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Transcript of nrbonus2

  • 8/3/2019 nrbonus2



    I have a strange request for you. While working through the datacrons, our researchers were able to

    decrypt a tiny amount of data and find something interesting. Have you ever heard of the planet Orto

    Plutonia? I doubt you have. It was a small outpost world used during the Clone Wars, and it was

    officially rather unremarkable. Both the Republic and the Separatists had bases here, but they

    mysteriously disappeared, one after the other. When a relief force arrived led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and

    several Clone Cold Assault Troopers, they found the sites of massacres. It seems that the local Talz

    population went mad one day, and completely massacred both forces and mounted their disfigured

    bodies on spikes. In fact, the situation became so feral that the Republic ended up turning the world

    over to the Talz, and the Pantoran Government that originally held sovereignty over the area tried to

    remove the planet from most records.

    The truth of the matter is much more complex. The madness described was also felt by the troopers

    and even Obi-Wan had terrible nightmares on that world. Strange visions and thoughts permeated, and

    communications failed with Glid Station, the Republic outpost, long before the massacres took place.

    Sometime during this conflict, a lukrehulk-class droid control ship crashed onto the planet. It was under

    the command of Nor Fik, then leader of the Colicoids of Colla IV and Nar Shadda, and the devious mind

    behind the droideka destroyer droid. We believe he was trying to decipher this same madness and

    maybe hoped to implement it as a weapon of terror, dropping it on Republic worlds and have the

    people destroy themselves.

    We need you to investigate the ruins of the lucrehulk ship. Find the records or the research logs, and if

    possible, find what is causing the madness. Whatever it is, it is of a sinister origin and deserves to be

    studied and applied by our own military or destroyed if too powerful. You will be well compensated forthis, and you may find that the personal logs of such an inventor may have some technologies that

    simply never were released due to his untimely death. However, know that resistance will be fierce,

    both from the intense cold of the planet and from the populace. It is likely that you may encounter

    resistance from the Talz, or even from the fearsome narglatches that wander the tundra. Good luck

    Captain, hopefully we werent the only ones to pick up on this from the Emperors datacrons.

    Admiral Ackbar- Minister of Defense