J. Iiigbv ............................................ H. H Han sell ....................................... William P. Kellogg.............................. Herman C. Duncan.............................. M. J. Farrell ......................................... R. Pochelu ............................................. William II. Peters ................................ E. S. Keep, about ................................ F. Voisin........................................... 1). G. Cooke........................................... Thomas L. Maxwell........................... L. Madison Day.................................... c6 la wlm Lourt tor the pa entitled cause. I will ^ tion. at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, Roval street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second District of this city, on TUES- DAY. November 22, 1870, at twelve o'clock M., the following described propertv, to wit— TWO CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND situate in the First District of this city, designated by the num- bers fourteen and fifteen,iu square mini Ihw twenty, bounded by Perdido, Gravier, Johnson and Pricur streets, as per plan drawn by Louis Bringier. late Surveyor General, on the twentieth April, 1839. and deposited in the office of David L. McCay, late a notary public in this city. Said lots measure each, iu American measure, twenty-nine feet seven inches and seven lines front on Johnson street, by a depth of oue hundred and fifty-one feet three inches between parallel lines, together with all and singular the buildings and improvements theoreou, rights, ways, servitudes, privileges, and all other advantages thereunto belonging or in any wise ap pcrtainiHg, without exception or reservation. The above deserilied property belongs to said Society, bv means of the purchase it made tliercot from Caroline Williams, as appears by ail act passed on the twenty-fourth day of September, 1366, bcfori William J. Castell, notary public, iu this city. Seized ill the above suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oc21 nol 22_____ Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. The City o! New Orleans vs. John Lu- harie—Third District Court for the parish of Orleans. No. 7931. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO to me directed by the honorable the Third District Court for the Parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Ex- change, Royal street, l>et ween Canal and Custom- house streets, in the Second District of this citv. on SATURDAY. November 12. 1870, at twelve o’clock M.. the following described property, to wit- A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, situated in the Second District of this city, in square No. 103, 1 h>umb'd by Rampart, Dumaine. Burgundy and St. Ann streets, measuring twentv-four feet fronton Rampart street, by one hundred and thirty-one feet eleven inches and two lines in depth. Together with tlie buildings aud improvements thereon. As per survey and plan made by C. A. de Armas, surveyor, deposited in the Sheriff ’s office for refer- Seized in the above suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oc ll 25 no!2 Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. Robert J. Wood vs. Mary Ann Woolver- ton. widow of Joseph A. Stevenson—Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans, No. 24,335. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE to me directed by tin* Honorable the Fourth Dis trict Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell at public auction at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Royal street, between Canal aud Customhouse streets, in tlie Second District of this city, •SATURDAY, November 26,1870, at 12 o’clock M., the following described property, to wit— A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, right privileges, customs, ways, servitudes and whatevi *se may be thereunto belonging or iu any wise ap- pertaining, situated in the foubourg Livaudais, Fourth District of this city, designated by the num- ber nineteen, in square number twenty-nine, bounded by Washington, Sixth, Chippewa and An- nunciation streets, measuring thirty-three feet four inches front on Annunciation street, by a depth ot one hundred and twenty feet, a*per plan drawn by C. F. Zimpel. late survevor, dated twelfth March 1833, iKumded on the side nearest Sixth street by the corner lot, number eighteen oil said plan. Being the same property acquired by the defen ilunt bv purchase from Mrs. Sarah Woolverton widow of James Dudley, jm -i act passed In-fore Wil limit Shannon, notary public in this city, on the twenty-fourth January. 1867. Seized in the above suit. Terms—Cash ou the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oe26nol6 26 Sheriff of the parish of Orleans. It. Mnrsh lleniimn & Co. vs. Muslin way «V Madden—Seventh District Court for the Par isli of Orleans. No. 3275. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS against J. Madden, to me directed lfv the Hon mable the Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will pro- ceed to sell at publie auction, on VVKDNKSDAY November 9,1870. at half-past ten o'clock A. M., at stable of Philip Liner, No. 193 Gravier street, First District of this city— Five (5) GRAY HORSES. Three (3) CARRIAGES. Five (3) SETS OF HARNESS. Three (3) WHIPS. And on the same day, at five o'clock P. M.. at my warehouse No. 74 St. Ann street. Second District— A LOT OF FURNITURE AND MOVABLE EFFECTS as per inventory ou file in my office. Seized in the aliove suit. Terms—Cash on the spot. THOMAS L MAXWELL, oe29 no5 9 SU* iff’ of the parish of Orleans. ................ 100 ................ 245 BUSINESS CHANGES. HERETOFORE istinj; lx*twi*en the undersigned, Abram B. ^ rO T IC E .—THE PARTXER8HIF ticket, making intil the steamboat | wutliee Seelye and Richard G. Taylor, under tilt* firm of SEKIiYK Jc^AYLOR, ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner will sij{u the name of the firm in liquidation only. Parties holding claims against the firm will present them at once for payment, and those indebted to it wi.'l at ouee mate payment. R. U. TAYLOR, A. B. SKELYK [ New Orleans, N o v e m b e r1876. no8 l a LEGAL NOTICES. UNITED STATES DISTRICT UOUHT. DISTRICT OP LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF ABNER P. BURTON, BANK nipt. In Bnnkrnptey—No. 9*21. W HEREAS. ABNER P. BURTON, FORMERLY OF Concordia i*ari..h. Louisiana, but now a resi- dent of the State of Mississippi, duly declared hank rupt under the act of Congress of March 2. 1367, has this day tiled in said court a petition praying for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts aud other claims provable under said act. Notice is therefore given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and to all other persons in inter- est, that the twenty-first day of November, 1370, at 11 A. It., is assigned for the lie-aring of the same, and that they may then and there attend and* show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not he granted. Clerk’s Office, New Orleaus, June 13,1170. jylS K. LKOW, Deputy Clerk. iU. A. Wincliill (Esther A. W inehlll. widow'd Morris A. Winehill, in her own rights, anil as snr\ivor in community, and as natural v of her minor children Julian. Sampson ■: vm Winehill. substituted) and George Pal- is. Marv Tndil and Margaret Todd, wife of s K. Nil-pla ns—Fourth District Court for arish of Orleans. Mo. 23.942. Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALK to in- directed bv the Honorable the Fourth District Court for the parish ot Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Ife- chaage. Royal street, between Canal anil Custom- house streets, in the Second District ot this citv. on SATURDAY, December 10, 1470, at t welveo'elock M., the following described property, to wit— TWO CERTAIN LOTS OF GROl'NI). situate, lviiig auills ing in the Fourth Distric t oftl B in tl 8qli ml Philip front on M;»g:i< ullel lines, of o rme inch, and number* tiftei of lot number t bounded b; t», mi tree* by a i • bundl ed and t weuty-oi re composed of the wh i*eu and the ri •; whigh lot* are de vn h' " ' zinc Camp uty-.six feet and i cell par- feet and e of lot* r portion ribed on CONSTABLE’S SALES. Jnitir* O’llarn vs. ( hnrles F* <4uiou— Fir*t Justice Court for the Parish of Orleans. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the Honorable Georg* Smllcr. First Justice of the Peace in and for the parish of Orleans. I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Ex change. Royal street, between Canal and Custom house streets, in the Second District of this city, ou SATURDAY, Novemlwr 19. 1870. at twelve o’cloe M.. the following property to wit: A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with all its dependencies and appurtenances, rights, v privileges or servitudes thereunto attached or in anv wise appertaining, situate in the Second Dis- trict of this city, in the square liouiided b Louis. Canal Carondelet, Pricur and Johmum streets designated as lot No. 1. and measuring thirty-four feet front on St. Louis street, by a depth of one hundred and thirty-five feet and seven inches on one side, and oue hundred and thirty-eight feet oil the other side, the rear line measuring thirty-four feet and six aud one-quarter inches. Being the same projwrty acquired by the defend ant herein by purchase at auction sale, by Osea Valeton. from the succession ot the late Altr Guion, Fanny Blackburn, his wife, and Baudot -.. Guion. tlieir son. in c onformity to an order of the Honorable the Second District Court, parish of Or- leans, in the matter of said succession, dated March 31, 1869. and said sale is witnessed by nota- rial act. passed Indore Octave De Armas, notary publie iu this city, dated tenth day of June, 1869. Seized ill the above suit. Terms—Twelve months’ credit. u]H)H purelwiser executing, with good and sufficient security, and special mortgage on the pro|#*rty for the amount and interest of the ,judgment, and provide that from the price of adjudication be deducted and eed- M>) dollars, and all a \cs due on said property. no3 A. A. PLATTSMIKR, Constable. H OI’SEKKEPKRS, ATTENTION. No. 15, Camp Strkbt, Up Stair*. Please call anil see'the Bant7: Boiler, Steamer amt Dourer, combined iu one machine, which will wash a batch of clothes in thirty minutes; also, blankets, etc. Price, fit 12. It has been tried here, aud found to )>erform all that is claimed fer it. o r 30 I III BANTZ k CO.. Patentees. 5Q0 ............ *00 .............. 300 ............. 300 HOME WASHERS, HOME WASHERS. HOME WASHERS. SOLD. WITHIN PAST TWO^ MONTHS UNDER A FULL GUARANTEE, NOT ONE RETURNED— NOT ONB COMPLAINT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. In Operation Daily at the Depot, So. 176 Canal Street. PRICE $18. New Orleans Home Manufacturing Comp* TkTAURY CO., ITI GALLIF.R COURT, NEW ORLEANS ►Ship Agents, Passenger Agents for H{uuburg diieci Southern line of steamers, and GENERAL EMIGRATION AGENTS, are now completing their arrangements for supply- ing Foreign Labor, so much required throughout the South, and invite interviews and correspondence with piauters and land owners. se3 ly 0ORUECT WEIGHTS. All parties wishing correct scales for tlieir cot- ton, sugar, tobacco, etc., will please refer to the ad- vertisement in the “Daily Advertiser,” which refer* them to W. B. BOWMAJ(, the only ogcut for Fair- Mr. W. B. Bowman is Fairbanks Ac Co.’s agent for the Southern .States, 53 Camp street, New Orleaus. oc29 3t J ^ O T I C E . - N K W ORLEANS, JACKSON ' ND ’ GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY, To Shippers* From and after the first day of Novemlier, freight for forwariliug will he received from 3 A. M. to 5 P. M. Drays arriving up to 5 P. M. aud erofviled out, will he received. Other* arriving later w ill be sent back . ,To Consignees. All freight not called for and taken away within forty-eight hours after arrival, will be drayed and stored at the expense uml risk of the owner. eight hills can l»e naid at the main office on Camp street, or at the Inward Freight Office at the depot, on presentation of the notifications. SIMEON TOBY, oc25 lot New Orleans Freight Agent. $1000 REWARD. DhBING’S VIA FU0.\ cures all Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness, Female Afflic- tions, General Debility, and all complaints of th . Uriuary Organs, in male and female; *1000 will also he paid for any case of Blind, Bleeding or Itch- ing Piles that DxBixo’s Pilk Rkmkoy fails to care. Sold everywhere. Send for Pamphlet. Laboratory No. 142 Franklin street, myll dkwly Baltimore, Maryland. SUCCESSION NOTICES.1 ~ Succession of Nancy Parish—No. 28,513, S ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to tlieeredi- tors of this estate and to all other persons hereiu interested, to show cause within ten days from the present notification, if any they have or can. why the account presented by Thomas L. Bayne, dative tesmentarv executor in this estate, should not he homologated aud approved, and the lauds distrib- uted iu accordance therewith. Bv order of the court. no4 8 12 M. O. TRACY, Clerk. Snccessiou of Anna .31n r la Schneider— No. 34,048. S ECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to the cred- itors of this estate, to the legatees of the deceased, aud to all other iiersons herein interested, to show cause w ithin ten days from the present notifica- tion, if any they have or can, why the account and tableau of distribution presented by N. A. Baumgarden. testamentary executor iu this estate, should not la* homologated and approved, aud the assets distributed in accordance therewith, Bv order of the court. . not 8 12 M. O. TRACY. C lerk. Succession of Philip I,iner—No. 31,111*. OECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF O Orleans.—Whereas, Peter Ilollen has i>cti- tioued the court for letters of administration on the estate of the late Philip Liner, de- ceased, intestate: Notice is hereby* given to all whom it mav concern, to show cans*- within ten days why the prayer of the said petitioner should not he granted. By order of the court. no9 13 13 M. O. TRACY, Clerk. 9ucc.8iti.il of Phi. N. L,uckett.-N o.33.717. S BCOND DISTRICT COURT FOB THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to th . creditors of this estate, and to tyl other persona herein interested, to show cause within ten day* from the present notification, if any they have of can, why the account presented by R. Mott, testamentary executor in this estate, should not lie homologated and approved, and th. funds distributed iu accordance therewith. Bv order of tho court. ni>8 12 18 H. O. TRXT. Clerk. amid iu cash ou the snot all cn>ts of these pr lugs, now about oue hundred (*1 Ttain plan drawn by 11. Buissou, surveyor, bearing date the twenty tilth day of April 1,142, aud deposited for reference iu the office of T. Tu- reatid. late a notary public in this city, and also designated by the same iniaOn-rs on a plan drawn by T. Petingam, bearing date the seventeenth day of March. 1847. and deposited a-s plan number four- teen in the office of G. K. Stringer, late u notary public in this city. Together writli all the buildings and improve- ments thereon, rights, wavs and advantages thereunto Itelonging or iu anywise appertaining. Being the same property which the defendants acquired by purchase from Juilsdi Harr, per act passed before W. J. Castell. notary public in this city, on the twelfth day of October, 1366. Seized in tbe above suit. Terms—Cash ou the spot. THOMAS L. MAXWELL, . 0*23 deM Sheriff «f tbs parish of Orl««a>. h mill Adnlie /.abriska vn. Berry Allison and Mrs. L. Riddell—No. 6421—First Justices Court, for the Parish of Orleans. B y virtue of a writ of fieri fa- cias, to me direeted hv the Hon. George tv. Sadler, First Justice of the Peace in ami for the parish of Orleans, I will proceed to sell, at public auction, on SATURDAY. November 12. 1870, at twelve o'clock SL.at No. 139Julia street— ONE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE us per inventory on file. Seized iu tlie aliove suit. Terms—Ca*U ou the »p«t. Ho3 6 13 A. A. Pi-VTT.vUIF.R. <onstable. W. K. Vcrlnnilcr. Agent, vs. L. Levy- First Justice Court for the pans.; ot Orleans, Nn 6344 B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO me direeted by the Honorable George W. Sa.Her, First Justice of the Peace in aud tor the parish of Orleans I will proceed to sell at public auction, at No 139 Julia street, near Camp street, ou THURS- DAY November 10, 1870, at twelve o'clock M.— ONE LOT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and effects, as per inventory on tile in my office Seized in the above numbered and entitled suit. Terms—Cash ou the spot iu United States cur n «e£> oo5 ID A A PLATTSMIEB, Constable. PERSONAL, SITUATION W A N T E D .—AX acc >M- O piii.iii*d young lady, alone in tile world, wishes some friend Sontli, who will find her a situation or heme, where she can pay her way Understands music, housekeeping, domestic industry, is healthy, agreealdf*. and twenty-two years oid Address CLARA ASHLAND, No. 1121 State street. Chicago. Illinois. met lot ticket, •o t losing k . S . 5 u » “‘ia IN BANKRUPTCY. ESTATE OF HENRY GARNER. omes U . mtrd S tatus M arshal, District of Louisiana. New Orleans, November 3, 1370. T his is to give notice that on thk twenty-ninth day of October, A. D. 1870, a war - rant in bankruptcy was issued against the estate of HENRY GARNER, of Now Orleans, in ,br* .jarisli of Orleaus, and State of Louisiana, who h i, been adjudged a bankrupt ou his own petition; that tho payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for h!s nso, and the trausfer of any propertv bv 1dm are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of aaid bankrupt, to prove their debta and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a court of bankruptcy to bs hidden at New Or- leans, in the Customhouse building, before C 8. Kellogg. Register, on thetwentv-ttfth day Ot Kovem. her, A. D. 1870, at uiue o’clock 'A JL •** „ . A R. PACKARD. i m9&> Caittd ItotM IUr«kaL

Transcript of nW RBPifrBLioAy. weISnesday, November isto

Page 1: nW RBPifrBLioAy. weISnesday, November isto

nW o r t .k a v s RBPifrBLioAy. weISn'esday, November % isto.

f m ©trtaros fqmbltom.OFFlflALToURNATo^


. AUCTION SALEH th is dav.

BT LOUIS STERN k BROS., a t, t o , o'clock, a t No.16 C hartres at reel, 600 caaca boots. shoes andBrogans.

BT J. DKJAN, JR., a t half-past 11 o’clock, a t New Auction M art, No. 183 O ravier s tree t, near Caron dele t, household furn iture, etc .

BT R. M. k B. J. MONTGOMKRT, a t l l^ o ’clork, a t Old- Auction M art, 87 Camp s tree t, household fu rn itu re .

Local Intelligence.Cm- Council.—Mayor Flanders presid­

ing and present Administrators Sliaw. West, Emloy, f>elassizr, Walton, Pierce.

Mr. Dclassizc reported that, on request of floveral gentlemen interested in the French bazar at the St. Louis Hotel, for the benefit of the French soldiers, he had ordered the hydrant 'water turned on without charge. Approved. *

A communication and a report from the City Attorney, furnishing information con­cerning the city's suits in court, was ordered printed.

An ordinance by Mr. Shaw, relative to recording Metropolitan “blue" warrants, was ordered printed.

Also, one making jury warrants receiva­ble for taxes. Ordered printed.

A party in Kentucky offering to sell to this city five hundred pair of sparrows, was > referred to Mr. Emley.

Mr. West called up his ordinance in rela­tion to granting right of way for a single traok railroad on Calliope street. The track is to go through Harmony, Camp and

■ Other streets to the Carrollton line. The projectors are Messrs. Seymour and May. Cars are to be run not less than once every hour during the twenty-four. Ordered printed, and adopted on second reading.

The Mayor expressed a desire to see bids from other parties who may wish to secure right of way over this line.

That everlasting monthly appropriation of five hundred dollars to the Carondelet Navigation Company Canal for draining the

■ city's sewage water into a natural stream, bayou St. John, was ordered paid. The subject is before the Supreme Court.

The Prolific Fourth.—The Garden District has gained an unenviable reputa­tion during the last year on account of the great number of dead infants found in that interesting section. It seems that all the unfortunate mothers of this city either li ve or go there to rid themselves of evidences of shame. Scarcely a week passes hut a re­port comes to us that a murdered or de­serted infant is found in the Fourth, and Captain Robinson finds these items his prin-

. cipal stook in trade. Now comes another. Some lads were enjoying a holiday in a vacant lot, corner of Clara and Jackson streets, where there is a sand pile. In digging it up, they discovered the body of a six mouths old child beneath. Appear­ances indicate that the corpse h:is lffcu there about three weeks, or perhaps less. It is not known who its parents are, it it ever had any. _ _

Brass-knuckling a Woman.—If it ho true, as sworn to bv Mary F. Pliilleboud that Joan Bieiue pounded her with brass knuckles, then a jury will be pretty sure to give him a long di-awn out dose of Parish Prison. Mary feels much agrieved at the attack, which occurred on Miro street. The case will come up before Recorder Houghtou on the sixteenth

William Usher had a knife, the point of which he attempted to use on the hide of William Tanner, of Franklin street. Tan­ner objected to paying funeral expenses just yet, therefore is prosecuting accused for threatening to kill him. The enormi­ties in this case will be developed before Recorder Houghton on the sixteenth.

Notwithstanding the fact that most all . the coffee-houses were closed Tuesday, the usual number of drunkards were arrested, therefore it seems that those places are not

. altogether accountable for the existence of inebriates. There are bungholes as well as spigots, faucets and decanters. But did all the"coffeehouses lock front and rear dooT.» Probably not much. __

The Fireflies.—Messrs. Sanborn and Hessel, telegraph operators in Superintend­ent Badger's office, performed much extra service Monday in sending messages to and receiving messages fromeverypree.net m this department. They are seldom taxed as thev were in that instance, and they should receive the thanks of those who were bene­fited by their labors. We acknow edge our indebtedness to both amiable gentlemen.

One hundred and forty dollars, greatly . cherished by George Brown, passed from . his possession by felonious means to the Dockets of John Sullivan and John Ryan,C Peters street. They were put on one hundred dollar peace bonds to appear on

i the sixteenth. _____Mitchell, No. 136 Carondelet street was

arrested on complaint ol Angelo Taity. No S Camp street, who avers that -u se d actually threatened to snuft out his lmn i nath As the averment was not alto0ethe

.5S M 5- * - k“,>,tefor at lea-t tw months.

”7 pu-tVkkd Pasteboard— Tossers o _ c well.laid plans

' T r a p s e Trappy or meaner

° ^ h s etty.lre almost past findingclass, m this cii}, steamboat*.out. They haie who pick upand railroads man£ intcn',ied victims, an acquaintance U ,tef!t sources forR e d river is one of the g ̂ ^ kavesstool pigeons- and ^ ̂ ^ not flml Shreveport ot Ale. ^ ^ reaily t0one or more of ^ parties for Texasfasten toils a r o u n d monej-. These or the interior, if *** , clin guess tofollows are so shrewd that they^^ ^ ^

a dollar th® ' 0rlcans, plans are laidtime they reg ** and fleece him. 1 hesc to entrap the msho tbe favoritemctt country merchants,ones being Alexandria steam-

On a recent trip ol a u Krec.boat, G. E. Weaker, from ^ of cattlestone county, e* ’ tbc hands of twofor this market, feU ^ ^ him up) theyslianiers, and befo t hundred dol-had beaten him out u-he speciallars, the proceeds of h ̂ ,g ^ disgu8t-manner of mampulat ^ ^ tlling to relate. H 8 ^ charle8 street, one upper story of ard monte until allCobbler threv ^ tokcu from hun.his money a“d , they sent him to a boat. This accomph^^ d“llar8 to purchase s

backed out. But Weaver was not as green as they thought him, for when he considered liis situation, his wits returned.-

He left the boat a few miles above the city and came back, finding bis way to po­lice headquarters, where he related his story intelligently. Officer Pearson was sent out to find Cobbler, and in less than ten minutes lound him on Common street. He must have been somewhat surprised when his victim faced him, as he thought him far on the route to Texas. The other sharpers were not found, although Weaver went out to find them after the above ar­rest. Cobbler, we are informed, ac­knowledged tlmt lie won the Texan's money. He gave bonds to appear hereafter, by which time Special Officer Malone will most likely have the other men in jail.

R e sc u in g a P r is o n e r .—As Officer Trieou had a prisoner in charge on Poydras street last evening Ramon Victor and Aleck Max­well so far interfered as to effeet a release, for which oti'ensc they were locked up in the central station.

A lm ost a S e n sa t io n—The Gatlin Gnus in Carondelet Street.—Fifteen minutes after three o'clock last evening, two or three messengers rushed into the armory of the Louisiana Legion, Carondelet street, ex­citedly reporting that there was a riot at Mechanics' Institute, and that a large luob was about to come up and seize the arms. Although the Legion had dispersed, a few men were there on duty, and it was not many minutes before several squads drifted

As the information appeared correct, the few militia armed themselves, aud wheeled the two Gatlin guns into the street, ready for service. On the instant all was excitement, hundreds of p e o p le fleeing from or running to the armory. Every thorough­fare between Davidson’s Court and Me­chanics' Institute was thronged with won­dering citizens, not a few of whom seemed willing to enter the lists.

Superintendent Badger was notified and immediately perfected measures to con­gregate most of his force, hut a hasty visit to the Institute informed him of the fa 1st fly of the report. We were unable to learn how the rumor started.

The alarm of tire in the early part of last night, sent from Woods' cotton press, ner of Canal and Claiborne streets, was a false one.

A one-storv frame house, owned and oc­cupied by Octave Bezard, Camp Parapet, was entirely consumed by tile Monday evening. Building and stock of groci l ies insured. _____ _____ .

A M u l t i p l i c i t y o f V o t i n g .— The follow­ing named persons w o re before Recorder Houghton yesterday, charged with irregu­larities in voting last Monday. The cases were fixed for the fifteenth: Pat Driscoll,J. I). Nicholson, Alfred House. James Whit­ney. Joseph Gayuor. James Hughes. Wil­liam Watsou, Alexander Williams, P. (.. Hennessey. Bonds, one hundred dollars.

Alexander Williams has been arrested on the complaint of the Commissioner of E le c ­

tion. poll five, second precinct, who charges him with attempting to vote twice.

Alfred House stands charged with the same offense.

Daniel Wilson has been brought to IV cauier station charged by Deputy Marshals Bradley aud Richardson with violating sec­tion seven of the election hill, and currying concealed weapons.

James M. Mathcuy has been arrested, charged by John Burney with voting twice.

In the Third District the following per­sons were arrested, charged with violatingthe election law:

Hamilton Harris, attempting to vote on another man’s registration papers.

Ch. Nolan, attempting to vote illegally. Thomas Jefferson, violating registration

law. section 63.Jim O'Connor, violating section la, regis­

tration law.Mike Allwell has been brought to the

Elysian Fields station, charged with carry­ing concealed weapons.

.Louis Exuicious has been locked up in tae Fourth District, charged with interfering with the election, and William Telly, charged with interfering with Deputy Mar­shal John Zoller, also carrying a dirk-knife concealed.

In the Treme Precinct Armand Mortimer and R. Williams were arrested, charged with attempting to vote witli false papers.

The Harbor Police arrested John Carter, who charged him with attempting to vote fraudulently at Poll No. 1, Fourth Precinct*

Criminal Court.—The ease of Polic Offi­cer Reagan, charged with assault and hat tery. was continued indefinitely by consent of counsel.

Officer G. W. Miller, first precinct—against whom the Grand Jury found a true hill on the nineteenth ultimo for false, imprison­ment of several young men on the night ot the seventeenth ultimo—was put on trial. It is stated that the gentlemen came from a supper, and were walking toward tlieir jsidences, when, on the pretext that they

were disturbing the peace, they were ar­rested by said officer. On arriving at the police station they were promptly released on tlieir own bonds. Found guilty.

Marie Louise Dubray, the woman who out off the hair of little Kitty Felt, who was kidnapped by one Francois and brought to her house, has been released from the Parish Prison on $.500 bail, after being con­victed. She is very sick.

Attachments were issued for the absent jurors who did not answer the call to serve during the November term.

The case of Emma K ir b y , charged with larceny in stealing from a man $100, in a house of ill-fame on Dauphine street, was continued indefinitely, and attachments issued for absent witnesses.

Refused Admission.—During the eount- ig of the votes yesterday at the Mechanics

Institute, the candidates were all requested to leave the room, and admission was re­fused to those who, being absent at the time, attempted to enter. This was necessary on account of the crowded state of the hall.

Grand Dress Ball of the Harmony Social Club.—We are under obligations to the gentlemen of the Committee of Invita- tion”for tickets to this reeherehe affair, which is to come off next Saturday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. The Harmony Social Club is a private club, composed of a numlier of our most respectable young gentlemen, and tlieir object in giving this ball is to assist pecuniarily that noble institution, the Touro Infirmary. A more deserving object for the charitable efforts of the citizens of New Or­leans could not be found, and a more com­petent set of gentlemen to assist it exist not in our midst. That their ball will be a success can uot be doubted. How could it bo otherwise with such backers I Our best

Accident oh the Jackson Railroad.A serious accident occurred early on

Saturday morning, six miles below Mag­nolia, by means of which a freight train was thrown off the embankment, and some eight or ten ears smashed. The accident was caused by the switch being out of place. It is suspected it had been tampered with by some one who entertained feelings of resentment against the company, for damages caused by a former accident. This switch was open, so that when the freight train came up, it ran oft the track on to the cross tics, tearing them up, thus destroying twenty or twenty-five feet of the track, and completely wrecking many ot the cars. We learn from passengers who arrived on the train just behind, that the wreck presented a scene of great confusion and disorder.

A few minutes after the accident, the ex­press passenger train from the North came down at lull speed, until stopped by signals of danger from lookouts stationed along the road. Attached to the train were two new palace cars full of passengers, including many well known citizens ot New Orleans. Judge W. W. Howe (of the Supreme Court) and family, Robert Mott, Esq., (ol Seuimes & Mott) and family, Mr. Thomas A. Adams (President Crescent Insurance Company) and family, Mrs. Pratt and family (of Batsu Rouge, recently returned from Europe), and many other well known families w ere among the passengers.

The fact that the freight train approached the switch first no doubt saved the passen­ger train from mishap, as no suspicion was entertained of any treachery about the switch.

We hope the company will investigate the case, and, if criminality can be attached to any party, that full punishment will be meted out. There was, fortunately, no in­jury to any persons, except some slight bruises sustained bv one ot the hrakemen.


TO CONTRACTORS FOR ARMY TRANSPORTATION Hkadquautkhh Dkpaktmrnt or T kxas, l

/ (TVxas and Louisiana.) i Cniet Q uarterm aster’* Office, 1

San Antoplo, Texas. October 31, 1870. J

T HE ADVERTISEMENT FROM THIS OFFICE, dated Austin. Texas, September 15, 1370, in ­

viting • ProiMisaJ.s for Army Transportation in Tex­as,” is modified so n s to require the transporta tion from th e first day ot January , 1871, to the th irtie th oi June, 1871.

The clause requiring the transportation to be “ furnished exclusively by Horse and Mule Team s,” is revoked.

A copy of th is notice,in addition to the advertise­ment (Ltted September 15,1810, m ust be attached, to each projiosal.

Bv order of the Departmeut Commander.JAMES A. KKIN,

Deputy Q uarterm aster General, l/uitcd States Ar­my. Chief Q uarterm aster, Department of Texas.

iiH tit



t. Ills CREDITORS respite.

Fourth D istrict Court for the Parish of Orleans— No. 2*2,164.

A MEETING OF THE CREDITORS OF JACOB Zoeliy will be held before A. P itot, J r ., no tary

.............. elftli day of December,rayer of his petition.

tiled th is day.New Orleans, November 4. 1370.1106 30t FRANK WALL. Deputy Clerk.

public, on MONDAY, the tw elfth ( 1870, to deliberate upon the pra


C1REDITORS WHO HAVE NOT YET PRESENTED / tlie ir accounts, and who have claims against • following successions, are requested to present

them to the undersigned, adm inistrator of said suc- essions. a t his office, room num ber ten, No. 13 St.

Charles street. New OrloMM, Louisiana:1. Succession of J iflH re ilro Aromi.2. Succession of George Cabalzar.3. Succession of Mrs. Adeline Dallie.4. Succession of Herman Diert'clt.5. Succession of Roliert Fiulaysou. b. Succession of Andrew Holley.7. Succession of Edouard Mesnil.8. Succession of A. L. Mousseau.9. Succession of Joseph Oegsli.

10. Succession of J. J. Poindexter.11. Succession ot Milton Taylor.

P. B. FOUKKPublic Adm inistrator for the parish ot Orleans.

,•27 lot No. 13 St. Charles street.

About five o’clock Sat unlay moruin; Allen ami Gallagher, together witli some of the sporting fraternity to whom the word was given, repaired from St. Louis, by a tug­boat. to au island three miles down the river, and a ring was formed at om-e, aud the parties entered. Thirteen rounds were fought, when Allen was deviated wii ner. Nothing was known of the affair until the return of some of the parties.

SPECIAL NOTICES.* 5 0 0 0 R e w n r d .—Tin- undersigned offer a

waul "I fi' <• tlu.tisaiiil dollars lor information win. £ will lead to the apprehension and > onvietion of tin person or persons who are MipiMwed io have niiir- ili-red the late Captain A. li. LUNG. United States District Attorney, a t his otti. e. in the Customhouse, in New Orleans, on the th irl ieth of ( i. toh. r last.

.1 H. LONG. Chicago. Illinois.WILLIAM K. PKKKINS.

Teataineutaiy Kxeentor, no8 at No. 26 Carondelet s tree t. New Orleans.

T h e K e r r y L o d g e N o. 15 . w il l h o ldspecial m eeting on vVKDNKSDAY KVKNING. N Vernier ft. at seven o'clock precisely, whereby evei member is e\|H-eted to lie present, on account i im portant business. 1»\ order ot W. M.

u„8 2t ____________ LOUIS DeGltUV. Se. re tarv.

Notice.—Ortiee of Superintendent of Public Selmols (Sivtli Division). No. 20 City Hall, New o leans, November 8, 1870—Gentlemen who have a] plied, or desire to apply tor positions as teaehei in the public schools of New Orleans, are rcqnestc to call at this office as early as possible.

noil 2t .1. B. CAKTKR. Superintendent.

I'AM’ELLATION OF BONO.State op I.oi k ia .v a , 1

Kxecutive Department. > New Orleans, October 2.7, 1870. )

•VU'HHRKAS, APPLIOATiON HAS BKKN Ma DK TO tt me for the cancellation of the bond ot

Thomas L. Maxwell, as Auctioneer in and for the parish of Orleans, to wit: A lsmd dated Dceeinlier ISt, 1867, in the sutn ot ten thousand dollars ($ 10.000).signed bv Thomas L. Maxwell, as princi­pal, ami Patrick Irwin, Hcur.v Botnialicl and Hu MeCloskv. as securities, in the sum of three thou ­sand th ree hundred and th irty -th ree dollars th irty - three cents each, the said lemil lieing conditioned to rtile faithful performance by the said Thomas L. Maxwell of th e duties of Auctioneer aforesaid.

Notice is hereby given to all jiersous in terested in the aforesaid bund to tile tlie ir objections to the cancellation thereof, in writing, in the office of the

eretarv of S tate w ithin ninety days after the last publication hereof.

G iven u n d e r n iv h a n d an d th e sea l o f th e S ta te th is t w en tv -tiftli d a v o t O e to ls r. 1870. an d o f th e in ­d ep e n d en c e o f th e U nited S ta te s th e n in e ty -fo u rth .

H. C. WARMOTH.Governor of Louisiana,

o. K. Bovi-.k. Secretary of S tate._____ nc27 :iot

CANCELLATION OF BONO,S t a te op Lo t isia n a . 1

Kxecutive Department. / New Orleans. October 11, 1370.)

U11KIIKAS. APPLICATION HAS BKKN MADK tor the cancellation of the bond of H. us auctioneer in and for the parish of

Orleans, to wit : A bond, as per uot under private denature, dated th irteen th October. 1363, in the nil sum of ten thousand dollars (#10.000). Mgucd

II. \V. Palfrey as principal, aud George Palfrey ,| \ li Griswold as securities, in the sum of live

thousand dollars (#5000) each, the conditions of thelid bond Ix-ing for the faithful performance by

the said II. W. Palfrey of his duties as auctioneer aforesaid.

Notice is hereby given to all persons interested lid larnd to rile their object ions to the c.iti-

•llation tliercot in writing, m the office ot the ,f s ta te , w ithiu ninety days after tin-

last publication hereof.under tin hand and the seal of the State

■etitU da de|s-ndellee of tl

George W. Doll ?§. Legal Representative*of M artin Dee—Seventh D istrict Court for the parish of Orleans, No. 3488.

By v ir t u e o f a WRIT o f se iz u r e andsale, to me directed by th e Honorable the

Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell a t public auction, a t the M erchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, Roval stree t, between Canal and Cus­tomhouse street*, in the Second District of th is city, on THURSDAY, Deceinlier 1,1870, a t tw elve o’clock M.. the following described property, to w it—

1. TWO CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, situate, lying and being in the First D istrict of th is city, in

square Inmuded by Broad, Gravier. Perdido aud W hite streets, designated by the num bers one and two on a sketch annexed to an ac t passed before A E. Bienvenu. notary public m th is city, on the first of June. 1867, according to which the said lots adjoin each other, and m easure as follows, to wit: . .

Lot num ber one forms the corner ot Broad ana Gravier streets, and m easures th irty feet front on Broad street, ninety four feet th ree inches and six lines in depth and front on G ravier stree t, and ninety-four feet four inches and four lines in dept h on tlie line adjoining iot num ber two. Aud lot num ber two has th irty feet front on Broad street, ninety-four feet four inches and four lines in depth on the line of lot num ber one*, and ninety- four feet live inches and two lines on the opposite side line.

Together with all the buildings and improve­m ents thereon.

Said two lots of ground an* subdivisions of a larger jh>rtion of ground, acquired by the la te Mar­tin Dec. by purchase from Francois Lacroix, per ac t passed before said notary, Bienvenu, ou the eighteenth of June.

2. SIX CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND, situated in the First District of this city, in the square bonuded by Common. White, Baudin and Broad stree ts, des­ign a ted by the numbers two, three, four, live, six and seven, according to th e plan of section num ber two. deposited in the office of the Receiver of the New Orleans Draining Company.

Lot num ber two m easures th irty feet six inches aud two lines front on Common street, th ir ty feet front on Baudin street, one hundred and seven feet two inches on the line dividing it from lot number one, and oue hundred and one feet six inches four lines on the op|K»site side line

Lots nmnlyers three, four, tive and six measure each th ir ty tlect six inches and four lines front oil Common s tree t, and th ir ty feet front on Baudin street. Lot nvm ber three measure* one hundred and one feet six inches and four lines on the line dividing j t from lot number two, and ninety-six feet three inches on the opposite side line. Lot numb, i four m easures ninety-six feet tlwve incites on the line dividing it from lot num ber three, aud ninety feet nine inches and lour lines on the oppo­site side line.

Lot num ber rive m easures n inety feet nine inches and tour lines on the line dividing it from lot num ­ber four, and eigbty-tive feet four inches ou the op­posite side line. Lot num ber six m easures eighty- tive feet tour inches on the line dividing it from lot num ber tive, seventy-nine feet ten inches four lines on the opposite side line, and lot num ber seven m easures th irty-tw o feet eight inches and th ree lines front on Common s tree t, and tiffy-nim* feet six inches aud th ree lines front on Baudin s tree t, bv a depth of seventy-nine feet ten inches and tour lines on the side line dividing it from lot num ber six and seventy-eight feet seven inches and one hue on the opjmsite side line, together w ith all th e buildings and improvements thereon, Is iug th e same property acquired by Tin- late Martin Dee by purchase from B. Saloy, per act passed before Wil­liam J. Casitdl. notary public in th is city , under date of the tw enty-ninth of Scptemlnw, l.ibo.

Terms—Cash ou the spot.THOMAS L. MAXWELL.

oc29 nolo del Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.

SHERIFFS SALES.Nickel Meillenr ▼» . Mietael Alpkonann

McDonnell—Seventh D istrict Court tor tlie

B parish of O rleans, No. 7872.Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND sale, to me directed by tlie Honorable the

Seventh District Court tor th e parish o t Orleans, m the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell a t public auction, a t the M erchants and Auctioneers Exchange, Royal s tree t, betw een Canal and Cus­tom house streets, in the Second District of th is citv, rtn SATURDAY, December 10. 1870, a t twelve o’clock M.. the following described property, to wit— , .

A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situ a ted in faubourg Livaudai.s, in the Fourth D istrict of th is city, in the square lnmnded by Laurel, Live Oak (now Constance), Seventh and Eighth stree ts, designated by the num ber oue of square num ber forty-seven, on a plan draw n on the fourth of May, 1844. by H. Moelhausen, late surveyor, aiul de]M>sited iu the office of Lueieu Hermann, tlieu oue of the notaries of this city.

Said lot forming the corner of Live Oak (or Con­stance) and Seventh streets, and m easuring thirty- two feet front on Seventh s tree t, by one hundred and twenty-six feet, deeptand front on Live Oak (or Constance) street.

Together w ith all and singular the buildings and im provem ents thereon.

Being the (Mine property acquired by the de­fendant by purchase from Michael McDonnell, as per ac t passed before Andrew Hero, Jr., notary public in th is city , ou the th irteen th day of Novem­ber, 1863.

Seized iu th e above suit.Term s—Cash on the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL. no3 21 dclO Sheriff o f the Parish of Orleans.

BYArmand llelot v*. !*• J* Maillot and Mi**

L. A. Maillot—Sixth D istrict Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. 20,374.Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS

_ against L. J. Maillot, to me directed by the Honorable the Sixth District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the a1»ove entitled cause, l will proceed to sell a t public auction, a t the M erchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, m the Second District of this city, on SATURDAY, November 12, 1870, at twelve o’clock M., all th e right, title aud interest of tlie defendant, L. J.Maillot, iu and to the following described property.

g the oue undivided th irdp art thereof—aid in terest therein being


Bv th.

and and the seal of tl of October, 1370. and of the i United States the ninety-ritth.

r : II. C. WARMOTH.no. K. Bo

i-ietary of S tate

Mr. anti .Hr., P. E. Will* vs. Widow deSt. Romes.

Airs. Widow De St. Romes vs. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. W ilts—Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans. Nos. 1403 and 1329. (consolidated.)

B y virtue of a w r it of fieri faciasissued on a twelve months’ bond,against Louis

«’lorcnt as principal, and Victor de St. Romes as se- •uritv. to me directed by the Honorable the Seventh

D istrict Court for tlie Parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes, I will proceed to sell a t public au c ­tion. a t the Merchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange,

,al stree t, la-tween Canal and Customhouse •ets iu the Second District of th is city , on

SATURDAY, November 12.1870. at twelve o’clock M., he following described property, to w it:TEN LOTS OF GROUND, situated . K ing and

ln ing in .» certa in irregular square of ground, m th e •ond District of th is city , bounded by Main. »s t.

Philip^-. Fourth, Fifth and Be’.Iechasse streets. Lots numbers one, two. three, four and tive front ou Fourth street and extend back to the rear line of lots num bers th irteen , fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen. Lots nuiuhcrs six, seven and eight front on Beliechasse street, aud lots num bers nine and ten front on St. Philippe street; which said tive lots last mentioned extending b a c k to the side line of

num bers five and th irteen , lot num ber six tonuiug the corner of Bellecliasse and Fourth

treets. as per sketch ou tile in my office.Seized iu the above suit.Terms—cash ou the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, o cll 25 no 12 Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.

Another Mystery Solved—Chemists 1»« unable to di*eover tlie ingredients in m igrant * lim it. which removes all stains from the tee th and im parts such a peculiar rosiness to th e gums, public are herein informed th a t it is a pr.-paration from the bark of the Qiiillava Saponaria. or Soap T ree of Chili, im ported for the first tine* into th is country tor this special purpose. Such is the pu fving and innocuous effect of this rare botanic agent, th at it removes discolorations troni the nm fragile tex tile fabrics w ithout injuring a single thread.

Save and mend the pieces, use "spaluiug s Glue. n<>5 l\v cod

W ith o u t y*|!Of o r S e d im e n t—Phalon s \ italni or Salvation for the Hair, lias no bad smell, and does not stain the skin. It has no ingredient that subsides in the foam of filthy sedim ent, t ons queiitlv it is not shrouded in darkened bottle Tin- natural color of the hair, however completely

y hav the Vitalia

ivariably leprodi •d Insts. >3 1 v

Notice h hereby given that nil the circu­lating notes issued bv the M erchants’ Bank ot Ne*‘* Orleans, and by the late Bank of Janies Robb (a sinned bv tlie M erchants’ Bank of New Orleans) may be presented for redem ption at the office of the State Auditor, w ithin one year from the first pub­lication hereof, viz: from March 4. 1870, or th a t the funds deposited for the redemption of said note will 1h* given up to the said M erchants’ Bank of Ne> Orleans, pursuant to sections thirty-four and thirty- five of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, en titled An act to establish a general system of free banking iu the State ol Louisiana,” approved March 15. 1855.

New Orleans. March 4, 1370.

mli4 2tm lv

CANCELLATION OF BOND.State op Louisiana, i

Executive Departm ent. > New Orleans, Septem ber 30, 1370, )

W fHKREAS. APPLICATION HAS BKKN MADE TO 11 me to for the cancellation of the official

bonds of Alfred Voorliics as Assessor and TaxCollec- in and for the parish of St. M artin, to wit: A

bond in th e sum of one thousand dollars ($1000), dated February 16. 1868, signed by Alfred Vooiliies,

principal, and Charles Olivier Duclozel, as secu­rity , and a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), dated February 16. 1368, signed bv Alfred

hies, as principal, aud Charles Olivier I uclozel, curity: the said bonds being conditioned for

the faithful performance by the said Allred Voor- of liis duties as Assessor and State Tax Collec­

tor atofesaid.Notice is hereby given to all persons interested

in th e aforesaid bonds to tile th e ir objections to the cancellation thereof in w riting ill the office of the Secretary of S tate, w ithin ninety days after the last publication hereof.

Given under my hand and th e seal of the S tate, th is th irtie th day of September, A. I).. 1370, and of

Independence of the United S tates tlie ninety-

By the Governor II. C. WARMOTH.Gkokok E. Bovkk.

Secretary o f S tate. oc2


The City ot New Orient!*, for tlie l ’*eand lienetir of the MeDonogh School Fund, vs Loui* Edouard yotstall—Seventh District Court fo rth c parish ot Orleans. No. 7359.

B Y VIRTUE OF AN ALIAS WRIT OF FIERI FA- cias to me directed by the Honorable the said

District Court for the parish of OrleansAn the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell ;.f public auc­tion .it the M erchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange,

val street, between Canal and Customhouse eets in tin* Second District of this city, on MON­

DAY. November 28. 1870, a t twelve (/clock M., the allowing described pn»i»erty. to wit—1. A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the

Second Disiri< t of th is city, in the square bounded iv s t. Louis, Toulouse, Dauphine and Burgundy treets. measuring. French nieasuie, th ir ty feet rout on .said Dauphine stree t, by one hundred and well tv fret ill depth, between paiallel lines. Ac- iuireti bv defendant bv purchase from Paul Bertus.

before Felix Griina. notary public

CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situate iu the Second District of th is city, in th e square bounded bv Burgundy, Hospital, Ursulincs and Ram part streets, beginning at eighty feet from Hospital street, and measuring, French m easure, twenty-tw o feet front ou Burgundy stree t, by a depth of ninety feet, opening ten inches a t the d istance of fifty feet from said Burgundy stree t, on the side line tow ard Hospital s treet, aud thence having twenty-tw o feet ten inches wide, until tlie re ar line. The whole according to a plan of Allou D’Hcinecourt, late deputy surveyor, on the tw enty-n in th May. 1834, and annexed to an act of sale, passed before Henry Paul (’aire, late a notary public in th is c ity , on the fifth day of September, 1651, together w ith all tlie buildings thereon.

Seized in the above suit.Term -C ash ou the snot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, ocll 25 nol2 Sheriff of tlie Parish of Orleans.


MISOELLANEOUS.BKKNOS, AGENT,..............Natchez street...................3 9

Offer, for Sale

F E R T I L I Z E R S :Lime, Cement, P laster and Hair.Tar, Pitch, Rosin and T urpentine.Coal Tar aud Roofing Materials.Roll Sulphur, .Sugar Lime, Packing Yarn.

O I L S :Lard, Linseed: W hale and Tanners' Oil an d

Lubricating Oils.Also, to arrive, a full assortm ent of W hite Lead,

Varnishes, Paints, Brushes, etcL. BERNOS, Agent,

oc27 1m No. 39 Natchez street.

\Y A N A T A . .........W ANATA


G U A C O B I T T E R S .

THE WANATA GUACO BITTER IS A OOOD TOXIC and STOMACHIC, (joinposed entirely of th« vegetable substance of Guaco.

Being very agreeable to th e taste , can be taken by the moat delicate persons. I t rids the system of all im purity aud prom otes health and vigor.

This celebrated B itter is a preservative aga inst Cholera, and a cure for Dyspepsia, Chreuio and Nervous Debility, Diarrhea, W eakness of th e Loins, and all diseases proceeding horn, th e Liver, the Stomach or th e Boa-els.

This B itter can be taken either w ith a little su g ar aud w ater, iu Anisette, or auy o ther spirits, o r even pure. A small glass of it, taken before a meat, sharpens the appetite and facilitates digestion.

For sale by J. LLADO, AgentDruggist, corner C hartres and Du mama.

anl8 6m

^ S T K O L O K I .

Mrs. Anata, the real, t ru th learned Astrologint, tells the destiny according to the Egypt ian and Span­ish methods. She can l>e consulted oil all points, busi­ness us well as events of the life. She j>osaesses th e wonderful Elixir of Youth, to take off all th e wrinkles of th e fa te anil m ake you appear only tw en ty or twenty-five years old.

Resilience No. 57 Gastpiet s tree t, between Maraig and Villere. She does uot receive on Sunday.

oc3 Su&Su lm

The City of New Orlennn vs. Kraotim 11.Harris—Fourth District Court ior the parish of Orleans—No. 22,426.

The C ity of New Orleans vs. same—Fifth D istrict Court for the parish of Orleans—No. 1271.

B y v ir t u e o f t w o w r it s o f f ie r i f a c ia s ,to me directed by th e Honorable the

saitl District Courts for th e parish of Orleans, in the above entitled causes. I will proceed to sell at publie auction, at the M crrhauts aud Auctioneers’ Exchange, Roval street, between Canal and Cus­tomhouse streets, in the Second District of this citv, ou SATURDAY, November 12, 1876, a t twelve o’clock M., the following described property, to w it—

A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, situated m the tw elfth assess I] 11-nt aud Fourth District of this city, iu hum are number two hundred and twelve, hounded by Philip, St. Charles, F irst aud Prytania streets, m easuring one hundred and tw enty-eight feet anil two lines front ou Philip stree t, by a depth of one hundred and tw enty-seven feet teu inches and live lines; said jhirtmn of ground forming the corner id' Philip aud St. Charles streets.

Together w ith all the buildings and im prove­m ents thereon, as j>er survey and plan made l>y C. A. de Armas, surveyor, deposited in the Sheriff's office for reference.

Seized in the aimve suits.Terms—Cash ou the sjmt.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, ocll 23 nol2 Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.



FINE GROUND BONK, th e ^reat Fertilizer*. LOUIS STERN k BROTHERS, m anufacturers, office No. 6 C hartres stree t, New Orleans, Louisi­ana. Boue Black o f all grades constantly on I

no3 ly

D en i* C ro n n n v* . K u jre n e P e r n e t (E u g e n eUarrenin)—Seventh District Court fo rt lie* parish of <>rlo;iii8, No. 2064.

B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to m e directed by the Honorable tlie Seventh

D istrict Court for the parish of Orleans, iu the above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell a t pub­lic auction, a t the Merchant* and Auctioneers’ Ex­change, Koval stree t, between Canal and Custom ­house streets, in the Second District of th is city, on WEDNESDAY, December?. 1370. a t twelve o'clock M.. the following describ 'd property, to w it—

A CERTAIN Lo t OF GROUND, s ituate in the Third D istrict ot th is city , in the square hounded bv Marignv, St. A vide.. Mandeville and rro s p streets, lie asm ing thirty-tw o feet flout on Marig: street, bv a depth and front mi St. Avide s tree t of o: hundred anil twenty-four feet six inches and tlm lines, between parallel lines, and forming the

inner of said M arignv aud St. Avide streets. To gctlier w ith all the buildings aud improvement thereon.

Seized ill the above suit.Terms—Cash on the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL. no5 26 de? Sheriff of the parish ot Orleans.

per act p; ill th is c:

2. AND going, no trout ou i square, by lei lines. . Jam es Rol;

. ou 1 lie sixteenth JailU i LOT OF GROUND, ad suring. French nieasun id Dauphine stree t, in ; aixty-Iive feet in dept!

ry, 18:t7 tilling tin* fore- tliirty-five feet

>ove mentioned bet ween parol-


XkW Oklkaxs, Noveml»er4, 1370. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • w Orleans: Gentlemen—Tlie undersigned

ner* of proiicrtv fronting on Broad Broad s trT ° n.

Office .M u tu a l A id B e n e v o le n t E ife I n ­surance Association of Louisiana, 120 Caroudeh* s tree t. New Orleans. November 7, 1870.—Mem of th is association arc hereby notified of tlie death of Samuel 11. Fulton, who died in th is city August 18. 1870; W. C. I>. Vauglit. w ho was drow ned lie Bnvnu Sara August 21. 1870; Fred. G. Folger. w died in th is city August 24. 1370, and Nicolas Fidel, who died in th is city August 25, 1370. and are called upon to com** forward, w ithout fu rth e r notice, and pay at th is office, 120 Carondelet s tree t, *1 25 each, to m eet th e am ount ot $*11 683, paid out l»y tlie association.

„o6 Iw R. W. YOUNG, Seereta

*eii Canal and Bienville street petition your honorable body, in aceetiou t wenty-four of the i n .....contract for making a brie

iy curb stones and wooden west side of said licnville street s-

uov.» ltaw4w

respect fill 1\ •ordanec w iti barter, to sell

banquette, bonlei u tters , on the north-

■oad street, between Canal aud 2:C» feet. Respectfully.


[U ircd by defendant by purchase from per ac t passed before Lueieu. Her­

mann. late a notary public in th is city, on th e th ir ­tee n th October, 1843.

Together witli all the buildings and im prove­ments on said tw o lots of ground, aud all tlie rights, w ays, etc., thereun to belonging or in any wise appertaining.

Seized iu th e a lw ive s u it .Term s—Cash ou the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oc27 no12 27 Sheriff*of the parish of Orleans, i

Stephen lliuiiptier* vs. the Afrienn Meth­odist Episcopal Zion Society—Fifth D istrict Court for the parish of Orleans. No. 1351.

B y virtue of a writ of seizure and saleto me directed by tlie honorable the Fifth l>is-

, in the above [ proceed to sell a t public aue-


N kw Orlea n s , S ep te m b e r —, 1370. [IO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL OF THET

AKNCKMHieiji Number Four,—\\ o rk 111*;iiH-n's Mutual Lift- hisurauee Noeiety ui’ Louis 66 t am p S tiro t. Now Orleans. Oetolier 28. 1 M rmlirrs. von are assessed th irty ren ts upon each share von hold in this society up to ten. I’’ call within th irty days to pay to tlie heirs ot Mrs. Catherine Barkley, who died on the twenty-seventh instant, a member of tliis society, in o,„m1 stanilin^ ami a bolder of ten shares. ̂ T h eru h e in s 861 a hart the heirs art* en titled to 8*215 2.7.

mSi3t JOHN ROY. Secretary.

Noriee.—Ti •utonia National Bank of New* < leans. New Orleans, October 31, 1870.—The cashio office has been removed th is day to-the fu ture p» maiient location o fth eb an k , No. 23(’am p stre e t, be- ween Common aud G ravier stree ts, uol 2w J. M. WAGNER, (’a.shier.

Bank of Lafayette, New Orleans, October 31, 1870—The stockholders of th is Bank

el»v notified th a t th e th ird installm ent of tw ive per cent upon th e ir stock is due and payable

a t the banking house on TUESDAY, the first N o ­vember. T. D. VAN HORN,

nol lOt__________________ Casluei

( s e t t in g M a r r ie d * —Essays for young men. great social evils and abuses, which interfere w m arriage—with sure means of relief tor th ee rrin anil unfortunate, diseased and debilitated, free, in sealed envelopes. Address Howard Associa­tion, No. 2 South Ninth stree t, Philadelphia. Penn­sylvania. _________ .P*1-* *>'

Crescent City Bank. New Orleans, Octo­ber 6, 1870.—Notice is hereby given th a t on SATUR­DAY. the tw elfth of November, 1370. a t twelve o’clock M„ there will be held a general m eeting of th e s to ck h o ld e rs^ 'th is hank, to confirm and ratify the action of the Board of Directors, in the ion of th is hank into a National Bank, with an m reuse of capital. By order o f the hoard: oi 7 30t*_______ CHARLES FA UR IK. J r., Cashier.

New Orleans Insurance Association.—few Orleans. October 21, 1»70.— P ursuant to ; ►ltuiou adopted by tlie Board of Directors of tli

New Orleans Insurance Association, at tli of Septem ber 16, 1370. the stockholders tl

tested to call a t the office of said institu tion , 10 Exchange alley, on MONDAY, the tw enty-

first of November. 1870, from nine o'clock A. M.clock P. M.. for the purpose of voting on the

proposed am endm ents to the ac t of incorporation.

of New Orleans—Tlie undersigned, proper- holders and residents of Girod s tree t, betw«

Rampart and Liberty stree ts, respectfully petition your honorable body to cause to l»e adjudicated a

rt for raising the banquettes ot said Girod i»u both sides of the street, from Ram part to

L iberty S tre e ts , to a pnqier grade, and repairing said banquettes where necessary.

Names.Thomas Lucy.....................................J. C. Mi Clellau....................................JolinCousley.......................................H. T. Hill..............................................

Scanlun.......................................J. B. D. Bonsoignenr.........................Mrs. Adelaide B in n in g ....................Charles J o b .........................................S. Goumer............................................Mrs. M. R agan ....................................John Lyall, per J . Liudop................P eter B a r r ..........................................

DeCoursey..............................................J. C o n ey .......................................................Hannah S h eeh a n .......................................Mrs. R. B loom ingtal..................................Mrs. Mary M cG auly..................................L. A. C o u e n t..................................... .Ju les A. F lorat, agent of P. McGuigin..

>el2 4tlaw ________________

PETITION.Nkw Orleans, La., S eptem ber30,1870.

TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY of New Orleans—We. the undersigned proper­

ty owners residing on St. Charles avenue, b S tate aud Toledano stree ts, respectfully request th a t vour honorable body will cause to he acfjudi- eated a contract for th e lay ing of Byrnes’ Improved Concrete Banquetting ou tlie north side ot St.



. . 20



Charles avenue, betv the tvnan *d.


! 1 III ( (t. LANAUX. Sei •etai

Public Notice is hereby (given that, fourweeks a fte r date, application w ill he made to the Register of S tate Land Office, a t New ()rleansf for n new a! of certificates Nos. 27 and 67. in my name, fo lo ts niuc and ten, of section twenty-tw o, and lot.- one and two, or fractional north half of north q u arte r of section tw enty-six. in township twelve, south of range twelve east, east of sissippi liver, in southeast District of Loui the originals having been destroyed by ti the fourteenth of February, 137o.

oc23 1 a" 4 rt____________ L. P. DESMoUSSKAUX.

Enion Bank of Louisiana. New Orleans,October 4, 1870.—At the request of a m ajority of the stockholders, a m eeting of the stockholders will take place on TUESDAY, the eighth of Novem­ber. at twelve o’clock, to consider the propriety of its conversion into a national bank.

Bv order of the Board of Directors: oc5 tm>9 GEORGE A. FRKRKT, Cashiei

P. R Fell................................................A. Wallace H un ter..............................Henry C. M iller....................................H. B. S tevens.........................................Richard S. Venables...........................J. Q. A. Fellows....................................J . Hernandez.......................................L. J. Iiigbv ............................................H. H Han sell.......................................William P. Kellogg..............................Herman C. Duncan..............................M. J. F arrell.........................................R. Pochelu.............................................William II. P e te rs ................................E. S. Keep, ab o u t................................

F. Voisin...........................................1). G. Cooke...........................................Thomas L. M axwell...........................L. Madison Day....................................

c6 la wlm

L ourt tor the pa en titled cause. I w ill ̂tion. at th e M erchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange, Roval stree t, between Canal and Customhouse streets, in the Second District of th is city , on TUES­DAY. November 22, 1870, a t twelve o'clock M., the following described propertv, to w it—

TWO CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND situate in the First District of th is c ity , designated by the num ­bers fourteen and fifteen,iu square mini Ihw twenty, bounded by Perdido, Gravier, Johnson and Pricur stree ts, as per plan draw n by Louis Bringier. late Surveyor General, on the tw entieth April, 1839. and deposited in the office of David L. McCay, late a notary public in this city . Said lots m easure each, iu American m easure, twenty-nine feet seven inches and seven lines front on Johnson stree t, by a depth of oue hundred and fifty-one feet three inches between parallel lines, together w ith all and singular the buildings and improvements theoreou, rights, ways, servitudes, privileges, and all o th er advantages th ereu n to belonging or in any wise ap pcrtainiHg, w ithout exception or reservation. The above deserilied property belongs to said Society, bv means of the purchase it made tliercot from Caroline Williams, as appears by ail act passed on the tw enty-fourth day of September, 1366, bcfori William J. Castell, notary public, iu this city.

Seized ill the above suit.Terms—Cash on the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oc21 nol 22_____ Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.

The City o! New Orleans vs. John Lu-h arie—Third District Court for the parish of Orleans. No. 7931.

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO to me directed by the honorable th e Third

District Court for the Parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at th e M erchants and Auctioneers’ Ex­change, Royal stree t, l>et ween Canal and Custom­house streets, in the Second District of th is citv. on SATURDAY. November 12. 1870, a t twelve o’clock M.. the following described property, to w it-

A CERTAIN PORTION OF GROUND, situ a ted in the Second District of th is city, in square No. 103, 1h>umb'd by Ram part, Dumaine. Burgundy and St. Ann stree ts , m easuring tw entv-four feet fro n to n Rampart street, by one hundred and thirty-one feet eleven inches and two lines in depth.

Together w ith tlie buildings aud im provem ents thereon.

As per survey and plan made by C. A. de Armas, surveyor, deposited in the Sheriff ’s office for refer-

Seized in the above suit.Term s—Cash on the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oc l l 25 no!2 Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans.

Robert J . Wood vs. Mary Ann Woolver-ton. widow of Joseph A. Stevenson—Fourth District Court for the parish of Orleans, No. 24,335.

B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE to me directed by tin* Honorable the Fourth Dis

tr ic t Court for th e parish of Orleans, in th e above entitled cause. I will proceed to sell a t public auction at the M erchants and Auctioneers’ Exchange. Royal s tree t, between Canal aud Customhouse streets, in tlie Second District of this city, •SATURDAY, November 26,1870, at 12 o’clock M., the following described property, to w it—

A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together w ith all the buildings and improvements thereon, right privileges, customs, ways, servitudes and whatevi

*se may be thereunto belonging or iu any wise ap ­pertaining, situated in the foubourg Livaudais, Fourth District of this city, designated by the num ­ber nineteen, in square num ber twenty-nine, bounded by W ashington, Sixth, Chippewa and An­nunciation streets, m easuring th irty -th ree feet four inches front on Annunciation stree t, by a depth ot one hundred and tw enty feet, a*per plan drawn by C. F. Zimpel. la te survevor, dated tw elfth March 1833, iKumded on the side nearest S ixth s tree t by the corner lot, num ber eighteen oil said plan.

Being the same property acquired by the defen ilunt bv purchase from Mrs. Sarah Woolverton widow of Jam es Dudley, jm-i act passed In-fore Wil limit Shannon, notary public in th is city , on the twenty-fourth January . 1867.

Seized in the above suit.Terms—Cash ou the spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL, oe26nol6 26 Sheriff of th e parish of Orleans.

It. Mnrsh lleniimn & Co. vs. Muslin way «VMadden—Seventh D istrict Court for th e P a r isli of Orleans. No. 3275.

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS against J. Madden, to me d irected lfv th e Hon

m able the Seventh District Court for the parish of Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will pro­ceed to sell a t publie auction, on VVKDNKSDAY November 9,1870. a t half-past ten o'clock A. M., a t stable of Philip Liner, No. 193 G ravier s tree t, F irst D istrict of th is c ity—

Five (5) GRAY HORSES.Three (3) CARRIAGES.Five (3) SETS OF HARNESS.Three (3) WHIPS.And on the same day, a t five o'clock P. M.. at my

warehouse No. 74 St. Ann stree t. Second D istrict— A LOT OF FURNITURE AND MOVABLE EFFECTS

as per inventory ou file in my office.Seized in the aliove suit.Terms—Cash on the spot.

THOMAS L MAXWELL, oe29 no5 9 SU* iff’ of the parish of Orleans.




istinj; lx*twi*en the undersigned, Abram B.^ r O T I C E . —THE PARTXER8HIF

ticket, making intil the steamboat | wutliee

Seelye and Richard G. Taylor, under tilt* firm of SEKIiYK Jc^AY LOR, ia th is day dissolved by m utual consent. E ither p artn er will sij{u the name of th e firm in liquidation only. Parties holding claim s aga inst th e firm will p resent them a t once for paym ent, and those indebted to it wi.'l a t ouee m a te paym ent. R. U. TAYLOR,

A. B. SKELYK[ New Orleans, N o v e m b e r 1876. no8 l a




I n B n n k r n p te y —N o . 9*21.

WHEREAS. ABNER P. BURTON, FORMERLY OF Concordia i*ari..h. Louisiana, but now a resi­

den t of the State of Mississippi, duly declared hank ru p t under the ac t of Congress of March 2. 1367, has th is day tiled in said court a petition praying for a discharge and certificate thereof from all his debts aud o th er claim s provable under said act.

Notice is therefore given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and to all o ther persons in in te r­est, th a t th e twenty-first day of November, 1370, a t 11 A. It., is assigned for th e lie-aring of th e same, and th a t th ey may th en and there a tten d and* show cause, if any they have, why th e p rayer of th e said petition should not he granted.

Clerk’s Office, New Orleaus, June 13,1170. jylS K. LKOW, Deputy Clerk.

iU. A. Wincliill (Esther A. W inehlll.w idow 'd Morris A. W inehill, in her own rights, anil as sn r\iv o r in com m unity, and as natural

v of her m inor children Julian. Sampson ■:vm Winehill. substitu ted ) and George Pal­is. Marv Tndil and M argaret Todd, wife of s K. Nil-pla ns—Fourth D istrict Court for arish of Orleans. Mo. 23.942.

Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALK to in- directed bv the Honorable the Fourth

District Court for the parish ot Orleans, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the M erchants and Auctioneers’ Ife- chaage. Royal street, between Canal anil Custom­house streets, in the Second District ot th is citv. on SATURDAY, December 10, 1470, at t welveo'elock M., the following described property, to wit—

TWO CERTAIN LOTS OF GROl'NI). situate, lviiig a u il ls ing in the Fourth Distric t o f tl


in tl 8qliml Philip

front on M;»g:i< ullel lines, of o rme inch, and number* tiftei of lot num ber t

bounded b; t», mi

tree* by a i • bundl ed and t weuty-oi re composed of the wh

i*eu and th e ri •; whigh lot* are de vn h' " '

zinc Camp uty-.six feet

and i

cell par- feet and e of lot* r portion ribed on

CONSTABLE’S SALES.Jnitir* O’lla rn vs. ( hnrles F* <4uiou—

Fir*t Justice Court for the Parish of Orleans.

B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the Honorable Georg*

Smllcr. First Justice of the Peace in and for the parish of Orleans. I will proceed to sell a t public auction, at the M erchants and Auctioneers’ Ex change. Royal street, between Canal and Custom house streets, in the Second District of th is c ity , ou SATURDAY, Novemlwr 19. 1870. at twelve o’cloe M.. the following property to wit:

A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, together with all its dependencies and appurtenances, rights, v privileges or servitudes thereun to a ttached or in anv wise appertaining, s ituate in the Second Dis­trict of this city , in the square liouiided b Louis. Canal Carondelet, Pricur and Johmum stree ts designated as lot No. 1. and m easuring th irty-four feet front on St. Louis stree t, by a depth of one hundred and thirty-five feet and seven inches on one side, and oue hundred and th irty-eight feet oil the o ther side, the rear line m easuring th irty-four feet and six aud one-quarter inches.

Being the same projw rty acquired by the defend an t herein by purchase a t auction sale, by Osea Valeton. from the succession ot the la te Altr Guion, Fanny Blackburn, his wife, and Baudot -.. Guion. tlie ir son. in c onformity to an order of the Honorable the Second District Court, parish of Or­leans, in the m a tte r of said succession, dated March 31, 1869. and said sale is w itnessed by nota­rial act. passed Indore Octave De Armas, notary publie iu th is city, dated ten th day of June, 1869.

Seized ill th e above suit.Term s—Twelve m onths’ credit. u]H)H purelwiser

executing, with good an d sufficient security , and special m ortgage on the pro|#*rty for the am ount and in terest of th e ,judgm ent, and provide that from the price of adjudication be deducted and

eed-M>) dollars, and all

a \c s due on said property. no3 A. A. PLATTSMIKR, Constable.

H OI’SEKKEPKRS, ATTENTION.No. 15, Camp Str kbt , Up Stair*.

Please call anil see 'the Bant7: Boiler, S team er amt Dourer, combined iu one machine, w hich will wash a batch of clothes in th irty m inutes; also, b lanke ts, etc. Price, fit 12. It has been tried here, aud found to )>erform all th a t is claim ed fer it.

or 30 I III BANTZ k CO.. Patentees.

5 Q 0 ............ *00..............300............. 300






In Operation Daily a t the

Depot, So. 176 Canal Street.PRICE $18.

New Orleans Home M anufacturing Comp*


►Ship Agents, Passenger Agents for H{uuburg d iiec i Southern line of steamers, and

GENERAL EMIGRATION AGENTS, are now completing their arrangem ents for supply­ing Foreign Labor, so much required throughout the South, and invite interviews and correspondence w ith p iauters and land owners. se3 ly

0ORUECT WEIGHTS.All p arties wishing correct scales for tlie ir co t­

ton, sugar, tobacco, etc., will please refer to th e ad ­vertisement in the “ Daily Advertiser,” which refer* them to W. B. BOWMAJ(, the only ogcut for Fair-

Mr. W. B. Bowman is Fairbanks Ac Co.’s agen t for the Southern .States, 53 Camp street, New Orleaus.

oc29 3t



To Shippers*From and afte r the first day of Novemlier,

freight for forwariliug will he received from 3 A. M. to 5 P. M. Drays arriving up to 5 P. M. aud erofviled out, will he received. Other* arriv ing la te r w ill be sent back .

,To Consignees.All freight not called for and taken aw ay w ith in

forty-eight hours after arrival, will be d rayed an d stored at the expense uml risk of th e owner.

eight hills can l»e naid a t the main office on Camp stree t, o r a t the Inw ard Freight Office at th e depot, on presentation of the notifications.

SIMEON TOBY,oc25 lot New Orleans Freight Agent.

$1000 REWARD.DhBING’S VIA F U 0.\ cures all Liver, Kidney and

Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness, Female Afflic­tions, General Debility, and all complaints of t h . Uriuary Organs, in m ale and fem ale; *1000 will also he paid for any case of Blind, Bleeding or Itch ­ing Piles th a t DxBixo’s P ilk Rkmkoy fails to care . Sold everywhere. Send for Pamphlet.

Laboratory No. 142 Franklin stree t, myll d k w ly Baltimore, Maryland.

SUCCESSION NOTICES.1 ~S u c c e s s io n o f N a n c y P a r i s h —N o . 2 8 ,5 1 3 ,

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to tlieeredi-

tors of th is esta te and to all o ther persons hereiu interested, to show cause w ithin ten days from th e present notification, if any they have or can. why the account presented by Thomas L. Bayne, d a tiv e tesm entarv executor in th is esta te , should not he homologated aud approved, and the lauds d is tr ib ­u ted iu accordance therew ith.

Bv order of the c o u r t .no4 8 12 M. O. TRACY, Clerk.

S n c c e s s io u o f A n n a .31 n r l a S c h n e id e r —No. 34,048.

SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to the cred ­

itors of th is esta te , to the legatees of the deceased, aud to all o ther iiersons herein in terested , to show cause w ithin ten days from th e present notifica­tion, if any they have or can, why th e accoun t and tableau of d istribution p resented by N. A. Baumgarden. tes tam en ta ry executor iu th is e s ta te , should not la* homologated and approved, aud th e assets d istributed in accordance therew ith ,

Bv order of the court. .not 8 12 M. O. TRACY. C lerk.

Succession o f P hilip I ,ine r—No. 31,111*.OECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF O Orleans.—W hereas, P e te r Ilollen has i>cti- tioued th e court for le tte rs of adm inistration on the es ta te of th e la te Philip Liner, d e ­ceased, in testa te : Notice is hereby* given toall whom it mav concern, to show cans*- w ithin ten days why th e p rayer of the said petitioner should not he granted.

By order o f th e court.no9 13 13 M. O. TRACY, Clerk.

9 u c c .8 i t i . i l o f P h i . N . L ,u c k e t t . - N o .3 3 .7 1 7 .

SBCOND DISTRICT COURT FOB THE PARISH of Orleans.—Notice is hereby given to t h .

cred itors of this esta te , and to tyl o ther persona herein in terested , to show cause w ithin ten day* from th e present notification, if any they have o f can, why th e account presented by R. Mott, tes tam en ta ry executor in th is esta te , should not lie homologated and approved, and t h . funds d istributed iu accordance therew ith.

Bv order of tho court.ni>8 12 18 H. O. TR XT. Clerk.

amid iu cash ou the snot all cn>ts of these pr lugs, now about oue hundred (*1

Ttain plan draw n by 11. Buissou, surveyor, bearing date the tw enty tilth day of April 1,142, aud deposited for reference iu the office of T. Tu- reatid. late a notary public in th is c ity , and also designated by the same iniaOn-rs on a plan draw n by T. Petingam, bearing d ate the seventeenth day of M arch. 1847. and deposited a-s plan num ber four­teen in the office of G. K. S tringer, late u notary public in this city.

Together writli all the buildings and im prove­m ents thereon, rights, w avs and advantages thereun to Itelonging or iu anywise appertaining.

Being th e same property w hich th e defendants acquired by purchase from Juilsdi Harr, per act passed before W. J . Castell. no tary public in this city , on th e tw elfth day of October, 1366.

Seized in tb e above suit.Term s—Cash ou th e spot.

THOMAS L. MAXWELL,. 0* 23 deM Sheriff «f tbs parish of Orl««a>.

h mill Adnlie /.abriska vn. BerryAllison and Mrs. L. Riddell—No. 6421—First Justices Court, for the Parish of Orleans.

B y virtue of a writ of fieri fa-cias, to me d ireeted hv the Hon. George tv.

Sadler, F irst Justice of the Peace in ami for the parish of Orleans, I will proceed to sell, a t public auction, on SATURDAY. November 12. 1870, at tw elve o 'clock S L .at No. 139Julia stree t—

ONE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE us per inventory on file.

Seized iu tlie aliove suit.Term s—Ca*U ou the »p«t.Ho3 6 13 A. A. Pi-VTT.vUIF.R. < onstable.

W . K. Vcrlnnilcr. Agent, vs. L. Levy-F irst Justice Court for the pans.; ot Orleans, Nn 6344

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO me direeted by the Honorable George W. Sa.Her,

F irst Justice of the Peace in aud tor the parish of Orleans I will proceed to sell a t public auction, at No 139 Julia street, near Camp s tree t, ou THURS­DAY November 10, 1870, a t tw elve o'clock M.—

ONE LOT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and effects, as per inventory on tile in m y office

Seized in the above num bered and en titled suit. Terms—Cash ou th e spot iu United S tates cu r

n «e£> oo5 ID A A PLATTSMIEB, Constable.

PERSONAL,S I T U A T I O N W A N T E D . —AX acc >M-O piii.iii*d young lady, alone in tile world, w ishes some friend Sontli, who will find her a situation or heme, where she can pay her way Understands music, housekeeping, dom estic industry, is h ea lth y , agreealdf*. and twenty-tw o years oid Address CLARA ASHLAND, No. 1121 S ta te stree t. C hicago. Illinois. met lot

ticket,• o t losing k. S . 5 u » “‘ia



o m es U.mtrd Status Marshal, District of Louisiana.

New Orleans, November 3, 1370.

Th is is t o g iv e n o t ic e t h a t o n t h ktw en ty -n in th day of October, A. D. 1870, a w ar­

ran t in bankruptcy was issued against th e es ta te of HENRY GARNER, of Now Orleans, in ,br* .jarisli of Orleaus, and State of Louisiana, who h i , been adjudged a b ankrup t ou his own petition; th a t th o paym ent of any debts and delivery of any p ro p e rty belonging to such bankrup t, to him or for h!s nso, and the trausfer of an y p ropertv bv 1dm a re forbidden by law; th a t a m eeting of the creditors o f aaid bankrupt, to prove th e ir debta and to choose one or more assignees of his e sta te , will be held at a court of bankrup tcy to b s hidden a t New O r­leans, in the Custom house building, before C 8 . Kellogg. Register, on th e tw en tv -ttf th day Ot Kovem . her, A. D. 1870, a t uiue o’clock 'A JL ‘ •**

„ . A R. PACKARD.i m9&> Caittd ItotM IUr«kaL