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Page 1: NUMEROLOGY REPORT FOR LEBRON JAMES · PDF fileNumerology Report for LeBron James INTRODUCTION This report is designed to give you new insights into your character and personality from

Numerology Report for LeBron James




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Numerology Report for LeBron James

BIRTH DATE: December 30, 1984

BIRTH NAME: LeBron Raymone James


YEAR: 2017


LIFE PATH PERIOD: 3 (Jan 1, 2011 – Dec 31, 2037)

PINNACLE: 6 (Dec 30, 1984 – Dec 31, 2019)

PERSONAL YEAR: 7 (Jan 1, 2017 – Dec 31, 2017)















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Numerology Report for LeBron James


This report is designed to give you new insights into your character and personality from a

perspective considerably different from that which most people use. The descriptions in this

report are based on the ancient science of numerology.

The report discusses:

The lessons you are learning in this life, your deep inner desires and how to fulfill them, your

talents and personality traits and how to make the best use of them, the environment in which

you work best, your attitude toward work, and your ways of relating to other people.

The report can also guide you in identifying existing opportunities and opening the way to new

and even more favorable possibilities. It’s up to you, though, to use the information here, along

with your free will, to determine the road on which you want to journey and the distance you

wish to travel. No matter your age, the roads are open when you are ready to explore.

The numerology chart from which this report is derived is based on your birth date, birth name

and current name. The birth date and birth name describe the characteristics and abilities with

which you were born. The current name describes the changes in those characteristics and

abilities which occurred after you started to use your new name. If you’ve used your current

name for less than five years, the changes it describes may still be in the process of unfolding.

Some talents and characteristics surface at different times in your life. Occasionally, a

characteristic described in this report has been present in an earlier part of your life and is not of

current importance. Sometimes, a talent mentioned here is present although you may not be fully

aware of it. If this is the case, check with a friend who knows you well and you may be

pleasantly surprised. A few characteristics may not have appeared in your life as yet although

they’re described in this report. The description of these undeveloped potentials may serve to

open your consciousness to new and exciting possibilities.

For many people, some of their strong potentials are not developed because of obstacles which

have not been overcome. A part of this report may describe you as you would like to be rather

than as you feel you are. When this is the case, the sections of the report describing the obstacles

holding back that particular potential are especially important for you to understand.

Quite often the report describes several different and diverse sides of yourself. You may try to

suppress or even ignore parts of who you are that don’t come easily to you and emphasize other,

more comfortable sides of yourself. You’ll find, though, that when you can learn to integrate and

equally express all the different sides of who your are, you will make the most progress in your


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There are several different sides to your character but your energy is primarily pointed in two

contrary directions. A good part of you is probably strong and practical, interested in the

business world or similar material activities, but another side of you tends to be introspective and

reserved, concerned with inner needs and private projects. During your youth and young

adulthood, you’ll struggle to balance the necessity of taking care of your material desires and

ambitions with the equally strong necessity of spending time alone in study or contemplation.

You’ll probably sometimes take care of one and sometimes the other, but rarely to your complete

satisfaction. As you get older, you’ll probably learn how to balance your ambitious, practical

side with your studious, solitary side so that you can feel comfortable with both.

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Your 1 Life Path

You were born with strong leadership potential. As you develop this ability, you may be able to

assume a significant position in the business or political world. One of your major lessons in life

is to learn the benefits of being independent. You must first learn to stand comfortably on your

own two feet without leaning on other people. After that, you can advance yourself by using your

ability for organizing, leading and managing. Some people spend much of their lives on the first

part of the lesson. Others learn that part quickly and devote most of their lives to important

leadership roles.

Others often see your strong character and appreciate your inner strength, too. They’re often

willing to trust your judgment and follow as you initiate and control activities. Your leadership is

often accomplished by making the major decisions and letting others take care of the details. A

lot of your work is produced with an original flair. You may inadvertently tend to dominate

others, and this may cause difficulties.

You have a good mind and can find and develop creative solutions to problems, particularly

problems involved with material matters. Others recognize your practical, down-to-earth

viewpoint and appreciate your logical thinking. You can often easily convince others that your

course of action is the right one for a particular situation. You use your innate understanding of

people and your clever analytical approach to make your points. Much of the time, you know

how to present your views in the best possible light in order to win acceptance.

Much of the time, others see you as ambitious and determined. You often have a strong desire to

express your individuality, but you usually keep this desire within reasonable limits. Along with

your strong need for independence, you often have an innate desire to accomplish, to win

recognition and to attain money and material possessions. You also want to exert your personal

power. Some people with your need for independence, though, spend a considerable part of their

life breaking free of the dependence they often feel in their early years.

There are apt to be times when you have strong desires to be satisfied and can’t rest until you’ve

taken care of them. You often act without consulting others because you’re convinced that your

approach is the correct or only way. Even when your approach is a good one, others may often

be irritated because you haven’t taken them into account. As a matter of fact, there are times

when you may have difficulty seeing other people’s point of view. You often prefer to do things

your own way, and you may have to learn to consult others involved before you act. You may

want to guard against any tendency to be rigid or stubborn. When you are impatient or bossy,

you may trip yourself up.

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Your 1 Challenge

During your early years, you’re probably in a family in which you’re dominated and kept

dependent. Despite your need to assert your independence and express yourself in your own way,

the environment in your childhood and adolescence makes this difficult. As you grow older,

you’ll learn how to take stock of a situation—including others’ needs as well as your own—so

that you can move forward with the courage of your convictions in the direction of your choice.

It may take considerable time and work to break free to independence.

Your 8 Karmic Lesson

Despite your good business potential, you probably have to learn how to deal with money

comfortably in your personal life. You may worry that you never have enough money, or you

may have an unrealistic view of how far your earnings will go. You may buy things you really

can’t afford, or you may be afraid to buy things although the cost is well within your income.

Until you can deal with your personal finances with ease, you may be subject to uncomfortable

pressures related to financial dependence or excessive striving for attainment.

Your 8 Maturity Number

Sometime in the middle of your life, most likely between the ages of thirty-five and fifty, you’ll

probably re-evaluate the satisfactions you’ve obtained with the material freedom and power

which you’ve achieved. At that time, you’ll probably focus on your current work and the

potential you see for further development. You’re likely to evaluate your career in terms of

future financial and status possibilities. Because of this mid-life appraisal, it wouldn’t be

surprising if you make some important alterations in your attitudes and actions in regard to your

career in order to achieve greater satisfaction.

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Your 7 Expression

Your practical ability probably plays a considerable part in your life. There’s another aspect of

your character, though, which appears to have just as much effect on your personality makeup.

You have a fine analytical mind and are capable of much in the way of learning. Others will

recognize your potential to understand fundamental truths as well as your capacity to search for

ultimate meanings. They may turn to you for your knowledge and, perhaps, the benefits of your

wisdom, too. You may choose a line of work involving complex technical, scientific or

philosophical studies. You probably also spend time working to achieve the peace of mind that is

important to you.

Along with your fine mind, you have good intuition. Although you may not always be

comfortable with it, you should learn to trust that intuition because it can bring you to the highest

levels of understanding. You may have considerable interest in spiritual matters—religious,

psychic or metaphysical. Many people, though, don’t begin to show their spiritual side until

they’re in their thirties or older, and some people choose not to use it at all. If you aren’t in touch

with your spiritual awareness, you may want to learn to develop this special attribute in order to

reach the highest levels of understanding.

One of your strengths is likely to be the very logical, rational manner in which you often

approach the problems you’re trying to solve. Your ability to analyze, judge and discriminate is

probably well-developed. Others are likely to appreciate the unusually objective viewpoint that

you often present. You’re likely to enjoy research and study. If you choose to share your

knowledge, you could be a fine teacher. You have some leadership ability as well, particularly

when you show your low-keyed, but extremely intense, enthusiasm.

You may pride yourself on keeping your most intense emotions to yourself so as not to interfere

with your keen mental abilities. People are likely to see you, at least some of the time, as

relatively introspective and self-contained. You may want to work to express your intense

feelings clearly so that others can know you better. In a related vein, you may have to work, at

times, to be comfortable in giving and receiving affection. There’s a nervous tension that you

probably feel on occasion. Others may not even be aware of this nervousness since you may

keep it well hidden behind a reserved facade.

In some periods of your life, you may spend much time alone. You may have to learn how to

spend time by yourself and still feel comfortable. At times, when you’re alone, you may get lost

in your dreams or fantasies and this may sometimes be a fertile source for your creative


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You’re often on a different wavelength than other people. This can be a considerable strength

because it gives you the capability of unique approaches to problems as well as the possibility of

unusual solutions. Because of that different wavelength, though, people occasionally may have

difficulty in getting to know you or in fully understanding you. When you can communicate your

intense feelings clearly and directly, you’ll probably have much less difficulty with other people.

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Your 9 Soul Urge

The intuitive and spiritual aspect of your character is of importance in your life, but there’s

another aspect which makes itself felt, although it plays a far less vital role.

With your love for your fellow man, you enjoy people as individuals and also show your concern

for humanity in general. With your desire to give as selflessly as you can, possibly with little

thought of reward or return, you want a close involvement with family and friends. It wouldn’t

be surprising if you looked for a career in which humanitarian values and philanthropic

endeavors were strongly emphasized.

There’s a compassionate and tolerant side of you which occasionally shows itself. At these times,

you show a good understanding of others’ feelings. You may also be aware of your own feelings

and, when you care to, can fully express them. You have an intuitive understanding of life which

serves you well when you choose to use it.

You can express your love and generosity with considerable depth and passion but this probably

isn’t your usual style. When this intensity does occur, it may take others by surprise and may

sometimes be uncomfortable for them to handle. At times, you may give generously of your

time, energy and even material resources with little thought of compensation. You may find

considerable satisfaction in your occasional altruism. When that altruism conflicts with your

personal ambitions or materialistic goals, as it’s often likely to do, you may find it easier to

disregard your giving impulses.

Although there’s an adaptable side to your nature, it probably shows itself only on occasion. You

may choose to give to others from time to time by expressing yourself in painting, sculpture,

music or other artistic ventures.

The Increased 2, 6, 9 Energy In Your Current Name

With your current name, the nurturing side of your character assumes a more significant role.

With that name, your interest in other people, particularly members of your family and close

friends, takes on increased importance. Your friendliness and affection will probably meet with a

strong positive response and you’re likely to be appreciated for your added generosity as well.

With that current name, you’re likely to be considerably more responsible in personal matters,

far more available when others need help or comfort. The strong emotional aspects of your

character are apt to be more readily seen and appreciated, particularly if you’ve learned to

express yourself clearly and directly without fear of criticism and without becoming

overemotional. When you’re sensitive and adaptable, you probably draw others toward you.

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When people see your ability to create harmony, you’re likely to be called on to help in

situations that have gotten out of hand. You may involve yourself working to achieve humanistic

goals. If you choose to express yourself artistically, you may be pleasantly surprised at the

quality of your work and the response it brings.

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Your 3 Birthday

Your considerate and emotional side is an important part of your character. There’s another side,

too, but it appears to be of much lesser influence.

When you want to, you can express your joy in living by socializing, either with many friends in

varied activities or in the company of a few intimates engaged in quiet diversions. You probably

also express yourself in some form of creative activity.

There’s a charming and gracious side of you which is most likely to be displayed when you’re

comfortable with close friends. You have a good imagination and may enjoy creative pursuits. At

times when you feel particularly uncomfortable, though, you can be critical, oversensitive or

moody. You probably possess good verbal ability and it wouldn’t be surprising if you sometimes

involve yourself in activities related to words. You may have some singing or acting talent, or

you may enjoy writing or lecturing. You’re probably a good conversationalist when you care to

show that side of yourself. During your youth and adolescence, it wouldn’t be surprising if you

display only a little of your social grace and creative ability. As you get older, these traits will

probably be exhibited more frequently.

You can be reasonably adaptable when you want to be. There’s a good chance that you have

many interests and move easily from one activity to another. Some of the time, you’re likely to

scatter your energies among your varied interests in whimsical or careless ways which keep you

from accomplishing what you want. It may be helpful to learn to limit your interests or curtail

some of your frivolous or superficial activities so as to achieve more of your desired goals. This

lesson may take more time and effort to learn than you might suspect.

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Your 3 Life Path Period And 6 Pinnacle

In addition to the many personality traits and characteristics just described, two long term cycles,

the Life Path Period and the Pinnacle, set the background tone for a number of years of your life.

They produce no abrupt or intense effect, but, rather, determine the general influences that you’ll

feel during the time they’re active.

At this time in your life you’re apt to want to expand your current interests, and strengthen your

creative side. You’re looking to find fun and adventure, too, along with enjoyment on the lighter

side of life. In all likelihood, you’re also interested in developing your personal relations. A good

deal of your time may revolve around your home, family and close friends. There’s an excellent

prospect that you’re giving much to others in a responsible and caring way, but be careful not to

repress your own needs. Don’t let others take advantage of you because of your giving nature.

You’re likely to express a good deal in the way of friendship, affection and love. In the process,

your sensitivity to others is likely to be deepened and expanded. Your need for close ties may

sometimes seem to be in opposition to your expansive needs, but your need to be caring and

responsible is likely to feel more compelling much of the time.

Your 7 Personal Year

You may be occupied for several years with the general concerns described above. In addition to

those interests, though, the Personal Year is a more specific influence that has a much stronger

impact on your daily life. Though this influence is not directly related to your basic personality,

it can show the time of greatest opportunity or when potential difficulties can arise. Having this

information before hand can help you to get the most out of each year. Let’s examine the specific

areas of concern which are likely to attract your attention in 2017.

By and large, 2017 isn’t a year for change and expansion. Rather, it’s a time to take stock of

yourself and your current place in life in preparation for more dramatic action in the next few

years. In 2017, you would do well to spend a good deal of your time examining the past and

present and planning for the future. Reflect, analyze, study and meditate. Try to find time to be

alone—at least occasionally—or to engage in quiet activity. Get fully acquainted with yourself,

your deep inner needs as well as your hidden powers. If there are responsibilities to handle, take

care of them as quickly as possible so that you have as much time as possible for inner


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If you’re so inclined, this could be a time for increased spiritual awareness—awareness which

may prove particularly meaningful in the years ahead. Since you’re likely to have a desire to

search for wisdom and hidden truth, this may be a year when you can make considerable

progress in your spiritual undertakings. You may also choose to concentrate on some technical or

scientific subjects which appeal to you. You may want to do research, write or teach in 2017.

With your fine analytical sense and your unique viewpoint, you may make good progress here,

too, and be amply rewarded.

People may see you as more detached this year. You may find yourself holding back your

feelings a good deal of the time or having some problems with communication. Don’t force

issues. If, on occasion, you feel limited or lacking direction, try to wait patiently until you see

things more clearly. You may feel lonely at times, although you may also understand the need

for time alone to better develop your inner resources. If you feel under stress this year because of

a sense of restriction, that stress may cause health problems which require attention.

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Because of your diverse interests and abilities, you’re likely to expend considerable time and

effort learning how to consolidate the various aspects of your character in a comfortable and

productive way. When you understand how to combine the beauty of your loving, giving,

responsible side with the power of your dynamic, practical side and the special sensitivity of

your studious, solitary side, you are likely to find a great deal of satisfaction in your life. As you

mature, you’ll probably learn to take care of your inner needs and material ambitions while

giving generously to other people.