NUTRITION AND HEALTH - QUANTUM RESEARCH and Health.pdf · Nutrition is an input to and foundation...


Transcript of NUTRITION AND HEALTH - QUANTUM RESEARCH and Health.pdf · Nutrition is an input to and foundation...

Page 1: NUTRITION AND HEALTH - QUANTUM RESEARCH and Health.pdf · Nutrition is an input to and foundation for good health and development. Health and nutrition are the basic of human right.


Dr. Maddalena Frau


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Summary NUTRITION AND HEALTH ........................................................................................................ 1

Why we Eat? ........................................................................................................................................... 3

GOOD NUTRITION .............................................................................................................................. 4

Nutrition .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Nutrients .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Carbohydrates ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Protein ................................................................................................................................................... 11

Fats ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

The Micronutrients: .............................................................................................................................. 15

Minerals ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Macrominerals .................................................................................................................................. 15

Trace minerals ................................................................................................................................... 16

Vitamins ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Illnesses caused by improper nutrient consumption ............................................................................. 18

Nutrients and Dosages for maintaining Good Health ........................................................................... 20

Vitamins ............................................................................................................................................ 20

Minerals ............................................................................................................................................ 22

Optional Supplements ....................................................................................................................... 22

Organic Foods - FAQ ............................................................................................................................. 24

Whole plant food diet ............................................................................................................................ 27

THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER AND HUMAN HEALTH.pdf @ ...................................................... 28

Other nutrients ...................................................................................................................................... 30

Antioxidants .......................................................................................................................................... 30

Phytochemicals ..................................................................................................................................... 31

Nutritional Therapy ............................................................................................................................... 33

The four basic food groups ................................................................................................................... 34

Precautions ............................................................................................................................................ 35

Research and general acceptance .......................................................................................................... 36

Orthomolecular nutrition (ON) ............................................................................................................. 36

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Why we Eat?

We eat because we are hungry, tired and your stomach is rumbling. Sometimes

we might also eat because we are bored, sad or happy, just because it's

lunchtime, or because that chocolate-covered donut looks so good.

Those are some of the emotional and physical reasons why we eat, but do we

ever put much thought into why our body needs food? Why is good nutrition


We will try to answer to this important question and why good nutrition prevent

disease and promote health.

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Nutrition is an input to and foundation for good health and development.

Health and nutrition are the basic of human right.

Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, no illness and better health. Healthy

children learn better.

Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to

gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way.

Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better

quality of life Freedom from hunger and malnutrition.

There is many forms of nutritional deficiency, especially in Third World countries

associated with mortality in infants, young children and mothers.

However, the world is also seeing a dramatic increase in other forms of malnutrition

characterized by obesity and the long-term implications of unbalanced dietary and lifestyle

practices that result in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

All forms of malnutrition's broad spectrum are associated with significant morbidity,

mortality, and economic costs, particularly in countries where both under- and over nutrition

co-exist as is the case in developing countries undergoing rapid transition in nutrition and


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Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the

materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Many common health problems can

be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet.

The diet of an organism is what it eats, which is largely determined by the perceived

palatability of foods. Dietitians are health professionals who specialize in human nutrition

and they are trained to provide safe, evidence-based dietary advice and management to

individuals (in health and disease).

Clinical nutritionists are health professionals who focus more specifically on the role of

nutrition in chronic disease, including possible prevention or remediation by addressing

nutritional deficiencies before resorting to drugs.

A poor diet can have an injurious impact on health, causing deficiency diseases such as

scurvy and kwashiorkor; health-threatening conditions like obesity and metabolic syndrome;

and such common chronic systemic diseases as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and


Nutritional science investigates the metabolic and physiological responses of the body to diet.

With advances in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics, the study of

nutrition is increasingly concerned with metabolism and metabolic pathways: the sequences

of biochemical steps through which substances in living things change from one form to


Carnivore and herbivore diets are contrasting, with basic nitrogen and carbon proportions

being at varying levels in particular foods.

Carnivores consume more nitrogen than carbon while herbivores consume less nitrogen than

carbon, when an equal quantity is measured.

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The human body contains chemical compounds, such as water, carbohydrates (sugar, starch,

and fiber), amino acids (in proteins), fatty acids (in lipids), and nucleic acids (DNA and


These compounds in turn consist of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,

phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and so on. All of these chemical

compounds and elements occur in various forms and combinations (e.g. hormones, vitamins,

phospholipids, hydroxyapatite), both in the human body and in the plant and animal

organisms that humans eat.

The human body consists of elements and compounds ingested, digested, absorbed, and

circulated through the bloodstream to feed the cells of the body.

Except in the unborn fetus, the digestive system is the first system involved. In a typical

adult, about seven liters of digestive juices enter the lumen of the digestive tract. These

digestive juices break chemical bonds in ingested molecules, and modulate their

conformations and energy states. Though some molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream

unchanged, digestive processes release them from the matrix of foods. Unabsorbed matter,

along with some waste products of metabolism, is eliminated from the body in the feces.

Studies of nutritional status must take into account the state of the body before and after

experiments, as well as the chemical composition of the whole diet and of all material

excreted and eliminated from the body (in urine and feces).

Comparing the food to the waste can help determine the specific compounds and elements

absorbed and metabolized in the body. The effects of nutrients may only be discernible over

an extended period, during which all food and waste must be analyzed. The number of

variables involved in such experiments is high, making nutritional studies time-consuming

and expensive, which explains why the science of Human nutrition is still slowly evolving.

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There are six major classes of nutrients:

1. carbohydrates,

2. fats,

3. minerals,

4. protein,

The macronutrients

5. vitamins,

6. water,

The micronutrients

These nutrient classes can be categorized as either macronutrients (needed in relatively large

amounts) or micronutrients (needed in smaller quantities).

The macronutrients include carbohydrates, fats, fiber, protein, and water. The micronutrients

are minerals and vitamins.

The macronutrients (excluding fiber and water) provide structural material (amino acids from

which proteins are built, and lipids from which cell membranes and some signaling molecules

are built) and energy.

Some of the structural material can be used to generate energy internally, and in either case it

is measured in Joules or kilocalories (often called "Calories" and written with a capital C to

distinguish them from little 'c' calories).

Carbohydrates and proteins provide 17 kJ approximately (4 kcal) of energy per gram, while

fats provide 37 kJ (9 kcal) per gram, though the net energy from either depends on such

factors as absorption and digestive effort, which vary substantially from instance to instance.

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Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water do not provide energy, but are required for other reasons.

A third class of dietary material, fiber (i.e., non-digestible material such as cellulose), is also

required, for both mechanical and biochemical reasons, although the exact reasons remain


Molecules of carbohydrates and fats consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

Carbohydrates range from simple monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose) to complex

polysaccharides (starch). Fats are triglycerides, made of assorted fatty acid monomers bound

to glycerol backbone. Some fatty acids, but not all, are essential in the diet: they cannot be

synthesized in the body.

Protein molecules contain nitrogen atoms in addition to carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. The

fundamental components of protein are nitrogen-containing amino acids, some of which are

essential in the sense that humans cannot make them internally.

Some of the amino acids are convertible (with the expenditure of energy) to glucose and can

be used for energy production just as ordinary glucose in a process known as

gluconeogenesis. By breaking down existing protein, some glucose can be produced

internally; the remaining amino acids are discarded, primarily as urea in urine. This occurs

normally only during prolonged starvation.

Other micronutrients include antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are said to influence (or

protect) some body systems. Their necessity is not as well established as in the case of, for

instance, vitamins.

Most foods contain a mix of some or all of the nutrient classes, together with other

substances, such as toxins of various sorts. Some nutrients can be stored internally (e.g., the

fat soluble vitamins), while others are required more or less continuously. Poor health can be

caused by a lack of required nutrients or, in extreme cases, too much of a required nutrient.

For example, both salt and water(both absolutely required) will cause illness or even death in

excessive amounts.

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Carbohydrates supply the body with the energy it needs to function. They are found almost

exclusively in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, peas, and beans.

Milk and milk products are the only foods derived from animals that contain a significant

amount of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are divided into two groups-simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates, sometimes called simple sugars, include fructose (fruit sugar), sucrose

(table sugar), and lactose (milk sugar), as well as several other sugars.

Fruits are one of the richest natural sources of simple carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are also made up of sugars, but the sugar molecules are strung

together to form longer, more complex chains.

Complex carbohydrates include fiber and starches. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates

include vegetables, whole grains, peas, and beans.

Carbohydrates are the main source of blood glucose, which is a major fuel for all of the

body's cells and the only source of energy for the brain and red blood cells. Except for fiber,

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which cannot be digested, both simple and complex carbohydrates are converted into glucose.

The glucose is then either used directly to provide energy for the body, or stored in the liver

for future use.

When a person consumes more calories than the body is using, a portion of the carbohydrates

consumed may also be stored in the body as fat.

When choosing carbohydrate-rich foods for your diet, always select unrefined foods such as

fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, and whole-grain products, as opposed to refined, processed

foods such as soft drinks, desserts, candy, and sugar.

Refined foods offer few, if any, of the vitamins and minerals that are important to your


In addition, if eaten in excess, especially over a period of many years, the large amounts of

simple carbohydrates found in refined foods can lead to a number of disorders, including

diabetes and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Yet another problem is that foods high in refined simple sugars often are also high in fats,

which should be limited in a healthy diet.

This is why such foods-which include most cookies and cakes, as well as many snack foods-

are usually loaded with calories. Dietary fiber is the part of a plant that is resistant to the

body's digestive enzymes.

Only a relatively small amount of fiber is digested or metabolized in the stomach or


Most of it moves through the gastrointestinal tract and ends up in the stool.

Although most fiber is not digested, it delivers several important health benefits. First, fiber

retains water, resulting in softer and bulkier stools that prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

A high-fiber diet also reduces the risk of colon cancer, perhaps by speeding the rate at which

stool passes through the intestine and by keeping the digestive tract clean.

In addition, fiber binds with certain substances that would normally result in the production

of cholesterol, and eliminates these substances from the body.

In this way, a high-fiber diet helps lower blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart

disease. It is recommended that about 60 per cent of your total daily calories come from


If much of your diet consists of healthy complex carbohydrates, you should easily fulfil the

recommended daily minimum of 25 grams of fiber.

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Protein is essential for growth and development. It provides the body with energy, and is

needed for the manufacture of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, and tissues. It also helps

maintain the proper acid-alkali balance in the body.

When protein is consumed, the body breaks it down into amino acids, the building blocks of

all proteins. Some of the amino acids are designated nonessential. This does not mean that

they are unnecessary, but rather that they do not have to come from the diet because they can

be synthesized by the body from other amino acids. Other amino acids are considered

essential, meaning that the body cannot synthesize them, and therefore must obtain them

from the diet.

Whenever the body makes a protein-when it builds muscle, for instance-it needs a variety of

amino acids for the protein-making process. These amino acids may come from dietary

protein or from the body's own pool of amino acids. If a shortage of amino acids becomes

chronic, which can occur if the diet is deficient in essential amino acids, the building of

protein in the body stops, and the body suffers.

Because of the importance of consuming proteins that provide all of the necessary amino

acids, dietary proteins are considered to belong to two different groups, depending on the

amino acids they provide.

Complete proteins, which constitute the first group, contain ample amounts of all of the

essential amino acids. These proteins are found in meat, fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, and milk.

Incomplete proteins, which constitute the second group, contain only some of the essential

amino acids. These proteins are found in a variety of foods, including grains, legumes, and

leafy green vegetables.

Although it is important to consume the full range of amino acids, both essential and

nonessential, it is not necessary to get them from meat, fish, poultry, and other complete-

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protein foods. In fact, because of their high fat content-as well as the use of antibiotics and

other chemicals in the raising of poultry and cattle-most of those foods should be eaten in

moderation. Fortunately, the dietary strategy called mutual supplementation enables you to

combine partial-protein foods to make complementary protein-proteins that supply adequate

amounts of all the essential amino acids. For instance, although beans and brown rice are

both quite rich in protein, each lacks one or more of the necessary amino acids. However,

when you combine beans and brown rice with each other, or when you combine either one

with any of a number of protein-rich foods, you form a complete protein that is a high-quality

substitute for meat.

To make a complete protein:

combine beans with any one of the


Or combine brown rice with any one

of the following:

Brown rice.









All soybean products, such as tofu and soymilk, are complete proteins. They contain the

essential amino acids plus several other nutrients. Available in health food stores, tofu, soy

oil, soy flour, soy-based meat substitutes, soy cheese, and many other soy products are

healthful ways to complement the meatless diet.

Yogurt is the only animal-derived complete-protein source recommended for frequent use in

the diet. Made from milk that is curdled by bacteria, yogurt contains Lactobacillus

acidophilus and other "friendly" bacteria needed for the digestion of foods and the

prevention of many disorders, including candidiasis. Yogurt also contains vitamins A and D,

and many of the B-complex vitamins.

Do not buy the sweetened, flavoured yogurts that are sold in supermarkets. These products

contain added sugar and, often, preservatives. Instead, either purchase fresh unsweetened

yogurt from a health food store or make the yogurt yourself, and sweeten it with fruit juices

and other wholesome ingredients.

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Although much attention has been focused on the need to reduce dietary fat, the body does

need fat. During infancy and childhood, fat is necessary for normal brain development.

Throughout life, it is essential to provide energy and support growth. Fat is, in fact, the most

concentrated source of energy available to the body.

However, after about two years of age, the body requires only small amounts of fat-much less

than is provided by the average American diet. Excessive fat intake is a major causative

factor in obesity, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and colon cancer, and has been

linked to a number of other disorders as well.

To understand how fat intake is related to these health problems, it is necessary to understand

the different types of fats available and the ways in which these fats act within the body.

Fats are composed of building blocks called fatty acids. There are three major categories of

fatty acids-saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. These classifications are based

on the number of hydrogen atoms in the chemical structure of a given molecule of fatty acid.

Saturated fatty acids are found primarily in animal products, including dairy items, such as

whole milk, cream, and cheese, and fatty meats like beef, veal, lamb, pork, and ham. The fat

marbling you can see in beef and pork is composed of saturated fat. Some vegetable products

including coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and vegetable shortening-are also high in saturates.

The liver uses saturated fats to manufacture cholesterol.

Therefore, excessive dietary intake of saturated fats can significantly raise the blood

cholesterol level, especially the level of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), or "bad cholesterol.

" Guidelines issued by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), and widely

supported by most experts, recommend that the daily intake of saturated fats be kept below

10 percent of total caloric intake. However, for people who have severe problems with high

blood cholesterol, even that level may be too high.

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Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in greatest abundance in corn, soybean, safflower, and

sunflower oils. Certain fish oils are also high in polyunsaturated fats. Unlike the saturated

fats, polyunsaturated fats may actually lower your total blood cholesterol level. In doing so,

however, large amounts of polyunsaturated fats also have a tendency to reduce your high-

density lipoproteins (HDLs)-your .good cholesterol."

For this reason-and because, like all fats, polyunsaturated fats are high in calories for their

weight and volume-the NCEP guidelines state that an individual's intake of polyunsaturated

fats should not exceed 10 per cent of total caloric intake.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are found mostly in vegetable and nut oils such as olive,

peanut, and canola. These fats appear to reduce blood levels of LDLs without affecting HDLs

in any way. However, this positive impact upon LDL cholesterol is relatively modest. The

NCEP guidelines recommend that intake of monounsaturated fats be kept between 10 and 15

per cent of total caloric intake.

Although most foods-including some plant-derived foods contain a combination of all three

types of fatty acids, one of the types usually predominates.

Thus, a fat or oil is considered 'saturated" or "high in saturates' when it is composed primarily

of saturated fatty acids.

Such saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature. Similarly, a fat or oil composed

mostly of polyunsaturated fatty acids is called "polyunsaturated," while a fat or oil composed

mostly of monounsaturated fatty acids is called "monounsaturated."

One other element, trans-fatty acids, may also play a role in blood cholesterol levels. Also

called trans fats, these substances occur when polyunsaturated oils are altered through

hydrogenation, a process used to harden liquid vegetable oils into solid foods like margarine

and shortening. One recent study found that trans-monounsaturated fatty acids raise LDL

cholesterol levels, behaving much like saturated fats.

Much more research on this subject is necessary, as studies have not reached consistent and

conclusive findings.

For now, however, it is clear that if your goal is to lower cholesterol, polyunsaturated and

mono-unsaturated fats are more desirable than saturated fats or products with trans-fatty

acids. just as important, your total calories from fat should not constitute more than 20 to 25

per cent of daily calories.

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The Micronutrients:


Dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four

elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen that are present in nearly all organic

molecules. The term "mineral" is archaic, since the intent is to describe simply the less

common elements in the diet. Some are heavier than the four just mentioned, including

several metals, which often occur as ions in the body. Some dietitians recommend that these

be supplied from foods in which they occur naturally, or at least as complex compounds, or

sometimes even from natural inorganic sources (such as calcium carbonate from ground

oyster shells). Some minerals are absorbed much more readily in the ionic forms found in

such sources. On the other hand, minerals are often artificially added to the diet as

supplements; the most famous is likely iodine in iodized salt which prevents goiter.


Many elements are essential in relative quantity; they are usually called "bulk minerals".

Some are structural, but many play a role as electrolytes.

Elements with recommended dietary allowance (RDA) greater than 200 mg/day are, in

alphabetical order (with informal or folk-medicine perspectives in parentheses):

Calcium, a common electrolyte, but also needed structurally (for muscle and digestive

system health, bone strength, some forms neutralize acidity, may help clear toxins,

provides signaling ions for nerve and membrane functions)

Chlorine as chloride ions; very common electrolyte; see sodium, below

Magnesium, required for processing ATP and related reactions (builds bone, causes

strong peristalsis, increases flexibility, increases alkalinity)

Phosphorus, required component of bones; essential for energy processing

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Potassium, a very common electrolyte (heart and nerve health)

Sodium, a very common electrolyte; not generally found in dietary supplements,

despite being needed in large quantities, because the ion is very common in food:

typically as sodium chloride, or common salt. Excessive sodium consumption can

deplete calcium and magnesium, leading to high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

Sulfur, for three essential amino acids and therefore many proteins (skin, hair, nails,

liver, and pancreas). Sulfur is not consumed alone, but in the form of sulfur-

containing amino acids

Trace minerals

Many elements are required in trace amounts, usually because they play a catalytic role in

enzymes. Some trace mineral elements (RDA < 200 mg/day) are, in alphabetical order:

Cobalt required for biosynthesis of vitamin B12 family of coenzymes. Animals cannot

biosynthesize B12, and must obtain this cobalt-containing vitamin in the diet

Copper required component of many redox enzymes, including cytochrome c oxidase

Chromium required for sugar metabolism

Iodine required not only for the biosynthesis of thyroxin, but probably, for other

important organs as breast, stomach, salivary glands, thymus etc. (see Extrathyroidal

iodine); for this reason iodine is needed in larger quantities than others in this list, and

sometimes classified with the macrominerals

Iron required for many enzymes, and for hemoglobin and some other proteins

Manganese (processing of oxygen)

Molybdenum required for xanthine oxidase and related oxidases

Nickel present in urease

Selenium required for peroxidase (antioxidant proteins)

Vanadium (Speculative: there is no established RDA for vanadium. No specific

biochemical function has been identified for it in humans, although vanadium is

required for some lower organisms.)

Zinc required for several enzymes such as carboxypeptidase, liver alcohol

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As with the minerals discussed above, some vitamins are recognized as essential nutrients,

necessary in the diet for good health. (Vitamin D is the exception: it can be synthesized in the

skin, in the presence of UVB radiation.)

Certain vitamin-like compounds that are recommended in the diet, such as carnitine, are

thought useful for survival and health, but these are not "essential" dietary nutrients because

the human body has some capacity to produce them from other compounds.

Moreover, thousands of different phytochemicals have recently been discovered in food

(particularly in fresh vegetables), which may have desirable properties including antioxidant

activity (see below); however, experimental demonstration has been suggestive but


Other essential nutrients that are not classified as vitamins include essential amino acids,

choline, essential fatty acids, and the minerals discussed in the preceding section.

Vitamin deficiencies may result in disease conditions, including goitre, scurvy, osteoporosis,

impaired immune system, disorders of cell metabolism, certain forms of cancer, symptoms of

premature aging, and poor psychological health (including eating disorders), among many


Excess levels of some vitamins are also dangerous to health (notably vitamin A), and for at

least one vitamin, B6, toxicity begins at levels not far above the required amount. Deficient or

excess levels of minerals can also have serious health consequences.

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Illnesses caused by improper nutrient consumption

Nutrients Deficiency Excess


Calories Starvation, Marasmus Obesity, diabetes mellitus, Cardiovascular




none diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Cardiovascular




micronutrient deficiency Obesity, Cardiovascular disease (high

glycemic index foods)

Protein kwashiorkor

Rabbit starvation, Ketoacidosis (in


Saturated fat none Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease

Trans fat none Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease

Unsaturated fat fat-soluble vitamin deficiency Obesity, Cardiovascular disease


Vitamin A

Xerophthalmia and Night

Blindness Hypervitaminosis A (cirrhosis, hair loss)

Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri

Vitamin B2 Skin and Corneal Lesions

Niacin Pellagra

dyspepsia, cardiac arrhythmias, birth


Vitamin B12 Pernicious Anemia

Vitamin C Scurvy diarrhea causing dehydration

Vitamin D Rickets

Hypervitaminosis D (dehydration,

vomiting, constipation)

Vitamin E neurological disease Hypervitaminosis E (anticoagulant:

excessive bleeding)

Vitamin K Hemorrhage

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Omega 3 Fats Cardiovascular Disease

Bleeding, Hemorrhages, Hemorrhagic

stroke, reduced glycemic control among


Omega 6 Fats none Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer

Cholesterol none Cardiovascular Disease



Osteoporosis, tetany,

carpopedal spasm,

laryngospasm, cardiac


Fatigue, depression, confusion, nausea,

vomiting, constipation, pancreatitis,

increased urination, kidney stones

Magnesium Hypertension

Weakness, nausea, vomiting, impaired

breathing, and hypotension


Hypokalemia, cardiac

arrhythmias Hyperkalemia, palpitations

Sodium hyponatremia Hypernatremia, hypertension

Trace minerals Iron Anemia Cirrhosis, Hepatitis C, heart disease

Iodine Goiter, hypothyroidism Iodine Toxicity (goiter, hypothyroidism)

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Nutrients and Dosages for maintaining Good Health

The nutrients listed below are recommended for good health. Daily dosages are suggested;

however, before using any supplements, you should consult with your health care provider.

The dosages given here are for adults and children weighing 100 pounds and over.

Appropriate dosages for children vary according to age and weight. A child weighing

between 70 and 100 pounds should be given three-fourths the adult dose; a child weighing

under 70 pounds (and over the age of six) should be given half the adult dose. A child under

the age of six years should be given nutritional formulas designed specifically for young

children. Follow the dosage directions on the product label.

Vitamins Daily Dosages

Vitamin A 10,000 IU

Beta-carotene 15,000 IU

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 50 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 50 mg

Vitamin B3 (niacin)

(niacinamide) 100 mg

100 mg

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 100 mg

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Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 50 mg

Vitamin B12 300 mcg

Biotin 300 mcg

Choline 100 mg

Folic acid 800 mcg

Inositol 100 mg

Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) 50 mg

Vitamin C with mineral ascorbates 3,000 mg

Bioflavonoids (mixed) 500 mg

Hesperidin 100 mg

Rutin 25 mg

Vitamin D 400 IU

Vitamin E 600 IU

Vitamin K (use natural sources such as alfalfa, green leafy

vegetables) I 00 mcg

Essential fatty acids (EFAS)

(primrose oil, flaxseed oil, salmon oil, and fish oil are good

sources) As directed on label

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Minerals Daily Dosages

Calcium 1,500 mg

Chromium (GTF) 150 mcg

Copper 3 mg

Iodine (kelp is a good source) 225 mcg

Iron 18 mg

Magnesium 750-1,000 mg

Manganese 10 mg

Molybdenum 30 mcg

Potassium 99 mg

Selenium 200 mcg

Zinc 50 mg

Optional Supplements Daily Dosages

Coenzyme Q10 30 mg

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Garlic As directed on


L-Carnitine 500 mg

L-Cysteine 50 mg

L-Lysine 50 mg

L-Methionine 50 mg

L-Tyrosine 500 mg

Lecithin 200-500 mg

Pectin 50 mg

RNA-DNA 100 mg

Silicon As directed on


Superoxide dismutase (SOD) As directed on


(Source: Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing, James Balch, MD)

Caution: Iron should be taken only if a deficiency exists. Always take iron supplements separately, rather than

in a multivitamin and mineral formula. Do not take iron with a supplement containing vitamin E.

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Organic Foods - FAQ

1. What is organic food?

Organic refers not to the food itself, but how it is produced. Organic food production is based

on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes the fertility of the soil. Organic foods

are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Organic foods are

minimally processed to maintain the integrity of the food without artificial ingredients,

preservatives or irradiation.

2. How is "certified organic" food different from other organic food? "Certified" means that the food has been grown according to strict uniform standards that are

verified by independent state or private organizations. Certification includes inspections of

farm fields and processing facilities, detailed record keeping, and periodic testing of soil and

water to ensure that growers and handlers are meeting the standards that have been


3. Who regulates the certified organic claims? The federal government set standards for the production, processing and certification of

organic food in the Organic Food Production Act of 1990. A National Organic Standards

Board was established at that time and now is developing the guidelines and procedures that

will regulate all crops from produce, grains, meat, dairy and eggs to processed foods. The law

was activated April 21, 2001. Those who grow or market "organic" products were required to

comply with the rule as of October 21, 2002. The Act provides that a person may sell or label

an agricultural product as organically produced only if the product has been produced and

handled in accordance with provisions of the Act and these regulations. The U.S. Department

of Agriculture oversees the program.

4. Is organic food completely free of pesticide residues? Organic food is not produced with toxic synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. However, there

are some instances where residues may be carried to organic fields from neighboring

conventional farms and environmental pollution.

5. Do organic farmers ever use pesticides?

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Yes. However, only natural pesticides are permitted with restrictions as a last resort when

growers are threatened with crop failure. Organic farmers' primary strategy is "prevention."

By building healthy soils, healthy plants are better able to resist disease and insects. When

pest populations get out of balance, growers will try various options like insect predators,

mating disruption, traps and barriers. If these fail, permission will be granted by the certifier

to apply botanical pesticides under restricted conditions. "Botanicals" are derived from

plants and are broken down quickly by oxygen and sunlight.

6. Is organic food better for you? There is no scientific evidence at this time to suggest that organically produced foods are

more nutritious. However, well-balanced soils grow strong healthy plants that many people

believe taste better and contain more nutrients. Many restaurant chefs across the country are

using organic produce because they think it tastes better. Organic growers often select

varieties to grow for their flavor, not only for their appearance.

7. Why does organic food cost more? Prices for organic foods reflect many of the same costs as conventional foods in terms of

growing, harvesting, transportation and storage. Organically produced food must meet stricter

regulations governing all of these steps so the process is often more labour- and management-

intensive, and farming tends to be on a smaller scale.

There is also mounting evidence that if all the indirect costs of conventional food production

(clean-up of polluted water, replacement of eroded soils, cost of health care for farmers and

their workers) were factored in to the price of food, organic foods would cost the same or,

more likely, be less expensive.

8. Isn't organic food just a fad? Not a chance. Sales of organic produce totaled $612.14 million in 1995. Sales of all organic

food totaled $2.4 billion in 1995 and the market has grown an average rate of 25% each year.

The adoption of national standards for certification will open up many new markets for U.S.

organic producers.

Today, approximately 2% of the U.S. food supply is grown using organic methods. By the

year 2000, analysts expect that to reach 10%. Worldwide, there are now almost 600 organic

producer associations in 70 countries. Nations like Japan and Germany are fast becoming

important international organic food markets.

9. Where can I find organic foods? Organic foods are found at natural food stores, health food sections and regular produce

departments of supermarkets, farmers' markets, and by mail. There is an increasing variety of

organic processed foods making their way to market: baby foods, cereals, snacks, cookies,

juices, peanut butter, yogurt, soups and even frozen meals.

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10. Why does good organic fertilizer cost more than inorganic types? It's more difficult to make. For example, the pelleted fish fertilizer contains ground fish

scraps, fish bone meal, feather meal, blood meal, alfalfa meal, and sulfate of potash. Blending

all of these different ingredients together isn't easy. However, when you consider that

gradual-release organic fertilizers mostly end up being used by plants, while less expensive

chemical fertilizers mostly evaporate or wash out of the root zone, then organics make better

economic sense.

11. Why worry about bacteria, fungi, and other soil microorganisms? In healthy soil, billions of these little soil critters are constantly digesting organic matter,

transforming nitrogen and other elements into forms that plants can use, and when they die

their nutritious little bodies become a perfect feast for plants. This is why it doesn't make

sense to kill them with chemicals or inorganic fertilizers. A biologically active soil is plant-


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Whole plant food diet

Heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes are commonly called "Western" diseases because

these maladies were once rarely seen in developing countries.

An international study in China found some regions had essentially no cancer or heart

disease, while in other areas they reflected "up to a 100-fold increase" coincident with shifts

from diets that were found to be entirely plant-based to heavily animal-based, respectively.

In contrast, diseases of affluence like cancer and heart disease are common throughout the

developed world, including the United States.

Adjusted for age and exercise, large regional clusters of people in China rarely suffered from

these "Western" diseases possibly because their diets are rich in vegetables, fruits and whole

grains, and have little dairy and meat products.

Some studies show these to be, in high quantities, possible causes of some cancers.

There are arguments for and against this controversial issue.

The United Healthcare/Pacificare nutrition guideline recommends a whole plant food diet,

and recommends using protein only as a condiment with meals.

A National Geographic cover article from November 2005, entitled The Secrets of Living

Longer, also recommends a whole plant food diet.

The article is a lifestyle survey of three populations, Sardinians, Okinawans, who generally

display longevity and "suffer a fraction of the diseases that commonly kill people in other

parts of the developed world, and enjoy more healthy years of life." In sum, they offer three

sets of 'best practices' to emulate.

The rest is up to you. In common with all three groups is to "Eat fruits, vegetables, and whole


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Water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the basic building blocks of a good diet. By

choosing the healthiest forms of each of these nutrients, and eating them in the proper

balance, you enable your body to function at its optimal level.


The human body is two-thirds water. Water is an essential nutrient that is involved in every

function of the body.

Water helps transport nutrients and waste products in and out of cells.

Water is necessary for all digestive, absorption, circulatory, and excretory functions

Water is needed for the utilization of the water-soluble vitamins.

It is needed for the maintenance of proper body temperature.

It is recommended that you drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

Water is excreted from the body in multiple forms; including urine and feces, sweating, and

by water vapor in the exhaled breath. Therefore it is necessary to adequately rehydrate to

replace lost fluids.

Early recommendations for the quantity of water required for maintenance of good health

suggested that 6–8 glasses of water daily is the minimum to maintain proper hydration.

However the notion that a person should consume eight glasses of water per day cannot be

traced to a credible scientific source. The original water intake recommendation in 1945 by

the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council read: "An ordinary standard

for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in

prepared foods." More recent comparisons of well-known recommendations on fluid intake

have revealed large discrepancies in the volumes of water we need to consume for good

health. Therefore, to help standardize guidelines, recommendations for water consumption

are included in two recent European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) documents (2010): (i)

Food-based dietary guidelines and (ii) Dietary reference values for water or adequate daily

intakes (ADI). These specifications were provided by calculating adequate intakes from

measured intakes in populations of individuals with ―desirable osmolarity values of urine and

desirable water volumes per energy unit consumed.‖ For healthy hydration, the current EFSA

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guidelines recommend total water intakes of 2.0 L/day for adult females and 2.5 L/day for

adult males. These reference values include water from drinking water, other beverages, and

from food. About 80% of our daily water requirement comes from the beverages we drink,

with the remaining 20% coming from food. Water content varies depending on the type of

food consumed, with fruit and vegetables containing more than cereals, for example. These

values are estimated using country-specific food balance sheets published by the Food and

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Other guidelines for nutrition also have

implications for the beverages we consume for healthy hydration- for example, the World

Health Organization (WHO) recommend that added sugars should represent no more than

10% of total energy intake.

The EFSA panel also determined intakes for different populations. Recommended intake

volumes in the elderly are the same as for adults as despite lower energy consumption, the

water requirement of this group is increased due to a reduction in renal concentrating

capacity. Pregnant and breastfeeding women require additional fluids to stay hydrated. The

EFSA panel proposes that pregnant women should consume the same volume of water as

non-pregnant women, plus an increase in proportion to the higher energy requirement, equal

to 300 mL/day. To compensate for additional fluid output, breastfeeding women require an

additional 700 mL/day above the recommended intake values for non-lactating women.

For those who have healthy kidneys, it is somewhat difficult to drink too much water,[ but

(especially in warm humid weather and while exercising) it is dangerous to drink too little.

While over hydration is much less common than dehydration, it is also possible to drink far

more water than necessary which can result in water intoxication, a serious and potentially

fatal condition. In particular, large amounts of de-ionized water are dangerous.

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Other nutrients

Other micronutrients include antioxidants and phytochemicals. These substances are

generally more recent discoveries that have not yet been recognized as vitamins or as

required. Phytochemicals may act as antioxidants, but not all phytochemicals are



As cellular metabolism/energy production requires oxygen, potentially damaging (e.g.

mutation causing) compounds known as free radicals can form. Most of these are oxidizers

(i.e. acceptors of electrons) and some react very strongly. For the continued normal cellular

maintenance, growth, and division, these free radicals must be sufficiently neutralized by

antioxidant compounds. Recently, some researchers suggested an interesting theory of

evolution of dietary antioxidants. Some are produced by the human body with adequate

precursors (glutathione, Vitamin C), and those the body cannot produce may only be obtained

in the diet via direct sources (Vitamin C in humans, Vitamin A, Vitamin K) or produced by

the body from other compounds (Beta-carotene converted to Vitamin A by the body, Vitamin

D synthesized from cholesterol by sunlight). Phytochemicals (Section Below) and their

subgroup, polyphenols, make up the majority of antioxidants; about 4,000 are known.

Different antioxidants are now known to function in a cooperative network. For example,

Vitamin C can reactivate free radical-containing glutathione or Vitamin E by accepting the

free radical itself. Some antioxidants are more effective than others at neutralizing different

free radicals. Some cannot neutralize certain free radicals. Some cannot be present in certain

areas of free radical development (Vitamin A is fat-soluble and protects fat areas, Vitamin C

is water soluble and protects those areas). When interacting with a free radical, some

antioxidants produce a different free radical compound that is less dangerous or more

dangerous than the previous compound. Having a variety of antioxidants allows any

byproducts to be safely dealt with by more efficient antioxidants in neutralizing a free

radical's butterfly effect.

Although initial studies suggested that antioxidant supplements might promote health, later

large clinical trials did not detect any benefit and suggested instead that excess

supplementation may be harmful.

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Blackberries are a source of polyphenol antioxidants

A growing area of interest is the effect upon human health of trace chemicals, collectively

called phytochemicals. These nutrients are typically found in edible plants, especially

colorful fruits and vegetables, but also other organisms including seafood, algae, and fungi.

The effects of phytochemicals increasingly survive rigorous testing by prominent health

organizations. One of the principal classes of phytochemicals are polyphenol antioxidants,

chemicals that are known to provide certain health benefits to the cardiovascular system and

immune system. These chemicals are known to down-regulate the formation of reactive

oxygen species, key chemicals in cardiovascular disease.

Perhaps the most rigorously tested phytochemical is zeaxanthin, a yellow-pigmented

carotenoid present in many yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. Repeated studies have

shown a strong correlation between ingestion of zeaxanthin and the prevention and treatment

of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Less rigorous studies have proposed a

correlation between zeaxanthin intake and cataracts. A second carotenoid, lutein, has also

been shown to lower the risk of contracting AMD. Both compounds have been observed to

collect in the retina when ingested orally, and they serve to protect the rods and cones against

the destructive effects of light.

Another carotenoid, beta-cryptoxanthin, appears to protect against chronic joint inflammatory

diseases, such as arthritis. While the association between serum blood levels of beta-

cryptoxanthin and substantially decreased joint disease has been established, neither a

convincing mechanism for such protection nor a cause-and-effect have been rigorously

studied. Similarly, a red phytochemical, lycopene, has substantial credible evidence of

negative association with development of prostate cancer.

As indicated above, some of the correlations between the ingestion of certain phytochemicals

and the prevention of disease are, in some cases, enormous in magnitude. Yet, even when the

evidence is obtained, translating it to practical dietary advice can be difficult and counter-


Lutein, for example, occurs in many yellow and orange fruits and vegetables and protects the

eyes against various diseases. However, it does not protect the eye nearly as well as

zeaxanthin, and the presence of lutein in the retina will prevent zeaxanthin uptake.

Additionally, evidence has shown that the lutein present in egg yolk is more readily absorbed

than the lutein from vegetable sources, possibly because of fat solubility.

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At the most basic level, the question "should you eat eggs?" is complex to the point of

dismay, including misperceptions about the health effects of cholesterol in egg yolk, and its

saturated fat content.

As another example, lycopene is prevalent in tomatoes (and actually is the chemical that

gives tomatoes their red color). It is more highly concentrated, however, in processed tomato

products such as commercial pasta sauce, or tomato soup, than in fresh "healthy" tomatoes.

Yet, such sauces tend to have high amounts of salt, sugar, other substances a person may

wish or even need to avoid.

The following table presents phytochemical groups and common sources, arranged by family:

Family Sources Possible Benefits

flavonoids berries, herbs, vegetables, wine, gra

pes, tea

general antioxidant, oxidation of LDLs,

prevention of arteriosclerosis and heart disease


gens) soy, red clover, kudzu root

general antioxidant, prevention

of arteriosclerosis and heart disease, easing

symptoms of menopause, cancer prevention.

isothiocyanates cruciferous vegetables cancer prevention


citrus peels, essential

oils, herbs, spices, green


cancer prevention, treating gallstones


compounds chives, garlic, onions

cancer prevention, lowered LDLs, assistance to

the immune system

saponins beans, cereals, herbs

Hypercholesterolemia, Hyperglycemia, Antioxida

nt, cancer prevention,


capsaicinoids all capiscum (chile) peppers topical pain relief, cancer prevention, cancer

cell apoptosis

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Nutritional Therapy Unlike plants, human beings cannot manufacture most of the nutrients that they need to

function. They must eat plants and/or other animals. Although nutritional therapy came to the

forefront of the public's awareness in the late twentieth century, the notion that food affects

health is not new. John Harvey Kellogg was an early health-food pioneer and an advocate of

a high-fiber diet. An avowed vegetarian, he believed that meat products were particularly

detrimental to the colon. In the 1870s, Kellogg founded the Battle Creek Sanitarium, where

he developed a diet based on nut and vegetable products.

Good nutrition helps individuals achieve general health and well-being. In addition, dietary

modifications might be prescribed for a variety of complaints including allergies, anemia,

arthritis, colds, depressions, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, high or low blood pressure,

insomnia, headaches, obesity, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), respiratory

conditions, and stress.

Nutritional therapy may also be involved as a complement to the allopathic treatments of

cancer, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease. Other specific dietary measures include the

elimination of food additives for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), gluten-free

diets for schizophrenia, and dairy-free for chronic respiratory diseases.

A high-fiber diet helps prevent or treat the following health conditions:

High cholesterol levels. Fiber effectively lowers blood cholesterol levels. It appears

that soluble fiber binds to cholesterol and moves it down the digestive tract so that it

can be excreted from the body. This prevents the cholesterol from being reabsorbed

into the bloodstream.

Constipation. A high-fiber diet is the preferred non drug treatment for constipation.

Fiber in the diet adds more bulk to the stools, making them softer and shortening the

time foods stay in the digestive tract.

Hemorrhoids. Fiber in the diet adds more bulk and softens the stool, thus, reducing

painful hemorrhoidal symptoms.

Diabetes. Soluble fiber in the diet slows down the rise of blood sugar levels following

a meal and helps control diabetes.

Obesity. Dietary fiber makes a person feel full faster.

Cancer. Insoluble fiber in the diet speeds up the movement of the stools through the

gastrointestinal tract. The faster food travels through the digestive tract, the less time

there is for potential cancer-causing substances to work. Therefore, diets high in

insoluble fiber help prevent the accumulation of toxic substances that cause cancer of

the colon. Because fiber reduces fat absorption in the digestive tract, it also may

prevent breast cancer.

A diet low in fat also promotes good health and prevents many diseases. Low-fat diets can

help treat or control the following conditions:

Obesity. High fat consumption often leads to excess caloric and fat intake, which

increases body fat.

Coronary artery disease. High consumption of saturated fats is associated with

coronary artery disease.

Diabetes. People who are overweight tend to develop or worsen existing diabetic

conditions due to decreased insulin sensitivity.

Breast cancer. A high dietary consumption of fat is associated with an increased risk

of breast cancer.

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The four basic food groups

dairy products (such as milk and cheese)

meat and eggs (such as fish, poultry, pork, beef, and eggs)

grains (such as bread cereals, rice, and pasta)

fruits and vegetables

For adults consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy products should not exceed 20% of total

daily caloric intake.

The rest (80%) should be devoted to vegetables, fruits, and grains.

For children age two or older, 55% of their caloric intake should be in the form of

carbohydrates, 30% from fat, and 15% from proteins. In addition, saturated fat intake should

not exceed 10% of total caloric intake.

This low-fat, high-fiber diet is believed to promote health and help prevent many diseases,

including heart disease, obesity, and cancer.

Allergenic and highly processed foods should be avoided. Highly processed foods do not

contain significant amounts of essential trace minerals.

Furthermore, they contain lots of fat and sugar as well as preservatives, artificial sweeteners

and other additives. High consumption of these foods causes buildup of unwanted chemicals

in the body and should be avoided.

Food allergies causes a variety of symptoms including food cravings, weight gain, bloating,

and water retention. They also may worsen chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

An enormous research exists in the field of nutrition.

Mainstream Western medical practitioners point to studies that show that a balanced diet,

based on the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, provides all of the necessary nutrients.

In 2004, the USDA was working on a revision of the Food Guide Pyramid to reflect changes

in American lifestyle habits.

The new eating guide was due for release in January 2005.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also was weighing in on the obesity and nutrition

issue, even struggling with objections from member nations that supply goods such as sugar,

to endorse a global strategy in spring 2004 on diet, physical activity and health.

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The Food Guide Pyramid recommends the following daily servings in six categories:

Precautions Individuals should not change their diets without the advice of nutritional experts or health

care professionals. Certain individuals, especially children, pregnant and lactating women,

and chronically ill patients, only should change their diets under professional supervision.

It is best to obtain vitamins and minerals through food sources. Excessive intake of vitamins

and mineral supplements can cause serious health problems. Likewise, eating too much of

one type of food, as can happen with fad diets, can be harmful. The key to nutrition is

moderation. If a person feels they are short on iron, for example, he or she should not go too

far to the extreme in getting more iron through diet and supplements. A 2003 report said that

too much stored iron in the body has possibly been linked with heart disease, cancer and


The following is a list of possible side effects resulting from excessive doses of vitamins and


vitamin A: birth defects, irreversible bone and liver damage

vitamin B1: deficiencies in B2 and B6

vitamin B6: damage to the nervous system

vitamin C: affects the absorption of copper; diarrhea

vitamin D: hypercalcemia (abnormally high concentration of calcium in the


phosphorus: affects the absorption of calcium

zinc: affects absorption of copper and iron; suppresses the immune system

grains: 6 servings

vegetables: 5 servings

fruits: 2 to 4 servings

meat: 2 to 3 servings


dairy: 2 to 3 servings

fats and oils: use sparingly

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Research and general acceptance Due to a large volume of scientific evidence demonstrating the benefits of the low-fat, high-

fiber diet in disease prevention and treatment, these recommendations have been accepted

and advocated by both complementary and allopathic practitioners.

Orthomolecular nutrition (ON)

Is a term which, when we first hear it, sounds cultish like gangsta rap or media elite. Like

most unfamiliar expressions though, we get comfortable with it after we have heard it

frequently and know what it’s all about. Our purpose in this short monograph is to tell you

what orthomolecular nutrition is, how it evolved, how it relates to traditional medicine and

how it is becoming a very popular and effective adjunct to traditional practices.

Orthomolecular is a synthetic term made up of ortho, which is Greek for "correct" or "right"

and molecule which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound.

So it literally means the "right molecule". Linus Pauling coined the term in 1968 to help him

express his belief that disease could be eradicated by giving the body the "right molecules" of

nutrients through good nutrition.

Basically, a doctor of nutrition (the polite name for orthomolecular nutritionist) believes that

individuals and infirmities are unique. Each of us eats distinctly different foods grown in

varying soils yielding differing nutrients. Each of us has a unique body shape which we

exercise differently in varying work and play environments. And each of us has different

physical and emotional stresses. So, while everyone has the same list of required natural

substances such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes and hormones,

the healthy amounts are determined by lifestyle and environment. It is the relative amount of

"right molecules" that is important to each of us as individuals. When they get out of balance,

disease results.

Turning this around, disease results from excesses and deficiencies of the natural substances

our bodies need so that they can grow and replace tissue. Treatment of disease by doctors of

nutrition, then, is aimed squarely at bringing these natural substances into balance.

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This differs from traditional medicine which assumes one disease (the presenting illness)

originating from a single cause and solved by one (or few) treatments. Where a doctor of

nutrition tries to bring many nutritional factors into balance, traditional health care

practitioners often treat with toxic drugs. Introducing these alien chemicals into our bodies

can alleviate symptoms but has two drawbacks: drugs often erase valuable clues as to what

the real problem is and they create dependence.

Despite these fundamental differences, orthomolecular and traditional medicine are not in

opposition to one another. They can be practiced simultaneously. Traditional primary health

care practitioners are beginning to embrace orthomolecular nutrition as an enhancement to

their practices. There are at least three forces at work promoting this phenomenon.

First, there is a surging demand by health care consumers for alternative health solutions. One

need only look at the dramatic increase in spending in this area for proof. Second, the number

of primary care physicians is growing faster than the populace. Coupled with the push for

managed care this is forcing traditional health care practitioners to work harder to distinguish

themselves. They are responding to this challenge by doing a better job of marketing their

practices. One means of "product differentiation" is to offer conjunctive nutrition programs as

an alternative to traditional diagnosis and treatment. Third, alternative health solutions are

becoming increasingly eligible for medical reimbursement by insurance companies.

Doctors of nutrition believe that by concentrating and balancing the "right molecules" in the

body they can achieve optimal health. Traditional medicine also has optimal health as its

goal. This goal compatibility will foster conjunctive nutritional programs between

orthomolecular nutritionists and traditional medical practitioners.


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