nT rl If Kf .J& Ji J' ifJI' · 2015. 5. 30. · settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent....

VT SBFVTyrsMrTn ' ,'7liJ'1.'' ' r .1 S&m-- : it, SVV : .JMMI J W Jt' ' ifi frrun7. i -, rt " f "" ,;-- . 55S5$ fcJ If ,Vl , nT n rl SWj , - u fc,:' - .: " i j&osdiv J$ (sk kL kLi- - Sv; Kf I? .J& J J Jv Ji" J' ifJI' U nMAMI MWWW" iWM J If HgtfUJilltMOWfJUJMmB V?- - Eft'i- V .' f- - . ... j -- .' .' B m&-':- 2- -- ' !M', te-f.-- . 4i V ' r . ' - &; , , sH.;- - ; Pfr M- -. K' ' r: r A' I .' hr Von. XriT. Ko 2078. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho offlco, Quoon Btreot, Honolulu, H. I., overy afternoon (8undayg oxceptcd). Subscription, 60 contt par Month. Addrpss all Oommunloatlona Dail BULLKTIH. Advertisements, tc ensure insertion, should bo handod In boforo ono o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor JAS 0. CLEVIOR Manaflor Bulletin Stoam Printing Offlco. Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorablo tonus. Bull Telcphono No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. jta interesting and coinprehonsivo publication, contains 28 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a .complete rcBurao of Honolulu and Island JNows. It is the best paper -- Dubllsbcd in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Hubscrlptlon: island : : : 4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. IiA.OJLCa7I3LiD Co., - J"T So General Commission Agents. (578 iy Honolulu Q. W. MACFAELANB & Co. lMl'OHTKUB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I. 16-1- i BBBWEB & COMPANY, Kj. (Limited) Okhjsual Mbkcahtilb .and CoukisaiON Aokitxb. .. ilBT OF OfflflCKBB : ' o! Jonks, Jr.... President & Manager J . O.Oauteu. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary diuectous: Hon. O. H. Bishop. B. C. Allen, II. Watebuouse. ass iy ;'roHN T. WATERHOUSE, . W Importer and Dealor in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKB, CASTIiM Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Ucneral Merchandise, No. B0 King st., Honolulu CliUB BpreckolB. Wm, G. Irwin. InWIN Sb COMPANY, . WQ. Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu.. 1 St CO., WILDBB Healers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts. Honolulu. 1 QBINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchanta, Uunolulu, and lil-- i Califomiu. Btreot, Sau Francisco, Cal. . Lowers, V. J. Lowroy O. M. Cooke. & OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importora'and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. 1 GONBALVES & CO., "VTholesale Grocers & "Wine Merchants 89 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice oi Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Joweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ono of tho Now Stores in tho Tliomaw JBloclc, Kiu Street, ' Threo doors from Castlo & Coolccs', Whero ho 1b prepared to manufacture all iinds of Jewelry. 00 O LTJSO IlAWAHANO. who want tobommunl ALLporsous tho Poitugueso, oither for buBtncss, or for procuring workmen, servants or any othor helps, will Audit ihoinost prolltablo way to advcrliso In tho Luto Jawaliano, tho now organ of tho Portuguoio colony, which is pub-liahc- d ou flotelstrcot, and only charges roasonablo rates for advertisements NOTICE. furnished for balls, parties MUSIC soronades by Palmer's Btriug Baud. Order? left at O. E. Williams1, or ring up Mutual Telephouo 0. 71 tt m. Prol'OBsionalB. Alfred Maqoon, J ATTORNEY AT LaW. 178 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy X H.SOPBB.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. 8. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposito Hawaii Nol Millinery Estab- lishment, Ban Francisco. 23 SAMUEL K. KAEO, Attor Jtiey at Law. Oulce, : No. 0 Kaahumanu street. ap.2i.88.ly J. M. 1WOM8ARRAT, .Attorney autl Counsellor at Imiv. itfninfir "Pnrlln nnd nnmnilRfllnnRr of Deeds for tho States of New York, Call- - fornla and Pennsylvania, jnercnanv Btreot, "Gazetto" Block, Honolulu, H. I. june.0.83 PIONEE3B STEAI CMDY FACTOR! and BAJtiairsr. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 2r Telephone 74 II. M. BENSON. 0. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Sccchlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Tollot Requisites, i2y H0LLISTEB & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 To-- t Btrcet, "William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & GO. .Manufacturing Jowellera, NO. OS PORT (STIUSJET. Constantly on hand i largo assortmun of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated "Ware, &c. 958 ly Hustace & Robertson, DBAYMEW. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at, -- 1l tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ottlce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'a auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. TTJEtA.lS.OIi3. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Bue deDunkerquo, -- . Paris. ifixecutcs Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swiss, German, and English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded wheu requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payabli on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manager. , Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nnd Sells, for Homo and Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, SllkB.Volvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Unbordashery, Gold arid Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots aud Shoes, Glass, and Chirm-war- Clocks, Watches, Jewollry, Fanoy. Goods, Klcctro-plnt- o, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Hlrrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Books, Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, &c, &c. 1U0 ly 8 NOTICE. CUSTOMERS having our Soda Water Bottles (empty) on hand will greatly oullgo by notifying us by telephone or otherwise, and they will at once bo scut for, Bottles retained longer than one month will bo charged for. Telephones: Bell, 172;'Mutual, 8oO. J. Jii, BHOWN & CO., Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonndo Works. 2l tf wmmmm--m- HONOLULU, H. Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, j Pronr,fi,or. F. I. CUTTER, Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 80. Residence Telcphono No. 203. Goix'13Sxi)roBslnS: Drayina Piano and Furniture moving n specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. jUly-3- 5 ly EIRE JEWELRY! I beg to call tho attention of my friends and tho general public to my Fine Stock of Goods Just rccolvcd. A careful inspection will convinco you that BETTER GOODS In my lime have never been offered in this city. Sgjp-Ploa- so Glvo mo an Early Call"&a MAX ECKART. j Bethel St. 91 Bin Mm a Saloon The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tho Finest Brand of 111 urn jdHa Tnhaiipn b1""! iBp Always on Xlniitl. IS. J. jyQI.TJE, rt'oprictor. Choicest Mutton I Beef, Iw5&y Pork, STlsli, Veg-etuble- s, &;c., fcc. Always on hand at the MGLUiy MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlces), Xo. O (tucc a Nt : : KIsh JHarlcct, Honolulu, II, I. ESFamily and Shipping.Oidcrs care- fully attended to. Llvo Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 TJUt 33 Metropolitan i "ZrtJtfk At Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. "Wholosalo & Hotail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly Meat SMet, Fort Ht.. oppo. O. . H. C'o.'m AVIiaa-r- . P. MILTbN, - - - Proprietor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton ISaUBupro & VcBotables. Also a supply of On hand at all times. Shipping and Families supplied at shortest notice and with best attention. 05 Marmger. tt WRIGHT BROS., Fort Street, nest Lucas' Mill, Ship's fllacksmitWng, Carriage Building & Repairing. Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty. Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner and executed nt short notice Having secured tho Bervico of ono of the best Painters in town OSooil Cnri'lui;o 1'alntlnu 1m (Junrnu. teed; iixrelloiitTrlniuiliiunlHodoiie. tSTMutual Telcphono, No. 675il ALL WORK GUfRANTEED. Orders from tho other Islands solicited. my.33-8- 8 rpHE DAILY BULLETIN has the JL largest circulation of any paper printed iu this Kingdom. 00 cents per mouth. I., MONDAY EVENINGr, NEW GOODS !. Popular OCTOBER 22, 1888. 'HEW GOODS I -- O -- NOW BEING OPENED AT THE- - Millinery - Hon 104 Fort; Street, Honolulu. W- - ." SAOHS, : 3?roprietoi', Dress Goods, Mew Kid Gloves, New Embroideries, New Laces, &c, &'c. -- AND LATEST BTYLE- - Ladies9 Hats and Bonnets I HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AO-SKCY- ; No. 36 F0ET BTEEET. HONOLULU. General AgonUi Expert Aocounlanls end Collectors, Real Estate, Fire & Life Insuranco Agents, Custom-Houo- o, Loan and Exohango Brokers. departments of Business: Books end Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collotionc will recolvo special attention nnd returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Recouls searched and correct Abstracts of Titlo furnished. LoRal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languagos in goncral ueo k. this Kingdom. Beal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured, Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents toUcctcd, ' Firo and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insuranco Companies. Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at lavorablo rates., Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on moat favorablo terms. Inter-Islan- d Ordorn will receive particular attention. E7 All Badness ontruitod to ouroara will rcpolvo prompt andlallhlul attention at moderato chargos. Haying had nn extensive business experience for over twenty.flvo ycarsjln Now York City nnd elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all business of nn intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact nnd discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. BcllgTelophone No. 874. JEIn.-wn.Ila.- ii JSuslnoss Jan. 8 Just Received at HoSlister & Oo.'s A largo assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising the woll-kno- brands of COLGATE & CO., LUNDBORGS, LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOHA, HOYT'S COLOGKNTD FARINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. For al at DE&easoiiajble 3Pricee mh-2- 4j Wholesale and retail. rs7 AERATED WATERS ! Steam Works, Bunny South, Waikiki, J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors. Dopot, 28 Merchant Btroot, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. o CAPACITY l.OOO DOZEN WM MAY. 0- - The Only Apparutua making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, arsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And rUItE, BTItONG EFFIS11YJSBOINQ PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered, Latest Improved Machinery and Patent Glasj-yalv- e Dottles, TELEPHONESBoll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469. g0" Ordora dolivorod to any part of tho city. Island ordors BoHoitcd. jfCB A'prlM3-8- 8 Royal Insuranco Company, Accumulation ol Funds, $20,002,205.00 Fire rltks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July Union t Mnrlno Insurance. Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire ond Marino risks, taken nt current rates nnd settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. July 2tt.88.ly -- S3TJW- Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on IIulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions ut current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. July J0,88-l- y General Insurance Company. Marino riBks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agont. July 2C8S.ly THE NEW YORK ife insurance Co. Strictly Mutual Organised 1815., ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 Tho.actual (not estimated) results or its matured Tontine policies exceed those of any other Company issuing similar a policies. 'flic ;Vonrorfeltln Free Tontine Policy With' Mortuary Dlvldond (returning all premiums in addition to face of policy should death occur during the Tontine poriod)'nB issued hy this Company in- cludes tho advantages of Tontine guaranteed options at the end of Tontino periods and perfect fiecdom after two years as to residence, travel and occupation, oscept service In war. Nonforfeitable after 3 Years. . CSSTFor full particulars and estimated results hased upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to GER, Honolulu. Gciiernl Acent Hawaiian JulyJ Islands. 21-8- HONOLULU IEON "WORKS. IHif.n tYi tin i.l Tin. eu .,!, m ilia l.nil crs, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast ings; mnciiinery ot every description made U order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job.vrork exc-- cuted at short notice. 1 TVALKEft & REDWAKD, Contraotot'M A; BulltljurH. Brick, Btono and YVomle'n Buildings; given. Jobhinpp promptly "70 King street. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Hox, 42U. aj 5.1y rVEORGE LUCAii, vjLlilC' X.JI I it4i rr f. and Bulldor,JgJj Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspia nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures allkluds ot Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work ftnlsh. Turnlug, Scroll and Band Sawing. 'All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attonded to nnd work guaranteed. Ordvis from tho other is solicited PLANING MILL. Alnlton, nenr IJnccn tit. Tnlniiliniiu .1.1, l- -. I. t; T. C. MAItOIIANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-binde- r, Pawer-ralo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, Fricntl Building, Uothel street, llono, 02 lulu. tf rPHE BEST PAPER to subscvlho X for Is tho "Daily Bulletin." 50 cuius per, mouui. A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Papor-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 10 Kaahuuiunu street. Up stairs. ocH.88-l- y THE ONLY PAPER rratl by all JL classes "ThfJUaily Bullolin.'l 00 1 oentB per month. BUDaORIPTION CO OCNTO PEH MONTH FIRE, LIFE, AHD , MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Oo. Assots, 45,288,000 Commercial Insuranoo Co. .(Flto and Marino) Assets, $400,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marino) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insuranco Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. Geiioral Agent, Haw'a iBlonds. 1053 ly EQUITABLK , Society or tho Unltoa states. THE LEADING COMPANY. Now Business in 1087 - $138,029,105 Applications- - refused- - for - 23,729(817 Total Income - 29,24f),849 - ..y)? Surplus 4 per cent '4G',I04,25( . Qaln Assets during year 8,868,432 ' !'.' Elo.; Elc, Etc., In the above nnd most Important point the Equitable heads tho liBt of Life Companies. Ucucral Aeont for Ilawallaa , irflaurtH. Juno l;884y CASTLE & COQKK, Life, Firo,& Marirro Insur'co AflflntB. aoemtb yon Tho tiexir EnglasA MUTUAl LIFE INS. COMFY, of Boston. Tho JEtna Firo Insuranco Oo of Hartford, Conn. Tlie VnUn ftfltc aA Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cal a. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v E8TALIBnBD lfilfj, Capital, 9,000,000 Retcfat wrks THE uodcrsigned, having lea agent of the abovo Company for the Hawaiian Islands, m nccept risks, against Fire, oa Buildlaju, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills otc, on the rnost.Faorable Tcrias. Lotioi Promptly Adjusted Sn4 PayaM Honolulu. H. HIEMENBOHNEIDEH, jly-8-7 ly nt Wilder & Co'a. L ' ' ' ' Removal. SINGER'S BAKERY lias moved from Uie comer of Richard aud Quoen streets to No, 216 King Street Formerly Butlers' Place), Where (he Bakery will bo carried on as 85 heretoore. 8ta -- M In tf 3 M l:

Transcript of nT rl If Kf .J& Ji J' ifJI' · 2015. 5. 30. · settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent....

Page 1: nT rl If Kf .J& Ji J' ifJI' · 2015. 5. 30. · settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July Union t Mnrlno Insurance. Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited

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Von. XriT. Ko 2078.


Is printed and published at tho offlco,

Quoon Btreot, Honolulu, H. I., overy

afternoon (8undayg oxceptcd).

Subscription, 60 contt par Month.

Addrpss all Oommunloatlona DailBULLKTIH.

Advertisements, tc ensure insertion,should bo handod In boforo ono o'clockP.M.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

JAS 0. CLEVIOR Manaflor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Offlco.

Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of

all kinds dono on the most favorablo

tonus.Bull Telcphono No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.jta interesting and coinprehonsivo

publication, contains 28 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and a.complete rcBurao of Honolulu and IslandJNows. It is the best paper -- Dubllsbcdin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Hubscrlptlon:island : : : 4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.

IiA.OJLCa7I3LiD Co.,- J"T So

General Commission Agents.(578 iy Honolulu



Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I.16-1-

i BBBWEB & COMPANY,Kj. (Limited)

Okhjsual Mbkcahtilb .andCoukisaiON Aokitxb.

.. ilBT OF OfflflCKBB :

' o! Jonks, Jr.... President & ManagerJ . O.Oauteu. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

diuectous:Hon. O. H. Bishop. B. C. Allen,

II. Watebuouse.ass iy

;'roHN T. WATERHOUSE, .W Importer and Dealor in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle

& OOOKB,CASTIiM Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inUcneral Merchandise, No. B0 King st.,Honolulu

CliUB BpreckolB. Wm, G. Irwin.

InWIN Sb COMPANY, .WQ. Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu.. 1

St CO.,WILDBB Healers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.Honolulu. 1

QBINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchanta,Uunolulu, and

lil-- i Califomiu. Btreot,Sau Francisco, Cal.

. Lowers, V. J. Lowroy O. M. Cooke.& OOOKB,

(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importora'and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. 1


"VTholesale Grocers & "Wine Merchants89 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice oi Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Joweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ono of tho NowStores in tho

Tliomaw JBloclc, Kiu Street,' Threo doors from Castlo & Coolccs',

Whero ho 1b prepared to manufactureall iinds of Jewelry. 00

O LTJSO IlAWAHANO.who want tobommunlALLporsous tho Poitugueso, oither

for buBtncss, or for procuring workmen,servants or any othor helps, will Auditihoinost prolltablo way to advcrliso In

tho Luto Jawaliano, tho now organ oftho Portuguoio colony, which is pub-liahc- d

ou flotelstrcot, and only chargesroasonablo rates for advertisements


furnished for balls, partiesMUSIC soronades by Palmer's BtriugBaud. Order? left at O. E. Williams1,

or ring up Mutual Telephouo 0. 71 tt



Alfred Maqoon,J ATTORNEY AT LaW.178 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.8. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposito Hawaii Nol Millinery Estab-lishment, Ban Francisco. 23


Attor Jtiey at Law.Oulce, : No. 0 Kaahumanu street.


J. M. 1WOM8ARRAT,.Attorney autl Counsellor at Imiv.

itfninfir "Pnrlln nnd nnmnilRfllnnRr ofDeeds for tho States of New York, Call- -

fornla and Pennsylvania, jnercnanvBtreot, "Gazetto" Block, Honolulu, H. I.



and BAJtiairsr.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- 2r Telephone 74



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Sccchlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Tollot

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 To-- t Btrcet, "William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & GO..Manufacturing Jowellera,

NO. OS PORT (STIUSJET.Constantly on hand i largo assortmun

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated "Ware, &c.

958 ly

Hustace & Robertson,

DBAYMEW.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at,

-- 1l tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ottlce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'aauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.


Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Bue deDunkerquo, -- . Paris.

ifixecutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwheu requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payabli on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager. ,

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nndSells, for Homo and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,SllkB.Volvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Unbordashery,Gold arid Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots aud Shoes, Glass, andChirm-war- Clocks, Watches,Jewollry, Fanoy. Goods,Klcctro-plnt- o, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Hlrrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, &c, &c.

1U0 ly 8


CUSTOMERS having our Soda WaterBottles (empty) on

hand will greatly oullgo by notifyingus by telephone or otherwise, and theywill at once bo scut for, Bottles retainedlonger than one month will bo chargedfor. Telephones: Bell, 172;'Mutual, 8oO.

J. Jii, BHOWN & CO.,Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonndo Works.

2l tf



Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, j Pronr,fi,or.F. I. CUTTER,

Office, 84 King street, Telephone No. 80.Residence Telcphono No. 203.

Goix'13Sxi)roBslnS: DrayinaPiano and Furniture moving n specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.jUly-3- 5 ly

EIRE JEWELRY!I beg to call tho attention of my friends

and tho general public to my

Fine Stock of GoodsJust rccolvcd. A careful inspection

will convinco you that

BETTER GOODSIn my lime have never been offered

in this city.Sgjp-Ploa-so Glvo mo an Early Call"&a


Bethel St.91 Bin

Mm a Saloon

The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

111 urn jdHa Tnhaiipnb1""! iBp

Always on Xlniitl.IS. J. jyQI.TJE, rt'oprictor.

Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Iw5&y Pork,STlsli, Veg-etuble- s, &;c., fcc.

Always on hand at the

MGLUiy MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlces),

Xo. O (tucc a Nt : : KIsh JHarlcct,Honolulu, II, I.

ESFamily and Shipping.Oidcrs care-fully attended to. Llvo Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8

TJUt 33

Metropolitan i"ZrtJtfk At

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager."Wholosalo & Hotail Butchers



Meat SMet,Fort Ht.. oppo. O. . H. C'o.'m AVIiaa-r- .

P. MILTbN, - - - Proprietor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton

ISaUBupro & VcBotables.Also a supply of

On hand at all times.

Shipping and Families supplied atshortest notice and with best attention.

05 Marmger. tt


Fort Street, nest Lucas' Mill,

Ship's fllacksmitWng, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty.

Every description of work in thoabove lines performed in a first-clas- s

manner and executed nt short noticeHaving secured tho Bervico of ono of

the best Painters in townOSooil Cnri'lui;o 1'alntlnu 1m (Junrnu.teed; iixrelloiitTrlniuiliiunlHodoiie.

tSTMutual Telcphono, No. 675ilALL WORK GUfRANTEED.

Orders from tho other Islands solicited.my.33-8- 8

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN has theJL largest circulation of any paperprinted iu this Kingdom. 00 cents permouth.




OCTOBER 22, 1888.


-- O


Millinery - Hon104 Fort; Street, Honolulu.

W- - ." SAOHS, : 3?roprietoi',

Dress Goods,Mew Kid Gloves,

New Embroideries,

New Laces, &c, &'c.--AND LATEST BTYLE- -

Ladies9 Hats and Bonnets I



General AgonUiExpert Aocounlanls end Collectors, Real Estate, Fire & Life Insuranco

Agents, Custom-Houo- o, Loan and Exohango Brokers.departments of Business:

Books end Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collotionc will recolvo special attention nnd returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Recouls searched and correct Abstracts of Titlo

furnished.LoRal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand

somely engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languagos in goncral ueo k. this Kingdom.Beal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured,Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents toUcctcd, '

Firo and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insuranco Companies.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at lavorablo rates.,Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on moat favorablo terms.Inter-Islan- d Ordorn will receive particular attention.

E7 All Badness ontruitod to ouroara will rcpolvo prompt andlallhlul attention atmoderato chargos.

Haying had nn extensive business experience for over twenty.flvo ycarsjlnNow York City nnd elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all business of nnintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact nnd discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial.

BcllgTelophone No. 874. JEIn.-wn.Ila.- ii JSuslnossJan. 8

Just Received at HoSlister & Oo.'sA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the woll-kno- brands of




For al at DE&easoiiajble 3Priceemh-2- 4j Wholesale and retail. rs7


Steam Works, Bunny South, Waikiki,

J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors.Dopot, 28 Merchant Btroot, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


0- -

The Only Apparutua making High Class


arsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd rUItE, BTItONG EFFIS11YJSBOINQ

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered,

Latest Improved Machinery and Patent Glasj-yalv- e Dottles,

TELEPHONESBoll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, 469.g0" Ordora dolivorod to any part of tho city. Island ordors BoHoitcd. jfCB

A'prlM3-8- 8

Royal Insuranco Company,

Accumulation ol Funds, $20,002,205.00

Fire rltks taken at current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July

Union t Mnrlno

Insurance. Company of N. Z.

Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire ond Marino risks, taken nt currentrates nnd settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.July 2tt.88.ly


Insurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on IIulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions ut current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.July J0,88-l- y

General Insurance Company.

Marino riBks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agont.July 2C8S.ly


ife insurance Co.Strictly Mutual Organised 1815.,

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

Tho.actual (not estimated) results or itsmatured Tontine policies exceed thoseof any other Company issuing similara policies.

'flic ;Vonrorfeltln

Free Tontine PolicyWith' Mortuary Dlvldond (returning allpremiums in addition to face of policyshould death occur during the Tontineporiod)'nB issued hy this Company in-cludes tho advantages of Tontine

guaranteed options at the endof Tontino periods and perfect fiecdomafter two years as to residence, traveland occupation, oscept service In war.

Nonforfeitable after 3 Years..

CSSTFor full particulars and estimatedresults hased upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

GER,Honolulu. Gciiernl Acent Hawaiian

JulyJ Islands. 21-8-

HONOLULU IEON "WORKS.IHif.n tYi tin i.l Tin. eu .,!, m ilia l.nil

crs, coolers; iron, brass and lead castings; mnciiinery ot every descriptionmade U order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job.vrork exc--cuted at short notice. 1


Contraotot'M A; BulltljurH.

Brick, Btono and YVomle'n Buildings;given. Jobhinpp promptly

"70 King street. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Hox, 42U. aj 5.1y

rVEORGE LUCAii, vjLlilC'X.JI I it4i rr f.

and Bulldor,JgJjHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspia

nadc, Honolulu.Manufactures allkluds ot Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work ftnlsh. Turnlug, Scroll and BandSawing. 'All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attonded to nnd workguaranteed. Ordvis from tho other is



Alnlton, nenr IJnccn tit.Tnlniiliniiu .1.1,

l- -. I. t;

T. C. MAItOIIANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Pawer-ralo- r & Blank-boo- k


Fricntl Building, Uothel street, llono,02 lulu. tf

rPHE BEST PAPER to subscvlhoX for Is tho "Daily Bulletin." 50cuius per, mouui.

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Papor-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 10 Kaahuuiunu street. Up stairs.ocH.88-l- y

THE ONLY PAPER rratl by allJL classes "ThfJUaily Bullolin.'l 00

1 oentB per month.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Oo.

Assots, 45,288,000

Commercial Insuranoo Co..(Flto and Marino)

Assets, $400,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marino)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000Now York Lifo Insuranco Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


Geiioral Agent, Haw'a iBlonds.

1053 ly



or tho Unltoa states.


Now Business in 1087 - $138,029,105Applications- - refused- - for - 23,729(817Total Income - 29,24f),849 - ..y)?Surplus 4 per cent '4G',I04,25( .

Qaln Assets during year 8,868,432 ' !'.'

Elo.; Elc, Etc.,

In the above nnd most Important pointthe Equitable heads tho liBt of

Life Companies.

Ucucral Aeont for Ilawallaa, irflaurtH.

Juno l;884y

CASTLE & COQKK,Life, Firo,& Marirro Insur'co AflflntB.

aoemtb yonTho tiexir EnglasA


Tho JEtna Firo Insuranco Ooof Hartford, Conn.

Tlie VnUn ftfltc aAMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

E8TALIBnBD lfilfj,Capital, 9,000,000 Retcfat wrks

THE uodcrsigned, having leaagent of the abovo Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, mnccept risks, against Fire, oa Buildlaju,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills otc, on the rnost.Faorable Tcrias.

Lotioi Promptly Adjusted Sn4 PayaMHonolulu.

H. HIEMENBOHNEIDEH,jly-8-7 ly nt Wilder & Co'a.L ' ' '


Removal.SINGER'S BAKERYlias moved from Uie comer of Richard

aud Quoen streets to

No, 216 King StreetFormerly Butlers' Place),

Where (he Bakery will bo carried on as85 heretoore. 8ta

-- M






Page 2: nT rl If Kf .J& Ji J' ifJI' · 2015. 5. 30. · settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July Union t Mnrlno Insurance. Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited

Srr--7 ,L a,


Department ofTenders for fitmii

rial and building a

attention.hing llicinalo-Kolio- ol

11 once,according to specifications to bo eccnat Uo office of tho lloaid.of Educa-tion, iii Wainica, Island of Kauai,will be received at the oflke up to 12

o'clock noon of the 2(.)(li instant.. Tlie Board does not bind itself toaccept the lowest or any bid.

C. It. BISHOP,President Board of Education,

. Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1888. 78 lw

"BISHOP & Co., BANKERSt IIouolulu. Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on tlie

Bank oL CalU.br nla, . E'And thuir agents In '


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, LondonTho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London.Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

tJydncy,The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstohurch, and Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic

toria, B' 0 and Poilbind, Or.- AKD .

Transaci a bench;! JmuKing Business.Willi v

ai ,..." "X1 1.1 X2

, t

4Ijjaii'tt fgtttttin

Pledged to neither Sect nor PartytBut established for the benefit of all

MONDAY, OCT. 22, 1888.


An illustration of the proverbial"Government stroke" can be seenany day by anyone visiting thelocalities where the prisoners aresupposed to be engaged road-makin- g,

etc. They move veryslowly, and :takc. things very quietly.In fact, a considerable portion oftheir time they do not move at all :

they sit down or stand still. Thework naturally keeps pace with theworkmen. The laborers employedby the Tramways Company, both inlaying the railroad and in gradingHalekauila and Alakea streets, pre-

sent a striking contrast. Thesemen work, and keep on working,and certainly earn their pay, what-

ever it may be. If the Government."wards" were compelled to makeas goo1 use of their time, the coun-

try would have better returns andmore to show, for their support.


A rhinocerous giving lessons inrhetoric is a queer sight. A lands-

man teaching seaman how to steera ship, or a sailor instructing ajockey how to ride, is not generally'considered to comport with "the fit--1

'ness of things." When a lawyer,who has spent all.his life' either atBchool or in a lawbfllce, undertakes tolecture about raising corn and pota-

toes a farmer who has had years ofpractical experience in such things,it is an anomaly. This morning's"Advertiser" presents this anomaly,actually and literally. Just fancythe "Advertiser" saying that theBulletin "showed a thorough lackOf knowledge of the subject," whenpotatoes were under discussion, con-

sidering that the editor of the firstnamed sheet was brought up to thelaw, and;tho editor of the other toagriculture!

jl.liu'jj '. uauu-L- j;


, A comparison instituted betweenthe Tramways- - Company's railroadworks and most of the Governmentworks going on in and around thetown, is not calculated to inspire afavorable opinion of tho latter. Thematerial used by the Tramways pco- -.

pic is of a durable nature, and thetics, and rairs are laid in a durablemanner. The material will last, andso will the work. ' Tho Governmentseems to prefer perishablo wood toanything elso, wherever it can beemployed ; arid work i9 done in manyinstances in a slovenly, slip-sho- d man-

ner. Wood is tho favorite material forcurbing, where curbing is used atall; and, worse still, wood is usedfor culverts, as on King street, nearih'c Chinese theatre, and Halekau-'11- a

street. In a'few years, at most, thecurbing will 'require renewing andthe culverts will need similar treat--

ment. Besides, these culverts areutterly Inadequate to carry off theyvater in times of heavy rain. Waitawhile, and this fact will bo demon-

strated in Halekauila street. A mandocs not require' to bo a prophet northo s,on of a prophet to predict thisoccurrence. Anyone, who. has seen

how tho water accumulates in that greater than (lie States, Englandpart of town during the rainy seasoncan sco at n glnnco thai those miser-

able little wooden culverts tucutterly incapable of supplying aeufllcicnt escape. These tiumpery,gingcrbicad government woiks maybo considered in the lino of economy ;

but if so, it is ti falso economy. Itis more economical to constructworks that will endure, even thoughthe first cost is greater, than suchas will need renewing in a shorttime.


Editor Bulletin: What is thomatter with the Public Works De-

partment! Have they auy one intho ltoads Bureau that knows any-thing about road-makin- g or thegrading of streets? It would seemnot, from the shameful stale thestreets of Honolulu arc in duringwet weather.

Any fool can rnako a dry weatherroad, or a dry mud grading; butthe art of constructing streets so asto carry off tho rainfall, docs notseem to be unUcrstood in the PublicWorks Department. An hour'sshower makes the street crossings inmost places ankle-dee- p sloughs, andthe water remains on the surfaceuntil it either evaporates or sinksthrough the soil.

Is there nobody who could in-

struct the Superintendent of iPublicWorks that there arc S3'stcms ofsewers and gutters in civilized coun-tries that could be introduced intoHonolulu with advantage and renderthe crossings passable in all weath-ers. The season is now approach-ing when the miserable road-makin- g

of Honolulu and suburbs will befelt, and many an imprecation willfall on tho head of the Public Worksbotcher. T. E.



Editor Bulletin: It is seldomthat I trouble papers to publish any-thing, but here is a case, which Ibelieve to be a benefit to the com-- ,muuity. A man, young or old, Ido not remember as I was too busyat the time, calle'd at my home onTuesday morning about 7 o'clock.I had been busy already since-4- .

o'clock, and was at the time ho call-ed wfiting letters to the leper set-tlement, for which the mail carrierwas waiting. I asked the man,whose name I have now learned isChas. C. Marsh, a canvasser forMcKenucy's directory, to sit down,and as soon as I had despatched themail carrier would attend tc hiswants. After my letters were writ-ten I a6ked him what he wanted.He said he was the compiler of anew directory and wished myname, my sons and my neighbors,all of which 1 gave him correct!'.Next I asked him if some lunchwould be acceptable, he said itwould. My wife set the table forhim and gave him what we had,bread, tea, milk, fresh butter, etc.,and as I had no fresh meat gave himsardines. I left him .alone to eat atpleasure which ho did.

After finishing his meal he askedme if he could sit down and write aletter. I said yes, and offered himpen, paper and ink. He remaineduntil nearly noon and then left.

Two days after I opened a letterwhich I herewith enclose along withray answer. It. W. Meyers.

Kalai, Molokai, Oct. 18, 1888.

copy op letter.Kaunakakai, Oct,

E. W. Meyers,Dear Sir: I am very much pro-

voked and heartily ashamed of youin the manner you have treated me.I have made a circuit of the wholeislands and have never met with awhite man and received such

I shall enter your nameand the names of your sons and occupations in our new directorywhich has a circulation in the States,England and Germany, besides5,000 on these islands as commonlaborers, leaving out all your otherinterests, and also report the recep-tion I received to all the newspa-pers " in Honolulu on my return.Hoping you will bo more wise nexttime. Chas. C. Maksii.

fcorr ov iieiua'.Moi-okai- , Oct


18.CiiAS. C. Marsh, Honolulu.

Sir: Your letter of Oct. 9th wasreceived and read with satisfaction,hecause my judgment of yourselfwas correct. Why aro you provok-ed and ashamed, of mo and the treatment have received at inyhouse? Is it because I could notneglect my duties and place mytinio at your disposal? Or is it be-

cause I gave you all the authenticinformation I was able? Or is it be-

cause I cnteitnincd, and setiny tablefor you and gave you tho best I hadin tho houso? Your letter shows Itreated you better than you de-

served.I am highly pleased with your in-

tention to report me and my sonsin your directory as "common la-

borers." A common laborer, whohonestly works for his living and re-lics upon himself is worthy of fargreater respect, than an impudentbook agent, who expects to bosumptuously entertained and paidjmucii attention to ami linally meansto pay people, by lauding them inbooks or papers. Look in a minor,it will do you good.

You have nothing to boast of, iftho circulation of your book is not

'Itv Vw Jfl

mid Germany, besides 6000 on tlic&oIslands, amvnll the papers In Hono-lulu to vilify my name in. I willgive you tlie liberty to add the lestof the world.

If the accuracy of your dirccloiydepends upon how you have beenentertained and treated, it is to saytho least, a very poor reconnnenda-tioi- u

for people to mibscribo to itand a great injury to your employer.Your advice to mc to bo wise thenext time is good, and you mayrealize your hopes if you enter mypromises again. R. V. Mkyf.hs.


For weeks past Hilo has been un-

true to its reputation as a land ofperpetual showers, and on some, oftho plantations there was talk aboutthe young cane being uacuwarci..Impatience may have something todo with the latter idea as everybodywants to hurry sugar forward to getthe advantage of present high prices,and an ordinary rate of growth, tominds under the inlluenco of thisanxiety, does not seem satisfactory.However, the spell seems to bebroken; on Tuesday we had atliiinrlnrqtnrm and nlontv of rainthen and since, even to satisfy Hilo'sreputation, so we may hope thoyoung cane will grow fast enoughto catch up with the market.

Tho rain does not seem able tomake trade flourish. Everythinghere is as dull as ditcli water, andeverybody is more or less in thedumps. Even tho Chinese say 'theycannot make a living. We try tocheer ourselves by talking about

'that Volcano Road which the Legislature has promised us. Woe be tothe Public Works Department ifthey neglect this anchor of our hope.There cannot be a doubt that this isa work of something more than localimportance. Everything that pro-

motes tourists' traffic to and amongthese islands must be a nationalbenefit.i The Inspector of schools, A. T.Atkinson. Eso.. arrived here onMonday. He finishes his tour of

Hawaii at Hakalau next week andintends to return to the capital bythe next trip of the Kinau. Severalyoung hearts had been going pit-a-p-

for days before his coming inanticipation of his criticisms. Letus hope i all our teachers camethrough the ordeal with credit andcomfort.

Mr. Webb has been here and atthe Volcano taking notes for someAustralian papers. He and Mr.Atkinson were at Kilauea togetheron Saturday night and report tho"Dana" lake and sundry blow-hol- es

to have been very active. Theywere both delighted with the exhibi-tion of fireworks Pole prepared forthem. Ililo folks arc chaffed a gooddeal1 about that word "active" inconnection with their net volcano,but when two journalists of renownlike these latest visitors find no bet-

ter word to express in a generalway what they saw tho public maybe excused for adhering to thephrase. In point of fact when Ki-

lauea is active there are grand sightsto be seen which words cannot de-

scribe. The one thing is to be in-

ferred from the other so that it isprobable that the word will remainin vogue with us till someone inventsa better.

Jules Tavernier is still here andrecovered from his illness thoughstill far from well. He has severalpictures on the ea3el, and snys hehas been well patronized during hisvisit. He will probably return toHonolulu before the end of the year.


BT an English Girl, 115 years of age,to do light houbowork or as kitchen


78 Si

NOTICE."TTvUKING my absence fiom the King.XJ dnin, Jlr.'llay Wodehotiso will actfor me under full power of attorney.77 St A. M. IIEWE'lT.




rpIIE Btoro at Waialua he-- I

X longing to the Eincrson'e.For terms enquires of

. S. N". EMERSON.Waialua, Oahu, Oct. U, 1888. 09 2w



King street,Mr. lias a

of Uil tcet by S3tfeet deep. Apply to


885 REWA11DILfj be given for

of myMnro binuded

!2&pJ? "M K" on the loft hip.Tho Maro was cut looso from her tetherat Ksplolanl Park on tho night of tho19th. Or tho sumo reword will bo paidto nnyono giving infoimalion that will

the party who cutthe rope. II. V. POOR.

77 St

Clnl) Hon Restaurant

King Street

ON Atlinrion'a.opposlto



ItonrilHliiKlo aicnl

w thoieturnBrown

identify malicious

Hear Alakea.

81 SO i'rr Wrolr.US CeiitM'Iiacli.

A llrst-clus- s Cook has been engagedsucceed tho one heretofore employed.Tho Tables aro JIarble top and Clean;tho AValtcrs attentive.

. CHUN JBKE,72 8m Proprietor.


iHcirw.'ULumu.nm' mm i1 in fu'iwuu. inftiiuut mwji 'I.'"?"-Auctln Sales by Lewis J. Lcvoy,

Barpe ncissssjpLilian

AXlcrxnolV.1 am instructed lo oiler for sail- - at l'ublic:

Auction, at my Salesrooms,

On Wednesday, Oct. 24, at 12 noon,

Tho well-know- n Hawaiian Cllppor

BARQME LiUAftS,As Alio now llfs in Honolulu Harbor in

good order and (ondlllon,well found hi

Awchoro&ClinltiH.StniiiUuR & Itnnnine Jtlijs'iic, Hood SMIu, X.c, Ac.

As per inventory lo be seen at my ofUce.Can bo miulo ready for sea in

21 hours' notice.

Terms Cash in U. S. Gold Coin.

77 81


LEWIS J. LEVEY,Auctioneer.


iOEoforder of Messrs. Bishop & Co , anilBY in accordance with ilio power or

salo contained in a certain mortgagedeed given by Emma Crownlngburg loO. R. IJishop & Co., dated Ilio 20th dayof October, 1682, and ricnrtled In thoRegistry of Deeds in Honolulu, in Hooli71, pages 400, 101 and 102, the under,signed will sell at Public Auction,

On WEDNESDAY, Oct, 24, '88,


At his Salesrooms, corner of Fort andQueen streets,

All- - those Six Lots !

Siiunlc in Honolulu, on the IvulaokahuaPlains and now occupied hy

T. It. Walker, Esq.

J3STTorms Cash andexpense of purchaser.



Deeds at

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Auctioneer.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

HOBS elLOltt FumituA.rv AUCTION.

By order of G. W. Burgess; Ei.q., I willsell at Public Auction,

On WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, '88,

A.T 10 O'CLOCK A. 31..At his residence, Barctaula stieet, (op-

posite tho lee Work),

The Entire Househ'd Furniture,Comprising

B. W Parlor Set I

Upholstered iu Brocaded Plush,I.aige Marbli.top Center Table,Stele Engiaviuijs, Mai hie Phtuies,

Large Center Rug,Sofa & Bureau Rugs, Carpeting,Luce Curtains cc l'olw,

1 Heavy Carved B. W. Bedroom Set,

Spring Mattrasses, Large Mirrors,Mosquito Nets, Feather Pillows,

B, W. Bedstead and Bureaus,

Upholstered Eisy Chairs, Lounge,Black Walnut Chcffonierc,

One I'illcr Extension Tabic,Black Walnut Dining Chairs,Chandeliers, Lamp'-- , Waidrobe,

One Wilson Sewing Machine,Silverware, Crockery & Glassware,

Meat Safe, Garden Tools,

Charter Oak Eange.fe UtensilsFerns & Plants, Lawn Mower,

Canary Birds & Cages,ALSO

2 Carriage Horses,1 Maro, 1 Open Buggy, 1 Set


The Building Lot,At rear of tho residence lot, fronting

on Kiunu trcct, size lDOxlOJ feet.


C2T Promise' will ho open for inspec-tion on TUKSDAY, Oct. 23rd, from 9A. Jr. to 3 J', m.

74 tdJAS. F. MORGAN,



TN a nlcoX rounded

locality, sur- -liv vnlUl.'rtlit:

?w?fl3 grounds, two bultes of Furnished ItooinB, with bath and dress-ing looms, suitable for housekeeping,nnd if. wanted au additional room canbo added to either. Also, a Cottage,with bath, stable and carriage room.AddteS3 V, O. Box f00. 77 lni


Steamship Comp'y


"AUSTRA'LIA,"Will lwivo Honolulu for tho above

port on

Tuesday, Oct. 23,A.U? NOON.

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.78 lw

fmnrww i n'iii'.ii iii'i 'U'

Auction Sales by James 1', Moriian.


Ily order or .1. M. Monsirrat, Esq., I willBill at Public Auction, at my Sales-

room, Queen St., In Honolulu,

On Wednesday, Oct. 24,AT l!i O'CI.Ol'IL XOOS,

The following Pieces of band, viz:

All that Certain Piece of Land,

Situate at l'uuleim, Manoa, Oaliu.

Containing au area of about 20 Acres,ami known as tho "Alcana Kalnuki lrc.mlsis.'' This Land has a running streamrunning through It, and an unfailingsupply of wutor. There is one largetaio patch now on it, mid six or sevenacres more of the Laud can he put intotaro, and tho rest is suitable for bananaraising and pasture land. Tho Land hasa frontage of 040 feet on tho road, and alino view of Walklki and tho sea.

E2F Deeds at expeuso of tho pur-chasers.

For further particulais apply to


Or to J. M.clmnt street.

Auctlouccr.Monsarrat, No, Her- -

74 Id

IrtgagfieVlllceofSaleordei' of A. J. Uartwright, TrusteeBY of tho iCslntc of R. "V. Holt, the

Mnrteiiscu named in a certain indentureot mortgage, dated 18lh of May, 18SG,and reooidid in tho Ofllcc of tho Reg-Istiar-

Canvcvnncu1', in Honolulu, irtl.lbirlOl, lollop W-'- i, and made by 8.Nupahuhapii to said A. .1. Cartwright,Tnihtec ns nfjrchald, I am ditected tosell at Public Auction,

On Wednesday, Oct. 24th,AT 1 O'CLOCK. SOO.V,

At iny Salesroom, in Honolulu, allthat certain

Pioco or Parcel of Land,Situate at Kapalama, Island of Oahu,niak'al of and near UieGovciinuentioad,cotita.niug an urea of 0 of an Acre,and being Apaua 1, of Royal Patent Mo.Gtldt), Land Commission Awa dNo. 1241,and tho sinic premises that were con-veje- d

to the faid S Napitliuknpu by B.Manalcu and M. Moanaull. Administrator and Administratis of the Estate ofJ. Moanaull, by deed dated tho 7th ofMay, 1830, and recorded in tho OUlcc ofthe said Hcglstrar, in Liber 101, folios780. This Land is leased for $50 perannum

CSy-F- or further particulais apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Or to J. M".

Mortgagee.Monsarrnt, Attorney for

70 td

IriOTefeofSalGBY order of A. J. Cartwiight, Tins-te- c

of the Estate of It. V. Holt,tho Assignee of a certain MortgageDeed, dated 12th of August, 188C, andiccorded iu the Ofllcc of the Reglsti arof Conveyances, in Honolulu, in Liber91, folios 'Mo 0. made by llaaluo w,and ICaalhue k. her husband, to JamoaIt. Holt, Jr, and by him assigned to thesaid A. J. I artwright, Trustee as afoie-sai-

by deed ot assignment, datedMarch 21, 1SS", and iccorded In Liber105, folios 91-- 1 am directed, to sell atPublic Auction,

On Wednesday, Oct. 2dtli,AT ia O'CLOCK, soos,

At my Salesroom, in Honolulu, allthose certain

Pieces or Parcels of Land,Situate in Laie, Island of Oahu, andmore paitlcularly described as follows:

1 All those certain pieces or parcelsof Land, centaing au area of 1

Acres, and nioro paitieularly describedPatent !No. 9,29, Land Cominis-sio- n

AwaidXo. 0809 to Laielohcloho.2 All tlioso ceitaln pieces or parcels

ofT.iini, containing an aiea of 2 33-10- 0

Acics, and more p.u ticularly describedin ltoval Patent Xo. 1302, Land Com.mission Awaid No. 4270 to Kaco, andbeing tho'samo premises that were con-veyed to the said Ilaalieo by Manala,by deed dated the 1st day of January,1831, andiecoidcd in Liber 94, folios391-0- .

pSyFor further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN," 'Auctioneer.

Or J. M. Monsarra!;, Attorney forMortgagee- - 75 td

Mortgagee'sNOTICErf SALEBY order of A. RoBa, and in accord,

ance with tho power of salo con-tuine- d

In a certain mortgago raado by S.Napahukapu and Kahclo, his wife, ofHonolulu, Oahu, to A. RoBa, Guardian,ofiecordin tho Hawaiian Registry ofDeeds in Honolulu, in Rook 81, pages179 and 480. Tho undersigned will sellat Public Auction, at his Salesroom,Queen bttcet, in bald Honolulu,

On Wednesday, Oct. 24,AT 1 OTOLOGIC NOON,

All tho Real Ebtato hcrelnbelow des-

cribed with tho appurtenances, duo no-tic- o

of intention to foicclosu said mort-gagee having been duly publibhed.

KohI Estate to bo Bold: All tho Ijiinddesciibed iu Royal Patent 1 005, L. O. A.1081 to K u til, containing

An Area of 02-1- 00 Acres,Bituato in Kalaepokaku, Kapalama,

iu said Honolulu.This Land is leased for 10 years, from

February 1, 1S81, at an anuual lonlal of40, payable semi-annuall- y In advance.


Honolulu, Oct. 2, 18S8.


Auctioneer.74 td

AIC. Weir has this day purchasedus the materials, tools,

leases and business of A. M"rgau, car-riage manufacturer, at No. 7i and 81,King street, whero ho will continue thoFamu business with increased laeilliiesfor turning out good work at moderateprices,


Assignees of A. Jlorgun.Honolulu, Oct. 10, 18S9. 70 lw

nan, iii)i,,jiih,ii miii im..mT.ljm ijwi.w. ,l.l.lll. ii.hi.ih.hi. '"''. K cliLcnd bumrANi



Lais', Gents', I CMIM BaHrSisCOXXOIV & WOOL.


Also, Ladies' Black Diamond Dye Hose0 ,

Iii future, Mrs. tt. Small will bo prepared to doCutting and Fitting.

1751 ly

Constant Line of Schooners Ample Opportunity for All.o

to our constantly increasing business and tho gicnt demand of nnOWING community, wo conoludid to oiler an opportunity to all partieshaving capital. Our Line of Schooners niny lie. seen eliding over tlie "liar" niieiito their Utmost carrying capacity of Olcni, Ccol and Invigorating

John Wieiand's Philadelphia Lager BeerAT "OXSXXICKXOJV S$A.L.OOIJ."

To acconimolato our Vast Fleet of Schooner?, our ico vaults are now being en- -

larged regardless of cost. The

'OKXTERION"Is the only place where a Cool Glass of PIIIJ.ADFLPHIA BEEll, on Dinuglitrnn lie li'id in Honolulu. Step forward, Gentlemen, now's the time. t:i im




The VamouH dini-lim- Solid Silverware .. Finest TripleIMatetlwarc, in sreut variety.

Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, &c,At Exceedingly Low Piiccs.

J3csvutil"ul Mnx-tol- e CIocIjw I

Special Xiiuc ot Alnnu Cloclts, at l 75.o

These Goods have all been personally selected in the States, guaran-teeing thereby a choice selection of tlie Newest and Latest Designs.

Sample Packages ofoGuod? scnt to any part of tlio Kingdom. Having-ever-

facilities requisite for a ilrt.t-clas- e jcwcliy manufacturing establish-ment, wo feel confident that wo cm manufacture anything that may bo re-

quired in the Jewelry or Silvcrwaie Lino.

SWATCH XtEI?-YII61iS- & KINGRAVINGr-St- tIn our woll-lcnow- ji manner.


V. . Kox :i4S (50 lm)







Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,In Plush & Leather; Risque, Glass & Parian Ware, Opera &

Marino Glasses, Telescopes,

TWTwLSio Boxes, Toys, Books, &JL1iixa9other things too numerous to mention. All tho above

Goods will bo offered at the


$SP"Tho above Goods are New, Fresh and of tho Latest Design, havingbeen imported recent arrivals and were selected expressly for the trade.








J OO ITovfc Street. Honolulu.

lardwerejponrv sxiueei", noNor.xjiL.xj.

-- o-

Now Lino of

&At Lower Prices than ever before invoice of


Just Received

unci Inaug-!'-S- 3

Mr. S.!

Hasjiut returned from Ban Frnn.elbco with a Largo tftock of tho

& Goods

brought to this city. ,

SSTTho Goods woru bought inCheap, and ho Intend:) to give his custumors tho benefit of these purchases

C3T Call and too for yoursolvos112ra








Lamps, Chandeliers Lanterns,New


Novelties JTciucy GJootlw, Xjiii'jro Viwioty.

ROTH,Merchant Tailor

Finest English Scotch





NO. 1 FLOURconsignment of tho above


-I- 1Y-


'" 'L -

f r ". T I 1 .. UAVrr, .,. . "fira,.!. t J--I . r 1A jK,t&jaMSI, ... ..tM&lii'MX-ri&lYZt:c,-&1,-'..!-si-

isr.' c'iZS&MTS.'i -.- -ft " ',





y- -


-- :

'tv X


-- 4



nrv j&MiL4iAuiEi!iM0

Page 3: nT rl If Kf .J& Ji J' ifJI' · 2015. 5. 30. · settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July Union t Mnrlno Insurance. Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited

iW.m. i


p? i



P- -


r--if' .,


HDMOLULU CARRIAGE 00.llrick slaiul : Men.li.ntt, ami Fort

street. Telephones, !i85.inch

MONDAY, OCT. 22, 1888.

lj. 'an "."lU'aaj-vj.i.'jLL- w


Stmr Mlkalmla fi oiu Kau.ilStmr Jim Jlsikoc liom KunnaSelir llccla from KuulituSehr LuKa from KohalaBktuo V II Dlniond from rian Frnn- -



Stmr Mokolll for Moloknl nt fi p mSlmrVlvu for Moloknl nnd Kunu at

noonStmr Knaln for Wnlauuo and Wnlnhui at

0 a inStmr Klnnu for Voleanonnd way ports nt

4 p inStmr J A Cummins for Koolau at uoou


Star Llkrllkc for Kahulul and liana atC p m

Stmr Mikahnln for Kauai at 5 p mS ti Australia for San Fianclseo ut noon


From Kauai per stinr Mlkahnla, Oct21 Hon G N Wilcox, fj W Spitz, O WSpitz,. V Q Smith, Mis GW Wilcox,Itcv .1 B Ilaualkc and wile, Judge JKala, S Aukai, P P Kanoa, E Kaaloa,Hiss E Paris, Miss A llompke, C Ahln,It A Maeflc. Mis E ltpwell, 3 Chineseaud 60 deck.

From San Francisco per bktnc W IIDiiuond, Oct 21 Aitliiir White.


Stmr Mikahala 810 bgs sugar, 2C0 bgsrice, 42 bides and 50 bgs pin.


U S S Brooklyn, WilsonS i5 Australia, lloudlettBk D MetallicBrit bk Carnarvonshire, WilliamsII B M S Cormorant, Jasper NlcollsShip Daniel Baines, StroverU S S Alert, GrahamIHtO'DBi rant, LeoBkino W 11 Diniond, DiewBk O O Whitmore, Ward


The W S Bowno took for San Fran-cisco on Saturday S,002 bgs of sugar,valued at 639,740.7-4- .

' i ... i i


An English girl wants a situation.O ,

Mn R. A. Maciic of Kilauoa is intown.

Mu. Justico Bickerton sits atChambers this weok.

'&' The "Paradise of the Pacific will beout in lime for tho Australia's mail.

The Board of Education advertisesfor tenders in our by authority co-lumn.

Bn sure and send a copy of the'Bulletin Weekly Summary" to yourfriends abroad.

A Chinaman was fined $3 thismorning for selling a bottlo of Hoyt'sGerman cologne on Sunday.

The snug little sum of $114 wascontributed to the Police Court thismorning by nineteen drunks.

'Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Pai melee anddaughter leave on tho Australia for atin visit in the East.

Good-iiv- k and pleasant voyage toall pabseiigois doparting by the Aus-

tralia. Be sure and como back.

The Hon. Henry Wateihouso con-ducted the servico at KaumnkapiliChurch Sunday moining and tholtov. J. Bicknell in the overling.

The annual meeting of tho Plan-ters' Labor and Supply Companywill bo hold in Honolulu, Monday,October 29th at 10 a. m.

The ltov. S. Kapu, a graduato oftiro North Pacific Missionary Insti-tute, was ordained a pastor at Ilau-ul- a,

Koolauloa, Sunday morning.Ho has received a call from thochurch at that place.

In the Polico Court Saturday aftor-noor- r,

A. Kennedy, manager of thoHonolulu Steam Laundry, was sen-tenced to pay a lino of $200 and hoimprisoned at hard labor for onomonth for having opium in posses-sion;

The Australia sails for Ban Fran-cisco at noon The mailwill close at tho Post Ofiico'at 11o'clock. Seo that your letters andpapers aro pioporly stamped anddropped in tho ofllco well ahead ofclosing time.

Mu. and Mrs, Jus. G. Spencer andton leave by the AustraliaThoy will visit San Francisco andLos Angeles, Mr. Spencor'B fathor

at tho latter place, and returnhome on the Deeonibor steamer,Bon voyage,

The steamship Takasago Martiwill bo due hero about November13th from Yokohama with JapaneseBho will leuvo again for that port ontho 17th. Messrs. W. G. Irwin &Go, are tho agents aird a notice fromthorn appearb in urrothor column,

On Satin day a nolle pros, was cn-tor-

against llobt. Cowes, stewardof tho Australia, charged with smug-gling opium, Altornoy-Uerrer- Ash-for- d

said Unit the ancst of Mr. Coweshad beori made urrdor a misunder-standing of facts, and upon a full in-

vestigation ho was satisfied that Mr,Gowca had nothing whatover to dowith tho opium hi question.

i BmxiwiTWT.wmiitflgmpWfiaCT

Attnrliclo on IJriucn and Uridnlsnppcirs in the San Fiantiseo

(i( October 7th, ami includesn. portrait of Mrs. W. (J, Irwin.

A tokpi:i)0 book, containing se-

crets valued at thousands of pounds,lias boon stolon from tho torpedoschool shop, Vcinon, stationed oil"

l'ortsmouth, England.

Two dudes are lodging in Alnkcustreet, and ono of them missed hiswateh on Sunday morning. In themawkish manner common to dudes,the loser staled that tho "ticker" wasu family keepsake ; otherwise ho didnot value it as it was only Bilver.liofore going to tho Folico Station,however, the other dude found thomissing watch, having placed it in udrawer for a "lark" (joke). Hothought it was "so dwedfully funnyyaw knaw." Thcso two beautiesleave by the Australia


Band concert at Emma Squaro, nt7:80.

Honolulu Social Club at 7:30.Harmony Lodge No. 2 I. O. of O.

F. at 7:30.


In consideration of tho seriousillness of Mrs. Capt. Whitney andat tiro request of her medical atten-dant, the band concert announcedto take place this evening at EmmaSquare, has been postponed.


Messrs. Wcnner & Co., the well-kno-

jewelers, have just finishedan elegant piece of work. It is awalking cane of sandal wood with tV

boar's tusk for a head. Tho tuskcame from Hon. Sam Parkar'sranch at Mana and is a perfectspecimen. It is mounted with goldand bears a monogram on top. Thegold mountings aro engraved in avery skilful manner. The cane hasbeen made to tho order of Mr. W.J. Broderick of Los Angeles, whointends it as a present to a friend.

ii ii. in. i 'i ii i


This morning Mr. J. Srmonsonwas walking into town from Palaraa,when nearly opposite Liliha streethe was knocked down and run ovorby a hack driven by F. Blackburn.Siraonson was picked up and carriedhome and at once attended by adoctor. It is not thought that anybones are broken, but he is very badlybruised and shaken up. Blackburnwas driving at a good pace and wasgetting out of tho way of a team atthe time of the accident. Ho hasbeen arrested on a charge of heed-less driving.


By tho Australia, Tuesday, Octo-

ber 23rd.: Hon. W. G. Ii win, Mrs.Irwin, child and maid, Mastci BenHolliday, E. D. Tenney, Miss Came-ron, W. J. Broderick, wife and child,Miss Mary Dyke, Mrs. Lacy, C. W.Macfarlane, wife and child, E. M.Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. J.uncs,lion. H. A. Widemann, II. Snibley,Mrs. C. L. Wight, Miss Anna Palis,J. R. S. Kynnersley and wife, M.Dickson, H. C. Bryant and wife, 11.

A. Paiinelce and wife, Miss LottieParniclco. Capt. D. T. Mannix, Hon.W. C. Wilder, Mrs. Farnsworth andchild, J. W. Barnes, C. P. Downing,It. Stewart, W. A. Bowen, MissWhite, Mrs. Ilcnson, Miss Shea, M.M. Tompkins, B. Hoover, Mrs. E.McDowell.


Attention is called to the Adver-tisement of Pitt and Scott's ParcelExpress Agency in another column.By sending parcels Jto Europe,Africa, and the islands "of tho At-

lantic by this agency via Australiathe rates are much lower than viaAmerica, and there are less tranship-ment and complication than by thelatter route. The Australasian Colo-

nies are reached direct from Hono-lulu by this agency whoso facilitiesfor parcel delivery at tho antipodesare very great, and their systemcomplete. This agency will doubt-less prove a great convenience toHawaiian residents. Parcels order-ed from abroad arc also receivedand foreign orders placed by Pitt &Scott iu London.


Tho "Straits Times" says that II.M. S. Orion was to lcavo Singaporeon the 25th Sept. for Brunoi, wherosho was to hoist tho British flag andproclaim a British protectorate.

The Canadian Pacllio SteamshipCompany's steamer Duko of West-minster, which left Yokohama on theMlh Sept., arrived at Vancouver onSunday tho 30th September.

Captainer Lee, of the CanadianPacific S. S. Abyssinia, reports onarrival on Saturday from Vancouver,that on Friday tho Mth Sept, at10:35 p. ra., in Lat. 8G 39 N. andLong. M2 27 E., ho passed asmall rock or reef within a distanceof about 2J miles, which is not indi-cated on the charts. At tho timethere was a moderto N. W. breezewith flno clear weather. Tho seawas comparatively smooth, hut wasobserved to be breaking on tho rockor reef which was just awash. Capt.Lee had obtained most reliable

of Latitude at noon andbelieves his chronometers to havebeen correct. Ho thinks this to botho samo reef reported as seen by aRussian man-of-w- ar in 185D andagain jn 1870, but further to theN. E.

WEEKLY BULLETIN-- 26columns, purely local matter-Ma- iled

to foreign countries, $5 perannum.

wsrfiWrwrr itjm'uf'araii.'ijjil'iHAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE.

rr.uroitMANcr Tvr run HonoluluAMA1KUK MIXSTUU. C03IPANV.

The Honolulu Minstrel ouiptiny,resuscitated aird rcconstruclcd,madoits first appearance in a now scriesof cntcitainmerrts on Saturday night,at the Hawaiian Opera House. Whinthe curtain roso at 8 o'clock thehouse, down-stai- rs and s, Ipresented to tho performers a per-fect sea of faces. Every icscrvabloseat had boon secured before thoopening of the doors, and all thosonot reserved wcro occupied shortlyafter the doors opened by people inwaiting for tiro first opportunity togain admission. A good many per-sons had to aland throughout theevening wherever they could jamthemselves In. The Iioubo retainedthis plethoric condition to tho closeof the performance.

The raising of the curtain revealedto the audience tho Minstrel Com-pany in a curved line of fourteenblackened faces, home of thesewcro familiar, from having appearedon the same stage, on sundry occa-sions, with tho company in its pristine days; othcis were strangersthere, this being their first appear-ance. The company has lost severalof its old and prominent members,

Notably Harry Von Holt, Armstrong,Morse, and Bishop, of whom tuethree first named aro absent fromcountry, and their place are filledby an addition of new blood. W.II. Hoogs and W. II. Charlock oc-

cupied one end of the curve, audrattled the bones ; at the other wereU. J. Ordway and 15. K. Biven, whooperated the tamborincs; A. 15.

Murphy was interlocutor.The first part of the entertain-

ment consisted of songs andchoruses. U. J. Ordway Bang "Hideaway;" J. Bright, "Put my littleshoes away;" W. II. Charlock,"Telephone in the air;" C. D. Wili-oka- i,

a Hawaiian air ; E. It. Biven,"A new Dude in Town ;"-- E. Hal-stea- d,

"The Lighthouse by theSea;" W. II. Hoogs, "I owe tendollars to O'Grady." Tho singingwas very good, .both the solo andconcert parts. Several repeats wereinsisted upon by the audience.

The pleasantries with which thesongs were interspersed caused considerable amusement, those havinglocal point and application being es-

pecially applauded. At the firstseveral of the best jokes were losfto most of the audience throughnot being fully heard, but thospeakers seemed to measure the hallmore correctly later on.

The latter half of the programmewas made up of a negro sketchplayed by Murphy and Biven, banjosolos by Ordway, and n local bur-lesque portraying day and nightevents in Honolulu. The entirecompany took part in the builesque.The day events represented a varietyof local characters calling in succes-sion at rfslaud for a milk shake., andamongst them a well-know- n muleand its rider. The debut of themule created tumultuous applause.A dude, a Frenchman, and a nativewoman were capitally represented.W. H. Hoogs played the policemanto perfection. "Honolulu at night"represented a gambling scene, andhow the police are hoodwinked. Thepleasure of tho house was testi-liecTb- y

frequent and prolonged burstsof laughter.

The evening's enjoyment wasaugmented by an ollicient orchestra,in which the indefatigable Bergerand the MyronJones exhibited their musical skill.

W. G. T. U.

Following arc the officers of theWoman's Christian TemperanceUnion elected at tho annual meetingfor tho ensuing year:

President, Mrs. J. M. Whitney;ts, Mrs. C. M. Hyde,

Mrs E. G. Beckwith, Mrs. S. C.Damon, Mrs. E. W. Jordan; Re-

cording Secretary, Mrs. R. J.Greene; Corresponding Secretary,Mrs. L. McCully ; Treasurer, Mrs.L. B. Coan ; Auditor, Mrs. A.Bowen.


Onr reporter called on Col. Ash-for- d

Saturday evening, to try andverify (or have contradicted) someof tho unpleasant rumors of 'back-stairs" work in connection with thowithholding of his commission fromAugust 20th to October 10th. TheColonel stated, in effect, that muchof what he knew in connection withthe whole affair was common report,and the Bum.ltin must have heardof It ; that ho had never "threatenedto test tho constitutionally of theMilitary Law" (as .the "Advertiserstaled in a recent issue) ; that hocould see no impropriety in the Bur.-i.i'.n- r,'

publishing the text of thocommission, if deemed of any pub-lic interest; hut beyond that, as hoheld nnd intended to act under thecommission, ho hoped the Bulletinwould not think him discourteous ifho said nothing farther on tho sub-ject. Tho following is text-o- f thecommission :


Honolulu, Oct. 10, 1888. jCoi V. V. Ahirroitri, Commanding

Hawaiian Volunteers.Sir: 1 have the honor to inform

you that after your name was certi-fied to the Minister of ForeignAffairs as the nominee of both bat-talions, for Colonel of tho HawaiianVolunteers, tho majority of thoCabinet not objecting, a commissionwas prepared for you and presentedto His Majesty for signature.

After taking time to consider the

samo, Ills Majesty declined to signsuch commission.

Subsequently it wan decided at ameeting of the Cabinet, that thoMinister of Foreign Affairs shouldpresent to you n certificate of yourelection, and a statoment of thofacts in tho caso, and placo you incommand of tho Hawaiian Volun-teers.

In accordance with such decision,hereby certify that you wcro duly

elected Colonel of tho HawaiianVoluntcors by a majority of thefield, staff, and lino olllccrs of bothbattalions.

Aird you arc hereby appointedColonel of the Hawaiian Voluntocrs,from this date aud directed to takeformal command thereof, reportingto me all of your proceedings underthis appointment.

I have the honor to hi, sir, yourmost obedient servant,

Jona. AusTrn,Minister Foreign Affairs.




Satukday, Oct. 20th.Kuaualewa et. al. vs. Kipi ct. al.

Ejectment. Motion filed 19th for anew trial. Granted provided plain-tiffs do not file a disclaimer to i ofthe land. Defendants note excep-tions and plaintiffs filo disclaimer.C. Brown fo plaintiffs ; W. O. Smithfor defendants.

Kahananui (w.) m Kahauanui(k). Divorce. Being heard.


Foreign Parcels Express.

THE undersicBcd are now preparedX to forward parcels throuch Pitt &

Bcott's London Agency, to all parts ofEurope, Asia and Africa; and also toAustralasia direct, and to the South SeaIslands via Australian or New ZealandportB. Tariff rates, which are remark-ably moderate, liavo recently been d

and may be learned upon appli-cation.

Parcels or heavy freight can also hesent for and brought to Honolulu fromany part of Europe through Pitt & Rcolt'sAgency, and may be insured at tho portof departure if desired. Special ordersfor European coeds can bo placed byPitt & Scott in England or through theiragents in other parts of Euiopo; and thepackages forwarded by any route thatis best, at reduced hcary freight rate ifthe packages are largo.

J. E. BKOWN & CO.,Hawaiian Agrntu Pitt & Scotl'm

Express. 78 lm


The Nippon Yusen Kalsha's AlSteamship

"Takasago Maru,"Brown, : : Coumandeh.

Will be duo hero from Yokohama on orabout the 13th November and

will leave for the aboveports positively on tho

17th of the- - same Month 1

Chinese Passengers for Hongkongwill he transferred at Yokoliama byfirst steamer leaving that port.

BSyFor Freight or Passage havingsapcrior accommodations, apply to

m, G. IRWIN & Co.,78 td Agent?.


DURING my absence from the King,the Hon. W. V. Allen will

act for mo under a full power of attor-ney in all private matters, and also innil estates in which 1 am assiimco oragent. W. C. PAUKE.

Honolulu , August 85, 1888. 29 'Am


AT tho annual mooting of the stock-holders of the Honokna Sugar Co.

held this day the following gentlemenwcro elected officers for the ensuingyear:

F. A. Schnofer Pre-lden- t,

J. HotingJ. Hoting Troasmcr,II. Konjes Secretary,M. llclnerny, Auditor,

H. RENJEH,Secretary.

Honolulu, October 10, 188). 70 41


AT tho annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Pacific Sugar Mill,

the following gentlemen were electedofilceis for the ensuing year:

F. A. Hcliaef cr President.O. It. Bishop Vlce-l'resldc-

J. II otlng Treasurer.II. Retries Secretary.J, H, Paty , Auditor.

H, RENJES.Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct 17, 1888. 4t


AT the annual meeting of the stock,holders f tho Walanae Company

held this duto the following gentlemenwere duly elected to serve as olllccrs forthe ensuing year, viz:

President II. A. Widemann,Vice-Preside- O. N. Wilcox,Treasurer A, Jaeger,Becrutury CO. Ilorger,Auditor CO. Dercer.

O. O. BEItGElt,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 16, 1889. 74 lw

ELECTION of OFFICERS.the uniiual rnectinE of the itoek,AT holders of tho Hllca Sugar Co.

held In Honolulu, October IB, 1888, thefollowing officers were reelected tosuivoduiing the ensuing year;

W. Q. Irwin President,John A. Buck,...MtVlee-Iresldent- ,



II, M. Whitney. Jr Auditor.W. M. QIFFARD,

73 lw Secretary, 1J. S. Co,

business item:;.

Xot leei liwlrr t if html ra t rtlf'l 10 "''per lino for the,Hrt Inwilivn, and c.nto J r lintti tru ad'Htlonal it en .'Ion.

ESSRS7D0DD & MILLERhfivo lint received ox Austrnlla

another lot of that PHILADELPHIALAGER BE&R" In ktga, which theyare oB'crlncto their customers. 73 lw

HANCE for Investment All thofurniture Rtid fixings for a lodging

house of 35 to 00 tooiiis. Also the lespcof a n.rooincd lodging hoiuo, In a finelocality. Rent very low. Lenso ?lAyears lonccr to rim. Euqulro nt thisonicfs not

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Bear of Lucas' Mill.tUl1 M - '. i j


and after this date I will notFROMrcspounlblo for any dobts con-tracted In my name by my son VincentFernandez without my written order.

PETEIt FERNANDEZ.Honolulu, Oct. 15, 1883. 73 lw


CiYll Engineer and Surveyor.

Fort Street, Honolulu.oot-1- 0 8S-3-

Something- - New !"Whose "ad" is it? Why,

HABBY 8Al'LOU'8Who has opened a

Coffee Saloon, on Hotel Street.A Hot Dinner la provided Every

Day from 11 :80 a. m. to 1 v. m.

ty Come nnd try his CorTce, ctc.--t

CO tf


Life Insurance Co.,OP NEW YORK.

Cash Assets. Decombor3I, 1887$118,800,851 80

Those who desire Bate and profitableLife Insurance are Invited to apply to

S. B. ROSE,Honolulu, Qcnoral Agent, Hawaiian

Islands. oct-- 0 88.1y





The Leadin

Millinery House-- OF-

CHAS. J. FiSHEL,Will rccoivo a fine lino of

Surrah Silks,Dress Sillts,

Satins, Lawns,



Lace Curtains,

And a general assortmentof fine

Fancy-- AND-



Which wo will olfcr nt vorylow iirices,

CHAS. J. FBSHEL,The Leading Millinery House.

Corner of Fort & Hotel stroots.July 17-8- 8


i Mm fciill--


Boys' School Shirts, Boys' School Hats, Boys' White


A fulMine of Citwhams I


A Lerie Assortment of

Wo will close


! SHOES!For Gents, L.idies,



--S T H

G3 & 05 Fort Street.

EO-r- S &;


OF- -


To lie in aw ii Hie

Sept-17-8- 8


MY ofllco will bo closed from tJeptcm.bcr 22nd to October 37th, during

my absence from 'the Klnirdom.M. 18. GROSSMAN,

36 tf Dcntibt. OS Hotcl'fit.

NOTICE toundersiencd having been duly

appointed nnd qualified us Admin.. istraters with tho will annexed of theEstato of Samuel Gardner Wilder, lateof Honolulu, uccciiHui: iieroiiy nowyall persons having claims ucainst saiddecca-.c- to present the sinie, duly autucntlcftted, with the proper vouchers Ifany exHt, even if si'cuicd by mortgage,to Wm. F. Allen. Esq., at the liank ofBishop & Co., Honolulu, within sixmonths from this date or they will beforever barred. A. P. JUDD,

W. P. ALLKNAdminlHlrnttrs with tho Will nnuexed

of thu Estate of S. G. Wilder, do- -

ceased.Honolulu, October 1 1, 18S8. 70 lm


People's Ice & ltcfi iterating Com.nany having lately buili Tv Largoltcfrlgorntors at the Ice Factory,are now pi to stoio Mcat.t,Fruits, Vegetables, cto., in same ntreasonable rates. The rates will hegiven to parties desiring Cold Htorac accommodations by the man.ngcr at tho Factory, llolh Tele,phone? ut the Winks, No. 15!l.

J. K. WILDER,00 lw President.

Whale Boats,TN mihwer to several ciiqulrieii eou-Wlm- lo

X cerulni; Uoat Frames, wehave now In eourso of coiiptinetloii,S Whale lloat Frames 7J feet by 32 feetlong. These fmines mo bent In onepiece of oak, and held U shape, thusrequiring liltlo tact to set them up amibuild. The full frame for such boats,Including cants, 4,r sections In number,Is solil nt 823; with laigcbteiiis on keel,aud ready to plank $40. Thoy me notIntended to be clinker built, nor as thudail Imported w halo boats pi opcr, butmo Intended for tough use and dumbllily, yet light wlthtu. for llhhig iitultrading purposes. Wo have exportedtucift frames mid Intend doing so, midmake this offer to uniatcius and othersdesirous of trying their hand, withplenty of leisure nnd small cunh to makeuhiibhicsj. Will bend frames to anygiven model from 5 to L'5 tons, Al&o onhand for sale Buifiunl Ple&suru Boats,Stoms, Knees nnd Tlmbeis. MutualTelephone No 3U5.

DOWER & SOX.70 tf Boat Biiildcis.

4 .A i

l r &'. -i -

if fi ifiimiliiteiittiiillif ' jfeK4-.la-- .


nwijji'inwrjjiejuiwuu.jjw --"SJH !1



"M fit

1 'ia ss dtiSi



full line of Batiste X

WMle Dress !

';out at a

SHOES! SHOES!Misses & Children.




3B -- 31-


Mill store !






Sent Furnishing ioods, &cKiiflom



-- j

-- W


5P line Milch Cow,.12

price, 8125. Applynt tho Bulletin Office.

01 Stdoaw


IJrcBHiimlcliitr, Seo., 3o.Has commenced tho luiaincss of Dressmnkinii, CutiinR and Fitting, at her resi-dence, No. 7!l Ucretnnln street, oppositetho Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sept-tt-l- y

. . .... , . . ," " -


HAVING been appointed by H. H.H,LUiuokalanl to be col-

lector of all rents due of her lands,therefore, notice is hereby given to alltenants nnd lessees to pay all rents tome at Kapalama, Honolulu, Oahu, attho time aud date specified in all theleases, aud I am alone authorized togive receipt for the same. Parties com.nit: to pay tholr" rents will please takenotice that they must bring their lastreceipts with them.

J. HELELUIE.Honolulu, October 8, 1888. 07 2w

Certificate of Registration of Copy-


DKl'AnTMKNT OP TIJE iNTEIUOll, )Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. J

ENOW all Men by these Presents,iu accordance with the pro.

visions of Bectlon 2, Chnptor 8, of thoSession Laws of 1888, J. M. Macdonaldhis tiled In tho ofllco of the Minister ofthe Interior an application for a Cerllfl.cate of Copyrluut for a book entitled"Tho Honolulu Business Directory, be.tag n piofcsslonul commercial and tradeadilrehs book of the city and suburbs, ,

corrected up to duto of Issue," whichsaid application is acxorapmiled by- - theoath of the said nppllcant that he fa theorlidunl and first author of said book.

Now, therefore, this Ccttlucate is togrant unto the said J. M. Macdomild, htaheirs or assign for the term of TwentyYears, from the Tenth Day of October.One Thousand Eight Hundred andElghty-eiglii- , Ih6 exclusive right topriut, reprint, publish, use and vendthe euUI book throughout the HawaiianKingdom, '

Iu Witness whereif I have.cauudthis Certificate to be Usued at Honolulu;this Hth Day of October, A. D, 1888and the Seal of tho Department ot theInterior to be hereto affixed. ';

JONA. AUSTIN,MlnUtcr of the Interior, ad inttnm.

10 am


Page 4: nT rl If Kf .J& Ji J' ifJI' · 2015. 5. 30. · settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July Union t Mnrlno Insurance. Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited

r , ir6 V

?- -

I,.k ftAjJt















f ' : ;


Tolopkoneo, No. 175.

JOM ITT, No. 8t


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER, HOSE,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received ly every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attendedand Goods delivered to any part ot tlio city free of charge. Island orders soli,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 83 , nov-- 4 85



a &

-- a 80

Telephone 240.- - --


& tlio Co.J.





City Market,Street.

Beef, Veal,, Lamb, Mutton, &

Cambridge Sausages !

are byand all

care will bennu aim nis

Tirlpna iirrt 11a Innr ng nivt liarn 3,1 llin

Sausages."aOOl 0 BB

theJL "I

UlY 1""T7n n Citln


and a of

if IFr, r jl it ujo uaiui

'.B -- .; -- ?. t V A?..


Cor. Edinburgh & ftucou Sts.

Mnmii Street



aoisr - -- P. O. Box 297.


FOR ipsra SALE'The of tho

Mnmnflnv KnnamIJIUX J.I111J. , .U.U.UU1U,

Is olTcrcil For Sale. Tho Machineryis in perfect

and consist' of

One 26x48 Mill Engine,Trash.carrlor,1 Pair of Boilers Gx20,1 Doublo Effedt C 7 feet

Vacuum.Pan G feet Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals Engine,

Together with tlio of

tellers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

other Machineryin a well appointed infill.

Also, a number of

California & Islaiii Males,Cane Carts dcn'l Plantation,

Impkments.Delivery s ill bo given after next crop

been hnrvcsteil, say July 1.1S83.

particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Hawaii,

48 tf


Hams & Kits Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,

, Cianbeny Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Germca,

Hnckius ,& XVunco American feed Co.'s Asswrt'd Soups,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, BreakfastQem, "Wafcis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & Cream

'Crackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,

Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, GardenWheat, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And General Assor't of Staple Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Snlt the Times.

mh-9-J BSir Leave your or ring up 119.


Frozen Oyslors Fresh Goods from California on by each' steamer of 0. S. S.A complete line of Crosse & and T. Morton's English

Canned Goods always hand.

BSs W 3E "W & O O gSSSmoked Edam Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Oregon CreamCheese, New York Cheese, Cala. Mild Cheese, Zealand Cheese,Star Ham & Bacon, Cicily Lemons, Smoked Smoked Foiled Sausage, fewof Celebrated Cassurd ia Bacoii, Cala. Roll Butter, Fard Dales, Sardinesin Tomatoes, Queen Olives in Isega, Cala. Mixed Pickles In Iscgs, Wellington EpgFood, Maple Byrup in gallon tins, Hucltius Turtle Soup, Huckius

Soup, Cain. Keg Butter, New Zealand Keg Butter and a complete line ofCanned Goods always on hand; fine New Zealand Onion and Potatoes

now on hand, each arrival from Zealand SOMETHING FINE.

Orders Solicited. 87





Fresh Lvcry Day,

t"His noted Sausngos made.the every best machinery, ordersentrusted to hiswiiu promptness mspaicn,

city.CSTTry his Bologna

THE OLDEST DAILY inKingdom lie iJally uuilcuu."

.Tlio Inter -- Island Steamvl.,.. tinXX MgtlVJ.tMl VJW.J

' iA.lntillw l.ni.rl fnrA.UUJ' bUUBitWlUJ

Steam Family nnd BlacktmitU Coolgeneral assortment


ouvcruse m uubuuu.


Entire Plant


working order

withEtc., complete,

and Pans,"1 with


usual assortment

And usunlly found


has about

tTor further


advertise the Bulletin

Dupec Bacon, SalmonSmoked



Dales, Seeds,Flour, Butter,




New WhitakcrBeef,

the Hams

Green Ter-rapinAmerican


ap-l- C






IffiHaBIjtw i'TWT Wfs

, I...

In ExhibitioMessrs, G. V. HACJPARLAHB & Co.

Hog to nnnounro a Rraiul tvhtbi-tio- n

of original

ngs7"Water Colore,


Gravures & EtchingsWhich will be offered for Exhibi.

lion and Sale at their Sales.looms (up stairs) on

FRiPAY, Oct. 12thTbc above comprise canvasses from

well-know- n artists of

X.omion. Blimloli, Diii'scltl- -tlorilV Ocrllii, rarlp, and

otlior A.rt Ccntoi's.And taken as a whole, nro without

doubt the

Finest Collection !.Ever brought to these Islands.

Tho Pictures will he on Exhibi.tlon from

lO n. in. to t p. m dailyISgrTho Public arc cordially invited"Bfl

oct-1- 0 88

Corporation Notice.

NOTICE is hereby given that at nof tho undersigned part-

ners of the Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Co.,it was resolved to accept tho chartergranted September 27, 18S8, by tlioMinister of Interior for the incorpora.lion of tho Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Co.,(Limited.) W. II. DANIELS,


Wailuku, Maul, Oct. 4, 1S88. 65 5w

Dissolution ot Copartner-ship.


between the undersigned,heretofore

con.stitutlng the firm of the Hawaiian Fruit& Taro Co , in Wailuku, Maui, has thisday been dissolved by mutual consent!the assets nnd liabilities of said (Innbeing transferred to the Hawaiian Fruit& Taro Co., (Incorporated.)


" A. N. KEPOIICAI."Wailuku, Maui, Oct. 4, 1SSS. CO 5w

Election of Officers.

is hereby given that nt aNOTICE of tho stockholders of theHawaiian Fruit & Taro Co. held in Wni-luk-

Maui, October 4, 3SS8, tho follow,inc ofllceis were elected for tho ensu-ing year:

John Richardson President,J. D. Holt Vice President,

( Secretary,W.H.Daniels &

( Treasurer,A. N. Kepoiliai Auditor.

W. II. DANIELS,, Sccietary.

Wailuku, Maui, Oct. 5, 1888. 05 5w


Those whishing Taro Flour or Poi, inbariols aio requested to ring up

Mutual 325

When their orders will be promptly531 attended to. . lm


Photographer.JTorfc Street, aliovo Xlotol.

Portrait, Cabinet Size, $Q per dozen.Card Size, $1 per dozen.

Island & Samoan Views4 per dozen.

E3? For puichasers of more than asingle dozen a reduction of $1 on eachdoen is mode. 59 lm

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St.

Tlie undcisigncd legs to inform thepubliu of these Islands that he is making

Sliirlw ly MooHiii'ciiieut IDirections forself-incasnremc- will

bo given on application.

White Shirts, Ovcrslilrts & Mght Gowns

A lit guarantee by making a campleBlilit to every order.

Island order solicited Boll Tclcpliono 410




Proof SafesOMXE- -

Mi Safe k Loci Co.,

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Having established an Agency in this

City for tho tnlo of their mniiu- -

fucturc?, which are

Surpassed by ftSoneIn tliclr lino in the worlil, nn opportu.nity is ollered to oil requiring protec-tion of tliclr Valuables from Firo andTheft to supply themselves cm tonuswhich defy competition.

EST For particulars inquiro at "aGulick's Agency,

No, 89 Merchant St., Honolulu, II, I.scpt-24-8- 8

TF YOU' WANT A SERVANT,J. Bdvertise in the Dailt .Bulletin.

Have tho L.irgcbt Vnuclj ftml Uosl Stock of

m EBBPr--


n& Ever exhibited in this

Ftirnituro of every description for Parlor, Bedroom,Dining-roo- m, Library & Voranda.

Thoy lmve tho Bost

Chairs from 7fi cents to SfCO

gfF Toys

ffiPlBtfwMPraH- - s.oojW T0

Furniture Reupholstered !

Mattrasses made to order !

CORNICE POLES & PICTURE FRAMESMade in nil Styles and Prices to suit everybody. .


Pianos, Organs & Furniture !

mil Sold on the Instalment Thin. ly

RftANUEL NUE2E8,Xo. 40 Hotel Htroct.

Gnitars & String InstrmnpiitsOf all kinds Mado & Repaired.

5 Inlaid Work, and Initiating inWood a specialty. 70 3rn

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERDally Bulletin." CO cents

per month.


Can be found next door to the P. C. AOffice, Morchant Ftrcet.

Slacks Wos. 18, H7, (, 75, ISOWngonotto XXO.




A Specific for

RHEUMATISM,Hero l'u In, Halt Itlicuni,

XenrnlKlii, JHiik IVorni,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases.

It Regulates the

Cures Indigestion, and all Diseasesarising fiom an enfcobled con.

dilion of the system.

Dr. Martino, of London, tho celebratedhpecialist, says of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"1 have usid it for twenty years forBlood Diseases, such ns Bcrofular, BaitJtliuijm, Tetter and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly."

Tho Hev. Dr. Thomas, of Ilonpr Kong,China, says; "PARDEE'S REMEDY is awonderful incdicino for tho blood. Ihavo prescribed it hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in time italways cured tho patient. I can safelysay that leprosy will novcr break out onpersons who tak,o PARDEE'S REMEDYregularly, and I adviso all persons liv.ing in countries where leprosy is pre-valent to tuko PARDEE'S REMEDY as aprovontlvc,"

BSTFor Salo by all Druggists In Honolulu.Aug-s- a 88-a-

PRINTING of all kiudi oxe.cuted at the Dailt Bullehn Office.

MtfrtTOygpJcl-- y



AiBortmcnt of


cncli.of every ilcsciiptfon and prico.

Accordeons !

Accordeons !

Win. O- - Atwater,Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses.Office, : Honolulu Iron Works Co.

sopt-291- y


81 liing'Strect, opposite the Old StationHouse.

BivLiial Tulcplioiic No.87 tf


Practical Watchmaker & Repairer

Good work guaranteed. At presentlocated at S. Iloth's tailor shop.


Hell Tel. 1MB. Jtlutual Tel. iar.o. iioiiis.

Ofllco . . 88 Merchant St., Honolulu



Conveyancing a Specialty Records search-ed unci abstracts of title furnished onshot t notice

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllnngungos in general uso in tho Klnfr-do-

Custom House brokorago Firo nnd LifeInstuanco rcccivo prompt attention.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

I2,eal Elastatcbought, Bold and rented.

Sovernl valuable properties in andaround tho city now lor salolou ci'tyterms.

Convenient Collages in desirable healthylocations ill and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employmonl Wanted by several mon nndboys, who will mao themselves use-fu- f

in performing the various officesand chores required by private fami-lie-

Full particulars given on applicationat tho agenoy,

Onlers fiom the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

"IF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJ. advcrtlso in the Daily Bulletin.


"Weekly Summary."28 Columns of Original Mailer.

Is now issued nnd v,l lie found tobo nn interesting nnd comprehensivenumber, containing US columns ofleading matter on local topics, anda complete icsiimo of Honolulu andisland news. Thot c is no bettor paperpublished in tlio Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. -

8unsciurnoss :

Island $1 00 yc"nrForeign (mailed) C 00 year

To be had fromHawaiian News Co, Merchant

strict ;

A. M. Hcwett, Merchant street ;

W. II. GraenUalgh, Fort street;Bulletin Office, Qauen street.

0. S. S. CO.'S time" table.

Arrivo at Honolulu from San Francisco.Zcalnndia October 25Australia Novcnibor 13Alameda Novcnibor 22Australia December 11

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco.Australia Oetobor.23Mariposa November 18Austinlia November 20Zcalandia December 1CAuBtrnlia December 18AlameTla (1880) January 13

AnoTnn ion mi Umittipomail uuiviuu

irr 5'fl ?

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Tho now and fine Al steel steamship

" Alameda,"Of tho Oceanic Steaintlilpt.'otnpnny.'wl I

bo due at Honolulu fiom Kjdneyand Auckland on r iibout

October 2 3 , 888.And will leave foi the abovo port withmails and pas3engeis on or about thatdate.

For fieight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWE G. IRWIN & CO.. Ae-ent-

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and lino Al steel steamship

, "ZeaSaradia,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

October 25, 1SGS,And will havo prompt withmails and p.issengeis for the above ports.

For freight or pusbagc, baving SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM, G. IRWIH fe CO., Agents

Honolulu LibraryAND

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Motel & Alnkca Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at tlio presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading newspapeisand periodicals.

A Parlor is provided for conveisatiound games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

aionth, payable quaiterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the loll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisltois fiom tho other islands aio wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deslio to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof tbls kind, will put down their namesand becomo regular contilbutors.

A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Pros.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

11. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. DODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

ConnpM Iron !

Best Crown lirand.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Foot LengthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cockermouth"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit,

Also, 600 Bbls. Whlto Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates,

blder & CO.03 tf

roit SALE.

3 WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedWhale Boat, 80 feet long, 8 feet

deep; 8 feet wldoj 3 22 feet Surf Boats:1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger10 feet long, 0 feet 0 iucliCB wide, 2 feet0 Inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 23 feet Bailing Scow, withmast'nud sails all complete. Apply to,

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 61 tf

THE DAILY BULLETIN is a llvoX evening paper. 60 cents per month

fctc)ftxtM yVH01jVD1.1J. ,,. JLi,l

Richard Cayford,VETEItlJfAItY

laoeiii? Forge,70 .V HI KlnirHtlcH.

Shoeing, from Si.fiO.

Horsos and Cattle Treated foiall DiscnGCs,

Residcnco: Chnmlicrlnin Ilouse, 'nextKnwninhno Church.

I. O. BOX lOW.

Yosemife Skating


Skating! Skatingl Skating!Corner Quoon & Richard Slroots.

"W ill bo open overy evening from 7 to0:80 r. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturday?evening for tho Public in General.

THOBIAS 12. AV A. X.H.,1001 Proprietor. lyr

Received per "Australia,"Two Lirgc Refrigerators, con.


Grapes, PearsrPlums, Apples,

Peaches, Cabbage,

tali fiV.Qtl.'I X1UUU UIUII


00 Ifiiitj; street, Honolulu, tf




Every description of




SALOON BREADAluayB on hand.


Island orders promptly attonded to.GS 6m


Wlite Bros.' Port. Cement,

Blacksmith Coal,l'iie RriokB,Firo Clay,

Goal Tar,j

StoctMm TarSteel Rails,Wire Nails,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Hubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.POtt HAMS I1Y

H. Hackfeld & Co.OOtf

J.Hopp&Co.,74 King st. 74 KiDg St.

Tmportora of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORmCEJPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality,

CHAIRS TO RENT.npr.10 83

THE, PEOPLES' PAPER TheBulletin 50 cU per month



i&iuv.. , - -