nt to-da-y. trans-Mississip-pi · Fred Benson and H. C. Nesbitt left this-mornin-g for Sutherland...

3 i Is 7 Leading ftAcCfifeeafttcWOfkL JOHN HERROD Sells tlie above Coffee together with a complete line of mi m m sn Prices Always 'Seasonable. HIGHEST MAEKET PRICE Paid For Country Produce. Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose nt cigars. Mrs. Chas. Hendy left this morning for Denver. Will Brown is down from the Keith ranch to-da- y. Mrs. D. C. CoDgdon left on No. 2 this morning for a orief visit in Omaha. Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Edwards joined the throng for Denver on No. 7 this morning. James Babbitt, Jr., has been given a permanent forge iu the Union Pacific blacksmith shops. The Daughters of the King held their ly social at the Episcopal guild house last evening. Mrs. O. Y. Boss leffthis morning for California, where she will1-spe- nd the winter with her daughter. Messrs. Holzmark and Carlson, two of Gothenburg's young business men, wereJn town yesterday on pleasure bent. Don't forget to purchase a couple of tickets for the concert by the Ariel Indies' Sextette on Friday evening of nest week. -- Goo. McAllister will probably remove his law office from the Grady block-t- o the room in the Foley building lately occupied by I. A. Fort. With Swanson on the sick .list, Baker in Wisconsin, Elliott in Omaha, and Chamberlain resigned, the force in in the U. P. -- carpenter shop is very light this week. ' Fred Benson and H. C. Nesbitt left this-mornin- g for Sutherland irrigation section todo civil engineering work. Mr. Benson's services are in great de- mand these days. William ,Murpby, who run an engine out of this city in the early days of the ro&i; is In town visiting his old friends. Mr. Murphy is now on a passenger run out of Rawlins, Wyo. The-lad- iea of the Maccabeee jvill give a public oyster scupper in the Otten-stei- n building on Sixth: street next Sat- urday evening, ."Nov. .16th. Oysters served in all styles. The public is cor- dially invited. Clinton, the jeweler, has many new and pretty articles in sterling silver and cut glass suitable for gifts. It is a good plan to buy your ChristmaB goods in advance, thereby getting the choice of the stock. Rev. Geo. A. Boocher is minus a red Irish setter dog, which strayed from his residence a few days ago. Any informa-tio- n relative to the, animal's whereabouts will be thankfully received by Mr. Beecher. Conductor Ii. H. Woodmansee has been sick for the past week, but is now 'able to be about. J. G. Anderson wore the braes clothes with blue buttons dur- ing the former's illness, while Dick Wil- liams had charge of Gus' caboose. . Alex. Fenwick thinkshis boy's de- formed leg is slowly improving since the lad's visit to Denver. Schlatter said at the time the cure would be slow. If the boy's limb k cured we will be willing to believe the healer possesses some power not common to mankind. The vote received by Judge Hong land, republican candidate for state sen- ator to fill vacancy, throughout the dis- trict, must be highlygratifying to that gentleman; and by reason thereof lie be comes the logical candidate for the nom ination next fall. Such nomination means an election, and in Senator Hoag-Jaa- d the district will have an indefatiga ble worker. -- To politic! victory, that could be achieved gives the writer more pleasure- - than the election of -- H. M. Grimes as jftdge of the Thirteenth district. This ie not because, Mr. Grimes has been a warm personal friend for & dozen years, but beoause we know that he will make a jttdge whose decisions and rulings will at all timm be fair and impartial and free 'from political bias. Those, who cast tbeir ballot-fo- r Judge Grimes in the belief that be would make an efficient aad iHqprejodioed judge will not be die BcvKjmi Dsr Sirs BavtagBsed yrln tUI,, ;w rosommond Uhm to tke jwWic. I Itare bm artcmdod fey Jear iaereat Jeeters, Iwt uu mm? ajM& Hmmi Ml m tbeat. Tasrs respect-fsU- r. Xh. XMMto Jokumt, BrseeeB, Eratrck Colonel Cody k expected hose to- - njrkt or tomorrow morning. The sbop -- whistle, gave tbe.alarm of of fire at '30 yesterday afternoon, but investigation proved that no fire existed. W: P. Collins on Saturday was pro- -' moted to the position of gang boss at the U. P. shops, a place he held prior to the reduction of the force about a year " ago. Gus Chamberlain and Charley Sey-fer- th have taken a thirty day lay-o- ff and left Sunday night for the west. If they succeed in obtaining positions at their respective trades in one of the U. P. shops they will locate in the west. W. C. Elder, having completed his vigorous election campaign, is now head and shoulders in work getting matters in shape for the session of district court which convenes on Monday of next week. The senior class of the High school rendered its at the central building Friday evening last. Interest was created to such an extent that the society will make arrangements to hold meetings weekly hereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hindman, form- erly of this city, passed through yester- day enroute to Denver where Reed will shake hands with Schlatter. He is no,w employed as engineer in the B. & O. yards in Chicago, and recently con- tracted a cold which threatened pneu- monia, and left him in rather poor physical condition, hence his visit to the healer. It is said that in the near future a motion will be introduced in the city council favoring a yearly donation of twenty-fiv- e dollars to each of the fire companies for incidental expenses. In view of the fact that each company needs fully that much for incidental ex- penses each year, and that such money has heretofore come from the pockets of the members,, it would seem only fair that the council donate this amount. There is not much glory, honor or recompense in being in n volunteer tire department. The members not only devote much time, but during the year several members ruin their clothes while at fires and burn out their boots or shoes. From a financial point of view every member of the department is a loser. A Mighty Change HAS COME OVER THE t Prices of -- GROCERIES. Our Cash Business Brought it About. OffJeir Something To-da- y! 18 pounds granulated Sugar 99c (None to dcai;r) 1 pound Arbuckle's Coffee 20c (None to dealers) 4 lbs A B C Soda Crackers 25c 4 cans Mustard Sardines 25c 6 cans Domestic Sardines. .. .. .25c 5-l- b pail Lard, kettle rendered . .,50c 1 lb finest N. Y. Cheddar cheese 15c lib Full Cream Cheese . .llAc 1 pound Corn Starch .5c 1 pound any ground Spice. 25c 40 pounds best Rolled Oats.. .$1.00 Best Tubular Lantern . V. ,0. A3c S-2- 00 barrels Fine Apples just received, for sale at bottom prices. Goods Afar-Ice- d n " jPJain Figures. OiVJB JPJRICB TO AXl,. McDonald's Cash Grocery. A Gothenburg man haaasoheme; but that is nothing new, fpr that village is a regular incubator for schemes. But this scheme may effect North Platte, be- ing nothing less than the stringing of n wire and transmitting electric power from '..Gothenburg to this city to run?a system of'arc and incandescent - lights. The promoter of the scheme claims to be a practical electrician, and thinks the water power at Gothenburg is sufficient to transmit all the electric current nec essary. He will be in this city'in day or two to look over the field. W. H. Fikes received a telegram last night announcing the death of R. P. Davidson at Pocatollo, Idaho, at noon yesterday, and for the B. JU. of F. to make arrangements to receive the re- mains, which will be brought here for interment. The deceased was a former resident of this city, being employed as an engineer on the Union Pacific. . He left here about ten yers.ago for the west, and has been employed as an engi neer since that time. Many North Platte people well remamber him, aad will regret to learn of his demise. At this hour th tme ofdtker, arrival ofthe body was not known. Campbell & Sawyer, the North sid grocers, opened for buaiMes yesterday. - C. F. Scharmann leaver thfcsr week for Lincoln, where he will probably re- - main until the first of January. - Don'tfwait until Christmas to have your pictures framed. JTake them to Warner and have them framed nowl - The seating capacity.of the Metho- - 1 dist cfiu rch-is- , taxed'to ils utmost almost at every service. Rev. Snaveley's ser- mons are highly complimented. The Omaha l?ee of Saturday eays: "G. F.jWeingand and family of North Platte are registered at the Arcade." Since when the "family ,"Fred? Dr. F.J, Morrill uses. Dr. Muller's (of Berlin) method for the painless ex- traction of teeth. This method . is ab- solutely harmless and the best in the world. A car in the railroad yards at this station was broken into - Sunday night and robbed of a box of dry goods and a bag of dried fruit. The thief has not yet been "apprehended. s. It is likely the Episcopal choir will become a regularly organized body" with a set of officers, and a series of concerts are among the future probabilities. There are atouf twenty in the choir. T. Fulton Gantt, of this city, has been selected by Governor Holcomb as one of the ten delegates to the trans-Mississip- pi commercial congress to be held at Omaha on the 25th inst. On account of the expense attached thereto, the scheme of placing the statue of Cody in the park at the depot has been abandoned. A force or men ist still at work filling in the east end of the park. -- rMrs. Crose,. of Denver, a friend of Mrs. A. D. DaviB, and an artist of abili-it- y, is the guest of the latter lady. Mrs. Crose has a -- number of fine pictures on exhibition at several places in town, An "Undo Tom's' Cabin" company is playing in the eastern part of the state and threatens to invade this sec- tion. Will the people ever be emanci- pated from Uncle Tom, little Eva and the bulldogs? A very interesting and profitable teachers' meeting was held at Suther- land .last Saturday. The attendance was quite large,, among the number present being Supt. Miss Hosford, and Messrs. Bidgely and Neal of this city. grand council of the Improved Order of Red Men of Nebraska will be held at Aurora bpgmning next Monday. E. B. Warner, who has been great sachem during the past year? will attend. The delegates from the triba in this city are Claude Weingand and Lem Isenhart. A small stable on the premises of Mr. Needam, near the cemetery, caught fire yesterday forenoon and was burned. The alajm sounded and the department respdnded, but the fire was beyond the reach of the hose, and no attempt to 6top the progress of the flames was made. The second floor of Superintendent Park's building is being .fitted up and will be occupied by Eli McCart, foreman of the bridge and building department. As Mr. McCart has heretofore had no regular place in which to do office work, this provision will be duly appreciated" by him. At the regular shoot of the gun club Saturday afternoon the following score was made on twenty birds: O'Neal 14, Price 11, Woodhurst 1G. Herrod 10, Dolson 4, Hostler 7, Park 4, Graves 8, Clabaugh 6, Lawrence ll,JZiebert 5, Barnum 9, Sorenson 7, VanCamp 5. . In shooting off the tie for low man Park lost and was given the "d poor Bhot" medal. The final payment on the first series of the building and loan association for the month of November will be 'fifteen cents per share dues and fifteen cents per share interest. The debtors of the association can secure their cancelled mortgages at any time by the payment of tho above dues and interests The first series have thus expired in a fraction over eight yeara and eight months. A meeting of tho directors of the associa- tion to, decide the order of payment' of the free shares will be held at the court house on the evening of the 16th inst. n 7 DEFY QOM At all times; whether you expect to. buy or not. Just con sifter ourstore-- a 'home place" and comerfghtirito seeevery: -- tKTnp- we have: We're 'trvinr to -- make friends, and this -- invitation means you. Silver h-ar- e worn a great deaL, Our stock is complete and prices lower than. ever. There is nothing or birthday -- present-than Cut.Glass.. We have an elegant line-- ; this earfandebnsidernt-- a whether ' you buy or not. "' '" - CASH AND PRICES Cash is ajL t-- : r r . . r .Are If so., t Call and yercan convince you .we are making reduced -- prices for . Cash and .TIBlf ML,M 71 An elegant" line of picture moulding at Warner's. W. W, Cameron expects to leave for New York city on the 20th inst C.XJ: and J. G. Hawkins were in from Medicine precinct yesterday. Geo. R. Hammond left to-da-y with his personal effects for Grand Junction, Col., and North Platte Joses a mighty good citizen. Chas. Samelson had a hand lacerated while out hunting a day or two ago, and will not be able to handle type for a week or so. In the absence of C. T Scharmann the duties of city clerk" will probably be performed by John Sorenson. Mr. S. will make an oxcellent deputy. Geo. Cpy is suffering from a very sore hand. About a month ago he pierced it with a nail, and later the woundbecame very much inflamed. Take your furniture to E. B. War-ner- 's and have it upholstered or repaired Ted McEvoy, who had been spend- ing the summer in Noveda, returned to the city yesterday. Ho will remain here some time and then go to Colorado. Prank Dowhower returned to work in the TJT.P. blacksmith shop as a helper yesterday morning. Ho was among those who were laid off nearly a year ago. ' - p. The Farmers and Merchant's Ditch company commencec.condemation pro- ceedings against Paxjon & Hershey yes- terday for right-of-wa- y through the lands of the latter. "The Jack Trust," the farce to bo be given in connection with the ladies' guild fair at Keith's hall on the evening of the 19th, is a very amusing play. Better see it. Read the changes in the advertise monts of the FairJStore, .the Star Cloth- ing House and the Boston. These houses are after trade, and are offering extra inducements to buyers. Teeth extracted without pain to the patient at Dr. Morrill's dental parlors. Engines 1813,1801 and' 888, a large class of engines which will pull the new fast passenger- - trains, arrived here the latter part of the week. The 1813 took out train No. 7 this" morning. Engineer Langdon and Conductor Blood came.down with a thirty car train from Sidney Sunday morning in three hours and twenty minutes. They left Sidney fifteen minutes ahead of No. and cleared in this yard about the same time in advance: -- The majorities or pluralities received-:00- 1 by the several candidates in Lincoln couutyatthe late election were as follows: Moxwell 29, Goold 83, Morrill 52, Grimes 29, Ho'agland 557, Morgan 1,G76, Buchanan 132, Burritt 20, Ray Miller 531, Franklin 28, Meyer 35, Donaldson 270, Elder 70, Hardin 27. H. M. Grimes niajorjty a the district is 12. PETITION. , r "ECONOMY IS IVIAmi " - -- We are the People who have . s The BEST FLOUR, ? The BEST COFFEE, V - - The BEST TEA, The .finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line 1- - kiheCify; always fresh and at prices that HAEINGTON & TOBIN. Belt Buckles and Silver Hearts that makes a prettier wedding favor to liave-yo- u call and see us f , . ; CLINTON, Tki2 JEWELER. J . inducement to,usr ' prices to you? o - that ' - ; ft Dr. F. J. Morrill has rooms to rent. Frank Hibner has returned from a visit in Denver. - Mrs. Eli McCart went to Denver yesterday morning. Mrs. A. F. Streitz returned Sunday night from a ton days-vis- it with friends .in Grand Island. General Master Mechanic Manning looked over the company's interests in this city Saturday. 1 ill. tfullard has on exhibition in Stamp's shoe store a number of hand- some chrysanthemums. C. E. Osgood, who had been with his family in this city for a week, re turned to Leadville Saturday. The first snow fall of the wintor of 1895-- 6 occurred Nov. 9th. This is for the benefit of future historians. Train No. 7 Sunday and yesterday morning was loaded to tho guards with people bound for Denver to see Slatter. An elerrant line of fnnnv wnrlc be on sale at tho Episcopal fair to be the i9th. The directors of the First National bank of this city declared their regular insatldividend offlveperconfcOD --TheK, p. lodge has cod aeon- - tract for the appearance on Dec. 5th of doublo quartette of jubilee fiingers. The company is guaranteed to be first class. Chicken supper at Keith's ball on Tuesday evening of -- next week in con nection with the Episcopal fair. Sup per served frqm-o!- 3D to 7:30. Now that the campaign is over, the editor's offer to accept lye hominy on back subscriptions is renewed. We have- - all the turnips .and carrots wo can use. Upholstering donS at E.E. Warner's. Lu Huck returned yesterday from Omaha where he had "been for a week at bedside of his wife, whose condition. is such that deatjj may occur any day. The street commissioner has been doing considerable-stre- et work during, the past month, and the roadways, cross- ings and.culverts are in pretty fair con- dition to stand tho wear and . tear of winter traffic. The board of education attempted to secure a room in the Third ward in which to open ah additional school, but were unsuccessful. As it is now too late jn toe season to enlarge the present. Hding, they will have to get along as best they oan with the present accommodations. The State Journal of Sunday con tained the following special from Omaha: A moat remarkable-scon- e was witnessed at the union depot this evening when 150 Union Pacific employes and their families boarded the train for Denver to be cured by Schlatter. Two weeks ago J,he Union Pacific postecjU notice that freoNpasses would bo given to all em- ployes who wished to go tp Denver ttq be treated by this man, Nogoneral re- quest was made for passes until vester-da- y when they, began to pour in. This is the result of the experience of Division Superintendent Sutherland who after having been in a wreck three years ago has been" unable to move anything without pain and has been deaf. Ho was completely cured by.J3ch latter. Another large company of employes will, go to morrow. Some of the women wero crying as they were getting on tho train and ail were nervous but full of faith that Jthey wpuld be cured. All along fcb line they wore joined b,y other em- ployes. The accounts of respon- sible people who settle their bills once a month are re- spectfully solicited, We want ypur trade. HARRINGTON &.TOBIN. Dr. A. P. Sawyer; Dear SJrr X'havo been snffer-- i with. eiclt headache Tor a long time. I used :yoar Tamily Care asd bow- - am entirely jrellered -- I.ttohW not do wHfeeftt your medicine. Mrs. G." A.3ffier. Sold toy r.H;lfcBcr. Washburn's Has no superior no equal. provement in milling machinery the product of the hard excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using tho, Washburn Flour, JOHN HERROD, - AVE TDD SZ1 IF NOT, BEST? g Others save money by goods 3 3 of ns. Why don't you? We you: 3 A No.' 8 all copper wash A joint of stove pipe for i A common stove pipe An adjustable stove pipe elbow for A Madole hammer for 2 1-p- iht tin cups for 6 engraved tumblers for A one-ha- lf gallon pitcher for. A set of handled cups and saucers cents. 5 and well come 3 jjg anC Sqq fQY OU1' pHCeS and qualities talk. We E than ever of Z wwvlJ B stock of IE Korth Blatte. Come and' us. I (one door south of MOST DELICIOUS COFFEE THE WORLD SPURR'S REVERB T0BIN, SOLE Dk. w. DeBERRY, DENTIST, Office Pirt Ntl. Bank Bldng-- , dispatch from Den dated Novem- ber 10th. says: "On the 16th Francis Schlatter, the healer, will end public work Denver, and after rest will depart Chicago. began out- door work the 16th September and every day since, excepting Sundays has been kept bilsy every moment. Not only classes people from the city have flocked him, but they have come from p?rts thp state and frQtn many moro distant points. Reports ouros have been made and lievera numbered the thous- ands. has "steadfastly refused money gifts, and accident, scandal disturbance has occurred during his stay this city. has acquired national reputation, but 'amount attention seems change him and continues the same simple minded, ignorant when out of-th- e deserts Arizona and New .Mexico." persons, owing old bills must now call-an- d settle with cash approved note. We want this outstanding money to enable to dis- count our bills and thus com- pete vrith cash stores. HAINTON TOBIN. FARMER THE STATE EVERY thinks wheat cheap, get the benefit tho advance that suro. come. How free. Write Good Co.. Commerce Building, ChTcrfgo; Ills. When Buying Minneapolis FLOUR . Why not get the Superlative It the -- result of studied im try it. It sold by SOLE AGENT, SEEN US? WHY NOT? boiler for. buying sell : - . ' ' ' I -- i i i see arrived .15 cents, .10 cents. 3 .15 cents. 3 .55 cents. 3: cents, z? .25, cents, ra tea 42 Underwear Hosiery yoUl'SelveS ifotions. Tinware. Furnish-3- ; Glassware Wilcox : Dep't : Store! --A- lyaiUiUjUiiuuiUiUiUiUiiUMiUiiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiiiiiiiUR o o o IN o o L HARRINGTON & A. in A ver his in a he for He his on of he all of to all of of many bis be. can bo by He all no or in He a no of to he to be man he was he of .11 us or us & IN is too can of is to to do it L. P. & 63. is is - - 5 elbow for r, .20 cents. have a larger stock ,1 13 "'" VUJ laxgvau and Lamps ever in Streitz' drug store.) 31 MOCHA ANJQ JAVA, AGTS, NORTH PLATO NEB TO THE PTIBLIC. On and after November 10th, all laundry business will be strictly cash except to those patrons who are prompt payers a't the end of each thirty days. I am forced to adoptthis measure on account of the4 large sum which has accumu- lated on my books. T. M. Haintjne. Tale, thin, bloodless people should jiae Dr. Saw- yer's UknUno. It is the greatest remedy la tho world for making the weak strong. ,J"or sale by F. H. Longley. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all walks in the city of North Platter that are not in good repair will b repaired tjy tjie street commis- sioner after the 'first 'dav'of Noveuii ber, 1895, at the expense of tliQ owners. R. W. Morgan, Street Com. Children with pale, bluish complexion, indicat- ing the absenco of the requisite red globules In tho blood ehould take Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. For sale F. by H. Juongley. Studebaker Wagons and Buggies at Hershey & Co's. ADVERTISING BRIGHTENS CATCHES TOE TRIBUNE is the Best Advertising Me dium in Western Nebr. T . - ' - -- 1 i , . . 4 i

Transcript of nt to-da-y. trans-Mississip-pi · Fred Benson and H. C. Nesbitt left this-mornin-g for Sutherland...

Page 1: nt to-da-y. trans-Mississip-pi · Fred Benson and H. C. Nesbitt left this-mornin-g for Sutherland irrigation section todo civil engineering work. Mr. Benson's services are in great

3 i



Leading ftAcCfifeeafttcWOfkL


Sells tlie above Coffeetogether with a complete line of

mi m m snPrices Always 'Seasonable.


Paid For Country Produce.

Smoke Wright's Royal Sportsand Havana Rose nt cigars.

Mrs. Chas. Hendy left this morning

for Denver.

Will Brown is down from the Keithranch to-da- y.

Mrs. D. C. CoDgdon left on No. 2

this morning for a orief visit in Omaha.

Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Edwards joinedthe throng for Denver on No. 7 thismorning.

James Babbitt, Jr., has been given apermanent forge iu the Union Pacificblacksmith shops.

The Daughters of the King heldtheir ly social at the Episcopalguild house last evening.

Mrs. O. Y. Boss leffthis morningfor California, where she will1-spe-nd thewinter with her daughter.

Messrs. Holzmark and Carlson, twoof Gothenburg's young business men,wereJn town yesterday on pleasure bent.

Don't forget to purchase a couple oftickets for the concert by the ArielIndies' Sextette on Friday evening ofnest week.

--Goo. McAllister will probably removehis law office from the Grady block-t-o

the room in the Foley building latelyoccupied by I. A. Fort.

With Swanson on the sick .list,Baker in Wisconsin, Elliott in Omaha,and Chamberlain resigned, the force inin the U. P. -- carpenter shop is verylight this week. '

Fred Benson and H. C. Nesbitt leftthis-mornin- g for Sutherland irrigationsection todo civil engineering work.Mr. Benson's services are in great de-

mand these days.

William ,Murpby, who run an engineout of this city in the early days of thero&i; is In town visiting his old friends.Mr. Murphy is now on a passenger runout of Rawlins, Wyo.

The-lad- iea of the Maccabeee jvillgive a public oyster scupper in the Otten-stei- n

building on Sixth: street next Sat-

urday evening, ."Nov. .16th. Oystersserved in all styles. The public is cor-

dially invited.

Clinton, the jeweler, has many newand pretty articles in sterling silver andcut glass suitable for gifts. It is a goodplan to buy your ChristmaB goods inadvance, thereby getting the choice of

the stock.

Rev. Geo. A. Boocher is minus a redIrish setter dog, which strayed from hisresidence a few days ago. Any informa-tio-n

relative to the, animal's whereaboutswill be thankfully received by Mr.Beecher.

Conductor Ii. H. Woodmansee hasbeen sick for the past week, but is now'able to be about. J. G. Anderson worethe braes clothes with blue buttons dur-

ing the former's illness, while Dick Wil-

liams had charge of Gus' caboose.

. Alex. Fenwick thinkshis boy's de-

formed leg is slowly improving since thelad's visit to Denver. Schlatter said atthe time the cure would be slow. If theboy's limb k cured we will be willing tobelieve the healer possesses some powernot common to mankind.

The vote received by Judge Hongland, republican candidate for state sen-

ator to fill vacancy, throughout the dis-

trict, must be highlygratifying to thatgentleman; and by reason thereof lie becomes the logical candidate for the nomination next fall. Such nominationmeans an election, and in Senator Hoag-Jaa- d

the district will have an indefatigable worker.

-- To politic! victory, that could beachieved gives the writer more pleasure- -

than the election of --H. M. Grimes asjftdge of the Thirteenth district. Thisie not because, Mr. Grimes has been awarm personal friend for & dozen years,but beoause we know that he will makea jttdge whose decisions and rulings willat all timm be fair and impartial andfree 'from political bias. Those, whocast tbeir ballot-fo- r Judge Grimes in thebelief that be would make an efficientaad iHqprejodioed judge will not be die

BcvKjmi Dsr Sirs BavtagBsed yrlntUI,, ;w rosommond Uhm to tke jwWic. IItare bm artcmdod fey Jear iaereat Jeeters, Iwt

uu mm? ajM& Hmmi Ml m tbeat. Tasrs respect-fsU- r.

Xh. XMMto Jokumt, BrseeeB, Eratrck

Colonel Cody k expected hose to--njrkt or tomorrow morning.

The sbop --whistle, gave tbe.alarm ofof fire at '30 yesterday afternoon, butinvestigation proved that no fire existed.

W: P. Collins on Saturday was pro--'

moted to the position of gang boss atthe U. P. shops, a place he held prior tothe reduction of the force about a year


Gus Chamberlain and Charley Sey-fer- th

have taken a thirty day lay-o- ff andleft Sunday night for the west. If theysucceed in obtaining positions at theirrespective trades in one of the U. P.shops they will locate in the west.

W. C. Elder, having completed hisvigorous election campaign, is now headand shoulders in work getting mattersin shape for the session of district courtwhich convenes on Monday of nextweek.

The senior class of the High schoolrendered its atthe central building Friday evening last.Interest was created to such an extentthat the society will make arrangementsto hold meetings weekly hereafter.

Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hindman, form-

erly of this city, passed through yester-

day enroute to Denver where Reed will

shake hands with Schlatter. He is no,w

employed as engineer in the B. & O.yards in Chicago, and recently con-

tracted a cold which threatened pneu-

monia, and left him in rather poorphysical condition, hence his visit to thehealer.

It is said that in the near future amotion will be introduced in the citycouncil favoring a yearly donation oftwenty-fiv- e dollars to each of the firecompanies for incidental expenses. Inview of the fact that each companyneeds fully that much for incidental ex-

penses each year, and that such moneyhas heretofore come from the pockets of

the members,, it would seem only fairthat the council donate this amount.There is not much glory, honor orrecompense in being in n volunteer tiredepartment. The members not onlydevote much time, but during the yearseveral members ruin their clothes whileat fires and burn out their boots or shoes.From a financial point of view everymember of the department is a loser.



t Prices of --

GROCERIES.Our Cash BusinessBrought it About.

OffJeir Something To-da-y!

18 pounds granulated Sugar 99c(None to dcai;r)

1 pound Arbuckle's Coffee 20c(None to dealers)

4 lbs A B C Soda Crackers 25c4 cans Mustard Sardines 25c6 cans Domestic Sardines. . . . . .25c5-l- b pail Lard, kettle rendered . .,50c1 lb finest N. Y. Cheddar cheese 15clib Full Cream Cheese . .llAc1 pound Corn Starch .5c1 pound any ground Spice. 25c40 pounds best Rolled Oats.. .$1.00Best Tubular Lantern .V. ,0. A3c

S-2-00 barrels Fine Apples justreceived, for sale at bottom prices.

Goods Afar-Ice-d n "

jPJain Figures.OiVJB JPJRICB TO AXl,.

McDonald'sCash Grocery.

A Gothenburg man haaasoheme;but that is nothing new, fpr that villageis a regular incubator for schemes. Butthis scheme may effect North Platte, be-

ing nothing less than the stringing of n

wire and transmitting electric powerfrom '..Gothenburg to this city to run?asystem of'arc and incandescent - lights.The promoter of the scheme claims to bea practical electrician, and thinks thewater power at Gothenburg is sufficientto transmit all the electric current necessary. He will be in this city'in dayor two to look over the field.

W. H. Fikes received a telegramlast night announcing the death of R.P. Davidson at Pocatollo, Idaho, at noonyesterday, and for the B. JU. of F. tomake arrangements to receive the re-

mains, which will be brought here forinterment. The deceased was a formerresident of this city, being employed asan engineer on the Union Pacific. . Heleft here about ten yers.ago for thewest, and has been employed as an engineer since that time. Many NorthPlatte people well remamber him, aadwill regret to learn of his demise. Atthis hour th tme ofdtker, arrival ofthebody was not known.

Campbell & Sawyer, the North sidgrocers, opened for buaiMes yesterday.


C. F. Scharmann leaver thfcsr weekfor Lincoln, where he will probably re--

main until the first of January.- Don'tfwait until Christmas to haveyour pictures framed. JTake them toWarner and have them framed nowl -

The seating capacity.of the Metho--1 dist cfiu rch-is- , taxed'to ils utmost almostat every service. Rev. Snaveley's ser-

mons are highly complimented.

The Omaha l?ee of Saturday eays:

"G. F.jWeingand and family of NorthPlatte are registered at the Arcade."Since when the "family ,"Fred?

Dr. F.J, Morrill uses. Dr. Muller's(of Berlin) method for the painless ex-

traction of teeth. This method . is ab-

solutely harmless and the best in theworld.

A car in the railroad yards at thisstation was broken into - Sunday nightand robbed of a box of dry goods and abag of dried fruit. The thief has notyet been "apprehended. s.

It is likely the Episcopal choir willbecome a regularly organized body" witha set of officers, and a series of concertsare among the future probabilities.There are atouf twenty in the choir.

T. Fulton Gantt, of this city, hasbeen selected by Governor Holcomb asone of the ten delegates to the trans-Mississip- pi

commercial congress to beheld at Omaha on the 25th inst.

On account of the expense attachedthereto, the scheme of placing the statueof Cody in the park at the depot hasbeen abandoned. A force or men iststill at work filling in the east end ofthe park.

--rMrs. Crose,. of Denver, a friend ofMrs. A. D. DaviB, and an artist of abili-it- y,

is the guest of the latter lady. Mrs.Crose has a --number of fine pictures onexhibition at several places in town,

An "Undo Tom's' Cabin" companyis playing in the eastern part of thestate and threatens to invade this sec-

tion. Will the people ever be emanci-pated from Uncle Tom, little Eva andthe bulldogs?

A very interesting and profitableteachers' meeting was held at Suther-

land .last Saturday. The attendancewas quite large,, among the numberpresent being Supt. Miss Hosford, andMessrs. Bidgely and Neal of this city.

grand council of the ImprovedOrder of Red Men of Nebraska will beheld at Aurora bpgmning next Monday.E. B. Warner, who has been great sachemduring the past year? will attend. Thedelegates from the triba in this city areClaude Weingand and Lem Isenhart.

A small stable on the premises ofMr. Needam, near the cemetery, caughtfire yesterday forenoon and was burned.The alajm sounded and the departmentrespdnded, but the fire was beyond thereach of the hose, and no attempt to6top the progress of the flames was made.

The second floor of SuperintendentPark's building is being .fitted up andwill be occupied by Eli McCart, foremanof the bridge and building department.As Mr. McCart has heretofore had noregular place in which to do office work,

this provision will be duly appreciated"

by him.

At the regular shoot of the gunclub Saturday afternoon the followingscore was made on twenty birds: O'Neal14, Price 11, Woodhurst 1G. Herrod 10,

Dolson 4, Hostler 7, Park 4, Graves 8,

Clabaugh 6, Lawrence ll,JZiebert 5,

Barnum 9, Sorenson 7, VanCamp 5. . Inshooting off the tie for low man Parklost and was given the "d poor Bhot"


The final payment on the first seriesof the building and loan association forthe month of November will be 'fifteencents per share dues and fifteen centsper share interest. The debtors of theassociation can secure their cancelledmortgages at any time by the payment

of tho above dues and interests The firstseries have thus expired in a fractionover eight yeara and eight months. Ameeting of tho directors of the associa-

tion to, decide the order of payment' of

the free shares will be held at the courthouse on the evening of the 16th inst.


At all times; whether you expect to. buy or not. Just consifter ourstore-- a 'home place" and comerfghtirito seeevery:

--tKTnp- we have: We're 'trvinr to -- make friends, and this --

invitation means you. Silverh-ar- e worn a great deaL, Our stock is complete and prices lower

than. ever. There is nothingor birthday --present-than Cut.Glass.. We have an elegant line-- ;

this earfandebnsidernt-- a


you buy or not."' '"-

CASH AND PRICESCash is ajLt-- : r

r . . r .Are

If so.,

t Call and yercan convince you.we are making reduced -- prices for .

Cash and .TIBlf ML,M


An elegant" line of picture mouldingat Warner's.

W. W, Cameron expects to leave forNew York city on the 20th inst

C.XJ: and J. G. Hawkins were in

from Medicine precinct yesterday.

Geo. R. Hammond left to-da-y withhis personal effects for Grand Junction,Col., and North Platte Joses a mightygood citizen.

Chas. Samelson had a handlacerated while out hunting a day or two

ago, and will not be able to handle type

for a week or so.

In the absence of C. T Scharmannthe duties of city clerk" will probably beperformed by John Sorenson. Mr. S.will make an oxcellent deputy.

Geo. Cpy is suffering from a very

sore hand. About a month ago hepierced it with a nail, and later thewoundbecame very much inflamed.

Take your furniture to E. B. War-ner- 's

and have it upholstered or repaired

Ted McEvoy, who had been spend-

ing the summer in Noveda, returned to

the city yesterday. Ho will remain heresome time and then go to Colorado.

Prank Dowhower returned to workin the TJT.P. blacksmith shop as a helperyesterday morning. Ho was among

those who were laid off nearly a yearago.' - p.

The Farmers and Merchant's Ditchcompany commencec.condemation pro-

ceedings against Paxjon & Hershey yes-

terday for right-of-wa- y through thelands of the latter.

"The Jack Trust," the farce to bobe given in connection with the ladies'guild fair at Keith's hall on the eveningof the 19th, is a very amusing play.Better see it.

Read the changes in the advertisemonts of the FairJStore, .the Star Cloth-

ing House and the Boston. These housesare after trade, and are offering extrainducements to buyers.

Teeth extracted without pain to thepatient at Dr. Morrill's dental parlors.

Engines 1813,1801 and' 888, a largeclass of engines which will pull the new

fast passenger- - trains, arrived here thelatter part of the week. The 1813 tookout train No. 7 this" morning.

Engineer Langdon and ConductorBlood came.down with a thirty car trainfrom Sidney Sunday morning in threehours and twenty minutes. They leftSidney fifteen minutes ahead of No.and cleared in this yard about the sametime in advance:

--The majorities or pluralities received-:00- 1

by the several candidates in Lincolncouutyatthe late election were asfollows: Moxwell 29, Goold 83, Morrill52, Grimes 29, Ho'agland 557, Morgan1,G76, Buchanan 132, Burritt 20, RayMiller 531, Franklin 28, Meyer 35,

Donaldson 270, Elder 70, Hardin 27. H.M. Grimes niajorjty a the district is 12.



We are the People who have . s


- The BEST TEA,The .finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line1-- kiheCify; always fresh and at prices that


Belt Buckles and Silver Hearts

that makes a prettier wedding

favor to liave-yo-u call and see usf , .



inducement to,usr


prices to you? o


that '- ;

ftDr. F. J. Morrill has rooms to


Frank Hibner has returned from avisit in Denver. -

Mrs. Eli McCart went to Denveryesterday morning.

Mrs. A. F. Streitz returned Sundaynight from a ton days-vis- it with friends.in Grand Island.

General Master Mechanic Manninglooked over the company's interests inthis city Saturday.

1 ill. tfullard has on exhibition inStamp's shoe store a number of hand-some chrysanthemums.

C. E. Osgood, who had been withhis family in this city for a week, returned to Leadville Saturday.

The first snow fall of the wintor of1895-- 6 occurred Nov. 9th. This is forthe benefit of future historians.

Train No. 7 Sunday and yesterdaymorning was loaded to tho guards withpeople bound for Denver to see Slatter.

An elerrant line of fnnnv wnrlcbe on sale at tho Episcopal fair to be

the i9th.

The directors of the First Nationalbank of this city declared their regular


--TheK, p. lodge has cod aeon- -

tract for the appearance on Dec. 5th ofdoublo quartette of jubilee fiingers.

The company is guaranteed to be firstclass.

Chicken supper at Keith's ball onTuesday evening of -- next week in con

nection with the Episcopal fair. Supper served frqm-o!- 3D to 7:30.

Now that the campaign is over, theeditor's offer to accept lye hominy on

back subscriptions is renewed. We have- -

all the turnips .and carrots wo can use.

Upholstering donS at E.E. Warner's.

Lu Huck returned yesterday fromOmaha where he had "been for a week at

bedside of his wife, whose condition.is such that deatjj may occur any day.

The street commissioner has beendoing considerable-stre- et work during,the past month, and the roadways, cross-

ings and.culverts are in pretty fair con-

dition to stand tho wear and . tear ofwinter traffic.

The board of education attempted tosecure a room in the Third ward inwhich to open ah additional school, butwere unsuccessful. As it is now too latejn toe season to enlarge the present.

Hding, they will have to getalong as best they oan with the presentaccommodations.

The State Journal of Sunday contained the following special from Omaha:A moat remarkable-scon- e was witnessedat the union depot this evening when150 Union Pacific employes and theirfamilies boarded the train for Denver tobe cured by Schlatter. Two weeks agoJ,he Union Pacific postecjU notice thatfreoNpasses would bo given to all em-

ployes who wished to go tp Denver ttq

be treated by this man, Nogoneral re-

quest was made for passes until vester-da- y

when they, began to pour in. Thisis the result of the experience of DivisionSuperintendent Sutherland who afterhaving been in a wreck three years agohas been" unable to move anythingwithout pain and has been deaf. Howas completely cured by.J3ch latter.Another large company of employes will,go to morrow. Some of the women werocrying as they were getting on tho trainand ail were nervous but full of faiththat Jthey wpuld be cured. All alongfcb line they wore joined b,y other em-


The accounts of respon-sible people who settle theirbills once a month are re-

spectfully solicited, We wantypur trade.

HARRINGTON &.TOBIN.Dr. A. P. Sawyer; Dear SJrr X'havo been snffer-- i

with. eiclt headache Tor a long time. I used:yoar Tamily Care asd bow- - am entirely jrellered

--I.ttohW not do wHfeeftt your medicine. Mrs. G."

A.3ffier. Sold toy r.H;lfcBcr.

Washburn'sHas no superior no equal.provement in milling machinery the product of the hardexcellent wheat of the north. If you are not using tho,

Washburn Flour,





g Others save money by goods 33of ns. Why don't you? We you: 3

A No.' 8 all copper washA joint of stove pipe for

i A common stove pipeAn adjustable stove pipe elbow forA Madole hammer for2 1-p- iht tin cups for6 engraved tumblers forA one-ha- lf gallon pitcher for.A set of handled cups and saucers cents. 5

and well come 3jjg anC Sqq fQY OU1' pHCeS and

qualities talk. WeE than ever of

Z wwvlJB stock ofIE Korth Blatte. Come and' us.

I(one door south of






Office Pirt Ntl. Bank Bldng-- ,

dispatch from Den dated Novem-

ber 10th. says: "On the 16th FrancisSchlatter, the healer, will end publicwork Denver, and after rest will

depart Chicago. began out-

door work the 16th September andevery day since, excepting Sundayshas been kept bilsy every moment. Notonly classes people from the cityhave flocked him, but they have come

from p?rts thp state and frQtn

many moro distant points. Reportsouros have been made and

lievera numbered the thous-

ands. has "steadfastly refusedmoney gifts, and accident, scandaldisturbance has occurred during hisstay this city. has acquirednational reputation, but 'amountattention seems change him andcontinues the same simple minded,ignorant whenout of-th-e deserts Arizona and New.Mexico."

persons, owing oldbills must now call-an-d settlewith cash approved note.We want this outstandingmoney to enable to dis-

count our bills and thus com-pete vrith cash stores.


get the benefit tho advance thatsuro. come. How free.Write Good Co.. CommerceBuilding, ChTcrfgo; Ills.

When BuyingMinneapolis


. Why not get the

SuperlativeIt the -- result of studied im

try it. It sold by




boiler for.



:- .

' ''

I --i i i



.15 cents,

.10 cents. 3

.15 cents. 3

.55 cents. 3:cents, z?

.25, cents, ra

tea 42

Underwear HosieryyoUl'SelveS

ifotions. Tinware. Furnish-3- ;


Wilcox : Dep't : Store!--A-


o o o IN o o L




A ver

hisin a he

for He hison of


all ofto

all ofof

many bis be.can bo byHe all

no or

in He ano of

to heto be

man he was heof

.11 us



&INis too can

of isto to do it

L. P. & 63.



- -


elbow for


.20 cents.

have a larger stock

,1 13"'" VUJ laxgvau

and Lamps ever in

Streitz' drug store.) 31





On and after November 10th, alllaundry business will be strictlycash except to those patrons whoare prompt payers a't the end ofeach thirty days. I am forced toadoptthis measure on account ofthe4 large sum which has accumu-lated on my books.

T. M. Haintjne.Tale, thin, bloodless people should jiae Dr. Saw-

yer's UknUno. It is the greatest remedy la thoworld for making the weak strong. ,J"or sale by F.H. Longley.

NOTICE.Notice is hereby given that all

walks in the city of North Platterthat are not in good repair will brepaired tjy tjie street commis-sioner after the 'first 'dav'of Noveuiiber, 1895, at the expense of tliQowners. R. W. Morgan,

Street Com.

Children with pale, bluish complexion, indicat-

ing the absenco of the requisite red globules In thoblood ehould take Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. For saleF. by H. Juongley.

Studebaker Wagons andBuggies at Hershey & Co's.




TOE TRIBUNEis the Best Advertising Me

dium in Western Nebr.






--1 i ,



