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  • 8/3/2019 nrcormis



  • 8/3/2019 nrcormis



    Good work getting the scientists to Coruscant. Since Obroa-Skai,

    the New Republic has gone through a rather hard road. As the

    RRTF arrived at Sluis Van, we caught a glimpse of the massive

    Imperial Fleet as it jumped away. Judging by the few video feeds

    we could muster, there were at least thirty-nine ships, four of

    which were Imperial-Class Star Destroyers.

  • 8/3/2019 nrcormis



    ********************763425, CODES ACCEPTED, WELCOME


    In the cleanup and rescue operation , we were only able to save a

    few hundred crewmen trapped in a collapsed section of a Mon

    Calamari Star Cruiser. We truly lost hundreds of ships.

  • 8/3/2019 nrcormis


    We did recover some interesting information, however. There

    were several dead spacetroopers, and they bore an interesting

    new symbol. It seems that someone has united the various

    factions that the Remnant had dissolved into , and it seems that

    whoever did it is a tactical genius of unparalleled intellect.

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    The fleet that left Sluis Van seemed to divide again, and based off

    the targets they chose , it seems that they plan on running a

    guerilla war and using tricks to defeat large fleets, which, if Borsk

    Feylyas current military doctrine stands, would lead to our very

    defeat. The message that Feylya played did not mention any

    specifics, but they were quite grim.

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    The raid on Tanaab hit a vital New Republic military supply post.

    As a border outpost, it was equipped with multiple hangars full of

    strike craft and frigate patrol craft, as well as a massive fueling

    depot and waypoint for passing fleets. In the blink of an eye, it

    was evaporated and all crew and personnel are currently

    unaccounted for. We do not know all of the details, but it seems

    an orbital bombardment by a star destroyer in combination with

    a bombing campaign of the forests occurred and now there are

    just hundreds of craters on the surface of Tanaab.

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    As for the raid near Sarka, it was the single largest merchant

    marine fleet in the galaxy, several hundred starfighters, frigates,

    and heavy transports filled with precious metals, high technology,

    and even certain forbidden artifacts. The place where it was hit is

    now a massive debris field, and most of the escort craft were

    destroyed but all of the transports were hijacked and taken to

    some undisclosed location. In terms of monetary value, there

    were enough transports stolen that the value of their goods

    would have accounted for the entire budget of the New Republic

    Armed Forces twice over.

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    Anyway, I assume you made it to Coruscants surface. Give me a

    moment, and I shall transmit the coordinates of the research

    facility where you need to drop them off.



    This facility is run by a close friend of Admiral Ackbars. you can

    expect a warm reception.

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    Dee Savyest is a Mrlssi scientist who at one point unwittingly

    helped design many of the integral systems of the famous death

    Stars. He nearly committed suicide after he found out what his

    technology was used for, but ended up defecting to our side.

    Since then, he has helped design many useful technologies for the

    New Republic and is one of the most outspoken critics of those

    who wish to uphold many of the policies of the Old Order.

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    Once you are done on Coruscant, meet the Remember Alderaan

    at Tanaab. We need to get to the bottom of this terrible raid, and

    catch up to an enemy that seems to be months ahead of us in

    terms of both planning and execution. Good luck Captain, may

    the Force be with you.

    Signing off, General Crix Madine