
NSEW Styles NORTH Action Oriented: The “NIKE” group – Just do it!Adventure is your middle name. Take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of fields. Like to act, try things, RISK, plunge in, Ready, Aim, Fire! SOUTHThink about how change will affect relationships, individuals. Nurture strengths. Bring out the best in people. Facilitators of human potential. Caring – want to be sure everyone's feelings and opinions have been heard before acting. EAST Future results oriented, explore ideas, & Alternatives. Value order, Cherish traditions, and are very responsible. Symbolized as the pillars of strength – the flag, preservation of honored institutions. Like to look at the “Big Picture” WestLike to know the Who, What, When, Where, and Why before acting. When you have everything you need, (info, supplies, etc.) then you start the action. Clear expectations. Pay attention to details.


Speaker: George Manthey, Lead Learner Associates

Transcript of Nsew

Page 1: Nsew

NSEW Styles

NORTH Action Oriented: The “NIKE” group – Just do

it!Adventure is your middle name. Take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of fields. Like to act, try things, RISK, plunge in, Ready, Aim,


SOUTHThink about how change will affect relationships, individuals.

Nurture strengths. Bring out the best in people. Facilitators of human potential. Caring – want to be sure everyone's feelings and

opinions have been heard before acting.

EAST Future results oriented, explore ideas, & Alternatives. Value order, Cherish traditions, and are very responsible. Symbolized as the pillars of strength – the flag,

preservation of honored institutions. Like to look at the “Big Picture”

WestLike to know the Who, What, When, Where, and Why before acting.

When you have everything you need, (info, supplies, etc.) then you start the action.

Clear expectations. Pay attention to details.