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  • 8/3/2019 NRTD


    To all Fleet Admirals,

    My plan for modernization has been largely ignored, and at the latest vote, it has been

    deadlocked in a never ending sea of bureaucracy. It seems our military will not see an

    overhaul for some time, as such I have decided to compile a threat dossier on some of the

    groups that I am concerned about that are operating within our own Republic, as well as

    some from beyond that may threaten our peace. It is imperative that we be prepared to deal

    with any issues that these groups raise, because the current condition of our military would

    be easily exploited if war were to flare up once more, and these particular groups are prone

    to war. As such, hopefully with this dossier Fleet Admirals will be able to make better

    decisions when dealing with these groups to avoid any confrontations or accidental

    offensiveness. Until the proposal is passed, we must make do with what training we have.

    Fleet Admirals, make sure to pass this information to your men and ensure that they are

    rigorously trained to carefully assess any situation concerning these groups. Fleet Admirals,

    in this trying time, may the force be with you.

    Admiral Ackbar- Minister of Defense

  • 8/3/2019 NRTD




    The Ailon Nova Guard are a grave risk to

    the stability of the entire Ailon System.

    Where the Old Republic feared the

    Mandelorians, we should fear the Nova

    Guard, since they were the ones who

    taught the Mandelorians their trade.

    Somehow, the Empire bent them to their

    will, but since the disintegration of the

    Empire, the entire Nova Guard has

    become a mercenary group.

    The Nova Guard survive on the basis of

    the ideal of the survival of the fittest.

    They train religiously to assure the

    highest possible standard, and their

    annual military celebrations instill fear in

    their neighbors. Even the Empire allowed

    them to maintain a semi-autonomous

    nature within their sector, and they have

    maintained a largely beneficial

    relationship for the entirety of their me-

    mbership within the Imperial Senate.

    If there exists a problem sector, it would

    be the Ailon System. If the Empire wouldever resurge, I do not believe that our

    military would be able to resist their

    combined power. Each Guard is a finely

    chisled master of war, armed with a

    traditional Eklot, a sword covered in a fast

    acting neurotoxin with no known cure

    and no known immune species. In

    addition, they are masters with blaster

    rifles, pistols, grenades, and other

    conventional weaponry, while also being

    masters of unconventional warfare. A

    single Guard could evade detection for

    years in even a minimal environment, and

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    deal enough damage to cripple an army.

    The Ailon Nova Guard numbered once as

    high as a billion soldiers, but their current

    total is unknown. The entire government

    is run by the Ailon Marshalate, a ruling

    council made up of all the top military

    officials, and unlike a democracy could

    implement proposals almost

    immediately. In addition to their

    formidable ground forces, they have an

    up-to-date fleet that, although small

    compared to the New Republic, could

    easily best all but concentrated amounts

    of star destroyers.

    Their society is extremely hierarchical,

    and every male is given the opportunityto join the Guard, but if found

    inadequate, will be cast out. No soldier is

    deployed unless he is the best he can be.

    This can be seen in the few battles that

    the Galactic Republic, and later the

    Galactic Empire, had called the Ailon in

    for assistance with. The Battles of Ord

    Cnfre and Bassadro were widely

    considered to be one sided slaughters,

    despite the fact that the Guard were

    heavily outnumbered.

    The humanocentric Empire of Palpatine used

    their beliefs to send them on missions that

    would be determined as sui cidal by rational

    species, but the Ailon persevered and

    succeeded. The Sundering of Slession was a

    masterful use of a small army in ambush tactics

    and scouting that to this day is being analyzedand replicated to train soldiers.

    Ideally, the Nova Guard would make great

    allies, but they have already determined

    themselves to be no friends to the New

    Republic, and their ties to the Empire indicate a

    threat within our own territories that would

    only require a resurgence of imperial power to

    trigger. They must be watched, always.

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    The Emperor started the great purge of the jedi, buthe was not blind to up and coming forcewielders

    who were not taught by Jedi Knights, whom he

    secretly sought out. At first, he combined them

    with the elite of his military in the Emperors Royal

    Guard, but realizing that they were above the skills

    of even a Crimson Guard, he secretly created

    another order, the Shadow Guard.

    The Shadow Guard were not particularly strong in

    the force, but their force-infused techniques would

    allow them to be almost as deadly as a Sith in close

    combat, and the elite members even had

    rudimentary dark powers. The Shadow Guard were

    each armed with a lightsaber pike and many were

    granted their own detachments of shadowtroopers

    and Naval Commandos.

    Today, the Guard has officially been disintegrated,

    but every so often a member will show up, often

    throwing entire worlds into civil war. Their brutally

    intense combat training, combined with training in

    deception and an understanding of force

    manipulation, the Guard has infiltrated government

    structures across the New Republic, often creating

    chaos from within. Some members have been

    identified, tried, and executed, but never before

    major damage has been incurred.

    What is more worrying, however, is the large

    number of reports and sightings of the Shadow

    Guard on worlds bordering the Deep Core, but dueto inadequate forces, we cannot investigate beyond

    our own worlds. If a member is found, do not

    underestimate them. They have the training of a

    Jedi and the manipulative nature of a politician,

    while also lacking the greed and backstabbing

    nature of the Sith. Their devotion to the Emperor is

    unquestionable, and if their order is growing again,

    I fear for what can possibly occur.

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    The Mandalorian Death Watch, or Kyrtsad, were a splinter

    group of Mandelorians founded by Tor Vizsla based on the

    principle of the ancient roots of Mandalorian warfare, and

    existed essentially as a terrorist group and as instigators of

    insurrection. Every time they were defeated in the past, a

    new leader arose capable of uniting the remnants, emerging

    stronger than before.

    Previously, the Death Watch operated out of Mandalores

    moon, and later from a hidden base on Endor, but a string ofrecent bombings has been traced to the symbol of the Death

    Watch, and I believe that a new leader might be rising up.

    Based on the sophistication of the bombs, it appears that

    they now have great financial backing, and the lack of any

    other evidence indicates professionalism that the Death

    Watch lacked before.

    Hopefully, this newly reassembled death Watch will be as

    prone to infighting as prior assemblies, but the sophistication

    of the attacks indicates tactics and means that havent been

    employed before by the Death Watch. It is entirely possible

    that as the Empire fragmented, Mandelorians might be

    developing a taste for conquest once more, maybe through

    the Death Watch as a proxy military body supposedly beyond

    Mandalores control. Regardless, Death Watch members

    must be captured alive if found, so that their new base can

    be found.

  • 8/3/2019 NRTD


    Admiral Ackbar- Minister of Defense

    Fleet Admirals,

    As you can see, there are major threats to our New Republic. Though politicians may be short

    sighted, and we lack the resources necessary to respond to all the major issues, a compromise

    option will have to be temporarily put in place. I am hereby resurrecting the old Rapid Response

    Task Force that was instrumental in our victory four years ago at Mindor. Originally, this task force

    was headed by the MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruiser Justice, but its destruction marked the end of the

    first RRTF. We cant afford to redirect any ships of this class or a similar one from the border or any

    of the home fleets, but, the need is still there for this task force. As such, I will bestow the rank of

    Fleet Admiral on former retired Vice Admiral Kursk Malia, and he wil l take the Mon Calamari MC90

    Star Cruiser Remember Alderaan as his flagship, and he will be granted the following ships to

    accompany his small fleet:

    Bulwark Mark-I Battleship Wild Space

    Acclamator-II Class Assault Ship Unifying Force

    Acclamator-II Class Assault Ship Brink of Liberation

    Modified Correlian Freight Frigate Space Jack

    Modified Correlian Freight Frigate Rand Ecliptic

    Modified Correlian Freight Frigate Blinside

    CC-7700 Interdictor Cruiser Rain of Rothana

    CC-7700 Interdictor Cruiser The Antilles

    CC-7700 Interdictor Cruiser Booster Khamar

    CC-7700 Interdictor Cruiser Miraxamar

    CC-7700 Interdictor Cruiser White Correlia

    This task force will respond to any calls for help from other fleets, but their primary responsibility

    will be to patrol and root out any threats outlined in sanctioned Threat Dossiers. This fleet will hunt

    down Shadow Guards, destroy the Death Watch, and keep an eye on the Ailon Nova Guard, and as

    its mandate increases over time with additional objectives, more ships may be added. I wish them

    luck; hopefully skill and forward thinking will win the day, because new equipment may never arrive.

    Fleet Admirals, may the force be with you, always.