Nursing care of patients

NURSING CARE OF PATIENTS antepartum haemorrhage Antepartum bleeding is bleeding from the genital tract that occurs between the 28th week of pregnancy and early parturition. At one pregnancy bleeding from the genital tract is more frequent and serious if it occurs at the site of the placenta than from other sources. Nevertheless, the placenta becomes definitive organ considerably earlier than 28 weeks of pregnancy and bleeding can occur earlier. Although bleeding after this time are more common. Although vaginal bleeding after 29 weeks should be considered potentially serious.bleeding at the time that can be an early indication of the two main causes of bleeding anterpatum namely; Placenta previa placenta Soluto 3.1. Placenta previa Definition 3.1.1 In normal keaadaan. Placental implantation or located at the fundus of the uterus. Placenta previa is a placenta that is abnormally located in the lower segment of the uterus, which may cover part or all of the opening of the birth canal. 3.1.2. Etiology What is the cause of the placental area implatasi lower uterine segment can not be explained. However, there are several factors that are associated with increased frequency of placenta previa occurs, namely: • Parista The more parista mother, the greater the possibility of having placenta praevia • Maternal age at the time of pregnancy. When a pregnant mother's age at the time of 35 years or more, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy placenta previa. • Age of dam parity - At the age of above 35 years old primigravida more frequently than under the age of 25 years. - At high parity is more frequent than in the low parity - In Indonesia placenta previa often found in small parity age caused many Indonesian women marry at a young age where the endometrial immature. • The presence of tumors: uterine myoma, endometrial polyps. • Sometimes on malnutrition Classification Based on terabaya placental tissue through the opening of the birth canal

Transcript of Nursing care of patients

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antepartum haemorrhage

Antepartum bleeding is bleeding from the genital tract that occurs between the 28th week of

pregnancy and early parturition. 

At one pregnancy bleeding from the genital tract is more frequent and serious if it occurs at the site

of the placenta than from other sources. Nevertheless, the placenta becomes definitive organ

considerably earlier than 28 weeks of pregnancy and bleeding can occur earlier. Although bleeding

after this time are more common. Although vaginal bleeding after 29 weeks should be considered

potentially serious.bleeding at the time that can be an early indication of the two main causes of

bleeding anterpatum namely; 

• Placenta previa 

• placenta Soluto 

3.1. Placenta previa 

Definition 3.1.1 

In normal keaadaan. Placental implantation or located at the fundus of the uterus. Placenta previa is

a placenta that is abnormally located in the lower segment of the uterus, which may cover part or all

of the opening of the birth canal.

3.1.2. Etiology 

What is the cause of the placental area implatasi lower uterine segment can not be

explained. However, there are several factors that are associated with increased frequency of

placenta previa occurs, namely: 

• Parista 

The more parista mother, the greater the possibility of having placenta praevia 

• Maternal age at the time of pregnancy. When a pregnant mother's age at the time of 35 years or

more, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy placenta previa. 

• Age of dam parity 

- At the age of above 35 years old primigravida more frequently than under the age of 25 years. 

- At high parity is more frequent than in the low parity 

- In Indonesia placenta previa often found in small parity age caused many Indonesian women marry

at a young age where the endometrial immature. 

• The presence of tumors: uterine myoma, endometrial polyps. 

• Sometimes on malnutrition


Based on terabaya placental tissue through the opening of the birth canal at any given time,

placenta previa is divided into four classifications, namely: 

1) Placenta previa totalis when all of the opening is covered by the placenta jarngan 

2) Placenta previa parsialis when some opening ternutup by placental tissue 

3) Placenta previa Marginal when the edge of the placenta is on the edge of the opening terpat 

4) when the placenta lies low under the segment beyond the edge of the placenta but did not reach

the edges internum ostium. 

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3.1.3. Clinical manifestations 

• Bleeding can occur more or less. Bleeding that occurs the first time, usually not much and not be

fatal.Subsequent bleeding is almost always much more than before. Bleeding often occurs first in the

third quarter. 

• Patients who present with bleeding due to placenta previa do not complain of pain. 

• In the uterus was not palpable hard and tense. 

• The bottom of the fetus is usually not yet entered the pelvic and not infrequent fetal position

( latitude location or layout sunsang) 

• The fetus may be alive or dead, depending on the amount of bleeding. The majority of cases, the

fetus is still alive.

The main symptoms 

• Bleeding that occurs colored fresh, without reason and without pain is the primary symptom


• Anemia due to bleeding 

• Shock 

• Fetal death and premature birth in a state of severe asphyxia.

3.1.4. Pathophysiology 

anterpatum bleeding caused by placenta previa generally occurs in the third trimester of

pregnancy.Because at that time the lower uterine segment experienced more changes in relation to

getting her pregnancy. 

Possible anterpatum bleeding due to placenta previa since 20 weeks gestation. At this gestational

age lower uterine segment has been formed and started depleting. 

Makin old gestation widening the lower uterine segment and cervix opening up. Thus berimplitasi

placenta in the lower uterine segment will experience a shift from the implantation site and will cause

bleeding. Fresh red blood, stem from sinus or uterine laceration marginali cynical of the placenta.

3.1.5. Therapeutic management 

should be done in a hospital with surgical facilities. Before referred to, instruct the patient to

complete bed rest with facing left, do not perform sexual intercourse, avoiding the abdominal cavity

pressure eg coughing, straining as hard bowel movements)

Figure 35.3 Scheme Handling 

Placenta previa

Put physiological NaCl infusion fluids. If not possible, give fluids proposals. Monitor blood pressure

and pulse rate of patients regularly every 15 minutes to detect the presence of hypotension or shock

due to bleeding. BJJ and also monitor the movement of the fetus. 

event of shock, fluid resuscitation and immediately do blood trasfusi. If not resolved, try the optimal

rescue. When resolved, consider the gestational age. 

Handling in the hospital was based on gestational age. If there are renjetan, gestational age <37

weeks, estimated fetal weight <2,500 g, then: 

• If bleeding a little, take care until 37 weeks gestation, and then do gradual mobilization. Give

intravenous corticosteroids 12 mg per day 3 days salma 

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• If bleeding recurs, do PDMO. If there is a contraction, such as preterm labor deal with 

the absence of renjetan, gestational age 37 weeks or more, an appraisal of fetal weight of 2,500 g or

more, do PDMO. If it turns previa, do perabdominan delivery. If not, try vaginal parturition.

3.1.6. Nursing 

care is an essential service done by propesional care. For individuals, families and communities who

have health problems with the aim of helping them improve their health as much as possible in

accordance with the profession. 

nursing care given to the client upon indication of placenta previa HAP will succeed when given

good nursing care and correct. Based on this, nurses are required to have knowledge about the

disease and action client what to do, other than that nurses must think and work dynamically. 

kererawatan process used by nurses to solve the problems faced by the client, which is completely

based on scientific principles sertamempertimbangkan client as whole beings (bio, psycho, social,

and spiritual) and is unique. 

Application of the nursing process ni clients are four stages: assessment, intervestasi and


1. Assessment 

Assessment is a systematic approach to collecting and analyzing the data per group so as to know

the problem and the need for care of the client. The main purpose of the assessment is to provide an

overview of the state of continuous health plan that allows nurses to nursing home clients HAP. The

first step in the assessment of HAP clients are collecting data. The data collected are: 

a. Common identity 

b. Medical history 

1. Medical history in advance 

- There is the possibility of clients have experienced a history of such section is required uterine

curettage sasaria repetitive. 

- Possible clients experiencing hypertension diabetes, hemophilia and infectious disease such as


- likely have experienced abortion

2. Medical history now 

- bleeding usually occurs for no reason 

- Bleeding without pain 

- Bleeding usually occurs in the third quarter or 20 weeks since.

3. Riwakat family health 

- Possible family never had trouble another pregnancy. 

- Chances are there families who suffer like this 

- Possible family had experienced multiple pregnancies. 

- Possible family suffer from hypertension diabetes, hemophilia and infectious diseases.

4. Riwayar Obstetrics 

History of Menstruation / Menstrual 

- Minarche: 12 th 

- Cycle: 28 days 

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- length: ± 7 days 

- Smells: fishy 

- Complaints on menstruation: no menstrual pain complaints

5. History of pregnancy and childbirth 

- multigravid 

- Possible abortion 

- Possible never done curettage

6. History nipas 

- lochea Rubra 

How it smells, fishy 

- The number of times instead of 2 big duk 

- About lactation 

Colostrum there

c. Examination of vital signs 

- temperature of the body, the temperature will increase if there is an infection 

- blood pressure, would decrease if encountered any signs of shock 

- Breathing, breathing oxygen if needs be met 

- Nadi, pulse weakened if encountered signs of shock

d. Physical examination 

- Head, such as color, condition and cleanliness 

- Front, usually there cloasmagrafidarum, face looked pale. 

- Eyes usually konjugtiva anemis 

- Thoracic, usually vesicular breath sounds, kind of thoracoabdominal breathing 

- Abdomen 

• Inspection: there Strie gravidarum 

• Palpation: 

Leopoid I: The fetus is often not enough months, so it is still lower fundus 

Leopoid II: Often found the location of errors 

Leopoid III: The bottom of the fetus has not been dropped, if the location of the head usually head

still rocking or floating (floating) or stir above the pelvic . 

Leopoid IV: The head of the fetus has not entered the pelvic 

• Percussion: knee reflexes + / + 

• Auscultation: fetal heart sounds can quickly slow. Normal 120 160 

- normally in the vagina genetalia out pink base 

- Extremities. Possibility of edema or varies. Possibility akral cold.

e. Investigations 

- laboratory data, enabling a low Hb. Normal Hb (12-14gr%) 

leokosit increased (Normal 6000-1000 mm3). Platelets decreased (normal 250 

thousand - 500 thousand).

f. Socio-economic data 

Plaesnta previa can occur at all levels of the economy but commonly occurs in middle-class, it is

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also influenced by the level of education they have. 

From the assessments described above can be arranged several nursing diagnoses that allow

clients HAP found in the placenta indication Precia among others: 

1. The risk of recurrent bleeding associated with placental implantation effect on the lower uterine

segment (Susan Martin Tucker, et al 1988:523) 

2. Disruption of daily needs associated with self-care disability. Secondary must bedrest (Linda Sell

Carpenito edisio: 326) 

3. Risk of fetal care: vital distress associated with no strong blood perfusion to the placenta (Sell

Lynda Carpenito, 2000: 1127) post section. 

4. Impaired sense of comfort: pain related to tissue trauma and abdominal muscle spasm (Susan

Martin Tucker, et al 1988: 624). 

5. Activity intolerance related to physical weakness (Barbara Enggram: 1998:371) 

6. The risk of infection associated with the opening of the entry of micro-organisms secondary to

cesarean surgery wound. 

7. Anxiety related to lack of knowledge about the care and treatment (Susan Martin Tucker, et al


2. Planning 

Planning of nursing is the next part of the nursing process. And the results of the assessment of the

nurses were able to determine a plan of action that will be performed on the client. This plan was

developed in accordance with client needs and solve problems. The plan of action of the diagnosis



risk of recurrent bleeding associated with placental implantation effects on lower uterine segment 


The client did not experience recurrent bleeding 


1. Encourage clients to limit perserakan 

Rational: The movement that many can facilitate the release of the placenta that can bleed

2. Control of vital signs (BP, pulse, respiratory, temperature) 

Rationale: By measuring the vital signs can be detected in a state of deterioration or progress of the


3. Control vaginal bleeding 

Rationale: By controlling the bleeding can be seen in the placental tissue perfusion changes so it

can take action immediately.

4. Anjurakan clients to report immediately if there are signs of bleeding more 

Rational: Reporting signs of bleeding quickly can help to take immediate action to address the state

of the client.

5. Monitor fetal heart sounds 

Rational: Heart rate over> 160 and <100dapat indicate fetal distress possible interference on

placental perfusion

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6. Collaboration with the medical team to terminate the pregnancy 

Rationale: With the end of pregnancy can overcome early bleeding.


Disorders of amniotic hariberhubungan with daily self-care disability must bedres Secondary 


Meeting the needs of clients are met everyday 


1. Development trusting relationships between nurses with clients using therapeutic communication 

Rational: The client is expected to perform therapeutic communication cooperative in performing

nursing care.

2. Assist clients in meeting the basic needs of 

Rational  ith help clients needs such as bathing, BAB, BAK, so that clients' needs are met,

3. Involve the family in meeting the needs of 

the Rational: By involving the family, clients feel at ease because it is done by their own families and

clients feel cared for.

4. Bring the tools needed client 

Rationale: With closer kesisi tools clients can easily meet their own needs.

5. Encourage clients to tell the nurse to provide assistance 

Rational: The nurse tells the client that needs can be met.


ambulatory fetal risk associated with inadequate placental perfusion darak to 


Fetal Gawat not happen 


1. Rest client 

Rational: break through the possibility of removal of the placenta can be prevented 

2. Encourage clients to be skewed to the left 

Rationale: sleeping position lowers the inferior vena cava occlusion by the uterus and increase the

venous return to the heart 

3. Encourage clients to breath in 

Rational: With deep breathing can increase O2 consumption in the mother so that the fetus O2 are


4. Collaboration with physicians about oxygen delivery 

Rationale: With O2 delivery can increase O2 consumption thus increasing consumption on the


5. Collaboration with doctors about giving kortikosteroit 

Rational: Korticosteroit can increase cell survival, especially the vital organs in the fetus.


Impaired sense of comfort pain associated with tissue trauma and abdominal muscle spasm 

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Feeling comfortable fulfilled


1. Assess the client's level of perceived pain 

Rationale: By assessing the level of pain, when pain is perceived by clients can be served as a basis

and guide in subsequent nursing actions.

2. Explain to the client causes pain 

Rationale: The client is expected to provide an explanation to the client can be adaptable and able to

cope with the pain that is felt clients.

3. Adjust the position of the client comfortable by stretching poses no wounds. 

Rational: Stretching injuries can increase pain.

4. Distract the client of pain by referring clients to speak. 

Rationale: By diverting the attention of the client, the client is not centered on the expected pain

5. Instruct and train clients relaxation techniques (deep breathing) 

Rationale: With the expected influx breathing techniques oxygen to tissues smoothly with

expectations pain can be reduced.

6. Controls vital client sign 

Rational  ith control / menukur client vital signs can be seen setbacks or advances the state of

the client to take further action.

7. Collaboration with physicians in providing analgesic 

Rational: Analgesics can suppress pain centers so nyeridapat reduced.

3.2. Placenta abruptio 

3.2.1. Definition of 

abruptio placenta is the insertion loss of the placenta prematurely

3.2.2. The etiology 

is not known for sure. Possible predisposing factors are chronic hypertension, external trauma, short

umbilical cord, continues sudden decompression, anomalies or uterine tumors, nutritional deficiency,

smoking, alcohol consumption, the abuse of cocaine, as well as obstruction of the inferior vena kana

and ovarian vein.

3.2.3. Pathophysiology 

triggered by the occurrence of abruptio plasentae perdarahanke in basal leaves are then split and

attached to a thin layer, forming a myometrium decidual hematoma that led to the release,

compression and eventual destruction of the placenta adjacent to that section. 

decidual spiral arteries rupture causing a hematoma retroplasenta will decide more blood

vessels. Until more extensive removal of the placenta and reach the edge of the placenta. Because

the uterus remains berdistensi with the fetus, the uterus is not able to contract optimally to suppress

the blood vessels.Further blood flowing out DAPT release membranes.

3.2.4. Clinical Manifestations 

• Anamnesis: usually in the third trimester bleeding, vaginal bleeding blackish color and a little

without pain until accompanied by abdominal pain, tense uterus, vaginal bleeding that much, DAK

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shock intrauterine fetal death. 

• Physical examination Vital signs be normal to show signs of shock. 

• obstetric examination: uterine tenderness and tension, fetal parts difficult to assess, the fetal heart

rate is difficult to measure or do not exist, the amniotic fluid is reddish because of mixed blood.

3.2.5. Therapeutic management 

should be done in a hospital with surgical facilities. Prior to the recommendation referred patients to

complete bed rest with facing to the left, do not do intercourse, avoiding the abdominal cavity

pressure (eg coughing, straining as hard bowel movements). Attach infusion of physiological

saline. If not possible, give fluids peronai. 

Monitor blood pressure and pulse every 15 minutes to detect the presence of hypotension or shock

due to bleeding. BJJ and also monitor the movement of janin.Bila there rejatan, fluid resuscitation

and immediately do a blood transfusion. If not resolved, Strive Rescue optimal when resolved. Note

janin.Setelah rejatan overcome circumstances, consider Caesarean section when the fetus is still

alive or vaginal delivery is expected to last long. Rejatan if not insurmountable, try saving measures

that optimal.Setelah resolved shock and fetal death, see the opening. When more than 6 cm, then

break the amniotic infusion of oxytocin. If less than 6cm did not there rejatan sesarea.Bila section

and gestational age less than 37 weeks or estimated fetal weight less than 2,500 gr.Penanganan by

weight or lightness of the disease, namely: 

a). Placenta abruptio Lightweight 

• Ekspektatif, if there is no improvement (bleeding stopped, no uterine contractions, fetal life) with

bed rest and KTG series to overcome anemia, and wait for spontaneous labor. 

• Active, if there is deterioration (bleeding continues, the uterus to contract, can threaten the mother /

fetus). Keep the vaginal parturition with amniotomy or oxytocin infusion whenever possible. If it

keeps bleeding, pelvic score of 5 or less labor is still long, do Caesarean section.

b). Abruptio placenta moderate / severe 

fluid resuscitation  

Overcome anemia with blood transfusion administration 

vaginal parturition when it is expected to take place within 6 hours, if not can perabdominan 

If there rejatan, gestational age of 37 weeks or more, estimated fetal weight of 2,500 g or

more. Think of parturition perabdominan when vaginal delivery is expected to last long.


Prognosis depends on the extent of maternal placenta detached from the uterine wall, the amount of

bleeding, the degree of blood clotting abnormalities, presence or absence of chronic hypertension or

preeclampsia, hidden or not bleeding. And the distance between the solusio plasentae to uterine

evacuation. Estimated risk of death ibi 0.5-5% and 50-80% fetal mortality.

3.2.6. Nursing 

a). Assessment 

1.) Biography Data Demographics 

Age, gender, occupation and other identity mendukug. 

2). Health History 

past medical history (diabetes, renal failure and hypertension) 

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Family health history 

and pregnancy history  

gynecological history 

Current Health Status 

History nutritional status 

3). Habits (smoking, use of drugs and alcohol) 

4). Psychological status 

5). Religious beliefs 

6). Physical examination 

Vital sign (BP, pulse, respiration and temperature) 

Height and weight (before pregnancy and after pregnancy) 

cardiovascular system, hypotension, tachicardi, and cyanosis) 

urinary system (intake and output) 

System integument ( edema, pale, cold skin) 

reproductive system (examiner leopoid I - IV, increased uterine contractions. status cervix,

bleeding with blackish blood red color. Fundus uteri are higher). 

Fetal Status (DJJ decreased, decreased fetal movement) . 

7.) Investigations (ECG, ultrasound, laboratory blood {complete, urinalysis, and blood chemistry})

b). Nursing Diagnosis 

1) Impaired tissue perfusion and shock commonly associated with hipovelemik. 

2) Impaired tissue perfusion: bleeding associated with blood clotting disorders 

3) Anxiety associated with possible negative effects of bleeding or pregnancy expenses 

4) High risk of fetal distress associated with oxygen perfusion that inadequate placental

c). Nursing Intervention 

1) Impaired tissue perfusion is generally associated with hypovolemic shock 

goal: adequate network pefusi 


vital signs within normal limits 

skin warm and dry  

Nadi adequate peripheral

Independent measures: 

a.) Monitor vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, breathing, temperature, and peripheral pulse palpation


R: permonitoran vital signs may show indications of recovery or decline in circulation 

b.) Assess and record high increase in vaginal bleeding and uterine fundus. 

R: For clue for further emergency measures 

c.) Monitor intake and output to improve the circulation of fluid volume. 

R: fluid intake (in parenatal) can help maintain circulatory volume

Collaborative action: 

a. Administration of oxygen as indicated 

R: Giving oxygen may improve circulation in the O2 network 

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b. Giving blood transfusion as indicated 

R: giving blood transfusions to help circulation to the tissues

2). Tissue perfusion disorders: bleeding associated with blood clotting disorders 

Objective: inadequate tissue perfusion and bleeding resolved 


• General condition good mother 

• normal blood clotting 

• Vital signs within normal limits 

• better blood circulation

Independent measures: 

a. Assess and monitor abnormal vaginal bleeding 

R: can be used as an indicator of the failure of blood clotting factor 

b. Monitor blood circulation as well as sign DIC (lower levels of fibrinogen elasticity,

increased prothrombin, thromboplastin and the clotting of blood) 

R: can intervene quickly and further action in accordance with the identified issues.

c. Giving trasfusi and blood components in accordance with the indications 

R: Blood transfusions can help reduce clotting factors because of abnormal clotting.

d. Administration of drugs in accordance with the indications 

R: administration of drugs to stop the bleeding and reduce blood clotting factors failure

3). High risk of fetal distress associated with inadequate oxygen perfusion of the placenta 

goal: adequate perfusion of oxygen to the fetus 


• normal DJJ (120-160 x / min) 

• fetal oxygen requirements are met 

• Uterine contractions abnormal 

normal • HIS 

• good fetal movement

Independent measures: 

a) Monitor FHR and fetal movement 

R: impaired placental perfusion may reduce oxygenation in the fetus, so that movement of the fetus

and abnormal FHR

b). Encourage the mother to maintain lateral sleeping position 

R: lateral position can provide optimum circulation of the uterus and placenta

Collaborative action: 

a). Provision of Oxygen as indicated 

R: administration of oxygen will help the circulation of oxygen to the fetus to be adequate

b). Setting up the client to check the amniocentesis if needed 

R: checks can be used as indicators of severity amniocentesis fetal emergency.

c). Prepare the client to do an emergency action such as Caesaria section 

R: action section is one alternative to avoid the occurrence of fetal distress 


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PATIENTS hyperemesis

4.1. Understanding 

Hyperemasis gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting that day-to-day work and general

condition became worse. Nausea and vomiting are the most common disorders in pregnancy

trismeter 1.Approximately 6 weeks after the last menstrual period for 10 weeks. Approximately 60-

80% and 40-60% primigravida multigravid experience nausea and vomiting. However, these

symptoms become more severe in only 1 of 1,000 pregnancies.

4.2. Etiology 

is not known for sure, but several factors have an influence, among others: 

a) predisposing factors, namely pamigravida, hydatidiform mole and multiple pregnancy 

b) organic factors, ie allergies, entry khorialis villi in circulation, metabolic changes due to pregnancy

and maternal resistance decreases 

c) psychological factors

4.3. Pathophysiology 

feeling nauseous due to increased estrogen levels. Continuous nausea and vomiting can lead to

dehydration, hyponatremia, hypochloremic., Decreased urine chloride. Next, there hemokosentrasi

which reduces blood perfusion and lead to the accumulation of substances kejaringan

toksit. Reserve carbohydrates and fat consumption causes fat oxidation is not perfect resulting in

ketosis. Hypokalemia due to excessive vomiting and excretion further augment hepatic marusak

frekuensu vomiting.Esophageal and gastric mucus membranes can tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome)

causing gastrointestinal bleeding.

4.4 Clinical Manifestations 

According to the severity of symptoms, hiperemisis grafidarum divided into 3 levels, namely: 

a) Level I 

Vomiting continued to affect the public, causing weakness, no appetite, weight loss and pain

apigastrium.Pulse frequency of patients increased by about 100 x / min, systolic blood pressure

dropped, reduced skin turgor, dry tongue and eyes sunken.

b) Level II 

patients appear weak and apathetic, dirty tongue, small and rapid pulse, temperature and

sometimes rise slightly icterik eyes. Patient's weight down, arise hypotension, hemoconcentration,

oliguria, constipation, and bad breath acetone.

c) Level III. 

Consciousness patients decreased from samnolen to coma, vomiting stops small and quick pulse,

temperature and blood pressure increased further to fall.

4.5 Treatment 

If prevention does not work, then the necessary treatment that is: 

a) Patients isolated in a quiet and sunny room with good air exchange. Calories provided

parenterally with 5% glucose in physiological fluids as much 2-3 liters a day. 

b) diuresis always controlled to maintain fluid balance 

c) If during the 24 hours the patient is not vomiting and general condition improved, try to give a bit

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of food and minimaman gradually added. 

d) Sedatives are given phenobarbital 

e) recommended vitamin B1 and B6 plus 

f) Provide psychological therapy to reassure patients and the disease can be cured menghilankan

fear of pregnancy and hyperemesis underlying conflict.

4.6. Nursing 


Assessment is a systemic approach to collecting data, classifying the data and analyze it so as to

know the problem and the need for client care. The main purpose of the assessment is to provide a

continuous picture of the client's state of health that allows nurses to plan nursing care to the client. 

first step in the assessment of clients hyperemisis gravidarum is collecting data. Adapaun data that

will be collected are: 

a) Medical History Data. 

1. Health history data is now 

At present medical history contained grievances felt by the client in accordance with the symptoms

on hyperemisis gravidarum are: nausea, vomiting continuously, feeling weak and exhausted, thirsty,

sour mouth, constipation and demam.Kemudian can also found decreased body weight, poor skin

turgor, electrolyte disturbances. The occurrence of oliguria, tachicardi sunken eyes and jaundice.

2. Medical history beforehand 

• Possibility hioremisis gravidarum clients have experienced 


• Potential clients have experienced illness associated 

with the digestive tract that cause nausea and vomiting.

3. Family health history 

likely a history of multiple pregnancy in the family

b) The physical data of biological 

data that can be found on the client hiperemisis gravidarum is enlarged mammary, mammary areola

hiperpikmentasi, there cloasma gravidarum, mucous membrane and lips dry, poor turgor, sunken

eyes and a bit of jaundice, the client looks weak and tired, tachycardia, hypotension, dizziness and

loss of consciousness was sour in the mouth.

c) menstrual history 

• Possibility menarche age 12-14 years old 

• Cycle 28-30 days 

• Duration 5-7 days 

• The number 2-3 times instead duk 

• There may be a time of menstrual complaints such as pain, headaches, vomiting.

d) marital history 

marital likely occur at a young age

e) History of pregnancy and childbirth 

• Young Pregnant: Client dizziness, nausea, vomiting and no appetite. 

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• Old Pregnant: General examination of the client's weight, pressure 

and blood levels of consciousness.

f) Data psychological 

history is very important psychologically assessed in order to know the state of the soul of the client

with respect to the client's reactions and behavior towards pregnancy. Clients are labile mood,

irritability, anxiety, and fear of failure delivery, easy to cry, sad and disappointed to aggravate

nausea and vomiting. Patterns of self-defense used hiperemisis gravidarum clients depends on the

client's experience of pregnancy and the support of family and caregivers.

g) the social data economy. 

Hiperemisis gravidarum can occur at all levels of the economy. But generally occurs in middle to

lower economic level, it is also influenced by the knowledge they have.

h) Data supporting 

the supporting data obtained from the results of the laboratory examination of blood and

urine.Examination of the blood hemoglobin and hematocrit values were increased showing

homokonsentrasi related to dehydration. Urinalisa examination of the urine and have a slightly

higher concentration as a result of dehydration. The presence of acetone in the urine.

Nursing Diagnosis 

From the assessments that have been described, there are several possible diagnoses 

nursing namely:

1) Lack of fluid and electrolytes associated with excessive vomiting 

and inadequate income (ireneM. Bobak, 1995: 637) 

2) changes in nutrition, b / d of nausea and vomiting continuously (Irene M.Bobak: 638) 

3) disruption comfort: epigastric pain b / d recurrent vomiting (Marie 

S Jaffe. 1989 case 37) 

4) Impaired elimination: constipation b / d of inadequate food intake (Marie S. 

Jaffe. 1989 case 37) 

5) Not effectively its patterns of self defense b / d psychological effects of pregnancy and 

changes as a mother (Sharon J Reeder .1987 748 case) 

6) Potential changes in fetal nutrition b / d reduced his food circulation to 

the fetus ((Sharon J Reeder .1987 748 things)


1) Lack of fluid and electrolyte b / d of excessive vomiting and income are not adequately 

Objective: The need fluid and electrolyte does not impaired


• Rest your clients in a comfortable 

Rational: Resting metabolic energi.Kerja will reduce the need not increase so does not stimulate to

not occurrence of nausea and vomiting

• Monitor vital signs and signs - signs of dehydration 

Rationale: By observing the signs of dehydration can know the general state of the client and the

extent to which the lack of fluid in the blood klien.Tekanan decreased, increased temperature and

increased pulse are signs of dehydration and hypovolemia

Page 14: Nursing care of patients

• Collaboration with physicians in the delivery of infusion 

Rasoinal: Giving intravenous fluids to replace electrolytes lost the amount of fluid quickly

• Monitor infusion liquid droplets 

Rational: Number and drip infusion handling can lead to excess or lack of fluids in the circulatory


• Record intek and out put 

Rationale: By knowing intek and unknown liquids output fluid balance in the body.

• After the first 24 hours suggest drinking each hour 

Rational: Drinking can often increase revenue through oral fluid

2). Changes in nutrition; Less than keburuhan body b / d continuous vomiting 

Objective: Nutritional needs are met


• Assess the nutritional needs of the client 

Rationale: By knowing the nutritional needs of the client can be observed the extent of 

the client's nutritional deficiencies and subsequent action.

• Observation of the signs of nutritional deficiencies 

Rationale: To determine the extent of malnutrition due to vomiting 


• After the first 24 hours give foods in small portions but often 

Rational: small portions of food in the stomach may reduce compliance and reduce compliance and

reduces gastric and intestinal peristaltic work right facilitate the absorption of food.

• Provide food in warm and varied. 

Rational: The food is hearty and varied to increase appetite.

• Give foods that are not fat and not greasy. 

Rational: no fatty foods and oily reduce gastrointestinal stimuli that vomiting is reduced.

• Encourage clients to eat dry food and does not stimulate digestion (such as bread and biscuits) 

Rational: dry food stimulates digestion and can reduce nausea and vomiting.

• Give clients the motivation to want to spend on food 

Rationale: The client feel cared for and willing to spend food

• Weigh weight loss clients. 

Rationale: With a weighing balance weight can be determined according to the age of pregnancy

and the nutritional effects.

3) Impaired sense of comfort: pain in the epigastric b / d vomiting are repeated. 

Objective: Feeling comfortable fulfilled.


• Assess the level of pain. 

Rational: to assess the level of pain to determine the level of pain on the client 

and subsequent action.

• Adjust the position of the client with lebihtinggi head for 30 minutes after eating 

Rationale: With the head higher to reduce the pressure on 

gastroinstestinal thus reducing the vomiting recurs.

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• Pay attention to oral hygiene sebelumdan clients after vomiting. 

Rational: Good oral hygiene can lead to race and looked comfortable and vomiting is reduced.

• Distract the nice thing 

Rationale: The client is expected to divert attention to forget the 

pain caused by repeated vomiting.

• Encourage clients to rest and limit visitors 

Rationale: With adequate rest and limit visitors can 

add peace of clients.

• Collaboration of anti-emetic and sedative drugs by a doctor 

Rational: anti-emetic drugs reduce vomiting danobat sedative to make the client 

calm thus reduce pain.

4). Interference elimination: constipation b / d of inadequate food intake. 

Objective: Elimination regularly. 


• Assess the client's pattern of elimination 

Rationale: To determine the daily elimination habits

• Encourage clients to eat fruits and vegetables 

Rationale: By eating fruits and vegetables that can launch a lot of BAB.

• Encourage clients to spend a given diet. 

Rationale: By spending a given diet food intek adequately and avoid constipation

• Encourage clients to drink plenty 

Rational: The liquid that much to soften veses thus preventing complications

• Collaboration with physicians in the administration of laxatives. 

Rationale: Giving laxatives can launch CHAPTER

5). Ineffectiveness of self-defense pattern b / d psychological effects of pregnancy and changes as a


Objective: Patterns of affective self defense 


• Encourage the client to express his feelings directly to the pregnancy. 

Rationale: The client can express their feelings known to the client's reaction to the pregnancy

• Listen attentively to customer complaints 

Rationale: Clients feel diperhatikkan and not alone in facing the problem.

• Discuss with the client about the problems encountered and solutions to problems that do 

Rationale: Through discussion can know client's pattern of self-defense in the face of the problem

• Assist clients in solving the problem mainly related to pregnancy 

Rationale: By helping clients solve problems da [pat discover patterns of self defense effectively.

• Support clients if pemecahkan constructive problem 

Rational: Will increase confidence in problem solving.

• Involve families in pregnancy client 

Rational: Families are invited to cooperate in giving a boost to the client against pregnancy.

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• Collaboration with psychiatrists if necessary 

Rationale: To determine the possibility of more severe psychological factors as the cause of the


6). Potential changes in nutrition vetal b / d Reduced blood flow to the fetus and food 

Objective: Fetal development is not compromised 


• Explain to the client the importance of nutrition for the growth and development of the fetus 

Rationale: In order for the client aware of the importance of nutrition for the fetus dank lien needs to

know nutrients.

• Check the Fundus uteri 

Rationale: To determine the corresponding fundus with pregnancy

• Monitor fetal heart rate 

Rational: The heart rate is still in a state of active normal and indicates the fetus is still in good



hematologic disorders


Both in developed countries and in developing countries, a person suffering from anemia bika called

hemoglobin concentration (HB) is less than 10 g%, severe anemia called, or if less than 6 g%, called

anemia gravis. 

nonpregnant women has a normal value of 12-15 g% hemoglobin and hematocrit 35-54%. The

figures also apply to pregnant women. Therefore, examination, hematocrit and hemoglobin should

be routine blood tests during antenatal surveillance.

General causes of anemia are: 

• Poor nutrition (malnutrition) 

• Lack of iron in the diet 

• malabsorption 

• lost a lot of blood: the last delivery, menstruation etc.. 

• Chronic diseases: tuberculosis, lung, intestinal worms, malaria etc..

In pregnancy, blood volume increases (hyperemia / hipervolumia) because it occurs because the

blood thinning the blood cells are not comparable pertambahannya with blood plasma. Comparison

of the increment are: 

• Blood plasma increased: 30% 

• Blood cells increased: 18% 

• Hemoglobin increases: 19% 

of blood dilution Physiologically this is to help ease the work of the heart.

Effect of Anemia on Pregnancy, childbirth, and Postpartum: 

• Miscarriage 

• parturition Prematurus 

• Inertia uteri and prolonged labor, weak mother 

• Atonia uteri and cause bleeding 

Page 17: Nursing care of patients

• Shock 

• Afibrinogenemia and hipofibrinogenimia 

• Infection in the intrapartum and postpartum 

• In case of anemia gravis (Hb in below 4 g%) heart failure occurs, which 

not only complicate pregnancy and childbirth, even fatal.

Effect of Anemia on the conceptus 

Results conception (fetus, placenta, blood) need iron in large quantities for the manufacture of red

blood grain and growth, as many heavy metal. This number requires 1 \ 10 of all the iron in the

body. The occurrence of anemia in pregnancy depends on the amount of supplies of iron in the liver,

spleen, and bone marrow 

long as they have sufficient supplies of iron, hemoglobin would not go down and if the supply is

exhausted, Hb will drop. It occurs in 5-6 months of pregnancy, when the fetus requires a lot of

iron. When anemia occurs, its effect on products of conception are: 

• Miscarriage 

• Jann death in utero 

fetal death at birth • 

• high perinatal mortality 

• Prematurity 

• Dapatterjadi congenital defects 

• iron reserves are less

Classification of Anemia in pregnancy 

• Iron deficiency anemia (62.3%) 

• Megaloblastic anemia (29.05) 

• hypoplastic anemia (8.0%) 

• hemolytic anemia (sickle cell) (0.7%)

Iron deficiency anemia (62.3%) 

of this type of anemia is usually normocytic and hypochromic shaped and most widely met. The

cause has been discussed above as a cause of anemia in general.


Purposes iron for non-pregnant women, pregnancy, lactation and in the recommended are: 

• FNB United States (1958): 12 mg-15mg-15mg. 

• LIPI Indonesia (1968): 12mg-17mg-17mg. 

Packaging of substances iron can be given orally or parenterally. 

• Per Oral: ferosus sulfas or gluconate at a dose of 3-5 ferosus x0, 20mg. 

• Parenteral: given if pregnant women do not hold oral administration or absorption in the

gastrointestinal tract is not good, given packing intra-muscular or intravenous. This pack include:

imferon, jectover, and ferrigen. The results are faster than orally.

Megaloblastic anemia 

Megaloblastic anemia is usually macrocytic tau pernicious form. Penyebany is due to folic acid

deficiency, is rarely due to lack of vitamin B12. usually due to chronic malnutrition and infection

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• 15-30mg of folic acid per day 

• Vitamin B12 3 × 1 tablet per day 

• sulvas ferosus 3 × 1 tablet per day 

• in severe cases and oral medication slowly so that results can be 

given a blood transfusion. 

hypoplastic anemia 

hypoplastic anemia caused by bone marrow hypofunction, forming red blood cells new, necessary

for diagnosis examinations: 

• Blood banks complete 

sternal puncture • Inspection 

• Inspection reticulocytes and others.

Hemolytic anemia 

Hemolytic anemia due to destruction or breakdown of red blood cells faster than manufacturing is

caused by: 

• intracorpusculer factors: common in hemolytic anemia heriditer; thalassemia; 

anemia sickle (crescent); hemoglobinopathy C, D, G, H, I; and parasismal nocturnal 


• ekstrakorpuskuler factors: due to malaria, sepsis, metal poisoning, and 

can with drugs; leukemia, etc.

The main symptoms are: anemia with blood picture abnormalities, weakness, fatigue and symptoms

of complications in the event of abnormalities in vital organs.


Leokemia and pregnancy do not affect each other so, but in women leukemia, when pregnant,

should consult more regularly and more frequently, because of the threat to the pregnancy and her

spirit remains. 

Against products of conception can occur abortion and prematurity. Danger of hemorrhage after

childbirth is quite large, as occurs in leukemia blood clotting disorders. The prognosis for the mother

and fetus are not well begiti. 

Till sat there has been no satisfactory drugs against leukemia. Method of treatment are: 

• Radiation: This is very membehayakan fetus in the womb, because it will cause teratogenic

abnormalities or fetal death in utero. When will be given radiation therapy and chemotherapy, you

should first products of conception removed (therapeutic abortion) 

• Blood transfusions 

• Chemotherapy and sirtotastika 

• Anti metabilit 

• Corticosteroids


• Women should not become pregnant leukemia 

• It is recommended to use contraception / tubectomy

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This disease is blood flow interruption or cessation of the blood vessels are open or injured.

There are 3 factors in the process of hemostasis: 

1. Extra-vascular factors: factors tissues such as skin, muscle, subcutaneous and 

other tissues. 

2. Vascular factors, namely vascular wall 

3. Intra vascular factors are: substances contained in blood vessels:


Once the action plan next nursing action plans are implemented in real situations to achieve goals

that applied. Nursing actions should be detailed so that all maintenance personnel can perform well

in a predetermined time period. 

implementation of the action in nursing, nurses can directly execute it on the client and the nurse can

delegate it to others who are still believed to be under the supervision of the nursing profession.


Evaluation of the nursing process is to assess the results of which are expected to change peilaku

clients and to determine the extent of the client's problem is resolved. Besides, nurses also conduct

a review of feedback or if goals have not been achieved and set yangh nursing process immediately




5.1. Conclusions 

Pre-eclampsia is a disease with signs of hypertension, edema and proteinuria arising from

pregnancy.This disease may occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, but may occur earlier

example karea molahidatidosa. (Winknjosastro, 1997:282) 

antepartum haemorrhage (HAP) is bleeding from the genital tract that occurs between -28 to

mingggu pregnancies and early parturition. The main cause of antepartum haemorrhage are: 

• Placenta previa. 

• Solutio placenta. 

Hyperemesis gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting that disrupted their daily work and

general condition became worse.

Hematologic disorder is a blood disorder which can be found in pregnant women can cause fetal

kematiaqn and the mother. 

above four factors to look out for when it occurs during pregnancy and need early treatment.

5.2. Target 

In doing nursing care to patients pre-eclampsia, antepartum haemorrhage, hyperemesis,

hematologic disorders in need of a complete assessment in order to establish nursing diagnoses

quickly and appropriately to the client so that the achievement of improvements in maternal and child


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b. Pemberian transfusi darah seperti yang ditunjukkan

R: memberikan transfusi darah untuk membantu sirkulasi ke jaringan

2). Perfusi jaringan gangguan: pendarahan yang berkaitan dengan gangguan pembekuan darah

Tujuan: perfusi jaringan yang tidak memadai dan perdarahan diselesaikan


• Kondisi Umum ibu yang baik

• pembekuan darah normal

• Tanda-tanda vital dalam batas normal

• sirkulasi darah yang lebih baik

Tindakan Independen:

a. Menilai dan memantau perdarahan vagina abnormal

R: dapat digunakan sebagai indikator kegagalan faktor pembekuan darah

b. Memantau sirkulasi darah serta menandatangani DIC (tingkat yang lebih rendah elastisitas fibrinogen, peningkatan protrombin, tromboplastin dan pembekuan darah)

R: dapat mengintervensi cepat dan tindakan lebih lanjut sesuai dengan permasalahan yang diidentifikasi.

c. Memberikan trasfusi dan komponen darah sesuai dengan indikasi

R: Transfusi darah dapat membantu mengurangi faktor pembekuan karena pembekuan abnormal.

d. Pemberian obat sesuai dengan indikasi

R: pemberian obat untuk menghentikan pendarahan dan mengurangi pembekuan darah kegagalan faktor

3). Resiko tinggi gawat janin berhubungan dengan perfusi oksigen yang tidak memadai dari plasenta

Tujuan: perfusi oksigen yang cukup untuk janin