Nu News 1978-10 F

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Transcript of Nu News 1978-10 F

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1978-10 F




    . ...


    -Z . i\lue 78


    Su decious buffet luncheo n stats(t 10;30 and contnu es un tl rpm

    F!ERTHE AEa nohostocktai party at he House.



    "'-Greetings, Tekes, from all the men at the TekeHoue[ You will be hapy to note that thjs Falwevcom pete fied the huse to its capacity of 36 members.

    Th foma rush' wsntense yet selecti"ef proucing 17lvein ad 1 i veout pledges. All of the new men areex cellent in mind and spirit Already they haveorganjed a house-clening party, as well as their own snea whichfrustrated many actives) . We are alooking forw ard to a

    successful year in terms of soia a nd academiceens.


    . - '

    ) ' - - Mu ch of our strength grow from the sharing ofresnsibilities. The present slate of officers as elected

    ast Spring is:

    PRYTANS ark Parrish 79

    EPIPRYTANIS ; . . . . CliffMarks _ - 79

    GRAMMATEUS. . . . . .. . . L uke L ittle . 79

    . CHRYSOPHYLOS. . Robert Pa kenham 179

    .HSTOR . . . . . . . . . Sco t Dinkel'piEH . . 81

    HYPOPHETES. . . :Gary Hoo. . . .. . ; . . . . . 79.

    PYLORTES. . . . . . . . . Jon Gregoriev ; . 80

    HEGEMON : . . . ; Kaoru Sakai ' 1]9.- . J . - , - " - .'_

    JOCKAM ITES ' ' Mikeunier. . . ! 81

    SOCIAL. . . . . . ' . Luke Little. . . . . . 179

    H6SE MAAGER: . :JimWorley. . . . . . . 79




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    BO AK











    KRL S,





    LAKE JENINS(out member)



    San Franciscq 81

    Menlo Park '-79

    San Francisco '79

    elmont 82

    Castr Valley "82

    Powa 82

    Watsonville 81


    Fremont 82

    Mill Valley 82

    Sunnvale 8

    Laayette '79

    Walnut Creek 82

    Santa arbara 81

    Menlo Park 82

    ulder Cree 82

    Sacramento '79

    Mill Valle

    hile the ame sore let somen to e esired,h Tee Reuion o the Clses o 4 - aftr the alU ae o toe was n ouandi suess Amo he ekes of a asses aenin with eir ailies and ries ee lar Gross, Robin s,eeinkler,ane Mos,RihMillkan,an osteo arry mih,Geore De, Tom Moan,em isher,ilLeween,l eo,uin ahe, B Gassn Carl Anron, Da anis,Geoe Ltus i Simmel,d ert, ad Bo ath. hee were otershe bu ih heyidn sin he ues bok o the sue oln be diphered-sorry )

    Bob Heath won te Greatest Disane Award, omin from Staford, onntiu but lark Gross LA) , Hrm sher ( Fresno) , and Robin Harris Tahoe ity) were runnerups for the honor. Soph Goth sent his best wishes to all and pomised t be tthe Bi Game Ativities n November 18th. e hope tosee all of the Reunion Tekes and a lot more at this net oasion at the TekeHouse!

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    S Page 3


    A James (Jim) McCollum 34 retired lastApril 30 as vice president-public relationsof acific Gas and Electric Company

    Jim, a eteran newsman and adertisingexecutie, wound up a 32 year carer wh G&E;

    He joined the company after WWII sericewith the Nay He established the G&E newsbureau an became publicity director in 1947,then adanced to manage f adertsin andpublicity in 955

    He was elected ice presidentpubli rations in 1976, moing up from manager of thePublic Information Department

    Brn i no_linga.he !on o L a newsp erpublished, Mcollum attended the Uniersityat Berkeley where he became a TEKE His degree

    was political science He sered as editoro the Daily California and, after graduation,taught journalism for a year tn cam managing editor of the Cbalinga Daily Record In937 he becae editor of the Fresno Guide,sering in that capacity until WW I when hewas calld to actie duty

    He sered with the Nay in the American andacific Theaters until 1946, attaning the

    ran 0 f ieutenant Commander He 1 ater adanced t the rank 0 f a tain in Naal Resere and sered as commanding officer of a 12th Naal Distrct Resere

    Diision He is past regional president and national director of t Nayeague of the S

    Jim is a former president of the San Francsco Adertising lub and formerice president and director of the Press lub of San Francisco He won therters InkAmerican Adertising Federation Adertisn Man of te year in970 He ha won numerous professional awards n t aersing nd public rations field

    ong actie in professional and industry afairs, he has been a nationaldirector of the American Adertisng Federation and the c Utltsommu ni ca ors :s H urre nl y ae mbeoh e ubn:a tLQn_ committees of the Edison Electric Institute and the American Gas Assciationand a member of the Northern California aisory committee of the Adersingouncil

    Other affiliations include Sigma Delta Chi, the Society of ProfessonaJournalists the California Newspaper ublishers Association, the California

    ress Association, the San Francisco Better Business Bureau, The Family, heEngineers Club of San Francisco and the Sequoyah ntry Clb His communityand charitable actiites include serice for 2 years as an adisory trsteof Alta Bates Community Hospital, Berkeley'a forr dirctor f the Unvrst

    of Califonia Hopitlas Auxiliary, and former chairmanof the Northern alifornia

    itizens Committee of the Council for Financial Aid to Higher Educations. He

    is a longtime member of the Militay fairs Committee of the San Franciscohamber of Commerce and sered a number of years as chairman of the Unierstyof California Alumni Association s publc relations adisory Comittee

    Jim and his wife Harriet lie at 26 Shawnee Court in Oakland (94619)Congratulations from all of your Fraters

    .: " ,;

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1978-10 F



    NU NWS Fall, r978

    \ . DANIE COSTELO 51 Congratulatis to Dan and Sharon on' te arriva of theirewy Daniel Casey, on Septemer 27, 1978 Weighing in at 6s 2 oz he mu be the youngetadditi on to the Teke Rush Li st thi s year Th Costeos live at9 Hastings Drive, Concord, CA 94520


    JAES OLTEAD 50 is a Project Manageror Hughes Acrat and is a mem"er of te Governors Comission on Arizona Environment Jm ad Kahy, an elementary school teacher and librarian, are finishing "ldintr home ie Tuscon mountains this year After 4 years of doit-yourself,'ys-yougon

    __ stion end ho liays, we are rally 1ooki norad doig t_ ,:,ig w e te mos-hin,skig a backpackingi the hig cou

    The Q mstead adress is: 2949 N Sunrock, Tucson, AZ 05 ,c

    . '

    ; EAR TONYWANE 2 and Pam, his wife, have been statioedinRat,Mroco

    where es Second Secretary at the US Embassy andworkin intheJoticaTsection: Tony new address is American Embasy, Box 99,FPO New or,N 544 Tony

    wrt a lso that ark Will iams 75 is now married, Bruce Talmage 74passed the"alifornia Baeam,ad William Novelli 71 is in medicaschlTexas .

    . ' 'BERT S. THOMAS,D 16 _ now as 24 et-gradchildren, wen t win wer e botogran?(B Tho Swann and wfe(Buk). erts onn his note

    o s a lW!! r t s des is 109 2n t ,armen , 8".

    'J C. EGS 2 reiv s MA n liical pscho in n,74 fro Cl

    a Univy,Fresno, and his PD in socia pschoog from exa Tec Uierstin AUglt, 97; On oem 25 97 m are ai CassaBrotes,aZ from Vini Tc Jim is ow an assistnt proessor o yhlo at t N C eg, I 5

    HNRI HABENICHT 29 rtied as Assistant Director of the Snta Clara Co Welfare Dept at th ed of 1971 Since then he hs ee working part-time as irectr of Home Hepers, In , which serves he aged and disabled Henri asks anyone who1site 'ca'n ' mOB 25 r (40 A-43,ls hme 0 uns erce,o a11ey,A 906 sk Hnr a he month- o tripe made to England,Scoland,Wales, and Ireland this spring.

    WIIA SCHOH,DS 66 is getting married this month ( November) to Janey vonBrkee1t whom e used to da te at Berke ey They plan to resi de at 143 ernwoodDrive, Sa Rafael, C 94901 Bill practices orthodontics in San rancisco and Terra Lind

    HERBERT W CQBURN 49 is now venturing into real estate as a reastate rokerspeial iing n investment properties, afte 6 years as partner of Colburn& Cpay Insuace'Counselors i an Nuys You can write Herb at 10 ongidge

    Aveue,' Shermn Oaks CA 91423

    - : - " . Your Edtr is alway ooking'for NAmi ewote- pleae o t the ecloed "Newand'send_aogto Aumni Records Offce 2-80 Elsworth St.,Berkeley Ca. 94704.Thanks