Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God

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  • 8/16/2019 Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God


  • 8/16/2019 Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God


  • 8/16/2019 Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God


    NUGGETS OF WISDOMIlluminating the wisdom of God


  • 8/16/2019 Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God


    Published by Kingdom Publishing International14 Jankemp Crescent, General De Wet, loem!ontein, "#$1Pure%ordo!God&mail'comkosanak&%ebmail'co'(a

    Copyright ) *$1+ by Kholisile Kosana

    ll !ights !ese!"ed# This $oo% o! an& 'o!tion the!eof ma& not $e !e'!odu(ed o!used in an& manne! whatsoe"e! without the e)'!ess w!itten 'e!mission of the'u$lishe! e)(e't fo! the use of $!ief *uotations in a $oo% !e"iew#

    S(!i'tu!e *uotations ma!%ed H+S,-. a!e ta%en f!om the Holman +h!istianStanda!d ,i$le-. +o'&!ight / 0111. 2333. 2332. 2334. 2331 $& Holman ,i$le5u$lishe!s# Used $& 'e!mission# H+S,- is a fede!all& !egiste!ed t!adema!% ofHolman ,i$le 5u$lishe!s#

    S(!i'tu!e *uotations ma!%ed K67 a!e f!om the Hol& ,i$le. King 6ames 7e!sion8 utho!i9ed 7e!sion:# Fi!st 'u$lished in 0;00#

  • 8/16/2019 Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God



    0# Hea!t 02# Lo"e 04# Wo!shi' 4@# Su((ess 4A# Honou!ing God >;# The %nowledge of God 1

    B# Cou! 'osition in God 03># Life 031# Faithfulness 0303# The a$solute God 0000# The ,lood of 6esus 0202# The m&ste!ies of God 0204# Glo!if& God 040@# The g!a(e of God 0@0A# Ma!!iage 0;0;# Leade!shi' 010B# The wo!d of God 230># ffli(tion 2A01# M& t!easu!e 2;23# Fo!ni(ation and adulte!& 2>20# Fea! and an)iet& 2>22# Sin 2124# 6udgement 432@# Fea! of God 422A# Hum$leness 442;# The un(hanging God 442B# Idolat!& 4@2># Hell 4@21# ,eing $o!n again 4@43# ,a(%sliding 4;40# The 'e!fe(tion of God 4;42# =ighteousness 4B

    44# The t!uth 4>4@# The lo"e of the wo!ld @;

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    4A# Time @B4;# 6esus @B4B# 5!ide @>4># 5atien(e @1

    41# The lo"e of mone& @1@3# Lust A3@0# The "oi(e of God A3@2# Igno!an(e A2@4# Stu$$o!nness A2@@# Tem'tation A4@A# Hea"en A4@;# Wisdom A@@B# O$edien(e A@@># +hu!(h AA@1# Faith A;A3# Fo!gi"eness A>A0# Offe!ing A>A2# The Lo!d s Su''e! A>A4# nge! A1

  • 8/16/2019 Nuggets of Wisdom, illuminating the wisdom of God



    There are many Christians who live a defeated life, and many of them havebackslidden because they did not see the benefits of being a Christian. Surely,many of them were tempted by the devil to disregard the importance of living arighteous life. Indeed, many of them have not grasped the Bible truth, ‘ esus isthe way, the truth, and the life.! "nyone who hungers for the way, the truth, andlife, will find it in esus. esus is our righteousness and if we abide inrighteousness there is nothing that can deny us. #hen we abide in therighteousness of $od, we will all be successful in whatever we want to do. #ewould be successful because the presence of the %ord will always be with us.

    The presence of the %ord means everything to us, and it will give us anythingthat we need from &im. #e could only maintain the presence of the %ord whenthe %ord is pleased with us. $od could only be pleased with us when we make&is word our %ord. #e need to allow $od to rule us through &is word. Theword of $od must be our standard of what is good and acceptable to &im, andwe would always be victorious when we are totally controlled by &is world.

    'ur (ather has also promised us eternal life that comes through the blood of the%amb of $od, who was sacrificed on the cross so that we may not die. #e canonly achieve the promised eternal life when the word of $od is our $od. The

    word of $od is everything to those who understand the mysteries of heaven. Tothem, everything must bow to the word of $od because they understand thatwhen they re)ect the word of $od, they would be re)ecting $od. #e can neverseparate the word of $od from the %ord. The %ord watches over &is word to

    perform it. "nd anyone who re)ects the authority of the word of $od will live adefeated life because life is only possible through the word of $od, esus.

    This book clarifies the wisdom of $od in a simple language, and it makes usunderstand what the whole Bible is saying in a language that would be

    understood by many. It illuminates the word of $od in a way that could begrasped by many people. This book has captured all that the &oly Spirit wantedus to know. It does this through brief and simple statements of wisdom thatclarifies the mind of $od for us. The &oly Spirit is not substituting the Biblethrough this work, but &e is shedding more light to all that has been written inthe Bible.

    "nyone who reads this book will be blessed by the deep revelations that theSpirit of the truth has made in this work. This book is a must read for every kind

    of Christian. It would be profitable to those who have )ust known the %ord, andit would immensely help those who have walked with the %ord for many years.

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    “Then Moses led Israel to journey away from the Red Sea. They went out to the Desert ofShur, walked for three days into the desert, and found no water.

    Then they came to Marah, but they were not able to drink the waters of Marah, because theywere bitter. (That is why its name was Marah.So the !eo!le murmured a"ainst Moses, sayin", #$hat can we drink%#

    &e cried out to the ' RD, and the ' RD showed him a tree. $hen Moses threw it into thewater, the water became safe to drink. There the 'ord made for them a bindin"ordinance, and there he tested them.

    &e said, #If you will dili"ently obey the ' RD your )od, and do what is ri"ht in his si"ht,and !ay attention to his commandments, and kee! all his statutes, then all the diseasesthat I brou"ht on the *"y!tians I will not brin" on you, for I, the ' RD, am yourhealer+ * odus - /00102, 3*T .

    The state of the church is in a serious decay. #hen you look at the surface, allthings seem to be rosy in our Christian world, but when you go to the word of$od, you begin to see the terminal state of the church. There is a lot that iswrong with us, and if we do not turn from our ways, the wrath of $od isawaiting us.

    It is estimated that there are more than *+ +++ different Christian churchesaround the world. "t the turn of twenty century, there were appro imately - ++churches. It is also estimated that there are now more than / billion Christians

    around the world. The kingdom of $od seems to be increasing at an alarmingrate, but this is not true. The number of churches and the followers is increasing,but the calibre of the churches and the followers leave a lot to be desired.Indeed, the church collective has regressed from the progress made in the pastcenturies, and it will continue to decline if there are no bold men and womenwho could wake up and stand for what is true, a gospel that preaches a pureversion of righteousness.

    There are countless books that have been written about $od, and there are many

    preachers who stand in the pulpit every Sunday and preach about $od.&owever, many Christian books and the sermons that are preached in the pulpitare doing more harm than good. These books and many sermons that are

    preached around the world preach a different version of Christianity. It is aversion that is making man the center of everything. They elevate man above$od, and if we continue this way, there is no hope for the coming generation ofbelievers. #e could change the course of history by rewriting the wrongs of our

    past. To do this, we all need to go back to the supremacy of the word of $od,which has a central message of righteousness. " life of a Christian must becentered around holiness and nothing else.

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    'ur $od is very concerned with the state of the church. "nd it is for this reasonthat the %ord inspired me to write this book. I am )ust a simple prophet of $odwho has been tasked with the simple message, ‘%et my people return back to thesupremacy of the word of $od, and let righteousness be their rod of strength.!

    This book is a log that the &oly Spirit is throwing at the church that tastes bitter.0any of those who do not know the %ord are not able to drink from the churchthat was given to them to be a place where they would find rest. 0any of themare dying because the church has lost direction, and it cannot offer them thesolutions they are looking for. The church is the center of the kingdom of $odon earth, it is where the %ord is able to impact upon those who hunger forsalvation. But if the church is bitter, no one will get true salvation from it.

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    1. Heart“ God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10, HCSB)

    1.1Your tongue and body are conveyor belts that convey what has been manufactured inyour heart. They both reflect the conditions of your heart. Righteousness andwickedness are both manufactured in the heart of your soul. The thrones ofrighteousness or wickedness are both seated in our spiritual hearts. If you speak andwalk in righteousness, the throne of Jesus is fully established in your heart, but if yourtongue and body behave sinfully, then the throne that is seated in your heart belongs tothe devil.

    1.The power that transforms our lives must be planted by !od in our hearts. The "ord plants the #oly $pirit in our hearts so that the $pirit of the "ord could establish !od%sdominion in our lives and conduct. &hen the $pirit of the "ord has been firmly

    planted in our hearts, our hearts are able to listen to the voice of !od and act inaccordance with #is word. 'ut if the devil%s throne is the one that rules us, ourconduct and lives would be drawn towards worldliness. The battle between the "ightof !od and the devil happens in our hearts because our hearts are the battleground ofgoodness and evil. If we allow !od to rule our hearts, we shall be like #im by walkingin victory all the time. 'ut when the devil%s throne rules us, we shall forever swim inthe pool of tears and sorrow.

    2. Love

    !"f #o$ lo%e &e, #o$ will 'eep commands” ( ohn 1 : 15)

    .1(any people confuse !od%s love with their own love for #im. The two are not thesame because we can never love !od the way #e loves us. )ur hearts can desire tohave the same love #e has for us, but we can never achieve such depths of lovebecause !od%s love for us is immeasurable, but our love for #im is limited. !odmeasures our love for #im through #is word. &e manifest our love to #im by loving#is commandments. &hen we obey the word of !od, we manifest our love for the"ord. )ur obedience to #is word is all the proof of our love for #im. If we re*ect theword of !od through our conduct and utterances, we do not know #im. &e are calledthe children of !od, for the "ord rules over us through #is word. &hen we re*ect #isword, we re*ect #is "ordship over us, and we also cease to have a (aster by the nameof Jesus.

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    . Your love for !od determines all, and your love for others reveals all. Indeed, yourlove for others reveals your true spiritual state, and it reveals your love for !od. Yourlove for !od determines your love for others. If you do not love !od, you will never

    love anyone.

    .+&hat is the secret of a great relationship It begins and ends with !od. To love the"ord with all your heart, mind and soul is the ingredient of any great relationship.&hen you love !od, you will transfer that love to others. !od is the mirror thatreflects your love for #im to others. The depth of your love for !od determines thedepth of your love for others and the respect you have for the "ord will be reflected inyour respect for others.

    .-&hen you love !od, you would hate sin so much that you would not even imagineyourself doing any kind of sin.

    .If you love !od with all your mind, heart and soul, you will know the mysteries of#eaven. &hen your mind is tuned to the fre/uency of heaven, you will hear the voiceof !od speaking inside you.

    .0You cannot do anything to increase !od, for #e has created everything. The best thingyou can do for #im is to praise #im. You praise #im by living a life of righteousness,not by saying nice things about #im with your mouth. It is good to say nice thingsabout !od. #owever, the nice things you say about #im must complement the niceand righteous things that are happening in your life.

    .Those who would one day see the "ord are those who do not care about what theworld is doing and saying, or what the world is doing to entertain itself. They are notdrawn towards the world, but they gravitate towards the heart of !od. Their

    preoccupation is to live for the "ord and to please #im in all things.

    .2"ove helps you to be obedient to !od. If you love !od with all your heart, mind, andsoul, you will never want to do anything that would upset #im. &hen your heartbursts with love for Jesus, you would always want to put a smile on #is face by doingwhat is right all the time.

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    .3You can live for a million years and you will never find anyone who loves you likeJesus. #e is the only )ne who loves you unconditionally, and #e bears the scars of thecross of 4alvary to prove the depth of #is love for you.

    3. Worship

    !*on+t #o$ 'now that #o$r od# is a sanct$ar# of the Hol# Spirit who is in #o$, whom #o$ ha%e fromGod- .o$ are not #o$r own, for #o$ were o$/ht at a price herefore /lorif# God in #o$r od#” (1

    Corinthians :12340)

    +.1There is no better way of worshiping !od than to do so in your own body. Your bodyis the temple of !od and must be totally dedicated to #is service. You serve !odwhen your mouth and conduct glorify #is name. The "ord is glorified when you live alife that is totally controlled by his word.

    4. Success

    ! ow if #o$ faithf$ll# o e# the 6 78* #o$r God and are caref$l to follow all His commands " am /i%in/ #o$ toda#, the 6 78* #o$r God will p$t #o$ far a o%e all the nations of the earth 9ll theselessin/s will come and o%erta'e #o$, eca$se #o$ o e# the 6 78* #o$r God” (*e$teronom# 4 :134)

    -.1Jesus is the 5nointed $aviour and #e is also the blessed $on of !od. #eaven and theearth are all #is inheritance. 5nyone who is in Jesus is anointed and blessed. If youare in Jesus and standing in one position spiritually and materially without progress,this is not caused by the lack of blessings in your life. It is caused by the lack of thebreakthrough power of !od that must break through into your blessings. Thisbreakthrough power of !od comes only through righteousness. If you want to besuccessful in life, you need to live a holy life so that the breakthrough power of !odcould work in your favour. &hen you e6perience failure in your life, !od does not

    have anything to do with your failure, your life that is against righteousness is toblame for all the predicaments you are facing in your life. Righteousness is the onlymagnet for success, and if you want to be successful, you must walk in total obedienceto the word of !od.

    -.Rest assured in !od%s ability to provide you with anything that you want from #im.The "ord wants all the good things for you. #e wants them more than you do. #is

    perfect will for you e6isted before you were born. You need to know that the "ord

    always has your best interest at heart. If there is something that is not moving well inyour life, the fault is not with !od, it has something to do with you. "ook inward and

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    you will find what you must do to succeed in your life. If there is anything in your lifethat contradicts the word of !od, that thing will work against your success. In thisregard, if you contradict !od, you will become your worst enemy. 5nd when you fail,don%t look for any other culprit, the culprit would be standing right where you are

    standing. The blessings of !od are linked to the obedience of #is word, and if youwant to be successful in whatever you want to do, make the word of !od your !od."et it rule your life, and it will make you prosper in whatever you want to do.

    -.+If you want breakthroughs in your life, you must give the word of !od the chance tobreak through against the power of sin in your life. $in is the biggest stumbling blockof prosperity. If you want success, you must hunger for righteousness becauserighteousness is the only magnet of great breakthroughs.

    -.-Your number one preoccupation in life must be to allow !od to change you into thenature of Jesus. 5ll the promises of !od for us are in Jesus. If you need the blessingsof !od or you need the power of !od to work in your favour, you must be like Jesus.Jesus is the only standard of what is right and acceptable to !od. #e is also the heir ofheaven, and if you want to inherit the treasures of heaven, you can only do so if youare like #im in all respects. Your will must function within the will of !od, and youmust be obedient to !od even though that obedience might cost your life. Jesus is thesecret of !od%s power, and for you to access that power, you must be conformed into#is nature. Jesus also gives eternal life to all who are like #im, those who have died tothemselves and are now alive in !od through #im.

    -.5ll those who want to receive the blessings of the "ord must understand the rules ofheaven. #eaven can heal you or deliver you in an instant from any sickness ordemonic oppression. !od heals you in order to bring you into the knowledge of #is

    power and e6istence. #e reveals #is glory or power when #e heals you. #owever, allother blessings from the "ord will only come to pass when certain spiritual milestoneshave been fulfilled in your life. 7ach blessing has its own spiritual milestone. $ome ofthese milestones are general whilst others are specific.

    The "ord wants to release to us all the promises #e has made for us. If we want toreceive something from #im, #is will, and our will must be the same.

    5ll the children of !od are blessed in Jesus. Jesus is our resurrection, #e will resurrectanything that is dead in our lives. )ur dead marriages and other relationships will bealive and so will be our finances. 5nd the dormant spiritual gifts we have will also be

    alive when Jesus abides in us.

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    &e are already blessed in Jesus, but some of us are not able to access their blessingsfrom !od. &e need to understand the first principle on blessings. The "ord blesses thebloodline, and everyone who comes from a certain bloodline will have the blessings oftheir bloodline. 5 certain bloodline might be very rich and yet all the members of that

    bloodline might all be poor. They might be poor not because of the lack of blessings,but because they lack the "ife that will give life to those blessings. Jesus is the life andthe light of !od, and when we make #im our (aster and $aviour, #e will resuscitateall that was dormant in our lives.

    (any children of !od are unable to access their blessings. This is caused by their lackof understanding of the rules of heaven. The principles of heaven are easier tounderstand if you want to understand them. If you could meet all the e6pectation ofheaven today, you could access all the blessings that are in your life. The onlystumbling block to us receiving our blessings is the ignorance of the principles ofheaven on blessings.

    There are spiritual milestones that you must reach before you could access yourblessings from !od. &hat are these milestones that you need to reach in order toaccess your blessings )ne milestone could be to receive Jesus, and when you make#im your "ord and $aviour, !od might give you access to some blessings. Thoseblessings could be good health, a *ob or any other blessing. There is a generalmilestone that applies to all the blessings. It is spiritual maturity, which is yourknowledge of the word of !od and to live in accordance with it. The world of !odincludes many virtues8 it includes love, patience, forgiveness, self9control, a givingheart, being prayerful and so forth. The knowledge of !od is in #is word. If you know!od, it means you know #is commandments and your life is geared towards pleasing#im.

    To know the commandments of !od is when those commandments are one with you.If you want to access all the promises of !od for your life, you must be united with theword of !od. If patience is the milestone !od e6pects you to achieve before youreceive a certain blessing, you would only receive that blessing when you have been

    perfected in patience. The same is true for all other milestones. In some instances, youmilestones could be an e6perience !od wants you to go through before #e could giveyou access to your blessings. These milestones are spiritual or relate to your character.$ometimes, your spiritual *ourney re/uires you to be betrayed now so that when thebiggest betrayal comes, it will not shake you. In this case, the "ord would only giveyou access to your blessings when you have dealt with your betrayal in a way heavenapproves. 'etrayal will strengthen your character and faith when you have dealt withit correctly. If we deal with any milestone in accordance with the word of !od, the"ord would open the drawers of heaven for us.

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    $ome other times, the "ord would want to show you the folly of trusting people. #ewould e6pose you to a situation that will make those who are close to you to betrayyour trust. 5nd if you deal with this betrayal in a godly way, and you have learned allthat the "ord wanted you to learn from such an e6perience, a drawer of a certain

    blessing would be open for you.

    5t times, the "ord would want certain people to move away from us before #e couldopen the drawers of heaven for us. It *ust depends on what the "ord wants to teach youor change in your life. 5ll the milestones you must go trough will either teach yousomething or confirm something about you. &hat is the key to your blessings "earnall that you can about !od, and live your life in accordance with #is word. 5llow the"ord to change your character so that you may be like Jesus. 5ll those who have beenconformed into the nature of Jesus shall eat all the choicest fruits of heaven. Theyshall possess more blessings than those who are still stuck in the mud of ignorance andsinfulness.

    -.0In the world, survival belongs to the fittest. :ictory belongs to those who are strong.In the kingdom of heaven, victory belongs to those who abide under the :ine Tree. Itbelongs to those who are nourished by the "amb of !od

    -.5nyone who teaches you about blessings and prosperity, but omits to tell you aboutthe righteousness of those who believe in the "ord is a false teacher. If you want

    people to prosper, you must teach them about righteousness, which is the only thingthat attracts the blessings of !od. 5nyone who teaches people about worldlymaterialism is not sent by !od. The one who is sent from above will teach peopleabout spiritual possessions. $piritual possessions are the keys to a life of prosperity. Ifyour focus is in heaven and its righteousness, your life will be a magnet that attracts allthe good things in life. ;o not focus on worldly possessions, focus on living arighteous life that is pleasing to !od. &hen !od is pleased with you, #e will releaseall the material things you need in your life.

    -.2If you live in righteousness, you shall move from one glory to the ne6t glory. Youshall move from one breakthrough to the ne6t. 5nd those who live in sin moves fromone desert to the ne6t. They move from one hill of dryness to the biggest mountain of

    parched forests.

    -.3Those who move from dryness to dryness do not understand the cause of their dryness.

    They do not realise that the conse/uences of sin have piled mountains of bareness intheir way. These mountains are the guarantee that they will never eat the honey and

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    milk that !od has promised them. $tay away from sin, and you shall see the power of!od%s breakthrough in your life.


    &hat is the secret of walking like Jesus You must be everything that you want !odto be to you. #e is merciful, be merciful towards others. !od is faithful to you, befaithful to #im8 #e loves you so much, love #im with all your heart, mind, and soul8!od is your provider, provide your body and life wholly acceptable for the service ofthe "ord8 #e is your healer, sooth the mind of !od by living a righteous life and donot let !od worry about sinfulness in your life8 !od is your holiness, walk in theholiness of !od by being holy as #e is8 !od is your (aster, you must lord over sinand if you do so, you would testify about the power of righteousness over sin. Jesus isyour (aster so that #e could help you to bring sin under your control. $in must runwhen it sees you because you are the light of !od.

    -.11&hat is the secret of success in the kingdom of !od =now your !od and understand#is righteousness, and know that !od e6pects you to be righteous as #e is. "ive everysecond of your life to please #im in everything and be mindful of the cross of 4alvary.Remember that the cross of suffering set you free from the world. >ind a place in yourheart for that precious cross of the "amb of !od. &hen you eat, think about the cross8when you walk, meditate on the cross8 and when life is good or bad always think aboutJesus. The cross means everything to those who have been crucified with Jesus. It setsus free from bondage and gave us rest in the arms of Jesus.

    -.15n effective prayer is the preserve of those who walk in accordance with the counselof the word of !od.

    -.1+The obedient love you have for !od determines your successes and failures in life.5nd the more obedient you are to the counsel of #is word, the more effective andsuccessful you would be. The less love you have for #im, the less said about yourdoomed destiny.

    -.1->aithfulness to the word of !od is your guarantee of success.

    -.1You will only be able to access all the promises of !od for your life when !od hasmatured you in #is word.

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    -.10You do not have because you choose outside the will of !od.


    )bedience to the word of !od seems to be harsh on you, but is the only thing that willopen up all treasures of heaven for you. It will also give you a bonus of eternal life.

    -.12'e careful when you evaluate your success in life. 5ny success that does not give you

    peace of mind is not a success at all, it is a curse. If it does not give you peace, itbecomes your prison and will torment you for the rest of your life. 5nd when youultimately die, you would think that death has finally given you rest from yourtroubles, only to find that the fire of *udgement is awaiting you in hell. &hen thathappens, you would have lost twice, in this world and beyond. Those who know themysteries of the word of !od know that !od is your peace for eternity.

    5. Honouring God

    ? ;or tho$/h the# 'new God, the# did not /lorif# Him as God or show /ratit$de "nstead, their

    thin'in/ ecame nonsense, and their senseless minds were dar'ened” (8omans 1:41)

    .1&e honour !od when we remember what #e has done for us at the cross of 4alvary.4alvary is where we broke through against our 7gypt of sins. It is a place where we@assover from death into life through Jesus. The devil wants to blot out our mind sothat he could prevent us from remembering what Jesus did for us at the cross of4alvary. 7very time we forget the cross of 4alvary, we come closer to the cross ofcondemnation. 7very day that passes without us remembering the work of the cross,brings us closer to eternal death. &hen we remember the work of the cross, we givethanks to !od who gave us life through Jesus. )ur remembrance of the cross of4alvary is not an ordinary remembrance, it reveals our thankfulness to !od forrescuing us from the path of self9destruction.

    .&hat is the number one rule of heaven Take pride in !od and let !od be glorified inyour life. You must only take pride in !od, not in anything that you have. The fullnessof your *oy and peace is !od. 5nything that is good about !od must make you proudof being associated with #im. ;elight in the beauty and splendour of !od because #isglory is covering you all the time. You are surrounded by the power and beauty of!od all the time. 7very part of your must glory in !od, for you live in the presence of

    #is glory. You are part of all that is good about #im. Jesus has *oined #imself to you.5nd let !od be glorified in everything that you do. You are one with !od and

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    everything you do has a bearing on #im. It can be good or bad. Your name is in thename of !od. They do not see your name for you are a servant of !od, they only seeyour (aster in everything that you do or say. "et the name of the "ord be honoured inyour actions and speech. "et there be nothing that would be found in you that shames

    the name of the "ord. 5nd let the "ord delight in your life. If you do all for the gloryof the "ord, not self, the name of the "ord would be lifted high above the sky.;elights in the righteousness of !od and let all that is associated with you be holy.

    6. The know edge o! God

    !B$t p$t on the 6ord es$s Christ, and ma'e no plans to satisf# the fleshl# desires” (8omans 1

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    3. Ao matter what happens to you, you must always be faithful to the "ord. You must befaithful to #im no matter what they do to you. They might make you to drink the bitter

    water of hate and some might betray you. They might stab you with different kinds ofdaggers, but you must always be blameless before the "ord. In the midst of all the pains around you, do not defend yourself nor *ustify yourself before any man. There isa *ust !od in heaven, and #e will repay all those who are wicked. You do not serveany man, but you serve the living !od. The only thing that must occupy your mind inthe midst of all the pains you might go through must be to please !od all the time. To

    please #im is to do what is right even thought that might feel wrong. You are faithfulto the "ord when you walk right when the circumstances dictate otherwise.

    3.+&hen Jesus calls you into #is ministry, you are not supposed to worry about theministry you are called for, remember that it is not your ministry but it is #is.7verything you need to succeed in the ministry you are called for will come from the"ord. 5ll the money and all the spiritual power you need will come from #im. If youthink the ministry of Jesus is your ministry, you will fail dismally. You must alsoremember that you cannot do anything for !od, you can only serve #im. It is #isministry and !od has the power and the will to make everything #e builds to besuccessful. Your responsibility is only to do all that you are called to do diligently andfaithfully in line with the word of !od. If you are faithful to what the "ord has calledyou to do, all the blessings of !od will soon follow you.

    3.-You must have the mind of Jesus and be ready to lay down your life for the gospel oftruth. If you are ready to lay down your life for righteousness, no sin will have powerover you.

    3.)ur !od is faithful when you are faithful to #im. #e is more loving when you love#im. If you honour #is name, #e would lift you high above your peers. &hen yourlove for #im cools down, #is love would still be in flames, but #e would rebuke youin order to put you back to your first love for #im. &hen you decide to terminate thelove affair you have with #im, your fortress would be broken and all your nakednesswould be e6posed for all to see and ridicule.

    1'. The a(so ute God“ he co$nsel of the 6 78* stands fore%er, the plans of His heart from /eneration to /eneration”

    (Psalm ++B11C.

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    1ornication and adultery are forbidden in all circumstances,and in every generation. &hen the "ord says you must be sober at all times, #e doesnot make any room for into6ication of any kind. $oberness is of the mind and all whoare called by the name of the "ord must at all times be sober so that their vigilancecould thwart any temptation from the devil. 5ll the children of !od must avoidanything that will into6icate their *udgment. !od%s call for soberness and vigilance isdone to protect us from falling into sin. 5nything that affects our mind negatively willmake it easy for us to fall into the trap of temptation. (any things can into6icate yourmind. (any people have been into6icated by pride, alcohol, the love of money, andlust. These are the ma*or vices that the devil uses to trap us into sin, and anyone whowants to avoid sin must shy away from them.

    11. The ) ood o! *esus

    !;or #o$ 'now that #o$ were redeemed from #o$r empt# wa# of life inherited from the fathers, notwith perisha le thin/s li'e sil%er or /old, $t with the precio$s lood of Christ, li'e that of alam witho$t defect or lemish He was chosen efore the fo$ndation of the world $t was

    re%ealed at the end of the times for #o$” (1 Peter 1:1 340)

    11.1I want to speak about the blood of Jesus, but my mind does not allow me to do so. (ymind is so overwhelmed by the thought of the blood of Jesus. 5nd 7very time theblood of Jesus crosses my mind, it manifests in me the anointing so powerful that I amleft crying, smiling, feeling a deep sense of shame, and feeling honoured to beassociated with such a powerful blood, the blood of !od. This blood is so divine andso powerful that there is no power comparable to it on earth and in heaven. Indeed,this wonderful blood has all the mysteries of heaven. It is the blood that is able to doall that we cannot do. It liberates, it assures, it overcomes and it comforts.

    11.I do not understand the rules of language. I will never understand why the blood ofJesus is not written in capital letters. The blood of Jesus is the 'lood of !od, and it isnot only the blood of !od but it is !od himself.

    12. The +,steries o! God

    ! " ha%e ecome its ser%ant, accordin/ to God+s administration that was /i%en to me for #o$, to ma'e

    God+s messa/e f$ll# 'nown, the m#ster# hidden for a/es and /enerations $t now re%ealed to His saints God wanted to ma'e 'nown amon/ the Gentiles the /lorio$s wealth of this m#ster#,

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    which is Christ in #o$, the hope of /lor#” (Colossians 1:4534 )

    1 .15ll the mysteries of !od are in Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of the invisible !od.

    The unseen !od becomes physical in Jesus. !od%s plan of manifesting #imself in aform of a man does not end with Jesus, it ends with us. #is purpose is to manifest#imself in us, and when #e does this, what was physical becomes spiritual. In Jesus,what was spiritual became physical, and in us what was physical becomes spiritual.Those who believe in Jesus have been transformed from their physical nature into thespiritual nature of !od. 5ll those who are born again have spiritual genes of !od. &elive in heaven even though we walk on earth. &e have become one with !od whoe6ists in all. That limitless power of !od e6ists in all who have made Jesus their(aster. 5nd that power which is in us, e/uips us to be the messengers of !od onearth, and it is also the power that helps us to stand against all the temptations of thedevil. The devil%s power is not comparable to our power, for the one who dwells in usis more powerful than all the powers of the enemy. Temptation can only succeed inthose who are devoid of the glory of !od. Those who have been transformed into thelikeness of !od can overcome all the powers of darkness.

    1 .The name of !od, DI am,% reveals how difficult it is to e6plain the glory of !od. Itreveals the deficiency of human language to capture who !od is. The more we speakabout the name of !od, the more we discover the depth of #is glory. !od%s name is amystery that will take more than one lifetime to e6plain. !od is unlike any createdthing. The more we e6plain any created thing, the more we understand it. 'ut the morewe try to e6plain who !od, the more we discover how great the mystery of #is beingis. !od gave us Jesus so that we may understand the mystery of #is being. In Jesus,the "ord concretises this mystery and helps us to easily comprehend #im. Jesus is thee6planation of the glory of !od, and through #im, we are able to comprehend how bigand wonderful our !od is.

    13. G ori!, God

    ! *on+t #o$ 'now that #o$r od# is a sanct$ar# of the Hol# Spirit who is in #o$, whom #o$ ha%e

    from God- .o$ are not #o$r own, for #o$ were o$/ht at a price herefore /lorif# God in #o$r od#” (1 Corinthians :12340)

    1+.1You must be very worried when people praise you instead of praising Jesus. &hen

    people praise you, they are perpetuating a lie. It is a lie that steals from !od and it isalso a lie which is a trap that will suck you into a false state of pride. &hen they praiseyou, they are overemphasising your power and achievement, and they are at the sametime undermining the power of !od in your success. 5ll the successes you have in

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    your life have been engineered by the "ord. If you allow people to steal the glory of!od, you will always e6pect them to lift your name above the name of !od. This is avice that will destroy your faith and position in !od.

    1+.&hen you glorify the name of the "ord, #e will glorify you among your peers. #ewill lift you high and all will marvel at the works of !od in your life. 'ut if youhumiliate #is #oly name, brokenness, failure and powerlessness shall all be your

    friends. You glorify the "ord if you live a life of righteousness

    1+.+;o not settle for being an ordinary 4hristian who goes to church every $unday, butdesire to be like Jesus in all respects. !od can only use you when you have theattributes of Jesus. "ove righteousness with all your heart and desire to be used by!od for the glory of #is kingdom.

    14. The grace o! God

    !=ho stands $p for me a/ainst the wic'ed-=ho ta'es a stand for me a/ainst e%ildoers- "f the 6 78* had not een m# helper,

    " wo$ld soon rest in the silence of death” (Psalm 2 :1 )

    1-.1The love of !od is e6traordinarily higher than it is supposed to be, for !od loveseveryone, including those who re*ect #im. #is love is totally out of sync with ouractions. #e loves us even though we insult #is #oly name. #e even protects thosewho mock #is #oly name. #is patience with us is unheard of, it is unparalleled, and itstretches over many years. "ike all the good things in life, these mercies will notabound forever, they will at some point in time come to an end. There will come atime when the attitude of heaven will be in sync with our action, where !od will re*ectthose who re*ect #im. 5t this point, those who are still re*ecting #im will rue everbeing born of a woman. &hen !od gives you the same bitter pill that you have been

    giving to #im all the years, you would be e6posed to all sorts of dangers. &hen youcontinue to re*ect #im, #is presence will depart from you. 5nd when the presence of!od departs from us, all that kills people would be on our doorstep sooner than wemight think. The love of !od is so steadfast but it will not stay that way forever tothose who re*ects it.

    1-.!od heals you so that #e may heal your soul. Your soul, not your body is the target of#is healing. &hen #e heals your soul, #e wants to help you to access your promise of

    eternal life. &hen #e heals you, #e draws you near to #is throne. The "ord heals yourbody from the repercussions of worshiping sin or when #e wants to reveal #is glory.

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    $in attracts sicknesses, for sickness is death and so is any kind of sin. It is the law ofthe likes, the bad attracts the worst, and the good attracts the best. If the "ord healsyou, you must shy away from sin, for sin might have been the reason you were sick inthe first instance. If #e heals you, and you go back to a life of sin, your sickness will

    come back to you multiplied and it might even kill you. &hen you live in sin, you are playing with death, and unfortunately, death does not play games, it kills.

    1-.+The love of !od and #is grace upon you do not give you a license to live in sin, on thecontrary, they are given to you so that you may be like Jesus and walk in righteousnessall the time.

    !Beca$se of the indecenc# of #o$r $ncleannessD since " tried to p$rif# #o$,

    $t #o$ wo$ld not e p$rified from #o$r $ncleannessD #o$ will not e p$re a/ain

    $ntil " ha%e satisfied wrath on #o$ ", .ahweh, ha%e spo'en "t is comin/, and " will do itE

    " will not refrain, " will not show pit#,and " will not relent

    " will F$d/e #o$accordin/ to #o$r wa#s and deeds

    his is the declaration of the 6ord G 7* ” ( e'iel 4 :1

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    you would not be aware of it until you are dead. 5t which time you would not have thetime to put your life right before !od. 'e careful to live your life in a way that pleasesthe "ord. "ive in righteousness every day of your life, because you might not have ane6tra day to put things right with !od.

    15. -arriage

    ! =i%es, s$ mit to #o$r own h$s ands as to the 6ord, for the h$s and is the head of the wife as

    Christ is the head of the ch$rch He is the Sa%ior of the od# ow as the ch$rch s$ mits toChrist, so wi%es are to s$ mit to their h$s ands in e%er#thin/ H$s ands, lo%e #o$r wi%es, F$st

    as Christ lo%ed the ch$rch and /a%e Himself for her”( phesians 5:44345)

    1 .1In a marriage, there could only be a perfect balance when both partners are undersubmission. The woman must submit to the man and the man must likewise submit to!od. &hen both of them are under submission, they are both submitting to !od. 5ndin this case, that marriage would be solid as a rock. If the man does not submit to !od,the woman is still bound to submit to the man. The issue of non9submission of the manbelongs to !od and the "ord will deal with it the best way #e knows how.

    1 .If you are faithful to !od, you would be faithful to your wife or husband, but if you

    are not faithful to !od, you would be faithful to the lustful desires of your body.

    1 .+5ll men must understand one thing, all women are territorial, and because of this, theycannot share a man. There is nothing that you can do to make them behave otherwise.You cannot use culture to make your woman to share you with another woman.4ulture is a learned behaviour, and their territorial nature is genetic, it comes fromyour rib. You could live a thousand lives, but you will never change this reality. If youforce her to accept what is genetically unacceptable, you would never have peace in

    your marriage. 5nd when she fights you because of this, she is not demon possessednor influenced by anyone. $he is programmed by !od to be your only woman. )thershave forced their woman to share them with other women, but history is a good *udgeof what happened in their marriages. There is no peace when women are sharing aman, and sin will always lurk around. You might do it for whatever reason, but it willdefile you and all who are involved. You might succeed to force them to share you,but the resultant sin will prohibit you to enter into eternal life.

    1 .-There are two sensitive pillars of any marriage, the headship and authority of a man,and the respect your wife en*oys in marriage. These are very sensitive areas that can

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    strengthen or destroy any marriage. 5 man who does not have authority over his wifeis an absent man. #e is no longer part of that marriage, even though he has notdivorced. 5ny assault against his authority will make him to withdraw in the marriagewithout divorcing or he might choose the path of divorce. 5 woman must at all time

    be mindful that a man%s authority counts more than anything in a marriage. 5nd if shedoes not respect the headship of her man, she would not have any marriage to talkabout. 5 man must also understand that a woman can share anything e6cept her man.If a man forces her to share him with another woman, there would be no peace and *oyin that marriage. To a woman, a faithful husband counts more than anything as itdefines her womanhood. The devil knows about these sensitive pillars of marriage,and when he attacks any marriage, he would aim for these pillars. #e would encouragethe wife to undermine the authority of a man, and would encourage the man to haveother women in his life.

    1 .5ll married people must understand the meaning of respect as it relates to theirmarriage. 5 man must respect his wife. 5 man is the pride of his wife, as all marriedwomen cannot stop speaking about their husbands and family. Their husbands areeverything to them. 5 man needs to understand that he is everything to his wife. If theman behaves improperly, that will reflect badly on her wife. #e carries the dignity ofhis wife all the time. If he does anything that negatively affects his wife, he will in*ureher dignity and pride. The man is not only carrying the dignity of his wife but thedignity of all members of his family. 5ny foolish thing that a man does will saysomething about his wife and children. If he does what is good and dignified, it willreflect well on the dignity of his family. &hen a man respects his wife, he behaves in away that will not harm the dignity of his wife. &hat in*ures the dignity of the wife isknown by the woman not the man. 4ulture does not define what would embarrass thewoman, a woman would be embarrassed when her husband behaves contrary to here6pectation. 5 man must know what will embarrass her wife, and try his best to avoidit. 5 woman also carries the dignity of his family, and she must also respect herhusband. 7verything she does will impact positively or negatively on her husband.&hen a woman respects her man, she respects the authority of her man. 5 man is thehead of the family because he has authority over his family. 5ny action of his wifewould either affirm the authority and dignity of the husband or will tarnish it. 5woman is a window that reflects the headship of her husband. The behaviour of awoman can embarrass his husband%s headship or it might give it honour.

    1 .0There is something that all married couples must understand. There is a lot that youhave in common with your partner, but there is also a lot that is different about you.You were not raised by the same parents and you grew up in different environments.

    Your background is part of you, and there is nothing e6cept !od that can separate youfrom all the influences of your environment. &hen you are married to someone, you

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    have married that person%s background too. #owever, there is a cause for comfort.You have been married to a person, not a stone. You are married to a person who canunderstand your likes and dislikes. 5nd in the midst of all that is different about you,you have a wonderful love that unites you as one. The differences you observe from

    your partner have nothing to do with love. Your partner loves you despite all thedifferences you have, and due to this, do not confuse your partners% love with theirbackground. 5ll the things that your partner is doing, have been influenced by your

    partner%s background that might not be palatable to you, but they are not a reflectionof their love for you. They are caused by the background they come from. Rememberthis, in the midst of all the confusion and hurt you might e6perience in yourrelationship, your partner has always had that background. That background is part ofyour partner unless the "ord helps your partner to realise that it is time to change. Ifthere is something that you want to change in your partner, ask !od to change your

    partner so that the word of !od can be the only influence in his or her life.

    1 .(an, do not e6pect your wife to think and act like a man, she is a woman and she canonly behave the way all women behave. If you e6pect her to be like you, you would befrustrated for the rest of your life. You cannot change her, she is a woman and willbehave like a woman. The only thing that you must do is to understand how womenbehave and to make peace with how they are. You must also remember that a womanis very fragile no matter what she says or does. 'e more considerate towards her andlet patience be your best friend all the time. 'are in mind that every discussion youhave with her is not about winning against her. You can win her by understanding herand being considerate towards her feelings. $ometimes saying nothing is all that ittakes to defuse tension in your home. 5nd when you really have to assert yourself, doso without hurting her heart. 5cknowledge her views, but assert what you consider asimportant, and do all with a lighted heart and face.

    1 .2&oman, be humble to your husband. If you want to fi6 problems in your marriage byshouting and yelling at him, you would not have peace in your marriage. &hen youyell, you will only make him worse instead of fi6ing him. $houting and yelling do notdecrease problems, they multiply them.

    !"n the same wa#, wi%es, s$ mit #o$rsel%es to #o$r own h$s ands so that, e%en if some diso e# theChristian messa/e, the# ma# e won o%er witho$t a messa/e # the wa# their wi%es li%e whenthe# o ser%e #o$r p$re, re%erent li%es .o$r ea$t# sho$ld not consist of o$tward thin/s li'e

    ela orate hairst#les and the wearin/ of /old ornaments or fine clothes "nstead, it sho$ldconsist of what is inside the heart with the imperisha le I$alit# of a /entle and I$ietspirit,which is %er# %al$a le in God+s e#es ;or in the past, the hol#women who p$t their hope in

    God also ea$tified themsel%es in this wa#, s$ mittin/ to their own h$s ands” (1 Peter

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    1 .3;o not let sin fool you, there is no better wife or husband than the one you have. 5ndif you think otherwise, it is because the devil has cast a big net of temptation in yourway. This net seeks to hook you into destruction. If the devil cannot stop you from

    getting married, he would want you to marry and remarry as long as you live. If youfall into the trap of the devil, he will chain you into perpetual failure, which wouldcause untold suffering to you and all who are linked to you.

    1 .1<If you e6perience problems in your marriage, pray to !od for #is intervention. ;o notask !od to change your partner so that your partner may be good to you, ask !od tochange your partner so that your partner may be good to #im. If your partner knows!od, your partner will treat you well. If your partner is ignorant of !od, your partnerwould be ignorant of you. !od is the centre of everything, and when everything isright with him, it will be right with everyone.

    1 .11&hen you e6perience problems in your marriage, don%t focus on those problems, butfocus on living a more righteous life that pleases the "ord. If you live in righteousness,all your problems would be !od%s problems, and in no time, the "ord will lift all theburdens that weigh heavily on your shoulders.

    1 .1You must be married to one partner. If you want to be married to multiple partners,this reveals that your soul lacks faithfulness. If you cannot be faithful to one partner,you will never be faithful to one !od.

    16. Leadership

    his sa#in/ is tr$stworth#: !"f an#one aspires to e an o%erseer, he desires a no le wor' ” 9no%erseer, therefore, m$st e a o%e reproach, the h$s and of one wife, self3controlled,

    sensi le, respecta le, hospita le, an a le teacher, not addicted to wine, not a $ll# $t /entle, not

    I$arrelsome, not /reed#D one who mana/es his own ho$sehold competentl#, ha%in/ his children$nder control with all di/nit# ("f an#one does not 'now how to mana/e his own ho$sehold, how willhe ta'e care of God+s ch$rch-) He m$st not e a new con%ert, or he mi/ht ecome conceited and fallinto the condemnation of the *e%il ;$rthermore, he m$st ha%e a /ood rep$tation amon/ o$tsiders,

    so that he does not fall into dis/race and the *e%il+s trap++ (4 timoth# 1:13 )

    10.15 spirit of lust dis/ualifies anyone from holding any leadership position in the churchof !od. You cannot lead others if you have not developed self9control. $elf9control isrighteousness as it helps you to always behave in a manner befitting a child of !od. 5

    leader with a spirit of lust is always thinking of sleeping with the flock of !od insteadof leading them to eternal life. &hen you have a spirit of lust, there is no one who is

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    1 .1<Reading the 'ible without an in/uisitive mind would profit you less. 5n in/uisitivemind searches for the mind of !od in any verse and wants to discover the relationship

    and unity of all scriptures.

    1 .11The greatest knowledge you can ever possess is the knowledge of !od, and to betransformed by such knowledge from living for yourself into a life that is dedicated tothe word of !od.

    1 .1You cannot love !od and re*ect the counsel of #is word. !od is found in #is wordand if you re*ect #is word, you have re*ected #im.

    1 .1+5 cure for any dreadful disease is found in the word of !od. Those who abide in theword of !od abide in power and good health.

    1 .1-In times of peace, prosperity, laughter and thrills, prepare for eternity by preparing fordeath. You prepare for eternity by abiding in the word of !od, which will transportyou to eternal life.

    1 .1!od can be your greatest enemy if you ignore #is word. It depends on the path thatyou choose. You can choose #is ways or rebellious avenue. 5nother name for the pathof !od is (ilk and #oney $treet and rebellious avenue is also known as the road ofdeath.

    1 .10To fight against !od is not taking arms against #im, it is doing far worse than that. Itis ignoring the counsel of #is word. &hen you ignore the word of !od, you aremaking the "ord a liar and you are reducing #im to nothing. If you fight against theword of !od, you are not only fighting a losing battle, but you are committing theworst suicide a fool can ever commit.

    1 .1(ore often than not, when people say the 'ible or the word of !od is confusing, it isnot because they need clarity on the word of !od, but because it convicts them of thesins they are not prepared to sacrifice. Instead of bowing down and repent before the

    "ord, they pretend to be confused. If they were really confused, the 'ible would easilyclarify itself to them.

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    1 .12The "aw of (oses is so called not because it was written by (oses, but because it wasgiven to #im by !od. The "ord is the author of the )ld Testament. 'oth the )ld and

    Aew Testaments have been written by !od using men to do so.

    1 .13There is no confusion between the )ld and the Aew Testament. They both come from!od. The word Dold% and Dnew% in them does not mean !od is different in the twocovenants. It only reveals that the agreement or covenant !od has with us haschanged. The nature of !od has not changed. &hat has changed in the two covenantsis the form of worship8 the atonement of sin8 and the laws of purity8 how wefellowship with !od8 and the promise of eternal life in Jesus. 5ll othercommandments of !od have not changed a bit. The )ld 4ovenant was preparing

    people for the Aew 4ovenant, which is Jesus. 5ll the things that came before Jesus arethe shadow of the substance which is Jesus. If we look at Jesus in light of the )ld4ovenant, we are able to have a deeper understanding of the Aew 4ovenant. If we donot understand the )ld 4ovenant, our faith would be shallow. 7verything that is in the)ld Testament points to Jesus. It makes you to understand #im better and toappreciate the sacrifices #e made for us. 4ircumcision has a deeper meaning in the

    Aew 4ovenant. It is the circumcision of the heart, not the flesh. The @assover feast hasa deeper meaning that reveals Jesus as our @assover "amb that took us from the landof sin into the promised land of righteousness and fellowship with !od. The physicaltemple we used to worship at has now become Jesus. It has moved from a physicalstructure into a mystical body of Jesus. The stones that were used to build the templeare now people. &e are those stones that constitute the temple, Jesus. The )ldTestament emphasises the outward, and the Aew Testament emphasises the inner,what is hidden. The clothes of worship that symbolise purity are now invisible, theyare in the heart. &e still offer tithes and other free offerings, but now the greatestoffering we could give to the "ord is ourselves. &hen we offer ourselves to the "ord,we are offering what is unseen. &e offer our spiritual hearts holy and acceptable to the"ord.

    1 . <If you want to know whether the word of !od is accurate, true, infallible anddependable, write down all the mistakes you have made, which sometimes made youcry, and also note all the successes of your life that have given you peace of mind.7valuate each according to the word of !od. You will find that the word of !od is

    perfect and accurate to the left and to the right. You can do this e6ercise for all the people you know and you will come to the same conclusion, the word of !od isaccurate. The word of !od is dependable and can predict any success or failure of any

    action or thought. 5ll your failures came from ignoring the counsel of !od and all thesuccesses you have in life come from following #is counsel. The word of !od reveals

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    the nature of !od who is all knowing. If you need certainty and success that gives you peace of mind, you need to depend on !od. The word of !od is !od because !odabides in #is word.

    1 . 1(any people call themselves by the name of the "ord and they praise #im all thetime, but they are the greatest enemies of !od. They fight against the counsel of #isword but appear surprised when their prayers are not answered by the "ord. #ow canthey fight and praise #im at the same time I guess only !od knows what ishappening in their heads. 5 friend of !od is the one who is careful to do according tothe counsel of #is word.

    1 .In your entire life, you would rise or fall through the word of !od. The word of !odwill determine your destiny whether you like it or not. You would rise and be glorifiedby the "ord among your peers if you follow the counsel of #is word, and you will fallwhen you disregard the wise counsel of #is wisdom

    1 . +There is a reason the "ord allows other things to happen. !od allowed $olomon tohave riches beyond imagination, and #e also allowed him to have seven hundredwives and three hundred concubines. The reason the "ord allowed $olomon to haveeverything $olomon wanted was to use him as a warning for those who lust for wealthand multiple se6ual partners. The "ord allowed $olomon to walk through the path of

    plenty so that we may learn something from his life. Those who covet riches and thelure of multiple partners are able through the life of $olomon to see the vanity ofmaterial riches and multiple se6ual partners. The "ord allowed us to walk in the pathof plenty with $olomon as the "ord allowed us to die with Jesus on the cross. &e areable through the life of $olomon to learn the most important lesson in our lives,D7verything in life is vanity of vanity, and it is only !od who is worthy of our praise.%The lord allowed $olomon to write one of the most profound books of the 'ible, thebook of 7cclesiastes. 5nyone who has read this book will understand the folly ofriches and the traps of a lustful life.

    1 . -If there is anything that you do which fights against the word of !od, the word of !odwill not gravitate towards it, and it will not accommodate nor embrace it. The word of!od is against any sinful action or thought. &hen sin meets the word of !od, it mustmelt away or run for cover. 7very sin must bow to the word of !od because sin isdarkness and death, but the word of !od is the light and a life9giving spirit.

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    but he will add more afflictions to you. If you use those alternative solutions, it is *usta matter of time before your life collapses before your own eyes &hen you areafflicted, it is time for you to be closer to !od, seek #is face and guidance in the midstof your troubles. "et !od tell you what you need to do in order to be delivered from

    your afflictions. There is always a reason why !od allows us to be afflicted. (any atimes, we are afflicted because the "ord wants us to draw closer to #im. #e wants usto live a life of righteousness, continually praying for guidance and deliverance fromany trouble. If you bear any affliction whilst you live a righteous life, it is *ust amatter of time before the "ord delivers you from such an affliction. 5fter #e hasdelivered you from such afflictions, you would have achieved two results, your faith in#im would have been strengthened and your afflictions would have been taken away.

    12.4ome to think of it, all the headaches, pains and all the sleepless nights I e6periencedin my life were all very good for me. In those painful moments, I did not realise thatthe "ord was with me, protecting me from the path of self9destruction. Those painshave made me what I am today. 5nd I could not have asked for anything less than the

    pains !od sent my way to shape me into who I am today.

    12.+In our everyday life, we live not in the absence of danger to our well9being, but liveside by side with it, e6isting within the spiritual war terrain. )ur fate is not in thehands of the forces of darkness but is in the hands of !od. &hen we succumb to thearrows of pain and death, we do so not because the armoury of the enemy is mighty,but because the "ord%s voice is communicating something to us. It might be a voicethat rebukes, a voice that teaches or a voice of *udgement against us. The enemy%sfiery darts are aiming at us on a daily basis, but are unable to prevail against us for the"ord is on our side. )ur fate is determined by !od who hates disobedience andrewards obedience

    12.-5n affliction is a coded voice of !od. You can only decode the voice of !od whenyou have a spiritual password. It is a password of the knowledge of !od. Thatknowledge is a tool that will help clarify your painful situation. It is knowledge thatbreaks all the walls of spiritual ignorance so that the inaudible voice of !od could beheard. Ignorance is the root cause of many afflictions. To be ignorant of !od, #is willand #is commandments is the glue that binds an affliction to you. 5n affliction is acoded voice of !od that seeks to bring you to #is knowledge, #is will and to theobedience of #is commandments.

    1%. -, treasure

    !*on+t collect for #o$rsel%es treas$res K a L on earth, where moth and r$st destro# and where thie%es

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    rea' in and steal 20 B$t collect for #o$rsel%es treas$res in hea%en, where neither moth norr$st destro#s, and where thie%es don+t rea' in and steal

    21 ;or where #o$r treas$re is, there

    #o$r heart will e also” (&atthew :12341)

    13.1You can take all I have but please do not touch my Jesus. You can take away mychildren, my wife, my money and my property, but when I have my Jesus I haveeverything I need in my life.

    13If you are not prepared to die for the truth, the truth is not your treasure. Jesus is thetruth and #e is worth more than your life. "ove #im even though your love for #immight make you lose your own life. The "ord Jesus is more valuable than my own life,and I would rather be with #im than to have my own life. I will choose him over mylife, and that is how valuable Jesus is to me.

    13.+Jesus is your promised land. #e overflows with honey and milk. If you want to reachyour promised land, walk like the one who called you, walk like Jesus. 'ow your lifeto the word of !od and you shall en*oy all your inheritance in heaven.

    13.-If you want to hear the voice of !od, you must love #im more than you love anything.

    If you love #im with all your heart, #e will speak with you as a friend, not a servant.

    13.@rayer is the most potent weapon at the disposal of !od9fearing men and women. It isa spiritual gun that knows no limitations. It can fire in all directions and continue todestroy the enemy as long as the enemy is still standing. 5 prayer is a spiritual gunthat does not run out of bullets. It will continue to fire as long as there are enemies toannihilate. 5 prayer is an automated weapon that fires different kinds of bullets. Itfires rockets, missiles and a consuming fire that can wipe out all the enemies within

    few seconds. 5 prayer gives you an advance victory over your enemies. You pray nowfor something that will happen ne6t month. The spiritual bullets will go now anddestroy all the defense and offensive capabilities of the enemy. 5s you pray now thedevil is already defeated before he could decide to attack you. &hen ne6t monthcomes, you are already victorious. 5 prayer wins you wars before those wars couldbegin. If you have not discovered the power of !od through prayers, you do not wantto be a winner.

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    13.0&hen you give over the control of your life to !od, you would be liberated from allthe worries of being a bodyguard to your own life. If !od is in charge of your life, youcan live *oyfully without the an6ieties of life.

    2'. &ornication and adu ter,

    !>now #e not that the $nri/hteo$s shall not inherit the 'in/dom of God- Be not decei%ed: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor ad$lterers, nor effeminate, nor a $sers of themsel%es with

    man'ind, or thie%es, nor co%eto$s, nor dr$n'ards, nor re%ilers, nor eAtortioners, shall inherit the 'in/dom of

    God 9nd s$ch were some of #o$: $t #e are washed, $t #e are sanctified, $t #e are F$stified in the name

    of the 6ord es$s, and # the Spirit of o$r God++ (1 Corinthians :2311, > ?)

    ornication and adultery are sins of madness, they would empty your mindcompletely. 5nyone who commits adultery or fornication is devoid of a thinkingmind, for sin has stolen their mind. These sins make people to be into6icated withmadness. &hen they engage in these sins, they would act in a way a two9year babywould find distasteful. 5nyone who fornicates or commits adultery is in a state ofmental retardation for sin has made them mad. &hat they do or say in their state ofmadness is a matter of fiction, it belongs to comic books. $in would play with them

    until their lives are turned upside down. (any of those who engages in these kinds ofsins are intelligent people, but their intelligence would stop working immediatelywhen they fornicate or commit adultery. &hen the bitter results of their actions comeback to haunt them, they would cry to !od as though it was !od who commandedthem to fornicate or commit adultery. 5nyone who fornicates or commits adultery hasopened a well of pain and tears that will only run dry when they return to the path ofrighteousness or when death silences them.

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    1.1You cannot be effective for the kingdom of !od if you let your mind be occupied withfear, worries and an6iety. ;on%t let the devil intimidate you, he is already defeated,and please play away from anything that will make you worry and have an6iety.

    22. Sin

    ! %er#one who practices sin also practices lawlessnessJ indeed, sin is lawlessness” (1 ohn

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    Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit 9 So we m$st not /et tired of doin/ /ood, for we willreap at the proper time if we don+t /i%e $p” (Galatians : 32)

    .0$in and good health are fierce enemies. You can never be healthy when you live a lifeof sin. $in invites all manners of sickness into your life.

    .$infulness pulls you down, it gravitates you towards death. 5 Righteous life propelsyou beyond the sky into heaven and gives you all that heaven has to give to you.

    .2You cannot live a life of sin and then e6pect !od to bless you. The "ord does notreward sin but punishes sinfulness.

    .35nyone who sins has not discovered the treasures of righteousness, he has notdiscovered Jesus. Righteousness is a spiritual magnet that pulls all good things to you.)n the other hand, sin is a spiritual repellent, it chases away all the blessings you longfor.

    .1<Those who re*ect all kinds of sins understand their !od, and those who live in sin deny

    the cross of 4alvary because it is a cross of victory against sin.

    .11You cannot love Jesus and live in sin at the same time. If you do so, there is somethingvery wrong about you, it shows that you have not discovered the truth. )nce the truthshines in your heart, sin will make you vomit.

    23. *udge+ent


    =hen all has een heard, the concl$sion of the matter is: fear God and 'eep His commands,eca$se this is for all h$manit# ;or God will rin/ e%er# act to F$d/ment, incl$din/ e%er#

    hidden thin/, whether /ood or e%il++ ( cclesiastes 14:1

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    tormenting and painful that eternal fire is. #e uses temptation as bait that would trapthe children of !od so that they may walk with him to hell. 7very temptation bringsyou closer to hell. 7very time sin tastes and smells good, and every bite of sin you takebrings you nearer and nearer to the fire of hell. You might not see what is happening

    as you commit sin, for sin tastes good. $in tastes good, but it is a poison of fire that isslowing burning, preparing you for the most gruesome fire that you have not seen norimagined.

    +.You do not want to see the harsh *udgement of !od, you really do not want to see #isanger. There is nothing that is as severe as the punishment of !od. &hen !od

    punishes you, #e does not relent, and there is no amount of prayers and fasting thatcan restrain #is hand upon you. &hen !od punishes you, you would wish you weredead, but death would not even rescue you from #is wrath.

    +.+7very person has the capacity to listen and to take instructions. You can either listen toJesus or the devil. There are different implications for the choice you make. Thosewho listen to Jesus will en*oy eternal peace and *oy, but those who have made thedevil their master will one day hear the sound of fire burning in hell, and they will cryfor eternity without comfort from anyone.

    +.-5 rainbow is a prophet in the sky who announces the coming *udgement of !od tomankind. It reminds us of the destructive floods of the past and warns us against theimpending fire of *udgment that is coming soon.

    +.;eath is cunning and when it comes to you, it does not announce its arrival in afunfair. It does not blow any trumpet but comes to you through an affliction of somesort. The affliction might be a sickness, alcoholism, prostitution or any sinfulbehaviour. 5s death comes to you, it has already announced the *udgement of !od toyou. That *udgement will take effect at the right time when you least e6pect it. &hen iteventually happens it will come like a thief and take your life une6pectedly. Take anyaffliction serious, for it is a messenger of the "ord that announces the *udgement of!od or it has come to build your faith up. 5ny affliction to the righteous builds andstrengthens their faith, and to those who are ignorant of the word of !od, it is anannouncement of death that is coming. You can only avert death by following the lightof !od, Jesus. The "amb of !od is life and everyone who abides in #im abides ineternal life.

    ! ;or #o$ #o$rsel%es 'now %er# well that the *a# of the 6ord will come F$st li'e a thief in the ni/ht ”( 1 hessalonians 5:4)

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    +.0You cannot be smarter than !od. You cannot be right on this issue, and !od be wrongon that same issue. Time is the greatest *udge. It will *udge between you and !od, andit will reveal who is the 4reator and who is the created.

    24. &ear o! God

    ! he he res$lt of h$milit# is fear of the 6 78* ,alon/ with wealth, honor, and life++ (Pro%er s 44: )

    -.15ny spiritually damaged leader or teacher will produce spiritually damaged followers.Righteousness builds you up but sin corrupts your soul. 5 !od fearing leader orteacher will produce followers who tremble at the word of !od.

    -.You are so transparent and naked to !od. ;o not try to hide your nakedness, for the"ord sees all and knows all about you. #e knows every thought that comes into yourmind. !od is the only one you must be fearful of, not man. ;on%t hide from man anddisregard the presence of !od. The presence of !od is in everything. 'eware thatevery sin that you commit behind closed doors, you commit it in full view of #eaven.If you commit sin and try to hide it, #eaven hates what you are doing and it hates whatyou are doing to cover your sinful tracts.

    -.+;on%t be afraid of the devil, be fearful of !od. There is nothing $atan can do to youwithout the permission of !od. The "ord protects those who walk according to #iscounsel and punishes those who worship sin.

    -.-You must not be known as a man or a woman of !od, but be knows as a !od fearingman or a woman of !od. 5 god fearing man or woman hates all kinds of sins

    passionately. That is the way of the righteous which was ordained for them before thefoundation of the world.

    -.You do not fear the "ord by knowing the depth of #is power, but by knowing how

    *ealous the "ord guards #is word and also knowing the conse/uences of not followingit.


    Your own circumstances might console you when you have taken a path that does notbelong to !od, but they will not e6cuse you from the wrath of !od. Your situation is

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    known to !od, but the "ord does not have any commandment of e6clusion, butenforces #is word to all #is creation without regard to their circumstances. 5ll yourcircumstances must bow to the word of !od, not bump against it.

    25. Hu+( eness!H$m le #o$rsel%es efore the 6ord, and He will eAalt #o$”( ames :10)

    .1'e humble if you want to be a king. If you want to be a king by acting like a king, youwill not be a king, you shall be an ant. The "ord resists those with pride and re*oices inthose who humble themselves before #is #oly throne.

    .If you want to be a king, you need to be a servant. The world says, D&hat goes upmust go down,% but the spiritual rules have a different convention, D&hat goes downmust go up.% &hen you humble yourself to the obedience of the world of !od, the"ord will lift you above your peers.

    .+Jesus is almighty and yet humble. 5nyone who wants to be powerful and great mustbe as lowly as the grasses of the fields.

    26. The unchanging God

    !9n#one tr$stin/ in his riches will fall,$t the ri/hteo$s will flo$rish li'e folia/e” (Pro%er s 11:4 )

    0.1!od is still the same !od #e was during the time of (oses. #e is the !od of miracles,and if you think #is miracles have ceased, you don%t know #im. You are the greatestmiracle of !od and the reason you are still alive today is that #e is a miracle worker.There are many things that are happening to you which you do not see. 5nd becauseyou are so blind to reality, you cannot see the miracles of !od upon your life. Thegreatest miracle of !od in our lives is to be alive. (aybe you want to see !od doinggreat e6ploits before your eyes, you want to see him healing people and raising somefrom the dead. Indeed, the "ord can do those miracles. #e is doing them to othersdaily, and if you want to see those miracles happening, you must dedicate your life intotal submission to the word of !od. The "ord also wants to reveal #imself to us. !odwants to use you to be a channel of #is miracles to others, but #e cannot use you untilyou have the nature of Jesus. This is the nature of loving #im with all your heart andbeing obedient to #is voice. 5nyone who lives a righteous life shall see the power of!od operating in their lives. If you live right before !od, and desire to see the might

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    of #is power, #e shall reveal it to you. The biggest problem that makes us not to seethe might of #is power is our unrighteousness. $in makes us so weak and powerless,but a life of righteous makes us to live in the realm of impossibility.

    2". 0do atr,! herefore, p$t to death what elon/s to #o$r worldl# nat$re: seA$al immoralit#, imp$rit#, l$st, e%il

    desire, and /reed, which is idolatr# Beca$se of these, God+s wrath comes on thediso edient”(Colossians

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    3.1If you are born again, you must not walk like a fallen man. You are now alive in4hrist, and you need to walk like a son of !od. &hen you did not know Jesus, youlived like a pig, but now you are a king and a priest of !od. "et your life bear fruits

    that are more palatable to heaven. 5 child of !od does not have to shout to the worldto proclaim who he is, his life will tell other which kingdom he belongs to. You do nothave to shout from the rooftops about your Jesus, your righteous life will shout foryou, and when it shouts loud, those who live in blindness will soon run to you to seekyour "ight.

    3.To be born again does not give you a license to sin. 'eing born again gives you morereasons why you must hate sin. You are born again through the )ne whose mission isto destroy sin. If you are in #im, you would love what #e loves and hate all that #ehates.

    3.+)ur flesh or human nature is the enemy of !od and #is word. It re*ects !od and theauthority of #is word. It is always willing to please self in all situations. &e cannot

    please !od if the will of our human nature dominates our lives and conduct. It is forthis reason that we all need to be born again. &e need to be born again so that !odcould give us #is $pirit that could help us to dominate our human nature. &hen weare controlled by the $pirit of !od, we would naturally want to follow the will of the>ather in all things.

    3.-To be born again is to be born against the power of sin in our lives. )ur new spiritualnature would always re*ect sin because we would always be sensitive to the word of!od.

    3.5ny person who is born again has made a crucial decision that will have a bearing onhis entire life. #e has decided to count himself as nothing, by lifting Jesus above thesky. #e has decided to relin/uish his life to the authority of the word of !od.

    3.0&e are born gain because the $pirit of the "ord has revealed the truth that was hiddento us for many years. #e has revealed the deep love that Jesus has for all those who arelost, powerless and those who need a higher spiritual power to help them to navigatethe murky waters of life. The #oly $pirit has also revealed how dirty we were in theeyes of !od, by revealing how holy and pure Jesus is. #e makes us hunger for the

    righteousness that we see in the eyes of the "amb of !od. 7very tear that the "amb of!od shed for us is a tear of righteousness that is calling all those who are wearing and

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    burdened to come to the throne of mercy in order to receive peace and eternal life in#im.


    I did not save Jesus, but Jesus saved me from a life of defeat and death. I am now achild of !od who is ruled by the word of !od. The word of !od is the link that I havewith !od. I will maintain the relationship I have with !od if I keep #is word. 'ut Iwill cease to be a child of !od when I re*ect the authority of #is word.

    3.2If my 5frican or Fhosa cultural background fights against the word of !od, I willchoose !od over my 5frican identity. 5s a child of !od, I must put to death anythingthat fights against the word of !od so that I may please my >ather in heaven. (ycultural background is of no conse/uence to me because I now follow the culture ofJesus, which is the culture of a life of righteousness.

    3'. )acks iding

    !*ear friends, let $s lo%e one another, eca$se lo%e is from God, and e%er#one who lo%es has eenorn of God and 'nows God he one who does not lo%e does not 'now God, eca$se God is

    lo%e God+s lo%e was re%ealed amon/ $s in this wa#: God sent His 7ne and 7nl# Soninto theworld so that we mi/ht li%e thro$/h Him 6o%e consists in this: not that we lo%ed God, $t that He lo%ed $s and sent His Son to e the propitiation for o$r sins *ear friends, if God lo%ed $s

    in this wa#, we also m$st lo%e one another o one has e%er seen God "f we lo%e one another,God remains in $s and His lo%e is perfected in” (1 ohn : 314)


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    32. ighteousness

    ! %er#one who commits sin also rea's the lawJ sin is the rea'in/ of law .o$ 'now that He was

    re%ealed so that He mi/ht ta'e awa# sins, and there is no sin in Him %er#one who remains in

    Him does not sinJ e%er#one who sins has not seen Him or 'nown Him

    6ittle children, let no one decei%e #o$E he one who does what is ri/ht is ri/hteo$s, F$st as He is

    ri/hteo$s he one who commits sin is of the *e%il, for the *e%il has sinned from the e/innin/ he

    Son of God was re%ealed for this p$rpose: to destro# the *e%il+s wor's” (1 ohn

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    5s soon as you abide in sin, the "ord would depart from you, and your body would bea temple of sin. )nce the devil has succeeded in making you to chase !od in yourbody, the throne than would be established in your heart is a throne of sin. $in is of thedevil not !od. )nce the throne of righteousness has departed from you, the devil

    would be the king in your life.

    + .05 heart that hungers to please !od will please #im, and a heart that is indifferent to!od will disregard the opinion of !od. 5 heart that desires to be righteous will begiven graces in order to help it to walk like !od.

    + .;o not evaluate the righteousness of any man according to his spiritual gifts. 7valuate

    man%s walk with !od according to his obedience to the word of !od. 5nyone who isnot obedient to the word of !od does not know !od. 5 righteous life is the proof thatone knows and loves !od.

    + .2 Ao one can please !od without the help of the #oly $pirit. If you want to be obedientto the word of !od, you must be filled with the #oly $pirit. &e all need to be baptisedwith the $pirit of power so that #is strength could help us to overcome all kinds oftemptation.

    + .3You can only discover yourself in the "ord when you live a righteous life, and whenyou desire to be used by #im for #is glory. If your heart wants to be used by !od, the"ord will soon reveal your hidden spiritual gift to you. Your spiritual gifts are thespiritual tools which you use to serve the "ord.

    33. The truth

    !;or nothin/ is concealed that won+t e re%ealed, and nothin/ hidden that won+t e made 'nownand come to li/ht” (6$'e :1 )

    ++.1The truth is so powerful and omnipresent. You cannot run away from the truth. It is allover you, it is on every side of you. It is underneath you, beside you and is above you.If you try to run away from the truth, by hiding yourself from reality, you would findthe truth where you are hiding. You *ust cannot hide from the truth, and when you tryto do so, you will find the truth staring at you. The truth is the only )ne who has thetruth. #e e6isted before time, and when time dies, the truth would be watching intruth. You can pretend that the truth does not e6ist, but the truth is faithful, #e wille6ist after your imagination has run dry, when it has tired itself of untruths. The truth

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    is the only )ne who knows tomorrow, for the truth e6isted before the future. #e issolid, steadfast, and eternal. You can trust in the truth for the truth is the only )ne whowould be found standing when everyone has died. Respect !od and use #is wisdom,because #is wisdom will never change. It was relevant in the past8 it is relevant in the

    present and will remain relevant when everything else is irrelevant. You cannot lieabout the truth and get away with it. The truth knows all the untruths you have beensaying about #im. #e also knows about all the untruthful life you have been living.The truth is the only )ne who knows the truth about the truth. You can fool everyone,but you cannot fool the truth. #e knows about your pretenses, and the truth knows thetrue condition of your heart. !od is the truth. If you do not turn away from youruntruths, you will find the truth in the *udgement hall of !od, and #e will find youguilty of living a life of untruths.

    ++.If you run away from the truth, ne6t time you meet the truth, the truth shall chase you.It will persecute you and you shall not have any rest.

    ++.+If Jesus is not your (aster because you have your own god, you might think that youknow all about your god until death comes. &hen you die, you will suddenly realisethat the god you called your god is actually the devil. &ake up from your spiritualslumber and smell the aroma of death. Run to Jesus, #e will rescue you fromdestruction. #e is the only one who can save you from the fury that is coming yourway

    ++.-You are blind if you think that life is what it appears to be. If you do not know that thedevil controls the world, you have not accumulated any knowledge. The devil is thegod of this world, and he has enslaved those who are under his control. The