Nutrition Protocol

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Nutrition for the muscle matrix

Transcript of Nutrition Protocol

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    The Muscle Matrix Solution Nutrition Protocol

    Proper nutrition is key to any effective training regimen and this program is no exception.

    After studying the effects of various nutritional protocols and nutrient timing intervals, we

    have constructed a program specifically designed to maximize free testosterone. What

    this means for you is a nutritional regimen that will help improve your body composition

    by increasing lean muscle tissue and reducing body fat.

    But first of all, this is not a diet. This is how you can eat to maximize your training results.

    Second, some of what I'm about to share with you flies in the face of conventional

    wisdom. Remember, if you do what everyone else does, you'll get the same results

    everyone else gets.

    If you go anywhere you can watch a crowd of people, youll see proof. Even though

    many of the people youll see workout and eat clean like theyve heard theyre

    supposed to theyre not getting great results. What most people do is not correct, and

    it shows in their lack of results. If what I'm telling you is counter to what you've heard, all

    I ask is that you put your faith in me and try it for yourself, forgetting what youve heard

    before. Everything I'm telling you to do, I personally do as well. It's all based in science,

    and it's going to get you really, really good results.

    My guess is this program is going to shock you a little bit because protein is not the big

    focus when it comes to optimizing your testosterone. As with every portion of this

    program, this is really about feeding your muscles. Its about getting results, sure, but

    doing it in a way that boosts your hormonal environment, which ultimately gives you

    exponential results inside and outside of the gym.

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    3 Big Ideas

    There are 3 high-level ideas that I 'm going to share with you:

    1. A flexible approach to nutrit ion

    This is whats going to make sticking to your program

    a piece of cake (literally).

    2. Meal t iming and nutrient combination

    This simply means eating certain things at certain times in

    certain combinations to give you the best muscle-building,

    fat-burning results.

    3. Ratios of macronutrients

    This is where we get into how many proteins,

    carbs, and fats you should include in your diet.

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    Lets' Talk about Flexible Dieting For the longest time, body builders were told to just eat clean; as if there were good

    foods and bad foods. Popular wisdom says that a calorie is a calorie. My own research

    and experiential results tell me thats not true. The fact is, a calorie is not a calorie. If you

    eat 3000 calories of fat, you're going to get different results than if you eat 3000 calories

    of protein.

    However, a macronutrient IS a macronutrient. Barring any gluten allergies or foods you

    can't eat because your body responds poorly to them (meaning that you have an allergy

    or that you're sick or tired), a fat is a fat, a carb is a carb, and protein is protein. Fat has 9

    calories per gram; protein has 4 calories; carbs have 4 calories.

    A fat calorie is a fat calorie; a protein calorie is a protein calorie; and a carb calorie is a

    carb calorie. Traditional bodybuilding says you should get your carbs from potatoes and

    brown rice. That's one way to get it, or you could get it from Pop-Tarts. See what I'm


    I 'm not tel ling you to just eat junk food al l the time; tell ing you that you don't always have to eat clean.

    What Im saying is that youre not stuck eating grilled chicken with a side of baked

    potato and some vegetables.

    With this program, youll discover exactly how many calories you need based on your

    activity levels, your current body composition, and your goals. Youll also come up with a

    daily total amount of calories and understand how those calories need to break down

    across protein, fats, and carbs.

    I'm also going to give you timing guidelines on when you to get these proteins, fats, and

    carbs and in what combination. That sets up a general framework, and then it's up to

    you to color in between the lines, meaning you can put together your own meal plans

    and eat the foods you love.

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    Obey the Calculator

    Enjoy the Foods

    You Love

    If in your specific case, the

    programs calculator says

    you can have 90 grams of

    fat a day, as long as you

    think ahead, youll be able

    to go out and eat a rib-eye

    steak. If the calculator says

    you're allowed to have 180

    carbs a day, youll be able

    to eat a big slice of cake

    as long as it fits within that

    180-carb limit.

    As long as you fit the foods into the framework I give

    you, youll be able to eat what you want. This is

    important, because you're not going to be able to

    stick to an eating plan that restricts your food

    choices. When we do things the way I lay out here,

    you're going to be able to stick to it because you

    can eat the foods you love, get awesome results,

    and eat the foods you love without guilt.

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    Meal Timing and Nutrient Combination With this program, youll manipulate various hormones by eating certain nutrients when

    you wake up, when you train, and when you sleep. Your bodys hormonal environment is

    not constant throughout the day; it fluctuates. There are certain windows when youll get

    different results by eating certain nutrients youll boost the effectiveness of your

    program by sticking to this timing and combination protocol.

    Here's the plan.

    Assuming you train in the evening, I want you to eat your proteins and fats from the time

    you wake up until the time you train. No carbs during the first half of the day. This might

    sound tough, but you'll get plenty of fat into these meals so that youre not sluggish.

    You're not going low-carb; trust me. You're eating high-carb on this sucker. You're just

    going to eat those carbs when your body needs them most, when your body wont store

    them as fat. You'll get those carbs when most people enjoy their carbs at night, when

    you're tired.

    Work with Your Natural Tendencies

    It's a proven scientific fact that as the day goes on, your discipline goes down. Thats why

    so many people find themselves cheating on their diets at night. It's because your

    discipline and your willpower is gone for the day.

    It's like a meter that starts off at 100%. As the day goes on, you're at work, you're

    stressed, you're applying yourself, and you're focusing. Your self-discipline starts out

    high but goes down throughout the day. This program works with that tendency because

    when your discipline is at its lowest, at night, when most people cheat on their diets

    thats when you're allowed to indulge in those carbs.

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    You'll find that it's very easy to do this

    style of eating and to maintain it

    because, again, at those times when you

    really want to just sink your teeth into

    carbs, you can. Youll have plenty of

    energy the next day because you got

    those carbs so late in the day. Theyll stay

    with you throughout the next day. Don't

    worry about that low-carb crap out there.

    With a plan like that, you end up feeling

    constantly sluggish because you haven't

    had carbs in 10 weeks. That's not

    what this is about.

    With this plan, you get as many

    carbs as youd have on any

    normal healthy diet or more.

    My guess is more.

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    Now, Let's Talk Macronutrients

    There are proteins, carbs, and fat. There are 4 calories per gram of protein, 4 calories per

    carb gram, and 9 calories in a gram of fat. Use the calculator to determine your daily

    overall caloric need. The calculator will also break out the ratios of proteins, carbs, and

    fats that you need. Think of these ratios like a pie chart each segment of the pie chart

    represents how much of each of these macronutrients you should eat.

    Here's what you need to know about each of these macronutrients.

    Protein is super-important for recovery and muscle

    growth. We all know that. Traditionally, body builders have been told to eat too much protein.

    There is an actual point where your body can't do anything else with the protein. Your

    muscles literally can't hold any more protein, so it just goes to waste.

    The traditional rule in bodybuilding is that you need a gram or a gram and a half of

    protein per pound of body weight. So, if youre 200 pounds, you need 200 grams of

    protein. This is just simply too high. Studies show that your body really can't hold onto

    anything more than .7 to .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Dont use up all

    of your calories with protein that isn't going to be used. When you lower your protein

    intake and consume the right types of protein at the right times, youll allow yourself to

    get more calories from fats and carbs.

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    Carbohydrates and fats promote testosterone release.

    You probably didnt know that because all we ever hear about is that protein is good and

    carbs are bad. Carbs are your friends. Sure, you need to get the optimal amount of protein

    which youll do if you follow what the calculator determines is right for you. But you also

    need to get carbs and fats. Multiple studies have proven that carbs and fats are the key

    drivers of testosterone production. Its important to understand that you're not doing

    yourself any favors by cutting them out of your diet.

    Low-fat, low-carbohydrate diets don't work, long-term. Sure, you get quick results in the

    beginning because you're decreasing calories as a result of eliminating entire food groups

    from your diet. When you reduce your carbohydrates, you're actually playing with your

    insulin levels. This does have a positive effect that youll duplicate with this program by

    timing your meals correctly rather than by eliminating carbs from your diet.

    The fact is, if you're on a zero carbohydrate diet long-term, your testosterone will go down.

    Same thing with a zero fat diet long-term; your testosterone is going to go down. Thats not

    good. Instead, eat in such a way that maximizes your potential testosterone output.

    Following the Muscle Matrix program, youll dial that testosterone output up with maximally

    effective training and supplementation.

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    Water Drink Up! You need to drink one hundred-plus ounces of water per day. Drinking this much water

    will have a huge impact on how full you feel and look. The fact is, you will hold onto bloat

    when you're not drinking enough water. I know it's counterintuitive. By adding high

    levels of water into your diet, you actually keep yourself looking tight and lean. Drinking

    enough water also helps you have better workouts. When you're dehydrated, you cannot

    train as well. If you can't fully exert yourself during the workouts, you wont get the same

    muscle breakdown and testosterone boost as youd have if you were hydrated properly.

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    The Muscle Matrix Nutrition Plan

    Remember - contrary to popular belief, sufficient carbohydrate and fat consumption is crucial to increased

    testosterone output. Additionally, conventional protein consumption is much too high, typically anywhere

    from 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight.

    In this program we will be keeping protein lower (.8g/lb of bodyweight), while keeping fats and carbs higher

    (fats .35g/lb of bodyweight, with carbs rounding out the remaining portion of your caloric total). There is no

    clinical data to support any additional benefit from protein higher then 0.8-1.0 grams per pound of

    bodyweight daily. Therefore, we are lowering the daily protein consumption to accommodate the increased

    carbohydrate and fat totals. This will increase the probability of a significant testosterone increase and in turn

    prime your physique for lean muscle growth.

    4 Meals a Day

    Your daily nutrition will be broken up into four meals; Breakfast, Lunch, Post Workout, and Dinner. You can

    add in a Pre-Workout Meal if needed, just be sure to adjust your macronutrient distribution accordingly. The

    majority of your carbohydrate consumption will come during the Post Workout Meal and Dinner. Ideally, you

    will want to workout in the late afternoon or early evening, but regardless of what time of day you workout,

    you will consume your heavy carbohydrate meals during these two times. This will force your body to use fat

    stores for energy production, therefore accelerating fat loss. The combination of the elevated fat intake

    throughout the day and the elevated carbohydrate intake in the evening will increase testosterone levels and

    hormonal response.

    Here are some key factors of the Muscle Matrix Diet. They will work synergistically with the other elements of

    the Muscle Matrix to create a testosterone rich environment within the body.

    Key Nutrit ional Factors

    Breakfast: Protein and fats limited carbs

    Lunch: Protein and fats limited carbs

    Post-Workout: Protein and carbohydrates limited fats

    Dinner: Protein and carbohydrates limited fats

    Eat your carbohydrates after your workout and before bed for increased hormonal response.

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    The Muscle Matrix Nutrition Calculator

    Heres how youll calculate your macronutrient requirements.

    Protein = 1g/lb bodyweight

    Fat = .35g/lb bodyweight

    Carbohydrates = remaining caloric total after protein and fat calculations

    100+ ounces of water per day for optimal cellular hydration

    Muscle Matrix Nutrit ion Sample Day* *Sample Day based on a 200lb. male.

    Breakfast: 8:00 AM

    4 Egg Whites

    4 Whole Eggs

    4 Strips of Bacon

    2 Tbsp. Almond/Peanut Butter


    Lunch: 12:30 PM

    4 oz. Grilled Salmon

    Garden Salad


    Pre- Workout Meal (Optional ) - Work

    out between the hours of 4-8pm

    Post Workout: 7:00 PM

    2 Scoops Whey Protein

    2 Pop Tarts


    Dinner: 8:00 PM

    6 oz. Grilled Chicken

    2 Cups Pasta w/ Sauce

    2 Slices of White Bread


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    That is the nutrition protocol for the program. Simple, but it will get you results like youve

    never gotten before.

    Eat specific macronutrients throughout the day in specific combinations; based on the

    specific required macronutrients you discover using the calculator provided.

    I recommend that you track this throughout the day yourself or through one of the various

    mobile apps available. Keeping a record of your eating will help you stay on track.

    Next, we are going to move onto the final component of the Muscle Matrix solution, your

    supplementation plan.