Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

T h e F RE E l o c a l n e w s l e t t e r f o r C l a r e g a l w a y / C a r n m o r e Interesting articles this month How to set goals you can achieve to get fit Claregalway Tidy Towns update Swine flu pandemic - symptoms and advice Interior decorating - hints & tips Eczema - how to treat this skin disease The Claregalway Hotel celebrates its 5th birthday This month, to celebrate 5 years of providing quality service to the people of Claregalway, the Claregalway Hotel is hosting an event packed week, including an appearance by Elvis! The full table of events for the week is available on page 2. This issue is sponsored by Vol. 13, Iss. 9 July / August 2009


Nuacht Chláir, the local newsletter for Claregalway and Carnmore, July/August 2009 edition.

Transcript of Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Page 1: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

The FREE local newsletter for Claregalway / Carnmore

Interesting articles this month

How to set goals you can

achieve to get fit

Claregalway Tidy Towns


Swine flu pandemic - symptoms and advice

Interior decorating - hints & tips

Eczema - how to treat

this skin disease

The Claregalway Hotel celebrates its 5th birthday

This month, to celebrate 5 years of providing quality service to the people of Claregalway, the Claregalway Hotel is hosting an event packed week, including an appearance by Elvis!

The full table of events for the week is available on page 2.

This issue is sponsored by

Vol. 13, Iss. 9 July / August 2009

Page 2: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Monday 27th July

M eviLu

cis LegendIt’s the Hotel’s 5th birthday…so why not come along and join in the celebrations. Elvis will also be in the building…

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 4:00pm, 4:30pm and 5:00pmBus returns 8:50pm and 9:20pm

Tuesday 28th July

M eviLu

cis ShebeenLive viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 4:00pm, 4:30pm and 5:00pmBus returns 8:50pm and 9:20pm

Wednesday 29th July

M eviLu


Shebeen & PulseLive viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 12:40pm, 1:10pm, 1:40pm and 2:00pmBus returns 6:15pm, 6:45pm and 7:05pm

Thursday 30th JulyLi


M isc

Legend… followed by DJ Lisa BradyEnter the Claregalway Hotel’s 5th annual Best Dressed Ladies & Gents competition, with prizes to the value of €3 000. Sponsored by Center Jewellers and Sorelle Boutiqueh


O s’taca



Bus departs 12:40pm, 1:10pm, 1:40pm and 2:00pmBus returns 6:15pm, 6:45pm and 7:05pm

Friday 31st July




Legend… followed by DJ Lisa Brady

Live viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions


nO s’ta



Bus departs 4:00pm, 4:30pm and 5:00pmBus returns 8:50pm and 9:10pm

Saturday 1st August

M eviLu


Last OrdersLive viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 1:15pm, 1:45pm and 2:15pmBus returns 5:30pm and 6:00pm

Sunday 2nd August

M eviLu


Ken & SteveKids go FREE* on Sunday * your child dines for free with every parent, minimum spend of €25 per adult (1 child per adult)W

O s’tahn

kniL ecaR

Bus departs 1:15pm, 1:45pm and 2:15pmBus returns 5:30pm and 6:00pm

FOOD SERVED ALL DAY | 091 738 300 | [email protected]


Page 3: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Monday 27th July

M eviLu

cis LegendIt’s the Hotel’s 5th birthday…so why not come along and join in the celebrations. Elvis will also be in the building…

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 4:00pm, 4:30pm and 5:00pmBus returns 8:50pm and 9:20pm

Tuesday 28th July

M eviLu

cis ShebeenLive viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 4:00pm, 4:30pm and 5:00pmBus returns 8:50pm and 9:20pm

Wednesday 29th July

M eviLu


Shebeen & PulseLive viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 12:40pm, 1:10pm, 1:40pm and 2:00pmBus returns 6:15pm, 6:45pm and 7:05pm

Thursday 30th July




Legend… followed by DJ Lisa BradyEnter the Claregalway Hotel’s 5th annual Best Dressed Ladies & Gents competition, with prizes to the value of €3 000. Sponsored by Center Jewellers and Sorelle Boutiqueh


O s’taca



Bus departs 12:40pm, 1:10pm, 1:40pm and 2:00pmBus returns 6:15pm, 6:45pm and 7:05pm

Friday 31st July




Legend… followed by DJ Lisa Brady

Live viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions


nO s’ta



Bus departs 4:00pm, 4:30pm and 5:00pmBus returns 8:50pm and 9:10pm

Saturday 1st August

M eviLu


Last OrdersLive viewing of all the races on one of our many plasma televisions

WO s’tah

nkniL eca


Bus departs 1:15pm, 1:45pm and 2:15pmBus returns 5:30pm and 6:00pm

Sunday 2nd August

M eviLu


Ken & SteveKids go FREE* on Sunday * your child dines for free with every parent, minimum spend of €25 per adult (1 child per adult)W

O s’tahn

kniL ecaR

Bus departs 1:15pm, 1:45pm and 2:15pmBus returns 5:30pm and 6:00pm

FOOD SERVED ALL DAY | 091 738 300 | [email protected]

Catering for children 3-5 years, in the Claregalway,

Carnmore, Cregmore areas.

For information contact Mary at

091-798123 or 087-9332928

Registered with the HSE. Avail of the free pre-school grant, from January 2010

Hello and welcome to July/August’s newsletter,

Claregalway has been entered into the Tidy Towns Competition for the first time and the excitement is palpable throughout the village. People are taking a personal pride in the area and tremendous work has been done by the hard working committee. Flowers have been put in place, tubs have been planted up, the bridge has been painted, green areas have been taken care of and the work continues. Everyone is encouraged to become involved and help make our village a place to be proud of.

It is great to see residents feeling safer and more comfortable walking along the new footpaths. It is of great benefit for people to get a decent walk in from the start of the footpaths at Cregboy right up past The Central Tavern in Loughgeorge. Having taken this walk recently and seeing the Claregalway Hotel adorned with boxes of flowers was heart lifting to say the least, and the Arches Hotel next door was looking resplendent with its outdoor barbeque area and landscaping. Walking further along the road, Western Ironcrafts has a fabulous display of sunflowers and this whole area is looking great. The Central Tavern has a fantastic floral display on their premises. Abbey Florists have made a huge effort planting containers in the centre of the village and also in the Summerfield Petrol Station. The Nine Arches Bridge looks spectacular, thanks to the work of Thomas and crew at JPK Garden Centre.

Claregalway Hotel celebrates its 5th anniversay this month - how time flies! Nora and Paul have provided a very worthwhile service to the area and I wish them many years of future success. The Hotel is an immense benefit to the village, as they employ locally, which is great to see.

C.D’s Helping Hands is doing trojan work in the area and they deserve every assistance they can get. Read an article on their work on page 5.

On page 4 Kieran puts us through our paces! If ever there was a guy to get you out of the armchair Kieran is the man! He is truly inspirational and motivational. Check him out at Escape Leisure.

In the meantime, enjoy what we have left of the summer!


Josette Farrell, Editor

Until next time, Josette

Page 4: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


The biggest problem even the most dedicated gym goers will have will be the feeling of:

Why am I doing this? Has anything changed? Is all this hard work worth it?

Now unless you have some way to measure your progress you won’t see any change, even if there have been massive gains! We see ourselves everyday and never notice the suttle changes that occur over time. Have you ever meet a person you haven’t seen in a year or so and have them say to you, “You have changed a lot” yet you don’t see any change the same applies here.

Goal settingLong term Goal Long term goals are goals you hope to achieve by the very end of your program, example every competitive team starts off the season saying we want to finish either 1st, or higher than last year etc. that would be an example of a long term goal. The short term being to win the next match!

Short term GoalShort term goals are goals with a more immediate time frame example: by next week or month I want to be able to run 5 km in 45mins.

Reasons to set goalsOnce a goal has been set it is a lot easier to stay focused and motivated as long as short term goals are well timed.Setting goals allows you to see the progression you have made in black and white.

Before starting any exercise program you should know why you’re doing it(e.g. A young male feels self conscious about his appearance and wants to look and feel better!).If it’s to lose weight then you must measure body fat and set short term goals and long term goals.


This is just a section of the testing to be done obviously fitness levels would be checked also but for the purposes of this example I’m sure you get my point.All goals would be set originally based on the initial testing, on the time available and the lifestyle of the client, all goals must be realistic, specific, measurable, attainable and timed.Depending on how often testing takes place short term and even long term goals(this is rare) will be reassessed based on the out come of every testing session, weather a client is surpassing expectations, or a client is finding it hard to reach goals.Not reaching goals can be down to numerous factors that impede our progression, Bad diet, not the right type of training, not enough training, not the right level of training or injury, family/work matters, genetically slow metabolism, hormone imbalance; these are the most common reasons for not achieving goals.

So now you can begin your transformation: set yourself a goal, like running a race; start low like 5km short term, then 8km short term etc, long term being a marathon and enter that race so now you must put in the training. There’s nothing better than signing up to a race you have to complete to get you moving. Likewise, write down your short and long term goals and leave them somewhere you can see them everyday to remind you of the time you have left and what you want to achieve.

If you need help setting goals or with training, we are always on hand to help at Escape Leisure Centre.

Kieran O’ NeillIf you need more advice on how to set and meet goals, get in touch with Escape Leisure today! 091 738 220 [email protected]

TestingBody fat 28% Waist 140cmHip 120cmWeight 100kgOriginal test results

Short Term -1 monthBody fat 27% Waist 135cmHip 118cmWeight ////Small, realistic changes

Long term - 1 yearBody fat 20% Waist 90cmHip 80cmWeight 80kgBig changes after many, short term goals

Kieran O’ Neill A.C.E., N.C.E.F.,Escape Leisure Centre

Page 5: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009



The charity was inspired by its namesake, Caitlín Doherty (CD) who was diagnosed with Leukaemia at

the age of two and a half. Following treatment, Caitlin is now a lively little girl living in Claregalway.

CD’S HELPING HANDSis a West of Ireland Childrens’ Cancer Charity. We are a unique, voluntary organization in that we are the only Charity in the West that supports children and their families through cancer treatment.

This month, CD’S HELPING HANDS will be giving away a brand new Opel Corsa. To purchase a ticket, call: 087 66 00 103, 091 799 749 or email [email protected]

CD’S HELPING HANDS recently, officially, opened its office in Claregalway Corporate Park. The charity’s

main objective is to provide practical support to families in the West of Ireland who are affected by a

diagnosis of childhood cancer.

CD'S HELPING HANDS aim to minimise this impact on families by allowing them that precious time to care.

In 2006, Christopher O’ Connell and his mother Maureen left Crumlin’s Children’s Hospital so they could spend Christmas Day at home in Galway. Christopher had been waiting for an operation for treatment on a condition known as Langerhan’s Cell Histocytosis, which causes cancer in the skull.

With her son at his worst since his diagnosis in 2002, Maureen was disheartened to have to return home with no improvement in sight and when she arrived to Corofin, she was met with the horror of her home filling with water.

The River Clare had burst its banks and flooded the basement, destroying many of their family possessions. Along with her husband John and their four children, the O’ Connell family

Page 6: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


faced the very real prospect of Christmas without a home.

In desperation, Maureen decided to pick up the phone and ring CD’S HELPING HANDS - a local charity that helps families of children with cancer.

“I just couldn’t believe the response I received. Volunteers from CD’S HELPING HANDS arrived at our door on Christmas Eve with two massive bags filled for the kids, and they also had a Christmas dinner prepared for us. They helped clear up the basement and tidy the place. It was like something you’d see in the movies. The support we received was unbelievable, and I just can’t thank them enough. It made for one of the best Christmases ever”, said Maureen.

The voluntary organisation was set up in 2006 after Claregalway girl Caitlín Doherty was diagnosed with leukaemia in May 2005. Family, friends and neighbours of the Dohertys saw the impact the situation had on the family and felt support was needed for otherslike them.

The organisation has grown and its new home in Lakeview Point, Claregalway was opened by the Minister for Health, Mary Harney in May. It has helped 35 families so far, with 20 of these still receiving the service. The youngest being the family of a six month old baby, who was diagnosed with cancer at birth.

Maureen’s son, Christopher, now nine years old, was only a year and a half when he was diagnosed with cancer. Since then, his family have endured a tough and testing struggle but Maureen acknowledges the family has received overwhelming support from the charity. The O’ Connell family and CD’S HELPING HANDS developed a strong relationship and she hasn’t any regrets in letting the charity into

their lives, although this wasn’t always the case.

“I was very reluctant to contact the charity at first because I felt a great sense of guilt. It’s like when a neighbour helps you with something but won’t take money for it. However, I felt I had no choice but to contact CD’S HELPING HANDS and ever since I cannot say enough good about them. When I arrive home, my head is still in Dublin. It’s such a relief to come into the house and all the laundry and housework has been done and dinners made”, adds Maureen.

Before Maureen contacted CD’S HELPING HANDS, the O’ Connell family were living a very tough reality, with more than their fair share of setbacks. Prior to moving to Corofin, the family had lived in Claregalway, but were forced to leave their home and all their possessions behind when Christopher developed a rare infection which saw him contract pneumonia and septicimia.

“He developed a disease called Muco Mycosis, which was a knock-on effect from all the chemo. It happened when mould in the air caused a reaction to his immune system. Children don’t usually survive the condition.

Our home was set up like a hospital and, being a nurse, I had to give him his medicine through IV (injections to the veins) a few times a day. He required a lot of care and it took almost two years to get rid of. After he recovered, we decided to leave our home in Claregalway and all our possessions so Christopher could enjoy a whole new environment”, said Maureen.

Providing an intensive clean of the home is one of the services provided by CD’s HELPING HANDS, which covers the West of Ireland, from Donegal right down to Limerick. “If a family rings

today, we try to meet with them immediately and assess what is necessary,” says Jennifer Carpenter, Development & Administration Officer of CD’s HELPING HANDS.

Jennifer feels that it is the people who they help that make the charity worthwhile, something which Tom Jinks of CD’S HELPING HANDS echoes. “We’d like to give a big thank you to Maureen and all the families who have let our organisation into their lives, because it is something which is so private and intimate. The best ambassadors for our charity are the families”, says Tom.

He also stresses that every euro collected by the charity goes into helping families like the O’ Connells.

“It takes €20 000 a month to run this organisation. Our biggest fear is that if a family comes to us for help and we have to say no because the money isn’t there. Every single euro we raise goes to the family services. All infrastructure costs are through Lotto funding and various grants. We’ve been so lucky by the generosity of various people and businesses. We just can’t thank them enough,” adds Tom.

Last month, the O’ Connells got the fantastic news they have waiting to hear for more than seven years, when Christopher was given the all clear by his doctors. Maureen admits, although she is thrilled her son has finally received the all clear, she is finding it hard to say goodbye to the people who have helped her family over the past few years.

“Every single euro we raise goes to the

family services ”

Article courtesy of Martin Nally, Tuam Herald

Page 7: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


“When we looked at his scan, nurses were hugging and kissing me and saying goodbye. Christopher was delighted as I was too, but a part of me wasn’t really ready to say goodbye,” admits Maureen.

Although Christopher has received the all clear, Maureen knows his visits to Crumlin are not over. This is also acknowledged by the charity whose support system doesn’t just end once the child’s illness has received some kind of outcome.

“It’s important to wean the carers off slowly because children can become very attached to them. They see that the volunteers have helped them while their brother or sister was unwell so we have to be careful not to put a sudden end to their relationship,” adds Jennifer.

As she looks back now, Maureen says one of the hardest parts of Christopher’s struggles was the amount of times he had to spend in isolation.

“Given his condition was so bad, he was kept in a room on his own so he wouldn’t contract an infection.”

He was also prohibited from taking part in certain school activities.“Because of the tube line in his stomach, Christopher couldn’t participate in contact sports, in case his tube would be damaged, which would put his life at serious risk. Often he would be the only one left in the classroom as the rest were gone off swimming. He likes rugby but he couldn’t play that either because we were afraid his tube would be struck. Now however, he can’t wait for the day

he can go swimming and keeps asking me for a new pool,” said Maureen.

She is delighted Christopher will finally get the opportunity to do ordinary things. Now nine years old, Christopher will receive check-ups every few months and will be monitored until he is eighteen. However, after seven and a half years of chemo, Christopher can now look forward to a brighter future.

“There was a boy in Crumlin who was receiving treatment for six years before he got the all clear. He’s now nineteen, and in the past few weeks he was accepted into the army. Christopher won’t be entering the army because of his diabetes condition, but it just shows you with help and support what a person can achieve,” concludes Maureen.

Mary Harney and the committee members who dedicate so much of their time and skill to making the charity work, at the official opening of the CD’S HELPING HANDS office in Claregalway Corporate Park

Page 8: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


Interior design - hints & tips

Decorating - Getting startedIt can be a rather daunting experience when you start to decorate a room or a whole house. One of the most difficult things is where and how to begin. Questions often asked are – Do I choose the paint colours first and plan the furniture and floor covering around them? Or should I find e.g. a sofa and then choose paints? Don’t do anything until you plan it. If you rush it, you’re more likely to make quick decisions and ‘panic buy’, which can compromise quality, budget or both. If you plan what you need in advance you will make fewer impulse buys. For example you buy a colourful sofa, that was a bargain, but find it difficult to get anything to match it or that it’s too big for the room, it maybe a waste of money in the long term. If you are trying to keep to a budget, you don’t want to make mistakes like this.

The time you spend on planning a room will reward you, when you end up with an attractive and practical scheme. There is no point in having a beautifully decorated room or house, if it doesn’t cater for all your needs, activities, tastes and budget. Before you thing about style, colour schemes, mood or pattern in a room, there are other elements to consider, such as the function of the room, the amount of natural light it receives or do you need to provide artificial light; fixed items that need to stay; size and shape of the room etc. The function of the room is important – how the room will be used, by whom and how often and at what time of the day? It may have a dual function e.g. a home office, which also acts as a guest bedroom. A spare bedroom should be warm and welcoming, but you can be more adventurous with colour, as nobody has to live with it for too long. If a dining room is used mainly in the evening, you could use colour to create atmosphere. A family room needs to work hard; it will be where practical activities, TV watching, dining etc. will happen. It will also need to be neat and welcoming for visitors. Different approaches to decorating and furnishing the room will depend on its function.

The different type of light that the room will receive will depend on the direction it faces – north, south, east or west. Colour changes under different lighting situations. Your light may be blocked by a building or a large tree. You may want to maximise natural light, creating a bright

airy feeling to the room; screen out sunlight to create a diffused glow; or use artificial lighting for a softer cosier atmosphere. You can use pale colours that reflect the light and darker colours that absorb it. If you are not decorating a room from scratch, there maybe fixed items, you can’t or don’t want to change e.g. fairly new curtains, a sofa you love or built-in features. These could be a starting point in you deciding the style of the room or the basis of the new colour scheme. You could work an existing sofa into the arrangement with e.g. a new throw and coordinating cushions. Also analyse the size and shape of the room – is it large or small, long and narrow or boxy, high ceiling or low etc. Does it have any ugly features, which you could disguise or distract from e.g. pipe-work or radiators could be blended in by painting them the same colour as the background surfaces. The room could have an interesting feature, like wooden beams across the ceiling, which you like to show off to their best advantage, or instead you may decide to play them down and go for a more contemporary look.

Now that you have analysed the room and have some ideas on how it will be used and by whom, what are its good and bad points, have you enough light, what items you are keeping or are you starting from scratch etc, you can think about a colour scheme and the style of the room. If you have a sofa or curtains you are keeping, you need to identify the colours it contains and then plan your colour scheme around these. If you are planning the scheme from scratch decide what your favourite colours are and which ones you dislike and what kind of atmosphere and mood you want to create. You can use colours to make a room feel warm like a summer’s day or fresh and airy like a sea breeze. You may like the colours of the countryside and decide on a colour scheme and decorating style to remind of this. Remember that warm colours advance to make the room seem smaller and cool colours recede creating a more spacious feel. If it is a south facing room you may need cool colours while a north facing one will need

warm colours to restore the balance. Colour can be used to link different areas in a house and give it a feeling of harmony. For example take a colour from the hallway and use it as a base for a colour scheme in a room leading off it. A ceiling can appear lower if it is a darker tone than the wall, in a low ceiling room have the colour lighter than or a similar colour to the walls or paint it to match the background of the wallpaper. A long narrow room can appear shortened if the end wall is decorated is a dark colour and the space can be made to look even wider if the skirting matched the floor.

To help with ideas for your room collect pictures from magazines and brochures. While interior design magazines are a good source, they can be expensive, so be selective in what you buy and look to other sources that might fuel your imagination e.g. advertisements, shots of landscapes, famous paintings etc. You can also get ideas from looking at colours, patterns and textures in nature and fashion. Collect anything that catches your eye, it will help you to decide the mood and the style of the room. You may be lucky and find a picture that captures everything you want

the room to be, but it’s unusual that one image will have everything you need.

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Now that you have some idea of the colours, style and the mood of the room you want, you can start collecting samples. You are ready to translate your ideas into the raw materials of decorating. Collecting samples means you can plan the complete scheme before you pick up the paintbrush and it will help you avoid costly mistakes. Try to gather a broad selection of samples e.g. a piece of sofa fabric, curtain fabric, wallpaper, carpet, tiles, samples of wood to match the furniture or floorboards, paint charts etc. You can narrow down your selection later on. Also note the stockists of each one, so you can find it again if you decide to go with it. You may have a picture of a living room you like e.g. in rusty red but would prefer it in yellow, so lookout for samples in the shade of yellow you want and see does it look as good.

Some shops will only give you a small sample of fabric, if there is a large pattern repeat, you’ll need a bigger piece. If a bigger sample is not available, it may be better to buy a meter of it rather than e.g. get curtains made, to find out you don’t like them. You could always make a cushion from the sample. If you can’t get floor covering samples, get promotional leaflets or brochures showing colours and patterns. Also use magazines, advertisements and brochures to build up a picture of the sort of furniture, lighting and the all-important accessories that will fit into your scheme. View samples in the room where they will be used. Tape wallpaper to the wall or buy a small tester pot of paint and try it out on a small patch of wall. View samples on the plane they will be used on e.g. carpet flat on the floor, upholstery fabric on a sofa, curtain fabric at the window etc. You will also need colour samples of items you are keeping, so you can blend them with your new colours. If you don’t have extra pieces e.g. of curtain fabric or carpet left over from past decorating, use paint cards as a colour reference instead.

Play around with the samples until you find a scheme you feel happy with. Don’t rush off to buy everything yet, take your time. Leave the samples in the room to be decorated for a few days. Look at them in different light conditions. Also you may get other ideas and it is easy to change at this stage, rather than later when you have bought items. Now you can go shopping, taking your samples and measurements with you. This will help to coordinate the colour scheme and stop you making mistakes.

If you plan the decorating scheme before you start, there is a good chance you will get the room or house to look the way you want and avoid wasting money in the process. Mary Kelly,

Decorating Options 091 798 224

“You can get ideas from looking at

colours, patterns and textures in

nature & fashion. Collect anything

that catches your eye, it will help

you to decide the mood and the

style of the room

Page 10: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


Congratulations to Micheál and Lilyan (nee Hannon, of Claregalway N.S.)

Ralph on the birth of their son Michael Thomas on June 17th

Congratulations to David Carton Jnr of Gortatleva and Shannon Byrne

(above) who were married recently in New York.


Parents: Seán & Sinead

10 Gleann Mhuiris.

Maria Greene

Parents: Michael & Linda


Mark McEvoy

Parents: Fergal & Eilis


Joe Murphy

Parents: Kevin & Selene


FUNERALSMalachy Noone, Lakeview

Seán Crowe, Carnmore

Marion Duggan, Kilrogue Castle

Marian Forde, Lakeview

Seamus Costello, Mullacuttra


Niamh Cumiskey, School Road

Joe Flaherty, School Road

18th July

Martina Duggan, Montiagh

Declan Boyle

Congratulations to Louise Day, Cregboy and Johnathon O’ Connor, Cregboy,

on their wedding on 25th July, on Inis Boffin Island.

Congratulations to Brian and Suzanne Day, Cregboy,

on the birth of their baby girl Isla Louise on June 25th

Congratulations to Galvin Kavanagh, Cloon, and Isabel Heras Sopena, Barcelona, Spain,

on their wedding on 27th June

Congratulations to Martina Duggan, Móinteach, and Declan Boyle,

Castlebar, who were married in Claregalway Church on

Saturday 18th July


SENIOR CITIZENS UPDATEClaregalway,Carnmore Senior Citizens went on their Annual Summer

Outing on 20th June. Once again we had Callinan’s coach which was

very comfortable, 61 of our Senior Citizens travelled on the coach and

then some of the Committee travelled by car. Our first stop was Cong

where we had tea, coffee and scones and a look around. We then

headed for Castlebar and had our lunch in Breaffy House, then it was

time to hit the shops in Castlebar, so plenty of bags coming back to the

coach. On our way home we went to Mass in Tuam after which we had

some refreshments. We arrived back in Claregalway around 10 pm.

Our Monday night gathering continues for the Summer months in the

Parish Meeting room, at which we play cards and bingo. There is a bus

available for anyone wanting to travel on it. This service is provided

courtesy of Bealach on which you use your bus pass.

Page 11: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Laura O’Brien (Slievefinn) and Gary Hughes (Glasgow) got married on

17th June in Elounda, Crete - joined by their family and friends. The

couple are pictured above with Ciaran Hughes, the groom’s son.

If you are looking for a job, log onto There may be a job there waiting for you!

Adult Table Tennis Starting in September in Carnmore Community Centre

Would you like to get involved in a fun & social community activity?

Meet some old friends and make some new ones?

If yes, then this is for you!

LETTER TO THE EDITORThank You from Eamon Fox

Dear Editor,

I wish to thank everyone

in Claregalway and

Carnmore who voted for

me in the local election.

I enjoyed the campaign

greatly and wish to

thank you all for your

courtesy on the canvass.

Congratulations to Jim

Cuddy and to Malachy

Noone and to my Fine Gael colleagues Jarlath

McDonagh and Liam Carroll on their election

and also to yourself, Josette, on your strong


The issues which came up again and again

on the doorsteps in Claregalway included the

lack of footpaths in the village, the dangerous

situation outside the National School, the poor

condition of local roads and also the absence

of a playground for children. Fine Gael in

Claregalway will continue to maintain pressure

on all our local politicians to deliver on these

important issues. If anyone wishes to get

involved, they may contact me at 087 2662677.

Eamon Fox.


Please register your interest in a new table tennis group for Carnmore Community Centre

Phone: 087 245 25 25

Page 12: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009




The committee of the Claregalway Agricultural Show has held the annual Show Queen Dance at the Central Tavern, Loughgeorge.

Kate McCarthy (18), a Leaving Cert student from Carnmore was unveiled as the Claregalway Agricultural Show Queen for 2009 and presented with the 'Tom Dempsey Interiors' Trophy and also a memorial crystal plate, a silver bracelet and a bouquet of flowers.

The large attendance enjoyed the nights entertainment, refreshments and dancing and are now looking forward to this year’s Claregalway show which is to be held on Sunday, August 23rd.

Photos clockwise from top right: Kate McCarthy from Carnmore, the Claregalway Agricultural Show Queen 2009, with the Tom Dempsey Interiors Trophy.

Val Noone Chairman of the Claregalway Agricultural Show presents a crystal plate to Kate McCarthy, Show Queen for 2009.

John & Bridie Brennan (Loughgeorge)

Eileen Davin, Miriam & Tom McCann, Joe Davin all Claregalway

Page 13: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Claregalway, Co. Galway

Tel/Fax: (091) 799754 V.A.T. No. IE 8286400


Prescriptions - Photography - Roc - Vichy - BourjoisVeterinary - Perfumes - Instant Passport Photos - Gift Vouchers

John Duffy MPSI. Claregalway Pharmacy is open late

Monday to Friday until 8pm and 7pm on a Saturday. Tel: 091-799754.

ECZEMAThe term eczema covers a wide range of skin problems. Some common features of

eczema include; itch, redness, dryness and wetness.

In eczema, the main problems occur in the upper layer, the epidermis. It becomes

vulnerable to external factors such as soap, chemicals in washing up liquid and washing

powders. They can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. The skin has a role

in protecting the body; its response to external factors has an important function.

Normally the skin does not react to harmless influences such as pollen, house dust

mite or washing powder. However people with eczema tend to have immune responses

to these allergens. The immune system tries to destroy allergens by releasing its own

substances, such as histamine, into the skin. This works to rid the body of the allergen,

but the skin is made fragile, inflamed and sore and other problems may

develop such as infection.

Types of treatment for eczema include topical use of; emollients (moisturisers) available

as creams, ointments, lotions and oils. Steroids of different potency can be mixed

and used in conjunction with emollients. Tacrolimus ( Protopic) a cream working to

reduce the immune response of the skin. Antiseptic, antibiotic, antihistamine and

antifungal creams may also be used to treat eczema. Oral treatments include antibiotics,

antihistamines, and immunosuppressants e.g. steroids usually only used in difficult to

control eczema. Other treatments used include ultraviolet light, dietary supplements,

occlusion with bandaging and special clothing e.g. cotton gloves, tubular bandage

covered with emollient. The above treatments help to relieve itch, reduce dryness,

reduce redness and provide a barrier against other materials such as water and solvents.

The principles of treatment are the same for all types of eczema, avoid things that make

your eczema worse e.g. solvents such as soap. Use moisturiser to help soothe, clean and

protect the skin. Avoid rubbing and scratching, you should treat any infection quickly

should it develop. Steroid creams or ointments may prove helpful if required.


Page 14: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Would you like to help out your community?Anois, is féidir leat!

Help out your community by tidying up the village. All help welcome!

This year, Claregalway is entering the Tidy Towns competition. The Claregalway Community Development Association is appealing for assistance in order to clean up the village.

We need you to make Claregalway even more beautiful. From rubbish collecting, to planting flowers, to painting walls, any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Contact Josette on 086 391 38 52

[email protected]

for more information.

Claregalway Tidy Towns


Page 15: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


The meeting held on the 21st July was a huge success and it was great to see newcomers come on board with new ideas. On Thursday 23rd July, a group of people met Frank Donaldson, who has been adjudicating the Tidy Town Competitions for over 18 years. This meeting was facilitated by Eva of Hughes SuperValu. The meeting was of immense benefit to the group. A Powerpoint presentation was made, depicting the whole involvement of Tidy Towns. Areas and subjects covered included:

The approaches to the village/town, streets and shop fronts, housing areas, derelict sites, local facilities, trees and wildlife areas.

After the presentation, Frank and the group did a walk-a-bout of Claregalway, where Frank pointed out what an adjudicator would look for which included:

· How well are properties maintained? Are there particular premises where insufficient attention has been given to their upkeep? In what condition is the paintwork?

· What condition are the historical buildings in?

· Are there buildings or gap sites which are derelict or unused?

· What are the gardens and grounds like – are they tidy or overgrown?

· Has fly-tipping (unauthorised dumping or rubbish) taken place?

· Are there posters or graffiti on walls or buildings?

· In what condition are the footpaths, road surfacing, walls and fences, lighting columns, etc? Are extra facilities, such as litter bins or seats, required?

· Is the appearance of the village/town generally attractive or unattractive?

· In what condition are the public buildings and their surroundings, such as the church, schools, community centre, post office? Is there adequate access for the disabled?

· Do businesses keep their premises tidy? Do businesses have permission to put signs on roads and poles?

Overall, the meeting was positive and we saw through the critical eyes of the adjudicator. Claregalway is festooned with signs and posters which will have to be removed. Gates and poles need to be painted, and walls need to be fixed up. Already, people have taken action on the strength of Frank’s visit and a sense of pride has taken over the village.

The next meeting of the Tidy Towns takes place in The Arches Hotel on Tuesday, the 4th August at 8.30pm sharp. Everyone is welcome to attend and we hope to have representatives from each estate in Claregalway. We hope to run competitions for “Best kept Estate”, etc. in the future.

Josette Farrell 086 391 38 52 Stephanie Murphy-Penn 085 825 15 55 Michael Hannon 087 674 43 81

Claregalway Tidy Towns

Chairperson Secretary Treasurer

Page 16: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Nuacht Chláir is published completely voluntarily by a

committee as a service to the community. It is an open access

publication and will generally carry any material submitted to it

subject to the law of the land and Editorial judgement. This

judgement is exercised by the Editorial Board in order to

preserve the balance of the newsletter.

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of

the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial

Board. In case of error of fact we will publish corrections when

we become aware of them.

In case of unfairly contradicting the reputation of any person,

we hereby offer that person or their representative the right to

reply in this newsletter, subject only to reasonable length, the

law of libel and our right to respond to such reply.

Nuacht Chláir is published every month, with combined issues

for January/February and July/August and has a circulation of

approximately 750 copies.

Contributions in the form of articles or letters to the Editor are

welcome and may be sent to any member of the Editorial


Copies are available at the following outlets: Centra

Supermarket, Hughes SuperValu Supermarket, Spar

Supermarket, An Rí Design, Carnmore Stores and Glynn’s

Centra, Carnmore.

For any items or advertisements you wish to have included in

the next issue of Nuacht Chláir, please contact the following:

Tel: Josette Farrell [091 798 430, 086 391 38 52]

Email: [email protected]

Address: ‘Currach Ruadh,’ Cregboy, Claregalway, Co. Galway.

Articles in Irish most welcome

Deadline: Please submit before the 3rd of each month

or the 20th in the case of a combined issue

For information on sponsorship packages, contact Emmet at [email protected]

Abbey Restaurant

ACS Communications

An Rí Design

Arches Hotel

Cois Chláir Shopping Centre

Claregalway Agricultural Show

Claregalway Festival of Drama

Claregalway GAA Club

Claregalway Hotel

Claregalway Community Centre

Claregalway Medical Centre

Claregalway Pharmacy

Compántas Lir

Cregmore Construction Ltd.

Escape Leisure

Galway Glass Centre

Geraldine O’ Neill Glynn Solicitors

Glynn’s Centra, Carnmore

Glynn’s Fruit & Veg, Lydican

Hughes Supermarket

JPK Garden Centre

Martyn’s Fuel

Mary Thornton & Associates

Monaghan & Sons Ltd.

Raftery’s Centra

Summerfield Bar

Walter King Construction


Page 17: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Nuacht Chláir is published completely voluntarily by a

committee as a service to the community. It is an open access

publication and will generally carry any material submitted to it

subject to the law of the land and Editorial judgement. This

judgement is exercised by the Editorial Board in order to

preserve the balance of the newsletter.

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of

the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial

Board. In case of error of fact we will publish corrections when

we become aware of them.

In case of unfairly contradicting the reputation of any person,

we hereby offer that person or their representative the right to

reply in this newsletter, subject only to reasonable length, the

law of libel and our right to respond to such reply.

Nuacht Chláir is published every month, with combined issues

for January/February and July/August and has a circulation of

approximately 750 copies.

Contributions in the form of articles or letters to the Editor are

welcome and may be sent to any member of the Editorial


Copies are available at the following outlets: Centra

Supermarket, Hughes SuperValu Supermarket, Spar

Supermarket, An Rí Design, Carnmore Stores and Glynn’s

Centra, Carnmore.

For any items or advertisements you wish to have included in

the next issue of Nuacht Chláir, please contact the following:

Tel: Josette Farrell [091 798 430, 086 391 38 52]

Email: [email protected]

Address: ‘Currach Ruadh,’ Cregboy, Claregalway, Co. Galway.

Articles in Irish most welcome

Deadline: Please submit before the 3rd of each month

or the 20th in the case of a combined issue

For information on sponsorship packages, contact Emmet at [email protected]

Abbey Restaurant

ACS Communications

An Rí Design

Arches Hotel

Cois Chláir Shopping Centre

Claregalway Agricultural Show

Claregalway Festival of Drama

Claregalway GAA Club

Claregalway Hotel

Claregalway Community Centre

Claregalway Medical Centre

Claregalway Pharmacy

Compántas Lir

Cregmore Construction Ltd.

Escape Leisure

Galway Glass Centre

Geraldine O’ Neill Glynn Solicitors

Glynn’s Centra, Carnmore

Glynn’s Fruit & Veg, Lydican

Hughes Supermarket

JPK Garden Centre

Martyn’s Fuel

Mary Thornton & Associates

Monaghan & Sons Ltd.

Raftery’s Centra

Summerfield Bar

Walter King Construction


Page 18: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


THE ASSUMPTION & ST. JAMESSunday Masses: Sat: 7.30 p.m. Additional Mass Friday: 7.30 p.m.

Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Confessions: 7 - 7.30 p.m. on Saturdays.

Weekdays: Mon - Sat: 9.30 a.m. Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 12.30 p.m.

Canon Noel Mullin: Tel: 798 104

PARISH OFFICEParish Secretary: Teresa Payne.

Telephone: 091-798741

Email: [email protected]

The Office is situated in the Curate’s House, beside Canon’s Mullin’s house.

Office Hours: 10.00 am. to 1.00 pm. Monday to Friday.

All requests for Baptism and Confirmation Certificates, Anniversary Masses and other Mass bookings should be

made directly to the Secretary during office hours.

Items for the Church Newsletter should also be handed in or phoned to the Office.

The deadline is midday on Wednesdays.

KEARNEY FUNERAL DIRECTORSP�rs�n�� A� �n�i�� - 24 H��� S���i�� .

- Coffins - Caskets - Embalming - Cremation - Grave Digging - Repatriation

Lackagh, Turloughmore, Co Galway Telephone / Fax: 091 797167Mobile: Frank 085 1266133 / Joe: 087 6292350Email: [email protected]


AN APPRECIATIONOnce again I would like to thank the voters of the entire Oranmore Electoral Area for

re-electing me to represent them on Galway Co. Co. I intend to devote my full time

dealing with the many issue in the area. To my family and campaign team I wish to

express my appreciation for all their hard work and commitment. A very special word of

thanks to all the people I met on the campaign for discussing their many issues with me.

Mile Buiochas

Jim Cuddy.

Page 19: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

KEARNEY FUNERAL DIRECTORSP�rs�n�� A� �n�i�� - 24 H��� S���i�� .

- Coffins - Caskets - Embalming - Cremation - Grave Digging - Repatriation

Lackagh, Turloughmore, Co Galway Telephone / Fax: 091 797167Mobile: Frank 085 1266133 / Joe: 087 6292350Email: [email protected]


Hard was the frost with a cold winds biteCycling to Turloughmore on a dark winters night,Homing from a dance at the town of Monivea,With a song in my heart down Cartymore way.

By the wild waters of Turlough Ban sea,With billowing waves that rolled towards Rathfee!What I heard �rst I can never explain,A whining sob, or shriek of great pain.

The cold came all over, my hair stood on end,And I thought it unnatural, cycling the bend,But knew for sure approaching Carheenlea,‘Twas the sinister cry of the dreaded Banshee!

A piercing wail and sobbing cauterwaul,That siren of death from behind a stone wall,Awful it was full of pathos and sorrowFreezing my lifeblood, backbone and marrow.

Chilling her lament an eerie cacophony,Warning of death in Coolarne or Canteeny,Somewhere nearby a heart would soon break,By that angel of doom bringing heartache.

She kept pace with me or so I thought,With this prophet of gloom I had to consort.I never saw her at all, ‘twas just her sad cry,From front and behind it �lled the black sky.

She howled from the sides, and cried from before,‘Til I thought my heart wouldn’t take anymore;With the superstition inbred in my raceI crossed myself thrice, begging Gods grace.

Suddenly there was silence, the strangest hush,When in front dashed a fox in a desperate rush,All mangled and broken with a pitiful wail – The trailing trap told its own gruesome tale.With the thrill of danger that is surreal,Oh I wanted my Banshee, I wanted her real,So my grandchildren could be told on my knee“I heard her once, I really heard the Banshee!”

Now so long ago it all seems a dream,That cry of pain and agonizing scream;It was that poor fox that done it for me,I no longer believe in the bloody Banshee.

Edward Coppinger


Page 20: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


08:03 08:30 09:05 09:20 10:30 10:45 10:35 11:05 11:17 11:40 11:30 11:50 12:15 12:30 13:30 13:45 14:25 14:40 15:15 [FRIDAY ONLY] 15:3515:55 16:10 17:10 17:30 17:30 [FRIDAY ONLY] 17:4519:05 [FRIDAY ONLY] 19:2019:31 [EXCEPT SATURDAY] 19:5021:15 21:30 22:15 22:30

10:35 10:50 13:30 13:45 16:10 16:25 16:30 16:45 17:10 17:25 19:05 19:20 19:35 19:50 22:15 22:30


Monday to Saturday

Dep. Claregalway Arr. in Galway

Dep. Claregalway Arr. in Galway

Sunday Services

Dep. Galway Arr. in Claregalway

Monday to Saturday

09:00 09:20 10:30 10:50 12:00 12:20 14:00 14:20 15:00 [FRIDAY ONLY] 15:2015:45 15:55 16:00 16:20 17:45 18:05 18:15 18:35 20:15 [FRIDAY ONLY] 20:35

Dep. Galway Arr. in Claregalway

10:00 10:20 12:00 12:20 14:00 14:20 15:00 15:20 16:00 16:20 17:00 17:20 18:15 18:35 20:10 20:30 20:15 20:35 21:00 21:20 21:10 21:30

Sunday Services

The bus stop in Claregalway is situated beside the Nine Arches & across from Cois Chláir Shopping Complex.

Please note these times are approximate only.

Nuacht Chláir will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this timetable.

Be sure to hail the bus, because on many of these routes the bus driver will only stop if requested.

Page 21: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009







s / F






n /








ess C






Unit 1, Summerfield,Main Street, Claregalway,Co. Galway.





A091 739 576

091 799 416

[email protected]


Page 22: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Congratulations to the Carnmore Camogie under 14 B team on winning the County Final in an exciting game played in Loughrea on Sunday, June the 21st. Carnmore defeated Craughwell by 5 goals to 1-3 in an exciting game that was played with great enthusiasm and skill by both sets of players. Ciara Lenihan got the first goal followed by four more goals with one from Ciara Cummins and three goals from Síofra Leonard.

Back Row L to R: Gerry Loughnane, Sarah Fox, Siobhan Leonard, Karen Fox, Jessie Murray, Jennifer Dowd, Shauna Abbot, Zoe Nally, Síofra Leonard (Capt), Patricia Grealish, Karen Dowd, Ciara Lenihan, John Abbot, Tracey Hynes.

Front Row L to R: Eimer Flaherty, Jenny Carberry, Sinead Collins, Anne Marie Hughes, Michelle Heffernan, Monica Loughnane, Lauren Coen, Clodagh Molloy, Hazel Nally, Ciara Cummins, Megan Murray.


Carnmore Camogie Club News

Congratulations to the Carnmore Camogie under 14 B team on winning the County Final in an exciting game played in Loughrea on Sunday, June the 21st. Carnmore defeated Craughwell by 5 goals to 1-3 in an exciting game that was played with great enthusiasm and skill by both sets of players. Ciara Lenihan got the first goal followed by four more goals with one from Ciara Cummins and three goals from Síofra Leonard.

Back Row L to R. Gerry Loughnane, Sarah Fox, Siobhan Leonard, Karen Fox, Jessie Murray, Jennifer Dowd, Shauna Abbot, Zoe Nally, Síofra Leonard (Capt), Patricia Grealish, Karen Dowd, Ciara Lenihan, John Abbot, Tracey Hynes. Front Row L to R. Eimer Flaherty, Jenny Carberry, Sinead Collins, Anne Marie Hughes, Michelle Heffernan, Monica Loughnane, Lauren Coen, Clodagh Molloy, Hazel Nally, Ciara Cummins, Megan Murray.



Claregalway Garda Station 091 798 122 / 086 857 80 32

Galway Garda Station 091 563 161

Galway Fire Station 091 565 555

Claregalway / Turloughmore Medical Centre 091 797 187 / 797 106

Canon Noel Mullin 091 798 104

Parish Office 091 798 741 / [email protected]

University College Hospital, Galway 091 524 222

Merlin Park Hospital 091 775 775

Claregalway Pharmacy, Hughes Shopping Centre 091 799 754

Galway County Council 091 509 000

Post Office, Hughes Shopping Centre, Claregalway 091 798 101

Vet - Philip McManus 087 274 91 09

Page 23: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


Loughgeorge Junction

The danger of people parking on the side of the road opposite the Central Tavern has been brought to my notice and I have in turn raised it with the Council who have since put yellow lines at this corner to prevent parking. The new stop sign on the road at this location is also of concern as it is not visible enough. This is a matter that the council have also been asked to look into.

Kiniska Rd, junction with the Tuam RD.

Since the Bus Corridor was opened on the Tuam Side of Claregalway a number of serious accidents have taken place and the council has been informed by me of them and the danger of this junction. The reply from the council is that this is a matter for the Traffic Authority namely the Gardai and that the council cannot be responsible for speeding traffic or illegal use of the bus lane.

Pedestrian footbridge over the River in the Village

Due to objections from the National Park and Wildlife Section (NPWS) the Part 8 planning had to be withdrawn by the council. An EIS has now o be done and is underway and the engineering section will revert back to the council with a new Part 8 in due course for the village centre including the Lakeview estate and possible slip lane at the front of the church. I have already asked the engineers to have consultations with those who will be directly affected before any plans are finalised and put to the council for adoption.

Filter light for junction of the N 18 and the N 17

I have been informed by the Senior engineer of the council that my request for a filter light for traffic turning left towards Oranmore coming from the Tuam direction will be examined as part of the Part 8 proposals for the village and that as yet the council have no funding source for any further works in Claregalway QBC, but are hopeful for 2010.

Claregalway Tidy Towns Entry

This year Claregalway has been entered for the tidy town’s competition and have been granted 1,000 euro from Galway Co. Co. towards improvements to the village. A committee has been set up under the able chairmanship of Josette Farrell and everyone is asked to play their part in this worthwhile effort. The council workers have already spent a few days removing grass from the paths etc.

Feel free to contact me any day or evening at 798136, or mobile 087-6360242 or you can e-mail me at [email protected].



People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I do not believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world, are the people who get up and look for

the circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. George Bernard Shaw


Page 24: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


DO YOU HAVE SWINE FLU? SYMPTOMS AND ADVICEFlu is an acute respiratory illness, which usually causes high fever, severe weakness and fatigue. It makes you feel

very sick, more than a normal cold.

A common cold is a milder, though uncomfortable illness. The symptoms of colds and flu are compared below:

Flu Symptoms Include:

* Sudden Onset of Symptoms

* High Fever - Temperature over 38ºC/100.4ºF

* Severe weakness and fatigue

* Dry cough

* Aching muscles and joints

* Sore throat

* Headache

* Runny nose

* Vomiting / diarrhoea

What are the symptoms of Influenza A(H1N1)?

The symptoms are like those of regular seasonal flu and include: fever that starts suddenly, cough, sore throat,

runny nose, headache and muscle aches. Some people have vomiting and diarrhoea.

What should I do if I get sick?

If you get sick with a flu-like illness, phone the Flu Information Line on Freephone 1800 94 11 00.

This is availalbe 24 hours a day, and has detailed advice on symptoms and how to care for yourself or someone

else at home.

Most people with flu are able to recover at home within a few days without needing

anti-viral medicine or medical care.

If you have severe flu symptoms, or if you have a chronic illness, are pregnant, or are aged under 5 or over 65,

Contact your GP/family doctor by telephone. They will decide if you need testing or treatment.

Don’t go to the doctor’s surgery or to a Hospital emergency department, unless it is an emergency. If you go to the

doctor’s office, and you have the flu, you are likely to spread it to other people there.

If you have symptoms of flu:

Cover your Cough:

Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissues when sneezing, coughing, wiping and blowing your nose

Bin your Tissues:

Dispose of used tissues in the nearest waste bin

Wash your Hands:

Wash your hands often with soap and water, and especially after coughing and sneezing. Alcohol-based hand

cleaners are also effective.

Keep the house clean:

Clean hard surfaces (e.g door handles) frequently using a normal cleaning product

Avoid contact with Flu:

Try to avoid close contact with sick people

Home is the best Hospital:

If you are sick with flu, stay at home to avoid spreading infection to others. Avoid touching your eyes,

nose or mouth

Common Cold Symptoms Include:

* Sneezing

* a blocked nose, or a runny nose

* pain when swallowing

* mild fever - temperature between 37 and 38.3°C or

98.6 and 101.0°F

* mild earache

* tiredness

* headache

* coughing Pool Parties @ Escape LeisurePool Parties Include an hour of supervised fun in the pool, followed by a private birthday party in the

Claregalway Hotel with hot food & refreshments and a surprise treat to take home!

Take the stress out of Birthday Parties and leave the work to us!

Parents/Guardian to supply birthday cake

Party runs for 2 hours (1 hour in Pool & 1 Hour in Hotel)

€ 15 Per Child

Suitable for 5 yrs +

Maximum of 10 children per party

Refreshments consist of a combo meal of chicken goujons, sausages and chips per child with squash.

Page 25: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


Pool Parties @ Escape LeisurePool Parties Include an hour of supervised fun in the pool, followed by a private birthday party in the

Claregalway Hotel with hot food & refreshments and a surprise treat to take home!

Take the stress out of Birthday Parties and leave the work to us!

Parents/Guardian to supply birthday cake

Party runs for 2 hours (1 hour in Pool & 1 Hour in Hotel)

€ 15 Per Child

Suitable for 5 yrs +

Maximum of 10 children per party

Refreshments consist of a combo meal of chicken goujons, sausages and chips per child with squash.

Escape Leisure Centre, Claregalway Hotel, Claregalway 091 738 220 [email protected]

Page 26: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009

Want to keep the kids amused for a day? Birthdays, christenings, communions, confirmations, bbq’s..etc

Giant slide also available

Contact Ronnie on 087 929 94 95

Carnmore Castles &Slides

Castles come with

side slide & raincovera




Y T3

H E4


A L6

A D7



O U N H U A I9


D M I R A L A11




O A X A13

S H14

E S O15


E C A16


A R B18



E T I N A20

L A21





E P24

T E T Y P25

I A N26

O S27

C Y S O28

O H29



I R S A31

N N O Y O32


R A K33

W L S34



M M O N I A L36




D I T E D W38

A G N E R A very good response. The winner is Michael Canavan. Congratulations, Michael. A nice easy one for the two month summer break (July and August). Have a bash!


A very good response.

The winner is Michael Canavan, Glebe.

Congratulations Michael!

A nice easy one for the two month summer break (July and August). Have a


Page 27: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009


ACROSS DOWN1 Disinclined (6) 2 Brave (7)

5 To be able to buy (6) 3 Stench (4)

10 Sickness (7) 4 Scope (6)

11 Bird of the genus Buteo (7) 5 Leafy glade (6)

12 Chew constantly (4) 6 Make hissing or bubbling sound (4)

13 Bring upon oneself (5) 7 Extended to (7)

15 Marine vessel (4) 8 Goal (6)

17 Bitumen (3) 9 Legally become parent (6)

19 Skin picture/design (6) 14 Piece of furniture (7)

21 Dwellings (6) 16 Suffering from ennui (5)

22 Emit (7) 18 Grossly over weight (5)

23 Deliverance from (6) 20 Idiot (3)

25 Get away from (6) 21 Consumed (3)

28 Sleeping platform (3) 23 Come back (6)

30 Shade (of colour) (4) 24 The act of connecting (7)

31 Communion table (5) 26 Flyer (7)

32 Teller of untruths (4) 27 Make wealthier (6)

35 Scanning text (7) 28 Infect (e.g. potatoes) (6)

36 Relating to genes (7) 29 Knife (6)

37 Building material (6) 33 Cut off using teeth (4)

38 Look closely at (6) 34 Cosy (4)


Please send completed crosswords to: B.D. Place, Woodleigh, Cregboy, Claregalway.



First correct crosswordopened wins:

A Meal For Two atThe Claregalway Hotel

Brian Place,Crossword Editor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21


23 24 25 26 27

28 29

30 31 32

33 34

35 36

37 38

Page 28: Nuacht Chláir July/August 2009



OPEN EVERY DAY 8am - 10pm

Tel: (091) 798 805Fax: (091) 799 031

Email: [email protected]





24hr ATM



News and






Hot Food

Fresh Fruit

and Veg.







Raftery’s Centra, Claregalway.